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Kard Männil ja Loreida Hein on alustanud peale Eesti Kunstiakadeemia sisearhitektuuri kateedri lõpetamist oma sisearhitektuuri-stuudiotega, teinud koostööd teiste disaineritega paljude projektide raames. Nad on loonud mitmeid era- ja avalikke interjööre koos erimööbliga, teostanud käsitsi suuremõõdulist seinagraafikat. Mõlemad on olnud ka sisustussaate juhid. Timo Subbi on õppinud ehitusinseneriks ning arhitektiks, tegelnud ka ettevõtluse ja loometööga disaini valdkonnas. Kard Männil and Loreida Hein have started up their own interior architecture studios after graduating from the Estonian Academy of Arts Department of Interior Architecture and Furniture Design. They have worked together with other designers within the framework of numerous projects. They have created several private and public interiors with custom designed furniture and created large-scale wall graphics by hand. They have both also been the hosts of a programme on furnishings. Timo Subbi has studied engineering and architecture. He has also worked in enterprise and creative work in the field of design.

moodulmööbli süsteem L.e.s.s.

Modular furniture system L.E.S.s.





Loreida Hein, Kard Männil, Timo Subbi (L.e.s.s.) Kaido Haagen

Ruumipilt 2012

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