Coral Springs & Parkland Sports & Activities Directory

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C ora l Sp r i ng s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 30 | N ove mb e r 2021 - J anuar y 2022

Dear Readers,


Our City has incredible momentum! New businesses continue to open at a rate twice as great as those that are moving on. I am so excited that Amera was able to work out a deal with Barnes and Noble to bring them back to the Walk. Our Economic Development office has made over 100 successful retention visits over the last fiscal year and our events are now live with great attendance. IF you want to learn more about new businesses as well as local construction areas, please visit our Website at As this magazine is geared for our youth, please know that we have some of the best recreational programs in the Country including Coral Springs Youth Soccer. Unfortunately, we have a shortage of coaches. If you are interested in coaching, please visit the website, www.CSYS.ORG. Thank you to all of our League Coaches and directors for doing so much for our youth. I want to extend a personal thank you for the Directors of CSYS, including Mimi Bright, for lifting our youth and for giving the children and the parents the opportunity to safely engage in Youth Soccer during Covid. I am now hosting children from 3rd grade to 12th Grade on Fridays for Shadow the Mayor for the Day. Shadowing actually lasts anywhere from 1-3 hours and will take place at City Hall primarily. Sometimes, the young person that shadows me will join me for meetings, including with local businesses. TO schedule, you can contact Luwam Ghermay at 954-344-5906. I also usually host Office Hours every Friday and you can make an appointment with Luwam for that, as well. Congratulations to our City Manager, Frank Babinec and our City Attorney, John Hearn, for your stellar reviews recently by the City Commission. For those of you that don’t know, our City Commission is able to only direct two employees as a body. These two employees serve as our City Manager, who runs the City day to day and our City Attorney, who manages all of our legal affairs. They both have served the City for many years with great success! Thank you again Frank and John. Congrats to Boy Scout Troop 497 for coming to our recent Commission Workshop and learning about your local government! We urge other troops to do the same and earn their Community badges! Thank you again to Kim Kadel for sharing this article and so much more with all of our local schools. I also want to thank all of the teachers in Coral Springs for giving your heart, your time and your wisdom to all of our children. If you need to reach me, feel free to call my cell phone at 954-494-9872 or email me at Sbrook@ Please also follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter at CSCommissioner! Your Friendly Mayor,

Scott J. Brook

Mayor of Coral Springs

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