1 minute read
“I went to Mrs. Strachan who had a spacious living room through Eneas Jumper Corner through the corner there. She knew me through her nephew, you know, so I was welcome there. And one evening I was there making preparations to send my exams back to Chicago and when I was there, one evening a young lady step into the door and during that time, up to that time from school days, up to that time I was very bashful. I could not look at a young lady face. I was very bashful and so this young lady came inside, and I was looking down. I couldn’t look in her face. I was too bashful and as I look down I saw the lace to one of her shoe. One of her slippers was torn and out of place, and I said, looking down, I said, “Can I fix that lace for you?” She said, “Yes, you can.” I stoop down, fix it as best I could, and then I manage and look up in her face. And it was what you call love at first sight.
But the Lord was in that because I had forgotten my vow that I made years ago to the Lord. I had gone in carpentry and striving to be an architect. I succeed to the point where when people come and see what I was doing, they would ask me to draw their homes for them and I sent it to the Board of Works and they all passed. So, I was an architect but, when that young lady come into that room that night it was a beginning. The Lord said you been running from me long enough. And I didn’t know at that time but I feel in love with this girl. About a year after that meeting I decide to get married, yes. So, I know that was the Lord because I had made him a promise and I had forgotten it, but He brought it back to me that I couldn’t get out of it.”
Bishop Joseph Alexander Zonicle, J.P. 1919- 2022