JAN –MAR 2013
Year XXX, No. 98
Message of the Sup. General
St. Philip of Jesus
Delegational Assembly Importance of On-going Formation in our Consecrated Life
Delegation Assembly
Our Mission is a Vocation
Special Apostolate in the Central House Friendship: A treasure and a Means of Growth in R.L.
Knowing and Loving Other Cultural Realities as MPS
A Model of Life
Mexico South Delegation 9 10
USA Delegation
Testimony of a Student
Central America Delegation
Golden Jubilee of M. Irene Mejía Ortega
Mission in Deland, Florida
Year-end Recollection
Delegational Evaluation
Workshop on Accompaniment
Sending-off of the Second Year Novices
Great Encounter with Jesus
Missionaries with Christ, Missionaries of Faith Missionary Action of Salina Cruz Community
Venezuela Delegation
Philippine Delegation
Our Missionary Presence in South america
India—Macau Delegation
Celebrating Life in Constant Thanksgiving
Whoever remains in Me bears much fruit
New Apostolate in MPS - India Encounter of Consecrated People in Macau
Yours forever The Day of Friendship
Chinese New Year in Creche, Macau Community: experience of Faith
Midlife Crisis
Spiritual Exercises
2nd Meeting of Delegates and Superiors
A Beautiful experience
Holy Week 2013
Sharing of a Youth
Mexico-North Delegation Schools of Forgiveness & Reconciliation
Young People Meet St. Alphonsus
Historical Visit to St. Alphonsus School
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Ave Maria! Let me invite you to remember some events in the past either by browsing on available photos to help us look back, or by merely visualizing them in our memories. 1.) The day we told our parents of our decision to enter the religious congregation and our struggle to explain and convince our family and friends about our chosen vocation 2.) The expression on our face and the indescribable feeling we had when we first came in as an aspirant 3.) The day we entered the postulancy and received our first medal of Our Mother of Perpetual Help 4.) Our investiture to the novitiate and the joy we felt as we put on a veil for the first time-- taking it as a sign of our consecration to the Lord 5.) When we said Yes to God´s love during our first profession of the vows 6.) The different experiences in apostolate and missions 7.) Every special moment with our sisters in the community 8.) Our intimate moments with the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament 9.) And for many of us, as we lay prostrate before the Lord and the litany of the saints being solemnly sung and we said "YES, LORD, forever, for all my life" and we received our ring as a sign of this lifelong commitment and relationship with God. 10.) The day our delegation was erected and we made some plans and projects For these months of January, February and March 2013, we continue to enjoy the time of grace for being in the Year of Faith. In lieu of this, for our first issue for the year 2013, we are invited to look into our lives and see how we are responding to God´s call. In the light of the message and catechism during the Year of Faith, we take as our theme for this quarter: RESPONDING TO GOD'S CALL WITH FIDELITY. Let us remember, too, that every first of January, we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. We were all blessed to recognize and claim our Blessed Mother as the best guide and model of faith for all consecrated women. With Mary, our Patroness, we continue our journey in responding to God´s loving call. We have all imagined and looked back on our past when each one of us came forward, accepted His invitation to be one with Him and participate fully in His mission that there may be fullness of redemption. Each one of us received the medal, Constitutions, veil, Crucifix and the ring without “ifs”, "buts" or “as long as” in our response (i.e. “I offer myself to You, Lord, if everything will go well in my life…” or “I am here for You, Jesus, as long as everybody would be nice and good to me or as long as I am healthy or well-provided for”). None of us who have professed had said any of these because deep in our hearts, we know that the awesome beauty of our vocation is love. The same goes for the day when we came together and formed our respective delegations. It is then truly fitting to quote from the introductory part of the Message of His Holiness Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI for Lent, which we are also covering for this issue, that the celebration of Lent in the context of the Year of Faith, offers us a valuable opportunity to meditate on the relationship between faith and charity. Was it not love that captivated our heart so we came and said “I also love You, Lord” (and with this, we have professed with and in faith)? In the catechesis for this Year of Faith, we are fortunate to deepen our understanding and knowledge of the Creed which is the solemn profession of our faith as Christians. This privilege has become for us twofold in effect if we would only internalize God´s graciousness towards us, MPS, even more. The Church has manifested herself more in giving attention to the needs and significance of Religious Life this year as it celebrated
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Consecrated Life on the 2nd of February, by offering enough courses, seminars, workshops and other activities to promote awareness and edify Religious Life as a very important part of the Church. On the aforementioned date, our Congregation has been blessed to celebrate the Golden Jubilee in Religious Life of Srs. Irene Mejia Ortega, Teresita Vasquez Torres and Ma. de la Luz Ojeda, while many of our senior sisters commemorated their first profession on this same day. Still, within this Year of Faith, we also celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Srs. Dolores (Monica) Rodríguez Martinez, Élfega del Carmen (Antonieta) Ugarte Sánchez and Antonia (Rosaura) Almaraz Sánchez on June 24th. In the same way, we celebrated the Silver Jubilee of Sr. Jenie Dollete Amsua last 24th of Oct. 2012-- which actually, was in the beginning part of the Year of Faith. Aside from all these, we are also looking forward to celebrating the Silver Jubilee of our dear Srs. Evelyn Picasales Bacsan, Ma. Theresa Delovino Gaufo and Josephine Estrella Flores come 8th of June and on the 10th of August, for our dear Superior General M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, along with Ma. Elena Burgos Martínez, Ma. Hilda Flores Colunga, Melisa Garza Escobedo, Ma. Guadalupe Pérez Ramírez, Ma. del Carmen García Jorge, Hiliana del Socorro García Martínez and Ma. de los Ángeles Vásquez Zamora. Within this year, there would also be Profession of Perpetual Vows of 6 sisters namely: Sr. Edith Dominga Martinez (Venezuela Delegation – 1st of June); Srs. Rosalie Factolerin Camano, Jovelyn Mantilla Maricacia and Mirasol Quisil Okit (Philippine Delegation – 24th of June); Sr. Rafaela Rangel Cortés (Delegation North Mexico – 4th of August) and Sr. Rosalia Soreng (India-Macau Delegation: 24th of August). These are indeed blessings for our congregation to behold and be grateful about! What a great affirmation of God´s fidelity! Within this quarter, we also realize that some delegations such as Central America and Philippines have actually finished their one year journey. We would be learning also that most delegations had their assemblies in the late part of December and this somehow shows how each branch of the MPS tree goes out of its way to continually grow and strengthen its mission and presence in the Church. For sure, we all have evaluated and shared our experiences, realizing that indeed, the Lord is walking with us all the way, blessing us and is giving us the strength, the courage, light and wisdom we need so we may remain faithful in responding to His call. God´s call embraces every aspect of our life. Every breath is a call to life, every event, every relationship, every gift that we recognize in our life is but God´s call and so are our very vocation and mission. How then do we respond to His call, His call of love, and an invitation to full union with Him? The famous Max Lucado wrote in one of his books: “With God, there are no accidents; every incident is intended to bring us closer to Him.” Fidelity-- faithfulness can be understood or defined from different angles. However, with its root word which is Faith, we may, for now, define it with what we read in Hebrews 11, 1: Faith means being sure of the thing we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it. Since God´s call is active, to have this kind of faith in receiving and acting before the “gift” that we recognize in our midst, we may then consider it as fidelity. Abraham, Mary, the apostles, the many saints and even our own founders proved this true to us as they followed the Lord faithfully in life. We acknowledge God's great love which we experience; and we respond to Him. We may not see Him with our eyes, nor touch Him with our hands; but we truly believe that He lives among and in us. As we read through the experiences shared by our sisters, let us allow ourselves to go deeply down the sea of God's love because in all these, we actually celebrate God´s fidelity in our lives. We celebrate with hearts filled with thanksgiving for the graces He bestows to enable us to hold on to His words such as: “Be still and know I am God” (Psalm 46:10); “Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be discouraged, for I am your 4
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God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10); “You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name, He may give to you.”(Jn. 15:16); "The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free…”(Lk. 4:18) and many, many more Scriptural passages which serves as encouragement and inspiration for us in our journey. It is also worth-mentioning the witnessing to true humility by the Roman Pontiff Emeritus Benedict XVI, when he declared on the 10th of February 2013 at the Vatican his renunciation of his ministry as Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter. He said: "After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty
that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry. I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayers and suffering. However, in today’s world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the barque of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary... strength, which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me." This very unusual, saddening and perhaps shocking news and experience for the whole Church has actually shown to us a different and yet truly faithful response to God´s mercy. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, through his humble admission of his incapacity and his renunciation of the ministry entrusted to him on 19 April 2005, testified that His being pope has been all purely part of God´s love and mercy. And we know that all along, his response to it was conversion, i.e., to do what God and His mercy would demand of him. That is why when P.E. Benedict XVI realized that he could no longer do it, he took it as God´s will, bowed down and chose to do what is good for the Church. A person who totally puts himself in the mercy of God and takes risks for conversion to His will, is someone who truly responds to God's love and call with fidelity. We thank Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ for Benedict XVI and for our new Supreme Pontiff Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio.) This is God´s fidelity to His people: “Then I will take you for My people, and I will be your God” (Ex. 6:7); “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”(Mt. 28:20) His Holiness Pope Francis animates us in responding to this fidelity as he said on the day the world first came to know the 266th pope: "Let's begin this journey with love and trust among us." To respond with faithfulness is an active journeying with our brothers and sisters, with our community, delegation and with the whole Congregation in the path prepared by the Lord for us to thread in the here and now, with His people. Our observance, meditation and celebration of the Paschal Mystery of Christ highlight the love of God even more; redeeming and giving life and meaning to each one of us as we are called to constant conversion. In a special way, we reassure our sister-jubilarians and sisters who would have their Final Profession of our prayers as they celebrate the Lord´s fidelity in their lives and for us, too, who at this moment, desire to respond to His love with more faithfulness. We sincerely wish you all the best from our hearts as we borrow the words of blessing from the book of Numbers (6:24ff):
“May the Lord Bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you. May the Lord uncover His face to you and bring you peace.” Sr. Maria Victoria Vivar Flores, MPS 5
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THE FRUIT OF LOVE IS FAITHFULNESS IN FOLLOWING JESUS « But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law » Gal. 5:22–23
"If God calls, it is because He loves." The person follows because he/she is loved, thought of and wanted by a good will that has preferred from non-existence... who has loved even before the beloved had existed... whom He had known long before he/she was formed in the womb of his/her mother and came out in the light (cf. Ger 1,5; Is.49, 1-5; Gal 1,15” Revista Provocaciones No. 16, May 2012.) In the church, we have many and varied testimonies of people who, out of love, responded to God's love; who for love, have remained faithful despite themselves, i.e., renouncing their likes and preferences in obedience to the proposal of the Lord for a particular service in the building of the Kingdom. M. Ma. Teresa Rivera lived this experience of love. She harbored in her heart the great ideal of entering the Carmel but the Lord made her realize through Fr. Leoncio Garcia, that the will of God is not there, as he said:" Very clearly, God has made me understand that He does not want you to be in Carmen-- neither to visit it nor to think of it because, even by just thinking of it, you will offend Him." (Memorandum of the Foundation of the Missionaries of the Militia of Mary, p. 19) To be faithful in our response to the call, it is necessary for us to be with Him, maintaining an intimate relationship with Him by listening attentively to His word in prayer-- with the inner joy of contemplation and the commitment "to make mine what is His"; (the plan of the Kingdom, the love for the poor, the promotion of peace and justice) as a Missionary of the Perpetual Help identified with a specific charism to live and to project the redemption. “Our union with Jesus, the Redeemer, integrates and fortifies us interiorly. His presence is for us, a continual prayer in action which converts us into His disciples” (C. 62). In this year of grace as we experienced the election of a new Pope and received the teaching transmitted to us of returning to Jesus and His Good News, let us allow ourselves to be captivated by the surprise and uniqueness of the Lord in His call for us each day. Let us seek to give a response that is creative, fresh and transforming so that our charismatic presence may continue to illumine the people of God. We give thanks to God for so many sisters who listen attentively to the Lord and whose generous response had contributed well so that this work of God may continue to give abundant fruits to the Church. We pray for those who have sacrificed and offered prayers for the Diocesan Approval of our Congregation which we received; the 50th anniversary of which we joyfully celebrate this year. Let also pray also for those who are now preparing to give and celebrate a response by way of temporary profession, perpetual profession and anniversaries of 25, 50 and 70 years of religious life. May the Lord continue to grant us with abundant vocations for those who are enamored and willing to give everything to Him. Hence, following Him on the path of redemption, we may be always encouraged and helped to overcome fears; that we may renew our response to be ever faithful to Him as a result of feeling much loved and wanting to act accordingly.
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“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Mt 25, 23). Thank you, Sisters, for making the work of God visible in your mission each day and for sharing them to all by making use of the means He has provided us in His love.
M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS
ST. PHILIP OF JESUS 2012 was a year of great events for the Catholic Church, which were of particular significance for Mexico. There was primarily the touching and rewarding visit of Pope Benedict XVI to this country, and events that were also held which renewed the faith and hope in the redemptive message, such as the beginning of the Year of Faith, the Seventh World Meeting of Families , the 50th Anniversary of the Vatican Council II, the elevation to the altars of Mother Maria Ines and the 150th anniversary of the beatification of San Felipe de Jesus. In our last quarterly issue, we featured St. Pedro Calungsod from Philippines as he was canonized in October 2012. For this issue, we are blessed to draw our attention to another saint, the first canonized Mexican, and whose 150th anniversary of beatification was celebrated on February 5, 2013. Who is
St. Philip of Jesus?
5th of February St. Philip of Jesus was born in Mexico City between 1572 and 1576. In his childhood, he was restless and naughty, and for this, his nurse used to say, (referring to a tree in the yard) "Before the fig tree completely dries up, that little Philip may become a saint.” Young Philip entered the novitiate of the Franciscan Diegans; but since he could not withstand the life, he ran away from the convent. He went home and practiced the trade of a silversmith without much success. Several years later, when he turned 18, his father sent him to the Philippine Islands to try his luck. There, he settled himself in the city of Manila. At first he was amazed by the pleasures, riches and worldly life offered by the city, but soon, he again felt this call of the Lord: "If you want to come after Me, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me" (Matthew 16:24). Philip entered the Franciscans in Manila. This time he had matured and his conversion was wholehearted. He changed his name to
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Philip of Jesus. He studied and cared for the sick and the dying. He did everything with the dedication of a man who lived for Jesus. One day his superiors told him that and he would be ordained as a priest. The ordination was to be held in his hometown in Mexico with his family and childhood friends. For this purpose, Philip, together with Friar Juan Pobre and other Franciscans, sailed towards New Spain, which today is Mexico. Unfortunately, a great storm forced the ship to be diverted to Japan. Amid the storm, Philip observed a signal about the country, a kind of white cross, a symbol of his early victory. The ship he was traveling in was struck by three typhoons (hurricanes), eventually running aground off the coast of Japan. Philip interpreted his wreck as such. Philip's greatest dream was to become a missionary in that country.
begun evangelizing the country.
Upon reaching the land, he immediately took the task of finding the Franciscan convent and worked hard in giving himself more to Christ as he worked hard for the conversion of the Japanese people, together with Friar Pedro Bautista and other Franciscan brothers from the Philippines. St. Francis Xavier and others had
The monks dedicated themselves to evangelization with good results, but the persecution by the emperor Taicosama befell against the Christians. Philip, being classified a castaway, could have avoided imprisonment and torture, as Friar Pobre and other shipwrecked companions had done; but he chose the narrow and difficult path by sharing the fate of fellow Christians in that country. He stood firm with Friar Pedro Bautista and other Franciscan missionaries --- resulting to a difficult and long procession on foot for a month, in the cold of winter through villages and cities in Japan; to be objects of ridicule and punishment-- a true Way of the Cross. In the city of Kyoto, each of them had his left ear cut off. The ears were displayed in the streets. When viewed from afar on a hill they had been destined as crosses for the torment. The 26 religious and lay Catholics were filled with joy; but when they were counted, they were troubled, as they were found to be only 25. And so Philip ran hurriedly and hugged his cross and would not want anyone to snatch it. Finally, in the "Mount of Martyrs", just outside Nagasaki, (the city which in 1945 suffered the terrible destruction of the atomic bomb) people were hanged-- yes, there were 26 crosses. Philip of Jesus was the first among those crucified martyrs. He died on the cross, pierced through both sides by two spears, yet another pierced his chest. His last words were: "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus." It was on February 5, 1597 and Philip was only 23. It is said that on that day, the dried fig in his father's house suddenly blossomed and bore fruit. Philip had reached a more heroic holiness. He was beatified, along with his fellow martyrs, on September 14, 1627, and canonized on June 8, 1862. St. Philip is the patron saint of the City of Mexico and of its Archbishopric. (Thanks to the Adoración Nocturna Mexicana)
Saint Philip of Jesus, help us to become saints.
(MPS Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion)
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our communities great blessings for the year 2013. With great joy, we share with you two big recent events in our journey as Delegation of Central America: We had the spiritual exercises from 2nd to 8th of December 2012, at the Basilica of Our Lord of Esquipulas, where we organized ourselves by communities and distributed each theme and reflection. As fruit of our spiritual exercise, we obtained several commitments which will be useful for a better journey of our delegation. The second event is the Delegation Assembly which was held in the Postulancy Community, Zone 18, where our sisters in the said community welcomed us with great affection on the 24th of December 2012.
We acknowledge the presence of Sister Senaida Anavela Barrientos Caseros, a member of the General Council. After starting the assembly with a touching prayer (leading us all to place in the hands of the Lord the road traveled by each one of us over the year), the presentation of the evaluation of each community was conducted thereafter. Subsequently, each community presented their financial report for the year ended. That evening, we shared in the celebration of the Christmas Mass, a moment of prayer and a delicious dinner as we waited for the birth of baby Jesus. We thank God for the opportunity of being together and of sharing our personal and community experiences.
(Hna. Ma. de los Ángeles López , MPS)
JAN—MAR 2013
IMPORTANCE OF PERMANENT FORMATION IN CONSECRATED LIFE Ave Maria, Sisters! May the grace of Jesus, the Redeemer and our Mother of Perpetual Help fill your heart with love. We wish to share with you the formation workshops of the Delegation of Central America for this year which started last 10th of March. All the sisters from the three communities gathered together at the Postulants´ House to give continuity to the theme of last year which was entitled: “Overcoming Crisis in the different chronological Stages” given to us by Sr. Maria Laura Soto, Religious of the Marist Women Congregation. We had the opportunity to clarify many
doubts and situate ourselves according to age in the stage where we belong. After sometime, the conclusions of the work submitted by the General Government were made known to us. It was regarding the evaluation of delegations and Congregational Norms, to which we all gave our contribution.
We are aware of the importance of taking interest in our on-going formation. These moments are very valuable as we share our experiences; thus enriching ourselves mutually. (Sr. Ma. de los Ángeles López , MPS)
Sr. Maria Laura Soto (Marist Sister) as the resource person. 10
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This first Delegation Assembly motivated us to create a family atmosphere of togetherness and a deeper understanding of each other by allowing ourselves to be inspired by the Holy Spirit-- thus consolidating the Delegation and celebrating the merciful love of God manifested in each one of us with a common goal of sharing our time, gifts and abilities. As women, we dream to fully live out our identity and mission in our world. We are called to a new spirituality that generates hope and life for all and for everyone in this world where evil seems to overcome the good (Emeritus Benedict XVI). Together, we have become aware of these new challenges that we will take as a Delegation. We are aware of our lights, but there are also shadows and the need to overcome them. If we faithfully follow the footsteps of our founders so as to inspire our brothers and sisters to emulate our example, we must cultivate the mystique of the Consecrated Life, always keeping the soul united with God through contemplation and avoiding to lose our intimacy with Him (Emeritus Benedict XVI). Let us keep in mind that in order to comply with our duties, we must live interior life which is so much-needed for our apostolate; because there would be no fruit for a missionary who does not live in union with God (Mother Teresa Rivera). The Assembly was a providential event-- calling us to have an attitude of openness to the Spirit, convinced that the search for God’s will makes our life meaningful. We know that the yearning to seek God and Him alone, is the only thing that can give us the necessary strength for our journey as a Congregation and specifically as MPS USA Delegation. Our Vicar General Sr. Teresa Medina, together with Secretary General Sr. Patricia Perez, led us into a reflection of an article about Consecrated Life by Fr. Felicisimo Martinez entitled: “Spirituality for the Change and the Mission.” From this, we were made aware that we are living in a historic moment of continuous changes in the different fields in life namely: social, cultural and ecclesial and Congregational--mainly in the technological era that brings a strong personal and Congregational challenge. 11
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We had a discussion of different events and of our own perceptions about the changes we are experiencing in this, our present times. The question posed to us was: “As MPS and being consecrated, what are you willing to do to make a change in your life?" We know that we make a personal renewal, through a continuous personal and community discernment. Certainly, changes makes us a bit scared, but we need to overcome the feeling and do something. We cannot remain static in a changing world. The priority areas we have to work on are as follows: 1. HAVING A PROFOUND EXPERIENCE OF GOD AND HIS WORD THROUGH REFLECTION AND THE EUCHARIST As a culmination of our Faith, we become spiritual teachers with strong community experience and transparent communion of goods, a shared mission (restructuring of works), and the eternal challenge of evangelical poverty and academic training. 2.
COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE The community experience must be fed on very specific practices (concrete things that can be checked, the education in relation with the sisters) as being more humane in the treatment of one another. We must also generate a good communication, i.e, the participation in all community moments from prayer, services and recreation. 3.
SHARED MISSION We must Develop our "Being and Doing", through evangelization of the poor and the most abandoned.
4. ETERNAL CHALLENGE OF POVERTY is the central problem of religious life at this point in our history as we risk comfort and luxury in the face of austerity of life. 5.
FORMATION A condition of personal growth and demand of the mission,
FORMATION includes human-social, Bible, Ecclesiological, Apostolic and professional training. In our discussion, we also touched on RATIO and manner of adaptation in the initial formation and Vocation Ministry proper for young women from USA. There was a spontaneous sharing on the need to have a written document as an essential element in the entrance of young aspirants. During this assembly, we also elaborated the Statutes of the Delegation, elected its Econome and conducted a delegation survey regarding the Criteria for Formation and Economic Structure.
Sr. Melissa Garza Escobedo, MPS
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3rd of February 2013 The golden jubilee celebration of M. Irene Mejia Ortega was a wonderful celebration! There were three priests, four deacons during the occasion. Add to this the presence our Superior General M. Cecilia Morales Tapia herself, and Council Member Norma Patricia Perez. We also had the honor of having the presence of the Sr. Evelia Farfan and all the sisters from the MPS communities of Texas and one of the sisters who is at home caring for her mom, M. Evelia. The family members who attended were Beto and Juan, together with some of her nephews and relatives of the sisters in the community, and some of the young people she met when she lived in Laredo, Texas. The celebration began very early in the morning with the singing of “Corona de Rosas” (Crown of Roses). This was followed by a prayer and sharing of a delicious breakfast. Preparation for the mass at 12 noon followed. Upon conclusion of the mass, everyone proceeded to the reception hall where lunch was served and where we also had the Mariachi to liven up the party. After this, we saw a few slides with pictures of some of the places of mission where the celebrant had been such as Peru where she stayed for 5 years, in the Sierra of Oaxaca for 8 years, in San Luis Potosí for 9 years, 29 years in the United States with a year at the Central house within those 29 years. M. Irene, a native of Zacatecas, had 11 siblings and had been orphaned early with death of her mother. His father José Mejía and her older sister were the ones who accompanied her to the congregation. She was named Elsa Irene of the Holy Trinity in the congregation and is therefore also known as M. Elsa. M. Irene, a.k.a. M. Elsa, currently continues her mission in the United States (Texas) being in charge of a parish that has different activities. She has all the support of the parish community for her celebration. The Missionary Sisters of our Lady of Perpetual Help thank God for the precious gift of life and vocation of M. (Elsa) Irene, who, despite her physical limitations, continues to give her best with a great missionary spirit. CONGRATULATIONS, M. ELSA, AND MAY THE LORD AND THE VIRGIN MARY GRANT YOU THE FINAL PERSEVERANCE. (Sr. Sandra Lerma Montañez, MPS)
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On January 9 this year, I went to New York to join the MPS-USA Mission Team since Sr. Consuelo Morales could not participate in the mission for health reasons. Arriving on the 12th, Sr. Melissa and I promptly started the mission among our Hispanic brothers and sisters, mostly Mexicans, whose works involved cutting of leaves for floral arrangements. We, together with Fr. Gerardo and Fr. Alex, C.Ss.R. work as a team. In this mission, we experience God very profoundly because of the living conditions of our Hispanic brothers and sisters here in the US. They go through very difficult situations with their immigration status and work. They are usually underpaid with very extensive schedules to follow. Another thing that disturbs us is that mothers who work, have to leave their children in the care of people who do not have the capacity to educate them. The children therefore, grow up but their education remains practically unattended to. As regards works on evangelization, the sisters of the team have extensive experience and possess great generosity. They directed the work with the first week dedicated to visiting homes and organizing family meetings which were conducted on the second week with the support of the Redemptorist Fathers.
Through all the busy season, the participation of all the people was very good. The mission culminated with a week of preaching by the Fathers. The Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation were also offered. I give thanks to God and the Missionary Virgin of Perpetual Help for this opportunity to share my faith with my poor brethren. I deeply appreciate the expression of fraternity of our sisters in the communities of New York and Springfield who made me feel at home. I admire their evangelizing work and ask God that they may continue to have fruitful apostolate.
Sr. Ma. Teresa Medina SĂĄnchez, MPS
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YEAR-END RECOLLECTION The Philippine Delegation Community gathered on December 31, 2012 at the MPS Novitiate House in Binan, Laguna for a one-day year-end recollection. The event started with a thanksgiving message led by MPS Delegate Superior, Sr. Alejandra Valdez. She also read aloud the message of our Superior General M. Cecilia Morales Tapia and explained as well the reason for the absence of Srs. Josephine Flores, Ma. Socorro Rivera, Lourdes Martho and Annaliza Dayrit. A group discussion was initiated reflecting on the question “What is the cry of the world, the country, the Church, the Delegation and our hearts?” All the sisters and formands actively participated and each group had creatively and dynamically shared their reflection making this spiritual exercise more meaningful, successful, and prayerful. At 12 noon, the Blessed Sacrament was exposed at the
chapel for adoration where the sisters took the opportunity to commune with the Lord with a chosen verse from the Bible to reflect and pray upon. The New Year´s Eve mass was celebrated at 6pm at the Blessed Sacrament Parish Church. Presider Fr. Peter Fancobilla, in his homily, encouraged everyone to welcome the year 2013 with joy and gratitude as we anticipate God’s continuous blessings. The Holy Eucharist was followed with the delegation Christmas celebration through the “panunuluyan”, a Filipino Christmas tradition where Joseph and Mary’s search for a place to stay on the night of Jesus’ birth is reenacted. It was succeeded with exchanging of gifts, games, and prepared numbers. Of course, there was delicious food too to enjoy throughout the evening. At 11pm, the sisters reluctantly concluded their joyful bonding as most of the communities needed to travel back to Manila that New Year's Eve. Truly, the day passed so quickly, but that also gave way to the beginning of a new year… a new year of hope, solidarity, and as what Fr. Fancobilla had said, a new year of many blessings from our Father in heaven. (Sr. Sheryl Rivera and Gay Orcullo, MPS)
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Last January 2, 2013, all the professed sisters except the minor juniors, gathered together in the Postu-
lancy House, Better Living Subdivision, Bicutan, ParaĂąaque City for the Delegational Evaluation of activities for the past six months. The evaluation was facilitated by Sr. Rema Millan, one of the members of the Delegate Council. Before the proper evaluation started, Sr. Carlita Olacao, member of the Secretariat of the Religious Life, led the prayer invoking the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit throughout the day. After the prayer, the facilitator called the Delegate Superior for the welcome address and for the inspirational message. The evaluation proper was reported by each Secretariat. First to report was Sr. Ma. Socorro Rivera on the Secretariat of Religious life. She was followed by the Secretariat of Missionary Action facilitated by Sr. Nelita Rudillas. Each sister in-charge of the apostolate, reported according to the activities done in their area/ areas of responsibilities. It took some time to complete the reporting considering our numerous apostolates. After a short siesta, the group convened for the continuation of the evaluation. Before it started however, there was an animation led by the major juniors and then a recap was given by Sr. Rosalie Factolerin. The second phase of the evaluation was started by the Secretariat of Vocation, Formation and Studies facilitated by Sr. Annie Estraza, followed by the Secretariat of Regimen and Government reported by Sr. Jean. The Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion was the last group to report on their activities with Sr. Jovelyn Mantilla reporting. After the report of each secretariat, clarifications and suggestions followed. The day of evaluation ended with a closing prayer led by the Secretariat on Religious Life.
Sr. Mary Joy Recto, MPS
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First and foremost, I give thanks to the Al-
mighty God for being faithful to us despite our unfaithfulness. We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to each sister on the Congregation who supported us spiritually and materially all throughout our period of formation until the time we committed ourselves totally to God. After our final vows, Sr.Anita Pushpa Ekka and I went on holiday vacation in December in order to spend Christmas with our families and to celebrate thanksgiving mass for our final vows. This is one important tradition for the Tribal peoples in North India. When a daughter marries, the family prepares a party as they send the girl to the husband’s house. In the same way, this occasion serves as a farewell celebration for us as they, in the name of tradition, officially send us off on the 28th of Dec. to the house of our Spouse, who is no other than Jesus Christ Himself. For this very important event, we invited all our relatives and the entire neighborhood. Of course, we also had the presence of our sisters Myrna, Jesintha and Sunitha who happily came with us all the way from Bangalore to Orissa in order to witness the beautiful celebration of the Tribal people. They arrived in the morning of December 27th. The celebration of Sr. Anita Pushpa was on the following day, 28th, so all of us went to her place for the celebration. When we reached her home, her family gave us a warm traditional welcome. They were very happy to see us. They saw how united and supportive we were of one another as real sisters ought to be. And because we are missionaries, they saw that we can easily adjust to the realities in any place we visit and can mingle with anybody. There were plenty of people, but Sr. Pushpa’s place was big enough to accommodate everyone. Their house and the surroundings were very beautifully adorned, thus exuding a 17
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truly festive ambiance. A band of musicians made the celebration even livelier. The Eucharistic celebration started at 11 o’clock and was presided by a cousin priest and many other concelebrators. The mass began with the processional entrance led by Sr. Pushpa with her family and the priests. As Sr. Pushpa marched toward the altar, she walked upon the 7 plates which were made of leaves signifying the start of a new life and a wish for happiness in her vocation. After the mass, Sr. Pushpa gave a short thanksgiving speech addressed to her fami-
ly, the priests, sisters and relatives for the prayers and support they have given. Before lunch was served, Sr. Pushpa was showered with greetings and gifts. (We, MPS sisters, were honored to be seated with her and her parents in front.) The people came in queue to greet her with garlands, bouquets of flowers and small gifts as a sign of love. They also gave their welcome and greetings to all of us seated there. Thereafter, the fellowship meal followed, the plates and bowls used were made of leaves that are a novelty for the guests. That evening, everybody, young and old, joined in the traditional tribal dance of the Adivasi which we all enjoyed. It was truly a wonderful opportunity for the sisters to experience a beautiful tradition and culture of the tribal people. On the 30th of December, Sr. Ranjita celebrated her thanksgiving mass in her place, which is some distance away from Sr. Pushpa’s house. The Eucharistic celebration was also concelebrated by 5 priests who are close relatives and friends of Sr. Ranjita’s family. Many of her relatives came all the way from Jharkhand and Gujarat just to be with her on this momentous day. It was a great blessing for the two sisters. The presence of their very own MPS sisters made them feel stronger in their vocation. Even though they were glad having their families and relatives around during the celebration, they felt a real sense of belonging to the MPS family. The Gospel passage “Where your treasure is, there too your heart is bound to be” (Mt.: 6:21) is proven very true. God has done everything good to win our hearts and to remain always close to Him. Once again, we thank each one of you for your prayers. Let us continue to pray for one another especially for perseverance. May God bless us, as we confidently claim that our Mother of Perpetual Help is with us always.
Sr. Ranjita Rose Ekka, MPS
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Our community opened a new apostolate
for the poor and needy. We aptly called it Tailoring and Embroidery because by its activities, we aim to help the poor become aware of their rights and help them improve their economic conditions. This apostolate welcomes both believers and non-believers. Everyone can avail of the opportunity to learn and profit from the course which is offered for free. At present, there are 10 married women participants. This apostolate meets from Monday to Friday at 10 AM to 12 noon. The participants bring the materials they will need for their sewing activities except for the sewing machine. As part of the course, we also include celebrations of Christmas, birthdays and wedding anniversaries.
On March 3, 2013, the Diocese of Macau held its Diocesan Vocation Gathering at the Salesian School organized by the Commission of the Diocese on Vocation. Sr. Pushpa Ekka and Sr. Celsa Antonia Villaflor attended the said activity. Enlivening activities included games facilitated for the youth, a drama presented by students of Estrella School and a youth band presentation.
We hope that with the love and concern we show these women, we will eventually bring them closer to God. (Sr. Susila Ekka)
Our beloved Bishop Lai of Macau, gave a very inspiring message for the youth, urging them not to be afraid in responding to the call of God and to always listen in prayer so that they will be able to know God´s will for them. There were around 100 young people from the different schools who took part in the said event. Awards were given to those who won the games and finally, snacks were served... signaling the end of the activity. (Sr. Celsa Antonia Villaflor, MPS) 19
CHINESE NEW YEAR IN CRECHE Chinese New Year, also referred to as Lunar New Year, starts on the first day of the first Chinese month. 2013 is the year of the snake and falls on February 10. The Chinese celebrates this festival with families getting together, eating special New Year food, giving red envelopes, gifts and good wishes. On February 8th this year, the sisters celebrated the Chinese New Year with the children in Creche over a delicious lunch and a dim sum treat
for the faculty staff in Lisboa restaurant.
COMMUNITY, EXPERIENCE OF FAITH Our theme for the Congregational Vocation Awareness Week last February 18-24, 2013 was “Community, Experience of Faith”. The author of our vocation is God and in faith, we generously respond to that divine call. His Only Son, our beloved Jesus, assured us in Matthew 28:20, ”Behold, I am with you always until the end of time ". The Macau community is a multicultural community from different countries which include India, Philippines, Mexico and China. We live together as a community not because we have chosen one another, but because God has chosen us. The purpose of our call is to preach the Gospel to all men and women. In the community, we are drawn to experience communion by interacting with one another as a family so that the burden of one is the burden of all. Gradually, we become genuinely concerned with one another as friends and most often, as sisters of one family. It is not an easy task at first, for it involves a decision to be selfless and suppress our ego which is painful at times. The quality of fraternal life has a significant impact on the perseverance of each one. Poor community life becomes a factor as to why some members tend to abandon religious life. It is necessary for each member to have a sense of co-responsibility for the faithfulness of all. Each one must contribute to a serene climate of sharing life, of understanding and mutual help. Everyone must be sensitive to moments of fatigue, suffering, isolation, or lack of motivations on others. There must be mutual support in times of difficulties and trials. During the Vocation week, we spent a Holy Hour for vocations daily and offered prayers for perseverance for all the sisters especially those in formation, the elderly, the sick and those who are undergoing difficulties in their journey. We were also led to remember and pray for the eternal repose of the souls of those who have gone ahead of us. We prayed too, for more vocations for both religious and priests. On the 24th of February, we ended our week-long activity by having our three searchers with us in our community noontime prayer at 11 a.m. which was followed by a simple lunch and fellowship. The day ended with a short talk on “Religious Life and Discernment".
Sr. Celsa Villaflor, MPS
JAN—MAR 2013
From December 21-24, 2012, the Sisters of Northern Mexico Delegation gathered for a workshop on Forgiveness and Reconciliation which was facilitated by some lay people and two religious. The workshop consisted of the following modules: 1. Attending to the birth of WAITING. 2. From Darkness to Light- Journey of Hope. 3. I decide to forgive. I facilitate the encounter. 4. To see with New Eyes- Change of Perspective 5. I understand my offender- Empathy 6. I break the chains and wash out the pain. Forgiveness gives wisdom, strength, freedom, peace and sense of justice. 7. Truth- I construct Truth 8. I promote restorative justice. 9. I agree on a pact. 10. I celebrate the memory and the reparation The workshop was a great experience of reviewing personal wounds as we allow them to heal in time. Living in peace and happiness is a very important aspect we all long for in life. I personally believe that such important moments were the times of prayer in small groups where we expressed our commitment to apply each of the modules in our lives. Apart from this, we also had the opportunity to get to know one another better. In that way, so we understand one another's attitude. The days during the workshop were shared in fraternity with all the sisters who participated in it. Taking advantage of the fact that most of the Sisters of the Delegation were present, we concluded the gathering with the celebration of the birth of our Redeemer. We started with a Eucharistic celebration presided by Fr. Gonzalo Rascon Rivera, Provincial Superior of the Redemptorists. We later shared a very sumptuous Christmas meal, followed by exchanging
of gifts and carol-singing led by our elderly sisters. There were also creative presentations by the different communities. This very special day that was concluded with magnificent dancing and karaoke singing. We thank God as well as our Delegation Government for this very beautiful experience. May the Lord bless us all. (Sr. Leticia DĂaz Paredes, MPS)
Ave Maria, Sisters!
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Receive the warm greetings from your sisters here in the beautiful Tampico, as we wish each one of you the graces and blessings, that God, who is rich in mercy, may accompany you in all your works and projects. I want to share with you some of the activities that were conducted in our school here at Colegio Alfonso de Ligorio. On January 26th, the Alphonsian festival was held in honor of our patron St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori. The event started at 9 am with the participation of children from the Nursery, from 10 am to 12 noon for the high school students, and from 12 noon to 2 pm for the elementary students. The students were already preparing in anticipation for the event, as they practiced the songs, dances, paper mosaic, drawings for the decoration, etc‌
Here is a proof-- These drawings were the decorations by the 1st grade pupils using recycled materials. Some people call and consider me as a strange teacher because I tell my students to make use of these materials. I even collect pencils that are already almost thrown in the garbage. By the way, the 2nd grade pupils did a drawing of St. Alphonsus. This paper mosaic was prepared by the 3rd grade pupils while the sculptures were done by the 2nd graders. With these pictures, you can imagine how beautiful the festival was. And this is just a sample, because the photos for the primary school and kindergarten are still lacking here. Oh, and may I also share with you that in the midst of all the activities, there was also the Vocations Holy Hour during the first week of each month with the high school students. The student Alondra from the 2nd grade group A showing her artwork of the crib, made from recycled material, screw caps and jars of yogurt. LET US TAKE CARE OF THE PLANET! Okay sisters, there is much to tell, but ... that's all for now, let us take it calmly as we continue to enjoy the beautiful things that God gives us. Until next time! Sr. Margarita Hidalgo, MPS
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This week's activities began with giving honors to the flag at our School of Alfonso de Ligorio. The Mayor of Tampico, Magdalena Peraza Guerra, acknowledged the work of this educational institution for more than 74 years with her words as she addressed the students thus: "You, children are the most valuable and precious members of the society, you are the hope of Mexico, to be men and women of values that are inculcated in this institution: the value of honesty, work and love". In her message, she told students what a “cabildo” is, he explained that it is a collegiate body composed of a President. She stressed that today for the first time, Tampico is led by a President, 21 councilors and two trustees who have the responsibility to monitor that the money is applied correctly for the good of the city through the Finance Commission.
The mayor also emphasized that the Alphonsus Liguori School is an institution with more than 74 years of forming generations in the city, a school that has been characterized by the education that it offers and where parents collaborate with the teachers so that there may be a quality education.
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In welcoming the Mayor and the education authorities, M. Julieta Mejia Urtiz, Elementary School Directress of the School of Alfonso de Ligorio, acknowledged that the presence of the mayor, Teacher Magdalena Peraza Guerra made this day a very special day indeed and an occasion of great joy.
The Mayor was accompanied by Councillor Emma Desilos Segura, Coordinator of the Education Commission; Paul Arguello Castillo, head of the Regional Education Center in Tampico; José Luis Treviño Castillo, zone number 8 school secondary school supervisor; the High School Directress of Alfonso de Ligorio School, Sr. Leticia Diaz Paredes and other distinguished personalities..
(Sr. Leticia Díaz Paredes, MPS)
TESTIMONY OF A STUDENT For me, my experience at Tec, Monterrey, was an honor. I had a feeling of security the moment I stepped inside the classroom. I was filled with a great desire to succeed in everything I did, so that I gave all my best thereby bearing fruits. I received an honorable mention award. On one occasion, we were given two lectures. I found both entertaining, but I liked the one about ADC (Agents of Change) better. In this lecture, we were taught about the power of the voice as an instrument, a quality, a gift and an opportunity to convince, express and construct. I learned that to speak out is to increase in volume, to express, to make others understand, to make a point, and not to remain silent. We were also told that to claim my right in using my power and exploit it, I must learn to appreciate it. Here are a few steps to be able to assess it as we were taught: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Have something to say. Have someone to say it to. Think about how to say it. Make sure that the other person is listening. Say it. Listen.
When I received my honorable mention award, I was very happy. But my greatest happiness was due to having made new friends at Tec. I was very proud of the place I got, I liked the facilities. Who would want to 24
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study in a school for brilliant kids when you already got Alphonsus de Liguori School where you get so much love? Thanks. (Alba Miriam Borjas Piñeiro. First Year High School Student) This student participated at the Technology of Monterrey along with other students, last February 16 in a debate with other students of various high schools. Each student represented a country and she represented Mexico with all its problems. From among all the contestants, she won the first place. It is an event for high school students, and most probably, there will be another competition in the month of October. Sr. Margarita Hidalgo, MPS
“OUR MISSION IS A VOCATION ” AVE MARIA SISTERS: I would like to share with you our work at Nezahualcoyotl School during the month of February and part of March. To start with, we welcomed our sister novice Elizabeth Vilchis to the Tlalpizahuac Community. She felt so touched by the way we welcomed her, that is why she expressed her heartfelt gratitude her for it. Well, with hopes and and positive attitude, we started our activities. We began the Season of Lent on February 13 this year with a Eucharistic celebration presided by Fr. Francisco Javier Sanchez Hernandez who gave us a message on to how prepare ourselves for this season--recalling the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. He also told us how to be ready to rise with Jesus Christ, giving us some specific and concrete examples particularly for the youth, i.e.: obeying our parents, being responsible with our tasks, respecting our teachers and living harmoniously with the family and last but not the least, receiving the sacrament of reconciliation. Having properly started the Season of Lent, let us now browse on the scope of activities that we had done during this time. First, we did the task of organizing our Vocation Week on February 11 at school and in the community. Sisters Elizabeth and Lulu organized activities for each group from preschool to 6th grade boys. They started with a marathon of prayers offered by some students for priestly and religious vocations. After that, each group participated in a prayer at the school chapel where in-between, we posed questions such as: 1. What is vocation? 2. Who has a vocation? 3. Who are called by God? After each question, we gave a short explanation. We offered a holy hour, and finally, we spoke about the MPS Congregation-- telling them about our apostolates.
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The dynamics varied according to group. With the preschool, we had songs, games and a video presentation about the love of God. To conclude the activity, our little ones of the IAM Group (Infancia y Adolescencia Misionera) gave to their schoolmates a sharing of all the work they have done as a group-- how it started, its members, the mission of each one, the day they come for meetings, and how in their own way they feel having a vocation. They motivated the others to join the group and be great missionaries by supporting Jesus in His mission. Every morning, a sister in the community take her turn in giving a message and reflection on vocation and in facilitating a sharing period as part of the holy hour. After the vocation- reflection week, we gave recollections as we did annually . We had the opportunity to hold it in the Retreat House (formerly Redemptorist Theologate) which is very spacious. The toddlers had fun “flying around”. Thanks to all the mothers and teachers who assisted us in making these recollections a real success. The program during the morning from February 21 to March 2, started with the 1st group and ending with the teachers, school employees and parents. The participation was very favorable and encouraging as each group showed openness, respect, care, reflection and fun. Each group was assigned a different theme such as biblical parables like: "The talent", "The prodigal son", "The Sower” and "The Good Samaritan." The group watched a video from which they based the handicrafts they made and representations as well of the mothers. Everyone enjoyed the recollection as shown by their active participation and availability from the initial prayer to the very end of it. The sisters who organized these recollections were M. Crispina, Srs. Santa, Lulu and our novice Elizabeth along with Religion Teacher Maky and the teachers for each level. To conclude this short and meaningful message, I want to share with you that on February 11, the school's celebration was highlighted by a demonstration of escorts from each group. They prepared very hard for this several days earlier in order to give their best. Finally, in the morning of Friday, 22nd of February, the preschool tots showed off with their escorts. The school was pleased to welcome 17 preschools in the area. The school little children were so neat and presentable on their gala uniforms as they were accompanied by their family. We had the pleasure of having our preschool teachers joining the different schools with the same Area Supervisor. Sr. Santa Morales,the preschool directress, thanked the participation of the escorts, teachers and parents at the event. As we end our activities, we thank God for the opportunity He gave us to work for and evangelize our people. Everybody felt the welcoming hand of Jesus in the company of our Mother of Perpetual Help. May the grace of the Holy Spirit ever inspire us to walk together in prayer. Sr. María de Lourdes Villalobos García, MPS
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SPECIAL APOSTOLATE IN THE CENTRAL HOUSE Ave Maria! With great joy and gratitude to God Almighty, we wish to inform you that we had the opportunity to do an apostolate at the Central House in solidarity with all our ministries and missions. The apostolate consists in comforting people who have lost a loved one, with the celebration of the Novena for the Dead; taking these moments as an opportune time to look for appropriate biblical syllabus those in mourn, after their state of mourning. A reflection which is prepared beforehand is imparted each day during the novena. Clearly, the change can be noted in people, as they go through the process of being in the state of grief to serenity, peace and acceptance. They are also moments to teach them to pray, to reflect and to share on the biblical message they have received. Every day we reflect and pray the rosary with explanation of each mystery, and we sing hymns, too. At the end of the rosary, a short moment is given for all participants to approach the bereaved family. To conclude the novena, we celebrate the Eucharist. Thereafter we move on to the Hall of "Resurrection" where the novena was held for a simple fellowship snack for the family and the people who accompanied them during the Novena and the Eucharist. We are happy to have shared with you this beautiful experience at the Central House. M. Rocío Castañeda Salgado, MPS.
Friendship: a treasure and a means of growth in religious life Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter: whoever finds one has found a treasure (Sir. 6,14)
The beautiful Central House, adorned with several sisters of
different ages--dedicated in prayer of gratitude to God for allowing us to be His instruments and witnesses in the midst of sickness. We may not be able to do many physical activities, but we offer our services by praying the rosary with the family of the deceased, giving catechism to those who are scheduled for confirmation and first communion and attending to requests for the celebration of the Eucharist on special occasions in our chapel. Most of the time, this includes preparing the hall and serving tamales and porridge when the families wish to have fellowship after the mass. We are grateful to the sisters from different communities who are concerned about us, sending us details of love such as what the community of Springfield recently surprised us with. They made us all so happy as we have enjoyed the delicious meal. May God continue to bless all the communities in your missionary work and reward your generosity. May our Mother of Perpetual Help shield all of you with Her mantle of protection and guide you always to Jesus. We offer our prayers that the Lord may grant you all sisters in different missions and ministry, the light and strength in all that you do. Our challenge is to continue to make the presence of Christ the Redeemer ever felt in our community as we do His will and avoid those that do not build His Kingdom; bringing joy and happiness as we share our friendship and our life with the rest of the sisters. We know that our mission now is to give good witness to those around us and to those who visit us. With love and gratitude: Sisters of the Central House, México, DF. 27
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With love, we greet all the sisters, especially those from Central America, who trust that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ will assist them in all their activities. As for both of us-- Lidia and Lorenza, we consider having spent two years with the Sisters of the Postulancy Community in Guatemala, a wonderful experience. This experience of change of community and country, helped us in our lives and our vocation process. From the day we arrived, the sisters welcomed us graciously. We liked the environment and were eager to know the richness of the country. Being in this place, we had a chance to get to know some sisters from different communities in our Congregation. This motivated us further to continually discover the calling of God which through every event of our lives. Our first experience of Mission of Holy week in Mexico has been with much joy and enthusiasm, since we have shared with simple people who have warmly welcomed us in the midst of their humble lives. We felt closer to the reality that we live as MPS. We are very happy with the the Inter–religious course, too, because we know that these classes will equip us with the knowledge to cope with future challenges. We thank God for this experience. We thank our parents for their understanding, and the congregation for having welcomed us and made us feel part of the MPS family. We ask for your prayers as we offer our prayers for you all in return. May the Holy Spirit continually guide us in everything we do. All the best for all of us! Postulants Lidia Asunción Ibaté Bocel & Lorenza de Jesús Morales Calel 28
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M. Rosa Becerril (Gracia) Garcia, MPS
Birth: 30th of Aug. 1926 Profession: 02 Feb. 1955 Death: 27th of March 2013 AVE MARIA, SISTERS!
We wish you all a Happy Easter in the joy of the Risen Jesus! In these special times of our journey in the Church and in life, we have experienced both beautiful and painful situations. There are experiences, however, when one sees a mixture of everything, so that what happens can be likened to a large stained glass window containing shades that are dark, clear, fresh, intense ... something such as this which we had experienced as our beloved sister Rosa "Gracita" Becerril García went home to the Father. The Lord gave Sr. Gracita the opportunity to prepare for that day, March 27 (Holy Wednesday), with prayers and reception of the Holy Anointing . Her departure leaves a void that is difficult to ignore. She lived for 86 years with nearly 60 years of RELIGIOUS CONSECRATION in this Congregation. Gracita has been for us a living book, a testimonial of simplicity, humility, obedience, temperance and love of God, manifested for the sisters and the poor. Those who knew her, know how attentive she was with the door and the phone. She was good at errands that were entrusted to her. It seemed that the Lord had entrusted to her the gift of being a "warden". She never went go to bed until all the sisters who were out, had arrived. She had performed her duties with total surrender and accountability. Gracita was also a creative and grateful woman. She left us an example of love and dedication for the Eucharist. She sought to be always in God's grace. She knew how to live in a community. In her apostolic life, she taught us that "the bees gain better with a drop of honey than with thousand of gall". Her last eight years of life were spent in the Postulancy Formation House in Mexico. Sometimes, she accompanied us in the INTER and that gave the formands so much pleasure as they introduced her to their companions as "their mentor", and for this, she just smiled. It was said that she had a temper, but also a warm look and a very sweet smile. Her main apostolate in her final years was her simple and joyful presence which she showed off with that graceful, rosy face--for which she earned the nickname "Preciosa." Whenever people saw her along the way to the Basilica, they looked at her with admiration and affection and sometimes, she received a kiss on the forehead or cheek. In times such as these, she was neither rude nor proud. She merely smiles. What could she have been thinking? Perhaps, she was offering the grace to God. One of her biggest trials was being hospitalized. She told me: "When I get serious, please do not take me to the hospital, better, let me stay at home." I heard these words in my heart over and over again. When the time came for her to be taken to the hospital, however, Gracita proved to be a true witness to obedience and acceptance of God's will. She was an example for her companions in the ward in the hospital, because while the others complained of poor food and poor service, she ate everything that was brought to her and made no complaints. This earned the admiration from the part of the nurses and doctors. “We express our gratitude to those who had preceded us and had transmitted in us the richness of our history and spiritual inheritance” (C 53). Thanks, Gracita! You had been a beautiful Rose who offered your life in the garden of Perpetual Help, a true missionary. In your littleness and simplicity, you had always been lovely and fair!
(Sr. Isabel Aguilar Maldonado, MPS)
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We, in the Mexico South Delegation, have gathered together on the 22
and 23rd of December 2012 to share and receive through a workshop something for our permanent auto-formation in the Human Dimension with the theme “Techniques of Accompaniment in the Community and Apostolic Life”. The objective that we wished to achieve in this was for us to be able to effectively accompany the processes of the sisters in the different stages and to contribute as well in the personal, communitarian and Congregational development. “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.” Johan Wolfgang Van Goethe. Who accompanies the process?
A person, man or woman, called by God to exercise a ministry of service, whether for the sisters in the community, treasurers and/or those responsible in the areas of service to community and all those persons or groups who need an accompaniment, orientation and/or animation in their search for a purpose in their own faith dynamic. He/she loves his/her service and makes the recipient feel valued, accompanied and motivated. This person never tries to "mold" the other to his/her own liking, this would destroy and betray his/her ministry and charism. For this, she/he must have the following tools for this accompaniment: SKILL 1: Attitude and a Listening Companion. ATTITUDE: It is a predisposition to act. "If you only take care of the group, you may neglect the person. And if you take care of the person, you are neglecting the group." SKILL 2: Five emotions of the one who accompanies and is accompanied FEAR, HAPPINESS, SADNESS, ANGER, LOVE.
SKILL 3: Process of Accompaniment It is an approach centered on the person, with directive methodology that invites the Facilitator, to initiate, develop and close to avoid mistrust, disinterest, alienation or wounded processes in order to assist or facilitate the growth of the person in each of the sessions. 30
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SKILL 4: Specialized technique in Human Development - Snakes & Ladders SKILL 5: Attitudes of the facilitator: Empathy; being authentic and congruent; acceptance EMPATHETIC
“Take care with what you do, since to shout out so loud what you say…. No one would listen”. SKILL 6: PERCEPTION 1.– Free
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SKILL 7: Assessment during the interview or accompaniment process SEE IF I RECEIVE, JUST SAY THANK YOU AND NOTHING MORE
SKILL 8: Reflect and Giving Feedbacks: “Persons (sisters) with high self-esteem level do not need to feel superior over others, they do not need to compare themselves with others. Their happiness radiate in being themselves and not in acting to be better than the others”. Nathaniel Branden.
SKILL 9: Process of change in a person or group. Stages of change: NEW CAPACITIES AND EMOTIONS
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SKILL 10: The empty chair. For the facilitator, this activityhelps to close circles, as one expresses to the person who has hurt her . At the end of the workshop, a Christmas fellowship was held with food, games, pot-hitting and lottery with prizes. There was also the Celebration of the Eucharist followed by the adoración al Niño Dios, cantos de villancicos de adoration of the Child Jesus. Thereafter, we continued to enjoy the gathering. On the 25th, the sisters have gone back to their respective houses for their holidays.
Ave María, Sisters:
México, D.F. 25th of January 2013
Receive a warm greeting in Jesus, the Redeemer, from the novitiate community of Mexico, as we wish you all abundant blessings! Today, each one of us, first year novices- Ana, Juana, Ingrid, Judith and Alma, want to share the experience of the preparation and the celebration for the sendingoff of our second-year novices sisters in the Interreligious Institute. Fortunately at this time, our novitiate group at the Inter is large, and with many talents to share. As a formation community, we have shared beautiful moments not only in studies, but also on fellowships that have allowed trust and friendship bonds to grow. This particular event of the Sending-Off, served as an excuse for making a space. We thought of something that would be significant for each one of them to receive- a jar, candies, candles? We opted for a personalized violet flower representing life... that each has taken, being fecund women day by day, always searching for the light. With this symbol, we enclosed a small bookmark with a motivational quote to live by forever in love. The group that was sent consisted of eleven brothers and sisters- a male and ten female (four of them being our sisters Liliana, Alejandra, Miriam and Elizabeth) who will have their first experience in schools soon after this. The celebration held at the auditorium of the Conference of Major Religious Superiors in Mexico, AR (CIRM), took place after the Eucharistic celebration at 4:00 pm presided over by Fr. Jorge MSC, in whose company we also closed the first semester. 33
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One of our companions from the MSTL Congregation, Filomena, invited those who are to be sent-off to pass in front of the assembly. Then, she told a story about a sower who scattered the seed in the field. On the other hand, we (the rest of the group), sang "The Espoused ". At the hall, an atmosphere of silence and prayer was emanated with joy expressed through smiles and tears, as well. Having been likened to seeds that have grown and matured after having chosen Christ, it was time for the offering of the symbol we had made to be presented to the sendees. We invited them to another area in the auditorium; and there, with hands raised, presented this symbol to Jesus from each of one of us who were there to accompany them. To end this very memorable event, we sang the hymn "Gift of God" and urged the celebrants to remain cheerful and be ready to serve in the mission which has actually started at this very moment...with full knowledge that they are being supported and encouraged in prayer by the inter-religious community. As a conclusion, finding ourselves in the area intended for the celebrations of the CIRM, we therefore not only enjoyed our food, but also danced a little. This has been a day filled with pleasant surprises. We hope that each of those who have been sent would continue to strengthen his/her consecration, and through the charism of their congregation, they may express the gifts God has entrusted to them in building and gathering more human beings to the Church. In Jesus Christ the Redeemer, and Mary Mother of Perpetual Help, With Love from the Novitiate Community, Mexico.
THE GREAT ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS CHRIST “Go to all the world and preach the Good News.”
MISSION OF THE I.A.M. GROUP IN SAN ANTONIO BUENAVISTA With one month of anticipation as Sr. Martha Burgos asked the possibility of carrying out a simple three-day mission in our village of San Antonio Buenavista, the young people she addressed all responded with shining eyes and great enthusiasm, though with a slight hint of fear as they said “yes”. For this particular mission, our principal objectives are as follows: • Make a survey of people who have not received any of the sacraments and invite them (particularly the young or adults) so that they could be prepared. • Invite the people who wish to be catechists, especially now that the formal catechesis will start its preparation on April 13. 34
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Invite more young people and children to the IAM and the catechetical school in the convent.
Subsequently, the youth grouped themselves into different sectors of the parish so that they can cover the entire parish and be identified as IAM activity. On the two Saturdays that followed, they were prepared as to how they would go about and carry out the special mission. On Holy Monday, the great day finally came when we met at the convent, prayed for guidance and went by twos to the different sectors. There were 5 groups in all and Sr. Martha was gracious enough to accompany each group to different sectors at different times. The groups were as follows: Yellow Sector: Wendy, Arturo & Juan Pablo. Green Sector: Mrs. Chave & Juanito Blue 1 Sector Ana Bertha & Monse Blue 2 Sector Manuel & Alex Red Sector Jesús & Roberto The groups had been given instructions to bring their own lunch so they would not have to return to the convent if they find themselves too far from it. So that on the first day, only two groups returned to the convent. The next two days, however, everyone was so excited to hear the experiences of others,so that they decided to eat in the convent and listen to the accounts of others. It was truly a very enriching experience for everyone. We were able to learn more about our own people, who mostly had received us with respect and kindness. Certainly, we were not exempted from the experience of having our nose almost getting hit by the door as people who were not so welcoming became a bit rude. However, that is little in comparison with how enriched we were by the whole experience. We cannot deny that at first , we felt shy to knock at the door and speak; but later, we felt assured that no one would be able to stop us. I believe that all of us had an Encounter with Jesus. I observed this in the eyes, gestures, responses, etc. of everyone. Another very important thing we were also able to achieve as far as the objectives are concerned: There were 37 catechists who came up to be counted in and many youth and adults were invited to prepare and receive the sacrament/s they needed. Several children had themselves pre-registered for the catechesis. We hope and pray that they will truly commit themselves to the work at hand. We thank the Lord for this beautiful experience.
Sr. Martha Alicia Burgos Martínez, MPS
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TO ALL THE READERS OF ESTRELLA MISIONERA: Greetings, prayers and a fraternal embrace to all of you! The Year of Faith is clearly an invitation to renew our personal and communal commitment to Jesus. This conversion must lead us to become better people. Of course, the best missionaries are those who are not afraid to know Jesus more and more, those who do not hesitate to read the Gospels, participate in the mass or pray every day. If in your heart, you feel the desire to know Jesus more, it is because He wants to come into your life. "FAITH IS DECIDING TO BE A FRIEND OF JESUS". It is the gift that allows us to believe in and accept the person of Jesus. Through intellect, we get to know the contents of our faith, i.e. professing and practicing the creed in our life in expressing our acceptance of what we believe. That is why in catechesis, we explain the life of Jesus and His word. Therefore, studying, praying and living the word of God is how we can truly become witnesses to the Gospel and missionaries for the world, which is in need of renewal of faith. If we know Jesus more, we will deeply live the commandment of love, because faith is manifested by our charity for others. It is faith that enables us to recognize Christ, and is the love that drives us to help our neighbors who are in need. May our friendship with Jesus lead us to be signs of His presence in the world. (Sr. Blanca Emilia Romero RodrĂguez, MPS)
Ave Maria, Sisters!
It is a pleasure to greet and wish you all the joy in Jesus, the Risen Lord! 36
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This past Holy Week 2013, we had a happy experience with the simple people in Leon, Guanajuato along with Rosita Pichardo Castro, Margarita Hidalgo, Monserrat Morales, committed lay workers Tania Jove Moreno, Fr. Juan José Ortiz Suárez MNM and some MNM seminarians. These people who are full of blessings and life experiences helped us renew our faith as we learn from their simple ways. Through these beautiful spiritual exercises, God has showered us, MPS, with His love via different signs such as prayer, silence, a preacher, renewal in fellowship and serious commitments to live our FAITH and belief in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, together with the faithful one at the foot of the cross, Mary, the Mother of the Redeemer. Let me share with you two good news during this joyful Easter Season: 1. We have won first place in Spelling level zone 20 (among 17 schools) and were in the next regional stage. The student who has represented us is Paola Chacón Baigorria of 2 ° B high school. (Please include her in your prayers.) Whatever achievement is gained in the name of our dear, Institute Maria Teresa Rivera will surely fill all the MPS with satisfaction, for we are all united by one faith, the same dreams, expectations and ideals. 2. We won first place, National Level, in the Drawing Contest of IAM (Infancia y Adolescencia Misionera). The one who worthily represented us is Ana Fatima Cavero Galeana of 1 ° A, a high school student. We are very happy since this victory involves not only the academic but the spiritual as well. This is more meaningful for us, being a Catholic School in a world thirsty for God --where Jesus, our merciful Redeemer, is close to us and to all mankind. It is truly imperative that we learn how to integrate FAITH with Science and make it meaningful as we celebrate the year of faith. It is a great hope that a student of one of our schools with her own feelings, testimony and life experience had transmitted to us her idea of what we, the MPS and all those who collaborate with us, should do in our ministry or service... that each one may render missionary actions that will bring Jesus to others especially to the children. This particular work of art of our student was already sent to Rome by the IAM-OMPE and will be part of a Special Edition, as Fr. Aldo Israel Estrella Garcia had informed us. We shall also be informed of the date when our dear student will receive her award. A big hug for each of you with best wishes from the entire community of Salina Cruz. May Mary, our good Mother of the Perpetual Help, guide us always and win for each one of us the graces that we mostly need in our life and mission.
Sr. Alicia Ortiz Suárez, MPS 37
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OUR MISSIONARY PRESENCE IN SOUTH AMERICA, VENEZUELA country's conflicts in all levels (as many of us know and have been experiencing for more than a decade). We find ways of presenting and making known our Charism, Spirit and Spirituality which give us the Redeeming and Missionary identity. However, we ask God to help the country regain its freedom which the Venezuelan people alongside its Liberator, Simon Bolivar, had fought so hard for.
With gratefulness, allow me to share with you our presence as Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in South America. Today, even as we are here in Venezuela, let us not forget the communities that had been part of this testimony some few years back... such as Peru and Argentina.
The delegation, taking steps on engaging in vocation ministry, is aware of the commitment it has made in the area of vocation as a Missionary Congregation. At various points, they work together with the team of Youth and Vocation Ministry of the Redemptorist Fathers. This serves to maintain the bonds that unite us as an Alphonsian family working in the redemptive work-- as we face the future with all that it implies.
Venezuela became part of the MPS communities in 1974 when the Redemptorist Fathers' Mission was founded in Barquisimeto. Most of the priests involved came from Spain. At first, their work consisted of-- Missions (itinerant and permanent), Preparation of Catechists, Catechism Schools, Youth Groups, among others. On February 11,1978, the first novitiate outside México was founded in Maracaibo. This year (2013), we already have three communities-- namely Manzano at Lara State, Maracaibo at Zulia State and Catia La Mar at Vargas State. The last is the newest MPS place for Permanent Mission experience.
I had the opportunity to visit the three Communities and had the opportunity of celebrating Christmas Day with all the PS sisters working in the different apostolates. I received an invitation to participate in "My Secret Friend for the Christmas Eve" and the experience was terrific. From Maracaibo, Sr. Maria Auxiliadora, her nephew Daniel Jesus and I traveled to Barquisimeto on December 23 to be with the Sisters of The Manzano Community, who were preparing the roast for the Christmas dinner.
Each of the aforementioned community has a particular objective: Manzano shall serve as Formation and Permanent Mission House. At Maracaibo, the Apostolic Work is presently done two ways: coordinating the first Archdiocesan school in Zulia State (School of Mary Help of Christians) and attending to the pastoral care of the Chapel of St. Pancratius which is within the same Educational Community.
On December 24, the three Escalona-Giménez sisters (Maria Auxiliadora, Lidia del Carmen and Ana Cecilia), Marisol Gudino Gudiño and the one who wrote these lines, began our trip to meet with Sr. Maria Elena Sastre and Sr. Nohemi Justo, both sisters of the Community of Catia La Mar. The encounter filled us with joy and prepared us to participate in the Eucharist in the Chapel of the barrio
The Experience of Permanent Mission from November 2012 in Catia La Mar, Vargas State: The MPS Venezuela Delegation hopes to continue collaborating in evangelization in spite of the 38
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where the sisters work. The celebration allowed us to share with the faithful of the place this great event of the memory of "the Birth of Jesus". Each one collaborated so that the moment and space would be ready and this significant date for all Christians may be truly enjoyed. We enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner of typical Venezuelan dishes like Hallacas, roast pork, ham, bread, panettone and fruit salad. Afterwards, there were surprises in "My Secret Friend". Each one had the opportunity to share her wishes for the coming year and greet everyone as Sisters of the same religious family. On December 25, Sr. Marisol, the Escalonas Giménez Sisters and I prepared for our return trip to our families very early in the morning in order to share this beautiful feast with them. After the celebrations, I stayed with my biological family for some time. I thank God, the Virgin Mary and my Congregation for having allowed me to be with my mother, brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews and the rest of the family during this Christmas 2012 and New Year 2013. I cannot end this short article without expressing my gratitude to God for the happy moments with my family. One major reason for my travel to Venezuela was to witness the graduation of my sister Zenaida Josefina Morillo Herrera as Doctor of Medicine. She received her diploma from the hands of the authorities of the University of Zulia on the 12th of December 2012. Zenaida, the second in the family, is now a Medical Internist-Cardiologist and works as a cardiologist in the cardiology department of "Pedro Iturbe", Southern General Hospital of Maracaibo, Venezuela. She is also a Professor at the LUZ University of Zulia "and the Coordinator of the Post Graduate in the Cardiology Hospital. As such, she is able to help many patients and teach aspiring doctors in this delicate profession of Medicine, particularly Cardiology.
and the baptism of my nephew Esteban José who God gifted the family with to remind us of His great love for those who trust in Him and who always seek to do His will. Thank you Lord!
I infinitely thank God and our Mother for the achievements of my sister and for the gift of her person in the Morillo Herrera family. Congratulations to you, my sister. May God always take care of you and bless you!
Sr. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera, MPS
In the same way, we are grateful for the life 39
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Ave Maria, Sisters: On the first of February 2013, after finishing our apostolic work, we began our journey towards the Central House, at Azabache 38, Col. Estrella, Mexico DF, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the religious profession of our sisters Teresita Vasquez Torres and Maria de la Luz Ojeda Orozco. There, we were warmly received by the sisters of Central House Community who have supported us with the logistic as well as the spiritual aspects of the celebration. Finally, February 3, the day most awaited, came with so much joy. It was exciting to face the day with all the preparations-- beginning with fixing the chapel, having rehearsals, and watching with appreciation, the novices who did a great decoration in the dining room. The religious ceremony was conducted by our very own brother Fr. Gonzalo, Provincial Superior of the Redemptorists. The moment wherein our sisters renewed their commitment and said "Yes" once again to their consecration, was truly touching. We enjoyed this special moment together with the families of our sisters who wasted no time in taking pictures of this memorable event. After the spiritual banquet, we moved to the reception hall to enjoy a delicious meal of rice, mole and chicken. For dessert, one would not miss a delicious slice of cake. To liven up the moment, the junior sisters, novices and postulants delighted us with their angelic voices. However, the celebration did not end there. As soon as we got back from the Central House, on February 8th, a celebration was held in the chapel of our community by our Parish Priest, Fr. Benito Velasco Pardo. We were accompanied by the family of M. Luz, her brothers Mr. Alfonso, Mr. Sixto and her sister Mrs. Socorro. They shared with us some beautiful words of thanks. Her nephews narrated to us some stories--making us all laugh as we imagined those beautiful moments, while enjoying a rich cake, porridge and tamales. Finally, allow us to share with you the words of thanks Mother Luz expressed using the words of our beloved Jesus, to her family and to our beloved Congregation.
"Whoever remains in Me bears much fruit‌" I thank the Lord, my family and the sisters of the Congregation of the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help for the prayers and graces that sustained me in order to reach these 50 years in Religious Life, "Blessed be the Lord".
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During this time I have been pampered by the Lord with many graces that He granted me for my needs (and sometimes, even for my wants), and the tokens of affection I receive from my sisters and family. The rest of my life will not be enough to thank you all for everything you've given me; and so I sing: "Thank you Lord for the love with which You have created me.
"Thanks for all the love You have given me, "Thanks for all You give me, "Thank You, Lord... thank You very much." (Sr. Maria de la Luz Ojeda Orosco, MPS)
May God and the Virgin of Perpetual Help bless us and give us the perseverance until the end of our lives. With fraternal love from the Ixtepec, Oaxaca Community
Yours Forever My Lord and my God, I thank thee for all the benefits that You have given me up to this day, especially because You have chosen me to be Your spouse. Today that I am 50 years of being so, I ask You to give me what I need most so I can love You even more, make You loved by all and that my soul may always embrace the whole of humanity. Thank you Lord for the opportunity You have given me to renew my commitment with You and the humankind. Thank You, Lord! Yours forever,
Teresita VĂĄzquez 10th of February 2013
With great joy, we, the formands have gathered together to celebrate Friendship Day in advance. We missed some of the second year novices who were having their exposure in the different schools of ours, but it was nice to have the presence of M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, our Superior General, and Gen. Council Member M. Anavela Barrientos Caseros who is in-charge of The
Secretariat of Formation. Allow me to begin by informing you that this gathering was held in a former convent of the Augustinians located in Culhuacan which is now being used as a cultural center. It has a museum, as well as spaces outdoors for cultural events and presentations. Kids do some painting sessions here while adults enjoy the place. We encountered the novices on our way to this venue.
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That is why we arrived in the place together. The activity began with a prayer organized by Srs. Rafaela Cortés and Edith Dominga Martínez. Afterwards, Sr. Isabel Aguilar gave the instructions for group dynamics wherein we shared about friendship--presenting it in a creative way. This turned out to be entertaining and at the same time motivating us to strengthen our bonds of friendship as sisters of the Congregation. After the sharing, some of us decided to visit the museum while some preferred to enjoy the organized activities where there were dances and soprano presentation of country songs. From there, we continued with the most awaited moment, lunch. For this, we went to a specially designated part of the garden. We offered the grace for meal and had our stomachs filled. We listened to some words of inspiration from M. Cecilia Morales before the exchange of gifts. Some had brought stuffed toys which many liked but of course only a few were to be lucky to receive one. All the gifts were nice and the exercise gave way to detachment. After our picnic and sharing in Culhuacán, we continued to enjoy and end the day with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist in the Postulancy House which was presided by Fr. Omar Díaz, C.Ss.R, a good friend of Sr. Concepción Toral since both of them worked together in the mission in Argentina and had come for some cours-
es in our country.
Finally, before we bade farewell, Sr. Teresa Medina invited us for some delicious Pizza which as one can imagine, immediately disappeared on the table. Thanks a lot for this day, Sisters, and thanks to God and to our Mother of Perpetual Help for having allowed us to share in the bread of love and friendship with others. (Postulant Yolanda Moreno Sánchez) 42
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"THE MIDLIFE CRISIS, AN OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH" Facilitated by Maricarmen Bracamontes, OSB CIRM (Conference of Major Superiors in Mexico) "What is the chronological age that corresponds to Midlife?" This is the first question asked as an enlightenment on the above-mentioned workshop. Apart from hearing a number as an answer, it is necessary to recognize that today's chronological age has major differences with the maturity of a person. Considering this outlook therefore, the workshop is suitable for anyone, regardless of age and length of period in the congregation. In the same way, the use of the word "crisis" may apply to anyone who belongs to the "privileged" ones. You may consider yourself privileged if you believe that you have passed through some kind of crises. With so many movements in this present time, it would be quite strange if you aren't one of us, right? What does this mean? The crisis must be placed within the larger perspective in the global level of life that we are in--such as in terms of economical, cultural, institutional, valuing, relations, congregational, delegation, community or even personal aspect. The way you live your life in this present time, reflects how you will be for the rest of your life. Whether you are living a full life or the other way around, you still have the opportunity to live it the best way possible. This is the task you have now. If we desire to begin the path of rebuilding ourselves, of reinventing ourselves, or of recognizing ourselves, we need to answer this question: How do I find myself having the following as a reference: * stability in mood * joyful acceptance of being a woman * openness to differences It is necessary to recreate a meaningful life and relationship with others---for each one to be humane and promoters human life. Let us integrate the SELF deeply and weaken the forces of the ego in order to take control of our lives, to discover the "masks" and gray areas of our lives, and the expectations of others-- so that it may be a good time to respond to questions such as: Which aspects am I neglecting in my journey? How do I deal with conflict situations? How are my relationships? This dynamic is to live to 100% the birth pangs of our religious life. Conclusions: • The greater the experience in life, the more the crises, by learning from the past, the more the yearning one has for models and experiences. • Chronological age does not guarantee personal maturity • A wider road is necessary for openness. • Interpersonal relationships gives one identity and a sense of belonging In order to have a wider understanding of the topic, I invite you to visit the following web videos: You Tube: Jane Fonda “Life’s third act: TED TALKS; Alejandra Guzmán´s “Necesito amarme” (I need to love myself); “Y aún seguimos” song of the Conference of Religious in during their 50th anniversary
(Srs. Diana Torres, Lucia de Jesús Jiménez & Rosa María Pichardo Castro, MPS) 43
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SPIRITUAL EXERCISES Torreón, January 2013
An Opportunity To Be With Him
How can we forget the month of January 2013 in the Retreat House, Iñigo,Torreón? The Ignatian One-month Spiritual Exercises was a great experience of God. We arrived at the retreat house with a great desire to be in contact with Him... and so it was. His Grace was manifested in every detail-- starting from the moment our respective communities sponsored our expenses for this retreat. We thank them for their generosity, love and trust in us in behalf of the Congregation. This act definitely helped us in continuing the work of Redemption as Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. With this one-month retreat, we somehow close a stage of our formation in preparation for Perpetual Vows. The first manifestation of the invitation to the process of a "retreat" was when we heard His call to recognize Him in love so that we may be happy. We were led to realize that His plan in the life of every human being is Happiness. Each day, we were invited to ask for the grace to truly know Jesus under the protection of Mary, our Blessed Lady. The retreat was truly an experience in prayer and contemplation; of the love of God which Fr. Enrique Ponce de León SJ had motivated in us from the start with sharing of his experiences, and later on, those of our other companions in this constant process of discernment. The exercise enriched us all a lot. It was done very creatively and so full of life that we were actually celebrating. Each day, the priest gave us a motivational theme to reflect on coming from different theologians. The objective of the activity is to deepen the content and reality of the day. The days of rest were opportunities to be in contact with the reality of the present world. We viewed a movie to culminate a week and introduce the following week. Everything was so organized that it permitted us to have our time for rest and most of all, continue contemplating the dynamics of the Spiritual Exercises. We end this experience convinced and conscious that prayer and discernment are fruits of the loving presence of God in us; that it is a response to the Spirit which calls and seeks us, to be aware of the surrounding and penetrating presence of God. This brings us to remember that this union with God in prayer has been given us since the beginning. Thanks be to God who is here living in us. It is enough that we remain conscious of His loving presence for us to be in prayer. Bottom-line, what we need to do in prayer is listen, feel and live an experience. Thanks to all the sisters who have accompanied us and were one with us in prayer. Srs. Edith Dominga Martínez & Rafaela Cortés Rangel, MPS 44
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One of the most important Congregational events for
this year was the SECOND MEETING OF DELEGATES AND SUPERIORS in America held last March 16 and 17. All Superiors from Mexico (North and South Delegations) with their respective Delegate Superior and Council members, happily joined the Delegate / Council member representing each delegation from Central America (M. María Aracely Guzmán Castro), USA (M. Dolores Pineda García and Vicar M. Melissa Garza Escobedo) and Venezuela (Council Member M. Lydia del Carmen Escalona Giménez). There was no other way to commence these two days better than having a celebration of the Eucharist which we did with Fr. Carlos Flores, C.Ss.R. presiding. He motivated us enough to deal on the different issues with the spirit of faith and attention to the voice of God every moment of our journey as a Congregation and Delegation. In his homily, Fr. Carlos highlighted the theme of the meeting which was: MYSTICALPROPHETIC WOMEN ON THE JOURNEY, MOVED BY THE SPIRIT. In her opening remarks, our Superior General M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, welcomed each Delegate / Representative as well as the local superiors in Mexico and invited each one to make present the Kingdom of God in the reality around us. She emphasized that this was a continental meeting of 5 delegations and the representation from Asia. She further expressed the Resonance of the Reality that was presented by CLAR (Confederación Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Religiosos/as) with the lights and shadows of both realities: National Conference and Religious Life Communities. She also invited the participants to make a resonance of the realities that were not reflected in the presentation but which they experience in the countries they are assigned. Later, she explained the Journey we had Taken and the Coverage of the Meeting. Immediately after the morning break, the group had the report on the Journey of the Delegations which was facilitated by M. Teresa Medina. At the end, she asked the sisters to elaborate on and share the items most constantly observed in the report. The scheme used for this work consisted of activities that have been realized, those that have helped us grow, the obstacles to progress and the most urgent needs. The group also looked into the disappointments, dreams and projects of each delegation. As an opening of the afternoon, a music video of the song “Escuchemos a Dios donde la vida clama” (Let us listen to God where life clamours) was shown. This was composed as the theme song of CLAR and which we have adapted for this meeting of the different delegations. The music video was followed by the presentation by Srs. Maritza Morillo Herrera and Norma Patricia Pérez Esparza on the General Vision of the Study of the Constitutions by Communities and its Significance. Subsequently, a dynamics of integration was utilized in order to continue the evaluation of the scheme of the Study of the Constitutions. There was a short break immediately after the activity. The group welcomed the participation of the 45
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speaker/teacher Martha Reid. We find some of the statements she made in her talk gems worth remembering such as:
Live the life you have committed to opt for. To be human is to be in a relationship. Everything in life helps us. If we live more what is fundamental, we grow more as a person What matters most is not what you have done or have not done but what you have found or encountered in your life .
As words of appreciation, M. Cecilia Morales Tapia affirmed that Mrs. Martha Reid, through her participation, had summed up everything we did during the day and this had indeed enlightened us in our journey. On questions regarding the schemes and conceptual maps, teacher Martha had this to say: "Whatever is authentic will strengthen yo u .. . " Several sisters have expressed their appreciation of the speaker by clarifying the methodology that has been used. We finished the first day with a creative prayer led by the Central America delegate, Sr. Aracely. The following day (March 17), after the Eucharist, Sr. Maria Victoria Vivar Flores ran a recapitulation of the previous day with a PowerPoint presentation. This was followed by a talk by Brother Manuel de Jesus Villarreal on the Observations of the Norms Elaborated by the Delegations. The theme "Moved by the Spirit" given by Bro. Manuel was much appreciated. All the sisters were grateful to him for having spared his time with us once again in this important event and for helping the Congregation move forward in the deepening and strengthening of our charism in our lives. M. Cecilia Morales Tapia expressed her thanks to Bro. Manuel for his participation. She then proceeded with the presentation of the Vision for the Future and the Proposals. After the lunch break, she continued with her message and exhortation. For the last (but certainly not the least) part of the agenda, Srs. Norma Patricia and Maria Victoria led a dynamic to develop the Charismatic Document for the General Assembly 2014. In the end, our hearts were filled with joy and gratitude for all the good things that have transpired during this 2-day meeting. In giving thanks to the Lord, our sister Lydia del Carmen from Venezuela Delegation, led the closing prayer in a creative, inspiring and challenging way. (Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion)
JAN—MAR 2013
Days are flying so fast with each one of us deep in thought about what would happen this Holy Week as we find ourselves joined in a special way after a long time of not being together. Finally, after setting aside all our responsibilities and daily tasks, including the desire to be one with the other sisters going for Holy Week mission, we found ourselves arriving at the Postulancy House in Mexico D.F. one by one for a meeting. All the effort was worth the beautiful encounter of sharing experiences and most of all, the faith, prayers, joy and deepened missionary vocation and yearning to continue following Jesus, our Redeemer with love. During the first three days, Fr. Esteban Mayasi, helped us realize that our lives as consecrated women would be meaningless without the Mystery of Salvation and the need for us to live it in kairos which is the time of God, of grace... one outside our chronological time which we can easily manipulate. We work for the Kingdom, bearing in mind that being religious does not kill our humanity nor lose sight of our Maternal Dimension. We reflect and share on the living of the Evangelical counsels as a means to making the poor, chaste and obedient in Christ who is present at this time where Consecrated Life is subject to many provocations. He invited us to the constant use of discernment in conforming our desires to the will of God and in living this Jubilee of 25 years as a homecoming while we thank Him for the achievements made and asking forgiveness for our faults. This is a returning to the Lord, a renewing of selves ending it with thanksgiving prayer. We experienced something very special after the talk of Fr. Esteban and before the Easter Triduum: M. Rosa Becerril (Gracita) went home to heaven. We had the opportunity to prepare her for the funeral and prayed for her and her family. May this great and holy woman who gave a good testimony of a religious, rest in peace. We continued experiencing the celebrations of the Easter Triduum in the famous Basilica of Guadalupe and the Metropolitan Cathedral. During those days we organized ourselves into committees and activities for the celebration of Thanksgiving for our 25 years of Consecrated Life which will be on the 10th of August 2013 at 11:00 a.m. at the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer in Mexico City. You are all invited. We look forward to seeing you there. Our group is composed of the following sisters:Ma. Hilda Flores Colunga
Ma. De los Ángeles Vázquez Ma. Elena Burgos Ma. Guadalupe Pérez Cecilia Morales Tapia Hiliana del Socorro García Melissa Garza Escobedo
(Sr. Ma. Elena Burgos, MPS) 47
JAN—MAR 2013
HOLY WEEK is: the annual celebration of the mystery of Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. The Holy Week permitted us in a special way, to reflect on the life of Jesus during His last days on earth in fulfillment of the Father’s will. As regards No. 84 of our Constitution, it is stated thus:
“The missions to the believers is one of the means of evangelization that the Congregation considered as our own and specific since its origins. "One of the main purposes of the Sisters of Missionaries of Our Lady of the Perpetual Help is to engage themselves in the missions; all devote themselves principally to this work." For a long time now, we, the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, collaborate with parish priests in accompanying the most remote communities-- those farthest from the Parish Church and the least attended to when it comes to ordinary spiritual services. Sisters from all apostolates
dedicate this holy days in accompanying the poor and marginalized communities. For the Holy Week 2013, many sisters took a pause from their respective ministries and usual activities in order to share their faith. Through the Secretariat of Missionary Action, it was confirmed that 18 sisters, 3 postulants and 3 young ladies who wished to have an experience of the mission of the Congregation attended to 16 communities of different parishes namely: Santa Ana of Conde, Guanajuato; St. Lawrence Martyr, Yanga, Amatlán and Tetelcingo, Veracruz. We thank the sisters who despite their busy schedule and fatigue in their respective ministry or assignment, have generously shared their time and faith. We ask Jesus, the Redeemer, and our Mother of Perpetual Help, to grant growth to the seed that has been planted and to allow our religious family to flourish each day in our missionary spirit. (Secretariat of Missionary Action)
JAN—MAR 2013
From La Palma, Yanga, Veracruz, México. This year’s Holy Week was a different experience. It all started on Saturday, March 23, with the arrival of Sisters Marivic Flores and Yolanda Morena who were already expected by the La Palma community. From Sunday, March 24, with the blessing of the palms, we began the Holy week and with it, the preparation of an event that would mark some peoples’ lives. On the 25th, Monday, we had the first Dawn at Rosary 6:00 am and began the preparation of everything that would be taking place within the week such as- Thursday- Washing of feet, Friday- Via Crucis, etc. and Saturday- Easter Vigil. We all remembered very well that Sr. Marivic asked "Are you going to participate? Yes? Thank you...” that part was wonderful. In the end everyone took part. The Dawn Rosary had been organized as follows: 1. On Monday, the youth led the prayer using their own creativity. 2. On Tuesday, the adults (parents and grandparents) facilitated the prayer 3. Finally, on Wednesday, the small children animated the community with their creative rosary as they gave a flower to each participant as he/she led the Our Father/ Hail Mary/Glory be. Eventually, the whole rosary is formed on the ground. Thursday came and everything was ready. Mrs. Angeles spent a long time stitching the tunic of the Apostles who for this year, were Carlos, Lidio, Roberto, Nahum, Chano, Alberto, Domingo, Adrian, Juvenal, José, Erick and Filogônio. Yours truly represented Jesus Christ while Roberto, my brother, acted as Simón of Cirene, and Laura as the Virgin Mary. Jose acted as Pontius Pilate. The washing of feet went very well. All participated; which means that all the Apostles were represented. After 'Jesus' washed their feet, each of the 'apostles' washed the feet of his own family. Thereafter, we proceeded to the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 10 pm. On Friday, we had the Way of the Cross that at 9:00 am, there was some kind of apprehension as we went from the first house until the last on an approximate duration of 2 hours. We remember very well that we lived the event at that moment. Later, we had the narration and sharing of the Seven Last Words at 1:00 pm, followed by the celebration of the Veneration of the Cross and ending with the solemn procession. Finally, it was Saturday, the day for the blessing of the fire. It seemed to have been a day when we worked more with the very kind nuns supporting us all the time. Everything went very well. on the end. In the blessing of the fire, we burned a model of the community made of cardboard and other art materials where all the negative side of it were shown and the youth came out with the idea of burning a few black hearts from every member of the community symbolizing the negative attitude of each one. On the other hand, white hearts with good wishes written on them, were offered to God. We experienced the wonderful resurrection, a celebration, a special event, a dance by the young people and games. Finally,it was farewell to the religious--the nuns. T’was an Easter like none other we ever had. LONG LIVE CHRIST THE KING! (Carlos Marín Villalpando) 49
Year XXX No. 98
MARCH 2013
Moved by the Spírit, to be more human in Christ, the Redeemer in the distinctive manner of Mary General Directress M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS Superior General Editor -in -Chief Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion Sr. María Victoria Vivar Flores , MPS Directive Council Animation and Authority M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS Secretariat of Religious Life Sr. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera, MPS Secretariat of Vocation and Formation Sr. Senaida Anavela Barrientos Caseros, MPS Secretariat of Missionary Action Sr. Teresa Medina Sánchez, MPS Secretary General
General Econome
Sr. Norma Patricia Pérez Esparza, MPS
Sr. Ma. Carmen Estrada Hurtado, MPS
Mailing Address
MISSIONARIES OF OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Azabache 38, Col. Estrella, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero, 07810 México D.F. Tel /Fax: 01 55 55 77 07 98 perpetuo@prodigy.net.mx www.perpetuosocorro.com.mx