Estrella Misionera - April-June 2013

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Ave Maria! Peace and love to all as we continue to enjoy the graces and blessings of the Feast of our Mother of Perpetual Help in this Year of Faith. Annually, in every community and apostolate, we take pains preparing for the novena and feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Apart from Christmas and Easter, the whole congregation (having been blessed with our Lady of Perpetual Help as patroness), considers the month of June as one of the very busy (if not the busiest) months of the year. Well, we may all get so exhausted, but deep within our hearts, we feel that overflowing joy because of the love we have for our dearest Mother Mary. It is quite opportune to ask from the depth of our hearts why we love Mary. What is in her/what do I experience with her that makes me love her so much? Is it because she carries the name of our congregation and is our patroness (Const. #7a) that we feel obliged to love her? Hence, each one of us must already have some kind of relationship with her even before we came and joined this religious family. What attracted us to have this relationship of love with Mary who to us is not only a Mother, first and foremost, but also a friend, a confidant, a companion, a model and inspiration? What seems to make her an expert in keeping a loving relationship? In this Year of Faith, we continue to face the challenge and grace as well of deepening our knowledge and understanding of the Blessed Trinity and our relationship with It as well. Among all women… and men for that matter, perhaps we will all agree that Mary is the best person to ask or from whom we can learn on how to relate with each Person of the Triune God. All through the season of Easter, up to the month of Rosary and in the month of June when we dedicated a special novena in honor of our Patroness, we must have all felt much closer to our Mother. In this issue for the second quarter of the year, i.e. for the months of April, May and June 2013, we are invited to find our Lady´s uninterrupted communication, relationship and oneness with the Father, with Her Son Jesus, the Redeemer and with the Holy Spirit. Although Mary is one of the most significant persons in the Scriptures, we find so few passages mentioning Mary saying something or just being there in a particular scene. We can actually name those moments: in the Annunciation (Luke 1:26-39), Visitation (Luke 1:39–56), Birth of Jesus (Lk. 2:16-19), Presentation (Lk. 2:3336) and Finding in the temple (Lk. 2:41-49), at the wedding at Cana (Jn. 2, 5), while Jesus was still talking to the crowd (Mt. 12:46-50); (Lk. 11:27ff), on the way to the Calvary, at the foot of the Cross (Jn. 19:25-27) and on Pentecost (Acts 1:14). If we contemplate on Mary in each of these moments in the Scripture, there is one virtue or constant attitude of Mary, among many, which we can consider as an invitation and a great challenge for us to know more and have a more intimate relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That trait of Mary is no less than her unwavering openness that allowed her to listen and ponder every Word and action of God in her life. It is her openness to the Father’s will that made her respond in the best way possible. Even though she knew the human impossibility of what the Angel Gabriel told her, her openness helped her to embrace what seemed unthinkable. It is her sensitivity to the situation and the needs of others that moved her to go, visit and serve her cousin Elizabeth. There, her open heart and soul was filled by the Holy Spirit where she sung the Magnificat in praise of God’s marvelous deeds in her life and in the life of His people. The fruit of her openness gave birth to the Savior of the world and at all times, she just pondered and kept everything in her heart. If we think of Jesus, this is also one of His very clear characteristics, i.e. having a grateful memory of His Father's everlasting love despite all the sufferings He went through. He proved this by loving us until death on the Cross, during His Resurrection, and up to this moment in spite of our unfaithfulness. Jesus must have learned a lot from His Mother and must have greatly admired her for her openness to God’s ways, even risking her whole life for the love of God. It is good for us to ask ourselves these questions: Do we ponder and treasure in our heart the things that the 3



Lord place along our path? Are we truly open to His ways even though things seem to be incomprehensible as a manifestation of our trust and faith in Him? Our Mother experienced these several times-- as in the Lost and Finding of Jesus in the Temple, as she saw her Son suffering tremendously. We can imagine that in her heart, she must have wondered, knowing that Jesus, her Son, is God’s only begotten Son! As religious missionaries, specifically as Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, we are aware of the possible changes that we have to adjust to and accept in our journey. We contemplate and imitate the life

of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, in her unconditional surrender. Her attitude of discipleship inspires and configures our being and action (cf. Lk 1.38; Jn. 19 26-27). She shows us Her Son, the Way, the Truth and the Life (cf. Jn. 14, 6) and teaches us to radiate His light through charity, compassion, humility, tenderness, happiness, simplicity and love for the interior life: "Do whatever He tells you" (Jn. 2, 5) (Const. # 7b). Mary’s openness to the Father’s will made Jesus honor her in the midst of the people not because as the woman exclaimed: ―Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts which nursed You!‖ (Lk. 11:27ff) but with all the other people who heard the Word of God and kept it (those who have made their lives totally open to God and His will) are His Mother, brothers and sisters (Mt. 12:46-50). We may even expand that relationship to being friends of Jesus who said: ―but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you‖ (Jn. 15:15). Have we really listened to Jesus? Are we really His friends? We call ourselves ―Sisters‖ because our vocation made it clear that we are all sisters in the Lord. Do our being ―sister‖ and ―friend‖ fall under that qualification of Christ? With our Lady’s openness to God, she said ―Yes‖ to Him in the annunciation and was filled with the Holy Spirit. This ―Yes‖ had become the key that kept the door of her heart open until she witnessed the awesome descent of the Holy Spirit upon her and the apostles at the upper room (Acts 2:2-4). One thing is sure: that when we open our heart, mind and whole life to the Lord: He blesses us and fills us with His very self, with Life, Light and Love. Let us continue to pray that we may be open like Mary and together, let us pray in the words of Pope Francis in his first Encyclical Letter Lumen Fidei:

Mother, help our faith! Open our ears to hear God’s word and to recognize His voice and call. Awaken in us a desire to follow in His footsteps, to go forth from our own land and to receive His promise. Help us to be touched by His love, that we may touch Him in faith. Help us to entrust ourselves fully to Him and to believe in His love, especially at times of trial, beneath the shadow of the cross, when our faith is called to mature. Sow in our faith the joy of the Risen One. Remind us that those who believe are never alone. Teach us to see all things with the eyes of Jesus, that He may be light for our path. And may this light of faith always increase in us, until the dawn of that undying day which is Christ Himself, your Son, our Lord! Amen. We continue to realize the value of openness as we read on the different experiences of our sisters in their apostolates, studies, reflections, celebration of their commitment and even as a last breath of the first sister from the Philippine Delegation who has gone ahead of us. Let us show that we are indeed children of Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, by following her example which

inspires us to be strong and committed women; and makes us put the maximum pledge to live faithfully our consecration to God as a living and constant realization of our offering to Christ and His saving work, in faithful and loving response to the vocation in which we have been called (VC 112; PCP II 153). (Const. #73)

(Sr. Maria Victoria Vivar Flores, MPS) 4



MARY, DAUGHTER OF THE FATHER, MOTHER OF THE SON, SPOUSE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT In the tradition of the Church, in ending the recitation of the Holy Rosary with the three Hail Mary’s, we express our faith in Mary as Daughter of the Father, Mother of the Son and Spouse of the Holy Spirit and relating it at the same time with our petition for increase in our faith, hope and charity. During this year when we are renewing our profession of faith in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as a Marian Congregation, we do it with Mary; recognizing her as a woman of faith, who lived in a particular town with concrete works and manifestations of joy, pain and suffering. We also see her as the beloved daughter of the Father whom He has chosen to be the mother of His Son in the fulfillment of the promise of Redemption for mankind. As the mother of the Son, we see the maternal face of God who comes and is found among His people. Through her, we received the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, the manifestation of God's love and mercy. In her response to the action of the Holy Spirit not only at the time of the Incarnation, but also in her daily life, she teaches us to say 'Yes' to the Lord confronting the fears and clarifying the doubts in an attitude of prayer in the presence of God. In this great mystery we, the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, in following the teachings of P. Agustin and M. Teresa live the interior life, walk in the presence of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and project a burning faith, a lively hope and charity committed to the poor and abandoned. "Seek earnestly to imitate the virtues of the Queen of Apostles and the examples and virtues of the Divine Redeemer consecrating yourselves to the religious instruction of the most abandoned souls in the factories, in the neighborhood of large cities, in prisons, in the hospices, in the villages, farms and especially in the most remote parishes extending your action in a special way to Indians and black people, whose languages you need to learn"(Fr. Agustin Nistal, 1926, Rules of the Congregation). We can consider the Icon of the Mother of Perpetual Help (I venture to say,) as a Trinity Icon by the action of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit which reflects to us the mystery of the Redemption. In the spirituality of this picture, some contemplatives say that the golden color represents the light that reflects the presence of God; the center is Jesus Christ in the arms of His Mother, expressing the dynamism of the message of salvation and the action of the Holy Spirit. Participating in the wealth of this Charism, we are invited to discover by contemplating on the message what the Lord wants to give each of us every day and the mission He wants to entrust to us. As Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, what more do we need in order to enter into this teaching more deeply? I invite you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, for us to allow ourselves to be led by our Mother on the road that leads to God and responding with faith, hope and charity, let us happily go where we are sent-- living and proclaiming the Gospel with passion. “Supported by the prayer of Jesus: "Father, that all may be one; as you, Father, are in me and I in you; so that they may also be one in us" (Jn. 17, 21), in the image of the Trinitarian Family, we form a deep communion of love, of life and of action. Jesus, our Redeemer, is the One who edifies and maintains our community, binding it in the criteria of faith. Reunited without choosing one another, we mutually accept each one as a gift of the Lord, by the charity that the Holy Spirit pours into our hearts. “(C. 45) "WE BELIEVE IN GOD THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT, ANIMATED BY THE EXAMPLE OF OUR GOOD MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP"

M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS 5



CHRONICLE OF MY JOURNEY TO ROME Ave Maria, my dear sisters in Christ. With joy, I wish to share with you the experiences I had on my trip to Rome. Thanks to God and the support of the Congregation. Main objective: Participate in the Plenary Assembly of the UISG (International Union of General Superiors). Our Congregation had been part of this ecclesial organization for more or less 30 years. I don't know if any one among my predecessors have previously participated in this Assembly. It was an honor for me to represent our Congregation and be part of the reflections on religious life which was expounded emanating from the highlights of the presentations, the sharing of experiences by sisters from different countries, congregations and contexts. There was the sharing of the richness of charisms in another level, from the service of authority. The wealth of my experience started with finding an open door from a Congregation of sisters with whom we shared community life in the mission in New York, specifically in Bronx. The "Sisters of Christian Charity", who happened to have their General House in Rome, received me in a true fraternal-ecclesial spirit. I thank them from the depth of my heart for their warm accommodation. On the first day of my arrival, I took advantage of the time to visit St. Peter's Basilica, the Vatican museums and the Sistine Chapel. It was a indeed a wonderful tour. Appreciating the art was truly astonishing. It was a meditation, a reflection of many events in the life of faith given by the Lord's grace in those places-- from the ground where the Apostles and martyrs walked on, up to the experiences of the different popes; and most recently, the last Conclave where Pope Francis was elected. On the second day, May 3, the Assembly began after some very interesting introductory activities such as the picking up and identification the materials in our own language and the sisters with whom we could communicate with facility (This, we did through the color of the badge which distinguished us); greeting one another with a smile all the happy faces including those who, because of language barrier cannot expressed in words. After all, we were 800 sisters from five different continents. The theme, “It shall not be so among you", the service of authority according to the Gospel, was based on a quote from Matthew 20-26 and concluded with the quote "May it be so among you" and the experience in the washing of the feet. I will not extend much the content since I previously sent you an invitation to read the lectures as they were offered on the web site of the UISG. Learning continued with the fellowship, reflection and sharing the thematic view from different contexts where each of us experienced and expressed our service. We were fortunate to have been able 6



to personally meet the Cardinal in charge of the Congregation of Consecrated Life in the Holy See, a friendly person who inspires confidence. There was a space of discussion with him where we expressed our concerns and doubts about the journey of consecrated life in the Church and in the world. He was very clear and honest in his answers. He invited us to maintain a communication with him in situations or concerns that we may encounter in our service. With this particular experience, my ecclesial sense and confidence (as an institution) was broadened. There are other special moments I would like to share with you, but I have chosen those with greater meaning and significance such as the special audience with the Holy Father, Pope Francis who was a surprise to all. It was a grace to listen to such lively voice conveying a message with love and wisdom. He invited us to experience our authority as a service, to live the true meaning of the vows, to go to the poor, to be witnesses and to be attentive to the ecclesial sense of communion. In conclusion, he asked us to extend his greetings to our communities, particularly to the young, elderly and the sick sisters. The visit to the Temple of Saint Alphonsus and see the original icon of our Mother of Perpetual Help,with the chance to contemplate on it and learn from her, was a joyful experience. I prayed with confidence for all my sisters and their needs. I also visited the Redemptorist Fathers in their General House and felt the fraternal welcome specifically from: Fr. JosĂŠ Ulysses da Silva of Brazil (whom I had known in Mexico when he once came to give a course of Alphonsian Spirituality and who is now the Secretary General), Fr. Juventius Andrade from India (one of the General Consultors), and Fr. Laje from Spain (one of those in-charge of the General House Library). I had the chance to discuss with Frs. Ulysses and Juventius ways by which we can augment our communication in order to share different thoughts that would help deepen our Redemptive charism further and the spirituality of the icon of the Mother of Perpetual Help. The last but very beautiful and profound experience I had was the visit to Assisi with two Mexican sisters. I must confess that I am not very Franciscan, but I have to admit that it was great to have been there to know, pray and celebrate in those places where this great Saint lived and expressed his faith. I felt a special grace as I spent a moment of prayer before his grave in the small chapel of the Porciuncula. In conclusion, I give thanks to God and to you, my sisters, for this gift of spiritual and cultural knowledge that meant a lot to me; to have been able to walk in the presence of the Lord through places traveled by many martyrs and saints, always with Congregational awareness, authority and service. May our good Redeemer help us to follow Him and serve Him with true evangelical spirit; and may our Mother of Perpetual Help always accompany us in our journey "I am in the midst of you whom I serve" I trust in your valuable prayers. THANK YOU.

M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS Superior General




Pope Francis expresses gratitude for global sisters ADDRESS OF POPE FRANCIS TO THE PARTICIPANTS IN THE PLENARY ASSEMBLY OF THE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF SUPERIORS GENERAL (I.U.S.G.) Paul VI Audience Hall Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Your Eminence, Venerable and Dear Brother in the Episcopate, Dear Sisters, I am glad to meet you today and I wish to greet each one of you to thank you for all you do to ensure that the consecrated life is always a beacon on the Church's journey. Dear sisters, first of all I thank dear Brother Cardinal João Braz de Aviz for his words to me, and I appreciate the presence of the Secretary of the Congregation. The theme of your Meeting seems to me particularly important for the task entrusted to you: ―The service of authority according to the Gospel‖. In light of this expression I would like to propose to you three simple thoughts, that I leave for your personal and communal analysis. 1. Jesus, at the Last Supper, turns to the Apostles with these words: ―You did not choose me, but I chose you‖ (Jn 15:16). They remind us all, not only us who are priests, that vocation is always an initiative of God. It is Christ who called you to follow him in the consecrated life and this means continuously making an ―exodus‖ from yourselves in order to centre your life on Christ and on his Gospel, on the will of God, laying aside your own plans, in order to say with St Paul: ―It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me‖ (Gal 2:20). This ―exodus‖ from ourselves means setting out on a path of adoration and service. The exodus leads us on a journey of adoring the Lord and of serving him in our brothers and sisters. To adore and to serve: two attitudes that cannot be separated, but must always go hand in hand. To adore the Lord and to serve others, keeping nothing for oneself: this is the ―self-emptying‖ of whoever exercises authority. May you live and always remember the centrality of Christ, the evangelical identity of the consecrated life. Help your communities to live the ―exodus‖ from the self on a journey of adoration and service, above all through the three pillars of your life. Obedience as listening to the will of God, in the interior movement of the Holy Spirit authenticated by the Church, accepting that obedience also passes through human mediation. Remember that the relationship between authority and obedience fits into the broader context of the mystery of the Church and constitutes a special realization of her role as mediator (cf. Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, The Service of Authority and Obedience, n. 12). Poverty as overcoming every kind of selfishness, in the logic of the Gospel which teaches us to trust in God's Providence. Poverty as a sign for the entire Church that it is not we who build the Kingdom of God. It is not human means that make it grow, but it is primarily the power and the grace of the Lord, working through our weakness. ―My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness‖, the Apostle to the Gentiles tells us (2 Cor 12:9). A poverty teaches solidarity, sharing and charity, and is also expressed in moderation and joy in the essential, to put us on guard against material idols that obscure the real meaning of life. A poverty learned with the humble, the poor, the sick and all those who are on the existential outskirts of life. A theoretical poverty is no use to us. Poverty is learned by touching the flesh of the poor Christ, in the humble, in the poor, in the sick and in children. 8



Then there is chastity, as a precious charism that broadens the freedom of our gift to God and to others, with tenderness, mercy, closeness to Christ. Chastity for the Kingdom of Heaven shows how the emotions have their place in mature freedom and become a sign of the world to come, to make God's primacy shine out ever brighter. But, please, let it be a ―fruitful‖ chastity which generates spiritual children in the Church. The consecrated woman is a mother, she must be a mother, not a ―spinster‖! Excuse me for speaking like this, but motherhood in the consecrated life is important, this fruitfulness! May this joy of spiritual fecundity motivate your life; be mothers, as a figure of Mary, Mother, and of Mother Church. It is impossible to understand Mary without her motherhood; it is impossible to understand the Church apart from her motherhood and you are icons of Mary and the Church. 2. A second element I would like to underline in the exercise of authority is service: we must never forget that true power, at any level, is service, whose bright summit is upon the Cross. Benedict XVI, with great wisdom, often reminded the Church that although man frequently equates authority with control, dominion, success, for God authority is always synonymous with service, humility, love; it means entering the logic of Jesus who kneels to wash the Apostles' feet (cf. Angelus, 29 January 2012), and says to his disciples: ―You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them.... It shall not be so among you‖, which is precisely the theme of your meeting, 'it shall not be so among you', ―but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave‖ (Mt 20:25-27). Let us think of the damage done to the People of God by men and women of the Church who are careerists, climbers, who ―use‖ the People, the Church, our brothers and sisters — those they should be serving — as a springboard for their own ends and personal ambitions. These people do the Church great harm. May you always know how to exercise authority by accompanying, understanding, helping and loving; by embracing every man and every woman, especially people who feel alone, excluded, barren, on the existential margins of the human heart. Let us keep our gaze fixed on the Cross: there is found any authority in the Church, where the One who is the Lord becomes a servant to the point of the total gift of himself. 3. Lastly, ecclesiality as one of the constitutive dimensions of the consecrated life. It is a dimension that must be constantly reclaimed and deepened in life. Your vocation is a fundamental charism for the journey of the Church, and it is impossible for a consecrated man or woman not to ―think‖ with the Church. ―Thinking‖ with the Church begot us at Baptism; ―thinking‖ with the Church finds one of its filial expressions in faithfulness to the Magisterium, in communion with the Pastors and the Successor of Peter, the Bishop of Rome, a visible sign of unity. Proclaiming and witnessing to the Gospel, for every Christian, are never an isolated act. This is important: for every Christian the proclamation of and witness to the Gospel are never an isolated act of an individual or a group. No evangelizer acts, as Paul vi recalled very well, ―in virtue of a... personal inspiration, but in union with the mission of the Church and in her name‖ (Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii nuntiandi, n. 60). And Paul VI proceeded: It is an absurd dichotomy to think of living with Christ without the Church, of following Jesus outside his Church, of loving Jesus without loving the Church (cf. ibid, n. 16). Be aware of the responsibility that you have in forming your Institutes in the sound doctrine of the Church, in love for the Church and in the ecclesial spirit. In short, the centrality of Christ and of his Gospel; authority as a service of love; ―thinking‖ in and with Mother Church. These are the three indicators that I would like to leave with you , to which I add yet once again, my gratitude for your work, which is not always easy. What would the Church do without you? She would lack your motherhood, warmth, tenderness and motherly intuition! Dear sisters, you may be sure that I follow you with affection. I pray for you, but please also pray for me. Please greet your communities for me, especially the sick and the young sisters. I encourage everyone to follow with parousia and with joy the Gospel of Christ. Be joyful, for it is beautiful to follow Jesus, it is beautiful to become a living icon of Our Lady and of our hierarchical Holy Mother Church. Thank you.




Every third Sunday of June in Mexico and in other countries like the United States, Venezuela, Philippines and Guatemala, Father's Day is celebrated with enthusiasm. Setting aside the commercial aspect typically involved in this kind of celebration, I invite you to reflect for a short moment on our dear Dads, both those physically present and those who are in our memory. We do not just speak of biological parents, but of all men who, in our hearts and in the absence of our real parents, we have considered to be our parents too, such as our grandparents, uncles, and also (why not?), those mothers who for various reasons in life had to be mother and father at the same time. And why do we celebrate Father's Day? It is very likely that many people may think that the celebration of Father's Day came only to commercialize any date either to sell some products; but no! The idea arose for a very human intention and gratitude toward a loving and devoted father. The (Father's Day) came about on June 19, 1909 in the United States when a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd wanted to honor her father, Henry Jackson Smart. This civil war veteran became a widower when his wife (Sonora's mother) died in childbirth with her sixth child. It was on a rural farm in Washington state where Henry Jackson took over the education of six children. Sonora Smart discovered that her father had been an example to emulate. As an adult, Sonora saw in her father a man who was courageous, loving and unselfish; who had made all kinds of sacrifices to bring up his family. Because her father was born in June, Sonora chose June 12, 1910 as the date to celebrate Father's Day in his honor. It was in 1909 when Sonora Dodd made this proposal without getting good news and it was not until June 19, 1910 in Spokane, Washington when Father's Day was first held in the World. The idea of instituting a Father's Day was welcomed with acclamation by many people in various counties and cities, and it was not until 1924 when President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of establishing a National Day for the Father. Finally in 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a proclamation declaring the third Sunday in June as Father's Day in the United States. Some countries eventually joined in this celebration. A day during the year is devoted for fathers. Although they devote every day of their lives for their beloved, they are first and foremost, men of heart, who know how to paint the horizon with optimism and confidence. A good Father is one who despite a tough day of work, still hugs his children and spends time playing with 10



them. There is nothing more beautiful than a father becoming a friend of his own children. A dad is a hero who may never receive a medal. His prize is more satisfying when his children gets welleducated and becomes successful. I wish the best for all fathers....lots of spiritual prosperity. May they seek God for the wisdom to fill their children with positive thoughts and to make them winners in life.

(Sr. Maria Rosa Vargas Rendon, MPS)


he whole staff of the ESTRELLA MISIONERA

would like to extend its sincerest gratitude and appreciation to all the sisters who had contributed and collaborated in making this issue possible. Thank you for helping us in sharing information, fostering interaction, building relationships, strengthening community bonds and animating concern and love for the Congregation. May the Lord reward your generosity and readiness to share your gifts for the good of all. With Mary, our Mother of Perpetual Help, we ask Christ, the Redeemer to always abundantly bless you and guide you in your missionary works. 11



Thus, we have started by collaborating with all the people of the Parish of Our Lady of the Angels, with its Pastor Rev. Fr. Ricardo Cuestas and the team of laity and religious who take part in working and visiting the Prison every week. There was also Msgr. Constantine Morales also came to visit the Penitentiary on June 14, 2013.

This medicine was acquired through the same movements, groups and Catholic associations belonging to the Parish of Our Lady of the Angels.




There were also 3 nurses together with some generous doctors who helped out.

Above is Dra. Priscila during a consultation

Posing beside the “Pharmacy”

(Sr. Ma. Aracely Guzmán Castro, MPS)

ENTRANCE TO THE POSTULANCY Ave Maria, Sisters! Receive a loving and fraternal greeting, wishing you that our Mother of Perpetual Help continue to bless each one of your projects. As Central America Delegation, we were so happy that last June 8th two aspirants who had decided to continue their learning process in our Congregation entered the postulancy. There is one second year postulant, and so there are already three in the postulancy community. We have faith in God and the firm hope that our formands will persevere. 13



*Let me share with you that entering the postulancy is like the first step given to an infant to feel secured about herself. I feel happy and excited, because it's a Yes that I give to God, although it is a difficult road, but with the grace and love of our Lord, I can achieve my purpose of responding to His call. Gloria Paulina Mendoza

*Thank God for the opportunity He gave me to be able to enter the postulancy of the Congregation of Missionary Sisters of our Lady of Perpetual Help, as I search each day to respond to God's call on my life and relying on the protection of the Virgin Mary as Mother of God and our mother. This day was very special, because I also shared it with my family and that is why I'm grateful to the Lord and with the Sisters of the Congregation. I continue to trust in your prayers. Gabriela Pérez

AWARD GRANTED TO MADRE MERCEDES PRADO PERDOMO, FROM THE MANAGEMENT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SUCHITEPÉQUEZ, GUATEMALA We, as a congregation, celebrate with honor and great pleasure the award and recognition given to our sister Mercedes Prado Perdomo, by the Department of Education Management of Suchitepequez, naming her as Departmental Directress for one day. This activity took place on June 25, with the celebration of Teachers' Day. It was a fitting recognition, recalling her career as Directress in the College of Perpetuo Socorro, with 60 years record of projecting itself into the community of Mazatenango--guiding the youth in the process of academic, cultural and spiritual formation where many sisters of our a Congregation have also been part of its life, through this beautiful apostolate. 14



THE EXPERIENCE OF SECOND NOVITIATE Before the second novitiate started, I was so excited because I know it will happen only once and I anticipated the thought of being with Sr. Susan. I had mixed emotions as I entered the gate of the Novitiate House. I was both happy and sad. I was happy because after all the activities and struggles of preparation, on February 5, I was finally setting foot at my next stop in this journey of my religious-life for our second novitiate. I was also quite sad because I missed my companions during my novitiate days. They wouldn't be with me here. As I walked inside, I recalled memories of happy moments when we were still novices. I simply smiled and entered the chapel. There, I gazed at my beloved Jesus...thanking Him for bringing me here once again. I asked him for all the graces we would all need. I looked tenderly at the Icon of Virgin of Perpetual help and pleaded her for her help and intercession. Second novitiate to me, was like 'Transfiguration'. I felt that everyday seemed like climbing Mt. Tabor. It was an experience of encountering the living God. As I prayed and contemplated on the presence of God through those years that had passed, I was filled with gratitude for the graciousness, love and mercy of God. In all the trials I had encountered I saw myself surrendering everything to God who created me and called me into this kind of life. This phase of my life (the second novitiate), gave me the grace of knowing Jesus better just like seeing His radiant face before me. I was inspired and assured that the God I followed is everlasting and faithful one. The silence, the scriptures, the studies and community encounters filled my heart with joy. These helped me pause and reflect. It gave me an answer to the questions I had in mind... it is Jesus after all!!! The experience was also like a walk to Emmaus. God gradually unfolded the events which I didn’t recognize before. He let me understand that the experiences I had especially the tough ones were just means of helping strengthen my faith. God has been so patient in my slow and unhurried ways just as He was with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. I realized that through the years he just simply stood where I was and waited for me until I gained the courage to go on. Thirty days in novitiate was like walking with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. I encountered Him and He




filled my heart with inspiration. He ignited the fire of faith and love within. The presence of my cojourneyers, Sr. Mirasol and Sr. Jovelyn was a great blessing. I journeyed with two special and unique persons determined to love and follow God in the path He has designed for us. Again, this reminded me to place Christ at the center of my religious life as I head towards spiritual freedom. In the end, I believe that God strengthened my faith, hope and love for Him. As I walked out of the novitiate house, filled with the experience of a living God, I face the challenging world with more confidence to continue to testify for Jesus, the Redeemer, son of Mary who is ALIVE and is with us. SR. ROSALIE C. FACTOLERIN, MPS


I heard

it many times from others that God only wants us to be a simple servant before Him. For it is in simplicity that He reveals His marvelous will and love for us. I attest on this saying for it is how I can describe my experience of our four-day retreate n c o u n t e r w i t h t h e L o r d . Last April 4-7, 2013, Sr. Ida Tutor, MPS and Ma. Barbara Flores, MPS and I, had our retreat facilitated by our very own Delegate Superior, Sr. Alejandra Valdez, MPS. We all had different and unique experiences in this retreat. Allow me to share my own. I have been through many retreats in the past but this retreat, I should say, is new and different from the others. What makes it so? First, I don’t have to go to other places for a prayerful ambiance. It was held in our very own Novitiate House in Biñan, Laguna. Second, our facilitator, Sr. Alejandra Valdez, MPS was full of simplicity and wisdom. She introduced to us and let us experience the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises in order to help us deepen our following of Jesus-- conforming our will to the will of God by means of detachment from disordinate affection or attachment. Thus, a minimum of five hours personal prayer through contemplation, meditation or nature walk in a day was given to us. That was how simple the flow of this retreat. Easy? I thought so but it was not… At first, it was not easy for me to get into prayer. There were distractions and lots of things as I open up to the Lord, until I find that I don’t have anything to tell Him. So I just to keep silent and be faithful to stay in front of Him in the Blessed Sacrament. That is where my simple but very real encounter with the Lord starts. It is in the silence from within. I realized then that I had to unload




or detach everything before God can enter in. This is when I heard and experienced His love. Until that time, I never realized that an hour of prayer is not enough to be with the Lord. Every encounter I had with Him in prayer left me different kinds of feelings. There were pains, struggles, sadness and fears. There were also joy, security, surprises, gratefulness, faith, hope and love. But as what Sr. Alejandra reminded us, prayer is not a matter of feelings but a matter of virtues we live. It is what I become after every encounter I had with the Lord that matters most. It is living out the virtues and attitudes of simplicity, humility, fidelity, perseverance, hope, faith, trust, generosity, joy, obedience, purity of the heart, gratefulness, enthusiasm, creativity and love. These virtues are the fruits of my personal prayers where God invites me to live out. And through these virtues we can please God and conform our will to His will. This is what makes my simple encounter with the Lord very rich. And I acknowledge the presence of our Blessed Virgin Mary, who I believe was with us from the very beginning of our journey of encounter with the Lord. She was there praying for us with the presence of the Holy Spirit who moves in each one of us. The encounter I had was indeed an experience of God’s love and at the same time, was also an entrusting of mission. As Lord asked Peter three times: ―Simon, Son of John do you love Me?" to which Peter replied: ―Yes Lord You know that I love You.‖ Jesus said ―Feed My lambs.‖ Jesus asked Peter a second time: ―Simon, Son of John, do you love Me?" and he answered, ―Yes Lord You know that I love You.‖ Jesus said ―Tend My sheep‖. For the third time, Jesus asked: ―Do you love Me?‖ and He said to him, ―Feed My sheep‖( Jn 21:15-17). So now, Jesus asks me: ―Do you love me?‖. To love and follow Jesus entails a mission. If I really love Jesus I have to stretch out my hands and let Him lead me where I do not want to go. It is not an easy mission but if I really love and want to show my love for Him, I will go wherever He wants me to go. This is what I bring with me after this four days encounter with the Lord, an experienced of God’s love and a call for mission of His love. Novice Shirley Cepres Mabunga

(A Tribute to Sr. Susan A. Cobacha, MPS) Sr. Susan has left us a legacy of being a true and valiant missionary. Despite of her fragile health condition, she accepted her ―last‖ assignment as in-charge of vocation promotion in the Philippine Delegation. For that, she gave her best till the end. 17



Last May 2012, Sr. Susan has formed part of our Novitiate Community. Besides being a vocation promoter, without hesitation, she enthusiastically handled the group of grade III pupils preparing for First Communion in South City Homes Academy, South City Homes Biñan, Laguna with Sr. Gay R. Orcullo, MPS. In addition, she still committed herself to give religious instructions to the three sections of Grade VI pupils in the same school. As a Superior concerned with her health con-

dition, I tried to stop her; but she insisted for the reason that 2012 is the Year of Faith. It was apt for Grade VI pupils to be strengthened in their Christian faith. That was Sr. Susan- a zealous missionary until the end. She shared her faith with others despite her health problem. Last November 2012, her cancer was diagnosed to have metastasized to her lungs and liver.

During one of our community faith sharing, she opined: ―Why should I fear? I have been telling people to put trust in God and await the eternal happiness in heaven. Now, that it’s my turn, I don’t know what I have to fear.‖ Human as she was, Sr. Susan had to personally experience that passage from earthly to eternal life which is death. November 2012- April 2013 was a witnessing of bravery. The community never heard of her complain of pain, her joyful attitude never waned. We still vividly remember her 'good morning' with a smile even as the cancer continued to invade her whole body. She even commented once that Sr. Martha Burgos and Sr. Caritina Olmos via email told her that she is a strong person. She took their words of support, believed and lived them. Sr. Susan's joy, sense of humor and gratefulness were her ways of showing strength and courage that even death could not conquer. It was her strong conviction and belief that God is just right there waiting for her with the assurance of eternal life where there is no more pain, no more death but with everlasting happiness. Rest in peace, our very dear sister Susan... (Sr.. Annie D. Estraza, MPS) 18



They lived twenty-five (25) years of their lives as religious which at the most, was longer than they had lived outside. As the three sisters slowly made their way to the center aisle, the crowd was stirred by mixed feelings of pride, admiration, inspiration, joy and gratitude. Three of our Filipina sisters, Sr. Josephine Flores, MPS, Sr. Maria Theresa Gaufo, MPS and Sr. Evelyn Bacsan, MPS, celebrated their 25 years as religious of the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Counting the years back, the three took their vows before God and the ecclesiastical community in June 27, 1988 for their First Profession and in June 27, 1994 for their Perpetual Profession. June 8 of this year, they stood again to celebrate in Thanksgiving, the 25 years of God's blessings that allowed them to spend life with love and fidelity to God’s call. These three worthy sisters generously offered their lives as the best they could, and surrendered their will to God. This is truly a moment of thanksgiving for the gift of our sisters who, after Sr. Jenny Amsua, MPS (first Filipina to celebrate her Silver Anniversary), have remained in the service of the Lord with the help of Mother Mary, for 25 years. They are our pioneering sisters who still offer their unwavering love and service to the Congregation as their way of following Christ the Redeemer. If celebrities have their own life stories to tell, so do our sisters. Allow me to share with you the joy of having them with us as we now feature these noble souls sharing in Christ’s mission and touching the lives of a thousand (or more) wandering souls: Sr. Maria Theresa Gaufo of Sta. Magdalena, Sorsogon, Sr. Evelyn Bacsan of Bislig, Surigao del Sur, and Sr. Josephine Flores of Arayat, Pampanga. 1. Sr. Thess had been assigned in various apostolates and places in the Philippines and in India. Her last assignment was into itinerant mission in Zamboanga before she transferred to OFW Baclaran. 2. Sr. Evelyn on the other hand, was assigned in the Philippines doing parish Catechetical Ministry and other missionary activities. 3. Sr. Jo also had her share of missionary work and had been assigned in Macau. The rest of the years were spent in the country where she last served as Vicar before she got sick. The three had also spent a part of their formation years in Mexico. Looking at the three of them in procession one couldn't help but shed a tear or two remembering the lives they have led and especially with Sr. Jo being ushered in on a wheelchair by her brothers. After 25 years, here they are still remaining strong witnesses of Christ, living their vows with fidelity to the commitment they




made-- through thick and thin, amidst the challenges of the times. The event was truly inspiring and worth emulating particularly for us, temporarily professed sisters. True to their missionary witnessing were the people who came from Cebu, Zamboanga, Bicol, nearby provinces and cities of Manila. Fr. Dave Clancy, CSsR, presided the celebration with other Redemptorists-- Fr. Ariel Lubi, Fr. Michael Keenan, Fr. Ron Murray and Fr. Bonifacio Flordeliza. From OSJ, there were Fr. Leo Gonzales, Fr. Allen Cartagena and Fr. Ariel Celeste. Also present were Fr. Nesty Impelido, SDB, and the parish priest of Our Lady of Fatima Parish of Philamlife Village, Las Piñas, Msgr. Ernesto Joaquin. The celebration almost filled the church with people, for it was also the time set for the national consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Such was a manifestation our Lady’s constant guidance as our Mother of Perpetual Help. Lunch followed at the Philamlife Clubhouse where a short program was also presented. To you, our sister-celebrants, our love and thanksgiving for the gift of your missionary spirit! This is where you belong and this is the best way of loving and serving God.

"They took a vow of a lifetime." The Perpetual Profession for the Vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience and their commitment to spend their lives consecrated forever to God was made by Sr. Rosalie C. Factolerin, MPS, Sr. Jovelyn M. Mantilla, MPS and Sr. Mirasol O. Quisil, MPS, in a solemn Eucharistic celebration on the Feast of the Solemnity of John the Baptist on June 24, 2013. This public profession of the perpetual vows of the Evangelical counsels by the above-mentioned sisters is a pledge of a lifetime commitment, offering themselves to the Congregation and to the Church through which they are being integrated in the Paschal Mystery of Christ. A surprising number of 19 priest-concelebrators was a beautiful sight to behold, adding solemnity to the celebration. Fr. Ariel Lubi, CSsR, Provincial, Vice -Province of Manila was the main presider. He gave an inspiring homily especially addressed to the three, who were to be perpetually professed, em20



phasizing on living the vows specially at this time of a technologically advanced society. Together with Fr. Ariel were other Redemptorists from the Vice Province of Manila: Fr. Dave Clancy, Fr. Michael Keenan, Fr. Bonifacio Flordeliza, Fr. Dennis Despues, and Fr. Kristofenson Aleia. Joining them were Fr. Peter Siritararat, CSsR (Thailand) and Fr. Paul Tuangtong (diocesan, Thailand). From Cebu Province, there were Fr. Carlo Villaflor, Fr. Galen Cortes and Fr. Amado Picardal. The OSJ’s included Fr. Philip Gagatiga (Parish priest), Fr. Leo Gonzales, Fr. Allen Cartagena , Fr. Mark John Perez and Fr. Edmar Oleivar. Also present were Fr. Jeff Manlapig (Las Piñas), Fr. Glen Cantos (Tanauan, Batangas) and Fr. Joaquin Camano (Nueva Caceres, Bicol). The entire celebration was witnessed by the sisters in the delegation. Other religious sisters from OSSR, BPS and Sisters of the Holy Spirit came together with friends, relatives of the sisters, benefactors and people from mission areas to show support to our congregation. The mass was held at the Blessed Sacrament Parish, South City Homes, Biñan, Laguna. Lunch was served in MPS Novitiate House. Sisters, congratulations! (Sr. Ida A. Tutor, MPS)

Everything was set up! The hall--for the catering; the church-- simple yet so beautifully arranged for the Eucharistic celebration; the visitors arriving one by one,and our families! Everyone was ready and excited for the occasion to start. I looked around and took a deep breath, trying to capture that blissful feeling on the day of our Perpetual Profession. I tried to savor the moment and the graciousness of our Spouse, Jesus. As I marched toward the altar with Lola Bina and Papa Rolan beside me, I felt overwhelmed. Indeed, I was! And who wouldn't be in the presence of families, relatives, friends, our congregation, brothers, 21



priests and religious sisters, and other loving and very supportive people? Above all, I was happy because finally, I was going to walk down the aisle with Jesus as my Spouse. The theme flashed before us "I AM THE SERVANT OF THE LORD, BE IT DONE UNTO ME ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD". These were the very words of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was lived and embraced by the mother of God. We chose it for we believe that we have one mission and that is to listen to and obey God. I know deep inside, that I really tried to journey with this theme in mind. Our final profession was an affirmation that despite the many winding roads I passed, I still received the grace to listen and follow the Lord with a servant's heart. There were many times when with knees bent, I begged the Lord for mercy and grace in order to persevere and to do His will. Doing God's will is where my peace lies, that is why I often sought the help of our Mother of Perpetual Help for the grace to be prompt and faithful to her Son Jesus. On that day of our final profession, Sr. Mirasol, Sr. Jovelyn and I , together with the people who witnessed the celebration, are one in acknowledging the love of the Triune God and gratefulness for the maternal care of Mary, our mother. As I expressed the formula for the religious profession, I felt every word penetrating my heart. I vowed to love God, serve the church and live the constitutions until my last breath. Tears started to well up but I held them back until I finished professing the formula. The challenging responsibilities slowly but surely sipped in through my consciousness but I knew was not alone. I had with me my MPS family and the many God-sent instruments who will help me and make manifest God's faithfulness. During the litany of the saints, I was contemplating on the heavenly banquet. I felt the embrace of the Triune God and being prayed over by saints and angels. Under the white cloth, I knew I died to myself in order to live for Christ. It was not easy, but I trust on the great love and mercy that Jesus, my Spouse, has for me. I thank God for this grace-filled moment; for the love, support and prayers of the Congregation, family, friends, benefactors and those who shared in our happiness during our final profession. May we all listen as servants of God like Mary, for we are all called to work in the vineyard of God.,

Sr. Rosalie Factolerin, MPS 22



Bless a thousand times this woman with love That as how the sun is for the world, so is her life is for the child. The mother is sublime and holy par excellence, inexhaustible providence of light, goodness and love. A mother is a treasure of virtues The pure love of the world, the glorious sublimity. And she who gave us life, educates us and corrects us, She leads us through the path of duty and virtue. Do you want your mother to be happy in the world, kid? Well with your exemplary conduct venerate and idolize her That such is to be a good child. Ave Maria, Sisters! With these beautiful words addressed to our moms, I am sharing with you some of the activities in Alphonsus Liguori School, High School Department. The celebration in honor of mothers, was held last May 10th involving our students and teachers. The event was made so touching and colorful with the students showing off their talents in the program which they aptly entitled: CELEBRATING MOM THROUGH TIMES. On May 15, we celebrated Teacher's Day. Students coordinated with teachers in games, song and dance numbers presented by them. Not to be overlooked was also the celebration of Sublime Mother, the Virgin Mary, whose feast fell on the 31st of the same month. 23



Early in the morning, we came together to pray the rosary and crown her as our Queen. Ceci, a grade 2 "B" student, who had the fortune of crowning the image of our Lady, will, for the first time, be receiving Our Lord to Jesus Christ on June 22 at 12 am at the Cathedral during her First Communion. In the afternoon after the coronation, we gathered the elementary and high school students who are IAM members to conduct the recitation of the Rosary. The enthusiastic youngsters showing their missionary spirit, carried crosses made from cardboard boxes with colors that stand for the 5 continents. Finally, together with the high school students, we went to the patio to pray for vocation before a Vocation Cross. This is all we can share from beautiful Tampico with what Raul Velasco used to say: "even if there is ... until next time. God bless you."

(Sr. Margarita Hidalgo Castillo, MPS)

For several weeks, my female teacher in Legal Culture had asked us to bring plastic bottles to be built into a boat (which teacher Victor assembling them for us). She had told us that we were going to accompany her and I looked forward to it. It was on Monday, June 3, 2013 when the class teacher asked me to come to her desk and told me that I to go with her and deliver the ecological boat. She could take only one person from the whole school and I thanked God I was the one chosen. On Tuesday, 4th of June 2013, was the date for delivering the boat. Teacher Ricardo guided us to the place. We were the first with our boat made from plastic bottles. There were other exhibits about ecology; among them animals (baby crocodiles, parrots, turtles, a hawk, a cockroach from Madagascar, etc.). When the president, Magdalena Peraza arrived, she greeted us and presented each group a certificate for having participated in the event. My teacher in Culture and I took a little time to see the rest of the exhibits. One section was made of plastic tubes with holes in them. They put glasses with seedlings, right there were sets of marbles, the board was made of Styrofoam and the prizes were recycled. Afterwards, my teacher was asked if she wanted to toss a pie to one of a group. My teacher accepted, but she did not get it 24



right. There followed other activities like word search, coloring and maze. They gave a candy, a wallet and a plant. My teacher and I won a plant. I picked one which I did not know but which looked beautiful to me. We saw solar panels and a girl wearing a dress made of potato chip wrappers. Back in school, the sisters Margarita and Lety, the secretaries Marisol and Tania told me that the plant I won was neem and they said it was good for diabetics, but I told them I had only chosen it because I found the leaves pretty.

Alba Miriam Borjas Piñeiro Grade 1° ―A‖

In recalling the missionary mandate of Pope Pius IX to the Redemptorists, we, Srs. Leticia Diaz Paredes and Margarita Hidalgo Castillo, led the celebration of the novena in honor of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, from 18th to 26th of the month of June in the chapel of St. Gerard Mary of Majella, which belongs to the Parish of St. Martin de Porres. The people participated with great devotion, lifting up their prayers to God through the intercession of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Each day, at 5 pm., we headed to the said chapel; and on the 26th, after praying the novena, we had a celebration of the Eucharist presided over by Fr. Gerardo Clemente. This was followed by a fellowship with those who attended the novena. Fr. Gerardo acknowledged our presence as having the sweetest name Our Lady Of Perpetual Help for our congregation; thereby honoring and making her known all the more. In addition, he also said that in some way he is connected to this great Lady. During the celebration, we presented the Icon of our mother, the same icon which is seen when visiting homes every Tuesday, honored by everyone as her children.




It was a pleasant experience for us to see people praying with such devotion, dedication and love for our Mother. All were grateful for having understood the meaning of the Icon; so much so, that they have adopted the name in groups such as the Lay Missioners of Perpetual Help. On Tuesdays, while some visit homes to pray the rosary, a group of young lay people of Perpetual Help, hold an adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to keep this flame of devotion to God through Mary burning. We feel a need to follow up this project that has come out of this novena. It is a way of making known the Congregation to its fullest extent.

(Sr. Margarita Hidalgo Castillo, MPS)

On May 9, 2013, the educational community of the School of Vasco de Quiroga, San Luis Potosi put on a gala celebration in honor of all mothers. It was a very special experience for everyone as Archbishop Jesus Carlos Cabrero Romero, was the one who presided over the Eucharistic celebration. That was the first visit of the bishop in our school so it was truly filled with joy. The mothers thoroughly enjoyed themselves as they were the lectors, commentators and offerors. They received special blessings at the end of the celebration, a pleasant gift from the Archbishop. To end the day´s activities, the students presented a short program for their moms. Everyone enjoyed a snack prepared by the board of the institution. Congratulations, Moms, for being women with unconditional love for their children. 26



On the 31st of May, we held at the Vasco de Quiroga School the Coronation our Most Holy Mother as the culmination for the month that is dedicated to her. As part of the program organized by the Sisters in-charge of the Education in the Faith, the Virgin Mary was enthroned and some presentations were offered in the program to honor her with love and affection.

(Sr. Anilú Morales Arroyo, MPS)

On June 27th, the Vasco of Quiroga School celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, our patroness and titular. The occasion was preceded by the novena led by pupils, teachers and parents who also offered goods given to Archdiocesan Caritas for our brothers and sisters who are in need. After the thanksgiving message, several groups honored the Blessed Virgin Mary with various presentations like dancing, singing, poems, acrostics, and mañanitas, a surprise by the the mariachis. There was 27



also an exhibit of models, drawings, decorative images, written sen— tences and other loving efforts by students from different levels of preschool and first grade-- those who were just beginning to gain and develop knowledge and love for our Mother of Perpetual Help. (Sr. Ma. Hilda Flores Colunga, MPS)

Every two months during the year the parents and godparents of the children who were being prepared for First Communion, were also attending to some talks that would prepare them as their children receive their First Communion.




On June 8, a recollection was held where around 280 parents and godparents participated. The said recollection was facilitated Fr. Omar Alberto Diaz, C.Ss.R. A special rally was held with the help of some parents, teachers and mothers in the community. Both parents and godparents expressed their commitment to continually accompany and encourage their children in their journey towards loving the Lord more and more.

On June 15th, within the facilities of Juan Ramón Jiménez School, a recollection for the children who were preparing for first communion was held. There were a total of 100 children; some were students of the school, others from neighboring places while some are girls from our Casa Hogar. It began with a warm welcome for the participants then followed by some dynamics and the prayer in the chapel. There was also a rally wherein the children were asked about some prayers they learned in the Catechism. There was also a simple fellowship meal followed by a short practice of how would be their position in the Church. Something that had motivated them the children a lot were the letters that their parents and godparents wrote for them.

Since the 3rd of June, each group was given a picture frame of the Virgin Mary along with an outline of prayers to be prayed every day by a child together with his/her family at home. They could also invite their neighbors. The frame and prayer booklet would be passed from one child to another. At the end of the month, the picture frame was raffled in each group and the child who luckily got it joyfully took the picture frame of Our Lady of Perpetual Help to his/her home for good.




El día 14 de Junio con mucha alegría y con mucho gozo se comenzó la novena a nuestra Madre, la Virgen del Perpetuo Socorro. En ella participaron todos los niños, maestros, padres de familia, el personal administrativo e intendencia. Cada día lo prepararon dos grupos; ellos con la ayuda del maestro preparan el adorno, un baile, una canción o una poesía dedicado a la Virgen. Se comienza con las oraciones propias de la novena y el ofrecimiento. A cada grupo se le pide algún alimento para compartir: arroz, frijoles, azúcar, café, leche, pastas…, esto para hacer despensas y ayudar a algunas familias necesitadas que los niños conocen e invitan para recibir una despensa. Después del ofrecimiento presentan lo que han preparado en honor a Nuestra Madre. Se termina con una porra o un canto.

En la Iglesia de

San Cayetano, el día 22 de Junio, se celebró la Eucaristía de las Primeras Comu-

niones presidida por el Padre Omar Alberto Díaz, C.Ss.R. Cada niño con sus padres y padrinos muy alegres por recibir a Jesús en la Eucaristía. En las lecturas, peticiones y procesión de ofrendas participaron papás y padrinos.

Al final de la Eucaristía se les entregó su constancia junto con un pequeño recuerdo.




Desde muy temprano animados para la peregrinación a la Basílica de Guadalupe, desde los grados de tercero hasta sexto, salimos con mucha alegría a celebrar la gran fiesta. Se contrataron varios autobuses hasta la Glorieta de Peralvillo, donde comenzaría la peregrinación.

Con mucho entusiasmo tanto niños, maestros, padres de familia y Madres de la Congregación fuimos cantando y rezando hasta llegar a la Basílica donde se celebró la Eucaristía en honor a nuestra Madre del Perpetuo Socorro. ¡FELICIDADES! (Sr. Nilda Lizeth García Moreno, MPS)

Solemn tribute to our Blessed Mother in the month of May in the central house: We wished to praise her and rejoice with her for the gifts that God had given her. To solemnize this homage and echo the tradition that we have always been doing in the Congregation every month of May, we enthusiastically offered both real and spiritual flowers; we organized ourselves by teams so that we may lovingly give and do our best in making this tribute effective and most especially pleasing to our dearest Mother and Queen. We started this month of flowers, bringing to the altar of our Mother the most significant symbols of our love for her. Each day, a team of sisters did the leading of the rosary with creativity. The Sisters from the General Council along with Sr. Patricia Morales highlighted the activity as they showed us videos and slides, presenting the most outstanding events of the Congregation, as well as short Marian films. In their reflections, they led us in the awareness of the situation of the family, 31



the Congregation and the different realities of our world today. We also had the offering the respective symbols of countries where the MPS are present while we sang hymns that fit to the situation of each mystery of the Rosary. Some teams also wanted to offer something more to the community by serving them a snack at the end of the offering to our Mother. To conclude this month of May, the last day was solemnized with the Coronation to the Blessed Virgin. Sr. Anavela Barrientos had the fortune and honor to crown our Lady.

(M. Roció Castañeda Salgado, MPS)

On the 29th of June, we gathered together with some priests, sisters from other communities, families and friends in the city of TAMPICO, TAMAULIPAS for the thanksgiving celebration of the 25 years in religious life of our dear Sisters MARIA ELENA BURGOS MARTINEZ and GUADALUPE PEREZ RAMIREZ who are members of the Tampico Community and were joined by their batch mates our Superior General M. CECILIA MORALES TAPIA and Sr. HILDA FLORES COLUNGA, superior of San Luis Potosi Community.

We had the Eucharistic celebration at the Cathedral which was presided by Most Rev. Jose Luis Dibildox Martinez, bishop of Tampico Diocese with concelebrants Msgr. Elias, Frs. Gustavo, Antonio, Artemio and Fray Fidel, OFM.




The sisters were radiating joy while feeling excited and nervous at the same time. The celebration was a great surprise for them especially for Srs. Guada and Malena who were so happy to have their families share this special moment with them. Each one offered during the entrance procession a candle as a sign of their offering to the Lord. So happy and grateful to God for this manifestation of His mercy, redemption and love for them, the jubilarians listened attentively to the message that the Bishop shared which was actually echoed from the words of the Holy Father Francis when he spoke to the General Superiors in Vatican. Afterwards, the reception took place at the Multi-purpose Hall of St. Alphonsus Liguori School wherein the Superior M. Julieta Urtis offered and prepared almost everything to celebrate the sisters´25 years of consecration to the Lord. After the celebration on that day, we continued our sharing at home. Each one expressed our gratitude and love for God as we realize the gift of our eight sisters who consecrated themselves to the Lord and who are now celebrating their 25 years in religious life. The grand celebration would be held in Mexico in the Parish of the Holy Redeemer on the 10th of August, 2013.


Sr. Julieta Arellano Valle, MPS





To all Sisters of the MPS Congregation: Greetings of peace with a fervent wish that all is well and good. Recalling that the purpose of the novitiate is for a novice to learn and live the essential and primary demands of the religious life (art. 117) and reaffirm a profound and joyful experience of the love of God on her life, is a reason to be very happy. I therefore wish to share with you my feelings as regards my apostolic experiences in the novitiate stage. Our first mission exposure was in the school, I confess that the day we gave the letters I was nervous and I was filled with many apprehensions. I was very pleased, though, at that moment because the community gathered to remind us that "WE ARE NOT ALONE". Sr. Diana led the prayer and she emphasized that in any apostolate nobody does anything by her own efforts, but by the grace of God. Thus, with mixed feelings of joy, nervousness and excitement and in the midst of a community gathered in prayer, the moment finally came for us to know where each one would be sent. I was sent to Juan Ramón Jiménez School where I was generously given support and help to have a very rich experience. I will always remember this community with great joy because it is one which bears witness to a consecrated life and above all, to the love of God. For me, it was a complete experience-- where I had the opportunity to teach catechism, hold classes in education of faith, collaborate in the organization of the colonial night, live with teachers, parents and students and participate in the recollections of children. In the afternoons, the time for community life was a special moment for dialogue, listening and sharing of life. I learned from this community that all of us walk together and that each one of us serves as guardians to one another. It was Lenten season when I stayed in the said community-- a special time of preparation. This is where each day, I experienced the mercy of God and reaffirmed the life of prayer as basis for the apostolate. I also realized that community life is a foundation for a life of sisterhood. I also continued to experience the joy of a community who seemed happy with me, a family who welcomed me as a sister. As my birthday was on that month, I celebrated it with them. It was quite tiresome; but it is well worth it when life is spent according to God's plan. At the end of the month, I had mixed feelings again, of which the most predominant was gratitude for the 34



beautiful experience of God's love. My second experience was the mission in Coyul, a place where we were sent. To tell you the truth, it meant hard work that leading to reaffirm total surrender. I discovered that the apostolate in the mission is not only to live with, but TO BE with the people. Every day, we walked from one community to another. The road was rough and endless, but the joy of the mission was the reward. People expected testimony from us, not just as women who catechize, but as women who are truly consecrated to the service. The last week of this experience was the ―holy week‖. I was sent together with Miriam to one of the most remote communities, Santa Catarina. We found simple and humble people with big heart waiting for us. Although there may be spiritual abandonment, the people manifested great faith on how the grace of God worked in their life. One important occasion was the time when the three communities gathered in an encounter 48 youths. They arrived tired (as some of them had traveled by bus while others came on foot) with a day’s activity ahead of them. Their fatigue disappeared as they enjoyed the fellowship. I am truly grateful for this experiences even if I found it difficult in some circumstances and situations. Being new to this kind of life, I know that the support of the sisters and the grace of God have strengthened me. Sunburnt, we returned to México to rest a little and got ready for our third experience: CASA HOGAR. And since we were sent by two’s, Liliana and I were sent to Toluca. Here, I had a strong experience of God. I discovered the loving image of God in the face of each girl who I found intelligent, naughty, restless, each with individual characteristics as they usually shouted: ―it’s worth it! Don’t give up!‖ This experience and opportunity for me, were meant to show the maternal face of God. At the end, I reaffirmed that a community will be able to walk only if it is embraced by God and that an apostolate prospers when the community is open to the action of the Holy Spirit. I thank the Congregation for these months of experience that were given me. I also thank the sisters: Cecilia Reyes, Sofía, Tere Islas, Nilda, Otilia, Elvia, Elia, Georgina, Josefina, Guadalupe Blas, Blanca, Vita and Inés, for sharing their experiences, their wisdom and for witnessing. These encouraged me further to follow Christ. Finally, I wish to extend my gratitude to all the sisters who have filled us with their prayers, making us stronger each day. May the peace of God and His Holy Spirit light our ways as we continue our journey, that we may be more humane in Christ, the Redeemer, with the guidance of Mary. As an MPS, from the depth of my heart, I bid you farewell with an affectionate hug. Cordially in Christ, the Redeemer,

Sr. Alejandra Flores Galván Novicia MPS



ABRIL— JUNIO 2013 Dear Jesus, help me to spread Your fragrance everywhere I go. Flood my soul with Your spirit and life. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly, That my life may only be a radiance of Yours. Shine through me, and be so in me That every soul I come in contact with May feel Your presence in my soul. Let them look up and see no longer me, but only Jesus! John Henry Newman

Ave MarĂ­a!

I want to share with you some of the experiences I had the previous months. Let me begin by saying they were great opportunities to learn from and share with sisters for nourishment and strength in an apostolic community. I must confess that before we started, I was very scared for not knowing what I could contribute to these communities. Little by little, however, I understood that it is not just doing or working that are needed, but the taking part and learning from those who accompany me. The challenge that I encountered was the community life itself. By the way, let me tell you that I got used to live in the formation house where everything is according to what favors and nurtures it. It is clear that every apostolate is a different experience. I can say however, that in any of them, it is very important to be attentive and respect the time for each activity in the community. Sometimes it was not possible to share with the sisters since I always believe that community life is what gives me strength. I appreciate the work of the people who collaborate with us in our apostolate. Through them, I learn to appreciate the gifts that each person can contribute for a common goal. I understand much better this time, the importance of witnessing and I also remember the words of one of the sisters: "Sometimes, people are less interested in the content that we offer, but they always remember how we listen and the affection with which we welcomed them, and this is the best means to make Jesus known " and so, I add that He is the one who is made known. We are surprised at every moment in the gestures with which children hopefully await the arrival of mommy or daddy after school, in the humility of a man who listens and respects his wife in a culture so marked by machismo or in the sincerity of a girl as she arrives the casa hogar after school wondering whether the teacher has no complaints about her. This, as well as with the life shared together as sisters, are encouraging signs that mark my option to consecrate myself in the gift of religious life. I know that we are women on the go, that sometimes we stumble. I am surprised because it is where we realize the action of the Spirit of God, that makes us continue to be signs of God to others. I thank the sisters of the School of Martin de la Cruz because as they opened the doors of their community and apostolate for me, I discovered the truth behind the wise words of our foundress: "Children are the apostles of their own home." I am indebted to the Coyul Mission House, where I learned to value the community moments as food of the mission that the sisters share generously. I admire every gesture in which they reflect charity as true ornament. Thanks, Sisters of Toluca Casa Hogar Community, I recognize the simplicity with which you accommodate each child, with the tenderness that Mary of Perpetual Help reflects to us in her icon. I end this message fully convinced that our apostolic works are opportunities to radiate the Merciful Love that God delights in giving us. In Christ, the Redeemer: Novice Alma Liliana Albino Jaramillo 36



HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY 30TH OF APRIL 2013 THE SCHOOL OF MARTIN DE LA CRUZ CELEBRATED THIS VERY SPECIAL FEAST FOR THE CHILDREN: In one voice, starting with maĂąanitas, the parents sang and cheered for their children. All faces radiated joy as the parents who were teary eyed lovingly embraced their children. The school became a great fair, where among others, the little train and water bubbles appeared. The kids had the option of enjoying the dance in the disco or to participate in the P.E. Dance for All. No one would have missed the traditional food, prepared with care by the parents. In harmony and in an atmosphere of fellowship, the beautiful day for the Children had come to its end.

Happy feast to us who feel like children wishing to enter the Kingdom of God!

10th of MAY 2013 Each year, the School gives away an invitation for this great event where the mothers obtain a ticket to exchange for a delicious dish. The Eucharist, as the center of this tribute to the dear mothers is an expression of gratitude for the wonderful gift of motherhood. The priest, citing a mother as the pillar of the family, highlighted the need for families to honor Mary the mother of God, as she reminds them of the holiness, sacrifice and love that she offered to her Son. Thus, he said, she must remain to be a living example of strength and spirituality--the characteristics that form motherhood. The students of the school expressed their love and gratitude to their mothers with beautiful dance presentations. 37



(Reflection by Solares Ramirez Manuel David - Grade 1)

The Worth of a Mother Mother: She is the woman who devotes her time in the care, education and protection of her children. All Mothers are preoccupied with attending to feeding, caring and giving love to their children, and still they go to work so that nothing may be wanting at home. That is why we, children must support and always love our mother. Take care of her, love her and enjoy her company while she is with you.

14th of may 2013

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There are hands that come together in order to work while others do so in order to love. Today, my hands are joined together in order to pray and ask God's blessings for you. Today, you will be in the beautiful and naughty memories of those who passed through your hands and some of them have become excellent professionals. With affection, we express how important teachers are in our lives. This is the greatest satisfaction we can offer you! God grants gifts; and to you, He gave the gift “To Educate.” I ask Him that you may continue to enrich your knowledge so that your teaching would not only be for the moment, but for a lifetime. To train, guide and to give love are some of the wonderful things you do as a teacher. May God and the Virgin bless you. Happy Teacher's Day! HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY to all teachers who guide us every day and give us the wisdom, intelligence and love to give to children as Jesus, our Lord does. To educate in the style of JESUS, the GOOD MASTER, is the beautiful mission that you are fulfilling-this art of being the protagonist in education. You deserve to be congratulated on this day.

The students expressed their gratitude to each of the teachers as they gave floral displays and chocolates to each and every one of their teachers.

Happy Teachers’ Day!




30th of May 2013 One of the objectives of our schools is to transmit the religious values to the children, parents, faculty members and administration staff; to make them feel the love of GOD who is with them and not one who is far and absent. Crowning the Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen is a manifestation that we recognize her as a bridge that brings us to Jesus. Thus, with much love, the children and parents dedicated to her a tribute via dances, poems, cheering, songs, flowers and finally with the coronation that was represented by the pre-schooler Jose de Jesus and this simple prayer: “To you, Mother who loves with much tenderness, we have come to offer our lives, works and concerns and at the same time to tell you that we love you, that we are your children who trust in the power of your protection.” (Sr. Maria Rosa Vargas Rendón, MPS)

With joy, we summoned the entire educational community of the Preschool & Elementary Departments our school in order to celebrate the Feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Patroness of all Schools of the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The beginning of the month was spent celebrating the beautiful Icon of our Mother of Perpetual Help. On June 27, we honored our Blessed Mother with a beautiful festival. The program of activities was as follows: 1. A procession at the school entrance was held where the Icon was carried by parents and 5th and 6th grades students. The image was placed on an altar at the center of the school patio. 2. The school choir led the mañanitas of Perpetual Help, inviting the entire school community to join in singing this beautiful message of love to her who gives us perpetual love. 39



3. Next, followed the celebration of the Eucharist in the school ground which was presided by Fr. Carlos Flores, C.Ss.R., who invited the students to say how they know that their mothers love them. Responses varied from --"I know she loves me because she gives me toys, "I know that she loves me because she feeds me", "I know that she loves me because she takes care of me" and "I know that she loves me so much because I feel it," among others. The celebration ended with a blessing from Fr. Carlos after inviting all those present, to shout several cheers in English and Latin. 4. The school's classical ballet group presented three numbers-- "Pobre Cucú", "Juan Pestañas" and "Maquinita" which received applause as appreciation for the beautiful presentation. 5. The Grade 6–B pupils recited a poem entitled ―Jesus through Mary‖ in different voices with accompanying gestures. 6. The Grade 3 pupils danced the ―El coco‖,making the audience happy and grateful for the presentation. 7. The Folkloric Ballet also presented "El Torito" with admirable skill and graceful movements. 8. The 6-A and 6-B pupils presented another dance, the ―Bikina‖. The proud parents who clapped and cheered were moved to ask for another dance number. 9. All those who were present were invited to visit and learn about the Museum of liturgical objects and icons Byzantines as performed by the preschool pupils. The General Directress Maria Rosa Lugo Iniesta, concluded this great day with words of gratitude.

Oh Mother of Perpetual Help, Pray for us. Protector St. Alphonsus, That in all our necessities, may we always turn to Mary. (Sr. Ma. Elena Godinez Torres, MPS)




We express our love for Mary whenever we affirm God's command that we love our brothers and sisters which we do by serving them and by going out of our way without complaints in order to reach out to those who are in need. We manifest the same by our good actions towards others. The title Perpetual Help brings us to a loving involvement with one another and allows us to experience abundant redemption. Our community, in a way, feels blessed to have sisters who are in delicate health condition for it gives us an opportunity to be more sensitive to their needs and to be more humane. Fatigue does not deter us from practicing acts of charity. Allow me to share with you the feelings of some of the sick sisters in the community: 1.I thank the whole community for the time they spend attending to our needs. The support they give inspires me to be enthusiastic to get better each day. 2. Thanks to you, Sisters, that despite the hectic routine of the apostolate, you find ample time to spend with us. These acts clearly show your affection, charity, physical and spiritual support as well. 3. I thank my community for having accompanied me during the period when I had to take care of my elderly and sick mother until the moment of her death. (Sr. Ma. Elena GodĂ­nez Torres,MPS) 41



On May 30, 2013 Srs. Cecilia Morales Tapia (Superior General) and Maritza J. Morillo Herrera (General Councilor), traveled to Venezuela with a twofold purpose: To accompany Sr. Edith Dominga Martinez in her Perpetual Profession and to have a fraternal visit to the MPS Communities of the Delegation. We arrived at the International Airport of Maiquetía in Venezuela, where we were received by Sr. Nohemí Justo, Vicar of the Delegation and Superior of the MPS Community of Catia La Mar with whom we traveled some hours later to Barquisimeto to accompany Sr. Edith in her decision to remain as an MPS and to make her Perpetual Vows now. The celebration was organized for June 1, 2013 at St. Joseph Parish of the Redemptorist Missionaries, located in the city of Barquisimeto. The mass was presided by Father Eric Perez C.Ss.R. together with several concelebrating priests including Fr. Alexander Nieves, C.Ss.R., Superior and Parish Priest. In the said celebration, Sr. Edith, a native of Falcon State, Venezuela, expressed her desire to be a Sister of Perpetual Vows and was received by the Church through our Mother Superior General Cecilia Morales Tapia, who along




with the Sisters of the delegation, their parents, families, friends and the community of the faithful that accompanied her, giving thanks to God for the life of our Sr. Edith and her generous self-offering by being a member of this MPS religious family to assist in performing the Congregation Evangelization from Charisma himself received the Founders. We wish for our Sr. Edith and the MPS Delegation of Venezuela, all the strength that they will need to remain as women with joyful hope, strong faith and great commitments for the sake of those who expect a lot from Religious Life and the Church. The Superior General Sr. Cecilia Morales Tapia and Sr. Maritza J. Morillo Herrera, visited the three Communities of the Delegation (Catia La Mar, El Manzano and Maracaibo). The visit scheduled for this occasion was fraternal, since there were only few days available for it and the canonical visitation will be scheduled afterwards. The Sisters visitators had the opportunity to come together on June 4th in the Community of Maracaibo "Mary Help of Christians School" with the Delegate, Sr. Maria Auxiliadora Escalona GimĂŠnez, where after the sharing of experiences of the reality of this Delegation, the visitators gave some suggestions to encourage the journey of the Communities and to benefit each of the Sisters and the mission they perform. We thank Christ the Redeemer and the Mother of the Redeemer for our presence in this South American country, and we ask them to help us to continue to growing as a religious community, which strengthened with firm and committed vocations, we may make life Plentiful Redemption as the Redeemer promised us and to those who trust in Him and in His mercy. Also, CONGRATULATIONS to our Sr. Edith for her YES to the Lord and for being disposed to continue collaborating for the Redemption of humankind according to our Missionary Charism.

Secretariat of Religious Life




During the Easter week, from April 1 to 6 of this year, we had the opportunity to participate in the ESAM (Escuela de Animadores Misioneros or School of Missionary Animators) which is intended to form and train the guides of the IAM (Infancia y Adolescencia Misionera). We thank God for the continuous growth of this Pontifical work in our schools and missions. Though it grows little by little, it gives us much joy, because through it, our students, their parents and teachers will continue to assume the missionary mandate that Jesus left us, i.e. to "go and make disciples of all the people" (Mt. 28.20). For this occasion (as you may see in the picture), the following have participated: Professors Francisca Raquel (Salina Cruz High School), Ma. De los Ángeles and Alfredo Pacheco (Salina Cruz Elementary and High School), Mrs. Angélica Romero and Leonor Barrios (mothers and guides from Tampico), our young missionary Lizzie and last but not the least, the MPS Sisters: Elia Vázquez (Coyul, Oaxaca Mission), Margarita Hidalgo and Ma. Elena Burgos (Tampico School), Ma. Guadalupe Mejía (Nezahualcoyotl School) and yours truly, (Secretariat of Missionary Action). We ask Jesus, the Redeemer and the Missionary Virgin to grant that all our apostolic works may be integrated in the IAM so we may continually form disciples and missionaries. Sr. Ma. Teresa Medina, MPS Secretariat of Missionary Action




AVE MARÍA! “To let the conflict enter into my life, things may be fine today but maybe not tomorrow. This makes us to review ourselves, not the other.” The crisis is a turning point in the evolution of a process; the results will depend from the manipulation to harnessing of the crisis. And in the beginning, it can be taken as a problem or as an opportunity. On the 1st and 2nd of June, we, the minor and major juniors came together to share and live our experiences in a workshop with the theme: Resolution of crises and conflicts. As we are gathered in the workshop, we expressed our joy of being together at the same time our concerns about the topic at hand. We had within us feelings of hope, openness and disposition to experience this workshop. During the first day, we learned what are a crisis and conflict and the means we have at our disposal in solving them. We also shared the need for us to learn to live with these situations in the different realities in which each of us find ourselves; above all, to live always in openness, listening and tolerance for ourselves and later with whom we share community life. I think the approach on the first day was more on the theoretical aspect while the second day was more of putting into practice whatever was learned the day before. We were organized into groups and each posed a problem which is presented in our community life. The different representations that were performed were very nice and creative; they were things that live in every community, the most important thing is that we had fun and each one contributed something to help so that these would be solved. This dynamic enriched us that by seeing these realities affect us and we let ourselves be touched. I can say that we had allowed ourselves to enter within the very depth of our being that we began to share our own crises and conflicts among ourselves and express the needs and challenges we have at this present time as juniors. To share life in this encounter encouraged us to move on even amid the stumbles and falls. It invites us to continue to walk in an attitude of hope and communion, knowing that this process of self-knowledge and growth, although it is so personal, is to be lived and shared in the community. “

Self-discovery comes when a person measures himself/herself against an obstacle.” Antoine de Saint Exupery

(Sr. Alma Rosalina Velez Palomo, MPS)




The gift of love of our sisters Dolores (Monica) Rodríguez Martinez, Antonia (Rosaura) Almaraz Sánchez and Elfega del Carmen (Antonieta) Ugarte Sánchez in their the fiftieth anniversary in religious consecration: With much anticipation and great excitement, the jubilarians prepared for this celebration of their 50 years of religious life. They made their spiritual exercises, prepared insignias of our consecration and invitations for family members and friends. At last the awaited day June 22 came, each one was so excited to enjoy this celebration with the families along with all the sisters of the Congregation. The time for the Eucharist came and was presided by Rev. Fr. Provincial Gonzalo Rascon Rivera, C.Ss.R. with great fervor as always. The three jubilarians were welcomed by the celebrant and the Mass began with the beautiful choir of novices. In the homily the priest highlighted the generous dedication of the sisters. During the celebration within the mass, Mother General Cecilia Morales Tapia gave them the insignias of the congregation. And before the end of Mass, the sisters were asked to say something. Subsequently, the banquet was served to all with the surprise of the joyful presence of the mariachis. With gratitude and thanksgiving the families went home with joyful hearts after seeing the sisters dedicated to the service of God and neighbor.

(M. Roció Castañeda Salgado, MPS)





MAY OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST AND OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP BLESS YOU. On June 27 of this year, the feast of our Patroness, Mother of Perpetual Help, as expected, was celebrated by all the sisters. With everyone gathered together, the celebration is opened with the recitation of the novena in every community on the eve of the feast. As in previous years, we, here in Mexico, had our pilgrimage to the Basilica of Guadalupe starting from the square of Peralvillo as the meeting place. We got there around 10.00 am. By 10.30 am, the sisters from the different communities, as well as the children and staff from our schools, casas hogares, formation communities and the General Council, have all arrived. In events such as this, we all give and receive a big hug for the great joy of being able to come together. These are moments when we experience sharing as a missionary family! The procession started in small groups, with singing songs in honor of our mother, praying the rosary and by making dynamics. We made everyone very happy. Upon arriving at the Basilica, we, the novices, went straight to the choir loft as we were fortunate to be the ones to lead the singing during the mass. Nervous and excited, we began with the entrance song accompanied by our music professor Alfonso Medina. The celebrants, Redemptorist Provincial Fr. Gonzalo Rascon Rivera, Fr. Omar Alberto Diaz, C.Ss.R. and Fr. Desire Afana, CICM walked towards the altar in a solemn procession. With great enthusiasm, we offered our thanksgiving to the Lord as we venerated our beloved Mother in the Eucharistic celebration. After the Mass, we all headed to the Central House where we had our fellowship meal. The hall was filled with sisters, priests, auxiliary missionaries, and friends of the Congregation. Oh how we enjoyed the rich "mole". We shared with sisters of different ages, rejoicing with the mariachi who came to sing Happy Birthday to the Virgin and enlivening the meal and the dancing of the sisters who took advantage of the music. For having completed 50 years since the Diocesan approval on June 24, we, the formands presented some numbers: the juniors presented an acrostic, accompanied by Sisters Cleofas (Victoria) Sanchez and Anavela Barrientos, the postulants: a very beautiful act on P. Nistal and M. Teresa Rivera and the novices presented a Star Newsvideo format, in which they interviewed several sisters who lived this event and who transmitted the joy as they remember them from the past. As they watched, they recalled how they had lived this beautiful experience. This brief review only proves that all the events experienced with joy and generosity during the feast of our dear Patroness, strengthen and unite us in sisterhood, charity and solidarity, even though we are in different countries (Nov. Lidia Judith AlvizĂşrez Muralles)


Year XXX No. 99

JUNE 2013

Moved by the Spírit, to be more human in Christ, the Redeemer in the distinctive manner of Mary General Directress M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS Superior General Editor -in -Chief Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion Sr. María Victoria Vivar Flores , MPS Directive Council Animation and Authority M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS Secretariat of Religious Life Sr. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera, MPS Secretariat of Vocation and Formation Sr. Senaida Anavela Barrientos Caseros, MPS Secretariat of Missionary Action Sr. Teresa Medina Sánchez, MPS Secretary General

General Econome

Sr. Norma Patricia Pérez Esparza, MPS

Sr. Ma. Carmen Estrada Hurtado, MPS

Mailing Address MISSIONARIES OF OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Azabache 38, Col. Estrella, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero, 07810 México D.F. Tel /Fax: 01 55 55 77 07 98 48

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