Sisearhitektuuribüroo VLS alustas buumi ajal ning on praeguseks tegutsenud projektide kallal avalikest hoonetest väiksemate eraobjektideni, vahele mõni tore kunstiprojekt. Olulisemate tööde hulka võib arvata käesoleva, ning varasemast ajast näiteks Paide Spordihalli. VLSi sisearhitektid on olnud kaasautoriteks ka Eesti Rahva Muuseumi ning KUMU kunstimuuseumi sisustuse loomisel. The VLS Interior Architecture Bureau started out during the construction boom and by now has worked on projects ranging from public buildings to smaller private objects, with a few nice artistic projects sprinkled in between. This project can be considered among their more important jobs, along with the Paide Sports Arena from among previous projects, for instance. VLS interior architects have been co-authors in creating the interior furnishings for the Estonian National Museum and the KUMU Art Museum as well.
büroo Turvatehnika
Turvatehnika office
aadress/address: autorid/authors: tellija/client: ehitaja/builder: sisustus/furnishings: fotod/photos:
büroo turvatehnika
Tondi 49, Tallinn Ville Lausmäe, Kadi Karmann (VLS) Turvatehnika Megaron ARS Sisustus Reio Avaste
Ruumipilt 2012