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Anu Vainomäe on lõpetanud Eesti Kunstiakadeemia sisearhitektina. Välisministeeriumis töötades valmisid Eesti Vabariigi suursaatkondade ja esinduste kujundused Tel-Avivis, Pariisis, Ankaras, Brüsselis, Prahas, Budapestis, Haagis. On esinenud näitustel ja messidel, teinud tootedisaini firmadele Hapval ja NCS Möbler AB. Tänaseks peab oma sisearhitektibürood. Anu Vainomäe has graduated with honours from the Estonian Academy of Arts as an interior architect. While working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she completed the designs for embassies and diplomatic missions of the Republic of Estonia in Tel-Aviv, Paris, Ankara, Brussels, Prague, Budapest and The Hague. She has participated in exhibitions and fairs, and designed products for the companies Hapval and NCS Möbler AB. Nowadays she runs her own interior architecture bureau.

laste- ja noortemööbel Muruum

Muruum furniture for children and young people



Anu Vainomäe


Sille Parik


Ruumipilt 2012

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