• Providing opportunities to support
to parks and open space amenities; and
crosswalks, seating and lighting. These
existing and new neighborhood-
improvement to roadways to calm traffic
types of infrastructure improvements can
friendly businesses.
and improve bike and pedestrian access to
encourage investment by existing property
all community assets.
and business owners as well as new
• Creating a blueprint for immediate and
investments. Additionally, KNA continues
long-term improvements. The Kenmore Neighborhood Vision Plan
to activate the Boulevard through
Through a lot of hard work and hundreds
also lays out a strategy to reimagine
programming like First Fridays.
of comments from the community, the
Kenmore Boulevard. As the economic
Kenmore Neighborhood Vison Plan
heart of the community, the vision seeks
In, 2019 The Kenmore Boulevard Historic
creates a framework that focuses on areas
to create and improve connections
District was listed on the National
of need throughout the neighborhood.
through the neighborhood and to the
Register of Historic Places, further
The framework includes opportunities
Boulevard. Along the Boulevard, the
solidifying the Boulevard’s potential as
for redevelopment in the neighborhood
plan looks at calming traffic and creating
a unique destination for the community
and along the Boulevard; enhancements
a more walkable street with enhanced
with restored historic buildings, lively businesses, and dynamic public spaces.
To read the full plan go to:
These Kenmore Boulevard Design Guidelines will serve as a companion to the Kenmore Neighborhood Vision Plan and provide inspiration and resources to realize many aspects of the Plan.