Smooth Sailing July/August 2017

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July/August 2017 DOUBLE ISSUE

Membership Newsletter

Smooth Sailing

Find your membership number inside, then see Member Services to claim your complimentary cocktail!

del Sol al Sol ~ Details on Pa a t a g e R l a u n n A h ge 4-5 49t

IN THIS ISSUE: Clubs Within the Club • Around the Club 49th Annual Regata del Sol al Sol • Membership Highlights • Upcoming Downtown & Pass-a-Grille Events 1

Smooth Sailing



COMMODORE’S LOG Chapter 8 I am pleased to report as we near the end of the fiscal year 2017, the financial performance of the Club is tracking in accordance with the budget. To date, the Food and Beverage Department are showing a minor profit, which seldom happens, but we are now moving into the slower summer months, so please use your Club! Speaking of finances, over the last few years we have been diligently expanding our analytical tools, which have empowered leadership with superior controls to collect better and more reliable data and to identify the Club’s strengths and weaknesses. A spending Authority Matrix was also created to insure the Club’s expenses could be handled as they arise without undue delay. What does this sophisticated planning process tell us as we look into the future? The outlook on the horizon would look very good with the exception of one concern - the revenue derived from membership dues has been declining over the last five years due to the loss of members, chiefly as a result of life circumstances, which are out of the Club’s control. The solution to this dilemma is new and more members. In recognition of this problem, the Membership Committee and Staff have implemented programs that are leading us to a more positive outlook for the future. This year, we have seen a steady influx in membership and it is on track to complete the year ahead of budget. We are optimistic and need to do what we can to insure that the trend will continue. In the furtherance of this positive direction, we are working on three strategic initiatives: •

The First Initiative is to invest in additional amenities at the Pass-a-Grille location to turn it into a “Salt Life Beach Resort” location, attractive to members of all ages and families, as well as a draw for the Isla del Sol, Tierra Verde and beach communities that could add to our membership roster. To this end, a professional designer consultant has been hired to submit a “Beach Life” concept that will transform the facility into a trendy environment.


Smooth Sailing July/August 2017

The Second Initiative is a comprehensive communication plan to inform the greater community of St. Petersburg of the significant contributions the St. Petersburg Yacht Club makes to the quality of life for the general public and our members. We have done this by releasing a higher volume of press releases, enhanced presence on social media, a comprehensively reorganized website, the creation of promotional videos describing the value of SPYC membership, and information links driving traffic to our website.

The Third Initiative is a continued focus on membership by the Membership Committee and Staff to provide the programs and professional promotional materials that allow our individual members to easily communicate and share what membership in the Yacht Club means.

With the tools that the Membership Committee and Staff have provided, we each need to reach out and talk to our friends about what the club means to us and what it could mean to them - resulting in new members. So, to accomplish our goals, we all need to pull together asking others to join our fun! We look forward to seeing you enjoy the Club with your friends and family and I hope to see you at the 4th of July festivities with lots of prospective members!

Robert Birkenstock, Commodore

The Mission of St. Petersburg Yacht Club is to encourage and support yachting, and provide a comfortable social environment for our members and guests, while preserving and enhancing the Club’s traditions and prestige.

Gold & Platinum Benefits GOLD – Members who have had a continuous, full Active membership for 40 years. • 10% discount on select food charges for yourself and guests (defined below)*. • 10% discount on purchases in the Ship’s Locker. • Invitation to the Annual Gold & Platinum Party held in January. • Issuance of a special Gold Club Member Lapel Pin at the Gold & Platinum Party in January. PLATINUM - Members who have had a continuous, full Active membership for 50 years. • 15% discount on select food charges for yourself and guests (defined below)*. • 10% discount on purchases in the Ship’s Locker. • 10% discount on food purchased for a private banquet event or party coordinated through the St. Petersburg Yacht Club Catering Department. (alcoholic beverages not included & does not apply to club events). • Invitation to the Annual Gold & Platinum Party held in January each year. • Issuance of a special Platinum Club Member Lapel Pin at the Annual Gold & Platinum Party. • 10% discount on Active Annual Dues. PLATINUM PLUS - Members who have had a continuous, full Active membership for 55+ years. • 15% discount on select food charges for yourself and guests (defined below)*. • 10% discount on purchases in the Ship’s Locker. • 10% discount on food purchased for a private banquet event or party coordinated through the St. Petersburg Yacht Club Catering Department. (alcoholic beverages not included & does not apply to club events). • Invitation to the Annual Gold & Platinum Party held in January each year. • Issuance of a special Gold Club Member Lapel Pin at the Annual Gold & Platinum Party in January. • 15% discount on Active Annual Dues. Applies to all three categories above: • Discounts are honored when ordering Entrées and Sandwiches during Lunch and Dinner in The Commodore Room, Grille 1909, Heritage Lounge, and Pass-a-Grille only. Discounts are not applied to Club Functions such as Birthday Bash, Sunday Brunch, or other similar functions. • The discount does not apply to Appetizers, Desserts, Beverages, Alcohol, or extra sides such as side salads, extra fries, onion rings, and soup etc. • The discount is provided when your order is placed. The discount does NOT affect your server’s gratuity. (Gratuity is based on the menu item price not the discount item price) • For eligible members: Transition to the above categories occurs at the turn of the fiscal year – October 1st.


Annual Shutdown Dates are as follows: Downtown: July 24th – July 31st (re-open 8/1) Pass-a-Grille: August 1st – August 16th (re-open 8/16)


Thank you to ALL of our loyal members. As we prepare for the new fiscal year, we recognize and give a special thank you to our long term members! Benefits of Gold, Platinum and Platinum Plus Memberships include:




CLUB MEMBERSHIP George Kinemond Membership Chairman Amy Spencer, CMP Executive Director of Membership

New Members ACTIVE:

Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Debora Wilder Mr. & Mrs. Phil & Karin Pape Mr. & Mrs. John & Maryellen Heuer Mr. & Mrs. Joe & Nicole Vinson Mr. Alex DeJesus Mr. & Mrs. Daniel & Noreen Dawson


Mr. & Mrs. Erich & Pamela Borgstede Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Kirsten Esposito Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Lisa Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Melinda Pletcher


Mr. Paul Lanz Mr. & Mrs. Tim & Sandra Darley


Mr. Dan Thayer Miss Jennifer Schaefer Mr. Sam Chandler Miss Sarah Walsh Mr. Martin Hood



Miss Hannah Steadman


The Club relies on our members’ proposals and we thank you for your support! Mrs. Pam Downer Comm. Bob Birkenstock Mr. Gerry Douglas Mr. Grant Dumas Mr. Bill Waters II (3 proposals!) Mr. Thomas Brew, Sr. Mr. Casey Chandler Mr. & Mrs. EJ & Stacy Dochoda Mr. & Mrs. Ryan & Helen Memoli (2 proposals!) Mrs. Jennifer Parramore Ms. Shane Smith Mr. Joseph Magnani Mr. Nicholas Carper Mr. & Mrs. Ed & Mary Hacker Mr. Steve Hamilton

49th Annual Regata del Sol al Sol ON



by Beth Pennington E W AT

On April 28th, 2017 a small but enthusiastic fleet of 8 boats departed from the St. Petersburg Yacht Club for Club de Yates on the beautiful island of Isla Mujeres, Mexico, in the 49th running of the Regata del Sol al Sol. The winds were perfect at downtown St. Petersburg, where you could view the start from Demons Landing. The small fleet encountered just about every type of wind, from a brief lull in wind, to winds up to 35 knots with gusts even higher. The race ended up as a reach to their destination and all boats were finished by Tuesday, May 2nd where the Mexican Navy Gunboat awaited their arrival. The activities began with the start of the Traditional Golf Cart Poker Run on Wednesday morning and ending Thursday with the Marquerita Party. Also, on Wednesday was the official greeting by the Isla Mujeres Yacht Club at the Lima family home known as the Casa del Las Rocas (the House on the Rocks). Dignitaries from the City of Isla Mujeres, the Mexican Navy and the Flag Officer of both Yacht Clubs, Race Committee, the Skippers, Crews, family members and friends all attended. On Wednesday evening was the ever popular Basketball Game with a small twist. The game was held in the Convention Hall at the north end of the Island. The American “Gringos” were represented by every boat that made it to the island and some special friends of the regata, Sue and Hank Brautigam, who recruited 7911 the players and the Cheerleaders. The Basketball Team had 15 members and the Cheerleaders numbered 8. The committee members that attended the Island Activities were Stew & Mary Ahman, Gene & Marlene Collins, Joy & Larry Wissing, Beth & George Pennington, and SPYC Commodore Robert Birkenstock and Commodorable Trisha. Other members of the committee were Bjorn & Kitty Hooper, Selga Sakss, Judy Petitt, & Jerry Douglas. We thank them for year- long participation in the making this event a success and whole heartedly THANKS to all of our sponsors!

Lima Family Reception Ceremony

Lima Family Reception; C Birkenstock, C Bringas, Enrique Lima, Admiral Otega, Subsecretary,

Thursday at noon everyone gathered at Bally Hoo’s for the Rum and Coke Party where we were entertained by Javier’s Band. A wonderful time was had by all. Thursday evening, the Mayor of Isla Mujeres Reception was held. This is called the Solemn Session of the City Commissioners. The Proclamation from The City of St. Petersburg was read by Commodore Robert Birkenstock. The Mayor of Isla Mujeres declared the participants of the Regata “Special Citizens of the City”. The winner of the Children’s Poster Contest, 6 years old (and in 1st grade), Erika Sofia Olivoives Garrido with a drawing we called the “Blue Wave” won. The culmination of the Regata took place at the Bu hos Restaurant where a very tasty meal was served and the Trophies were awarded. Regata del Sol al Sol 2017 Trophy Winner List: It was a Clean Sweep- for this vessel Tattoo - Glenn Benson winning the following 3 trophies First to Finish-Secretaria de Marina Trophy, Overall Winner-Casco Miguel Aleman Trophy, and 151 Cruising Class­Secretaria de Turismo Trophy; 2nd True Cruising Class-Mapa Muni Con Zodiaco Trophy-After You -John Gardner; 3rd True Cruising Class-Ross TrophyMy Time - Nick Carper; Friendship Winner-Lie. Jose de Jesus Trophy-Joy & Larry Wissing; Most Participation-Lita Trophy:After You - John Gardner; Sportsmanship Winner-Enrique Lima Commodore’s Trophy-Daniel Bonanno - Crew Member on Tattoo; The Christopher Nelson Trophy-Best Finish - First Time Entry 50/50 - David Gibellini/Michael Zornes.

Basketball Game Cheerleaders

1st Row: Our Basketball Team the Gringos, Basketball Teams & Dignitaries Before the Basketball Game , Enjoying Bally Hoo’s Party 2nd Row: Mayor’s Reception with the all of the Isla City Commisioners, Crew Of My Time receiving awards 3rd Row: Mayor’s Reception C Birkenstock reads City of St. Pete Proclamation with Kin Lima translating , Mayor’s Reception Glenn Benson receives diploma, Mayor’s Reception 1st place Poster winner 6 yr old Erika Garrido receives award , Fun at the Golf Cart Poker Run Party , Race Committee at the Awards-Joy, Larry, Beth, Gene, Marleen,Mary, Stew & George 4th Row: Crew of After Enjoys Awards Dinner , Awards Nite Beth Pennington & Enrique Lima-Event Chairs & PRO George Pennington, Joy & Larry Wissing Receiving the Friendship Award from Enrique Lima & Admiral Ortega, After You & Crew receiving one of their awards 5th Row: 5050 Crew Chris Brown & Michael Zornes receive award, Awards-The Judge Skip Ryan & BJ and Sue & Hank Brautigam, Commodorable Trisha B & Enrique Lima toast the Regatta, The Future of the Regata -Mia, Sophia, Andrea, Lily, The Ladies behind the scenes Kin, Grace, Maria


2017 Summer Sailing Schedule ER


Florida Council of Yacht Clubs


Did you know you could win an FCYC award just for cruising to other FCYC clubs through reciprocity and documenting it on the FCYC Cruising Log? Yachtsman of the Year – There are two Yachtsman of the Year Awards awarded for each coast (East & West), one for owners in their boats visiting the most FCYC Clubs and one for cruising the most miles between FCYC Clubs. Founders Award – A new award in 2016, named in honor of the 13 yacht clubs which initially formed the Florida Council of Yacht Clubs, awarded to any FCYC boat owner visiting 13 or more FCYC clubs in the calendar year.

2016 Yachtsman of the Year Most Miles (West Coast)

2017 Sailing Schedule Adult Learn to Sail Classes

Taught in our Ideal 18’s Weekends 8:30am-3:30pm Membership to SPYC or SPSC is NOT Required. July 15/16, 22/23 & 29/30 Non-Member Guests - $300 Two Learn to Sail Courses with SPYC Membership Ken & Corrine St. Jean

2015 Founders Winners

J/70 Saturday Morning Races: Qualified SPYC J/70 skippers are invited to join us. First start will take place at 9:30am; sailors will return back to the dock around noon. July 8 & 22, August 5 & 19

Adult Intermediate Classes

Taught on various weekends 8:30am-3:30pm $100 for Yacht Club Members

Michael & Dee Sharples

Brian & Angela Kowalik

It’s not too late to start accumulating those 2017 visits! For an FCYC Cruising Log and additional details, visit the FCYC website at

Sailing Demonstration and Social

Join us for a 30 minute sail with instructor followed by a Social to meet other members & sailors.

Cost: $20/pp

10:30-11:00am, 11:00-11:30am OR 11:30am-Noon For more details including date availability, please contact the Sailing Center at 727-822-3113. Visit us online at


Smooth Sailing July/August 2017


by Todd Fedyszyn, Youth Sailing Director


Over Mother’s Day weekend, SPYC Junior sailors Dorothy Mendelblatt, Bella Shakespeare and Ethan Danielson competed in the USODA Team Trials Regatta hosted by the Brant Beach Yacht Club on the New Jersey shore. All three SPYC sailors qualified to represent themselves and the Club by finishing in the top 25% of a designated qualifying regatta leading up to the event. 11936 Two hundred and twenty-five of the top Opti sailors from around the country were all looking to qualify to represent Team USA at 1 of 5 major events worldwide in the summer of 2017. Due to the large fleet, sailors were split into three groups and raced a round robin series of races. All three SPYC sailors worked hard in the shifty cold conditions to achieve the best results possible. In the end, Bella Shakespeare was our top performer in 146th and was followed closely by both Dorothy and Ethan. This was the first team trials for both Bella and Dorothy and they proved they will be a force to be


Junior Sailing Activites E W AT

reckoned with in years to come. These were Ethan’s last team trials regatta as he had made the transition up to the laser. The SPYC Junior Sailing Team was well represented at the Davis Island Schools Out Regatta with sailors competing in the Opti RWB, Opti Green and Laser divisions. In the Laser 4.7 fleet, SPYC’s Emma Shakespeare took home the title and was followed by Ethan Danielson in 2nd and Emily Allen in 3rd. In the Laser Radials Colin Lawther finished in 2nd overall. In the Opti RWB division, Bella Shakespeare finished in 4th overall and was followed closely by Sidney Moyer in 9th, Kate Danielson (1st white) in 13th and Dorothy Mendelblatt in 17th. Also competing for SPYC were Hannah Nishida, Yudai Nishida and Ava Nishida who finished 4th in the white fleet. On the Opti Green Fleet course Rosie Simpson was our top performer finishing in 6th overall, and competing in the green fleet were Brady Moyer, John Hartney, Adam and Reid Mendelblatt, Sofia Fuller, Wesley Wood and Cole Rogers.

KAYAKS AVAILABLE 4 Hour Kayak Rentals:

No Reservations Needed Kayaks Available on a First Come, First Served Basis Check-In Required at the Snell Isle Marina Office (Rentals Include Safety Equipment) SPYC Member Pricing: $10 Single Seat, $15 Double Seat *Kids under the age of 18 are

welcome to rent a kayak with parents consent & completion of waiver.*

For Questions Please Contact the Snell Isle Marina at

(727) 895-8142

The Snell Isle Marina is also available to launch your own kayaks & paddle boards and has a great rinsing area after use.

July/August 2017 Smooth Sailing 7





by Angela Kowalik, Fleet Captain


Cruising Fleet

Corrine & Ken St. Jean Palm Island Angela & Brian Kowalik PAG & St. Charles YC

Tim & Dianne Connolly Isles YC & South Seas

Welcome Aboard!!!

The Cruising Fleet returned from our annual two-week May Commodore’s Cruise. We did the usual, and not so usual: rides on bikes, paddle boards, dinghys and trolleys, and of course some croquet and shopping, libation tasting with specialty drinks, competitive games with fabulous prizes not to mention some great dinners, movie night, and a few parties and occasions to don some hats and fluff up our feathers to flamingle! The weather was fabulous and so was the company. We made more friends, and gained only a few more pounds. Thanks to everyone for all the great memories, and special thanks to the Port Directors who made it all happen: • • • • •

Angela & Brian Kowalik – Kickoff (at PAG) & St. Charles Yacht Club Ken & Corrine St. Jean – Palm Island Tim & Dianne Connolly—Isles Yacht Club & South Seas Kevin & Debbie Hopper—Longboat Key Elwyn & Carol Segrest—special diversion to Useppa Island

Kevin & Debbie Hopper Longboat Key

Elwyn & Carol Segrest Useppa Island

Upcoming events for the Cruising Fleet to enjoy include: • Cruise to SPYC downtown docks – July 2-5 • Cruising Fleet Dinner Meeting – Thu, July 13 (5:30 social, 6:30 dinner, program to follow) • Cruise to Pasadena Yacht & Country Club – Aug 18-20 Join us for our next Dinner Meeting on Thursday, July 13th at 5:30pm. Our program “Tampa Bay Hurricanes - What is the Real Threat?” presented by Daniel Noah, Warning Coordination Meteorologist. We will also sign-up for our September Cruise to Tampa Yacht Club at that time. Since there is no monthly meeting in August, our meetings will resume in September. Inquire or sign-up for our events on the SPYC Website, Cruising Fleet page. Looking forward to seeing you on the water this summer …

July Program: Hurricanes





by Andrew Evans


Flying Club Big Red We have all witnessed a red bi-plane majestically flying above the beaches of St Petersburg that was based out of Albert Whitted Airport. It has been a regular sight since 1989 and quite an attraction it was, which sadly will be witnessed no more. The bi-pane which was known as “Big Red” is a 1933 Waco that was originally owned by W. Randolph Hearst and used to fly from his San Simeon Hearst Castle and the family ranch in Chihuahua, Mexico; as of last month it has been shipped to a private museum in California near its original home. According to the seller, a flying club member, the plane will take on an extensive restoration before being put on display with the hope to keep it in flying condition. A “Waco” is a single engine plane described by the Air and Space Museum as a classic cabin aircraft designed during the golden age of aviation. The airplane is constructed by covering the steel tubular frame of the fuselage and wings with fabric. This Waco was painted red in 1989 and certainly was no hanger queen, as it flew almost daily behind a Continental R-670 Radial engine with seven large jugs filling a massive 668 cubic inches. In 2014 it survived a ground loop but the strong steel frame never gave up the ghost, and three months later graced the skies of St Petersburg again. Those of us who took flight in “Big Red” will surely never forget its beauty and the thrill of being part of the history of a 1933 American built plane made from tubing and fabric. Goodbye “Big Red” you will surely be missed.

Flying Lessons My flying lessons continue at a reduced pace, and it is the usual excuse of life getting in the way. However, several more hours have been logged and a few flights with club members is always a welcome chance to get a better feel for being “up front”, if not exactly in the left seat. Every flight builds new confidence and all the studying is gradually making sense. Another club member, Tracy Livingston, has set out to gain his IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) certificate, which is a must for anyone wanting more than local recreational flying. Regardless of skill or hours, being able to fly in low visibility, with dense cloud cover or at night using instruments only, is a critical phase of piloting. Tracy has been “under the hood” as they say for many hours now, and has always managed to land safely; though we have no report if it was the right airport! The Flying Club is looking for new members, and you do not need to own a plane or even be a pilot, the club actively helps new pilots follow the path to a Pilot’s License. There are many discounts available to Flying Club members. Anyone who is interested please contact Peter Privitera at 813-263-4806. The next meeting will be at the Downtown Club on July 9th - cocktails at 5pm, meeting 6pm and optional dinner at 7pm new members welcome. July/August 2017 Smooth Sailing 9

by Dr. Patsy Warmack, President



Wing Shooters Society by John Arsenault


As summer slides by, we continue to play Mah Jongg and get together for “Just Lunch.” We wish more members were around for the summer fun but we’re living large in their absence!

Derby Day 2017 In June we had “Just Lunch Plus Nan Colton” at the Museum of Fine Arts. Nan is always a treat to see and a favorite of the Ladies Beach Club. She performed “Clash of Cultures: Spaniards to Pinellas County,” an account of the 1528 arrival of the Spanish to Tampa Bay told from the perspective of Moving Clouds, a surviving Tocobaga woman.







The Wing Shooters Society enjoys shooting sporting clays every Friday morning at one of several locations. We shoot at Sarasota Sporting Clays, Tampa Bay Sporting Clays, Silver Dollar Sporting Clays and other area venues. The group is open to any male member of the Yacht Club who has a shooting background or would like to start from scratch. We’re talking shotguns here…and you don’t need to own one to come out and shoot with us! Contact Tom Hatton at for additional information. Tom is our club’s “Grand Pooh Bah”!

Clay shooting can be a family event, as seen by this photo showing Commodore Birkenstock with his son Brian and his granddaughter Rebecca.

July will bring a Mah Jongg Challenge – a mid-summer “wee little” tournament to spice things up before our snowbird friends return. In August, another “Just Lunch” is planned or, in Mondays were made for Mah Jongg! fact, “Just Brunch!” We’ll meet at the Beach Club for the monthly August Bloody Mary Bar and Brunch, August 27th. Bring a friend, a husband, or come solo.

Sometimes there are a group of hecklers just waiting to see if you break the bird!

Joy Hyland, program chairwoman, has prepared what looks like a fun filled program season for September through May. The monthly calendar will be available at the September 18th program meeting along with our directory for 2017-2018. If you haven’t paid your dues for the year yet, please do so ASAP to be included in the directory that will be distributed in September. Remember it’s only $30.00 payable to the Ladies Beach Club. Send your check today to: Angela Kowalik, 154 174th Terrace Drive East Unit #B, Redington Shores, FL 33708


Smooth Sailing July/August 2017

Here is our next Commodore, VC Joe Klingel, showing us his winning form on breaking those clays.



G lf Gr up by Theresa Matthews


Beat the heat and join our Riders on some local morning rides. One of our frequent riders had some great ideas for lunch destinations including The Dog House in Ruskin; which is a local favorite for Bar-B-Que but also offers a variety of seafood, burgers and of course hotdogs. Also located in Ruskin, is the Casa De Don Juan Mexican Restaurant. There is no better way to start a meal than warm tortilla chips and homemade salsa!



by Wayne Bond


Riders Club

On April 13th, the Golf Club met for their annual Member/Guest outing at St. Petersburg Golf and Country Club. We had a total of 78 golfers on a beautiful and relatively mild April day. It was a great turn out! Coming in at 1st place with a gross score of 61 (11 under par!) were Bob Bedford, Maurice Goldman, Shane Brown and Wes Bryan. Using the Phoenix handicap system which adjusts scores based on the difficulty of certain holes, 1st place net was awarded to Dick Vazzano, Hank Braudigan, Jim Campbell and Chris Michaud with a score of 55 (17 under par).

During May and June our riders enjoyed trips to Dade City for the Classic Car Cruise In, and then to the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell to honor our Veteran’s at their Memorial Day ceremony. Many of our Riders are Veteran’s, making this a very special day for them. Join us for a Riders Club meeting held the 3rd Tuesday of each month (July 18 & August 15) at the Downtown Club where you can share your riding adventures and plan future ones!!

Our Riders and friends at the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell

President…............... Wayne Bond Vice President…....... Gary Quilla 2nd Vice President… Ray Noyes Secretary…............... Douglas Freedle

The award for 2nd place gross went to Damon Hamisik, Lorin Hamisik, Ricky Qual and Josh Franklin with a score of 63 (9 under par) and 2nd place net was given to Dawn Echart, Linda Jane Prson, Larry Kehlenbck and Rocky Ainsworth with a score of 59 (13 under par). WOW…congratulations to all our team winners!

In addition to these winners, there were also awards for the individuals who hit the ball closest to the pin on the par 3 holes. The winners were Greg Fischer, Ed Wilson, Wes Bryan and Chris Michaud. Closest to the line with their drive was Greg Anderson who was literally an inch or two from the line. The winner of the putting contest was Jason Henthorne who sunk it with his first attempt! We all enjoyed a fabulous barbecue by the pool with an outside bar after the game and had a wonderful time! July/August 2017 Smooth Sailing 11


July SUN

For Reservations Please Call: 727-360-1646



Early Bird Special ~ 5-6PM Happy Hour 4-7pm



Sizzling Summer Mah Jongg Sundays at PAG! 1:00pm Happy Hour 4-7pm

WEDNESDAY Early Bird Special ~ 5-6PM Happy Hour 4-7pm

9 Sizzling Summer Sundays at PAG!

THURSDAY Early Bird Special ~ 5-6PM Rum Cape Cod ~ $5++

Early Bird Special ~ 5-6PM 360 Adult Cherry Coke $5++

Hours of Operation: Tues: CLOSED Mon.-Sat: 11:30AM-9:30PM (Menu available until 9PM)

BEACH CLUB CLOSED Annual Employee Appreciation Event

Sizzling Summer Mah Jongg Sundays at PAG! 1:00pm


Happy Hour 4-7pm


Sizzling Summer Mah Jongg Sundays at PAG! 1:00pm







Sizzling Summer Mah Jongg Sundays at PAG! 1:00pm Bloody Mary Bar & Brunch 11am-2pm

Broad Reachers 11am Live Music on Deck 5-8pm




11 17

18 18


Happy Hour 4-7pm


4th of July Beach Club Buffet! 5:30 to 8:30pm



FRIDAY Early Bird Special ~ 5-6PM Stoli Blueberry Martini $5++



Bridge 11:30am

Happy Hour 4-7pm

Happy Hour 4-7pm



Live Music on Deck 5-8pm


Bridge 11:30am


Burger Bar 6:00-8:30pm


15 Broad Reachers 11am

Burger Bar 6:00-8:30pm Bingo 6:30-8:30pm



Broad Reachers 11am Live Music on Deck 5-8pm

Bridge 11:30am

Unsinkables 6-9pm

Happy Hour 4-7pm


Burger Bar 6:00-8:30pm


Wine Society 6pm






Early Bird Special ~ 5-6PM Queen Rose ~ $5++



The Beach Club at




Broad Reachers 11am Live Music on Deck 5-8pm


Bridge 11:30am


Burger Bar 6:00-8:30pm


Broad Reachers 11am Live Music on Deck 5-8pm


Annual Shutdown Party 5:00-8:00pm

** Dinner Specials | 6:00-9:00pm** July 2-8: Pan Seared Duck Breast, glass of House Pinot Grigio & Coconut Cake for dessert July 9-15: Prosciutto wrapped Salmon, glass of house Chardonnay & Key Lime Pie for dessert

Sunday: Noon-8:00PM July 16-22: Sweet Potato Crusted Red Fish, glass of House White Zinfandel & Bread Menu Available Sundays Pudding for dessert (except Sunday Brunch July 23-31: Lump Crab Cake, glass of House Merlot & Apple Blossom with Vanilla Ice last Sunday of each month Cream for dessert from 11am-2pm) Smooth Sailing July/August 2017 12

** IMPORTANT NOTICE ** ** PASS-A-GRILLE ANNUAL SHUTDOWN DATES ** Tuesday, August 1st through Tuesday, August 15th ~ Club Re-Opens Wednesday, August 16th ** NO WINE SOCIETY IN AUGUST** Mondays-Mah Jongg | Thursdays-Bridge | Saturdays- Broad Reachers | Every Saturday Live Music on the Deck 5:00-8:00pm Every Thursday- Burger Bar 6:00-8:30pm


Downtown Clubhouse


Clubhouse Main # (727) 822-3873 MON














17 23




24 27








12 Salty Sisters Saltwater Anglers 6pm




Cruising Fleet 13 Dinner/Meeting Wing Shooters 6pm Birthday Bash 6-9pm



FCYC General Meeting - Naples Yacht Club



15 Dueling Piano Show & Reception 7pm

TUESDAY Breakfast Buffet 7-9AM (Served in Bridge Room upstairs) Happy Hour 4-7PM in Lounge Learn to Race ~ 5:15pm

WEDNESDAY Breakfast Buffet 7-9AM

Lasagna de Carnival with Sweet Italian Sausage (July 11th -14th) 20:30


Salty Sisters

Peaches & Cream Chicken Supreme (July 5th - 7th)

10 10


Sailing Demo & Social at SPSC


4th of July Party!! Club Opens at 4:00pm 20:30


Sunday Brunch Buffet Grille 1909 ~ 10:30AM-1:30PM Tiki Hut Happy Hour 3-5PM



Fleet Cruise to SPYC Downtown July 2nd-5th






Salty Sisters Meet & Greet Woman's Club Wine Society Group 5:30pm Dine-Around 6pm 6pm Riders Club Trivia Night 7pm 6:15pm





Roasted Texas Quail with Cremini Mushrooms (July 18th - 21st) 20:28
















Complimentary Poolside Movie at Dark

Breakfast Buffet 7-9AM Captains Wines ~ 1/2 Price!

Last Day for Sushi Saturday! 20:26



Breakfast Buffet 7-9AM Tiki Hut Happy Hour 5-7PM Twilight Classes ~ 5:15pm Twilight Races ~ 6pm


Breakfast Buffet 7:30-10AM Tiki Hut Happy Hour 3-5PM "Sushi Saturdays" Every Saturday throughout the Summer!


The Commodore Piano Lounge is open through the summer! Friday & Saturday Nights | 7:30 – 11:30pm

Commodore Room Piano Lounge open Fri- Sat: 7:30-11:30pm

Grille 1909

Great atmosphere to enjoy before & after dinner cocktails and dessert! Dress Code is business casual. No shorts or denim. Commodore Dining Room is closed for the summer but available for large party bookings with advance reservations.


July/August 2017

Lunch Buffet: Tues-Fri. 11:30-2:00PM A La Carte Lunch: Tues-Fri. 11:30-2:00PM Dinner: Tues-Sun. 5:30-9:30PM Sunday Brunch: 10:30AM-1:30PM Smooth Sailing 13


MON *NOTICE* NO Wine Society in August









Early Bird Special ~ 5-6PM Stoli Blueberry Martini ~ $5++


Meet & Greet Group 5:30pm

SATURDAY Early Bird Special ~ 5-6PM 360 Adult Cherry Coke ~ $5++

Hours of Operation: Tues: CLOSED Mon.-Sat: 11:30AM-9:30PM (Menu available until 9PM)


Sizzling Summer Mah Jongg Sundays at PAG! 1:00pm

Happy Hour 4-7pm


Sizzling Summer Mah Jongg Sundays at PAG! 1:00pm Bloody Mary Bar & Brunch 11am-2pm

Happy Hour 4-7pm












Bridge 11:30am



Happy Hour 4-7pm




Dueling Piano Show 7-10pm

24 Bridge 11:30am Burger Bar 6:00-8:30pm



Live Music on Deck 5-8pm

Happy Hour 4-7pm

Happy Hour 4-7pm


Broad Reachers 11am

Burger Bar Welcome Back... 6:00-8:30pm Enjoy a FREE Appetizer!

24 22








15 17


Early Bird Special ~ 5-6PM Rum Cape Cod ~ $5++



CLOSED ANNUAL SHUTDOWN through August 15th



Early Bird Special ~ 5-6PM Happy Hour 4-7pm




Early Bird Special ~ 5-6PM Happy Hour 4-7pm


For Reservations Please Call: 727-360-1646






Early Bird Special ~ 5-6PM Queen Rose ~ $5++



The Beach Club at




26 Broad Reachers 11am Live Music on Deck 5-8pm


Bridge 11:30am Burger Bar 6:00-8:30pm

** Dinner Specials | 6:00-9:00pm**

September Upcoming Events (all dates subject to change)

August 16-26: Fruit di Mare Scampi, glass of House Chardonnay, slice of Cheesecake for dessert ~ $23++

Sizzling Summer at PAG ends Sept. 4th! | 6: Unsinkables | 7: Bingo Night 15: Pork & Pinot - Wine Dinner | 18: Amateur Radio Club | 24: Bloody Mary Bar & Brunch | 28: LAST DAY for the Beach Club Burger Bar!

Sunday: Noon-8:00PM August 27- Sept. 2: Liver & Onions, Menu Available Sundays glass of House Cabernet, slice of (except Sunday Brunch Chocolate Ganache Cake for dessert last Sunday of each month ~ $18++ from 11am-2pm) Smooth Sailing July/August 2017 14

Mondays-Mah Jongg | Thursdays-Bridge | Saturdays- Broad Reachers | Every Saturday Live Music on the Deck 5:00-8:00pm | Every Thursday- Burger Bar 6:00-8:30pm |


Downtown Clubhouse


Clubhouse Main # (727) 822-3873 MON

NO Breakfast Buffet from 8/1-8/5




Breakfast Buffet Re-Opens



16 14


Sailing Social & Demo at SPSC


Riders Club 6:15pm





Wing Shooters Society 6pm

Salty Sisters






Fleet Cruise to Pasadena Y&CC



Complimentary Poolside Movie at Dark

Breakfast Buffet 7-9AM (Served in Bridge Room upstairs) Happy Hour 4-7PM in Lounge Learn to Race ~ 5:15pm



Pan Seared Medallions of Pork Tenderloin (Aug. 15th - 18th) 20:08



Fleet Cruise to Pasadena Y&CC

Breakfast Buffet 7-9AM Summer Burger Bar Every Wednesday until Sept. 28th 6:00-8:30pm | $8++/pp


Salty Sisters






Breakfast Buffet 7-9AM Captains Wines ~ 1/2 Price!




Chicken Pad Thai with Rice Stick Noodles (Aug. 22nd - 25th)

28 27






Woman's Club Dine-Around 6pm



Salty Sisters



Sunday Brunch Buffet Grille 1909 ~ 10:30AM-1:30PM Tiki Hut Happy Hour 3-5PM

Trivia Night 7pm

21 23




Kansas City BBQ Boneless Short Ribs (Aug. 8th -11th)


Fleet Cruise to Pasadena Y&CC



Saltwater Anglers 6pm




Salty Sisters Burger Bar Begins! 6:00-8:30pm


Herb Grilled Chicken with Feta Cheese (Aug. 1st - 4th)



TUES Downtown Clubhouse Re-Opens






Salty Sisters






Twilight Classes ~ 5:15pm Twilight Races ~ 6pm



Meatloaf Milan with Sundried Tomato Jus (Aug. 29th - Sept. 1st)


Breakfast Buffet 7-9AM Tiki Hut Happy Hour 5-7PM

Breakfast Buffet 7:30-10AM Tiki Hut Happy Hour 3-5PM "Sushi Saturdays" Every Saturday throughout the Summer!


September Upcoming Events (all dates subject to change) 5- Golf Group 9- FCYC General Meeting 10- Sailing Demo & Social at SPSC 13- Saltwater Anglers 14- Cruising Fleet Dinner/Meeting 14- Wing Shooters Society 15-17: Fleet Cruise to Tampa YC


The Commodore Piano Lounge is 19- Meet & Greet Group open through the summer! 19- Riders Club 20- Trivia Night Friday & Saturday Nights 20- Woman's Club 5:30 – 11:30pm 27- Birthday Bash Sunset 20:22 Sunset 20:21 28- Last day for Burger Bar Dress Code is business casual. No shorts or denim. (Commodore Dining Room is closed for the summer but available for large party bookings with advance reservations) July/August 2017

Commodore Room Piano Lounge open Fri - Sat: 7:30-11:30pm

Grille 1909 Lunch Buffet: Tues-Fri. 11:30-2:00PM A La Carte Lunch: Tues-Fri. 11:30-2:00PM Dinner: Tues-Sun. 5:30-9:30PM Sunday Brunch: 10:30AM-1:30PM Smooth Sailing 15


Our last 2016-2017 program in May featured our own Bev Eddins who demonstrated how to take stuff from our yard and make beautiful arrangements for our home.




by Patsy Warmack PhD, President -



Woman’s Club Interest Groups

Now Summer is here, and even though some members have Bev Eddins a- backyard flora arrangements. flown the coop, our Interest Group activities are in full swing back here at the club. While the Golf group takes a short hiatus out of the heat, we’re having fun inside with Bridge, Mah Jongg, Book Group and our ever popular Dine Arounds. Join us at Book Group! Contact Pat Seifried to attend the following Dine Arounds ( •

July 19: Dine Around – Café Ponte 6pm

August 16: Dine Around – Middle Grounds 6pm

Come join the fun with your friends this summer! Meanwhile our new Directory is getting a facelift, and we’ve planned programs for the coming 2017-2018 year which will return this Fall. We look forward to seeing you in and around the Club! New & returning members are always welcome—to become a member contact our Membership Chair Debbie Walcutt (knoticaly@hotmail. com) or 321-437-6695. The Mission of the Woman’s Club is to embrace new friendships, promote social activities and increase women’s involvement in the SPYC.

Book Group Facilitator: Shirley Barbel Jul 26: A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles Aug 23: The Heist by Daniel Silva Social time: 5:00 pm Discussion: 5:30 – 6:30 Meets the 4th Wed each month Contact:

Mah Jongg Facilitator: Carolyn Rehberger Lessons are regularly offered for new players. Meets every Thurs @ 1:00 pm [Lunch @ noon optional] Contact: or 727-895-8243

Bridge Group Facilitator: Joyce Sterrett Meets every Tues @ 1:00pm in the Bridge Room. [Lunch @ 12:00 optional] Contact: 727-822-5878 Contact (Jul-Oct): Kitty Safford or 727773-7778

Travel Group Facilitator: Pat Seifried Jul 19: Dine Around – Café Ponte – 13505 Icot Blvd (off Ulmerton Road) Aug 16: Dine Around – Middle Grounds – 10925 Gulf Blvd, Treasure Island Meets 2nd Wednesday of every month (times and dates may vary) Contact:

Golf Group Facilitator: Helene Hardick Meets each Fri from Oct 15 thru May 15, 9:00 am at Cypress Links Contact:

Sunshine Facilitator: Sondra Seay-Frisbie If someone is ill or could use cheering up Contact:

[Please note – these are subject to change each month] Membership in the Woman’s Club is required to participate in the Interest Group activities.

Saltwater Anglers by Capt. Wayne Andrews The SPYC Saltwater Anglers – Short but sweet Red Snapper season. We were fortunate to fish two of the three days in which we are allowed to keep American Red Snapper (ARS) in the Gulf of Mexico federal waters. We successfully landed close to our limit on both days. Six Wing Shooters made it out on Friday, where we left the dock at 6:00am and headed out roughly 40 miles southwest to a limestone bottom in 120 feet of water. We caught near our limit of ARS, 8 Lane Snapper, few Bonita and a nice Blackfin; we were back at the dock by 1:30pm.

John Cartier shows off a fine Blackfin Tuna.

On Saturday June 3rd, we went out to “The Elbow”, 90 miles offshore in over 200 feet of water. Left at 4:20am and arrived just after sunrise. We immediately had Bonita and Tuna around the boat. We threw greenbacks at Tuna, Bonita and AJs for about an hour of nonstop action. Fish in the box included Tuna, Red Snapper, Mangrove Snapper, Lane Snapper and several nice Red Grouper. Great day with very little wind! Gag Grouper season is open, the Tuna bite has been great, and there are plenty of other Snappers around. Let’s keep fishing! SAVE THE DATE! ~ Saturday, October 7th for the SPYC Fishing Tournament!! The Saltwater Anglers meet at 6:00pm on the second Wednesday evening of every month at the Downtown Clubhouse. Please come join us at our next meeting on July 12th & August 13th, or sign up on; click on the“Clubs”tab and scroll down to Saltwater Anglers, click on the Sign Up & Contact Info Form and get your email on the list.


As Captain of the Broad Reachers, I want to express my sincere thanks to all those who supported and donated to our very successful “Non Event” Splash & Bash! We raised more money this year than the last three events put together. We are very proud and excited about donating $1,000 to this years Learn to Sail Program being held this summer at the Sailing Center. The remainder of the funds will be used for future Junior Sailing programs. Spencer & Alice Lucas once again sponsored the Nancy Lucas Race on April 8th. The race consisted of five races, and with the typical beach winds, was very challenging. Nancy Kadau placed first, Carol Hansen, second and Marti Cochran Carol Hansen, Nancy Kadau, Spencer came in third. Lucas, Marti Cochran

In early May, the Broad Reachers volunteered to serve breakfast one morning to the sailors participating in the Warrior Sailing Program at the Sailing Center. Teresa Brydon headed a crew of ten Broads that day.

by Anne O’Dell


The Maggie Mug Perpetual Trophy series winners in Ideal 18s were Skipper Sandy Ripberger + crew Nancy Kadau and Sue Davidson. Heather Lalanne won the pram Grandmother’s Race. The Friendship Regatta in prams between the Salty Sisters and Broad Reachers was held at SPSC. The winners were 1st place Sarah Richards (SS, center), 2nd place Nancy Kadau (SS, right) and 3rd place Gail Poffenberger (BR, left). This year’s Easter social was a great time! In the Easter social photo, “Bunny” Connie Smith stood between the costume winners Bonnie Drake (Prettiest Hat) and Sarah Richards (Most Creative costume).

Warrior Sailing Volunteers

On Tuesday May 9th, Sarah Richards and Gail Poffenberger represented the Broad Reachers in Tampa at the last FWSA interclub of the year. Congratulations to both girls!! Sarah and Gail took home first and second places, respectively. For anyone that would like to learn to sail a Pram or just have some fun, the Broad Reachers are for you. Please contact Captain Carol Hansen for more information.

Gail Poffenberger




by Carol Hansen


Broad Reachers

Salty Sisters

Gail Poffenberger & Sarah Richards

This year’s FWSA Young Woman Sailor of the Year Award went to SPYC nominee J.J. Smith, who is Salty Sue Davidson’s daughter. The recipient of this award should be dedicated to training to compete in the world of sailboat racing. J.J. recently qualified to represent the U.S. in Bermuda during the America’s Cup finals in the Endeavour O’pen Regatta and halftime show. She concluded her Opti racing with Team USA, on the North Sea in Belgium, as 3rd US sailor. In the 2017 St. Pete NOOD, skippering a Sonar, J.J. took 3rd. At the Mount Dora Yacht Club Regatta, she won the Monohull Division in a C420. J.J. is the captain of the Manatee High School Sailing Team and enjoys introducing non-sailors to the sport she loves.

July/August 2017 Smooth Sailing 17




Vintage Motor Club

by Bill Waters, Chairman



by Dick Mordaunt, AB1NI


Amateur Radio Club

In June we had Amateur Radio Field Day, a day when many “Hams” go into the field with others, have a party, cook-out and talk to the world for fun! The standard language is English and if you can talk in their native language they love it. Ages are mostly from about 8 to 80+ years old.

Next Social/Meeting at SPYC Downtown: July 25th – 6:00pm

You can usually tell if someone is new to Ham Radio. Meeting on the radio is fun and safe with strangers. You get to know what country, state, and town and common interests. You can pick who you want to talk to by their conversations with others or their call sign; which you can look up to find country, state, city. Talking to someone in a different land with similar or different experiences is fun and educational.

VOLUNTEERS Needed – Please contact Chairman Rick Brooks if you are interested -

Our social network uses our Net (party line) with 5-15 people where we socialize on-the-air and often in person at Pass-a-Grille every Monday at 17:30. Just look for people with hand held radios and antennas. Let’s all stay in contact on the Net from wherever we are in the world and have fun with Amateur Radio. Come and socialize at Pass-a-Grille starting at 5pm and a Net 5:30pm. Check us out on SPYCARC


Smooth Sailing July/August 2017

Preparations have already begun for our 16th Annual Vintage Motor Classic – November 5th

VEHICLES Needed – It’s not too early to start thinking about entering your 1979 or older vehicle! We are always looking for new members, if you or any other SPYC member would like to join the Vintage Motor Club, please email us at No vehicle ownership is required.



SPYC Member Life Events! by Stew Ahman




by Barbara Weller


Power Boat Riders Club Competition Seeing Florida By Water …

July took the Day Trippers to Davis Island Yacht Club for lunch and exploring the Hillsborough River. This was also our first overnight trip! A few of us stayed overnight at Davis Island and enjoyed the hospitality of the gang at Davis Island Yacht Club eating “Pub Grub” and grilling. It was “Happy Birthday” boating for Kent Larson! Come join us on August 19th when we visit Woody’s River Roo Pub in Ellenton. By boat or by iron dinghy, this is a fun and unique place. This will be our second overnight trip. I reserved some dock space at Bradenton Yacht Club for a few boats to overnight and launch dinghies, so contact me for a spot on a first-comefirst-served basis. For these over-nighting boats, please make plans to arrive at Bradenton Yacht Club the afternoon of Friday, August 18th and depart from Bradenton Yacht Club Sunday, August 20th no later than 11am. (More details will follow) SPYC will be hosting its Invitational Predicated Logging event at our Pass-a-Grille Clubhouse in October. As this article goes to press, we are currently working out the details and will provide more information shortly. Additionally, SPYC has been selected by NACA to host the 2018 North American Invitational event which is scheduled for October, 2018. More information on this to follow, but we very pleased to have been chosen to participate in this prestigious event. UPCOMING EVENTS … YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS! •

• • •

August 19th - Day Trippers cruise to Woody’s River Roo Pub, 5717 18th Street E, Ellenton, FL RAIN OR SHINE Come by car or by boat. Please RSVP to me by February 22nd so I can reserve seating! September, 2017 – Day Trippers cruise to the Pub on Longboat Key. Date to be determined. October 7th – Great Dinghy Run October, 2017- Predicted Logging Event at Pass-A-Grille – Date to determined

Please check our Club website under Power Boat Competition for more information on these events or call me. Hope to see YOU on the water … Barbara Weller, Chair, Power Boat Competition,, 941-356-1680.

Celebrating Ten Years of SPYC NautiCats My wife Mary, who is a Salty Sister and sings with the NautiCats, asked me the other day if I would like to go hear the last performance of the Spring program? Of course, as a dutiful husband (you just know it’s a trick question) the only acceptable answer is YES; or as in the film “The Princess Bride”, Westley says to Buttercup... “As you wish”. I’ve had the pleasure to hear them sing in the past and have always enjoyed their singing. This performance theme was specifically based on popular Broadway plays, beginning with “Give My Regards to Broadway”. They sung many popular songs from “The King and I”, Sound of Music”, South Pacific” and a host of other wonderful tunes from very memorable plays including “Anything Goes”, “Summertime” and “Oklahoma” to name a few; finishing off with a great rendition of “God Bless America”. As usual, the crowd in the hall clapped with vigor at the end of each presentation! Nauticats was founded by Judy Pettit McFadden 10 years ago and has grown to 28 ladies that meet on a weekly basis to practice. They have a huge range of talent including a couple of extraordinary pianists and soloists, and they can sing anything from Patriotic to Christmas tunes! The main reason they exist (other than drinking wine after practice and enjoying each other’s company) is to entertain at various senior retirement homes throughout the area. Witnessed firsthand, it’s been wonderful to watch so many enjoy their performances. One woman, although she had Alzheimer’s, sang along with them with a wonderful smile on her face, as she remembered all the words to the song…music is wonderful! SPYC is proud to be represented by these ladies! It just gives you a warm heart felt feeling right down to your toes to see them entertain, and then work the crowd after their performance giving and getting hugs. I for one, would like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart and wish you great success in the years to come. Someday, I may be a full-time resident in a retirement home and hope the Nauticats will come sing for me. -Stew Ahman

July/August 2017 Smooth Sailing 19






IN MEMORIAM Mr. Eugene Andrade ~ February 2017 Mrs. Margery Kaniss ~ April 2017 Mrs. June Wedding ~ May 2017 Mrs. Edith “Edie” Spies ~ May 2017 Mrs. Carolyn Jane “C.J.” Bruce ~ May 2017


Traveling Burgees!

EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH May 2017, KEITH GORDON It is often said that everything in the kitchen, begins and ends at the dish station yet it is often overlooked and taken for granted. Often the people that work as dishwashers and stewards come and go because the work is long and hard and less recognized than most of the other positions. However, the utility workers, dishwashers and stewards lay the foundation that the rest of the culinary staff depends on. In our kitchen we have one dishwasher/steward that exemplifies what it means to be a true professional in his field. His name is Keith Gordon and he has that old school work ethic that is seldom matched. We could all learn a thing or two from Keith with regard to personal pride; solid work ethic and positive attitude. He always has a genuine smile on his face and would never allow himself to be late for work. He is always energetic, enthusiastic and ready to get the job done. Please help us to congratulate Keith Gordon as May employee of the month. Well done Keith!

SPYC member Jonathan Coleman sailed to the Dutch side of Saint Maarten, April 2017.


Todd Fedyszyn ~ Youth Sailing Director, 12yrs Sarah Boggs ~ Banquet Bartender, 4yrs Mercedes Cardenas Mura ~ Line Cook, 3yrs Leah Wieter ~Member/Marketing Services, 2yrs John Klein ~ DR Supervisor - PAG, 1yr John Whitehead ~ Sailing Center, 1yr Whitney Carter ~ PAG Server, 1yr

August June 2017, TICA GLOVER

It is with great pride that we announce Tica Glover as Employee of the Month for June. Tica has been a wonderful asset since she started at SPYC. In addition to doing a great job of cleaning the restrooms and public areas daily, she has taken it upon herself to find more cost efficient ways in maintaining a clean building for our members and guests. Tica always shows up on time, works hard, and has a warm smile on her face. Please help us congratulate Tica on earning June of the Month! Smooth Sailing July/August 2017 20 Employee

Dr’s Ralph & Patsy Warmack visiting the Royal Irish Yacht Club in Dublin, Ireland.

Shannon Nylander ~ Director of Catering, 17yrs Kerrie Paquette ~ PAG Manager, 13yrs David Irby ~ Purchasing, 12yrs Michael Franzke ~ Banquet Bartender, 9yrs Micah Giralte ~ Housekeeping Manager, 4yrs Marcida Freeman ~ Banquet Captain, 4yrs Marielisa Rivera ~ Barback, 1yr Frank Gabor ~ R&M, 1yr







2017 Capital Projects & Club Improvements

It’s that time of year when the major projects and Club improvements begin. This year is primarily focused on the 2nd floor of the Club: • Ceiling tile repairs in the Ballroom, Harborview, Men’s and Ladies Card Rooms & Waterfront • Baseboards replaced in the Men’s & Ladies Card Rooms, Bridge Room, Harborview, Waterfront and Ballroom • New Carpet on the 2nd Floor

Important Dates to Remember:

Sunday, July 16 – Saturday, July 22 • Bridge players will play in the Commodore Room over these dates • Daily Breakfast Buffet to be served in Grille 1909

Club Closed for Annual Maintenance Monday, July 24 - Monday, July 31 Tuesday, August 1 – Monday, August 7 ~Finishing of Projects • First Floor of the Club will be open – Second floor remains closed • Tiki Bar will be open at the regular time on Thursday, August 3rd • Bridge Breakfast CLOSED. Will re-open on August 8th. • Bridge players will play in the Commodore Room over these dates

4th of July Happenings BASH Buffet $27++/per guest • 5:30pm INCLUDES: Dinner Buffet (indicate for seating: Ballroom or Grille 1909) Dessert Buffet (served in Harborview) DJ & Dancing (upstairs in Waterfront) Photo-booth (upstairs in Waterfront) Face Painters (in front Lobby) View the Fireworks from the Pool Deck, Waterfront & Harborview rooms!

Reservations Required: 727-892-6882 or Cancellations will be honored until: Saturday, July 1st ~ 5pm.



Join us outside on Bayshore, by the flag pole, for this traditional homage to our Flag at sunset 20:00 hours

If we receive your cancellation after this date, your original reservation will be charged.

Club opens at 4:00pm. Tiki Hut & Heritage Lounge will open & begin serving at 4:00pm.

July/August 2017 Smooth Sailing 21

Do wn to wn

Upcoming Events Downtown & Pass-a-Grille

Do wn to wn

ille r -G -a s s Pa

~ VIP PARTY ~ July 4th

Tuesday ~ July 4th, 7:00pm | $80++/per guest (Limited to 50 people) Includes: Cocktail Hour (7-8pm) with Open Bar & passed Hors d’ Oeuvres Dinner in Regatta Room: Salad, Choice of Entrée, Dessert & Glass of Wine Amazing view of Fireworks from the Regatta Room! Reservations: 727-822-3873 *Cancellations honored until July 1st at 5pm | NO A la Carte Dining on this day*

4th of July Beach Club Buffet!

Tuesday ~ July 4th, 5:30-8:30pm | $15++/pp Grilled Chicken, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Cole Slaw, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Corn Cobettes & for dessert Cookies & Ice Cream Sundae Bar! $2 Michelob Ultra Draught (Bar menu available, but no a la carte dinner menu) Reservations: 727-360-1646 Beach Club will be CLOSED on Wednesday, July 5th

Complimentary Poolside Movies at Dark Saturdays: July 22nd & August 12th

Come and enjoy a summer night time movie by the pool starting at sunset. Food & Beverages will be available for purchase (Movie will be a Rated PG-13 – not suitable for young teens or children) *Reservations NOT Required*

Do wn to wn

th Bo

es us o h ub l C

KIDS EAT FREE! Ages 9 & Under Available to Member’s Children & Grandchildren Kids Eat Free: Available in Grille 1909, Tiki Hut, Heritage Lounge & Pass-a-Grille Complimentary meals are offered from Kids Menu only. One kids meal is provided per purchase of an adult entrée. Excludes: specified holidays, special event days, banquet buffets and daily breakfast buffet

NEW!! Sushi Saturdays

Every Saturday NOW through July 22nd Enjoy a tantalizing A la Carte menu of fresh Sushi selections to choose from. Just ask your server for a menu to place your order.

Do wn to wn

Upcoming Events Downtown & Pass-a-Grille SPYC’s Summer Burger Bar is BACK!! ~ $8++/pp Beginning Downtown August 2nd: Wednesdays 6:00-8:30pm Available NOW at Pass-a-Grille: Thursdays 6:00-8:30pm Build your own Black Angus Burger with Fries & Salad Bar! Add the Ice Cream Sundae Bar for only $3++ extra ($5++ with no burger bar) *Available until September 28th*

Do wn to wn

le ril G ass Pa

Sizzling Summer of Fun at Pass-a-Grille!

Began Sunday, May 28th through Sunday, Sept. 4th Every Sunday, the 1st ten boat Captains who arrive by water to enjoy food & beverages at the Beach Club will receive a special gift. Punch cards are available to ALL SPYC members who arrive by boat on Sundays – get six punches over the course of the summer & receive a FREE T-Shirt Labor Day Weekend. Attend the Beach Club all 13 Sundays (Memorial Day – Labor Day) to WIN a GRAND PRIZE! *SPYC Members only, punch cards ONLY punched on Sundays, guests not eligible, one prize per boat & one card punched per visit – per membership*

Kids “Cupcake Warriors” Birthday Parties!

Looking for a unique & memorable way to celebrate your child’s next birthday? SPYC Member Brad Bell threw a fabulously fun & engaging “Cupcake Decorating” party for his birthday girl; and her friends! Interested? Contact the Catering Department for more information at 727-892-6882 or 6887

ille r -G -a s s Pa

Complimentary Beach Gear at the Beach Club

Do wn to wn

Rentals available for SPYC Members 2 Beach Chairs + Beach Umbrella in a travel caddy (caddy converts to a table with 4 drink holders) Call Kerrie to reserve: 727-360-1646

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: The Annual Member Appreciation Party will be held on Sunday, October 22nd, 3:30 – 5:30pm. (Members Only Please)

SPYC Presents

Group Excursions to the Straz Performing Arts Reservation Deadline is : Tuesday, August 15th

All packages below include: One (1) Discounted Ticket, Pre-Theater Dinner & Drinks at the Club & Round Trip Shuttle Transportation.

Nine-time Tony Award Winning Best Musical!

Friday, December 8th, 2017 Showtime 8:00pm Carol Morsani Hall

Package Options Include: Front Orchestra ~ VIP Packages (Row GG) $288.00/pp - Dinner/Show/Transport $270.00/pp - Choose: Dinner/Show only -ORShow/Transport only Front Orchestra (Row B) & Mezzanine Box (Box B) $251.00/pp - Dinner/Show/Transport $211.00/pp - Choose: Dinner/Show only -ORShow/Transport only *Packages are all inclusive ~ Non-Members must be accompanied by a member; $25.00 additional charge for each non-member attending*

Contact Leah Wieter – Group Coordinator – at 727-892-6893 -OR- All packages are Non-Refundable. Event minimum for excursions is 12 people. Should RSVP's fall below 12, the event will be canceled. In this circumstance, event packages will be fully refundable. Seating is based upon box office availability.


Welcome Back to

Annual Shutdown Party!


Monday- July 31st, 2017 • 5:00 – 8:00PM

The Beach Club is closed from August 1st through the 15th, so come see us on

Just $15++ per person Come join us at The Beach Club for our annual Shut Down Party featuring our Rotating Buffet! We will be cooking up everything we have in the kitchen because we will be closed for 2 weeks from

Wednesday, August 16th and enjoy a FREE Appetizer as a welcome back gift! One free appetizer per SPYC member number please.

Spring Rolls • Onion Rings

August 1st –15th. There is NO SET MENU, and you never know what you may find your second time through the buffet line. Weʼre cooking what is in the kitchen, and when it is gone…itʼs gone!

So come help us

celebrate and empty out our refrigerator.

Reservations: 727-360-1646 ~ SAVE THE DATE ~ Gourmet Wine Event


Saturday, August 19th

Showtime 7:00-10:00pm Join us as two professional pianists duel on Baby Grand pianos. Wear your dancing shoes, as a dance floor will be provided for you to kick up your heels! Do you have a favorite song you would like to hear? Email us your requests at Piano Show Reservations: 727-360-1646 Complimentary for all SPYC members & their guests *An Entertainment Committee Event*

e BVB "Pork and Pinot" at Pass-a-Grille

eptember 15th ~ 6 Friday, S$65++/Per Guest :00pm

Join us for another fabulous Food & Wine event at the Beach Club featuring a variety of Pork tasting plates, paired with various Pinot Gris and Pinot Noirs. Reservations: 727-892-6882 or An Entertainment Committee Event 48 hour Cancellation Policy in affect.

Pass-a-Grille - July/August Weekly Food Specials

All entrees include Soup or House Salad

July & August

$14++ per person*

July 2-8 - Pan Seared Duck Breast served with a glass of House Pinot Grigio & Coconut Cake for Dessert $19++ July 9-15 – Prosciutto Wrapped Salmon served with a glass of House Chardonnay & Key Lime Pie for Dessert $26++ July 16-22 – Sweet Potato Crusted Red Fish served with a glass of House White Zinfandel & Warm Bread Pudding for Dessert $26++ July 23-31 – Pass-a-Grille Lump Crab Cake served with a glass of House Merlot & Apple Blossom with Vanilla Ice Cream for Dessert $26++


Wild Berry Salad with fresh Spinach & Mandarin Orange Vinaigrette, Peaches & Cream Chicken Supreme with fresh Rosemary & Chives

August 16-26 – Fruit di Mare Scampi served with a glass of House Chardonnay & Cheesecake for Dessert $23++ August 27- September 2 – Liver and Onions served with a glass of House Cabernet & Chocolate Ganache Cake for Dessert $18++

JULY 11TH – 14TH

Antipasto Salad, Lasagna de Carnival with Sweet Italian Sausage & Ricotta Cheese

JULY 18TH – 21ST

Yellow Tomato Bisque with Arugula Pesto & Toasted Pine Nuts, Roasted Texas Quail filled with Cremini Mushrooms & Fontina Cheese

AUG. 1ST – 4TH

Avgolemono Soup, Greek Salad with Potato Skordalia & Herb Grilled Chicken with Feta Cheese

AUG. 8TH – 11TH

Iceberg Wedge Salad with Beef Steak Tomatoes & Amish Blue Cheese Dressing, Kansas City BBQ Boneless Short Ribs with Chef Joseph’s Baked Beans & Corn on the Cob

AUG. 15TH – 18TH

Chilled Strawberry Soup with Raspberry Ice, pan seared Medallions of Pork Tenderloin topped with Stone Fruit Confit & Vidalia Onion Marmalade

AUG. 22ND – 25TH

Thai Spiced Coconut Shrimp Soup, Chicken Pad Thai with Rice Sticks Noodle, Toasted Peanuts, Tamarind & Sprouts


Minestrone, Meatloaf Milan with Sun Dried Tomato jus & Potato Parmesan

Tuesday through Friday Selections Change Monthly

Pass-a-Grille - July/August

Drink Specials ALL SPECIALS ARE $5++ SUNDAYS Queen Rose MONDAYS Happy Hour 4-7pm TUESDAYS CLOSED WEDNESDAYS Happy Hour 4-7pm THURSDAYS Rum Cape Cod FRIDAYS Stoli Blueberry Martini SATURDAYS 360 Adult Cherry Coke

Monthly Events: Downtown & Pass-a-Grille (all dates subject to change) ENTERTAINMENT IN THE HERITAGE LOUNGE TUES. - THURS.: 7:30PM FRIDAY & SATURDAY: 8:00PM July 4: *Independence Day Celebration Dazzler featuring Keith Coleman* July 5-15: Dazzler July 18-22: Sequel August 1-5: Dazzler August 8-12: Charlie Morris Band August 15 & 16: Keith Coleman August 17-19: Standing 8 Count Jazz Band August 22-26: Green Flash


WINE SOCIETY Downtown: Thursday, July 20th at 6:00pm Call: 727-822-3873

Pass-a-Grille: Wednesday, July 19th at 6:00pm Call: 727-360-1646

**No Wine Society in August for both Clubhouses** Please note: Depending on Wine Society attendance, non-Wine Society member à la carte dining may be limited to the Lounge and Patios. Reservations Required Non Wine Society Guests Welcomed - $25

FRIDAYS FROM 5PM-10PM July 7 & Aug. 4: Angelo Cooke July 14 & Aug. 11: Sam Stone & Dave Valleire July 21 & Aug. 18: Chris Rooney *4th Friday in July – CLUB Closed* Aug. 25: Dave Williamson

TRIVIA NIGHT $10++/per guest

Downtown: Wednesday July 19th & August 16th at 7:00pm Takes place in the Regatta Room Reservations: 727-892-6882

BIRTHDAY BASH Next Bash: Thursday, July 13th $17++/ Per Guest • 6-9PM Reservations: 727-892-6882 or

RUNCH punch cards for the Summer!

Have Brunch Downtown Five Times ng the Summer & Receive the Sixth for Free!


Grille 1909 ~ 10:30am-1:30pm Buffet25, | $15++Unlimited Mimosa Bar rds valid $16++ May 15 – September 2016 ($20/Unlimited Mimosa Bar without Brunch or $6 each) Reservations Suggested: 727-892-3873

ve a "Brunch Punch Card" from your server, provided at your first Brunch visit. The cards will be punched each time you enjoy Brunch Downtown.

Not valid on holidays and special events. brunch stamped per visit. Card must be present to receive stamp. Downtown location only. Complimentary Brunches must be redeemed by 12/11/16.

BINGO AT PASS-A-GRILLE THURSDAY, JULY 6TH * NO BINGO IN AUGUST* 6:30pm-8:30pm Includes food, book of 15 strips of 3 cards (each strip 2 games, total 30 games) Prizes awarded for each game. RSVP: 727-360-1646

LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AT PASS-A-GRILLE Every Saturday from 5:00pm-8:00pm Buckets of Beer ~ $11++ 360 Adult Cherry Coke ~ $5++ Fish Spread ~ $9++ Peel & Eat Shrimp (hot or cold) ~ $13++ * Located only at our Beach Club location * Entertainment Schedule: July 1: Katie Guglielmo July 8: Doug Bliss July 15: Pat Best July 22: Dave Williamson July 29: Steve Mullis August 19: Dave Williamson August 26: Steve Mullis

BLOODY MARY BAR & BRUNCH AT PASS-A-GRILLE SUNDAY, JULY 30TH & AUGUST 27TH 11am-2pm • $16++/ Buffet Build your own Bloody Mary! $3++ with Buffet, $5 ++ without Buffet Reservations: 727-360-1646

PASS-A-GRILLE EARLY BIRD SPECIALS Three Course Dinner | $12++ Includes: House Salad & Choice of Entrée Ice Cream with Hot Fudge for Dessert! *Havana Chicken Grille, Pan Seared Top Sirloin (6oz), *Mahi Mahi Coconut Shrimp (6) *Denotes Gluten Free Come early as your order must be placed before 6pm for this promotion. Full à la Carte Menu Available Substitutions charged at regular à la carte prices. Served Daily from 5-6pm (Closed Tuesdays) Reservations: 727-360-1646

Prsrt Std US Postage Paid Tampa FL Permit 2622

11 Central Avenue St. Petersburg, Florida 33701-3919 (727) 822-3873

ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 2301 Pass-a-Grille Way St. Pete Beach, FL (727) 360-1646

Marc Reydams………….............................823-1219 General Manager Colleen Finney, CHAE................................823-1061 Chief Financial Officer Amy Spencer, CMP …...............................892-6888 Executive Director of Membership Joseph Van Bemmel..................................892-6889 Executive Chef Shannon Nylander, CPCE..........................892-6882 Director of Catering Pierre Dumaine………...............................892-6880 Director of Food & Beverage Mary Lou Privitera ……...............................…822-3873 Director of Restaurants ext. 227 Kerrie Paquette ……......….................…..360-1646 Manager at The Beach Club at PAG Shawn Macking……….....................….….822-3113 Waterfront Director

Hours of Operation: CLOSED Mondays Downtown: Clubhouse Open (Tues. – Sunday): 7:00am

Commodore Room: Commodore Dining Room is CLOSED for the Summer but available for large party booking with advance reservations. Friday & Saturday: LIVE Piano Bar 7:30pm-11:30pm

Grille 1909:

John Toberman ...…............................…..822-3227

Lunch: Tuesday-Friday, 11:30am - 2:00pm • Dinner: Tuesday - Sunday, 5:30pm - 9:30pm Sunday Brunch: 10:30am - 1:30pm

Todd Fedyszyn………............................….896-8101 Youth Sailing Director

Heritage Lounge: (food service hours)

Leah Wieter ………....................................892-6893 Member & Marketing Services Coordinator Steve Partridge...…………........................892-6892 Facilities Manager Micah Giralte……………...........................892-6894 Executive Housekeeper

Snell Isle Marina: 895-8142 Downtown Marina: 822-3227 Accounting/Billing Issues: 892-6883 or 892-6884

Lunch: Tuesday - Sunday, 11:30am - 2:00pm • Dinner: Tuesday - Sunday 5:30pm - 9:30pm (limited afternoon & late night menu available)

Bridge Room: Breakfast Buffet: Tuesday - Friday, 7:00am - 9:00am Saturday – 7:30am – 10:00am NO Breakfast Buffet August 1-7 (will re-open August 8th)

Tiki Hut:

Thursday, Friday: 5:00pm - (Closing varies based upon weather & business levels) Saturday: 1:00pm - 11:30pm • Sunday: 1:00pm - 6:00pm

Sailing Center:

Tuesday - Sunday: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Snell Isle Hours:

Closed Mondays & Tuesdays Wednesday - Friday 9am - 6pm • Saturday & Sunday 7am - 6pm

Pass-a-Grille Clubhouse:

Closed Tuesdays Monday - Friday & Saturday: 11:30am-9:30pm (Menu available until 9pm) Sunday: Noon-8:00pm | Sunday Brunch 11:00am-2:00pm (Last Sunday of every month) *Menu available on Sunday, except during Sunday Brunch. Limited menu in Lounge available on this day, with regular a la carte menu served from 2:00-8:00pm.*

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