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Aet Seire ja Hillar Mänd on õppinud Eesti Kunstiakadeemias sisearhitektuuri ning juhendanud samas pehmemööbli kursust. Nende ühiste projektide hulka sisearhitektuuribüroos A3 kuuluvad nii avalike ruumide lahendused kui nimekate arhitektide eramute interjöörid. Koostööst on sündinud magamistoamööbli sari firmale Kamjo. Aet Seire and Hillar Mänd have studied interior architecture at the Estonian Academy of Arts and have supervised a course in upholstered furniture at the same school. Designs for public spaces as well as the interiors of the private dwellings of renowned architects are among their joint projects at the A3 interior architecture bureau. Their cooperation has let to a bedroom furniture line for the Kamjo Company.

büroo Pirita teel Office on Pirita Road

aadress/address: autorid/authors: arhitekt/architect: ehitaja/builder: fotod/photos:


büroo pirita teel

Pirita tee 102/Tallinn Aet Seire, Hillar Mänd (A3) ROK Projekt Nordlin Ehitus Reio Avaste

Ruumipilt 2012

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