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My Daddy was “As Fine As They Come”
My Daddy was a GIANT of a man, there’s no denying He embedded in us the need to keep trying He was a man driven by deep conviction and faith

Who realized that his sole reason for being was because of God’s grace Without uttering a word He commanded respect His Godliness, Strength and Perseverance we will never forget Your love for our family was second to GOD Daddy; You brought us up to be decent. never sparing the rod Thank You Daddy for being a disciplinarian and for the “tamarind switch” I am better for that and my life has been enriched.
Daddy for 73 years, you have loved Mama and us. You were a rare man upon whom greatest was thrust. Daddy your love for God’s creation was always seen All who came into contact with You held you in high esteem.. Daddy You instilled in me, that only the best would do. So I worked, and worked just to please You. Many times I thought Yo u were too stern. I realized later, that it was for my motivation
And because of that, I strove for Your approbation. Daddy, my love for You will never depart. You are forever in my heart.
Daddy, I am so honoured to be the only one of your daughters to bare your name;that alone makes me feel that I was your favorite. Samra said YOU made all of us feel special. She is right, we all feel that we were YOUR favorite by the love and attention ,you showed us individually. That is a testament to what a GREAT FATHER you were. Someone once told me that “The longer you have your parents with you, the more you will feel it when they are gone” truer words were never spoken. YOU were a constant in my life. I never wanted to think of YOU leaving us, even though I knew it was inevitable. I know your spirit is in the PLACE where YOU were longing to be. The song YOU were singing the night before YOU transitioned.:”Hallelujah We Shall Rise On That Resurrection Morning”. is fixated in my brain , I wake up in the morning with it on my mind, all through the day it is playing in my head and it is the last thing I think of as I drift off to a restless sleep at night. Until we meet again Daddy.
Your Dodiphine looks forward to seeing YOU again.