Bing Ads to Launch Own Version of Enhanced Campaigns Bing Ads released this week an official statement regarding upcoming changes to bring them in line with Google Adwords’ Enhanced Campaigns. New bid adjustment features will enable advertisers to target by device, day, gender and location. One key difference between Google’s version of Enhanced Campaigns is that Bing Ads will allow advertisers to target tablet separately to desktop and mobile, and could be a key differentiating factor for them.
“The timeline for these changes being generally available is at the end of the 3rd quarter of this year” – Bing Source
Kevin Ting
More details about upcoming changes to Bing Ads: 013/06/05/upcoming-changes-to-bid-adjustments-in-the-yahoo-bingnetwork.aspx
Bing Ads to Segment Ad Extension Activity by Click Type Bing Ads will soon by introducing ‘click type’ segmentation into the ad extension report feature, to enable advertisers to distinguish between a click on an ad title and on an ad sitelink. This update will give users extra insights into how customers are interacting with ads with extensions and further help to optimise performance for these campaigns.
Kevin Ting
More details about the changes to Bing Ads reporting: 013/06/04/bing-ads-and-you-enhanced-ad-extension-reporting-with-clicktype.aspx
Yahoo Search Re-Designed This week Yahoo’s US search page was treated to a fresh new look complete with a Googleesque navigation bar and faster loading search results. In an attempt to simplify the Yahoo search results page, they have removed the tabs introduced in 2011 and replaced these with a left navigation bar for easy access.
Kevin Ting
More details about these changes:
Cross Device Management in Google Analytics Google presented a Cross Device Management set of tools for Google Analytics which provide more insight into mobile marketing, user behaviour across multiple devices, and look at the role mobile plays in leads and conversions. This Cross Device Management component is still in a pilot version and was unveiled at Google’s Annual Developer Conference.
First of all, it allows the analysis of users, not devices and helps to prove suspicions that users browse on mobiles and convert on desktops. Cross Device Management reports can show at what stages of the purchase process users make use of a device, and help to make decisions accordingly, based on real data. Some of the Cross Device Management reports include:
Device Overlap Report Segment users & outcomes by device combinations – similar to Google’s multi-
channel conversion funnel. Device Paths Report
Which devices are used at what stage of the purchase process. Acquisition Source Report Understand user acquisition value by device. Which device was the 1st engagement/purchase, and the value of subsequent purchases by device.
Artur Kozdrowski
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Did Bing really update their algorithms and search results recently? Everybody is so obsessed with most recent Google Penguin update that nobody even noticed a possible Bing Search update on May 22nd, because the data definitely suggests so:
Fig 1.1 Usual Bing Volatility has normalized (from and SERP Metrics)
Fig 2.1 Massive Bing Traffic Spike over the past few days
Ever since their impressive 127.5% Ad Revenue growth back in 2011, Microsoft has enjoyed the fastest growth rate amongst all of the biggest competitors (including Amazon and Google), but is (yet again) projected to decline significantly from now on.
Fig 3.1 Microsoft fastest growth rate comes to an end
Even though these projections are likely to cut their share of market in half leaving three quarters of the market for Google, this new possible Bing Search update (if it happens) could be promising since they have been trying to sort out the subdomain geographical spam mess for quite a while now. Maybe it is yet another Bing attempt to increase their market share and right on time for their 4th Birthday! Happy Birthday Bing!
Vaidas Mykolaitis
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Yandex Brings More Personalisation to Search Developing personalised search results has been a trend in recent years for different search engines. Russian search giant Yandex last week took another step towards perfecting personalised search, bringing search personalisation to a higher level. The general person has a lot of different interests, some of them being more stable than others. For example, football could be your “stable” interest, but a specific movie could be your “un-stable” interest only when it is showing in theatres. Yandex is bringing more personalised search results by taking account of your less stable interest. To do this, it
created a real-time data processing system, continuously correcting its knowledge of users’ needs. The following graph illustrates how Yandex personalises search results based on your most recent interest.
Blair Liu
More Details: