2 minute read
My Daddy Joseph Alexander Zonicle was unapologetically a man above all men to me. As a very young child, I can remember how daddy demonstrated for me how to put Yahweh first in my life. From the time I developed an awareness of myself daddy led our family in sunrise and sunset prayer and bible study. The first book that I learned to read was the bible because daddy used devotional time as teachable moments.

Daddy had a good friend named Pastor Eugene Butler and as a child I admired how bold they were in conducting street meetings. Like the Apostle Paul, daddy was bold like a lion but harmless as a dove. He had a quiet disposition yet he was loving, kind, firm, confident and disciplined, always ready to stand up for what was right. He shared with me that he informed his employer, at the time, that he would be standing with the workers during the 1958 General Strike, which by the way, he helped to organize. His employer threatened that if he joined the strike he would be fired. Daddy, a husband and father of seven children; myself being the young baby at the time; walked off his job to be one of the leaders of the strike alone with Sir Randol Fawkes.
Daddy instilled in me the need to be a leader and not a follower and to be willing to stand alone for the truth that is found in the word of Yahweh. He consistently reminded me that straight and narrow is the gate to living a righteous life and few people will choose to enter that gate, however, wide is the gate that leads to unrighteousness and death and many choose to enter that gate. That is why daddy encouraged me to spread the gospel every opportunity and to serve faithfully in the church ministry, where he pastored. Yes my daddy was a man above all men.
Daddy taught me how to catch a fish on the rocks of Yamacraw Beach, how to ride a bicycle right in the yard and how to share the gospel to win souls for Jesus Christ, during numerous mission trips on the Family Islands. He was a patient teacher to me. He built blackboards and used them to teach me and my sisters and to reinforce the knowledge received from school on any given day. I and several of my sisters inherited his love of tending the garden in which he permitted me to be his helper. To this day gardening is my favorite hobby. Daddy instilled in me the need to live within my means and to resist the temptation to compare my possessions and achievements with others because I did not know what persons would have done to acquire what they have. I had one person to impress and that person is Yahweh. He advised me to value myself as Yahweh values me, fearfully and wonderfully made. By doing so I would not need to be affirmed by any other person. He encouraged me to do everything as unto Christ and not covet the praise of man. Daddy saw all mankind as precious souls in the sight of Yahweh and as such he never looked down upon people, but saw them as having great potential that could be used for good once they come to the realization that they are loved of Yahweh, who will save them if they repent from their sins and invite Jesus Christ into their hearts and become a new creation.
In closing I would like to thank my mother for all of the support she gave my father in rearing their children. I am so appreciative of the example, guidance and direction I received from my parents. I am self-disciplined, confident and I honor Yahweh because of daddy. He will live on in my heart until I see him again in heaven.
His sixth daughter, Pauline A. Zonicle-Claude