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KAOS Arhitektide asutajad on arhitekt Margit Aule ja sisearhitekt Margit Argus. Neid huvitab avalik ruum nii hoonete sees kui ümber. Näituste ja muuseumide töögruppides on hiljuti valminud olulised objektid nagu Lennusadama Meremuuseum ja Tallinna Teletorni rekonstruktsioon. The founders of KAOS Architects are the architect Margit Aule and the interior architect Margit Argus. They are interested in public space both within and around buildings. Key objects like the Seaplane Harbour Maritime Museum and the reconstruction of Tallinn’s television tower have recently been completed in the working groups of exhibitions and museums.

PopUp Shop „Disain, loomulikult!”

PopUp Shop “Design, naturally!”

aadress/address: autorid/authors: tellija/client: teostus/implementation: fotod/photos:


Suur-Karja 3-2, Tallinn Margit Argus, Margit Aule (KAOS Arhitektid) Goethe-Institut Estland Kaarel Narro, Tõnu Narro KAOS Arhitektid

popup shop „disain, loomulikult”

Ruumipilt 2012

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