SKY Magazine issue 17

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Smoking, Negativity, Backstabbing OUR thing Friendship, Respect, Tikula S2 OUR thing For Teen Girls Only JUNE JULY ISSUE with Princess Natasha Chansa How to Identif y a Friendship Special Friendship

SKY is a community of teen girls. We are all about being true to ourselves and what we believe in. We make choices that are true to us. And in the community, we support each other, helping each other to stay true to the things we want in our lives, and things we don’t want in our lives.

Does SKY sound like a community you want to be a part of? Then, we got you, girl! All you have to do is take the SKY Pledge. This is a promise that you make to stay true to yourself

Take the SKY Pledge online by going to @SKYGirlsZed on Facebook and Instagram or visit the SKY Hub located at Arcades Shopping Mall. Once you take the SKY pledge, you get a pledge number and SKY wristband; this is confirmation that you are now a SKY girl and part of the sisterhood! Your pledge number helps you take part in exclusive competitions for SKY girls, and the wristband is your personal reminder to stay true to yourself.

That’s My Thing

Jealousy gossip and smoking

That’s Not My Thing

I will make choices according to my character

I will rise to meet my SKY

SKY girls have access to so much fun and great content, plus you will receive exclusive event invitations and participate in awesome competitions and win amazing prizes. So what are you waiting for? Take the SKY pledge, and let’s connect!

To take the pledge, visit the SKY Hub at Arcades or our Facebook Page.
I pledge to be true to myself and what I believe in I will trust my choices and I will not let anyone else determine who I am Success making friends and dancing
4 Hey Sky Sisters!! 5 This issue’s contributors 6 THE TRENDOMETER 7 The Five languages of FRIENDSHIP 8 Get the look: Styling the same pair of pants in diffent ways 10 Body Beautiful: SKY’s guide to getting better sleep 12 Letter to my 14 year old self by Princess Natasha Chansa 13 Making good gecisions 14 Career Corner: Maanda Elizabeth Sianga 15 Sporty Girls Matter: Copper Queens 16 Get to know Tikula Season 2 20 How to: DIY phone case covers 22 Meet the cover girls 24 Our Top 10 friendship movies 25 SKY stories 26 How to identify a Healthy Friendship 27 How to know you are in a Toxic Friendship 28 SKY Advice 30 SKY Spotted 31 We want to hear from you! 8 CONTENTS 12 14 15 16 22

I hope you enjoyed spending the holiday with your friends and family. I'm excited about this issue as we speak about building strong friendships!

I am confident this issue will help many people build meaningful friendships. Friends play an important part in one's life; they help build your self-esteem, teach you conflict resolution skills and boost your confidence. And SKY is all about sisterhood and friendship too!

In this issue, we unpack a lot of fun, and exciting articles focused on friendships. My favorite article would have to be the SKY STORIES because it gives me hope that even when my friend and I argue and claim our friendship is over, there is a way we can fix it and make things work out. We should learn to never surrender a friendship easily because one day, in the toughest time, we will need them.

This issue, LETTER TO MY 14-YEAR-OLD SELF, is by none other than SKY big sista, Princess Natasha Chansa. Who wouldn't want to know what she would tell her younger self! I already have my eyes glued to it.

I'm also excited because Tikula is returning to our screens, and we have some new cast members. So get to meet the characters and what we have to look forward to this season!

At every point in our lives, we have decisions to make. But how would we know if our decisions are bad or good? The article MAKING GOOD DECISIONS teaches you all about the importance of making good decisions because making bad decisions can cause a huge difference in your life. In situations where you are peer pressured to do something that a SKY sister wouldn't do, you should always remember you must stay true to yourself and don't let anyone determine who you are.

For our CAREER CORNER in this issue, we have Maanda Elizabeth Sianga, an Agronomist and farmer; she is also the founder of Agro Queens. I read this article and realized that farming is not a male-dominated sector but a female one, too, so any of you fellow sisters out there that thought farming is a man's thing; well, think again! I also realized that farming is so important to our economy. So to all my sisters who are thinking of becoming an Agronomist or Farmer, I encourage you to follow your dreams of becoming either.

In conclusion, I'd like to put in my personal view of how I feel about the issue. This issue is important to me because I am still trying to figure out who I am and if I'm making the right decisions in my life. Your friend group is really important because if someone wants to know about me immediately, they'll look at my friendship circle. I know it's hard to find the right group of friends, but you should never give up and forget to be yourself. Stay true to yourself always.


The Trendometer

Hey SKY babes Are you ready to find out the latest trends and things to avoid Our Top Things and Not Our Things collection is here brought to you by our awesome community of SKY Girls just like you We ve gathered these hot topics and things to avoid through social media and our SKY Hub so you ll always be well informed But we want to hear from you too

So what are you into this month And what s definitely not your thing Share with us and join the conversation as we stay up to date on the latest trends together



TikulA Season 2

Season 4

Winter Flu

As Above So Below (Deluxe) Full Album

Long Nights

Sampa The Great XO, Kitty Short Days and Our friend's and family's birthdays


Share your My Thing Not My Thing on our socials so we can feature them too


Going to school when it’s cold Mock Exams Dry Skin End of Stay True

The Five Languages of FRIENDSHIP

A love language is how a person wants to give and receive love. When people hear the term 'love language,' they often associate it with only romantic relationships, but did you know that these love languages can be used as friendship languages too? Not sure what your friend's friendship language is? No worries! Here are five main ways you can show up for your friends.

Words of Affirmation

Words of Affirmation

“Kind words are short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”

If your friend's friendship language is Words of Affirmation, what you say to them is extremely important. This means they will often tell you how much you mean to them. Please know that friends whose friendship language is words of affirmation are easily offended by unkind words. Be supportive and try to be available to talk or just listen.

Apologize if you have done something wrong

Give them advice

Quality Time

Quality Time

“The only thing more precious than our time is what we spend it on." This friendship language is all about spending time together. Something as small as walking together could mean a lot to them. You don't have to be with your friend 24/7 but try your best to spend time with them. Check in on them often and ask if it is okay to drop by their house. Go out together/Sleepovers

Compliment them

Acts of Service


Text them often Schedule long phone calls

Physical Touch Acts of Service Gift Giving

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

If your friend often says actions speak louder than words, their friendship language is probably Acts of Service. They love helping you get things done and never forget to say please and thank you. They will appreciate anything you do to make their lives easier; show up for them by helping them with things they struggle with.


Gift Giving

“The greatest gifts are not wrapped in paper but in love.”

Physical Touch

“Hugs are the universal medicine.”

Help them with chores

Do their hair

Help them with schoolwork

Help them choose outfits

Does your friend put a lot of thought into the gifts they give people? Are they more excited about your birthday than you are? Their friendship language is Gift Giving. You don't have to buy anything expensive; they just want to know that you were thinking about them. Pay attention to their likes and dislikes and get them gifts you know they would love.

Do: Do: Do:

If your friend loves hugs and high-fives, their friendship language might be Physical Touch. For example, you could come up with a secret handshake that only you two know or even start a pillow fight. Not everyone likes to be touched, though, so ask them if it is okay first.

Hold their hand

Make gifts for them

Check out our D.I.Y project on pg 20 and 21

Send them memes

Funny tiktoks

Share food

Hug them

Braid/style their hair



Who says you can't rock a killer look even on the chilliest days when all you crave is bundling up in cozy layers? The great news is that being a fashion icon doesn't require an overflowing wardrobe. "Fashion isn't solely measured by the number of garments in your closet," believe it or not!

Let's dive into the magnificent world of fashion, where boyfriend jeans and cargos reign supreme. Brace yourself for an array of fresh styling ideas that will elevate your fashion game.



Combine cargo pants with a daring crop top, tailored to suit your unique style. This outfit goes great with a nice pair of sneakers.


Looking for a comfy yet timeless aesthetic? Grab your trusty cargos and embrace a comfy, casual look with a hoodie, oversized graphic tee or sweatshirt. Elevate the look with a statement chain to inject a touch of pizzazz, and slide into a pair of trendy sneakers to achieve that effortlessly cool vibe. This look is your fail-proof go-to, guaranteed to impress.



For an understated yet classy appeal, opt for a minimalist approach with your favorite pair of boyfriend jeans. Pair them with a sleek black or white top, throw over a flannel and pair it up with some chic sneakers. Trust us, this look never fails to dazzle.


Trying to find an outfit that’s classy but not too classy? Don’t worry sis! Grab a pair of your favorite boyfriend jeans and pair them up with a cute top and some heels! This outfit gives off a toned down glamorous look that just screams confidence. Wear this outfit and get your main character moment!

Revamp your fashion game and unlock endless possibilities with a single pair of pants Remember true style knows no boundaries

Getting Yo u r 8 hou rs, is a Gi r l Boss move!

I know this may not be your biggest revelation, but sleep is important! And you need to get at least 8 hours of it. No excuses!

Babes, I get it! School is hard, and that pile of homework is not getting any lighter! But you slacking on your sleep isn't doing you any favors, either. As a teenager, you're going through a lot of body changes, and most of your growth and development happens when you're asleep. Sleep not only sharpens your memory but can also improve your mood.

So let's see something, do you binge shows too late instead of catching some ��? Or maybe you scroll on your phone for hours before bedtime? If your response was a yes, then we need to fix that girl! Because that may be the reason you're finding it hard to get your beauty sleep. But hey! Don't worry after you're done with this SKY guide to getting better sleep, you'll be on your A-game in no time.



1 2 3 4 5

Avoid prolonged exposure to light.

Exposure to light before bed can make it harder for you to fall asleep. Did you know that your smartphone, laptop, tablet, and TV screen emit blue light?

Blue light can prevent the production of melatonin, which is a hormone that helps your sleep cycle. Exposure to blue light before bed can cause a delay in the production of melatonin, making it harder for you to fall asleep. Getting off your device at least an hour before bed can help your body reset itself just in time for bed.

Avoid Caffeine!

Did you know the level of Caffeine in your bloodstream peaks about an hour after it's taken and that it can take up to 10 hours for your body to completely clear it from your bloodstream? So to ensure you have a good night's rest, please avoid drinking coffee, black tea, and energy drinks, and stay away from having chocolate before bed.

Rule Your mind!

Write it down.

If you have a million things running through your mind. Whether through a list or a journal entry, writing down what’s bothering you may help you organize your thoughts and relieve some stress for a good night’s sleep.

Pay attention to what you eat and drink

Sis, please avoid having heavy meals or junk food before bed. This may cause you to have indigestion and hence make sleeping a failed mission.

Don ’ t Smoke!

As a SKY girl, you already know smoking is not our thing. The stimulating effects of nicotine can take hours to wear off, leaving you tired and restless for the next day. Most studies also indicate a nicotine-induced rapid eye movement which causes sleep suppression. Smoking can also raise the risk of developing sleep conditions such as sleep apnea.

So now that you know what habits are stealing your sleep, it's time to switch this game up. Team no sleep is not a plan . 11



Dear Natasha Freaking Chansa, or as you call yourself, Pro. I know you can be hard on yourself sometimes, but I need you to know that it gets better. It's okay to not be okay & take it a day at a time.

I know that right now, you're the youngest in your class - feeling a little intimidated & feeling the need to act like your peers just to fit in. Later in life, you realize that being a misfit is your superpower. At 14, you spend too much time in the bathroom listening to Paramore, singing at the top of your lungs & getting on mum's nerves - don’t worry, she’ll get over it!

When you don't see eye to eye with mum on certain things, you spiral into thinking you're a problem child, which gets in the way of you understanding her, but just change perspective. You will see that it turns out great and you become best friends even … Carpool, dates, advice, laughter, the whole package.

I see you've built a little reputation for being a cipher rapper and I must commend you for that because I know you're very shy. But, still, you find the courage to put yourself out there and battle boysdon’t ever lose that courage, it will serve you well.

It's very typical of you to get ahead of yourself. I guess it has its pros because you're now taking drives with dad and talking about everything and anything. You might not know this, but it brightens his day. Though it scares him to see you grow so fast, he knows he's raising a girl ready to take on the big world.

I know I've said a lot already, but in summary, I need you to know this:

YOU ARE WORTH IT: I know sometimes it doesn’t feel like it but trust me, God created you for a purpose.

BE TEACHABLE: You are your father's daughter and sometimes you tend to be stubborn and know it all, but allow yourself to learn from people that have gone before you.

DON’T FIT IN: Don't force yourself to fit in where you don't belong. The right people will come along and appreciate your weirdness. It's okay to zig while everybody zags.

BE YOU: Baby girl, in a world filled with people lacking identity, the best thing you can do for yourself is BE YOU; everybody else is already taken. So be goofy, nerdy, talented, afraid, inquisitive and most importantly, I repeat, BE YOU.

PRAY: I know communicating your feelings may not be easy for you, but you'll find that it helps to talk to God and hear from Him.

KEEP WRITING: You have a way with words from your love of music and poetry from a young age and you have identified this gift already. So I urge you to never stop writing - whether it makes sense or not, just don't stop.

Lastly, MANAGE TIME WELL: You are bad with time management; I'm not sugar coating that. But baby, you have to do better. Break the habit of procrastinating because greatness demands discipline. Live through the phases and enjoy life, kid.


Oldertruly,Pro, x. 12


Good Decisions

Hey SKY Girl Making decisions can be tough especially when you re faced with so many choices But don t worry I m here to help you out Here are some tips to help you make good decisions and stay true to yourself

What do you stand for?

First things first, know what you stand for.

Now consider your options.

It's like listening to music on the radio. You know what you like, right?

So, you tune into a frequency that aligns with you. It's the same with your values and beliefs. Figure out what's important to you, what makes you happy, and what makes you feel good about yourself (those are your my things!).

Once you've got that figured out, it'll be easier to make decisions that align with your values.

Next, think about the consequences of your choices. It's like playing a game of chess. You have to think ahead and consider all the moves you could make, and what could happen as a result of a wrong move, check mate! Ask yourself this, is the choice you're about to make going to help you achieve your goals, or is it going to set you back? Is it going to hurt someone else, or hurt you in the long run? Think about the possible outcomes, and weigh the pros and cons.

It's like shopping for clothes. You wouldn't just grab the first thing you see, right? You'd take your time, look around, and try on different outfits until you find the one that feels just right. Same goes for making decisions. Take the time to explore all your options, gather information, and talk to people you trust. Sometimes, there's more than one way to approach a problem, so don't rush into deciding without considering all your options.

Trust your And F inally, instincts, too.

It's like dancing to your own rhythm. You have to feel the music and trust your body to move in sync with it. If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Your instincts are a powerful tool that can help guide you in the right direction. So don't be afraid to listen to your intuition and go with what feels right.

Don't let peer pressure get to you, because as a SKY babe that’s not our thing. It's like going to a party where everyone's dressed in a certain way. Just because everyone's wearing the same thing doesn't mean you have to. You are your own person, and you should never feel pressured to do something that goes against your values or beliefs. True friends will respect your choices and support you, no matter what.

So, there you have it, little sis. Making good decisions is all about knowing yourself, exploring your options, thinking ahead, trusting your instincts, and staying true to yourself. You’ve got this!

Contact details: Bwalya Penza

Instagram: innersafariquest_ISQ

FaceBook: InnnerSafriQuestISQ

Twitter: @innersafari_ISQ


Maanda Elizabeth


Everybody loves healthy food I mean ‘good food’ sets a good mood right Meet Maanda Elizabeth Sianga also known as ‘The Young Farmer Maanda ’ She is a year old farmer who has become a girl boss in the farming and agricultural field She is an Agri influencer and the CEO at Agro Queens a mixed farming enterprise that offers farming input supply consultancy and also trains people on how to do different types of farming

The young farmer realized she was passionate about agriculture when she was 15 years old, during a school trip to Zambeef. She had always dreamt of being in the agricultural sector. After secondary school she decided to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in agriculture at Mulungushi University, she is now pursuing a Masters in Agribusiness.

The young farmer has been working full-time in the agricultural industry for four years now. The journey has not been so easy for her but what got her to her position is determination, persistence, consistency, constantly looking for different business opportunities and acquiring more knowledge and information about agronomy.

The basic requirements for joining the agricultural field include interest, patience and most importantly training. You definitely need to get some training from experts.

What the young farmer Maanda loves about her job is the fact that she gets to empower women and young girls. She is always glad to inspire young girls and have a positive influence on them. She loves seeing youths actively get involved in agriculture. She is always thrilled to see people get access to healthy, high quality, nutritious food with less GMOs. She also gets to be her own Boss.

“If you are a teen girl who would like to follow this career path, I say go for it, despite the many presumptions such as “agriculture is male dominated or only for old people.” Always remember that you can do anything that you put your mind to. All you need is a little patience, discipline and always be ready to take risks. Also, do a lot of research about the industry, get training from people with experience like me. I am always willing to train anyone who would love to learn how to farm. Do not hesitate to inquire about which chemicals to use, which products are available, which kind of things are suitable for planting and anything related to agriculture.”

The young farmer Maanda also emphasizes the importance of hard work, paying attention in school and using social media wisely as a platform to grow your business and get opportunities to work with different Agro suppliers around Zambia.

Gossiping, drinking and pretending to be someone you’re not MY thing Make-up, cooking and journaling


Girls can be strong, competitive, and passionate about sports, just like boys. A perfect example of this is our very own Copper Queens who will face Japan, Spain and Costa Rica in Group C of the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup in Australia and New Zealand this July.

The origins of the Copper Queens track back to the late 1980s and early 1990s when women's football started to gain recognition in Zambia. With limited resources and support, a national team was formed to represent the country in international competitions.

Copper Queens was chosen as a tribute to Zambia's rich copper mining industry as a symbol of strength.

The Copper Queens faced many challenges in the early years, including a lack of infrastructure and cultural barriers. In addition, some cultural and societal barriers affected the participation and support for women's football.

Traditional gender roles, social norms,

Their performance continued to improve as they finished as runner-ups. This achievement was well deserved, brought the team recognition, and inspired a new generation of female footballers in Zambia. One of the defining moments of Copper Queen's history occurred in 2020 when they qualified for the Olympic games for the first time.

and beliefs also discouraged girls and women from pursuing football and hindered their progress in the sport. Women's football often received less support and investment than men's football.

The Copper Queens have had to work with limited resources for training facilities, equipment, and even travel expenses. This is because women's football often receives less media coverage and exposure than men's.

Lack of visibility could hinder the recognition and development of the Copper Queens; unfair, right? Despite these obstacles, the team persevered and continued participating in regional and continental tournaments. While they struggled to make a significant impact, each tournament provided valuable experience and exposed the team to higher levels of competition.

The turning point of the Copper Queens came in recent years when they started achieving notable success. Their stepping stone to success started with qualifying for the Africa Women's Cup of Nations (AWCON), the premier women's football tournament in Africa.

It didn’t stop there! In 2022 they qualified for the FIFA Women’s World Cup - one of only four African teams to qualify. This milestone has not only showcased their talent on a global stage but has also brought attention to the development and potential of women's football in Zambia. The Copper Queens have become role models for aspiring female footballers in Zambia, demonstrating that dreams can be realized with determination and perseverance.

Their success has also ignited interest and support for female footballers. Looking ahead, the team aims to build on their achievements to develop support at the roots level and continue to compete at the highest levels of women's football.

The Copper Queens have done so much more than this and continue to make us proud. From humble beginnings to achieving recognition on both continental and global stages, showcasing the remarkable growth in Zambia. Their determination, skill, and passion have paved the way for future generations ensuring that the Copper Queens will reign for years to come.They have been a real definition of staying true to yourself, even if your thing is considered a boy's thing, like football.


Animals, art, acting MY thing

Pink, smoking, negativity my thing

Hey SKY girls

The gang at SKYwood High are back With them they bring new characters new storylines more music and so much more We know you wanna know if Ghost and Nandi are still an item and what happens to Triple Threat

Oh there is so much to look forward to For now let s learn more from your OG faves and some new faces too

Get to know the CAST Leona Rignanese as Nandile

Tikula season 1 taught me to choose my friends wisely. There's friends that you will have for a short time and others that you'll have for a long time. And there's friends that are not meant for you but are meant for someone else, for those ones you’ll just have to let them go.

This season's Nandi is definitely shocking. She’s still trying to figure it out.

I loved being a part of the crew. It felt good to know what to do this time around. The new cast has definitely been my favorite part about filming Tikula Season 2. I loved getting to know them all. It also felt nice to have my old Tikula family back. Having supporters everywhere makes me feel very good and it did tell me to work harder and that I am on the right path.

Inutu Mulala as Chawezi

I really liked Tikula season 1 so I decided to audition and I wanted to do something that will leave an impact on young teens. This was my first time acting and honestly it was bitter sweet. The people are amazing. I loved interacting with the extras, the cast and the crew. I have learned that it's easy to influence people, so you might as well influence them in a positive way.

My character and I are very similar, we are both confident in who we are. And acting as a very confident person, what I'd tell someone who is struggling to make friends is to just be themselves, have an attitude that makes people feel privileged to be your friends.

The audience can expect to see someone who shows them that it's ok to be different and still hold your confidence.

Making podcasts, being confident in my body, listening to music MY thing

Smoking, bullying, being a bad friend my thing


Having fans everywhere is pretty cool and I appreciate everyone. I love seeing the comments and people telling us where they are watching Tikula from.

Tikula season1 taught me that everyone's experience is different. And we should take a step back to think before we say something or do something. Season 1 also taught me that you need to have friends who you can rely on because they're probably the people you spend the most time with and who know you the best. The cast and I will fight and argue like siblings do but at the end of the day, we know it’s all love.

The audience should expect growth from all the characters this season. And they should definitely expect twists and turns in this season. And everyone is on their own journey. They all have their own battles.

Makoni Sinkala as Kamaal Ibrahim as

Gym, mental health, nature MY thing

Kelly Ghost

Cooking, baking, positive vibes MY thing

Rudeness, smoking, negativity my thing

I loved that Tikula season 1 is spread out across Africa and that it is loved elsewhere as much as it is loved here. Knowing that if I decided to travel to one of those countries, people might recognize me. Ever since Tikula dropped, people call me Ghost more than they call me by my actual name. People do mix it up though. I’ve had someone call me Ghost from Tikula before.

I did not know anyone prior to Tikula and now we’re all so close. I’d say I made some pretty good friends on set.

Season 1 taught me that I could be a lot more dynamic with my emotions. Ghosts' emotions did not shift. Ghost this season is a lot more human cause now we know a little bit more about his life. Ghost has grown up this season, the blond hair is gone as well. I think this time around, the audience should expect a more refined and a more exciting storyline.

Watermelon, negativity, cold weather my thing

Tatiana Kalanda as Tasha

My whole life has been very academically centred, and doing Tikula taught me that I could do more things and that I am not only an academic. It taught me how to co-exist with different people, because everyone from Tikula is from very different places. When it first came out, I’d have people stop me at school just to sing the theme song. When we did Tikula, we didn’t expect it to go as far and wide as it did. Seeing how people were waiting to watch it on site was really nice to see.

One thing Tikula taught me is that friendship doesn’t come with age. I would think about how everyone was older and I was not sure if we’d get along, but I was quite wrong about that. Makoni, being the oldest, had actually become my set bestie. She and I have become really close despite our age differences. My cast mates have always been the best to me, I have made lifelong friends.

Season 2 is very action packed. You get to see more of every character. You get to see more of Tasha’s personality this season, and you definitely see more growth from her.

Sea food, series, make-up MY thing

Vaping, rudeness, dancing my thing


Get to know the CAST


For a long time I have had the passion to act. And I prayed that 2023 would be my time to finally try it out. Tikula came and I just knew I had to audition. Coming out of the auditions I thought I had embarrassed myself, I was so nervous. When I found out I got the role, it felt like an answered prayer. This being my first production and my first time acting, seeing the process has made me respect people’s jobs individually. From the cooks to the actors, everyone puts in all their energy and hard work in order for us to come out with a great product.

Maya is a very energetic and humble girl. I resonate with Maya because we come from the same background, I feel I was meant to be Maya because I am Maya myself.

I was welcomed by the OG cast from day one. They all made it easy for me because they're just nice people. I loved feeling everything together. You can't be sad alone, you can't be happy alone, you can't be tired alone. I have loved interacting with everyone and getting to know them individually.

The audience should expect a lot of talent this season.

Halwindi as Njilikwa Kapoka as

Maya Lushomo

I saw the Tikula show and I liked what the show was about, and some time later, my friend told me that they were Tikula auditions at UNZA so I tagged along. I was in the car with my friend when I got the call saying that I got the part and I was really excited. It was my first time acting and I didn’t know what to expect, but it was a good experience. Everyone made me feel comfortable and welcomed, I learnt my roles through the help of the other cast and it made me realize a new passion that I didn’t know I had.

Being cast for Tikula has taught me that in life you must take more chances. Take every opportunity that comes, because opportunities only come once you'll never know how far you might go.

I am somewhat like my character, we do have quite a lot of similarities, although Lushomo is more pompous than I am. Lushomo is a nonchalant character who knows what he wants and seems to always get it.

Filming Tikula also taught me that you don't always have to fit in with people. You don't have to change yourself to fit in with the crowd, it's okay to not always mix with people.

My favourite thing about shooting was the whole experience. I enjoyed meeting new people, learning more about acting and all the time and memories I made with the cast and crew.

Bullying, gossipers, violent people my thing
Staying confident, slaying in my lane, cooking MY thing
Trying to fit in, over reacting to certain situations in life, constant partying my thing
Listening to music, journaling, having fun with friends MY thing

Chisanga Taylor as Mimi

Tikula Season 1 taught me that I am definitely a perfectionist and when I am working with people, I try to help as much as I can so that we produce a really good product. People might think it’s too much, but I’d rather be too much and have a really good product, than not have tried enough and have it just be ok, cause at the end of the day it’s all about the product. Since Tikula season 1 ended I’ve had people come up to me and say things like “OMG it’s MIMI”, or “ I know you”, or I’ll even have people call me by my government name. Knowing that so many people have watched Tikula is really cool, because I get messages from people in places like Gambia, Senegal and many other places telling me that they’ve watched our show, and how much they really like it and I think that’s really lovely. I also get a lot of messages from other mixed race Zambian people who are living out of the country and who feel represented by me.

Tikula season 1 also taught me how we have to constantly remind our younger selves and the new generation coming up with what we have learnt because we are going or have gone through the same thing and we can help them. It also taught me how friendship is so important, but it is also important to remember that you are a friend to yourself. We should treat ourselves as well as we treat our friends.

The audience should expect a deeper dive into every character this season. They should expect Mimi to have a lot more exploration in herself.

Thulani Nkoma as Bosco

I was so unprepared for such vast recognition. It’s really heart warming to know that people from places as far as Nigeria are in support of the show. I’ve even had a person come up to me and tell me how much of an inspiration I am to her younger sister especially because I don’t smoke and her sister does the same because I do.

It’s really nice to know that I am influencing young people in a good way. Being in Tikula taught me that friendship can not be forced, it just has to come naturally. You also need to have friends who will grow with you, like the cast and I. Aside from being workmates, we have also become really good friends.

Tikula Season 1 was calm, but this one has a lot more love, drama and the story line is more diverse. Every character has their own thing happening this season which leads up to one big thing. I think the audience should be ready for one big roller coaster.

Acting, dancing, poetry MY thing

Chewing-gum, smoking, drinking my thing

Season 2 is a rollercoaster that everyone should anticipate and I know for a fact that everyone will enjoy Tikula S2 which premieres on ZNBC TV2 DSTV channel 276 on the 14th of July, and will stream on the SKY Girls Zed Youtube channel.

Bad hygiene, mean energy, doing the dishes my thing
Curly hair care, being creative, kindness MY thing


Having matching phone covers with your girlfriends is a cute way to mark your friendship Finding them can be very hard and you ll often have limited options

Don t give up just yet because we re going to teach you how to make your own

need: You will

1.Stickers (if you'd like)

2.A clear phone case

3.Coloured paper


5.Nail polish

6.A pencil



Step 1:

Place the phone case on a piece of paper and trace around it. Then cut it so it can fit inside the case.

Step 2:

Glue the paper inside the case

Step 3:

Draw the shape you would like to put on each case then colour it in with the nail polish.

Step 4:

Allow the design to dry and then add stickers of your choice.

There you have it matching phone cases for you and your bestie Just remember be creative and have fun with it Your phone case can symbolise your friendship or what you both care for or stand for It s a quick and simple DIY for anyone with any phone Try it out and share yours with us on our social media platforms skygirlszed


Meet the Sky Cover Girls

Two couples of SKY besties Felistus and Serah as well as Sophie and Chaze emerged victorious in the handshake challenge for our magazine cover competition Here are their thoughts on their experience and journey


MY thing

Sports, Negativity and bullying my thing Eating, Modeling and Christianity

"I was both excited and grateful. It was a dream come true to experience being a cover girl for SKY. Since 2021, I have always wanted to be on the SKY magazine cover, so I have pursued every opportunity to make it happen. The SKY Girls competition has always excited me. Being on the magazine cover means so much to me. Firstly, it represents girls like me and serves as a reminder that I can achieve great things in life.

My message to others is not to stop dreaming. I remember how some girls from my school would laugh at me when I mentioned that one day I would be in a SKY magazine. But anyone can make it as long as they put their mind to it. This experience has opened my mind to creativity and modeling opportunities. It has taught me how to communicate and work with people who have different personalities, which will benefit my career pathway. The makeup and getting all glammed up increased my confidence. Interacting with the camera was also a pleasant experience. In our friendship group, we go to class together, try new food places, and frequently stay in touch through texts."


MY thing

Drama, Eating, Listening to music

my thing

Smoking, Dancing Bad vibes

"I was incredibly excited because winning the cover competition was a first for me, and it was such a joyful moment. Participating in the competition for the first time wasn't as easy as I had anticipated, but the results were amazing. Personally, being on the magazine cover for SKY is something I always wanted to experience. Sometimes dreams do come true, and opportunities only come once in a lifetime.

Taking the opportunity to be on the magazine cover was a massive step for me. It has had a very positive impact on my future goals and dreams, leaving a lasting mark on my life. Being behind the scenes was interesting and joyful. I met different people who were incredibly nice, and they made us feel like part of their team. Taking pictures was an amazing experience too. In our friendship group, we show each other love by sharing, helping one another, and looking after each other."



MY thing

Good food, Music, Poetry/drama

Liars, Pretenders, Crowded places my thing

"I felt amazing and lucky because this is something that I've been wanting for a long time now, and being part of it made me feel 100% connected to the SKY brand. The journey hasn't been easy, as this was not my first time participating in the cover competition. It was my persistence that eventually led me to win. Personally, being on the magazine cover means that anything is possible. I feel like a celebrity, and I embrace it because it boosts my confidence and belief in myself. It also signifies that I am paving the way for my future dreams to come true.

The story I want to convey is that dreams do come true. I'm just a girl from Garden who never thought I'd one day be on a magazine cover. SKY Girls is for all SKY teen girls. I'd like to share the fun we had during the shoot. The cameraman helped us get in the right mood to capture great pictures. It was so fun because the team made us comfortable and brought out our natural smiles."


MY thing

Singing, Cooking, Drawing

my thing

Dancing, Sports Negativity

"Winning the competition made me so happy and grateful. Honestly, I didn't know how to feel. I realized that I had stayed in my comfort zone for too long, and if you remain there, you will never grow. So, I decided to step out and try something not entirely new to me but something I had always wanted to do. It was then that I discovered my untapped potential.

When I saw the competition on the SKY Facebook page, where the winner would become a cover girl, I decided to enter. I tagged as many people as possible and asked them to like my video in the comment section. Winning means more opportunities for me and stepping out of my comfort zone. It allows me to show people my other side and grow my brand as a freelancer. I would advise others to keep trying because they will get there one day. And when the opportunity comes, grab it with both hands.

The SKY Cover Girls pushed their friends to get the most likes on the cover competition and are shining examples of stepping out of their comfort zones taking a chance and staying consistent

For those who are afraid, remember that it doesn't hurt to step out of your comfort zone. How will you grow if you don't try? This experience will help me meet new people, especially public figures I admire. It will increase my visibility and help me achieve my desired position. Interacting with most of the people during the shoot was fun. We shared ideas on personal growth, and the makeup experience made me rethink my opinion of it. Although I thought I wasn't a fan of makeup, that day made me think twice. In our friendship group, we walk to class together, explore different eating places, and cook for each other."



Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 (2023)

Guardians of the Galaxy is a Marvel comic about a superhero team whose mission is to protect the cosmos. Still reeling from the loss of their friend and teammate Gamora, Peter Quill must rally his team to defend the universe along with protecting one of their teammate Rocket from his dark past. Unfortunately, if the mission is not completely successful, it could lead to the end of the Guardians as we know them.

Firefly Lane (2021)

Firefly Lane is an American drama series on Netflix and is based on a novel of the same name focusing on the power of friendship; Tully and Kate meet on Firefly Lane and become inseparable friends who support each other through good and bad times with an unbreakable bond that carries them from their teens to their 40s - see lifelong friendships are possible!

Derry Girls (2018)

Derry Girls is a British teen sitcom created and written by Lisa McGee. This comedy series follows a group of friends as they navigate their teens in the early 1990s and embark on many exciting adventures after they attend a Catholic girl's school in the midst of a national conflict. Once you get past the accents, it’s a hilarious series to watch, you and your squad will be howling! But be warned, it does use some bad language what your parents might not like lol!

Hey besties, are you and your friend movie lovers? Did you know that watching movies can help you and your friends bond and build memories together? Not to mention it’s a great stress reliever!

Here's my top ten list of friendship movies and series you and your friends can binge over. What are your favorite movie\series that you and your friends like? Let me know all about them on the Sky Girls Zed socials.

The Big Bang Theory (2006)

The lives of four socially awkward friends, Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, and Raj, take a wild turn when they meet the beautiful and free-spirited Penny. The show explores the group's nerdy friendships, romances, and squabbles.

Book Smart (2019)

Before graduation, best friends Amy and Molly realize that they have been cast aside by their peers for being pretentious bookworms. On the eve of their high school graduation the girls realize they should have worked less and played more. Determined not to fall short of their peers the girls vow to make up for lost time as they try to cram four years of fun into one night of teenage rebellion. They decide to let loose and break the rules and party on their last day of classes.

Raya and The Last Dragon (2021)

Raya, a warrior, sets out to track down Sisu, a dragon who transferred all her powers into a magical gem now scattered all over the kingdom of Kumamdra, dividing its people. However, along her journey, she'll learn that saving the world will take more than a dragon. It's going to take trust and teamwork.

Wolf Walkers (2020)

This gorgeous animated movie is about a young British girl in Ireland who befriends a local girl who turns into a wolf at night. The fantastical world will take you right back to your childhood.

The Midnight Club (2022)

The midnight club is an American horror mystery series on Netflix. At a manor with a mysterious history, eight members of the Midnight Club meet each night at midnight to tell sinister stories and to look for signs of the supernatural from the beyond.

Harley Quinn:Birds of Prey (2020)

After being thrown out in the streets by Joker, Harley struggles to pick herself up. Finally, however, Harley teams up with Huntress Black Canary and Renee Montoya to defeat a gangster and save a girl.

The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants (2005)

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants is an American comedy-drama directed by Ken Kwapes based on a novel. The story is about four young girls who acquire a pair of jeans that fit all four perfectly, even though they are all different shapes and sizes.




Here's a true-life story about how one SKY girl repaired her friendship, which was almost fading away.

There was a time when my best friend and I were inseparable. We did everything together, always by each other's side. Life was smooth sailing until we decided to attend the same school. Little did I know that this decision would become a turning point in our friendship.

Upon entering senior secondary after grade 9, we were excited and eager to make new friends. Out of nowhere, my friend started spending most of her time with others, visiting them on weekends. Whenever I wanted to hang out, she was always surrounded by her new friends. She would be engrossed in serious conversations with them, even during study sessions. This went to the extent that she preferred going home with them rather than me.

Our friendship started to deteriorate rapidly. We stopped texting, video chatting, and doing the things we used to enjoy together. We rarely saw each other, even on weekends. It became increasingly difficult for me to talk to her, as every time I approached her, some random girl would appear, and she would ask for a minute, only to vanish into thin air.

These circumstances brought about mixed emotions within me - feelings of neglect, abandonment, and being left out. Finally, I gathered my courage and sought a perfect opportunity to express my feelings. Luckily, the next day, we sat down over some drinks and snacks and had an honest conversation about our friendship.

We agreed to improve our communication by calling and texting each other at least twice a day. In addition, we decided to spend time together during study breaks and walk home together. We also committed to visiting each other on weekends. Through these efforts, our bond grew stronger than ever before.

This experience taught us the importance of good communication in any friendship. We realized that spending quality time with friends brings us closer to them, and we should always cherish these relationships. Furthermore, it taught us not to let go of our friends easily but to hold onto them firmly. If ever we feel distant from them, it's crucial to express our feelings without hesitation.



Friendship is one of the greatest and strongest connections anyone can ever wish for Some friends are like family they are just as close to your heart as your brother and sister Lucky are those who have friends they can truly trust

We all want to find our forever squad, and most importantly, we want to make sure that those friends have just the right ingredients to make a great friendship.

Let me guess, this has you wondering to yourself how you can identify if you have a healthy friendship? Well, sis, do not worry. I have just the right pointers to get you started.

They make you feel Awesome

You must be able to feel good spending time with a friend. And after you’ve chilled out, you should leave with the best feeling.

But if they put you down or make you feel bad on a regular basis, then without a doubt, that friendship is not your thing!!

They love and accept you for who you are

You do not have to pretend to be someone else in order to fit in or feel accepted when you are with someone you call a true friend. As a matter of fact, a true friend will not try to change you or make you behave in a certain way just to fit in with them. With your friend, you can take off your mask, relax, and simply be yourself.

They say sorry when they’ve hurt you

Our loved ones may hurt our feelings at times, but it is never intentional. A true friend knows when to apologize and realize when they have hurt your feelings.

They are trustworthy and honest at all times

Honesty plays an important part in any healthy friendship. It is important to trust that your friends will tell you the truth and keep it �� with you at all times.

And if you ever notice that they are constantly telling lies to not only you but others too, it is a sign that they are not trustworthy. And if they often promise you things or say they will do something but never do it, Run, sis! You may be in a toxic friendship.

Many points in this list might give the impression that we should expect perfection from our friends. But I want to make it clear that this is not the case.

Everyone has flaws, including you, and even the best of friends can, at times, behave badly. So do not judge anyone too harshly based on one sign from this article.

Always look at the bigger picture. Are they good people? And are they good for you? As long as you are willing to listen to each other and make compromises for each other, your friendship will grow stronger and blossom with time.

“Truearefriends diamonds,likebright, beautiful, valuable, and always in style.”
Nicole Richie



Hey SKY babes Sometimes friendships are not all rainbows and sunshine and we can pass through friendships that are toxic and harmful Our thing is healthy friendships and to get that we need to learn how to identify those toxic connections

Trust Your Gut

Listen up, peeps! Your instincts are pretty smart. If something feels off, weird, or uncomfortable in a relationship, it's time to take a closer look. That funny feeling in your tummy might be trying to tell you something important.

Respect is Key

Respect, yo! It's a two-way street in healthy relationships. But in toxic ones, respect goes missing like your favorite pair of socks. If your friend is constantly disrespecting you, ignoring your boundaries, or acting like they're the boss of you, that ain't cool.

Don t Fall for Mind Games

Hey, no one likes to be played, right? Toxic people love to mess with your head. They'll manipulate your emotions, guilt-trip you, and make you feel like you're walking on eggshells. Remember, relationships should be built on trust and honesty, not sneaky mind games. Nobody wants that!

Keep Your Squad Close

Toxic people don't like to share you with others. They'll try to cut you off from your friends and family. But real friends and fam have your back, so don't let anyone isolate you. Healthy relationships support your connections and encourage you to grow.

Negative Nancy Alert

Ugh, who needs a constant downer in their life? Toxic relationships often come with an unhealthy dose of negativity. If you're feeling drained, anxious, or bummed out after hanging with someone, it's time to bounce. Surround yourself with positivity, peeps!

Alright squad It s time to kick toxic relationships to the curb Trust your gut demand respect and avoid mind games Surround yourself with positive vibes and real support Remember you re in control of your own choices and you deserve a healthy and drama free life If you find yourself in a toxic mess reach out for help You got this sis

HOW 27

This is a tricky situation that requires thoughtful consideration.

First, reflect on your friendship and its potential impact if you were to date your friend's ex.

Second, communicate openly with your bestie and listen to her feelings and concerns.

Finally, assess your feelings towards the ex-boyfriend and consider if he aligns with your values and goals.

Ultimately, it's important to make a decision that feels right for you while valuing and protecting your friendships.

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through such a difficult situation with your boyfriend. It's never okay for anyone to force you to do things that you're not comfortable with, and it's especially concerning that he's using the threat of a breakup as a way to manipulate you. Your safety and well-being are the most important things to consider. If you ever feel scared or threatened by your boyfriend's behavior, please reach out to a trusted adult or a helpline (116 is a toll-free number run by LifeLine) for support.

It's also important to remember that you have the right to set boundaries and say no to things that you don't want to do. A healthy relationship is based on mutual respect and understanding, and your boyfriend should never make you feel bad for standing up for yourself. Have a serious conversation with your boyfriend about your concerns and how his behavior is affecting you. If he's unwilling to listen or change his behavior, it may be time to reconsider the relationship and prioritise your own well-being.

Remember, you deserve to be in a relationship that makes you feel safe, respected, and valued. Don't hesitate to seek out help and support.

Hi SKY my bestie ’ s ex boyfriend told me he likes me and would like to date me Should I go ahead or say no
Hi SKY I ’ m dating an older guy but I feel like he s forcing me to do things that I don t want to do and when I refuse to do what he wants he threatens to break up with me please help

It's not easy when misunderstandings and accusations strain our relationships, especially with our best friends. But don't worry; there are steps you can take to repair the damage and hopefully rebuild your friendship. Here's what you can do:

First, acknowledge your mistake and take responsibility for wrongly accusing her.

Apologise sincerely, expressing your regret and how much you miss her. Give her space and time to process her emotions.

Demonstrate positive change through your actions, being reliable and supportive.

Maintain open communication, listen to her perspective, and address her concerns.

Rebuilding trust takes time and effort from both sides. Be patient, understanding, and respectful of her feelings and decisions. The strength of your friendship will depend on both of your willingness to work through this challenging situation. Good luck in repairing your friendship, you can do this sis!

Expressing your feelings to your crush can be nerve-wracking, but it's important to be open and honest about your emotions. Here are some tips for what you can do:

First, find a comfortable and private setting to have a one-on-one conversation.

Approach the conversation with confidence and be authentic – just be yourself.

Start with a friendly conversation to set a positive tone. Be direct and straightforward in expressing your feelings. Be prepared for any outcome and handle the situation with respect.

Expressing your feelings is a courageous step, regardless of the outcome. Be proud of yourself for taking that leap, and trust that everything will work out in the best way for both of you

And if you find out he doesn’t feel the same way remember that it's a normal part of life. First, allow yourself to feel the emotions and process the rejection. Next, focus on self-care and surround yourself with supportive friends and activities that bring you joy. Lastly, keep an open mind and remember that there are plenty of other opportunities for love and connection in the future.

Hey Sky Girls! If you want advice or you want to share any of your advice for Sky sistas, share on our socials @SkyGirlsZed

I wrongly accused my best friend of something she didn t do What should I do to get her back I miss her
Hey SKY fam how do I tell my crush I like him
Send us YOUR photos of you with anything SKY - the magazine, billboards, wristband, anything! For the chance to appear on these pages.


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Magazine. Socials. Hub. Community. For teen girls only! The new season of TIKULA 14th July, 2023 Let’s gooo!  on ZNBC TV2 DSTV Channel 276

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