6. Deteriorated historic features will be
9. New additions, exterior alterations,
repaired rather than replaced. Where
or related new construction will not
the severity of deterioration requires
destroy historic materials, features, and
replacement of a distinctive feature, the
spatial relationships that characterize
new feature will match the old in design,
the property. The new work will be
color, texture, and, where possible,
differentiated from the old and will be
materials. Replacement of missing features
compatible with the historic materials,
will be substantiated by documentary and
features, size, scale and proportion, and
physical evidence.
massing to protect the integrity of the property and its environment.
7. Chemical or physical treatments, if appropriate, will be undertaken using the
10. New additions and adjacent or related
gentlest means possible. Treatments that
new construction will be undertaken in
cause damage to historic materials will not
such a manner that, if removed in the
be used.
future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment
8. Archeological resources will be
would be unimpaired.
protected and preserved in place. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures will be undertaken.