Spill's Prison: The Visual Design Projects of Fall 2022

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One of the first projects students completed as a part of Adobe Visual Design. Take a mugshot, maker up a crime and show off some design skills.


Students tackled this project after learning the basics of Adobe Photoshop. They were tasked with taking a profile shot and double exposing it with another image blend modes. The results were interesting for sure.


For this project, students were given the black and white linework for a Valiant Comic and asked to create the trade dress for the comic. This included custom logos and coloring. These were so good Valiant Comics even took notice!


The last design project involved students creating their own custom t-shirt design using Adobe Illustrator with an emphasis on color, balance and composition.


Richies projects T-shirt project


During this projest, I had a lot of problems from the start. I was having a di cult time tracing to the point were i had to leave stu out cause it was so bad. Also, the printer could’nt cut out some of my shapes so i had to improvised half of my project so i can put it on the shirt. Then when we were puting my design on a shirt, it didnt stick on the shirt. But nally, it worked and i was proud of how good it looked.

double exposure project

For this project i was trying a lot of e ects and looks and i came across this glass lookin e ect. But for the project specications you needed to have a image so thats why there was a car on the top right of the picture. Overall, this projects was kinda boring. I didnt really do a whole lot compared to the t shirt project.


Comic book cover project

In this project, it was probably the hardest and took the longest for me to do. the reason for this was the coloring process and doing all the shading and stu . I mostly used the pem tool to complete this project and was like coloring a very detailed coloring book. Interesting fact about this project is we got to use like a drawing pad for the rst time and it made this so much easier, i couldnt imagine using something else like my mouse. at the end, i really enjoyed this project, it was fun yet di cult to do.

My name is Richie Berrier and i go to Oak Grove High school. my current class is in adobe with Spillman and i have to say it is pretty fun. im currently a Jr and compared to my other classes, this is easy.

Brent’s projects

Double Exposure Project

this project was the first one we did and it was easy once you got the hang of it and i really did enjoy the project

Wanted poster project

this project may look like crap but it was hard to fit everything on this one page but the project was easy. i had i lot of fun getting the picture and info it was a fun project

Brent’s projects

Valiant Project

this was my favorite project lots of detail and shadeing and was very hard to do but worth the outcoome it took a long tine to finish but in the end i think it looked really good

T-shirt project

this was the first project where i built everything from scratch and was very fun. i went what was off the top of my head and i put it on a shirt it looked good


i really enjoyed this class it was fun most of the time untill the certifacation came along then i hated it but it was sill a good class and a good teacher


Lee's projects

My name is Lee im 14 and takeing spillmans class my freshman year and loved it. one of my hobbys is playing video games and watching anime

Wanted poster

This project started off makeing a sketch of an idea of what the poster looked like. the next thing i had to do was get a image then make the poster. I had to use adoe exspress for the project. After I made it had to make some changes and thats the final.

Double exsposure

The First thing i did was find two images and took out the background of one. After you get the background out I needid to bring in the second image that was a landscape. I also needed to add an effect like fire or linse flare. the last step was blend` ing them together with a overlay and

BO3 logo

The very first thing was finding the cover you wanted to color. Next you needed to color in the outline. Once you get done coloring and shading in photoshop I needed to pick a logo, put the issue number, barcode, and put the name with creator names.

T-shirt final

First thing to do agian was make a sketch of the idea. the next step was make the sketch in iliustrator. second last is color and add a few things. and lastly you print and put it on. the shirt.




Double Exposure Project

To do the double expsure project, we first had to choose a picture, either of ourselves, or of someone we found on the site Unsplash. Then had to crop the orignal picture, lay another photo over top, and use the effect screen on it. Once that was done, we added effects and extra photos, like the vines and the concrete wall behind her. I wanted to add color that contrasted against the beautiful red hair of the woman, so I used the green forest that is screened over, but left her features visible, and added white concrete to make the green vines pop more.

T-Shirt Project


For the t-shirt project, we had to start with drawing a design, something we were going to use to trace. As you can see, my original design was rough, and elements of it didn’t make it to the final draft. But once we submitted our scamp, it was just a matter of tracing it and then adding color, effects, and the text. I wanted to choose a quote, so I choose a quote from Guillermo del Toro. The quote actually says “In consiliis nostris fatum nostrum est,” which is Latin for “In our choices lie our fate.”

When we started this, we first had to choose a comic book cover to focus on. I choose Archer and Armstrong, as evident here. But before we could color the picture, we had to design our own custom logo. So, using inspiration from some of the older issues of the Archer and Armstrong, I created a my logo, using Photoshop. I added the bevel effect, what makes the words look 3D, to add extra effects. Once that was done, I could color, using layers laid onto the line art, supplied by Valient.

Wanted Poster Project

This was our first project in the class, between both Photoshop. So it is one of the rougher projects. But to start, we worked with an AI program called Nightcafe, where you typed in key words to get a AI generated photo. As you can see, I wasn’t great at this. But I got this picture, of “Duke Gordan.” Once we had our mugshot, we had to add the other details, in a pleasing and carefully thought out manner. Once that was done, shapes included, we had our finished product, as you see here.


Hello! My name is Karoline, and I am the creator of all these projects. I am in Mr. Spillman’s 4th period Adobe Visual Design class, and did work hard on all of these. (Even if there was a little procrastination involved.) But, if you would like to get to know me more, I am a band kid, and play the oboe in concert band, and flute in the Oak Grove Marching Band, where we had a nearly undefeated season this year. I also am a big Star Wars nerd, and a Marvel nerd. I am a bookworm, and have read many popular YA books and series, such as Harry Potter and The Hunger Games.

Comic Book Cover

Jackson Lemons

Adobe/Illistrator Projects

For my Blend Mode Project (Double Exposure Project)

I needed to find two images to blend so I used an image of myself and an image of water and tried to make it look like I was underwater. I also ended up adding a Bubble Guppy as well as fire for no apparent reason. I thought this project was the hardest because I had little experience in photoshop and I just got done learning about blending images so I had little practice.

I also added in a prism(ish) texture because it blended the best with the water. I thought the project turned out well and had good balance to it.

Wanted Poster

For my Valiant design I had to create a logo and I decided I wanted a half black and half white logo to represent shadowman’s theme. Next I had to decide what colors I wanted my design to be. I decided I wanted to utilize as many colors as I could so I could seperate the characters. Then I started coloring and at the start I spent too much time on the smaller details which led me to rush in the later stages. Unfortunatly I ran out of time before I could finish coloring the smaller details such as the teeth. Within the last 15 minutes before the project was due I added a barcode and names in the left corner because I thought it helped balance the design.

T Shirt Design

Hello my name is Jackson, I am a sophmore at Oak Grove High School and I took Adobe Visual Design. These are my 4 major projects during the 2022 2023 school year.

Blend Mode Project

For my wanted poster I needed to start with an image so I used an AI image creator to create the image. I then framed the image and started on the text. I had to make up a bunch of information about the man in the image such as his height, weight, and crimes commited. I organized where I wanted everything to go then added a textured background. This was one of the first projects so I was less experianced and made more mistakes. I struggled with the balance of the design because I was not sure where the optimal place to put my text was. Even the final deisgn is not completely balanced and could have used some rearranging.

Valiant Comics Cover

For my T shirt design project, I wanted a simple design. The first thing I did was create an outline which I would end up tweaking later in the design process. My next task was to add color in to the which was easy since I used the Live Paint Bucket Tool. The last main task I had to do was add the arrows which took some time because I had to find an arrow that the correct size then I traced it using the pen tool. Overall I enjoyed this project because the guidelines were not strict and did not put a big limit on what you could design.

Wanted Poster T Shirt Design For my Valiant design had to create a logo and decided wanted half black and half white logo to represent shadowman’s theme. Next had to decide what colors wanted my design to be. decided wanted to utilize as many colors as could so could seperate the characters. Then started coloring and at the start spent too much time on the smaller details which led me to rush in the later stages. Unfortunatly ran out of time before could finish coloring the smaller details such as the teeth. Within the last 15 minutes before the project was due added barcode and names in the left corner because thought it helped balance the design. arrows which took some time because had to find using the pen tool. Overall enjoyed this project because the guidelines were not strict and did not put a big limit on what you could design. For my Blend Mode Project (Double Exposure Project) needed to find two images to blend so used an image of myself and an image of water and tried to make it look like was underwater. also ended up adding a Bubble Guppy as well as fire for no apparent reason. thought this project was the hardest because had little experience in photoshop and just got done learning about blending images so had little practice. also added in a prism(ish) texture because it blended the best with the water. thought the project turned out well and had good balance to it. Jackson Lemons Adobe/Illistrator Projects Blend Mode Project Valiant Comics Cover Shirt Design

Hello my name is Nicoluas lyles and i took this class beecuase i always wanted to know how to build and create new thing online and i would like to be part of something like this forever. and im happy to say this was the best year i had at oak grove and built the best realtsion ship with some of my teachers and all i want to say is thank you and always stay og

this is my comic book cover the characters name is shadowman i spent 1 day making it and got in the top 10 and i dont know how people have better ones then me. I love the colors and the dept and i love the character i did


the is my wanted poster this was the first project we did and i made the picture a=n a wepsite called nightcafe and on there you can make ai art and so i used it to make this picture and put it as my wanted poster

this is my t-shirt design i made for my channel for reaching 1k in this project you had to make your own design and trace it and when you nished it you would have to heat press it on to a shirt

Mason Lynch


I am Mason Lynch, an attendee of Oak Grove Highschool. I was born on the tenth of June, in 2008. I’ve few interests, and fewer that I persue. I seldom read, though when I do, I endorse in more fictitious genres. One fictional novel I’d hope to read is William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, but I digress.**

Adobe Spark Wanted Poster

In our first quarter, we’d first partaken a project in Adobe Spark, wherein we’d been tasked to design a wanted poster. Me, being the socially-quaint, pop-culturally inept person I am, had decided upon a stereotypical ‘Western’ poster, and as such, I’d originally had in mind a color scheme similiar to that of parchment and ink. Cliche, I admit; hence the change of color schemes, remaining complimentary. For the font, I’d always had Serif in mind, though Times New Roman just didn’t fit; running out of ideas, I searched “wanted” on Fontspace, thus, my font was kept cliche. As to not leave text sporadic, I’d shelved them on the sides adjecent to where my image would be lain.

Photoshop Double Exposure

For this project, I needed to apply ‘double exposure’ in Adobe Photoshop, wherein numerous images were blended together.. Having been interested in Caesarean Era historical figures and architecture, I’d chosen Augustus Caesar of Rome, forefront some grandios colosseum. With all my assets in set, I’d set a luminosity blend, as with an Adobe Photoshop effect that added a sort of rough, abrased leatherwork. Though I’d utilized the two constituents of my project, I wasn’t done; and so, I rasterized a flaming laurel or crown, I’d tapered the eyes with a paintbrush accent, and I’d perched a crowned pigeon flanked right his shoulder.

Valiant Comics Cover

The Valliant Comic front-cover was by far one of the most time consuming of all the projects I’d done, second to the T-Shirt Design Project. First, I’d handdrawn a scamp of the logo I’d use for future reference. Then, I’d make the logo seperately in Adobe Photoshop, using shapes as to avoid Valiant Comics from infringing a copyright claim and forcing me into an inexorable lawsuit. Havinng chosen the Eternal Warrior, the logo was naturally a sword. What happens next is self explanatory; I colored the artwork; I placed in the QR code, Valiant Logo, and of course, a logo of my own.

T-Shirt Project

T-Shirt Scamp Image Tracing

I don’t know what you expected from this first step. I saw Alexander the Great of Macedonia, thought “hey, he looks cool!”, and attempted to draw him on paper. THere’s not much else to it, aside from the fact that I took the picture of it with my Chromebook, causing the image to appear grainy.

Tracing my T-Shirt Scamp was more or less the same when it came to descrpiion. ON Illustrator, I’d trace the image and-- Oh! I’m running out of time. There wasn’t much to this step, either.

Color/Texture Embedding

The most notorious of the four steps, or at least in my eyes, was the color and texture embedding. For the color, I’d just wanted a generic black and white gradient. As I tried applying the gradient, I noticed that when applied, each indicidual vector shape was given the gradient. Because of this, I had to improvise, using a clipping a mask so as to

Finalization/Design Press

Regardless of how a lenght I go to shorten this project, I won’t be able to finish. I you can

sean’s magazine


My name is Sean. i am 18 years old, and a current student at Oak Grove high school. I enjoy going to the gym and hanging out with friends on my free time. Some hobbies i like to do is snow skiing, and hunting. After high school i will be joining the military (marines) and get my college degree while I am a reservest. After i get my 4 year degree i will reinlist and become an officer for 6 years then get out and get a good paying job and live life.

comic book project

For this project I used a couple techiques such as a purple drop shadow for the text. Also I used brush strokes and used an overlay blend mode to make the colors pop in the back ground. I also placed astroids in the background to give the image some detail and to also fill in the empty space in the top part of the image.

t-shirt project

This project was more dificult than the other projects that i created. I first had to free hand the antlers,skull,and arrows of course seprately. luckly the antlers symetrical so I could duplicate the antlers and not have to draw both of them out. For the arrows I had to free hand both pieces, plus the arrow heads. For the skull i used a cream white to give it that natural skull color, and for the antlers and arrows I used gradients to give that natural look. I used the log picture as texture for the text “INSTRUCTOR”. And that is it for my T-Shirt Project.

Wanted poster

For this project i used a dark grey background with a color scheme of blue and white. i used a drop shadow on the “WANTED” text and “GHOST RIDER” text. I also used the skulls as background fillers. Some info on Ghost Rider he is a marvel character cursed by the devils greastest power the deed and he feeds off the souls of the evil and not so nice people.

double exposure project

For this project i used two pictures. The mountain is the background and the person is what i blended in with mountain background. I also used a texture effect on the image to make it have a grainy look. At the bottom of the image i used brush strokes from the dodge tool and brun tool to add some shadows to the image.

Thank you Spillman for all of the great teachings this year.


They’re Good

Wanted Poster Double Exposure

look for an image using Wonder AI image generator. then I went to adobe express to make the poster. The idea for this project was to make a wanted poster for someone. The second thing was to plan out how I wanted to lay out the project, I went with a centered look. Then I decided how much I wanted the reward to be, and also gave the description for “me”. And also gave the reason why he was wanted at the top under the title.

my image for the main subject. I chose to use wonder AI to make an AI generated image. Then I googled and looked for an image, and also downloaded a few side assets for the background. I then went into Photoshop and put in the first background image. Then added the assets and my subjects. then I layer masked my assets. And the added color adjustments. rendered fire a bo﬉le of the screen, and brushed the opacity to make a blend effect.

Comic Project

comic, is finding my character. A﬇er this, I researched to understand my character. I then had to make my Divinity logo. I decided to use the Russian flag because divinity is a Russian man. the tentacles are for his “armor” Or suit. then I got the image of divinity and Colored it. a﬇er this, I traced divinity and picked a background to add. and then dropped it behind him. then a﬇er that, I drew on the scope coming in and added a valiant logo, and my name.

T-shirt Project

my scamp, Then I brought it to Illustarator and image traced it. A﬇er this I then manually traced it, and then added a few assets to it. And made the circle, found a font, and found the Sun and Moon logo. I then added them all together adding the text “Serenity” to the circle. a﬇er this, I submi﬉ed it to Spillman, and we printed it out and heat-pressed it to my T-shirt.

Lex Thomas

Hi, I'm Lex Thomas, I'm 14 and have been using photoshop for around 11 months not counting this class, I code and make websites for multiple people. Once I finish high school I want to pursue so﬇ware engineering or freelancing. vvv

James projects

Wanted poster

For the wanted poster project i went to a website that does AI art so i put in some word to make a person and to the left is what i got from the website. The next part of the project is to put it into illustrator put it onto a blank canvas then i made that canvas a di erent color. For the next part i just made up his crime, location, name, and reward that was basically all for this project.

For the valiant comic cover i was to take a comic cover and add things to like color and details. For the rst part of the project i was to research a character and when i found one i was to take a comic cover with the character on it. The next second part was to add some color and details so i started with coloring Armstrong and Arrow and this took a long time so when i was done with them i would start to color the other characters around them but the problem with this project is i never got done with it because i needed more time for the project.

My name is James and i go to oak grove high school and im in a prison named Spillvill please help me dont get trapped in this class like i did.

Valiant comic cover Bio

T-shirt design

For the T-shirt design project i started with drawing what i wanted to be on the shirt i drew on paper some terrain some trees, a house, and a tank to see how it would look on the shirt. The next step of the process was to take a picture of the design and put it into illustrator to start making the picture by over drawing the lines that i had put and making adjustments if i needed to. The third part of the design was to color it and mainly i just used brown, white, and green. Four was just to print it on a shirt and be done with it.

The double exposure project is a project where you put two images together into one image. For mine i got a image and put another on top or bottom of the other then use some tools to erase some of the top image so that the bottom image shows and the two images form together to make a cooler or nicer looking image.

could not nd image

Double exposure project

Caleb Roche


Hello, I’m Caleb Roche, and I am a visual design student for Mr. Spilllman’s fall semester class. I like to play video games like Persona 5 and Splatoon 3. I also like to consume content on YouTube.

This is my wanted poster, my rst project in this class. For this project, I had my color scheme be analogous.

I put yellow on orange circles to maintain unity. I emphasized the name, word wanted, crime, and award.

I used the z-pattern design composition with an asymmetrical balance. For the visualheirarchy, I had the word wanted big to catch the viewer’s attention.

Blend Mode Mini-Project

This is my blend mode project, the blend mode project. For this project I had paper as my background and Obama as the person I’m using for the project. I had an image of sakura trees blending into Obama and put sakura trees next to him because I like sakura trees. I also blended the paper background with the color blue. I also put the Pope on Obama’s shoulder because my neighbor was doing the Pope for his project.

V aliant Comics Cover

This is my thrid project, the Valiant Comics cover project. This is the rst project where I had to make a scamp. For this project I designed 3 logos on a scamp and had to pick the best one and put the design on the cover. After putting the logo on the cover, I colored the lineart I chose from the ones I was provided. Although I didn’t nish it, I was close to being done.

T-Shirt Design

This is my fourth and my last project, the t-shirt design project. For this project, I had to make a scamp of a design I wanted on a t-shirt, the design I chose for the project was based o of a saying me and my boyfriend had. After drawing the scamp, I replicated it on Adobe Illustrator. First, I recreated the shape, then I added the hearts and colored them blue and green. And nally, I put text and I gave two words a di erent font to give it emphasis.

Wanted Poster

Magazine Spread

Bios: I am honestly a very complicated person and don’t really under stand my self. I am Luke Qualkenbush.

This project was done in adobe express and it was my rst project and I wanted to make a wanted poster of a black hole who was accused of “eating” the whole universe and I just used a AI to come up with a background and used that for the basis of the wanted poster.

The idea for this came when I found out that we could choose to do anyone we wanted and then make them inside photoshop so I chose to do the pope as like whenever he was dead and with and the like and then I decided to a because it is the opposite and the overarching idea was to complete the look of sacrilegious design. Which as always the best reason for anything is it was funny.

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