Isla del Sol Newsletter Fall 2016

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Upcoming Fall Events

Exclusive Club News October- December 2016 EDITION

Pig Roast, Havana Nights, Fins & Skins...We had a great summer!

Sections: President & General Manager • Membership SOWF • Girlfriends • Play for Hunger Golf News • WGA 18 Holers • MGA Update Ninette News • Yacht Basin Tennis News • WTA Update


Board of Directors 2016

From the President & General Manager Jude Doheny, President Robert Rankin, General Manger

Jude Doheny, President Joe DiGuglielmo, Vice President Tom Danielson, Treasurer Pat Gousha, Secretary Bob Dollar, Commodore Dave Christein Del Dameron Sandy Gelmini Bill Rahter Gerry O’Rourke Brian Young

Senior Staff General Manager Robert Rankin Director of Golf/ PGA Professional Fred Curtis Membership Director Star Garcia Member Relations Director Rebekah Nelson

Dear Isla Members, It has been a very busy and productive summer. All departments, except golf, are at or above plan through the 3rd quarter of the year with the strongest being

Director of Golf Maintenance Kevin Sunderman Controller Mike Meza

Membership and Food and Beverage. At this time we are forecasting to finish

Executive Chef Frederic Reiser

the year above plan. It looks as if Summer Memberships will end up around 138.

Food and Beverage Director Donna Monaco

This is the largest number of Summer Members since the program started in 2008. As you know, this gives the Club much needed revenues in the summer

Service Director Dino Anasri

months and an average of 40 new Members in the next year. We have been

Director of Catering Melissa Rowjohn

working on a number of capital projects, a very important completion of the first

Director of Tennis Kevin Quay, USPTA P-1

phase of the dock project, as well as strengthening the wave arrester. For those of you that were here all summer, thank you for using the club and your support. For those of you that are returning in the fall, welcome back. The golf course

Dockmaster Captain Richie Fowler Maintenance Manager Tim Ansel

is in great shape, the yacht slips are full, and the tennis courts are busy. We are rolling out new menus for lunch, and dinner, and the pool. Please continue to post your likes and reviews to Facebook. We love to hear your stories and pictures as to why you call Isla home. We look forward to an exciting and strong finish in the fall of 2016.

Log on to Isla’s Website, for updated calendar Club events, Club updates and addresses at your fingertips. Has your address changed? Please advise Administration of your current mailing address.


Summertime in 2016 Membership/ Marketing Committee: Bill Rahter Membership Committee Chairman Brian Young, Marketing Committee Chairman Tammy Allen Susan Eanes Kelly Hart Helene Logue Kay Nugent Karen Wilson Barbara Zaccaria

Become a Fan on Facebook Don’t forget to become a “FAN” of Isla Del Sol Yacht & Country Club on Facebook!

Weekly Club E-blasts! For those of you who would like to be added to our weekly Club e-blast list please email Rebekah at the front desk (, and include your email information and she will promptly add you to our list. MISSION STATEMENT The Membership Committee is a major contributor in helping the Club shape a successful and satisfied membership. The Committee is comprised of supportive Club Members representing various organizations and interests in the Club. It works with the Club’s Membership Director in the development and implementation of membership efforts and opportunities to achieve and maintain membership retention in all categories by providing Club Management with insight as to Members’ needs and interests.


Star Garcia Happy Fall Everyone! We hit an all-time record, best ever for Summer Members. As of mid-September, we have enrolled 138 Summer Members of which, 90 were brand new to the Club. On behalf of the Membership/Marketing Committee, we would like to THANK you all for your referrals and making this possible. This year was an interesting year, a lot of our New Summer Members referred their friends to the Club! Way to go! A big SHOUT out to our New Member Relations Director, Rebekah Nelson, if you have not met her, you need to stop by and introduce yourself. She is a breath of fresh air and just a joy to work with! You can feel her smile through the telephone if you had the pleasure of speaking with her. Come by, she is there Monday through Friday! As we move into season, I would personally like to thank all of you, our terrific Members; you are the root of our Club, and you make us grow with your love and support. It is because of you that we are the BEST in the business. If not for you, all this would not be possible. We will be rolling out another successful referral program October 1st, so please look for it coming via mail and email; it’s called “The Gift of Membership,” a gift for you and one to share. As always, if you have any questions, you can give me a call or email me anytime. My door is always open and I enjoy having you come by to see me. Again, we could not have done it without our Membership/Marketing Committee. I would like to thank Bill Rahter, Brian Young, Tammy Allen, Susan Eanes, Kelly Hart, Helene Logue, Kay Nugent, Karen Wilson, Barbara Zaccaria and our Board of Directors, for all you do and continue to do for our Club. You all are incredible to work with and we have had a lot of fun this year. You all ROCK in my book! Don’t forget, if you have any changes to your membership status for 2017, it must be submitted in writing to the Membership department no later than December 2, 2016. This is in accordance with the bylaws. Listed below are our newest Summer Members, please give them a big Welcome to our Isla Family! Warmest regards, Star

Please give a warm welcome to our newest Members: 2016 Summer Members Cicone, Robert & Diane Devine, Jim & Becky Falardeau, Jean Marc Herman, Jane Jones, Dan & Mietz, Lynn McDermott, Sally & Mike Miller, Roger & Prudence

Owens, Brian & Courtney Puckett, Brian Sears, Tamara Stapleton, Seth & Izabel Syracusa, Peter, & Friend, Mark Warfield, James & Woods, Damaris Wells, Judy & Purvis, Sally Williams, Robbie & Campbell, Kerri


6th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Thursday, November 3rd, 2016 8AM and 1PM Shotgun Starts Lunch at 11:00AM; Cocktails at 6PM Dinner and Awards to follow Isla del Sol Yacht and Country Club 6000 Sun Blvd, St. Petersburg, FL 33715 Proceeds benefit the Special Operations Warrior Foundation All Entries include Green Fees, Cart Fees, Lunch, Dinner and Gift Bag Raffle / Auction items available at Dinner! For more information, contact Steve Riordan at 727-773-7259 or

What does the Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF) do? There have been several questions about SOWF and some confusion with another charity that has been in press recently. So just to clarify, we wanted you to know that SOWF is not associated with other charities with “Wounded Warrior” in their organizational name. SOWF continues to receive a four-star rating (highest possible) for the past ten years from Charity Navigator, a leading non-profit watchdog group. You are probably aware of the fact that SOWF provides full college scholarships for children of Special Operators, but they actually do much more. Steve McLeary summarizes it with three major focus points of the organization: 1. Immediate financial assistance to wounded Special Operators 2. Educational counseling 3. College Scholarships Immediate Financial Assistance When a Special Operator is injured overseas, they are generally taken to Germany for initial care. They are then transferred to a U.S. hospital. As soon as SOWF is notified, they dispatch a $5,000 check for immediate needs of the family in this trying time. The check is sent overnight mail and delivered bedside. SOWF also sends a backpack with an Ipad and other materials so that family members can keep in touch with each other. Since 2006, SOWF has spent $2.3 million on immediate financial assistance for Special Operators and their families. Educational Counseling Within 30 days of notification from U.S. Command of a Special Operator’s death, the family receives information about SOWF’s programs. This initial contact is followed up with birthday and holiday cards each year to the children covered by the programs. One of the programs is unlimited tutoring from kindergarten through college graduation, administered by “Professional Tutors of America”. Throughout the children’s lives, SOWF provides education materials including College Preparatory material while in high school. College Scholarships SOWF provides full college scholarships which cover tuition, room & board, and books/materials. They have over 1,100 children in their program and 286 of the children have graduated with their college degrees. Currently, there are 158 children attending colleges and universities across the country. Over the past five years, 92% of SOWF children attended college versus the national average of 59%. In addition, of those, 94% graduate from college versus the national average of 60%. Doing the math, that means that 86% of SOWF children graduate from college versus 36% nationwide. That’s impressive! 11849 As you can see, Special Operations Warrior Foundation does a lot. What you probably don’t know is that they do all of this with only 15 employees! That’s a far cry from many charities that are bloated with administration and marketing expenses. That’s one of the reasons why SOWF has received a four-star rating from Charity Navigator for ten years in a row! SOWF keeps costs down because they realize you have entrusted them with your valuable charitable dollars. Thanks for your support of SOWF!


ISLA DEL SOL YACHT & COUNTRY CLUB SPECIAL OPERATIONS WARRIOR FOUNDATION GOLF TOURNAMENT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2016 Sponsorship Opportunities (see Sponsor details): PLATINUM LEVEL $10,000 GOLD LEVEL $5,000 SILVER LEVEL $2,500 BRONZE LEVEL $1,000 Drink Cart Sponsor Signage $500 Hole Signage $200 Dinner only $65pp/$125couple Dinner guest of players $30

Individual Player *


Team of Four **


Amount Enclosed:



Please complete entry form and return with your payment as follows: Pay to: SOWF Send to: Isla del Sol Y&CC Attn: Mike Meza, Controller 6000 Sun Blvd St Petersburg, FL 33715


Company/Individual Name Contact Person: Address: Phone/Fax: Email: Player #1

Player #2







Shirt Size


Shirt Size

Player #3

Player #4







Shirt Size


Shirt Size



*For tax records, you will receive goods and services (Green fees, Cart, Lunch, Dinner, Gift bag, etc) with a fair market value of $60 per person for members and $100 for non-members. The remainder of your contribution is tax deductible in accordance with Internal Revenue Service tax laws. The SOWF taxpayer identification number is 52-1183585. **If you would like to sponsor an active duty military person from MacDill in your foursome, simply fill in the info for three players. We'll find your fourth!


Girlfriends Board of Directors

GirlFriends “A Women’s Club with Isla Flair and a Tropical Twist” Wow! What an incredible beginning for our new Board! Our first event was “Havana Nights” on August 20th! Chaired by Jennifer Haycraft and supported by Wanda Hollon, Kathy Blazowski, Lisa Eskridge, Rosie Cody and Kelly Hart (an official GirlFriend by now). Thank you for a super Summer event for Isla Del Sol Yacht and Country Club! We had a total of 147 members and guests attending! That is a great attendance number for a Summer event. Kudos to the following: Chef Frederic Reiser for the excellent Cuban menu! Donna Monaco for her expertise and support! Dino Anasri and Ken Smith for their “talent”! A behind-the-scenes and special thank you to Marilyn Hunter for her lovely poster! To Charles Eanes and Susan Frazier- thank you for the photos that captured the fun times had by all! Being surrounded by incredible and talented people makes this a great organization to be in!

Sandy Helmintoller, President Wanda Hollon, 1st Vice President Shirley Johnson, 2nd Vice President Kathy Blazowski, Secretary Diane Howard, Treasurer Carol Kraynak, Membership Coordinator Lisa Eskridge, New Member Coordinator

GirlFriends Interest Groups Aqua Splashers Lina Kunz

Line Dancing Donna Cooper

Bridge Classes Trudy Murray

Lo-Impact Aerobics Elaine Walsh

Broadway Bound Lina Kunz

Advanced Mah Jongg Claire Queen

Book Club Sue Werner Bowling Judy Dyer Computer Club Stacy Stenholm Teresa Sullivan

As you are aware, our 1st Vice President, Jennifer Haycraft, has resigned to move to Sarasota. I am speaking for everyone that Jennifer will be missed very much! She’s professional, talented, and a big-hearted person and we are sad to see her go! Jennifer, you will always be a GirlFriend no matter how far away you go!

Crafts Barbara Diehl Sandy Thompson

The GirlFriends Organization is very fortunate to have Wanda Hollon selected as our new 1st Vice President. Wanda will do a great job fulfilling her new position and obligations. This leaves her Treasurer position available. Diane Howard will be the new Treasurer and we are excited to have her join the Board.

Gourmet Gals Susan Schechinger

When I was first asked to come to a GirlFriends luncheon by Marilyn Dunikoski a few years ago, I was not sure what to expect. She kept assuring me I would have a great time I would meet nice ladies and even have a great meal. I sat with her friends who were very friendly and accepting. And I was not disappointed! The GirlFriends organization was that and more!!! I have made some friends with exceptional people and I can’t say enough about the support from the past Presidents! I know that we want you to have the same experience with all that GirlFriends has to offer! Hold on to your hats ladies -this year will be FUN & EXCITING with all the events coming up! Look for updates on the website for our March event and our annual Fashion Show! They will be FABULOUS! Thank you to all our members for your support – we couldn’t be as successful as we are without YOU! Hugs, Sandy Helmintoller President

Opera Divas Mirella Smith

Kayaking Jeane Ruthardt Knitwits Marie Riley Lu McIntyre

Morning Mah Jongg Dotty Hoy Marathon Bridge Darlene Hanson Restaurant Review Pat Polonus Round About Theatre Lina Kunz Stretch/Gentle Yoga Elaine Walsh Nancy Amanti Texas Hold’Em Shirley Johnson Debbie Allen GirlFriends Caring Hands Chris Greenwalt Annette Lawler

Special Chairs Tears & Cheers Barbara Leone & Ann Naylor Blair Email Coordinator Debbie Allen GF Wall Coordinator Rita Wormold Hot Flashes Stacy Stenholm Rhonda Butler Photographers Susan Frazier & Teresa Lessak New Member Mentor Hazel Brown Signs & Documents Rhonda Butler & Marilyn Hunter Website Admin Stacy Stenholm & Susan Frazier


Portrait Chairperson Susan Frazier

Please Mark Your Calendars for Play for Hunger Events February 18-21, 2017

The 27th Annual Play for Hunger at Isla Del Sol is scheduled for February 18 through 21, 2017. As in past years, the activities end with the Celebration of Giving gala dinner on February 21st. This is an opportunity for Isla members to play together, have fun, and more importantly, to raise needed funds for two worthwhile non-profit organizations, Daystar Life Center and St. Petersburg Free Clinic. These two organizations provide a variety of services to the less fortunate in our community. More details and a Donation form will appear in the next Spotlight edition.


SANTA’S BOATYARD at Isla Yacht Basin HOSTED BY THE ISLA YACHTERS • EVENT FOR MEMBERS & GUESTS ONLY Join the fun at Isla Yacht Basin for a magical evening. Captain’s Lounge, Gazebo/Beach, Docks and Vessels will be richly illuminated with strung lights and an assortment of fun displays. Stroll the beautifully illuminated docks, meet the Yachters and enjoy their hospitality. View the spectacular Boca Ciega boat parade from beach, pool bar deck or docks. Food & beverage served on beach. No boat boarding.


Tee Up for Golf News Fred Curtis: Director of Golf I want to welcome everyone back! The golf course will be reopening for the first Tuesday Ladies Day on October 4th. This fall we will have 9:00am shotgun starts for the Ninettes in the morning and 12:30pm shotgun starts for the WGA. The WGA has their first Pick Your Partner on October 18th. The Ladies Invitational is scheduled for Monday, October 31st and it is a sell-out every year. It’s going to be a great one again this year! The MGA Starts the season off on Wednesday, October 5th. The first big event is the annual Ryder Cup on Wednesday, November 2nd and Saturday, November 5th. Both rounds are 8:00am shotguns with lunch at the pool bar after the final round on Saturday. We are also having our 6th annual SOWF Golf Tournament, which is scheduled for Thursday, November 3rd. This is a great event which helps children of fallen Special Operations Forces. Isla raised $110,000 for the charity last year and we hope to do as well this year. Steve Riordan is the Chairman again. If you have questions about the tournament, please contact the golf shop. We also will be able to reach Mr. Riordan if you have any questions for him. The golf staff this year consists of Josh Flagg, John Quinn, and Trey Hill. We are continuing our clinics through the fall as well as the spring.

In Memoriam Section

(Members that have passed) Patricia Arnett Janice Bruce Thomas Ganley Charles Rosner


Josh will be giving his clinics on Wednesday at 10:00am to 11:00am, and they will be a mixed clinic. I am continuing my clinics on Thursday at 10:00am. We hope you can attend on a regular basis. Our goal is to help you play better golf and have fun!

Golf Shop News All of our new fall merchandise will be arriving as you read this. We will continue to carry Tail, Jamie Sadock, Bette and Court, Puma, Antigua, Monterey Club, Greg Norman, Titleist, and FootJoy apparel. The micro-fiber fabrics seem to be getting better and softer every year, as well as more breathable. Antigua and Monterey Club offer men’s sizes up to 3x in most styles. If anyone has any questions or special requests, please email Deb at We have a terrific tournament schedule again this year. If you have any questions about the tournament schedule please call the golf shop at (727) 864-2417. Once again we are planning a fun golf season!



Inside this Spotlight, two member numbers are hidden. If it’s your number, you will receive a complimentary dinner for two! Please note: To collect your certificates for your complimentary dinners, see Rebekah at the Front office.

Isla Golf Shop Staff Fred Curtis Director of Golf/PGA Professional Josh Flagg Assistant Golf Professional John Quinn Assistant Golf Professional Trey Hill Assistant Golf Professional

Golf Shop Direct Line 727-864-2417 Golf Shop Extension: 2074

Golf Committee for 2016 David Christein Chairperson Tom Danielson Co-Chairperson Sandy Gelmini Joan Tellefsen Mike Logue Mike McParlane

From the Rough Kevin Sunderman

Another summer is in the books. The days are getting shorter and the weather cooler. As we move into the cooler months I will remind you that this is the time of year where the grass growth slows down, making recovery slower. It is also the time of year when our play increases. This increases the chances to experience wear and tear on the golf course. The best way to fight against this is to be proactive. Please fix not only your ballmarks but any you may come across. Please fill any divots you encounter on the course (tee divots excluded as the maintenance department fills these). Please be mindful of your golf cart traffic. Do your best to avoid weaker areas, follow all ropes and signs, and definitely keep your distance from the greens.

One of the things that attracts us to Isla is that we are on an island paradise. However, one drawback to being on an island is limited space. We experience this with our practice facility and driving range tee. Due to the limited space, it is difficult to always provide hitting space that has fully recovered from its previous use. To help maximize the efficiency of tee space usage, I ask that you use a linear divot pattern as opposed to scattering or concentrating them. Using the linear method decreases recovery time and increases efficient use of space.

For more up-to-date information and photos on what is happening in the grounds department, you can follow the Isla Del Sol Golf Course Maintenance blog at

Fred Curtis Kevin Sunderman

Your Golf Course Superintendent,

Lynn Clayton

Kevin Sunderman

Green & Grounds Committee Joe DiGuglielmo Chairperson Pat Polonus Bob Marchese John Lessak


WGA 18 Holers

2016 WGA OFFICERS President Lynne Clayton 1st Vice Wanda Hollon


2nd Vice (Tournament Chair) Mary Waller

Hello all! The summer is over and the Spotlight folks, who are changing the dates for publication, have requested my article to be submitted earlier than usual. Since the WGA hasn’t had much activity since the most recent issue, I’ll report some old info, a little new, and include some old photos. The course, which has been closed on Tuesdays for work by the greens keeping crew during the summer, will be open for play starting October 4th. Our regular league play has been scheduled at 12:30 for the whole season. Opening Day and luncheon will be on October 25th. Our annual Invitational tournament will occur on October 31st, with a Halloween theme. On November 1st we will have the MVP Rally. This is a fund raiser for the Mamography Voucher Program. This Rally is replacing the Rally for the Cure which was usually played in the Spring. Our Member Guest tournament will be held on March 23rd. Last season we were all provided with a print-out of instructions on the proper way of recording our golf scores and entering them in the handicap computer. It was emphasized that we all study and use these methods to eliminate some of the inaccurate handicaps which some of us have been using. Our new President, Lynne Clayton, has been emailing us over the summer to keep us informed about activities, etc. and I, for one, am looking forward to the camaraderie and matches of the upcoming months as well as our flatter Isla course after playing the uneven lies experienced on the more mountainous courses in Vermont. Hope to see you all soon back at our beautiful Isla. Bonnie

Secretary Pat Polonous Treasuer Judy Willis Members at Large Eileen Morello Roz Heenan Joan Tellefsen - past President, Fred, Annie Melici

2016 STANDING COMMITTEES Birdies & Chip-Ins Gulsun Kutay

Library Gen Joyner By- Laws Sharon Marciniak Eileen Morello New Member Roz Heenan Mentors Betty Consoles Cheer Peggy Ennis Pat Polonus Directory Wanda Hollon Judy Willis

Photos Wanda Hollon

Kay Nugent Eileen Morello

Rules Lynne Clayton

Publicity Bonnie Henshaw Greens Roz Heenan Pat Polonus Ringers Handicap Pattie Hagan Carol Kinder

History SLAPS Wanda Hollon Chris Greenwalt Mary Walker Hospitality

Marty Brokaw

SPECIAL COMMITTEES Christmas “Gift a Child” Tammy Allen Sharon Phillips Invitational Roz Heenan Member/Guest Pam Harris MVP Tournament Wanda Hollon

Cherry team at a past 6-woman Scramble


Past winners: Lillian Rau, Gay Iacobell, Reggie Krystek

A birthday toast for Annie Milici, longest-time member

MGA Update At the annual meeting and lunch on March 9, 2016, the MGA

special events sponsored by the MGA. Key dates to mark on

membership elected Tom Danielson, Owen DeCoursey, Bob

your calendar for the fall include the Ryder Cup, a two-day

Dow, Gary Gelmini, Karl Gustke, and Bob Walsh to next

event on Wednesday, November 2nd and Saturday the 5th,

year’s MGA board. The 2016/2017 season kicks off in the fall

with Pizza/Beer at the pool following Saturday’s game. The

and new officers will be elected at that time. Bob Johnson

first Pick your Partner and lunch is on Wednesday, November

and Mike MacParlane are stepping down after several years

9th; we will provide all members with new membership

of dedicated service to the MGA. We thank Bob and Mike for

books and have our first meeting. We ask MGA members to

their time and leadership as treasurer and president.

contact the pro shop with any changes that they want made

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the recent passing

in the new membership book.

of two of our MGA members. Gary Gelmini passed away

Our first Saturday Ryder Cup, which has gained popularity, is

on June 30th, and Walt Ruta passed away on July 4th. Gary

December 3rd. The second Pick your Partner and lunch is on

and Walt will be truly missed by his golfing buddies. Our

Wednesday, December 14th.

thoughts and prayers go out to all their family and friends.

As you can see, we have an exciting season in store for the

The MGA 2016/2017 golf schedule begins Wednesday, October 5th. The pro shop will again schedule MGA events Wednesday and Saturday; call the pro shop or use the sign up sheet in the pro shop to participate in these and other

Men’s Golf Association. We are looking forward to seeing everyone back this fall, and we will see you on the greens. Tom Danielson



Wednesday, 5th: Two Best Balls Saturday, 8th: Team Quota Wednesday, 12th: Two Best Balls, Three on 6 & 16 Saturday, 15th: Individual Quota Wednesday, 19th: One Net on Par 3’s, Two on Par 4’s, Three on Par 5’s Saturday, 22nd: Two Best Balls Wednesday, 26th: Two Best Balls, Three on Par 3’s Saturday, 29th: One Best Ball


Wednesday, 2nd: RYDER CUP 8:00am shotgun 1st round Satursday, 5th: RYDER CUP Pizza/Beer at Pool bar after play 8:00am shotgun 2nd round Wednesday, 9th: PICK YOUR PARTNER & Lunch – membership books distributed Saturday, 12th: Individual Quota Wednesday, 16th: One Net on Even Holes, Two on Odds Saturday, 19th: One Best Ball Wednesday, 23rd: Two Best Balls, Three on 8 & 17 Saturday, 26th: Team Quota Wednesday, 30th: Two Best Balls, Three on Par 5’s

DECEMBER Saturday, 3rd: RYDER CUP Pizza/Beer at Pool bar after play 8:00am shotgun 2nd round Wednesday, 7th: Net Stableford Saturday, 10th: Individual Quota Wednesday, 14th: PICK YOUR PARTNER - Lunch to follow Play Saturday, 17th: Two Best Balls, Three on 9 & 18 Wednesday, 21st: Two Best Balls Saturday, 24th: One Net on Holes 1-9, Two Net on Holes 10-18 Wednesday, 28th: Two Best Balls, Three on 4, 11 & 18 Saturday, 31st: New Years Eve, shotgun start


Ninette News

New Ninettes Officers for the 2016-2017 season President Terri Vellinga 1st Vice Tona Converse

Welcome back everyone to our beautiful Isla Del Sol Yacht & Country Club for the start of our 2016/2017 season. This year is promised to be filled with sunny days on the golf course with lots of pars, birdies, eagles, hole-in-one possibilities and not to mention great fellowship and good food to follow. The following are a few of the fun golf dates we have to look forward to: October 11th- Season Starts November 1st- Scramble and opening luncheon November 8th- Eclectic Tournament- First Major November 22nd- Jack and Jill Tournament December 13th- Joint luncheon with the 18-holers April 4th- Member-Guest As you can see by the shared photos, our Ninette family enjoyed lots of different activities this summer. There was golf, vacationing in all climates, new recipes and babysitting just to name a few. Thanks to all who shared their fun times. Shar Sakol celebrated a very special birthday in June. Her son surprised her and the other Ninettes playing that day by buying them all lunch. What a special day! 10148

Funny side of golf: Let’s hit down to make the golf ball go up, swing left and the ball goes right, the lowest score wins, and the winner buys the drinks??? Welcome back! Tona

2nd Vice Jennifer Haycraft Secretary Alexandria Dubisz Treasuer Irene DiGuglielmo Members at Large Diana Meskill Sharon Phillips

COMMITTEES Birdies & Chip-Ins Sue Malmberg Tournament Chair To be determined Remembrances Sharon Phillips Christmas Project To be determined Jack and Jill Cheryl Danielson Social Cheryl Danielson Member/Guest Tournament Jennifer Haycraft New Member Mentor Program Jennifer Haycraft M.V.P. Mammography Voucher Program Sandy Gelmini Yearbook Sandy Gelmini


Isla Flag Officers Bob Dollar, Commodore Mark Bridges, Vice Commodore Emmett Crews, Rear Commodore Ken Smith, Fleet Captain

From the Yacht Basin

Dave Wiggins, Port Captain Susan Eanes, Secretary

Committee Members Dave Brieske John Dunn Daryl DiDio Captain Richie Fowler Bob Joyner Mike Logue Bill Rahter Robert Rankin Mark Squires

AHOY, It was another fine summer down at the Yacht basin. Many boats went out and enjoyed the beautiful waters of our surrounding area. Egmont Key was a popular spot. On several weekends, groups of our members rafted up there, explored the island, and they all made it back to the marina too! Currently the Yacht basin is at 100% occupancy and there are 7 members on the waiting list for a boat lift. The wall at the end of the marina is presently being straightened and strengthened. It already looks better and will be stronger by adding more support pilings for backing. On the beach, the gazebo is looking nicer too. Thanks to Willy and Crispy for repairing and painting it. Fins & Skins weekend in early September was a lot of fun. The fishing, however,

Member Terry Bush with a blackfin tuna

was extremely slow. One theory is that tropical storm Hermine (which pounded the gulf a week prior) fouled the salinity levels causing the fish to be lazy. Sounds like a good excuse to me! Captain Chris Burri was able to hook a keeper red grouper and a nice lane snapper. Going into the final day (the back 9 in golf), team “Burristyx” had 21.4 points. Ed Bellamy of team “Tribe” had 20 points. Players were able to earn a point for a par, 2 points for a birdie, and 4 points for an eagle, so Bellamy had a chance to put his name on the trophy for a second time. In the end, Chris, Matt Guenther, Jonathan Mercy, and T.J. Nix played a steady game and won it. Congrats fellas! Fair Winds! Captain Richie

Fins & Skins Winners: Chris Burri, Jonathan Mercy, Matt Guenther and TJ Nix


From the Tennis Courts

Tennis Committee Sandy Gelmini, Chairperson Pat Gousha, Co-Chair Chuck Blair Debbie Budreau Peter Mulligan

The best time of the year is arriving as we

by play on Friday and Saturday mornings. The

welcome back members who were away for

year ends with our always popular Holiday

the summer. The family gets back together

Mixer on Saturday, December 9th.

and it seems like people never left. We did have our busiest summer this year. Still, our daily exchanges go from 3-4 courts to seemingly a full house overnight.

We have a great teaching staff at Isla. Kevin, Doug, Jorge and Ed all have years of experience with all levels. If you have never played or haven’t played for a while think about taking a

We ended last season with a string of

couple lessons and joining in the fun. There is a

successful events. We crowned champions

level for everyone and a game available almost

in Women’s, Men’s and Mixed Doubles. The

every morning.

George Klette Award for service to the tennis side of the club went to Sandy Gelmini and Chuck Blair.

Members of Isla Del Sol should remember we have a great Fitness Center located at the Tennis Center. All members are welcome to use the

The fall of 2016 will be busy as ever. The daily

facility. It is important to note, and we need help

exchanges provide thought free tennis for all

from all members using the equipment, that due

levels. Just sign up and show up and you have

to the size of the room, guests of members are

a game for that day. Call the tennis pro shop

not allowed. Please respect the other members

for information and times.

and monitor your out-of-town guests..

We kick off the fall with a big day on Saturday,

I just completed my 16th year at Isla Del Sol

October 29th. We are doing a Welcome Back

and it’s been a fabulous ride. The exchange

Dinner and Exhibition at the Tennis Center.

program has grown and the yearly schedule

More information will be posted around the

has something for everyone. I hope to see more

club as we get nearer to the event. The following

people using the courts and encourage anyone

Monday, October 31st, the Halloween Round

who is a member at the club to feel free to stop

Robin will be played. The most popular event

by and find out how you can join the action.

of the season, Davis Cup, is a two day team tournament. The event kicks off with a dinner on Thursday, November 10th and is followed


Judy Schleicher

Tennis Staff Kevin Quay USPTA-P1 Director of Tennis Ed LaVoie Tennis Professional Jorge Bernal Tennis Professional Doug Cash Tennis Professional

Tennis Direct Line 727-864-2819 Tennis Extension: 2118

Tennis ‘Snack and Chat’ Friday, December 9th

WTA Officers Judy Schleicher, President Debbie Budreau, Vice President Wanda Hollon, Secretary Karen Hessel, Treasurer

Women’s Tennis Association Welcome back tennis folks...we hope you

at Isla Del Sol Y&CC while encouraging

are bringing with you some of that cool

youth participation in this sport is of great

northern air. It was a warm but productive

interest to us. We will be taking this up at

summer with several new summer tennis

our October 14th round robin and luncheon

members helping to keep the courts hot.


Speaking of hot, our Diane Spinelli WTA scholarship students completed the 6 week tennis camp. Gabriel Poskevicius and Adrianna Saballos were motivated youngsters who were able to improve their skills and are one step closer to their shared goal of a path to college and a career

Other events to put on your calender: WTA is hosting the January 3rd Girlfriends luncheon. Debbie Budreau is chairing the committee. Our Winter Tournament will be February 3rd, and we will need a chairperson for this; volunteers? Our round robin and luncheon meetings will be the second Friday, and Snack and Chat will also return on the

in tennis.

fourth Friday.

The WTA was busy this summer with

We are looking forward to a really cool

our informal tennis talk lunches. One

2016-17 tennis season.

of the subjects discussed is the future of the tennis scholarship and potential

Judith Schleicher

funding opportunities. Promoting tennis



Club Hours Executive Office Hours Monday-Friday , 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Saturday- Sunday, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Dining Nights: Wednesday & Friday, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Sunday, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm (beginning October 16th) Lunch is served daily in the Grille Room (11:00am -3:00 pm)

6000 Sun Boulevard St. Petersburg, FL 33715 WWW.ISLADELSOLYCC.COM

Tiki Bar @ the Pool: Monday- 11:00 am -3:00 pm (Weather Permitting) Tuesday- Closed Wednesday- Friday, 11:00 am – Sunset Saturday & Sunday, 9:00 am – Sunset

Club Directory Dining Room Reservations 727-906-4752 or Fax: 727-867-1213

4 Digit Extensions Reservations/Front Desk �����������������������������������2001 Banquets..................................................................2010 Golf............................................................................2074 Tennis........................................................................ 2118 Accounting................................................. 2006/2077 Food & Beverage.................................................. 2079 Yacht Club...............................................................2078 Grille Room/Lounge..............................................2011 Membership..........................................................2005 General Manager..................................................2073

SAVE THE DATES October 5th GirlFriends Luncheon October 13th Wine Pairing Dinner November 2nd GirlFriends Luncheon

Main Telephone Numbers Club Office Telephone........................727-906-ISLA (4752) Oasis........................................................ 727-317-4749 Club Office Facsimile...........................727-876-1213 Golf Pro Shop........................................727-864-2417 Yacht Club.............................................727-867-3625 Tennis..................................................... 727-864-2819 Golf Course Maintenance ��������������� 727-867-9098 Security - Cell ....................................727-430-2604 Website Girlfriends website �����������������������

November 12th Member Welcome Back Party

Love Your Club, Pass on Something Positive

December 10th Member Boat Parade & Beach Party

Parking at the club is scarce at times, but please be courteous and careful! A dent in your door can ruin your day.

December 31st Member New Year’s Eve Party

November 3rd SOWF

December 3rd Member Holiday Party December 7th GirlFriends Luncheon

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