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jorge santos a linguagem das plantas colagens
the language of plants cut-outs
texto | text
joana consiglieri
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A Linguagem das Plantas
joana consiglieri
I have sailed the River of Yellow Flowers, Borne by the channel of a green stream, Rounding ten thousand turns through the mountains On a journey of less than thirty miles… Rapids hum over heaped rocks; But where light grows dim in the thick pines, The surface of an inlet sways with nut-horns And weeds are lush along the banks. …Down in my heart I have always been as pure As this limpid water is… Oh, to remain on a broad flat rock And to cast a fishing-line forever!
wang wei , «A Green Stream» in Monroe (1922). Poetry. (Vol. XIX, n.º V). Chicago: Harriet Monroe
Em A Linguagem das Plantas, Jorge Santos lembra-nos a poesia ancestral chinesa, por contemplar análoga beleza do mundo, tal como vislumbrava o poeta e pintor Wang Wei 1, que espelha a espiritualidade num estado iluminado, entendendo o sempre-fluir da natureza. Nesta exposição, as plantas emergem do Belo. Todavia, anulam-se e compensam-se mutuamente. O movimento flui, convertendo cada um no seu oposto, o positivo e o negativo, o ser e o não-ser, a unidade e a duplicidade, o negro e a cor. Todos retornam ao interior de si mesmo, e multiplicam-se em ritmo e cor, criando, assim a leveza que tudo flui. O mundo sensível está constantemente em alternância e em mudança. A unidade divide-se e converte-se em duplicidade, e esta, por sua vez, une-se e torna a ser unidade. Um estado passa de um para outro, não retornando a si mesmo. Prossegue sempre com o tempo. A título de exemplo, as formas abstratas tornam-se voláteis, gerando movimento e leveza, tal como na obra Cana-do-reino #, 2018. A alternância e o ritmo actuam nessa mudança, onde os movimentos se manifestam de maneira particular. Expressam o princípio criador, a energia activa que actua no tempo. Desdobram-se em eterna fluidez, num movimento que transcende a corporalidade material, como contemplamos na série Arabesco #, 2018. Recordamos, __________ 1 Wang Wei (701-761) poeta, calígrafo e pintor da Dinastia Tang.
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então, Fritjof Capra (2009) por considerar o objecto a não residir na particularidade da substância, mas sim no acontecimento e enquanto processo constante do fluir do Universo: «É um caminho, ou um processo, do universo, a ordem da natureza.» (Capra, 2009, p. 108) A descoberta do processo minimalista, enquanto padrão de cor e forma que se repete em plantas, permitiu ao artista a mudança da pintura para o «recorte». Recordamos as palavras de Matisse (1869-1954) nas suas «pinturas com tesouras»: «A cor é um meio para exprimir a luz, mas não tanto o fenómeno físico como a luz, tal qual ela existe na realidade: na cabeça do artista» (Essers, 1991, p. 81). Curiosamente, a riqueza do processo de Matisse advém da sua experiência estética. É de sublinhar uma outra sua afirmação «Cortar directamente na cor faz-me lembrar o trabalho dos escultores na pedra.» (Essers, 1991, p. 80). Jorge Santos cruza esta experiência artística na sua obra, entre pintura e escultura, através do recorte na cor. Esta ilumina o espaço e modela o processo. As imagens recortadas apresentam o seu negativo, manifestando o fundo em várias cores, cujas formas fluem de padrão em padrão. Transfigura, desta maneira, o espaço e a forma, de modo a constituir uma dicotomia da percepção estética. Entre a cor e a luz, a imagem e o fundo, criam-se contrastes de formas delineadas e recortadas, que se complementam e se anulam criando ordem e beleza. Deste modo, o espectador percepciona o movimento espacial, enquanto padrão da pintura oriental, que se inspira na filosofia taoísta ou budista. O autor reporta-nos a outros mundos, como as imagens decorativas da porcelana chinesa, em delicadas formas vegetalistas que enquadram paisagens ribeirinhas ou narrativas da vida quotidiana num jardim. Na obra de Jorge Santos, este fluir da natureza é revelado pelas séries e pelos ritmos de padrões que as obras delineiam numa ordem topológica espacial. A cor transcreve o significado da pintura cuja descoberta exalta a forma, em contraponto com o fundo. Redesenha as figuras dos elementos naturais, as plantas, que são expressas e sintetizadas na composição, traduzindo-as em contornos que apontam para uma elegância da abstracção formalista através do papel. Esta concepção estética remete-nos para o «modo de ver» (way of seeing) do artista plástico Ellsworth Kelly, tal como afirmou: «The drawings from plant life seem to be the bridge to the way of seeing […] They are exact observations of the form of the leaf or flower or fruit seen. Nothing is changed or added» (cf. texto do site da Exposição de Ellsworth Kelly em Matthew Marks Gallery). Através das plantas de Jorge Santos percepcionamos várias composições repetitivas, quase como «módulos-padrões», estruturados em séries, provocando jogos minimais cromáticos, como se fossem espectros de luz e sombra. O significado cromático é repensado através do padrão, ritmo e contraste enquanto linguagem, cuja caligrafia estética traça a forma vegetalista no espaço. A linguagem assume um ritmo estruturado em grelha, numa série de movimentos 6
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cromáticos que compõem o espaço através de módulos de cor pura. O valor da obra transita como se fosse constituída por «módulos pictóricos» reflectores e metamórficos, quais sombras dispostas em arranjos simples e abstractos. Assim, a obra transmuta a ambiguidade da percepção pictórica entre flora e fauna, embutida ou recortada, na série Metamorfoses #, 2018. O artista plástico expressa através desta linha de fronteira da concepção espaço-temporal uma polaridade de cores, quentes e frias, do claro ao escuro, do cheio ao vazio. Procura a Unidade de todas as coisas e, simultaneamente, o limiar dessa fugacidade, cuja simplicidade se manifesta depurada de artíficios, fazendo com que as imagens floresçam no negativo. Tal como afirmou Lao-Tzu (1995, p. 37) «Ser leva à contemplação das limitações espaciais, e Não-ser leva à contemplação da maravilhosa Essência». Em A Linguagem das Plantas o gesto transparece o mundo sensível, delineado pelo invisível do ser e da planta. As formas desenham-se em delicadas linhas, o que percepciona a planta contrastando com o fundo opaco e uniforme. A expressão da Natureza é captada pela sensibilidade do espectador numa experiência espiritual, que é definida pelas cores como observação estética da beleza. Contemplamos, desta forma, as palavras de Lao-Tzu (1995, p. 38) por abarcar a polaridade e a unidade de todas as coisas: Se todos na Terra reconhecerem a beleza como bela, [desta forma já se pressupõe a feiura. Se todos na Terra reconhecem o bem como o bem, [deste modo já se pressupõe o mal. Porque Ser e não-ser geram-se mutuamente. O fácil e o difícil se complementam. O longo e o curto se definem um ao outro. O alto e o baixo convivem um com o outro. A voz e o som casam-se um com o outro. O antes e depois se seguem mutuamente. Unificando e exaltando a harmonia do universo, capta a energia através da cor. Fruindo a percepção das formas naturais, o deleite, como símbolo do espírito. Numa linguagem da natureza, as plantas emergem da essência, tal como afirma Killingsworth (2004, p. 25): «language can lead human being to the discovery of spiritual significance in nature». Lisboa, Janeiro de 2018
BIBLIOGRAPHY Capra, F. (2009). O Tao da Física. Lisboa: Editorial Presença. Essers, V. (1991). Henri Matisse. Mestre da Cor. German: Benedikt Taschen. Killingsworth, M. J. (2004). Walt Whitman and the Earth, A Study in Ecopoetics. Iowa: The Iowa Whitman Series, University of Iowa Press. Lao-Tzu (1995). Tao-Te King. O Livro do Sentido e da Vida. Prefácio, notas e tradução de Richard Wilhelm. São Paulo: Editora Pensamento.
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Metamorfose #1, 2018
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Metamorfose #2, 2018
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Metamorfose #3, 2018
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Metamorfose #4, 2018
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Metamorfose #5, 2018
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Metamorfose #6, 2018
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Metamorfose #42, 2018
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Arabesco #1, 2018
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Arabesco #2, 2018
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Arabesco #3, 2018
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Arabesco #4, 2018
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Cana do Reino #1, 2018
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Sem tĂtulo | Untitled, 2018
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Trepadeira #1, 2018
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Trepadeira #2, 2018 Trepadeira #3, 2018 Trepadeira #4, 2018
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The Language of Plants
joana consiglieri
I have sailed the River of Yellow Flowers, Borne by the channel of a green stream, Rounding ten thousand turns through the mountains On a journey of less than thirty miles… Rapids hum over heaped rocks; But where light grows dim in the thick pines, The surface of an inlet sways with nut-horns And weeds are lush along the banks. …Down in my heart I have always been as pure As this limpid water is… Oh, to remain on a broad flat rock And to cast a fishing-line forever!
wang wei , «A Green Stream» in Monroe (1922). Poetry. (Vol. XIX, n.º V). Chicago: Harriet Monroe
Jorge Santos’ The Language of Plants recalls ancient Chinese poetry, in its analogous contemplation of the beauty of the world, as envisaged by the poet and painter Wang Wei1, that mirrors spirituality, in an enlightened state, with an understanding of the constant flow of nature. In this exhibition, plants emerge from Beauty. However, they mutually offset and compensate for each other. The flow of movement transforms everything into its opposite, positive and negative, being and not-being, unity and duality, black and colour. They all return into themselves and multiply in rhythm and colour, thereby creating the lightness with which everything flows. The physical world is in a constant state of alternation and change, and “vegetal organisms” bring about the same kind of transformation. When a whole is divided into two parts, and these two parts in turn join and become a whole. One state transforms into another, but it will not return to its original form. It continues to develop over time and will never be the same again. For example, abstract forms become volatile, creating movement and lightness, as in the piece Arundo Donax #, 2018. Alternation and rhythm come into play in this transformation, where movements manifest in a particular way. They express the creative principle; the active energy that __________ 1 Wang Wei (701-761) was a poet, calligrapher and painter of the Tang Dynasty.
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acts in time. It unfolds in perpetual fluidity, in a movement that transcends material corporeity, as we can observe in the series Arabesque #, 2018. The treatment of the object as something that doesn’t reside in the particularity of the substance, but rather in the event and as a constant flow of the Universe, recalls Fritjof Capra (1991): “It is the way, or process, of the universe, the order of nature.” (Capra, 1991, p. 104) The discovery of the minimalist process, as a pattern of colour and form repeated in plants, allowed the artist to move from painting to “cut-outs”. We are reminded of Matisse (1869-1954), who said of his “paintings with scissors” that: “Colour is a means of expressing light, not the physical phenomenon, through not so much light as a physical phenomenon as light that exists in reality – in the artist’s head” (Essers, 1991, p. 82). Interestingly, the richness of Matisse’s process derives from his aesthetic experience. Thus, we recall another of his observations: “Cutting straight into colour reminds me of what a sculptor does to his stone.” (Essers, 1991, p. 78). In his work, Jorge Santos crosses this artistic division, between painting and sculpture, with his colour cut-outs. The colour illuminates the space and shapes the process. The cut-out images present their negative space. They expose the background in various colours, whose forms flow from pattern to pattern. In this way, Santos’ work transfigures space and form, creating a dichotomy of aesthetic perception. Using colour and light, the image and the background, contrasts emerge between drawn and cut-out shapes, which complement and offset each other, creating order and beauty. Thus, the viewer perceives the spatial movement as a pattern, which the artist uses in a way that evokes those used in oriental painting, inspired by Taoist and Buddhist philosophy. We are transported to another world, like in the decorative images of Chinese porcelain, in delicate plant forms that frame riverine landscapes or narratives of daily life in a garden. In the work of Jorge Santos, this flow of nature is revealed in the series and rhythms of patterns that the work establishes in a topological spatial order. Colour transcribes the meaning of the painting, whose discovery elevates the form, in opposition to the background. It redesigns the shapes of the natural elements, the plants, that are expressed and synthesised in the composition, and translates them into outlines aiming for an elegance of formalist abstraction through the paper cuts. This aesthetic concept alludes to the “way of seeing” of the visual artist Ellsworth Kelly, who said: “The drawings from plant life seem to be the bridge to the way of seeing (…) They are exact observations of the form of the leaf or flower or fruit seen. Nothing is changed or added.” (cf. text from the website of the Ellsworth Kelly Exhibition in Matthew Marks Gallery). Through Jorge Santos’ plants, we perceive various repetitive compositions, almost like “pattern-units”, arranged in series, that create minimal play of colors, as if they were spectrums of light and shadow. Chromatic meaning is rethought through pattern, rhythm and contrast, as language, whose aesthetic calligraphy draws the plant form in space. Language as68
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sumes a rhythm that is structured in a grid, in a series of chromatic movements, that form the space through units of pure colour. The value of the work passes through them as if they were reflective and metamorphic “pictorial units”, like shadows organised in simple and abstract arrangements. In this way, the work transmutes the ambiguity of the pictorial perception between flora and fauna, inserted or cut out, in the series Metamorphoses #, 2018. Through this dividing line of the space-time conception, the visual artist expresses a polarity of colour, hot and cold, of light and dark, of fullness and emptiness. He seeks the Unity of all things and, simultaneously, the threshold of that fugacity, whose simplicity is exposed and stripped of artifice in the images that blossom in the negative space. Just as Lao-Tzu points out (1995, p. 37): «Being leads to the contemplation of the spatial limitations, and Non-being leads the contemplation of the marvellous Essence». In the Language of Plants, the gesture reflects the physical world, outlined by the invisible in the being and the plant. The shapes are drawn out with delicate lines that apprehend the plant, in contrast with the opaque and uniform background. The expression of Nature is captured by the sensibility of the spectator, in a spiritual experience, that is defined by colours as an aesthetic experience of beauty. We can observe, in this way, the words of Lao-Tzu (1995, p. 38), which embrace the polarity and unity of all things: If all under heaven recognize beauty as beauty, therefore there is ugliness. If all under heaven recognize good as good, therefore there is badness. Because being and non-being generate each other. Di cult and easy complement each other. Long and short define each other. High and low determine each other Voice and sound match each other Before and after follow each other. Bringing together and elevating the harmony of the universe, it captures energy through colour. Enjoying the perception of natural forms, pleasure, as a symbol of the spirit. In a language of nature, plants emerge from the essence, as observed by Killingsworth (2004, p. 25): «language can lead human beings to the discovery of spiritual significance in nature». Lisbon, January 2018 BIBLIOGRAPHY Capra, F. (1991). The Tao of Physics. Boston: Shambhala Publications. Essers, V. (1991). Henri Matisse. Mestre da Cor. German: Benedikt Taschen. Killingsworth, M. J. (2004). Walt Whitman and the Earth, A Study in Ecopoetics. Iowa: The Iowa Whitman Series, University of Iowa Press. Lao-Tzu (1995). Tao-Te King. O Livro do Sentido e da Vida. Preface, notes and translation by Richard Wilhelm. São Paulo: Editora Pensamento. (The English version of the citations is our translation of the Portuguese text).
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pp. 9-51 Metamorfose #1 – #42, 2018 Acrílico sobre papel, cortado e colado sobre papel pintado | Acrylic on paper, cut and pasted, mounted on painted paper 50 × 70 cm pp. 52-53 Arabesco #1, 2018 Acrílico sobre papel, cortado e colado sobre papel pintado | Acrylic on paper, cut and pasted, mounted on painted paper 100 × 210 cm (tríptico | triptych) p. 54 Arabesco #2, 2018 Acrílico sobre papel, cortado e colado sobre papel pintado | Acrylic on paper, cut and pasted, mounted on painted paper 100 × 140 cm (díptico | diptic) p. 55 Arabesco #3, 2018 Acrílico sobre papel, cortado e colado sobre papel pintado | Acrylic on paper, cut and pasted, mounted on painted paper 100 × 140 cm (díptico | diptic) p. 57 Arabesco #4, 2018 Acrílico sobre papel, cortado e colado sobre papel pintado | Acrylic on paper, cut and pasted, mounted on painted paper 100 × 140 cm (díptico | diptic) pp. 58-59 Cana do Reino #1, 2018 Acrílico sobre papel, cortado e colado sobre papel pintado | Acrylic on paper, cut and pasted, mounted on painted paper 200 × 420 cm (políptico | polyptych) pp. 60-61 Sem título | Untitled, 2018 Acrílico sobre papel, cortado e colado sobre
papel pintado | Acrylic on paper, cut and pasted, mounted on painted paper 100 × 420 cm (políptico | polyptych) p. 63 Trepadeira #1, 2018 Acrílico sobre papel, cortado e colado sobre papel pintado | Acrylic on paper, cut and pasted, mounted on painted paper 70 × 50 cm (cada | each) p. 65 Trepadeira #2, 2018 Acrílico sobre papel, cortado e colado sobre papel pintado | Acrylic on paper, cut and pasted, mounted on painted paper 200 × 35 cm p. 65 Trepadeira #3, 2018 Acrílico sobre papel, cortado e colado sobre papel pintado | Acrylic on paper, cut and pasted, mounted on painted paper 200 × 35 cm p. 65 Trepadeira #4, 2018 Acrílico sobre papel, cortado e colado sobre papel pintado | Acrylic on paper, cut and pasted, mounted on painted paper 200 × 35 cm p. 65 Trepadeira #4, 2018 Acrílico sobre papel, cortado e colado sobre papel pintado | Acrylic on paper, cut and pasted, mounted on painted paper 200 × 35 cm p. 66 Sem título | Untitled, 2018 Acrílico sobre papel, cortado e colado sobre papel pintado | Acrylic on paper, cut and pasted, mounted on painted paper 21 × 29,7 cm (cada | each)
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Este livro A linguagem das plantas, de Jorge Santos, foi publicado por ocasião da exposição com o mesmo título realizada na Giefarte, Lisboa, com curadoria de Joana Consiglieri, entre Janeiro e Fevereiro de 2018 This book A linguagem das plantas, of Jorge Santos, was published on the occasion of the exhibition with the same title shown at Giefarte, Lisbon, with curatorship by Joana Consiglieri, from January to February, 2018 ——————— © Giefarte Rua da Arrábida, 54 BC, 1250-034 Lisboa © Sistema Solar, Crl (chancela Documenta) Rua Passos Manuel, 67 B, 1150-258 Lisboa imagens | images © Jorge Santos texto | text © Joana Consiglieri fotografia | photography: Nuno Moreira Inácio, Frederico N.S. tradução | translation: Theodora Bradford (KennisTranslations) Janeiro | January 2018 ISBN 978-989-8902-05-4 Depósito legal | Legal deposit: 000000/18 Pré-impressão, impressão e acabamento | Preproof, printing and binding: Gráfica Maiadouro SA Rua Padre Luís Campos, 586 e 686 (Vermoim) 4471-909 Maia Portugal