ISSUE 151 – 12th Sept. 2014 Google Automatically Changing Mobile Text Ads Google have announced that the second line of text ads in mobile search may, in some cases, be replaced by an ad extension. This will be determined based on performance of the ad extensions versus description line 2 according to Google. The advatnages of this are likely to be shorter and more actionable ads on mobiles – aiding users to get to the information they need quicker. The disadvantage is for advertisers who require both lines to get their message across. Advertisers will need to ensure their extensions are optimised (also key since the Google changed the ad rank calculation to incorporate extensions) and that the first line of their mobile ads are self-sufficient. Google have at present stated that it will be possible to opt out of this when it becomes active in October.
Shared By Jasdeep Mondae Follow the link for more details:
Bing Ads Continue Upgrading Over the summer Bing Ads have been busy making more updates to its platform including ‘online insertion orders’, ‘auto-tagging’, ‘improved targeting’ and an improved web UI amongst other features to be upgraded. To find out which of these are available in your market follow this link below or alternatively contact your Bing account manager to find out more.
Shared by Kevin Ting Find out more:
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Apple Watch to Change Local Search Following the recent announcements, Apple Watch could be set to change the way customers interact with local search by integrating it into the navigation on your wrist. Alongside the launch of the new Apple Watch, many other competitors have been clamoring to get a foot hold in the wearable market, to bring the next evolution of smart technology to our wrists.
Shared by Kevin Ting Find out more:
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