Collected & Collated By Kevin Ting
Search Lately: Issue 5 Weekly Search Round Up In a week that has been dominated by social news in the form of Facebook Messenger and anti-social news in the form of the London Riots, it has been a relatively quiet week in the world of search. This week in search news Comscore (US) & Hitwise (UK) release some interesting monthly figures for July, Yahoo freshen up their image search tools and Google add double columns to natural search. Twitter Makes Major Changes
11 AUGUST 2011 –Twitter introduces an 2 new features this week including a real time activity tab in a week that has seen Twitter placed in the limelight with some incredibly fast spreading hash tags… #londonriots #riotcleanup @twitter
POV: Twitter continues to create headlines and now with well over 200 million users and 155 million tweets daily! Increasing amounts of time online is now being spent searching for news and searching for information on Twitter. Twitter UK are set to launch a suite of marketing tools late this year for Promoted Tweets & Promoted Accounts as there is no greater urgency than ever before to communicate with audiences on this social network to ensure that your brand has a sustained presences where people are gathering in numbers.
Google Adds Double Column Site Links 11 AUGUST 2011 – Google introduces double column site links in natural search for Brand only search terms, pulling information in from meta description and destination URLs…
POV: This will significantly benefit brands for pure brand only searches, as these sitelinks will bombard users search results with substantially higher exposure, and also hinder competitors looking to steal their traffic. It also means that it is essential that a website’s meta tags are as accurate and professional as possible.
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Search Lately: Issue 5 Google Falls While Yahoo Climbs - US 10 AUGUST 2011 – Last month Google’s US market share fell by 0.4% to 65.1%, Yahoo grew from 15.9% up to 16.1%, while further down the chain Bing & AOL kept a constant share of the market… rch_Engine_Rankings
Fresh Yahoo Image Search Look 10 AUGUST 2011 – Yahoo to release a new look image search with Facebook integration enabling image search to highlight matches from your Facebook friends’ name, photo album names or album descriptions in a separate easy to view tab…
Positions below Top Costs
10 AUGUST 2011 – Top Google ranking makes a significant impact on CTR with recent studies showing CTR falling from a high of 18.2% to a low of 7.22% by falling from position 1 down to position 3… POV: This article emphasises the importance of being top rank for your brand. If you can afford to be top you will benefit from significant gains in traffic and with this traffic a successful campaign should deliver an increased level of conversions…
Google Slips Are Bing’s Gains -UK
08 AUGUST 2011 – In July Google’s share of UK searches slipped by 1% down to 91%, while Bing picked up the bulk of that lost traffic share to take 2nd place in the market as it rose from a 2.88% share up to 3.84%... POV: Google still dominates the UK search market with the ‘Search Alliance’ partners (Yahoo & Bing) possessing just a 7% share of the market. Elsewhere Facebook lose further market share of social network visits falling from 54% down to 50% in July compared with June figures, while YouTube has grown from a 21% share of the market up to 23% in July. Advertisers should capitalize on this platform and use it to fully reach and engage with audiences. Not only do does it now account for 1 in every 35 UK internet visits, it is arguably the most interactive and entertaining platform around.
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Collected & Collated By Kevin Ting