Kerr County People Magazine September-October 2020

Page 36


Staring Startingaa Small Business Teaching emergency preparedness Teaching your your kids kids emergency preparedness

by byAmber AmberThomason Thomason by byAmber AmberThomason Thomason

According to than 500,000 small According toForbes, Forbes,more more small Weather may scare your but Weatheremergencies emergencies maythan scare500,000 yourkids, kids, but businesses open each month. If you're looking businesses open each month. If you're looking helping them understand what to expect can helping them understand what to expect can to join entrepreneurial club, consider this to jointhe the consider reduce the stress. go your family reduce theentrepreneurial stress. Carefully Carefullyclub, go over over yourthis family planning guide for starting a small business. planning guide for starting a small business. emergency plan and teach them how to stay emergency plan and teach them how to stay safe safe whatever whateverthe the disaster. disaster.

Laying Laying the the groundwork groundwork

Getting your for disaster It's important to have well-developed business proposal Getting your family prepared forany any disaster It's important tofamily haveaaprepared well-developed business proposalthat that meets an untapped need. Follow these steps to think meets an untapped need. Follow these steps to thinkyours yours Complete Completethe thefollowing followingwith withyour yourfamily familyso sosevere severeweather weather through: through: doesn’t catch you off guard: doesn’t catch you off guard: 1. 1. Decide Decideon onaabusiness businessidea. idea.Think Thinkabout aboutyour yourstrengths strengths • • Create emergency supplies kit. aathreeCreatean anWhat emergency supplies kit.Include Include threeand interests: could you do forever? and interests: What could you do forever?What Whatcould could day supply of water, nonperishable food, flashlights, day supply of water, nonperishable food, flashlights, you younever neverdo? do?How Howdo doyou youfeel feelabout aboutinteracting interactingwith with blankets and activities. The blankets andkid-friendly kid-friendly activities. TheRed RedCross Cross people or spending your time at a desk? people or spending your time at a desk?Ask Askyourself yourself provides of supplies providesaalisting listing ofemergency emergency suppliesto tohelp helpyou you these thesequestions questionsto tonarrow narrowdown downyour yourbusiness businessideas ideasand and prepare. prepare. options. options. • • Practice Practiceyour youremergency emergencyplan. plan.Include Includetwo twoevacuation evacuation 2. 2. Research Researchmarket marketdemand demandand andcompetition. competition.You Youshould should routes, aasafe room and two different meet-up routes, safe room and two different meet-up feel feelconfident confidentthat thatyour yourproduct productor orservice servicewill willhave haveaa locations sure itit locations— —and andmake makeyou surekids kidscan canrun runathrough throughway hungry hungryaudience audienceand andthat that youcan canoffer offerititin in abetter better way calmly. calmly. than thanyour yourcompetitors. competitors. • • Run through Run throughthe thebasics. basics.Kids Kidsshould shouldknow knowhow howto tocall call 3. Write 3. Writeyour yourbusiness businessplan. plan.You'll You'llneed needthe thefollowing following 911, identify themselves, identify their location, reach 911, identify themselves, identify their location, reach components: components: emergency contacts contactsand andget getto topredetermined predeterminedsafe safe •• emergency Executive Executivesummary summary locations. locations. •• Organization Organizationand andmanagement management • Funding requests • Funding requests Teach your kids the various Teach your kids the varioussevere severeweather weatherconditions conditions •• Company Companydescription description Teach kids the •• Service or line Teachyour your kidsabout about thedifferent different naturaldisasters disastersand andhow how Service orproduct product line natural to in each. Financial projections toreact react•• in each. Financial projections • • IfIfyou •• Tornado. Market Tornado. youare arein inthe thepath pathof ofaatornado, tornado,go gointo intoaa Marketanalysis analysis safe place. This is typically the lowest level of •• tornado Marketing and sales plan tornado safe place. This is typically the lowest level of Marketing and sales plan the building and stay away from windows, doors and 4. Separate your business and personal expenses. While it the building and stay away from windows, doors and 4. Separate your business and personal expenses. While it outside walls. IfIfall you are outside no or can keep your together, especially outsideto walls. you arefinances outsidewith with nocar car ornearby nearby canbe betempting tempting to keep all your finances together, especially shelter, lie down in a ditch and protect your head. when there aren’t too many biz expenses at the beginning, shelter, lie down in a ditch and protect your head. when there aren’t too many biz expenses at the beginning,itit • IfIfyou won’t simpler down • Severe Severe thunderstorm. youhave haveadvanced advancednotice notice won’tbe be simplerthunderstorm. downthe theroad. road.


be storm isissudden, waysto toyour bemore more prepared. Ifaaand storm sudden, go Before ways getting smallprepared. business If up running, you'llgo an attorney and/or accountant for guidance relevantand to your ififyou lightning or hear don’t indoors you see lightning orrequirements. hearthunder, thunder, and don’t need toindoors complete thesee following legal Consult specific use situation. that plug electrical outlets. Avoid useitems items that pluginto intofor electrical outlets. Avoid using an attorney and/or accountant guidance relevant to using your water, running water,as asfaucets faucetscan canconduct conductelectricity. electricity. specificrunning situation. 1. Decide your business structure. Is your business a sole • • Earthquake. Practice the Cover and On” Earthquake. Practice the“Drop, “Drop, Cover andHold Hold On” proprietorship or a partnership? The Internal Revenue method, learn to safe method, and learnstructure. torecognize recognize safeplaces placesin inaeach each 1. Decide yourand business Is your business sole Service (IRS) can provide more information on types of room at at room athome home atschool. school. proprietorship or and aand partnership? The Internal Revenue business structures. • • Hurricane. When you expected, Hurricane. When youknow knowainformation ahurricane hurricaneisis expected, Service (IRS) can provide more on types of 2. Most states your require youfor to the apply for one or licenses, prepare of impact. prepare yourhome home for thepossibility possibility ofmore impact. business structures. permits or identification numbers. Learn more about the During the storm stay away from windows and During the stormyou stayto away from glassor windows and 2. Most states require apply for glass one more licenses, small business requirements for your state. doors, be follow evacuation doors, and beready readyto tonumbers. followhurricane hurricane evacuation permits orand identification Learn more about the 3. If you plan to employ people to help run if your small instructions from instructions fromemergency emergency officials ifnecessary. necessary. small business requirements for officials your state. business, you'll need apply for employee identification Flooding. go flooded areas. Just six Flooding. Don’t gotointo into flooded areas. Just sixinches inches 3. If• • you plan toDon’t employ people to help run your small numbers through the IRS. of water you off and ofmoving moving water can knockfor youemployee offyour yourfeet, feet, and business, you'll needcan to knock apply identification 4. Determine whether youcould will use calendar year standing floodwater be contaminated or standing floodwater could bethe contaminated or or a numbers through the IRS. fiscal year for taxes. contain IfIfyour in containsharp sharpobjects. objects. your cariscalendar isaffected affectedyear inthe the 4. Determine whether you will use car the or a storm, the storm, assess thedamage. damage. fiscal yearassess for taxes. Also talk to your State Farm® agent about special small business insurance needs. You'll want to do your best Also, prepared with aaHome Inventory might Alsobeing talk to your State Farm® agent about special small Also, being prepared with Home Inventory mightbe behelpful helpful to protect the investments you've made, and important ififbusiness you to claim in case of lost needs. You'll want to your youneed needinsurance tofile filean aninsurance insurance claim inthe thedo case ofbest lostor or coverage can vary by business. We are small business owners damaged possessions, help settlement, and to protect the investments you'veaamade, and important damaged possessions, helpsecure secure settlement, andprove prove and would love to help you get started on your dream today. coverage can vary byproperty business.loss Wefor aretaxes. small business owners useful when verifying useful when verifying property loss for taxes. and would love to help you get started on your dream today. AmberThomason Thomason and and ofof insurance Amber her staff have over 15 years Amber Thomason andher herstaff staffhave haveover over15 15years years of Amber Thomason and her staff have over 15 years of insurance and financial service experience and would love the opportunity insurance insuranceand andfinancial financialservice serviceexperience experienceand andwould wouldlove love and financial service experience and would love the opportunity to earn your business. Come home to a local agent that is the opportunity to earn your business. Come home to aalocal the opportunity to earn your business. Come home to to earn your business. home tocustomers. a local agent that islocal dedicated to the life andCome needs of her 221 Thompson agent that isisdedicated to agent that dedicated to dedicated to the life and needs Dr., Kerrville. 830-315-5433. the the lifeand andneeds needsof ofher her of life her customers. 221 Thompson customers. 221 Thompson customers. 221 Thompson Dr., Kerrville. 830-315-5433. Dr., Dr.,Kerrville. Kerrville. 830-315-5433. 830-315-5433.

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