Isla Del Sol Summer 2017 Newsletter

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Exclusive Club News July – September 2017 EDITION




From the President & General Manager Tom Danielson, President Robert Rankin, General Manager Dear Isla Members, Calendar year 2017 is off to a great start with near perfect weather, a participating membership and strong outside events. We have completed another very active winter/ spring season of golf, tennis, yachting, and many successful and fun events. We have many more planed for the summer and fall season. Food and beverage for members and outside events continues to be strong. Membership continues to grow and is now at 738 year round memberships. All departments are at or above plan, and at this time we are forecasting to finish the year above plan. We have been working on a number of capital projects. In early 2017, we completed the conversion of all our lighting to LED and UG lights, creating better lighting and saving energy dollars. We have completed the installation of the new Sanibel UG lights along Sun Blvd, around the clubhouse and in the parking lot. Soon we will complete a new level concrete pathway with the same LED nautically themed pole lights along the north side of the Clubhouse, allowing a traffic-free route with scenic Boca Ciega Bay vistas. In March, we conducted a survey of our membership regarding food and beverage selection, service, entertainment and physical conditions of the Bayside Grill (Pool Bar area) and main Grille Room. Major takeaways that were common to many of the responses dealt with improving the cleanliness and appearance of entire pool area, and providing more variety of music and food choices at both the Grille Room and Bayside Grill. Our staff has responded to many of the observations. Actions taken included expanding the variety of music entertainment, providing additional weekly specials upstairs and daily specials at the Bayside Grill, and providing real plates and silverware poolside. Additionally, the Board is implementing several of the survey observations in its 2017 capital plan with the purchase of new pool furniture, the purchase and installation of rain/wind protection & more shade in summer at the pool bar, adding a portable outdoor BBQ to the pool area, to increase poolside cooking capacity. These actions were implemented prior to the start of the summer season to improve the Bayside Grill experience for our membership and outside guests. We recently communicated that the club secured and closed on a $1,000,000, 10 year second mortgage at an attractive fixed rate of 4.125%, which will enable the club to complete the entire renovation of the marina docks in a shorter period of time while at the same time providing further available funds for other capital improvements. All our efforts are dedicated to making Isla the best club in our area, and meeting the needs of our members. In doing so our goal is to maintain our Club to the highest degree while further enhancing your private club experience. As a premier private country club, we remain dedicated to providing our members with the finest in facilities, products, and services, and offering outside events an excellent forum for their activities.

Board of Directors 2017 Tom Danielson, President Joe DiGuglielmo, Vice President David Christein, Treasurer Gen Joyner, Secretary Bob Dollar, Commodore Del Dameron Sandy Gelmini Werner Koester Dave Malmberg Dave Wiggins Brian Young

Senior Staff General Manager Robert Rankin Director of Golf/ PGA Professional Fred Curtis Membership Director Star Garcia Member Relations Director Rebekah Nelson Director of Golf Maintenance Kevin Sunderman Controller Mike Meza Executive Chef Frederic Reiser Food and Beverage Director Donna Monaco Service Director Dino Anasri Director of Catering Melissa Rowjohn Director of Tennis Kevin Quay, USPTA P-1 Dockmaster Captain Richie Fowler Maintenance Manager Tim Ansel

Log on to Isla’s Website, for updated calendar Club events, Club updates and addresses at your fingertips. Has your address changed? Please advise Administration of your current mailing address.


2017 Membership/ Marketing Committee: Gen Joyner Membership Committee Chairman Brian Young Marketing Committee Chairman Tammy Allen Susan Eanes Kelly Hart Jon Kiggans Kay Nugent Karen Wilson Barbara Zaccaria

Membership NEWS

Star Garcia, Membership Director

Summer is here and we’re off to an amazing start to our Summer Membership Program. We have enrolled 125 Summer Members. Incredible! Membership at Isla Del Sol becomes more and more exciting each and every day. There are 70 NEW Summer Members that are experiencing the club for the very first time. We’re very happy to have them with us, and hopefully, we look forward to seeing them around the club as Annual Members for 2018. So, if you see someone that you don’t recognize, please introduce yourself and welcome them to our Isla Family. Many of you have requested a new membership card. We have purchased a new membership card machine and we need your help in making this transition quick and smooth. For those of you who have created a username and password on our website for your profiles, we ask that you make sure we have all of your profile information up to date. PIf you would please upload your favorite picture to your profile, as your picture will be on your new card. It is important to have this information current. Wishing you a beautiful summer with family and friends.

Please WELCOME our New Isla Members: Become a Fan on Facebook Don’t forget to become a “FAN” of Isla Del Sol Yacht & Country Club on Facebook!

Weekly Club E-blasts! For those of you who would like to be added to our weekly Club e-blast list please email Rebekah at the front desk (, and include your email information and she will promptly add you to our list. MISSION STATEMENT The Membership Committee is a major contributor in helping the Club shape a successful and satisfied membership. The Committee is comprised of supportive Club Members representing various organizations and interests in the Club. It works with the Club’s Membership Director in the development and implementation of membership efforts and opportunities to achieve and maintain membership retention in all categories by providing Club Management with insight as to Members’ needs and interests.

Annual Members: Bolton, Adam & Kara; Yacht Jamieson, Gordie; Invd. Golf Loyalty Summer Members: Allen, Ceci & Mallory, Syrus Anderson, Greg & Betti Andrews, Troy & Tracy Apple, Bill & Ruth Bailey, Wes & Charlene Barnett, Ryan Batas, Chris Blunt, Jacqueline Boelter, Stephen Bowen, Robert & Smith, Stephanie Breedlove, Christel Bulleit, Chris & Anne Carpenter, Ken Carvell, Glenn & Susie Cecil, Linda Cipriano, James & Kimberly Cohalla, Dick & Lynda Cole, Roger & Pat Curtis, Michelle Dailey, Curt Derrick, Jeff & Murphy, Lynn DeMeola, Robert & Heather Diller, Scott & Becky DiMugno, John & Rhonda Diresta, Pat & Lee, Pansy Dlugozima, Robert & Peggy Domenichini, Lisa & D’Hulster, Jerry Drechsel, Milton & Eleanor Duplin, David & Kasaris, Dianne Emery, David M. & Meredith Entwistle, Robert & Michelle Fink, Ron & Linda Frankfurth, Thomas & Jolie Ferraro, Nick & Soodie Freay, Donna Freire, Grace & Fernandez, Nestor Galusha, Sean & Michelle Giller, Ken & Wall, Lori

Gooch, Rodger & Joyce Gomez, Jose & Vivian Grose, Hunter & Alison Hartshorn, Gary & Ellen Haley, Steven & Maggie Hamilton, Chris & Linda Herrick, Jennifer & Hamtil, Chris Higgins, Beth & Nix, TJ Holmes, Darren Howard, Jack & Leslie Ingmann, Rainer & Ute Johnson, Carol Jones, Blake & Rokicki, Delecia Kacprowski, Mark & Amy Kennedy, Stephen & Katie Klein, Jeff & Margeux Kross, Michael & Bethany Lazzara, Belinda & Philip Lee, Jason & Amanda Lena, Nicholas & Sharon Louden, Les Lynn, Russ & Lynne Markunas, John & Meredith Marone, Lisa & Chris Marotta, Nicholas Mather, William & Michelle Matheson, Alex & Debbie Matthews, Ben Mauch, James & Jacubec, Ssang McGuire, Kyle McKee, Joe McLean, Tim & Deb McRae, Duncan & Linda McQueen, Maggi Melendi, Joseph Mensch, Robert & Annette Mercy, Jonathan Millonzi, Michael & Heather Moll, Kyle & Laux, Pam Monyak, Ken & Kathy Myers, Tim & Gustafson, Jodi

Nelson, Deb & Mike Neri, Eric & Diane Norquist, Kim & Nancy Norris, JR & Erin O’Berry, Scott & Olivia O’Neill, Tom & Melody Overcast, Brian & Jager, Shannon Palmer, Laurel & Terence Parker, David & Carla Pelletier, David Petz, Mark & Price, Denise Polich, Jennifer Pope, Larry & Hawkins, Sherry Post, Wesley & Jennifer Price, Tina & Slother Greg Rahter, Dick & Tricia Raquet, Ted & Cindy Reams, Derek & Milhoan, Sandra Roberts, Larry & Linda Saballos, Gustavo & Fabiana Shaw, Stark Sherberg, Denis & David Slomin, Dr. Vincent Smith, Rich & Susan Sokol, John & Jill Sonnone, Rich & Chris Stroot, Rick & Cheryl Stephens, Drew & Platt, Kaylee Streib, Barry & Kelly Tasevska, Mimi Taylor, Jimmy & Carey Thompson, Richard & Carol Turnbull, Liam & Kim Van Der Riet, Kim & Bryan Vesper, David Waldron, Michael & Kate Waters, Ron & Suellen Weiler, Leslie Wells, Chris Westervelt, Thomas Wolf ,Zsuzsa & Parker, Matthew


7th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Thursday, November 2nd, 2017 8AM and 1PM Shotgun Starts Lunch at 11:00AM; Cocktails at 6PM Dinner and Awards to follow

Isla del Sol Yacht and Country Club 6000 Sun Blvd St. Petersburg, FL 33715 Proceeds benefit the Special Operations Warrior Foundation All Entries include Green Fees, Cart Fees, Lunch, Dinner and Gift Bag Raffle / Auction items available at Dinner ! More information, contact Steve Riordan, 727-773-7259 or


ISLA DEL SOL YACHT & COUNTRY CLUB SPECIAL OPERATIONS WARRIOR FOUNDATION GOLF TOURNAMENT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2017 Sponsorship Opportunities (see Sponsor details): PLATINUM LEVEL $10,000 GOLD LEVEL $5,000 SILVER LEVEL $2,500 BRONZE LEVEL $1,000 Drink Cart Sponsor Signage $500 Hole Signage $200 Dinner only $65pp/$125couple Dinner guest of players $30

Individual Player *


Team of Four **


Amount Enclosed:



Please complete entry form and return with your payment as follows: Pay to: SOWF Send to: Isla del Sol Y&CC Attn: Mike Meza, Controller 6000 Sun Blvd St Petersburg, FL 33715


Company/Individual Name Contact Person: Address: Phone/Fax: Email: Player #1

Player #2







Shirt Size


Shirt Size

Player #3

Player #4







Shirt Size


Shirt Size



*For tax records, you will receive goods and services (Green fees, Cart, Lunch, Dinner, Gift bag, etc) with a fair market value of $60 per person for members and $100 for non-members. The remainder of your contribution is tax deductible in accordance with Internal Revenue Service tax laws. The SOWF taxpayer identification number is 52-1183585. **If you would like to sponsor an active duty military person from MacDill in your foursome, simply fill in the info for three players. We'll find your fourth!



Kathy Blazowski, GirlFriends President “A Women’s Club with Isla Flair and a Tropical Twist” Welcome to a new year of GirlFriends! The summer is upon us and we are ready to go and have some fun times. Let me introduce the 2017-2018 Board that will take us through this 15th year of our existence: President – Kathy Blazowski; 1st VP – Diane Howard; 2nd VP – Civita Schilling; Treasurer – Teresa Sullivan; Secretary – Darlene Hanson; New Member Coordinator – Raquel Jones; and Membership Coordinator – Carol Kraynak. We are honored to be able to serve GirlFriends! Our 14th Birthday luncheon was held on May 3rd and we said farewell and a BIG thank you to the 2016-2017 Board. Sandy Helmintoller, Wanda Hollon, Shirley Johnson, Diane Howard, Kathy Blazowski, Carol Kraynak, and Lisa Eskridge served us with grace and class. Thank You! We also honored all the Past Presidents of GirlFriends. These special ladies have taken us to the heights of our existence from a group of 30-40 ladies to a membership of 400! Our annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon was held on April 21st. At that event, we recognized four GirlFriends who have given of themselves at our luncheons, either signing in the attendees, or helping with the new members. They were Elsie Kimble, Ruth Huss, Hazel Brown, and Carmin Ray. We were happy to be able to surprise these wonderful ladies! Our luncheons during the summer months will continue and this is when we invite nonmembers as well. So, bring your friends to see what GirlFriends is all about. Our June Luncheon will focus on the upcoming Hurricane season as a representative from the Pinellas Emergency Management Department will present a video entitled “Hurricane Phoenix”. This is a dramatization that uses local weather forecasters and shows simulated damage that a Category 5 storm can cause to various Tampa Bay locations. It is an eye opener to all who live here but especially to those who say that they will “ride it out”. Our July luncheon will be, “What Should I Do?”. We will have a member of the Tierra Verde Fire Department speak to us about what we should do right after we call 911 and before the Emergency Response teams come. This is information that we can all use in those important first minutes. In August, we will have some “Fun With Wigs” with hostesses Patsy MacLean and Debbie Allen. As you can see, we are going to have topics that are interesting and different! Lastly, don’t forget to mark August 12th on your calendars as this is the date for our Summer Event. We will have more information on posters and flyers that will be seen throughout the club as the time nears. So be on the lookout for those and we look forward to seeing you there! GirlFriends – “Reaching out to all women members in the spirit of welcoming friendship”.

Girlfriends Board of Directors Kathy Blazowski, President Diane Howard, 1st Vice President Civita Schilling, 2nd Vice President Teresa Sullivan, Treasurer Darlene Hanson, Secretary Raquel Jones, New Member Coordinator Carol Kraynak, Member Coordinator

GirlFriends Interest Groups

Aqua Splashers Lina Kunz

Line Dancing Donna Cooper

Bridge Classes Trudy Murray

Lo-Impact Aerobics Elaine Walsh

Broadway Bound Lina Kunz

Advanced Mah Jongg Claire Queen

Book Club Sue Werner Bowling Judy Dyer Computer Club Stacy Stenholm Teresa Sullivan Crafts Leaders Pending Opera Divas Mirella Smith Gourmet Gals Susan Schechinger Kayaking Jeane Ruthardt Knitwits Marie Riley Lu McIntyre

Morning Mah Jongg Dotty Hoy Marathon Bridge Darlene Hanson Restaurant Review Pat Polonus Stretch/Gentle Yoga Elaine Walsh Nancy Amanti Mexican Train Sandy Thompson GirlFriends Caring Hands Chris Greenwalt Annette Lawler Texas Hold’Em Paula Carney

Special Chairs Tears & Cheers Barbara Leone & Lisa Eskridge Email Coordinator Debbie Allen GF Wall Coordinator Rita Wormold & Kristin Billings Hot Flashes Stacy Stenholm Photographers Susan Frazier & Teresa Lessak New Member Mentor Hazel Brown Signs & Documents Rhonda Butler & Marilyn Hunter Website Admin Stacy Stenholm & Susan Frazier


Portrait Chairperson Susan Frazier

Please Mark Your Calendars for Play for Hunger Events February 17-20, 2018 The 28th Annual Play for Hunger at Isla Del Sol is scheduled for February 17 through 20, 2018. As in past years, the activities end with the Celebration of Giving gala dinner on February 20th. This is an opportunity for Isla members to play together, have fun, and more importantly, to raise needed funds for two worthwhile non-profit organizations, Daystar Life Center and St. Petersburg Free Clinic. These two organizations provide a variety of services to the less fortunate in our community. More details and a Donation form will appear later this year. Save the dates: 1-12-2018 - Wine & Cheese reception 2-17-2018 - Tennis Tournament, Play Games Day, Donation Trucks 2-18-2018 - Cruise for Hunger, Donation Trucks 2-19-2018 - Golf Tournament AM & PM shotguns 2-20-2018 - Celebration Dinner


Winners of the high and low gross and net. (from left to right) Gen Joyner, Jo and Al Kurtz and Kirk Hunerlach.

Memorial Day Pool Party

Winning team for 2017 Bowling League (from left to right) Janet Christein, Bob Joyner, Mary Waller and Kirk Hunerlach

Adios Amigos


Tee Up for Golf News Fred Curtis, Director of Golf We hope everyone is enjoying the summer golf season. There are a few important notes we have in this spotlight. We have reciprocals with many clubs this summer season. Members may play these courses for a cart fee. If you wish to play any of the courses, please contact the shop to schedule a tee time for you. Twilight golf is continuing throughout the summer every Wednesday with a 4:00 pm shotgun. If you would like to play, call or sign up in the pro shop. We will be playing a scramble format. 10417 The golf course will be open every day through the end of September except on Tuesdays, the course will be closed all day for grounds maintenance. We also will be having a 4th of July golf tournament this year. It will be an 9:00 shotgun. If you have any questions about the format, please check with the golf shop. We are continuing our 10:00 Thursday Summer Golf Clinics on the driving range. We hope you can attend. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the Golf Shop at 727-864-2417.

TWILIGHT Golf Every Wednesday 4:00 pm shotgun



Inside this Spotlight, two member numbers are hidden. If it’s your number, you will receive a complimentary dinner for two! Please note: To collect your certificates for your complimentary dinners, see Rebekah at the Front office.


Isla Golf Shop Staff

Fred Curtis Director of Golf/PGA Professional Josh Flagg Assistant Golf Professional Trey Hill Assistant Golf Professional Chris Kellaway Assistant Golf Professional

Golf Shop Direct Line 727-864-2417 Golf Shop Extension: 2074

Golf Committee for 2017 Werner Koester Chairperson David Christein Co-Chairperson

From the Rough

Kevin Sunderman, Golf Course Superintendent Summer is flying by! Once successful aerification is under our belt with one more to go. The golf course has been in remarkable condition for most of the summer with the only exception being the short recovery time following aerificaiton. As usual, the grounds department is undertaking several projects this summer. Included is a landscaping update at tennis, construction of a new path along the north side of the clubhouse to the pool, installation of a new waste bunker between 10 and 18, and continuation of our lake bank restoration from last year. These projects, combined with the everyday maintenance keep the grounds department busy all summer. Our second and final aerfication is scheduled for August 22nd through August 25th. While never popular, aerification is necessary to provide healthy turfgrass and quality playing conditions throughout the year. This process allows for increased movement of air, water and nutrients within the soil which helps promote healthier grass. For more up to date information and photos on what is happening in the grounds department you can follow the Isla Del Sol Golf Course Maintenance blog at www.

Lynne Clayton Fred Curtis Tom Danielson Sandy Gelmini Mike Logue Kevin Sunderman Terri Vellinga

Green & Grounds Committee Joe DiGuglielmo Chairperson John Lessak Bob Marchese Pat Polonus


WGA 18 Holers

2017 WGA OFFICERS President Lynne Clayton

Bonnie Henshaw

1st Vice Mary Waller

Greetings to all you followers of our WGA newsletter.

2nd Vice (Tournament Chair) Darlene Hanson

As this issue of the Spotlight goes to press, the remaining scores from the 2016/17 WGA season tournaments are in and ready to be reported. So, here are the results. The Club Championship tournament was played in four flights. Winners were:

Secretary Pat Polonous

Championship Flight was won by Cheryl Newmaster; 2nd place--Patti Gabri; 1st Low Net-- Shana Kolar

Treasuer Judy Willis

1ST FLIGHT was won by Peggy Ennis; 2nd place--Kay Stadt; 1st Low Net--Chris Greenwalt 2ND FLIGHT was won by Kim Harlow; 2nd tie between Mary Waller and Carolyn Smiley; 1st Low Net--Merriebea Stankowicz 3RD FLIGHT was won by Gulsun Kutay; 2nd Dorothy Hoy; 1st Low Net--Susan Schechinger Our Member Guest Day competition was played in three flights with all players using their handicaps. What a lot of winners we had! 1ST FLIGHT: 1st place team--Simone Calhoun, Pam Seivers, Patti Gabri, Emily Rymer 2ND FLIGHT: 1st place team--Jeane Ruthardt, Marlene Hausworth, Carolyn Smiley, Anderson Yoshie 3RD FLIGHT: 1st place team--Muriel Kehoe, Doreen Skok, Claire Queen, Barbara Ricey How many kinds of butterflies do you think you can see around Isla? According to Google, 575 species have been counted in the United States. In April you may have seen examples of nine species taking flight off the tees on our golf course for the playing of the Six Woman Scramble 54 players were divided into nine teams, each team dressed in the color of whichever species the team was meant to represent. Here’s a list of the teams and their captains to give you an idea of the colors and species represented. No. 1--Cheryl’s Mighty Monarchs; No. 2--Roz’s Majestic Morphos; No. 3--Kathy’s Kool Malachites; No. 4--Tammy’s Brilliant Blues; No. 5--Betsy’s Blissful Beauties; No. 6--Lori’s Magnificent Milkweeds; No. 7--Peggy’s Perky Painted Ladies; No. 8--Dar’s Dreamy Duskywings; No. 9--Jenny’s Precious Pieridaes. Thus, the women in decorating themselves, their hats and carts provided quite a colorful array. (See photos). Several women even showed up wearing butterfly wings! Score wise there were many ties. Team 9 had the low score of 69; Teams 1, 4 and 8 tied with the score of 70; and Teams 6 and 2 tied with the score of 74. Match of cards was used to determine the final order of teams in the money. The event was finalized with supper at the pool bar. The Opening Day Meeting for our next season of fun is scheduled for October 24, 2017. Best wishes for your golfing success and fun on the courses you may play over the summer months as we look forward to us all being together again in the Fall.

Members at Large Eileen Morello Pam Harris

2017 STANDING COMMITTEES Birdies & Chip-Ins Pattie Hagan Mary Waller By- Laws Pam Harris

New Member Mentors Pattie Hagan Merle Kew

Photos Chris Greenwalt Cheer Pat Polonus Publicity Directory Bonnie Henshaw Rules Lynne Clayton Lynne Clayton Greens SLAPS Pat Polonus Chris Greenwalt Handicap Mary Waller Eileen Morello Simone Calhoun Kate DeCoursey Hospitality Marty Brokaw Library Gen Joyner Sharon Marciniak

SPECIAL COMMITTEES Christmas “Gift a Child” Tammy Allen Sharon Phillips Invitational Judy Wells Member/Guest Cheryl Richardson Pattie Hagan MVP Tournament TBD


Isla Men’s Golf Association 2017 President Tom Danielson Vice President Bob Walsh Secretary Karl Gustke Treasurer Owen DeCoursey Social Bob Dow Information support Jim Heenan MGA Committee Chairman Rocky Ainsworth

COMMITTEES TOURNAMENT Chairman: Bob Walsh Ray Ennis John Lessak Nick Consoles Social Chairman: Bob Dow Jim Heenan Ed Galluci

MGA Update Jim Heenan

Well the season is finally over. The club’s final events are complete and we have the following results to report. Member-Guest Tournament Once again, the annual Member-Guest tournament held from Wednesday March 29th through Saturday April 1st was a raging success. Thirteen flights with six 2-man teams for a total of 156 golfers competed. Team flight winners were: Flight 1 – Matt Guenther and Joe Jiannette Flight 2 – Owen Decoursey and Jim Caparaso Flight 3 – Charlie Tassinari and Barry Tassinari Flight 4 – Mike Logue and Dennis Sgroi Flight 5 – Bob Lago and Skip Cutting Flight 6 – Pierre Meagher and Jim Megann Flight 7 – Dave Gabri and Bryan Saterbo Flight 8 – Barry Hagan and Doug Klette Flight 9 – Bob Divis and Pat Clarey Flight 10 – Harlow Kehoe and Mark Kehoe Flight 11 – Denny Lavigne and Bob Carlson Flight 12 – Paul Wentworth and Greg Mondoux Flight 13 – Tom Cody and Jeff Cody

Information Support Chairman – Jim Heenan Bob Carney Bill Biggane Nominating Mike McParlane Ed Mitchell Jack Courtney Photographer Star Garcia MGA Handicap Committe Chairman- Rocky Ainsworth Joe Kinder Mike McParlane Angelo Carlucci

Flight one winners Rocky Ainsworth and Kevin Reed won the three-round shootout on the 18th green before a large crowd of tournament members, participants and their spouses to determine the overall winners of this year’s event, elevating Matt Guenther and Joe Jiannette as flight 1 winners. Congratulations to Rocky and Kevin on a terrific victory. Final Pick Your Partner The season-long Pick Your Partner Tournament concluded on Wednesday April 12th. This event includes six events played by two-man teams each month from November through April. Point values are assigned to each team’s better ball net score after each event with 10 points assigned to the lowest net, 9 points to the next lowest and continuing down to 1 point for the 10th lowest net score. The annual event winners are determined by the adding the best five of

the six scores. The overall winners for the 2016-17 season were White Tees – Andy Fraser, Green Tees – Bill Stahlka and Gold Tees – Joe Kinder. An award was also issued to Angelo Carulcci and Chuck Smith who tied for the best ball low gross score. Handicap Committee As mentioned in previous Spotlight articles, the MGA Board has embarked upon a plan to establish a Handicap Committee to monitor timeliness and accuracy of scores posted to the GHIN Handicap System. The overall goal for the Committee is to promote an environment of fair play for all MGA members in all golf competitions held at the club. The status of this plan is summarized below. 1. Rocky Ainsworth has been appointed Chairman of the MGA Handicap Committee. 2. Joe Kinder, Angelo Carlucci and Mike McParlane have agreed to serve as Handicap Committee members. 3. A draft of Handicap Committee Policies and Procedures has been approved by the MGA Board. The draft outlines the strategies, policies and procedures to be followed by the Committee in the performance of its responsibilities. It also includes an outline of USGA recommended enforcement actions that can be taken where required. 4. Discussion is underway regarding the possible elevation of this Committee to the Club level which would lead to the following additional considerations. a.) Expand the Committee’s influence on all members including the Women’s Golf Association (WGA), Ninettes and all golf events at the club. b.) Expansion of the Handicap Committee to include representatives from the WGA and Ninettes. c.) Amendment to the Policies and Procedures as necessary. Please be alert to additional information regarding the establishment of the Committee and its actions in the future. The MGA Board would like to thank you all for your interest and participation and the numerous golf events during this past season. It has been a great year but many of you probably should have your ball retriever re-gripped.


Ninette News Alexandria Dubisz

New Ninettes Officers for the 2017 season President Terri Vellinga

Wow! What a year. It’s hard to believe our year has come to an end and many of our golfing friends have returned to their summer homes. We wish them a happy summer and safe return. This was an exciting year for change. Our 2nd Vice President, Jennifer Haycraft moved south and left a huge void in our Board. Without blinking an eye, Cheryl Danielson stepped up and performed brilliantly. For her accomplishments on making this a great year, we give her thanks! We had many exciting games and prizes. “Cry Baby” (throw out your two worst holes) and “Four of Clubs” (you only got to play with four clubs in your bag) were two of the more memorable games. Special prizes included playing for a pair of socks. (The important part of that particular prize must be bragging rights!) Our highlights included our Member-Guest Tournament with the theme: Under the Sea. Ariel showed up (if you looked closely, she resembled Ro O’Rourke). Jack and Jill was another fun tourney. Our holiday party was well attended and a good time for all. Last, but not least in the year wrap-up would be our champs. If you check out the plaque on the stairwell wall, you will note Vici Brown – Gross Champion and Tona Converse – Net Champion. If you see them around, be sure to congratulate them. Saturday summer play is here. Helene Logue has agreed to post the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board just outside the pro-shop. Thank you, Helene! Please sign up for fun golf and seeing our Ninette golfers for a friendly round.

1st Vice Tona Converse 2nd Vice Elaine Skiles Secretary Irene DiGuglielmo Treasuer Sharon Phillips Members at Large Alexandria Dubisz Sue Malmberg

COMMITTEES Handicap Committee Sandy Gelmini Sue Werner Tournament Chair Sandy Gelmini New Member Mento Dorothy MacConnell Spotlight Articles Alexandria Dubisz Remembrances Sue Malmberg Birdies/Chip-ins Sue Malmberg Christmas Project Sharon Phillips Sue Malmberg Cheryl Danielson Member-Guest Tournament Elaine Skiles Jack n Jill Tournament Tona Converse Judy Molino

Vici Brown

Tona Converse

M.V.P. Sandy Gelmini Yearbook Sandy Gelmini Website Sandy Gelmini


Isla Flag Officers Bob Dollar, Commodore Dave Wiggins, Vice Commodore Emmett Crews, Rear Commodore Mark Bridges, Port Captain Susan Eanes, Secretary

Committee Members Daryl DiDio Jim Finch Captain Richie Fowler Bob Joyner Mike Logue Robert Rankin Mark Squires

From the Yacht Basin AHOY! The hot summer days are here again, but the dock re-build is moving right along. By the end of July (likely earlier) phase one will be complete. The big project consists of 5 phases and should be totally finished by the end of next summer. The new decking on D – dock was recently pulled back up and replaced. We needed to do this because of some defective boards that were shipped to us. This was kind of a blessing in disguise. It was replaced at no charge to the club and gave us the chance to go to a lighter color called “sand” that all seem to agree is much more suitable. On a nice weekend day please come out to see how much nicer and safer it is to walk on the dock. For safety reasons we are trying to discourage unnecessary traffic out there on weekdays as the construction crew is working Monday through Friday. Please also remember that there is a daily closure of the marina each week- Monday through Thursday for 3 hours (2p.m. – 5p.m.) These are the hours when the framing and decking are ripped up and replaced and the closures will help expedite the project. 4th of July is right around the corner. Isla is an awesome place to see several different cities’ firework displays. However, personal fireworks are not permitted on club property. Hopefully the weather holds out and we’ll have another great party weekend here again. 11221 Our golf and fishing tournament, “Fins & Skins”, is September 15th – 17th. It will be 9 holes on Friday evening, fishing Saturday and 9 holes on Sunday. More info will be posted about this soon, but if you have any questions please call me on the Dockmaster cell phone which is 727-542-2445. Have a great summer all!

“Old Docks”- Before

“New Docks”- After


From the Tennis Courts Tennis Committee Sandy Gelmini, Chairperson

Summer at the Tennis courts used to mean a couple courts of members playing tennis and then Junior Tennis Camp the rest of the day. Summer at Isla now means more courts being used every morning, including our dedicated Masters Tennis court. Masters Tennis was created by Florida’s Section of the United States Tennis Association 3 years ago as a way to have older and less mobile tennis players still enjoy their favorite sport. Masters Tennis was modeled after the very successful 10 and Under program which made playing tennis easier to do for younger kids. Masters Tennis is played on a smaller court (about 60% the size of a tennis court) with lighter, softer and less Mike Spinelli and Aaron Fuchs bouncy balls. Players may use any size racket including full size or smaller, lighter, junior models. A set of Masters Tennis is up to 4 games instead of 6 and each game is no-add which means matches are not as long. A full Masters Tennis match should take about 40% less time. Masters Tennis has been compared to pickleball and now is holding its’ own in pickleball hotbeds such as The Villages. Masters Tennis can be played on cooler, softer clay courts like we have here at Isla Del Sol YCC. Pickleball is played on a hard court which can be tough on the joints as well as significantly hotter. We now have a group that plays Masters Tennis on Fridays at 8:30. If you have any interest, call the Tennis Pro Shop to sign up. We ended our busy season in April with our Grand Mess and Awards Luncheon. Part of that day is the voting and awarding of The George Klette Award. This is given to the Man and Woman who did the most over the season to create this best atmosphere at the courts. This year’s winners were Judith Schleicher and Chuck Blair. Congratulations to both. Club Champions Women: Debbie Budreau/Rene Cox Men: Steve Riordan/Chuck Blair; Aaron Fuchs/Mike Spinelli; Jim Devenny/Paul Margarone Mixed: Chuck Blair/Lois Farrell; Chris Burri/Sally Cash


Pat Gousha, Co-Chair Chuck Blair Debbie Budreau Peter Mulligan Judy Schleicher

Tennis Staff Kevin Quay USPTA-P1 Director of Tennis Ed LaVoie Tennis Professional Jorge Bernal Tennis Professional Doug Cash Tennis Professional

Tennis Direct Line 727-864-2819 Tennis Extension: 2118

WTA Officers

Women’s Tennis Association

Judy Schleicher, President Debbie Budreau, Vice President Wanda Hollon, Secretary Karen Hessel, Treasurer

As our season comes to an end we are saddened to see our friends and colleagues drift back north like the proverbial flight of birds. We are further saddened because we know the dreaded Florida summer is sneaking up on us! 2016 – 2017 was an adventurous and fun time. The welcome tennis exhibition, Davis Cup, Calcutta, Men and Women’s championships, not to mention the WTA and holiday round robins and Snack and Chats. Congratulations also go to WTA women who won the club championships. Women’s doubles, Debbie Budreau and Renee Cox; Mixed Doubles (A) Chris Burri and Sally Cash, (B)Chuck Blair and Lois Farrell. We raised money through the “Brand Your Court” auction to support two WTA Tennis Debbie Budreau and Rene Cox Student Scholarships. Adriana Saballos and Gabriel Paskevicius are the 2017 awardees. The hard work of these up and coming super stars have earned them the six week summer program at Isla Del Sol with tennis pro Kevin Quay and his team of instructors. Formal WTA meetings will begin again in October, however we have begun our Tennis Talk sessions, just some lunch and informal discussions to explore ways to improve tennis for our members. Some of the suggestions from our May Tennis Talk are having folks with tennis (or other) expertise at some of our meetings, perhaps get to know our members by learning about life before coming to St Pete. We will also discuss reviewing scholarship rules and we think we might like a tennis social or 2 along with reviewing the advantages of becoming a 501(c)3. It’s varied and fun it keeps tennis in the fore front and we get to keep up on our northern friends as well. The schedule: Wednesday JULY 12, August 9 and September 13 at 11:30 in the Grill Room. Hope to see you there. Master’s Tennis is on my mind, I’ve only played twice but I like it a lot. The smaller court gives you the opportunity to get to most balls. It is fast and fun. It’s helped some folks with injuries take that step toward full court. And if you can’t run like you used to, well, less court is just your speed. I find it helps my net game; some-how I have confidence that I can get to the ball and put it away. There is a Friday sign-up sheet and reserved court. If you are interested call the tennis center.


Club Hours Executive Office Hours Monday-Friday , 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Saturday- Sunday, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Dining Hours: Grille Room, 11:00 am-3:00 pm (Closed Tuesday & Thursday) Grille Room Dinner 5:00 pm-9:00 Wednesday & Friday

6000 Sun Boulevard St. Petersburg, FL 33715 WWW.ISLADELSOLYCC.COM

Tiki Bar @ the Pool: Monday - 10:00 am - sunset Tuesday – Closed Wednesday- Friday: 10:00 am- sunset Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am- sunset (weather permitting)


Club Directory Dining Room Reservations 727-906-4752 or Fax: 727-867-1213

4 Digit Extensions Reservations/Front Desk �����������������������������������2001 Banquets..................................................................2010 Golf............................................................................2074 Tennis........................................................................ 2118 Accounting................................................. 2006/2077 Food & Beverage.................................................. 2079 Yacht Club...............................................................2078 Grille Room/Lounge..............................................2011 Membership..........................................................2005 General Manager..................................................2073 Main Telephone Numbers Club Office Telephone........................727-906-ISLA (4752) Oasis........................................................ 727-317-4749 Club Office Facsimile...........................727-876-1213 Golf Pro Shop........................................727-864-2417 Yacht Club.............................................727-867-3625 Tennis..................................................... 727-864-2819 Golf Course Maintenance ��������������� 727-867-9098 Security - Cell ....................................727-430-2604 Website Girlfriends website �����������������������

Love Your Club, Pass on Something Positive Parking at the club is scarce at times, but please be courteous and careful! A dent in your door can ruin your day.

JULY: • 7/4: 4th of July Event • 7/5: Girlfriends Luncheon • 7/29: Whiskey & Wings • 7/30: Pastabilities

AUGUST: • 8/2: Girlfriends Luncheon • 8/12: Murder Mystery Party • 8/27: Pastabilities

SEPTEMBER: • 9/3: Labor Day Party • 9/6: Girlfriends Luncheon • 9/15 – 9/17: Fins & Skins • 9/16: Steak, Chicken & Potato Night • 9/24: Pastabilities

OCTOBER: • 10/4: Girlfriends Luncheon • 10/15: Oktoberfest

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