istituzionale ai sensi della legge 132/2016 e rappresenta uno strumento necessario per ottimizzare le istruttorie di danno ambientale svolte dal Sistema. Parole chiave: danno ambientale; responsabilità ambientale; criteri di accertamento; indizi ed evidenze After more than 15 years since the enactment of the national and European laws on the environmental liability, this Guideline represents the first document developing a technical procedure for the assessment of the environmental damage pursuant the Italian Law Decree n. 152/2006. As a result of a long process of research, analysis and discussions carried out by the Agencies and ISPRA, this document defines criteria and methodologies to be
applied in both the screening and the ascertainment phases of environmental damage assessment cases involving habitat and protected species, protected areas, waters and land. It also introduces the notions of “clues” and “evidences” of environmental damage referred to the specific natural resources. The Guideline aims to improve the technical documentation as reference for the procedural and administrative action taken by the Ministry. It also represents an important tool for the SNPA which, pursuant the Law 132/2016, is required to give its technical support to the competent authority in the environmental damage matters. Keywords: Environmental damage, environmental liability, criteria for the assessment; clues and evidences