3 minute read
Line - Sunliners Pres. Judy Widener 760-687-6377 judywidener@gmail.com Membership Karen Reich 520-403-2764 ktrfam123@gmail.com scsunliners@gmail.com; www.scovsunliners.wixsite.com/sunliners
April dance sessions will occur in AFC 1 & 2 as follows (no hard-soled shoes): Wednesday Classes 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Intermediate 12:45-1:45 PM Beginner Saturday Practices 9-10 AM Intermediate 10:15-11:15 AM Beginner 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Transition to Beginners Sunday Practices 4-5 PM Transition to Intermediate
Future events: Social, Saturday, April 9, 5:30-8:30 PM, Catalina Vista. Members and guests welcome. Cost: $5 pp.
Fun Friday, May 6, 6-8:30 PM, AFC. Members and guests welcome.
Joint board meeting, Wednesday, April 6, 2:30 PM, via Zoom. All members welcome.
Remember, you can always find the most up-to-date information about classes and practices on the website.
Rock ‘N Roll Pres. Renee Steinmetz scovrandrclub@gmail.com Membership Chair Jon Russell scovrandrclub@gmail.com
Blimey, it’s a British invasion. Our next dance is Thursday, April 21, 7-9:30 PM, in the Golf Cart parking lot behind The Views Restaurant. Wear your red, white and blue and dance under the stars with Kinda Kinks.
Tickets on sale Tue., Apr. 12, 8:30 AM for members, 9 AM for nonmembers, Desert Oasis lobby. $10 pp for members and $15 pp for nonmembers
Western - Kactus Kickers Co-Pres. Bob and Sue Newman 989-859-8408 cell/text bobnsigrid@icloud.com Membership Marci Gutierrez 520-204-7039 cell/text marci.gutierrez57@gmail.com Dance Classes: Nancy Klucking 360-961-6963 cell/text Nancy.Klucking@gmail.com Information KKscov@gmail.com
The dance on March 11 with Backroads band was well attended. All had a good time listening and dancing to country music.
Dancing to Clear Country Band
We have another dance scheduled for the Hilton–Last Territory Friday, April 15, with Clear Country band. Watch your email for ticket sale dates if you are on the Kactus Kickers email list, or send an email to KKSCOV@gmail.com to request information about ticket sale dates.
Our last dance of the season is Friday, May 13, 6-9 PM, Catalina Vista. Pay at the door.
Check your email or send a note to KKSCOV@gmail.com to sign up for the dances at Catalina Vista.
Aqua Tone Irmel Wheeler 520-334-0957 (cell) irmel5596@gmail.com Marcia Polley 520-818-9073 Tue., Thu., Sat., 8 AM, AFC/Pool
Aquatone is a toning water workout that incorporates a variety of rhythmic body movements performed in the water. This aquatic exercise class enhances cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance.
We meet at the AFC pool. There is no fee to join the club or the class. The teachers are club member volunteers. Participants should be able to do a basic swim stroke. Items used in the class are buoys, boards, noodles, balls and a fitness band. Most items are available at the pool. We assign an experienced member to a newcomer to help learn the various movements. A great workout in a fun class.
Arthritis Water Pres. Sherry Olivier sherryolivier55@gmail.com Sec. Melanie Livingston meljean178@yahoo.com Mon., Wed., Fri. 1 PM Oct.-Apr.; 10 AM May-Sep.; AFC/Pool
The warm weather has returned so we will be meeting regularly at 1 PM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. If you have arthritis or stiffness of joints for any reason, our class is for you.
Water exercises are easier and less painful than those on the ground because the buoyancy lessens the impact on joints. Membership dues are only $5/year and new members are welcome.
Energetic Exercise Maria Tomlinson 503-333-8887 maria.tomlinson1@gmail.com Mon. and Wed., 8-9 AM, AFC Studio Fri., 7:45-8:45 AM, Catalina Vista
Energetic Exercise offers expertly guided movement aimed toward maintaining strength, balance, cardio health and flexibility. Exercisers enjoy a background of best-loved tunes from 60’s rock to some 90’s country, all at very comfortable decibel levels. Reservations through Sign-Up Genius have been reaching the 35-person attendance limit, though space is expected to open up as warm weather draws near. First class is free and then SCOV residents can join the club for $3/year, and purchase a 12-class punch card for $30. Dress is exercise casual with sport shoes required. Hope to see you at Energetic Exercise.
Bee Management
It is our practice when a swarm of bees lights on the golf course to identify the swarm by a hazard marker (white circle). They move on after a day or two.