~ The ShropShire Voice ~ T
Official Publication of The American Shropshire Registry Association
Published in the interest of Shropshire Breeders each February, May and October
Becky Peterson, ASRA Secretary Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher
Board of Directors of the American Shropshire Registry Association
Rick Adams (2024) 10828 W 1000 S Rd., Bonfield, IL 6091
Adam Moore (2024) 27568 Morgan Way Greentop, MO 63546
Bill Bryant Jr (2023) PO Box 136 Fredericktown, OH 43019
Mandy Curtiss (2023)
1698 Nesbit Rd. Attica, NY 14011
Mike Elsbury (2023)
5385 E 500 N Greenfield, IN 46140
Caleb Fritz (2023) 104 Sells Rd. Beech Bluff, TN 38313
Ashley Fuss (2023)
12737 Woodsboro Pike Keymar, MD 21757
February 2023
Jim Gruenhagen (2024) 7622 Jersey Ridge Rd. Davenport, IA 52807
Jason Heeg (2025) Po Box 217 Shepherd, MT 59079-0217
Mary Anne Keck (2025) 665 Niangua Rd. Niangua, MO 65713
Jon Nicholson (2024) 906 Main St. South Windsor, CT 06074
Jared Poynter (2025) 8 N 215 McGough Rd. Maple Park, IL 60151
Danny Rogers (2023) 2435 W McCracken Rd. Monrovia, IN 46157
Charlotte Stephenson (2025) E8977 Pierce Hill Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665
Rick Whiting (2024) 1779 Green Rd. Martinsville, OH 45146
American Shropshire Registry Association
All registrations and payments should be made to The American Shropshire Registry Association office. Payments are also available via credit card. Visit shropshires.org/registrations.
Shropshire Voice Advertising Rates
Rates effective since February 1, 2010
Full Page $125
Half Page ...................................... $75 Quarter Page................................. $50 Front Cover Full Color............... $325 Other 3 Covers Full Color.......... $250 Inside Page Full Color $250 Center Two Page Spread ............ $375
Each Photo (If full color, no charge) .... $10
Color added to any ad
Full Page in Voice and four Months on Web site
Breeder’s Directory (3 Voice issues and 12 months on the website ...... $30
Add your website link $20
ASRA Office Hours:
Mon.-Thurs.–11 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST
Mon. & Thurs. evenings –8-11 p.m. EST
Secretary Becky Peterson will be near the office at most other times and will return calls as soon possible. She will make the best effort to process registrations and transfers within a day or two of receipt.
Contact her at: American Shropshire Registry Association
Becky Peterson, Secretary
41 Bell Rd., Leyden MA 01337
Phone/Fax –(413) 624-9652
Shropshire Voice & Website
If you need to place an ad or news item in the ShropshireVoice, or on the Shropshire website, shropshires.org., contact Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher/Web Coordinator.
Rinda Maddox
P.O. Box 475 Sidell, IL 61876
shropshirevoice@ thesidellreporter.com
(217) 288-9365 (office)
(217) 474-9365 (cell)
Voice Advertising Manager
(217) 474-9365
P.O. Box 475, Sidell, IL 61876
“The American Shropshire Registry Association does not necesarrily endorse paid advertisement published in this publication.”
Junior Activities
For questions on any of the junior events for the Shropshire Association, contact:
Taylor Young, Junior Assoc. President
913 Brothers Rd. Bell Buckle, TN 37020
Hi. I’m Rick Adams. I have been raising sheep all my life in Illinois. I am married to my wife, Brenda, who is a retired nurse and we have two grown sons. Damian and his wife, Jaimie, have three girls close to home, and Brad and Raquel with three sons in Minnesota. I farm about 1000 acres with my father and raise sheep.
My father had horned Dorsets when I was little and started my flock of Hampshires as a 4-H project when I was 10. The Shropshires were added in 2003 when my son Brad wanted his own sheep for 4-H and FFA. Our flock has grown to total about 250 ewes, 50 Hampshires, 100 Shropshires and 100 commercial ewes.We sell a lot of hothouse lambs, supplying a couple of local slaughter houses and some breeding/show sheep. What started as a 4-H project has grown and evolved
into an important part of my farm’s success. We have always shown our sheep at local fairs and enjoyed doing 4-H with our children and granddaughters and other young people we have gotten to know over the years. We have had a lot of success with the sheep we raise having champions at county and state fairs as well as having Champion Hampshire wether at NAILE and Oklahoma City. I always enjoy working with young shepherds and their projects.
I look forward to helping lead our breed organization into a bright future. If you ever have questions or just want to talk about sheep, I’m always available. 815-228-2903.
Thanks, Rick Adams Shropshires “Your Foundation for Quality”
2023 Committees of the ASRA
Executive & By Laws
Rick Adams – President
Adam Moore – V. Pres.
Jim Gruenhagen –Past President
Becky Peterson – Sec.
Budget & Finance
Adam Moore – Chair
Ashley Fuss
Becky Peterson
Jim Gruenhagen
Voice, Promotion
Danny Rogers–Chair
Mary Ann Keck
Rinda Maddox
Charlotte Stephenson
Becky Peterson
February 2023
Caleb Fritz – Chair
Danny Rogers
Jason Heeg
Rick Whiting
Mark McCabe
Starter Flock
Mike Elsbury – Chair
Mandy Curtis
Jared Pointer
Rick Whiting
Jon Nicholson
Mike Elsbury – Chair
Bill Bryant
Adam Moore
Rick Whiting
Jon Nicholson
Shropshire Royalty
Debbie Petzel – Chair
Ashley Fuss
Robin Pardus
Charlotte Stephenson
Sandy Kovacs – Chair
MaryAnn Keck
Mandy Curtis
Caleb Fritz
Taylor Young – Jr. Pres.
Jon Nicholson–Chair
Jason Heeg
MaryAnn Keck
Jared Pointer
Bill Bryant
Hall of Fame
Ashley Fuss – Chair
Mandy Curtis
Mike Elsbury
Jim Gruenhagen
Rick Whiting – Chair
Adam Moore
Caleb Fritz
Bill Bryant
Jon Nicholson
Jim Gruenhagen
Breed Standards
Adam Moore – Chair
Danny Rogers
Jon Nicholson
Ashley Fuss
Rick Whiting
Welcome to 2023 and all of its very interesting weather! Hopefully we have all managed to get over its humps and bumps and progress nicely into lambing. All is well here in the office and I have been sorting and cleaning the 15 years of paper and electronic files I have accumulated. 15 years! How can that be? It all started on a trip to Ohio with a friend who told me about Dale Blackburn’s passing and the ASRA’s search for someone to fill his shoes.That is all I could think about for several months until I was able to secure an interview with the search committee in Louisville in November 2007. By that time I was a little afraid of what I might be getting into but I pushed forward with my best self and received a late night phone message that I was the new secretary. Now what was I to do? I dove right in and worked the ring the next day taking photos of the Open Show. I gave my notice at my other job and started preparing an office and gathering supplies. I’ve had my own humps and bumps to get over and have persevered through a 125th Celebration and several developments in programs, processes and policies and maintained a healthy financial basis. Being the Shropshire breed secretary is still all I think about, well almost anyway, and I still enjoy it.
This year will bring its challenges as committees and members seek to develop an acceptable breed standard and DNA profile and ultimately an improved Shropshire sheep that looks like the breed that it is and fills the needs of its breeders. New President Rick Adams has formed several committees and most have already met in January working to making improvements and updates in the areas they are assigned to. We hope this enthusiasm carries throughout the year and we find more ideas that work than don’t work.
The National Sale is back in Greenville, Ohio in 2023, managed by Select Livestock Services. Neal Knapp will sort and set the sale order on May 12. There will be a get to-
gether for the members, consignors and buyers at some point where the new inductees to the Shropshire Hall of Fame as well as the younger Shropshire Royalty and Starter Flock recipients will all be introduced. We anticipate a top weekend for all.The All-American Junior Show will be June 28 – July 2 in Madison, Wis. Shrops will be judged there on Sunday by Skip Anderson. It will be another prime event run by a dedicated committee and much local talent. Plans are in the works for live streaming again so those that can’t make the trip can still feel present.
The email blast service is still offered for your Shropshire-related announcement. Your message will go to over 500 addresses for a flat $100 fee and posted once on the Shropshire Facebook page. Any artwork must be camera-ready.
The income from this service is being used to assist with the Starter Flock funding, another great reason for you to participate.
On a personal note, I am anticipating some more “knee work” this spring and urge folks needing show and sale paperwork not to wait until the last minute to send it in. Please allow for 5-7 days for in office turn-around for work sent with regular fees and whatever is necessary for mailing. Further updates on my schedule will be made as it develops.
Meanwhile, I hope you all have a trouble free lambing season and see some great prospects in your flocks. Feel free to contact me anytime with your questions and comments!
Starter Flock
ASRA Annual Meeting of the Members
November 27, 2022 via Zoom
President Rick Adams called the meeting to order at 8 p.m. and introduced the 11 other board members present. In addition there were at least 41 members present and also two approved guest from the Columbia Association.
The meeting materials had been sent earlier via E-mail. Jim Gruenhagen moved to approve the secretary’s report (minutes of last meeting 11/28/21) with a second from Darrell Dockter. Motion passed. Report accepted.
Financial report as of 10/31/22 – Total assets were $65,412.83 including the account balances of $56,326.22. The P&L for the first 10 months showed a net income of $5591.65. Becky made explanations of certain line items. The projected end of year showed a net loss of $970.35. Office statistics showed 1920 registrations (down 225), 980 transfers (down 395), 153 adult membership (down 12), 10 new membership (down 16) and 164 junior memberships (up 9). Bill Bryant moved to accept the financial report with a second from Tom Slutz. Motion passed. Report accepted. Becky noted that the complete 2022 report will be published in the February Voice.
Committee reports:
Dwarf Gene Policy – Competition Chair
Mike Elsbury tried to give the report but was having technical trouble so Rick Adams gave the summary of the Competition Committee’s recommendation. He stated that the Board approved the recommendation that genotypes must be disclosed at the sales in the 2023 sale season and that ”DD” or “FD” sheep will not be allowed to sell.
The second recommendation from the committee was to start some degree of testing at shows in 2024.The Board had discussed this at their November meeting and decided to postpone a decision until their next meeting in January. Discussion followed. This topic is not covered in the ASRA Bylaws. There
was concern that the membership was not allowed input in these decisions. There was concern that there were already ewes bred for lambs to sell in the 2023 sale season. It was suggested that a survey be sent to the members to help the Board with this dilemma.
Futurity – Caleb Fritz reported that there were 31 ewe lambs and 17 yearling ewes tracked. The Overall and West Ewe Lamb winner was Drake Slutz. The East winner was Brooke Young and the Midwest division was Emily Stevens. The yearling division was won by Haydan Lowrey. Complete results are on the website and a report will be published in the February Voice.
There was discussion about the Ohio Showcase Sale collecting the futurity nomination fees. It probably could happen if all of the ewes had to be nominated.
Junior Activities – Taylor Young reported as the Junior Association President. There was a meeting Nov. 12 in Louisville. Officers and directors were chosen. Taylor will continue as president;Taylor Kemp is vice-president, East Region directors will be Taylor Young and Addisen Nicholson. Midwest Region directors are Miranda Moneyheffer, Avery Vasko and Tahia Ames. Lane Falch,Vivian Stephenson and Taylor Kemp will serve the West Region. Note that these three regions are the same ones utilized for the Futurity.
Taylor stated she has some plans for the coming year to get junior spotlights in the Voice and publish more junior show results. The Starter Flock will run again and the Junior Association will be seeking funding for that once again as well as for the association expenses and other awards. Members are encouraged to submit ideas and material to Taylor.
Bylaw Amendments – Jim Gruenhagen discussed the bylaw amendments. He has been working to insert the previous amendments into the document. The last amendments were done in 2009 and 2014. Some of the language in the present document is a bit behind and “she” needs to be added to some clauses. The official communication method needs to be update to include electronic com-
munication. Also voting and ballot distribution can be allowed by electronic communication. Since these alterations are bylaw changes, they need approval by the membership.
There was discussion regarding the ability to vote on the Zoom platform. Becky described the “polling” method which will immediately show the results and share them with those present. Those members who were calling in on their phones, they should text or email to Rick Adams and the counts will be combined with the poll. Jim Percival moved to accept the bylaw changes as a group as presented. Bill Bryant seconded. Becky launched the poll. Results showed 38 votes of 49 attendees on the poll, all yes; and Rick Adams reported receiving five yes votes by text, making 43 votes for amendments.The vote was unanimous to accept the bylaw changes. When the document has been finalized, it will be posted on the website.
Breed Standards Committee – Jim Gruenhagen had named a Breed Standards Committee of Adam Moore, Danny Rogers, Ashley Fuss, John Nicholson and Rick Whiting. The
purpose is to review the current document and make updates as necessary. There was no discussion.
National Show Statistics – Becky was not present at the show this year but several board members and others stepped up to make sure things ran smoothly.The junior show was judged on 11/13 by Richard Jacobson with 185 head entered. The Champion Ram was the Early Spring Ram for Miranda Moneyheffer. Kassidy Schakel had the Reserve Champion Late Spring Ram Lamb. The Champion Ewe was the Early January Lamb from Jaedyn and Drake Slutz. The Reserve Ewe was the March Ewe Lamb shown by Miranda Moneyheffer. This year banners were awarded to the highest top 10 placing Shropshire Exhibitors in each of the showmanship classes. There were six youngsters that reached this level. There has also been interest in other special awards for junior show reserve champions. This will be discussed in the future. TSC gift cards will be sent to all junior exhibitors at the show. The open show was Nov. 14 with 164 head entered and judged by Bobby Spoonster. Tim and Sarah Fleener showed the Champion Ram out of the Yearling Ram Class. The Reserve was the January Ram from Jordyn Leininger. The Yearling Ewe shown by Jaedyn Slutz was Champion. Brady Clark had the Early January lamb that was reserve. He also won the Flock class and Premier Exhibitor. Congratulations to all and thank you to everyone that helped to make the show a success.
There was a question about the junior association having to raise funds for the Starter Flock Program. It was noted that the Starter Flock was an idea from the juniors and they had been fundraising for it since it began. Rick Adams stated that the board has elected to assist with the Starter Flock funding by using the income from the advertising email blasts, $1100 in 2022. So advertising by an email blast to target Shropshire breeders would be a good way to help this program.
National Sale – The Board had two requests for the National Sale in 2023 and decided to go to the Ohio Showcase in May. Bill
Bryant reported that the Ohio Shropshire group is planning a meal and get together to be held there.
National Show Judge nominations are due Dec 1. Members are encouraged to send in their input.
Hall of Fame – Tom Slutz asked for nominations for the 2023 group. Applications are due Jan. 1 and can be found on the website.
Election of Directors – The bylaws state that nominations can come from the floor at the member meeting for any region not having an active association. This year there are four such regions with expiring terms.
From the West: Rick expressed his appreciation to Darrell for serving on the board for 18 years. Darrell nominated Jason Heeg. Jim Percival seconded. Bob Johnson moved to close nomination. Secretary to cast unanimous ballot for Jason Heeg.
From Michigan/Wisconsin District: Debbie Petzel has been on the board for three years and is stepping down. Thank you Debbie for your help. Bill Bryant nominated Charlotte Stephenson. Karen Johnson moved to close nominations and for the secretary to cast one ballot for Charlotte Stephenson.
From Illinois –Thank you to Tom Slutz who is stepping down after six years. Tom nominated Jared Poynter. Karen Johnson moved to close nominations and Jim Percival moved to cast one ballot, seconded by Charlotte Stephenson.
From SouthWest – Mary Anne Keck has just served a one-year term for the purpose of realigning the directors’ terms to fit the bylaws. Adam Moore nominated Mary Anne for a three-year term with a second from Bill Bryant. Jim Gruenhagen moved nominations be closed and that secretary cast one ballot for Mary Anne. Second by Tom Slutz.
Other new business – Mark Miller questioned the surplus of funds over the operating budget and is concerned about an IRS audit. Becky stated that all reports and returns have been filed and the nonprofit reinstatement happened several years ago and the books are reviewed annually by a non-profit accountant.
Becky reported that the Shepherd Maga-
zine is featuring Shropshires in the April issue and have asked for farm and flock profiles.
Josh Sargent is concerned about the Leg/ Belly Wool rule and thinks it is hard to police and should be abolished.
The NAILE Junior Show was inspected by Mike Fox and he thought that it went well overall.
Ashley Fuss requested photos for education of the fitting standard.
With no other business to come before the membership, Mary Anne Keck moved to adjourn at 9:35 p.m.. Billy Bryant seconded Respectfully submitted, Becky Peterson, secretary
Top Registering Breeders 2021
ASRA Board of Directors Meeting
Nov. 12, 2022 at NAILE, also by Zoom
Jim Gruenhagen called the meeting to order at 11 a.m.Also present were Adam Moore, Tom Slutz, Ashley Fuss, Rick Adams, Caleb Fritz, Rick Whiting, Darrell Dockter, Danny Rogers, Jon Nicholson, Mandy Curtiss, Debbie Petzel and Bill Bryant. Mary Anne Keck and Secretary Becky Peterson were not attending NAILE and were on Zoom. Mike Elsbury was not able to attend.
Becky had sent the Secretary’s report minutes of the May 1 meeting minutes previously with the meeting materials. There were no corrections. Danny Roger moved to accept with a second from Rick Adams. With Becky unable to attend in person, Ashley Fuss volunteered to take some notes.
Treasurer’s report as of October 31 –Showed total assets of $65,363.95 and net income of $5542.67. Becky noted there were some incomplete items from the income side (either services or ads not invoiced or account interest) that would be updated for the year end report. She also noted the $300.96 travel expense for NAILE trip has been saved as a voucher for 2023 travel.
Futurity Belt Buckles and Banners are currently listed under Futurity payments but will be separated out to Futurity Awards, also noted that they were covered by donations.There was no further discussion of the finances. The final report for 2022 will be presented at the January Board meeting and printed in the February Voice. Motion made by Adam Moore to accept the report with a second from Mary Anne Keck. Motion passed. The minor bylaw changes proposed will be presented at the Annual Meeting by Zoom later in the month.
NAILE show needs discussed. Ring help needed to check in junior show entries, as well as managing awards in ring. Shropshire Royalty hopefully will be present during the junior show to help in the ring. Taylor Young will take junior show photos.There are juniors entered with 185 head. Some classes will be
split and someone needs to confirm the split date. Jim Gruenhagen said he would do that. Becky noted that there was a complication with getting the exhibitor awards for the junior show through Tractor Supply. Becky will get vouchers or gift cards sent to the kids.
Junior Activities – Mary Anne noted she was unable to help like wanted and expressed appreciation for Taylor Young’s help. Taylor will run the junior meeting later in the day. It will be low key and pizza will be available.
Futurity – Caleb stated that some rules need to be updated and adjusted. There have been instances of point submissions for classes judged twice in the same day (open and junior combined or special awards within a state). BOD agreed with the rule as stated. The All-American as a double point show was discussed. Caleb Fritz moved to change AAJS to a single point show. Seconded by Adam Moore. Motion passed. The only double point show will be NAILE Junior Show.
Becky went over the statistics showing 46 yearling ewes and 149 ewe Lambs nominated for a total payout of $3900. Committee to meet prior to January BOD meeting.
Futurity Committee has the latest standings and chart for upcoming NAILE Junior show points and will calculate points and determine final placings and distribute award banners.
Starter Flock – Funding continues to be scarce. In 2022 only $500 was raised in funding and two recipients were paid a total of $1500. Rick Adams moved to use the income from the email blast advertising ($1100 in 2022) to help with the Starter Flock fund if needed starting in 2023. Discussion followed. Seconded by Darrell Dockter. Motion passed. Applications will be available in January with deadline of March 15.
Competition Committee – Mike Elsbury not present but the other five committee members were. Becky had sent the minutes of the Competition Committee meeting of 7/22/22 to the BOD. These items discussed under old business.
Hall of Fame – Tom asked for applications for the 2023 Hall of Fame program. They will
be reviewed and inductions made at 2023 National Sale.
Jim dealt out the Conflict of Interest forms for attending board members to complete. He will send them on to the office.
Belly & Leg Wool Enforcement – As recommended by the Competition Committee, Mike Fox has been hired to do the ringside inspection during the NAILE Junior Show. Rick Adams also plans on a walk around the barn ahead of time. He has list of exhibitors. Discussion followed about photos and education of fitting. Inspectors have the authority to pull an animal from the ring for noncompliance. Show superintendent has authority to pull an exhibitor for unsportsmanlike conduct.
Breed Standards – Currently “Slick Shearing” is only recommended. Needs to be revised and made a requirement.Are there more revisions needed? Should be reviewed periodically. Noted that it is very difficult to set a specific “size or weight” Rick Whiting moved that the president assign a committee for review of the Breed Standards for January meeting. Seconded by Caleb Fritz. Motion passed.
Judge Selection – Jon Nicholson moved via Tom Slutz to accept nominations for NAILE judge from NAILE exhibitors of last three years. 2023 will proceed as before.Written ballot recommendations taken and board evaluates the list and ranks them. Noted that this is not a bylaw and the board can advise the method. Discussion followed. For 2024, the board would like to make a list of judges for the members to select from. Board will have final choice. Develop this list over 2023 for 2024 show.
Dwarf Gene Policy – Rick Whiting reported that the Competition Committee agreed that the Dwarf gene should not be part of the Shropshire breed and the problem would be eliminating it. The committee had voted on two recommendations at that time:
#1 “….sales should not allow any “D” ’s, FF only to sell at 2023 sales, ……. include any Shropshire sale and online sales where futurity-nominated ewes are offered. Consignors will be required to disclose DNA at these
February 2023
sales by pedigree guarantee or testing. Also to start some type of testing in 2024. Motion passed unanimously and will be recommended to the National Board.”
#2 – “Committee discussed random testing at 2024 NAILE, All-American and National Sale. Discussion followed regarding shows that receive national sanctioning.
…amended this motion to test dhampions (4) ruturity 2inners (2) and up to five random drawn individuals (class and placing to be selected ahead of time). Possibility of penalties for failed test. Motion passed 3 to 2. This will be recommended to National Board.”
Board discussion followed regarding #1 including not allowing FD rams to sell in 2023 and following with no FD ewes to sell in 2024. Caleb Fritz moved to go with the committee recommendation to not allow any FD or DD sheep to sell at sales starting in 2023. Danny Rogers seconded and amended with repeating Adam Moore’s committee recommendation to request that sales not allow any “D”’s to sell. Sales to include Indiana Premier, Ohio Showcase and Midwest Stud Ram Sale and any national sale and online dales where futurity nominated animals are offered. Consignors will be required to disclose DNA at these sales by pedigree guarantee or testing and to start some sort of testing ain 2024. Discussion followed. Rick Whiting moved to close discussion. Roll-call vote was taken. Motion passed 12-1.
Discussion regarding #2. Committee recommended testing in 2024 of four champions at national show, two futurity winners, AAJS and up to five random draws at any show with ASRA support. Noted that there are several shows that benefit from regional support so that could be a bit vague. Discussion followed regarding fees and penalties. Mandy Curtiss moved to postpone discussion/decision as old business until January board meeting pending more information about testing costs, etc. Motioned seconded by Rick Adams. Motion passed. Bill Bryant will contact Flock 54, Rick Adams will contact Genecheck regarding costs and requirements.
2023 National Sale – Indiana Shropshire
group has requested for Indiana Premier Sale. Ohio Shropshire Association has requested for Ohio Showcase Sale. Discussion followed. Caleb Fritz moved to have Ohio Showcase (Mother’s Day weekend) be the 2023 National Sale. Adam Moore seconded. Motion passed with one No vote. Bill Bryant will request percentage of gross for youth activities. Ohio Association is making plans for a social get together for introductions/presentations.
Election of Officers – Jim Gruenhagen said he would like to step down as president having served two years. Bill Bryant nominated Rick Adams. Rick Whiting moved to close nominations. Secretary to cast one unanimous ballot for Rick Adams as president. Mary Anne Keck nominated Adam Moore as vice president. Bill Bryant moved to close nominations and for secretary to cast one unanimous ballot.
Rick Adams will make committee assignments and asked that all meet before the January meeting. Current chairs should talk with Rick soon. Executive committee is Rick Adams, Jim Gruenhagen and Becky Peterson.
Tom Slutz would like to see special awards for NAILE Junior Show Reserve Champions.
Ashley Fuss announced that Maryland State Fair would like to host a regional show in 2023. The regional money allocation can be used for the junior show.
Annual Meeting – Directors needed from West, Illinois, Michigan/Wisconsin and Southwest Districts for three year terms. Nominations must come from the floor at that meeting. Meeting date Nov. 27 via Zoom. A notice and link will be sent.
Secretary review postponed until January meeting as Becky is not present at NAILE. Next Board meeting is January 29 via Zoom.
Jim expressed thanks to board members who have stepped down, Darrell Dockter after 18 years, Tom Slutz after six years and Debbie Petzel after three years.
Tom Slutz moved to adjourn at 1:20 PM Respectfully submitted, Becky Peterson, Secretary
ASRA Profit & Loss
January through December 2022
ASRA Balance Sheet
Shropshire Dwarf Gene Poll
After discussion during the Annual Meeting of the Members on Nov. 27, the ASRA Board of Directors elected to poll the members regarding their opinions of the Dwarf gene expressing in Shropshire sheep. Five hundred twenty-two surveys were emailed to the email list and 34 were mailed to those members not providing an email address. The total number of members on the current Voice mailing list is 383. Unofficial preliminary results showed 66 surveys returned as of January 20.
The Board has yet to review and discuss these results but will consider the surveys and the many comments submitted and attempt to find a logical and fair method to deal with the presence of this genetic condition within the breed. Meanwhile, they feel that the members should do all they can to educate themselves about the origin, inheritance and expression of the gene. Members are reminded that consignors must disclose and guarantee genotype of Shropshires offered for sale in any public or online auction offering Futurity nominated ewes in 2023 and no DD or FD will be allowed to sell. There is a very good Webinar presented by Purina available to view at this link: https://youtu.be/0Njrnk7bc7s
Welcome to the flock to these new adult members of the ASRA in 2022!
Wendall Teboe - OH
Latisha Camp - OH
Clint, Callie & Clara Bailey - MO
Justin Willoughby - IN
Austin & Tyler Wright - IN
Linda & Jerry Cook - IN
Connor Kane - NY
February 2023
Mellissa Keller NY
Kenneth Covey - GA
Rocky Swearingen - KS
Christine & Jody Sanders - PA
David Corbin - PA
Betty Burt - WA
National Shropshire Futurity 2023
For the 22nd year,The American Shropshire Registry Association will sponsor a Shropshire Ewe Lamb and Yearling Ewe futurity in 2023. The Futurity will not only enhance the junior members ability to purchase extremely high quality breeding stock but will also make it more beneficial for the breeders to consign their very best animals.
The rules of the Futurity are relatively simple and are outlined below. You can buy a top quality ewe at one of the designated sales that has been nominated for the Futurity, exhibit the ewe at the shows you normally attend and then send in your results on the point record form. A junior can add a top quality female to his or her flock, and possibly win back a sizable premium.
The 2023 designated sales will include the following: Indiana Premier Shropshire Sale, Greenfield, Indiana; Shropshire Showcase,
Greenville, Ohio; Midwest Stud Ram Sale, Sedalia, Missouri and Online Sales (if they meet the conditions listed in the sale nomination rules.) To have a new sale designated as a Futurity Sale, notification must be made in writing to the Board of Directors at least 3 months in advance of the sale.
1. Entries are open to all ewe lambs born September 1, 2022, thru March 31, 2023, and to all yearling ewes born September 1, 2021, thru May 31, 2022.
2. A nomination fee of $20 is required and payable to The American Shropshire Registry Association. Sale management may deduct nomination fee from sale settlements or consignors will be invoiced from the ASRA office within 30 days after the sale. Any animal not selling but receiving bids will be assessed the nomination fee. Animals that do not receive a bid (no-sale) will not pay the fee. Animals will be nominated for that sale only; nomination will not carry over to another sale.
3. Each ewe must be properly identified, according to the registration certificate. Futurity ewes will be recorded by their scrapie tag number and paint branded with an F before entering the sale ring. The flock tag number will also be recorded for identifying purposes
4. Each ewe must conform and abide by the rules and regulations of the individual sale to which it is consigned. All normal entry and commission fees will apply.
5. The American Shropshire Registry Association will not be responsible and shall be held harmless for any disputes and/or disagreements between buyers and sellers.
6. Animals sold privately will not be eligible for nomination.
7. Ewes may be nominated from online sales (if they meet the following conditions)
a) The Sale Management Company agrees to all terms of the ASRA show and sale policy.
b) The Sale Management Company is bonded.
c) Consignor pays direct to ASRA office a $20 nomination fee for each animal that receives a bid
d) The nomination of the animal is indicated for the entire time the sale listing is on the internet and identified by the scrapie tag number.
e) The consignor sends to the ASRA office a list of all animals nominated with name of the purchaser within 14 days.
f) Only sales conducted by a management company qualify, if an individual breeder has an online sale.
g) Sales that have 5 or more ewes nominated can qualify as Futurity designated.
h) All registered Shropshire ewes in an online sale must be nominated if any are nominated.
i) Sale management will notify the ASRA office of intent to hold an online sale at least 48 hours before the sale and a list of nominated lambs must be available before the sale starts.
j) Online sale photos must include a face shot which shows a legible scrapie tag number.
8. No animals representing a D within the dwarf gene can be nominated.
1. Up to date paid junior membership in the American Shropshire Registry Association.
2. Not more than 21 years of age on January 1 of the current year.
3. Junior member must be at least 5 years of age with no partnerships or joint registrations.
4. Ewes and points earned in the Futurity are not transferable to any other person, nor are the points from one ewe to another.
5. Ewes are to be registered to individuals only, no “and family,” no partnerships, and no joint registrations.
6. No immediate family transfers will be allowed to be exhibited as Futurity animals. Sales to children, grandchildren or siblings will not be eligible.
7. No Futurity entrant can compete with
more than two ewe lambs. Total points earned by two ewe lambs may not be combined into one lamb’s total.
8. No Futurity entrant can compete with more than two yearling ewes. Total points earned by two yearling ewes may not be combined into one yearling’s total.
9. Junior members must exhibit their own Futurity ewes within a class. If they have two ewes in the same class, another junior member may exhibit the second ewe.
10. If an exhibitor that owns a ewe is not present at the respective show-Futurity points are not eligible and should not be submitted.
11. If either the scrapie tag or the flock tag is lost the Shropshire office must be notified about the replacement, immediately.
12. Point reporting forms are available from the ASRA office and also on www.shropshires.org.
East 20 states (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware,Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee)
Mid-West 4 states (Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky)
West 24 states (Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California)
Yearling ewes:
2023 will be the thirteenth year for the Yearling Ewe Futurity. Junior exhibitors may renominate their 2022 Futurity Ewe Lamb as 2023 Futurity Yearling Ewes for a fee of $20. These ewes may not have been sold or transferred to another owner. This renomination needs to be done by May 1st , 2023. A renomination form can be found on www.
shropshires.org . Another option for juniors wanting to participate will be to purchase a futurity nominated yearling ewe at one of the designated Futurity sales.The yearling ewe will need to be consignor- nominated at the sale ($20).
1. A point card must be filled out for each show and forwarded to Becky Peterson, 41 Bell Road, Leyden, MA 01337 within 21 days of the show. Must have a post mark of 21 days or fewer to count. The card must be signed by the superintendent of the appropriate show. The point card can also be scanned and e-mailed to shropsec@hotmail.com
2. At each individual show the ewe lamb or yearling ewe may earn Futurity points from the open division, the junior division, other
division as “state”, or from either (when a different judge or day is involved) except at NAILE, where only the junior show placing will be counted. Only 1 point card will be allowed per day/per judge no exceptions.
3. Ewe lambs and yearling ewes can compete at an unlimited number of shows. The exhibitor may submit as many cards as they want for that ewe. Each ewe’s point cards will be kept separately. The five highest point award cards will be recorded as Futurity points.
4. Points will be awarded on a sliding scale based on the number of entries in the class.
5. Only one show will count for double points in 2023. This show is the National Jr. Show (at NAILE in 2023). The higher placing lamb at NAILE in Louisville will break ties. In the event there is still a tie for 1st place, please allow 30 days for awards to be made.
2023 Point Scale for both Ewe Lambs and Yearling Ewes
Ewe Lamb Futurity Payout
Premiums based on percentages of the total amount of money collected for futurity ewe lamb entries.
8% 12%
6% 8%
4% 6% FOURTH 2% 5% FIFTH 4% SIXTH 3% SEVENTH 2%
Yearling Ewe Futurity Payout
Premiums-based on percentages of the total amount of money collected for Futurity Yearling Ewe entries. Payout FIRST 25% SECOND 20% THIRD 15% FOURTH 10% FIFTH-TENTH 5%
In the event that regions or divisions are not full, unused Futurity premium payment will be directed to the Shropshire Starter Flock program. Premiums and awards will be sent from the ASRA office as soon as possible after the NAILE Junior Shropshire Show. Additional recognition for the exhibitors and breeders will appear in the Shropshire Voice and on the Shropshire Website.
Rick Whiting
1779 Green Rd., , Martinsville, OH 45146 (937) 685-2603 • Rick.Whiting@cascorp.com
We would like to thank everyone that visited the farm, showed interest, bid on, purchased from us and partnered with us last year!
Danielle Moore, MD – Bocephus buck lamb
Bryan Miller, MD – Kaboom Buck
Bryan Miller, MD – Road Tour fall ewe
Sandy Cross, ME – Road Tour fall ewe
Sandy Cross, ME – Road Tour fall ewe
Brian Moeller, OH – Road Tour ewe lamb
SS Shrops, IA – Road Tour fall ewe
Tahia Ames, OH – Road Tour ewe lamb
Battle Run Farms, OH – Road tour fall ewe
Webby Farms, OH – Bochephus ewe lamb
Phillip Colwell, TN – Bochephus ewe lamb
Joey Parsons, OH – 4 bred ewes
Our Wether buyers
Our Semen buyers
Watch for our April on-line sale with Willoughby as well as our consignments to the Ohio Showcase sale in May.
2023 Starter Flock Program
The Flock Starter Program is a project undertaken by the National Junior Shropshire Sheep Association to award a group of Shropshire ewes to a deserving youngster new to the breed. 2023 will mark the 10th year after 78 applications. To apply, you are required to complete an application and submit an essay to the Shropshire office that should include background information about yourself and your interest in sheep. This document should illustrate your goals and intentions with the animals should you win the award. There should also be a budget and one or more letters of recommendation included.
We ask that you type your essay and submit it by March 15. Please include your mailing address and telephone number. All applicants should be between the ages of 8 and 20. This year the ASRA will choose two recipients, one for a $1000 stipend and a second for a $500 amount. Both winners will be notified by April 1 and will receive credit vouchers from the ASRA to purchase Shropshire ewes of his or her choice at any of the Shropshire sales in 2023. Winners will be introduced during the National Sale dinner at the Ohio Showcase Sale in Greenville, Ohio in May. Application information will be available on www.shropshires.org and from the Shropshire office.
To ensure the success of this program, financial contributions are needed for this worthwhile cause. Please contact Secretary Becky Peterson with your support or inquiries. Since its inception, the following have been sponsors for one or more years: Dave Huston, VIP Shropshires (Jerry Flanders), Windswept Crest Farm (Petzel Family), JEM Farm (Mike & Carol Fox), John Dottenwhy in memory of Jasper Dirlam, Shropshire Voice (Rinda Maddox & Amanda Rull), Ron Evans, Cross Country Shrops (Victoria Kovacs), and the ASRA Shropshire Yearling Ewe Futurity Fund, Kim & Justin Weckler, Tom Slutz Family, Noah Collins, Rick Whiting, Emily Washburn, JN Dirlam & Sons, Rick Adams, Plainview Farms (Doug, Tammy & Chris Whittaker), Knepp Shropshires, Schoolhouse Shrops, Alan
February 2023
Bruhin, Chip Hallet, Jim Isler, the Klotz family, Danny & Cynde Rogers, Mark & Prudie Miller, Erik Mrozinski, Austin & Trent Bechtold, Claudia Snyder, Jim & Donna Gruenhagen, Dennis Avery, Gary Brockmann Family, Stacy Grohmann, Craig & Andrea King, Kyle Gross, Jerry & Robin Pardus, Paul Young Family, Sugar Ridge Ranch,Tim Elsbury, Sand Meadow Farm (Nicholson Family), Creamer Shrops, Tim & Debbie Barnes, Bill Bryant, Wolford Shrops, Dave Evans, Dennis & Carol Lingley, Jared Poynter, Triple J Farm, Lanes End Farm (Jan Motter), Isler Shropshires, Kemp Shropshires, Jaedyn & Drake Slutz, Tim & LeeAnn Eizinger, Orchard Valley Farm, Rife Shropshires, Glenn & David High and Mark McCabe.
It is important to know that many of the donors in this list have provided funds for multiple years and show obvious support and interest in bringing new people into the breed and we appreciate their enthusiasm!
2530 280th St., Marshalltown, IA 50158
Aimee: 319-230-9739 Carol: 319-231-7626
We have a limited number of lambs available off the farm.
Meet your new board members
Charlotte StephensonThank you for electing me to be the representative for Wisconsin & Michigan on the American Shropshire Registry Association Board of Directors. A bit about me for those of you that may not know me personally:
We have been raising Registered Shropshires for the past 17 years in southwest Wisconsin at Sugar Ridge Ranch. Our flock consists of approximately 60 brood ewes. Our focus has been moderately framed sheep with good breed type and we strongly select for growth, muscling and mothering capabilities which has allowed our flock to excel in the showring, as well as in the commercial setting. The flock is managed by myself and my daughter,Vivian, who also serves as the secretary on the Junior Shropshire Association board.
Aside from the sheep, I am a Registered Nurse and I enjoy horseback riding and fishing in my spare time. During my time on the board I hope to promote the breed, welcome new members and aid in making decisions that will better the breed for the future. I will also be a voice to address issues and concerns that are presented to me from my fellow Shropshire breeders. I look forward to serving on the board for the next three years.
Jared PoynterI live in Maple Park which is located in Northern Illinois. My wife Kara, son, Westin (10), daughter, Faith (9), and I raise around 60 Shropshire ewes on our farm. I am a former high school agriculture teacher and elementary principal. I currently serve my school district as Superintendent of Schools. My 19 years in education have all been in the Hiawatha School District in Kirkland, IL.
I have been around sheep from birth. My father, Jeff Poynter, and late grandfather, Eugene Poynter, raised several different breeds of sheep for many years. I had the privilege to grow up around both of these good shepherds and learn the value of hard work, breeding, care, and management of a livestock farm. I started my love for Shropshires at a young age.
With the many breeds that my family raised I seemed to gravitate to Shropshires as my breed to raise. In my opinion there isn’t a better looking ewe to look at in the pasture that has good structure, muscle and breed type than a Shropshire.
I look forward to serving on the ASRA board and look forward to taking all members’ views and perspectives into consideration when making the best decision possible for the association, the breed, and its members. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. (jaredpoynter@gmail. com).
I look forward to serving your organization.
2022 Shropshire Futurity Report Final
Yearling Ewe
Shropshire Scholarship
Each year the ASRA offers two $400 college scholarships to students directly involved with Shropshire sheep and enrolled in an undergraduate program. Students must submit an application, two letters of recommendation and complete transcript by June 1st. Four applications were received last June. One recipient was Emily Stevens of Norwalk, Ohio, whose summary appeared in the October issue. Read on below for the second winner, Luke Raudebaugh of Danville, Ohio.
Luke is the son of David and Tara Raudebaugh and graduated one year early from the Clear Fork High School last spring with a GPA of 2.89. He is now attending Casper College in Wyoming and is studying ag business. Throughout his high school career, he showed a keen interest in livestock judging with the Clear Fork FFA where the team was prominent at the Arizona Nationals and the American Royal. Luke was awarded the FFA Star Greenhand Award and achieved his FFA degree. He was the FFA treasurer for four years. He was an avid soccer player as a defender for 10 years.
His interest in livestock and agriculture was evident in all of his 4-H involvement and his own flock of Shropshires. He has worked hard for his flock’s achievements and had Reserve Supreme Champion Ewe and Top Five in the Supreme Champion Ram at the Ohio State Fair Junior Show last July and also an impressive set of sheep at NAILE in November. Luke enjoys working on his family farm and hunts with friends and family.
Luke writes:
“Over the last five years the Shrop industry has changed my life for the better. This all started in 2017 after receiving the Ohio Starter Flock grant. Since then I have grown my flock to 25 ewes and have attended shows at the county, state and national level. For example, Champion Shrop Ram and Ewe at the Knox County Fair for three consecutive years, Supreme Champion Ewe at the Fall Frenzy LEAD Jackpot Show, Champion and Reserve rams at the Buckeye Livestock Expo, along
with Champion Ram at every LEAD Jackpot Show in 2021. I also had Champion Shrop Ram at the Junior Show and Reserve Champion Shrop Ewe at the Ohio State Fair Open Show in 2021.
One of my proudest achievements would be winning Supreme Champion Ewe at the Keystone International Livestock Expo. I did all of this with sheep that were born and raised at our barn. I take full responsibility of the care and management of the flock. Some of these responsibilities would be making breeding decisions in order to get closer to raising the type of sheep I want to raise as improving the Shrop industry managing a flock also makes keeping numerous records, as well as creating feed rations in order to enhance each animal to its fullest potential. I wouldn’t have been able to achieve this level of success without the wisdom and help of my mentors and the Shrop industry as a whole.
I would also like to thank my family for supporting and pushing me to reach my fullest potential. Thank you for considering me for this scholarship. It will be helpful in achieving my educational goals.”
Two $400 awards are offered again this year. The application and information can be found on Shropshires.org. An application with two or more references and a high school or college transcript must be submitted to the Shropshire office by June 1.
“Hey y’all! I hope this finds everyone well after the holidays and in the heart of our 2023 lambing season. Seems so crazy that its already February! And seems so hard to believe we’re already making plans for our 2023 shows, sales and events. We are incorporating some new opportunities for our junior members this year and you’ll find in this issue that we have also incorporated some new Junior Highlight pages. These will be happening in our Shropshire Voice publications, as well as on our junior Facebook page and maybe in time to be featured on the Shropshire website!
I’m always looking for more new and exciting ways to involve our juniors. Back in November at NAILE, unfortunately Becky wasn’t able to be with all of us – and believe me I think we all can say she was missed –and I know I can say I’m very thankful for all she does within our breed and as our secretary; she truly keeps it all going! We had our junior meeting on Saturday and had 18 exhibitors in attendance for some pizza, show updates and elections of a new junior board.
Myself, along with Taylor Kemp (MO), and Vivian Stephenson (WI) were chosen to serve as president, vice president and secretary again this year and new junior board members elected were Lane Falch (MO), Avery Vasko (OH), Addisen Nicholson (CT), Tahia Ames (OH) and Miranda Moneyheffer (IN). We are happy to have some new board
members helping us out this year and we know they will do great!
We had a great show at NAILE this past year, our youth showed up and showed out with all of their Shropshires – congratulations to everyone on a wonderful end of the year. Look for an email coming to everyone regarding a Zoom call for our juniors in the coming month, and some exciting fundraising opportunities to be involved in! As always, if anyone has any thoughts on events or opportunities, feel free to reach out. As sale season quickly approaches I look forward to seeing everyone this spring and wish you all the best with your lambing season!
“Hello, my name is Riley Windus, I am 13 years old and I am from Lena, Wis. This is my second year showing Shropshires. I am learning under the direction of Kurt, Ann and Pete Steffel. I really have enjoyed learning about the Shropshire breed and how to care for sheep. I look forward to continuing to learn and hope to show at more shows this year.
“I am 10 years old and I live in Stark City, Mo. I attend Tri-way Elementary and get mostly As. I have been showing sheep longer than I can remember. I show Shropshire sheep and also Lincoln Longwool sheep. I like showing Shrops because I get to be active in showing, helping get ready for shows and I really liked being a Shropshire Bo-peep and handing out ribbons. Meeting new people and traveling to new places is also a great experience. My favorite show is the All-American because it moves around and there are so many activities.When I am not showing I live to be involved in volleyball, basketball and choir. “
I have been breeding, raising and showing Shropshires for as long as I remember and have always loved everything from delivering lambs to representing Sugar Ridge Ranch in the showring. We have about 60 brood ewes that we lamb out annually for show lambs, seed stock and custom order butcher lambs. This fall I am going to be attending Viterbo University to major in pre-pharmacy and minor in dance. In the future, I hope to be a pharmacist, continue my dance career and keep expanding my Shropshire flock. ”
“ Hello, my name is Vivian Stephenson and I am the current secretary of the National Junior Shropshire Sheep Association, as well as the district representative for Wisconsin/Michigan. I am from Viroqua, Wis. where I live on my family’s farm.
February 2023
“My name is Autumn Smiley. I am 14 years old and live in Stark City, Mo. I go to East Newton High School. I am an A student and am active in the East Newton FFA, East Newton 4-H and the McDonald County Split Log 4-H Club. I have been showing sheep with my family since I was 4 or 5. I show Shropshires mostly, but help show Lincolns, too. I like Shropshires because that is what I have grown up with. I like being able to get them show ready and the lambs are always fun. My favorite show is probably the All-American, because it moves around and I have gotten to push myself. Also, seeing old friends from Oregon, where I am originally from, and meeting new people is always fun. When I am not showing sheep, I play guitar, bass, sing, play drums and I am in the school band and of course, I like hanging out with friends.
NAILE Jr. Show
Nov. 13
Judge: Richard Jacobson
Senior Ram Lamb
1. Annamae Metzinger
2. Vivian Stephenson
3. Kassidy Schakel
4. Victoria Kovacs
5. Alison Roles
Early Junior Ram Lamb
1. Jordyn Leininger Champion Ram
2. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
3. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
4. Megan Raudebaugh
5. Riggin Klotz
6. Kassidy Schakel
7. Chloe Stonesifer
8. Cora Bartrum
9. Lane Falch
10. Brady Miller
11. Kellen Algire
Later Junior Ram Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel
Res.Champion Ram
2. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
3. Kenyon Buckland
4. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
5. Emma Chandler
6. Kellen Algire
7. Riggin Klotz
8. Vivian Stephenson
9. Garrett Kennedy
10. Emily Stevens
11. Wyatt Percival
12. Camden Cory
13. Troy Weber
Early Yearling Ewe
1. Riggin Klotz
Senior Champion Ewe
2. Alivia, Ainsley & Braylon Porter
3. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
4. Emily Stevens
5. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
6. Kassidy Schakel
7. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
8. Leila Street
9. Kassidy Schakel
10. Zachary Rife
11. Kyla, Kade & Kinsey Mennen
12. Landree Street
13. Avery Vasko
14. Kenyon Buckland
15. Annamae Metzinger
16. Vivian Stephenson
17. Kaylee Goins
18. Wyatt Percival
Late Yearling Ewe
1. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz Res. Senior Champion Ewe
2. Kassidy Schakel
3. Kenyon Buckland
4. Abbey Hughes
5. Nicholas Rife
6. Taylor M Young
7. Kellen Algire
8. Vivian Stephenson
9. Brenna Hubbard
10. Brenna Hubbard
11. Brady Miller
12. Victoria Kovacs
13. Victoria Kovacs
14. Addy, Lainey & Lexy Popp
15. Annamae Metzinger
16. Wyatt Percival
17. Alison Roles
18. Dakota Robbins
Senior Ewe Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel
2. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
3. Kenyon Buckland
4. Kenyon Buckland
5. Zachary Rife
6. Kaylee Goins
7. Leila & Landree Street
8. Victoria Kovacs
Early January Ewe Lamb
1. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
Jr. & Grand Champion Ewe
2. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
3. Luke Raudebaugh
4. Miranda Moneyheffer
5. Addy, Lainey & Lexy Popp
6. Brenna Hubbard
7. River Lease
8. Kassidy Schakel
9. Lauren Thompson
10. Hayze Klotz
11. Tahia Ames
12. Emily Stevens
13. Brooke C Young
14. Cora Bartrum
15. Troy Weber
16. Alison Roles
Late January Ewe Lamb
1. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
2. Kenyon Buckland
3. Addisen & Oliver Nicholson
4. Kassidy Schakel
5. Emily Stevens
6. Quincy & Penelope Moore
7. W. Hudson Weisend
8. Dalton Payne
9. Ben Isler
10. Kaylee Goins
11. Emma Chandler
12. Landree Street
13. Camden Cory
14. Baylee Weber
Continued next page
February 2023
15. Tenley Cory
Early February Ewe Lamb
1. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
2. Riggin Klotz
3. Kassidy Schakel
4. Kenyon Buckland
5. Victoria Kovacs
6. Skilar Burch
7. Emily Stevens
8. Issac, Thomas, Jacob, Bella Thompson
9. Abby Isler
10. Cooper Rooze
11. Nicholas Rife
12. Kennedy Bates
13. Kashen & Brecken Nelson
14. Blake Toneges
15. Kellen Algire
16. Camden Cory
17. Quincy & Penelope Moore
18. Kellen Algire
19. Brooke C Young
20. Tahia Ames
NAILE Open Show
Nov. 14
Judge: Bobby Spoonster
Yearling Ram
1. Tim & Sarah Fleener Sr & Grand Champion Ram
2. Brady Clark Res. Senior Champion Ram
3. Kassidy Schakel
4. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
5. Weston Harrell
6. Wyatt & Sophie Harrell
7. Wyatt & Sophie Harrell
Senior Ram Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel
2. Vivian Stephenson
Early Junior Ram Lamb
1. Jordyn Leininger– Junior & Res. Grand Champion Ram
2. Brady Clark
3. Tim & Sarah Fleener
4. Riggin, Stockton & Hayze Klotz
5. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
6. Quincy & Penelope Moore
February 2023
21. Dalton Payne
22. Katherine Gartrell
Late February Ewe Lamb
1. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
2. Jaden/Miranda & Cooper/ Allie
3. Drake Slutz
4. Megan Raudebaugh
5. Megan Raudebaugh
6. Kenyon Buckland
7. Abbey Hughes
8. Addy, Lainey & Lexy Popp
9. Vivian Stephenson
10. Sallie Everhart
11. Kassidy Schakel
12. Brianna Moeller
13. Addisen & Oliver Nicholson
14. Vivian Stephenson
15. Brady Miller
16. Lane Falch
17. Autumn Smiley
18. Dash Heeg
19. Quincy & Penelope Moore
20. Tenley Cory
March Ewe Lamb
1. Miranda Moneyheffer Res. Junior & Reserve Grand Champion Ewe
2. Brenna Hubbard
3. Eleanor Feller
4. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
5. Megan Raudebaugh
6. Wyatt/Nash & Brooklyn
7. Abbey Hughes
8. Kassidy Schakel
9. Seth Ariens
10. River Lease
11. Callen Oldenburg
12. Stockton Klotz
13. Kellen Algire
14. Victoria Kovacs
15. Cale & Tessa Robertson
16. Kellen Algire
17. Vivian Stephenson
18. Abbey Hughes
7. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
8. Kassidy Schakel
9. Megan Raudebaugh
10. Ashley Fuss
Late Junior Ram Lamb
1. Brady Clark Res. Junior Champion Ram
2. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
3. Kenyon Buckland
4. Caleb Fritz
5. Brady Clark
6. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
7. Riggin, Stockton & Hayze Klotz
8. Kassidy Schakel
9. Emma Chandler
10. Vivian Stephenson
11. Robert Sando
12. Camden Cory
Pair Ram Lambs
1. Brady Clark
2. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
3. Riggin, Stockton & Hayze Klotz
4. Vivian Stephenson
5. Kassidy Schakel
Early Yearling Ewe
1. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz –Sr. & Grand Champion Ewe
2. Tim & Sarah Fleener
3. Riggin, Stockton & Hayze Klotz
4. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
5. Brady Clark
6. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
7. Kassidy Schakel
8. Vivian Stephenson
9. Leila Street
10. Landree Street
11. Kenyon Buckland
12. Zachary Rife
Late Yearling Ewe
1. Brenna Hubbard
2. Alivia, Ainsley & Braylon Porter
3. Kassidy Schakel
4. Brady Clark
5. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
6. Kassidy Schakel
7. Brenna Hubbard
8. Abbey Hughes
9. Kenyon Buckland
10. Nicholas Rife
11. Mandy Curtiss
12. Ashley Fuss
13. Vivian Stephenson
14. Ashley Fuss
Shropshire National Show & Sale
May 11-13, 2023
Darke County Fairgrounds, Greenville, Ohio 800 Sweitzer St, Greenville
2022 OHIO SHOWCASE SHROPSHIRE SALE AVERAGED $1,093.37 ON 83 HEAD! Entries close March
CATTLE PAVILION, 8 A.M. Southdowns, Shropshires, Suffolks, Hampshires, Oxfords, Dorpers/White Dorpers
CATTLE PAVILION, 9 A.M. Breed order same as Show
Danny Westlake
Bill MacCauley
JUDGE FOR SHROPSHIRES: Dr. Neal Knapp Online Entries
Gary: 937-597-7214 – gary@selectls.net
Pat: 937-935-1975 – pat@selectls.net
Jim: 937-658-3119 – jim@selectls.net
Dan: 937-243-5111 – dan@selectls.net
Pair Yearling Ewes
1. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
2. Brenna Hubbard
3. Kassidy Schakel
4. Brady Clark
5. Kenyon Buckland
6. Vivian Stephenson
7. Ashley Fuss
Senior Ewe Lamb
1. Brady Clark Res. Senior Champion Ewe
2. Kenyon Buckland
3. Kassidy Schakel
4. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
5. Kenyon Buckland
6. Zachary Rife
7. Darrell Dockter
8. Ashley Fuss
9. Leila & Landree Street
10. Robert Sando
Early January Ewe Lamb
1. Brady Clark – Junior & Res. Grand Champion Ewe
2. Luke Raudebaugh
3. Brenna Hubbard
4. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
5. Brady Clark
6. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
7. Miranda Moneyheffer
8. Hayze Klotz
9. Kassidy Schakel
10. River Lease
11. Robert Sando
12. Emma Chandler
Late January Ewe Lamb
1. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
2. Kenyon Buckland
3. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
4. Brady Clark
5. Greg Weidauer
6. Addisen & Oliver Nicholson
7. Tim & Sarah Fleener
8. Quincy & Penelope Moore
9. Dalton Payne
10. Landree Street
11. Kassidy Schakel
12. Ashley Fuss
13. Camden Cory
14. Tenley Cory
Early February Ewe Lamb
1. Megan Raudebaugh Res. Junior Champion Ewe
2. Skilar Burch
3. Riggin, Stockton & Hayze Klotz
4. Kenyon Buckland
February 2023
5. Brady Clark
6. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
7. Kassidy Schakel
8. Dalton Payne
9. Sallie Everhart
10. Katherine Gartrell
11. Nicholas Rife
12. Greg Weidauer
13. Camden Cory
14. Tenley Cory
Late February Ewe Lamb
1. Brady Clark
2. Miranda Moneyheffer
3. Kenyon Buckland
4. Brady Clark
5. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
6. Drake Slutz
7. Megan Raudebaugh
8. Kassidy Schakel
9. Caleb Fritz
10. Addisen & Oliver Nicholson
11. Darrell Dockter
12. Vivian Stephenson
13. Abbey Hughes
14. Vivian Stephenson
March Ewe Lamb
1. Brenna Hubbard
2. Brady Clark
3. Miranda Moneyheffer
4. Callen Oldenburg
5. Tim & Sarah Fleener
6. Megan Raudebaugh
7. Kassidy Schakel
8. Riggin, Stockton & Hayze Klotz
9. Brady Clark
10. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
11. Abbey Hughes
12. Tim & Sarah Fleener
13. River Lease
14. Ashley Fuss
15. Vivian Stephenson
16. Quincy & Penelope Moore
17. Abbey Hughes
Pair Ewe Lambs
1. Brady Clark
2. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
3. Megan Raudebaugh
4. Kassidy Schakel
5. Riggin, Stockton & Hayze Klotz
6. Kenyon Buckland
7. Vivian Stephenson
8. River Lease
Group of Three Lambs
1. Brady Clark
2. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
3. Megan Raudebaugh
4. Kassidy Schakel
5. Riggin, Stockton & Hayze Klotz
6. Kenyon Buckland
7. Vivian Stephenson
1. Brady Clark
2. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
3. Kenyon Buckland
4. Kassidy Schakel
5. Vivian Stephenson
Premier Exhibitor
Brady Clark
Eastern States Exposition
Sept. 17, Judge: Cruz Nichols
Yearling Ram
1. Brady Clark
Sr. & Res. Champion Ram
2. Larry Larimore
3. Mandy Curtiss
4. Mandy Curtiss
5. Brit Hallet
6. Connor Priest
Senior Ram Lamb
1. Victoria Kovacs
Res. Senior Champion Ram
2. Larry Larimore
3. Harrington, DE
4. William Weston
5. Colby Alejandro
6. William Weston
January Ram Lamb
1. Brady Clark – Jr. & Grand Champion Ram
2. Addisen Nicholson
Best Headed Ram
3. Callie Taylor
4. Brady Clark
5. Colby Clark
February Ram Lamb
1. Riggin Klotz - Res.
Junior Champ Ram
2. Colby Clark
3. Brady Clark
4. Mandy Curtiss
5. Connor Priest
6. Larry Larimore
7. Kaz Jaracz
March Ram Lamb
1. Mandy Curtiss
2. Brady Clark
3. Brit Hallet
4. Brendan Pimm
Pair Ram Lambs
1. Brady Clark
2. Colby Clark
3. Larry Larimore
4. Mandy Curtiss
5. William Weston
Yearling Ewe Group 1
1. Riggin Klotz – Sr. & Res. Grand Champion Ewe
2. Mandy Curtiss
3. Brady Clark
4. Connor Priest
5. Colby Clark
6. Larry Larimore
7. Brendan Pimm
8. Brendan Pimm
9. William Weston
10. Larry Larimore
11. Brit Hallet
12. William Weston
Yearling Ewe Group 2
1. Brady Clark
2. Addisen Nicholson
3. Victoria Kovacs
4. Addisen Nicholson
5. Victoria Kovacs
6. Colby Clark
7. Connor Kane
8. Mandy Curtiss
9. Mandy Curtiss
10. Connor Priest
11. Brit Hallet
Pair Yearling Ewes
1. Brady Clark
2. Addisen Nicholson
3. Victoria Kovacs
4. Colby Clark
5. Mandy Curtiss
6. Brendan Pimm
7. William Weston
8. Connor Priest 9. Larry Larimore
10. Brit Hallet
Senior Ewe Lamb
1. Brady Clark Res. Senior Champion Ewe
2. Mandy Curtiss Best Headed Ewe
3. Addisen Nicholson
4. Victoria Kovacs
5. William Weston
6. Brendan Pimm
7. Colby Alejandro
8. Colby Alejandro
9. William Weston
January Ewe Lamb
1. Brady Clark – Junior & Grand Champion Ewe
2. Callie Taylor
3. Addisen Nicholson
4. Colby Clark
5. Addisen Nicholson
6. Brady Clark
7. Addisen Nicholson
8. Connor Kane
9. Taylor Ruitto
10. Connor Priest
11. Larry Larimore
12. Brendan Pimm
13. Brendan Pimm
14. Brendan Pimm
February Ewe Lamb Group 1
1. Brady Clark
2. Victoria Kovacs
3. Brady Clark
4. Riggin Klotz
5. Colby Clark
6. Addisen Nicholson
7. Larry Larimore
8. Brit Hallet
9. Brit Hallet
10. Brit Hallet
February Ewe Lamb Group 2
1. Colby Clark
2. Addisen Nicholson
3. Kaz Jaracz
4. Mandy Curtiss
5. Connor Priest
6. Brendan Pimm
7. Mandy Curtiss
8. Larry Larimore
9. Larry Larimore
10. Connor Priest
11. Kaz Jaracz
March Ewe Lamb
1. Brady Clark –Res. Junior Champion Ewe
2. Addisen Nicholson
3. Colby Clark
4. Victoria Kovacs
5. Mandy Curtiss
6. Brit Hallet
Pair Ewe Lambs
1. Brady Clark
2. Colby Clark
3. Addisen Nicholson
4. Victoria Kovacs
5. Mandy Curtiss
6. Larry Larimore
7. William Weston
8. Brendan Pimm
9. Colby Alejandro
10. Kaz Jaracz
11. Connor Priest
12. Brit Hallet
Exhibitor’s Flock
1. Brady Clark
2. Addisen Nicholson
3. Colby Clark
4. Victoria Kovacs
5. Mandy Curtiss
6. Connor Priest
7. Larry Larimore
8. William Weston
9. Brendan Pimm
10. Bergen, NY
11. Brit Hallet
Breeder’s Flock
1. Brady Clark
2. Addisen Nicholson
3. Colby Clark
4. Mandy Curtiss
5. William Weston
Get of Sire
1. Addisen Nicholson
2. Connor Priest
3. William Weston
4. Brit Hallet
Premier Exhibitor Brady Clark
Premier Breeder Brady Clark
Keystone International
Livestock Expo
Oct. 7, Judge: Dustin Cruit
Yearling Ram
1. Mandy Curtiss
Res. Champion Ram
Fall Ram Lamb
1. Denise Hardisky Champion Ram
Early Spring Ram Lamb
1. Ashley Fuss
Late Spring Ram Lamb
1. Mandy Curtiss
Pair Ram Lambs
1. Denise Hardisky
Yearling Ewe
1. Mandy Curtiss
2. Vivian Stephenson
3. Mandy Curtiss
4. River Lease
5. Denise Hardisky
6. Vivian Stephenson
7. Lyla Engel
8. Kaycee Engel
Pair Yearling Ewes
1. Mandy Curtiss
2. Vivian Stephenson
Fall Ewe Lamb
1. Denise Hardisky Champion Ewe
2. Ashley Fuss
3. Mandy Curtiss
4. Vivian Stephenson
5. Kaycee Engel
Early Spring Ewe Lamb
1. Ashley Fuss Res. Champion Ewe
2. Denise Hardisky
3. River Lease
4. Vivian Stephenson
5. Citrus Triplett,
6. Ashley Fuss
7. Katherine Gartrell
8. Colette Hoffman
9. Kaycee Engel
Late Spring Ewe Lamb
1. Lyla Engel
2. Denise Hardisky
3. River Lease
4. Vivian Stephenson
5. Mandy Curtiss
6. Kaycee Engel
7. Colette Hoffman
8. Mandy Curtiss
9. Don Claycomb
10. Don Claycomb
Pair Ewe Lambs
1. Denise Hardisky
2. Ashley Fuss
3. Mandy Curtiss
4. Vivian Stephenson
5. Kaycee Engel
6. Colette Hoffman
7. Don Claycomb
Exhibitor’s Flock
1. Mandy Curtiss
2. Vivian Stephenson
Premier Exhibitor
Mandy Curtiss
Premier Breeder
February 2023
Vivian Stephenson
Maryland State Fair
Sept. 4, Judge: Cassie Wallpe
Yearling Ram
1. Brady Clark
Reserve Champion Ram
2. Ashley M. Gouge
3. Ashley M. Gouge
4. Shawn Mitchell
Senior Ram Lamb
1. Ashley M. Fuss
Early Junior Ram Lamb
1. Tim Sarah Fleener
Champion Ram
2. Brady Clark
3. Brady Clark
4. River T. Lease
5. Chloe Stonesifer
6. Danielle Moore-Butler
7. Ashley M. Gouge
8. Ashley M. Fuss
9. Ashley M. Gouge
Late Junior Ram Lamb
1. Brady Clark
2. Brady Clark
3. Ashley M. Fuss
Pair Ram Lambs
1. Brady Clark
2. Ashley M. Gouge
3. Ashley M. Fuss
Yearling Ewe Group 1
1. Tim Sarah Fleener
2. Brady Clark
3. Taryn Stem
4. Ashley M. Fuss
5. Shawn Mitchell
6. Taryn Stem
7. Shawn Mitchell
Yearling Ewe Group 2
1. Brady Clark
Res. Champion Ewe
2. Lizzy Miller
3. Ashley M. Fuss
4. River T. Lease
5. Ashley M. Fuss
6. Danielle Moore-Butler
7. Danielle Moore-Butler
Pair of Yearling Ewes
1. Brady Clark
2. Ashley M. Fuss
3. Taryn Stem
4. Danielle Moore-Butler
5. Shawn Mitchell
Senior Ewe Lamb
1. Brady Clark
2. Ashley M. Fuss
3. Taryn Stem
Early Junior Ewe Lamb Group 1
1. Brady Clark
Champion Ewe
2. Tim Sarah Fleener
3. River T. Lease
4. Ashley M. Fuss
5. Elliott Weishaar
6. Elliott Weishaar
7. Chloe Stonesifer
8. Chloe Stonesifer
Early Jr Ewe Lamb Group 2
1. Tim Sarah Fleener
2. Brady Clark
3. Brady Clark
4. Katherine Gartrell
5. Ashley M. Fuss
6. Shawn Mitchell
7. Ashley M. Gouge
8. Taryn Stem
Late Junior Ewe Lamb
1. Tim Sarah Fleener
2. Brady Clark
3. Brady Clark
4. River T. Lease
5. Tim Sarah Fleener
6. Ashley M. Fuss
7. Lizzy Miller
8. Shawn Mitchell
9. Ashley M. Gouge
10. Taryn Stem
11. Danielle Moore-Butler
12. Lizzy Miller
13. Danielle Moore-Butler
Pair Ewe Lambs
1. Tim Sarah Fleener
2. Brady Clark
3. Elliott Weishaar
4. Ashley M. Fuss
5. Chloe Stonesifer
6. Lizzy Miller
7. Shawn Mitchell
8. Ashley M. Gouge
9. Taryn Stem
10. Danielle Moore-Butler
1. Brady Clark
2. Ashley M. Fuss
3. Danielle Moore-Butler
4. Shawn Mitchell
This list is a paid subscription published both in the Voice and on shropshires.org.
Adams Shropshires
10828 W 1000 S Rd
Bonfield, IL 60913
Cell: (815) 228-2903
radams1976@hotmail.com adamsshropshires.com
Anderson Farms
Matthew, Christie, Emily & Andrew 15884 W State Hwy NN Grant City, MO 64456 (660) 988-3503
Facebook.com/AndersonFarms andersonfarmsmissouri.com
Averill, David Village Farm
115 Cape Cod Hill Rd. New Sharon, ME 04955 (207) 778-9421
Avery, Dennis & Nancy Avery Shropshires
151 Beechwood Dr. Bremen, IN 46506 (574) 209-0988
Floyd & Sharon Avery (229) 942-3415
Barnes, Shane & Kim SKB Shropshires
1122 Browns Creek Rd. Sycamore, PA 15364 (724) 852-2673
Barnes, Tim & Deb Barnes Farms
5707 Mooney Road
Radnor, OH 43066
(740) 494-2125
Cell: (740) 815-2402
troytongrn@gmail.com www.barnesfarms.com
Brown, Rob & Ron
Clay-Nob Farms
17527 Maple Drive Saegertown, PA 16433 814-431-8133
Bryant, Bill Jr 6838 Bryant Rd. Fredericktown, OH 43019 (740) 398-2053
Call, C. Donald 964 Mohawk Trail Shelburne, MA 01370 (413) 625-2436
Curtiss, Mandy Attica Loc-up
1698 Nesbit Rd. Attica, NY 14011 (716) 465-0565
Dirlam, J.N. & Sons & Matt Dirlam
11673 N. Bethesda Rd. Mooresville, IN 46158 (317) 831-2130
Dockter, Darrell & Janet 3-D Sheep Co 19411 So Carpenter Rd. Snohomish, WA 98290 (425) 327-1428
Ebert Sheep Farm, Jeff, Christine & Monica Ebert 10015 Flush Rd. St. George, KS 66535 (785) 458-9174
Cell: (785) 458-9174
Edmondson, Andy Lazy E Ranch
4456 Fruitland Rd
Loma Rica, CA 95901 (541)281-2311
Elsbury, David & Colleen
7800 N 250 E
Greenfield, IN 46140 (317) 326-3893
Elsbury, Mike & Karen Elsbury’s Shropshires
5385 E 500 N Greenfield, IN 46140-8939 (317) 326-4461
elsburyfamily@aol.com www.elsburyfarms.com
Elsbury, Tim & Family
Double Doc Farm
W 7112 Cherry Hill Dr Adell, WI 53001 262-483-4668 doubledoctim@gmail.com
Evans, Dave 5884 St Rt 292 West Mansfield, OH 43358 (937) 363-3610
Flanders, Jerry Flanders & Rachel Flanders
1626 Atlantic Rd Noblesville, IN 46060 317-508-4738
vipdvm2355@gmail.com www.vipclublambs.com
Fleener, Tim & Sarah 273 South Mountain Rd.
Robesonia, PA 19551 (717) 413-5181
Facebook/Fleener Livestock
Fritz, Caleb
104 Sells Rd. Beech Bluff, TN 38313 (615) 653-0867
February 2023
Fuss, Ashley Greenbrier Acres
8608 Hunters Dr Frederick, MD 21701 (240) 405-9383
afuss95@gmail.com www.facebook.com/Greenbrier-Acres
Graves, Andy, Jodi, Wyatt, Breanna, Trey & Olivia Outlaw Farm
3010 East 1370 Rd. El Dorado Springs, MO 64744
Grohmann, Stacy Step Ahead Shrops 994 Step Rd Gilson, IL 61436
Cell: (309) 371-4260
Farm: (309) 876-2364
Groverman, Fred, DVM
F & L Groverman Shropshires
400 Ormsby Lane
Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-3132
Cell: (707) 782-8152
Gruenhagen, Jim & Donna SS Shrops
7622 Jersey Ridge Road
Davenport, IA 52807 (563) 355-6730
Hardisky, Denise Southern Tier Shropshires 254 E Sullivanville Rd. Horseheads, NY 14845 (570) 687-7967
Heaton Farms
Fred & Pam Heaton Family 622 Fessler Buxton Rd. Russia, OH 45363 (937) 526-3118
Hiemke, Cody
Mapleton Mynd Shropshires
1773 Koshkonong Rd.
Stoughton, WI 53589 (415) 302-8035
High Life Farms
David & Jodi High & Family
3388 McDermott Pond Creek Road
McDermott, OH 45652 (740) 259-1907
Hubbard, Brenna Land Run Shrops
354636 E 750 Rd
Cushing, OK 74023 (918)225-9743
J&R Farm
Norbert Jackson & Family 4125 West St Rt 28
Alexandria, IN 46001 (765) 754-7057
Johnson, Bob & Karen RoKaJo Farm
569 St. Hwy. DD
Marshfield, MO 65706 (417) 859-4452
Mary Anne Keck
Kalina Family
Sue and Bessie Kalina
35586 Oakville RD SW
Albany, OR 97321 (503) 939-0303
Kemp, Taylor
Kemp Shropshires & New Horizons Farm
31522 Kennel Street Macon, MO 63552 (660) 346-0121
King, Craig & Andrea
Weston King
Peiter Shrops 860 CR 315 Taylor, MO 63471 (573) 767-0003
Kipp, James & Terri Grey Feather Farm
E 5085 Irish Ridge Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665 (715) 255-8300
info@greyfeatherfarm.com www.greyfeatherfarm.com
Kovacs, Sandy & Victoria Cross Country Shropshires
239 Cunard St. Fulton, OH 43321 (740) 751-3183
LaFramboise, Andy, Rebekah & Elizabeth LaFramboise Livestock
16481 Unicorn Rd. Stark City, MO 64866 (503) 580-7430
Larimore, Larry & Sharon Triple J Farm
3370 Cattail Branch Road
Harrington, DE 19952 302-233-8912
Larson Livestock
Ashley & Gerry Larson PO Box 454
Tenino, WA 98589 (360) 790-1671
Lutz, Candy 3 Point Farm
314 W Easton Rd West Salem, OH 4427 (330) 464-0430
McCabe, Mark & Marilyn McCabe Shropshires
5154 Nickelson Road
Prospect, OH 43342 (740) 360-1103
Melvin Family Shropshires
9347 White Oak Rd.
Mount Sterling, Ohio 43143 (740) 207-0786
Merveldt, Darin & Kim 8104 N. Alfadale Road
El Reno, OK 73036 (405) 206-6473
Mies, Ed & Family 10000 Waverly Rd. Waverly, IL 62692 (217) 435-7091
Moore, Adam MoBo Junction Farms
27568 Morgan Way Greentop, MO 63546 660-676-2825
Motter, Jan
Lane’s End Farm
12211 W. Rt. 973 Jersey Shore, PA 17740 (570) 398-2078
Mrozinski, Erik 6333 N 600 E Road Rolling Prairie, IN 46371
Cell: (219) 716-4921
Nicholson Family Sand Meadow Farm 906 Main St So. Windsor, CT 06074 (860) 490-7238
Pence Farms 1083 W. Co. Rd. 61 Tiffin, OH 44883
Mike: (419) 992-4305
Doug: (419) 986-5848
Jay: (419) 992-4701
Percival, Jim & Denise
Schoolhouse Shropshires 961 Hoop Road
Xenia, OH 45385
(937) 374-3371
February 2023
Petzel, Debbie
Windswept Crest Farm 2037 180th Ave
Centuria, WI 45824 (612) 578-1528
Powell, Doris
40405 Route 187
Rome, PA 18837 (570) 247-7316
Reason, Sandra M.
High Desert Hay & Livestock PO Box 3819
Tonopah, NV 89049 (775) 482-4191
Roberts, Tim Roberts Farms
29754 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, OK 73093
Cell: (405) 314-3370
Rogers, Danny & Cynthia
R&G Farm
2435 W. McCracken Road
Monrovia, IN 46157 (317) 996-3301
Cell: (317) 358-3260
Rueber, Carol & Aimee
Rueber Shropshires
2530 280th St
Marshalltown, IA 50158
Carol: (319) 231-7626
Aimee: (319) 230-9739
Shrum, Lori and Darron
New Horizons Farm
31522 Kennel Street Macon, MO 63552 (660)651-8881
Slutz, Tom City Limits Sheep Farm
P.O. Box 177, 602 S. Main St. LaMoille, IL 61330 (815) 638-2177
Tom: (815) 866-5031
Brad: (815) 766-0584
Smith, Lance or Brenda Smith Sisters Shropshires
2129 130th Ave. Russell, MN 56169-3072 (507) 823-4784
Stephenson, Jon, Charlotte & Vivian Sugar Ridge Ranch
E8977 Pierce Hill Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665 (608) 774-3151
Street, Mitch, Brittany, Leila and Landree Street Shropshires
4753 W. 1400 N. Elwood, IN 46036
Mitch: (317) 606-5234
Dennis Avery: (574) 209-0988 Facebook.com/StreetShropshires
Ware, Kimberly KW Shropshires 565 N. Sunset Ridge Ln Kuna, ID 83634
Kim: (208) 921-3706
Floyd Avery: (208) 921-8740
Warren-Allen, Rachael A. Silver Cliff Farm 968 Drift Creek Rd NE P.O. Box 319 Silverton, OR 97381 (503) 873-4005
Webster, William 413 Roosevelt Trail Windham, ME 04062 (207) 831-0608
Weidauer, Greg Rafter W Shropshires 17624 340th Ave Starbuck, MN 56381 (320) 424-2543
Whiting, Rick BWB Farms, Inc. 1779 Green Road Martinsville, OH 45146 (937) 685-2603
(219) 716-4921 emrozins@gmail.com
Lambs sired by these three rams are on the ground and looking promising for show prospects and future homes for breeding purposes!
VIP’s 2022 Champion Ram at National Show and Sale (1058) purchased by Street and myself Buckham 18-37
Yearlings, falls and spring lambs available for sale, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Online sale in conjunction with Street and Avery April 18 with Willoughby!!
Maryland State Fair
early ram lamb NAILE & Supreme Ram ram Lamb Animal