Year XXIX, No. 96
July –September 2012
July–September 2012
Year XXIX, No. 96
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The sight of a newborn baby, the sprouting of a small plant, the rising of the sun: these things remind us of new beginnings and of hope. As a Congregation, we would normally relate birth to the beginnings of MPS, the history of our congregation. If we carefully analyze the dynamics of human birth, we would recognize the essence of the three evangelical virtues, namely Faith, Hope and Love. The patience of every mother expecting a child reflects her trust in a God who allows her to participate in the mystery of life. We call this, a living Faith. As she believes, while bearing this life in her womb, we recognize a living Hope. The care that she gives (seemingly for herself), is actually for the baby in her womb, desiring the best for the developing being she carries-- that it may develop in its fullness, healthy and normal, is proof of genuine Love. The Congregation of the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help was born of God, of the Spirit, with its particular charism and spirituality. From the beginning, the religious family to which we belong has been deeply founded, rooted and fashioned upon faith, hope and love. The day of its birth is not to be confused with the day of its foundation; since MPS was actually born in God´s time which is eternity, as our vocation is meant to be. Each one of us has been called for eternity. Upon recognizing the specific gift and mission meant for the congregation (the charism, spirituality and mission), our founders claimed them and readily responded to the challenges. It was the beginning, the foundation. Every 17th of September, we recall the big day when Fr. Agustin Nistal, C.Ss.R. and M. Ma. Teresa Rivera, responding to the promptings of the Spirit, united their ideals and gave birth to our Congregation in the Church (Const.1). Let us, however, never cease to experience the drama and thrill of foundation. In doing so, we continue to recognize our charism, our role in the Church as we continue to find better ways of being able to effectively participate in the mission of Christ. We have all witnessed and experienced this when we took the new way of organizing ourselves by delegations. All of us, then, became co-founders. We continue to edify, strengthen and make firm the pillar of our presence.
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Our birth and foundation can only have sense through this presence. Faith and Hope can only shine in Love (James 2, 17; 1Cor. 13; Mt. 5, 14). Hence, our presence is to be a light in today´s world. It is only through living the values of the Gospel as Jesus taught us, that we may be able to manifest that we are born of God. Our presence is our very life of prayer, community and mission. This must be a living presence; one that gives birth, light and life. It is good to ask ourselves this question every once in a while: "Is my life of prayer, community and mission life-giving? Does my presence project the life of the One who gave it to me? " Apparently, we can apply these same self-questioning to the community and delegation to which we belong. Let us keep in mind that the presence we ought to live is that, which reveals the spirit of the young: dynamic, active and having much to give and share. MPS by the way is still very young and has a long, long way to go. Its presence needs to project freedom and independence from all kinds of slavery. We are all entitled to freedom to be the person that “I AM”… to be as God has planned each one of us to be; that He might dwell in the very core of our being (Jn. 15, 4). It, therefore follows, that we are to claim the freedom to be the people that “WE ARE”, His people, His body (1 Cor. 12, 17), where His Kingdom reigns. Again, it is good to challenge ourselves: "When people see us or when people become aware of our presence in the world, is their Faith strengthened? Do we project Hope for them? Are they reminded of God´s love?" For our reflection, it is worth mentioning that during this quarter, aside from founders' and patrons' feast celebrations, we also especially celebrated in our respective communities and delegations, the commemoration of the Independence of Venezuela, India, Mexico and Central America. What do all these celebrations mean to us? Internalizing the value and meaning of the experience of Birth, Foundation and Presence as member of the MPS congregation and as one whole religious family, we realize that true freedom is the fruit of making our Faith, Hope and Love alive in life. Our Blessed Mother, our dear Founders and even our national heroes have all proven this true. We are on the right track and we are never alone. (Sr. Maria Victoria Vivar Flores, MPS)
On behalf of the whole staff of ESTRELLA MISIONERA, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for all the sisters who contributed and helped in making this issue possible. Hand in hand, we build bridges of communication that enrich our knowledge of the history, spirituality and mission of our Congregation and at the same time strengthens our sisterly relationship.
¨ It is only after knowing and communicating that makes loving possible ... ¨
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A HERITAGE INSPIRED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD May every missionary of Our Lady of Perpetual Help "protect its charismatic foundational heritage and reflect on what the founders had done in order to deepen our identity" (Message of the XI GC). Dear Sisters, Greetings of happiness and joy in the Lord! Having read the experiences shared by our sisters from each community and the apostolic work they were doing, we are motivated to continue the mission started by M. Teresa and Fr. Agustin who, moved by the reality of their time, were inspired by the Spirit of God.
“The sisters, faithful to the Charism inherited from our Founders, set as their supreme norm in life, following Christ, the Redeemer, as presented in the Gospel (cf. c. 662; PC 2a) and continuing His redeeming acts of radiating the merciful love of God, and proclaiming the Good News to the poor and the abandoned (Lk. 4, 18).� (C. 3)
Calling to mind the experience of our founders, revives our enthusiasm for the mission; to accompany in the journey of faith, those with whom we share in the community and the apostolate. M. Teresa and Fr. Agustin were sensitive to the needs of the suffering people of their time. To all of them, they demonstrated great generosity and self-giving to respond and encourage the people in their life of faith; thus, regaining their human dignity. With these great thoughts, questions and answers given, accompanied by a deep life of prayer and soul-searching, let us learn from the examples; so that facing new scenarios-- as women of prayer and hope, and as promoters of peace, we may give evangelical responses to problems and situations of everyday life.
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M. Teresa
In 1925, some missionaries were sent to a town called Tejamen, in the state of Durango. They found the conditions of the people and the Church somewhat unpleasant. Teresa, thus, commented: "All these made me live in continuous meditation, confirming more and more, the need for missionaries in this place". In Tejamen College, Teresa discovered that only a Catholic school can change the indifference of the people. There, she was helped by the children who were the “apostles” of the place.
Fr. Agustín
On July 19, 1920, Fr. Nistal, in an interview with Fr. Provincial Nicanor Mutiloa who was then visiting Mexico, expressed his concern about establishing a congregation under the protection of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Its objective was to evangelize and catechize marginalized people in collaboration with the priests and missionaries. Fr. Mutiloa suggested thus: "Guide it as a director, not as a founder. Throw the stone and hide your hand." He suggested to have Miss Soledad Santa Cruz appear as the foundress; but Fr. Nistal refused, clarifying that the grace was given to him by God's mercy and not to Soledad.
Sisters, we are Missionaries and this is our time. Christ, the Redeemer, is continually calling on us to face the poor and abandoned: the children and the young people in severe situations, the dysfunctional families, the persecuted, the threatened and the abused families; in the people who are insecure because of the social situation surrounding them. With all of these, I believe that it is clear to us what the Lord has called us for at this moment. “I have come that you may have life and have it in abundance” (Jn. 10, 10).
M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS Superiora General
We started the 5th ECM
with the welcoming address by our Superior General M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS. As a brief reflection on the Gospel of the day from John 21: 15-19, she stressed the importance of taking these two attitudes: •Listening • Consciously following the Lord. She informed the body that Sr. Maria Rosa Lugo would not be able to come for the meeting as her mother is not well and requested everyone to pray for her. An evaluation of the Extraordinary Council Meetings during the first part of the sexennium was facilitated by Srs. Anavela Barrientos and Maria Victoria Flores. Afterwards, Sr. M. Teresa Medina Sanchez gave the updates on the Secretariat of Missionary Action. She ex-
5th EXTRAORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 25th to 27th of MAY 2012 horted the sisters working in the schools to participate in IAM (Infancia Adolescencia Misionera). She also encouraged those who are responsible at the Casa Hogar to do the same for our girls. She added that it is necessary for the School and Casa Hogar Directresses to spread an atmosphere of awareness in and invite the children to actively join the IAM. M. Cecilia Morales Tapia made an announcement that there are already six (6) delegations formed and that only the India-Macao delegation is pending and is scheduled to be held when she goes there for perpetual vows of the sisters. She said that the visit to India will be on August 17, 2012. She also happily shared that the Venezuela delegation is showing enthusiasm. She emphasized the importance of continuing to foster regular communication with them especially as our charism is very
much of the essence in the society of V e n e z u e l a t o d a y . As for the review of our missionary works, the Casa Hogar in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, the Superior General informed the superiors that a meeting with the Board of Trustees was held a month ago, and it has decided to conclude the contract, due to the lack of personnel. In this same occasion, it was agreed upon that a meeting with all the representatives of the different delegations in America, namely-- Mexico North and South, USA, Central America and Venezuela, will be held on the 7th and 8th of July 2012. It was decided to have a period of discussion for enlightenment with Brother Manuel in the morning. The rest of time during those two days, would be spent for the presentation of each delegation and the reports per Secretariat of the General Government. Sr. Norma Patricia Pérez Esparza, MPS
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First Profession and Renewal of Vows Flordeliza, C.Ss.R,, their Spiritual Director, was the main celebrant. Acting as concelebrators were Fr. Michael Keanan, C.Ss.R., Fr. Don Einar Cambe, and Fr. Gerard Mascariña. There was also another good reason for the celebration. Our sisters Mirasol O. Quisil, Jovelyn Mantilla and Rosalie C. Factolerin renewed their vows. Together with some families, friends, and benefactors, we had once again witnessed our Lord´s fidelity and immense love as our sisters through their profession and renewal of vows, proclaimed to the world that indeed, nothing can be There was rejoicing in the MPS family compared to God´s love. Well, there and the families of Ma. Barbara Flores was nothing extravagant in the said and Ida Tutor when the two novices celebration as it was very simple, but finally consecrated themselves to the those who attended and witnessed Lord through their First Religious Pro- the events definiitely felt a deep, fession at the MPS Novitiate Chapel in meaningful and indescribable expeBiñan, Laguna at 10:30 am, last June 24, rience of God. 2012 which was a Sunday, and the Feast Congratulations, our dear sisters! of St. John the Baptist. Fr. Bonifacio Sr. Gay Orcullo, MPS
"Your first and foremost duty is to love the Divine Spouse with a delicate and perfect love" (M. María Teresa Rivera Carrillo)
ENTRANCE TO THE NOVITIATE Our Constitution # 117 says: “The novitiate, by which the life in the Congregation begins, is a stage of utmost importance for the conformation of the young lady to the charism of the religious life that she desires to embrace... authenticity of her call and obtain the perfection of charity in the practice of the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience.”
June 29, 2012, Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul was the investiture of Postulant Shirley C. Mabunga. The Eucharistic celebration was held at the Novitiate House, South City Homes, Biñan Laguna at 10:00 am. It was presided by her Spiritual Director, Rev.Fr. Ariel Tecson, RCJ, together with Fr. Jeff Manlapig, concelebrating. She was received in the Novitiate by the Delegate
Superior, Sr. Alejandra D. Valdez. After a solemn celebration of the mass, we happily shared a simple lunch together with her family. This event, which we joyfully celebrated, marked a great blessing in our Congregation for the vocation God had given us. We are very happy and thankful to God for the gift of Shirley in the MPS family.
The occasion inspired us to hope Shirley all the best and pray for her as she starts this very important stage of formation. May the Master of the Harvest send more workers to His vineyard.
Sr. Jovelyn Mantilla, MPS
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The Delegate Superior has the principal mission of being the sign of fraternal communion and to be animator of the spiritual and apostolic life of the communities of the DELEGATION, as well as to safeguard the sisters’ fidelity to the Charism and Spirituality of the Congregation (FT 20).C. 226
On the 7th and 8th of July 2012, the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help held the first meeting of the delegates of MPS America at the General House located in Azabache 38, Colonia Estrella, Mexico, D. F.
We acknowledged the presence of the Superior General M. Cecilia Morales Tapia and the members of the Gen. Council: Vicar M. Ma. Teresa Medina Sanchez, M. Maria Victoria Flores Vivar, M. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera, Secretary M. Norma Patricia Pérez Esparza and M. Senaida Anavela Barrientos Caseros.
Bro. Manuel Jesús Villarreal Castelazo FMS, who served Adviser for this Assembly, tremendously gave valuable contribution to the affair. The Sisters who represented the different delegations were: Central América:
M. Catalina Rosas Zelada, Council member
North México:
M. Verónica Zendejas E., Delegate Superior M. Cecilia Reyes Esquivel, Vicar M. Ma. Elena Burgos M., Council Member M. Leticia Díaz Paredes, Council Member
South México:
M. Hiliana del Socorro García, Delegate Superior M. María Rosa Lugo Iniesta, Vicar M. María Vita Argüelles R., Council Member M. Ma. Guadalupe Blas M., Council Member
United States:
M. Dolores Pineda García, Delegate Superior M. Melissa Garza Escobedo, Vicar
M. María Auxiliadora Escalona, Delegate Superior
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The meeting aimed at making an assessment to elaborate the Projects and Statutes of the Delegations, and to clarify doubts about the new method of organization. The Reverend Mother General Cecilia Morales Tapia, welcomed and introduced the participants representing the different Delegations. In order to recall and analyze the journey of our Congregation, Sr. Veronica Zendejas, invited the assembly to watch the video of the History of our Congregation, as remembering the founding of the Congregation was of utmost importance to all the delegates. The presentation served as a source of understanding the present situation, as well as the action of God in our history and how our charism is updated when we make a commemoration of this Congregational journey. Vicar General Sister Ma. Teresa Medina Sanchez discussed the legal elements of our Constitutions, wherein we applied to delegations whatever were appropriate for their provinces. Not until after Bro. Manuel de JesĂşs Villarreal Castelazo, FMS, invited us to reflect on the video once again, had we become aware of various aspects. He emphasized that first and foremost, we are not in the process of restructuring, but rather, of refoundation. It is necessary to die in order to be born again' ceasing the way we used to be. Secondly, in analogy with the founding history, he took up the following aspects: 1.
Responding to some needs of the Delegations,
Re-foundation: The new organization means changing our way of being, c r e ating awareness, being patient with the sisters and the processes.
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3. Communities composed of sisters, 4. Being guided by the spirit rather than by whatever is written, 5. Accepting differences- That our relationships be strongly founded on the true Evangelical friendship, 6. Being aware of one´s fears which prevent the action of the spirit. We reiterate that the objective of the XI General Chapter of giving guidelines for the Organization to delegations in order to: 1. Revitalize the Congregation- Each delegation, as extension of the General Government has to give an accompani ment to each sister and each community, according to the reality and culture of the place they live in. 2. Draw up the statutes for the delegations. During the second half of the meeting, a report on the different Secretariat was presented by the corresponding member of the General Government. Finally, proposals were given for the evaluation of the Extraordinary Council Meetings.
Sr. Norma Patricia Pérez Esparza, MPS
“At the feet of Jesus ” This
“"The aim of prayer is no other than that the soul be united with God" (Fr. Agustin Nistal)
summer, our Congregation was given another chance to be at the foot of Jesus, the Teacher of all teachers. There were 43 of us sisters at Casa Hogar in Toluca from 23rd to 27th of July. We experienced the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, which were shared by Rev. Fr. Javier Escobedo Conde, better known as Javo. It is worth mentioning that we, the 4 first year novices namely: Liliana, Alexandra, Elizabeth and I (Miriam) were present in this retreat. All of us agree that it was a very
enriching experience for our personal process, since the dynamics of this retreat, as well as the sharing with the Sisters of the Congregation involved and led us into a deeper awareness of the Congregational and social realities. The dynamics helped the development of the topics on the part of the Facilitator, but it was the action of the spirit of Jesus that really worked and is continually working in us. Let me also share the fact that in this retreat of consciousness, meditation and encounter, a
great truth was made manifest: as MPS, we often find it hard to maintain silence. But this is not cause for despair, since it is a challenge for us to just be quiet and listen to the Teacher of Love, savor the close encounter and prayer that unite us with our Creator, our beloved Jesus. I consider this experience as " battery charging " time; since in the response we give to the One who called us, we are nourished by Him and made aware of His presence in us and in both our community and apostolic realities.
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It was definitely not an easy experience, because the "evil spirit" is always ready to distract us. But with God's grace and our openness, we can live and enjoy the great message of love at "His feet". We concluded the wonderful activity with a fellowship and a program which included some simple presentations, organized by representatives of sisters from the different "cottages". It was a moment of joy and an opportune time to greet Sr. Ma. Ana Popo on her
birthday and Sr. Edimar for her forthcoming graduation. We returned to our respective communities confident that we shall be faithful to the covenant we recalled and renewed during this retreat. I am thankful to the Congregation for the opportunity given us, novices, to share with all of you. God
Novice Miriam Beatriz Perez
the inner Spirit can give life to what is exterior, encouraging it, sustaining it and filling it." (Fr. Agustin Nistal)
25 Years of Faithfulness Last July 30, 2012, the MPS Philippine Delegation, celebrated the 25th Anniversary in Religious Life of Sr. Jenie Amsua, first Filipina MPS sister we love so dearly. The theme for the celebration was: “I will offer a sacrifice of
thanksgiving and call on the name of the Lord” (Psalm 116, 17). It is worth mentioning that Sr. Jenie’s perseverance in religious vocation served as an inspiration for us. We are witnesses to her great love, simplicity of life and humility in following Christ, our Redeemer. She has shown her steadfast love and conviction in the midst of difficulties
that have come her way. She remained faithful to God’s call...as she continued to walk with faith. To make this event meaningful not only for Sr. Jenie but for the whole delegation along with the whole congregation, all the sisters from Luzon communities gathered together at the Shrine of Our Mother
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close relationship with God; of having a constant prayer life and being grateful to Him at all times. “Only Jesus must reign in your heart as the absolute King without allowing you to love anyone else other than Jesus, never to let anyone take the place in your heart that has been already reserved for this great Lord." (fFr. Agustin Nistal)
of Perpetual Help in Divino Amor, Lipa City for a holy sacrifice of the mass presided by Rev. Fr. Bonifacio Flordeliza, C.Ss.R. together with Fr. Oliver Castor, C.Ss.R as concelebrant. Fr. Flordeliza shared how we can remain faithful in our vocation. He emphasized the importance of having a
After the mass, we shared a simple but delicious meal that we all enjoyed along with the short program that was prepared by the formation communities. Fr. Oliver also rendered a beautiful song for Sr. Jenie. The Silver Jubilee celebration of Sr. Jenie has indeed become a special occasion for prayer and celebration. It made us all recall our need to be grateful to God for the gift of vocation He has given us. Without a doubt, this called for a celebration because once again we realized how much the Lord has blessed us with so many gifts to be shared with others as we all continue to respond in the specific mission each one of us has received.
Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful moment. May we continue to persevere in His redeeming love! Sr. Merlie Decena, MPS
On July 29, we enthusiastically held the first meeting of our North Mexico Delegation which was attended by majority of the sisters. The primary objectives of this gathering were to share experiences and expectations in this new form of integration; and to report on the works done, as well as the tasks that are still to be done by every secretariat of the delegation from the General Government level. In this meeting, we were delighted by the presence of our sisters of the General Government whose support we deeply appreciated. We took the opportunity to thank them for their assistance and for all their contributions, and above all, for their trust in us as a Delegation Council. Having our Mother of Perpetual Help and Jesus, our Redeemer to guide us in our tasks, we know that we are never alone in our delegation journey. Sr. Leticia Diaz, MPS
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missionary spirit has led us to make present the ideals of our founders: of bringing forth our charism beyond the borders; making Jesús, our Redeemer, present; continuing His redemptive action, radiating the merciful loveof God and proclaiming the Good News to the poor and abandoned (Lk 4: 18, C 3) On August 14, 2008, we (Srs. Maria Veronica Zendejas Echeverria, Marina Juarez Juarez, Mónica Rodríguez Martínez and Norma Patricia Pérez Esparza), started our journey from the Central House to the city of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon; armed with a great desire to help, educate and provide shelter to the abandoned girls of Monterrey. This was in response to the invitation of Fr. General Victor Carabes Chávez of the Congregation of Missionaries of the Nativity of Mary. Our Director Fr. José Guadalupe Rayas Lopez welcomed us warmly.In the four years of service in this community, the good priest had always been attentive and appreciative of the work we have done. Our apostolate in this House was to provide home and attention to
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Mt 19, 14)
the girls with limited resources, who are at risky situation and are vulnerable. We gave them Christian life formation and supported them in their work. While the House was located in Dulce Nombres, a fishing municipality N. L.-40 min. from Monterrey, the sisters and the girls were always willing and happy to travel very early each day all the way to the school to
the children's boarding school, the "Fomento Prevocational Severiano Martínez ABP", located at Guadalupe, New León. Srs. Ma. Elena Sastré Moreno, Josefina Anaya Ortega and Yolanda Sánchez Beltrán also participated in the training of the girls. We consider this experience as an intense spiritual learning which was full of love of all the sisters who desire to protect the children, instruct them to follow Jesus and work with much love and enthusiasm for the Congregation. In addition, the Missionaries of the Nativity of Mary, the priests with whom we collaborated, have all been very attentive and were like real sisters and brothers --thoroughly supportive of this great work. We bless God for this experience, so filled with His presence. We thank Him for having accompanied us on the road to where we met so many generous people who collaborated with us in this apostolate. May God bless every step they take and may the seed that the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Socorro have sown in those places bear fruit for His Kingdom of love.
Sr. María Verónica Zendejas Echeverría, MPS
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Ave Maria, Sisters! I want to share with you the joy of continually renewing my response to the call of the Lord who makes me a part of our great redemptive family.
At 7 pm, August 14, the eve of the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we, in the community at Colegio Vasco de Quiroga, San Luis Potosi, celebrated the Eucharist for my renewal of vows. The mass was presided over by Fr. Bonfilio Cuauhtli Mendoza, CSsR. The atmosphere was simple, yet pleasant and lovely. During the homily, the priest invited me to feel blessed listening to the word of the Lord and real-
ize that through a continu- graved in my heart during the ous response, I renew my Eucharistic celebration: "The faith with love. Lord calls us to be in custody of His love". In simple but heartfelt words, allow me to express With the help of God and my thanks to all the sisters with your prayers, I hope to who have become im- be able to continually reportant parts of my life in spond to His call with generthe different communities- osity. May God bless and enmy formators and especial- lighten each one of us in the ly my present community. mission entrusted to all the Their support has helped different communities. me carry on in this process. Finally, let me share a Sr. Anilu Morales Arroyo, MPS phrase that remains en-
“YES” to GOD´S GREAT LOVE Ave María! On August 15, 2012, by the grace of God, I had the opportunity to reaffirm my “YES” to Jesus in the renewal of the vows. It is difficult to put into words the experience of feeling the immense love of God and gratitude to my sisters and to the many people who have motivated and accompanied me throughout my journey in the consecrated life. During the Eucharist (presided by Rev. Fr. José Gonçalves), my mind went back to the time when I had my first profession. I realized I was feeling the same emotions I had then. God amazes me more each day. He permits new experiences and challenges along my path to continually strengthen my faith and conviction for this life that I have chosen, a life I am determined to give my all and to live in joy. It was indeed a grace that I had renewed my vows together with my sister Nilda Lizeth, MPS and her community "Colegio Juan Ramón Jimenez". I thank them for the warm reception and celebration they had shared with me. I also thank my sisters of the community of "Alfonso de Ligorio" who have helped and encouraged me in my process of formation. I thank my congregation and my apostolate with the children, through whom I see God’s love for me. Despite my limitations, the love of God has always encouraged me to continue on this path of reaffirming my devotion to Him through renewal of my vows. And so I ask Him to keep my heart alive and burning for His mission, that even with my countless shortcomings, I may remain in His grace and open to His ways. With this, I can only say “YES” to God’s GREAT LOVE. Sr. Alma Rosalina Vélez Palomo, MPS
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OUR FIRST RELIGIOUS PROFESSION The religious vocation is a mystery of love between God who calls and a human being who freely responds to love. The vocation is a mystery of divine election. "You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you so that you may go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain..." (Jn 15,16).
give infinite thanks to God the Father for allowing us to live this moment in our lives, as formands of this Congregation of the Missionaries of our Lady of Perpetual Help. Thanks to the Congregation for giving us the opportunity to share the experiences in the various apostolates and communities with support and prayers. The past months served as our foundation for a free and conscious response in our choice of life. We got to know that in religious life, we are called to bear witness to the revelation of Christ in our way of living in contrast to the values of the world and of our society. Taking personal discernment as an important element in our journey, we put ourselves in the presence of God with all our being and let Him enlighten us. We share with the sisters a common project, and allow ourselves to be questioned by the word of God; thus, enriching our lives as part of the mission of our communities. This is the reason why we have chosen this lifestyle: to be women consecrated through a specific vocation with a free response to the call of Christ; embracing the following of Christ Redeemer, and participating in the mission of salvation.
On August 16, 2012 at twelve o'clock noon, the community celebrated the Holy Eucharist for our first Religious Profession in the chapel of the General House with Fr. Francisco Javier Escobedo Conde (Fr. Javo) as presider, and Fr. Lino Rodriguez and Fr. Efrén Ballenos as concelebrants. There, we expressed our “Yes” in the presence of the Mother General Cecilia Morales Tapia, who welcomed us on behalf of the Church and urged us to be faithful in following Jesus as sisters of the same religious family. During the homily, Fr. Francisco Javier challenged us to be "signs of gift and love". Before the end of the mass, the priest invited our parents to come forward and give their blessing to us-- a sign of oneness with us as we go through the path setting off in the stage of juniorate. Allow us to end with gratitude to all of you for your generosity as we continue to commend ourselves in your prayers, so that we may remain faithful in our witnessing and fraternal love. In Jesus and Mary, Agustina Garrido Villalva, Delia Nava Gerónimo, Monserrat Morales Hernández, Erika Amelia Reyes Campos, MPS
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In life, we meet people who leave permanent marks and wonderful memories we will never forget, for allowing us to know them and for sharing with us their lives. In the congregation, we have known very valuable women, whose lives we consider as models in following Jesus as we strive to BUILD GOD´S KINGDOM. One such woman is M. Martha Esperanza Garcia Gutierrez, a woman of great stature, with the heart of a girl. I met M. Martha in Salina Cruz in 1988. Being in the same community, I had the privilege of being with her for 8 years. I remember her not wanting to addressed as “Mother” but rather, as "Pera". Although I was a junior then and with little experience, she had been a sister often boosting my confidence. She was approachable, open and free and was always fighting for justice, truth and solidarity with the poor. She could have been considered a rebel always siding with the young sisters. M. Martha had not manifested a desire for the religious vocation in her younger years while she was with her family; noy until she felt the call of Jesus to collaborate in His Mission specifically through our Congregation. Her desire to serve the kingdom of Jesus was born and continued to grow by leaps and bounds; so that for more than 60 years, she served with great dedication, generosity and solidarity with the most deprived, “natives” of Tehuantepec whom she loved deeply. She stayed as a missionary with the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, in Huamelula. She went around the villages of indigenous people with simplicity and great love for the privileged of Jesus: the poor. In Salina Cruz School, she had always
been available, self-giving and generous as a teacher, even if she seemed strict. Although children were initially intimidated by her big stature, they soon discover that inside this huge woman was a girl who loved them so much. Bishop Arturo Lona fondly called M. Martha “Jeremiah” because after airing all of her complaints, in the end, she would do the work, whatever it was. Some of her assignments as a religious included being a missionary in United States, a teacher in Xochimilco, San Luis Potosí, Quecholac and Tlalpizahuac. In each place, there were always families who remembered her with gratitude and fondness because of the love and testimony she gave; as a result of which she had incurred many “godchildren” and “compadres and comadres”. We parted after 8 years in Salina Cruz when we were assigned to different communities although we continued to communicate. In the year 2001 we were reunited in the community of Juan Ramón Jiménez where she gave catechism to grade 2 classes and manned the library. I remember the funny times such as when she became so angry, M. Martha would "shoot us" with sharp glances. Sr. Conchita Toral gave her "PERRUCHIS", and said that if only her eyes were guns, we would all fall down dead. This was a way of ending the situation in laughter. We were separated again, for 4 years and when I came back, she did not recognize me anymore. She just stayed in the house and could not go to the school because her health continued to deteriorate. She was not suffering from any disease: she was eating well, sleeping well, but she got very lonely because all of us were in the school throughout the
day. In most days, she was fine, but there were days when she changed a bit. We made light moments during the meals, as we jokingly reminded her of her boyfriend in her younger days. We used to naughtily ask her if she wanted to return to her previous life and she would immediate say “no” because she is a religious. This fact was never erased in her memory-that gift of being called by God to be consecrated for the building of His Kingdom. On the 22nd of July 22, M. Martha had to be confined in La Villa Hospital as she was diagnosed with a hip fracture. During those days, we often found her praying to the Blessed Virgin Mary so loudly that we had to tell her to speak softly for the sake of the other patients. On the 29th, she had her operation but then she didn't regain her health. She breathed her last on Saturday, August 18, 2012 for her journey back to our Creator. All of us who had the opportunity of living with dear M. Martha learned a lot from her. She has left us in the community a great legacy... that of being a great sister, friend and a faithful companion. Oh, how beautiful it is to have friends that will never last! M. Martha was AN EXCELLENT RELIGIOUS SISTER, A SELFLESS MISSIONARY, A WOMAN OF PRAYER WHO LOVED CHILDREN, SOMEONE WHO NEVER DENIED BEING A CONSECRATED WOMAN, ONE WHO KNEW HOW TO LOVE AND WHO LIVED FRIENDSHIP TO THE FULLEST; WAS ALWAYS FAITHFUL TO HER FRIENDS AND FAMILIES WHOM SHE HAD ACCOMPANIED SO THAT THEY MAY BE UNITED.
Sr. Cecilia Reyes Esquivel, MPS
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Since January, we have been preparing for this big day. We fixed documents we needed to go to Mexico for the continuation of our formation. We did not mind going back and forth to follow up our documents and that sentimental feeling of leaving loved ones behind. Finally, Ingrid and I reached Mexico. We stayed in the postulancy and integrated ourselves into the new community. It was a very nice and exciting encounter. We got to know one another as we journeyed. This is, indeed, a challenging stage for us, five pre-novices. What a joy!
noon, we were all set and waiting to enter the chapel of the Central House, each one of us carrying a lamp. Fr. Efren, OFM, the presider of the mass, led the entrance to the chapel. We entered as the choir led the assembly in the singing of the opening hymn. We placed our candles on the altar and went to our proper place. The ceremony was very solemn. I could not believe it when the veil was placed on my head by M. Teresa Medina on behalf of the M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, (who was in India). I thought I was dreaming(the Constitutions, the Rosary, the Breviary). The dream has become a reality!
On the morning of the 18th, we were awakened by a beautiful serenade, to which we responded with Mexican and Guatemalan mañanitas. Our mothers gave each one of us a rose. My sister Isabel gave Ingrid a rose.
After the mass, we all went to the reception for lunch with family, friends and sisters. We danced for a while and then received our gifts. Afterwards, we left for the novitiate house. I felt like a newly-wed starting a new stage of becoming much closer to my beloved. This joy is beyond compare! I am happy and I hope to persevere with joy and enthusiasm, having experienced the merciful love of Jesus, the Redeemer.
All five of us: Alma Yadira Mejía Luévano, Ana Alicia Ramírez Armendáriz, Juana Valadez Barco, Ingid Lineth Damián García and myself, were nervous and excited. Before 1:00 in the after-
Novice Lidia Judith Alvizures Muralles
On the 16th, our families came. My mother and sister arrived from Guatemala. Ingrid´s family could not come, though. On the 17th, M. Isabel gave us a day off to take our guests around. It was a very special day.
“Your vocation is to live in any part of the world where you are expected to give greater glory to God." ( M. María Teresa Rivera Carrillo)
an option, not a renunciation Ave María! Together with my companion, Amairani Rodriguez Campillo, I entered the postulancy on August 19, 2012. I am originally from Córdoba, Veracruz while Amairani is from Tampico, Tampico, Mexico.
Along with thirteen (13)other girls, we participated in the experience of the vocation journey in July this year, and decided to give our "Yes" to God to join the religious life in this beautiful congregation. We had been accompanied in this vocation experience by sisters Patricia Morales and Alma Velez.
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In preparation for our entrance to the postulancy, we had a 15 -day period where we got to know more about the Congregation. We also received guidance from a priest who explained to us further the meaning of religious vocation and the other vocations. We went through this brief stage accompanied by our vocation promoters Srs. Patricia Morales and Rosa Ordaz along with Srs. Elia Vazquez and Alma Velez who facilitated on different topics. We had pleasant and motivating moments with them, because they shared with us some of their experiences. There was also M. Herlinda, one of the elderly sisters in the Central house headquarters, from whom we saw joy, enthusiasm and commitment. She has motivated us even more in this exciting adventure of following Christ through a lifetime option. As the priest had said us during the mass: "Religious life is an option, not a renunciation." Well, what are we going to give to God if He, Himself has created us? The answer is that we have chosen to follow Him, by giving Him our freedom and making the journey to make His Kingdom known with the guidance and help of Mary, our Mother of Perpetual Help and our model for self-offering, in the service of our brothers and sisters. Thank you, Sisters, for allowing us to be part of this wonderful congregation. At least from me, who had once been a formand and given another opportunity to come back as God had not stopped calling me to be with Him and you, receive my sincerest gratitude. I feel very fortunate and blessed for this, so, we commend to your prayers that Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, our Mother of Perpetual Help may ever grant us the gift of total perseverance. Postulant Yolanda Moreno SĂĄnchez
coat of arms cannot be other than our Lady of Perpetual Help"
(Fr. Agustin Nistal)
Greetings in Christ, our Redeemer and wishing you all a happy welcome to our schools! With the directress of Nezahualcoyotl School, Sr. Ma. Guadalupe Mejia, we had the joy of receiving and welcoming our students to start this new school year 2012-2013 on August 20, 2012. After the flag ceremony, the whole staff and personnel of the school namely Sr. Santa Morales Cantu, directress of the Pre-school along with her faculty, the subject teachers, teachers for special classes, along with the elementary and administration personnel, were presented.
At the end of the presentation, textbooks for this year were distributed to the different groups. The students were very happy to see their classmates again; while those who came for the first time seemed to be very excited to explore their school. After a few minutes, we started to hear the little ones in the pre-school crying for their mothers. Srs. Crispina and Santa with motherly attitude, gladly made them feel at home and took them to the garden to pick flowers they would bring home to their mothers. That way, the children felt better. On Wednesday, August 22nd at 8: 00 am, we celebrated the Eucharist with Fr. Francisco Javier (Professor at the Pontifical Uni-
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versity), presiding. The good priest welcomed the students, teachers and staff in general, encouraging them to persevere in learning and to be more responsible as they enjoy all that our teachers would teach them and putting them into practice. After this significant message, he blessed every school bag of the students as a symbol for every child to be granted by God the inspiration to be open to learn as they start this school year. And so this is how we actually started this school-year, with openness and availability, asking God to grant us the grace to successfully achieve our purposes. I am grateful to Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help for her intercession that we may continue in this mission that Jesus has entrusted to us.
missionary must have a robust and ardent faith. This virtue will sustain her even in difficult apostolic work.”
(M. María Teresa Rivera Carrillo)
Sr. María de Lourdes Villalobos García, MPS
On August 20, the Martín de la Cruz School opened its doors to the new school year as it gave tribute to the Mexican national flag.
might have been used to during vacation. Time for rest, fun and camaraderie have to be somewhat trimmed down, as school tasks will take more time.
The Directress, Sr. María Rosa Lugo Iniesta, warmly welcomed the children of preparatory and elementary departments as well as the parents and the teaching staff.
Likewise for the parents, teachers and administrators, going back to class will involve a renewed effort. Our gaze will have to be fixed on the children, on their processes, needs and concerns.
"A new course is a promise that brings new commitment." This means adjusting some habits we
This school year, we move with renewed attitudes, eyes focused on the horizon...to the future
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that awaits our students. It must not be forgotten that there is a direct relationship between our efforts and the success that we will gain. Very few things are achieved with little effort and persistence. Our vision as an institution goes beyond compliance with given programs and of helping build knowledge. We have to work hard to help our pupils get used to a culture of effort, responsibility, tenacity and ability to conquer one´s tendency for mediocrity. Parents trust that we continue the formation project of the family, with vigilance in all the facets of every student's personality. "Let us pray to Jesus, the Teacher, and Mary. our Mother of Perpetual Help, that as this mission is placed in our hands in this mission, we may be transformed by the strength of His Spirit".
On August 28, grades 4,5 and 6 "The heart of Jesus and the Virgin of Perpetual Help will save the world" (Fr. Agustin Nistal)
students, together with the teachers, administrative staff and parents, attended a Eucharistic celebration officiated by Rev. Fr. José Rubén López Haro. The following day, August 29, a similar holy celebration was held; this time, for Grades 1,2 and 3. Rev. Fr. Carlos Flores C.Ss.R. officiated. We gathered as one academic community in order to celebrate God's merciful love as He has constantly manifested in each one of us. Together, we put ourselves in God's hands, asking for His assistance in all the activities we will have for this school year 2012 -2013.
Fr. Ruben exhorted everyone to be ready to discover the marvels and wonders of the Lord. May Jesus, our Redeemer, bless our missionary works in all our apostolate.
The School Directress Ma. Rosa Lugo Iniesta together with all the teachers, children and parents commemorated another anniversary of the Independence of our country. Mexican independence was a long, bloody and difficult process which lasted approximately eleven years. It is of utmost importance for everyone in the country to relive the events of that day in September 16, 1810, when the priests led by Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, called on the people to fight for their freedom and for the men and women
who formed part of history. Scores of people were killed during the armed struggle. Many were put in prison. With this sad experience, nothing consoled the hearts of these noble people in their struggle to crown their country with greatness. Today's liturgy gives us the following invitation: a special day for Mexico when we remember the beginning of the struggle for freedom. Probably, we should free ourselves of a more serious bondage: the conformism in religious life, that in no way is going according to the plan of Jesus. (Sr. María Rosa Vargas, MPS)
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Housing Community in San Antonio Buenavista have started on August 21, 2012 the IAM with much effort and dedication. Thanks to the suggestion of Sr. María Teresa Medina to see the possibility of forming the Group (s) of IAM in San Antonio Buenavista. Sr. Martha Burgos called the existing catechists together and in order to consider the idea of forming the IAM. Thanks to God for their very positive response. It was decided upon to start the propaganda posters in different establishments in San Antonio Buenavista. However, because of the very poor response to this initial activity, Sr. Martha made the personal invitation to all at the end of the Sunday masses. The result was very encouraging. The Parish Priest, Fr. Arturo, was very supportive of the project. He found it very good and interesting. He actually asked that once realized in the parish as it is in the convent, he would get to know the full process of the project. Thus, the IAM started on Saturday, August 21. Thank God, for with great surprise, Sr. Teresa Medina informed me that she would come to animate the Guides and the group as well. I believe that all this has been an unexpected blessing and
great wealth which God has bestowed on us. Seeing the need for more preparation for the Guides, I decided to give them some preparation classes an hour before the meeting of the IAM every Saturday. This will go on until December. After every meeting of the IAM, an hour and a half is spent for choir practice with the aim of making the formation comprehensive and to bring joy to the people or groups whom they visit. Although we continually experience encounters such as these, they still seem to be very interesting and full of values. They lead people to a deeper understanding of Christ and bear witness to the Redeemer.... all of us becoming more aware of our missionary spirit in everything we do and in every place we find ourselves in. The acting general coordinator of IAM is Mrs. Adriana Ramirez Dunzz, while the Guides are Ms. Virginia López, youth Jose Manuel Pérez Mucius, Sebastian Amehed Ramirez Dunnz, Wendy Mucius Alba, Melina Bellaneyra Mucius García, Nadia Lopez and Raquel Garcia. We are confident that with God's grace, the participants in these encounters will increase and be more committed, for the greater glory of God and spread of His Kingdom.
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MPS STUDENT HOUSING "…the proclamation of the Gospel, human promotion through missions and catechesis, and the dedication to works of educational character in favour of children and youth” , preferably to the most abandoned. ¨(Const. #6)
With great joy, I wish to share with you my experiences on this new project, the MPS Student Housing here at San Antonio Buenavista, in Mexico, which was entrusted to me. When M. Cecilia Morales, told me that I would be responsible for this new project as decided upon by the General Government, and that I would no longer go to Venezuela I simply tried to transcend the decision and thought: "If that is God´s will, so let it be". I began the assignment with great disposition. I remember that several years ago, I had this desire to have young students as sparked by my brief visit to this community in 2004. I somehow expressed this feeling to the sisters living here that time.
Now, it has become a reality. And so with that positive memory, I started applying the indications of the General Government, particularly those of Sisters Vicar María Teresa Medina and Econome General María Carmen Estrada. I focused on the Project, starting with the general cleaning and sorting out things that would serve the purpose. As I have already received the necessary permission to start remodeling the house, we got down to work and achieved our goal. Thanks to God and to the people who helped so that spaces were made available for the young students of TEC of Monterrey in its branch at San Antonio Buenavista. I thank God for making it possible for us to open the doors of this project to the public. We are now
in operation. For the guidance of our studentoccupants, we have the following as our general objective: "Live and work in a meaningful way while building a loving relationship with Christ, the Redeemer, for strength in facing the challenges of the world”. At the moment, as first fruits of this apostolate, we have two young people from Tehuacán, Puebla. They are also initiating meetings for the group work. I trust that with God's grace, we will soon have more young people. We continue to entrust this mission to your prayers that it may be more fruitful.
DESPEDIDA DE LAS MADRES ANTONIETA, CAROLINA Y HERLINDA Una vez que fueron anunciados los cambios, a pesar de que las Hnas. Antonieta y Carolina no nos dijeron a donde las cambiaban, excepto M. Herlinda, junto con las catequistas comenzamos a dialogar la posibilidad de hacerles su despedida. Era importante para nosotros agradecer sus años de servicio, entrega en está comunidad, especialmente en el apostolado. Con el fin de que las tres Hermanas se encontraran presentes, pues se encontraban tomando sus vacaciones, se llevó a cabo el día 15 de Julio a las 4p.m. en el salón del Convento. Adriana se coordino con las demás catequistas y personas invitadas para que cada una compartiera algo para la convivencia. Así llego este día esperado por todas nosotras y se les dio
United with you in prayers,
Sr. Martha A. Burgos, MPS
la sorpresa a las tres Hermanas Antonieta, Carolina y Herlinda. Todas las personas invitadas fueron llegando a este hermoso encuentro y compartimos el alimento, la alegría de las presentes y especialmente el momento de sus palabras de Despedida y agradecimiento a nuestras Hermanas de cada una de las presentes. La Hna. Toñita estaba tan emocionada que cuando dio sus palabras de agradecimiento a la asamblea le corrieron las lágrimas de sus ojos y la M. Carolina lo hizo con más serenidad. Agradecemos a Dios el don de la vida y de servicio que prestaron estas Hermanas nuestras en esta comunidad. Que Jesús Redentor y María del Perpetuo Socorro las sigan acompañando y bendiciendo en sus nuevas comunidades.
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OPEN TO NEW MISSION EXPERIENCE Ave Maria, Sisters! From the beautiful Tampico, receive the warm greetings from our community. I want to share with you, as part of history, our wonderful experiences which include new projects, new friendships, new students and greater trust in God. May this interesting account and happy stories lift your spirits. A few months ago, as I read the paper indicating my change of community at Alfonso De Ligorio School, specifically in the high school department, I initially thought it would be very difficult, because I had more experience in the elementary department. On the other hand, I was eager since it was a new mission. I was confident that God will give me whatever I needed to be able to guide the students, be it in high school, grade school, or even kindergarten. I was also glad for the opportunity and the support of the sisters in integrating me into the IAM (Infancia Adolescencia Misionera). To start with, and on a cheerful mood, on September 1, Srs. Lety, the first grade 1 "A" groups, teachers Nancy and Joseph and I went to visit an asylum that bears the name "PEACE AND JOY" managed by the Missionaries of Charity, whose foundress was Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. There, they cared for children and elderly people. We visited them to promote among students, awareness of the true value of life. In the afternoon of that same day, the members of IAM, together with teacher Crystal and some parents, Anselma and Alma, attended the Diocesan Youth Conference where we joined around 1000 young people. Everyone enthusiastically and joyfully participated in all the activities with a spirit of commitment to Jesus. The motto for the event was: "JOYFUL IN CHRIST, REVITALIZING OUR FAITH". On the morning of Saturday, 8th of September, we organized a missionary
movement called "Guides" together with the students, some teachers and parents who supported the endeavor. We urge everyone to continue the work of spreading the knowledge about the Kingdom of God beginning with those around us, and the recipients of our missions. I thank God for this new experience, to start a new adventure all for the glory of God. I commend myself to you in your prayers. SR. MARGARITA HIDALGO, MPS
"Always keep in mind that in order to fulfill your duties for all your apostolate, you must live that muchneeded interior life because the missionary who does not live in union with God will never bear fruit." (M. MarĂa Teresa Rivera Carrillo)
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"The missionary is not to be secluded in the cloisters, but to teach others so that they may know and love Christ." (M. María Teresa Rivera Carrillo)
“Jesus Redeemer, anointed by the Spirit, sent by the Father to proclaim the Good News to the poor (Lk 4,18), and entrusted to His Church the announcement of the merciful love of God, is the origin and foundation of our apostolate (AA 4, 1; DA 32).” Const. 75 I am grateful to Jesus, the Missionary, who has given me the opportunity to participate in the Redemptorist mission in the Perpetual Help Parish in Hidalgo City, Michoacán last September 1 to 10 of this year. Michoacan is one of the States of our Mexican Republic with a vast Catholic tradition. However, it causes much impact to see how the people become more indifferent to religious values each day. Young people manifest in a special way, their being apathetic to the evangelization process, and even in the attendance of the children who were ordinarily joyful and enthusiastic in participating in the mission, had been reduced. This stage is called Ecclesiological Journey and it has a two-fold objective: 1. Reflect on vital issues of the Catholic Church, and 2. Promote to the host families/leaders who will receive their neighbors for the meditation of the word of God in the next stage with the help of the coordinators who will encourage the sharing and reflection. Thank God that at San Isidro Center, both the leaders and coordinators were generous. We put our trust in the hands of Jesus, the Redeemer, and our Lady of the Perpetual Help this mission and hope that soon our beloved congregation will have its great team of missionaries who will continue to participate in the itinerant mission as recommended by our founders which is so necessary today as it had been yesterday. Sr. Ma. Teresa Medina Sánchez, MPS
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Vocation is the mission to which one has been called through dialogue with God. This communication with Him helps us hear His call and realize the answers to questions we often ask, such as : “Why have You chosen me? How can I serve You?” Questions such as these, and many other doubts usually across our minds. Occasionally, we would give logical answers. But these not possible because they are God's designs. "Before I formed you in your mother's womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I consecrated you" (Jr. 1.5). God has a plan for each one of us. He gives us clear invitations for concrete actions. Other times, these may not be so easily understood; so that a continuous dialogue with Him is always necessary. Dialogues strengthen the call for a vocation and clarify doubts. The foundation of all these mysterious actions is the experience of trust that He allows us feel day by day. This is based on the love He expressed while on the cross. "Whoever abides in love, abides in God and God in him" (1 Jn 4: 16). The deep truth of our existence is the surprising mystery, the fruit of the thought and the act of love of God which is immense, faithful and eternal. When we reaffirm our vocation, we automatically find happiness, both personal and mutual. That is why we are in constant search of dialogue with God. Throughout our formation process, we encounter many obstacles that hinder or delay us from discovering happiness. If we want to overcome these obstacles, we must place our trust in God who is “ our rock and our stronghold" (Ps. 30.4). Another important element is the discernment which is done by deeply reflecting on the call. It is not something circumstantial; it is our life's design towards happiness. As human beings, we need to pause and reflect as to where we need to dedicate our existence. We must be aware of our faculties such as the freedom and the will to take firm steps, accepting that we need a moment of personal internalization in order to find ourselves and to encounter the Creator for whom we make our decisions marked with a deep love. With certainty, we choose the best, assured that we have found what we have longed for. To experience this effect, we must remember that sometimes, we can fall in distress, loneliness, despair, sadness
etc. It is precisely in these moments when we discover the weight of our human nature, when we understand that not everything is over, because our life is planned for all eternity. Then we know that our decisions need to be faithful and therefore, must be founded on Him who loved us. So in the experience of abandonment "that I may not do what I want, but what You want." (Mc. 14, 36). The secret is to die to ourselves and experience the joy of the "Resurrection" with our hearts and to offer ourselves in prayer, filling our lives with love-- the love for which we have been created. The best decisions are made when we kneel down before Him who in our humble human nature, offered Himself and showed us the right path to Gethsemane...in prayer. We shall find consolation in everything if we live with thrust and courage. "Prayer is the strength of the weak, the joy of the humble and the realization of the fervent Christians"(Fr._Luis_Butera). "The one who goes deeper in prayer, finds the secret to live". Sr. Erika Amelia Reyes Campos, MPS
"To achieve true interior life, we must seek Jesus Christ at all times and in all places within themselves" (Fr. Agustin Nistal)
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With joy and gratitude to
"You must
then love purity so you can practice charity" (M. María Teresa Rivera Carrillo)
the Lord, I was granted by the Superior General, M. Cecilia Morales Tapia and the Council, to go to Central America for the special purpose of visiting our sister Lilia Suazo Aviles, a Honduran national. She had been staying with her family in Tegucipalga, Honduras since December 2010. She was suffering from poor health. We prayed to the Lord and to our Mother of Perpetual Help for her improved health and had urged her to come back and be part of the MPS community
once again. We cheered her up and offered a welcome to the Congregation. Unable to get a direct flight to Honduras, I had to pass through Guatemala. Fortunately for me, because I had the chance to visit our postulancy community in Central America (formerly novitiate community), located in the city of Guatemala. After a long time, I was able to return to this place where we, sisters coming from Guatemala and Venezuela, had our novitiate. At the time of my visit, Sr. Catalina "Cata" Rosas Celada, Postulants´mentor was also there together with the other sisters in the community such as M. Ma. Grace González Rico (Mexican) and M. Ma. Los Angeles López (Guatemalteca). The six postulants were Ingrid, Mayela, Lorenza, Mónica, Carla and Lidia. I found in them a joyful and creative community who were welldisposed in serving the Lord through the different activities such as: apostolate in the area, vocation ministry and formation which they received both at home and through the Intercongregational Courses. The visit to Guatemala was brief but filled with beautiful experiences which included a communication by phone with the sisters of the Colegio Perpetuo Socorro in Mazatenango since I could not see them personally. After these visits, I can only
ask our Mother of Perpetual Help to intercede for all our sisters in Central America that they may be granted abundant blessings by the Redeemer.
Another visit to M. Lilia Suazo Aviles 05 September 2012 We received an information from the family of Sr. Lilia at the end of August 2012. It had to do with her clinical conditions which hospitalization since August 29. She had both Renal and Liver failure. Sr. Lilia's state of health remained critical as communicated to the sisters of the general government. For this reason, the Superior General, M. Cecilia Morales Tapia who was then on a visit to India asked that I make another visit to Honduras. This time, I had the opportunity to go with M. Catalina of Guatemala, who informed me that she, together with Central America Delegate Superior M. Aracely Guzman Castro and Sr. Carmen García Jorge, had gone visit M. Lilia for a few days until she was admitted to the Social Insurance of the city of Tegucigalpa. We continually pray for our Sr. Lilia and for all our sick sisters and family members. Sr. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera, MPS
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PRESENTATION OF THE DOCUMENT "EDUCATION FOR A NEW SOCIETY" Srs. María Teresa Medina Sánchez and María Victoria Flores Vivar had the opportunity to attend the presentation of the document: "Education For a New Society"- reflection and orientations on education in Mexico, at the University Cultural Center in Copilco Universidad Coyoacan, D.F., last September 11. The said document was prepared by the Mexican Bishops Conferrence in collaboration with Dr. Rodrigo Guerra Lopez, president and director of CISAV; Dr. Ma. Luisa Aspe Armelia, president of IMDOSOC and Rev. Fr. Dr. Matio Angel Flores Ramos, Rector de la Universidad Pontifica de Mexico. At the end of the presentation, Dr. Sylvia Irene Schmelkes del Valle, director of the Research Institute for the Development of Education of Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, gave a remarkable observation on the document. This work aims to draw the attention not only of us, dedicated to the task of educationr, but of all Mexicans who are affected by the "educational emergency" in our country. We invite you to get to know and understand this document so that we may be able to perform our apostolate with greater ecclesial consciousness. (Secretariat of Missionary Action)
September 15 is one of the most antici-
pated annual celebrations in Mexico. It is the "Shout of Independence" which began in 1824 and henceforth is celebrated every 15th of the ninth month of the year at the National Palace in the city of Mexico, in various states of the Mexican Republic and abroad, where there are Mexicans. Now, the peak of the festivity in our beloved homeland, Mexico, is actually on the 16th of September. On this day, most people do not go to work. Majority of the cities organize civic celebrations honoring the flag. A grand parade is held in the main streets of the cities, participated in by children from different schools. There are also presentations about the memorable events of September 16, 1810.
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The celebration continues until evening with popular dances at the main square where people may buy Mexican dishes such as pozole, enchiladas, tamales, fritters, atole, etc. Everyone gets entertained by folkloric dancers, the “mariachis” and by some bands. This tradition is a fundamental part of the Mexican identity. We, as Mexicans, love our country so much despite the sad reality in our nation. The situation of our land and of our rulers is of real concern and anxiety for us. Today, we are no longer dominated by Spain but by politics, corruption and drug trafficking, violence and injustice; depriving us of a joyful celebration and openly shouting our real independence. There is a sense of urgency in the reality of our country that presses us, consecrated women, to live, bear witness and foster peace, justice, reconciliation, gentleness, compassion and mercy, as
well as struggle for the promotion of a truly free and independent nation. Our participation and presence as a religious in the world, should inspire a lively and effective presence of the Kingdom of God. The Church which is the people of God, needs and cries out for religious agents, mystics and prophets. They hope that we accompany them-- walk and work with them for justice and peace, being women of peace and compassion who opt for "humility and humanity”, for “compassion and redemption." Let us, the MPS religious, beloved disciples of Jesus, allow the Master of compassion, mercy and redemption to dwell in us--He, who has experienced the "Agape" of humandivine love... in the same way that our founders Fr. Agustin Nistal and M. Maria Teresa Rivera had done. May this human and spiritual experience be the source of both prophetic and mystical commitment for us as we celebrate the independence of Mexico. We live a different kind of independence, in which with freedom and conscience, we have chosen a religious consecrated life for the poor. This evangelical vision as a response and proposal to the violent Mexico, is permanent and does not de-
pend on how people would react to us. The initiatives, religious, social and cultural movements and all the apostolate which we do as religious, have as its path and goal, i.e. "Love your neighbor", even if it would entail difficulties or pain. May this celebration of independence be for us, not only an occasion for feasts, but an act of prayer that the Gospel penetrate people who have suffered violence, insecurity and crime. And so we, the MPS religious who are called through baptism to follow Jesus Christ, open our hearts to the Word of the God of life and freedom and pray that He dwell in us so that we may have enough strength, courage, and love for personal independence, and henceforth accompany the people of God in their “shout with true freedom.” LONG LIVE MEXICO! LONG LIVE THE HEROES OF OUR COUNTRY AND ITS FREEDOM! LONG LIVE THE SAINTS WHO HAVE MADE THE KINGDOM OF GOD A REALITY, THE KINGDOM OF LIBERTY AND INDEPENDENCE! ¡VIVA MÉXICO!
(Sr. Ma. Rafaela Rangel Cortes)
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U S A D E L E G AT I O N We contemplate and imitate the life of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, in her unconditional surrender. Her attitude of discipleship inspires and configures our being and action. (Const. #7)
Dear Sisters: Ave María! We hope that everyone is enjoying good physical and spiritual health. With much enthusiasm, we wish to share with you from the part of the MPS Delegation in the United States, that on August 28, we, the Community of Itinerant Mission and Permanent Mission at our residence in Springfield, Massachusetts, gathered together. Together with M Lolita Pineda, Sr. Judy Connely (Animator of Consecrated Life in the Diocese of
Springfield) and Fr. Sean O´Mannion, we celebrated the start of our missionary work for this year by offering our desires, projects and intentions to the Eucharistic banquet, as God has been inspiring us. From 24th to 27th of August, the coordinating team of our delegation, consisting of the sisters: M. Lolita Pineda, Melissa Garza and Caritina Olmos held meetings. After a fraternal dialogue and the refining of details of the organization, the group captured the activities that would help shape our
delegation and continue building venues for fraternal encounters. We spent two days in the community-- sharing our experiences of last summer. As a delegation, we dialogued, as well as discerned what God wanted for this delegation. We shared the word of God, too. On the following day, we went to pray-- contemplating through nature in Forest Park-- a beautiful space far from the Rectory of St. Joseph, where we reside. This beautiful garden "of Eden" is around 10 minutes walk away.
USA Delegation Council
P.Sean O’Mannion
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In our delegation, we seek new ways of praying that will help us in sharing the Word and encourage a contemplation of God in His creation and a thereby grow in FAITH.
We have also organized ourselves by Units 1, 2 and 3, since the communities in Texas are very far from the communities of New York and Springfield. So, for a better organization, we have calendared the dates according to the commonalities: an annual meeting and with units 1 and 2 will having four community meetings; Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and Summer Assemblies. We have decided to strengthen the Pastoral Vocation Ministry through youth groups and show greater interest and dedication in the Youth Ministry.
Women fo r
Today´s M is
“All the things that are within me should praise God and bless His Holy Name. Our whole being must be only to love our Lord" (Fr. Agustin Nistal)
Sr.. Juana María Hernández Pérez, MPS
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During this Congregational process of establishing delegations, the seventh to be confirmed was India Macau. From 19th of August to 20th of September this year, visitations were made to these two communities in order to more closely share with the sisters, see their real situation, participate in the celebration of the perpetual profession of the six sisters from India (who were able to join in the selection of the Delegate Superior and her Council), and to encourage them in their journey. The community is composed of: three major sisters of perpetual vows: Sr. Ana Cecilia Escalona (Superior),
Sr. Alejandrina Castillo and Sr. Myrna Lois Salas; six newly perpetually professed sisters: Anita Pushpa, Jesintha Louis, Vandana, Susila, Ranjita and Sunitha; five major juniors: Rosalia, Shanti, Pratima, Jeralda, and Sangeetha and 16 aspirants with some already preparing to start their postulancy.
The first set of MPS Indian sisters making their perpetual profession, was a historic moment, a solemn celebration for us all. The ceremony was presided over by the Archbishop of Bangalore, Most Rev. Bernard Moras, D.D., with more than 40 concelebrating priests. The courtyard of the St. Rock´s, decorated with typical symbols of the region was filled with guests and relatives dressed in their beautiful and colorful national costumes such as saree and churidar. The Theology seminarians of the Redemptorists in Bangalore served as choir during the mass. The ambience was festive and at the same time indirectly served as a vocation promotion for the congregation. The sisters who made their perpetual profession, felt the overwhelming support of the Congregation. They expressed their joy and gratefulness to all the MPS. Aside from the two of us, (Superior Gen. M. Cecilia Morales Tapia and yours truly, Sr. Anavela Barrientos Caseros), Sr. Alejandra Valdez Durana, delegate of MPS-Philippines and Sr. Rosa Maria Pichardo, representing Macau community were also present.
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The visits could not be completed without dropping by our very own Redemptorist brother-priests, who invited us for lunch in the Provincial House. Rev. Fr. Provincial Arul spoke with us and proposed some apostolate for the sisters. After all the visits, we finally gathered to study the Message of the Chapter, the Plan of the General Government and the General Plan of Formation. It was an intense work, but everyone was participative. All the sisters were with great interest and gave very good contributions. This encouraged them to understand the plan of the delegation better and go on with the making of the personal and community project.
"As a missionary, you must go to places where there are the most abandoned souls" (M. María Teresa Rivera Carrillo)
The following day, the 26th which was a Sunday, all the sisters, together with the families of the new perpetuallyprofessed sisters, gathered together in a sharing of delicious native dishes, in enjoying folk dancing and feeling a real family ambience. After all the days of celebration, we went to visit the St. Joseph Retreat House of the Jesuits where the six sisters had their one-month retreat. We also went to the places where they had their apostolate and where some of them studied. We went to St. Dominic School in Attibele, where Srs. Sunitha and Jesintha used to work. The owner of the School, his staff and students expected our visit; that is why they prepared a beautiful reception for us. We also went to St. Joseph College run and owned by Jesuits, where Sr. Rosalia Soreng worked as a Kinder teacher. We met the very kind Director who assured us that our sister may continue to work there. We also visited the Indian Institute of Spirituality run by the Missionaries of St. Francis Xavier where our Filipina Sr. Myrna Salas is enrolled and admitted for two years.
The big day, which is the election of the Delegate and her council, has come. It was done via Skype with the sisters in Macau. M. Cecilia Morales travelled to Macau and gave the sisters precise directions on how to do it. It was on a Thursday, September 13 in the afternoon. Prior to that, a holy hour was offered with the special intention that the Holy Spirit may enlighten everyone that we may allow Him to guide them in their choice and decision-making. It was exciting and memorable. Everything could be seen and understood by all on the screen. The election was held and the result was as follows: Delegate Superior – Sr. Ana Cecilia Escalona Giménez (from Venezuela) Vicar – Sr. Vandana Thomas (from India) 1st Council Member – Sr. Brigida Kuan (from China) 2nd Council Member – Myrna Lois Salas Gutierrez (from Philippines) All gladly accepted their role and
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all are set out to do the will of God, represented in the sisters who were chosen for a special mission. The joy was felt in both communities (India and Macau) amidst the tension felt by the elected sisters. Lots of hugs, congratulations and best of wishes for each one poured out. Indeed, God's presence was made manifest. Finally, though with a tiring trip from Macau, M. Cecilia Morales was able return to India. Thanks to the support of a friend of Sr. Brigida in China and to Mr. Jimmy in India. On September 15th, in remembrance of the Independence of Central America and Mexico, the sisters took the trouble of preparing a special meal: sopes for (Mexico), rice (in the style of Guatemala) and chicken in Indian style. In the afternoon, we had a celebration of the Eucharist, where the altar was decorated with colors depicting the flags of Mexico and Central America. The same occasion also served as thanksgiving with the members of the Association of the Friends of our Mother of Perpetual Help in its second year foundation anniversary. During these days, we have had several Eucharistic celebrations in the convent which were presided over by several Redemptorist Fathers. We also had a mass for the induction of the Delegate and her council, considering M. Brigida Kuan´s spiritual presence; since she is in Macau. The head of the parish, a simple Diocesan priest who is very close to the sisters, also came to preside the mass for the renewal of three sisters. During our last Sunday of visit, on September 16th, we had a community picnic at the beautiful city of Mysore where there are several temples and beautiful historical, well-preserved museums. There was also a very large zoo which amazed us with the marvelous works of God. Before concluding our stay, our new perpetually-professed sisters presented a thesis of the Constitutions. Each one prepared a theme and shared it to the community. This thesis presentation is actually a part of the result of the course in Constitutions that Sr. Alejandra gave them for a period of one week. Finally, the sisters presented a farewell celebration for us with a simple program presenting something that depicted each of their state. They showed off their creativity to express their gratitude and joy for our visit. We also thanked them for everything, especially for the way treated us... most of all, for being as they are. We encouraged them to go on and never miss the grace of God. We affirmed them as the hope of the Congregation and encouraged them to always take courage. We then urged them to continue to grow and that their delegation be strengthened by their faith in God and in faithfully living the MPS charism. May all the projects of India-Macau Delegation be carried out by the power of God, the presence of Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help and the mutual effort of all its members. (Sr. Senaida Barrientos Caseros, MPS)
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THE ALMIGHTY HAS DONE GREAT THINGS FOR US… and the litany was being chanted. Everybody felt in a very special way the presence of the Lord at this moment. We were overwhelmed that we shed our tears of joy and happiness while we were prostrated. The environment was really fitting for that situation, the bright sun dimmed, the clouds covered the sun and raindrops began to pour that most of us started to be anxious that there would be a heavy downpour but lo and behold!, the rain stopped and everything went on very well.
of August, 2012 was a day full of grace and truly memorable for the Congregation of the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help when the final profession of the first MPS group of Indian sisters in Bangalore, India was celebrated. Actually, the festive atmosphere was in the air two days before the actual profession, when the parents and relatives of our sisters from North (Orissa) came. We felt the happiness in everyone. On the 24th, we had a final practice of the liturgy with the parents in the church ground, the appointed venue of the celebration. This day was a great one for us to be with the families to assist and to guide their daughter in this, her special day. Everyone and everything cooperated on that day, including the weather which was so good. The Lord, merciful as ever, allowed everything to go on very smoothly. “I love the Lord, for He has heard my voice in supplication”, was the main theme of the sisters. It was an actual experience of God for all those present on that day. The year or over a year of spiritual and material preparation under the guidance of Sr. Ana Cecilia Escalona, MPS, paid off. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by no less than the Archbishop of Bangalore, Most. Rev. Dr. Bernard Moras, D.D. at St. Rock’s Parish. There was an unexpected number of priests and religious (nearly 40 to 50 priests) who came to pray for and celebrate with us. This was a pleasant and welcome surprise. This was the dream of our founder Rev. Fr. Agustin Nistal, C.Ss.R. , to make felt and alive the charism of the Congregation in India. This was affirmed on this day, when six of our sisters: Anita Pushpa
Ekka, Susila Ekka, Ranjita Rose Ekka, Louie Jesintha, Vandana Thomas and Sunitha Kumari made their final commitment to the Lord through their public profession of vows. MPS India community is loved by all the members of our religious family and most especially by our Mother General Cecilia Morales Tapia and the council members. Our Superior General, together with Sr. Anavela Barrientos Caseros, Gen. Council Member and incharge of the Secretariat of Vocation and Formation have made themselves available and came all the way to India in order to interact and spend some time with the sisters especially with the sisters who making their final commitment. Other MPS sisters came, like Sr. Alejandra Valdez, Delegate Superior of MPS Philippines, and Sr. Rosita Pichardo from Macau. We also thank them from the bottom of our hearts for the love and affection they have shown us. It was a heavenly atmosphere while the sisters were prostrated
It was the most memorable day for the six sisters who made their final profession that we were filled with joy and gratitude for all the graces the Lord has showered upon us on this day. The delight and contentment of our parents and relatives were also seen and felt. We were very thankful to be full pledged members of our Congregation, being aware of the tasks and the responsibilities that lie ahead of us. That the Lord would not leave us alone and the support of our Mother of Perpetual Help will always be with us – this gives us the courage and determination to take up the cross to follow Christ the Redeemer as presented in the Gospel. We too dreamt and prayed that our mission here in India would prosper and we will have bright future ahead of us. We wish to express our sincerest gratitude to all who had accompanied us in our journey and to all the well wishers who have supported us spiritually and materially to make this celebration a meaningful one. …and HOLY IS HIS NAME! (Sr. Vandana Thomas, MPS)
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It has been a year since I hoped for the day when I would witness the perpetual vows of our first group of MPS sisters in India.
When that beautiful day arrived, I did not know how to describe it. As I started to apply for visa for India, I found it so difficult, but asked God to help me obtain it. In four days, I was able to fix everything including a flight direct from Hong Kong to Bangalore-- a 5-hour evening flight which proved to be cheaper. Bangalore airport is new and practical in a way that when I arrived at 2 a.m. walking first on one side and then the other until I saw two young sisters leaning on the table, asleep. I approached them and tried to talk to them in different ways until I uttered something in Chinese which made Sr. Jesintha look up as she might have recalled some words she learned during her experience in our crèche in Macau. Upon reaching home, when everybody had gotten up, I gave some surprise gifts to all beginning from the youngest members of the community to the most senior ones.
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by a woman eldest in the family, who invited other women to join the circle. At the center, were the men who played the drums. We found the dance nice and meaningful as we followed every step initiated by the leader. The following day, we continued to celebrate with the families of the sisters. We placed mats and tables as we set up the food for all. That day was indeed a feast for the families of our sisters. Our sisters did a kind of ceremony beginning with our Mother General M. Cecilia Morales Tapia and her counselor Sr. Anavela Barrientos Caseros, then with Sr. Alejandra Valdez and myself as they gave us a blanket and a large towel. I am not sure but it could be an important custom of theirs that they asked us to bless each one of them. It was very impressive especially as the elderly parents coming in front with teary eyes, expressed the great joy they felt for having daughters who have consecrated themselves in the service of God all their life. Many thanks to all the sisters who may happen to read this simple sharing of mine. Sr. Rosa María Pichardo Castro, MPS
The celebration on the 25th of August 2012 finally began. By eleven o´clock in the morning, many people were still arriving. The atmosphere was very pleasant, with lovely decorations that the parish priest had made possible. He had placed each flower in its perfect place (Proving what a real artist he is!) Outside the church, there was a ceilinged tent, nicely decorated with big sky blue and white flowers. There were also the big red carpet and tarpaulin where the photos of our sisters were placed. The pictures of the sisters were arranged like the fruits of a big tree. This artwork aimed to show the fruits of the missionary presence of MPS in India. By the way, let me not forget to mention that our very own Redemptorist Bangalore theologians served as the choir in the mass. How well they sang! As soon as the mass was over, our aspirants presented a beautiful dance number at the reception site. All the people took their seats so that food may be served. It was actually a very sunny day, but we were happy to see a lot of people who came for the celebration. Afterwards, we went home to refresh ourselves with a nice Indian tea and have a community dance in wheel that was led
"Charity is the ornament of the life and beauty of the Missionary of Perpetual Help."
(M. María Teresa Rivera Carrillo)
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“I Have Loved You With An Everlasting Love...” Last "The life of the missionary should be a continuous recollection;" "to achieve this, one must have great value for the exercise of God's presence" (Fr. Agustin Nistal)
June 24, 2012, my batchmate and co-journeyer Sr. Ida A. Tutor and I, took our First Profession for Vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience witnessed by our sisters, families and friends in a Eucharistic Celebration presided by our Spiritual Director Rev. Fr. Bonifacio Flordeliza, CSsR. In his homily, the main celebrant said that some people might wonder why we choose to offer ourselves as religious missionaries to be of service to God and the Church. I completely agree with what he said: It is because we believe in God’s abundant love for us and at one point in our lives have experienced His call. “You have called me Lord, here I am!” As we professed these words, I remember with delight and appreciation that special moment of grace when I first said `yes’ to the Lord. It was also during the Celebration of the Eucharist on May 13, 2008 when I silently committed to serve and love Him as a religious. Now, four years have passed since that memorable encounter. Every stage of our journey has been filled with meaningful and enriching experiences... of joys, pains, learning, difficulties, successes and failures. Through it all, I have constantly felt God’s guiding and loving presence. Indeed, `He has loved us with an everlasting love’. I believe that God continuously calls us, and each day is an invitation for us to renew our vows as Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help through living and embracing with joy life’s simple blessings; loving God and the people He sends us; and following Him wherever He leads us. I know that it is not an easy road, but I believe that the Lord who called us, will sustain us with the graces we need. As I thank Him for the gift of vocation and the grace of perseverance, my heart sings with joy... “I love You Lord...and I am Yours.” Sr. Ma. Barbara V. Flores, MPS
God sent His only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Redeemer to become man and save us through his suffering, death and resurrection. Jesus came to serve not to be served. The apostles agreed to carry out the mission of Jesus, and by the virtue of our baptism, we too, are called to imitate Him in his virtues of love and service. These things always come to my mind every time I go for my apostolate. I consider my apostolate at the Sarnelli Drop-In Center for Street Children as a privilege. I have been going to Baclaran for my apostolate for street children every Tuesday for Sarnelli Center I & on every Sunday for Sar-
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nelli II since June. The scope of my ministry is value formation for children and helping them discover the gifts and talents that can help them grow as individuals. Aside from value formation, there is also the preparation for the sacrament of baptism for some. Most of these street children are either products of broken homes who have ran away from home or have been practically abandoned by their parents or guardians. Some are even as young as six years old. (Permit me to describe them as children who live in the twilight between the darkness of the past and the dawn of something new.) At Sarnelli, these children are helped to gain both a sense of worth and a ray of hope in life. I consider it very important to be patient in dealing with these children who are unique, and with different attitudes and values. I often feel the need to stretch my patience, be more understanding, sincere and gentle but firm, in order to gain their trust. They are actually sweet, though playful and stubborn a lot of times. I try my best not to be angry because I know that they are all 'broken'. What the children truly need is love and attention. For this, I play, pray or just sit with them, hoping that we find these times of togetherness a blessing. I imagine their faces, every time I come from the apostolate-- the smiles, the naughty faces and the amount of patience I have to keep steel myself and still keep a loving heart. I am awed by the privilege of journeying with these children. I remember how hard I forced myself to come closer to a boy who was suffering from some skin disease. But when I looked at his face, I was moved to give him a sincere hug. I realized that I almost lost the opportunity to touch Jesus had I avoided and rejected him. In this apostolate, I feel called and challenged to forget myself and believe that God is present even in unruly, abandoned children. I also discover that in this experience of God´s love and sharing it with others is a true moment of spiritual joy. I continue to pray that the love for God and for the children who He always wanted to come to Him ever inspire us in our mission as it did our founders. Let us all keep that zeal for the abandoned burning. Sr. Carlita Olacao, MPS
A Reflection on “Community Dynamics” Seminar For me, what makes religious life exciting and difficult at the same time,
is community life. The fact that I am living with people who have different likes and dislikes, different upbringing, tradition and culture, is often hard to take. It is by the grace of God that each one of us in the community learns to accept, understand and eventually appreciate and love one another. I
“Jesus Christ must be at the Centre of your life. He is the sincere friend of your soul." (Fr. Agustin Nistal)
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realize that each of us go through the same struggles. It is a process which changes and improves as we through the different stages of development. The knowledge that in religious life there will always be change of assignments and communities, also contribute to my process of discernment. It is difficult but here is where I can see and feel the outpouring of God's grace. It is the divine power that could make us one with Him. Through community life, we make God visible in this world. What else must I do? I must accept, understand and love the community where God puts me. And I believe that everyday, God’s grace abides in me as I live with my community. After all, they are the companions God has given me to walk with in this journey. The community, despite the difficulties that I encounter in it, is my family in Christ. Knowing that we are joined together by God, I feel secure, safe and at home. Novice Shirley Cepres Mabunga MPS Philippine Delegation
Thank you, Lord... "Thank you Lord, for the ray of hope that enlightened me; for the hand that raised me up; for the counsel which guided me; for the words that encouraged me..." Thank you, Lord". "This congregation chooses among all the virtues that the Blessed Virgin practiced: sweetness, modesty, charity, humility and love for interior inner life" (Fr. Agustin Nistal)
Thanks to all of my sisters in the Congregation who joined me in celebrating my 25th year anniversary in the Religious Life. Twenty five years seem easy to say; but I within a year I had experienced what you call "baptism of fire" where I never had imagined feeling such a suffering. And so, I celebrate these 25 years... for what? Problems after problems, sorrow after sorrow; misunderstandings and even its preparation, was very painful experience; which ultimately led me to success (that of finding the oasis in the desert of my heart, from the joy of the resurrection). It was something very marvelous! That joy was in the Eucharist; seeing many sisters in the Congregation, friends who accompanied me since my childhood. The words of Jesus, spoken and seemingly directed at me, comes to mind: "Where two or three come together, here I am with you and you are Mine". Since I was born in 1965 in a Catholic family, I have endeavoured to respond to the love of Christ with total abandon. I have been serving humanity in various ways. In my apostolate in Sierra Tarahumara where I led part of my life; in Tlalpizahuac, where I learned the simplicity of children; in Xochimilco where I learned how to relate to the world of the Administration, and at Casa Hogar with the girls who taught me that
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life is, after all, worth living... overcoming difficult situations and disappointments; and again, here in my dear Tlalpizahuac, I give everything. Once more, I thank God, my congregation, the sisters who taught me to live a consecrated life from childhood. I also want to thank all who supported me through prayers or by way of contributions in order to make this celebration possible. Finally I wish to express with firm conviction that this religious life I have chosen, is a way of consecration that allows me to channel my desire to offer myself for the spread of the Kingdom of Christ, through a life of deep prayer and intense apostolic activity. We are called to live and work professionally in the modern human society. We want to be the leaven of Christian life..."the yeast that a woman puts in every measure of flour, until everything is fermented." Sr. Ma. Guadalupe Mejia Gonzalez, MPS
GETTING TO KNOW YOU MORE: VENEZUELA Cultural Patterns, Values, Mentality and Habits in the Venezuelan Society
The mentality, values, habits, beliefs,
attitudes, individual and collective responses of a particular group of people to the challenges of daily life and history, are dynamic processes that are projected and generated through the centuries-- from generation to generation; influenced by tradition, events, expectations, frustrations, fears, dreams, wishes, family environment, the confidence or lack of confidence in oneself and in the community to which one belongs. This range of factors make up what has been called the culture of a people--a culture that also includes the creative, artistic and imaginary aspects. With this panorama one might ask: what are the differential traits of the Venezuelan culture? Can you speak about the Venezuelan values or mentality as such? Are these
values appropriate for democratic co-existence? The consciousness of Venezuela as a nation occurs as a result of the independence and separation of the Gran Colombia, with Páez as the leader. A few, in a part of the 19th century, had been identified with a national identity, which we presently call "Venezuelans"-- the war of independence and the genius of Bolívar united and divided. As a result of this war, (and later the Federal wars, when it began to be aware of Venezuela), the country bled and was reduced to ashes. Bolivar, Miranda, Sucre and all the independence heroes, filled the history of their homeland with honor by instilling it with heroic tint that prevails almost up to the present; but we vaguely see it in a future
project. As a result of the independence, the fratricidal power struggle emerges. Freedom is achieved in appearance; but for a supposed equality (the struggle for equality through the 19th century and achieved in a certain way), racial and social prejudices of caste that had divided the nation was reduced. From there, the myth of equality would prevail in Venezuela as the hegemonic value above freedom. According to Mariano Picón Salas (an important writer, diplomat, academic, historian, essay writer and a Venezuelan politician), little has been known of "the intra-historia, the retracted and hidden heart of the facts". It is this intra-historia that
makes up every day the mentality, values and attitudes of today´s Venezuelan men and women.
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We must not forget that the present Venezuelan is essentially the product of the mixture of indigenous tribes which populated the Venezuelan territory, of the Spaniards who conquered it, the Africans who came as slaves and the numerous travelers and immigrants who, over these last five centuries, particularly the last century, have come to stay and make Venezuela their home. The confluence of all those mentioned, resulted into the culture of the people living in Venezuela today. The traits found in the components of the music, popular voices, dances, beliefs, and even the culinary aspects is not always easy to unravel syncretism. The Venezuelan nation is built on the racial and cultural mixture. In general, the music and Venezuelan songs denote the cheerful spirit of its people; their contact and co-existence with nature, their generosity and openness to the traveler, and a certain resignation that is full of hope.
Songs as "I am happy, I do not know what is this that I feel / I will go on singing as the River Wind / as the Hummingbird that kisses the flower in the morning / as the “paraulata” that leaves its song at the Savannah..." are ideal expressions of a way of being that show the companionship in the vastness of the geography and the singing of the birds has identified it with the environment and with the cycles of nature, their habitat both in their hopes and fears. The traveler, who arrives to the most recondite places of the Venezuelan geography, will always find a friendly smile, an extended hand and a welcoming gaze that will make him feel equal in sharing of what anyone may have. In addition to the innate spirit generated by this attitude, the inclination to social egalitarianism is the seed of that warmth and affectionate generosity shown to the many travelers who pass through Venezuela. These travelers, themselves gave testimony of this. The tuteo, which is so widespread in Venezuela and different from the formality of other countries, is
a sign of this deep-rooted egalitarian sentiment. Such valuation is felt in all areas of life in this nation. Its repercussions are numerous, and range from democratic coexistence to hierarchical relations as established by institutions, companies, schools, universities, family, Government and citizens. The nuances of this assessment are so extensive that they tend to distort even the Venezuelans' vision of themselves and the possibilities for their improvement and their future. The Venezuelans' popular mentality on equality is not about having equal opportunities for all, which would imply the individual responsibility of one's personal improvement. Rather, equality is believed and thought of as the equality above one's personal effort or individual preparation, each individual person's integrity. The valuation of egalitarianism is watchful against the vision of competitiveness and efficiency. When the difference is seen as a threat, and the need to highlight someone over another, is seen as favouritism or exclusion, leveling comes at the expense of excellence. The vindication of this return to the past, and the reactions on the regression seems to imply a return to the
old struggle between tradition and progress. This old conflict has caused the Venezuelan society of the present time to face confrontation. Something different appears to be happening on both sides. A greater awareness of one's being Venezuelan and the individual responsibility for the fate of the country, is beginning to manifest itself among the citizenry and in political reflections. The apathy that seemed to have a good part of Venezuelan society for many decades, has lagged behind. Is this challenge the beginning of a possible cultural transformation in Venezuela? Despite this cultural reality we Venezuelans live with, we are comforted by the wisdom of Simón Bolívar in his words: "Justice is the Queen of Republican virtues and with her, equality and freedom are sustained". Apart from the reflection on the patterns and cultural values, mentality and habits in Venezuelan society, I want to share our national symbols, which are part of the cultural wealth of the country which God gave us as a country.
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In Venezuela, aside from recognizing the flag, the anthem and the coat of arms as national symbols, there are also other typical elements of the national wildlife which we take pride on as symbols of the nation. They are: The araguaney, the national tree since May 29, 1948. Its name is taken from a word of Indian combined with a Greek word to mean "Gold Flower", in allusion to its yellow color. The Orchid, declared as the national flower on May 23, 1951. The mossiae species was discovered in Venezuela in the 1830s. The Oriole was declared national bird May 23, 1958. This bird has a wingspan of approximately 24 inches and is distinguished by its yellow-orange color on its body, except the head and wings, which are black with white with blue patch around the eyes. Alma Llanera is a joropo with music was composed by Pedro Elías Gutiérrez based on lyrics written by Rafael Bolivar Coronado. It is considered as the second national anthem of Venezuela. It premiered at the Teatro Municipal de Caracas on 19 September 1914.
National Hymn of the Venezuela Republic ¡Gloria al Bravo Pueblo! (Coro) ¡ Gloria al bravo pueblo ! que el yugo lanzó la Ley respetando la virtud y honor. I ¡ Abajo cadenas ! (bis) gritaba el señor (bis) y el pobre en su choza Libertad pidió: A este santo nombre tembló de pavor el vil egoísmo que otra vez triunfó.(Coro) II
¡ Gritemos con brío: ! (bis) ¡ Muera la opresión ! (bis) Compatriotas fieles, la fuerza es la unión; y desde el Empíreo el Supremo Autor, un sublime aliento al pueblo infundió.(Coro) III Unida con lazos (bis) que el cielo formó, (bis) la América toda existe en nación; y si el despotismo levanta la voz, seguid el ejemplo que Caracas dió.(Coro)
Text: José Vicente Salías (1786-1814) Music: Juan José Landaeta (1780-1814)
Motto: “God and the Federation” (Sr. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera, MPS)
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MATER llevando el alma destrozada; así como como el que va por los senderos que conducen, no a la felicidad tan anhelada.
María Teresa Rivera, cuyas siglas dicen MATER: MATER, palabra repetida en Letanías Lauretanas, que simulan cadencias musicales en loor de María a quien se aclama: tantas veces Madre, tantas veces Reina, tantas veces Santa…
MATER, para el que sin culpa lleva a cuestas la cruz de la ignorancia y vive en la penuria y marginado, sufriendo la opresión y la ignominia del que tiene el poder y está encumbrado.
¡Madre del Redentor, Virgen Fecunda! la Iglesia así la llama; y el pueblo enardecido en santo amor repite esta plegaria… y le canta, y le alaba, y pone en Ella toda esperanza.
MATER, que para redimir al pobre, a la mujer, al marginado; dio muchos pasos en busca de los hijos más necesitados: de los campos, suburbios y poblados que es donde están los mas abandonados…
Esa figura de María que se agiganta y plasma en tantas almas blancas, inspiró que llevaras ese nombre, porque venías a ser la madre de las almas… Así, como la MATER de las Letanías Lauretanas.: MATER, para el que sufre
MADRE tenías que ser... cuando decidida y valerosa, abres paso a “JESÚS REDENTOR” en medio del rechazo... Dejándonos, al modo de consigna: ¡“Tú, enjugarás el rostro de Cristo en tus hermanos”! Thanks to
Madre Berthina Teresa Ledesma Maya, M.P.S. From San Antonio, Tx., July 1999
TO JESUS THROUGH MARY MEMORY OF MOTHER MARÍA TERESA RIVERA CARRILLO El 21 de Septiembre de 1888, nació una fragante rosa muy cerca de Peñón Blanco, una niña muy hermosa. Cultivada con esmero y con todos los cuidados, a causa de los malos tiempos
tuvo que ser trasplantada. La llevaron a Durango, donde perdió a su Papá, y volvió a ser trasplantada a una hacienda de Matamoros. Ahí derramó su aroma, pero no se le agotó; pues su misión abundó en su corazón. La tormenta fue más fuerte
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y tuvo que ser trasplantada, a la hacienda de la Corona, en donde fue trasplantada.
La Madre María Teresa descubrió su vocación, decidió ser misionera, y fundó la Congregación.
México y España tienen dos líneas muy parecidas, que nos van llevando en busca de muchas almas perdidas.
Al principio no sabía que nombre le iba a poner, pero en unos Ejercicios, fue en donde lo pudo entender.
El Padre Agustín Nistal fue quien sintió la llamada, y en Oaxaca oyó la voz: “Muchos niños no me aman”.
Un Padre Redentorista dirigió los Ejercicios, y les invitó a llevar el nombre de Socorristas.
Trabajó en catequesis y a catequistas llevó, a los campos, las aldeas, y a los niños preparó.
La Madre María Teresa en momentos de oración a Dios entregó su vida con todo su corazón. Para entregarse a los pobres y marginados sin voz, para llevarles consuelo en la Palabra de Dios. Ahora todas las que estamos tenemos esa misión, en toda labor que hagamos, sin ninguna distinción.
En Tehuacán fue sembrando el ideal de fundar a unas santas misioneras, que lo tendrían que ayudar. Muy pronto fue desterrado de este México tan bello, pues por la persecución, ya no pudo estar con ellas. Al sentirse muy solitas se le echaron para atrás, pues les faltaba la fuerza y no pudieron fundar. Pero había una caña humeante que dejó el Padre Nistal, y la Madre María Teresa Rivera, vino y la hizo brillar. En mil novecientos treinta y cuatro, se unieron estas dos líneas, que la Iglesia ha acogido y les está dando vida. Unidas en oración, en amor y en acción, en entrega generosa, damos nuestro corazón.
Thanks to Madre Galdina Galicia Guerrero, MPS From the Community of Tampico, Mexico-North Delegation
Cristo nuestro Redentor nos pide en Constituciones, le pidamos a Dios Padre, que nos dé más vocaciones.
Year XXVII No. 96
September 2012
Moved by the Spirit, to be more Human in Christ, the Redeemer, in the distinctive manner of Mary General Directress M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS Editor- in- Chief Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion Sr. María Victoria Vivar Flores , MPS Directive Council Animation and Authority M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS Secretariat of Religious Life Sr. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera, MPS Secretariat of Vocation and Formation Sr. Senaida Anavela Barrientos Caseros, MPS Secretariat of Missionary Action Sr. Ma. Teresa Medina Sánchez, MPS General Secretary
General Econome
Sr. Norma Patricia Pérez Esparza, MPS
Sr. Ma. Carmen Estrada Hurtado, MPS
Mailing address:
MISSIONARIES OF OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Azabache 38, Col. Estrella Delegación Gustavo A. Madero 07810 México D.F. Tel /Fax: 01 55 55 77 07 98 perpetuo@prodigy.net.mx www.perpetuosocorro.com.mx