MAINTAINING CLIENT CARE STANDARDS How to Plan For a Transition During a Pandemic CASE: “Charlie” - Dual Diagnosis of Brain Injury and Paranoid Schizophrenia – Liz Drummy
t the beginning of the Pandemic, with the help and support of his team, Charlie was part way through a transition between a residential unit and his own flat in the community, with a Community Treatment Order. By February 2020, Charlie’s transition was well underway with overnight support 3 nights per week and daily visits to his flat, working on both rehabilitation and social goals towards semi-independent living. With the introduction of the National Lockdown and the need for vulnerable people to shield Charlie needed the full support of his team, especially his case manager and neuropsychologist in order to understand the importance of government guidelines, why he needed to consent to actively shield and unfortunately place his transition on hold. Therapeutic Intervention & Compliance: Through the guidance of Charlie’s case manager weekly remote
sessions with each clinician were maintained, reinforcing pre-existing themes, agreements and assurances while introducing new challenges to maintain progression. Through these focused sessions Charlie was able to continue moving forward and completing the transition when the time was right. Now: With the new property still available, and Charlie’s team maintaining the strategies and skills to ensure the successful transition previously denied due to the Pandemic, Charlie is looking forward to 1st April when face to face sessions can begin again and his ultimate goal comes ever closer to reality. ■ This is just one example of Browns case managements client-centric approach, to find out more contact:
Web: email: Tel: 01257 686070
Browns takes a client-centric goals based approach to managing your needs. Our team are here to provide support through: Assessment of your current and future needs Bespoke plan to help you achieve your goals Advocacy for access to education and community resources Liaising with your legal team / financial deputy through to settlement. E. T. 01257 686070 66
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