Sport Endurance EVO issue 22

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photo by Barbara Miller

I’m Nopoli del Ma’

CSIO 5* + CSI 2* + CSIYH 1*

APR 26. APR 2018 – 29. 2018

x-bionic® sphere | Dubová 33/A | 931 01 Šamorín | Slovakia










N. 22 WINTER SPRING 2018 Quarterly Endurance Riding Lifestyle Magazine Printed on the 10th of April 2018 Next issue 10th of July 2018 Registered in the Court of L’Aquila (IT). Registration n. 572, February 2nd, 2008 Publishing Company Cultural Association Sport Endurance EVO Via Alba Fucens, 22 - L’Aquila Italy - VAT IT01628140665 Publisher/Manager Luca Giannangeli ( Marketing and Business Developer Elena Vanni ( Artwork Vincenzo Brancadoro ( Supervisor Giovanni Graziani ( Photographers Barbara Miller (cover photo), Chiara Gobbetti, Oreste Testa, Dubai Equestrian Club, Morhaf Al Assaf, Debra Wylde, John and Susan Kordish, Edcommunire, Sue Morrow, Roberto Viscoli Collaborators Federico Accorroni, Lucian Spataro, Camille Champagne, Chiara Rosi, Natalia Zhuk, x-bionic® sphere, Tersk Stud, Anna Teresa Vincentelli Printed by Dedalo Litostampa S.r.l. Advertising









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Editorial by Luca Giannangeli


odern endurance is fast... on and out of the track! Ride speeds keep increasing every year just like news regarding competitions keep circulating faster and faster on the web. With the advent of the internet, everybody’s access to news has become easier, quicker and more detailed. Because of social media everything ends in the wink of an eye and any problem can be solved with a post! Many might think that our magazines is ancient... obsolete, but we don’t. Like many of our readers, we believe it is something precious that must be

carefully stashed in a bookcase. Contents are not as smart as the ones on social media because our quarterly magazine becomes old just after 3 months. For this reason, the focus of our magazine is changing and we are more likely to deal with stories of horses and riders. High quality photographs remain our must but we will concentrate on quality contents too. If you have any suggestions or advice please don’t hesitate to contact us...after all, you are the main actors of endurance!


orse digestive disorders can often be avoided thanks to correct nutrition. One of the most significant horse pathology is colic which mainly occurs for two particular reasons. The first one is mechanical: caused by excessive fodder coarseness and sand/earth ingestion. The second one comes from alter-

ations in intestinal flora due to antibiotics, extreme fermentation of sugars (both simple and complex) or to an excess of nitrogen. How can we prevent colic caused by obstraction or indigestion? We must avoid using coarse fodder, check the horse’s ability to properly chew and the volume of concentrate ration (cereals and feed).

Colic and nutrition

mistakes to avoid and precautions to take


astly, always administer long fibre to prevent digestive content from stopping in the cecum, the beginning of the large intestine designated for microbial fermentation. It is useful to administer a ready to use mash like SLURP once a week, in order to regulate intestinal activity and gastroenteric functions. Old horses with chewing difficulties due to worn-down teeth

can benefit of SLURP too. SLURP is also useful to remove sand or earth from the intestine and helps overcome the resulting malabsortion syndrome. How can we keep a correct balance of intestinal microorganisms? First of all we should avoid sudden nutritional changes, lack of fibre, nitrogen and starch surplus, high fer-

mentable foods and be careful when using antibiotics. In order to normalize intestinal flora it is advisable to use Replay which reactivates the physiological conditions of the intestine. Saccharomyces Cerevisiae contained by it improves fiber and starch digestion while Inulin stimulates the replication of those microorganisms which are necessary for an optimal intestinal functionality.

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“The back of the horse always dry” 1,3 kg.


n the last years Follonica’s Ippodromo dei Pini, in the province of Grosseto, entered the ranking of Italy’s best endurance ride locations. Logistically speaking this equestrian structure offers a lot: there’s a mild climate all year round and a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere, furthermore the good quality of the track contribute to making Follonica’s racecourse one of the greatest in Europe. It is definitely a location that deserves to host high level events and this small commune overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea is now ready to step up in class.




Ippodromo dei Pini di Follonica in provincia di Grosseto, è entrato negli ultimi anni nell’annovero delle location migliori d’Italia per quanto riguarda l’organizzazione di gare di endurance. La logistica offerta dalla struttura equestre, il particolare clima mite tutto l’anno, l’atmosfera rilassata che si respira ed ultimo, ma non ultimo, la bontà del percorso, hanno proiettato Follonica tra le big d’Europa. Sicuramente località inserita degna di ospitare eventi di alto livello, il piccolo comune affacciato sul Tirreno è pronto dunque per ulteriori salti di qualità.

Follonica International Ride 2018 300 riders... a possible objective! Photo T-Track system





he foresight of Giorgio Presenti, the master of Follonica Endurance known as Billy, the efficiency of Massimo Petaccia, President of the FISE Toscana Regional Committee, the concreteness of Andrea Benini, mayor of Follonica and Andrea Pecorini, Vice-Mayor, contributed to leading the International Endurance Ride to the records’ top positions. Once the number of 200 starters was overtaken, the most ambitious objective of the ride hosted by the Parco Nazionale delle Colline Metallifere Grossetane e Montioni, was to reach 300 binomials! In order to achieve such a goal, advertising plays a main role just like social networks but in this case the word of mouth is the winning move. Technology applied to sports plays a main role too attracting more people and adding prestige to Tuscany’s event that will be held at the end of the year. T-Track llc is the pioneer of a new GPS system used by every rider during the ride. The system guarantees total security to the participants and represents an example of seriousness and frankness in all the different competitions. The Organizing Committee aims at fighting favoritism that is of course present in endurance riding just like in every other sport. Juridically speaking the committee is also working hard to create its own new identity. Follonica, the city where the lucky comedy film “The Graduates” was shot in 1995, directed and starred by Leonardo Pieraccioni, is by now a box office record breaker and will be the home of a new adventure in November 17-18.



a lungimiranza del patron di Follonica Endurance, Giorgio Presenti, per tutti Billy, l’efficienza del Presidente del Comitato Regionale FISE Toscana Massimo Petaccia, la concretezza di Andrea Benini, Sindaco di Follonica e quella del Vice Sindaco Andrea Pecorini, hanno rapidamente accompagnato l’asticella dell’internazionale di endurance nelle zone alte dei record. Superato il muro dei 200 partenti, l’ambizioso obiettivo della competizione che tocca il Parco Nazionale delle Colline Metallifere Grossetane e quello di Montioni, è quello di toccare quota 300! Per arrivare a tale scopo la pubblicità è fondamentale, come l’utilizzo dei social network ma, in questi casi, il sempice passaparola rimane l’arma vincente. Anche la tecnologia applicata allo sport ha contribuito ad attrarre maggiore pubblico e a regalare spettacolo all’evento di fine anno in Toscana. L’utilizzo ad esempio del sistema GPS per i cavalieri, di cui T-Track llc è stata pioniera, ha non solo garantito massima sicurezza ai partecipanti, ma dato segnale di serietà e di trasparenza alle varie competizioni. La certezza del risultato, l’assoluta lotta ai favoritismi, insiti purtroppo nell’endurance come in altri sport, è l’obiettivo finale del Comitato Organizzatore che da quest’anno sta lavorando per trovare, anche giuridicamente, una propria e nuova identità. Insomma nella città dove nel 1995 fu girato il fortunato film-commedia “I Lureati” diretto e interpretato da Leonardo Pieraccioni, Follonica si laurea campione di incassi d’inverno ed è pronta per una nuova avventura il prossimo 17-18 novembre.

FOLLONICA: the location

FOLLONICA: la location

Unfortunately when you are running a long FEI ride, there’s no time nor desire to look at the surrounding landscape and to enjoy it. A study of the track before running the ride could be interesting and educational. Follonica is a commune with a population of around 21000 inhabitants, it expands along the Tyrrhenian coast, overlooking the namesake Gulf. Rising up from the sea, it is protected by the Colline Metallifere (Metal-bearing Hills) that reach an altitude of 330 meters above sea level, a perfect endurance track!

Quando si è impegnati in gara, specialmente in una gara FEI lunga, non si ha molta voglia e tempo di godere del panorama che ci circonda. Imparare dove stiamo correndo, magari prima di partire potrebbe essere interessante e motivo di accrescimento culturale. Follonica è un Comune di circa 21000 abitanti e si estende sulla costa Tirrenica affacciandosi al centro dell’omonimo golfo. Salendo dal mare è protetta dalle Colline Metallifere andando a toccare comunque una quota altimetrica bassa, 330 metri s.l.m., perfetta per un percorso di


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t is a young commune that was born when Leopold II of Tuscany commissioned the construction of the Reali e Imperiali Fonderie back in 1834, although some old texts refer to it since the year 1000. The origins of the name Follonica are not very clear but the most accredited ones refer to Etruscan origins; fullona, or the latin equivalent fullonica (opificio), is the place where ancient people used to work and dye fabric. If you wish to learn more about Follonica, the web and the sites dedicated to this mild Tuscan commune will offer you plenty of information. We would like to express special thanks to the Ippodromo dei Pini and to all its staff. This reality has decided to invest everything on the growth of endurance and, as a matter of fact, it is achieving its goal.

endurance. E’ un comune piuttosto giovane, la sua nascita infatti coincide con la costruzione delle Reali e Imperiali Fonderie volute da Leopoldo II di Toscana nel 1834 anche se viene citata spesso in alcuni vecchi testi come punto di approdo già dall’anno 1000. L’origine del nome Follonica non è chiarissima, la più accreditata racconta della derivazione etrusca; fullona, o dall’equivalente latino fullonica (opificio), indica il luogo dove anticamente si lavoravano e tingevano i panni. Approfondimenti e curiosità su Follonica li trovate su Internet sui tanti siti dedicati al mite Comune toscano. Un grazie particolare va all’Ippodromo dei Pini e tutto il suo staff. Questa realtà ha deciso di investire e di puntare sulla crescita dell’endurance e, stando ai numeri, ci sta riuscendo ampiamente.

Prize ceremony Follonica International 2018 with Pierluigi Grassi, Mario Roggio, Giorgio Presenti, Massimo Petaccia





Maurizio Muntoni with one of his mares

NOPOLI del MA’ Unknown stories of stubborn people!!




opoli del Ma’ is a horse that deserves to imprint its name on endurance history. Due to the great results achieved, he numbers among the Big ones of world en-

durance. Nopoli del Ma’, the son of Tidjani and Urania, who are sons of Flipper and Managhi and Veinard Al Maury and Ovhala, was born in Sardinia in 2004 at Maurizio Muntoni’s stable. Maurizio is a well-known breeder of flat racing and endurance horses. We looked up the meaning of the name Nopoli on the Etymology dictionary and the most accredited one boasts Greek origins “no polys” which means “not a lot!”. Probably the first SardiniAfter the recent HH Sh. Moan owner of a hammed Endurance Cup Nopoli horse we decided to dedicate the believed he cover and article of issue wasn’t “very 22 to this amazing chamfast”...but we’ll pion. Unfortunately, Nopnever know. oli had an accident during We know for the Crown Prince Cup 2018, sure that Maubut he’s alive. Today we are rizio chose the even happier to dedicate name Nopoli him this article. Get well for sentimental soon great Champion. reasons and not literal ones. In fact, Maurizio used to have a horse that ran never ending tracks and competed in the first endurance rides. This is why he wished to give new life to his old friend by giving its name to his present horse. Now let’s give the floor to Maurizio who will reveal some unknown details of this amazing champion. “After the great experience shared with Gairos, Nopoli’s full brother, we have decided to give it a try with the same crossbreed and it seems that the achieved results proved us right! Gairos was born in 2002 and from the very beginning he won in flat racing competitions; when he began with endurance riding he achieved important results till 2014 then he slowly left the stage. I still remember his fifth place in Dubai at the H.H. Sh. Mohammed Cup in 2014, a 4th place the year before in Abu Dhabi at the President Cup and in 2013 another great placement among the first top ten at the H.H. Sh. Mohammed Cup, etc. We couldn’ t have but tried this crossbreed again...and we did! Nopoli was born in my stable. I broke him when he was just 3 years old and then he was immediately on the track.


opoli del Ma’ è un cavallo che si è guadagnato sul campo l’ingresso nei libri di storia dell’endurance. Tanti i risultati che lo hanno consacrato tra i big dell’endurance mondiale. Figlio di Tidjani e Urania, a loro volta figli di Flipper e Managhi e Veinard Al Maury ed Ovhala, Nopoli del Ma’ nasce nel 2004 in Sardegna a casa di Maurizio Muntoni, noto allevatore di cavalli da galoppo e da endurance. Abbiamo cercato nell’etimologia il significato del suo nome e il più accreditato attribuisce al greco la provenienza, no polys, “non molto”!! Forse il primo proprietario di un Nopoli in Sardegna pensava non fosse “molto veloce”!!! Non lo sapremo mai... Sappiamo con certezza inveDopo la HH Sh. Mohammed ce che MauriEndurance Cup abbiamo zio ha scelto il deciso di dedicare articonome Nopoli lo e cover del numero 22 a non per un siquesto incredibile campiognificato lettene. Sfortunatamente, Noporario bensì afli ha avuto un incidente dufettivo; un suo rante la Crown Prince Cup vecchio caval2018, ma è vivo. Oggi siamo lo con il quale ancora più felici di dedicaraveva corso gli questo articolo. Guarisci infiniti trek e presto grande campione. prime gare di endurance si chiamava Nopoli dunque ha voluto far rivivere l’attuale omonimo mantendo il nome. Parola a Maurizio dunque che ci racconterà qualche particolare inedito di questo splendido campione. “Dopo la fantastica esperienza vissuta con Gairos, fratello pieno di Nopoli, abbiamo deciso di riprovare lo stesso incrocio e sembrerebbe che i risultati ci abbiano dato ragione! Gairos nacque nel 2002 e da subito inziò a vincere in galoppo; spostato in endurance fu capace di fare risultati importanti fino al 2014 per poi uscrire lentamente di scena. Ricordo un 5° posto nel 2014 alla H.H. Sh. Mohammed Cup di Dubai, un 4° posto l’anno prima ad Abu Dhabi alla President Cup ed ancora nel 2013 un altro grande piazzamento in top ten sempre nella H.H. Sh. Mohammed Cup e così via...Insomma non potevamo non riprovare l’incrocio dunque nacque a casa mia Nopoli. Lo domai quando aveva tre anni e immediatamente fu inserito in pista. Nopoli non era un cavallo difficile come alcuni pensano ma aveva un carattere particolare. Una sua peculiarità era quella di cimentarsi in



Nopoli wasn’t a difficult horse as many people might think but he had a peculiar personality. For example he used to rear at least 10 times before going on the track. It was an usual behaviour for him and the jockeys knew about this bad habit although I like to think that it was just a game. Immediately after his exhibition Nopoli went on the track and worked hard just like a good high-school student, without ever being rude. He promised well from the start, he proved to have great qualities and strength in all his training sessions so we decided to let him run. But let me travel back in time, back to when Nopoli

1° H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum on Nopoli del Ma’

seriously compromised. Our only hope was that he was still very young and probably he would have had enough time to recover. We were extremely happy to see that Nopoli did indeed recover! All he did was to rest in his stall for 4 months and then he became what he is today and it is plain to all. I remember that every time we cleaned his bedding, Nopoli was a real devil and jumped on his four legs as if he was crazy! I’m proud of all this story because probably another breeder would have just given up the trip accross the sea, leaving the horse out on pasture, or maybe using him for other tasks or worse yet! When Nopoli was finally ready for horse racing, we received a proposal from a buyer from the UAE. They had never seen him run in endurance or flat racing competitions before, they had just seen his photo and ID. His brother Gairos had paved the way for him! He was only 3 years old when we said farewell. We didn’t sell him at a high price but I owe him the success of my breeding center. Nopoli paved the way to our success and I will never stop thanking him.

NOPOLI del MA’ Father: TIDJANI*HN AR - ALEZAN - 1979

Mother: URANIA (IT) AR - ALEZAN - 1993

was 6 months old. There’s something that just few people know and I would like to reveal it. When he was just 6 months old everyone noticed that Nopoli the foal limped. I took him to my vet Mauro Ardu who advised me to take him to the Clinic, in Perugia (Italy). So I loaded Nopoli and his mom into the trailer, we faced the trip accross the sea and finally we reached Perugia, in Umbria. The vet’s verdict was terrible: “He broke his meniscus”. The sad diagnosis was hopeless and his sports career



Great father P: FLIPPER AR - ALEZAN - 1968

Great mother P: MANAGHI AR - BAI - 1973

Great father M: VEINARD AL MAURY AR - ALEZAN - 1988

Great mother M: OVHALA AR - ALEZAN - 1987


Today he’s in Dubai at MRM stables where he is trained and cuddled like a real champion. This experience taught me a lot and I have grown since. If I may, I would like to give a piece of advice to young breeders: always believe in all your products and never take anything for granted! Trust your foals because everyone deserves a chance, there’s always time for selection, someone leaves at the very beginning while others later on!. Best wishes to all the readers of Sport EVO”.

BEST CAREER RESULTS Thanks to Nopoli, H.H. Sh. Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum won the H.H. Sh. Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup in 2015

2014 – 1st place - Compiégne CEIO3* 160 km. 21.10 km/h 2014 – 1st place - Dubai Endurance City CEI2* 120 km. 27.40 km/h 2015 – 1st place - H.H. Sh. Mohammed Cup CEI3* 160 km. 24.52 km/h 2016 – 4th place - H.H. Sh. Mohammed Cup CEI3* 160 km. 24.40 km/h 2016 – 1st place - Dubai Al Khawaneej JYR CEI2* 120 km. 27.77 km/h 2016 – 1st place - Dubai Crown Prince Cup CEI2* 120 km. 27.86 km/h 2016 – 5th place - Pisa, San Rossore CEI2* 120 km. 26.00 km/h 2017 – 1st place - Dubai Al Marmoon Cup CEN 120 km. 27.02 km/h 2018 – 1st place - H.H. Sh. Mohammed Cup CEI3* 160 km. 24.50 km/h

una decina di impennate subito prima di entrare in pista. Era un comportamento classico e tutti fantini sapevano di questo suo chiamiamolo, vizio anche se amo pensare fosse un gioco. Dopo la sua esibizione Nopoli entrava in pista e lavorava come un bravo studente delle superiori, senza mai fare uno sgarbo. Subito prometteva bene, in allenamento dimostrava grandi doti e una forza pazzesca, dunque lo mettemmo al lavoro. Riavvolgo un attimo il nastro e torno a quando Nopoli aveva 6 mesi. C’è una cosa che in pochi sanno e che oggi voglio svelarvi. A soli 6 mesi il puledro Nopoli iniziò a zoppicare vistosamente. Lo feci visitare dal mio veterinario Mauro Ardu che mi consigliò di portarlo a Perugia, in Clinica. Ho caricato il puledro con la sua mamma, affrontato il mare e finalmente in Umbria. Il verdetto della visita fu gelido, “rottura del menisco”. La diagnosi non lasciava spazio a speranze, l’attività sportiva mi dissero che poteva essere seriamente compromessa. Dalla nostra c’era il fatto che era molto giovane, a quell’età tutto può ancora succedere, questa la nostra speranza. Con grande gioia Nopoli recuperò in fretta dopo essere stato fermo 4 mesi in box, per poi diventare quello che oggi è sotto gli occhi di tutti. Ricordo che quando dovevamo rifare la lettiera del suo box Nopoli era un diavolo, saltava a quattro zampe infuriato!!! Sono fiero di questa storia perchè un altro allevatore forse avrebbe rinunciato al viaggio in traghetto e messo il cavallo al prato, destinato ad altri lavori se non peggio! Quando finalmente il cavallo era pronto per esordire in galoppo, arrivò la richiesta di acquisto da parte di un compratore degli Emirati Arabi. Non lo hanno mai visto correre né in galoppo né in endurance, hanno visto solo la sua carta d’identità e la sua foto. Suo fratello Gairos aveva spianato la sua strada. Aveva 3 anni quando lo salutai; ovviamente non fu ceduto a cifre importanti ma devo a lui il suc-

cesso del mio allevamento, Nopoli ha aperto la strada del nostro successo e non smetterò mai di ringraziarlo. Oggi è presso le scuderie MRM di Dubai dove si allena e vive coccolato come si fa con i campioni. Da questa esperienza ho imparato tanto e sono cresciuto molto; se posso permettermi di dare un consiglio a qualche giovane allevatore è quello di credere in ogni proprio prodotto, non dare mai nulla per scontato. Crederci e mandare avanti i puledri perchè tutti meritano un chanche; per fare la selezione c’è tempo perchè c’è chi esce subito e chi alla lunga! Un caro saluto a tutti i lettori di Sport EVO”



The Royal Cavalry of the Sultanate of Oman and Sport EVO BABENHAUSEN 2017 photo by Barbara Miller

for the development of endurance riding


ount Sergei Stroganov - a chase enthusiast and a horse expert – deeply mourned for his first wife and spent his time reading theological books distancing himself from social life. His sister, hoping to distract him from painful thoughts, presented him with the book by Anne Blunt, 15th Baroness Wentworth, “A Pilgrimage to Nejd”. Count Stroganov was so inspired by the novel, that in 1888 he went off to a journey to the Arabian Peninsula. Six months later his bailiff received a letter from the Count with orders to found a Stud in the Northern Caucasus. This was the beginning of the purebred Arabian horse breeding in Russia. By the beginning of the XX century Count Stroganov’s stud farm was

Count Sergei Stroganov



very popular. Unfortunately, the First World War and political situation in Russia froze the Count’s enthusiasm. He spent less and less time in Russia. After the Great October Revolution of 1917 Count Stroganov left Russia for good. By 1921 the livestock of Stroganov’s Stud was sold out. On the 11th of February 1921 a decree to found Tersk military horse stud was signed. The farm was to provide cavalry officers with Arabian horses. The farm was named after the Tersk Cossack force located nearby. As the entire stock of the stud had been lost in the war, the stud was for a time supplied with half-breed horses to provide remounts for the army. In 1922 by decree of Marshall Semyon Budyonny, Tersk Stud is renamed State Military Horse Stud N 169.

2018 at Tersk Stud’s Home

Belosnejka Tersk by Muscat out of Borodina

The history of Tersk Stud is closely connected to the history of Russia SPORT ENDURANCE EVO



emyon Budyonny’s contribution to preservation of Tersk Stud is impossible to overestimate. In 1932 he organized the shipping of 6 broodmares and the stallion Kann to Tersk Stud from France, creating a foundation for the sustainable breeding of Arabian horses in the Soviet Union. It is thanks to him that 6 breeding stallions and 19 broodmares from Crabbet Park became a part of the breeding program of Tersk Stud. He also supervised the shipping of a group of horses from Janow Podlaski in 1939 and it was him, who organized the evacuation of the livestock of Tersk Stud to western Kazakhstan in 1941-1943, thus saving the horses from the Second World War. Starting from the late 50s of the XX century “Russian Arab” wins hearts with flying colors all over the world. It was the time of such unique horses as Kubinets, Gips, Balaton, Muscat, Pesniar, Menes, Topol, Salon, Kumir and many others. Unfortunately, the collapse of the Soviet Union and subsequent economic crises brought Tersk Stud to the edge of liquidation. New state didn’t have any opportunity to prop up the stud and it might have fallen into oblivion.

Modern times Revival of Tersk Stud began in 2007 when Alexei Sagal learnt that the broke farm was offered for sale. In spite of all the risks and concerns of auditors he dared to buy Tersk Stud and for the last 10 years he carried out an immense work on revival of the Stud. It was his determination and faith that kept Tersk staff going through the hard times. One of the main priorities is promotion of equestrian sports especially among children. Every year Tersk Stud hosts show-jumping and dressage competitions, organizes workshops and different equestrian events for kids. In the nearest future an equestrian school will be founded in Tersk Stud. Moreover, twice a year Tersk organizes FEI International and National endurance riding competitions that attract dozens of riders from all over Russia and other countries and hundreds of spectators.



Marshal Zhukov, the Victory Parade, 1945




he competitions suit all kinds of riders: from 40 km distance for novices to 160 km for experienced riders. The track goes through the most beautiful places of the natural reserve. It is a natural habitat of wild deer, roe deer, wild boars and partridges. Hunting in the reserve is prohibited, that’s why animals are not afraid of people and graze peacefully near the passing riders. Breeding of race horses is one of the main priorities in Tersk. We don’t only breed the best Frenchbloodline but also preserve valuable purebred Russian bloodlines. The results speak for themselves – Arabian horses from Tersk win Oaks, Derby, prestigious pattern races. Tersk Stud keeps up with the times and modern trends but one of the main goal is to preserve classic Russian bloodline that won fame for Tersk all over the world. One of the most important things for Tesk breeders is to keep the Arabian breed unique and diverse. In collaboration with The All-Russian Research Institute for Horse Breeding, our vets conduct research in genetics and breeding. In 2014 a deep-frozen semen experiment was crowned with a success – a foal by famous Aswan, who passed away almost 50 years ago, was born in Tersk. Also in 2014 a filly Belosnejka Tersk and a colt Magnum Tersk by Muscat were born. These experiments attracted the attention of all Arabian horse breeders in the world.

The Open House In 2011 Alexei Sagal came up with the idea of promoting Arabian horse breeding and equestrian sports by organizing a large-scale event “The Open House” which has become one of the main attraction in the South of Russia. At first it took a lot of time, money and efforts to attract visitors to this show. In 2017 we are proud to say that the Open House at Tersk was attended by more than 8000 spectators. Each of them could find something to his liking: entertainment and amusements for kids, traditional Caucasian fair, entertainers, horse riding, costumed show-jumping competition, ECAHO C show “RASB Russian Championship”, a famous breath-taking djigitovka, lottery with the Grand Prix – a purebred Arabian horse. The event gets a wide coverage of Russian Mass Media.



Since 2017 in cooperation with a tour-operator from Germany “Reit-Safari” Tersk Stud organizes equestrian tours to the North Caucasus. The tour includes a visit to Tersk Stud, presentation of livestock of Tersk Stud, VIP-package during The Open House, visits of private studs in Stavropol and Krasnodar region and also

sightseeing of the most spectacular places of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region. The first group of tourists from France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Iran and Australia was brought to Tersk by “Reit-Safari” in 2017 and was absolutely overwhelmed by hospitality of the Caucasian people, the exquisite quality of Caucasian cuisine and beauty of this region.

Tersk Stud and Russian Arabian Horse Breeders Association In 2011 it became obvious that Arabian horse breeding in Russia is in desperate need of support and promotion. The only organization of Arabian horses in Russia was no longer up to the task but rather became a mean of promoting its Chairman rather than Russian Arabian horse breeding. Tersk management came up with the idea of creating an association that could effectively represent Russian Arabian horse breeders in the world, preserve the famous brand “Russian Arab” and promote Arabian breed inside the country. The task was overwhelming but vital. In August 2011 the first General Meeting of Russian Arabian Horse Breeders Association (RAHBA) took place. During the meeting a number of questions arouse, numerous tasks were defined and a plan was formed. The President of RAHBA was unanimously elected – Alexei Sagal. At the moment RAHBA cooperates officially with the main agricultural and horse breeding institutes of Russia: The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, The All-Russian Research Institute for Horsebreeding, Federation of Equestrian Sports of the Russian Federation, the state organization “Russian Racetracks”. Moreover, RAHBA is a member of such international organization as WAHO, ECAHO, IFAHR and HARC. Therefore Tersk Stud has taken up the role of leader and representative of Russian Arabian horse breeders.

Crop production After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Tersk Stud lost most of its land. The consequences of such irresponsible policy were not long in coming – the horses starved.

Alexei Sagal with Angleter



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Nowadays Tersk returned most of its lands. The pastures and fields not only provide food for horses but also allows Stud to be successful self-sustainable agricultural enterprise.

Foundation Stock of Tersk Stud Tersk Stud is the flagship Arabian horse stud in Russia. For many decades talented breeders have been creating a bloodline, which is unique in its beauty, strength and stamina – “Russian Arab”. This bloodline has already won hearts of millions of people throughout the world.

Breeders of Tersk Stud carefully select breeding stallions for their breeding program, which consists of three parts: race horses, show horses and straight Russian bloodlines. Nowadays the breeding stock of Tersk Stud consists of 110 broodmares, 25 breeding stallions and the total livestock of the stud is 400 purebred Arabian horses. An Arabian horse from Tersk is not only strong and enduring friend, that has been hardened by heat of summer sun and cold winter wind from the mountains. Pure mountain air, mineral waters of the Northern Caucasus give our horses long life, sound health, fertility and long lifespan of Russian Arabs.



Claudia Gaspa-Ward...


he has always had this secret wish and next summer her dream will come true. Claudia Gaspa-Ward, the young rider athlete supported by her boyfriend and trainer Federico Accorroni, will run the very tough Mongol Derby. This event takes place in the Mongolian Steppe, in the middle of nowhere. It is not just a ride but a meaningful spiritual and life experience. Who is Claudia? I was born in the USA, in Menphis Tennesse, first I moved to Naples and then to the island of La Maddalena, in Sardinia, where I reside. I spent one year in Cagliari and then I lived for a while in the beautiful island of La Maddalena. In Cagliari I worked in a stable where I kept some of my own horses. I used to help out and in return, they allowed me to ride the horses in competitions. I inherited the passion for horses from my mother. In the island of La Maddalena we own a house with a plot of land and horses of course. I worked as a horseback riding trail guide for a while and from then onwards I have been through several experiences. I began with endurance riding thanks to Valerie Kanavy from the US. I ran my first ride with her. She often moves to the USA,Virginia, Florida etc., for climate reasons. I couldn’t always go with her because of school...I owe her everything, my 5- 6 rides in North Carolina etc. Once I was back to Italy, Rebecca (Ercules x Missambra x Veinard Al Maury) my mare changed my life and so did Paco (Fyco x Nebulosa Teuladese). He was only 3 years old when I started to ride him, today he’s 5 and we’re beginning to run seriously.



Federico and Claudia

when dreams come true from Long Ride Stable Photo R. Viscoli




hen I started riding Rebecca, she was a really difficult horse but I was very determined and I won my first ride, I also won FEI rides and finished my first 120 km ride. Then I decided to move to Continental Italy.

Why did you decide to run the Mongol Derby? Honestly, it’s just a coincidence; when I was 17 years old I watched a Facebook video about a girl riding down a large heap of stones. She screamed at the top of her voice but the horse still didn’t the end she laughed and screamed at the same time, it was probably because they were both having fun. It was then that I decided to run the Mongol Derby. I was still underage so my dad told me to wait. This is the right year so I sent an e-mail with a brief introduction of myself and a sort of CV... you know, they don’t accept everybody. They also require references and Valerie gave me a valuable one. The Organizing Committee of the Mongol Derby got in touch with me and tried to discourage me telling me about terrible experiences of past participant riders. They told me of riders who got lost in the cloudburst, riders who fell off their horse and were left all alone in the steppe, people who broke their arms and legs...the more they spoke, the more I got excited. The Mongol Derby is extremely well- organized in every detail, I can’t wait till August 8! Long Ride Stable is Claudia’s Team but let’s give the floor to Federico Accorroni, Claudia’s partner and trainer. I met Claudia during a race, she was running for an Emilian team called I Cavalieri del Taro, led by Mr. Galli. At that time I was the trainer of Luca Zappettini who had just opened his own private stable in the province of Bergamo. She owned three active horses, I owned a stallion, some mares and three embryos. We looked at each other and said: “Why don’t we open a structure of our own?”. And we did. We




are both very competitive and this is our big challenge. The location will be near Rieti. Why is it called Long Ride Stable? Simply because in the USA a long ride is an endurance ride and we love to run long distances with our horses. Do both of you train? Yes, both of us train the horses but I’m the trainer and she’s the leading rider.

Did you support Claudia’s idea of running the Mongol Derby? Of course I did, I believe it is a unique experience, something that will never be forgotten. It is a very expensive ride so we’ve been looking and are still looking for sponsors. We have managed to register Claudia and now we are counting down the days till the great event. Curiosity: Claudia’s covered distance: 82,6% 1.409,5/1.705,5 Km



H.H. The President of UAE Endurance Cup 34


Photos by Sport EVO


ery peculiar weather conditions have been witnessed at the H.H. The President of UAE Endurance Cup... something quite strange at these latitudes! The much awaited 160 km CEI3* ride was postponed by 1 hour due to persistent fog which becomes very dangerous in the desert, especially at dawn. 400 binomials wished to participate but the policy of the Emirates International Endurance

Village whose Manager is Mr. Adnan Al Nuaimi, accepts a maximum of 270 entries. Many young and light riders showed up at the start-line with the the Big Ones of endurance: the lightest ones could be recognized by the neon color saddle pads showing the numbers of kg added to the rider in order to achieve the minimum fixed weight. As usual, we will not spend time over the ranking... today’s technology is more than satisfying!

Al Wathba, Abu Dhabi It is always exciting to be there! SPORT ENDURANCE EVO


HH Sh. Mansoor bin Zayed Al Nahyan



1st Rashed Hamoud Humaid al Junaibi with 8 Minute




he President Cup is always a fascinating and prestigious event; once you reach Al Wathba and catch sight of the artificial sand dune it is quite an excitement! The green oasis where the event takes place instills strong emotions and adrenaline at the same time, especially when you are running behind the sea of horses in your four-wheel drive. It is indeed another great success for the master of the house H.H. Sh. Mansoor bin Zayed Al Nahyan who is always present and who personally drives in the desert. Wonderful horses definitely add prestige to the whole event, from the beginning till the end.

Curiosity The H.H. The President of UAE Endurance Cup is one of the world’s richest and most prestigious equestrian events which is held under the directives of HH The President of UAE and HH General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces. It is held annually at the Emirates International Endurance Village in Al Wathba, Abu Dhabi.

The race carries a prize purse of AED 1.5 million (US $408,396) to be distributed to all riders who complete the race and in addition there are 4WD vehicles for the first, second and third placed riders and the winning team. All participants receive souvenirs to commemorate the race.

Results – Ranking: 1° Rashed Hamoud Humaid al Junaibi with 8 Minute - AL WATHBA STABLES 2° Adbulla Ghanim Al Marri with Faraan - F3 Stables 3° Layla Mohd Obaid Al Marzooqi with AP Birmano - AL WATHBA STABLES H.H. Sh. Mansoor bin Zayed Al Nahyan is satisfied with the achieved great results and receives congratulations from H.H. Sh. Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum for first and third place conquered by AL WATHBA STABLES whose trainer is Majed Khalfan Al Jahouri.

H.H. The President of UAE Endurance Cup 38


Saddles with passion since 1903

RC Sand Saddle Saddle without flaps and with long billet straps in Biothane. Stirrup bars have been shifted back to help the rider to maintain a correct position and an optimum balance. Skirts are padded to provide maximum comfort. Rider’s weight is equally spread on horse’s back thanks to the spring tree. Panels are made with felt and expanded polyurethane. Colours and sizes customizable Weight: 3 kg

Mr. Lord, crossing our last finish line together




would like to take a moment to remember my beloved Lord... when he reached my stable 29 years ago, there was just a big field with three horse stalls. He was pitch-black and his personality seemed quite a challenging one. Local people used to call him bombardino a popular strong Italian drink that could be translated with the word bomb! To give you an idea, after a short while, in an unusual situation, he kicked me in the face, knocked me out and I lost my memory. I found myself in hospital, I was in an operating room. My mandible was dislocated and I had 40 stiches inside my mouth. I didn’t want to see horses anymore...not even on TV. For an entire year I was through with everything that had 4 legs, a mane and a tale! Then, one day my dad forced me to see him again... well, that day a lifelong adventure began.


oglio ricordare il mio Lord da quando 29 anni fa è arrivato alla mia scuderia...a quello che un tempo era un grande campo con tre box. Era nero come la pece e il suo carattere non prometteva niente di buono, le persone del posto lo chiamavano “bombardino”. Dopo poco tempo, infatti, in una situazione particolare, mi dette un calcio in faccia, mandandomi ko e facendomi perdere la memoria. Mi ritrovai in ospedale, in sala operatoria, con la mandibola disarticolata, 40 punti dentro la bocca e nessuna voglia di guardare piú i cavalli, neanche in televisione. Per un anno intero ho chiuso con tutto ció che avesse 4 gambe, una criniera e una coda. Un giorno, poi, quasi a forza, mio padre mi obbligò a tornare da lui...e da quel momento è iniziata un’avventura lunga una vita.

By Chiara Rosi




y father was a forward-looking man who probably already knew where I might have arrived with him or maybe he just wished to build a father/daughter relationship that went beyond anything. It is thanks to Lord that I started with endurance riding. At that time we ran under ANTE and endurance was still called FONDO. It was a real sport, true, honest and humble, made up of authentic people. My dad accompanied me on my first 120 km ride, we crossed the finish line together... then he decided to withdraw from endurance but he kept following me in every part of the world, supporting me in every ride. I still remember my 100+100 km in San Marino... the rides at Enrica Gori’ s Poggio, the Italian Championships at Pratoni del Vivaro, the rides at Campo Imperatore with Giovanni di Battista and those at Tiziano Corrado’s Montello. Lord paid for my mistakes. Once I asked him too much and he ended up in a horse clinic. Since then I promised myself that if I had continued to run I would have never expected a horse to go beyond its limits again.




io padre era un lungimirante e forse sapeva già dove sarei arrivata con lui o forse era un modo per creare un legame padre/ figlia che sarebbe andato al di là di ogni altra cosa. Con Lord mi sono avvicinata all’endurance, a quei tempi si correva sotto l’Ante, l’endurance ancora si chiamava FONDO, quello vero, onesto e umile, fatto di persone sincere. La prima 120 km l’ho fatta accompagnata da mio padre, abbiamo tagliato il traguardo insieme e poi lui si è ritirato e ha continuato a seguirmi da terra, in ogni parte del globo. Ricordo ancora la 100+100 di San Marino...le gare al Poggio da Enrica Gori, i campionati italiani ai Pratoni del Vivaro, le gare a Campo Imperatore con Giovanni di Battista, al Montello da Tiziano Corrado. Lord ha pagato anche i miei errori. A quei tempi, una volta, durante una gara gli chiesi troppo e lui non si tiró indietro, finí in clinica e quel giorno promisi a me stessa che, se avessi continuato a fare endurance, mai piú a nessun cavallo avrei chiesto di andare oltre il proprio limite. Cosí è stato e a chi mi dice che sono un cavaliere con il “freno tirato” non posso che dire che ho portato fede ad una promessa fatta tanti anni fa.





o those who think I’m a controlled rider I must say that I’m just keeping the promise I made to myself a long time ago. It was back in 1994, I was 17 years old when Lord and I ran our first World Championship in the Netherlands. In 1995 we ran the European Championship in Morlaix. In 1996 we qualified for the World Championships in the U.S. We reached all this without ever skipping a national or international ride. Lord and I have also been to Compiè Qatar with Romano Macrì, Baby and Stefano De Santis. Reffi, Tommasi, Fantoni and Sacco have been his selectors. At that time riders like Spinazzè, Belli, Meschinelli, Moneta, Ambrosio Gaetano, Romano Macrì and Marco Roghi dominated the scene. I was just a girl...I remember my friend Angela Origgi with great affection. We used to write letters to each other, I wrote her about Lord and she of Edam. In 1998 Lord accompanied me to the Equiraduno in Fiuggi in the company of Andrea Iacchelli.

Chiara Rosi




uando avevo 17 anni, correva l’anno 1994, ho fatto con lui il mio primo campionato del Mondo in Olanda. Nel 1995 il campionato europeo

a Morlaix. Nel 1996 mi sono qualificata con lui per i campionati del mondo in America. Il tutto senza mai saltare le gare nazionali e internazionali. Sono stata con lui a Compié Svizzera... in Qatar con Romano Macrí, Baby e Stefano De Santis. I suoi selezionatori sono stati Reffi, Tommasi, Fantoni, Sacco. Erano i tempi di Spinazzè, Belli, Meschinelli, Moneta, Ambrosio Gaetano, Romano Macrì, Marco Roghi. Ero una ragazzina, ricordo con grande affetto la mia amica Angela Origgi, ci scrivevamo le lettere, io gli raccontavo di Lord e lei di Edam. Nel 1998 Lord mi ha accompagnata all’equiraduno di Fiuggi in compagnia di Andrea Iacchelli. Tanti veterinari lo hanno seguito, in primis mio padre ma anche il dott. Marco Pepe, Rodolfo Gialletti, Francesca Beccati, Fabrizio Rueca, Gianpaolo Teobaldelli, Aldo Pescó e all’epoca lo sconosciuto Marcello Conte. Nel 2003, quando lui aveva 16 anni, ho deciso di ritirarlo dalle gare...abbiamo corso in Sardegna una 120 km nel team di Gianluca Laliscia, siamo arrivati primi...dopo il traguardo gli ho dato una pacca sulla spalla e gli ho detto “questo è il nostro ultimo traguardo insieme...GRAZIE”. La sua seconda giovinezza è partita da quel momento, ho aperto la scuola di equitazione e lui è stato il mio fedele compagno di lavoro per tanti anni. Proprio con lui avevo fatto il corso per diventare Tecnico Nazionale, quante ore in campo con l’istruttore a perfezionare l’assetto e a capire fino in fondo cosa fosse il termine “binomio”, ricordo ancora che eravamo risultati i migliori all’esame finale. Con la scuola, quanta polvere ci siamo mangiati, quanto sole ci siamo presi ma soprattutto quante soddisfazioni, quante emozioni, quanti sorrisi. Era un cavallo da scuola unico, severo con i tuttologi e affidabile con i piú umili. Quando mancava un minuto alla fine della lezione mi iniziava a guardare con la coda dell’occhio e se io mi prolungavo lui veniva al centro da solo, indipendentemente da quello che gli chiedeva il cavaliere.

Lord and Chiara Rosi

Many vets have followed him...first of all my dad but also doctor Marco Pepe, Rodolfo Gialletti, Francesca Beccati, Fabrizio Rueca, Gianpaolo Teobaldelli, Aldo Pescó and Marcello Conte who was still little known at that time. In 2003, when Lord was 16 years old, I decided to withdraw him from competition...we ran a 120 km ride in Sardinia with the Team of Gianluca Laliscia and we came in first! I patted him on the shoulder and said: “This is our last ride together...THANK YOU!”. That’s when his second youth began...I opened a riding school and he has been my loyal working partner for several years. Lord and I attended the course in National Technician together. We spent hours on the field with our trainer, trying to refine posture and to understand the real meaning of binomial. I still remember that we achieved the best score at the final exam.

E poi ho fatto il corso per ippoterapia/riabilitazione equestre e ancora lui è stato al mio fianco, fedele, affidabile e onesto. Haiku Weber, persona unica e preziosa, mi ha insegnato le basi dell’ippoterapia e Lord mi ha sempre dato l’illusione, perchè in realtà il lavoro vero e difficile lo faceva tutto lui, di poter fare uno dei mestieri piú difficili del mondo. Dove milioni di limiti sottili ma carichi di responsabilità ti circondano in ogni minuto di lezione.




orking at the riding school was tough...we ate a lot of dust and were always sun-exposed but we also collected loads of emotions, smiles and satisfaction. He was a unique horse, a perfect one for riding schools: strict with know-it-alls but reliable with the most humble. A minute before the end of the lesson he used to look at me out of the corner of his eye and if I prolonged the lesson time he moved right to the center of the paddock and stopped responding to the rider’s commands. Together we have also attended a course in hippotherapy and equestrian rehabilitation. He was always by my side... loyal, reliable and honest. Haiku Weber, a unique and precious person, taught me the basis of hippotherapy and Lord gave me the impression that I could perfectly carry on one of the toughest jobs on earth... and it was just he who did the real and difficult work! You are surrounded by millions of subtle limits loaded with responsibilities throughout the whole lesson. That’s where I learnt that some horses are just magical, it’s them that understand without words, we are just a nice scenography but horses are the real my case the protagonist was Lord. Only then, it was clear to me that you mustn’t ask too much but you need to make do with what you have in life. My husband ran his first 120 km ride with Lord and it is thanks to him that I met him. It is also with Lord that my sister ran her first 30 km ride. He led many pupils of our riding school to competition and many riders have rented him for a race. He was ridden by Stefano Daneri too, by athletes, children, handicapped kids who all thanked him with words, caresses or simply being silent. Lord met my children and I was thrilled when I put them on his back. In 2001 my father passed away and I was about to close down the stable and sell everything... but Lord gave me the strength to go on even without my dad. In 1997 I received a great offer, if I had sold Lord I could have probably bought a house with a garden...but I didn’t. Lord taught me that there is a subtle limit between the passion for horses and the trading of horses. He taught me that horse-trading can become a profession. Thanks to Lord my adolescence was easy and carefree, nothing was a sacrifice for him and for me discos and going out with friends wasn’t a with him was more




ì ho capito che alcuni cavalli sono magici e sono loro che senza parole capiscono tutto, noi possiamo essere una bella scenografia ma i protagonisti sono i cavalli...e nel mio caso

era Lord. Li ho capito, come nella vita, che bisogna chiedere poco e accontentarsi molto. Lord ha fatto fare la prima 120 km a mio marito e me lo ha anche fatto incontrare in una gara. Ha fatto fare la prima 30 km a mia sorella, ha portato in gara tanti allievi della scuola e anche cavalieri che lo hanno hanno affittato per una gara. Un’estate, per una lunga storia, ci fece una passeggiata in campagna anche Stefano Daneri. Lord ha portato sulla sua schiena centinaia di persone, di atleti, di amici, di turisti, di bambini, di bambini speciali....alcuni ci sono arrivati con le proprie gambe, altri in carrozzella, alcuni gli hanno potuto dire grazie con le parole, altri glielo hanno detto solo con le carezze, altri gli hanno detto grazie stando semplicemente in silenzio. Lord ha conosciuto i miei figli ed è stato un colpo al cuore quando li ho messi sopra la sua schiena. Nel 2001 quando mio padre è venuto a mancare, per un momento ho pensato di chiudere la scuderia e vendere tutto...lui è stato uno dei motivi che mi hanno dato la forza per provare ad andare avanti senza piú mio padre. Nel 1997 ricevetti una grandissima offerta se l’avessi venduto, non mi ci sarei comprata una villa con piscina ma una bella casa con giardino ci sarebbe lui è rimasto con me. Mi ha insegnato il sottile limite tra la passione per il cavallo e fare del commercio del cavallo una professione. La mia adolescenza è stata facile e spensierata grazie a lui, vero punto di riferimento, i sacrifici per lui erano inesistenti, discoteche e uscite con gli amici non erano la priorità se il giorno dopo mi sarei dovuta allenare con lui. Il mio carattere un po’ ribelle e di facile coinvolgimento, in quel periodo, si è rafforzato grazie al rapporto che avevo con lui. Ai genitori potevo anche disubbidire ma a lui mai. In quante occasioni mi son trovata di fronte al suo box, cercando di calmarmi o di capire cosa fosse giusto fare. Quella porta di box con lui dall’altra parte, che non si voleva mai far toccare è stato il mio porto sicuro tante volte. Ho presentato a lui tutti i miei amici, nemici,

important. At that time I was a bit of a rebel and I easily got involved, but my relationship with Lord made me stronger. Many times I stood in front of his stall trying to calm down and figure out the right thing to do. That stall was my safe harbor with Lord right on the other side, listening to me without ever wanting to be touched. I introduced him to all my friends, enemies, boyfriends and lovers. Today that big field with just 3 horse stalls has become a respectable stable that hosts more than 30 horses and many colts will soon join us too. Every time someone drops by for a visit, the first thing I do is to introduce Lord and his loyal companion Kashmir to them...they come before anything else. In all these years I shoed my horse myself and just 20 days ago I was speaking with Roberto Minnucci because I wanted to try to remove his horseshoes for the winter season. In recent times I used to call him OLD but I was the only one who could call him that... I actually call OLD all my few and dear old friends, who should be proud of this nickname because it means they really count! Lord has been respectable till the end... even when he passed away. He was all alone that night and didn’t show the slightest sign of suffering. What else can I say...I feel extremely lucky for all this. Lord influenced my entire life very much and I’m sure I’ll never have this wonderful chance again but it doesn’t matter, honestly I don’t want to, because he wasn’t just a horse but THE HORSE. I don’t like tattoos that much but now that he’s no longer with me, his name deserves a place on my skin. Thank you for everything. Hugs and love...Great Mr. Lord!!!

The last ride together

fidanzati e amanti. Adesso quel campo con tre box è diventata una dignitosa scuderia con piú di 30 cavalli e tanti puledrini in arrivo. A tutte le persone che la vengono a visitare, per primi ho sempre presentato Lord e il suo fedele compagno Kashmir... perchè prima di tutto il resto, ci sono loro. Ho garantito al mio Lord e al suo inseparabile amico ,in questi ultimi anni, un bel paddock con capannina, dal quale lui scappava regolarmente passando sotto la staccionata. L’ho ferrato sempre per tutti questi anni, proprio 20 giorni fa parlavo con Roberto Minnucci riguardo al fatto di provare a sferrarlo in questo periodo invernale. Da un pó di tempo a questa parte lo chiamavo VECCHIO ma solo io lo potevo chiamare cosí se lo faceva qualcun’altro mi offendevo. Amo tutt’oggi chiamare i miei veri e pochi amici VECCHI...quindi chi si è sentito chiamare cosí puó solo che esserne orgoglioso! È stato un grande anche quando se ne è andato, da solo, durante la notte, senza dar vedere a nessuno un segno di sofferenza. Che dire di piú...solo che mi sento estremamente fortunata ad avere avuto tutto questo, di sicuro Lord ha condizionato tutta la mia vita, e mai e poi mai avró di nuovo questa meravigliosa opportunità, di questo ne sono sicura e neanche la vorrei...perchè lui per me non è stato un cavallo...è stato IL CAVALLO. Non sono un’amante dei tatuaggi ma il nome di Lord, adesso che lui non è piú con me, merita un posto sulla mia pelle. Ti sono grata per tutto. Ti mando un grande abbraccio mio grandissimo Signor Lord!!!!!



mongolian horses



“M Article and Photography Credits Debra Wylde Special Thanks to Camille Champagne for the cooperation

ongolian horses are so special, you really need good horsemanship skills to understand them and to get them through 80km. They are tough generous and just incredible in their abilities to cover the distance but also fool you - if you give up, they will give up too. Every day the riders got their horses by the luck of the draw. Each morning before the start they had a vet check, where I would ensure they were fit to start and sound. Checkpoints at 15, 30, 55 and 70km, Nara, the head vet, and myself tried to be present at those checkpoints to help the riders and give them advise if needed. We had official cars with water, hay and satellite phone. Riders were also able to stop for a snack and a drink at each checkpoint.




t 40 and 80km they had a vet check, it was basically the same vet check as we have here in Europe. Each rider had a logbook where all the information was kept. At the 40km vet check, they had to trot out, and then they had 30 min to come in for heart rates. As soon as they passed the vet check they had 40min of obligatory rest. We never had to eliminate any horse for a high heart rate at the 40km vet gate, only two horses at the end of 80km for high heart rates on a very hot day! At the finish line they did their trot up and then again they had 30min to check the heart rates. It needs to be mentioned that those horses did extremely well, like I said before theyr did they 80km bare foot. And their heart rates went down very quickly, most of the horses came in for vetting in 5-10min after racing with using very little water... the first few days there was no strapping, only the last 3 days when it was really hot in the desert the horses were strapped but only with a small amount of water (about 1 to 4 litres per horse, no ice) and they still recovered very well and quickly, with 5 to 15 minutesÂť. Having completed the vet checks at the end of the day. The individual winners and teams of each day obviously had a great sense of pride and achievement. They had adapted to the conditions, strategized an outcome, helped each other along the way and as a result had their names on the top of the leader board that day. In those moments, it was a privilege to observe a deepening understanding of the riders own sense of themselves and what they could achieve. On the flip side, becoming isolated in the desert could mean a very long, slow and stubborn day with a battle of wills between the horse and rider. Caitlin Hockey experienced this for the longest time and on one particular character building day walked her horse nearly 30km to the finish line. One of the members of the New Zealand team, Jane Neale, demonstrated extreme levels of sportsmanship, sacrificed her overall place in the race and accompanied Caitlin to the finish line.




t was an act of selfless human spirit that inspired the entire camp. The sometimes, stubborn horses were not the only challenge. Crossing the Gobi Desert was particularly harsh with blistering days under a scorching sun and an artic wind howling at nights so cold that most of us slept with every piece of clothing we could find wrapped around our heads and layered inside our sleeping bags. Red and raw skin appeared on people’s faces along with blistered lips. The last day was epic! Incredibly hot desert conditions, ancient red soil reflecting heat and the last 10 km was through the sand dunes. Every rider and horse toiled under that sun and hence the pace slowed to a walk. A French woman, Alienor le Gouvello went on to win the race with the NZ team taking out first place in the team event. As the sunset for the day and the inaugural Gobi Desert Cup, the camp burst into celebration and for many of the riders it was only in that moment that were able to begin to process what they had achieved. The crew, herdsman and officials were also extremely satisfied by the fact that we had made the journey, together, 30 or so people including the riders and had crossed The Gobi Desert. Most of us strangers, yet rallied and united with the one goal in mind and we made it. It was the leadership of Camille Champagne, combined with detailed organisation, the quality of the horses, the horse welfare along with the immersive Mongolian culture that made for a prestigious endurance race and it was an incredible adventure for all involved. It was so much more than a race... It was a life changing adventure. Mongolia is breath taking; the nomadic lifestyle is slowly disappearing and you must experience it once in your lifetime. The Gobi Desert Cup is truly an immersion into the Nomadic Mongolian lifestyle.




a cultural experience • A 480 km stage by stage, international endurance race. • Ride Mongolian horses to challenge your horsemanship. • 6 days, riding 80 km/day to test your endurance. An immersive experience within the Mongolian nomadic lifestyle and horsemanship. A traditional Mongolian camp, to offer you an authentic experience.



FEI qualified veterinarians, support crew, vet checks, a team of 6 Mongolian horses per rider specifically trained for The Gobi Desert Cup. The race is organised and run by experienced and passionate endurance riders.











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Breeding Center


he breeding center Nuova Santa Vittoria is located in Cascina dei Laghi, Grazzano Badoglio (AT), in a beautiful valley among the rolling hills of the Asti–Monferrato. It is a 30 hectare surface property equipped with a 900 m sand track, a 750 m uphill track, 26x45 m covered arena, 25x50 sand arena, horse starting round pen, roofed walker for 6 horses and treadmill. Kaerele de Ghazal was one of the stallions of the breeding center till 2017, unfortunately he passed away a short time

Photo Edcommunire for “Mangimificio Il Palazzetto S.r.l.”

ago. He was a Purebred Arabian (from Kesberoy and Key du Cassou from Baroud III) who gave his blood, his intelligence, his elegance and beauty to many of his sons. The main stallion with fresh and frozen semen is now Lalhout El Aj a Purebred Arabian son of Tidjani, who needs no introduction, and Ezzitouna, a pure tunisian mare from Hosni. Lalhout El Aj is one of the last Tidjani’s sons stallions available in the world. Among Tidjani’s sons we must mention Nopoli del Ma, Ajayeb, Nabi du Cassou. 3356992439




fresh and frozen semen available contact us


Stallion Lalhout El Aj (Tidjani x Ezzitouna) one of the last available stallions, son of Tidjani


orth mentioning are some of the brood mares of the breeding center: The two daughters of Ramegwa Rhodora (Ramegwa was imported from the USA and won two editions of Barcelona’s 100 + 100 km ride, in one of them she conquered the title of Best condition): ST Blue Megik PSA (Persik x Ramegwa Rhodora from Jhyad Reni Sharaf) ST Shyflower Drugora PSA (Drug x Ra-

megwa Rhodora from Jhyad Reni Sharaf) Some of the best French blood lines: Floralie dei Laghi PSA (Charife dell’Orsetta x Fleche al Maury from Djouras Tu) Magika dei Laghi PSA (Kaerele de Ghazal x Music Miss from Bakara) Maskia de Keropartz AA (Fadasir x Cita de Keropartz from El Oya Moulouk) Noor de Majorie PSA (Abitibi x Khalfa El Derkouch from Derkouch) Volmane d’Enfer PSA (Dormane x Volee

Photo Edcommunire for “Mangimificio Il Palazzetto S.r.l.”

Celeste from Volcano de Carrere) Two Tunisian lines: Amana PSA (Oris x Zomra from Dinamite III) Shqara PSA (Oris x Tayara from Jebel Tarak) The breeding center boasts more than 40 foals and horses on sale starting from 1 year of age. They are the products of the above mentioned brood mares and the semens of Kaerele de Ghazal and Lalhout El Aj but also of

Facebook : Nuova Santa Vittoria Endurance Horses

Baraka Sharlap PSA (ZT Shahkar x Al Tamah from Tasrudi), Charife dell’Orsetta PSA (Diament du Rolon x Fordilla from Forex), Cyclone de Ghazal PSA (Dormane x Cannabis de Ghazal from Djou Said), Ghotik PSA (Persik x Shamione from Crystal Charmer), Hakik PSA (Persik x Dielfa from Diarex), Monsjeur Al Maury PSA (Djelfor x Melusine al Maury from Bakara), Sadepers PSA (Persik x Sada Bint Moulouki from Molouki).

Instagram: n_s_v_endurance_horses

Interview with the owner... What are your brand values? Our helmets are designed, developed and handmade in our workshops

Capucine Martini - mars 2018

located in the South of France. GPA retained the best suppliers of raw material of European provenance for the manufacture of its helmets,

Cecile Miletto

in compliance with European and American standards it is CE and ASTM certified, not only requirements. We are committed to manufacturing high quality products in the French Style.

Endurance Spain 2013

we defined the real needs of this discipline. We were happy to develop an endurance helmet jointly. Later, we have collaborated with Jean-Louis Leclerc too. In 2008, we provided helmets for the French Team

If we were to describe the brand in 5 words we would say: safety, innovation, experience, avant-gardism and design. Our staff works non-stop on innovation, trying to produce more and more efficient helmets, inventing new models thought for the riders and their disciplines. Our customers’ satisfaction is our priority too. Why should an endurance rider buy a GPA helmet? In 2006 GPA designed the first helmet ever dedicated to endurance riding. At that time, we exchanged ideas with Pierre Cazes, the trainer of the French National Team and together French Team and Mr Finquel 2006

during the World Championship in Malaysia. Speed’Air was invented to suit the endurance rider: very light and very ventilated thanks to lateral and central grills. This model dedicated to endurance riding was exhibited during the presentation of a helmet for show jumping. Its comfort and ventilation system immediately attracted CSO riders who chose to wear it, proving to

Swiss Team and mr Finquel 2006

be really successful. Today it is a GPA top of the range model. First Lady is another version of the model Speed’Air, the first helmet specifically designed for ladies.

What is the strong point... the best feature of a GPA helmet? GPA emphasises safety, comfort and personalization. GPA regularly carries out internal inspection tests on the production thanks to the presence of our integrated laboratory. The quality of our helmets is SEI

certified and it is mandatory for American standards. Our production follows established and standard procedures, and all our detached items and finished products respond to an effective traceability. We carefully control all the items and helmets that exit from our workshop. This aspect also allows us to emphasise the customization and personalization of our helmets. Each item is individually produced so that we can create unique products (choice of color, logo, leather color, finish etc.). All you have to do is send us your request and our staff will send you back some proposals for free. Anything is possible! Furthermore, our helmets offer optimal comfort due to a ventilation system that has no equal on the market. It is very important that a rider is protected without suffering the heat thanks to a breathable product. Exclusive worldwide helmet distributor and manufacturer : UFO, 366 Av Lambot, ZI Toulon Est, 83130 La Garde, France

a tough one on the saddle word of

daniele rusconi Daniele Rusconi


rancesca Guida is 28 years old, she has ridden an average percentage of 80,4 km and has got plenty of determination. We have met Francesca a few days after her return to Italy. She ran and finished the H.H. Sh. Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup in Dubai, the richest and most prestigious ride in the world. Francesca astride Vatout de L’Aigoual (Pigale x Oranne des Cigales x Taqui el Masan), Anglo- Arabian of 2009 and property of Luigi Grimaldi, succeeded a challenge that very few people in the entire world have won.



Francesca Guida debuts in a CEI3* in Dubai’s desert! She debutted in a 160 km ride in Dubai and finished it! Vatout left from Daniele Rusconi’s stable in Italy, the place where the Jet Line Team is developing fast. His destiny foresaw the hot desert and that was it! The beautiful chestnut gelding was bought by someone from Bahrain and Francesca couldn’t but shed a tear for his departure although she was well aware of the type of work she was carrying on. But let’s talk about Francesca, the main actor...who is she, what does she do and why?

francesca guida is definitely

Interview by Luca Giannangeli

Francesca Guida


rancesca Guida, 28 anni, 80.4 la percentaule di km. affrontati e terminati e una grinta da vendere, questi i primi dati che possiamo fornirvi. Abbiamo intercettato Francesca a qualche giorno dal rientro in Italia dalla trasferta di Dubai dove ha partecipato e concluso alla media di 15.59 km/h la H.H. Sh. Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup, la gara più prestigiosa e ricca del mondo. In compagnia di Vatout de L’Aigoual (Pigale x Oranne des Cigales x Taqui el Masan), arabo del 2009 di proprietà di Luigi Grimaldi, è riuscita in qualcosa che in pochi al mondo sono

riusciti a fare, esordire in 160 km. a Dubai e finire la gara! Vatout è partito dall’Italia, dalla scuderia di Daniele Rusconi dove il team Jet Line prospera. Nel suo destino c’era scritto, caldo, deserto e così è stato; il bel castrone sauro è stato ceduto ad un acquirente del Bahrain, vendita che inevitabilmente ha contribuito alla discesa di una lacrima sul viso di Francesca consapevole però del lavoro che stava svolgendo. Torniamo a lei allora perchè l’attrice principale dell’articolo è lei, vediamo un po’ chi è, cosa fa e perché!




irst of all we should say that this nice and smart lady rider lives in Civiglio, in the province of Como. “Mobile signal is not ideal around here...”, she elegantly bypasses our fateful question: are you single? Do you have a boy-friend, are you married? Francesca replies: “Do I really have to answer to your question? Let’s just say that I haven’t got much time to think about these sort of things because I spend the entire day with horses or working at the bar. Does my answer please you?”.The answer pleases us, we don’t want to insist and decide to proceed with our interview, conscious of the nice rider’s strong personality. We give the floor to Francesca who still shows sunburnt hands and neck from her recent trip to Dubai. The interview runs smoothly... funny and serious at times.

Microphone to Francesca...

I left for Dubai knowing that if it weren’t for horses I would have never seen this amazing city. When Daniele received the invitations to



run the Sh. Mohammed Cup his choice fell on Vatout and me. I was so excited...a great experience was ahead, waiting for me. Many people told me it was going to be a tough ride, a long one and probably boring at times but I faced it with confidence or maybe with a bit of naivety. I took it calmly and just replied: “Big deal, it’s just a ride in the desert!”. I’ve been hanging out at Daniele Rusconi’s stable since I was 15. Except for a 2 year stop I practically ride since I was born. I first began with Barrel Racing...I wasn’t that strong at it... probably because I didn’t really like it. It is actually a bit strange to switch from a discipline that forces you to do everything in 15 seconds, to a discipline that sometimes keeps you on the saddle for 10 long hours! The important thing is to understand what you really want from the start and do what makes you happy, this is definitely what counts the most in everyone’s life. I started riding with Santiago Cordoba, Andres’ brother, who has worked at Daniele Rusconi’s stable for years. Santiago decided to go back to Argentina that’s how the Jet Line Team was founded. I spent unforgettable moments with

I Camilla, Anna, Daniele and Andres who now works in Dubai. My career in endurance riding has been a bit peculiar...from 30 and 60 km Region Cup rides I ended up running important circuits...then I reached Dubai. I’m still sort of moved when I think back to my qualifications with Pasha di Damiano Mandotti, what nice memories... In a blink of an eye I found myself in the desert of Dubai with 400 horses running in a sea of sand and cars. To those that used to tell me that it was going to be an exhausting and boring ride I can now say that it is honestly a fabulous experience. During the day I often think back to the emotions I felt then. I can still describe them in every detail. The day began with an unforgettable dawn and as time passed by a never-ending succession of different colors appeared in the sky. Our main objective was just to finish, we didn’t care about the others or how much time it took us. I was only concentrated on my horse below me, trying to understand his feelings and emotions.

nnanzitutto la simpatica e scaltra amazzone che risiede a Civiglio, in provincia di Como, dove tra l’altro non prende il telefono, aggira elegantemente la domanda fatidica: sei single, fidanzata, sposata? Risponde: “devo rispondere per forza? Diciamo che tra il bar dove lavoro ed i cavalli, tempo per pensare ne ho poco!!! Ti basta?” Ci accontentiamo di buon grado senza insistere ed andiamo avanti sempre più consapevoli del caratterino della simpatica atleta. Ancora con le scottature del sole di Dubai al collo e sulle mani, le cediamo la parola e l’intervista scivola via tra battute e momenti seri. Parola a Francesca....vai... Sono partita per Dubai sapendo che non avrei mai visto questa splendida città se non fosse stato per i cavalli. Quando Daniele ha ricevuto gli inviti per la Sh. Mohammed Cup lui ha scelto Vatout di conseguenza me. Avevo davanti a me un’esperienza grandissima da fare, ero emozionata; in molti mi dicevano quanto poteva essere dura un gara così lunga, forse noiosa ecc. ma io, probabilmente per ingenuità o eccessiva sicurezza di me, l’ho presa molto serenamente e rispondevo: “che sarà mai è una gara nel deserto!!!”. Vado a cavallo da Daniele Rusconi da quando avevo 15 anni, forse mi sarò fermata solamente un paio di anni ma diciamo che monto da sempre. Ho iniziato in realtà con il barrel, dove sinceramente non ero così forte, forse perchè a me non piaceva fino in fondo. E’ strano passare da una disciplina equestre dove devi sparare tutto in 15 secondi ad una dove sei in sella 10 ore!!! L’importante è capirlo e fare ciò che più ti rende felice, perchè alla fine questo conta nella vita. Ho iniziato a montare con Santiago Cordoba, il fratrello di Andres che per anni ha lavorato in scuderia con Daniele Rusconi. Santiago decise di tornare in Argentina e così nacque il team Jet Line dove ho trascorso e trascorro momenti indimenticabili in compagnia di Camilla, Anna, Daniele e fino allo scorso anno con Andres che oggi lavora a Dubai.




hadows changed form, the sun was first ahead and then it was behind me ready to set. I remember I kept looking backwards to fix in mind the details, trying not to forget what I was experiencing. I often spoke to my horse sharing with him the profiles of the dunes passing by. As the hours went by, the sky became clearer and there were less and less cars till I found myself running the last loop in complete darkness. The last loop, a semicircular track, was illuminated. Everything looked so close but distances were actually falsified by the immensity of the desert. I perfectly remember how the track made a long curve that looked towards the finish line...a finish line that always seemed out of

reach. At that point I tried to encourage Vatout, I kept telling him to hold on and that we were almost there. And that’s exactly what happened, after vet check we were just left with immense joy. I would like to say thank you to Sport Endurance for having given me the opportunity to tell my story. Thank you to Luigi, Daniele and all the above mentioned friends. Special thanks to Andrea Tusco from the Jet Line Team who could’t come due to the limited number of invitations...maybe next time! Who is Vatout? We have asked this question to an excited Daniele Rusconi who told us something about this horse in his usual good humour.



Vatout reached our stable at the end of 2016. He is a really difficult horse, we say “Not for all!”. Andres Cordoba started to break him and work with him but when he received the call from the UAE and had to leave we had to find someone who took care of this difficult Anglo– Arabian. Our choice fell on Francesca because she’s a tough one too. When she has to reach an objective she reaches it no matter what happens and that was it. When she entered the paddock and saw Vatout for the first time, he turned his back on her. So she came back the following day and continued like this until she started giving him his spaces and time. Then they found a meeting point, probably because they both have difficult personalities and recognized it! Vatout began his qualifying path with correct and regular rhythms. We trained him on the mountains and at the beach, he ran with hundreds of horses in Valeggio sul Mincio, competing against Chile National Team at the World Championship when he still hadn’t proved to be an endurance horse but was still working hard to become one. Honestly, we left for Dubai with a very humble attitude. Last year one of my mares was eliminated at the Sh. Mohammed Cup due to a problem that lasted for only 10 minutes! She was just 18 km from the finish line! For this reason, this time I preferred to be cautious although I didn’t quite manage to. Once I got to Dubai I looked at my horse and said “if we don’t mess up and respect the horse we’ll definitely finish the ride, I’m sure” – and that’s exactly what happened. I can say I’m really happy, apart from the horse sale in the end. Vatout is a very strong horse and if they respect him in Bahrain they will get a lot of satisfactions. Endurance riding is my hobby, it has given me and continues to give me vital energy and a lot of satisfactions. Not many people know my CV, thank you for having given me the opportunity to share it with others. To conclude, I proudly remember the 2014 WEG where one of my horses ran for Argentina, the 2016 World Championships in Samorin where one of my mares finished in 22nd position over almost 200 starters. We also ran three World Championships for Young Horses and we continue to grow and prepare horses for other great events...hopefully! Thank you


a mia carriera nell’endurance è stata particolare, sono stata catapultata dalle 30 e le 60 km. della Coppa delle Regioni ai circuiti importanti fino a Dubai. Ricordo ancora con estrema commozione le mie qualifiche con Pasha di Damiano Mandotti, che bei ricordi... Riapro gli occhi e mi ritrovo nel deserto di Dubai con quasi 400 cavalli verso un mare di sabbia e macchine. Posso rispondere solo ora a chi mi parlava di noia durante una gara così massacrante: “è stata un’esperienza favolosa”. Mi capita durante la giornata, mentre lavoro, di rivivere sulla mia pelle le sensazioni che ho provato. Potrei descriverle minuziosamente nei particolari. L’alba è stata indimenticabile, tutta la giornata è stato un susseguirsi di colori che cambiavano con il passare delle ore. Il nostro obiettivo era finire dunque non guardavamo i tempi, nemmeno gli altri. Ero intenta solamente a sentire il cavallo sotto di me, a cercare di capire le sue sensazioni, le sue emozioni. Le ombre cambiavano forma, il sole lo avevo prima davanti e poi dietro di me mentre tramontava. Ricordo che mi sono voltata spesso per guardare, per non perdere neanche un attimo di quello che stavo vivendo. Spesso parlavo con lui condividendo i profili delle dune che mi scorrevano davanti. Con il passare delle ore il cielo diventava più pulito, le macchine sempre meno fino a ritrovarmi all’ultimo loop completamente al buio. L’ultimo giro si correva su un anello illuminato, una pista a semicerchio dove sembrava di avere tutto vicino ma in realtà le distanze erano falsate dall’immensità del deserto. Ricordo chiaramente che la pista faceva una sorta di curva lunghissima che guardava all’arrivo, arrivo che però non arrivava mai. A quel punto parlavo con Vatout cercando di rincuorarlo ripetendogli di continuo, siamo arrivati, tieni duro!! Così è stato, passata la visita c’è stato spazio solo ad immensa gioia. Voglio ringraziare voi di Sport Endurance per l’opportunità che mi avete dato di raccontare la mia esperienza, Luigi, Daniele e gli amici che ho già su citato ed un pensiero caro va anche ad Andrea Tusco del team Jet Line che non è potuta venire perchè gli inviti erano un tot e non uno di più. Sarà per la prossima... Chi è Vatout? Lo abbiamo chiesto ad un euforico Daniele Rusconi che ci ha raccontato qualcosa di lui con il suo consueto buon umore.

Vatout arrivò in scuderia a fine 2016. Un cavallo davvero difficile, come si dice in gergo, non per tutti! Andres Cordoba lo iniziò a domare e lavorare e, quando arrivò la chiamata negli Emirati Arabi e giustamente prese il volo, dovevamo trovare qualcuno che si occupasse di questo difficile anglo arabo. La scelta ricadde su Francesca; è una ragazza che definirei “tosta”. Quando ha un obiettivo lo punta e cascasse il mondo deve raggiungerlo e così è stato. Ricordo che quando vide la prima volta Vatout entrò in paddock, lui gli girò la schiena e lei scelse di tornare il giorno dopo e così andò avanti giorno dopo giorno. Prese Vatout con calma dandogli i suoi spazi, i suoi tempi. Ben presto si trovarono. Io sono fermamente convinto che essendo entrambi due caratteri difficili, si siano riconosciuti e trovati (; ah ah. Vatout ha fatto il suo percorso di qualifiche con i giusti ritmi. Lo abbiamo allenato in montagna, al mare, lo abbiamo portato tra centinaia di cavalli come a Valeggio sul Mincio dove ha corso il mondiale con il il team del Cile, quando ancora non dimostrava di essere un endurista completo ed in piena fase di crescita. Sinceramente siamo partiti per Dubai con grande umiltà; lo scorso anno un mia cavalla venne eliminata alla Sh. Mohammed Cup a 18 km. dall’arrivo per un problema durato 10 minuti! Per questo motivo volevo essere cauto ma non ce l’ho fatta in pieno. Arrivato a Dubai, ho guardato il cavallo, poi Francesca ed il mio team e ho detto, testuali parole: “se non facciamo cazzate e rispettiamo il cavallo, finiamo la gara, ne sono certo” - e così è stato. Sono davvero felice posso affermare, aldilà della vendita del cavallo finale. Vatout è un cavallo forte e se lo rispettano in Bahrain, potrà dargli belle soddisfazioni. Il mio hobby, l’endurance mi ha dato e continua a darmi energia vitale e tante soddisfazioni. In pochi conoscono il mio curriculum e vi ringrazio per darmi l’opportunità di condividerlo. Sono fiero di ricordare con orgoglio i WEG del 2014 dove avevo un cavallo che correva per l’Argentina, i Campionati del Mondo nel 2016 a Samorin dove una mia cavalla ha terminato in 22ma posizione su quasi 200 partenti, ho partecipato a tre Mondiali Giovani Cavalli e continuiamo a far crescere soggetti e prepararli per grandi appuntamenti, speriamo. Grazie



The winner Saif Almazrouei with Nopoli del Ma’



11th Editon of

HH Sheikh Mohammed Endurance Cup presented by

44 countries, 360 competitors


aif Almazrouei aboard Nopoli Del Ma emerged victorious in the 11th edition of the CEI 3* 160 km HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Endurance Cup Presented by Longines, on Saturday January 6, 2018 at the purpose-built Dubai International Endurance City.

Photos by the Dubai Equestrian Club (Morhaf Al Assaf) Text by Meydan press office






he HH Sheikh Mohammed Endurance Cup headlines the fourday HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Endurance Cup Festival which opened on

Thursday, December 28, and concluded on Saturday. Speaking after the event 18 year old Saif Almazrouei said “This was a very important race for me to win, because it is named after

HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, and we are so proud we won this race. My horse Nopoli Del Ma is a champion horse, and this is definitely the biggest win of my career.�

The victor Saif Almazrouei announced his talent to the world in 2015 when he won Gold at the 120km FEI World Endurance Championships for Young Horses in Valeggio Sul Mincio, Italy.




rained at MRM Stables, Almazrouei’s horse 14 year old Nopoli Del Ma is the same horse that was ridden by HH Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, when he won the 2015 edition of HH Sheikh Mohammed Endurance Cup. HH Sheikh Hamdan also won the 2016 running of the prestigious competition, in 2017 Humaid Matar Rashed Al Mazrooei emerged victorious aboard Rajas. Abdulla Ghanim Al Marri came in a close second, trained at F3 Stables he was riding 11 year old Faraan. Saeed Mohd Khalifa Al Mehairi, also from F3 was in third. The showpiece of HH Sheikh Mohammed Endurance Cup Festival 2018, the 160 km ride, had a total of 360 competitors starting the ride, from 44 countries, with former European Champions, and former World Champions joining a host of local and international horse-rider pairings in the competition. The first group of riders embarked upon the 160 km, five loop course at seven am, with the sun rising in the backdrop. The distances for the five loops were 40 km, 35 km, 35 km, 32 km and 18 km respectively. The support of Pillar Partners Longines – presenting sponsors of the ride, along with Azizi Developments and Al Tayer Motors has been central to the outstanding success of the HH Endurance Cup Festival. The HH Sheikh Mohammed Endurance Cup Festival opened with the two Azizi Developments sponsored rides. The first was a CEN 100 km race, restricted to private stables & individuals, on December 28, which was won by UAE rider Ghaith Abdul Saqer on board his champion horse nine year old bay Al Adham. The pair completed the 100 kms in a timing of 03:16:32. This was followed by the CEN 100km HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Cup for Ladies, on December 29, where Polish rider Kamila Kart aboard nine year old Razorback Mechano emerged victorious. Kart who hails from Poland and rides for MRM stables completed the 100 km three loop ride with Razorback Mechano in 03:11:11. A day later the Al Tayer Motors sponsored CEN 120 km Gamilati Cup for Mares, added variety and significance, to this already exciting and unique event. Rashed Hamoud Al Junaibi and his mare, Eo Raghd emerged victorious and completed the 120 km ride in 04:28:15.



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n 1989, I rode a team of Arabian horses coast to coast, 2,963 miles in 150 days, to bring attention to various environmental issues. As I sit here today writing these words, it is as clear to me today as it was 20 years ago why we made the ride and why I wrote a book about that experience, The Long Ride. You don’t often get a chance in life to “do good” by doing what you love. In 1989, I got that chance as I had the opportunity to combine my passion for horses, philanthropy, and the environment in the “Ride Across America.” Today, I continue to pursue these interests with passion. In 2007, I began training a young endurance horse named Masquerade, who I got from my mentor and friend Bazy Tankersley of Al-Marah Arabians. Our first competition was in November 2008. As we were cantering down the trail, Masquerade tripped on a railroad tie and we went down hard.

Text by Lucian Spataro Photos by John and Susan Kordish, Sue Morrow

Ultimately, I was helicoptered to the hospital for surgery and a search ensued for Masquerade that included over 100 horse and riders search teams, three helicopters, and a $10,000 reward. Masquerade was found safe and sound (although hungry and thirsty) three days later by local rancher Alex Dorst and his stallion, ironically named Mr. Moneymaker. Alex promptly paid it forward and donated the $10,000 reward to a local horse shelter. It took Masquerade and I more than two years to recover from the accident and to begin training again. We trained religiously for the next two years with the objective in mind of competing again in this same race. On November 17, 2012 Masquerade and I met our objective and in contrast to the results from our earlier attempt this race had lots of training, advance planning, and a well-orchestrated race plan, and for this reason, the outcome was very different. We finished in 6th place overall and Masquerade won the Best Condition award. In endurance riding, this is a very important award as it means you did not over-ride your horse, and you were training and pacing him properly given the terrain and other horses. Lucian holding Masquerade’s award for ‘Best Condition’




Endurance Riding is Life

“Enjoy the Ride”

2,963 miles in 150 days




n American endurance racing, when you cross the finish line you aren’t quite finished yet. Your time isn’t official until your horse pulses down. Often riders will slow down and walk across the finish line in order of their arrival sometimes as far as a mile out so their horses can cool down. This also avoids having horses crashing across a congested finish line and into tents, chairs, timers, vets and other horses. Once we were over the finish line, Masquerade was able to pulse down in 200 seconds which is remarkable given he was going full throttle for the final eight miles. The 3rd place finisher was disqualified for not pulsing down within the allotted 30 minute period and this allowed us to all move up a notch. After checking Masquerade’s pulse, the vet turned to me and said with a big smile, “This horse is in great shape, what a great ride, you might earn Best Condition.” This same vet was involved in the search and rescue effort after our accident in the 2008 race. He was excited to see us



racing again, especially with such a very different outcome. Success is not only about training and planning for the event, but also about building a strong rapport with your equine partner. Any experienced horse person will tell you that there is no shortcut to building this partnership between horse and rider. On the trail forging that bond comes from long rides and repetitive exposure to changing stimuli, coupled with lots of ground work as well. All it takes is patient listening, watching, and attentiveness to your horse who is truly your partner. This will result in you trusting your horse and your horse trusting you.


Lucian Spataro

ndurance is a partnership like no other and now four years later, we’ve bonded over 1000’s of training and racing miles now under saddle we’ve seen success with some Top Ten’s and Best Condition awards. However, after these successes, unfortunately, I’m sad to report, Masquerade was recently diagnosed with Cushing’s Disease and we’ve spent the last months working on his restricted diet, exercise, trimming, and medication to bring his roller coaster symptoms under control. Masquerade is young with lot’s of residual fitness and a strong team of experts around him and with this in mind, I am that he is doing very well and his ACTH and Insulin scores are now within range and we’ve begun training again, albeit with lessened and different expectations but still enjoyable and challenging. He is a good boy and he is working hard at his recovery and he is making progress. This a hard lesson to learn, but we learn from all of them (even these tough ones). We have a horse and rider partnership that was forged over time and 1000’s of miles with promises made to Masquerade that won’t be broken. We intend to keep those promises which leads us to our newest and most excitingendeavor, Promise Ranch Arizona and Promise Ranch Ohio. Lori Spataro and I have had a dream over the years to build a house and horse ranch with all the bells and whistles we believe are important. Over time that dream has expanded to include mountain views, more horses, dogs, friends, family, trails for riding and hiking, and on and on; way more than I remember ever imagining initially. We named this dream Promise Ranch, first because Lori and I both believe that life is all about making and keeping promises. It is the most important thing that we can do and the promises we make to ourselves, each other, our friends, our family, our colleagues at work, the larger community, our fur family members.... it is this quiet and sometimes not so quiet commitment to our promises that is who we are and how we will be remembered down the road. Promises made, promises kept…there is simply nothing more important.




o, we named our dream Promise Ranch because we believe in promises.

The name actually came from my Mom, who is in Hospice now, and who suggested that when we get the ranch we also adopt what she describes as a «scruffy» dog from a rescue and name it Promise. Her thought was to have that dog roam this property as our Black Lab, Chance, who died last year would have enjoyed doing. We are going to keep that promise to my Mom, but we are going to do her one better than that. In 2016, we really began to search for some land and spent a year looking but nothing really jumped out at us until this property popped up right from under our noses, and only about a mile from our current home. One day last summer, Masquerade and I were riding in Browns Ranch Park, and I felt inclined (a soft tap on the shoulder) to ride across the border of the park. When we wandered into this development, I immediately had one of those you know it when you see it moments. I turned 360 degrees in the saddle and from every vantage point there were mountain vistas as far as you could see, all the mountains we know and have come to love and enjoy. “Wow,” I said to myself, “I think we found our new ranch site.” Masquerade and I rode fast back to the trailer and when we got home, I jumped in the car and drove every road in the development. Finally, on the very last road at the very end of the road, there it was just sitting there. Lori and I looked at each other and said this is it. Welcome to promise Ranch. In parallel, while working on Promise Ranch Arizona, we are rehabbing our 70-year old family farm in Ohio and plan to re-purpose it as a horse rescue and overflow facility for Last Chance Corral’s nurse mare foal rescue. We plan to help rescue 300-plus, two-day-old baby horses each year, and then train and relocate them as people-centric baby horses to willing partners across the country. In November, we spent a month in Ohio working on Promise Farm Ohio, laying fence, and working with the surveyor on the trails, topography, and drainage for the farm. It was beautiful in a Fall sort of way, crisp and cool in the morning (nice break from Arizona) and the leaves were a kaleidoscope of bright orange and red.



We had some lightrain in the evening and because we had an extended warmer fall, we got amazing growth on the clover that was planted in the late summer. As part of this project, enthusiastic university students and their professors now have full access to the land and are working to complete a baseline assessments of the animal and plants species. From this baseline environmental audit, we can then make well informed plans to preserve the indigenous species while developing sustainability recommendations for the build out of Promise Farm as a horse rescue and training facility. These plans will factor in the carrying capacity of the farm for both the horses and also from an ecological standpoint, those indigenous species that we want to preserve on the property. Ultimately, the goal is to have a horse sanctuary and training facility that is sustainable from both an ecological standpoint while viable from a financial standpoint. Our hope is that this facility will be a resource for the surrounding community as a functional case study and model of how sustainability and environmental and community advocacy can work hand-in-hand. The facility will initially focus on horse rescue

and training while longer term, the viability of the facility will hinge on bringing in and attracting a broader user base by hosting a range of classes, training workshops, and work study opportunities, while, in the evening and weekends, the facility might host community events. We have a lot of work to do but Lori Spataro and I are confident this will all come together. We are excited to be able to contribute to what we believe will be a very nice facility for these baby horses and the community. I’ve learned over the years when you throw enthusiasm and persistence into the mix with good people who have knowledge and are doing the work because it is the “right thing to do,� everyone gets on board and good things happen. On this project, we have good knowledgeable passionate people with energy who are helping for the right reasons. We have all the ingredients and we are doing fun good work; so far so good. Stay tuned, and we will continue our updates as this is coming together. This is our story and, in closing, the only advice I can give young endurance riders is the same advice that was passed on to me many years ago, some of which is applicable in endurance riding while more often I use it to guide my personal and professional life.



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ide for the Brand, be loyal and committed and passionate about the people and issues you support. Nothing is more important than commitment and passion. Embrace Challenges as unique learning opportunities and push your comfort zone. Doing challenging activities on the edges of your comfort zone is progress and growth...become comfortable with change, it is the only constant in life. Persistence is a virtue, be persistent and persist always.. To Finish is to win because in life, those who finish really do win. And last and most important, “smile and enjoy the ride” you only get one so really enjoy it :) Good luck and I hope you enjoyed our story. About the Author: Lucian Spataro is the author of The Long Ride: The Record Setting Journey by Horse Across the American Landscape. The book is the recipient of several awards including, the 2012 IPPY Outstanding Book of the Year Gold Award for the book “Most Likely to Save the Planet,” 2012 Benjamin Franklin Bronze Award for Autobiography/Memoir and 2012 ForeWord Book of the Year Award Finalist in Environment, Nature and Travel Essays. Lucian is the former director of the academic program

on “Sustainable Development” at the University of Arizona and continues to speak to civic, business and environmental groups and to students on sustainability.


Anyone interested in learning more about “The Long Ride” or endurance riding in general can contact: Lucian SPORT ENDURANCE EVO


Lionel Sanders, Canada – triathlete, 2017 World Champion at The Championship

World Elite Of Triathlon

at x-bionic® sphere After last year‘s successful premiere of the world championships in triathlon, organized under the Challenge Family at x-bionic® sphere in Šamorín, the decision has been made. Based on the success and an enormous amount of positive feedback regarding this event, it was unanimously decided that x-bionic® sphere is the right place for the world class triathlon event. Therefore, Challenge Family and x-bionic® sphere, have partnered and signed a three-year contract for the upcoming triathlon championships. The Championship 2017 set a new standard in the world of triathlon sports, not only thanks to the best line up of male and female professional triathletes in history, but also due to the precise execution of all aspects of the event.

foto: x-bionic® sphere text: Tomáš Duchaj

The Championship 2018 will take place on June 2-3 2018. All triathletes who have qualified in Challenge Family qualifier races are eligible to participate. Those who did not qualify for The Championship 2018, but participated in three or more Challenge Family races, can send a request for a loyalty slot. Several professional and world-renowned triathletes, such as Lionel Sanders, Sebastian Kienle, Lucy Charles, Heather Wurtele, and Braden Currie, have confirmed their attendance. The Championship 2018 will be broadcasted on the official event website, so that viewers from all over the world can stream the event live with accurate and up-to-date race information. As part of The Championship 2018, additional side events have been prepared for the general public – Middle Distance, Olympic, TryAthlon and a Kids race. Side events are truly made for everyone, so anyone can easily find a discipline. The middle distance is the most difficult category for the most experienced triathletes. It consists of 1.9 km of swimming, 90 km of cycling and 21,1 km of running. The Olympic is a bit easier, but it does require good conditioning as well. The Olympic distance consists of 1.5 km of swimming, 40 km of cycling and 10 km of running. In the Middle distance, TryAthlon, and Olympic, individuals can compete alone or as part of a relay team. For those who have always wanted to try this complex and dynamic sport, the triathlon disciplines have been adjusted so that everybody can master them – 300 m of swimming in the 50m outdoor pool, 15 km of cycling, and 3km of running. For the youngest athletes, we have prepared unparalleled fun in the form of a children’s triathlon.

Richard Murray, South Africa - triathlete, 5th at The Championship 2017

The visionary and creator of x-bionic® sphere, Mario Hoffmann, said, “We are thrilled to be able to host The Championship again. Last year’s success of The Championship 2017 brought us a new challenge - making The Championship 2018 even better and surprising the audience with all of the possibilities x-bionic® sphere has to offer. The Championship 2018 is the event of the year, so you definitely do not want to miss it.“

About x-bionic® sphere With a total area of more than 1,000,000 m2, x-bionic® sphere provides professional conditions for athletes to train in 27 Olympic sports. In 2016, x-bionic® sphere received the status of the Olympic Training Center Slovakia. The first-class X-BIONIC® HOTEL offers 282 spacious rooms, furnished and equipped with modern information technology for every athlete. The complex includes a modern 3-story gym, gymnastics hall, 25 m indoor and 50 m Olympic outdoor swimming pools, a luxury wellness center and 4 types of restaurants.

Find out more at Registration: x-bionic® sphere Dubová 33/A, Šamorín


for the development of italian endurance riding

Camilla Malta

X-BIONIC® HOTEL X-BIONIC® HOTEL offers premium accommodation for up to 1 150 guests. At x-bionic® private sphere, all 282 hotel rooms are spacious, able to accommodate up to 4 guests, tastefully decorated and tailor-made to satisfy even the most demanding customers. x-bionic® strato sphere introduces the new era of luxury accommodation with pure design, noble materials and a new level of hospitality. Designated grand checkin area, luxury lounges, private elevator, exclusive living area with fireplace, all with 24/7 host service. Concept of 12 exclusive units – from studio to double junior suite with private terrace and built-in jacuzzi – are located on the top floor of 3 hotel buildings and offer beautiful view of the river Danube. x-bionic® sphere Dubová 33/A, Šamorín Slovakia

4 different concepts of restaurants Wide selection of healthy food

Ideal conditions

for professional athletes and amateurs

More than

Offering high standard

area of resort

Professional conditions for

One of the

most modern Olympic equestrian centers in Europe

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