Collected & Collated By Kevin Ting
Search Lately: Issue 6 Weekly Search Round Up This week’s search news includes a new contextual targeting extension in the form of Google Related, Public Google+ Posts pushes into search results, new improved Yahoo retargeting API launches in Beta, riots cause a surge in home insurance searches, while studies show that Yahoo and Bing are more effective than Google and lots more… Riots Cause Rise in Home Insurance Search 17 AUGUST 2011 – As a result of the London riots last week UK searches for home insurance rose by 14% week on week with only Barclays home insurance capitalising on this opportunity adding the term ‘riot insurance’ to their PPC account...
POV: Real life events have a significant impact on user search behaviour online, and last week’s was a great example of how advertisers should be more aware of these interactions. While certain home insurance firms saw their best sales days for the year last week as a result of these heightened traffic volumes although only Barclays seemed to attempt to capitalising on this opportunity with the term ‘riot insurance’. Brands should be more alert to these opportunities as they happen to really stay ahead of the competition and fully maximise the potential traffic volume and sales from these real life influences.
Yandex Do Language Based Search 17 AUGUST 2011 – Yandex roll out new search platform ‘Reykjavik’ focusing on user language recognition by search behaviour…
False Google-Amazon Partnership Rumours
16 AUGUST 2011 – Rumours spread this week that Google and Amazon had struck a partnership with product search results appearing above brand websites, were quashed as just a chrome extension error…
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Search Lately: Issue 6 Google + Now in Search
16 AUGUST 2011 – Public Google+ posts have officially started to be built into search results as expected as they start to integrate their latest social project into other Google products and services…
New Search Retargeting API 16 AUGUST 2011 – Much improved Yahoo search retargeting API launches in Beta that allows for greater control of search campaigns settings including new keyword-defined behavioural segmentation feature… POV: Interesting developments from Yahoo that allows retargeting to users that have already shown an interest and actively searched for a certain query. Combining search and display has been proven to lower costs and increase conversions. These extra controls and features targeting interested users further down the conversion path will enhance brand performance as well as direct response performance and benefit brands that may not be able to afford high paid search positions.
Google Related Toolbar Extension
16 AUGUST 2011 – A new Google product that allows users to find and access content similar to what they are viewing via a simple tool and easy to use chrome toolbar extension that runs across the bottom of user web browser…
POV: While contextually targeting in this manner is not a new concept, Google has attempted to use this technology to influence user’s behaviour and offer users content related information around their currently website behaviours. With this new toolbar extension, users are being offered a smoother user experience across the internet sending them more varied and insightful sources and reviews to direct them towards their final destination from their starting query.
Yahoo & Bing More Effective Than Google
12 AUGUST 2011 – According to studies published by Experian Hitwise recently, Yahoo & Bing are more effective search engines than Google in the US. With Yahoo and Bing both more than 80% of its searches resulting in a site visit, while Google was trailing with high 60% search to site click through rates.,2817,2391027,00.asp POV: Search Alliance powered search results now amount to just under 30% of the US market and with a far greater efficiency they must not be underestimated as a source traffic for a Brand. While Google still dominate with a 66% share in US and an even greater 90% share in UK, the Yahoo/Bing merger will strengthen the competition. A number of exciting features and improvements in the pipe works for Yahoo and Bing including a new retargeting API and mobile rich media ads, combined with a greater efficiency, gives plenty of opportunities for share growth for the Search Alliance.
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Collected & Collated By Kevin Ting