Deb Larson.
Janet Gerjets.
Peggy Bush.
Jerry Cooley.
Kevin Samis.
Friends of SDPB & BIT Employees Retire
SDPB extends heartfelt gratitude to several employees who are retiring this month from the Friends of SDPB and the Bureau of Information & Telecommunication (BIT). Deb Larson a challenge, too. Having about 10 at the Sioux Falls Studio. I’ve enjoyed Vermillion resident Deb Larson federal grants at one time for SDPB helping with various events, especially joined SDPB in 1990 as the was very interesting.” the Festival of Books when SDPB Accountant/Business Manager and Janet: “Moving from all-live TV sponsored Sonia Manzano (Maria of became BIT’s Finance Manager in pledging to all virtual (pre-recorded) Sesame Street) and the Fiddles and 1996, a position for which she has pledge drives, the growth of our Friends performances at Strawbale managed accounts for the division, sustainer program, the changes from Winery. But my favorite ‘moments’ including SDPB. a classical, new age and jazz music have been the daily conversations I’ve station to all talk, and the addition shared with so many of our dedicated Janet Gerjets of the Black Hills and Sioux Falls donors whose partnership and passion Originally from Tecumseh, Kansas, studios.” for public broadcasting help ensure a Janet Gerjets has been with the Friends Peggy: “I’ve seen so many bright future for SDPB.” of SDPB for 20 years, most recently as incredible changes as Friends has Kevin: “Working at SDPB has been Membership Coordinator. worked with SDPB during the past five really good. The people are very good Peggy Bush years to implement the Sound Vision and friendly.” A graduate of Brookings High plan! SDPB has become a more vital Post-Retirement Plans School and SDSU, Margaret (Peggy) and engaged presence in the South Deb: “Spending time with children, Bush joined the Friends team working Dakota community with construction grandchildren, and family, playing in membership and development in of the two new studios in Rapid City golf, laying in my pool in the 2004. and Sioux Falls, expansion of reporting backyard, and vacations (especially staff, and a multi-platform approach Jerry Cooley when the winter) and, of course, to sharing content with our viewers Jerry Cooley of Brookings started working part-time for Friends.” and listers. The Friends organization with Friends in 2007 as Membership Janet: “I have six grand-girls in is undergoing tremendous change as Assistant. Jerry says he “retired’ in New York, one grand-boy and grandwe transition the membership office to June 2017, but was called back to help girl near Minneapolis and a grandSioux Falls.” in August, 2018 after former Friends girl in Sioux Falls, so I plan to spend VP of Membership Gayle Grothe Memorable Moments more time with them. My husband, retired. Deb: “When the BIT management Larry, and I are planning several team did a team building exercise in trips, including visiting my family in Kevin Samis Rapid City. We spent a couple of days Kansas. And I plan to sit on my patio Originally from Lemmon, SD, in a yurt. And SDPB had weekend in the morning and drink an extra cup Kevin has worked in the Friends of camping trips a long time ago.” of coffee!” SDPB mailroom since 1988. It’s Janet: “I enjoyed being part of Peggy: “I’m looking forward to estimated Kevin has touched more some of the celebrity visits like A having more time to do the things than 1.7 million pieces of mail in Prairie Home Companion, Antiques I love—reading, gardening, biking his 31 years prepping mailings in Roadshow and meeting special guests and working with my horses—and the Friends of SDPB mailroom! like This American Life’s Ira Glass. spending more time with my daughter, Incidentally, Kevin’s brother Mark I enjoyed meeting our members who lives in Washington state.” Samis is currently featured in the at the State Fair in Huron, and I Kevin: “I haven’t made that decision documentary Leaving Redfield on enjoyed working where I felt I made a yet, but I do like sports and music SDPB. difference to the state I live in and love when I’m not working.” Exciting Changes and Challenges so much (except for the winters!).” Deb: “Keeping up with the changes Peggy: “It was exciting to be part Thank you all for your service in technology is always a challenge. of the grand opening of the Black and dedication to SDPB. I have been lucky enough to have Hills Studio with PBS President Paula wonderful co-workers who love Kerger, and also a similar celebration Happy retirement! July 2019 27