Non-Mobile Friendly Sites Penalised In Latest Google Update Google takes a firm position on mobile SEO stating it is more crucial than ever to have a mobile-optimized site. This article highlights the fact that Google has gone as far to state that having a mobile-friendly site will significantly impact your rankings, and therefore intricate care should be taken in creating a mobile version of your site. It includes common webmaster mistakes and how serious Google are now taking mobile SEO; so much so that they announced on the 11th of June 2013, site speed ranking factors will be coming to mobile pages with its own speed factor.
Ammara Isa
More details on this latest Google update:
Facebook to ‘Temporarily’ Stop Sponsored Search Ads Facebook announced this week that they will be removing sponsored search results for the time being. They did go on to emphasise that they will not be moving away from ‘search advertising’ completely and will be working on a way to bring these ads back into Graph Search. The following statement was released by Facebook earlier this week: “In keeping with the goal of streamlining our ad products, starting in July advertisers will no longer be able to buy sponsored results. We’ve seen that most marketers were buying sponsored results to advertise their apps and games, and we already offer mobile app install ads and Page post link ads on desktop to achieve these same goals.”
Kevin Ting
Read more about this Facebook announcement:
Bing – The ‘New Default Search Engine’ On Apple’s Siri Following the Apple WWDC keynote earlier this week, Apple announced that Bing will now become the default search engine for Siri when iOS7 is released. This Siri-Bing partnership draws similar comparisons to the Yahoo-Bing partnership, with Siri being the UI for Bing results on the iPhone. Other features that will available for Siri users on release of iOS7 will be the ability to directly search Twitter, Wikipedis as well as Bing.
Kevin Ting
Read more about this Siri-Bing partnership: