Storefronts Composition A typical storefront in the Kenmore
it is recommended to rebuild the storefront
Boulevard Historic District consists of
to match the original design. This can be
three common parts that include the
done using historic photographs, drawings,
bulkhead at the base; a display window;
or other existing physical evidence. In
and a transom above. The entrances
absence of historic information, a design
were typically recessed to prevent doors
can be developed using typical storefront
from swinging over the right of way. If
designs and proportions seen throughout
your storefront cannot be repaired, it is
the Boulevard.
recommended to replace the storefront using the same materials using the same
See illustrations.
dimensions. If it has been severely altered,
Opposite page: Illustration of a typical business façade: bulkhead, display window, transom, signage frieze, upper story windows, cornice