Enhanced Campaigns Deadline in 3 Days! This week we bring you a final reminder that the deadline to transition over to Google’s Enhanced Campaigns platform on Adwords is MONDAY 22nd July. That means advertisers have just 3 more days to make the required changes to their accounts. Some key considerations you may want to bear in mind if you have not yet updated to Enhanced Campaigns or have only recently switched over include:
Mobile Bid Adjustments Mobile Preferred Creative Mobile Specific Extensions Mobile Landing Pages/ValueTrack Parameters
We would strongly encourage any advertisers who have not yet migrated across to do so as soon as possible, or Google will automatically make this change for you and apply their own bid adjustments and settings to your accounts.
Shared by Kevin Ting
Read more about Google Enhanced Campaigns and the story so far: http://www.thedrum.com/opinion/2013/07/01/how-prepare-googleenhanced-campaigns-d-day-22-july http://www.google.co.uk/intl/ALL_uk/adwords/enhancedcampaigns/feature s/ http://www.thedrum.com/news/2013/06/21/performance-enhancingimpact-enhanced-campaigns-marketers
Content [Alone] Isn’t King In the rapidly changing world of digital marketing, the often repeated phrase ‘Content is King’ now seems all too broad and vague to possess any depth of meaning, much less point toward a concrete, strategic course of action for those working in search. Rather, content contextualisation – particularly as it relates to native advertising – is the buzz-worthy concept of the moment, and for good reason. In short, native advertising entails content creation – advertorial in nature – which appeals to a user’s desires, needs and interests at a specific moment in time. It is the contextualisation of ad content so as to avoid being too sales-like, providing some modicum of genuine value without erring toward intrusiveness. This decided shift in search marketing is significant for several reasons, namely because both search engines and consumers are growing increasingly savvy; shallow, overoptimised, or quite simply ‘bad’ content is being penalised (by search engines) or dismissed (by consumers) for its inherent lack of value or inability to enhance user experience online. Native advertising, conversely, attempts to bridge this gap by asking a series of questions
about what users are looking for, how their content might provide said value, and how their marketing content may stand out and stay relevant in the ether that is the World Wide Web. The Guardian’s succinct intro to native advertising provides a digestible portion of basic information for those still familiarising themselves with the subject. Rest assured that this is a phrase you’ll hear much more in the coming months‌before another hype-generating approach rears its head, that is.
Shared by Heidi Atwal
Read more http://www.guardian.co.uk/media-network/media-networkblog/2013/jul/19/user-experience-defines-native-advertising
55% of Companies Now Have a Mobile Site Econsultancy released a study this week highlighting the growth in recent years of mobile and the uptake rates of advertisers. According to this report, 55% of companies now have a mobile optimised site, 44% have an iphone app and over a 3rd has an android app. Alarmingly this means there 45% of companies are still without a mobile optimised site; 22% of companies have no mobile presence what so ever.
Mobile has grown significantly in the last year with 41% of respondants (up from just 17% last year) claiming that more than 20% of traffic to site is now from mobile. These are figures that will only continue to grow as the world becomes increasingly mobile.
Shared by Kevin Ting
Read more about this study: http://econsultancy.com/uk/blog/63069-55-of-businesses-now-have-amobile-optimised-site-report
24% of Marketing Budgets Spent On Paid Search According to a recent study by Econsultancy, paid search now accounts for 24% of average business’ total marketing budgets:
Only 25% of respondents within this study spent less than £10k a year on paid search (down from 30% in 2012), with the remaining 75% spending between £10k and £5M.
65% of respondents meanwhile claimed that Google paid search budgets had increased year on year.
This study highlights the ever growing dependency and importance of paid search within any marketing strategy.
Shared by Kevin Ting
Read more about this study: http://econsultancy.com/uk/blog/63077-businesses-now-spend-24-of-totalmarketing-budget-on-paid-search
Mobile Ads Do Not Cannibalise Organic Google released a new study this week that highlights the impact mobile search ads have on organic search. The study goes on to claim that on average advertisers should expect to see an 88% uplift in mobile clicks by having a paid search ad on mobile:
Read more about this study: http://searchengineland.com/new-google-research-88-percent-of-mobilesearch-ad-clicks-are-incremental-to-organic-166881 http://adwords.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/new-research-shows-that-88-of-adclicks.html