Estrella Misionera - October-December 2012

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October—December 2012

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Year XXIX, No. 97

Oct—Dec. 2012

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here are some words which may be too short--composing one, two or three letters and forming just one syllable; yet, they may be very important words. One such word is “Yes.” When was the last time we uttered this very brief word? Did we mean it when we said "YES"? As consecrated women, can we remember the significant moments when we said “Yes” to God, to our Congregation, to the People of God and to our very selves? If we look back and ponder on our past experiences and the situations we have at the moment, that YES would be such a precious word to say, because it could mean our whole life.

By faith, Mary accepted the Angel’s word and believed the message that she was to become the Mother of God.

In this particular issue of ESTRELLA MISIONERA, we will be able to see how as individuals, community, delegation or Congregation have we said YES with real meaning and thereafter, value it as a reflection of our own Person. There are many significant events worth pondering during the last quarter of the year 2012 and for this we have as our model, Mary who always pondered on God´s Word (the Word made Flesh and the Word of Life), the Word that is proclaimed, broken and shared. When the Archangel Gabriel told our Lady at the Annunciation, that by the “power of the Most High,” she is to bear the Son of God and name Him Jesus, Mary readily surrendered completely to the Divine Plan in what is known as the "Fiat" (Lk. 1:38), which quite simply means “yes.” How was our “Fiat” these last three months as challenged by the Year of the Faith which started on October 11, 2012? In the Apostolic Letter “Porta Fidei” of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI for the Indiction of the Year of the Faith, His Holiness gave us a beautiful and inspiring challenge to live our Faith in the way Mary responded to God's plan with genuine and deep faith.

By faith, Mary accepted the Angel’s word and believed the message that she was to become the Mother of God. (cf. Lk 1:38). She visited Elizabeth and offered a hymn of praise to the Most High for the marvels He worked in those who trust Him (cf. Lk 1:46-55). With joy and trepidation, she gave birth to her only Son while she kept her virginity intact.(cf. Lk 2:6-7). With Joseph, her husband, she took Jesus to Egypt to save him from Herod’s persecution (cf. Mt 2:13-15). With the same faith, she followed her Son, the Lord, in his preachings and remained with Him all the way to Golgotha (cf. Jn 19:25-27). In faith, Mary tasted the fruits of Jesus’ resurrection. Treasuring every memory in her heart (cf. Lk 2:19, 51), she passed them on to the Twelve apostles assembled with her in the upper room, and with them, received the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts 1:14; 2:1-4) (#13c). As we read thru, meditate and ponder on our experiences and those of our sisters, let us ask ourselves: Are we attentive to the message of God through the people He sent us? Do we believe enough in ourselves with the graces and opportunities for growth and change offered to us? Have we tried or dared to leave behind our comfort zones in order to experience further the power of God´s love and compassion? Are we convinced of His call for us? Do we trust the people around us, and are we open to the mysteries of our “here and now”? Despite painful and discouraging experiences, do we still believe in the power of His resurrection as we accept our sisters, the situation of the community, the realities of our apostolate and the

In faith, Mary tasted the fruits of Jesus’ resurrection. Treasuring every memory in her heart .

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Year XXIX, No. 97

Oct—Dec. 2012

demands of our consecration in the midst of the fast-changing signs of the times? Mary had once said “Yes” and lived it all her life. With faith as a gift, we, too, offer our “Yes” and may we live it in the way Mary did. With Gabriel's words of greeting to our Mother: “ Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you ,” the whole staff of Estrella Misionera wishes each one of you “A grace-filled Christmas and New Year with the Lord forever dwelling in your life!” Sr. Maria Victoria Vivar Flores, MPS


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BEING MORE HUMAN IN THE DISTINCTIVE MANNER OF MARY “Earnestly seek to imitate the virtues of the Queen of the Apostles and the examples and virtues of the Divine Redeemer.” (Fr. Agustín Nistal, 1926 Rules of the MPS Congregation).

If the chapter motto is inviting us to be human in the manner of Mary, it is good to turn our gaze to the teachings of Father Agustin Nistal and M. Teresa Rivera which remind us of specific virtues in living as Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. “The particular spirit this Congregation should be the spirit of the Blessed Virgin. This Congregation chooses from among all the virtues that the Blessed Virgin practiced, the sweetness, modesty, charity, humility and love of the interior life "(Fr. Agustin Nistal, taken from the original writings, 1919, p.7). “Strive to imitate the Blessed Virgin in the house of Nazareth, where she took care of the household chores, while hidden in God. In imitation of her, apply with ardor the acquisition of the virtues she teaches us, especially those that adorned her life the most, and without which, one may not correspond with dignity to their holy vocation. These are: humility, obedience, charity, love for work and the spirit of prayer "(Const. M. Teresa Rivera, part 296, p 62, column 9). The essence of the virtues of the Holy Virgin is based on faith, hope and charity, all the others are consequences. She is humble because she believed and abandoned herself to the will of God in the midst of the uncertainty of events in her life. She believes, prays, lives in the presence of God along with all the people. She trusted in the promise of the Savior all through her life as her Child learned and deepened the nature of love.

“The Almighty has done great things for me.”

Our founders emphasized charity as the identity of the MPS as ornament and beauty of each missionary. "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven (Mt 5:14)" (Const. of M. Teresa Rivera). We relate the experience of Mary with our experience as women who want to respond to the Lord with a strong and deep faith; a living and joyful hope, and a committed charity for God and neighbor. The Missionary of Perpetual Help - believes, hopes and loves if she wants to be human like Mary. “The Almighty has done great things for me.”

M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS

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Year XXIX, No. 97

Ave María, Sisters! Warm greetings from the Delegation of Central America. May Christ, the Redeemer, and our Mother of Perpetual Help, accompany you in all your missionary activities. With great joy, we share with you this information that as part of the program of activities organized by our delegation's Formation Commission composed of M. Catalina Rose Celada (Coordinator of this commission and Postulants´ Mentor), Sr.. Engracia Azucena Diaz (Aspirants´ Mentor) and Sr. Maria de los Angeles Lopez (Vocation Promoter), a vocation encounter was held on the 28th and 29th of July in the Community of Sonsonate. It was participated in by young la-

dies who have expressed vocational anxiety and who are receiving accompaniment to clarify God's call. Aspirants taking up studies at the College of Perpetuo Socorro, also participated in the meeting. They are in the process of discernment to reaf-

Oct—Dec. 2012

firm their vocation within the Congregation. On that Saturday, we, the sisters in the community, shared for the the purpose of knowing the work done in El Salvador. It was an evening of reflection on the importance of selfknowledge as a personal means of responding more freely to the call of the Lord for us in following Him in the Consecrated Life. The following day, Sunday, we went to the Canton of Cacao Abajo, where the sisters have previously done missions. There, we conducted an encounter with the youth of the community. The young ladies who participated, were very pleased with the activity and manifested the belief that it is a great help for them in discerning the call they feel. (Hna. Ma. De los Ángeles López, MPS)



month of August, I had a mission experience in the San Antonio de Padua Parish of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, which left me with a wealth of experience to share with other people of this country. There, I saw the manifestation of the great faith of the people as they have shared. This enriched my own vocation even more, since I never had done a mission in a foreign country before. By November, I again, had the opportunity to experience another mission in

the village of Pixabaj, Solola, where we went up and down mountains in order to reach the homes of the people, and bring the Gospel to them. It was a wonderful feeling-- being able to share with people of our own culture and know how these most needy brothers and sisters of ours live as we bring them the Word of God. This mission has enriched me in my vocation process. It has helped me discover that a missionary must always be willing to give to others.

Lorenza de Jesús Morales Calel 2nd -year Postulant


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Ave María, Sisters! In this mission I felt a mixed feeling of happiness and failure, because the people did not understand me due to a difference in the language we speak. In the end, however, I grew to love this unforgettable experience. I started with a very simple relationship with the people: giving of myself in whatever way I can; and they, giving me with love what little they had. That, definitely changed my life. They are etched deep in my heart, because they are so special. I was so exhausted, but I did what I could until I got sick and I could no longer finish the period of the mission. But for all these, I'm glad that I experienced this because it was really something and I hope to live something like this next time. María Mayela Gutiérrez Ríos. 1st Yr. Postulant Ave María, Sisters! The mission that I had in Village Pixabaj, Solola, was such a beautiful experience, so much so that I tried to harness it in order to realize all the things that the Lord has made, particularly nature. I enjoyed sharing with the people--considering it as a challenge for me; since in that way, I am confirming my vocation and gaining more confidence in His calling for this work of building His kingdom. I am so encouraged by this missionary journey; loving the sharing that I do with my people here in my town, and this, being my first experience of missionary work in this place. This experience also brought joy and demanded much effort from all the sisters since it was only I who knew the language. However, this did not stop the mission from going on. In fact, it became something very special, because the avid presence of all, made the communities feel important. It has become a challenge for me right now, to fight and pray for my people and for all people in need. This, for me, was an unforgettable experience . Lidia Asunción Ibaté Bocel 2nd Yr. Postulant Ave María! In the mission at the village of Pixabaj, I found joy in organizing the people and doing things well. It was a challenge to visit the homes of families who did not understand us; but what was most interesting was the fact that the people allowed us to do our mission. Truly, God, never failed us even for a single moment The dynamics with the children was really something! Watching them closely and being with them, playing and speaking with them with affection, was for me, an opportunity that Jesus has given me in order to discover my abilities and patience with different people who we don't even know so many things about. I am happy and grateful for the way the people treated us with love and respect. Despite a bout of flu and experiencing stomach pains, I found the strength to go ahead with the home visitations. For me, this was a beautiful and unforgettable experience, which I will always keep in my heart. Monica Isabel Montenegro 1st yr. Postulant

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Year XXIX, No. 97

Oct—Dec. 2012

Ave Maria, Sisters! This time, it was my turn to experience staying in communities. This mission at home was very enjoyable, since I had my private moments of prayer and encounter with God all by myself. It made me affirm my vocation and to move on without forgetting my ideals. Karla Carolina Ordóñez Osorio 1st Yr. Postulant

Ave Maria! I wish to share with you my feelings about this year. It has been very special for me, because the Lord has allowed me to join several missions: Easter (Community Lomas de Azacualpilla) in June at the Parish of Our Lady of Fatima (Liberia, Guanacaste, Costa Rica), at San Antonio de Padua Parish (San Pedro Sula, Honduras) in August, and at the Community of Pixabaj, Solola in November, where we visited five villages. I find each experience different from the other, as I had the to share with people of different culture and characteristics. Even then, each one left a beautiful mark in my life, for I have learned a lot by sharing with them about the importance of living our faith in true simplicity. I thank God for these mission experiences, and I keep asking the intercession of Our Mother of Perpetual Help; our founder, Father Agustin Nistal and Mother María Teresa Rivera Carrillo, who provided excellent example of missionary zeal, dedication and love for the needy.

Sr. Maria de los Angeles Lopez, MPS Central América Delegation


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“MISSIONARY VENEZUELA, SHARE YOUR FAITH” To All Friends and Followers of Estrella Misionera: From Venezuela, we greet all of you with much affection. We want to share with you our experiences in this part of South American lands: In November of the coming year, our country will host the CAM4COMLA9, which will be held in the city of Maracaibo. Note that the CAM (American Missionary Congress) and COMLA (Latin American Missionary Congress) are one and the same event. It will bring together thousands of missionaries across America to share the faith and missionary zeal. Its slogan is "Missionary America: Share your Faith." As part of the preparation for this event, our Sr. Lydia Escalona and Sr. Nohemí Justo participated in the 4th CONAMI (National Missionary Congress) in the city of Valencia, from 5th to 9th of September this year 2012. The theme of the congress was "Missionary disciples of Jesus Christ in a Secularized World and Multicultural Society". Its motto is: "Missionary Venezuela, Share your Faith." The presentations of the conference were: 1. Missionary Disciples and Pastoral Conversion; 2. Continental Mission / Permanent Mission; 3. Multicultural Society; 4. Secularized World; 5. Small Christian Communities. We wish to share that in view of the newly inaugurated Year of Faith, we have promoted workshops on this topic, and adopted as its central theme : The Creed: Studying It Article By Article. The experience of these workshops has provided for us an excellent opportunity to go deeper in the truths of our faith. It is precisely one of the goals of this year as promulgated by Pope Benedict XVI : "Rediscover the content of the faith that is professed, celebrated, lived and prayed" (Porta fidei 9), aside from "Intensifying the faith, so as to help all believers in Christ to acquire a more conscious and vigorous adherence to the Gospel " (Porta fidei . These aims must encourage us to be even more immersed in the beautiful and great gift of faith, a gift given to us on the day of our baptism, which is renewed every day by the grace of God and with our care, the life of prayer , attentively listening to the Word, participating in the sacraments and living a life of love and justice. The Holy Father also wishes “to invite us to an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord, the one Savior of the world.” (Porta fidei 6). It is an invitation urging us to open our hearts, mind and spirit more and more to the one who has redeemed us, the Redeemer of the world. So, friends, let us take advantage of the thrust of this year dedicated to rediscovering and renewing our faith in the one Savior of the world, so we may grow in love for the same Lord and for His work. Blessings for all of you.

Sr. Nohemi Justo, MPS

Year XXIX, No. 97

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Oct—Dec. 2012


Dear Sisters: AVE MARIA! Sharing my life and these beautiful experiences with you, fills me with happiness. On September 24th, the Lord gave me one of the best gifts in my religious life, i.e. collaborating with Him in the organization of the First Congress Vocation Ministry in Mexico that was held last 24th to 27th of September 2012. The event took place in the facilities of the OMPE. With happy faces, the participants started arriving from different parts of the Mexican Republic. Many of them had been working in this beautiful apostolate. Some were a little nervous because they were sent by their superiors, while others were just representing their brothers or sisters; but in the end, all were happy and content. In the Basilica of Guadalupe, we had the Eucharistic celebration as a way of opening the Congress. It was presided over by the Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Christopher Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio in Mexico; accompanied by Msgr. Rafael Palma Capetillo and Msgr. Francisco González G. The homily of the Nuncio touched on the passage in Eph. 4, 1: “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received." Life, dear brothers and sisters, is a wonderful gift from God. With it, we are given a delicious sense of vocation. We receive existence in life. We spend it in the service of God... doing what He wants from us; giving generously in the fulfillment of His will. To be a Christian is to

live welcoming the call of God. The vocational dimension of the Christian life, is not reserved for a few; neither is it something that touches certain moments of existence. On the contrary, all true disciples must ask God this question every day: "What do You want of me, Lord?" At the end of the mass, we went directly to Casa Lago where all the activities of the Congress was to be held. The Resource Persons for this event were: Frs. Juan Carlos Martos, CMF, Emilio Lavaniegos, OD, Jorge Villegas and José Luis Torres Govea. A presentation of the hymn and the video of the Congress were shown. Everyone applauded the beautiful melody that was sang. This encouraged and animated everybody in the Congress. The different topics discussed in the Congress were as

follows: 1. History of pastoral work for vocations in Mexico by Fr. Jorge 2. The Role of the OMAPAV (Organization Mexican


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of Pastoral Vocation Ministers) by Fr. José Luis 3. The Challenges of the Pastoral Vocation Ministry by Fr. Emilio 4. The Difficulties of the Pastoral Vocation Ministry and How to Create and Develop the Culture of Voca -tion by Fr. Juan Carlos 5. The Place of Pastoral Work for Vocations and the Guidelines of the Pastoral Vocation Ministry- also by Fr. Juan Carlos. There were different moments for team work allowing the participants to know the contents of the renewal of the National Plan and to recall the history that brought about the pastoral work for vocations from the beginning to would like to focus more on the challenges, as I believe that they are a fundamental part to give a real qualitative leap to this congress.       


Each of these challenges leads us to a responsibility and commitment that is pastoral, but it also gives us great hope, because if we all strive to make these leaps of quality, we will, God's grace arrive at conquering the culture of vocation wherein we will have a feeling of being true vocation promoters. This is because of our love for our vocation and the belief of God's loving presence in our lives. With this convictions, we will be eager and glad to share this same love to all our brothers and sisters. I wish with all my heart that all baptized will be rid of fear as we go deeper… whereas Jesus will tell us, as He did to His apostles: "Fear not, for I am with you." I thank M. Cecilia Morales and Sr. Alicia Ortiz for their participation in this Congress, especially for unconditionally supporting me that I truly felt accompanied and helped.

With affection and gratitude: Sr. Patricia F. Morales, MPS

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Year XXIX, No. 97

Oct—Dec. 2012

REFLECTING MORE ON OUR MISSIONARY VOCATION "Every word of God is tested... Do not add to His words" Prov. 30, 5-6.

The biblical text in question is that of Luke. 9.1 to 6. It is in connection with Mk. 3, 14-15 and Lk. 10 which is about the Mission of the 72 disciples. The proclamation of the Gospel is not a casual activity or a vague action for the disciples. It has a requirement for organization and plan for action. The announcement contains two things: Doctrine and Practice Content.. The doctrine is not the disciples' own worldview, nor anyone's views. The doctrine is Jesus Himself, the eternal Word of the Father, the Word incarnate in Mary. On the other hand, the disciples are given power to carry out the action (expelling demons, healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, making the deaf hear, etc.). In other words, the mission is to do the work of Jesus. The disciple is responsible by way of preaching, for the conversion and transformation of others. The twelve became visible signs of what was being proclaimed. The proclamation is the Gospel itself. It contains within itself, a dynamic dealienating; where the non-human is made fully human. The proclamation of the Gospel is not merely an interpretation (Niesztche), nor an opiate for the people (Marx). Christ sends the disciples in pairs. The proclamation of the Gospel forms and forges a community. Because it is literally for all, the Gospel needs to be credible in certain collective platform-- so that those who listen will more easily understand and believe. Therefore, Jesus asks the Father in His priestly prayer in John 17. The Disciples´ consciousness re-

quires four truths: 1. The origin is divine . That is being loved by the Other, this is not decided by us. 2. We are in the plan. However, we are not the directors of the scene. 3. There should be a clear provision for 'leaving' and 'living' in the style of Abraham. The disciples must get into continuous journeys to new places; go to remote areas, where few are going. (An ancient text in the Didache, says that every apostle who comes, must be received as the Lord. He may stay for one day or even two if necessary. However, if he stays for three days, then he is a false prophet.) 4. The disciple brings joy in communicating the gospel. This is because a message of truth that is exposed, persuades. On the other hand, something that is imposed, discourages... so writes Cyprian. To be sent puts one in a condition of poverty: trusting in Divine Providence, having evangelical freedom, traveling light-- the opposite of which is to being sedentary, conservative and utilitarian. Poverty is having just enough to avoid missing the necessary. Christ warns the disciple of false triumph, wrong securities (money, technology, influence, intellectual preparation), and mere human calculations. Wealth makes the Church an accommodated community, subject to political, cultural, economic and social interests. In his poverty, the disciple accepts whatever is available. He does not seek or ask for something 'better' (to eat whatever is given).

Here, the rule of St. Francis de Sales is aptly applied: Do not ask. Do not refuse. With an attitude of evangelical poverty, the disciple faces in hope and joy whatever is given to or for the mission. There is no insurance or attractive pension that awaits the one who is sent. What awaits him is the rejection of contradiction. The disciple knows that the result depends on God. As the biblical text goes: “Man prepares the horse, but God gives the victory”. The result is divine, but the setting of the ground with generosity and creativity, is human work. Finally, the Gospel dwelt on "Shaking off the dust from (the disciple's) feet." This action does not imply that the disciple put a curse to the one who does not receive him hospitably. It is in fact a gesture that invites the recipient to be responsive, have greater reflection and an attitude of repentance before the Word from which flows true and full life (cf. Jn. 10:10). HOMILY: 26 SEPTEMBER 2012 Msgr. J. Francisco González (Shared by Sr. Patricia Fabiola Morales Morales, MPS)


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THANKS BE TO GOD! Ave María! We give thanks to God, the Holy Spirit, for the many gifts we received in life: mainly for the gift of faith! Our missionary community St. John Neumann at this, time has received great blessings which we wish to share with you. One of these blessings is the arrival of Sr. Ma. Mercedes Martinez in our community. She came last September 27 to share her gifts with us. The director of the Hispanic Ministry, Andres Lopez and our Lord Bishop Timothy as well, welcomed her to the Hispanic team. Some of our Latino brothers and sisters already know her since she joined the mission in these lands of New England more than three years ago. It has been a very favorable reunion for the community--to us, being sisters to one another, is a great gift to our fraternal life. “Dear sisters, I am pleased to send you my greetings from New England... yes, exactly! Springfield, M.A.. I hope that you find this a better year than the last. A warm family hug to all of you. See you soon!” (Sr. Ma. Mercedes Martínez) On the 2nd of November, we remembered our departed loved ones and were united with our entire missionary family. We were all present, as our voices blended in one symphony which is Love.

Father Gerardo, a Redemptorist Missionary, came to visit us along with our sisters Cony and Melissa, in a celebration of the Eucharist for the Birthday of Sister Judy, coordinator of Consecrated Life in the Diocese of Springfield, MA. Hna. Juana María Hernández Pérez, MPS

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Year XXIX, No. 97

Oct—Dec. 2012


Last 29th of September, we, as vocation promoters of Mexico North, came together in order to make a diagnosis of the work done in our communities/ dioceses on pastoral work for vocation. With great enthusiasm, each one of us working on this delicate mission, promised to keep in mind that we are not the only ones responsible for this great mission; rather, every member of the Missionaries of Our Mother of Perpetual Help is part of it as agreed upon in the chapter: i.e. the sacred duty to be witnesses and animators of abundant vocations for our beloved congregation. We were fortunate to have with us, Sr. Patricia Morales, who, out of love and dedication for her missionary work, has brought vocations for our Institute these past years. She was pleased to share with us her most recent experience of participating in the First Mexican Congress of Pastoral Vocation Ministry. She also explained to us step by step, how to guide the girls who aspire to be part of our Congregation. In the same way, she stressed the importance of taking into account the "TEN STEPS IN VOCATIONAL ACCOMPANIMENT". Finally, she discussed the following topics: "Who is a Vocation Promoter?", "The Profile and Tasks of the Promoter", and "What is Vocational Pedagogy?” Among the other tasks given to the sisters in the Pastoral Vocation Ministry, was to work at the Archdiocese or diocese level and to take up the basic course on vocation accompaniment and discernment. We thank you, our dear vocation promotion sisters for your eager participation in all the activities. God bless you all in this great task.

Sr. Leticia Díaz Paredes, MPS


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AN EXCEPTIONAL GATHERING "For me, prayer is an impulse of the heart, a simple glance directed to heaven, a shout of recognition and of love, both amidst suffering and in joy. In other words, it is something great; something supernatural that expands the soul and unites me with JESUS." (St. Therese of the Child Jesus) "To be able to perform various tasks and always fulfill His will with joy, is a gift one should ask for from God. For their loyalty to the little things, saints became saints." (Blessed Gaspar Stanggassinger)

On September 30, 2012, we celebrated in the communities of the Novitiate and the Juniorate, two great feasts in honor of two of our patrons : Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and Blessed Gaspar Stanggassinger. Do you know why we celebrated these two feasts? I want to share that we hit two birds with one stone. That is, because on this day, we we celebrated the feast of our sister-novices and the day for the formands. In this beautiful fellowship, the communities of the postulancy, novitiate, juniorate together with the major juniors in the company of the mentors and M. Anavela, gathered together. During that day, we had some recreations such as table games, lottery, snakes and ladders. The last two activities were facilitated by our sister-Novices with topics concerning Saint Therese and Blessed Gaspar. We enjoyed the game because we had to take off our shoes,as the game was held on the floor with some images related to the lives of the saints. Playing without shoes on was kind of scary because someone might step on your feet as everyone scampers to step on the image we deem as the correct answer. But it was so much fun that we forgot our fear, laughing with so much joy and even becoming confused of the sisters we were playing with. The idea was to win, but it was mainly to be together with our sisters and have fun. At one point during the recreation, there was a game where we went to the patio with newspaper in hand to the rhythm of the music. First, we had to unfold the newspaper; then, we step on it. The one who stayed in the middle was outside of the circle. Carrying the gift were Nilda together and Mother Gracita who excitedly said: "This happens to those who are smart!" for which we all thanked her with a loud applause. The game was conducted by our junior sisters. Each stage participated with a simple and significant number during the program. The postulants presented a poem, while the novices as well as the juniors, rendered songs. Our junior sisters made us even happier with a video of the life of Blessed Gaspar Stanggassinger. After much shouting, laughter and fun, we went to the dining room to enjoy the delicious and blessed food, where our novices sliced a delicious cake, as they sang the mañanitas. Finally, M. Anavela gave us a small gift from Mother Cecilia Morales Tapia, Superior General, which she brought from her visit to India. As it was on reflection, the book was just perfect, having been written with different titles and by different authors. And so, this was how we spent a pleasant moment in the company of our sisters-- enjoying a fine day in the midst of many and hectic activities. I thank God for the joy of being with my sisters on a day significant for us. And now, we say as our good and dear brother Gaspar Stanggassinger said: "I WANT, I CAN, I OUGHT TO BE A SAINT." Sr. María de Lourdes Villalobos García, MPS

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Year XXIX, No. 97

RECREATING MY HEALTH 6th and 7th of October 2012— MPS Central House

In this course there were 39 sisters--aged 50 and above who participated. We were asked to be attentive and see how we can apply the corresponding technique for the "Major Healing" according to the indications that will be given to us. Lic. Dra. Maria Ramona Hernandez Guzman who facilitated the workshop, expressed her appreciation for the openness, good disposition and simple way the group was learned. For us in the community, we believe that the course was very enjoyable, informative, recreational and important to our personal lives. We thank our Congregation for this opportunity. A special thanks goes for M. Maritza Morillo, who did everything possible so that majority of the sisters could participate; because as persons, we must grow in strength each day both spiritually as well as physically. As consecrated women, there is greater commitment and need for this in order for us to be of better service. Thus, being so, we give life to the theme of Gen. Chapter "be more human..." After completing the course, our hands were anointed and we were sent to heal ourselves and others, with them. Each of us, participants, were given as evidence, a certificate, signed and sealed. We ended with a lively fellowship and community meal, filled with joy and harmony. Finally, we enjoyed watching ourselves in a video that the Secretariat of Communications and Diffusion made. Thanks be to God and to our MPS Congregation Participants of the Workshop

Oct—Dec. 2012


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FIRST MEETING OF VOCATION PROMOTERS The First Vocational Meeting of Mexico Southern Delegation promoters, took place on October 13. Sr. Anavela

Barrientos- In charge of Secretariat of Vocation and Formation, Sr. Hiliana Garcia- Delegate Superior, Sr. Alicia Ortiz- In charge of the Delegation Vocation and the local promoters of the different communities, came together to organize the pastoral work for vocations in accordance with the new criteria of work as proposed by the Church. The meeting which was made even more interesting by warm hugs from attending delegates, proved to be very enriching. As participants, we were able to express how we feel and what we think about the pastoral work for vocations; the challenges and struggles that we are encountering along the way. It was truly a very fruitful encounter as the Holy Spirit moved us very strongly; putting everything in perfect harmony: the prayer, the dynamics, the personal and the group sharings on the topics given during the day. Allow me to share a small part of each of the very interesting themes: The 10 Quality Points: • Moving from pastoral work for vocations dictated by the crisis and extreme vocational poverty ... to stable and coherent expression of motherhood of the church. Life begets life. • From planting to harvesting. Always generously sow in any soil. Everyone has a gift to give. All are entitled to the gospel of vocation. • The promotion from a vocation to the vocation of all. Each one carries a special, unique gift ... Respect the gift of God in every person ... • From the vocation of some (the good ones, the saints, those in groups) to the announcement of the vocation of all. • Fear disappears as Christian hope come in. • From timidity, comes conviction. • From recruitment, “fishing”, hauling and competition... to evangelization and sowing. • From the general level to the local level. • From superficiality, improvisation of events... to the spiritual initiation, vocation processes as a method. • From Isolation to Communication. • From the pathology of fatigue to questioning and analysis The Role of the Vocation Promoter Who is the Vocation Promoter? They are all the men and women who have received the baptism and the Christian commitment of sharing God's love with others. The Profile of the V.P.: (Love for Jesus, love for Mary, love for the Congregation, love for her vocation, a woman of prayer, with vocational maturity, sense of belonging, deep faith, enthusiasm in the apostolate, living out the Gospel values and the Evangelical counsels). Tasks of the Animator: Announce the whole vocation of man; promote all vocations, special care for vocations of Ordained Ministry and the Consecrated Life. Promote the ministries and charisms, motivate the Christian community.Vocation Pedagogy: Be sower of the good seed of vocation,

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o Sow a) Two freedoms in dialogue b) The value of planting everywhere c) Planting at the right time d) The smallest of all seeds Be a companion on the way that leads the heart to "burn" o Accompany a) Vocation Itinerary b) Wells of water c) Co-participation y convocation Being Educator of faith and listen to God who calls o Educate a) Teach about self-knowledge b) Teach about the mystery c) Teach them to read life d) Teach them to invoke Be a formator of human and Christian attitudes that will help them to answer God's call o Form a) Recognizing Jesus b) Recognizing the truth of life c) The vocation as acknowledgement-gratitude d) Recognizing Jesus and self-recognition of the disciple And be discerner of the existence of the gift to the vocation that God gives us and in which will be realized as a person offered the life that God has prepared for him or her. o Discern a) The effective choice of the call b) The discernment by the Guide Then we share the progress with respect to the vocation journey of this previous stage which is the accompaniment. We fixed each of the booklets which will be of help to know the girls better, the recollection materials, the personal project and the records to make a proper process for faith education. For each topic, there was a dynamic sharing which taught us new challenges in vocation ministry. I am very grateful to God for letting me share with my sisters what I myself have received and has made me a woman who is happy and fulfilled in her vocation. I hope that with all this, each of us will be really enthusiastic to promote more and more vocations. So for all those who believe that the vocation ministry is a holiday rest, keep in mind that it is something worthy and so challenging; it is to be dedicated and committed as to be in charge of a school, or a Casa Hogar, or to be in a permanent or itinerant mission. Just as in every apostolate, we share love and invite others to experience and feel this LOVE and commit to the plan for the Kingdom. Sr. Patricia Faviola Morales Morales, MPS


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REDEMPTORIST FAMILY ENCOUNTER Visit of Superior General Father Michael Brehl to the Province of Mexico 20th of October 2012

With great joy, the MPS Congregation made themselves present at the invitation of the Redemptorist Fathers in welcoming the Superior General of the Congregation, Fr. Michael Brehl, a General Councillor and the coordinator of this region, who gladly received us in the parish church of the Most Holy Redeemer. The activity began with a small conference wherein they presented some pastoral priorities from missionary experiences effecting the commitment to "follow the example of Jesus Christ the Savior in preaching the Word of God." By highlighting the focus and importance of apostolic life in consecration to God, and the missionary activity with the people, there were two fundamental elements proposed during the sharing that are very much stressed today in the Aparecida document: 1. 2.

The preferential option for the poor and abandoned, Pastoral, personal and institutional conversion.

The challenge of today's mission is the formation and preparation of good shepherds to serve the people. This implies demands beginning from the vocational accompaniment and the initial and ongoing formation. It emphasizes the identity and charism of the Congregation i.e. to proclaim the Redemption of Christ through the pastoral ministry. Also stressed were the urgent pastoral needs based on the reality of Latin America which include: • The situation of poverty and the phenomenon of human mobility, human trafficking and its consequences. Priority lines of m issionary action: • Revitalizing the missionary charism and the Alphonsian tradition in rural and urban missions. • Enhancing the mission and international missionary communities by promoting new initiatives. • Good use of media as a means of providing for a more effective popular evangelization. We had a celebration of the Eucharist and thereafter, the meal. There was a spiritual Redemptorist family environment of priests, religious and laity all together. (Sr. Erika Amelia Reyes Campos, MPS)

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Year XXIX, No. 97

Oct—Dec. 2012

GO, SEND, OR HELP TO SEND! On the 21st of October, World Mission Sunday, the High School students comprising the IAM (Infancia Adolescencia Misionera), whose fundamental part of formation is service to others, participated in the 10 am and 12nn masses of the Parish of Our Lady of Fatima, with active involvement in the offertory and collection. Fr. Alfonso, the parish priest, opened the doors of the church and welcomed the children with much confidence and openness. He also gave the youth the opportunity to do the collections that will be turned over to the Bishopric. The following day, we organized the young people for the counting of the collection, while a group of four students representing the whole group went to visit Bishop Don Jose Luis Dibildox. They were accompanied by Sr. Lety and Mrs. Anselma, one of IAM´s Guides and a mother of our Postulant Amairani. The Bishop received them with simplicity and at the same time gave them a few encouraging words. The experience helped the students develop solidarity with others. Let us pray for these young people, that they may offer a fragrance to Christ, as they begin to share their lives with the least fortunate. Let us support their initiative and encourage their dreams. Above all, let us pray that they may continue to experience the merciful love of God. Sr. Margarita Hidalgo, MPS

WORLD MISSION SUNDAY 2012 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Mt. 28:19-20)

To celebrate Mission Sunday, all Christians are called to go out and be the bearers of the message of salvation to every nation and race on earth and on this day, 21 October 2012, the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help were summoned to collaborate in the Sacred Heart Parish of Colonia Estrella to carry out the mandate we have received from Jesus which is: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel". Although our very life is consecrated to the mission, this day, we went on behalf of the Church and the congregation, to preach the message of Christ to the people. This year, we are animated by the invitation made by the Pope to live the Year of Faith with a clear conscience: “Called to make the Word of truth shine” ( Porta fidei, n. 6). This mission involves all Christians, because in Baptism, we have received the threefold mission as Priest, Prophet and King. All of us, one way or the other, are missionaries; and from one´s lifestyle, must make shine the Word of Truth. Therefore, the Church must make known to all its parts, that “the immense horizon of the mission that you have, the complexity of the present situation requires new ways to effectively communicate the Word of God.” (Benedict XVI, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation. Verbum Domini, 97). This requires, above all, a renewed commitment of faith, both personal and as a community in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, “at a time of profound change such as the humanity is currently experiencing.” (Porta fidei, . The Eucharistic celebration was framed from this apostolic exhortation. And as we, the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help gave our message from the testimony and the experience of missionary life that each one of us have, not because it does not at all consist in passing the basket and collect little money for the mission, but to actually explain to the people the reason and motivation that we have apart from doing the collection and giving the message of Mission Sunday. The t rut h is God's grace is t hat which accompanies us on giving t he message of Christ t o all. For t his, t he communit y of sist ers from t he post ulant s´ house and t he Sist ers from t he General Council and Cent ral House part icipat ed. (Sr. Edith D. Martínez, MPS)


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On 21st of October 2012, World Mission Sunday, another Filipino, Pedro Calungsod, was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI. Calungsod (spelled Calonsor in Spanish records) was born in 1654. Historical records never mentioned his exact place of origin and merely identified him as "Pedro Calonsor, El Visayo" (Pedro Calonsor, a Visayan). Historical research identifies Ginatilan in Cebu, Hinunangan and Hinundayan in Southern Leyte, and Molo district in Iloilo as probable places of origin. Loboc in Bohol also makes a claim. These locations were parts of the "Diocese of Cebu" during the time of Calungsod's martyrdom. Few details of his early life prior to missionary work and death are known. It is probable that he received basic education at a Jesuit boarding school, mastering the Catechism and learning to communicate in Spanish. He likely honed his skills in drawing, painting, singing, acting, and carpentry as these were necessary in missionary work. Calungsod would have been expected to have some aptitude in serving in the Tridentine Mass (now known as the Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite). Calungsod, then around 14, was among the exemplary young catechists chosen to accompany the Jesuits in their mission to the Ladrones Islands (Islas de los Ladrones or “Isles of Thieves”). In 1668, Calungsod travelled with Spanish Jesuit missionaries to these islands, renamed the Mariana Islands (Las Islas de Mariana) the year before, in honour of both the Blessed Virgin Mary and of the Queen Regent of Spain, María Ana of Austria, who funded their voyage. Calungsod and San Vitores went to Guam to catechise the native Chamorros. Missionary life was difficult as provisions did not arrive regularly. The jungles and terrain was difficult to traverse, and the islands were frequently devastated by typhoons. Despite all these, the mission persevered, and was able to convert a significant number of locals. A Chinese named Choco, a criminal from Manila who was exiled in Guam, began spreading rumours that the baptismal water used by missionaries was poisonous. As some sickly Chamorro infants who were baptized eventually died. Many believed the story and held the missionaries responsible. Choco was readily supported by the macanjas (medicine men) and the urritaos (young males) who despised the missionaries. In their search for a runaway companion named Esteban, Calungsod and San Vitores came to the village of Tumon, Guam on 2 April 1672. There they learnt that the wife of the village chief Mata'pang, gave birth to a daughter, and they immediately went to baptise the child. Influenced by the calumnies of Choco, the chief strongly opposed. To give Mata'pang some time to calm down, the missionaries gathered the children and some adults of the village at the nearby shore and started chanting with them the tenets of the Catholic religion. They invited Mata'pang to join them, but he shouted back that he was angry with God and was fed up with Christian teachings.

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Determined to kill the missionaries, Mata'pang went away and tried to enlist another villager, named Hirao, who was not a Christian. Hirao initially refused, mindful of the missionaries' kindness towards the natives, but when Mata'pang branded him a coward, he became piqued and capitulated. Meanwhile, during that brief absence of Mata'pang from his hut, San Vitores and Calungsod baptised the baby girl, with the consent of her Christian mother. When Mata'pang learnt of his daughter's baptism, he became even more furious. He violently hurled spears first at Pedro, who was able to dodge the spears. Witnesses claim that Calungsod could have escaped the attack, but did not want to leave San Vitores alone. Those who knew Calungsod personally meanwhile believed that he could have defeated the aggressors with weapons; San Vitores however banned his companions to carry arms. Calungsod was hit in the chest by a spear and he fell to the ground, then Hirao immediately charged towards him and finished him off with machete blow to the head. San Vitores absolved Calungsod before he too was killed. Mata'pang took San Vitores' crucifix and pounded it with a stone whilst blaspheming God. Both assassins then denuded the corpses of Calungsod and San Vitores, tied large stones to their feet, brought them out to sea on their proas and threw them into the water. The Catholic Church considers Calungsod's martyrdom as committed In Odium Fidei ('In Hatred of the Faith'), referring to the religious persecution endured by the person in evangelization. Regarding Calungsod's charitable works and virtuous deeds, Pope John Paul II declared: “...From his childhood, Pedro Calungsod declared himself unwaveringly for Christ and responded generously to his call. Young people today can draw encouragement and strength from the example of Pedro, whose love of Jesus inspired him to devote his teenage years to teaching the faith as a lay catechist. Leaving family and friends behind, Pedro willingly accepted the challenge put to him by Fr. Diego de San Vitores to join him on the Mission to the Chamorros. In a spirit of faith, marked by strong Eucharistic and Marian devotion, Pedro undertook the demanding work asked of him and bravely faced the many obstacles and difficulties he met. In the face of imminent danger, Pedro would not forsake Fr. Diego, but as a "good soldier of Christ" preferred to die at the missionary's side.” On 21 October 2012, Pope Benedict XVI canonized Calungsod in Saint Peter's Square. After Saint Lorenzo Ruiz, Calungsod is the second Filipino to be declared a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Martyrology celebrates Calungsod's feast along with Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores every 2 April. ( We may recall what the Archbishop of Manila, Most Rev. Luis Antonio Tagle, D.D. said when during an interview in Dublin, Ireland last year, he answered a question on the significance of the Canonization of St. Pedro Calungsod to the Philippines. He gave three very important points that are worth-pondering not only for the Filipinos but for every disciple of Christ today: “His being a Youth: Pedro Calungsod left the Philippines as a teenager at the age of 13 or 14 and so the youth of the Philippines could easily identify with this fellow Filipino, and hopefully to be able to identify with the zeal for mission and zeal for the faith. We want to open up for the youth this aspect for being youthful. Youthful energies should be channeled to some sort of missionary endeavor. His being a catechist: We see that the Philippine Church is exporting catechists through our Overseas Filipino Workers or migrants. Pedro will be a big inspiration not only to our Catechists in Philippines but for every believer and disciple of Jesus Christ to take upon themselves the mission to be a catechist. His being a friend: (The element of friendship, being a good friend of Blessed Diego San Vitores) Friendship that is not just rooted in common interest, common tastes, likes and dislikes but because it was the faith that was at the root of their friendship. This friendship was tested by a dangerous moment … I can´t help but imagine myself…I don´t know whether I am capable of defending a friend who is being killed, maybe I will just run away… but in him we find this element of Christian friendship. Jesus said that, too. There is no greater love than to lay down one´s life for one´s friend. So I hope that this also become an invitation not only for the Filipinos but for the whole Church to review our norms for friendship. I see different types of friendship developing among politicians--being a friend of one who can support his political ambition. And


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they call it friendship among business people who earn from each other. What about friendship generated by Christ, the common commitment to Christ, an imitation of Christ up to the bitter end?”(Most Rev. Luis Antonio Tagle, D.D. ) On November 1st, we celebrated the All Saints´ Day and perhaps after reading this account of the life of a newly canonized saint, we can all be reminded that after all, we are called to be one with them, too. We may face a different situation and reality, unlike the persecution most saints faced during their time. We all know that it is not the event or circumstance that counts but the love that we put at every moment given to us. It may be too much to imagine to be saints; but Pedro Calungsod and all the other saints did not offer their lives with the ambition of being canonized in the future, but as a response to God´s loving call. We are all invited to go even much deeper in our knowledge and experience of God's love. Let us respond to God's loving invitation by living this life He has given us according to His will. St. Pedro Calungsod and all the Saints, pray for us. MPS Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion

GO, GROW AND GLOW IN OUR FAITH IN CHRIST “What is faith?” We were fortunate to receive the grace and opportunity to avail of this two

- week course held at the NBCLC (National Biblical Catechetical and Liturgical Center) from October 10-24, 2012 in connection with the theme of the Year of Faith. We thank the entire Congregation, the delegation of India- Macau, and most especially, our community, for having sent us to participate in this course which has helped us grow in all the aspects of our religious life. The course was formally launched on the opening day of the Year of Faith on October 11, 2012 with several priests speaking on topics related to the theme. In the evening, a solemn mass was held in the presence of many religious priests, sisters and some lay people, as well. For the whole two-week course, there were a good number of participating religious sisters, priests and a lay person. The importance of celebrating the year of faith was taken up. Proper methods of teaching catechism using different means like drama, songs, short movies, etc., were discussed. It was nice to learn that parables-teaching could be made interesting using different mass media and even magic tricks! The course also covered some inputs taken from the Vatican II and Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) and YouCat to further explain the catechetical mission of the church and how creative liturgy was introduced and came in to existence. The course provided us both theory and practical skills. There were dynamics for creative liturgy and lively group activities like drama and action songs. The seminar somehow helped us gain more confidence and increased interest to deepen our knowledge about faith and share it effectively in our community, mission and apostolate. Sr. Sangeetha Clara , MPS

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"Our schools are first and foremost centers of evangelization” M. Ma. Teresa Rivera Carillo

Allow me to share with joy our experiences and new expectations with regards to our pastoral work in the educational field held last October 28 at the Central House. Sisters present were: Patricia Morales of María Teresa Rivera School in Salina Cruz, Oaxaca; Margarita Hidalgo of Alfonso de Ligorio School in Tampico; Carmen Méndez Quecholac Puebla of Tepeyac School; Rosa Ordaz and María Elena Godínez of Martín dela Cruz School, Xochimilco; Nilda García and Maritza Rodríguez of Juan Ramón Jiménez School, Zacatenco; Norma Salazar of Ixtepec School in Oaxaca; Oralia of Casa Hogar, Zacatenco and Josefina Anaya and yours truly (Anilu), of Vasco de Quiroga School in San Luis Potosí. The meeting was coordinated by Sr. Teresa Medina and accompanied by the Vicar of Mexico – North delegation, Sr. Cecilia Reyes. The meeting began at 10: 00 a.m. with sharings on a personal level about how were finding ourselves. It is good to learn from some sisters' revelation that giving education in the faith was a new experience for them. Subsequently, we shared what we


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believe needed improvement and the good things we encountered when we arrived in our educational communities. Sr. Teresa Medina recalled a phrase from what our foundress once said: "Our schools are, first and foremost, centers of evangelization". She said that as establishments such as companies establish policies, so must Congregations have something to be implemented in all of our schools-- agreements that will unify and identity us as MPS. She proceeded to present part of the structure of the Evangelization Model. Finally, we shall put in reality, things we needed so much. Whereas before, the materials we used for the Education in the Faith (as we shared in many occasions), the Catechisms, are often dense and actually lacked integration of the themes of the Congregation in all our schools. Sr. Teresa also proposed to edit a book with general themes and a booklet with the themes proper to the Congregation. However, this is a work that will still take a little more time. We hope and pray that God will help us make the right decisions, so that we can move forward in this work of evangelization. May God bless each MPS member and community in the apostolic work that we pledged to carry out; for we are all teachers of faith whether directly or indirectly. Sr. Anilù Morales Arroyo, MPS

PERSEVERING MISSIONARIES IN COLEGIO NEZAHUALCÓYOTL “Faith is the starting point for all mission.”

As the month of October is dedicated to the missions, we at the Colegio Nezahualcoyotl had different activities. I want to share with you each of these significant events. As we enter this year of the Faith, Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed with certainty that every believer shall focus on the continuing effort to establish the Kingdom of God. We, the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, on October 30 conducted the Missionary Rosary, mentioning every continent and emphasizing the work of each mission community and what being a herald of Jesus implies. Each group participated by placing a flower in the colors of the different continents such as America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania. Every Tuesday, during the month of October, a different activity dedicated to World Day for the Missions was organized and performed, such as praying a particular mystery of the rosary , projecting the meaning of the mysteries and the role that the rosary plays in our life. During the presentation,a theme is given emphasis: What is IAM? (Infancia y Adolescensia Misionera). An explanation of how it functions and what it aims were given. Our students were thrilled to join the group. Mother Crispina who organized this moment of prayer highlighted the collaborative work of the whole school community which, along with Mother Ma Guadalupe Mejia, offered prayers for all the missionaries who are in different fields of service. On the last day, we had a Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr. Francisco Javier Sanchez ,Professor at the Pontifical Institute. We took advantage of this valuable space in order to offer for two intentions: 1st, for the culmination of the missionary month; and 2nd, for the souls of all the faithful departed. Fr. Francisco emphasized how important it is to be a missionary. He even invited the entire school to proclaim the Word of God beginning from our daily lives-- that we must offer every activity for the missionaries. After that brief message, he thanked God for the lives of the people who were part of our lives and who will always be in our memory. I take leave with a message of thanksgiving to our Mother of Perpetual Help for her constant intercession for our Congregation. "To profess faith in the Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is to believe in one God who is Love."

Sr. María de Lourdes Villalobos García, MPS

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CLOSING OF THE MISSION MONTH and THE ALL SOULS´DAY Colegio Vasco de Quiroga "Love is the root of the missions. Sacrifice is the fruit of the missions" Ave María, Sisters!

From the beautiful State of San Luis Potosi, allow me to share with you some recent events in the School of Vasco de Quiroga. On October 31, we joined the whole Church in culminating the mission month. Be it known that during whole month of October, we prayed and especially remembered all the people involved in missions. Different groups prayed every Tuesday for the missions in different continents of the world. There was also the usual selling done by the “missionary parents” with the objective of supporting this work of evangelization. The end of the mission month was marked by a Eucharistic celebration led by Fr. Alejandro who gave a very meaningful missionary message to our students. To sum up his message, I quote: "Remember that one of our missions is to live well even the little things we do". After the universal prayer, the Grade 5 pupils presented life stories of St. Francis Xavier and St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Patron Saints of the Mission. (This is an opportunity for each one of us to have a reference on the life of a saint as model in our life.) During the mass, we also prayed for the eternal repose of the souls of the dearly departed members of the family of students, parents, teachers, and sisters of the community. A short program followed, in memory of our founders, Fr. Agustín Nistal and the M. Maria Teresa Rivera, the two important people in the missionary life of MPS. We are presented by the preschool pupils with a missionary march highlighting the missionary rosary as an essential means of praying for the missions. This significant morning was concluded with a small Fête, involving both students and parents. Classes resumed after the program. It should be noted that with our Christian festivals, is the remembrance of the All Souls´ Day or the Day for the Dead. For this, (aside from the closing of the Mission Month) we dedicated a day where the parents of elementary and preschool pupils supported the preparation of the altar for the dead. The pre-school groups prepared a small program where parents were invited to explain the importance of our traditions, utilizing the formation areas that the teachers use in educating the little children. On this particular day, we were joined by of the area supervisor, as she took part in the presidium with Sr. Lucia, Elementary Department Directress and Sr. Hilda, Pre-School Directress. It was nice to see the happiness of the children as they learn more about the value and importance of our traditions. As motivation to the students and parents, a prize was given to the children of each level, for the best impersonation of a character and for the best oral performance. May our traditions never end, and their value and meaning be truly understood and made deeper. This, we believe, is part of our missionary work. Sr. Anilu Morales Arroyo, MPS


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AN EXTRACT FROM POPE BENEDICT'S MESSAGE FOR WORLD MISSION SUNDAY 2012 Faith and Proclamation The eagerness to proclaim Christ also urges us to read history so as to perceive the problems, aspirations and hopes of humanity which Christ must heal, purify and fill with his presence. His Message is ever timely, it falls into the very heart of history and can respond to the deepest restlessness of every human being. For this reason all the members of the Church must be aware that “the immense horizons of the Church's mission and the complexity of today’s situation call for new ways of effectively communicating the Word of God” (Benedict XVI, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini, n. 97). This demands, first of all, a renewed adherence of personal and community faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, “especially at a time of profound change such as humanity is currently experiencing” (Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei, n. 8). In fact, one of the obstacles to the impetus of evangelization is the crisis of faith, not only in the Western world, but among most of humanity, which, however, is hungering and thirsting for God and must be invited and brought to the bread of life and the living water, like the Samaritan woman who goes to Jacob’s well and converses with Christ. As John the Evangelist recounts, this woman’s story is particularly significant (cf. Jn 4:1-30): she meets Christ, who asks her for a drink but then speaks to her of a new water which can satisfy thirst for ever. At first the woman does not understand, she remains at a material level, but slowly she is led by the Lord to make a journey of faith which leads her to recognize him as the Messiah. And St Augustine says about this: “after having welcomed Christ the Lord in her heart, what else could [this woman] have done other than leave her pitcher and run to the village to announce the good news?” (cf. Homily 15, 30). The encounter with Christ as a living Person, who satisfies the thirst of the heart, cannot but lead to the desire to share with others the joy of this presence and to make him known, so that all may experience this joy. It is necessary to renew the enthusiasm of communicating the faith to promote a new evangelization of the communities and Countries with a long-standing Christian tradition which are losing their reference to God so that they may rediscover the joy of believing. The concern to evangelize must never remain on the margins of ecclesial activity and of the personal life of Christians. Rather, it must strongly characterize it, in the awareness that they are those for whom the Gospel is intended and, at the same time, missionaries of the Gospel. The core of the proclamation always remains the same: the Kerygma of Christ who died and rose for the world’s salvation, the Kerygma of God's absolute and total love for every man and every woman, which culminated in his sending the eternal and Only-Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus, who did not scorn to take on the poverty of our human nature, loving it and redeeming it from sin and death through the offering of himself on the Cross. Faith in God, in this project of love brought about in Christ, is first and foremost a gift and a mystery which must be welcomed in the heart and in life, and for which we must always thank the Lord. However, faith is a gift that is given to us to be shared; it is a talent received so that it may bear fruit; it is a light that must never be hidden, but must illuminate the whole house. It is the most important gift which has been made to us in our lives and which we cannot keep to ourselves. (MPS Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion)

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Year XXIX, No. 97

Oct—Dec. 2012

NEW COMMUNITY IN ATTÍBELE, BANGALORE “This is the people that longs to see your face.” (Ps. 24)

November 1 of this year, could be considered a very blessed and special day for us aside from the fact that it is All Saints´ Day. It was also the day when the MPS Community expanded its missionary presence in Bangalore, India by starting a new community at St. Dominic’s School in Attíbele which is owned by Mr. David Street. We had a celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided by Rev. Fr. Vallen, Parish Priest of Adugondanahalli. Assisting him were Fr. Arul and Fr. Hrudayaraj. It was a very solemn and meaningful mass held at 5 pm in the small chapel of the school where many sisters and people from the neighbourhood gathered. All the MPS sisters from Chellekere headed by the Delegate Superior Sr. Ana Cecilia, her vicar Sr. Vandana and the aspirants, were present for this most significant event. Almost fifty (50) people gathered together to thank and ask the Lord for blessings for this new community composed of Srs. Myrna, Jesintha and Sunitha; whose main apostolate is to give Values Formation to the students of St. Dominic School and to promote faith among the people they get in contact with daily, including the staff and parents. A tangible air of hope and joy was felt by us, that this mission would succeed in bringing the message of Christ´s love in the midst of mostly non-Christian people. This mission house is indeed a challenge especially for the three sisters who were to start it. The priests blessed and assured everyone that with God's grace we will do a wonderful job. The celebration was capped with simple refreshments shared happily by everyone. All of us, sisters, were brought home safe and sound around 8:30 P.M. through the kindness of Mr. Raj, who gave us a ride using the school bus of St. Dominic’s School. (Sr. Vandana Thomas, MPS)

PILGRIMAGE TO THE SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Every year, the Vasco de Quiroga School makes a pilgrimage to the Shrine of our Lady of Guadalupe, participated in by the 5th and 6th graders This year, it was held on the 7th of November, with all the students, parents and family members joyfully getting involved. The place of departure was in “Caja de Agua”, the name of the site where the road begins.


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The children arrived with symbols which they used during the recitation of the rosary: the colorful flags of the preschoolers, Stars for the 1st and 3rd graders, footprints for the Sections 2A and 2B, balloons for 5th and 6th graders and a few pigeons decorated by groups of 5A and 5B. With everyone behaving well with order and devotion to the "Morenita ", we reached the Shrine at 9:50 a.m. A Eucharistic Celebration was held at 10:00 am. There were about 150 to 200 persons present. The priest who celebrated the mass made mention of St. Alphonsus in his homily and this made an impact on the people. Another thing worth mentioning is the respect and order which boys and girls here in San Luis Potosi during all religious activities. This is of great value we can all be proud of. After the mass, the children returned to their homes with their families. Sr. Josefina Anaya Ortega, MPS

OPENING OF A NEW COMMUNITY IN VENEZUELA The Delegation of Our Lady of Coromoto in Venezuela, greet all of you, dear friends and readers of Estrella Missionera, with much affection. Along with the celebration of the birth of our Redeemer, allow us to share with you the joy and hope in the opening of a new community in Catia La Mar, State of Vargas, which is in the northern region of the country, along the Caribbean Sea. We thank our God for this new mission He has entrusted to us; for which we ask you to include in your prayers. We offer you this bit of background regarding this mission: In August 2012, Msgr. Thomas Jesus Zarraga, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of La Guaira-- to which Catia La Mar belongs, got in touch with us through Fr. Frank Altuve, parish priest of the same diocese, who we met a month earlier. Msgr. Zárraga proposed that we go and work there because, the Sisters of Charity of Ireland who had been incharge for 32 years had to leave. They did not want the house to remain unoccupied, for fear that people who have nothing to do with missionary work, take over the place. At first, we did not show much interest outside of mere concern, because of our own condition-- being so few even for the two communities. But due to the insistence of Msgr. Zárraga, despite the fact that we didn't know him that well, we decided to go and see the place. Sisters Maria Auxiliadora and Nohemí set the date and time for meeting with the Sisters of Charity.

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The group went to Catia La Mar on October 22, 2012. The Irish Sisters Bernadette Morgan and Teresa Fitzsimons toured our Sisters to the work area and concluded by sharing a meal with them. Immediately, we sent the information to the General Government. The Mother General and her Council gave their blessings and go-signal to accept the proposal, which we greatly appreciate. When we broke the news to Msgr. Zárraga, and he immediately invited us for a celebration of the Eucharist which was held on November 7, 2012. It was also an occasion to thank the Irish Sisters for their service in the diocese and to present the MPS sisters who would continue the work in the community. Outgoing community: Srs. Teresa & Bernardette Sisters of Charity from Ireland Incoming Community: Srs. Nohemí and María Elena MIssionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

After several comings and goings from Maracaibo and Barquisimeto to Catia La Mar, Sisters Maria Elena Moreno Sastre and Nohemí Justo finally moved to their new house on the 26th of November 2012. The Sisters of Charity of Ireland flew back to their country on November 30. We pray that God bless them for their service, generosity and selfless offering of life doing good in this part of the planet. Fellow sisters, we appreciate your attention and the prayers you offer for these servants. Sincerely, Venezuela Delegation


On November 9, 1732, in his beloved Scala, St. Alphonsus Liguori founded the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, following the example of our Redeemer Jesus Christ : that of announcing the Good News to the poor. Our Redemptorist Brothers and Fathers continue the charism of St. Alphonsus in the Church and in society. There are over 5,500 Redemptorists in the world today and they work in 77 countries on all 5 continents, with the help of men and women who collaborate in their mission, and together form the Redemptorist Family. "Our Lady of Perpetual Help" is the missionary icon of the Congregation. On the occasion of its 280th Foundation Anniversary of the Redemptorists, the Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion, is continuing the realization of one of its specific objectives: promotion of communication and sharing of information among the Redemptorist family in countries where we are, in order to strengthen the bonds of spirituality and friendship. We, in the congregation of MPS, join the Redemptorists as they thank the Lord for the 280 years of their missionary presence in the world. We had the privilege of communicating with some of them who, fortunately, have worked with us in the past and were willing to answer to the following interesting questions:


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1. What makes Redemptorist life and mission more challenging nowadays? 2. What is the driving force behind the Redemptorists? 3. What makes them go on in spite of all the challenges? And we received the following responses :

The challenges, as I see it, are two-fold: one is external which includes factors we see in society and which impact the world. The other challenge is more internal. It touches the personal and community life. It is living in fidelity to God and according to what we have publicly professed through our consecration. The first is a time of transition in society. The exchange and mass movement of peoples and ideas, refashion societies, cultures, communities and families. We are living in a multi-cultural, multi-religious, world and society. The world has become bigger yet at the same time, closer to us. God is present in all of these. How do we discern God’s presence and how can we respond to the promptings of the Spirit? We have to be constantly aware of the changing signs of the times so as to more readily respond to pastoral challenges. There is no ‘formal textbook’ or ‘directory’ on responding to these challenges. With the breath of the Spirit and certain well affirmedpastoral traditions and principles, we listen to the cries of the poor and those left behind by this fast galloping society. It is not always easy to do this when you yourself have to find your feet in all of this! As regards the second challenge, the values of society can easily grow on us without us being conscious or aware of it. There is a temptation to fall into the trap of consumerism, materialism, individualism and narcissism where instead of kenosis we could well be not sufficiently concerned with the needs of those who suffer or are marginalized. As for me, the driving force is the charism, which is the gift of the Spirit to the Church and society through St Alphonsus. By being called to be instruments of plentiful redemption (cf Const 2…"Sent as helpers, companions and ministers of Jesus Christ in the great work of redemption"), we share in the very abundance of this gift for ourselves and for the abandoned and the poor. To believe in this gift, this charism which comes from God gives us strength even though the forces around appear to be overwhelming. The sexennial theme is “‘TO PREACH THE GOSPEL EVER ANEW’ (ST. CLEMENT) RENEWED HOPE, RENEWED HEARTS, RENEWED STRUCTURES FOR MISSION” The central point of a Redemptorist call is that the initiative is of a God who is ‘pazzo per amore’ or "crazy with love for us", and "crazy enough to call us". We are but His instruments of redemption and His Kingdom will come not so much because of us but in spite of us! In this is the hope, the renewed Hope that it is the Redeemer Himself who is the source of Hope!

Fr. Juventius Andrade, C.Ss.R. (from India) General Consultor General House, Via Merulana, 31 00185 Roma, Italia

I believe that the life and mission of the Redemptorists have always been challenging. Before and now, there have been challenges, both within and outside. What we are today, unlike 20 or 30 years ago, is that many of the external problems, such as individualism and materialism have already penetrated the community life. Unfortunately, we have left the lifestyles that were once introduced to us. This is one of the biggest challenges to overcome, so that we can be free from the bondage to overcome external challenges.

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We, the Redemptorists continue to respond with hope, heart and courage, to the challenges of today's world. The missionary spirit and dynamism of charism make it possible for our task as Redemptorists to remain in force in the world. There will always be human and social realities to transform. There will always be young people who will be announcing the Good News of Christ: young people who will be encouraged to follow Him more closely as missionaries. What makes us continue despite all the challenges, is our missionary charism that remains valid. Although it is an ecclesial task, a task for every Christian; to the Redemptorists, it becomes the “modus vivendi”, the reason for being. To "Announce the Abundant Redemption" is the very reason why we are here and what makes us who we are... Redemptorists. Fr. Gonzalo Rascón R., C.Ss.R. Provincial Superior of Redemptorist México Provincial House, Mexico, D.F.

I am now 21 years in our Redemptorist mission in Korea. My excitement about this commitment is still alive! In spite of the many limitations, I just try to share my faith in Jesus, our Redeemer, in simple ways. Our Congregation was founded by St. Alphonsus Liguori in 1732 to serve the most abandoned poor. His inspiration then was to serve the illiterate and spiritually abandoned poor of the countryside. So today, guided by his spirit, we continue to look for the most abandoned poor in our society. After the Vatican 2, our understanding of the human person is wholistic, and so we now give ourselves to assist the material and spiritual needs of the poor. In doing, this we believe we are partners of Jesus, the Redeemer, in His continuing mission in our broken world. We are a pastoral Congregation; therefore, we are in touch with the lives of people and the changes of values in society. In view of this, our Congregation has renewed our Constitutions and Statutes several times in our history to enable us to respond to the needs of people. The most recent and big renewal was after Vatican 2 which has greatly changed our way of looking at our vocation and our service to people. In the General Chapter of 2009, our theme of reflection and action for these on-going 6 years states thus: "To preach the Gospel ever anew- with renewed hope, renewed hearts and renewed structures for mission." Because of this theme, our Congregation has undergone reorganization which focuses on our mutual assistance to one another regardless of geographical boundaries of (Vice) Provinces, Regions and Missions. We are now moving into easier exchanges of personnel with minimum of bureaucracy. We have began common international formations, exposures of our seminarians to foreign Units of the Congregation, and a spirit of availability to international communities. Our lay partners share our charism now in our apostolic commitments. In these ways, we hope to be more efficient in our response to various needs of the most abandoned. For the past several years, we have adopted forward- looking and dynamic leadership in our Generalate. These General Councils have led us into breakthroughs in our living of our Redemptorist charism. I believe these are the reasons why we are still a dynamic religious community in the church today. Jesus, the Redeemer, is our source of inner life and courage to face our present day challenges in our service to people. Our Mother of Perpetual Help has always led us to her Son and his abandoned poor.

Fr. Willy Jesena, C.Ss.R. (From Philippines) Redemptorist Missionary in Korea


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The challenge comes from two areas, increasing secularization on the one hand and dangerous communalism on the other. While it is easy to lose our sense of God to secularism, it is also becoming a challenge to speak about Christian faith in the midst of fundamentalist forces in India today. Then, there is human selfishness, our desire for comfort and lack of earnestness to go to places and people in remote places. We seem to be happy doing maintenance work among the baptized Catholics. The driving force is the fact that we are called to proclaim the gospel as St. Paul said, "Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!" (1 Cor 9:16). But the question remains to whom? Are we going to those really spiritually abandoned poor? I guess we know as Redemptorists, that we are failing but there seems to be a kind of lethargy in the air. What makes us go on in spite all the challenges? Yet those who do not give up, know the Lord's promise, "I will be with you always to the close of the age." (Mt 28:20). I know that those who rely on the Lord have always known that it is the Lord's mission, not ours. He will take care of the apostolate in spite of human frailty. Fr. Assisi Saldanha, C.Ss.R. Director of Pastoral Centre (Nava Spoorthi Kendra) Teaching Scripture at the Redemptorist Seminary and at the Post-Graduate St. Peter's Pontifical Institute, Bangalore Bangalore, India.

As it has been our will to do during challenging times, I believe that the Redemptorists are still the best people to counter the challenges of today. We are such a dynamic congregation, we have so much to offer to the world that is battered and bruised by secularism, relativism, individualism, materialism and the many more isms of today. No doubt, there is a crisis of Vocations in our congregation which comes from a crisis of Faith. I believe our Redeemer will not let us down, because in Him we have plentiful Redemption. The driving force is undoubtedly our most Holy Redeemer and our Mother of Perpetual Help, and of course, our rich and evergreen Charism of Proclaiming the Gospel to the most abandoned. Fr. Joseph Royan C.Ss.R Missioner/Youth Animator Mt. St. Alphonsus, Bangalore, India

“What makes Redemptorist life and mission nowadays more challenging? What is the driving force behind the Redemptorists? “ Of these two, I would prefer to answer the second question first. It is the Redemptorists' Charism-- that of “Preaching the Gospel to the Poor,” that drives us forward. Many people still need to hear the word of God as a

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Gospel, as a Good News for them. Thus, our Charism itself, is our driving force. And therefore, the greatest Challenge for us is to belie or declare untrue before the world, the claim: "I can live without God.” The growing insensitivity towards God and His Word in the present secular and consumeristic world, challenges our Redemptorist Life and Mission, too. For the other question-- i.e. “what makes us go on in spite of all the challenges?”; it is the deep conviction of the Truth of the Gospel. Christ is the answer to all our questions. No matter which era, nation or people, Christ is still the ‘Way, the Truth and Life.’ Thus, we go on as men who are “Strong in faith, rejoicing in hope, burning with charity, on fire with zeal…” (Redemptorist Constitutions #20) in living our Mission. Fr. Charles Vijay Kumar, C.Ss.R. Co-Pastor @ Holy Redeemer Parish, Bangalore; Socius for Philosophy Students; and In-Charge of Redemptorist Media Center, Bangalore, India. (MPS Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion)


Greetings from the ever-warm and hot as summer land of Salina Cruz, Oaxaca! My dear MPS sisters and faithful readers of our magazine, the "Estrella Misionera": In this time, as we prepare with hope for the coming of our Redeemer, I wish to greet each of you, and share with you some of our experiences in the community this school year and the missionary action in each section of the Salina Cruz School. We fervently pray that God may assist each one of us in the community; that His Spirit may direct our ears, lips, minds and hearts, as well as those of our of faculty, staff, maintenance , parents and students (children, adolescents and the young from kindergarten to high school). By way of celebrating the Eucharist at the start of the course and every month, we emphasize the importance of prayer to begin schoolday. We also maintain this spiritual attitude in our meetings both with parents, as well as with the Technical Board.

In the occasion of the thanksgiving for the eleventh anniversary of the Preparatory School of Maria Teresa Rivera PMTR and the seventeenth anniversary of the Institute of Maria Teresa Rivera IMTR , we had the presence of the municipal president and the supervision of zone 20.


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After a short discernment process, we decided that the missionary month must be particularly emphasized among students particularly on the subject of Values which had been organized in groups for the missionary rosary. We had the joy of forming the IAM group in our high school, where from among the 26 called, 18 had responded.

The Celebration of the Eucharist on November 14, which was presided over by Fr Aldo Israel Estrella Garcia, national coordinator of the IAM, was an event that led us to experience God's love. Srs. Teresa Medina Sanchez and Carmelita Estrada, honored us with their presence. Eighteen (1 adolescents and eight ( children from the elementary school, received the insignia, missionary Rosary, badge and medal. Meanwhile, teachers Ma de los Angeles Martinez Arreola, and Francisca Raquel Villalobos Santana, along with the mothers of our pupils Azucena Gracida Rodriguez and Rocio Gallardo Ramirez, together with us, MPS sisters,were also sent to accompany them as guides. Allow me to share with you some photographs that happily show the various activities and events in our educational community. Confident and aware that the pictures can communicate better than a thousand words. I end this message with a big hug from the heart. Merry Christmas, MPS Sisters. Sr. Alicia Ortiz Suarez, MPS


The three communities of the Isthmus of

Tehuantepec had the opportunity to experience beautiful community retreats on three occasions with materials sent by the Secretariat of Religious Life. In September, we had Fr. Victor Manuel Martinez of the Diocese of Tehuantepec as our facilitator; in October, it was Fr. Juan Manuel, an ex-Redemptorist from the diocese of Cordoba, Veracruz who led the retreat. In November, we had Fr. Alejandro Solalinde as our facilitator. Fr. Solalinde is an advocate of human rights for our migrant brothers and sisters. He is an assiduous worker for the Kingdom in the pastoral care of human mobility. After the retreats, each group assessed the reality in their own community. Sr. Alicia Ortiz Suarez, MPS)

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The Lord Jesus gives us opportunities to grow in life; and I believe that the 24th and 25th of last November was among those many opportunities. Those two consecutive days were, in fact, very intense moments of personal soul searching to free ourselves of all the feelings that often accumulate in our hearts and minds; disabling us from moving on, from accepting ourselves, and others; from being happy and bringing happiness to people living with us. These are the emotional fractures that pile up from years of harboring them until it gets to a point that they explode and we injure ourselves. Most of the time, we are unconsciously undergoing this thing; for who would actually want to live with the intention of harming ourselves or our neighbors especially when we are immersed in a spiritual environment and when we know beforehand that GOD, the Supreme Being to whom we have given our lives dwells, in my sister or brother. I would hereby like to thank M. Maritza, in charge of the Secretariat of Religious Life, who, with so much care and concern for the sisters who are in midlife stage, prepared this workshop, along with Lic. Maria Ramona Hernández Guzman, with her vast experience, love and understanding, who guided us so we could find that peace, tranquility and the wonderful experience of feeling God in our lives despite all the situations that we experience in each moment. Though personally, what have helped me so much, were the various therapies which I can practice whenever disharmony comes into my life. Thanks to the thirty-nine sisters who participated with openness, availability and desire to overcome problems; for the endless hugs we gave and received as a sign of welcoming and liberating ourselves. We often forget these because of work and the hustle and bustle of daily living. Hopefully, this experience will be an encouragement for us to no longer harbor ill feelings but rather, to come together as sisters and/ or brothers. Let us be from this day forward, be the sisters who will fill the world with peace and love. I thank you, Ramona, for sharing your person and especially your faith and love for the Supreme Being, giving yourself unconditionally for the benefit of your sisters and brothers. May the grace and love of God dwell in our hearts and radiate in our lives. See you at the next workshop. Sr. Leticia Diaz Paredes M.P.S.


M. Cecilia Morales Tapia On

November 25, we celebrated with great joy the feast day of our Superior General, Mother Cecilia Morales Tapia, at the Central House. We began with a Eucharistic celebration, presided by Fr. Gonzalo Rascon, Redemptorist Superior Provincial of Mexico, concelebrated by Fr. Carlos Flores, C.Ss.R.. Father Gonzalo addressed a few nice words to M. Cecilia during the homily. At the end of the mass, Mother Cecilia expressed her appreciation for our presence and that of the Redemptorist Fathers and of the Oblate Sisters who were there to be with her on this day. Afterwards, we were invited you to move to the hall where we had a sumptuous meal, which included delicious charro beans and roasts, and a delicious cake which M. Cecilia shared with everyone after she had blown its candles and told the story of her name and why she liked it so much.


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A presentation prepared by the different communities of formation started after the meal. Us, postulants, with the help of sisters in the community, presented two numbers. The first was a song accompanied by a summary of the story of M. Cecilia in the congregation. The second was a reflection on love. This ended with the handing of a lovely drawing Amairani, made with great affection, to the celebrant. Our sisters novices also presented a beautiful two-dance and a song about hope and ending with the sisters, each up a letter that showed the name of M. Cecilia. The minor junior sisters presented some very beautiful songs that made everybody sing. A very nice detail was creatively inserted as an intermission between each number. These were video presentations shared by Sr. Marivic sent by different delegations. They contained messages of greetings to Mother Cecilia. Some were filmed as MTV where the presentors sang and spoke, while others were PowerPoint presentations with pictures of the sisters together with mother Cecilia in various points of her life, expressing reflections and dedications that nearly made us all cry. More songs were sang... this time, by the Redemptorist priests, Fathers Carlos Flores and Gonzalo Rascon and the Oblate sisters. Finally, concluding the day, Mother Cecilia expressed her gratitude for the love, the joy, the blessings and good wishes she received and felt. Happy Feast Day, Mother Cecilia! May God and our Mother of Perpetual Help continue to bless you for your dedication and love for Him and the Congregation. Postulant Yolanda Moreno Sanchez

A MESSAGE FROM THE ASPIRANTS “This is the day the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad." Ps. 118:24

We are very happy to be here with the Congregation of the Missionaries of Our Lady of Perpetual. We are a group of thirteen (13) individuals being guided and accompanied by the MPS sisters in Chellekere: Four (4) candidates, five (5) aspirants and four (4) pre-postulants. The candidates and pre-postulants are undergoing English classes, while the aspirants are taking up their Pre- University College. In the beginning, we kind of found it difficult to adjust; but as days passed by, we felt like one real family. We are also very happy to be with our MPS sisters. They teach us so many things. We have English classes, prayers, and other skills we need to develop so that we may function well and effectively in the community. We learn new things everyday, and it is a joy to realize that now, we can communicate better in English. With this, we thank the MPS Congregation in general and our sisters in this community in particular. We ask all of you to continually to pray for us. Aspirants— MPS India

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Celebrating the December 12th Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of Mexico, secondary patroness of the Philippines and Empress of America, has always been a very significant event for the Missionaries of our Lady of Perpetual Help, who in many ways, manifest their devotion for our most beloved mother. On this important date, the communities of Mexico City and the State of Mexico, hold an annual pilgrimage early in the morning all along Calzada de Guadalupe beginning from Peralvillo until the Basilica-- where the image of this very important Marian advocation is housed. Along the way, we see the great fervor and devotion of all the guadalupanos/as at Tepeyac for the “Morenita”. We find devotees from many parts of the country, asking for our Lady's intercession. It much like opening the doors of the Basilica for Mary to receive a visit from believers who pray to the Son of God with her help, to thank Him and ask for His blessings. For this particullar occasion, the pilgrimage was held on December 1, 2012 in participation of the following communities: Juan Ramón Jimenez, Casa Hogar of Zacatenco, Postulancy, Novitiate, Juniorate, Xochimilco, and Tlalpizahuac, Casa Hogar of Toluca, Anfossi, Tampico, the family of Sr. Patricia Perez, and the Community of Central House. The pilgrimage started with the Superior General Mother Cecilia Morales Tapia welcoming and exhorting everyone to strengthen their faith, hope and charity, as they grow in their love for the Virgin Mary, the one who helps us become closer to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Subsequently, relevant instructions were given before the pilgrimage proper. From among the MPS communities, there were the Postulants, Novices, Minor Juniors, Major Juniors and Juniors from the Central House. The communities who were to lead each mystery in praying the Holy Rosary were announced. Everyone actively participated in the prayers and in singing. It was an occasion when we venerated the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, in a very special way. We felt her leading the pilgrimage as Mother of Perpetual Help...what with her image beautifully displayed on the beautiful banner that was sponsored by the Community of Juan Ramón Jimenez School. The pilgrimage culminated with a Eucharistic Celebration, followed by a heartwarming fellowship at the Postulancy House. Delicious Mexican breakfast was served. (Tamales and Champorado prepared by the sisters from the Central House and Mrs. Paula Perez, mother of Sr. Paty Perez.) We thank our God for His presence in the history of our Congregation and we ask Him through the intercession of the Virgin of Guadalupe, to bless the world and all who dwell in it, especially those who have not realized experiencing His mercy and redeeming love. May Jesus, Joseph and Mary continue to be the Source of inspiration in our life and mission as MPS. Sr. Maritza J. Morillo Herrera,MPS


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Year after year, our Congregation come together for the

traditional Posada. During this occasion, the different formation communities have a get together in the communities of Novitiate and Juniorate. This year's Posada began with words from M. Cecilia Morales-- enjoining us to share this moment as a religious family, and to celebrate life with one another. The prayer for the blessing of the food, was recited with love and care. The main course was the traditional white and red pozole, complete with all the other ingredients adding to it a special flavor. After finishing the food with relish, we moved on to the next activity which was prepared by the Novitiate and Postulancy communities. A moment of prayer was provided for personal reflection on Christmas. This was followed by group sharing in the chapel. Thereafter, we prepared to welcome the "pilgrims" who invited us to put into practice the experience and encounter with God in the journey of our life as consecrated women in the MPS Congregation. Continuing the festive atmosphere, we returned to the hall to have fun with table games prepared and led by M. Anavela and M. Ponchis, wherein the winners from each table were awarded. In order to make the party even livelier, we had "breaking of the pots" participated in by those who wanted to make an attempt to break one. We really had so much fun even as we collected lots of sweets. Coming to the end of the activity, Sr. Angeles facilitated the dynamics of the exchange gift. To the beat of lively music, everybody danced around the pile of gifts until one finds her gift in front of her. She then goes to thank the sister from whom the gift came. Each of the communities also presented and sang a variety of Christmas carols to liven up the party and to make the occasion more joyous. We thank the Casas Hogares of Toluca and Zacatenco and the General Government, for the gifts they sent us and the other communities who made this activity possible. We were enriched through the sharing and fellowship in this gathering. WE PRAY THAT THIS CHRISTMAS MAY BRING PEACE , HAPPINESS AND HARMONY TO EACH MPS COMMUNITY IN THE DIFFERENT COUNTRIES AND DELEGATIONS. WE OFFER OUR PRAYERS FOR ALL THE SISTERS IN FORMATION AND FOR ALL THE MPS PROFESSED SISTERS. TO ALL, JOY AT CHRISTMAS AND A BLESSED AND PROSPEROUS YEAR 2013 THAT IS FULL OF CHALLENGES AND PROJECTS IN PROMOTING THE KINGDOM OF GOD!

Sr. Erika Amelia Reyes Campos, MPS

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AM I NOT HERE, YOUR MOTHER ...? ¡AVE MARÍA! We, sisters in the Community of Vasco de Quiroga, wish to share with you our joy for being Mexicans and having the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe as our nation's patroness. In order to show our appreciation for this great blessing, the community, on December 12, started the celebration very early with an honoring of Madre Lupita on her feast. Her prayers and examples inspired us to continue our missionary work. In order to highlight this great event in our school, the preschoolers, who despite their young age, gave a wonderful presentation of the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The senior students caught the attention and admiration of their peers and the public when they presented a beautiful song and a poem which were interpreted by fifth and sixth graders.

The parents who watched the presentations participated in by their children enjoyed a lot. The children, for their part, were just too eager to give their best, willingly practicing for this event. It showed how they really love the Virgin of Guadalupe. But the feast did not end on this day. On the occasion of the birthday of M. Lucia (headmistress), a holy mass was celebrated on school the following day, December 13 in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe and in gratitude for the life and ministry that our sister-celebrant serves. The students, after singing the mañanitas, presented M. Lucia with a short program, organized with great affection by their teachers. A fellowship organized by the parents followed thereafter.

THE ANGELS IN HEAVEN ARE SINGING “GLORY!” On December 18, the pastorela and some Christmas carols were presented by the pupils from different levels in our beloved School of Vasco de Quiroga. The event was held in the afternoon where the parents enjoyed the fellowship. This event, however, was only an introduction to our Christmas party as on the following day, December 19, our students made their Posada led by the Sisters-Educators in the faith.


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(In this picture we see the crib that was done in school).

Following the posada, the students enjoyed a beautiful fellowship, each in their respective groups. After a while, they moved on to the traditional pot-breaking or what we call piĂąatas.

The pupils left early, so teachers were able to dedicate some time for prayer and reflection on how to live the holiday season in its Christian sense. Later, a meal was organized and we shared it with joy. We concluded the affair with a toast, wishing one another a Merry Christmas. May the birth of Jesus ever dwell in our hearts! Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2013! Sr. AnilĂş Morales Arroyo, MPS

PARISH PASTORAL ASSEMBLY Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish conducted a Parish Pastoral Assembly on Sunday,October 14, 2012 at St. Alphonsus Conference Hall from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m..The theme of the said assembly was RESTRUCTURING TOWARDS DEVELOPING AND SUSTAINING COMMUNITY AS A COMMUNITY OF CHRIST'S DISCIPLES. It covered Faith-worship and social concerns in the structure of the Pastoral Coordinating Council as well as the community level. The assembly was facilitated by the Parish Priest, Fr. Cris Mostajo and the pastoral staff ( Armi Cornea and yours truly ). It was participated by more than 150 parishioners coming from 11 communities namely Dignos, Gonzalez, PSH, Buli, Laray, San Jose, Sto. Nino, Waramda, Ubra, Ma. Cristina and Mango together with other ministries such as the youth ministries, the altar servers, social services, those from the different sectors and the devotees of our Mother of Perpetual Help. Sr. Mitchell Silva, MPS Phil. Delegation

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Year XXIX, No. 97

Oct—Dec. 2012

Sr. Lilia Suazo Avilés. R.I.P. Sr. Lilia Suazo Aviles was the first Honduran sister to join the MPS Congregation. She had her formation in Mexico and Guatemala, and was first professed on August 8, 1974. She was sent on mission in communities of Mexico, Venezuela, Macau and El Salvador. She had the joy of experiencing the celebration the congregation's silver anniversary in Mexico. Sr. Lilia was a missionary in the true sense of the word. Nothing seemed to be difficult for her. She had a way of finding what she needed. While in Macau, she was concerned about how the Constitutions and Directory of our Congregation could be translated from English to Chinese. With the help of the Pauline sisters who had a Catholic bookstore in Macao, they were able to find someone from Taiwan who did the translation. This favored quite a lot especially Sister Bridget Kuan Yip, a Chinese; as it had been translated into the language they understood fully well. In the last years of her life, Sr. Lilia stayed in Mexico-- at the Central House; because her sickness did not allow her to serve in the other communities. She remained there until 2010. After Christmas of that year, she asked permission to visit her family in Honduras. Her doctor believed that it was not advisable for her to travel because she was very ill. However, Sr. Lilia managed to leave. It came to pass that she could no longer return. According to her family, her condition became very serious. Although she later felt better with medication, Sr. Lilia was unable to return to Mexico even though she wanted to. On November 26 we were informed of her serious condition. And in the afternoon of that same day, she passed away. Only the community of El Salvador was able to be present in the Eucharist. At 4 pm we bade her our last farewell as we boarded the bus back to the border of El Salvador. Much as we wanted to, we could wait for the funeral since we had left the parish vehicle at the border. The car was not allowed to leave the country without a letter of authority from the bishopric. The funeral mass was celebrated on November 27 in the Church of Our Lady of Suyapa, patron saint of Honduras, by Fr. Manuel Villagran (a Redemptorist from Los Dolores Church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, who had been seeing her on her last days). It is of utmost importance that Sr. Lilia died in the Congregation as an MPS. Her funeral was on November 27, 2012 at 2 pm. May the soul of our sister Lilia Suazo Aviles rest in peace. Sr. Patricia Gutièrrez Santa Cruz, MPS

MAY YOU LIVE FOREVER... M. Antonia Munguia Angel (Amelia) Born on January 4, 1930 in Guanajuato. Professed on August 15, 1948

I had the opportunity to work with M. Amelia in Tlalpizahuac Kindergarten. She was in the preschool and I, in kindergarten. I got to recognize her virtues, as she showed great dedication towards the students... preparing for her classes, maintaining cleanliness, showing responsibility and creativity, without forgetting her love for Mary,our Mother of Perpetual Help, and the love of Jesus in the Eucharist.

Despite the pain she had felt in her leg lately, M. Amelia got up early to get her work done. She was a responsible woman who prepared and planned her work with care. In the liturgy, she was always creative. She always prepared something different and symbolic. Using her mind and heart, she served carefully and attentively. She related well with every sister in each community which the Congregation has assigned to her. She was characterized to have a strong authorita-


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I found M. Amelia first and foremost, a woman of prayer-- faithful to her liturgy, loyal to the important moments in the liturgy, and always willing to decorate the chapel. THANK YOU, M. Amelia, for your faithfulness to God, to the congregation, and to the mission in all the years that I had lived with you. M. Amelia was once worried about her evangelizing mission for her family. It was said that it is difficult to evangelize or convince one's own people. Still, we could not abandon them, because they also need our help. There were times when I heard her say that she wanted to go on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, and I think she gave her all in her missions as she was careful to spread the love of Mary. Thank you for giving life to the charism of the Congregation with your special charisms. They are recorded in the congregation and in the heart of each sister who lived with you in the different communities. MAY YOU LIVE FOREVER. Sr. Piedad Elia Vázquez Ibáñez, MPS


Lord, First of all, we thank You for the past year. We thank You for every blessing, For every lesson learned and every experience we have gone through. Thank you for Your care during difficult times, As well as for the happy moments with our sisters, family and friends. We dedicate to You this new year. We put in Your hands and submit to Your will each day of the year; That every effort we make, every step we take, Everything we aspire for, be for Your glory. Continue to guide us in our journey. Help us to grow spiritually that we may know You better. Help us to recognize the need to evangelize the people around us. Give us the words and the strength we need, So that with the Holy Spirit, we may share Your love with others. Bless our Congregation and all brothers and sisters in the faith. Use us to touch our community and shine Your light in all corners of society. We dedicate to You our work, our talents and abilities. Our health and our loved ones are in Your hands. We beg You to give us the strength and wisdom so that we may accomplish our mission each day. We desire to worship and praise Your name, O Lord. Our days are Yours as we rejoice in faith that You will be with us this new year as You had always been and will be forever. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Author: Ana Fermín

—-- Editorial Staff ——-


December 2012

General Directress M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS Superior General Editor -in -Chief Secretariat of Communication and Diffusion Sr. María Victoria Vivar Flores , MPS Directive Council Animation and Authority M. Cecilia Morales Tapia, MPS Secretariat of Religious Life Sr. Maritza Josefina Morillo Herrera, MPS Secretariat of Vocation and Formation Sr. Senaida Anavela Barrientos Caseros, MPS Secretariat of Missionary Action Sr. Teresa Medina Sánchez, MPS Secretary General Hna. Norma Patricia Pérez Esparza, MPS

General Econome Hna. Ma. Carmen Estrada Hurtado, MPS

Mailing Address

MISSIONARIES OF OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Azabache 38, Col. Estrella, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero, 07810 México D.F. Tel /Fax: 01 55 55 77 07 98

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