ored those pioneers who have passed. Aldo Burdi, who was unable to attend due to illness, was honored for all his work and dedication to our club since its inception. Thank you so much, Al. It was a wonderful fun party. Special thanks for this party go to Chair Nancy Gilbertson and her team: Barb Satterly, Joan Morris, Betty Verderese and Stephanie Consalvo. Excellent job, ladies. Our club will present its postponed performance of Big Guns at The Gaslight Music Hall on Sunday, March 27, with shows at 2 PM and 6 PM. Watch the Tipster and bulletin boards for more information on ticketing.
Veterans Club of SCOV Pres. Mike LaBarbera 812-431-7427 mclabarb@aol.com First Mon., 1 PM, Catalina Vista www.vbscov.weebly.com Next club meeting will be at Noon on Monday, December 6, Catalina Vista. A two-hour special “open mic” format available for veterans to share a 10-minute experience from their time in the service. Join us for a social meet and greet, Friday, December 10, 3:30 PM, at The Views Restaurant. Monthly guest Eric and Lois Meyners putting flags on grave sites at speakers cover a Marana Veterans Cemetery. range of topics to inform club members of veteran organizations, VA compensation and entitlements. Relevant issues are addressed by email and during monthly meetings. Our current membership is over 250 veterans. Please come to a meeting or contact Mike LaBarbara any time. If you have an unserviceable U.S. flag, leave it by Mike LaBarbera’s front door, wrapped inconspicuously, 2145 E. Bighorn Mountain Dr. The Legacy Brick walkway will be installed December 13. Orders are being taken for Phase 2 of the walkway. Over 220 bricks have been sold generating over $16,000 for clubs, the Association and veterans. Email Mike LaBarbera at mclabarb@aol.com for a Legacy Brick order form.
Women’s Action Group of Oro Valley (WAG OV) Facilitator Anne Munoz 253-905-7747 queenanne9@yahoo.com Communications Kris Sigford 612-747-0487 raykris@aribo.com First Fri., 11 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball
WAG OV’s mission is to promote positive, progressive political change on issues affecting women and families.
Garage Doors If you have a new garage door, remember it must be painted either the main body color or one of the trim colors of your house.
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Ballroom - SC Starlight Beth Allen 248-763-6266 scovstarlightdance@gmail.com www.scstarlightdanceclub.wixsite.com/scstarlightdance
Annual membership renewal is still available through December 10. Dues remain $10/cpl for residents. Membership allows you to enjoy open dance every Wednesday, take professionally-led three-week classes for less than most individual lessons, plus early access to dance tickets at a savings which pays for itself with one dance. Dues may be paid and membership information updated on Wednesdays from 4:50-7 PM, AFC Studios. Our New Year’s Eve gala dance is back: Join us for this awaited event from 6:30-10 PM, Catalina Vista. This year’s Roaring 20’s theme includes a live band, festive hors d’oeuvres and desserts, along with a toast. Tickets go on sale for paid members beginning Wednesday, December 1, 4:50-7 PM, AFC Studios, for only $100/couple.Dues may be paid now as well. Space and tickets are limited, so take advantage before tickets go on sale to nonmembers, $125/cpl, or we become sold out.
Folk Dance Pres. Siva Raven 505-469-7505 sivaraven@gmail.com Fri., 10-11:30 AM, AFC/Studios 1 & 2 www.scovFD.club
Folk dancing is a wonderful way to exercise both your body and mind while socializing in the company of a warm and welcoming group. We encourage everyone who is fully vaccinated Shirley Hauck and Raven lead us in dances from cultures to join us, no around the world. experience, no partners required. We review each dance prior to dancing. Keep in mind that the only mistake you can make is to not have fun. Bonus: no meetings, no minutes, no dues–just dance, dance, dance. There is even a club website which lists each week’s dances along with a video link to each dance for those who like to watch or review dances at home. Please give it a try. Questions? Come and see; check out the website or call Raven.
Hula, Jazz and Razzmatazz Dance Dir. Glory Lamb 805-698-3887 dancingextra@gmail.com Thu., 2-4 PM, Activity Center/Dance Studio (meetings suspended until Apr.)
Aloha, dancers. Since the Dance Studio will be used by the SCOV Variety Theatre Club for their Big Guns show rehearsals beginning December 7 through March, our regular class will not be meeting. When I first arrived here in SCOV, before I had a class to teach or a dance partner to dance with, I joined the Sunliners Dance Club, and it was great fun. I hope you look into it. The teachers are professional, and the music is super. You will be taught all the basic dance steps like the.grapevine,
December 2021, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster