부 록4(영역본)

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1 차 논문 영역본 YOUNG - SANG SIRL

CONTENTS PREFACE 1. Jae-Mah Lee's Sasang Physical constitution Theory 2. Meaning and Value of Jae-Mah Lee's Sasang Constitution Theory 3. Jac-Mah Lee's Sasang Constitution Diagnosis 4.The Weakness of Jae-Mah Lee's Sasang Constitution Theory 5. Introduction of New Theory 6 Young-Sang Sirl's Sasang Physical constitution Diagnosis Methods 1) By using food(Young-sang Sirl's sasang constitution diagnosis 1) 2) By using fingers(Young-sang Sirl's sasang constitution diagnosis 2) 3) By using food and fingers 7. Classified Food List According to the Young-sang Sirl's Classification Method 1) Young-sang Sirl's sasang constitution food classification method 2)Young-sang Sirl's sasang constitution food classification list 3) Characters of physical constitutionally classified food 8. Ring Health Method 9. Colors and Sasang Physical Constitution 10. Application of Sasang Physical Constitution Theory 11.To Be Solved Reasoning of Sasang Physical Constitution Theory 12. Sasang Physical Constitution Theory and Quantum Dynamics

PREFACE There are many ways of treatment, however generally, one doesn't approve another due to the differences in approach and opinion. Not a single remedy is good generally and there is no medicine which is good for everybody. Perhaps, the biggest problem is that there is no standard to distinguish them. Many people in the East and the West have been trying to find a standard to distinguish human body. Perhaps the blood type(0, A, B, AB) is one which is objective. Since it was

reported in 1901, it has contributed a lot such as in blood transfusion and in distinguishing one's right decendant. By the way, in 1984, Jae-Mah Lee in Korea, developed a theory called "Sasang Physical constitution(Four Bodytype)" which said "there are four types in human body and the characteristics of internal organ depend on each bodytype." However, the theory had not been approved because it was very conceptual and the testing method of bodytype was not accurate. Here, I found a testing method of bodytype that objectively proves Jae-Mah Lee's Sasang Physical constitution Theory is correct. I also found out animals and plants and any other materials have bodytype. The testing method for sorting foods according to the bodytype was found and the relationship between the color and the bodytype will be discussed. And I also found out Sasang Physical Constitution is hereditary. I hope this book does some good to the health and well-being of human beings.

1. Jae-Mah Lee's Sasang Physical constitution Theory I will briefly explain Jae-Mah Lee's Sasang Physical constitution Theory in his writing 『Dong Eui Soo Se Bo won』 People can be divided into four kinds according to inter organ. 1) Strong positive person has a strong lung and a weak liver. 2) Strong Negative person has a strong liver and a weak lung. 3) Weak Positive person has a strong spleen and a weak kidney. 4) Weak Negative person has a strong kidney and a weak spleen. 1) Jae-Mah Lee, 『Dong Eui Soo Se Bo won』, p.36, Seoul : Henglim, 1992.

First, there is no exception. Everybody belongs to one of the four bodytype. Secondly, the bodytype is decided when one is born and it doesn't change throughout life. Thirdly, Strong Positive person is opposite to Strong Negative person and Weak Positive person is opposite to Weak Negative person. Fourthly, Sasang constitution Theory deals with not only physical characteristics but also mental aspects. Fifthly, People are divided into four bodytypes depending on the strength of internal organ. • Lung represents lung group which are lung, esophagus, tongue, ear, skin and hair. • Liver represents liver group which are liver, small intestine, navel, nose, Waist area spine and flesh • Spleen represents spleen group which are spleen, Stomach, breast, eye, backbone and muscle. • Kidney represents kidney group which are kidney, colon, genital, mouth, bladder and bone. 2) ibid, pp.82~84

2. Meaning and Value of Jae-Mah Lee's Sasang Constitution Theory

1) Jae-Mah Lee's Sasang Constitution Theory is creation of new concept. Lee's distinguished four bodytype utilizing the concept of "Sasang(四象)" in the oriental phylosophy. This is one the greatest discoveries. 2) Sasang constitution Theory is objective. Anyone can do and get the same result. Despite the significance of Sasang constitution theory, it has not been approved. I hope I did enough to turn it around and it will contribute a lot to the world of medicine. 3) Sasang Constitution Theory is the masterpiece of the oriental medicine which was handed down for thousands of years. 4) Sasang Constitution Theory is a basic principle and also a guiding principle. There can be lots of applications to not only medical fields but also many other fields by characterizing the differences in bodytype. 5) Sasang Physical Constitution is decided when one is born. 6) Sasang Constitution Theory is both for treatment and for prevention. It will bring out faster healing by treating the patient according to his bodytype and it will prevent disease by maintaining right eating habit according to the bodytype·

3. Jae-Mah Lee's Sasang Constitution Diagnosis Jac-Mah Lee tried to explain characteristics of each bodytype in terms of face, physical appearance and character. Easy and accurate bodytype testing method is the essence of Sasang Constitution Theory. The following is the example of Jae-Mah Lee's Sasang Constitution diagnosis. 1) The characteristics of the strong positive person Strong lung, weak liver, big head, round face, not fatty body, big forehead, shiny eyes. Due to the Weak liver which causes weak backbone and waist, the strong positive person can not sit down for a long time and like to lie down or lean on something while sitting down, and also cannot walk for a long time because the leg is weak. The body is generally slim. some females have less developed uterus, so that can not bear a child even though they are healthy. The character of the strong positive person is open-minded to others, decisive and aggressive. On the other hand, they don't retreat and like to attack, they are not good with planning. They get really angry when things aren't going well because of their strong selfrespect and heroism. They often get into Something others don't imagine due to their brightness and creativity. The strong positive person is supposed to be healthy if the amount of urine is large without any trouble urinating it. 2) The characteristics of the Strong negative person Strong liver and weak lung lead to a well developed waist but upper neck is weak. Many of them are tall, buffy and have big bones with especially large hand and feet. The outline of the face is clear with big nose, big eye, big ear, large mouth and thick lips. they look arrogant because of their long and chin. The lower body is stronger than the upper body. They walk with stability looking down the front, with their head down a little bit, and with

their stomach out. Females don't have beautiful eye line but give cool impression, while males give impression of an angry person or a tiger due to their pitched up eye end. In good terms, the character of the Strong negative person is gentle however in critic terms, they are sneaky and rarely reveal what's in their mind. They are open-minded at times and also closed-minded at times. They have persistence. Many of the strong negative person are big eaters and often times get themselves hurt by eating and drinking a lot due to their lack of ability to maintain routine lifestyle. They are Supposed to bo healthy if they get their sweat out well through their pours. 3) The characteristics of the weak positive person strong spleen and weak kidney. The upper body is well developed but not buffy and mo lower body la less developed. This leads them to walk fast. They walk looking far away without paying much attention near them. The mouth is not too big, the lips are thin, the chin is sharp, and the skin is light but not shiny with little sweet. They have a loud voice. They hate theoritical debate and are far from being logical in their Speech. Due to the weak kidney function, many females have a difficulty in giving birth in succession and many males are lack of energy. The character of the weak positive is to think light of his own matters but like to be involved outside. They don't have time for their own things because they spend more time and effort for other. They are able to make quick judgements but are not known for planning and give up easily when things are not going well. when they are angry, they get into action right away even if it is risking their lives. However, They become sympathetic and forget about it when the others apologize for their fault. They keep their mistakes in their mind to the extend of hurting them. They appear to not sincere by they are liked by many others because they are sympathetic and unselfish. They are frank and open and don't change over money or interest. They are supposed to be healthy if th are regular. 4) The characteristics of the weak negative person Strong kidney and weak spleen. They have stronger lower body with strong kidney and bladder, but well balanced. Many of them are short however some are tall. They have wellbalanced face. Especially, woman are pretty. the forehead is indulged and eyes, nose and mouth are not big. The skin is very soft, doesn't get cracked during winter and doesn't sweat much. They look natural when they walk because they are well balanced. When they speak, they are logical and poised, smiling with eyes. However they look mean when they overreach and get too theoretical. They often sigh as is they have some dilemma. They are introvert but social. They are psychologically stronger than they appear. They are always insecure because they are very sensitive and paying attention to details. They are organized bright, responsible and make a good harmony with their bosses. They are jealous of other's feat and feel offended if others correct what they have done. Occasionally, they bring out old things to take advantage of present situation. They are stingy and distrusting. Woman are clean, responsible, calculative, sedentary and home oriented. They are supposed to be healthy if there is no trouble of digesting food and being regular. 3) ibid, pp.134~141

4. The Weakness of Jae-Mah Lee's Sasang Constitution Theory Sasanag constitution theory is very simple and clear. It is a principle which should be applied to the other fields rather than being confined withln one field of medicine. The greatness of this theory is that it is not only able to cure any disease in the basic but also prevent illness. By the way, what if we made a mistake of wrongly determining the bodytype? What if the bodytype food is wrong even though we knew the right bodytype? This is scary! It makes the body worse rather than helping it. This was the weakest point of Jae-Mah Lee‘s sasang constitution theory. It cannot be applied in reality if the results of testing methods are not accurate and convincing, Therefore, in korea, there are lots of people who are trying to generalize the sasang constitution theory. Many of them felt the limit of the oriental medicine and occidental medicine. I believe I have generalized sasang constitution theory. I hope all the people In the world can benefit from this great theory.

5. Introduction of New Theory I discovered animals, plants and other materials also have their own bodytypes while l was trying to generalize Jae-Mah Lee's sasang constitution theory, The difference is that animals, plants and other materials have only one bodytype while the man has four bodytypes. By the way, the bodytype of materials(animals, plants and other materials) is determined by whether it is good or bad to man. Therefore, the bodytype of each materials is one of four bodytypes. Those materials that are good for the strong positive person are defined as 『materials for the strong positive person』. Those materials that are good for the strong negative person are defined as 『materials for the strong negative person』. Those materials that are good for the weak positive person are defined as 『materials for the weak positive person』. Those materials that are good for the weak negative person are defined as 『materials for the weak negative person』. 『Materials for the strong positive person』is good for the Strong positive person and bad for the strong negative person. • 『Materials for the Strong negative person』is good for the Strong negative person and bad for the strong positive person. • 『Materials for the weak positive person』is good for the weak positive person and bad for the weak negative person. • 『Materials for the weak negative person』is good for the weak negative person and bad for the weak positive person. I will introduce an accurate method for testing four bodytype(Sasang constitution) and a list of foods that are good for each bodytype.

The surface color of an object which is not a life for form determines to witch bodytype it belongs. Magnetic South and negative electricity belong to 『materials for the weak positive person』. Magnetic north and positive electricity belong to 『materials for the weak negative person』. And l also found out sasang physical constitution is hereditary. The physical constitution of child takes after one of his parents.

6. Young-sang Sirl's Physical constitution Diagnosis Methods 1. By using food(Young-sang Sirl's physical constitution diagnosis l) This is the most important testing method of all because both testers and testees can feel objectively that there are different food groups for different bodytypes respectively. The testing method for bodytype and food group are not separable because one plays important role in checking the accuracy of the other. A. The pre-existing conditions of the testing method using food The essential condition of the testing method using food is the accuracy of the list of food groups to be used. The characteristics of Sirl's testing method is that it satisfies all the conditions of the sasang constitution theory. The first condition is that there is no exception in sasang physical constitution. The second condition is that the sasang physical constitution(the bodytype) doesn't change. The third condition is that 『sasang(四象』are divided into『positive』and 『negative』first and Then 『strong』and 『weak』, thus creating opposite bodytypes such as『strong positive』is opposite to 『strong negative』and 『weak positive』is opposite 『weak negative』. The above three conditions are necessary for accurate testing of Sasang physical constitution. These can be shown through experiments as well. Therefore, you will be surprised to see the theory shows consistency with the experimental results. These three conditions should be kept in mind all the time when the test using food is conducted. However, the third condition is the most important of all in application. because it suggests what is good to one constitution type is bad to the opposite constitution type. For example, what is good to 『strong positive person』is bad to 『strong negative person』and neither good or bad to the other two constitution types,『weak positive person』and 『weak negative person』. Any foods which are not genetically altered are good to not more than one constitution type. This can be shown by experiments. We need a list of food groups depending on the sasang constitution, in order to accurately diagnose the sasang constitution. That will be written in next chapter. Instead, I will explain how to diagnose the sasang constitution using one from each group. Let's pick a lettuce as『food for strong positive person』, a radish as『food for strong negative person』,

a cucumber as『food for weak positive person』, a carrot as『food for weak negative person』· We may interpret the above from the third condition that a lettuce is bad to『strong negative person』, a radish is bad to『strong positive person』, a cucumber is bad to『weak negative person』, a carrot is bad to『weak positive person』. Therefore, I can say anyone can diagnose the sasang constitution only with the above four. B. The methods to prove objectivities. Let's examine tests that determine four body types, Bi-Digital O-Ring and Physical Strength tests. - 1. Bi-Digital O-Ring Test 4) Yoshiaki Omura, 『Practice of "Bi-Digital O-Ring test"』 (Tokyo & Yokosuka : Ido No Nippon Sha, 1991)

This test was Systemized by M.D. Yoshiaki Omura. It is well used because of its Simplicity and accuracy. By studying the Principles and practicing the accuracy of the test can be assured. Diagnosis can be precise as becoming experienced but when the test appears to be negative it is up to the examiner to find out the overall states by his medical knowledge. Therefore, we are going to use the suitability of food and medicine of O-Ring test. By placing food on a hand if O-Ring opens easily the food is determined to be bad for the examinee. This is the key point in this test. Of course, O-Ring can be stronger or no change in its strength but the examiner may not feel the change in strength. we will examine cases that are easily noticeable. 1) Attention During O-Ring Tests I. Examinee ① No matter standing or sitting, But should remain still the test checks for any change in Strength. ② Head should be straight up. ③ Keep the distance between elbow and body around 20cm apart. ④ Do not we metals such as rings, watches, necklace and glasses. ⑤ Stay away from any Source of magnetic fleld. Ⅱ. Examiner ① Position himself to see the examinee easily. Usually In front of the examinee facing each other. ② O-Ring should be circular as possible and closed to reduce the difference in potential.

2) Order of O-Ring Test ① The examinee makes O-Ring with the thumb and the index fingers. ② The examiner makes both hands O-Ring inside of the examinee's O- Ring so that he can pull the examinee's O-Ring. ③ The examiner pulls slowly the examinee's O-Ring whi1e the examinee tries to prevent. During this step both examiner and examinee should feel the strength at the breaking point of O-Ring. when the examiner pulls O-Ring the power should be applied in a 1 line. ④ The first test should be done in a few seconds. If it is not obvious

repeat tests few more time. If O-ring is hard to open. try with two or three fingers as necessary. 3) Determination of power Let's classify the power required to open O-Ring according to M.D. Omura as follows: -4 : Open easily -3 : Between -4 and -2 -2 : Ring opens about a half -1 : Open slightly 0: O-ring does not open +1 : O-Ring does not open with two fingers +2 : O-Ring does not open with three fingers +3 : O-Ring does not open with four fingers 4) Test method for people or animal with disability to make O-Ring. In this case a person who can make O-Ring can assist the test by holding a hand of the person who needs to tested. The actual test is

performed to the person assisting but the result will be independent of the assistant. 5) Determination of Four BodyTypes By O-Ring Test As a method to prove the test using food, prepare lettuce, radish, cucumber and carrot. There four types of food are a typical food for each body types. Follow the O-Ring test procedures and place a food at a time on a hand and perform the test. Compare the power required with the test without any food. check easiness of opening of O-Ring. - O-Ring opens easily with radish then『Strong Positive person』 - O-Ring opens easily with lettuce then『Strong Negative person』 - O-Ring opens easily with carrot then 『Weak Positive person』 - O-Ring opens easily with cucumber then『Weak Negative person』 The reason for this is as follows; Radish is for strong negative people, Lettuce is for strong positive people,

Carrot is for weak negative people, and Cucumber is for strong positive people. Each food is bad for the opposite type which is the reason why O-Ring is easier to open. In the contrary, if each testing was done for the corresponding type it should be experienced that O-Ring would be stronger. Furthermore, it should be tested that the other two types of food don't have much effect on O-Ring test. This is the special characteristics in Young-Sang Sirl's physical constitution diagnosis I. This is also corresponding with Jae-Mah Lee's concept of sasang. The first of all, anyone will be able to prove the results of this test by actually performing tests. The four type food that were introduced above are only to give as an example. In a later chapter a table of food classification will be found. In summary of O-Ring test, it is convenient for anyone to perform this test anywhere but it is hard Sometimes measure the Strength of O-Ring. Also this test cannot be done alone. To reenforce this kind problem It is adviced that to use some kind of force measuring devices. - 2. Physical Strength Test Let's explain this test briefly since this test is used frequently by M.D. Myungbok Lee. Please refer to his book for detail. M.D.M. Lee has put in his efforts to make bodytype diagnosis scientific so that anyone can determine his or her bodytype and take good care of their health, This test is ve � convenient and easy to do because anybody can do by himself. 1 : With standing position raise the arms horizontally. 2 : Create a weight which is heavy enough to bearly keep arms in horizontal position. Hang the weight on an arm and the other arm free of any weight. 5) Myung-Bok Lee's, 『If you know your physical constitution, you can recover from your illness.� (Seoul : Dekwang, 1993 pp.46~47)

3 : Hold food in the hand of the free arm and examine the effects. Strong Positive person : Hold lettuce, the arm with Weight is raised Strong Negative person : Hold radish, the arm with weight is raised Weak Positive person : Hold cucumber, the arm with Weight is raised Weak Negative person : Hold carrot, the arm with weight is raised

Both O-Ring and physical strength tests are common in examining the change in strength. 2. By using fingers(Young-Sang Sirl's physical constitution diagnosis 2) This method is utilizing O-Hang(äş”čĄŒ, Five phases) A. Assumptions of method using fingers 1. Each finger can be represented by O-Hang. Thumb : Liver, Index ; Heart, Middle ; Spleen, Ring ; Lung Small : Kidney 6) ibid, pp.210~211

2. Gold has a characteristic of making more positive and silver has a characteristic of making more negative.7) ibid, pp.211 3. 『Strong Positive person』has a strong lung and a weak liver. 『Weak Positive porson』has a strong spleen and a weak kidney. 『Strong Negative person』has a strong liver and a weak lung. 『Weak Negative person』has a strong kidney and a weak spleen, 4. Use 『The equilibrium theory』in oriental medical science. The equilibrium theory implies that to supply positive to negative types and to Supply negative to positive types. * It should be noticed that『Strong Positive』is opposite type to『Strong Negative』and that『Weak Positive』is opposite type to『weak Negative』. B. Reasoning of using fingers By the equilibrium principle, l. Strong Positive person has a weak liver and a strong lung. To be healthy : Weaker lung and stronger liver Thumb should be stronger and 4th finger should be weaker 2. Strong Negative person has a weak lung and a strong liver. To be healthy : Weaker liver and stronger lung 4th finger should be stronger and thumb should be weaker 3. Weak Positive person has a weak kidney and a strong spleen. To be healthy : Weaker spleen and stronger kidney 5th finger should be stronger and 3th finger should be weaker 4. Weak Negative person has a weak spleen and a strong kidney. To be healthy : Weaker kidney and stronger spleen 3th finger should be stronger and 5th finger should be weaker Method of using fingers is based on the equilibrium theory. Gold will re-enforce and silver will suppress function. 1) Method using Gold Wearing a gold ring on the corresponding finger will make the weak internal organ of each type stronger. -Strong positive type should wear a gold ring on the lst finger -Weak positive type should wear a gold ring on the 5th finger -Strong negative type should wear a gold ring on the 4th finger -Weak positive type should wear a gold ring on the 3rd finger 2) Method using silver Wearing a silver ring on the corresponding finger will make the Strong internal organ of each type weaker. This is necessary to achieve the equilibrium principle. It is contrary to gold. -Strong positive type should wear a silver ring on the 4th finger. -Weak positive type should wear a silver ring on the 3rd flnger.

-Strong negative type should wear a silver ring on the 1st finger -Weak negative type should wear a silver ring on the 5th finger C. Method to prove objectivity Either one of O-Ring and physical strength tests can be used or to add more accuracy both methods could be used. 1) Using gold Wear a gold ring as follow and test either O-Ring or physical strength tests it should be noted that the power of body is stronger when it matches with your bodytype. 1st finger for strong positive type, 5th for weak positive type, 4th for strong negative type and 3rd for weak negative type. in the contrary, if a gold ring is worn on the apposite type finger the power will be weaker because this is breaking the equilibrium principle. 2) Using silver Wear a silver ring as follow below and test either O-Ring or Physical Strength tests it should be noted that the power of body is stronger when it matches with your bodytype. 4th finger for strong positive type, 3rd for weak positive type, 1st for strong negative type and 5th for weak negative type. Similarly, if a silver ring is worn on the opposite type finger the power will be weaker because of breaking of the equilibrium. When performing a test be sure of the attentions listed previously. D. Meaning of method using fingers The first, the method using fingers is an application of the concept of O-Hang. Sasang physical constitution theory is independent of O-Hang theory but once the physical bodytype is determined, O-Hang can utilize the outcome. The second, Sasang theory can be prove using the method using fingers. An example was shown at the introduction of using gold and silver. The third, it is a method to prove the equilibrium theory in oriental medicine science. The fourth, it can be used to prove the method using food to improve the accuracy of tests. The fifth, ring method can be used as one of methods for keeping health. Anyone can use this method to keep and improve their health. E. Method Using coins This method is similar to the method using gold and silver instead of using them it is a method using yellow and white coins. An yellow coin is en- forcing and a white coin is suppressing. 1) Using a yellow coin - When it is easier open O-Ring with the coin placed on 4th finger then 『Strong Positive person』, O-Ring will be Stronger by placing on 1st finger. - When it is easier open O-Ring with the coin placed on 1st finger then 『Strong Negative person』, O-Ring will be stronger by placing on 4th finger. - When it person』 - When it person』

is easier open O-Ring with the coin placed on 3rd finger then 『Weak Positive O-Ring will be Stronger by placing on 5th finger. is easier open O-Ring with the coin placed on 5th finger then 『Weak Negative O-Ring will be stronger by placing on 3rd finger.

2) Using a white coin - When it is easier open O-Ring with the coin placed on 1st finger then 『Strong Positive person』, O-Ring will be stronger by placing on 4th finger. - When it is easier open O-Ring With the coin placed on 4th finger then 『Strong Negative person』, O-Ring Will be stronger by placing on 1st finger. - When it is easier open O-Ring With the coin p]aced on 5th finger then 『Weak Positive person』, O-Ring Will be Stronger by placing on 3rd finger. - When it is easier open O-Ring With the coin placed 0n 3rd finger the 『Weak Negative person』, O-Ring Will be Stronger by placing on 5th finger. * 『Materials for Weak positive person』 instead of a white coin can be used. 『Materials for Weak negative person』 instead of a yellow coin can be used. 3. By using food and fingers(Young-Sang Sirl's diagnosis 1 and diagnosis 2) Accurate objectivity can be obtained independently by either the method using food or the method using fingers. Despite the fact, the reason for introducing different method is to establish the objectivity of the fundamental principles of Sasang physical constitution diagnosis theory by getting the same results using different methods. If you practice a method that is suitable to you not only you can diagnosis your bodytype also you can diagnosis others. By following the table of food classification in the next chapter one can achieve preventing of diseases, helping of healing and becoming healthier. Also you can test the table and add moro food to the table using the tests introduced.

7. classified Food List According to the Young-sang Sirl's Classification Method 1) Young-sang Sirl's Physical constitution food classification method The essence of Sasang constitution theory is to get healthy and cure the disease naturally, by eating correct bodytype foods according to individual bodytype. Naturally, it does bad to Individuals to eat the foods that are opposite to their bodytype. Therefore, the accurate bodytype testing methods and the classification of foods are essential and vital in the sasang constitution theory. NHl(U.S.A) reported that the proper diet is the most important in maintaining health, suggesting that 40% of all cancer and 60% of the heartdisease come from the improper diet. Now the problem is what is proper and what is improper diet sasang constitution theory give a clear answer to this question because the proper diet is what Sasang constitution theory persues. I assume that the readers already found out their constitution type by using the testing methods previously mentioned (the testing method using food and the fingers) Let's take a look at the testing method using food in which a lettuce, a radish, a cucumber and a carrot, we're used as the samples representing each food group. In that test, you will recall that a

radish makes the power of a strong positive person's O-Ring weaker and a lettuce makes the power of a strong negative person's O-Ring weaker. Also, I emphasized the importance that the testing method using food satisfies the third-existing condition that 『Strong positive』 is opposite to 『Strong negative』 and 『Weak positive』 is opposite to 『Weak negative』. Another way of saying this in plain words is that a lettuce is good to strong positive person and bad to strong negative person, and a radish is good to strong negative person and bad to strong positive person. So to speak, one food(which is not genetically altered) is good to only one bodytype and bad to the opposite bodytype, without influencing the other two bodytypes much. Summarizing the above briefly, ① The food which weakens the power of the strong positive person's O-Ring, is bad to the Strong positive person and good to the strong negative person. 1 will call this food group as the "food for strong negative person ". Example; a radish ② The food which weakens the power of the strong negative person's O-Ring, is bad to the strong negative person and good to the strong positive person. I will call this food group as the "food for strong positive person". Example; a lettuce ③ The food which weakens the power of the weak positive person's O-Ring, is bad to the weak positive person and good to the weak negative person. I will call this food group as the "food for weak negative person". Example; a carrot ④ The food which weakens the power of the weak negative person's O-Ring, is bad to the weak negative person and good to the weak positive person. I will call this food group as the "food for weak positive person". Example: a cucumber I will call the above classification as "The physical constitution food classification method(Young-sang Sirl's physical constitution food classification method)." As you noticed, the physical constitution food classification method is merely a different expression of Young-sang Sirl's physical constitution diagnosis l (by using food). The main reason I wrote this book is to make it possible for everybody to figure out their accurate bodytype and the bodytype food group. 2) Young-Sang Sirl's physical constitution food classification list ① Foods for strong positive person RICE, ONION, LETTUCE, ALFALFA, BROCCOLI, CAULIFLOWER, BOK CHOY, BRUSSEL SPROUTS, CHERRY, KOREAN MUSTARD, BLUEBERRY, LOBSTER, GRAPE, KIWI, SALMON, TROUT, COMFREY, BELL PEPPER, CLOVER, DANDELION, CLAM, RED-BEAN, WILD ROCAMBOLE, BUCKWHEAT, TURBAN SHELL, ABALONE, SEA CUCUMBER, MUSSEL, OCTOPUS, SMALL OCTOPUS, CUTTLEFISH, PERSIMMON, COCOA(CACAO), CHINESE QUINCE, CITRON, SCALLOP

② Foods for strong negative person WHEAT, RADISH, GINKO, PEAR, MILK, COW, GUAVA, AVOCADO, ENGLISH PEA, MUSTARD GREEN, SWEET ANISE, JICAMA, TURNIPS, RUTABAGAS, WATERMELON, PEANUT, WALNUT, SUGAR, COFFEE, SUGAR CANE, KAOLIANG, KIDNEY BEAN, ADLAY EGGPLANT, BROAD BELLFLOWER, GREEN PERILLA, HERRING, HAIR-TAIL, CHESTNUT, PINE NUTS, APRICOT, PLUM, ARROWROOT, YAM, TARO, PLANTAIN. ③ Foods for weak positive person CORN, CUCUMBER, SQUASH, PUMPKIN, BEET, CELERY KALE, CABBAGE, TOMATO, PIG, COD, HONEY DEW, YUCCA, WHITE BAIT, RED PAPRICA, SWISS CHARD, LEEK, COTTON, CANTALOUPE, KORLABI, RAPINI, STRAWBERRY, BANANA, PINEAPPLE, MELON, SOYBEAN, BARLEY, MUNG BEANS, DROPWORT, SESAME, FLATFISH, CRAB, SHRIMP, ASCIDIAN, OYSTER, CHINESE MATRIMONY VINE, BEAN CURD, PEPPERMINT ④ Foods for weak negative person GARLIC, CARROT, PEPPER, RED PEPPER, SPINACH, KELP, APPLE, PEACH, GRAPEFRUIT, LEMON, ALOE, PARSLEY, MANGO, PAPAYA, GINSENG, HONEY, OLIVE, ASPARAGUS, RHUBARB, RED RADISH, SILK, ARTICHOKES, PISTACHIO, CASHEW NUT, ALMOND, CANOLA OIL, CHICKEN, DUCK, POTATO, GINGER, CURRY(CURCUMA), CHEESE, ORANGE, BAMBOO, SHOOTS, RUBBER PLANT, MUSTARD, GLUTINOUS RICE, HULLED MILLET, WORMWOOD, CINNAMON, GOAT, RABBIT, CROAKER, POLLACK, ANCHOVY, LOACH, JUJUBE, LICORICE ROOT, SWEET POTATO * Foods for strong positive person are good to strong positive person and bad to strong negative person. Foods for strong negative person are good to strong negative person and bad to strong positive person. Foods for weak positive person are good to weak positive person and bad to weak negative person. Foods for weak negative person are good to weak negative person and bad to weak positive person. ※ Any genetically altered food(life form) may deviate from its original constitution type. Therefore, it is recommended to test its constitution type with the testing methods described in this book. ※ There is no food which is good to all bodytypes. ※ Each part of an egg such as the Shell, the yolk, and the white has a different constitution type. The Shell and the yolk are the food for weak positive person, and the white is the food for weak negative person. I suppose eggs have both positive and negative constitution types and take their original physical constitution type before hatching. More research Is necessary. 3) Characters of physical constitutionally classified food

Foods for strong positive person compensates weakness in strong positive person, judging from not only the equilibrium principle of oriental medicine, but also the results of O-Ring test. Foods for Strong negative person compensates weakness in Strong negative person. Foods for weak strong person compensates weakness in weak strong person. Foods for weak negative person compensates weakness in weak negative porson.

8. Ring Health Method Rings are very influencing to one's health So much as that they are used determine one's bodytype. Wearing rings can be harmful. Therefore, rings should be worn as follows; - Strong Positive person : Weak liver and Strong lung person Wear a gold ring on 1st finger and a silver ring on 4th finger

- Strong Negative person : Weak lung and Strong liver person Wear a gold ring on 4th finger and a silver ring on 1st finger

- Weak Positive person : Weak kidney and Strong spleen person Wear a gold ring on 5th finger and a silver ring on 3rd finger

- Weak Negative person : Weak spleen and Strong kidney person Wear a gold ring on 3rd finger and a silver ring on the 5th finger

As above rings can be worn on fingers depending on the bodytypes and ring types. It is recommended that a patient to wear rings on both hands both gold and silver rings and that a healthy person to wear a hand either a gold or silver ring to help his health.

9. Colors and Sasang Physical Constitution I found that colors are directly affecting human bodies. Organic colors have no a effect on human bodies but non-organic colors give Some effects depending on the bodytypes. It is better to choose the right colors for the materials that directly making contacts with bodies. Such materials as examples are clothes, shoes, socks, pillows, glasses, watches, necklace, hairpins, blankets and pens. It should be aware of the fact that the colors that make contact with bodies have a significant effects. Especially, patients are urged to pay attention to wear proper colors and healthy people should avoid bad colors. - Strong Positive person : purple is good and white is bad - Strong Negative person : White is good and purple is bad - Weak positive person : good colors are blue, black, grey and Silver bad colors are red, orange, yellow, green, gold - Weak negative person : good colors are red, orange, yellow, green, gold, bad colors are blue, black, grey and Silver You can verify these by O-Ring test. Of course, you can diagnosis the bodytype using colors also. As mentioned before color therapy can be used just like ring method. You can apply this when you paint interior of a house. And the effects on bodies by colors are thought to be the same as that of food. This is the area need to be researched extensively and will contribute to human life significantly.

10. Application of Sasang Physical Constitution Theory Sasang physical constitution theory is a Fundamental principle and it is not only be applied in medical science but also can be applied in various areas. Let's examine these areas as examples; 1. Sasang physical constitution is hereditary. The bodytype of child takes after one of his parents. Human body can be classified to four types which are similar to blood types and could be used in genetics. 2. There are common factors between the same type of food. Their commonness and difference shall he revealed as a natural secret. 3. It is executed to be used as a preventive medicine. It will provide healthiness and prevention of diseases through changes of eating habit. 4. Concept of good diet shall be changed. As people get aware of Sasang physical constitution, people should know that good diet shall be based on their bodytypes. 5. It wi1l contribute to the development of medicine. Sometimes a medicine works better on some people but worse on some people. Medicine shall be made and prescribed based on the person's bodytype to reduce side affects. 6. When making medicine the proper contacts shall be chosen to make them based on the bodytypes. 7. By changing the food habit, athletes can improve their capabilities. 8. It can reduce the incompatibilities of operation路 9. It can be used in cosmetology. 10. Salad and natural juices shall be chosen. 11. Fruit can be chosen based on the bodytype. 12. It allows to choose the right vinegar for vinegar therapy. 13. It allows to choose the proper aroma for aroma therapy. 14. It allows to choose the tea. 15. You can choose the good jewels for your body. 16. You can choose the good colors for your body.

11. To Be solved Reasoning of Sasang Physica Constitution Theory Even if Sasang physical constitution theory is proven to be an objective theory and all the mankind is benefited by it there are things to be solved. Objectivities proven In this book are as follows. - Human body can be classified as one of four types. - Basis for distinction is the strength of internal organs. - Materials can be classified according to the types. My desire is that to share the knowledge that I have and reinforce the weakness by sharing the other's opinion.

The remainder of task is to reveal the underlying cause of Sasang physical constitution. The objective method In the following chapter is to prove the existence of the four types of body but it does not solve the reasoning why we are getting this result. - Why is there four types of body? - Why are bodytypes classified by the strength of internal organs? - Why are colors, food, and metals different to each type? - Why do different types affect its corresponding characters? - Why can animals and plants bo classified to four bodytypes? These questions are to be proven scientifically as the remainder of problem not only for medical students and scientists but also for all of us. By solving these We will approach solving the secret of the universe. In my opinion the wave is thought to be the major factor which means that the bodytypes are determined by each organism's unique wave length and color.

12. Sasang Physical Constitution Theory and Quantum Dynamics I would like to explain Sasang physical constitution theory, using modern quantum mechanies theory. This is a more scientific try to explain Sasang physical constitution theory. 1) Natural Healing Power Natural healing power has been emphasized by many famous doctors, and the role of doctors is to help increasing of natural healing power of patients. What is this such an important natural healing power? Natural healing power is the power that Strengthens a human body itself to fight against discase. It is hard to say "Yes" to the question of the existence of natural healing power because of the fact that there are so many patients despite the existence of the power. However, natural healing power is the power evoked to maintain the life, in other words, it is the life force. Therefore, there should be no doubt about the existence of natural healing power. People don't manage their body and don't keep their health. It is important to research on how natural healing power can be increased and decreased. It can be interpreted that getting discase or being tired is due to the decrease of natural healing power, and that recovering from illness is due to the increase of natural healing power. 2) Introduction of Quantum Theory By Einstein’s theory,

Arthur Compton(1892~1962) proved that photons have momentum as well as energy. In 1922, compton observed the wavelength of the scattered X-ray become longer when X-ray was scattered by an Electron. He called it "Compton Effect". He proved photons had to be particle-like for this phenomenon to be possible when photons collided with electrons. By momentum and energy conservation principles, photons lose their energy and momentum to electrons and the lost portions of energy and momentum are transferred to electrons. Therefore, the scattered photon has less frequency and to longer wavelength. The "duality" concept that light has both wave-like and particle-like properties was born this way. Prince de Broglio thought of the concept of "material wave" from the duality of light. He thought if light assumed as wave had particle-like property, then the reverse might be true such as a particle(for example, electron) might have wave-like properties. He found out the duality was applicable not only to light but also to all material. The wavelength of the material wave depends on the momentum of the material. Raman in india discovered "Raman effect" and won Nobel Prize. Raman effect and Compton effect are two important evidenced for the particle-lik e properties of light. Raman thought of the possibility of observing particle-like property from a visible light rather than X-ray. He shed a monochromatic ray with frequency 틀o on Several material. As Raman expected, some of the scattered rays had different frequencies from the incident rays. This is because the incident rays exchanged quantum energies with the molecules of the material. Molecules vibrate like a spring or rotate like a top. If molecules receive energy from the incident photon, they vibrate or rotate more rapidly. The scattered ray has less frequency because it lost its energy. However, if molecules give anergy to the incident ray, the rotation and vibration of the molecules become slower or even stop. This time the scattered ray has higher frequency. Photons and molecules exchange their energies in certain discontinuous(or quantum) amount. If we are a diagram showing the spectrum distribution, of the scattered rays, it shows like this: I : Intensity of scattered rays 틀 : frequency

The central peak shows the scattered rays which have the same frequency 틀o as the incident rays. Two side peaks show the scattered rays by Raman effect which was explained before. The energy exchanged between photons and molecules is h틀m. Raman effect is a very useful tool to study inside structure of a molecule. Raman effect contributed a lot of quantum theory, modern physics and chemistry. Let me interpret the above according to our convenience. Human body is also made of molecules. All the material in the universe have material wave. Therefore, they influence on each other more or less. Let's take a look at how it works in human body. In transferring energy, a photon is the most important among gauge particles which are energy carriers. In (l) of previous diagram, the rotation and Vibration of the molecules become more rapid since the molecules have more energy after receiving energy from photons. If we consider a human body, as (l) state, energy of the body is increased, another words, vitality is increased. I consider it as natural healing power of the body is increased. Therefore, any photon or material wave that increases energy of a human body, is beneficial to the body. The amount of increased natural healing power is h틀m. In (3)'s case, a human body loses energy and vitality and natural heating power of the body is also decreased. Therefore, any photon or material wave that decreases energy of a human body is harmful to the body. The amount of decreased natural healing power is h틀m. In (2)'s case, there is no benefit or harm to the body. 3) O-Ring Test and Physical Strength Test O-Ring test and physical strength test were used as objective testing methods. They may be less scientific for modern era. However, they are very accurate with a little practice, and convenient to carry. Let me explain why those testing methods are appropriate to use. The reason can be understood if We think about Raman effect. There are three responses when we contact some material.

Energy in our body is increased, decreased or the same as before. Since this phenomenon is from the molecules in our body, Our entire body responds likewise. Therefore, O-Ring and physical strength are influenced, depending on energy change. i.e * When energy is increased, O-Ring and physical strength become stronger, [case (1) in the diagram] * When energy is decreased, O-Ring and physical strength become weaker [case (3) in the diagram] * When there is no change in energy, O-Ring and physical strength doesn't change [case (2) in the diagram] * The amount of energy change is h틀m. 4) Sasang Physical Constitution Theory in Terms of Quantum Theory When photons or material waves interact with the molecules of a material, there are three kinds of responses as we know form Raman effect. The following is my hypothesis. It was not proven by an accurate experiments. However, even though O-Ring test and physical strength test are not exact, it is easy to tell whether Raman effect is good or bad (especially easy to tell the bad response). Therefore, I believe the results will be the same as an arcuate experiment. A human body doesn't respond consistently to a photon or material wave. it is very different from other materials. It looks like there is no rule since it shows different responses depending on people. For example, if We shed red monochromatic ray on a material, the scattered ray shows the characteristic response of the material. However, in human case, the response are all different depending on people(Good, bad or no effect). The red monochromatic ray increase the molecular activity of some people, decrease the molecular activity of some other people, and has no effect on the other people. Rather than the red monochromatic ray, it is true for all photons and material wave. By using Raman effect, we can tell which material is good for a human body, but this applies to only individual. For all human race, it is impossible to find a general rule except bringing a chaos. However, Sasang physical constitution theory solves the problem by showing the relationship between a human body and each material, eventually leading to how to use each material beneficially for human. By Sasang constitution theory, there are four body types(strong positive person, weak positive person, strong negative person, and weak negative person) and beneficial materials increase natural healing power and harmful materials decrease natural healing power. All materials are divided into 4 categories depending on whether they are beneficial or harmful to each physical constitution. The guideline and the method are suggested in the previous[Young-sang Sirl's testing method and classification] and measuring Raman effect depending on physical constitution will give the same result. In summury, rather than showing a simple response when a light or material wave is illuminated, humans show different responses depending on physical constitution of a

person. There must be something common among the materials which belong to the same physical constitution group because all materials show different response depending on four physical constitution type of humans. I hope quantum theory will solve the problem of finding the common factor. I made a few assumption on the function of food and color in the preceding content, hoping them to be proven through experiments. Also I hope to approach further to the secret of reason to divide humans into four physical constitution through quantum theory and Genome(in genetics) Sasang physical constitution theory is [material classification theory centered on human](materials for strong positive person, materials for strong negative person, materials for weak positive person, materials for weak negative person). Therefore, it has a significant implication. Maybe, it suggests we need[New physical centered on human]. Sasang physical constitution theory is centered on human, suggesting a way to live long and healthy with increased natural healing power by choosing materials which are beneficial to each physical constitution. By choosing human physical constitution as the guideline of material classification, it treats human as the most important one among many material. Without knowing human, it is impossible to comprehend other material perfectly. There is an old saying in the orient that [A man is a small universe].

Translator into English : TED HONG : 15301 Lillian place, Hacienda Heights, CA91745 TERENCE HONG : 6037-1 Majors Lane, Columbia, MD21045 YOUNG-SANG SIRL : Constitution Medicine Researcher Domestic Medicine Researcher Oriental Medicine Researcher 17, Teheran-ro 53-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

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