Arthritis Water Pres. Sherry Olivier Sec. Melanie Livingston Mon., Wed., Fri. 1 PM Oct.-Apr.; 10:10 AM May-Sep.; AFC/Pool
to 3,000 yards per workout, mostly freestyle. Some do more, a few do less. Workouts are suitable for master swimmers, triathletes and those who would just like to participate in swim workouts. Please ensure you have medical clearance to participate in vigorous physical activity prior to joining. We welcome new members.
Come join us for a workout at your own pace Cooler temperatures are hard on many older people, or for those with muscular and nerve problems. But, as long as the air temperature is 77 degrees or higher, and it is not too windy, we are still meeting. Come to the pool and join us in our regular one-hour gentle workout designed to use every muscle and to improve balance and stamina. Since exercise is crucial, and it is important to keep moving, most of our exercises can be modified to fit individuals’ physical limitations. You may wear your hat, sunglasses, and shirt for protection from the sun or breeze. We currently have 60 resident members (male and female), and new ones are warmly welcomed. Annual dues are $5, with no additional costs.
Energetic Exercise Donna Clark 970-946-1048 Mon. and Wed. 8-9 AM, AFC Studio Fri., Dec. 3 and 17, 7:45-8:45 AM, Catalina Vista
Give yourself a gift of fun and fitness. We have classes that will prepare your muscles and joints to help you do all those activities you enjoy–with greater strength, balance and flexibility. Professional instructor, Sally Martinez, has been our leader for over 25 years and is expert at working with seniors. She’s both inspiring and encouraging. You’ll be amazed at how good you’ll feel. During the remodeling of the Activity Center, we meet at two different locations: Monday and Wednesday at the AFC Studio and Fridays, as available, at Catalina Vista. The club calendar and SignUpGenius both provide information on the locations and times for each class. New members are warmly welcomed–men and women– as long as there is room. We are currently limited to 34 participants in these locations. Annual dues are $3. Punch card for 12 classes is $30.
Fitness Swim Contact: Dave Goodman Tue., Thu., Sat., 6:45-8 AM, AFC pool
The Fitness Swim Club provides a vehicle for swimmers to participate in a group swim workout. We generally go 2,400
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Pilates Mary Ayers 520-638-7916 Mon., 3 PM, Thu., 1:30 PM, AFC/Studio
Happy holidays. The SCOV Pilates Club offers group mat classes at the AFC Mondays, 3-4 PM, and Thursdays, 1:30-2:30 PM. Each class participant is striving to increase their core strength. Core muscles are the deep abdominal and back muscles that help you stabilize your pelvis and spine. The Pilates exercises are simple, and each class begins with warm-up exercises, stretching and deep breathing. The instructors oversee us at all times. They modify the most strenuous exercises for anyone with limitations. These classes result in benefits that can’t be beat: better balance (fewer falls), more flexibility (joints move again), increased muscle tone (you’re stronger) and more energy and wellbeing. The cost is $8 cash per class, and 2022 annual club dues in January will be $20 pp. Call Mary with any questions.
Tai Chi Co-chairs Alice Hutchison 520-329-8090 Cynthia Chaffee 520-342-6437 Thu., 10-11:30 AM, AFC/Studio 1
A new 10-week tai chi class for all students will begin on Thursday, January 6, 10-11:30 AM, AFC/Studio, and will continue through March 10. The classes are led by tai chi masters, Jose Hernandez Rivera and Donna Drazenovich. All first-time students need to call Alice Hutchison for further information. Tai chi is an ancient Chinese tradition that involves slow, focused movements. Because of the benefits for balance, strength, and improved breathing, it is an exercise especially suitable for seniors.
Yoga Pres. Jan Wholey 520-638-7088
Happy holidays to all. Yoga classes for the first three weeks in December are: Tuesdays: 10:45 AM, AFC Studios 1 & 2, Torrey Thursdays: 9 AM, Desert Oasis, Torrey Thursdays: Chair Yoga, 10:45 AM, Desert Oasis, Torrey Fridays: 8:15 AM, AFC Studios 1 & 2, Maria Please note that there will be no classes the weeks of December 19 through 31. Each class is $10 cash, and please bring your own props. Maria will accept previously purchased tickets through January 2022. We hope to see you in class.
Games Bridge Duplicate Bridge
Pres. Dave Hablewitz 520-989-0486 Second and fourth Mon., 6 PM, Desert Oasis; Fri., 12:30 PM, Catalina Vista
During construction in the Activity Center, we will try to have a regular game. We will play the second and fourth
December 2021, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster