Stormwater & Flood Management Services Sedgman Yeats provides multidisciplinary consulting and engineering services to the mining and resources, infrastructure, environment, building and property sectors. We have extensive experience in the design of stormwater and flood management systems which meet all regulatory requirements and achieve optimal outcomes for our clients. Our engineers, environmental specialists and planners work in collaboration throughout the evolution of each project. Offering an integrated planning and engineering consulting service, we assist clients with the management of water resources and the protection of waterways. Our water management, environmental planning and approvals services include:
Environmental flow
Land-use change impact studies
Stream flows and climate forecasts
Assessment of inundation risk in floodplains
Water quality and waterway management
Environmental impact studies
Environmental monitoring and management plans
Environmental approvals management.
We view hydrological studies as the analysis of natural water source and flow. The extensive experience and creative thinking of our team enables us to take the outputs of a study and deliver functional outcomes for our clients. Our stormwater and flood management services include:
Hydrologic and hydraulic (1D and 2D) flood modelling
Catchment yield and waterways assessments
Drainage planning and design
Flood analysis and flood plain management
Flood mitigation strategies and design
Sustainable water use and water sensitive design
Sediment and erosion control.
Sedgman Yeats applies both one and two dimensional hydraulic models for prediction of river flood levels, velocities and capacities and the impact of development within flood affected zones. We offer flood mitigation strategies including planning and design of flood attenuation devices and channel diversion. Our team has successfully delivered a range of projects, including regional level modelling and obtaining approvals for major projects, in flood affected areas.
Selected project profiles Condamine River Flood Modelling
Hotham Creek
Department of Natural Resources Warwick, NSW
Leda Developments Pimpama, QLD
Sedgman Yeats was commissioned to develop a two dimensional flood model of approximately 9 kilometres of the Condamine River in the vicinity of the township of Warwick. The two dimensional flood modelling was performed using the latest version of Mike Flood (a couple of Mike 21 and Mike 11), and was based on previous models developed by the Department of Natural Resources using Rubicon software. Various floods were simulated from a 1 year flood, through to the Probable Maximum Precipitation event.
Sedgman Yeats completed a full hydrologic and hydraulic study of a section of Hotham Creek and the surrounding urban drainage network to determine flooding extents and mitigation measures for Q5 through to PMF ARI storm events. We performed two-dimensional flood modelling using the latest version of Tuflow, with inflow hydrographs developed using XP-Rafts.
The model has been used to assess the impacts of development along the Condamine River, and to ensure there are no adverse effects on important flow regimes in the vicinity of these developments.
The model included the M1 Motorway bridge, as well as various other conveyance structures. Various floods were simulated from a 1 year flood, through to the Probable Maximum Precipitation event.
Proven project capability Project
Brisbane Markets
Rocklea, QLD
Scope included tendering, administering and supervising structural recovery construction works following the Brisbane 2011 floods, including assessment of the premature ageing of road pavements from water inundation and formulating strategies for remediation.
Brisbane Markets
Brisbane State Forest Causeway Assessment
Brisbane State Forest, QLD
Field inspection with rudimentary survey of crossings, desk top study of the catchment hydrology, hydraulic analysis and estimation of construction costs
Department of Environmental & Resource Management
Cobaki Estate
Tweed Heads, NSW
Flood modelling using the Hec-Ras and Tuflow software packages was undertaken to determine various flood levels within the central open space and Cobaki Creek. The flood levels were then utilised to ensure that all building pads will be immune to flooding during the Q100 storm event for this 574ha master-planned development.
Leda Manorstead
Hemmant Drain
Wynnum, QLD
The project involved one dimensional, unsteady modelling of approximately 1km of Hemmant Drain and its associated tributaries to determine the effects of proposed fill pads being constructed within the existing flood plain. A three dimensional model of the proposed development terrain and existing flood plain was produced and was then coupled with Mike 11 to determine the effects of filling on the conveyance, afflux and velocity of the flow within the existing Hemmant-Wynnum West Flood Plain.
Oaktree Group
Karingal Drive & Dixon Drive, Pimpama
Pimpama, QLD
An existing tributary within the 1200 lot residential estate was reconfigured into tiered detention basins, with on-line attenuation techniques utilized in order to minimise the space required for the stormwater management devices. XP-Rafts and Hec-Ras were coupled to complete a full unsteady analysis of the tiered system, which was presented to, and subsequently approved by Council.
Leda Developments
Gateway Motorway Upgrade
Brisbane, QLD
Provided specialist advise on various drainage aspects on the project including, hydrologic (XP-Rafts and RORB) and hydraulic design (Hec-Ras) of approximately 50 cross drainage structures ranging from 600mm dia. reinforced concrete pipes to multiple cell 3m x 3m box culverts, design of the longitudinal road drainage using DRAINS, design of the gateway bridge drainage including scupper design and detailed analysis and modelling of the abutment drainage structures, design of various open channels, design of water quality treatment devices including basins, wetlands and gross pollutant traps.
SMEC Australia
Riva Vue Estate
Murwillumbah, NSW
Flood impact assessment and stormwater management plan including two dimensional hydraulic modelling using Tuflow software package to simulate the flood behaviour of the Rous River.
Newland Developers
T 07 5571 2232 E ABN 99 282 106 832