Isla del Sol Newsletter Spring 2016

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SPOTLIGHT Upcoming Summer Fun

Play for Hunger Photos • Member Photos

Easter at Isla del Sol! Sections:

President & General Manager Membership • Girlfriends • Golf News Tennis News • Ninette News WGA 18 Holers • MGA Update WTA Update • Yacht Basin


Exclusive Newsletter for Members March, April & May 2016 EDITION

Board of Directors 2015

From the President & General Manager Robert Rankin, General Manger Jude Doheny, President

Jude Doheny, President Joe DiGuglielmo, Vice President Tom Danielson, Treasurer Pat Gousha, Secretary Bob Dollar, Commodore Dave Christein Del Dameron Sandy Gelmini Bill Rahter Gerry O’Rourke Brian Young

Senior Staff General Manager Robert Rankin Director of Golf/ PGA Professional Fred Curtis Membership Director Star Garcia Member Relations Director Mayra Muller

It is hard to believe that the 2016 season is drawing to a close. We have had many successful and fun events so far this year and have many more planed for the summer and fall season. The tennis courts are going strong and the yacht slips are full. The golf course is in fantastic shape. The dining room continues to be full every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday nights. Membership is now at 714 memberships and we look forward to growing that by over 800 for the summer with the summer membership. Last year the summer membership was 110 members and continues to be to strongest tool to sign up full time members. We are proud to report that for the 2016 budget we broke the 6 million mark in

Director of Golf Maintenance Kevin Sunderman Controller Mike Meza Executive Chef Frederic Reiser Food and Beverage Director Donna Monaco Service Director Dino Anasri Director of Catering Melissa Rowjohn

revenues which allows us to spend over $400,000 in capital this year

Director of Tennis Kevin Quay, USPTA P-1

It is a pleasure working with such wonderful Members who put so much time

Dockmaster Captain Richie Fowler

and effort into the club they love. We would like to also thank the staff for working so hard and the long hours it takes to make Isla del Sol such a wonderful club

Maintenance Manager Tim Ansel

and your home away from home. For those of you that are leaving, safe travels and we will see you in the fall. For the Members staying around this summer, our social activities will keep you busy.

Log on to Isla’s Website, for updated calendar Club events, Club updates and addresses at your fingertips. Has your address changed? Please advise Administration of your current mailing address.


2016 Membership/ Marketing Committee: Bill Rahter Membership Committee Chairman Brian Young, Marketing Committee Chairman Tammy Allen Susan Eanes Kelly Hart Helene Logue Kay Nugent Karen Wilson Barbara Zaccaria

From the

Membership Office

Star Garcia

Can you believe it? Summer is just around the corner, and we have started to promote our Summer Membership program. Last year we enrolled over 100 summer members during May through September. This is a great way to showcase our Club and we are excited for the 2016 Summer Season to begin. As you know, we have a lot of new faces at the club and we encourage you to introduce yourself, and give them a big Isla WELCOME! We look forward to those summer members who will extend and then become part of our Isla Family in January 2017. As we start another successful season, let’s keep those referrals coming into the membership office. You, are members, are the reason that we can celebrate our successes each year together. Thank you for all that you do to make our club the very BEST!

Become a Fan on Facebook Don’t forget to become a “FAN” of Isla Del Sol Yacht & Country Club on Facebook!

Weekly Club E-blasts! For those of you who would like to be added to our weekly Clube e-blast list please email Mayra at the front desk (, and include your email information and she will promptly add you to our list. MISSION STATEMENT The Membership Committee is a major contributor in helping the Club shape a successful and satisfied membership. The Committee is comprised of supportive Club Members representing various organizations and interests in the Club. It works with the Club’s Membership Director in the development and implementation of membership efforts and opportunities to achieve and maintain membership retention in all categories by providing Club Management with insight as to Members’ needs and interests.

Respectfully, Star

Please give a warm welcome to the following New Members: 2016 Annual Members Albertson, Robert & Katherine; House Ault, Steve & Reed, Candee; House Barcia, Dick & Judy; SportsLite Bletzer, Michael Full; Indv Golf Loyalty Bonazzoli, Richard & Cynthia; House Brubaker, Mike & Kim; SportLite Burton, Joe & Turtle; Full Golf Loyalty Caissie, Norman & Alma; SportLite Campen, Leah, Yacht Ceccarelli, Paul & Nancy; SportsLite Collins, Bill & Lawrence, Sandy; SportsLite Dameron, Nathan; Yng. Exec. Indv. DiScipio, Ken & Iyna; Yacht Elliot, April & Rybarczyk, David; Young Exec. Family Ellis, Rick & Kathy; SportsLite Fell, Rob & Rebecca; House Flaherty, Vincent & Eileen; SportsLite Glover, Joe & Lori; SportsLite Heckert, Bob & Irene; SportsLite Hoffman, Steve & Cynthia; Full Golf Loyalty Ingrao, Mike & Lloyd, Penny; House Lein, Rich & Frances; Indv. Golf Loyal Marcy, Gary & Dianne; SportsLite Modry, Bill & Linda; House

Nishi, Ted & Joanne; Indv. Golf Loyalty Reardon, Russ & Ruth; Full Golf Loyalty Rohan, Mary; House Staphor, Ed & Muthiah & Vasanthi; SportsLite Verraco, Jim & Kathy; Loyalty Full Golf

2016 Summer Members Appleman, Jeanne Cicone, Diane & Robert Crane, Bonnie & Greely, Julie Curtis, Michelle Del Negro, Louise Farrell, Tim & Lois Howard, Jack & Leslie Hunerlach, Kirk & Linda Kacprowski, Mark & Amy Knight, Charles & Zee McNally, Adam Melendi, Joseph Pierce, Monte & Mazy Rahter, Dick & Tricia Roberts, Larry & Linda Smith, Chuck & Sherry White, Wayne & Betty Wicks, Mikayla & Puvirajasingam, Theshan Wilson, Don



Beach Bash July 23rd

Mother’s Day Brunch Sunday, May 8th 11:00am – 2:30pm $26.95++ Adults Please make revervations. 727-906-4752

RESERVATIONS 727-906-4752

Masquerade Party PHOTOS


“A Club Coming Together To Help Others” 2016 MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. TOGETHER WE RAISED $150,000 FOR THE ST. PETERSBURG FREE CLINIC AND DAYSTAR LIFE CENTERS. Isla Del Sol Yacht & Country Club held its annual Play for Hunger Charity event February 20 – 23, 2016 which included a Tennis Tournament, a Golf Tournament, a Game Play Day, a Cruise Luncheon and Cruise on our beautiful waters. The event culminated with a Celebration Dinner at which St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman, St. Petersburg Councilman Steve Kornell and over 300 Isla Club Members attended. Over the past 26 years ISLA members have donated over $1.8 million to the Free Clinic and Daystar through ISLA’s official charity, Play For Hunger. Beginning with 16 ISLA tennis players in 1991, more than 300 members of our club participated in 2016. 25 tennis players, 182 golfers, 30 Play Day Participants, 100 Cruisers, 300+ dinner guests, 90 volunteers and many generous donors of clothing and household goods as well as food and personal items contributed to the overwhelming success of this years Play For Hunger event. On behalf of Daystar, the Free Clinic and the Play For Hunger team, we thank each and every one of you Our thanks goes to Robert Rankin, our General Manager, and the ISLA staff members who willingly gave of their time to help with the tournaments, the decorations of the facilities, and the food and beverage services during the weekend. Special thanks goes to The Captains and first mates of the boats who hosted the Cruisers and made the Cruise for Hunger a very special day for all who participated. Special recognition also needs to be given to all the chairs of the various Play For Hunger Committees: Tammy and Cliff Allen, Pam Cadigan, Commodore Bob and Joyce Dollar, Betsy and Bob Dow, Alex and Frank Dubisz, John Dunn, Susan and Charles Eanes, Sandy and Gary Gelmini, Joe Kinder, Teresa and John Lessak, Paul Margarone, Bill Saas, Stacy Stenholm, Elaine and Bob Walsh, and Sue and Joe Werner. Job well done. MEMBERS OF ISLA, WE THANK YOU FOR COMING TOGETHER TO HELP OTHERS. Co-Chairs: Bob and Gen Joyner, David and Janet Christein



St. Patricks Day PHOTOS

2016 Men’s Member Guest Tournament PHOTOS


2016 Men’s Member Guest Tournament Winner’s Wayne Cline & Keith Haney

Girlfriends Board of Directors Dixie Rogers, President Sandy Helmintoller, Vice President Kathy Blazowski , Secretary Teresa Sullivan, Treasurer Alex Dubisz, Membership

GirlFriends Interest Groups Aqua Splashers Lina Kunz

Line Dancing Donna Cooper

Bridge Classes Trudy Murray

Lo-Impact Aerobics Elaine Walsh

Broadway Bound Lina Kunz

Advanced Mah Jongg Claire Queen

Book Club Sue Werner Bowling Judy Dyer Computer Club Stacy Stenholm Teresa Sullivan

Morning Mah Jongg Dotty Hoy Marathon Bridge Darlene Hanson

GirlFriends “A Women’s Club with Isla Flair and a Tropical Twist” GirlFriends continue to have exciting and interesting luncheon programs. Maria Lowe, Mayor of SPB, was our guest speaker at the January meeting. Other programs have been: Dr. Samantha Avery from the American Heart Association (with special appearance by two paramedics) and Cassie Osterloth from Wonderland Floral Art. Cassie demonstrated making a beautiful arrangement that was in the club lobby for several days. Stephanie Gularte, Artistic Director, American Stage and our own GF, Cathy Cann, will present in April. Attendance has been between 153 and 197 at the luncheons.

Round About Theatre Lina Kunz

GF Pictorial Directories have been given to 227 GirlFriends and have been a big hit!! It is helpful in identifying GF members as our membership again is near 400 (399 at press time.) If you have not received your directory, please contact any board member.

Opera Divas Mirella Smith

Stretch/Gentle Yoga Elaine Walsh Nancy Amanti

Gourmet Gals Diane Howard Leslie Kapsambelis

Texas Hold’Em Shirley Johnson Debbie Allen

Our Personal GirlFriend Program is quite active. When a new member joins, a current GirlFriend is asked to mentor her, answer any questions and, in general, make her feel welcome. There are 36 GF’s serving as a PGF.

Kayaking Jeane Ruthardt

GirlFriends Caring Hands Chris Greenwalt Annette Lawler

Crafts Barbara Diehl Sandy Thompson

Knitwits Marie Riley Lu McIntyre

Restaurant Review Pat Polonus

Special Chairs Tears & Cheers Barbara Leone & Ann Naylor Blair Email Coordinator Debbie Allen GF Wall Coordinators Vickie Smith & Rita Wormold Hot Flashes Stacy Stenholm Rhonda Butler Photographers Susan Frazier & Teresa Lessak New Member Mentor Hazel Brown Signs & Documents Rhonda Butler & Marilyn Hunter Website Admin Stacy Stenholm & Susan Frazier Portrait Chairperson Susan Frazier

Isla Staff members will be guests of GF at the April luncheon. We are grateful to them for all they do for us. Chef and his staff will also be recognized. Again this year, the Club will provide a luncheon on April 15 for GirlFriend volunteers. Over 80 members have contributed in some way to help make our year very successful. We appreciate the support of Robert Rankin and his staff. MASQUERADE was an “enchanting evening of Isla elegance.” Most of the 151 in attendance wore masks—some were quite elaborate. A harpist greeted the attendees in the lobby and a strolling violinist entertained in the dining room from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. (A few joined in singing at times.) Thanks to the committee: Lisa Eskridge, Bea Rahter, Kelly Hart, Pam Hart, Rosie Cody, Marilyn Hunter, Melba Gustke and Judy Cline—with special help from Susan Frazier and Stacy Stenholm. Each lady was given a long- stemmed red rose as a memento of the evening. To see pictures, go to the GF web and click on History and then 2016 Masquerade. Interest groups provide opportunities to interact with other members in many different avenues. Although some groups do not meet during the summer months, others are year-round—we encourage all members to participate. If interested in joining GirlFriends, please see any board member. We strive to meet our motto of “GOOD TIMES AND NEW FRIENDSHIPS GUARANTEED.” With a hug and a tug, Dixie President


Tee Up for Golf News Golf Shop News

Fred Curtis: Director of Golf We hope everyone is enjoying the spring and summer golf sea- Starting, June 1 through September 30, the golf course will be son. There are a few important notes we have in this spotlight. open every day, except Tuesday, the course will be closed all day for grounds maintenance. We have reciprocals with many clubs this summer season. Members may play these courses for a cart fee. If you wish to The Memorial Day Scramble is scheduled for an 8:00 May play any of the courses, please contact the shop to schedule a 30th, with lunch at the completion of play. tee time for you. We also will be having a 4th of July golf tournament this year. Twilight golf is set again for Wednesdays this summer. If you It will be an 8:00 shotgun. If you have any questions about would like to play call or sign up in the pro shop. We will be the format, please check with the golf shop. playing a scramble format. #12015 If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the Golf The course will be closed May 31st through June 3rd for aeri- Shop. fication this will eliminate one aerification this summer.



Inside this Spotlight, two member numbers are hidden. If it’s your number, you will receive a complimentary dinner for two! Please note: To collect your certificates for your complimentary dinners, see Mayra at the Front office.


Isla Golf Shop Staff Fred Curtis Director of Golf/PGA Professional Josh Flagg Assistant Golf Professional John Quinn Assistant Golf Professional Trey Hill Assistant Golf Professional

Golf Committee for 2016 David Christein Chairperson Tom Danielson Co-Chairperson Sandy Gelmini Joan Tellefsen Mike Logue Mike McParlane Fred Curtis Kevin Sunderman Lynn Clayton

From the Rough Kevin Sunderman

The Grounds Maintenance Department is happy to have the El Nino winter behind us. The many days of cool, wet and cloudy weather bring an extra challenge to managing healthy grass, especially in the peak of our golfing season. Fortunately, we made it through winter without any major hiccups and look forward to the grassgrowing season. As we move towards summer we have a few main areas of focus that we would like to address. First, is the increasing problem of lake bank erosion on the golf course. We aim to get the biggest bang for the buck when addressing this issue but also hope to implement a strategy that will provide longevity of stabilized lake banks.

naturally increased resulting in a soft surface. This prevents many golf shots from hitting and bouncing forward to the greens. By diluting this organic material with sand, we hope to firm the playing surface and ultimately improve playability. Finally, as always the Grounds Department will focus on many other smaller projects such as drainage and aesthetic improvements.

We have two aerifications planned for this summer that will require course closures. The first is scheduled for May 31st through June 3rd. The second is scheduled for August 16th through August 19th. While never popular, aerification is necessary to provide healthy Second, we plan to implement a program turfgrass and quality playing conditions of sand topdressing and rolling of ap- throughout the year. proaches in front of each green. Over 40 For more up to date information on years the organic content of the soil has what is happening in the grounds department you can follow the Isla Del Sol Golf Course Maintenance blog at www.

Green & Grounds Committee Joe DiGuglielmo Chairperson

Your Golf Course Superintendent, Pat Polonus Bob Marchese John Lessak

Kevin Sunderman

In Memoriam Section

(Members that have passed) Â Jim Petersen 4/2016 Sheila Kirkland 3/2016 Brian Sweeney 4/2016



WGA 18 Holers

President Joan Tellefsen 1st Vice Lynne Clayton


Hi All. There’s lots to report about the activities of the past few month for our group. A new member, Lori Gill, has joined our roster. We had terrific participation in one of our charity events, “Rally for the Cure”, and $2,025 for the Susan G. Komen Fund and $2,498 for the Pinellas Mamography Voucher Program was raised. Our usual Tuesday playdays and major tournaments went off mostly as scheduled, thanks to our organizers, committee workers and the weatherman. Here are the names of winners of some of our major competitions.

2nd Vice Mary Waller Chris Greenwalt President’s Cup Winner

Secretary Pat Polonous Treasuer Judy Willis Member at large Eileen Morello Wanda Hollon

President’s Cup - Low Cumulative Net

Overall Champion - Chris Greenwalt. Flight 1: 1st Place - Darlene Hanson; 2nd Place - Wendy Vinsant; 3rd Place - Betsy Soma; 4th Place - Peggy Ennis; 5th Place - Cheryl Newmaster Flight 2: 1st Place - Mary Waller; 2nd Place - Tie between Sue Gibbs, Carolyn Smiley, Kim Harlow; 5th Place - Simone Calhoun Flight 3: 1st Place - Tie between Shirley Johnson and Gulsun Kutay; 3rd Place - Jo Kurtz; 4th Place - Sandy Tuite; 5th Place - Jeane Ruthardt.

Member/Member - Stableford

Overall Champion Team - Carol Hayward and Jaquiline Jameson. Flight 1: 1st Place - Kay Stadt/Pat Polonus; 2nd Place - Lynne Clayton/Betsy Soma; 3rd Place - Roz Heenan /Betty Consoles Flight 2: 1st Place - Tie between Kay Nugent/Carol Kinder and Joan Tellefsen/Ellen Koppelman; 3rd Place - Marty Brokaw/Debbie Harlow Flight 3: 1st Place - Mary Khosh/Mary Waller; 2nd Place - Elma Clark/Carolyn Smiley; 3rd Place - Jeane Ruthardt/Dottie Hoy

Club Championship - Match Play

Championship Flight: Evelyn Garretto Club Champion; 2nd Place - Cheryl Newmaster; 3rd Place - Roz Heenan Flight 1: 1st Place - Kay Nugent; 2nd Place - Judy Harrison; 3rd Place - Sue Gibbs Flight 2: 1st Place - Chris Greenwalt; 2nd Place - Deb Kelaher; 3rd Place - Merle Kew Flight 3: 1st Place - Mary Waller; 2nd Place - Jeane Ruthhardt; 3rd Place - Sharon Marciniak Flight 4: 1st Place - Sandy Tuite; 2nd Place - Elma Clark; 3rd Place - Libby Salamone.

Member Guest Day this year was based on the theme of “America the Beautiful”. It

turned out to be a beautiful day. Four women teams attired in red, white and blue filled our beautiful course, having beautiful scores.

1st Low Gross was a tie between the team of Jenny Hamilton, Else Friborg, Susan Woods, Hanne Lewis and the team of Lynne Clayton, Louise Somerville, Evelyn Garretto and Carolyn Boccia. A match of cards awarded the first team listed as the winner. 1st Low Net: Merle Kew. Jane Howe, Wendy Vinsant, and Linda Walker. 2nd Low Net: Doris Seaquist, Ann Fay, Kate DeCoursey and Sue Alesi. 3rd Low Net: Chris Greenwalt, Liz Kalb, Marta MacDonald and Judy Weiner 4th Low Net: Jo Kurtz, Marge Gonzales, Muriel Kehoe and Cynny Hood 5th Low Net: Betsy Soma, Libby Edwards, Dee Friske and Emily Taylor 6th Low Net: Gen Joyner, Rita Skupien, Donna Spendio and Faith Palozej. Congratulations to all these prize winners and also to all of you who struggled your way through the competitions just for the fun of it. As this report goes to press, plans are in the works for the April 19th closing meeting for the season where lots of recognition will be given to women who have achieved awards and those who have served and will serve as officers and committee members of our group. Information from that meeting will be provided in the Summer edition of the Spotlight. Until then, I wish you all a healthy and fun summer with lots of birdies and improving golf. One parting thought...the thing I’ve noticed about my golf game is that 10 the older I get, the better I used to be!

Carol Hayward and Jaqueline Jameson Member/Member winners

STANDING COMMITTEES Birdies & Chip-Ins Gulsun Kutay

Library Gen Joyner By- Laws Sharon Marciniak Eileen Morello New Member Wanda Hollon Mentors Betty Consoles Cheer Peggy Ennis Pat Polonus Photos Directory Chris Greenwalt Wanda Hollon Judy Willis Publicity Bonnie Henshaw Greens Pat Polonus

Ringers Sue Gibbs

Handicap Carol Kinder Kay Nugent Eileen Morello

Rules Lynne Clayton

SLAPS History Chris Greenwalt Lynne Clayton Gen Joyner Hospitality Jude Doheny

SPECIAL COMMITTEE Christmas “Gift a Child” Tammy Allen Sharon Phillips Evelyn Garretto Club Champion

Invitational Simone Calhoun Roz Heenan Member/Guest Peggy Ennis Betty Consoles Rally for a cure To Be Determined

Sand Tuite, Mary Waller, Chris Greenwalt, Kay Nugent, Evelyn Garretto Club Championship winners

Isla Del Sol Men’s Golf Association 2015/2016 MGA Board of Directors President Mike McParlane Vice President Tom Danielson Treasurer Bob Johnson Secretary Gary Gelmini Tournaments Bob Walsh Social Bob Dow

Committees Tournaments Bob Walsh (chairman) Nick Consoles Ray Ennis John Lessak Social Bob Dow (Chairman) Carl Hanson Ed Gallucci Gary Gelmini Nominating Jack Courtney Carl Hanson Ed Mitchell Information Support Tony Alesi Bill Biggane Bob Carney Historian/Photography & By-Laws Adviser Peter Olson

MGA Update The MGA 2015/2016 fall season is off and running with great weather and record high temperatures in the area. Since our last report we had a number of events and activities. Membership in the MGA totals 272, with several new members joining in the current year.

eral years of dedicated service to the MGA. We thank Bob and Mike for their time and leadership as treasurer and president.

The Member/Member was contested over two days on Wednesday afternoon January 20st and Thursday afternoon, with 92 participants, followed by a stag dinner. Patsy Carafano & Jim Guida emerged as overall champions from the playoff of all the flight winners, including; • Bill Smith and Tom Danielson • Joe DiGuglielmo & Al Kurtz • Joe Kinder & Larry Nugent • Bob Lago & Gerry O’Rourke • Dan Chin & Mike Fernandez • John Dunn & Bobby Raines.

The Club Championship qualifying stroke play round was held on Friday February 12th, with 35 golfers competing for a spot in the three 8 man match-play flights held the following week with Brad Suetholz repeating as Club Champion and Bill Smith runner up, Al Kurtz winning the senior flight championship and Andy Fraser runner up, and Owen DeCoursey winning the super senior flight championship and Bob Weber runner up.

Our monthly Pick your Partner two-man match play tournaments and luncheon continue to draw high participation. • January 13th had 114 participants with Al Kurtz & Patsy Carafano low gross winners, Nick Consoles & Ken Kew low net flight one winners, Ken Ralph low net winner in flight two, and Gerry Sullivan & Dave Malmberg low net winners in flight three. • February 12th had 98 participants with Al Kurtz & Joe Kinder low gross winners, Derek Cox & Charley Carver low net flight one winners, Joe DiGuglielmo & Ray Cox low net winner in flight two, and Fran Rattay & Nat Natarajan low net winners in flight three. • March 9th had 116 participants with Bill Amanti & Bill Smith low gross winners, Al Kurtz & Andy Fraser low net flight one winners, Jim Small & Bob Rogers low net winner in flight two, and Bob Divis & Ed Gallucci low net winners in flight three. • April 13 had 120 participants with Dick Harrison & Peter Mulligan low gross winners, Wayne Cline & John Finnerty low net flight one winners, Bill Blazowski & Tom Jonas low net winner in flight two, and Joe Scheyd & Joe Fillion low net winners in flight three. At the annual meeting and lunch on March 9th, the MGA membership elected Tom Danielson, Owen DeCoursey, Bob Dow, Gary Gelmini, Karl Gustke and Bob Walsh to next year’s MGA board. Bob Johnson and Mike MacParlane are stepping down after sev-

The 26th annual ISLA Men’s Member/ Guest with a record 180 players was held the last week of March 2016. This event included an 18-hole practice round, followed by 5 nine hole matches in each flight. Wayne Cline & Keith Haney emerged as overall champions from the shootout of the 15 flight winners. Much thanks goes to Bob Walsh and his committee, along with Fred Curtis, Robert Rankin and all the staff for putting on a great event this year, and making a great call on the weather to get the event completed before rain washed out the remainder of Saturday. Several member guest events at surrounding clubs were unable to complete their tournament due to the weather. The MGA banquet took place on April 13th with awards and prizes. At the year end closing dinner that evening, the over all Pic your Partner winners were announced with Bill Smith winning low gross and Frank Dubisz (flight one), Bob Divis (flight two) and Gerry Sullivan (flight three) winning overall low net in their respective flights. Jim Greenwalt was come back player of the year. Everyone have a great summer, and we will see you on the greens in the fall.

Tom Danielson


New Ninettes Officers for the 2015-2016 season President Sandy Gelmini 1st Vice Terri Vellinga

Ninette News

2nd Vice Cheryl Danielson Secretary Alexandria Dubisz

The Ninettes’ had a great season even with the cold weather at times. Thanks to Fred Curtis for teaching us the correct way to golf on one of those coldest mornings at 7:15 am. Surprising the number of girls that showed up for that lesson. Welcoming ten new members to our group was a highlight of our season. Welcome girls! Congratulations to our major winners: • Championship Gross - Sandy Gelmini • Championship Net - Terry Wiktor We held our member/guest on April 5th. The theme for this year’s member/guest was “Golf around the World”. Wow! Everyone got into the theme with beautiful table decorations, great costumes, and raffle baskets. Thanks to all the Ninettes!!!!

Treasuer Irene DiGuglielmo Member at large Mary Lou Boyd Melba Gustke

COMMITTEES Birdies & Chip-Ins Sue Malmberg Tournament Chair Sue Werner

Special thanks to Terri Vellinga for organizing the member/guest tournament. Have a great summer and safe trip home for all the snowbirds!

Remembrances Melba Gustke

See you on the Greens

Christmas Project Helene Logue Susan Thomas Sue Werner


Member/Guest Tournament Terri Vellinga Jack and Jill Joan Sorenson Sue Malmberg French and Italian Golfers


Kenya table

Greece golfers

Sandy Gelmini

Team Canada

Terry Wiktor

Social Rosie Cody Sharon Phillips

Isla Flag Officers Bob Dollar, Commodore Mark Bridges, Vice Commodore Emmett Crews, Rear Commodore Ken Smith, Fleet Captain Dave Wiggins, Port Captain Susan Eanes, Secretary

Committee Members Dave Brieske John Dunn Daryl DiDio Captain Richie Fowler Bob Joyner Mike Logue Bill Rahter Robert Rankin Mark Squires

From the Yacht Basin AHOY, Well, we made it through an “El Nino” winter. The weather people (this time) called it very accurately. They said expect a lot of rain and strong windy cold fronts. It sure was that in January when we took on four fronts, three of which were extreme blows. The wave breaking wall got beat up a little, but all in all we faired just fine. It is tough to battle Mother Nature especially in our unique setting, but the comfort of deep water for our bigger

boats and the view we have are things most other marinas don’t. #11595 The total rebuild of “D” dock has started and should be completed by the end of May. “D” dock is the central/east portion of the marina which faces toward Gulfport. With the cooperation of some boat owners we shuffled the boats around enabling us to clear the dock and get going on construction. This was a little hectic, but will be well worth it when the dock is all new. The decking is a tropical tan color, slip resistant and made from recycled plastics. Back in early March Brian Wedlake on the vessel “Grey Finn” noticed an injured sea turtle that drifted into the Yacht Basin. It had some bad sores above one eye and on one of it’s flippers. Brian retrieved it from the water, brought it to the beach area and called Clearwater Marine Aquarium. A representative arrived shortly after and took it to the Aquarium for rehabilitation. Good job Brian! Maybe those actions will bring Isla some good carma from Mother Nature. Sea Ya! Captain Richie


From the Tennis Courts What a great start to 2016 it was at the Tennis Center. The courts were full and all the events were well attended. We began the year filling all the courts for our world famous exchange program. Everyone loves our “sign up and show up” daily games. The first event of 2016 was the Calcutta. There were 4 groups of teams and there was some friendly wagering on the winners in each group. We added a Power Ball bet to the event this year. Members could try to predict which group winner would have the most points. The Power Ball winning team turned out to be Patricia Arnett and Chuck Blair playing in Group D. The WTA sponsored the Men’s and Women’s Member/Guest this year. Unlike other years, we combined both the men and women on the same day. The women played early, shared a lunch with the men and the men played in the afternoon. The Mulligan’s were the big winners with both Sara and Peter winning with their respective guests. February 2016 saw a very well attended Sweetheart Tournament followed a week later by the Play For Hunger Tennis Tournament. The Budreau’s, the Mulligan’s and the Petronio’s were the big winners of the Sweetheart Tournament. The Play For Hunger winners were Marguerite Elkins and Peter Mulligan.

Tennis Committee Pat Gousha, Chairperson Kevin Quay, Manager Michelle Entwistle Sandy Gelmini

Tournament Winners: Calcutta – Group A Judith Schleicher & Bob Entwistle, Group B Pat Gousha & Phil Buffamonte, Group C Sally Cash & Peter Mulligan, Group D Patricia Arnett & Chuck Blair..Power Ball Patricia Arnett & Chuck Blair WTA Member/Guest – Women Sara Mulligan & Joyce Bastarache, Men Peter Mulligan& Sam Bastarache

Mike Mayo Joan Wulfson Peter Mulligan

Tennis Staff Ed LaVoie Tennis Professional Kevin Quay USPTA-P1 Director of Tennis Jorge Bernal Tennis Professional

Sweetheart Tournament – Jim & Debbie Budreau, Peter & Sara Mulligan, Ed & Carol Petronio

Doug Cash Tennis Professional

Play For Hunger – Women Marguerite Elkins, Men Peter Mulligan

Tennis Direct Line

Mixed Champions – Debbie Budreau & John Amodeo, Pat Gousha & Chuck Blair and Ed Petronio and Patricia Arnett Women’s Champions – Debbie Budreau & Marguerite Elkins, Tammy Allen & Pat Gousha

727-864-2819 Tennis Extension: 2118

Tennis ‘Snack and Chat’ The last Friday of every month

Men’s Champions – Bruce Elliot & Bob Entwistle, Art Gilbert & Steve Riordan

March was a bit difficult weather wise. The St. Patrick’s Day Round Robin was half way done when rain struck. Prizes (a little Bailey’s Irish Whiskey) were raffled off. All of the Club Championships were played in March. The Championships were played by divisions but players didn’t know who their partners would be until a blind draw the morning of play. Weather wreaked havoc in the Women’s Championships where the entire tournament got played in one day. Great job ladies. The Grand Mess, our fun end of the year round robin, was scheduled for April. We give out our Club Championship prizes at the Awards Luncheon. The George Klette Memorial winners will be announced as well at the luncheon. This is a service award for the 2015/2016 season.


Play For Hunger Winners Peter Mulligan and Marguerite Elkins

Sara and Peter Mulligan Member Guest Winners

Women’s Tennis Association This winter has proven to us why we love Florida and our beautiful Isla del Sol Yacht and Country Club. Tennis play has been fast and furious with so many terrific games and tournaments. Our WTA’s Winter Tournament (formerly known as Member/Guest) along with the Men’s Member/ Guest was well attended. The gals played first in the morning and then enjoyed a delicious luncheon shared with the guys. The men played their tournament after lunch.

Tournament Results: 1st : 2nd: 3rd:

Sara Mulligan and Joyce Bastarache Pat Gousha and Judy Johnson Wanda Hollon and Bonnie Johnson Debbie Budreau and Susan Handel

We would like to thank our pro, Kevin Quay, for always doing such a fantastic job of organizing play for all tennis members. Chef Frederick and his staff prepared and presented a wonderful lunch. Our nominating chairwoman, Marguerite Elkins, has presented a slate of officers which will be voted on at our last

meeting in April. The nominees are: President: Judy Schleicher; Vice President: Debbie Budreau; Secretary: Wanda Hollon; Treasurer: Karen Hessel. This is my final article for Spotlight as the WTA President. It has truly been an honor and a great privilege to have been the President for the past 5 years. My sincere thanks to the women who are committed to the WTA and join each year. You have helped to make my job as President so enjoyable. The WTA is near and dear to me and I have been proud to be a part of an organization that has been going strong at Isla for 36 years. I wish you all a safe, happy and healthy summer.

“For me, losing a tennis match isn’t failure, it is research.” - Billie Jean King Sincerely, Sandy


Club Hours Executive Office Hours Monday-Friday , 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Saturday- Sunday, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Dining Nights: (Summer Hours) Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Clubhouse & Course Closed on Tuesdays (June through mid-Oct) Clubhouse also closed on Thursdays Lunch is served daily in the Grille Room (11:00am -3:00 pm except Tue & Thur)

6000 Sun Boulevard St. Petersburg, FL 33715 WWW.ISLADELSOLYCC.COM

Tiki Bar @ the Pool: Wednesday- Friday, 11:00 am – Sunset Saturday & Sunday, 9:00 am – Sunset Mon - Tuesday, Pool Closed

Club Directory Dining Room Reservations 727-906-4752 can be made online at Fax: 727-867-1213

4 Digit Extensions Reservations/Front Desk �����������������������������������2001 Banquets..................................................................2010 Golf............................................................................2074 Tennis........................................................................ 2118 Accounting................................................. 2006/2077 Food & Beverage.................................................. 2079 Yacht Club...............................................................2078 Grille Room/Lounge..............................................2011 Membership..........................................................2005 General Manager..................................................2073 Main Telephone Numbers Club Office Telephone........................727-906-ISLA (4752) Oasis........................................................ 727-317-4749 Club Office Facsimile...........................727-876-1213 Golf Pro Shop........................................727-864-2417 Yacht Club.............................................727-867-3625 Tennis..................................................... 727-864-2819 Golf Course Maintenance ��������������� 727-867-9098 Security - Cell ....................................727-430-2604 Website Girlfriends website �����������������������

Love Your Club, Pass on Something Positive Parking at the club is scarce at times, but please be courteous and careful! A dent in your door can ruin your day.

SAVE THE DATES May 4th GirlFriend’s Luncheon May 5th Cinco de Mayo Party May 8th Mother’s Day Brunch May 29th Memorial Celebration May 30th Memorial Ceremony with our Blessing of the Fleet

June 11th “FINS” Tournament

July 4th Celebration July 23rd Beach Bash “Pig Roast”

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