July 2021 Wetland Science & Practice

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Establishment of a Society of Wetland Scientists’ Wetland Concerns Committee Mark Finlayson1


s signaled in the February 2021 meeting of the Board of Directors of the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS), the President of SWS, Dr. Loretta Battaglia, after consulting with the Executive Board, has re-established a Wetland Concerns Committee. The role and function of the new Committee differs from the previous version of this Committee, and takes into account the establishment and operation of SWS Sections and Chapters that in different ways may address wetland concerns. Details of the purpose, initial membership and processes to be adopted by the Committee are outlined below. SWS members are encouraged to consider this information and, where appropriate, contact the Committee members and draw their attention to issues that may form part of their activities on behalf of SWS, and also, engage with “Initiatives” established by the Committee, or propose and assist with the establishment of new Initiatives.


The Wetland Concerns Committee is responsible for investigating issues of concern on both a strategic and a reactive basis and sharing this information, as appropriate, by advising the Executive Board where policy issues arise, or through seminars/webinar presentations, or publication in the wider literature, including both peer reviewed (such as Wetlands or other journals) or non-peer reviewed literature (Wetland Science and Practice), or through postings on the web or through social media.

GENERAL PROCESSES: 1. The committee will not issue policy statements or letters on behalf of SWS. Where policy issues of relevance to SWS arise or are recommended, the Committee will refer these to the Executive Board, and where agreed, discuss further with the Policy & Regulation Section, or other Committees, Sections, or Chapters. 2. The Executive Board can request the Committee to investigate specific issues, either strategically or reactively in response to issues that are raised by SWS members or others. This will include information on the form of the reporting and the type of paper that Chair, SWS ad hoc Committee for Wetland Concerns, Immediate Past President SWS; mfinlayson@csu.edu.au; Institute for Land, Water & Society, Charles Sturt University, Albury, NSW 3749, Australia; School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of New South Wales, Australia; IHE Delft, Institute for Water Education, Delft, Netherlands 1

is required (e.g. whether a briefing or background paper, a position paper, or specific advice for a policy response). 3. The members of the Committee can also raise issues to be investigated through mechanisms such as through sub-committees or working groups, and where appropriate, in collaboration with other Committees, Sections, or Chapters, or partner organisations and other experts. 4. The Committee will normally report to the Board of Directors twice a year, as part of the existing reporting arrangements, and to the Executive Board as required in response to particular issues. 5. It is expected that the Committee will incorporate existing initiatives such as the Climate Change and Wetlands Initiative approved by the Executive Board in March 2020, and the Rights of Wetlands Initiative, approved in February 2021. When other issues are identified or initiatives proposed a suitable working arrangement will be agreed with interested parties (members and partner organizations). These activities will be time bound within the remit of the Committee and any successor. 6. It is expected that further issues could include responses to problems at specific sites, or more general issues, including emerging issues such as the wider problem of plastics in wetlands. For site specific issues contact will be made with the appropriate Chapter to determine if there is interest and suitable expertise or knowledge available, or Sections with relevant expertise, such as the Peatland or Global Change Ecology Sections. This may also include the Ramsar Section, or the Wetlands of Distinction Committee if wetland site designations are of relevance to the issues being raised. Strategic or thematic considerations will be raised with appropriate Sections in particular for the purpose of avoiding overlap as well as seeking collaboration. 7. The Committee may propose symposia for SWS annual meetings, or at Chapter meetings, usually in collaboration with others, in particular with Sections that are already required to hold an annual symposium. 8. The Committee will liaise with the Editor of Wetland Science and Practice to identify opportunities where written reports on specific issues could be submitted Wetland Science & Practice July 2021 129

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