SPOTLIGHT Upcoming Summer Fun Italian Night Seafood Night “Fins” Fishing Tournament Steak Night Twilight Golf
Exclusive Newsletter for Members and their Guests SUMMER EDITION
President & General Manager • Membership • Girlfriends Golf News • Tennis News • Ninette News • WGA 18 Holers MGA Update • WTA Update • Yacht Basin
From the President & General Manager Robert Rankin, General Manger It is hard to believe that the 2015 season is drawing to a close. We have had many successful sold out events and look forward to a busy summer and fall season. Once again this year the GirlFriends are growing and their events continue to be a top retention tool at the club. The Ladies and Men’s Member/Guest were again full fields with lots of fun had by all. The tennis courts are going strong and the yacht slips are full. The golf course is in fantastic shape. Membership dues are $127,000 over plan. All departments are at or better than plan this year except food and beverage. The Member budget is better than plan but the outside events budget is far behind plan. We have the right person in place with Melissa to start turning this trend around this year and in the future. It is a pleasure working with such wonderful Members who put so much time and effort into the club they love. I would like to also thank the staff for working so hard and the long hours it takes to make Isla del Sol the best of the best. For those of you who are leaving, safe travels and we will see you in the fall. For the Members staying around this summer, we will see you at the club.
Joe Kinder, President I am happy to report that our club experienced a great first quarter in a number of ways. Financially, we beat our overall budget plan. Member functions had record turnouts. Lastly, our membership numbers continue to grow, which is not the trend at most country clubs in our area or nationally. While there are many positives at Isla, your board will be addressing some areas that need attention during the summer months. First, lack of adequate parking spaces on busy days continues to be a challenge as our membership numbers grow. Secondly, the refreshment facility at the #6 and #14 tee boxes on the golf course is in need of upgrading. Thirdly, work must continue on the needed major improvements to the yacht basin docks. There are other important projects that will be undertaken over the next few months. It is the board’s plan to communicate to our members prior to and during the execution of these major projects. For our snowbird members, best wishes for safe travel to your homes and we look forward to your return this fall. Isla Board 2015
Board of Directors 2015 Joe Kinder, President Bill Rahter, Vice President Mike Spendio, Treasurer Pat Gousha, Tennis and Secretary Bob Dollar, Commodore Tom Cody Jude Doheny Tony Garetto Joe DiGuglielmo Gerry O’Rourke Tom Danielson
Senior Staff General Manager Robert Rankin Director of Golf/ PGA Professional Fred Curtis Membership Director Star Garcia Member Relations Director Mayra Muller Director of Golf Maintenance Kevin Sunderman Controller Mike Meza Executive Chef Frederic Reiser Food and Beverage Director Donna Monaco Director of Catering Melissa Rowjohn Director of Tennis Kevin Quay, USPTA P-1 Dockmaster Captain Rich Fowler Maintenance Manager Tim Ansel
Log on to Isla’s Website, for updated calendar Club events, Club updates and addresses at your fingertips. Has your address changed? Please advise Administration of your current mailing address.
2015 Membership/ Marketing Committee: Bill Rahter Membership Chairman Joe DiGuglielmo Marketing Chairman Tammy Allen Susan Eanes Helene Logue Brian Young Barbara Zaccaria Karen Wilson Kay Nugent Kelly Hart
Please help me in welcoming the following New Annual Members: Haung, Libin & Smith, Gene Young Executive Family Hoskinson, Art & Gail House
SUMMER 2015 Upgrades Ploeger, John & Kathy Family Golf Loyalty Peterson, Jerry & Pay Equity Golf Individual Fillion, Joe & Marjorie Golf Individual Loyalty
Anderson, Jeff & Holly Bastas, Chris Brady, Tim & Alicia Kern Budreau, Debbie & Jim Chaney, Glynn & Lavonda Clem, Kelly Dempsey, William & Jodi DesIslets, Scott & Rhonda Diller , Scott & Becky Dluozima, Robert & Peggy Dotson, Lorraine & James Dougherty, William & Ileen Revit Dyer, Hugh & Kathy Jr. Fay, John & Cheryl Fisher, Norman & Claudia Frankfurth, Tom & Jolie Freay, Donna Fritchie, Charlotte & Ken Orosz Germaine, Gary & Allison Haddad, Greg Summer Member 2015 List Continued on the following page (page 4)
From the Membership Office Star Garcia
Summertime is just around the corner and it’s that time of year for our ever popular Summer Membership Program. We have officially started taking Summer Membership applications. This helps us get everyone processed in a timely manner. This makes the transition smoother for our new Summer Members. I can’t imagine having to process 100 summer membership applications all on May 1st. Their membership starts May 1 through September 30th. This is just another way we aim to please and make it easy to join our club. This membership also serves as a way to introduce our Club to younger families, business executives, and more exposure to year-round residents in the area. I’d like to thank the members who routinely welcome these summer members to join in their tennis, golf and social groups; it helps create a much stronger foundation for everyone.
On behalf of the Marketing and Membership Committee, we are in full swing in our advertising efforts to promote the club for the Summer Membership Program. We have promotional ads running in the Tampa Bay Times, Paradise News, Island Reporter, Social Media banners, and so on… But the most thriving membership programs stem from our member referrals. Please tell your neighbors and friends about our all-inclusive summer program (priced from $550 for social, $700 for tennis and $1000 for golf, May 1- September 30). They will certainly enjoy themselves this summer and thank you for it later! Reminder of our Weekly Club E-Blasts: If you are not receiving a weekly email from the Club, please notify Mayra at the front desk. Mayra is happy to help you! These email blast are very informative and keep you up to date regarding the events and activities happening at the Club. In closing, I’d like to thank each and every one of our members for your continuous support. This Club would not exist without your attendance and your love for your sport. Respectfully, Star Become a Fan on Facebook Don’t forget to become a “FAN” of Isla Del Sol Yacht & Country Club on Facebook!
Weekly Club E-blasts! For those of you who would like to be added to our weekly Clube e-blast list please email Mayra at the front desk (, and include your email information and she will promptly add you to our list.
Our Members
Continued from Summer Member 2015 List (Page 3)
Hoffmann, Margaret Humphrey, Ed & Scott Crespo Kacprowski, Mark & Amy Kaleel, Robert & Susan Kumar, Jane & Ajoy Logier, Cathy & Rick Loyless, John & Starr Marone, Chris & Lisa Matheson, Alex & Debbie McHale, Bernard Nelson, Mike & Debbie Norquist, Kim & Nancy Ordes, Jay & Cindy Pandolfi, Aldo & Maria Pike, Wesley & Joanne Reberg, Raymond Roberts, Larry & Linda Roos, Peter & Renee Salfer, Justin & Chelsey Pascia Sanderford, Ryan Sanders, Amory & Dessi Sanz, Jorge & Remie Schippers, Art Sealund, Phil & Barbara Smiley, Carolyn & Thomas Smith, DeWitt & Gene Smith, Kay Spohnholtz, Robert & Marie Still, William & Dawn Galasso Sumner, Ron & Arlene Taylor, Jimmy & Carey Vesper, David Waldron, Michael & Kate Wanke, Glenn & Carly Wanke, Rudolph & Helen Waters, Ronald & Suellen Wilkes, Richad & Tina Ruggiero
Winning Team of the Isla Bowling League
Girlfriends Board of Directors Teresa Lessak, President Dixie Rogers, Vice President Janet Christein, Secretary Teresa Sullivan, Treasurer Debbie Allen, Membership
GirlFriends Interest Groups Aqua Splashers Lina Kunz
Knitting Marie Riley
Bridge Classes Trudy Murray
Line Dancing Donna Cooper
Broadway Bound Lina Kunz
Lo-Impact Workout Amy Tringale
Book Club Sue Werner
Advanced Mah Jongg Claire Queen
Bowling Judy Dyer Computer Club Stacy Stenholm Teresa Sullivan
Morning Mah Jongg Dottie Hoy Marathon Bridge Darlene Hanson
Crafts Barbara Diehl Melba Gustke
Restaurant Review Pat Polonus Pam Engquist
Opera Divas Mirella Smith
Stretch/Gentle Yoga Elaine Walsh
Gourmet Gals Gena Schlander
Texas Hold’Em Jeanne LaDuke
Kayaking Jeanne Ruthardt
Special Chairs
GirlFriends “A Women’s Club with Isla Flair and a Tropical Twist” Let me introduce Girlfriends’ new Board of Directors for the coming year: President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Membership
Dixie Rogers Sandy Helmintoller Teresa Sullivan Kathy Blazowski Alex Dubisz
On March 7 we held our gala “Opening Night for the Arts” a magical evening with silent auction, singers from the St. Petersburg Opera and singing and dance by Arts Conservatory for Teams. The orchestra and singer were wonderful and our elegant attendees danced the night away. Special thanks to Jude Doheny who when given an idea – runs with it and creates something spectacular. Teresa Sullivan who pulled all the entertainment together from the artists for the silent auction, the St. Petersburg Opera Company and ACT. Kelly Hart, set decorator, did a fantastic job setting the stage from the “Opening Night” sign outside our entrance to his wonderful design inside. Thank you to all the many volunteers and decorators. Lastly, I want to take this opportunity to thank my current Girlfriends Board, Dixie Rogers, Teresa Sullivan, Janet Christein and Debbie Allen. This was a fulfilling year working with these wonderful women and I treasure our lasting friendships.
Tears & Cheers Barbara Leone Ann Naylor Blair
GirlFriends – “Reaching out to all women members in the spirit of welcoming friendship”.
Email Coordinator Debbie Allen
Teresa Lessak President
Hot Flashes Stacy Stenholm Rhonda Butler Photographers Sandy Helmintoller Teresa Lessak Portrait Chairperson Susan Frazier New Member Mentor Hazel Brown Signs & Documents Rhonda Butler Marilyn Hunter Website Admin Stacy Stenholm Susan Frazier
GirlFriends 2015 Gala - “Opening Night for the Arts”
Tee Up for Golf News Golf Shop News
Fred Curtis : Director of Golf We hope everyone is enjoying the spring and summer golf sea- Starting, June 1 through September 30, the son. There are a few important notes we have in this spotlight. golf course will be open every day, except Tuesday, the course will be closed all day for We have reciprocals with many clubs this summer season. grounds maintenance. Members may play these courses for a cart fee. If you wish to play any of the courses, please contact the shop to schedule The Memorial Day Scramble is scheduled for an 8:00 a tee time for you. May 25th, with lunch at the completion of play. Twilight golf is set again for Wednesdays this summer. If you would like to play call or sign up in the pro shop. We will be playing a scramble format. The course will be closed May 26th through May 28th for Aerification this will eliminate one aerification this summer.
July 18th
Beach Bash at t h e p o o l 6
We also will be having a 4th of July golf tournament this year. It will be an 8:00 shotgun. If you have any questions about the format, please check with the golf shop. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the Golf Shop.
Isla Golf Shop Staff Fred Curtis Director of Golf/PGA Professional John Quinn Assistant Golf Professional Josh Flagg Assistant Golf Professional
Golf Committee for 2015 Gerald O’Rourke Chairperson Pat Gousha Co-Chairperson Kay Nugent Jean Carlucci Mike McParlane Jude Doheny Bill Rahter Fred Curtis
Greens & Ground Committee Tom Cody
From the Rough Kevin Sunderman
Every summer the grounds staff has to shift focus from maintenance for playability to maintenance for turf health. We frequently implement what are called “cultural practices” during the summer. These practices include verticutting, topdressing, and aerifying.
thatch and allow for the application of sand to replace the plug. Once again, the turf benefits from increased health through better water, oxygen and nutrient movement into the rootzone. This also relieves compaction, which in turn improves Verticutting is best described as de- root growth. thatching. The grass is purposely thinned to help remove thatch, improve We will also be aerifying and verticutthe flow of water and oxygen into the ting fairways in conjunction with our turf canopy as well as to increase green greens aerifications. speed. On our paspalum greens it is often difficult for golfers to even notice While sometimes an inconvenience, when the greens have been verticut. these practices are vital in providing healthy turf. We always do our best Topdressing refers to the spreading of to minimize any negative impact on sand on the greens. This is often per- playing conditions. formed in conjunction with verticutting or aerification. The sand is applied to Aside from the normal cultural practhe greens to help maintain a healthy tices, the grounds staff will be busy soil profile by filling in space where working on other projects as well inthatch would otherwise accumulate. cluding improvements to some of the Sand helps to maintain pores in the soil tees and bunkers. allowing water, oxygen and nutrients to penetrate into the root zone. The sand For more up to date information on also helps to smooth the putting surface what is happening in the grounds deallowing for a better roll and increased partment you can follow the Isla Del speed. Sol Golf Course Maintenance blog at Aerification takes place a couple of times during the summer. This is when Your Golf Course Superintendent, a machine is used to pull cores or “plugs” Kevin Sunderman from the green. This is done to remove
Chairperson Joe DiGuglielmo Co-Chairperson Pat Polonus Bob Marchese John Lessak
WGA 18 Holers
2015 WGA OFFICERS President Joan Tellefsen 1st Vice Lynne Clayton
Hi all! Our WGA calendar has been full of golfing events since the last Spotlight issue and there’s lots to report. Let’s get right to it. In February windy and cold weather conditions on the second day of the Member-Member tournament really tested partner loyalty. Perseverance paid off for the following teams: Kim Harlow and Elma Clark had the Overall winning team score. Flight 1: 1st Place--Darlene Hanson/Cheryl Newmaster 2nd Place--Betty Consoles/Roz Heenan 3rd Place--Lynne Clayton/Betsy Soma Flight 2: 1st Place--Chris Greenwalt/MartaMacDonald 2nd Place--Simone Calhoun/Sandra Dougherty 3rd Place--Jaqueline Jameson/Carol Hayward Flight 3: 1st Place--Regina Krystek/Mary Lou O’Brien 2nd Place--Nancy Brooks/Sandy Tuite Flight 4: 1st Place--Dottie Hoy/Jeane Ruthardt 2nd Place--Jo Kurtz/Susan Schechinger 3rd Place--Shirley Johnson/Diane Spinelli The much anticipated Club Championship tournament occurred over three days of stroke play. Our new champion is Evelyn Garretto. Other winners in Championship Flight were: 2nd Low Gross--Cheryl Newmaster Low Net--Lynne Clayton Winners for the other three flights were: Flight A: 1st Low Gross--Chris Greenwalt 2nd Low Gross--Sue Gibbs 1st Low Net--Carol Hayward Flight B: 1st Low Gross--Merrie Bea Stankowicz 2nd Low Gross--Diane Marchese 1st Low Net--Jeane Ruthardt Flight C: 1st Low Gross--Donna Spendio 2nd Low Gross--Elma Clark 1st Low Net--Dottie Hoy As usual our Member-Guest was a gala and colorful occasion. The decor and team apparel followed a Tropical Paradise theme. Members of the winning Low Gross team were: Patti Gabri. Yurshira Budhram, Simone Calhoun and Pam Sievers. The winning Low Net team members were: Dee Friske, Emily Taylor, Betsy Soma and Nancy Burgess. Chris Greenwalt had a hole-in-one on hole #2. Great shooting, Chris. Finally, a quote from the golfers’ version of the 23rd Psalm: “May thy ball lie in green pastures and not in still waters.” Bye for now. Enjoy the upcoming summer months, wherever you plan to be. Bonnie
2nd Vice Tammy Allen Secretary Donna Spendio Treasuer Carol Kinder Member at large Kay Stadt Judy Willis
STANDING COMMITTEES Birdies & Chip-Ins Gulsun Kutay
Hospitality Jude Doheny
By- Laws Kay Stadt Judy Willis
New Member/ Mentor Betty Consoles Peggy Ennis
Cheer Pat Polonus
Photos Merle Kew
Directory Carol Kinder Publicity Tammy Allen Bonnie Henshaw Greens Pat Polonus
Ringers Sue Gibbs
Handicap Kay Stadt Judy Willis
Rules Jackie Kouri
History Lynne Clayton
SLAPS Sandy Tuite Gen Joyner Library Gen Joyner Sharon Marciniak
SPECIAL COMMITTEE Christmas “Gift a Child” Tammy Allen Sharon Phillips Invitational Simone Calhoun Pat Polonus Member/Guest Dottie Hoy Rally for a cure Mary Waller Dottie Hoy
Isla Del Sol Men’s Golf Association 2014/2015MGA Board of Directors President Mike McParlane Vice President Tom Danielson Treasurer Bob Johnson Secretary Bob Rogers Tournaments Bob Walsh Social Bob Dow
Committees Tournaments Bob Walsh (chairman) John Lessak Ray Ennis Nick Consoles Social Bob Dow (Chairman) Carl Hanson Ed Gallucci Gary Gelmini Nominating Ed Mitchell Tom Soma Larry Nugent Information Support Bob Marchese Larry Nugent Tom Soma
MGA Update SPRING FINALLY ARRIVED & THE WEATHER TURNED WARM. Our course was very busy with member play, with lots of great events and competition. Membership in the MGA now totals 295; while our picture board in the locker room is full with over 200 pictures, if we don’t have your picture, let us know. We’ll add another board! During the week of February 16th, 37 golfers contested the Club Championship over three days with Brad Suetholz repeating as Club Champion. It was an exciting final match with Brad winning on the 37th hole over Bill Smith. Andy Fraser won the senior club championship. The March 9th Pick your Partner, which was followed by our annual meeting and lunch, had 116 golfers contending in three flights. Low gross winners were Peter Mulligan and Steve Riordan, and low net winners were Carl Hanson and Mike Riley in flight one, John Brandt and Paul Rusilko in flight two, and Joe Messmer and Joe Werner in flight three. At the annual meeting, the MGA membership elected Tom Danielson, Bob Dow, Gary Gelmini, Bob Johnson, Mike MacParlane and Bob Walsh to next year’s MGA board. The ISLA Men’s Member/Guest with a record 168 players was held the last week of March 2015. This was the 25th anniversary of the event with an 18hole practice round, followed by 5 nine hole matches in each flight. Frank and Ed Dubisz emerged as overall champi-
ons from the shootout of the fourteen flight winners. Due to inclement weather in 2014, a delayed shootout was held after the practice round of this year’s event. Congratulations to Bob Joyner and Randal Dabbs on winning the delayed shootout for 2014. Quite a year for Frank Dubisz and Bob Joyner who also won this year’s Member-Member. The April 8th and last Pick your Partner event for the season drew 112 golfers. Low gross winners were Charlie Tassinari & Charlie Tatz, and low net winners were Angelo Carlucci & Joe Diguglielmo in flight one, Tom Jonas & Brian Young in flight two, and Jim MacConnell & Joe Messmer in flight three. At the year end closing dinner that evening, the over all Pick your Partner winners were announced with Steve Riordan winning low gross and Ken Kew (flight one), Bob Divis (flight two) and Mike Riley (flight three) winning overall low net in their respective flights. Jack Haining was comeback player of the year. During the year, we had four hole-in-ones with Charlie Carver, John Lessak and Charlie Tassinari on #17, and Tim Seaguist on #11. Everyone have a great summer, and we will see you on the greens in the fall. Tom Danielson
New Ninettes Officers for the 2014 - 2015 season:
Ninette News 2014--2015 was another banner year for the Ninettes. As always, many contributed their time and efforts to make the season one of the best. Our events consisted of the Fall Hit and Hug, charitable giving at Christmas, January Linen Shower for Alpha House, Valentine Party, Jack and Jill Tournament in March and last but not least the Golf in Paradise Member Guest Day. This year, a special tribute goes to Cheryl Danielson and her committee for a great day. Sue Werner’s imaginative course design
President Sandy Gelmini Vice President Cheryl Danielson 2nd Vice President Terry Vellinga Secretary Alex Dubisz Treasurer Irene DeGuglielmo
made the game a lot more fun and challenging, too. (remember the flamingo and coconut shells?) And let’s not forget our boat oar putter. Aside from having fun, the Ninettes also play fabulous golf and here are the results of our latest tournaments.
Tournament Results:
Jan 27 & Feb 3. Quota Champion. 54 quota points. Martha Rothman Feb 10. Pick your Partner 1st place. Faith Palozej Vici Brown 2nd place. Lu McIntyre Martha Rothman Helen Natarajan Peggy Sneath 3rd place. Jeanne Carlucci Sandy Gelmini Linda Bennett Sue Werner March 24. Stroke Play A Flt. 1st place. Nancy Healy 2nd Stella Condon 3rd. Vici Brown B Flt. 1st. Melba Gustke 2nd. Betsy Dow 3rd. Leanne Monteverde C Flt. 1st. Alex Dubisz 2nd. Sharon Phillips 3rd. Doris Kraft Gross Champ. Nancy Healy Net Champ. Melba Gustke
March 31. Pick your Partner 1st Flight. Rosarie ORourke Vici Brown 2nd flt Sandy Gelmini Helene Logue 3rd. Flt. Leanne Momteverde Jane Austing April 2nd. Ninette Welcome to Paradise Member Guest 1st Place Front 9 Cheryl Danielson Genevieve Joyner Doris Kraft Joan Sorenson 1st Place Back 9 Alex Dubisz Simone Calhoun Judy Dyer Jo Kurtz Have a great summer! Jeanne Carlucci
Members at large Mary Lou Boyd Melba Gustke
Committees Birdies and Chip-Ins Sue Malmberg Tournaments Sue Werner Christmas Project Helene Logue Susan Thomas Sue Werner Member Guest Tournament Terri Vellinga Jack and Jill Joan Sorensen and Sue Malmberg Social Rosarie ORourke and Sharon Phillips Yearbook and Website Sandy Gelmini
Isla Flag Officers Bob Dollar, Commodore Mark Bridges, Vice Commodore Emmett Crews, Rear Commodore Ken Smith, Fleet Captain Dave Wiggins, Port Captain Susan Eanes, Secretary
Committee Members Dave Brieske John Dunn Daryl DiDio Jim Finch Richie Fowler Bob Joyner Mike Logue Bill Rahter Robert Rankin Mark Squires
From the Yacht Basin HELLO ALL, Summer 2015 is just about here and the yacht basin is at maximum capacity. All of the wet slips are full and there are currently 5 on the waiting list for boat lifts. This should be an active next few months of boating, sailing, fishing, beach parties and more. We can now load up supplies for these activities in 6 nice new dock carts. Bill Riley, a long time Isla member, donated his own money to purchase the carts. “Mr. Bill” is the 33ft. Grady White with twin Yamaha engines on lift 147 straight down from the main dining room windows. Thank you very much Mr. Riley.
“Fins” fishing tournament and toward the fall our 3rd annual “Fins & Skins” golf/fishing tournament. If you own a boat or have a friend that does I encourage you to jump in these tournaments because they are a blast!
On May 25th, at 9am, we will be having our Memorial Day ceremony at the marina flag pole and then our Blessing of the Fleet immediately following. On June 6th we will hold our 2nd annual
Fair Winds, Captain Richie
The relocation of the wave breaking wall is nearly complete and A and B docks are moving much less. We are now looking at future dock reconstruction projects to improve our piece of paradise on Boca Ciega bay.
Upcoming Events May 25th Memorial Day Celebration June 6th Midsummer’s Dream June 6th “Fins” Fishing Tournament July 18th “Pig Roast” Beach Bash Aug 1st “Midnight at the Oasis” GirlFriends Party
Come enjoy our brand New Tiki Huts on the Beach.
From the Tennis Courts PHEW, WHAT A BUSY AND QUICK WINTER SEASON WE HAD AT THE ISLA TENNIS CENTER. The Sweetheart Tournament kicked February off with multiple winners. Play for Hunger had a full house as did our St. Patrick’s Day Round Robin. We had three divisions for the Mixed Championships and two divisions for the Women and Men. Rain forced our Women’s Championships to be played all in one day. Exciting, but long. We ended the season with our Grand Mess Tourney and Luncheon. A mess it was as all pairings were random and we used normal tennis balls as well as softer, less bouncy ones used for Master’s Tennis. Everyone enjoyed a nice lunch at the pool where all our Club Championship winners collected their hardware. We had several multiple winners in our Club Championships. Congratulations go to Marguerite Elkins, Michelle Entwistle and Roger Wehling for winning both the events they entered. Marguerite won with Roger in the Mixed and
Nancy Powell in the Women’s Championship. Michelle won with Gary Mellenbruch in the Mixed and with Tammy Allen in the Women’s. Roger won with Marguerite and with Bob Weber in the Men’s Championship. Peter Mulligan and Chuck Blair rounded out the winners in the Men’s 1st flight while Joe Stankowicz and Pat Arnett were winners in the Mixed Flight 1. Each year the tennis playing members vote on the man and woman who contributes the most to the total tennis program at Isla. The award is named after George Klette, a prime organizer in the early days of tennis at Isla Del Sol. This year’s winners were announced at the Grand Mess Luncheon. The women’s winner was Sandy Gelmini and Mike Spinelli won for the men. Those members staying through the summer can always take part in our famous Exchange program. A daily match arranging format, the Exchange allows you to just sign up and we take care of your game. The Exchange runs year round and you can stop by tennis shop to sign up or just give us a call.
Tennis Committee Pat Gousha, Chairperson Kevin Quay, Manager Michelle Entwistle Sandy Gelmini Mike Mayo Joan Wulfson Peter Mulligan
Tennis Staff Kevin Quay USPTA-P1 Director of Tennis Charles Melin USPTR Tennis Professional Jorge Bernal Tennis Professional Doug Cash Tennis Professional
Tennis Direct Line 727-864-2819 Tennis Extensions: 2118
Tennis ‘Snack and Chat’ The last Friday of every month
2015 Grand Mess Winners
Tournament Results:
Sweetheart Wanda Hollon/Steve Riordan, Pat Gousha/Chuck Blair, Pat Arnett/Frank Dalton Play For Hunger Lina Kunz, Art Gilbert, Steve Riordan St. Patrick’s Day Tammy Allen, Peter Mulligan St Patricks Tennis Tournament 2015: (Left to Right) Marguerite Elkins, Peter Mulligan, Tammy Allen, John Amodeo, Carol Humphrey, and Roger Wheling
Grand Mess Tammy Allen, Frank Dalton
Women’s Tennis Association THE WOMEN’S TENNIS ASSOCIATION AT ISLA HAS CONCLUDED ANOTHER TERRIFIC SEASON. I would like to thank Joan Wulfson for being our Vice President since 2012. Our new Vice President is Judy Schleicher. Thanks, also, to Pat Gousha for serving as our Secretary. Wanda Hollon will be taking her place. Karen Hessel has agreed to serve another year as our Treasurer. I look forward to serving as the WTA President with these gals. Our new season begins in October.
We have had two Round Robin tournaments since our last Spotlight article. February results: Marion Harvey, 1st Place; Martha Rothman, 2nd Place; Cathy Groeschel and Diane Spinelli were tied for 3rd Place. Round Robin results for March: Judy MacRae and Sara Mulligan tied for 1st Place; Martha Rothman came in 2nd; no 3rd Place winners.
Our theme is
The WTA welcomes all female tennis players who are Isla members. We are always looking for new girls to become a part of the WTA. By joining the WTA you will help support women’s tennis and be a part of a fantastic group of ladies. We truly appreciate the continued support of the current members of the Women’s Tennis Association. Wishing you a safe, happy and healthy summer. Sandy
and plans are underway to transform the Club into an exotic desert oasis. With music, dancing and a Moroccan themed menu for your dining pleasure, it promises to be an enchanting evening. Please make your reservation . ALL MEMBERS are invited.
Winners of the 2015 Tennis Club Championship Mixed Champions Flight 1 Joe Stankowicz/Patricia Arnett Flight 2 Gary Mellenbruch/Michelle Entwistle Flight 3 Roger Wehling/Marguerite Elkins Men's Champions
George Klette Award Sandy Gelmini & Mike Spinelli
Flight 1 Peter Mulligan/Chuck Blair Flight 2 Bob Weber/ Roger Wehling Women's Champions
Womens Flight 1 Michelle Entwistle & Tammy Allen
Womens Flight 2 Marguerite Elkins & Nancy Powell
Mens Flight 1 Chuck Blair & Peter Mulligan
Mens Flight 2 Bob Weber & Roger Wehling
Mixed Flight 1 Joe Stankowicz & Patricia Arnett
Mixed Flight 3 Marguerite Elkins & Roger Wehling
Flight 1 Tammy Allen/Michelle Entwistle Flight 2 Nancy Powell/Marguerite Elkins  George Klette Award Sandy Gelmini & Mike Spinelli
Mixed Flight 2 Michelle Entwistle & Gary Mellenbruch
Summer Hours Dining Nights: Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, 5-9 Clubhouse & Course Closed on Tuesdays (June through mid-Oct). Clubhouse also closed on Thursdays. Lunch is served daily in the Grille Room (11-3 except Tues & Thurs) Tiki Bar @ the Pool: Saturday & Sunday, 9-Sunset Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 11-Sunset
6000 Sun Boulevard St. Petersburg, FL 33715 WWW.ISLADELSOLYCC.COM
Executive Office Hours 9:00-5:00 pm
Club Directory Dining Room Reservations 727-906-4752 4 Digit Extensions Reservations/Front Desk �����������������������������������2001 Banquets..................................................................2010 Golf............................................................................2074 Tennis........................................................................ 2118 Accounting................................................. 2006/2077 Food & Beverage.................................................. 2079 Yacht Club...............................................................2078 Grille Room/Lounge..............................................2011 Membership..........................................................2005 General Manager..................................................2073 Main Telephone Numbers Club Office Telephone........................727-906-ISLA (4752) Club Office Facsimile...........................727-876-1213 Golf Pro Shop........................................727-864-2417 Yacht Club.............................................727-867-3625 Tennis..................................................... 727-864-2819 Golf Course Maintenance ��������������� 727-867-9098 Security - Cell ....................................727-430-2604 Website Girlfriends website �����������������������
Love Your Club, Pass on Something Positive Parking at the club is scarce at times, but please be courteous and careful! A dent in your door can ruin your day.
MISSION STATEMENT The Membership Committee is a major contributor in helping the Club shape a successful and satisfied membership. The Committee is comprised of supportive Club Members representing various organizations and interests in the Club. It works with the Club’s Membership Director in the development and implementation of membership efforts and opportunities to achieve and maintain membership retention in all categories by providing Club Management with insight as to Members’ needs and interests.
SAVE THE DATES May 15th Opening Of Bocce Ball Season May 15th Pasta Night May 24th Memorial Day Party @ Pool May 25th Memorial Day Ceremony & Blessing of the Fleet June 1st Twilight Golf June 3rd GirlFriends Luncheon June 6th Mid Summer’s Dream @ Pool June 6th “Fins” Fishing Tournament June 21st Father’s Day July 1st GirlFriends Luncheon July 4th Independence Day Celebration July 18th “Pig Roast” Beach Bash Aug 1st “Midnight at the Oasis” GirlFriends Summer Party Aug 5th GirlFriends Luncheon Chef’s Cooking Class check weekly email blasts for date & times