FFT fall sale 2013 finalv3web

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Welcome to our

fall program

This Fall Program we will spend a lot of time working on finding your “Best You,” helping you grow in courage and strength to help you “Be your Own Kind of Beautiful” and learn that “I Am Enough and I Can.” How will we add this component to the program? First let me ask you: Why is self esteem an important topic to discuss in a “selling” or “entrepreneurial” program? Why would we put “Believing In Yourself” ahead of the 5 key components of the program: Business Ethics, People Skills, Financial Literacy, Decision Making and Goal Setting? Because in order for your dreams to come true you need to believe in yourself first. How will our fall season begin? Our fall rally is a 5k Colorful Dash. This fun and healthy run/walk is all about finding your “Own Kind of Beautiful.” How? At the end of the dash, when you are completely covered in colors, we will all look exactly the same. We will have giant smiles on our faces, we will be dancing and jumping for joy, we will all be colorful. But what will be different is the uniquely amazing thing within each of us. We will be talking to all our girls that day, asking them, What makes you – You We will have them write that on their affirmation sticker to take home. This will then become a daily affirmation for them to have in front of them as they begin working on their 5 key skills. Shouldn’t we all start each day telling ourselves “I am amazing,” “I am strong” or “I am smart?” Our Fall Sale Goal sheets this year are not just about achieving the important 5 skills, but also about achieving personal goals. “This year I want to learn to look people in the eye.” “This year I want to be able to stand in front of my class and speak without being afraid.” “This year I will learn to be me, because I am brilliant.” Increasing your confidence is the key to finding your self-worth. Only we as individuals can do this for ourselves. Often times we realize these things as adults. We think our girls should discover their worth now and live a life believing in the ability of “I CAN.” In addition, our Girl Scouts will be working on their 5 skills--skills that teach our young women valuable life lessons like business ethics. Being ethical is a life skill, not merely a “sales” tool. Our girls learn financial literacy. In an age when unemployment is at an all time high, our girls learn how to budget, how to earn and how to attain goals. “Decision Making” in regards to “want vs. need,” “obtainable goals” and “stretch goals” are things we must ourselves throughout life. In our fall entrepreneurial program our girls are faced with these questions daily and they answer them while running their own businesses. This year’s Fall Program’s rewards are also self esteem based, and super fun. Don’t let your Girl Scout miss out on this wonderful Fall Program. There are many ways of participating, either with your troop or independently. There are many ways of finding success even with a busy fall schedule, choosing one portion of the program or all of it. Read on, in the pages of our latest “Food for Thought, fall edition 2013”. Sparkle on “E” Elizabeth Locke-Thomas VP Retail & Product Sales

A Note from our

President & CEO Being your best is doing your best. That’s what Girl Scouts do, from Daisies to Alumnae. It’s one of our core values and what better time to discover the best you than at Fall Sale?

As I write this message, I’m preparing to participate in September’s Colorful Dash. I don’t know what my run time will be—much slower than many of you, I’m guessing. But I am doing my best to train for the run and I’ll do my best on September 7. I know from many years of experience that my best varies from day to day. But what doesn’t vary is the self esteem and personal power I feel when I’ve given whatever I’m doing everything I’ve got that day. So here’s what I’ve learned: Doing your best is not the pursuit of perfection. It’s simply giving all your attention, energy and love to what’s in front of you.

Contents 2

Colorful Dash FAQ’s


Nuts and Candies


Girl Rewards

9 Troop Rewards

Troop Training Registration Mobile Payments Program


Pull Out Fall Calendar


BIG Expo


Fall Sale Goal Sheet


E-Business Buzz

19 Fall Sale & Juliettes 20 Cookie/Nutty Dough

I love Girl Scouts because we are girls and women who always do our best. Recognize the best in others. Celebrate each person’s unique best— including the best you. You’ll find your heart filled with compassion and love for everyone in the Sisterhood of Girl Scouting.

Cynthia H. Breunig


21 High School Package 22 Family Share Plan 23 Camp Azalea Trails 24 Become a Leader 25 Pull Out Alumnae Poster


1 0 2


What is this “Colorful Dash” & FAQ’s

Register Today at http://colordashgssgc.eventbrite.com/ (Please do NOT register at this link if you are volunteering to work the Color Dash. Contact Devon Spira at dspira@gssgc.org for registration)

Pre-Registration (Ends August 26, 2013)

$12 Registered Girl Scouts/Leaders $27 General Public

On-site Registration $35 All Participants

(No cost break for Girl Scouts)

Registration Includes: Fun Run/Walk, Race Bag, Number Bib, Sunglasses, Bandana, 1 Color Packet and Dance Party.

(VIP Fall Product tasting tent for registered Girl Scouts only)

A Colorful Dash is a great way to be healthy and have fun with fellow Girl Scouts, new friends, family, or with regular ol’ average citizens! We don’t time this race – it’s a fun run/walk for a reason!

Is the race hard?

No, that’s no fun! Hard races aren’t fun. Hard races are hard! We are a fun race with lots of super fun color. There will be people walking/ running even bringing wagons or scooters for their Girl Scouts.

What is the color made of?

The color powder we use is custom manufactured and produced right here in the United States. It is made from food grade quality cornstarch using an advanced manufacturing process that has been custom developed for the “Color Race Series.” It is non-toxic, is 100% safe, and also biodegradable. As with any substance, you will want to keep it out of your eyes and lungs. If you are overly sensitive, you may want to wear glasses or goggles for your eyes and use a bandana or dust mask for your mouth. (This is especially recommended for our younger runners/ walkers)

Are tag-a-longs or non-girl scouts allowed?

Yes, everyone loves to get colorfied. Kids 4 and under are free, but will not receive any of the SWAG. All other participants merely need to register under their category: Bring a Buddy, Registered Girl Scout/Adult Volunteer, or Everyday Citizen just signing up for fun. All participants, paid or not, must have a signed release waiver turned in before they are allowed to participate. Everyone under 18 must have a waiver signed by a parent or guardian.The waiver for free participants 4 and under can be obtained and signed at the event.

Can people come cheer or watch the Colorful Dash?

Most definitely they can come be a part of the craziest color day of your life! Just be sure to give them a big hug at the finish line for coming to support you! :)

Can I wear costumes?

You know we love a tutu or anything else you come up with! The whiter the better! Official Colorful Dash T-shirts will be for sale in all of our Retail Girl Scout shops beginning in late August. For If you would like an official race t-shirt, for $10 get one while supplies last.

Can I Walk?

Walking is totally cool. You will be one of many who will be walking, or riding a scooter, or pulling a wagon. It’s not a race and it is non-competitive, so you won’t feel any pressure to cross that finish line first. Just to laugh and enjoy.

Will there be a shop to buy cool stuff?

You know we love to bring a shop with us. Of course there will be all kinds of Colorful Dash items, cool wigs and costumes plus fantastic fun stuff. Bring your cookie/ nutty dough along too because we will be taking that at the Colorful Dash for sure!

How do I volunteer if I don’t want to walk/run but I don’t want to miss out?

We’d love to have you come and help as a volunteer. Volunteers typically throw color on the participants, and/or help with registration and clean up. There is a small cost to volunteers of $5.00. This gets you the fun SWAG too. We are looking for hard workers who like to have fun!

Who does this Colorful Dash benefit?

The Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council, a non-profit organization building women of Character, Confidence and Courage.

What do I get for registering?

An awesome time at a fun and colorful 5k, you’ll also receive a pair of Colorful Dash Sunglasses, Colorful Dash Bandana, and swag bag with lots of cool stuff.

Can I refund my registration? Can I transfer my registration?

Bummer, No. Unfortunately, it’s impossible for us to offer refunds. You can still pick up your packet and race goodies, or you can transfer your registration to someone else. In order to to transfer registrations, you need to give that person your race number and they will need to turn in a new waiver at race day check-in.

Is there an age limit?

No way! Everyone is welcome to come have tons of colorful fun at the Colorful Dash! Just remember that anyone 5 and older needs to pay a registration fee! Strollers, and wheelchairs are welcome! We do recommend that your kids are properly protected with sunglasses and, for toddlers and infants, maybe even something to cover their mouth. The powdered paint is non-toxic and made mainly with corn starch, but it could irritate the smaller ones more than us.

When is packet pickup?

Packet pickup will be held August 30th at each outbound offices. You will choose where you are picking up your packet on your registration. Please bring your confirmation ticket that was emailed to you after you registered in order to obtain your packet. You can pick up other people’s packets as long as you have their confirmation ticket. We will email out a reminder with the address for pick-up on Thursday August 29th.

What if I don’t get my packet at Packet Pickup Day?

I guess you are starting the Dash later than 8:30. We will not be doing any “early” packet pick up on the day of the race. We will be registering last minute Nelly’s new to the race at 8am, with late packet pickups starting at 9am. Not to worry, it’s not a race so 9am we will be opening up the packet pick up for those who pre-registered – by troop number.s

gssgc FALL SALE 2013


Nuts& Candies Ebiz page from last Food for thought –

Cookie Nutty Dough and High school package 2 pages facing each other; from last food for thought but add- Nutty and Cookie dough is way more useful than you think – and did you know this belongs to your daughter not to the troop. Did you know your daughter can use this towards deposits for Camp or for High school needs. Did you know she can bank it so it doesn’t expire? Did you know she can use this money to travel to amazing places? Cookie/ nutty dough is awesome and there is no reason it should ever go unused!

Pathway aka Juliette page The Juliette Girl Scout Program is for Individually Registered Girl Scouts, who are not attached to a specific troop. It is our goal to bring the Girl Scout Program to every girl, everywhere. Being a Juliette means that along with a parent or another caring adult in your life, you will work at your own pace learning and experiencing the things that interest you the most. We know that girls and their families are involved in other activities as well, and because of the flexibility the plan offers, girls do not have to feel like they must choose between interests. They can explore it all! As a Juliette Girl Scout, you can absolutely participate in the Product Sales Program. You can sell Fall Product and Cookies and will earn Pathway Funds and Rewards for your participation. These programs give your Juliette the opportunity to learn, practice, and grow with invaluable life skills: sales and marketing, public relations, goal-setting, money management, communications, and commitment. Selling Fall Product and Cookies gives your Juliette the opportunity to also earn Pathway Funds to help pay for events, camps, programs, travel opportunities, and high school packages. If your daughter is interested in participating in our Fall Pathway sale program email Lacretia Ghazarian lghazarian@gssgc.org


gssgc FALL SALE 2013

l r i G ewards R

$150 IN SALE


Bee Plush or Nail Patc hK



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Mirro l a n io t a Motiv Decals Reusable

$300SALES IN -shirt

eved T e l S g n Lo


2013 Nutty Dough

$600 in sales: Nutty dough begins $50 $700 in sales: Nutty dough $60 $800 in sales: Nutty dough $70

$900 in sales: Nutty dough $80 $1000 in sales: Nutty dough $90 $1,100 in sales: Nutty dough $100

$400 IN SALE

Lamp or S Glitter Ta ttoo Set


$600 ALES IN S

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$150S0ALES IN some

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gssgc FALL SALE 2013


$600 ALES IN S

Professional Art Class

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$600 in sales earns you a professional art class, where you create a beautiful canvas to take home after a super fun class with a professional art teacher. Celebrate life and friendships by exploring your creative side through painting! Whether you are a master artist or a complete novice, we provide the opportunity for everyone to experience the joy of being creative! All while having a tea party with an ice cream sundae and cupcake buffet.

$1250 IN SALES We will be having a groovy time with fun games, dancing, manipedi’s, late night movie and a photo shoot!

Groovy Girl


Dance & Slumber Party Lock-in

21 -22nd

6pm -10am

Troop Proceeds (Troop proceeds are troop proceeds and never become the property of a girl) • Nuts, Candies and I Cares = $1.00 each • Magazines on line or handwritten 10%

How can our troop earn more proceeds? • PGA increases by troop participation • 26 nuts per each girl in troop= $1.50 • 10 subscriptions per each girl in troop = 15%

Looking to earn even more? As a troop if your PGA increases you earn higher proceeds. As a team working together you can achieve more. ITEM


26 Nuts and Candy PGA


10 Magazine PGA


•O ne leader and two helpers from each participating troop (participation indicates a girl in the troop receives a patch) will receive volunteer patches. •T he one troop from Council with the highest percentage of tins sold receives a winter campout at WiWoCa for your entire troop. A $1500.00 value, the campout can be traded in for “proceeds.” • 1 00% participation earns your troop a first round lottery pick at the cookie booth lottery. This means, all 100% troops will be put into the first round picks for cookies, then again put in when we begin the second round that non-100% troops are in for the first time. Participation means at least one girl in your troop earned the core patch of 10 nuts/ candies sold.

Troop Training Registration:


Mobile Payments Program DID YOU KNOW?

Council offers a MOBILE PAYMENTS program to Troops and Individual Girl Scouts that give them the opportunity to accept Credit Card payments for fall product and magazines! Any participant with a compatible smartphone or tablet and 3G/4G data plan may sign up through Council to receive an account and card reader.


There are no fees to sign up, receive a card reader, or to use the program as directed by Council. Hand entered/keyed transactions do carry an additional transaction charge that the user/participant will be responsible for.


Fill out our Mobile Payment interest form at https://girlscoutsgssgc.wufoo.com/forms/mobile-payments-interest-form-2013-fall-sale/

gssgc FALL SALE 2013


“ The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.”

We have put together a calendar at a glance to help you keep on track with your Girl Scout activities. Pull it out, hang it up and stay on track. We thank you for your time and all that you do for our Girl Scouts.

Your Team REGIONAL TEAMS Regional Manager – Central West Fall Coordinator – Low Desert Regional Manager – Central Regional Manager – South West Regional Manager – High Desert

Phyllis Dailey dailey-p@sbcglobal.net Lisa Reynolds lreynolds@dc.rr.com Kimberly Romero kimberlysed1998@sbcglobal.net Tami Swanson southwestgirlscouts@yahoo.com Charlie Engeron CharleneEngeron@gmail.com

COUNCIL TEAM Vice President Retail & Product Sales Product Sales Manager Girl Scouts My Way Coordinator Product Sales Assistant


gssgc FALL SALE 2013

Elizabeth Locke-Thomas “E” Devon Spira Lacretta Ghazarian Cassie Swanson

elockethomas@gssgc.org dspira@gssgc.org lghazarin@gssgc.org cswanson@gssgc.org

Gold Award WorkshopHigh Desert

1 Basic Leadership TrainingWebinar



6 Basic Leadership TrainingLow Desert



Gold Award WorkshopSouthwest

7 Basic Leadership TrainingCentral West

Basic Leadership Training High Desert


Gold Award WorkshopCentral


3 Basic Leadership TrainingCentral


Basic Leadership TrainingLow Desert

10 Basic Leadership TrainingCentral West

Gold Award WorkshopLow Desert

13 14 15 16 17 Fall Sale Southwest Regional Training

Fall Sale High Desert Regional Training Gold Award CommitteeCentral

Fall Sale Morning Training in Redlands & Central Regional Training Basic Leadership TrainingWebinar

Fall Sale Low Desert Regional Training

all Sale F Morning Training in Redlands & Central West Regional Training

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Basic Leadership TrainingSouthwest

Silver Award Workshop- High Desert

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Silver Award WorkshopCentral






Color Dash

(Fall Picnic) ABCAzalea Trails



Basic Leadership TrainingWebinar ABCAzalea Trails



9 16

10 Basic Leadership TrainingSouthwest


Silver Award WorkshopLow Desert

11 Basic Leadership TrainingLow Desert & Central West


13 14 Basic Leadership TrainingHigh Desert

Fall Sale Starts Silver Award WorkshopSouthwest

18 19 20 21 Basic Leadership TrainingWebinar Gold Award Training- Central West

ATTA - Attack Azalea Trails

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ATTA - Attack Azalea Trails

Basic Leadership TrainingCentral

29 30

Gold Award CommitteeCentral

1 Order Taking Ends for Nuts & Candies


7 Bronze Award WorkshopHigh Desert

Basic Leadership TrainingHigh Desert

Basic Leadership TrainingWebinar & Central West

ARC CPR- Low Desert

Basic Leadership TrainingHigh Desert, Low Desert & Hemet Scout House

Basic Leadership TrainingCentral West

Basic Leadership TrainingCentral

ARC First AidHigh Desert


13 14 15 Basic Leadership TrainingHigh Desert


ARC CPRHigh Desert


3 Leaders Locked Out of Nut-E ARC First Aid- Low Desert Extended Trip Training- South West


Extended Trip TrainingHigh Desert

16 17 Journeys 101Hemet Scout House

Extended Trip Training- Hemet Scout House & Central West

Trainers ConferenceCentral

4 Paper Push Turn in I Care & Magazine Order

11 Swoop & Sweep #1QSP/I Care per Nut-E

Basic Leadership Training- Central West



12 Delivering on the Promise An Enrichment Conference for Girl Scout Leaders

18 19

Basic Leadership Training-Webinar Extended Trip TrainingHigh Desert Silver Award WorkshopCentral West

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Basic Leadership TrainingHigh Desert

27 28 29 30 31 gssgc FALL SALE 2013


1 Basic Leadership TrainingSouthwest


ARC First AidSouthwest


Cupboards Open Additional Nuts & Candy Available while Supplies Last!


Basic Leadership TrainingWebinar

Basic Outdoor TrainingHigh Desert


ARC CPRSouthwest



Basic Leadership TrainingHigh Desert Gold Award CommitteeCentral Bronze Award WorkshopLow Desert Extended Trip TrainingCentral

Basic Leadership TrainingCentral West Bronze Award WorkshopHigh Desert


Bronze Award WorkshopCentral

Extended Trip TrainingHigh Desert

Basic Leadership TrainingHemet Scout House

Basic Leadership TrainingSouthwest


Basic Outdoor TrainingHigh Desert



Extended Trip TrainingCentral West

ARC First Aid/ CPRCentral

12 13 14 15 Bronze Award WorkshopSouthwest


Basic Leadership TrainingCentral

Mega DropDO NOT come early as this causes back up!


Basic Leadership TrainingWebinar Bronze Award WorkshopCentral West

18 19 20 21 22 23 Basic Leadership TrainingLow Desert

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Online Magazine Sales Ends



Fall Sale Ends


Swoop & Sweep #2-

Final balance due based on Nut-E

Cookie Sale

Basic Leadership TrainingCentral

Basic Leadership TrainingCentral West

Cadette Program AideLow Desert



Cookie Sale Morning Training in Redlands & Central Regional Training

Cookie Sale Low Desert Regional Training


8 15

9 Art Beat Southwest 6-9pm


(Fall Reward)

Regional Training


Basic Leadership TrainingWebinar Art Beat Central/CW 6-9pm


(Fall Reward)

11 Gold Award CommitteeCentral Art Beat High Desert 6-9pm


Troop Final Paperwork & approval of final sweep. Bad Debt Forms Due.

Contact District/ Regional Managers


Cookie Sale High Desert Regional Training

Cadette Program AideCentral West & High Desert Operation Gratitude March to a million


Cookie Sale Morning Training in Redlands & Central West Regional Training

13 14

Basic Leadership TrainingWebinar Art Beat Low Desert 6-9pm

Groovy Girl Sleep Over (Fall Sale Reward)

18 19 20 21

(Fall Reward)

(Fall Reward)

Groovy Girl Sleep Over (Fall Sale Reward)

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 gssgc FALL SALE 2013


expo 2014

the B.I.G. finale


For our B.I.G. finale, programming will be styled after our Girl Scouts’ own badge creations. That’s right, Create Your Future! Centers will reflect each region’s winning badge design for all grade levels. Enjoy larger-than-life activities including an interactive Civil Rights exhibit, outdoor experiences and checkout organizations and businesses that support the Girl Scout Movement.

PRE-REGISTRATION August 20th - November 15th Girls: $20.00 Adults: $15.00 REGISTRATION November 16th - December 16th Girls: $25.00 Adults: $15.00 ON-SITE REGISTRATION Girls: $30.00 Adults: $15.00

Who loves a Cookie Rally? We do! Especially when it includes hands-on rewards! Cookie Rally is all new and more fun than ever! Learn your five skills, earn your patch & official pin and laugh so hard your sides will ache. Expect the unexpected as we expand your experience into 20,000+ square feet of cookies, cookies and more cookies!

JANUARY 11, 2014

10:00am-5:00pm Palm Springs Convention Center


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h your goals. c a re u yo lp e h to ks n la b Fill in the er goals th o d d a to s e h c n ra b a tr Use the ex You CAN do it! ! h c a re to t n a w t h ig m u yo gssgc FALL SALE 2013

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My troop’s goal is?


E-Business Buzz What are the benefits of online registration?

It’s faster than offline or paper registration. It increases the accuracy of data entry. The registrations post instantaneously. You can print a confirmation of your registration. You don’t have to worry if council received your paper registration. It minimizes the risk of a training or event being full and missing out. Your payment is processed as soon as you register.

What are the benefits of online troop management for troop leaders? Know who’s registered in the troop and who’s not. Email parents. (The email address in “From” is the leader’s) Print rosters. Update girls’ and parents’ contact information. Update troop meeting information. Print membership cards for girl and adult members. Register your entire troop for an event, program or training.

What payment methods are accepted for e-Biz registration?

Credit and debit cards are accepted. Checks, cash and financial aid require the use of paper registration forms. COOKIE CARDS ARE NOT ACCEPTED ONLINE.

How do I use e-Biz?

Go to www.gssgc.org, click on the Events tab, click on E-Business Online, click on Log into E-Business. Follow the Account Activation Instructions first to set up an account. You must activate your account and make sure a valid email address is on your customer record. To activate enter your First Name, Last Name and Email Address or customer/membership ID in the proper fields then click on “Continue”. You will receive a confirmation email. Click on link or copy and paste both parts of the link into your web browser in order to create a User Name and Password. Now that you are ready, follow the steps below: 1. Logon to E-Biz. 2. Click on Troop Management. (if you are a troop leader) 3. Choose a Product. (membership, training, event, etc.) 4. Click the Add to Cart button. 5. Fill in additional information as prompted. 6. Click Save & Continue to Shopping Cart. (Leaders - if you have more registrations to enter, click on Save & Return to Troop Hub) 7. Click on Check Out. 8. Enter debit or credit card information and click on Process my Order. 9. Print Order Summary.

If you have questions please email us at helpdesk@gssgc.org or call 1 (800) 400-4475 or (909) 307-6555 during our regular business hours.


gssgc FALL SALE 2013


The Juliette Girl Scout Program is for Individually Registered Girl Scouts, who are not attached to a specific troop. It is our goal to bring the Girl Scout Program to every girl, everywhere. Being a Juliette means that along with a parent or another caring adult in your life, you will work at your own pace learning and experiencing the things that interest you the most. We know that girls and their families are involved in other activities as well, and because of the flexibility the plan offers, girls do not have to feel like they must choose between interests. They can explore it all! As a Juliette Girl Scout, you can absolutely participate in the Product Sales Program. You can sell Fall Product and Cookies and will earn Pathway Funds and Rewards for your participation. These programs give your Juliette the opportunity to learn, practice, and grow with invaluable life skills: sales and marketing, public relations, goal-setting, money management, communications, and commitment. Selling Fall Product and Cookies gives your Juliette the opportunity to also earn Pathway Funds to help pay for events, camps, programs, travel opportunities, and high school packages. If your daughter is interested in participating in our Fall Pathway sale program, email Lacretia Ghazarian at lghazarian@gssgc.org.

What can Pathway Credits be used for• Girl Scout San Francisco Bridging Ceremony • Girl Scout Day Camps • Girl Scout Resident Camp • BIG Event • Fall Picnics • Membership • Camp Surf • American Girl

And much more!

Cookie/Nutty Dough Explained! WHAT CAN I USE COOKIE/NUTTY DOUGH FOR? Cookie/Nutty Dough Cards may be used toward the fee for Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council (GSSGC) sponsored events and or approved camps and events: •A ny event that Council provides registration for, to include Council events and regionally sponsored events •A ny Girl Scout resident or day camp as listed on GSSGC website •G SSGC approved Extended Troop Trips •A ny official GSUSA destinations •M erchandise from the GSSGC Retail Shops •H igh School Package Program •C amp Surf or approved camps – e.g., Pali Mountain, Diabetic Camp (Call Council) • Donate to the Family Share Plan

With so many uses, why oh why would you let your card expire?!?


Q: Why do they expire? I thought gift cards can’t expire? A: Cookie Dough/Cards are not gift cards. They are a reward card that can be used for merchandise, camp and events throughout the following year. No cash was exchanged for these cards. Q: I didn’t know they expired. A: The expiration date is noted clearly on the back of the cards. This year we have even added it to the front of the card for your convenience! Q. What can cookie dough be used for? A. Camp, retail shop, Council registered events, High School package, Lifetime registration, and so much more.


What cookie dough CAN’T do is live past it’s expiration date. Our girls use it or lose it on the expiration date.


gssgc FALL SALE 2013

High School Package My daughter is in high school and has no use for a cookie dough card. REALLY?! WOW!!!

Did you know you could “bank” up to three years of your cookie dough towards your High School needs? What kind of High school needs? well... Class rings, cap-n-gown, yearbooks, letterman’s jackets, graduation announcments, etc...all the things that are incredibly expensive that YOU can earn on your own through participating in the product sales program and earning nutty/ cookie dough. When you look back and say to yourself, “I did this with my hard work”...that sense of accomplishment never leaves you.

HOW DO WE DO THIS? Super easy, that’s how!

• Fill out the Cookie Dough Agreement form. • Insure we have your cookie dough card number and attach the card. • Once it is banked you have three years to use it.

How do I access the money?

• Fill out the Cookie Dough Check Request form. • Attach an invoice and fill in ALL info in regards to who we are paying (e.g., Jostens for the class ring). • No Invoice NO check – we pay businesses NOT people. Meaning we cannot reimburse individuals. • How soon do you fill out the Cookie Dough Check request form? • Minimum 30 business days before money is needed.

My daughter is a freshman – can we participate in this? YES!!! Deposits are made far in advance on high school items, this program allows you to utilize cookie dough to pay for: • ASB Package • Senior Photos • Year Books all 4 years of high school • Uniforms • Class Rings • Letterman’s Jackets • And much more

Who do I submit my forms to?

• Product Sales – we are your Cookie & Nutty Dough people! • Insure you write “ATTENTION Product Sales – high school package” on your envelope or fax cover sheet.

“ It meant a lot to me to not just be able to get a class ring, but to get a really nice class ring that I probably wouldn’t have been able to justify without Girl Scout help. With college coming up, I probably wouldn’t have purchased a ring if I had to pay for it on my own, so it was nice knowing I worked for my ring. It’s also really amazing to have something that honors my commitment to Girl Scouts and it’s an incredible feeling to tell people how I earned my ring and watch them react. People are surprised that Girl Scouts does things like this and it’s nice to be able to testify to how much the organization really does help girls in every aspect of their lives.” Amanda C.

“ Using cookie dough to pay for my announcements and cap/gown gave me the flexibility to spend my money (and my parents’ money) on all those OTHER things that were required my senior year: senior pictures, grad night, prom, AP tests...etc…. It made selling cookies very practical!” Thanks, Girl Scouts! Madeline L.

Share Family Partnership Did you know that as a Girl Scout you can personally donate towards the Share Family Partnership by using your Cookie/ Nutty dough. Did you know that a donation of $20 can mean the difference between a girl being able to be a Girl Scout for a full year or not being able to afford it. You know what being a Girl Scout means to you, that making memories, having friends and belonging to something that makes the world a better place is important. Now imagine if you could not do that because $20 a year was simply too much money for your family to afford. As we enter the second century of Girl Scouts, times have changed. Juliette’s vision has not. We must provide assistance to every girl in financial need within the Scouts of San Gorgonio Council family. So that they can develop leadership skills and be apart of the greatest girl movment in the nation. Girl Scouts using cookie or Nutty dough to donate to the Share Family Partnership, can earn this patch – created only for Girl Scouts who share their own funds. How do we do this? You can indicate the Share Family Partnership on your registration. Just write your cookie dough number and the amount. We will handle the rest.

YOU CAN HELP please donate to the SHARE Family Partnership. 22

gssgc FALL SALE 2013


to another exciting year of Girl Scouts. As your daughter plans for next summer, keep in mind that Camp Azalea Trails offers the opportunity for campers to experience some new adventures. Camp Azalea Trails, our Council camp, is located at over 6,400 feet in a beautiful canyon with a tranquil stream near Idyllwild, California. While nestled among the tall pine trees, campers can enjoy the natural world around them while hiking, creating crafts, playing games, cooking outdoors, fencing, shooting archery, splashing on the slip & slide, riding horses, creating memories, and building skills that will last them a lifetime. And they will make new friends and learn about different countries from our international staff.

Camp Azalea Trails & the Girl Scout Advantage

We know girls have lots of summer choices, and they join Girl Scouts “to be with friends” and to “have fun.” This is why we believe Girl Scout camp should be one of your daughter’s choices. Girl Scout camp counselors are caring adults who want to help girls grow while they are having fun with their friends. Girl Scout camp creates opportunities for girls to develop values, talents, skills and abilities to last a lifetime. In this all-girl setting, camp counselors encourage girls to: • Develop social skills • Build independent thinking skills

• Develop and practice leadership skills • Build self-confidence • Develop responsibility • Discover talents and interests • Turn dreams into reality

Girls can help make camp affordable by setting cookie goals, using their Nutty Dough Card to pay the deposit, recycling from friends and neighbors, applying for partial camperships, or requesting the gift of camp instead of other gifts. Make sure to register early to ensure your spot, remembering that nutty dough earned in the fall program can cover your deposit.

See you at camp soon, Joyce “Buttons” Knoll Camp Manager

Become a Leader THE GIRL SCOUT LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE IS NOT JUST FOR GIRLS…. Did you know that you can put all your leadership skills on a résumé and your Linkedin profile, or speak to skill sets at job interviews. All from the training and experience you gain from leading and team volunteering with Girl Scouts. On-the-job training and real life skills come from being a leader. Did you know that mentoring tomorrow’s leaders takes dedicated people today, and we are always in need of adults to lead the way. More girls can be Girl Scouts when more adults step up in a larger role. Do you know all the fun, friendship and memories you can make being a volunteer? As a parent in a troop you get to experience much of what Girl Scouting offers, but engaging in a pathway leadership role or a team role in council opens up so many more opportunities. Never let lack of time or familiarity with Girl Scouts hold you back from the most exciting and rewarding leadership experience you will ever have. We make our volunteer opportunities easy, and build them around your schedule and interests.

Volunteer Pathways:

•C AMP: Do you have a week or two during the year that you would like to dedicate to a fun, interactive experience? You can volunteer to lead or help in day or resident camps with a focus on the out-of-doors and/or environmental education. • EVENTS: Do you have only a day here and there? The event pathway allows a you to dedicate as little as a few hours a year, or you can plan an unforgettable event that will change the lives of the girls (e.g., Career Day). •S PECIAL INTEREST: Do you have a special skill, passion or profession that you would like to share with our girls? A series program would be perfect for you. A series is a program that is delivered over 4-8 sessions with the same group of girls relating to a specific theme or purpose. •T RAVEL: Do you want to travel around the world? This pathway allows you to plan, earn money, prepare, and participate in regional, national, and international trips together with the girls. • TROOPS: A series of programs with the same group of girls, troops can meet as often as once a week or as little as once a month or anything in between.

We are looking for you! Are you looking for us, too? Contact Mayra Brown at mbrown@gssgc.org


n m u l A l l A g Callin


gssgc FALL SALE 2013

st women’s e g r la e h t Please join country. e h t in k r o etw leadership n is flyer at h t t s o p o t u We invite yo ncourage e o t s s e in s f bu your place o nae to join m lu A t u o c other Girl S Together we . t n e m e v o f in our m eneration o g t x e n e h t can shape leaders.

Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio 1751 Plum Lane, Redlands, CA 92374


(800) 400-4475

LOCATIONS CENTRAL SERVICE CENTER & EXECUTIVE OFFICES 1751 Plum Lane Redlands, CA 92374 800-400-4475 909-307-6518 SHOP HIGH DESERT SERVICE CENTER 15329 Bonanza Road, Ste. C & D Victorville, CA 92392 760-241-3558 760-241-0273 SHOP LOW DESERT SERVICE CENTER 75-180 Mediterranean, Palm Desert, CA 92211 760-779-5152 760-779-5104 SOUTHWEST SERVICE CENTER 26855 Jefferson Avenue, Ste. B Murrieta, CA 92562 951-813-3355 951-813-3339 SHOP

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