| I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014 Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
o look at the wonder of a Cirque du Soleil artist’s body, one can only imagine the amount of training, conditioning, strict calorie counting and discipline that makes up a daily routine. Just what does it take to be able to bend, stretch and contort the body into such incredible and mind-blowing positions? Or to fly one-handed 30 feet in the air above an awestruck audience? It would probably surprise you to know that the artists of Cirque du Soleil’s Amaluna, coming to Miami in December this year, don’t actually give too much thought to what they are eating, drinking or doing in their down time. Although the troupe travels with four chefs, two physiotherapists and two coaches, these roles are seen as guides and resources, rather than a police force. “Our artists are professional athletes,” says Amaluna’s Head Coach Yohann Renne. “They have been practicing habits to keep their strength and agility at the level it needs to be from around the time they could walk.” Renne explains that the artistic support team will always guide an artist if they are feeling weak or rehabilitating through an injury, and provide assistance to those who seek it, but the goal is not to enforce specific training as each artist has their own tried and true methods of looking after themselves. Physiotherapist Lisa Basarab, says her role is to provide clinics and sports medicine to the performers, which aids in injury prevention and management, however, she says that the artists are all held accountable for their conditioning and physique. “In each city we visit, we hire a local masseuse and Pilates instructor and often invite guest teachers onsite to provide dance and yoga classes to keep the artists stimulated,” says Basarab. “Performing eight to ten shows per week means they get an
incredible workout just by being onstage, but it is important to their physical and mental wellbeing to be able to enjoy other types of conditioning.” These classes and training options are not enforced, and are simply a suggestion available for those who want it. There is also an elliptical machine and small fly-weight gym machine set up in the Artistic Tent (the onsite training facility) available for the artists to use and Basarab notes that about 80% of the tour members travel with bicycles (there are 46 artists working on Amaluna in addition to 68 technicians and support staff) to be able to explore the city they call home for six to eight weeks before moving on to the next destination. “People on tour have an adventurous spirit,” says Amaluna’s Company Manager Franck Hanselman. “Although the tour only gets one day off per week, you will often see anything from groups of cyclists and hikers to rock-climbers and runners, to scuba-divers and surfers and snowboarders! Since we are always on the move, there is always someplace new to explore and we are a very active bunch.” The onsite kitchen at Cirque du Soleil’s Amaluna prepares over 250 meals per day, but it is not always as health-conscious as you might think. “Our company was founded in Québéc, Canada, and the national dish there is Poutine – which is French fries topped with cheese curds and brown gravy. Definitely not what you would consider to be ‘professional athlete food!’” says Hanselman. “The chefs are feeding everyone onsite from the technicians, electricians, welders, plumbers and carpenters to the artists, musicians and
gymnasts – and everyone in between! With 17 different nationalities represented on tour, our kitchen does a wonderful job of preparing dishes from all over the world.” Acrobatic coach Misha Galkin says, “It is the responsibility of the artist to ensure they are getting the nutrients they need to perform their best; however, they are burning off so many calories during a performance that they can get away with eating pretty much what they want. We don’t enforce meal plans, curfews or restrictions but we are always available to give advice.” Galkin explains that when the artists first join Cirque du Soleil, they are met by a team of nutritionists and specialists at the company’s headquarters in Montréal to ensure they are equipped with the right information to look after themselves and continue a healthy career. Amaluna features a 70% female cast, which is a flip on the traditional casting of a Cirque du Soleil show where the male contingent usually represents 70% - 75% of the artists. Amaluna was created as the first Cirque du Soleil show in 30 years to represent and showcase the strength and power of women, while maintaining femininity and grace. Written and directed by Tony Awardwinning director, Diane Paulus, Cirque du Soleil’s Amaluna premieres under the iconic blue and yellow Big Top at Sun Life Stadium on December 11, 2014. For tickets and more information, visit www.cirquedusoleil.com/amaluna.
what’s inside... Cirque Du Soleil: Amaluna..............................................................4 Letter from the Publishers..................................................................8 Broward County Turns 100...........................................................10
AROUND PINES...................... 11 - 20
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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Letter from Mayor Frank C. Ortis.....................................................12 Studio 18 Paints a Pretty Picture for the Arts in Pembroke Pines.............14 Harvest Drive 2014.............................................................. 16 - 17 CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS DIRECTORY........................................18
EVENTS.................................. 21 - 30 EVENTS DIRECTORY............................................................. 22 - 23 BIRTHDAYS & SPECIAL EVENTS DIRECTORY............................. 26 - 27 21 Fall Family Fun Runs......................................................... 28 - 29
directory............................ 31 - 64 SPORTS DIRECTORY............................................................. 32 - 38 ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY........................................................ 38 - 49 City of Pembroke Pines Cultural Arts Program....................................50 Nest of Living Arts.......................................................................56 Ultra Running Race......................................................................58 WPPO Track & Field Athletes Rise to the Top....................................60 Okapi Wanderers Rugby FC Meets in Pembroke Pines.......................60 THANKS COACH......................................................................62 YMCA Expands Competitive Aquatics Program.................................63 3 v 3 Soccer Team Wins 3rd Championship....................................63
FAMILY HEALTH....................... 65 - 74 Help Gentle Dental Feed the Hungry...............................................66 HEALTH PROVIDER DIRECTORY.............................................. 72 - 74
SCHOOLS.............................. 75 - 88 2014 - 2015 Broward County School Calendar...............................76 Silver Trail’s Principal Steven Frazier Receives Prestigious Award...........78 Sagemont’s Performing & Visual Arts Center Now Open in Weston......79 Jodi Cohen: The om of Parenting....................................................80 Pines Lakes Elementary Puts a “SPARK” in Physical Education................80 Flanagan High School Senior Named 2014 Math & Science Scholar...... 82 College Direct: Helping Students Achieve Their College & Career Goals.........83 Huntington Learning Center...........................................................84 Autism in Flight............................................................................85 ACADEMIC DIRECTORY....................................................... 86 - 87
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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Our Team MARGOT LYONS PULERI Owner/Publisher (954) 806-9714 Direct MargotLS@aol.com
Nicole Christian Owner/Advertising Publisher (954) 649-4441 Direct NicoleSports10@aol.com
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
| I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014
MELISSA HARLESS Managing Director of Publishing (423) 304-8051 Direct MelissaSports1@aol.com
Linda Lombardi Territory Representative (305) 989-9380 Direct LindaSports1@aol.com JULIE KASPER Territory Representative (954) 818-1549 Direct JulieSports1@aol.com KELLY WILSON Territory Representative (305) 332-7325 Direct KellyWSports1@aol.com TINA STRAUSS School Liason (954) 347-3992 TinaSports1@aol.com MARCELA FUXMAN Territory Representative (786) 302-8079 MarcelaSports1@aol.com KAREN POLIVKA Territory Representative (954) 817-0015 KarenSports1@aol.com Special thanks to: Contributing Writers: • Debby Teich Contributing Photographers • Tadd Fisher • Linda Lombardi • Sabrina Morell Mittler Top Spin Publishing, Inc. Sports & Activities Directory (866) 499-9204 Office 2114 N. Flamingo Road, #1269 Pembroke Pines, FL 33028 Website: www.sportsandactivities.com
Dear Readers,
Having spent my early years growing up in Massachusetts and the rest of my life living in Florida, I still pine for autumn in New England. Every year I try not to write about how much I love fall in this publisher letter, but I always mention it and typically wax on about the vibrant colors and the crisp smells that make you want to ever so deeply inhale the cool, clean air into every cell of your body. October in Florida is like March in Massachusetts in that you get a glimpse of the slightest change in whatever oppressive weather has been around for what seems like an eternity. The first wave of cooler air drops the humidity, puts a pep in your step and makes you want to open the windows, have a picnic or grab the dog and go for a long walk by a lake. If I could figure out a way to bottle the feeling, I would retire a very wealthy woman. Alas, I need to book a trip to the North to see the leaves change. What other things can I do right here is South Florida to enjoy the change in weather? The answers are right here in the pages of our Sports & Activities Directory and on our new Smartphone App. I continually hear from readers, people who grew up in this area, who look through our publication and find out about things to do and places to go that they never new existed, and they are right around the corner! That’s what we do in all of our seven publications; we find out and publish the what, who, when, where, how and how much it would be to participate in events, sports, activities, fitness programs, afterschool programs, birthday parties, camps and countless other things in your area. We are your ONLY single source for this information in your area and we are proud to deliver this valuable resource to you. On a personal note, with the change of season theme continuing...this is the first year that I do not have a child enrolled in Broward County public schools. My youngest daughter graduated high school this past spring and is now off to college and my oldest daughter just graduated college and is out in the working world. My, how fast the weeks, then months, then years go by. I remember so clearly their first day of Kindergarten. I am so proud of both of them for what incredible young women they have turned into. Bittersweet are all the words I have for that as I enter this new season of my life. Enjoy every monumental life happening and every beautiful, minuscule moment when your children are young. Be in that moment with them and listen to their thoughts, ideas and feelings. Teach them values and kindness; reward them with praise and hugs. Just like the seeds we plant, if we give them solid roots and provide the environment for them to flourish, all they will need is a little daily watering. Then, sit back and watch them grow strong towards the sun. What a beautiful thing to see. We hope your holidays are filled with joy, fun, good health and loved ones. Remember the season is a time for giving to the less fortunate. Donate whatever you can; no matter if it is money, clothes, food or your time to make a difference in at least one person’s life. For a list of organizations that need your help, please see our Clubs & Organizations page. Show your children that giving is the greatest gift of all in any season. Our best to you, Margot & Nicole
NOTE: All information supplied by organizations. Please contact the organization directly for additional information. The Sports & Activities Directory does not endorse the organizations directly. No material published herein may be reproduced in any manner, be it for print or online Web site use, whatsoever without specific prior written authorization from Sports and Activities Directory and Top Spin Publishing, Inc. © Copyright by Top Spin Publishing, Inc. All content is protected under copyright. All Rights Reserved.
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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Photos: All photos by kind permission of the Fort Lauderdale Historical Society.
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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roward County is turning 100 and everyone is invited to participate in a yearlong celebration. From October 2014 to October 2015, Broward County will commemorate its centennial milestone with Broward 100 – Celebrating the Art of Community. It includes a series of innovative art and performance projects that will showcase Broward County’s rich cultural heritage and pay tribute to its past, present and future. “We will use Broward County’s arts, sports and recreation venues, natural attractions, and incredible diversity to attract visitors, as well as to create bridges and bonds among its residents and communities,” said Dawn Robinson-Patrick, Broward 100 events coordinator. Broward 100 is made possible through a partnership between Broward Cultural Division, the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau, and the Community Foundation of Broward. It is framed by four distinct cornerstones of community engagements - VisualEYES, Inside Out Broward, Calendar 100 and the Grand Finale. • VisualEYES will give Broward artists an opportunity to showcase their work and create a legacy through murals, as well as exhibits at local galleries and museums. It includes the Broward 100 Mural Project, for which the County has commissioned local artists to design and implement at least one mural in each of Broward’s nine County Commission districts. All of the artwork is located in highly visible sites and reflects the community and neighborhood. • Through Inside Out, Broward County is joining the international grass roots effort that provides local residents with a forum to “show their faces” and “tell their stories.” The diversity of each community’s residents is reflected in dramatic black-and-white head shots of individuals that are exhibited in public forums, such as on building walls and sidewalks. Organizers are hoping to engage as many groups and
By Debby Teich
organizations as possible to make it the largest installation in the project’s global history. The Miramar Multi-Service Complex was the site of the first collage. • Calendar 100 makes it easy for residents and visitors to participate in the celebration. The comprehensive online calendar includes all of Broward 100’s sanctioned events that are offered through cultural organizations and artists, historical organizations, as well as County agencies, municipalities and community partners. Events will include festivals, lectures, literary events, film festivals, culinary arts, concerts, theater shows, art exhibitions, and more. Event organizers can submit new events to be sanctioned and added to the official calendar. • Organizers are still in the process of planning the Grand Finale, which will be held October 2-4, 2015. The weekend will showcase the creative talent of Broward’s visual and performing artists in a series of performances. It will lay the foundation for an annual signature trademark event and set the stage for the next 100 years. Ninety-two-year-old Betty Simpson has spent most of her life living in Broward County. She has watched the city transform throughout the years. “It has been incredible to watch Broward County develop from a swampland into a bustling economy,” said Simpson. “It is without a doubt the best place in the world to live. I am excited to participate in the centennial celebration and look forward to my own.” For more information, visit www.Broward100.org.
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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Dear Residents,
As another one of our Communities will begin participating in our “Re-engage, Recycle and Reinvigorate Our Environment” program, the City was just recognized by the Florida League of Cities for this very program. We are proud to be the recipient of the League’s Environmental Stewardship Award which rallied boomer generation volunteers to increase recycling and the reuse of materials. The pilot community, Hollybrook, reduced its solid waste collection from six to three times per week. Recycling increased from two tons per month to an average of 25 tons per month. The program cost is minimal, but, the environmental impact is huge. It’s important to be aware that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) finalized the new flood maps. The new flood maps will help all community officials and citizens be better prepared for flood related disasters by providing an official depiction of flood hazards for Pembroke Pines and the rest of Broward County. I encourage residents and businesses in Pembroke Pines to view the new flood maps to better understand your potential flood risk and to help identify steps that may need to be taken to protect against property damage and loss. You can view the maps at: www.broward.org/ PermittingAndLicensing/Licensing/Engineering/FloodZonemaps/Pages/Default.aspx. Most of our city has been dropped from the latest maps while other areas will see they’ve been added. Despite the fact that people may not need flood insurance to keep their federally regulated or insured mortgages, common sense tells you that flooding can occur during extreme weather wherever you live. As another year is slowly coming to an end and we welcome Fall, we have many events on the horizon for residents of all ages. Here are a few that may peak your interest: • BOW WOW WEEN - Saturday, October 11, 2014 from 9:00am-1:00pm. Pembroke Pines Dog Park, 9751 Johnson Street. For additional information contact the Special Events Office at 954-435-6525. • GHOULISH GARDENS - Saturday, October 18, 2014 from 10:00am - 2:00pm. Pembroke Pines Community Garden at Hiatus Road and Washington Street. To pre-register please call Jill Slaughter at 954-450-6947. • BOO-VILLE - Saturday, October 25, 2014, 6:00pm - 9:00pm. Pines Recreation Center, 7400 Pines Boulevard. For additional information contact the Special Events Office at 954-435-6525. • JAZZ CONCERT - Sunday, October 26, 2014, 3:00pm - 5:00pm. William B. Armstrong Dream Park, 1700 Dykes Road. Featuring the Sound of Vision Band - weather permitting. Enjoy a relaxing afternoon at William B. Armstrong Dream Park, 1700 Dykes Road (NW 160 Avenue). For comfort bring a chair or blanket. I hope to see you all at these fun events! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office at 954-435-6505, or by email at fortis@ppines.com.
Your Mayor,
Frank C. Ortis City of Pembroke Pines
Around pines
By Debby Teich Photo Credit: Sharon Sammarco
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
| I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014
ince Studio 18 in the Pines opened four years ago, it has been attracting artists from all over South Florida. The facility, which provides affordable studio and exhibition space, allows artists to explore their creativity and exchange ideas in a vibrant cultural environment. It is also one of the many ways that Pembroke Pines residents can experience the arts without leaving their city. “Studio 18 provides artists with a place to focus on their work without interruptions,” said Sharon Sammarco, Recreation Supervisor II. “In addition, they can interact with other artists, show their work, and teach classes.” Studio 18 is run by the City of Pembroke Pines Recreation and Cultural Arts Division. It is located on the site of the former laundry facility of the old South Florida State Hospital grounds, which is now called the Howard C. Forman Human Services Campus. The 11,000 sq. ft. facility has 19 air conditioned inside studios. All of them have sinks with running water and many have natural light to help create ideal working conditions. There are also four outdoor spaces available. The building has a storage facility and lounge area for the artists, as well as a kiln room. It has two large classrooms which are used for community art workshops and classes. It also has a main gallery, which features the work of artists leasing space at the studio, as well as outside juried artists. Artists interested in leasing space must submit a portfolio, which is juried by a panel of artists that evaluate its conceptual innovation and technical proficiency. If selected, they are eligible for a one-year lease, which includes 24-hour access.
The 20 professional artists that currently lease space represent a variety of mediums, including oil paint, graphite pencil, clay, glass, wood, photography, mixed media and more. There is also an Artist in Residence, who receives a free year of studio space in exchange for completing a project that benefits the city. Visitors are always welcome to visit the studio to talk to the artists about their work. Studio 18 curates eight shows each year. Six of them showcase the Studio 18 artists, one highlights artists from the outside, and the other is a holiday gallery art show and sale held in December. All of the exhibits are free and open to the public. The next show is “Awakenings,” which will run from October 24 to November 26. It features six studio artists - Lynda De Vita, Tom De Vita, Joni Esser-Stuart, Juan Prieto, Robyn Vegas and Maria Wieder. “All of the exhibits offer area residents an opportunity to find high quality artwork in their own hometown,” said Sammarco. Studio 18 also offers adult classes throughout the year. The public can learn about open figure drawing, ceramics, oil painting, children’s book illustrations, digital photography, fused and stained glass, fashion illustration, and more. The Gallery and classrooms are also available for private functions and corporate events. Studio 18 in the Pines is located at 1101 Poinciana Dr., on the NW corner of University Dr. and Pembroke Rd. It is open Monday to Friday, from 8:30am - 5pm, and Saturdays, from 10am-2pm. For information, call (954) 961-6067 or visit www.pines.com/studio18.
Around pines | I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014 Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
ack in 1992, Renée Herman took it upon herself to organize a food drive at Country Isles Elementary that would provide a week’s worth of groceries to 20 Weston area families who were down on their luck. She rallied the students to help with neighborhood canned food drives and camped outside of Publix Supermarkets to accept donations. They succeeded and the 20 families in need were fed. But she didn’t stop there. Twenty-two years later, Renée is still on a mission to stamp out hunger and help families in need. Since the inaugural Harvest Drive, the number of families in need multiplied, as did the amount of help required to accomplish such a task. After many years of orchestrating the details of this annual event, Renée has been blessed with several special people to assist her in her efforts. Patti Bradley, Kim O’Neill, Susan Gross, Davi Leoniff, Jodi Samson and Amy Freund all volunteer to share the responsibilities. It takes thousands of people to make this happen every year. “Organizations such as the Rotary Club of Weston and Plantation Rotary have been instrumental in helping with donations and money to buy groceries. Businesses such as The Castle Group help with a tremendous amount of volunteers. Individuals such as Jamie McDonnell, Michael Dagen, Jim Norton, Michael Freedland and Steve Goldstein, among many others, have been life savers in the 11th hour when we did not have enough food for the promised families,” said Renée. Another unique characteristic of the program is the compassion and dedication displayed each year by students who contribute. “What really makes this work, what is really special about Harvest Drive, is that it is the students and the schools that gather what we need and volunteer their time to make this a reality,” she says. Many of the students volunteer every year and she has formed a lasting bond with them throughout her time organizing the Harvest Drive. “Teaching children at an early age that their contributions can make a difference in the lives of others is what makes this project so rewarding,” Renée adds. Not only does this make the hard work and sacrifice pay off, it gives her hope for the future and inspires her to do even more.
This year, 180 public and private schools are involved in the mission to collect enough food to feed over 2,000 families throughout Broward County. Distribution sites will be set up at 12 local schools, with Western High School being the largest. In addition to these sites, approximately 168 other schools will be taking donations that will then be divided up between the area distribution sites. Families with children in the Broward County Schools are referred to the Harvest Drive by Broward County social workers as well as other local social service agencies based on their financial need. In addition to the week’s worth of groceries and Thanksgiving dinner, families are able to shop in the Harvest Drive’s makeshift stores for a variety of household items that have been donated. Volunteers work all year long collecting donations for the “Harvest Drive Boutiques” so that these families may find things they need at no cost to them. Western High, Pompano High and Westglades Middle School will be fully stocked with items such as toiletries, shoes, gently used toys, clothes and books. Items that many of us may take for granted are most in need by these families. “What keeps me awake at night worrying is that the day before the families arrive that week before Thanksgiving, we will be short. We need cash donations so we can buy the items we are short in the 11th hour. I cannot bear that our local, neighborhood families will go hungry when so many individuals, businesses and organizations have so much to give,” she said. Herman does not comprehend the word “no” when it comes to Harvest Drive. Her passion, persistence and work ethic will not allow her to accept “no”. The Harvest Drive team continues their efforts throughout the year. They would like to give special recognition to the North Broward Preparatory Middle School for their Fundraising efforts and collections for Harvest Drive. For the past 2 years they have assisted 75 Broward County School families with food and a boutique at their Spring Into Action Drive. “100% goes to these families in need! No one gets paid to run this organization,” Renée says. “We need more help. Hunger is a year round challenge.”
• • • • • •
Host a Neighborhood Food Drive to collect non-perishables and things from the list below. Donate whatever amount of money or and non-perishable food you are able to give. Feed the volunteers on Monday or Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Donate toothbrushes, toothpaste, toiletries, clothes, books and toys. Help sort and pack during Harvest Days at the different distribution sites. Spread the word.
Non-perishable items needed (Average for a family of 5): 2 bottles juice, 12 cans vegetables, 6 cans sweet potatoes, 4 plastic jars gravy, 4 cans cranberries, 6 cans fruit, 8 cans soup, 2 boxes pancake mix, 1 bottle syrup, 3 boxes cereal/ oatmeal, 4 lbs. pasta/rice, 3 plastic jars spaghetti sauce, 4 boxes cookies, 2 plastic jars peanut butter, 2 plastic jars jelly, 4 boxes stuffing, 2 boxes of cookies, 1 package napkins, 1 roll aluminum foil, 1 bottle each shampoo and conditioner, 1 dish soap, 1 large laundry detergent, 4 cans tuna or meat, 1 large toothpaste, 2 bars soap. Perishable Items needed (Average for a family of 5): 1 turkey (10-12 lbs.), 1 dozen xl eggs, 1 pie, ½ gallon OJ concentrate, 1 lb. margarine/butter, 1 Parmalat Milk, 1 loaf bread, 1 package rolls, 1 5 lb. bag of potatoes
Here is how you can say, “YES, I want to help!”
Visit www.harvestdriveflorida.com or call Renee Herman at (954) 444-5548.
Sunday, November 9th: Community Fun Day to Raise Awareness, from 2:00pm – 6:00pm
18600 Vista Park Boulevard, Weston 33332, (754) 323-0350 Dates & Times TBA
16700 SW 48TH Court, Miramar 33027, (754) 323-4600 Tuesday, November 18th Wednesday, November 19th Thursday, November 20th Times TBA
3601 SW 89 Avenue, Miramar, FL 33025, (754) 323-1350 Dates & Times TBA
6501 Hollywood Boulevard, HOLLYWOOD 33024, (754) 323-1200 Thursday, November 13th Friday, November 14th Times TBA
6901 NW 16TH Street, Plantation 33313, (754) 322-1850 Dates & Times TBA 8000 NW 44th Street, Lauderhill, FL 33351, (754) 322-2300 Wednesday, November 12th Thursday, November 13th Times TBA
600 NE 13TH Avenue, Pompano Beach 33060, (754) 322-2000 Monday, November 24th Tuesday, November 25th Times TBA
SOUTH BrOWArd HIGH SCHOOL AUdITOrIUM 1901 N Federal Highway, Hollywood 33020, (754) 323-1800 Dates & Times TBA
STrANAHAN HIGH SCHOOL AUdITOrIUM 1800 SW 5TH PLACE, Fort Lauderdale 33312, (754) 323-2102 Dates & Times TBA
7720 W. Oakland Park Boulevard, Sunrise 33351, (754) 321-0000 Tuesday, November 18th Wednesday, November 19th Times TBA
WESTErN HIGH SCHOOL MINI GYM 1200 SW 136TH Avenue, Davie 33325, (754) 323-2400 • Friday, November 21st: Community Drop Off Day, from 3:00pm – 9:00pm • Monday, November 24th: Packing and Sorting, from 8:00am – 10:00pm • Tuesday, November 25th: Families Arrive for Pick Up, from 7:00am – 4:00pm
WESTGLAdES MIddLE SCHOOL GYM 11000 Holmberg Road, Parkland 33076, (754) 322-4800 Tuesday, November 18th Wednesday, November 19th Thursday, November 20th Times TBA
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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Checks payable to Harvest Drive, Inc, 5190 NW 165th Street, Miami, FL 33014
Around pines
P ines
Clubs & Organizations AARP OF PEMBROKE PINES
The Pembroke Pines AARP invites, everyone 50+ years of age, to join the monthly meetings on the third Friday of every month. Information for Seniors, and a raffle with prizes. September through May:1:00pm. - 7400 Pines Blvd. in the Pines Recreation Center. (954) 632-8446.
Do you love animals? Do you want to learn more about taking care of dogs, cats and other pets? Do you want to help the homeless animals? Then join Lopster’s Kids Club at the Humane Society of Broward County. The Club meets once a month, for an hour and a half, after school. Lopster has two clubs: The Lil Pups, ages 6 to 9 years old, and The Big Dogs, ages 10 to 13 years old. To sign up download a registration form at www.humanebroward.com. (954) 989-3977.
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Military Organization for former & active military service personnel. Main objectives: Support local high schools, youth activities, Civil Air & Navy Sea Cadets with awards. Meetings are the1st Tuesday of each month, at the Pembroke Falls Aquatic Center. -1361 NW 129th Avenue, Pembroke Pines, FL 33028. (954) 441-8735. There will be no meetings on July and August.
BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF BROWARD COUNTY, INC. Our mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong, enduring, professionally supported one-to-one mentoring relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. To learn more about becoming a mentor, enrolling your child into our programs or making a donation, please visit bbbsbroward.org or email to info@bbbsbroward.org - 4101 Ravenswood Road, Suite 123, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312. (954) 584-9990.
BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Have fun, make friends, see and learn new things! After they’ve been given the proper guidance, they take their own lead, going places they’ve never gone, seeing things they’ve never seen, and diving into the rugged world of outdoor adventure, relying on teamwork. Requirement: Be a boy who is 11 years old, or one who has completed the fifth grade, at least 10 years old, but not yet 18 years old. To join a boy scout troop near you, or for more information visit www.scouting.org.
MIRAMAR - PEMBROKE PINES REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Chamber is committed to continue to provide a variety of venues to assist the business owners of our region to become better businesses by becoming better business leaders. From its humble beginnings over thirty years ago the Miramar-Pembroke Pines Regional Chamber of Commerce is thriving and is committed to helping our businesses thrive too! Monthly breakfast meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, please call the chamber for details or visit www.miramarpembrokepines.org. 10100 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines (in City Hall Building) (954) 432-9808.
MOPS - MOTHERS OF PRESCHOOLERS A place to find friendship, resources, and support for you as a woman and mother, so you’re not alone. Moms have found community through MOPS for almost 40 years. MOPS stands for “Mothers of Preschoolers”, but don’t let that confuse you, MOPS is about meeting the needs of every mom of a child, from conception through kindergarten, with local groups of moms just like you, whether you’re urban, suburban, rural, stay-at-home, working, teen, adoptive, special-needs, single or married, For more information visit www.mops.org or call Toll Free: (800) 929-1287.
Special focus on at-risk youth between ages 7 - 18 years old, with 12 facilities serving 12,000 registered members. To learn more about becoming involved with the local Boys & Girls Clubs, visit their website at www.bgcbc.org or visit their locations at Rick and Rita Case Unit: 7525 N.W. 33 RD ST. Davie, FL 33024. (954) 433-9000.
The Pembroke Pines Historical Museum was established by the City of Pembroke Pines to house the collection started in 1980 by Estelle Kipnis and Gerry Witoshynsky. The Museum is under the direction of Pembroke Pines Historian Gerry Witoshynsky, a pioneer resident. The materials are available for interested residents, the general public, students, media, and researchers. Meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:00AM - 3:00PM - The Village Community Center 6700 SW 13th Street, Pembroke Pines, FL 33023. (954) 983-6814.
It started in 2000 as Get Flanagan A Stadium Inc. to raise awareness, and funds for a stadium at Charles W. Flanagan High School. Falcon Foundation Inc. is the non-profit’s new name. It focuses on student achievement in academics, arts & athletics, teacher training, and support of Flanagan High and its’ feeder schools. Sponsorship packages start at $500 per year. For more information contact Henry A. Rose, President of Falcon Foundation, Inc. or write to falconfoundation@aol.com. For more information visit www.FlanaganFalconFoundation.com. (754) 323-0650.
Chartered under Boy Scouts of America, this program meets Wednesday night at 7:00PM at police headquarters. Program educates youth, about careers in law enforcement, in an 80-hour academy. This program has recently been instrumental in state and national Explorer Conferences. The Department commits four officers and a supervisor to this program, which currently has twenty-five (25) active members. Contact: Community Affairs Office (954) 436-3274.
GIRL SCOUTS OF BROWARD COUNTY,INC. Provides informal educational programs for girls between ages 5-18. A safe, and fun place for girls to discover, connects, and take action. Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place. To join a girl scout troop near you, or for more information visit www.gssef.org. 4701 NW 33rd Avenue, Oakland Park, FL 33309. (954) 739-7660.
HEALTHY MOTHERS, HEALTHY BABIES COALITION OF BROWARD COUNTY, INC. Dedicated to reducing infant deaths by providing resources and education to pregnant women, parents and their families. They have been a community leader in providing services to pregnant women, teens and families for more than 20 years. They provide access to prenatal care, education, advocacy, and public awareness for all families in Broward County, but especially for those who are unable to afford private care. For more information visit www.hmhbbroward.org. (954) 765-0550.
KIWANIS CLUB OF GREATER PEMBROKE PINES Share in fellowship, listen to informative speakers, enjoy dinner, announce activities and determine ways to better serve and enrich the lives of those in our community. All are welcome. Complementary dinner on the first visit! Become a Kiwanian and help the children! Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, 7:15PM, at Panera Bread Café in Pines Boulevard. For more information visit www.kiwanispembrokepines.org.
ROTARY CLUB OF MIRAMAR-PINES Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders, united worldwide, who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build good will and peace in the world. The main objective of Rotary is service, in the community, workplace, and throughout the world. Meetings are at 12:15PM on Thursdays at Pembroke Pines Golf and Racquet Club 10500 Taft St., Pembroke Pines, FL 33026. www.clubrunner.ca.
VOICES FOR CHILDREN OF BROWARD COUNTY Nonprofit organization dedicated to raising money for and awareness of the Guardian Ad Litem Program, which provides an advocate for abused and neglected children. Children benefit greatly from the advocacy of a Guardian ad Litem, a trained volunteer from the community, who simply wants to make sure the best interests of the children are served. The Guardian ad Litem program recruits, trains and supervises volunteers who work one on one with these children. To join and support Voices for Children, or to learn more about volunteering as a Guardian Ad Litem, visit their website at www.voicesbroward.org, email to info@voicesbroward.org.
THE WOMEN’S BUSINESS MASTERMIND GROUP The organization is devoted to women helping women with their businesses, as well as their personal growth and well-being. The network of women encourage and help each other by sharing hopes, dreams, and inspirations with other women in the South Florida area. Through luncheons, and one-on-one meetings with other Chapter members, they build long-lasting relationships, both in the business and personal lives. This member-only organization allows exclusivity in your chosen business segment, and provides a sales force of other women, who promote your products and services. Contact: Barbara Theodosiou at (954)309-0992 or barbara@womensbusinessmastermind.com, or visit www.womensbusinessmastermind.com.
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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Tickets on sale now for the Saturday, March 28, 2015 concert. AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami. Ticketmaster.com.
Tickets on sale now for for the September 13, 2015 concert you don’t want to miss! Cruzan Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach. Ticketmaster.com.
10:30AM & 2:00PM. No matter where you’re from or where you’ve been, everyone is special - so join in! Elmo, Grover, Abby Cadabby, and their Sesame Street friends welcome Chamki, Grover’s friend from India, to Sesame Street. Together, they explore the universal fun of friendship and celebrate cultural similarities, from singing and dancing, to sharing cookies! Join the fun and make a memory with your friends and family! Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW 5th Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale 33312. TICKETS: browardcenter.org.
HOURLY FROM 9:00AM – 4:00PM. The dog days of summer may be long gone, but you can still pamper your pooches during the lingering heat by letting them frolic at a water park. Admission is $5 + tax per dog per 50-minute session. Only dogs weighing 25 pounds or less will be permitted for the final session of each day. Donations of dog and cat food, treats, blankets, and toys will be accepted on behalf of the homeless animals at Broward County shelters. RULES: All dogs must be off leash when inside the facility and must be sociable and well behaved. Proof of current rabies vaccination and county license tag are required. Other than lifeguards, no humans will be allowed inside the water playgrounds. Finally, dogs are limited to no more than two sessions per day, and dogs must be at least 4 months of age to participate. TY PARK: 3300 N. Park Road, Hollywood. (954) 357-8811. The park’s gate entrance fee of $1.50/person (children 5 and under free) will be in effect.
SHOWTIMES VARY. The world’s best-loved musical returns in time-honored form. Directed by original lyricist and director Martin Charnin and choreographed by Liza Gennaro, this production of ANNIE will be a brand new incarnation of the iconic original. ANNIE includes such unforgettable songs as “It’s the Hard Knock Life,” “Easy Street,” plus the eternal anthem of optimism, “Tomorrow.” Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW 5th Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale 33312. TICKETS: browardcenter.org.
9:00AM – 1:00PM. Prepare yourselves for a Paw-sitively good time! The City of Pembroke Pines invites you to join us at the 2nd Annual Halloween Event for dogs. Held at the Pembroke Pines Dog Park, 9751 Johnson Street (just east of Palm Avenue). Featuring costume contest for all sizes and different categories, games, prizes, and pet related vendors. Enjoy a Paw-sitively good time. For event information, exhibitor or sponsorship opportunities, call (954) 435-6525.
1:30PM – 3:30PM. FREE! Come enjoy two hours of games and free play at Gravity Gymnastics. Your child will be able to jump on our bounce house and trampolines, climb on our net, walk on the balance beams, and swing like a monkey on the ropes! There will be vendors and prizes as well! This free event is all about having fun and learning the great benefits of an active lifestyle! Bring your friends and enjoy two hours of non-stop fun! All children need a signed waiver by parents or legal guardian to participate. 11940 Miramar Parkway, Miramar 33025. (954) 450-7770, info@gravitygymnastics.com, www.gravitygymnastics.com.
11:00AM. In concert: Cage the Elephant, Julian Casablancas, City and Colour, The Hold Steady, Bombay Bicycle Club, Tokyo Police Club, Bleachers, Wild Cub, Benjamin Booker, Junior Prom & Good Graeff. Cruzan Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach. Ticketmaster.com.
SATURDAY: 9:00AM – 5:00PM SUNDAY: 10:00AM – 4:00PM 50 dealer spaces. Admission $3.00 – Children under 12 free. Free Parking. Held at The Southwest Focal Point Community Center, 301 NW 103 Avenue, Pembroke Pines.
7:00AM – 2:00PM. Rent a Space - Over 200 Vendors. Collectibles, Crafts, New & Used Items, Food Court, 50/50 Raffle, Karaoke, Free Admission & Parking. 701 N. Hiatus Rd., Pembroke Pines 33026. reled@stmax.cc or (954) 432-0206 for information.
10:00AM – 2:00PM. Be one of the first fifty people to register and participate in the annual Ghoulish Guardians Pumpkin Carving Contest, a Fall favorite held at the Pembroke Pines Community Garden at Hiatus Road and Washington Street. Fee: Free registration is limited to 50 people. Sponsor: Whole Foods of Pembroke Pines. To pre-register please call Jill Slaughter at (954) 450-6947.
The S.W. Focal Point Community Center, together with donations from schools, businesses and residents, assists 100 families in our community by providing generously filled bins with various canned & dried foods, turkeys and much more for a bountiful Thanksgiving meal. To help with this year’s food drive, please call Diane Shawcross at (954) 450-6888. Donations must be in no later than Wednesday, November 12. The Southwest Focal Point Community Center is located a 301 NW 103 Avenue, Pembroke Pines.
SATURDAY: 8:00AM – 3:00PM SUNDAY: 9:00AM – 3:00PM Over 100 indoor vendors – FREE admission and parking. Held at The Southwest Focal Point Community Center, 301 NW 103 Avenue, Pembroke Pines.
10:00AM. What is a bully? What does a bully look like? Are you a bully? During this music filled, interactive performance students will examine the three components of bullying: the bullied, the bystander and the bully. Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW 5th Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale 33312. TICKETS: browardcenter.org.
SUNDAY: 11:00AM & 1:00PM SHOWS, MONDAY 10:00AM SHOW. Based on the multi-award winning book written by Danny Schnitzlein and illustrated by Matthew Faulkner, this funny musical, ideal for grades K-2, tells the poignant story of a young boy who doesn’t want to eat his peas. When a crafty monster appears underneath his kitchen table, the boy is ready to make a deal with the monster. Each show includes free pre-show art activities and face painting. Plus, complimentary post-show snacks for the entire family! Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW 5th Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale 33312. TICKETS: browardcenter.org.
8:00PM. Musical theater production held at The Miramar Culture Center. Details at www.nestoflivingarts.com. Call (954) 442-0090 or (954) 655-3011 for more information.
6:00PM – 9:00PM. Join us for some family fun and spooky activities including a costume contest, pumpkin patch with prizes, shows, rides, trick or treat stations, spooky strolling characters and many more surprises. The event will be held at The Pines Recreation Center, 7400 Pines Boulevard. Admission is $2.00 per person. For more information, call (954) 435-6525.
3:00PM – 5:00PM. FREE! Join the City of Pembroke Pines for a relaxing afternoon at William B. Armstrong Dream Park, 1700 Dykes Road (NW 160 Avenue), Pembroke Pines. Don’t forget a comfortable chair or blanket. For more information, call (954) 435-6525.
9:00AM – 1:00PM. FREE and open to the public, health screenings, exercise class demonstrations, entertainment and food tasting, 50 exhibitors, giveaways and much more! Held at The Southwest Focal Point Community Center, 301 NW 103 Avenue, Pembroke Pines.
6:30PM. Mizner Park Ampitheater in Boca Raton. Ticketmaster.com.
10:00AM – 5:00PM. Plantation Junior Woman’s Club invites you and your family to two fun-filled days of fine artists, entertaining musicians, special events and hands-on art projects especially for children. Held at LIBERTY TREE PARK - 7421 N.W. 5TH ST., PLANTATION. For more information call (954) 797-9762 or (954) 452-2510. FREE ADMISSION.
1:30PM – 3:30PM. FREE! Come enjoy two hours of games and free play at Gravity Gymnastics. Your child will be able to jump on our bounce house and trampolines, climb on our net, walk on the balance beams, and swing like a monkey on the ropes! There will be vendors and prizes as well! This free event is all about having fun and learning the great benefits of an active lifestyle! Bring your friends and enjoy two hours of non-stop fun! All children need a signed waiver by parents or legal guardian to participate. 11940 Miramar Parkway, Miramar 33025. (954) 450-7770, info@gravitygymnastics.com, www.gravitygymnastics.com.
8:00PM. BB&T Center in Sunrise. Ticketmaster.com.
7:30PM. It’s a jungle out there for Blu, Jewel and their three kids after they’re hurtled from Rio de Janeiro to the wilds of the Amazon. As Blu tries to fit in, he goes beak-to-beak with the vengeful Nigel, and meets his father-in-law. Rated “G.” Bring lawn chairs or blankets and relax… the movie is on us! The full-length feature film is projected onto a giant inflatable screen behind the event stage in Weston Regional Park (20200 Saddle Club Road, Weston). For more information, please call (954) 389-4321 or visit www.westonfl.org.
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM. FREE! Join the City of Pembroke Pines for a relaxing afternoon of jazz music at William B. Armstrong Dream Park, 1700 Dykes Road (NW 160 Avenue). Don’t forget a comfortable chair or blanket. For more information, call (954) 435-6525.
5:00PM. Santa’s elves are helping out in the workshop and Santa wants to speak to the boys and girls who are Pembroke Pines residents 10 and younger. Children will receive a personal call from Santa all the way from the North Pole. The calls will take place Tuesday, December 16th – Thursday, December 18th between 6:00 – 8:00pm. Santa needs the information printed and returned by December 3rd. Visit www.ppines.com for a form. Please return the form to Santa’s Holiday Hotline C/O City of Pembroke Pines, 10100 Pines Boulevard (2nd Floor Building B) Pembroke Pines, FL 33026. For more information, call (954) 435-6525.
2:00PM – 6:00PM. It’s the most wonderful time of the year and the forecast shows Snow! Join us for a snow day in the Pembroke Pines and play in 50 tons of snow! The event includes musical entertainment, rides, food, games and lots of holiday fun. Tickets are required for the snow area. ($5.00 per child ages 12 and under). NEW LOCATION! The event will be held at Pines Recreation Center, 7400 Pines Boulevard. For more information, call (954) 435-6525.
10:00AM – 5:30PM. Explore a kingdom full of musicians, artisans, eateries, knights, and jesters. Cheer for your favorite side at the living chess game and joust. Feast like a king on hearty food and drink. Shop for fine handcrafted treasures in the Artists’ Market. Enjoy challenging games and exciting rides for all ages. Adults $15, Children 6 - 12 $3, Children under 6 free. T.Y. Park, 3300 N. Park Rd., Hollywood. (954) 357-8811.
6:00PM – 9:00 PM. Ronald McDonald House Charities of South Florida welcomes you to join them to kick off the Holiday season with a night of fun for a good cause. Help families of seriously ill children by making a donation of $20 to cover a family night stay. Event includes lighting ceremony, kids activities, live entertainment, DJ, culinary delights from local restaurants, silent auction items, Santa Claus, raffles and much more. $25 per person, children 12 and under FREE. RSVP online at www.rmhcsouthlforida.org. Location: 15 SE 15th Street, Ft. Lauderdale 33316.
SHOWTIMES VARY. Hailed by critics as “bigger and better than ever before,” this production boasts many exciting special effects including the show’s legendary chandelier, new scenic and lighting designs, new staging and choreography. The beloved story and thrilling score will be performed by a cast and orchestra of 52, making this Phantom one of the largest productions now on tour. Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW 5th Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale 33312. TICKETS: browardcenter.org.
DAILY 6:00PM – 10:00PM. A three-mile holidaythemed route features dozens of static and animated light displays and illuminated trees, including old favorites as well as brand-new displays. For specific dates and fees visit www.holidaylightsdrivethru.com. Tradewinds Park, 3600 W. Sample Rd., Coconut Creek, 33073. (954) 357-8870.
SHOWTIMES VARY. Marvel Universe LIVE! is taking the live entertainment experience to a whole new level, with a mind-blowing show unlike anything you’ve seen before. Watch your favorite Marvel Super Heroes including Spider-Man, The Avengers - Iron Man, Hulk, and more, and threatening villains come to life in an action-packed arena extravaganza, coming to cities around North America. Cutting-edge special effects, pyrotechnics, aerial stunts, martial arts, motorcycles and more. It’s being hailed as the most technically advanced live show ever. BB&T Center, 2555 NW 136th Avenue, Sunrise 33323. Tickets: www.thebbtcenter.com.
9:30AM DEPARTURE. A 3 ½ hour motorcycle parade beginning at Mardi Gras Casino and ending with a party at Markham Park in Sunrise with live music, lots of vendors, classic car show, bike show, an international food court, and refreshments. Each motorcycle rider is asked to bring an unwrapped toy for children in need. To register and for information, go to www.toysinthesunrun.com. Markham Park is located at 16001 W. State Rd. 84, Sunrise 33326; (954) 357-8868.
10:00AM. Empowering students to make healthy choices, “Extreme Health Challenge” is a live performance featuring puppet characters and actors who interact and teach students how to take great care of their bodies! Through a series of challenges, battles of wit, audience participation and puppetry mayhem, students laugh and learn about the importance of good nutrition and having active lifestyles. Pre-order now, (954) 660-6307. Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW 5th Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale 33312. TICKETS: browardcenter.org.
5:00PM. Santa wants to hear from the children in Pembroke Pines for the Holidays and will write back to each child to wish them a Happy Holiday. Parents can help by mailing letters to: The North Pole C/O City of Pembroke Pines 10100 Pines Boulevard, Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 or Drop off the letter at Santa’s Express Mailbox located inside Pembroke Pines City Hall. The mailbox will appear on December 1, 2014. Santa must receive letters prior to December 10, 2014! Children should receive letters from Santa by December 24, 2014. Fee: Free of course - Santa does not charge!
Showtimes vary. Sunlife Stadium in Miami. Ticketmaster.com
4:00PM & 8:00PM SHOWS. BB&T Center in Sunrise. Ticketmaster.com.
8:00PM. Fearless optimist Anna, team up with Kristoff in an epic journey, encountering Everest-like conditions, and a hilarious snowman named Olaf in a race to find Anna’s sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom in eternal winter. Rated “PG.” Bring lawn chairs or blankets and relax… the movie is on us! The full-length feature film is projected onto a giant inflatable screen behind the event stage in Weston Regional Park (20200 Saddle Club Road, Weston). For more information, please call (954) 389-4321 or visit www.westonfl.org.
Don’t miss this annual evening parade of holiday-decorated boats that travel north along the Ft. Lauderdale’s Intracoastal. For stadium seating and best spots for viewing, go to winterfestparade.com.
6:20AM. A very fast half marathon and 5K course through the tree-lined streets of Weston. This is one of the best half marathons in South Florida at half the cost! Held at Weston Town Center, 1675 Market Street, Weston. Event Times: 5K & Half Marathon 6:20am. 1-Mile Family Health Walk 9:00am. Get Fit Festival 9:00am – 1:00pm. Costs: Half Marathon $35; 5K $30; Adult 1 Mile Family Health Walk (non-timed) $20; Student 1 Mile Family Walk (non-timed) $15. Website: www.westonrotary.com/run-for-tomorrow
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Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
12:00PM. Join us in honoring all who serve and have served. The event will take place at City Center, 10300 Pines Boulevard at the Veterans Memorial. Refreshments will be served immediately after the ceremony. FREE admission. For more information, call (954) 435-6525.
3:00PM – 5:00PM. FREE! Join the City of Pembroke Pines for a relaxing afternoon of jazz music at William B. Armstrong Dream Park, 1700 Dykes Road (NW 160 Avenue), Pembroke Pines. Don’t forget a comfortable chair or blanket. For more information, call (954) 435-6525.
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Join Santa and a few of his friends at The Southwest Focal Point Community Center, 301 NW 103 Avenue, Pembroke Pines. Make your own Ice Cream Sundae with lots of yummy toppings to choose from. There will be musical entertainment, arts and crafts and lots of holiday cheer. Tickets are $6.00 per person for Pembroke Pines residents and $8.00 per person for non-residents. For more information, call (954) 435-6525.
SHOWTIMES VARY. The charm of the Holidays fascinates all audiences, as Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida presents this classic ballet to Tchaikovsky’s popular score based on the tale of Ernest Hoffman. The enthusiastic young company features a team of professional dancers performing the principal roles, as well as a community cast made up of local character artists and children for the party scene. Not only is it the most popular ballet enjoyed by all audiences around the world during, but it also serves as an introduction to ballet for the very young audiences. Parker Playhouse, 201 SW 5th Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale. TICKETS: browardcenter.org.
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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Events | I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
Make this birthday a party to remember with fully supervised fun, games, and martial arts activities! Karate America is the place! Parents can count on a safe environment and kids know they’ll get a “kick” out of celebrating their special day at Karate America. WE HAVE 11 LOCATIONS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! www.KarateAmerica.info. Find the location nearest you and call to register!
Private TWO HOUR parties with very large, spectacular 1000 sq. ft. party rooms and glass viewing areas. TAG’s LARGEST Gym has the most equipment, inflatables, rope swing, tumble floors, foam pits and trampolines. No extra charges for bounce houses, slide inflatables, indoor basketball / soccer court. Your choice of Mommy & Me, Trampolines & Gymnastics or Boys Sports parties with structured stations or open gym style. Visit our facility & compare at www.TagGymnastics.com... You gotta see it to believe it! 1951 North Commerce Parkway, Weston. Call (954) 384-9393 to reserve your party.
We specialize in “Splashtacular” birthday parties & events. We keep the crowd cool, active and entertained! Our certified Lifeguards & Aqua Coordinators will be available to organize, supervise & facilitate any waterfront activities you might be planning. Our “Splish Splash” events are uniquely designed and can be hosted at your pool or ours (heated!) For more details on our Wet-N-Wild events, call (954) 384-4500. 1570 Sagemont Way, Weston 33326. www.TheSwimAcademy.com. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK - www.Facebook.com/TheSwimAcademy.
Competitive Cheer and Dance Facility. Come build a Pyramid for your next Birthday Party! A Human Pyramid, that is. Enjoy a 2-hour private party on a Sunday with all your friends. You can tumble on the spring floor and tumble trak, and bounce on the trampoline. Prices are only $15 per child. (954) 514-7250. www.Fla3threat.com
A private 2-hour party will not only be age appropriate, but fun and exciting for every child. The best part of all is no clean up for parents, which gives you time to relax and enjoy your child’s celebration. www.coralreefgymnastics.com, (954) 430-1530
Amazing! Incredible! Unbelievable! These are just some of the ways our guests describe our brand NEW Birthday Extravaganza Parties! Gravity offers new themes: Gymnastics, Sports, Superhero, Princess, Cheerleading, Pirate and more. New activities: swinging ropes, trampolines, climbing nets, bounce house and aerial silk hammocks! All parties include one hour in the gym, followed by 45 minutes in our spacious party room. Available upgrades: bounce house, additional time, Gravity favors, magic show and so much more! For additional information, please call (954) 450-7770 or visit our interactive website! 11940 Miramar Pkwy., Miramar, FL 33025. (954) 450-7770, info@gravitygymnastics.com, www.gravitygymnastics.com
HOUSE OF BOUNCE CLEANEST Bounce Castles, Dry & Wet Slides, Combos, Fun Food Machines, Tents, Tables & Chairs, Princess, Cartoon and Super Hero Characters, Clowns, Magic Shows, Ponies, Trains and Climbing Walls!! Unparalleled customer service GUARANTEED! We are Licensed, Insured and Approved by all Broward/Dade Parks. Hablamos Español. Call (954) 325-7789 or visit HOUSEOFBOUNCEPARTY.COM.
BRIGHT & SMART - ROBOTICS & CODING BIRTHDAY PARTIES Robotics Birthday Parties are sensational! They are a fun, educational, memorable and unique experience that will engage your child and his/her friends. This perfect party activity will bring the excitement of creating something with their hands, the thrill of seeing their imagination come to life and the satisfaction of being successful with their creation. We offer 90 minute, in-home robotics birthday parties supplying all of the material and equipment needed so each child is able to take a hands-on role in building a birthday robot! (954) 816-3346, info@BrightAndSmart.com, www.BrightAndSmart.com, Facebook: www.facebook.com/BrightAndSmart.
SUPER MABLE TUBE PARTIES Looking for something new? Want to be the coolest parents on earth? Have a super party at CB Smith Park. Ride the Super Mable, flying saucer and banana boat. Peg the fun meter and hear “that was the best day of my life!” Covered pavilion and large play area for yard games. Ages 3 to 84. Reserve today at (954) 292-3953, for pictures and details go to www.browardski.com.
MONSTER MINI GOLF 18 holes of indoor, monster themed, Glow-in-the-Dark Mini Golf. Experience cool special effects, great music, an interactive DJ, as well as arcade and redemption games! With two very posh, private party rooms and our Mad Scientist hosts, we are the perfect place for birthday and teen parties, field trips, fundraisers, group outings and corporate events. Monster Mini Golf is frightfully fun for all ages! 14435 Miramar Parkway, Miramar 33027. (954) 589-1878
ROCK STARR PARTIES Rock Starr Parties hosts unforgettable children’s parties for kids of all ages, according to the theme and location of your choice. We put on a 3-hour show complete with costumes and makeup, (all of which, the children get to keep at the end of the event) so that a stage for exciting, interactive play and fun-filled adventure is set. Call (855) 428-7327 or go to rockstarrparties.com to book your event.
FROGGY’S PLAYHOUSE BIRTHDAYS are a blast at FROGGY’S PLAYHOUSE! Enjoy this colorful, cheerful and fun place where children can hop, bounce and play in our selection of awesome inflatables. Our lounge cafe area provides delightful snacks and drinks. Come Play - Hours: Monday – Thursday 10am – 7pm & Friday – Saturday 10am – 9pm & Sunday 11am – 7pm. Visit us at 10141 Pines Blvd., Pembroke Pines 33026, (954) 433-7818, www.froggysplayhouse.com.
We offer sensational customer service as well as the highest quality equipment for all of your Party rental needs. We have Bounce Houses, Fun Food Machines, Tables, Chairs, Linen, Tents & MUCH, MUCH MORE! Call or visit us at www.platinumparties1.com. (305) 884-1770 or (786) 444-0561.
Movie grade costume characters come to life! Available for your next birthday party, Sweet Sixteen, Quince, Corporate event, etc. Offering characters such as Batman, Batgirl, Darth Vader, Obi wan, and even a life size remote control R2D2 robot with lights & sounds. Kids both big and small love R2. It’s more than an appearance, we offer a hero training with a message along with an autograph session with your hero. Working to help “Change the world one child at a time!” Contact us: 4KidsInNeed.Org, (954) 439-1878. Heroes with a mission.
ALLGOLF AT CB SMITH PARK Score a Hole-In-One by celebrating any special occasion at AllGolf. A number of fun options are available, from a private room to activity packages that include mini-golf or driving range. AllGolf is “the” place to host a birthday party, fundraiser or group outing. For more information or to reserve your party, call (954) 441-1333. AllGolf is located at 950 N. Flamingo Rd., Pembroke Pines, FL 33028. www.allgolf.com
FAMILY FUN ZONE Family Fun Zone is a 10,300 sq. ft. arena of gigantic inflatables, slides, bounce-houses, arcade games, party rooms, food and fun! It is located at 850 Ives Dairy Road in Miami 33179. Come enjoy the bright colorful and beautiful facility, free Wi-Fi, flat screen television and comfortable seating for all.
PEMBROKE PINES YMCA FAMILY CENTER (954) 727-9622, www.ymcabroward.org. 501 SW 172nd Ave Pembroke Pines 33029. Y BIRTHDAY PARTIES: Ages 5-13. Have your Birthday Bash at the Y. Adventure Parties include organized games, rock climbing, sports relays and activities. Each party includes party attendant(s), one hour in the gym or outside, half hour in the Activity Center and use of multipurpose room. Parents may bring food, decorations and cake.
PEMBROKE PINES YMCA AQUATIC CENTER 1361 NW 129th Avenue, Pembroke Pines 33028. (954) 727-9622. POOL BIRTHDAY PARTIES: Parties are available on Sat. & Sun. until September 28. Sit outside under one of our umbrellas or inside our party hall, which opens onto the pool deck. Included in both packages is a party attendant who will assist to make your party unforgettable. Pricing includes 30 guests for Funbrellas or 50 guests for Party Halls; each additional guest is $6. Funbrella: Food must be ordered from Subway’s concession stand – the only outside food permitted is birthday cake. Funbrella Two Hour Parties: 10am – 12pm, 1pm – 3pm, 4pm – 6pm. Y Members $150/Non Members $200. Funbrella Three Hour Parties: 10am – 1pm, 2pm – 5pm. Y Members $200/Non Members $250. Party Hall Two Hour Parties: 10am – 12pm, 1pm – 3pm, 4pm – 6pm. Y Members $275, Non-Members $325. COMING SOON! Specialty Birthday Party Packages. Call for more information.
HUMANE SOCIETY OF BROWARD COUNTY Party like an Animal and have your next birthday party at the Humane Society of Broward County. What better way to celebrate your child’s birthday! Not only will your child have fun, but they will also learn about how they can help the homeless animals. Plus, your birthday fee will go directly to the Humane Society of Broward County to help care for the thousands of homeless animals received each year. Call (954) 266-6848 or visit www.humanebroward.com.
SOUTHWEST FOCAL POINT COMMUNITY CENTER 301 NW 103rd Avenue, Pembroke Pines, FL 33026. Call (954) 450-6888 or visit www.ppines.com. With a capacity of 250 people, our hall is available for rental and boasts a main banquet hall, a stage, a spacious hard wood dance floor and a full service kitchen. Perfect venue for weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, birthdays or any special occasion. For fees and availability call (954) 450-6888. To print out a hall rental brochure which includes pricing information, please visit www.ppines. com and click on Departments and select Community Services.
CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES FACILITY RENTALS • ROSE G. PRICE PARK: 901 NW 208th Avenue. Available for rentals on Saturdays from Noon – Midnight, Sundays from Noon – 6:00pm. For fees and availability, call (954) 437-1140. • TOWNGATE RECREATION CENTER: 901 NW 155th Avenue. Available for rentals on Saturdays from Noon – Midnight and Sundays from Noon – 6:00pm. For fees and availability, call (954) 450-6894. • PINES RECREATION CENTER: 7400 Pines Boulevard. Available for rentals on Fridays 6:00pm – Midnight, Saturdays from Noon – Midnight and Sundays from Noon – 6:00pm. For fees and availability, call (954) 986-5022.
THE CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES CHARTER SCHOOLS are available to rent for your meeting, church services or aftercare programs. Large cafeterias and classroom space can be the perfect spot for your gathering. For more information on fees and availability, call Holly Bonkowski at (954) 986-5027. Available locations include: • Charter West Campus: (18500 Pembroke Road) • Charter East Campus: (10801 Pembroke Road) • FSU Campus: (601 SW 172nd Avenue) • Central Campus: (12350 Sheridan Street) • Charter High School: (17189 Sheridan Street)
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Events | I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014 Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
Benefitting The Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County. The Dunn’s Run has earned its reputation as the race that signifies the start of the running season, attracting over 2,000 runners, walkers and participants. Location: Ocean Way & Hillsboro, Deerfield Beach, Time: 7:30am, Cost: $35 or less, Website: www.dunnsrun.com.
This is a fast 5K course that takes you through the Southwest Ranches Community. You will be able to see some of the horses and smell that fresh cut grass! We hope you will join us again this year for another exciting event in support of persons with disabilities. Location: Schott Community Center, 6591 S. Flamingo Road, Cooper City, Time: 7:30am, Cost: 5K Run $25 | 1-Mile Walk $25, Website: www.schottcommunities.org.
A 5K Run/Walk…with FREE BACON! Stay for the “Bacon Dash” after party…and don’t forget the kid friendly 1K Bacon Dash. A portion of all proceeds go to anti-bullying charity, www.nvee.org. Location: Vista View Park, 4001 SW 142nd Avenue, Davie, Time: Regular race 8:00am | Kids 1-mile Bacon Dash (untimed) 9:00am, Cost: Teams of 4+ Runners $30 | Individuals Runners $35 | Kids 1-mile Bacon Dash $20 Website: http://americanbaconrace.com/miami-2014/
Multirace is proud to announce the 2nd Annual Columbus Day Triathlon. The triathlon consists of a ¼-mile lake swim, 11-mile bike ride and 3.1-mile run on the scenic lake path, while the duathlon consists of a 1.5-mile run, 11-mile bike and then another 1.5-mile run. Bring your family and make a day of it! Location: CB Smith Park, 900 N. Flamingo Road, Pembroke Pines, Time: Registration 5:30am – 6:30am | Race begins 7:00am, Cost: Individual Triathlon or Duathlon Registration $79 | Relay Registration $129, Website: http://columbusdaytri.com
Our goal is simple, to enhance the lives of individuals with Down Syndrome by helping them reach their full potential by providing family support, education and social activities. Join us for an out and back 5K course in beautiful Markham Park. Location: Markham Park, 16001 West State Road 84, Sunrise. Time: 8:00am, Cost: Children 9 and under FREE | Ages 10–17 $15 | Ages 18 & older $25, Website: www.goldcoastdownsyndrome.org
The Florida 5K Run/Walk for a Sarcoma Cure and events around the country have played a significant role in SFA’s ability to invest over $4 million toward sarcoma research, advocacy and education. You can make a positive impact toward the cure for sarcoma by registering to participate in 2014! Location: Plantation Central Park, 600 Central Park Drive, Plantation. Time: Registration 5:45am – 7:45am | Race Line Up 7:00am – 7:30am, Cost: Early Bird Registration $25, Website: www.FL5kcuresarcoma.org
The Goliath Gauntlet is a physically and mentally challenging timed 3.5-mile race over and through difficult terrain, water and obstacles that test strength and endurance. Participants will navigate 20 obstacles in a challenging series of back-to-back obstructions and barriers – each more physically taxing than the one before. GoLiath or Go Home! Location: Sheridan House Campus, 1700 S. Flamingo Road, Davie. Time: 8:40am, Cost: Individual Participant $59 | Spectator $10. Website: www.goliathgauntlet.com.
A very fast 10K out and back course finishing in Tree Tops Park. Cash, prizes, trophies and finisher medals. Premium goodie packs and post race tailgate party with Flanigan’s Ribs! Location: Tree Tops Park, 3900 SW 100 Avenue, Davie. Time: 7:00am Cost: Pre registration $30 | Race day $35. Website: www.facebook.com/FlanigansRockinRibRun10k
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND PURPLE STRIDE 5K RUN & FAMILY-FRIENDLY WALK Purple stride is a timed 5K Run and untimed Family-Friendly Walk with music, children’s activities, refreshments and more! Location: BB&T Center, 2555 NW 136th Avenue, Sunrise Time: Registration 6:30am | Opening Ceremonies 7:35am | Run/Walk Begins 8:00am. Cost: Survivor FREE | Adult timed $30 - $35 | Adult untimed $25 - $30 | Youth $10 - $15 Website: http://www.kintera.org/faf/home
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH WALK/RUN FOR HUNGER 5K A fun family event with music, kids’ activities and more! Fundraise $100 or more and receive a goody-bag containing gifts from local businesses plus unique gifts from the countries we serve. Your efforts in the fight against hunger will feed more then 3,400 children for the entire year. Location: TY Park, 3300 N. Park Road, Hollywood. Time: Check-in & Registration 7:30am – 8:30am | Start time 8:30am. Cost: Adults $25 | Adults Day-of $30 | Children under 13 FREE. Website: http://support.foodforthepoor.org/
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH 18TH ANNUAL HOLIDAY FANTASY OF LIGHTS Enjoy this holiday season with this unique evening race on a USATF-Certified course illuminated by thousands of lights and larger-than-life animated displays. The 5K course is flat, fast and ideal for setting a personal best! Awards will be given out in 9 categories for both male and female. Location: Trade Winds Park, 3600 West Sample Road, Coconut Creek. Time: 5K 6:00pm | Fitness Walk 7:00pm | Kids’ Fun Run 7:00pm. Cost: Early bird pricing $39 for runners and $20 for walkers (prices increase on 10/20/14) Website: www.holidaylightsdrivethru.com/html/5kRunWalk.html
This is a beautiful 5K run/walk on the Hollywood broadwalk to benefit Kakes 4 Kids, a local non-profit organization that provides birthday celebrations to over 300 foster and underprivileged kids in South Florida every month. Come dressed as your favorite Superhero! Awards to follow after race. Location: Charnow Park, 300 Garfield Street, Hollywood. Time: Check-in & registration 6:30am | Run/ Walk begins 7:30am. Cost: Adults $30 (online) | Race day $35 | Children under 18 $25 (online) | Race day $30. Website: www.kakes4kidsflorida.org
This event is a 5K run/walk/paddle to raise funds for Leadership Broward Foundation, Inc. and iTrace Foundation, Inc. to raise funds to support healthy living across the generations with an emphasis on childhood obesity. From beginners to elite runners & paddle boarders, this race is for everyone! Thanksgivingthemed costumes are welcomed and encouraged! Location: Race begins on the corner of SE 5th Street & A1A, Fort Lauderdale Beach. Time: Registration 6:00am – 7:15am | Race starts 7:30am. Cost: Prices range from $5–$35 depending on event & age group. Website: www.turkeytrotftl.com
Multirace is proud to present the 2nd Annual Turkey Triathlon. The ¼-mile swim is in a calm lake with no waves. The 10-mile bike is super safe, completely inside the park with no vehicular traffic. The 3-mile run goes along the scenic lake path, making a very spectator friendly 2-loop course. Location: Tradewinds Park, 3600 W. Sample Rd., Coconut Creek. Time: 7:00am. Cost: Individual Triathlon or Duathlon Registration $79 | Relay Registration $129. Website: www.turkeytriathlon.com
Modeled after the popular television show, The Amazing Race, teams of 2 people (adults & kids grades K-12) race around a 1-mile cross course in competition with other teams, completing a string of up to 8 fun-filled challenges. We are thrilled to be partnering with the Max Cure Foundation’s Dunk Your Kicks program, which fights against pediatric cancer. Location: Tree Tops Park, 3900 SW 100th Avenue, Davie. Time: Check-in 1:15pm | Race starts 2:00pm. Cost: Early Fee $40 | Race Day $50 Website: www.greatamazingrace.info/miami.html
Proceeds benefit athletics and fine arts programs, technology and tuition assistance. Location: Calvary Chapel, 2401 W. Cypress Creek Road, Fort Lauderdale. Time: 7:30am. Cost: Before race day $15 | Race day $20. Website: www.ccaeagles.org/CCA5K
This is a fun, friendly atmosphere. Remember to dress in your favorite holiday attire and stay to watch the Coral Springs holiday parade! Location: 10494 W. Sample Road, Coral Springs, FL 33065. Time: 6:15pm. Cost: $20 for everyone. Website: http://www.active.com/coral-springs-fl/running/races/coralsprings-holiday-mile-timed-event-2014
A very fast half marathon and 5K course through the tree-lined streets of Weston. This is one of the best half marathons in South Florida at half the cost! Location: Weston Town Center, 1675 Market Street, Weston. Time: 5K & Half Marathon 6:20am | 1-Mile Family Health Walk 9:00am | Get Fit Festival 9:00am – 1:00pm. Cost:
Half Marathon $35 | 5K $30 | Adult 1 Mile Family Health Walk (non-timed) $20 | Student 1 Mile Family Walk (non-timed) $15. Website: www.westonrotary.com/run-for-tomorrow
Beds will race down the street against each other until it comes down to the final two. The winner of the final heat will be crowned the “Wilton Manors Bed Heads.” After the run/walk, spend some time hanging out while having a festive time dancing to the sounds of our DJ. This event is a 100% benefit for Broward House. Location: Shoppes of Wilton Manors, 2226 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors. Time: Registration begins 7:00am | Race begins 8:00am. Cost: $35 Website: http://www.browardhouse.org/5k.html
It’s the time of the year to be festive, and what better way to do it than to join the Jingle Bell Jog? All runners will receive a set of bells for their shoes during the race. Tons of contests, awards, refreshments and entertainment! Location: Huizenga Plaza, One East Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale. Time: 7:30am Cost: Early registration $20 | Regular registration $25 . Website: www.active.com.fort-lauderdale-fl
Awards will be given for both the 5K and 10K. Park entrance is $1.50 per person. If you are doing the 10K, you MUST be able to go 3 miles of drinking water on your own. Location: Markham Park, 16001 W. State Road 84, Sunrise. Start time: 10K 7:00am | 5K 7:40am. Cost: 10K $35 - $40 | 5K $20 - $25 | 5K individuals 18 & under $15. Website: http://www.itzevents.com
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Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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Ages 4 1/2–15 coed, recreational and travel teams. Fall Season: May - June. November & December, Tryouts in January. Fees: $75 - $140 residents, non-residents add $65. Fees may change. Copy of birth certificate required. www.pembrokelakesoptimist.org. Flamingo Park, 1900 NW 122 Terrace, (954) 438-6498.
Ages 3–16, recreational and travel teams. Spring & Fall Seasons. Fees based on age by April 30, 2015: Ages 3–4 years $105/season, Ages 5–6 years $125/season, Ages 7 & up $155/season. Non-Resident +$65. Fall Registration held in May & June. Spring Registration held in November & December. Pembroke Shores Park, 501 SW 172nd Avenue. Contact info@wppobaseball.com. Visit our website @ www.wppobaseball.com. Text WPPObaseball to 72727 for text updates. Follow us on Twitter @wppobaseball.
Open M-F 9am – 10pm, Sat. 8am – 9pm. Outdoor baseball/softball cages. Variable speeds available for game like conditions. 950 N. Flamingo Road (at CB Smith Park entrance), Pembroke Pines, (954) 441-1333, www.allgolf.com.
Ages 3–15: co-ed, recreational and travel teams. Fees: $95 residents, non-residents add $65. Copy of birth certificate required. Fall Season: July/August. Spring Season: March – June. Optimist Clubhouse, 7900 Pines Blvd., (954) 966-4861.
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Florida Youth Baseball Alliance. Ages 3–16 co-ed, recreational and travel teams. Spring season registration November – January until spots are filled and tryouts for all divisions are in 3rd week of January. Fall season registration in May and tryouts for all divisions are in August. Check website for fees. www.pasadenalakes.com. Pasadena Park, 8815 Pasadena Blvd. Commissioner - Sandy Arias, (954) 432-3300, baseball@pasadenalakes.com.
Travel baseball program playing in the South Florida Premier League. Looking for dedicated players (all positions). The team’s goal is to teach the kids advanced baseball in a great and positive atmosphere and to keep the kids together through at least age 12u to play in a National Tournament at Cooperstown NY in 2016. Tryouts will be held May 31, June 28, July 26 & August 2 at Pembroke Shores Park. Home field: 501 SW 172nd Ave, Pembroke Pines 33029. For more information, contact Coach Dan Guzman at (786) 693-0313 or by email: wppocobras@hotmail.com.
(954) 727-9622, www.ymcabroward.org. 501 SW 172nd Ave Pembroke Pines 33029. • BASKETBALL FUNDAMENTALS: Ages 5–10. Learn the fundamentals of basketball techniques such as shooting, dribbling, passing and lay-ups. Not only will you learn basketball skills, but meeting new friends and most importantly – having fun! Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:30pm–6:30pm. Members $110 / Non Members $140. • D-1 BASKETBALL LEAGUE: Ages 9–17. 8 games guaranteed, certified referees and strategic practices with a volunteer coach. Players must have knowledge of the game and basic at-level skills. All YMCA sports leagues promote teamwork, sportsmanship and the YMCA’s Core Values of CARING, HONESTY, RESPECT, and RESPONSIBLE PLAYERS. Y Members $155/Non Members $200, Includes full uniform: Jersey and shorts and medals.
Travel Basketball Teams for 4th Grade, 6th Grade and 7th Grade. Year-round competitive program developing a foundation of academic excellence, discipline, sportsmanship, dedication and persistence along with basketball skills. Pembroke Pines. Email: browardsharksbasketball@live.com. Facebook: www.facebook.com/BrowardSharks.
MENTORING VALUABLE PROTÉGÉS, INC. 901 N.W. 129th Avenue, Pembroke Pines in the Walter C. Young Gymnasium. Basketball training program for ages 5–12. Learn and develop the fundamentals of shooting, passing, dribbling, defense, and rebounding. January 10 – March 16. $125 for 10 sessions. 60 minute per session, 1 day a week. Fridays from 6pm to 7pm or Sundays from 11am to 12pm. Call (305) 749-6090 or visit www.mvpinc.org for more information.
STARTING NOW! Ages 18 and older. FEES (may change): $100– 200 per player depending on how early you register. Games TBA. 3 v 3 Teams Needed. Please check our website for up to date information at www.wppofootball.com and click on Adult Sports tab. You may also contact Mario Costa for more info at wppoadultsports@outlook.com or call (786) 300-1621.
7900 Johnson Street, Pembroke Pines, FL. Boys & Girls ages 6–17. Membership is $40 per year. Improve your basic skills and learn the fundamentals of basketball. Basketball Clinics are held on Monday and Wednesdays 5:00pm – 7:00pm. Clinics open to all ages and skill levels and will focus on individual skills and self-improvement.
7900 Johnson Street, Pembroke Pines, FL. Boys and Girls ages 6–17. Membership is $40 per year. Learn self-defense and self-confidence. Build self-esteem and get in shape. Compete in amateur bouts. Member of USA Boxing. Classes are on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 5:00pm – 6:00pm for beginners and 6:00pm – 7:00pm for advanced students.
CHEERLEADING FLORIDA SUPERSTARS Florida Super Stars offer a high-energy combination class with instruction in dance, cheerleading and baton twirling. The fee is $50 per month for unlimited classes. Classes held Monday nights at Rose G. Price Park, 901 NW 208th Avenue, 5:00pm – 7:00pm and Thursday nights, 4:00pm – 6:00pm at Pines Recreation Center, 7400 Pines Blvd. For more information, please call Wendy Russell at (954) 438-2075.
FLORIDA TRIPLE THREAT ALL-STARS Come be a part of the back-to-back National Champions in competitive all star cheerleading! Fully air conditioned building featuring two spring floors, tumble trak, rod floor and trampoline. All Ages, All Skill Levels! Mention this ad and receive a $5 discount on your first tumbling class. (954) 514-7250. www.Fla3threat.com
Chapel Trail Park, 19351 Taft Street. Cheer commissioner Vicki M. Grippa: (954) 439-0977 or email wppocheerleading@gmail.com. Please check our website for up to date information and join our new text blast system by texting the words WPPO football to 72727 and you will receive a text on all upcoming registration dates and park info. • TACKLE FOOTBALL CHEERLADING: Ages 5–14. FEES (may change): Tackle Cheerleading $310 (REGISTRATION ONLY, OTHER FEES APPLY). Non Pembroke Pines residents add $100. Registration starts in March. Conditioning begins in May. Season begins in July. • MIGHTY MITES TACKLE: $310 (REGISTRATION ONLY, OTHER FEES APPLY). Non Pembroke Pines residents add $100. Registration starts in March. Conditioning begins in May. Season begins in July.
PEMBROKE PINES OPTIMIST FOOTBALL CHEERLEADING 7400 Pines Blvd. Ages 3–15. Registration: MARCH – JULY, THURSDAYS 6:00pm – 8:00pm & SATURDAYS 10:00am – 1:00pm. Season: July – November. Commissioner: Kristi Warren (954) 294-4872, kristippo@aol.com. • TACKLE CHEER: (ages 6–15) Registration fee is $205 for Pines residents. $305 for non-residents. Fees may change. Included are a PPO cheer bag, a practice uniform, use of game uniform and spirit day. ($10 off for siblings) Some extra expenses do occur, please call or email for more information. • MINI CHEER: (ages 3–5) Registration fee is $150 for Pines residents. $250 for non-residents. Mini cheerleaders will get a practice uniform, a cheer bag, and use of a game uniform. ($10 off for siblings). Fees may change. Some extra expenses do occur, please call or email for more information.
CYCLING & BIKING WESTON FLYERS CYCLING CLUB Membership has grown to over 140 cyclists. Membership fee is $35 annually. We are made up of mostly intermediate and advanced riders. Our advanced rides take place on Tue., Thu., Sat. and Sun. and our beginner/intermediate rides are on Mon., Wed. and Fri. We have rides 7 days a week and our routes allow for early cut offs or longer rides most of which take place on bike friendly roads. Join in many charity rides, receive information on all South Florida organized rides and build some long lasting friendships. Visit online at www.westonflyers.com or email: INFO@westonflyers.com.
Team Memorial is a bicycle club founded by Memorial Healthcare System, a non-profit healthcare organization based in Hollywood, Florida and created to serve the community by promoting the many healthy benefits of bicycling. Team Memorial’s mission is to encourage everyone to participate in bicycling - whether for recreation, transportation, fitness or competition. Team Memorial hosts rides regularly throughout the South Florida area for participants of intermediate and advanced levels. Ride listings can be viewed on our ride schedule. www.teammemorial.com.
18 holes of indoor, monster themed, Glow-in-the-Dark Mini Golf and more! Feel the excitement and adventure of playing mini golf amidst cool monster décor that includes custom artwork and animated props. Our courses are challenging enough for adults to navigate, yet very playable for children. Experience our Weird Radio interactive DJ, who plays music and hosts contests for prizes. Monster Mini Golf is frightfully fun for all ages! 14435 Miramar Parkway, Miramar, 33027. (954) 589-1878.
PEMBROKE PINES OPTIMIST (PPO) BENGALS FOOTBALL 7400 Pines Blvd., Clubhouse and Park. Register Thursdays from 6:00pm – 7:30pm. Saturdays 10:00 am – 12:00pm. For more information, visit www.ppobengals.com. Commissioner: Jim Ross, jross@ppobengels.com. Come join AYFL’s top football program for ten straight years. 2013 four super bowl champions & three state champions. • TACKLE FOOTBALL: Ages 6–14. $225 Pines Residents, $325 Non-Residents. Includes new game jersey with player’s name stitched on back, Nike shirt and shorts set, Nike Elite socks, $40 worth of raffle tickets we provide to help offset your costs and equipment supplied for season. Season: July – November, with spring training in May. Registration: March thru July or until spots are filled. • DEVELOPMENTAL TACKLE FOOTBALL: Ages 5–6. $225 Pines Residents $325 non-residents. Includes new game jersey with player’s name stitched on back, Nike shirt and shorts set, Nike Elite socks, $40 worth of raffle tickets we provide to help offset your costs and equipment supplied for the season. Season: July – November, with spring training in May. Registration: March thru July or until spots are filled.
PASADENA LAKES OPTIMIST FOOTBALL American Youth Football League. Ages: Tackle 5–14. Season: July – November, with all new spring training in May. Early Registration: January – March. Registration: April – August. Check website for fees. 8815 Pasadena Blvd., Clubhouse and Park. For more information, contact Bill Allison at (954) 646-0036 or email pantherscoachbill@aol.com. www.pasadenalakes.com. Football Commissioner: Raymond Alvarado,
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Located at the corner of Sheridan St. and Douglas. Ages 4–15. For more information and to register online, go to www.pasadenalakes.com. Registration is ongoing during the months of April – July. Season: July – November. Commissioner Susan Holt, email: cheerleading@pasadenalakes.com. (954) 432-3300.
Directory | I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014 Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
(FOOTBALL Cont.) WEST PEMBROKE PINES OPTIMIST FOOTBALL Chapel Trail Park, 19351 Taft Street. Contact: Vincent Grippa III, (954) 437-8596. www.wppofootball.com. Please check our website for up to date information and join our new text blast system by texting the words WPPO football to 72727 and you will receive a text on all upcoming registration dates and park info. • TACKLE: Ages: 5–14. Season: July – November. Spring training in May. Registration: March. Spots are limited and teams fill quickly. Cost: $275. Non-residents add $100. This already includes COPP participation fee. Email: wppowildcats@gmail.com. • MIGHTY MITES TACKLE: Ages: 5–6. Season: July – November. Spring training in May. Registration: March. Spots are limited and teams fill quickly. Cost: $275. Non-residents add $100. This already includes COPP participation fee. Email: wppowildcats@gmail.com. • SPRING 7 v 7 FLAG: STARTING JANUARY! Ages U8–U14 Games Saturday afternoons. FEES (may change): $175-275 depending on how early you register (less for team entries). Different divisions available based on abilities. Please check our website for up to date information at www.wppofootball.com and click on 7 v 7 tab. You may also contact Mario Costa for more info at mario@mymvp.cc or (954) 437-8596. • MIGHTY MITES TACKLE: Ages 18 and over. Season: September– November. Games are Sunday mornings 8am – 1pm. Registration costs are $125 individual or $550 per team. Emails can be sent to wppoflag@gmail.com. 10 Team Max.
OPTIMIST ADULT FLAG FOOTBALL STARTING NOW! Ages 18 and older. FEES (may change): $100-200 per player depending on how early you register. Games are on Sunday mornings. Team and individual entries accepted. Please check our website for up to date information at www.wppofootball.com and click on adult sports tab. You may also contact Mario Costa for more info at wppoadultsports@outlook.com or (786) 300-1621.
701 Flamingo West Drive, Pembroke Pines. (954) 435-6110, www.flamingolakescc.com. Located just ½ mile east of I-75 at Century Village, Flamingo Lakes might be Broward’s best kept secret. A semiprivate daily fee golf course, Flamingo Lakes offers a challenging par 71 golf course that will test all skill levels. Flamingo Lakes provides quality course conditions at a reasonable price. If you like a challenging course with smooth rolling greens, then come and give Flamingo Lakes a visit.
10500 Taft Street, (954) 431-4144, www.pcmgolf.com. 18 hole championship golf course with new carts and state of the art GPS System, all new practice area with bigger driving range and putting green, new chipping and bunker area, PGA staff, fully stocked golf shop, clubhouse, spacious banquet rooms and affordable golf rates all year long. Group and individual lessons available. Restaurant is open to the public. (Call for prices and times.)
Lighted driving range, open 7 days a week with 60 hitting stations (covered and grass are available) and short game area. Two 18-hole adventurous mini-golf courses. Fully stocked pro-shop with major brands. Junior & adult golf clinics throughout the week! Call about JUNIOR WINTER GOLF CAMP! Juniors will learn putting, chipping, iron play, driving, pitching, and etiquette. 950 N. Flamingo Rd., Pembroke Pines (At entrance to CB Smith Park). (954) 441-1333, www.allgolf.com.
Nationally known “progressive” gymnastics programs for boys and girls. TAG’s difference: Largest facility, most equipment, class lesson plans, Class Managers, full cleaning staff, fingerprinted coaches. Awarded Programs for: Lil Tumblers (age 10 mo.), Preschool (age 3+), Beginners (age 5+) to Advanced Classes with State - Regional - NATIONAL CHAMPION Competitive teams for Girls & Boys gymnastics and Coed Trampoline. Also: Two Hour BIRTHDAY PARTIES / Popular Saturday Night OPEN GYM / Gym & Sports DAY CAMPS. Schedule a visit & compare prices at www.TagGymnastics.com... You gotta see it to believe it! Monthly discounts for New Members or Transfers. 1951 North Commerce Pkwy, Weston. (954) 384-9393.
Coral Reef Gymnastics & Cheer is the premier facility! All of our instructors are USAG & Safety Certified! Your first class is always FREE! www.coralreefgymnastics.com, (954) 430-1530.
Gravity Gymnastics provides tumbling and gymnastics classes for girls and boys, ages 4 months to 16 years. Recreational and Competitive Programs. Through gymnastics, your child will improve in the areas of strength, balance, coordination, speed and flexibility, responsibility and determination. At Gravity, our mission is to help children enjoy the learning process and gain the confidence needed for a lifetime of success and happiness. Do it for your child, call now and inquire about our gymnastics program. Experience the quality and professionalism of our safety certified coaching staff. 11940 Miramar Parkway, Miramar FL 33025 * (954) 450-7770 * info@gravitygymnastics.com * www.gravitygymnastics.com.
COMING SOON! Ages 18 and older. FEES (may change): $100-200 per player depending on how early you register. Games TBA. 4 v 4 Teams Needed. (Including Goalie) Please check our website for up to date information www.wppofootball.com and click on Adult Sports tab. You may also contact Mario Costa for more info at wppoadultsports@outlook.com or (786) 300-1621.
COMING SOON! IN-LINE HOCKEY IS BACK!!! Leagues for all ages!! (Youth through adult) FEES (may change): $175-250 per player for Pines residents depending on how early you register. Games TBA. You may contact Mario Costa for more info at mario@mymvp.cc or (786) 300-1621.
FLORIDA PANTHERS The Florida Panthers are a member of the Atlantic Division of the Eastern Conference of the National Hockey League (NHL) and play at BB&T Center in Sunrise, Florida. Led by all-star goaltender Roberto Luongo and a talented core of young forwards including Jonathan Huberdeau, Aleksander Barkov and Nick Bjugstad as well as blue liners Erik Gudbranson, Dmitry Kulikov and Dylan Olsen, the Florida Panthers aim to make a splash during the 2014-15 season. The excitement surrounding the Florida Panthers is growing in South Florida and these are games you won’t want to miss. www.floridapanthers.com
KICKBALL WEST PEMBROKE PINES OPTIMIST ADULT KICKBALL STARTING NOW! Ages 18 and older. FEES (may change): $100-200 per player depending on how early you register. Games are played on Sunday afternoons. Team and individual entries accepted. Please check our website for up to date information www.wppofootball.com and click on Adult Sports tab. You may also contact Mario Costa for more info at wppoadultsports@outlook.com or (786) 300-1621.
COMING SOON! Ages U7–U15 Clinics. FEES (may change): $95-200 depending on age. Please check our website for up to date information www.wppofootball.com and click on lacrosse tab. You may also contact Mario Costa for more info at mario@mymvp.cc or (954) 437-8596.
WESTON WARRIOR LACROSSE CLUB, INC. Rich Barba, President. (754) 264-2405. Boys & Girls Teams for K–8th grade at Tequesta Trace Park. Season: January – June, Registration: September – January (limited spots, register early!). Developmental travel team competing at various parks throughout South Florida. Novices as well as experienced players are encouraged to join the Warriors to develop and improve skills, conditioning and competitive play. As one of the fastest growing sports in the south, this is excellent preparation for those interested in making their High School team. All children played equally. Recreational League: westonwarriorslacrosse.com. For Fall & Summer travel program for U-13, U-15, HS visit this website: www.praetorianlacrosse.com.
DAVIE LACROSSE Boys and girls from kindergarten through 9th grades can participate in the recreation program. Practices are 2 nights per week at Bamford/ Pine Island Park and games on Saturdays against other area youth programs. The season runs January through April. No experience necessary - just a willingness to learn and have fun. Loaner gear available for younger players. The program has limited spots available and is expected to fill up so register now! Financial aid is available to qualified Davie residents. Much more information can be found at www.davielacrosse.com. New player training at www.faststartlacrosse.com.
MARTIAL ARTS KARATE AMERICA Our traditional martial arts programs help children and adults find a new sense of empowerment that extends past the physical maneuvers. Karate America students develop the confidence and self-esteem it takes to face life head on, seeking new challenges and persevering when times get tough! Free uniform for new student sign-ups! WE HAVE 11 LOCATIONS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! www.KarateAmerica.info. Find the location nearest you and call to register.
CORAL REEF GYMNASTICS Martial arts classes ages 5 & up. Strength, balance, self-confidence, respect and fun. www.coralreefgymnastics.com, (954) 430-1530.
(954) 727-9622, www.ymcabroward.org. 501 SW 172nd Ave., Pembroke Pines, 33029. • KAJUKENBO BEGINNERS: Ages 5–12. Kajukenbo is a combination of 5 martial arts: Korean Karate (Tang-so-do), Judo, Jujitsu, Kenpo and Chinese Boxing (Kung- Fu) with forms (Katas) and self-defense techniques. Basics skill development includes: stances, blocks, punches, kicks, falls, rolls and sweeps with lots of cardio and stretching exercises. All participants will be billed monthly. Y Member $70/Non-member $120. Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:00pm – 6:00pm. • KAJUKENBO INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Ages 5 to Adult. Wednesdays & Saturdays 5:00pm – 6:00pm.
YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD MARTIAL ARTS SCHOOL. Incorporating the martial art of Kung Fu with modern training techniques to instill selfconfidence, self-esteem and family values. Martial arts and kickboxing programs for children (starting at age 6) and adults. Learn self-discipline while learning self-defense. 9948 Pines Boulevard, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024. www.williamsptc.com, (954) 441-4703. Register online for our TRIAL PROGRAM.
Karate is offered at Rose G. Price Park, 901 NW 208th Avenue, on Tuesdays for ages 5–11 from 6:30pm – 7:30pm and Thursdays from 7:45pm – 8:45pm for ages 12 and up. Learn self-discipline and selfdefense. For more information, call Jim Hobson at (954) 494-6174.
Atlantic Shotokan Karate offers karate instruction to all age groups. Led by Sensei Julio Egoavil, 4th degree blackbelt and a former National Champion. The class will teach you proper karate skills and develop your fitness level in a fun, positive and supportive atmosphere. Children and Adult classes available at Pines Recreation Center, 7400 Pines Boulevard every Thursday evening. For more information, call (954) 505-3580 or send email to askc.fl@gmail.com.
7900 Johnson Street, Pembroke Pines, FL. Boys and Girls ages 6 to 17. Membership is $40 per year. Learn traditional Tae Kwon Do, selfdiscipline, and respect. Boost self-esteem and get in shape. Classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30pm – 7:30pm for Beginners and 7:30pm – 8:30pm for advanced students.
PARKOUR PARKOUR TRAINING We have the most experienced staff and safest program and we were the FIRST in Broward County! Beginner to advanced Parkour, Free Running, Tricking now available at Florida Triple Threat. Ages 8 and up. Friday nights 7pm – 9pm there is a structured class teaching the skills and the art of Parkour. Newly added obstacles to simulate the outdoors. (954) 514-7250. www.fla3threat.com
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Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
RACQUETBALL CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES RACQUETBALL FACILITY Walter C. Young Racquetball Courts, 901 NW 129th Avenue. 6 indoor/air conditioned courts. Memberships and hourly rates available. Hours of operation: Monday – Friday (4:00pm – 10:00pm), Saturday – Sunday (9:00am – 5:00pm). Reservations are recommended. For information, please call the Walter C. Young, (754) 323-4515.
RUGBY PINES RUGBY CLUB Riptide Rugby is an adult (18+) men’s team. We do not discriminate based on skill, experience or athleticism; however we do suggest you begin a strength and cardiovascular fitness program prior to coming out as our practices are highly physically demanding. We WILL teach you the fundamentals of rugby, and you will get play time at any matches we hold. chris.munoz@riptiderugby.com, WWW.RIPTIDERUGBY.COM
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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After a very successful first season, 2014-2015 will be even better! All skill levels ages 8–18 are welcome. Conditioning begins in October. Regular season begins in January. Experience this unique combination of intense physical competition, respect and discipline that has parents loving the rugby culture as much as the players love the sport. Home field is Chapel Trail Park at 19351 Taft Street, Pembroke Pines, Florida, 33332. Commissioner: Javier Esteve jesteve@westpinesrugby.com Hotline: (954) 414-9634, Visit www.westpinesrugby.com for more information.
FORT LAUDERDALE MEN’S AND WOMEN’S RUGBY No experience necessary. All practices and matches are at Mills Pond Park. Call (954) 543-6287 (men’s division) or (201) 787-6503 (women’s division) e-mail coach@ftlrugby.com or visit www.ftlrugby.com.
RUNNING, TRACK & FIELD WEST PEMBROKE PINES OPTIMIST TRACK AND FIELD We invite all athletes, ages 5–16, to join our very successful program. We train, guide and assist each athlete and have produced hundreds of local, state and national champions in the past 10 years. Our coaching staff consists of former high school and college athletes & coaches and former USA Track & Field athletes, certified coaches and officials. Practices held at Flanagan High School, 12800 Taft Street, Pembroke Pines 33028. Fees: $180 Pembroke Pines residents, non-residents are an additional $100. Track meet fees are additional. For more information, visit www.westpinestrack.com or email runtrack01@gmail.com.
SELF DEFENSE AIKIDO Ronin Aikidojo Asian Cultural Center. 5611 Johnson Street, Suite 101, Hollywood, FL 33021. Aikido is a traditional Japanese martial art that uses non-resistance to redirect an attack and subdue the attacker without using force. Our goal is not simply to build our ego by destroying others, but rather to develop ourselves as true human beings in mind, body and spirit. When this is achieved, no one will leave broken but rather enlightened and fulfilled. Class sizes are limited. Register today! (954) 918-2622. www.RoninAikidojo.com.
SOCCER CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES SOCCER PROGRAMS Contact Renee Nunez at (954) 538-3696, rnunez@ppines.com or call the soccer hotline at (954) 438-1020. • ADULTS 7 VS. 7 LEAGUES (RUNS TWICE A YEAR): Registration: For the adult season will be taken at West Pines Soccer Park, 350 SW 196th Avenue. Ages: Over 30 league: 27 & up (only 2 people under the age of 30 are allowed per team) the leagues could be a men’s, women’s or co-ed team. Cost: For Pembroke Pines Resident $85 and $ 110 non-resident players. (Photo ID needed): Photo ID needed before you can play in the league. For more information, please call (954) 538-3696 or the soccer hotline at (954) 438-1020. • 2015 SPRING RECREATIONAL SEASON: (Ages 3-18) Registration dates are September 6th (11:00am – 5:30pm) and Sept. 13th (10:00am – 2:00pm). Registration will be at Charter High School gymnasium, 17189 Sheridan Street, located in the northwest corner of the school. Cost is $145 per child. Season runs from January – May 2015. Games & practices will be held at two parks: West Pines Soccer Park and Nature Preserve, 350 SW 196th Avenue. • COACHES/REFEREES/SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS: The City of Pembroke Pines Recreation and Cultural Arts Department is always looking for those who are interested in joining our soccer family of coaches, referees, school volunteers and sponsors. If you are interested, please contact us at (954) 538-3696.
PEMBROKE PINES PIRANHAS SOCCER PROGRAM (Pembroke Pines Optimist Club) Boys & Girls Teams, ages 4–16. Season: Mid-November – Mid-March. Registration: September – October. Fees: $145 Pembroke Pines residents, $235 for non-residents. Pembroke Pines residents must provide proof of residency. Out-of-city players (ONLY) will be given raffle tickets to sell, allowing the player to recoup the entire $90 out of city fee (you will keep the money you raise). Registration covers all the cost of uniforms, equipment, and referee fees. You are responsible for providing shin-guards, cleats, and a soccer ball for the child. Pembroke Pines Optimist Clubhouse / Pines Recreation Center 7400 Pines Boulevard. Soccer Hotline: (954) 580-9090. All information as well as registration is available online: www.pembrokepinessoccer.com
WOMEN’S OVER 30 RECREATIONAL SOCCER LEAGUE $150 Registration Fee for entire year includes team shirt and socks. Sunday afternoon games and Friday evening practices. Seasons: September – December and January – May. Beginners are welcome, individuals only. For more information, call (954) 445-8367, send an email to browardrecsoccer@comcast.net or visit browardrecsoccer.com.
David Posnack JCC is proudly hosting the 2015 Games & ArtsFest® for the first time in Broward, August 9–14, 2015. Try-outs for girls’ softball begin October 19th. Jewish girls between 13 & 16 years old, as of July 31, 2015, are invited to attend. Other sports include: baseball, basketball, lacrosse, soccer, volleyball, dance, swimming, table tennis and tennis. Check our website, fortlauderdalejccmaccabi.com, for more information and additional try-out dates.
Website: www.pinessoftball.com. PARK PHONE: (954) 981-3077. 7960 Johnson Street, Pembroke Pines. Home of Pines Thunder! Girls’ fast pitch softball leagues, ages 5–18. Seasons: FALL & SPRING. Registration for FALL: September – October. Registration for spring: January – February. Fees (may change): Resident-$120, Non-resident$200. All-Star Thunder Travel Team and High School College Showcase Team (8-18) travels during summer season, interested players contact John Ramos, President, sftbl29@comcast.net.
WEST PINES GIRLS SOFTBALL Silver Lakes Park South, 17601 SW 2nd Street, Pembroke Pines. (954) 431-6735. Ages 8U-18U, Girls’ fast pitch softball recreational league and travel teams. Fall Season: August – November. Fall Registration: August, Wednesdays 6:30pm – 8pm & Saturdays 9:30am – 1:30pm. Tryouts in early September. Residents $110, Non Residents $200. Spring Season: January – April. Spring Registration: January, Wednesday’s 6:30pm – 8:00pm & Saturdays 9:30am – 1:30pm. Tryouts are held in late January. Commissioner Phil Schmalz, pwrmgmt@aol.com, www.westpinesgirlssoftball.org.
Teaches aquatics skills in a technical progression. Comprised of 6 skill levels, from Parent and Child Aquatic Classes to Adult Swim Lessons. Classes are limited to 8 students. Pre-registration required. Sessions will be held Monday – Thursday for 2 weeks or 8 consecutive Saturday morning lessons. Swim Lessons Locations: Pembroke Lakes Pool, TownGate Pool and Rose Park Pool. Summer swim lessons scheduled May – August. Fall lessons September & October. Swim lessons registration location: TownGate Pool, 901 NW 155 Ave. (954) 450-6732. Cost per 8 lessons: Pembroke Pines Resident: $45 & Non-Residents: $57.
Provides a variety of aquatic programs including one-on-one learn to swim lessons, water safety & education, small group lessons, semiprivate lessons, stroke improvement & conditioning classes, camp swim lessons and seasonal swim clubs. We focus on positive, caring and progressive teaching methods for babies, toddlers, kids and young adults. A truly developmental learning and student centered approach as opposed to the short-term survival method. We hope to instill a lifelong love & respect for the water. HEATED POOLS! (954) 384-4500. 1570 Sagemont Way, Weston 33326. www.TheSwimAcademy.com, FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK www.Facebook.com/TheSwimAcademy.
The Nova Southeastern University Swim Club is a USA Swimming certified program that is now accepting new swimmers ages 18 and under for its competitive swim team. Swim lessons, and summer camp programs available. As a cutting-edge club, we incorporate the most upto-date technology to make swimming fun while significantly improving skills and performance! (954) 262-7369, www.nova.edu/nsuaquatics.
DAILY ENTRANCE FEES: Residents: $1.50/Adults - $1.00/Children, Non-residents: $3.00/Adults - $2.00/Children. Pool Memberships Available • ACADEMIC VILLAGE POOL: 17198 Sheridan Street, (954) 538-3721. Hours: Saturdays & Sundays, 10:00am – 1:00pm only for Lap Swimmers. • ROSE PRICE PARK POOL: 901 NW 208th Avenue, (954) 435-6599. Hours: October 10:00am – 5:00pm. Closed November – February. March & April 10:00am – 5:00pm. May & September 1:00pm – 6:00pm Weekdays, 10:00am – 6:00pm
1361 NW 129th Ave, (954) 447-7645, ymcabroward.org. Featuring two 140 ft. long waters slides, 7500 sq. ft. multi-purpose pool with zero depth beach entry, 8-lane 25-yard lap pool and 13-ft. deep dive well with a one-meter diving board; 5000 sq. ft. interactive water – play pool with play structure and slide. Open Swim: Closed beginning September 28th – March 1, 2015. Normal hours are from 10:00am – 6:00pm. Free to Y Members, General Public $5 for children 2–12 years, $7 Teens/Adults 13+ years. Adult Lap Swimming: Monday – Thursday from 5:00pm – 8:00pm; Free to Y Members, General Public $5 drop in fee. Call or go online for more information and to register for Swim Lessons, Pines Pirates - Recreational Swim Team, Splash Ball - Youth Water Polo, Birthday Parties, Aquatic Summer Camps & more! • PARENT & CHILD SWIM LESSONS: Ages 6 months–36 months. Safe & fun environment for infants & toddlers to get adjusted to the water by playing games and practicing basic skills. Progression based according to age and level of comfort. Y Members $60, Non Members $90. • PRESCHOOL PROGRAM LESSONS: Ages 3–5 years. From very beginner to advanced abilities, placement determined by instructor. Y Members $60, Non Members $90. • YOUTH PROGRESSIVE PROGRAM LESSONS: Ages 6+. 6 levels based on ability, developing all the basic strokes and preparing for team racing. Y Members $65, Non Members $95. • ADULT PROGRAM LESSONS: Ages 13 & Up. Beginner Intermediate & Up. Y Members $65, Non Members $95. • PRIVATE & SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS: Ages 2 & Up. Lessons are taught 1:1 or 1:2 Instructor to student ratio. Each lesson is tailored to meet the individual’s needs with a certified swim instructor. • RECREATIONAL SWIM TEAM: Ages 6–18 years. Improve stroke technique and endurance while making new friends. Competitions are optional. Call for details.
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
Weekends. June – August 10:00am – 8:00pm Weekdays, 10:00am – 6:00pm Weekends. • PEMBROKE LAKES POOL: 10500 Taft Street, (954) 435-6580. Hours: October – April 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Closed Thursday and Friday. Saturday and Sunday 9:00am – 5:00pm. May – September 9:00am – 8:00pm Weekdays, 9:00am – 6:00pm Weekends. • TOWNGATE POOL: 901 NW 155th Avenue, (954) 450-6732. Hours: Closed November – March, April 10:00am – 5:00pm. May & September 10:00am – 8:00pm Weekdays, 10:00am – 6:00pm Weekends. June – August 10:00am – 8:00pm Weekdays, 10:00am – 6:00pm Weekdays. • WALDEN LAKE POOL: 20460 SW 1st Street, (954) 450-6865. Closed September – May, Open June – August 10:00am – 5:00pm Weekdays, 10:00am – 6:00pm Weekends.
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Flamingo Park: On Flamingo Road between Taft and Sheridan. Contact (954) 438-6498, www.eteamz.com/pl_bandits. The Pembroke Lakes Optimist Fast pitch Softball program offers recreational and travel league teams for girls starting at 8-Under through 16-Under. Spring and fall seasons. Fall season registration in August. Spring registration in January. Fees (may change): residents $115, non-residents $180. REGISTRATION FEE INCLUDES: Uniforms, Umpires, game balls, insurance and soda after each game.
Pierre Arnold/Director of Tennis for the City of Pembroke Pines 10500 Taft Street, (954) 431-4146. Hard Courts (9) / Clay Courts (5). Open Mon. – Fri. 8:00am – 9:00pm, Sat. and Sun. 7:30am – 6:00pm. Memberships and lessons available for all ages. Competition training program for tournament players. E-mail: pierrearnoldtennis4@yahoo.com.
PAUL J. MAXWELL TENNIS CENTER 1200 SW 72 Avenue (954) 986-5021. Cell: (305) 962-2633. Carlos Casely, Head Tennis Professional. (8) Hard Courts. All year round. Adult CARDIO and Instructional Tennis, Quick Start Junior Program, Junior Leagues, After School and Saturday Clinics ages 3–18. Fun learning workouts for all! Open to the public. E-mail: www.caselytennis.com.
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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901 N.W. 208th Ave., Chapel Trail in Pembroke Pines. Office: (954) 437-1140. Cell: (786) 473-4826. Hard Courts (4). ALL LEVELS AND AGES. Afterschool Monday – Friday and Saturday mornings. Cost: $99 per month for 3 classes per week. Head Tennis Professional, Willie Aubone. E-mail: waubone08@yahoo.com.
SILVERLAKES SOUTH TENNIS CENTER 17601 SW 2nd Street, (954) 431-4147, Cell: (954) 531-4124. Hard Courts (6). Head Tennis Professional: Jose Luis Penaloza. All year round. Jr. and adults beginner, intermediate and advanced programs. Open to the public. E-mail: jlpenalozap@hotmail.com.
SILVERLAKES NORTH TENNIS CENTER 2300 NW 172 Avenue, (954) 443-4881. Cell: (954) 593-5427 (4) Hard Courts. Head Tennis Professional Juan Ocampo. All year round. Jr. and adults beginner, intermediate and advanced programs. Open to the public. E-mail: jctennisusa@yahoo.com.
TOWNGATE TENNIS CENTER 901 N.W. 155th Avenue, (954) 450-6917, Cell: (305) 282-5822, Hard Courts (4). Juan Coutinho, Head Tennis Pro PTR certified 3A. Peewee tennis, juniors and adults, morning session & after school program for kids and juniors beginners, intermediates & advanced players. Cost: 4-8 Group lessons, $60-$100-$150. Private & Semi-Private Lessons and Cardio Tennis. Email: juantowngatetennis@yahoo.com.
VOLLEYBALL PEMBROKE PINES YMCA FAMILY CENTER (954) 727-9622 x1438, www.ymcabroward.org. 501 SW 172nd Ave., Pembroke Pines 33029. • SPIKER’S FALL VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE: Ages 9–17 years old. Certified referees and strategic practices with a volunteer coach. Players must have knowledge of the game and basic at-level skills. **Players are evaluated by experienced staff prior to being placed on a team. Limited Space! Volunteer Coaches Needed! $145 Members, $195 Non-Members. Includes uniform: shirt, medal. • VOLLEYBALL FUNDAMENTALS: Ages 8–15. This program is designed to help master the skills of passing, serving and hitting. These three skills are key to success in Volleyball. Come master your skills with us! This program will help prepare your child for any of our leagues. Monday & Wednesday from 5:30pm – 6:30pm. Cost: $110 Members, $140 Non Members.
1361 NW 129th Ave, (954) 447-7645, ymcabroward.org. Water Polo is a fast-action Olympic team sport played in deep water. This program introduces children to this high-energy game with basic ball handling and water treading skills. Participants should be able to tread water for at least one minute and swim in any stroke for a continuous 3 minutes. Call for information.
WATERSKIING & WAKEBOARDING WATER-SKIING & WAKEBOARDING LESSONS Waterski & Wakeboard lessons and rides at CB Smith Park. Beautiful, private, fresh water lake, Malibu ski boat with tower & training boom. Slalom, Kneeboard tube rides, birthday parties, camp field trips, surfing, etc. All equipment supplied. Open year round. Call Mike for appt. & information at (954) 292-3953, www.browardski.com.
“Where Art Imitates Life” is an International performing arts organization that promotes multicultural awareness and tolerance through our communities. Our message is universal and based on self-expression through movements and words. 1st Class Free! www.nestoflivingarts.com. New Location! 3424 Red Road, Miramar 33025. Call (954) 442-0090 or (954) 655-3011.
9042 SR 84, Davie 33324 (Same Plaza as Kabooms and RoundUp) Broadway Kids Studio is creating tomorrow’s stars today! Located at 9042 SR 84 (Kaboom’s Plaza) Davie. We offer group and private lessons in Voice, Acting for the Stage, TV Commercial and Film Acting, Hip - Hop, Salsa, Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Musical Theater, Audition Technique, Piano, Guitar, Drums and MORE! In addition, look out for opportunities to audition for one of our many productions throughout the year. Contact us at (954) 693-7500 or www.BroadwayKidsStudio.com.
JUS HIP HOP There is a plus to being a triple threat - Acting, Singing & Dance puts you ahead in the world of entertainment. With your hard work, we help get you there. Affordable classes taught by professionals, because We Love What We Do! Classes for kids and adults, open all year round. FREE First Class for kids under age 18. 9051 Pembroke Road, Pembroke Pines 33025. www.jushiphop.com, (954) 432-9669.
A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH TALENT/ADITR TALENT Learn Professional Acting from the Professional actors at “A Diamond In The Rough Talent.” Acting classes include working in front of the camera, acting techniques, scene study, monologues, cold reading, improvisation and musical theatre. We develop you in the field that best suits your talent by taking you from start to finish. This includes polishing, grooming and then managing your career. www.aditr.com; michele@aditr.com. 7100 Pines Blvd. Suite #14 Pembroke Pines Florida 33024, (954) 404-8924.
User Group, Mat Pilates, Needlepoint, Personal Fitness Training, Photography 101, Photography Potpourri, Pottery (Parent & Child), Pottery Studio, R.A.D. for Adults (Rape Aggression Defense), R.A.D. for Children (Resisting Aggression Defensively), Sewing (Adult), Sewing (Parent & Child), Stained Glass, Tai Chi, Yoga.
David Posnack JCC is proudly hosting the 2015 JCC Maccabi Games & ArtsFest®, August 9–14, 2015. Activities include: Acting/Improv, Culinary Arts, Dance, Musical Theater, Rock Band, Journalism/Star Reporter, Visual Arts and Vocal Performance. Jewish teens between the ages of 12-17 as of July 31, 2015 are welcome to submit pictures of the work or audition tapes for consideration to participate in the 2015 ArtsFest®. Artists and performers selected will work with local artists-inresidence during the event. Check our website, fortlauderjccmaccabi.com, for submission dates. For more information, call (954) 501-2015 or email browardmaccabi.org
• AFTERCARE SCHOOL PICK UP: Pick up from all Weston and Cooper City Public and Charter Schools, directly to gym. Starting at $210/month includes: Five day pick up, two classes per day, and snack. On-site, licensed teacher for homework help. Drivers are Background checked, Licensed, & Certified. Spots are limited! Register by phone. • DAYS OFF SPORTS CAMP: Action-packed camp days for kids! For BOYS: Indoor Basketball & Soccer, Trampoline and Flips & Pit. For Girls: Gymnastics, Tumbling, Trampoline, &Cheer. Only $45 per day! Half Day Preschool Camp available! www.TagGymnastics.com 1951 N. Commerce Parkway, Weston. Call and Register over the phone, (954) 384-9191.
PEMBROKE PINES YMCA FAMILY CENTER We are located at 501 SW 172nd Ave., Pembroke Pines 33029. Phone (954) 727-9622 ext. 1435. We offer Silver Sneakers classes, Enhance Fitness, Gentle Yoga, Zumba Gold, Jazzercise, Meditation, Tai Chi, and Zen Bootcamp. The following clubs meet weekly: Dominos, Sewing, Karaoke and Games. We offer lectures, workshops, and trips. If you are 65 or older and have the Silver Sneakers and Silver & Fit benefits, you might have a FREE Membership at the YMCA. Please visit us to find out eligibility.
THE CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES SOUTHWEST FOCAL POINT SENIOR CENTER Southwest Focal Point Community Center is registering now for persons 18 years and older: For more information, please contact (954) 450-6888 or visit www.ppines.com, click on Departments and select Community Services. • DAYTIME CLASSES: 20/20/20 Fitness, Guitar, Acrylic Painting, Acting, Advanced Drawing, Aerobics, Aqua Zumba, Arts and Crafts, Beginner’s Painting, Ceramics, Chair Exercise, Chair Jazzercise, Chair Yoga, Computer (English), Computer (Spanish), Conversational English, Conversational Spanish, Creative Writing, Drawing Fundamentals, Figure Drawing, Flower Arranging, Intro to Watercolor, Jazzercise, Knitting, Line Dance, Personal Touch Fitness, Photography 101, Pilate’s, Pottery, Sewing, Tai Chi, Water Aerobics, Yoga, Zumba, Zumba Gold. • EVENING CLASSES: 20/20/20 Fitness, Belly Dancing, Computer (English), Floral Arranging, FREE Billiards, FREE Card and Board Games, Fused Glass, Glass Mosaics, Glaze Formulation Workshop, Jewelry Design, Lightroom User Group, Advanced Lightroom
KARATE AMERICA NOW OFFERING AFTER SCHOOL PICKUP FROM MOST SCHOOLS!! CALL FOR DETAILS! Our traditional martial arts programs help children and adults find a new sense of empowerment that extends past the physical maneuvers. Karate America students develop the confidence and self-esteem it takes to face life head on, seeking new challenges and persevering when times get tough! Free uniform for new student sign-ups! WE HAVE 11 LOCATIONS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! www.KarateAmerica.info. Find the location nearest you and call to register!
CORAL REEF GYMNASTICS & CHEER Our rates start at $237 per month, which includes your classes, pick up and care from 2:00pm – 6:00pm; extended care is available for an additional fee. We offer camp when schools are closed. www.coralreefgymnastics.com, (954) 430-1530.
A WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM available for students ages K-2nd grade. Snacks, Homework Time, Music, Art! Educational Programs Rated #1 choice by parents, teachers & educators in the community! Our VPK students read within 4 months. NOW OPENING new classrooms for 2, 3 & 4-VPK students. 750 NW 180 Terrace, Pembroke Pines, 33029 & 6700 Griffin Rd., Davie 33314. (954) 430-7707. www.worldofknowledgekids.com
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
17189 Sheridan Street. Limited Space (enroll early). Bring Child’s original birth certificate and adult’s driver’s license to register. For more information and registration dates & times, call (954) 322-2597. • ACTOR’S STUDIO FALL SESSION: Ages 8–11. Wednesdays 4:00pm – 6:00pm. • ADVANCED ACTOR’S STUDIO FALL SESSION: Ages 12–16. Wednesdays 6:30pm – 8:00pm.
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(AFTERSCHOOL & DAY OFF PROGRAMS Cont.) GRAVITY GYMNASTICS Gravity Gymnastics provides an After Care program like no other. Children enjoy a daily hour of physical activity including gymnastics, fitness, and P.E. Our after care teachers will then help your child with his/her homework as well as with computer assignments. Once homework is corrected and finished, children enjoy Spanish, Science and Arts-&-Crafts activities. Our 10 to 1 ratio and the professionalism of our dedicated staff cannot be compared with any other program in the area. For additional information, please call (954) 450-7770. 11940 Miramar Parkway, Miramar, FL 33025 * info@gravitygymnastics.com * www.gravitygymnastics.com.
A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH TALENT/ADITR TALENT Offering a unique program for elementary and middle school students interested in the Performing Arts, Acting, Modeling, Voice, Musical Theatre and Activities. Small classes accepting students from 6yrs.– 13yrs. Snack and drink provided. All after school and day off program students will be invited to perform in our annual production. Extended care available at additional charge. www.aditr.com; michele@aditr.com; 7100 Pines Blvd. Suite #14, Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024, (954) 404-8924.
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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The J’s afterschool adventure program, open to any kindergarten to 8th grade child, offers your child a variety of choices for creative, fun & stimulating activities in a safe & nurturing environment. Your child will enjoy many activities, like a Wii/Xbox Game Room, Supervised Homework Room and Arts & Crafts. In addition to all the activities, your child also has the opportunity to enroll in a variety of enrichment classes like cooking, swimming, dance, all on one campus. To enroll: www.dpjcc.org or (954) 434-0499, ext 202. David Posnack JCC, 5850 S. Pine Island Road, Davie, FL 33328.
PEMBROKE PINES YMCA FAMILY CENTER 501 SW 172nd Avenue, Pembroke Pines. (954) 727-9622. • HOME SCHOOL HEALTH & FITNESS: Ages 5–14. Tuesday & Thursday 11:00am – 12:00pm. (Gym) This program provides an enriching experience for your child in a safe environment. Students will develop skills to enhance their physical health. Activities include strength and endurance training, athletic drills and team building. Y Members $25, Non-Members $50. • PARTY IN THE PM: Ages 3–12. 3rd Friday of every month from 6:00pm – 9:00pm. This program offers specialty instruction in arts and crafts, dance, fitness, math, science, sports and other enrichments. Y Members FREE, Non-Members $10. • AFTER SCHOOL SAMPLER: Ages 6–10. Monthly, Tuesday & Thursday 4:00pm – 4:45pm. This class will get your kids moving with fun games, drills and sports participation. All classes are 45 minutes and meet twice per week. Y Members $50, Non-Members $100. • YOUTH STRONG FITNESS: Ages 8 – 12. Monthly, Tuesday & Thursday, 5:30pm – 6:30pm. Outdoor & Indoor training program based on enhancing motor skills, functional strength, muscle endurance, balance and coordination. Includes: Agility training, conditioning games, body weight strengthening and much more. All classes are 55 minutes and meet twice per week. Y Members $80, Non-Members $160. • KIDS YOGA: Ages 6 – 12. Monthly, Thursdays 4:00pm – 4:45pm. Yoga involves a combination of stretching, breathing and mental relaxation (meditation). Kids will quiet the mind, use energy efficiently and take care of themselves. All classes are 45 minutes and meet once per week. Y Members $40, Non-Members $80. • YOUTH CARDIO KICK-FIT: Monthly, Monday & Friday 5:30pm – 6:30pm. Non-impact fitness program for kids which provides kickboxing techniques in a circuit to develop both resistance training and cardiovascular strength. All classes are 55 minutes and meet twice per week. Y Members $80, Non-Members $160.
PINES ATHLETIC CLUB AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM Available for children ages 6 to 14. Children are picked up from school. Homework Helpers, outdoor activities and games. Program offered on Early Release Days and Kids Days Off. Additional Fee required. Pines Athletic Center, 7900 Johnson Street, (954) 986-5044.
ART ART ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Teaching students to express themselves through the arts. Our program offers unique art experiences that promote your child’s confidence and creativity. Drawing, painting, cartooning, printmaking, ceramics and pottery. Group and private workshops. After school programs. Summer camp. Portfolio development for students in 11th and 12th grade. (954) 534-3771 or (954) 650-2562. www.chessartkids.com.
CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES DONNITH H. FLETCHER ART AND CULTURAL CENTER 7960 Johnson Street. For more information, call (954) 986-5027 after 1:00pm. Payments/Registration is due by the 20th of the month for the upcoming month’s classes. Bring child’s original birth certificate and adult’s driver’s license for registration. • PETITE PICASSOS: Ages 5–7, Saturdays 10:00am – Noon or 12:30pm – 2:30pm. • AWESOME ART FOR KIDS: Ages 8–11, Saturdays 10:00am – Noon. • TEEN ART EXPERIENCE: Ages 12–16, Tuesdays 6:00pm – 8:00pm.
CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES RIVER OF GRASS ARTSPARK 17189 Sheridan Street, for more information and registration dates and times call (954) 322-2597. Payments & Registration due by the 20th of the month for upcoming month’s classes. • PETITE PICASSOS: Ages 5–7 years, Saturdays 12:30pm – 2:30pm or Wednesdays 4:00pm – 6:00pm or Thursdays 4:00pm – 6:00pm. • AWESOME ART FOR KIDS: Ages 8–11 years, Saturdays 10:00am – 12:00pm or Wednesdays 3:30pm – 5:30pm.
STUDIO 18 IN THE PINES ADULT ART CLASSES 1101 Poinciana Drive, Pembroke Pines. Call (954) 961-6067 for more information or visit our website at www.ppines.com/studio18. • OPEN FIGURE DRAWING CLASS: Sessions held the last Thursday of every month. $15 per session. 7:00pm – 9:00pm. Must be over 18. • CERAMICS-HAND BUILDING WORKSHOP: Three and four hour workshops. To register, call John Antczac at (954) 483-6688 or
1101 Poinciana Drive. Opening receptions are FREE and start at 7:00pm. Call (954) 961-6067 for more information or visit our website at www.pines.com/studio18. • ROCK, PAPER, PHOTO EXHIBITION: Friday, September 5, 2014 thru Thursday, October 16, 2014. Reception Friday, September 5th Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm. Patrons will have the opportunity to stroll throughout the gallery while listening to live music. In the photography world, Sunny Bak is best known for her captivating pictures of famous personalities, her most well known being the Beastie Boys on “The Licensed to Ill” album. Also featuring Cey Adams, famous graphic designer and James Henderson, a photographer and filmmaker. • “AWAKENING” EXHIBITION: Opening Date: Friday, October 24th thru Wednesday, November 26th. Reception held on Friday, October 24th from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. Studio 18 in the Pines is proud to present six artists from Studio 18. Lynda De Vita, Tom De Vita, Joni Esser-Stuart, Juan Prieto, Robyn Vegas and Maria Wieder showing their interpretation of “Awakening”.
ARTS & LANGUAGE ACADEMY AT THE YMCA AQUATIC CENTER PEMBROKE PINES YMCA AQUATIC CENTER, 1361 NW 129th Avenue, Pembroke Pines 33028. (954) 447-7645. Beginner Photography Classes for ages 8-adult, Beginner Sewing Class for ages 8–12, Beginner Spanish & English as a Second Language classes for adults 18 & up. Call for more details.
ART CLASSES AT SOUTHWEST FOCAL POINT COMMUNITY CENTER 301 NW 103rd Avenue, Pembroke Pines 33026. Call (954) 450-6888 or visit www.ppines.com. • *NEW! BEGINNER’S STAINED GLASS: In this creative class you will learn the basics of the beautiful art of stained glass as you create original, authentic stained glass panels using the copper foil method made famous by Louis C. Tiffany. See your works of art brought to life with light! Perfect to give as a one-of-a-kind gift or to proudly display! Taught by Helen Daniels, Professional Artist and Art Educator. Tuesdays 6:00pm – 8:00pm - 6 weeks sessions: 10/28/14 - 12/9/14 (no class 11/11/14). $42 per person (materials not included) • *NEW! MOSAIC MADNESS ART GLASS PICTURE FRAMES: This one day all-inclusive workshop will allow you to explore the ancient art of mosaics as you create a stunning, one of a kind mosaic picture frames using authentic stained glass. Certain to become a family heirloom, your original creation will be the perfect frame for that special family photo or special occasion! In this all-inclusive workshop series, there is no need to bring anything; all materials are provided including the use of classroom tools! Taught by Helen Daniels, Professional Artist and Art Educator. Tuesday, October 21,
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2014. 6:00pm – 9:00pm. $48 per person (all materials included) • MUD DAUBERS: Students learn basic hand building methods in clay and are introduced to the potter’s wheel. The focus is on creating artistic projects with your child and having…FUN! Everything you need is included! Taught by Leroy Daniels. 6 weeks course – Children ages 6 yrs. - 12 yrs. Wednesdays 5:45pm – 6:45pm. 10/29/14 - 12/3/14. $48 for one parent and child ~ $24 for each additional child. • CERAMICS: Students will create low fire ceramic pieces using premolded green ware that are decorated using traditional under glazes, over glazes or layering and mixing of colors. Materials not included. Tuesdays from 9:00am – 12:00pm offered in 6 weeks sessions: 10/28/14 - 12/9/14 (no class 11/11). $20 per person (55 yrs. & older). $40 per person (54 yrs. & under) • INTRO TO WATERCOLOR: For individuals who want to learn the basic techniques of watercolor painting. Materials not included. Class held every Thursday 12:30pm – 2:30pm. Offered in 6 weeks sessions: 10/30/14 - 12/11/14 (no class 11/27). $20 per person (55 yrs. & older) $40.00 per person (54 yrs. & under) • PAINTING WITH ACRYLICS: Students will explore the wide range of effects that can be achieved using acrylics. Attention to composition, line, tone, color and texture will result in work with true depth and focus. Materials not included. Class held every Friday 12:00pm – 2:00pm. Offered in 6 weeks sessions: 10/31/14 12/12/14 (no class 11/28). $20 per person (55 yrs. & older) $40.00 per person (54 yrs. & under) • POTTERY CLASSES: Using hand building and pottery wheels, students will create high-fired stoneware pottery. Taught by Leroy Daniels. Offered in 6 weeks sessions on Wednesdays, 9:00am – 11:00am: 10/29/14 - 12/3/14. $42 per person (18 years and older) ~ Materials not included. • POTTERY STUDIO: Create high-fired stoneware using both the hand building method and the potter’s wheel. Taught by Leroy Daniels. Wednesdays, 7:00pm – 9:00pm, 6-week sessions: 10/29/14 12/3/14. $42 per person ~ Materials not included. • GLAZE FORMULATION WORKSHOP: This all-inclusive oneday workshop is for the seasoned pottery student who is ready to start making glazes. Learn basic glaze formulas, weights and measures, colorants, mixing and storing techniques. Taught by Leroy Daniels. 6:00pm – 9:00pm - $45 per person (includes all materials). Workshop days: Wednesday 10/22/14. • INTRO TO FUSED GLASS: Learn the fundamental techniques required for creating unique one-of-a-kind kiln fired fused glass projects. Thursdays, 6:30pm – 8:30pm, 6-week sessions: 10/30/14 - 12/11/14 (no class 11/27). $42 per person ~ Materials not included. • ARTS & CRAFTS: Class meets Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Choose mornings or afternoons: 9:30am – 11:30am -or- 12:00pm – 2:00pm. 6-week sessions: 10/27/14 - 12/11/14 (no class 11/11 and 11/27/14). $14 per person (55 yrs. & older) $34.00 per person (54 yrs. and under) ~ Includes ALL materials.
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
email to set up day and time at artofcrescentmoon@gmail.com. • INTRODUCTION TO OIL PAINTING: Tuesdays or Saturdays 10:00am – 12:30pm for 4 weeks. To register, call Maria Wieder at (954) 649-4053. • DRAWING/OIL PAINTING WORKSHOP: Professor: Tom De Vita. Saturdays 10:00am – 1:00pm. Register online at www.DeVitaStudioWorkshops.com. • CHILDREN’S BOOK ILLUSTRATION: Professor: Lynda De Vita. Saturdays 2:00pm – 5:00pm. Register online at www.DeVitaStudioWorkshops.com. • FASHION ILLUSTRATION: Professor: Lynda De Vita. Mondays 6:00pm – 9:00pm. Register online at www.DeVitaStudioWorkshops.com. • INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY: Instructor: Juan Prieto. Sundays 9:00am – 2:00pm. Call (305) 457-3100 for more information on upcoming workshop dates. • PENDANT FUSED GLASS WORKSHOP: Instructor: Joni Esser-Stuart. Saturday Workshops 1:00pm – 4:00pm. Call (954) 538-1248 for more information on upcoming workshop dates. • FUSING LAB (GLASS): Instructor: Lori Alwine. Tuesdays 11:00am – 1:30pm. (954) 639-7053 or email lori@artglassinthepines.com. Website: www.artglassinthepines.com. • BEGINNING STAINED GLASS – TIFFANY FOIL TECHNIQUE: Instructor: Lori Alwine. Wednesdays 11:00am – 1:30pm. (954) 639-7053 or email lori@artglassinthepines.com. Website: www.artglassinthepines.com.
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(Art Cont.) • FIGURE DRAWING: Learn fundamental figure drawing with the use of live, fully clothed models. Gain knowledge of and develop sensitivity to the intricacies of the human form. Some previous drawing experience is desired. Materials not included - Bring a sketchpad, drawing pencil to your first class. Class meets every Tuesday from 12:30pm – 2:30pm. Offered in 6 weeks sessions: 10/28/14 - 12/9/14 (no class 11/11/14). $20 per person (55 yrs. & older) $40 per person (54 yrs. and under) • DRAWING FUNDAMENTALS: The foundation of all studio art classes is drawing. Students will learn the fundamentals of drawing including the study of line, perspective, light and shade, form and proportion in this easy to follow class. Mediums students will use are graphite pencil, charcoal and pen & ink. Materials not included - Bring a sketchpad, drawing pencil to your first class. Wednesdays from 12:30pm – 2:30pm offered in 6 weeks sessions: 10/29/14 - 12/3/14. $20 per person (55 yrs. & older) $40 per person (54 yrs. & under) • FINE JEWELRY DESIGN WITH MICHAEL STAHL: Using semiprecious stones, pearls, 14K gold and Sterling Silver, students will create exquisite one-of-a-kind fine jewelry pieces. Taught by Michael Stahl. Class will be held every Wednesday from 4:30pm – 6:30pm (1st class meets from 4:30pm till 7:30pm). Offered in 6 weeks sessions: 10/29/14 - 12/3/14. $45 per person (18 years and older) Materials not included. • FLORAL ARRANGING (EVENING): This is a hands-on, all-inclusive workshop where students will create individual floral centerpieces to take home. Price includes everything; instruction, flowers, containers, bows, decorations and more! Taught by Susana Farber. Offered once a month on Tuesdays from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. Price per class: $18 per person (18 yrs. & older) Register by 4pm day before class. Dates for upcoming workshops are: Oct 21 - Halloween Arrangements, Nov 18 - Thanksgiving Centerpieces, Dec 16 - Holiday Arrangements.
• FLOWER ARRANGING WORKSHOP (DAY): In this all-inclusive workshop, there will be a different theme and project each class and at the end of the workshop, each student will take their arrangement home! No need to bring anything! Price includes everything; flowers, containers, bows, decorations and more! Taught by Susana Farber. Workshops offered twice a month on Tuesdays from 9:30am – 11:30am. Price per class: $18 per person (18 yrs. & older). Must register by 4pm day before class. Dates for upcoming workshops are: 10/14/14, 10/28/14, 11/25/14 and 12/9/14.
ATTRACTIONS & THEME PARKS MONSTER MINI GOLF 18 holes of indoor, monster themed, Glow-in-the-Dark Mini Golf and more! Feel the excitement and adventure of playing mini golf amidst cool monster décor that includes custom artwork and animated props. Our courses are challenging enough for adults to navigate, yet very playable for children. Experience our Weird Radio interactive DJ, who plays music and hosts contests for prizes. Monster Mini Golf is frightfully fun for all ages! 14435 Miramar Parkway, Miramar 33027. (954) 589-1878.
ROCKET KIDS Come and have a blast! Rocket Kids is an amazing amusement center for children in west Pembroke Pines. Rocket Kids offers you a four-level indoor playground, bounce houses, laser tag, party rooms and our Stellar Bites Café. We also provide a clean, safe, climate controlled and Wi-Fi hot spot facility. For more information, please give us a call (954) 362-4784 or visit our website www.rocket-kids.com. For specials and updates, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
CHESS CHESS ENRICHMENT PROGRAM: CHESSART Learning to think outside the box. Chess is a useful educational tool. Chess is a tool that improves your child’s confidence, imagination, concentration and intuition. Chess also develops critical and logical thinking. Chess improves schoolwork and grades. Ages 3 and up. Chess is fin! After School Programs: Montessori schools, Imagine Charter. Call to add yours!! Group Lessons: Weston Community Center, Pembroke Isles, The Ridges. PRIVATE LESSONS, SUMMER CAMP, FREE CHESS CLUB ONCE IN A MONTH. www.chessartkids.com, info@chessartkids.com, (954) 650-2562 or (954) 534-3771.
CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT WATER SAFETY: THE SWIM ACADEMY Promoting aquatic awareness and water safety, by giving each child a foundation of skills that will foster a lifelong love & respect of the water! We specialize in private swim lessons with a one-on-one gradual and caring teaching approach. Our patient & infant certified instructors begin as young as 6 months old! Get your baby, toddler or child exposed to water acclimation and water safety swimming readiness skills that can enhance or stimulate development motor and cognitive functions. HEATED POOLS! (954) 384-4500. 1570 Sagemont Way, Weston 33326. www.TheSwimAcademy.com, FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK - www.Facebook.com/TheSwimAcademy.
SOUTHWEST FOCAL POINT COMMUNITY CENTER 301 NW 103rd Avenue, Pembroke Pines 33026. Call (954) 450-6888 or visit www.ppines.com. • BEGINNER’S COMPUTER SKILLS IN ENGLISH: This easy beginner’s course, which has been created specifically for Englishspeaking individuals, will enable students to perform basic computer functions as well as understand basic computer vocabulary and technology. Offered in 6 weeks sessions: Tuesdays 6:30pm – 8:30pm. 10/28/14 - 12/9/14 (no class 11/11). Wednesdays 9:30am – 11:30am. 10/29/14 - 12/3/14. $42 per person (18 years and older – includes book) • INTERMEDIATE COMPUTER IN ENGLISH: Offered in 6 weeks sessions: Tuesdays 9:30am – 11:30am. 10/28/14 - 12/9/14 (no class 11/11). Wednesdays 6:30pm – 8:30pm. 10/29/14 12/3/14. $42 per person (18 years and older – includes book) • ADVANCED COMPUTER IN ENGLISH: Tuesdays 12:30pm – 2:30pm. 6 weeks sessions: 10/28/14 - 12/9/14 (no class 11/11). $42 per person (18 years and older – includes book) • BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS IN SPANISH: This easy beginner’s course, which has been created specifically for Spanish-speaking individuals, will enable students to perform basic computer functions as well as understand basic computer vocabulary and technology. Mondays from 9:30am – 11:30am. Offered in 6 weeks sessions: 10/27/14 - 12/1/14. $42 per person (18 years and older)
DANCE FLORIDA SUPERSTARS Florida Super Stars offer a high-energy combination class with instruction in dance, cheerleading & baton twirling. Over 20 locations, $50 per month for unlimited classes. Year round performances are optional. Feature performances include: Miami Heat, Dolphins, Hurricanes, Disney World, Super Bowl, and Orange Bowl! Summer Dance Jam Camp also offered. (954) 438-2075 or www.floridasuperstars.com.
CORAL REEF GYMNASTICS Classical Ballet, hip hop and jazz classes offered for ages 5 & up. www.coralreefgymnastics.com, (954) 430-1530.
JUS HIP HOP Hip Hop Dance (kids/teens/adults), Breakdance, Stepping, Ballet for kids/teens, ReggaeFit, Acting, Singing, Pole Fitness for Women, weight loss workout class, personal fitness with a certified trainer available & more. Our performing arts studio is for Kids and Adults, Male and Female & open all year round. FREE First Class for kids under age 18. We also do parties & events. We Love What We Do! 9051 Pembroke Road, Pembroke Pines 33025, www.jushiphop.com, (954) 432-9669.
BROADWAY KIDS STUDIO – PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 9042 SR 84, Davie 33324. (Same Plaza as Kabooms and RoundUp) We offer group classes, private lessons, and performance opportunities in Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Lyrical, Hip-Hop, Salsa, and more! In addition, look out for opportunities to audition for one of our many productions throughout the year. Contact us at www.BroadwayKidsStudio.com or (954) 693-7500.
CREATIVE WRITING CREATIVE WRITING FOR ADULTS Southwest Focal Point, 301 NW 103rd Avenue, Pembroke Pines 33026. Call (954) 450-6888 or visit www.ppines.com. • CREATIVE WRITING (IN ENGLISH): Offered in 6 weeks sessions. Thursdays 10:00am – 11:00am. 10/30/14 - 12/11/14 (no class 11/27). $25 per person (55 yrs. & older). $45 per person (54 yrs. & under)
“Where Art Imitates Life” is an International performing arts organization that promotes multicultural awareness and tolerance through our communities. Our message is universal and based on self-expression through movements and words. We offer Ballet, Jazz, Modern, HipHop, Stepping, BBoy & more. Ages 2 ½–99. www.nestoflivingarts.com. New Location! 3424 Red Road, Miramar, 33025. Call (954) 442-0090 or (954) 655-3011.
POWER HOUSE DANCE AT PINES RECREATION CENTER Summer Classes Begin August 19, 2014. $45 per month, 1 class per week. Dance Classes Ages 3 years through 12 years including Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical and Hip Hop. Classes held Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings at Pines Recreation Center, 7400 Pines Blvd. Call (754) 214-3160 for more information.
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(954) 727-9622, www.ymcabroward.org. 501 SW 172nd Ave. Pembroke Pines, 33029. • TINY TOTS: Ages 3–5. Ongoing Monthly. Monday – Thursday 4:00pm – 4:45pm, select 1 or 2 days. This is a physical activity program that supports learning, physical development, confidence building and skill development through specific sports. Our focus will be on Basketball, Soccer and Football. Either select one day a week or twice a week for 8 weeks. New, fun and excited skill development curriculum. Y Members $60 / Non-Members $105 – One day per week, any two days. Y Members $100 / Non Members $175 – Twice per week, any two days. • MOMMY & ME YOGA: Ages 2–5. Mondays 10:30am – 11:15am. Yoga involves a combination of stretching, breathing, and mental relaxation with yoga poses that draw on elements of nature (animals, landmarks), to stimulate the toddler’s focus. Kids will quiet the mind, use energy efficiently and take care of themselves with parents soothing embrace. Y Members $40, Non Members $80. • TODDLER ENRICHMENT: Ages 3 – 5. (Must be potty trained). This program incorporates arts & crafts, educational games and activities for preschool age children. Your child will have fun and meet new friends. Please bring a water bottle and snack daily. Monday – Friday from 9:00am – 12:00pm. Y Members $280, Non-Members $350.
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
Directory | I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014 Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
(DANCE cont.) SOUTHWEST FOCAL POINT COMMUNITY CENTER 301 NW 103rd Avenue, Pembroke Pines, 33026. Call (954) 450-6888 or visit • BELLY BASICS WITH NAIILAH: This easy to follow course is designed for both beginners and slightly advanced students. Have fun as you exercise! Tuesdays 7:00pm – 8:00pm, $45 per person. 6 weeks sessions: 10/28/14 - 12/9/14 (no class 11/11). • ZUMBA: Classes are held ongoing monthly Tuesday or Friday (12:00 –1:00pm). $10 a month (54 yrs. & older). $30 a month (54 yrs. & under). • LINE DANCE: Classes are held every Monday ongoing monthly from 11:00am – 12:00pm. $9 a month (55 yrs. & Older) ~ $29 a month (54 yrs. & under). • ZUMBA FOR TEENS AND ADULTS: These classes are open to person 14 years and older. Ditch the workout, join the party! Zumba is here! Offered in 6 weeks sessions. Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30pm – 7:30pm. 10/28/14 - 10/30/14 (no class 11/27).
FAMILY PROGRAMS FAMILY FUN AT THE JCC Something for everyone…Everyone is welcome! Be our guest & spend the day at your NEIGHBORHOOD COMMUNITY & FITNESS CENTER. There is something for everyone from infants to age 100+ to enjoy. Our 40-acre campus is open 7 days a week, & the fun never stops. One center fits all at the J! David Posnack JCC, 5850 S. Pine Island Rd., Davie 33328. Check out our program guide at www.dpjcc.org or call & schedule your free visit today. (954) 434-0499.
FISHING & BOATING KIDS FISHING CLUB Want to learn how to fish? Looking for a great way to reconnect with the kids? Then join The Kids Fishing Club! Our club is family oriented and non-competitive. Both parents and kids will have a great time and learn. All ages and skill levels are welcome. Bring the whole family, parents can fish, too. We teach kids how to cast, tie fishing knots and all about fishing in South Florida. Thanks to Fish Florida, all kids receive a FREE FISHING ROD to keep. Rods, bait, tackle, drinks and snacks are included at every event. The majority of our events are shore based and in the freshwater lakes of West Broward. Special events include the everglades, kayak fishing, pier fishing and deep-sea fishing. Student volunteers are needed, no experience required. Events are once a month, late afternoon on Saturday or Sunday. For more information or to join visit www.kidsfishing.org.
CANOE RENTALS Chapel Trail Nature Preserve, 19800 Sheridan Street. Canoe rentals available Saturdays (9:00am – Noon) $7/hr. Park facilities include a 1650’ elevated boardwalk. Chapel Trail Nature Preserve Park is open dawn to dusk, 7 days a week. Call (954) 450-6895, for more information.
MODELING A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH TALENT/ADITR TALENT Learn Professional modeling from the Professional models at “A Diamond In The Rough Talent.” Classes include developing your image, runway techniques, etiquette and poise, posing for the camera, hair, make-up, and skin care. We develop you in the field that best suits your talent by taking you from start to finish. This included polishing, grooming and then managing your career. www.aditr.com; michele@aditr.com. 7100 Pines Blvd. Suite #14 Pembroke Pines Florida 33024, (954) 404-8924
MOVIE THEATERS & MOVIES AutoNation® IMAX 3D Theater 401 SW Second Street, Fort Lauderdale 33312. (954) 467-6637 or (954) 463-IMAX (4629). www.imax.com/movies. SHOWS DAILY Through December 31. • JOURNEY TO THE SOUTH PACIFIC 3D: Go on a breathtaking IMAX® 3D adventure to the lush tropical islands of remote West Papua, where life flourishes above and below the sea. Join Jawi, a young island boy, as he takes us on a journey of discovery to this magical place where we encounter whale sharks, sea turtles, manta rays, and other iconic creatures of the sea. • ISLAND OF LEMURS: MADAGASCAR 3D: The incredible true story of nature’s greatest explorers—lemurs. Captured with IMAX ® 3D cameras, the film takes audiences on a spectacular journey to the remote and wondrous world of Madagascar. Lemurs arrived in Madagascar as castaways millions of years ago and evolved into hundreds of diverse species but are now highly endangered. Join trailblazing scientist Patricia Wright on her lifelong mission to help these strange and adorable creatures survive in the modern world.
MUSIC & VOICE CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES DONNITH H. FLETCHER ART AND CULTURAL CENTER 7960 Johnson Street, Pembroke Pines. For more information, call (954) 986-5027 after 1:00pm. Payments/registration are due by the 20th of the month for the upcoming month’s classes. Bring child’s original birth certificate and adult’s driver’s license. • PIANO/KEYBOARD CLASSES FOR KIDS & YOUTH: Ages 8 and up. Mondays or Tuesdays, 45 minute lessons, once a week. • ADULT PIANO/KEYBOARD/GUITAR: Ages 17 and up. 45 minute lessons, once a week. • GUITAR LESSONS: Ages 8–17. Mondays, Tuesdays or Saturdays, 45 minute lessons, once a week. Students must have their own acoustic guitar.
SOUTHWEST FOCAL POINT COMMUNITY CENTER 301 NW 103rd Avenue, Pembroke Pines, FL 33026. Call (954) 450-6888 or visit www.ppines.com. • BEGINNER’S GUITAR: Bring your guitar and get the guidance and instruction you need to learn how to play the guitar. Learn basic picking and strumming techniques, chords and a small repertoire of tunes. Course book can be purchased from instructor. Students will also have the opportunity to perform on stage at city events! Offered in 6-week sessions. Fridays from 10:00am – 11:00am. 10/31/14 - 12/12/14 (no class 11/28). $30 per person (55yrs & older) $50 per person (54 yrs. & under). • INTERMEDIATE GUITAR: For the student who already has basic guitar skills, techniques, and can play basic chords to simple songs. Course book can be purchased from instructor. Students will also have the opportunity to perform on stage at city events! Students must have completed Beginner’s Guitar and have written approval from the instructor to register for this class. Offered in 6-week sessions. Fridays from 10:00am – 11:00am. 10/31/14 12/12/14 (no class 11/28). $30 per person (55yrs & older) $50 per person (54 yrs. & under).
BROADWAY KIDS STUDIO – PERFORMANCE ARTS CENTER 9042 SR 84 Davie 33324. (Same plaza as Kabooms and RoundUp). We offer private lessons in voice, piano, drums and guitar and group classes in singing, musical theatre and more! In addition, look out for opportunities to audition for one of our many productions throughout the year. Contact us at www.BroadwayKidsStudio.com or (954) 693-7500.
NEST OF LIVING ARTS (NOLA) “Where Art Imitates Life” is an International performing arts organization that promotes multicultural awareness and tolerance through our communities. Our message is universal and based on self-expression through movements and words. We offer private as well as group classes. 1st Class Free! www.nestoflivingarts.com. New Location! 3424 Red Road, Miramar 33025. Call (954) 442-0090 or (954) 655-3011.
PHOTOGRAPHY SOUTHWEST FOCAL POINT COMMUNITY CENTER 301 NW 103rd Avenue, Pembroke Pines, FL 33026. Call (954) 450-6888 or visit www.ppines.com. • LIGHTROOM USER GROUP: Interested in learning how to improve your photos after you have taken them? Join us and learn how to use Adobe’s post-processing software for photographs. See our Meet up site at: http://www.meetup.com/new-way-photography/. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 7:00PM – 9:30pm. FREE. • PHOTOGRAPHY 101: Cell phone cameras, point-and-shoot cameras, DSLR cameras. If you would like to learn about using your camera, or you are new to photography and want to learn about photography basics, this is where you should come. See our Meet up site at www.meetup.com/new-way-photography/. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7:00pm – 9:30pm. FREE. • ADVANCED LIGHTROOM USER GROUP: Interested in learning how to improve your photos after you have taken them? This group is for the intermediate and advanced users of Lightroom. See our meetup site at: www.meetup.com/new-way-photography/. 1st Tuesdays, 7:00pm – 9:30pm. FREE. • PHOTOGRAPHY POTPOURRI: In this meet-up, we will cover almost any topic in the realm of photography such as Photoshop, Elements, Lightroom Plug-ins, various “how-to” workshops and demonstrations. See our Meet up site at: http://www.meetup.com/new-wayphotography/. 3rd Thursday, 7:00pm – 9:30pm. FREE.
SEWING SOUTHWEST FOCAL POINT COMMUNITY CENTER 301 NW 103rd Avenue, Pembroke Pines 33026. Call (954) 450-6888 or visit www.ppines.com. • RUNNING WITH SCISSORS - PARENT & CHILD SEWING CLASSES: Parents and children will learn how to operate a sewing machine, sewing fundamentals, pattern layout as well as how to select fun fabrics and patterns! Bring your own machine, or use one of ours. Offered in 6 weeks sessions – children 8 yrs. and up. Thursdays 5:45pm – 6:45pm. 6 weeks sessions: 10/30/14 12/11/14 (no class 11/27). $45 for one parent and child - $23 for each additional child (materials not included). • ADULT SEWING CLASS: Learn how to make alterations, home decorating items and how to make custom outfits. Zippers, pockets, bows, tuck – this class has it all! Bring your own machine or use one of ours. Offered in 6 weeks sessions – all skill levels welcome, for adults ages 18 years and up. Materials not included. Thursdays 7:00pm – 9:00pm. 6 weeks sessions: 10/30/14 - 12/11/14 (no class 11/27). $42 per person.
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
17189 Sheridan Street, Pembroke Pines. For more information and registration dates and times call (954) 322-2597. Payments & Registration due by the 20th of the month for upcoming month’s classes. Bring child’s original birth certificate and adult’s driver’s license for registration. • KIDS, YOUTH KEYBOARD/PIANO LESSONS: Ages 8 and up, Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays, 45 minute lessons/once a week. • GUITAR LESSONS: Ages 8–17, Mondays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays 45-minute lessons/once a week. • ADULT PIANO/KEYBOARD/GUITAR: Ages 17 and up, 45 minute lessons/once a week.
| I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014
Directory | I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014 Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
(SEWING Cont.) • NEEDLEPOINT: Explore the beautiful art of needlepoint and discover how easily you can make amazing projects for yourself, your family and your friends. Offered in 6 weeks sessions (materials not included - pick up supply list when registered.) Tuesdays 6:30pm – 8:30pm. 10/28/14 - 12/9/14 (no class 11/11). $42 per person. • YOU CAN SEW: The emphasis is on having fun and creating projects YOU want to sew! Class takes place on Wednesdays from 9:30am – 11:30am. Materials not included. Offered in 6 weeks sessions: 10/29/14 - 12/3/14. $38 per person (55 yrs. and older) $42 per person (54 yrs. and under). • KNITTING FOR FUN: Learn the basics of knitting. Create beautiful scarves, jewelry, washcloths, dish towels and much, much more as you sit, knit and socialize! Offered in 6 weeks session: Mondays 9:00am – 11:00am. Materials not included. 10/27/14 - 12/1/14. $38.00 per person (55 yrs. & older) $58 per person (54 yrs. & under)
SKEET & TRAP SHOOTING MARKHAM SKEET & TRAP CLUB Markham Skeet & Trap Club sponsors a Youth Program offering free trapshooting instruction and gun safety training every Monday night from 6:00pm – 9:00pm at the Markham Park Gun Range (Markham Park is located at the intersection of Weston Road and State Road 84). Ages 10 - 17 are welcome to join at no cost. The program provides shotguns to those who do not have them. This six-year old program is the largest in the state of Florida with over 500 youth shooters having passed through the program. We start with the basics of gun safety and how to shoot all the way up to competing on a state and national level. All of our instructors are certified NRA Safety Officers and many are also certified at higher levels by the ATA, NSSA, and NSCA. For more information contact: Steve Norris at (754) 264-9584.
SPECIAL POPULATION: SPORTS & ACTIVITIES AMERICAN THERAPY HOUSE [ATH] + THERAPIES FOR KIDS [T4K] American Therapy House (ATH) & Therapies 4 Kids (T4K) provides PT/ OT/SLP to children with developmental disabilities. Services include direct treatment, patient education, and specialized programs to meet the growing health needs of the community. 3 Locations; 10261 Pines Boulevard, Pembroke Pines 33025, 7300 NW 5th Street, Plantation, 33317 & 1750 N. University Drive, Suite 105, Coral Springs 33071. American Therapy House has become the leader in Pediatric and Adult programs for neurological disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Autism, & Stroke. www.americantherapyhouse.com. Most Insurance accepted. (954) 356-2878. OPEN SATURDAYS.
CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES SPECIAL POPULATION PROGRAMS Call the Special Population Program Office at (954) 986-1582 for registration information. • ADULT MONTHLY SOCIALS: Second Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm. The program is held at Pines Recreation Center, 7400 Pines Boulevard. For more information about the Friendship Club, call (954) 274-7321. • SPECIAL POPULATION BASKETBALL PROGRAM: (Ages 8 and older). Training will be held on Tuesdays from 6:00pm – 8:30pm. October 2014 – January 2015. Location: Charter Central School Airnasium. 12350 Sheridan Street. Athletes must meet Special Olympics eligibility requirements including having current physical on file prior to the start of training. • SPECIAL POPULATION TENNIS PROGRAM: (Ages 12 and older) Monday nights 6:30pm – 7:30pm. This program is geared for individuals with special needs and a family member or guardian to participate with the participant. There are court fees apply for this program. Please call the Special Population Program office at (954) 986-1582 for registration information. • WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL: Wednesday evenings, 7:30pm – 9:00pm (non-motorized wheelchairs only). Wheelchair athletes can join us for pick up games and basketball skills training. Please call the Special Population Program office at (954) 986-1582 for registration information.
TEEN PROGRAMS CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES TEEN CENTER Pines Recreation Center, 7400 Pines Boulevard. (Ages 12–17). The Teen Center is open Monday – Friday from 4:00pm – 9:00pm, and on Saturday 10:00am – 6:00pm. Play pool, Playstation, Xbox, Wii, air hockey, video games and more. For information regarding the center and activities provided year-round, please call (954) 986-5022.
PINES ATHLETIC CLUB PROGRAM 7900 Johnson Street, Pembroke Pines. Membership is $40 per year. PAC hours are Monday through Friday from 2:30pm – 8:00pm. High School Attendance Required. Ages 14 to 17 years. Earn school service hours while helping the community. For more information, please call the PAC Office at (954) 986-5044.
PEMBROKE PINES YMCA FAMILY CENTER 501 SW 172nd Avenue, Pembroke Pines. (954) 727-9622. • TEEN LEADERS CLUB: Ages 12–17. This club includes peer groups that are focused on doing the right things in the community and improving the quality of life for all. Teens attend weekly meetings; workshops and lectures form guest speakers. Participants will earn service hours. Club resumes in fall.
• YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT: Middle & High School Students. YMCA Youth In Government (YIG) is a YMCA program in the United States that allows high school students to serve in model governments at the local, state, and national levels. • TEEN STRONG: Ages 13 – 18. This program is for teens wanting to learn result-driven strength & cardio programs encouraging a healthy lifestyle. It is designed to give the full gym experience while incorporating fundamental effective workouts. Mondays & Wednesdays from 5:30pm – 6:30pm. Y Members $100 (8 sessions, 2x per week), Regular $200.
FORT LAUDERDALE JCC MACCABI GAMES® & ARTSFEST® David Posnack JCC is proudly hosting the 2015 JCC Maccabi Games & ArtsFest®, August 9–14, 2015 in Broward County for the first time. This is the largest Jewish youth event in the world with artists and athletes coming from across the US and around the world. Jewish teen athletes are invited to try outs beginning October 19th. Artists will send in submissions of their work or audition tapes for consideration. Check our website, fortlauderdalejccmaccabi.com, for additional try-out and art submission dates.
WINTER CAMPS TAG USA GYMNASTICS & TRAMPOLINE Come to the Award winning “Best Weston Camp 2013” in our 38,000 sq. foot sports facility. Spring / Summer / Winter / School Days Off Camps from 8:30am – 4:30pm. The most gymnastics, trampoline power tumble equipment for boys & girls ages 3 to 14 years old. Camp also includes indoor basketball, soccer, dodgeball, and indoor games. All action, All day! All coaches are background checked and safety certified. Game room freeplay open before 9am. Extended care from 7am to 6pm available. Visit our facility and Compare at www.TagGymnastics.com. 1951 North Commerce Pkwy, Weston. Call (954) 384-9393 to register.
CAMP SAGEMONT WINTER CAMP 2014 PK3-5th grade. Full Day Camp Program: December 19th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 29th, 30th, 31st. Camp Hours: 9:00am-3:30pm. Early Care: 7:30-9am. After Care: 3:30pm-6:00pm (no Aftercare on 12/24 & 12/31). Camp activities include: arts & crafts, computers, cooking, dance, field trips, games, sports, special events, and more! Two snacks provided daily. Campers must bring own lunch. $55 per day, additional fees for extended care. Other camp offerings (pending enrollment): March 20th, Spring Break Camp 3/23-3/27. 1570 Sagemont Way, Weston 33326. (954) 384-5454, camp@sagemont.com, www.campsagemont.com. Find us on www.Facebook.com/CampSagemont.
CORAL REEF GYMNASTICS No School Days, Winter, Spring & Summer Camp. Gymnastics, Martial Arts, Dance, Arts & Crafts, trampoline and field trips. www.coralreefgymnastics.com, (954) 430-1530.
KARATE AMERICA Get fit and stay sharp with martial arts! Karate America camps are a great way to learn structure and discipline while having fun. You can save money and guarantee availability by enrolling early! WE HAVE 11 LOCATIONS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! www.karateamerica.info. Find the location nearest you and call to register!
A WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE CAMP WOK offers weekly journeys around the world $99/week. We offer a fun, academic and interactive camp including field trips for ages 3-8. Children will learn customs and cultures from around the world and visit exciting destinations. The camp includes Weekly field trips, Science labs, Water Days, Academic review, Bounce house, arts and crafts, and much more. 750 NW 180 Terrace, Pembroke Pines, 33029 & 6700 Griffin Rd., Davie 33314. Call (954) 430-7707 or visit www.worldofknowledgekids.com.
WINTER BREAK CAMP AT THE J Keep your kids active during winter break at the David Posnack JCC Winter Break Camp. December 22, 2014 - January 2, Grades K-8. Field trips, swimming, art, and more. Or choose one of our specialty camps: Aquatics, Baseball, Basketball, Dance, Karate and Tennis. Kids have a fantastically fun time and parents can relax knowing their kids are in a safe environment. 5850 S. Pine Island Rd., Davie 33328. www.dpjcc.org (954) 434-0499.
ALLGOLF – JUNIOR GOLF CAMP WINTER CAMPS: Camp 1 - December 22 – 24 and Camp 2 – December 29 – January 2 from 9am – 12pm. Rates: Camp 1 – 3 days at $120/week or $45/daily, Camp 2 – 5 days at $195/week or $45 daily. CAMP STARTS AT 9am SHARP! Juniors will learn putting, chipping, iron play, driving, pitching, and etiquette. 950 N. Flamingo Road, Pembroke Pines (At entrance to CB Smith Park) (954) 441-1333
PINES ATHLETIC CENTER WINTER & SPRING BREAK CAMPS Ages 7 to 14. Camp is held from 7:00am – 6:00pm. Field Trips, Movies, Sports and Team Building Exercises. (Additional Fee required for camps). Call (954) 986-1582 for more information.
CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES SPECIAL POPULATION WINTER CAMP December 22, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30 and 31, 2014 and January 2, 2015. The Winter Camp program is designed for children with varying disabilities. Gams, crafts, sports and more. Participants must be independent in toileting and be able to administer their own medications with supervision. For more information, call (954) 986-1582.
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
1361 NW 129th Avenue, Pembroke Pines 33028. (954) 447-7645. • VOLUNTEER SWIM INSTRUCTOR ASSISTANTS: Ages 14–18. Are you a high school student in need of service hours? Are you a strong swimmer? Volunteer as a swim instructor assistant where you’ll work alongside certified swim instructors during swimming lessons. Earn credit toward a lifeguarding class through volunteerism. Swim instructor assistants will work both in the water and on the pool deck assisting with equipment set-up and class control. Participants should be able to swim 300 yards freestyle without stopping. • VOLUNTEER DECK MONITOR POSITIONS: Ages 14–18. Are you a high school student in need of service hours? Do you want to be a lifeguard one day? Earn credit toward a lifeguarding class through volunteerism. Duties may include, but are not limited to, greeting members and guests at the front desk, assisting with swim tests, directing traffic during special events, keeping the park looking good, manning the Activity Pool Slide and playing games with the kids!
| I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014
By Melissa Harless, Managing Director of Publishing
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
| I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014
The City of Pembroke Pines offers various art and cultural
classes for youth ages 8 – adult. “We take pride in offering such a well-rounded variety of classes and activities,” says Cultural Arts Coordinator, Holly Bonkowski. Some of the classes offered at both the Fletcher Art & Cultural Center and the River of Grass ArtsPark are: Actor’s Studio, Awesome Art for Kids, Petite Picassos, Teen Art Experience, Creative Dramatics, Guitar Lessons, Piano Lessons as well as Spring Break and Summer Art Camps. Each program offered is unique in that the size of the class allows the instructors to provide hands-on, individual training. The numbers vary, but on average the music classes have fewer than 10 students and the art classes have around 15 participants. The instructors are extremely dedicated and committed to the success of their students and it shows. “The art and cultural programs are enrichment type programs geared for the cultural growth and development of youth and adults in our community,” adds Bonkowski. Classes are $40 per month (4 weeks) – unless otherwise indicated. Payment/registration is due by the 20th of the month for the upcoming month’s classes and programs. Also, they ask that you please bring your child’s original birth certificate for registration and copies of the parent’s driver’s license. Just as a reminder, space is limited in all classes so make sure you register early! For specific information regarding class days, times and locations, check the Activities Directory or visit www.ppines.com. Classes are offered at both the Fletcher Art and Cultural Center, located at 7960 Johnson Street and the River of Grass ArtsPark, located at 17189 Sheridan Street, both in Pembroke Pines.
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
| I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014
Directory | I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014 Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
“THE BLUE OWL” “A lifetime of insecurity can result from people’s words, we need to be brave enough to love ourselves and turn flaws into strengths.”
MISSION STATEMENT: In effort to create an environment in which all women, men and children can live together in Equality. Blue Owl Foundation (BOF) is dedicated to bring SOCIAL and HUMAN awareness through the Performing Arts (Acting/ Dancing/ Singing/ Musical Instruments/ Spoken word) in South Florida. The Blue Owl Foundation celebrates the power of the youth creativity. We believe that kids’ and/or adolescents’ imaginations have the power to inspire and change the world. To that end, we have created school programs that will inspire, motivate, introduce social issues and solve all types of injustices & discriminations.
he Blue Owl foundation presents “Through The Red Door” an Anti-bullying production made by the children for the children. The musical theater production feature student and young adult performers telling their individual stories of bullying through visual expression and real life testimonials of how they experience bullying and how they overcome it. “You are not a snitch! Silence is participation”. “Through The Red Door” has been performed for over 3,000 students during the past 3 years
at elementary & middle schools, community based events and theaters in Broward County. We will fly ANYWHERE we are needed. We are a voice for the voiceless through participation as a speaker and/or guest on several radio shows in South Florida and we combine that with our performing arts as a vehicle to recognize, overcome and BEAT bullying. “Through The Red Door” was featured over the summer on Becon TV’s Broward School Beat and also performed in school cafeterias. Our ultimate goal is to provide our youth with the tools to make a change, be a voice for the voiceless and combat all social & human injustices. We use our performances and workshops as a platform of awareness in regards to achieving our goal of unification, community consciousness, education and all civil & human rights. To book us for speaking engagements, performances or interviews, please call (954) 6553011 or email us at: info@blueowlfoundation.com. For more information about us: visit www. nestoflivingarts.com or www.blueowlfoundation.com. ANTI BULLYING CAMPAIGN: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
| I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014
By Debby Teich
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
| I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014
While many runners are challenged by
5Ks, 10Ks and marathons, more than 10,000 Americans have decided that those distances are not far enough. They are participating in ultramarathons, which extend beyond the standard marathon running distance of 26.2 miles. From November 10 – 16, runners of all ages will gather at Snyder Park in Ft. Lauderdale for the Icarus Florida UltraFest, which consists of a six-day race and several smaller ones. They will prove that there are no limits. Most are drawn to the sport by their desire to compete in an event which so few people attempt and even fewer accomplish. It is often a true test of just how far they can push the boundaries of their mental and physical capabilities. After Andrei Nana, event founder and director, completed his first 100-mile race in 2011, he knew that it was just the beginning. “I like the highs and lows of ultramarathons,” said Nana. “During a race, I usually hit the wall several times and always experience a lot of physical pain. When my mind says it does not make sense to keep running, the challenge is to find the strength to finish what I started.” Thus far, Nana has completed 21 ultramarathons. In 2012, he formed the International 100+ UltraRunning Club, which has over 400 members from 34 different countries. Now he is adding the Icarus Florida UltraFest, named after the mythological Icarus which warns us against complacency and hubris, to his list of accomplishments. “This event features much more than just
a six-day race,” said Nana. “The idea was to create an environment where ultrarunners of all levels could experience a top class international ultrarunning event, and be able to run with the six day competitors.” The event includes 13 separate races in total. There are three 24 hour races, each beginning on the first, fourth, and last day of the six-day race. Additionally, on each of those days, there will be a 12-hour, six-hour and three-hour race. “This gives runners the option to choose which event best suits them - a 3, 6, 12 or 24-hour race - and the day in which they would like to run,” said Nana. “Since the six-day race spans the length of the event, any race chosen will be run with the six-day competitors.” According to Nana, there are only 13 other six-day races in existence internationally. With many of them, runners have to deal with local issues, such as dust or altitude. Nana chose to do the race in Ft. Lauderdale, where runners should have ideal conditions. “The location alone should be enough to compel many runners to attend,” said Nana. “The weather should be perfect for some very fast times -- high around 75 degrees and lows in the mid 60s. Flat, completely paved, almost entirely shaded, and just one kilometer in length, the course promises to be fast. In looking at record times for six day races, it seems as if the shorter loop courses are more conducive to faster times.” For more information about Icarus Florida UltraFest, visit www.icarusfloridaultrafest.com or find them on Facebook.
By Debby Teich
Pe mbroke Pines S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
| I s s u e 45 | Oct ob e r - De ce mb e r 2 014
he West Pembroke Pines Optimist Track and Field Program has been gaining notoriety, as it continues to produce champions. Team members have won over 400 medals at the local, state, national and world levels and many have received full athletic scholarships to universities. The athletes are trained by experienced coaches, some of whom were former track and field champions themselves. The head coaches - Jonathan Carter, Jessica Carter, Marvil Tatham and Mazel Tatham – understand what it takes to win. “The focus of the program is not just to develop great athletes, but also to make sure they understand the importance of hard work, good sportsmanship, strong character, and discipline,” said Coach Jonathan Carter. “These qualities will help them achieve their future goals both on and off the field.” Registration for the 2015 season starts in December. The regular season begins on March 1 and ends with the league championship in April. The athletes practice three days a week and compete on Saturdays against other local track teams throughout South Florida. The team also travels to meets outside the area. Approximately 65 athletes participate in the program each year and most of them are from the Pembroke Pines area. It is open to male and female athletes, ages 5 to 17, from beginner to advanced. Some excel at sprinting, while others are better at long jump, shot put, high jump or middle distance. Coaches find the niche that is most appropriate for each athlete and develop a plan to help him or her reach their fullest potential. They start with basic drills to help the athletes develop a strong foundation and build self-confidence. Carter says that many of the kids cannot even run a lap when they join the program. Ultimately, the players learn the skills they need to compete at the next level - whether it is high school, college or professional –
and have a lot of fun along the way. “It is a family-oriented atmosphere,” said Carter. “We encourage all of the kids to support each other and they develop a real camaraderie. They grow to love the sport.” Many of WPPO’s former athletes have received athletic scholarships to colleges and universities, including Kendall Ellis, who is currently attending University of Southern California on a full scholarship. Other athletes have received scholarships to University of Miami, University of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Central Florida, Florida State University, Harvard University and more. Several of the athletes currently in the program are headed in that direction. Two athletes competed at the 2014 Club Championship in Orlando this summer. Isaiah Taylor, 17, placed 2nd in the 100 meters (10.68 seconds) and 200 meters (21.20 seconds). He also broke the record in the 100 meters in the semifinals (10.55 seconds). Vegas Burnett, 8, won 5th place in the 100 meters (14.76 seconds) and 8th in the 200 meters (32.35 seconds). Ten WPPO athletes competed in track and field events at the AAU National Jr. Olympics this summer and the team took home seven medals. Jassani Carter, 11, won 3rd place in the 400-meter dash (60.8 seconds) and 7th place in the 200 meter (26.97 seconds). Jaydea Carter, 12, placed 5th in the 80-meter hurdles (13.40 seconds). Isaiah Taylor, 17, finished 3rd in the 100 meters (10.58 seconds) and 2nd in the 200 meters (21.52 seconds). Chanele Williams, 13, placed 7th in the 400-meter dash (59.77 seconds). Randy Smith, 9, won 8th place in the 800 meters (2:35 minutes). “The key to winning is persistence, desire and consistency,” said Carter. “The athletes need to believe in themselves.” For more information, visit www.westpinestrack.com or send an email to westpinestrack@gmail.com.
Okapi Wanderers Rugby FC Meets in Pembroke Pines
By Debby Teich
ugby is a fun sport that just about anyone can play, regardless of size, speed, strength or gender. It continues to grow in popularity throughout the world, as well as right here in Pembroke Pines. The Okapi Wanderers Rugby FC offers kids, ages 9 to 16, an opportunity to play the sport. Derived from a game of football (American soccer) at Rugby School in England in 1823, rugby players use strength, speed and strategy to move a ball into an opponent’s territory. The free-flowing game is fast-paced and action-packed, with few stoppages and continuous possession changes. Players must work well together as a team. Although the Okapi Wanderers Rugby Club was formed recently, most of the club’s coaches and players have been involved in the sport for many years. The players chose the name after they discovered the Okapi, an endangered animal from Central America that is a mix of a zebra and giraffe. They thought it was fitting, since the team is comprised of so many different cultures, backgrounds, and religions. From October to May, the club competes against other players in the South Florida area as part of the Florida Youth Rugby Union. Players, from beginner to advanced, can join at any point in the season. Each game ends with a winner and loser, as well as a big celebration. Unlike most sports, the players and families from both teams stay for a traditional gathering after the game finishes. It is an opportunity to build camaraderie among teammates, as well as in the rugby community. “Rugby is more than just a game; it is a lifestyle,” said Mariana Gallo, one of the founders
of the rugby club. Three years ago, she moved to South Florida from Argentina, where rugby was an integral part of her life. Her two sons, Franco, 13, and Tomas, 16, play on the team and hope to become professional rugby players. “We want everyone in South Florida to have an opportunity to experience rugby, which is why we helped to start the Okapi Wanderers Rugby FC,” she continued. “We welcome kids of all sizes and shapes. Once kids try it, they always fall in love with the sport. All they need to get started is a mouth guard and a pair of cleats.” Over the summer, the players gave back to the community. They taught the game of rugby to some younger kids at a school in Pompano. They also helped to restore a sand dune in Sunny Isles by picking up garbage and planting native trees. After they finished, they played a game of rugby on the beach. “We are always looking for ways that the kids can enjoy activities together, while helping others,” said Gallo. The kids also give back to each other. The older players work with the younger ones to teach them the game. When players grow out of their cleats, they give them to other players on the team to use. “We are like one big family,” said Gallo. “We always have a great time together both on and off the field.” The Okapi Wanderers Rugby FC is a nonprofit organization. For information, visit www.okapiwanderersrugby.com, send an email to info@okapiwanderersrugby.com, like “Okapi Wanderers Rugby” on Facebook or follow “@okapiwanderers” on Twitter.
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
| I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014
3 V 3 Soccer Team Wins 3 Championships in a Row! T
Villaverde and Luis Flores. Front row left to right: Back row left to right: Coaches Steve Siplak, Paul Flores, Kathryn Lee and Isel Zilka. Gabrielle Siplak, Samantha Villaverde, Hannah
he Girls Under 7 Division soccer team is making history. They have yet another championship under their belts after winning the World Championships in the Orlando this year. This is their 3rd team championship in a row. Led by Coaches Steve Siplak, Paul Villaverde and Luis Flores, the girls finished 6-0 in the tournament, scoring a total of 45 goals and only giving up 6. The team began their winning streak at the U6 National Championship, then moved on to the U7 National Championship, and now they’ve ended this year’s season with the U7 Invitational World Championship at the Disney 3 V 3 tournament. “I consider it a great privilege to have the opportunity to coach these very special young ladies,” commented head coach Steve Siplak. Despite the recent success, the team remains extremely humble and puts the success in proper perspective. Moving forward, the team will continue to train together, have tremendous amounts of fun, and enjoy the journey this opportunity provides the West Pines Lady Predator Family. “We are so very happy and proud of these girls every year,” said Renee Nunez, Soccer Coordinator & Assistant Athletic Coordinator, City of Pembroke Pines Recreation and Cultural Arts Department. “To have their 2nd National Championship and an Invitational World Championship under their belts at this early age is a lasting memory and an accomplishment these girls will always have.”
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Long Course Nationals. For additional information on YMCA competitive aquatics programs, 954.334.9622 or visit www.ymcabroward.org. About the Y The YMCA of Broward is one of the area’s top 25 nonprofits committed to addressing the most pressing needs of our community. The Y is an Association of over 1300 employees, who serve over 225,000 Broward residents through 100 afterschool, special needs, youth, family center and senior health outreach sites. Each day kids, families and seniors are impacted by the Y when a mentor inspires a child, families make healthier choices and a community comes together for the common good. The YMCA mission is to put Judeo-Christian principles into practice through programs dedicated to building healthy, confident, connected and secure children, adults, families and communities. Visit www.ymcabroward.org.
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
he YMCA of Broward County has hired Matt Donovan, one of the leading swimming coaches in the country, as its new Director of Competitive Aquatics, as the first step in expanding its competitive aquatics program – swimming, diving and water polo – that serves the entire county. YMCA competitive aquatic sports help kids develop healthy habits that they carry with them throughout their lives. The lifelong benefits, whether it’s gaining confidence or building positive relationships that lead to good sportsmanship and teamwork, are far greater. Participating in sports at the Y is about building the whole child, from the inside out. Donovan has coached for 20 years, the last 14 at the Somerset Valley YMCA where he has lead the team to six state championships, 20 individual national titles and 10 national records. His Somerset team finished 4th at the recent YMCA National Championship Meet in Indianapolis and he was chosen 2013 Coach of the Meet for the YMCA
FAMILY HEALTH | I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014 Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
ating a nourishing meal is something that many of us take for granted, but did you know that in South Florida, nearly one million people struggle with hunger, one in four children go to bed hungry and one in seven seniors face the choice between paying rent, buying medication or eating a healthy meal? A critical component of a high-quality life is good health, which starts with eating right. Unfortunately, lack of access to healthy and fresh foods is a very real problem that exists right here in our own backyard. Lack of food can lead to serious problems. In children, it can lead to behavioral issues and decreased performance in school, as well as immediate and long-term health complications including diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. For seniors, lack of food and poor nutrition can lead to memory loss and increased risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and kidney failure. In addition, seniors living on a fixed income are often forced to make the choice between vital medications and groceries. For the second time, Gentle Dental Group is teaming up with Feeding South Florida to help make a difference in the lives of those who struggle to put food on the table. Having collected 2,000 pounds of food in last year’s food drive, Gentle Dental is now on a mission to collect even more food for South Floridians in need. From October 27th through December 4th, Gentle Dental will be collecting nonperishable food items at all of its 26 South Florida dental offices. All of the food collected will be donated to Feeding South Florida for distribution within South Florida communities to families and individuals in need, food pantries, youth programs, senior centers and direct service programs. “We are excited to team up with Feeding South Florida for our second annual Gentle Dental Food Drive to help feed local communities,” explains Christy
Englehart, COO of Northwestern Management. “We want to do our part in the effort to end hunger in South Florida.” Together with Feeding South Florida, media sponsors SFL-TV (CW 19), WSVN (Fox 7), Palm Beach Radio Broadcasting (WRMF-FM 97.9, WIRK-FM 103.1, WEAT 107.9 and WMBX 102.3), Lifestyle Media Group, Life Publications, Sports & Activities Directories, and YOU, we can make a difference. If you would like to donate non-perishable food items at one of the 26 Gentle Dental locations, please visit GentleDentalGroup.com to find an office near you. If you would like to contribute monetarily, you can participate in our virtual food drive found on our website at GentleDentalGroup.com/Feeding-South-Florida. For information on how to volunteer your time, visit FeedingSouthFlorida.org.
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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Family Health
Family Health
Pregnancy and Postpartum Issues, Relationship Enrichment, Executive Stress Management, Treatment-resistant emotional issues. Free consultations. 2685 Executive Park Dr., Suite 4, Weston 33331. (954) 649-7050.
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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1601 N. Hiatus Rd., Pembroke Pines 33026. (954) 432-8100 # 2. Dr. Moreno is proud of her pleasant and modern facility, which offers a relaxing and safe environment with a personalized touch. The staff has been specially trained to help the children get over their fears and become happy patients. All examinations and consultations are by appointment only! Most Insurance accepted. English and Spanish.
Brian K. Bons, D.D.S - Diplomate, The American Board of Orthodontics. Now using the State-of-the-Art DAMON SYSTEM for shorter treatment time, fewer office visits and less discomfort! Our office is designed with you in mind. Whether you’re an adult, a teenager or younger, we know that you are busy. We strive to maintain a “no waiting policy.” Certified Invisalign Provider. Fluent in English and Spanish. Most dental insurances accepted. 1637 N Hiatus Rd., Pembroke Pines 33026. (954) 437-9477.
Changing Lives One Smile at a time! Innovative Braces and Premier Invisalign Provider for Children, Teens and Adults. Dr. Naidu offers the highest quality care and implements the latest advancements in orthodontic technologies available for our patients. Our office combines 3D Dental imaging along with SureSmile® Robotic Technology to achieve customized results and shorter treatment times. Saturday and evening appointments available. Invisalign preferred provider. Dr. Kistama Naidu is a Board Certified Orthodontist. Two locations: 18503 Pines Blvd., Suite 304, Pembroke Pines & 10021 Pines Blvd. Suite 101, Pembroke Pines 33024. (954) 438-1965.
State-of-the art dental “spa” specializing in children, teens and special needs patients. We offer orthodontic treatment compliments of Naidu Orthodontics. Our offices have aromatherapy, movies, and video games in the reception area. In addition, patients enjoy overhead entertainment while being treated by the friendly, caring staff! Our goal is to provide a positive experience for patients. Parents are encouraged to accompany their children during visits. In office oral sedation and hospital dentistry at Joe DiMaggio offered. Most major insurance plans accepted including the Florida Kid Care program. Convenient hours for busy families including Saturdays, evenings, and early mornings are offered during the year. Hablamos espanol. Two locations: Chapel Trail- 18503 Pines Blvd., Suite 304, Pembroke Pines & East Pembroke Pines- 10021 Pines Blvd. Suite 100, Pembroke Pines 33024. (954) 417-1337, www.AmericanPediatricDental.com. Email: info@AmericanPediatricDental.com
Gentle Dental is the leading provider of dental health services in South Florida. Gentle Dental provides cosmetic dentistry services, preventive dental treatments, general, reconstructive and specialty dentistry. With the motto, “All Dentistry…One Place”, the Gentle Dental team is equipped to serve all of your dental needs – under one roof. Whether you’re looking for a general dentist or a cosmetic dentistry specialist such as an orthodontist, oral surgeon, endodontist, periodontist or a pediatric dentist, we do it all. We have 26 convenient locations in South Florida including Gentle Dental of Pembroke Pines, 17027 Pines Blvd., Pembroke Pines, FL 33027. Call (855) 375-1926 to schedule at appointment.
Professional, comfortable, confidential. Private practice psychology office offering experienced psychological assessment, therapy, and life enrichment services in a down-to-Earth and practical manner. Treating Individuals, Couples and Families. Specializing in: Chronic Illness, Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Stress Management, Coping with Illness,
KidsFit, Kid JSpin, Teen TRX®. Children, ages 5 & up, can participate in fitness classes & learn a variety of ways to get in shape, stay fit & live a healthy lifestyle. Your kids will make lasting friendships with other fitness-minded kids. Open to everyone! Check us out today at www.dpjcc.org or (954) 434-0499. David Posnack JCC, 5850 S. Pine Island Road, Davie, FL 33328.
Jus Hip Hop has a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer to help you achieve your personal fitness goals. Sessions are conveniently provided in the privacy of your home or at our studio. We are reasonably priced and provide effective results without shakes or pills. If you are ready to be healthier, happier, and get to the size you desire, mention this ad and we will give you a 30 minute complimentary session. We want to help you. Please contact us. www.jushiphop.com. (954) 432-9669.
901 NW 155th Avenue, Pembroke Pines. Daily and yearly memberships available. The hours of operation are Monday – Friday 7:00am – 9:00pm and Saturday 9:00am – 9:00pm and Sunday 9:00am – 6:00pm. For membership fees and other information, please call (954) 450-6895.
7900 Johnson Street, Pembroke Pines. Boys and Girls ages 6 to 17. Membership is $40 per year. PAC hours are – Monday through Friday from 2:30pm to 8:00pm. Programs offered at PAC: Tae Kwon Do – Boxing – Basketball – Travel Basketball - Camps - After School Program - Youth Leadership Program. For more information, please call the PAC Office at (954) 986-5044.
This program focuses on water as a resistant force to develop muscle tone and cardiovascular endurance. Water aerobics is a great way to improve one’s physical fitness level without subjecting the body to stress. TIME: 9:00am – 9:45am. COST: $3/day or $50/20 classes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. LOCATION: Pembroke Lakes Pool 10500 Taft Street, Pembroke Pines, FL. (954) 435-6580.
Fun comes first! Keep your child active and healthy with a fitness program that’s designed for them. Not every child has the same needs. Ages 7 and up. Monday-Thursday. NO CONTRACTS & NO SET UP FEES. Call for your FREE SESSION. 21113 Johnson Street, Suite #131132, Pembroke Pines 33029. Info@CrossFitFever.com, (954) 322-3080. TEXT “FEVER” to 267-77 for more information.
Po Chi Lam Training Center has certified instructors available to assist you in reaching your fitness goals. Affordable classes and flexible schedules focused on developing results. Classes include Martial Arts, Kickboxing, Functional Training and Hot Yoga, with new programs offered monthly. Call or go online to see the variety of classes for kids and adults or register for our 2-WEEK TRIAL PROGRAM. 9948 Pines Boulevard, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024, www.williamsptc.com, (954) 441-4703.
For more information call (954) 727-9622 or visit us at www.ymcabroward.org. We are located at 501 SW 172nd Ave., Pembroke Pines 33029. Pilates, Zumba, Cardio Boxing, Spinning, Yoga, Body Sculpting, Circuit Training, Boot Camp classes offered daily. Extreme Performance training classes also offered. Call or go online to see the variety of fitness classes for teens & kids as well as active older adults.
1361 NW 129th Avenue, Pembroke Pines 33028. (954) 447-7645. • AMERICAN RED CROSS LIFEGUARDING: Ages 15 & Up. Participants must be able to swim 300 yards (Using either front crawl or breaststroke). Must be able to swim 20 yards, dive to the bottom of the pool (7 feet), and retrieve a 10-pound object in no more than 1 minute 40 seconds. Must be able to tread water for two minutes without the use of hands. Please call for specific dates and times. Attendance at all sessions and times is mandatory to pass the class. • CPR/AED AND FIRST AID CLASSES ALL LEVELS: Ages 15 & Up. This course prepares participants to perform rescue breathing, choking procedures, recognize cardiac emergencies and perform CPR. In addition, this course prepares participant to safely use an AED during cardiac arrest in adult, children and infants. • NEW! SPLASH GUARDS: Ages 10 – 13. Calling all future lifeguards! Start practicing water safety skills now so your lifeguarding class is a breeze later on! Progress from this course info Jr. Lifeguarding. Professional Lifeguards will mentor students, teach valuable rescue skills and build swimming endurance. Participants must be comfortable in deep water, able to flutter kick one width of the pool with a kickboard and retrieve an object from the bottom of the pool in seven fee of water. Y Members $25, Non-Members $50. • NEW! POOL PALS: Ages 7 – 9. Calling all future lifeguards! Start practicing water safety skills now so your lifeguarding class is a breeze later on! Progress through this course into Splash Guards to maintain those skills! Professional Lifeguards will mentor students, teach valuable rescue skills and build swimming endurance. Participants must be comfortable in deep water, able to flutter kick one width of the pool with a kickboard and retrieve an object from the bottom of the pool in seven feet of water.
Because injuries don’t happen by appointment! OrthoNOW is a network of specialized urgent care centers focused on treating the full range of orthopaedic and sports medicine injuries on a walk-in basis including anything related to pain, sprains, strains, fractures, foot, ankle, knee, hand and wrist, spine, and shoulder and we also offer baseline concussion testing. Equipped with industry leading imaging equipment and offering the latest techniques in surgical and non-surgical treatments by a staff of board certified physicians and physician’s assistants. Don’t wait at the Emergency Room or general Urgent Care Center! We Will Take Care of You IN LESS THAN 90 MINUTES without an appointment! 4825 SW 148th Ave. Davie, FL 33330 www.orthonowcare.com
The Children’s Center at Plantation General Hospital offers specialized hospital care for children of all ages. Within minutes of the Florida Turnpike, I-595 and I-95, the Hospital is staffed by pediatricians who provide emergency and intensive care for newborns, children and teenagers. Visit www.plantationgeneral.com/pediatrics or call 1-888-256-7724 for more information.
Se habla español. 301 NW 103 Avenue, #235, Pembroke Pines 33026. (954) 251-1497. www.pinescaremedical.com, pinescare@yahoo.com. Serving all members of the community. Services include comprehensive physical examinations, immunizations and illness treatment from a clinician who spends time and gets to know you. In addition, we make appropriate referrals to specialists, draw our own labs, perform EKG’s, radiology, spirometry and provide other typical primary care services.
Family Health
SPECIALTY OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY Our group of physicians treats patients as individuals. Every patient is impacted by her medical problem in a unique way. To treat our patients correctly, we have to understand not only the medical condition, but also her perspective on the problem, her obligations and concerns about her family and work, and her goals for life. Only at this time are we ready to offer her the options that best suit her. Communicating all this and helping the patient make the best decision is the true art of medicine. Locations in Miramar (954) 538-1300 & Hollywood (954) 518-4100. www.obgdoctor.com.
MATERNITY TOURS. At Plantation General Hospital, we understand that for a newborn baby, first impressions are everything. That’s why we are dedicated to providing the most caring and comfortable childbirth experience possible. Take a free tour and see for yourself. Call (888) 256-7724 or visit www.plantationgeneral.com/maternity to register or for more information.
Meeting the needs of the pediatric & adolescent population with orthopaedic injuries ranging from scoliosis and spinal deformities, bone tumors, fractures, limb lengthening & deformities, hip injuries & hip disorders, sports injuries and much more, your child will be cared for by fellowship-trained pediatric orthopaedic surgeons: Dr. Michael Jofe, Dr. Randolph Cohen, Dr. Neal McNerney, Dr. Stephen Storer, Dr. Jeremy Frank & Dr. Eric Eisner who combine have over 75 years experience. Diagnostic imaging by pediatric radiologists and technologists. Anesthesia care by board-certified pediatric anesthesiologists. Rehabilitation by licensed and doctorate level physical therapists. We provide a full spectrum of care. (954) 538-5500, U18sportsmedicine.com, kidbones.net.
Treatment of Pediatric Adolescent and Adult Sports Medicine. Our highly trained board certified physicians, physician assistants, and physical therapists use a comprehensive team approach in treating sports injuries by integrating Orthopaedics, Podiatry, and Physical Rehabilitative Medicine. “Our Goal Is To Return Every Athlete Back To Their Highest Level Of Sports.” Dr. Al DeSimone, Dr. Tony Moya, Dr. Alexander Bertot, Dr. Mark Fishman & Dr. David Shenassa. 1600 Town Center Blvd., Suite C. Weston, FL 33326 (954) 389-5900 17842 N.W. 2nd St., Pembroke Pines, FL 33029 (954) 430-9901 7447 N. University Dr., Tamarac, FL 33321 (954) 720-1530
Because injuries don’t happen by appointment! OrthoNOW is a network of specialized urgent care centers focused on treating the full range of orthopaedic and sports medicine injuries on a walk-in basis including anything related to pain, sprains, strains, fractures, foot, ankle, knee, hand and wrist, spine, and shoulder and we also offer baseline concussion testing. Equipped with industry leading imaging equipment and offering the latest techniques in surgical and non-surgical treatments by a staff of board certified physicians and physician’s assistants. Don’t wait at the Emergency Room or general Urgent Care Center! We Will Take Care of You IN LESS THAN 90 MINUTES without an appointment! 4825 SW 148th Ave. Davie, FL 33330 www.orthonowcare.com
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301 NW 103rd Avenue, Pembroke Pines 33026. Call (954) 450-6888 or visit www.ppines.com. • NEW! 20/20/20 FITNESS: This all-in-one group fitness class gives you 3 workouts in one! 20 minutes of dance, 20 minutes of weights and 20 minutes of yoga will give you a total body workout in just one hour! Unlike some high-intensity circuit training workouts that can leave you feeling exhausted, this contemporary cutting-edge class will leave you feeling refreshed, invigorated and revitalized. Offered in 6 weeks sessions. Ages 54 yrs. & under. Wednesdays 11:30am – 12:00pm. 10/30/14 - 12/11/14 (no class 11/27). $35 per class per month. • AQUA ZUMBA: Mondays & Thursdays 10:00am – 11:00am. A safe, exciting and challenging water based workout in our pool! This class incorporates cardio-conditioning, body toning and stretching in a low-impact, yet fun environment! 18 yrs. and up. Students must contact Baptist Health South Florida at (786) 467-5680 for pricing information and to register for the class. • AEROBICS: Tuesdays 1:30pm – 2:30pm. 18 yrs. and up. Students must contact Baptist Health South Florida at (786) 467-5680 for pricing information and to register for the class. • ZUMBA GOLD: Thursdays 1:30pm – 2:30pm. 18 yrs. and up. Students must contact Baptist Health South Florida at (786) 467-5680 for pricing information and to register for the class. • TAI CHI: Students will learn the basic concepts of tai chi, including posture, relaxed deep breathing, flowing movement and a basic understanding of mind-body connection. - Beginner/ Intermediate/Advanced, Mondays, 9:15am – 10:15am - Beginner/Intermediate, Thursdays, 11:45 – 12:45pm - Beginners, Thursdays, 1:00pm – 2:00pm - Beginner/Intermediate, Fridays, 12:00pm – 1:00pm $9 per class (55 yrs. & older). $29 per class per month (54 yrs. & under)
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
Family Health
(HEALTH Provider Directory cont.)
Plantation General Hospital and Consult-A-Nurse® are here for you and your child. Just a phone call away, our registered nurses provide free information and prompt answers to your health-related questions any time of day. Our nurses provide health information and can refer you to the most appropriate physician. Call 1-888-256-7724 any time you have a health question or are looking for a doctor.
The Mission of A+ Therapy is to provide the highest quality of care and to help children with varying diagnoses to improve strength, balance, and the ability to learn the basic skills needed to successfully interact with their environment. Occupational, physical therapist and speech practitioners will support an individual’s ability to engage in every day activities and acquire skills to promote function. 2685 Executive Park Drive, Suite 4, Weston 33331. (954) 515-0892.
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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American Therapy House (ATH) & Therapies 4 Kids (T4K) provides PT/ OT/SLP to children with developmental disabilities. Services include direct treatment, patient education, and specialized programs to meet the growing health needs of the community. 3 Locations: 10261 Pines Boulevard, Pembroke Pines 33025, 7300 NW 5th Street, Plantation, 33317 & 1750 N. University Drive, Suite 105, Coral Springs 33071. American Therapy House has become the leader in Pediatric and Adult programs for neurological disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Autism & Stroke. www.americantherapyhouse.com. Most Insurance accepted. (954) 356-2878. OPEN SATURDAYS.
The U18 Sports Medicine rehabilitation program was developed to help meet the unique sports injury prevention and treatment needs of children and adolescents. Every patient treated at U18 receives one-on-one individualized physical therapy care provided by highly experienced orthopaedic physical therapists. Our patients have our undivided
attention, which can help improve outcomes. Our facilities are tailored specifically for the young athlete. Locations in Miramar and Coral Springs. (954) 538-5500, u18sportsmedicine.com
Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy Serving the needs of pediatric and adolescent patients – Our therapists specialize in the treatment of infants and children with a variety of diagnoses, including neurological deficits, sensory and auditory processing disorders, and developmental delay. Our services include Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Feeding Therapy. Locations: Coral Springs (954) 575-8962, Hollywood (954) 265-5880, Miramar (954) 538-4760, Pembroke Pines (954) 844-7180 – memorialrehab.com
OrthoNOW features a ARP-WAVE Neuro-Therapy. With a 95% success rate over the past 10 years ARP WAVE, a type of Neuro-Therapy, works on the original site of pain. All other therapy or treatments deal with the physiology of the condition not the neurology. ARP WAVE is used by the most elite athletes in the world to treat muscle pain, spasms and stiffness. OrthoNOW is the ONLY urgent care center to bring ARP WAVE to the community. 4825 SW 148th Ave., Davie, FL 33330 www.orthonowcare.com
Plantation General Hospital hosts a diabetes support group the first Tuesday of each month at 3:00pm for adults. Facilitated by Robin Silverman, Licensed Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator, members will get new recipes, share coping techniques and hear about the latest treatments. Call (888) 256-7724 or visit our www.plantationgeneral.com to register or for more information.
Camp Erin is a weekend bereavement camp for children who have experienced the death of a loved one. The Camp is free of charge and provides children a safe place to tell their story, express their feelings and learn healthy coping strategies for their grief journey. Camp Erin provides a safe setting to assist children dealing with their grief through activities such as music therapy, pet therapy, art therapy, sports and memorial service including a bonfire and s’mores. All activities are designed and facilitated by a staff of professional clinicians. For more information, contact Ann Mclemore at (305) 351-7026 or email Amclemore@catholichospice.org.
Broward County
Public School Calendar Changes may be made. Visit www.browardschools.com for updates.
2014 - 2015 School Calendar
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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Monday, August 18.............................Students First Day of School Monday, September 1.........................Holiday - No School Thursday, September 25.....................Day Off - No School Thursday, October 23..........................Early Release & End of 1st Quarter Friday, October 24..............................Teacher Planning - No School
SECOND QUARTER Monday, October 27...........................Beginning of 2nd Quarter Tuesday, November 4..........................Teacher Planning - No School Tuesday, November 11........................Holiday - No School Wednesday, November 26..................Day Off - No School Thursday, November 27......................Holiday - No School Friday, November 28..........................Day Off - No School Thursday, December 18......................Early Release & End of 2nd Quarter Friday, December 19..........................Teacher Planning - No School Monday, December 23 Friday, January 2...............................Holiday Break - No School
THIRD QUARTER Monday, January 5.............................Beginning of 3rd Quarter Monday, January 19...........................Holiday - No School Wednesday, January 21......................Report Cards Issued Tuesday, February 10..........................Interim Reports Issued Monday, February 16.........................Holiday - No School Thursday, February 26........................Early Release Day Thursday March 19.............................Early Release Day & End of 3nd Quarter Friday, March 20................................Teacher Planning - No School
FOURTH QUARTER Monday, March 23..............................Beginning of 4th Quarter Monday - Friday, March 23 - 27..........Spring Break - No School Friday, April 3....................................Holiday - No School Wednesday, April 15...........................Report Cards Issued Thursday, April 30..............................Interim Reports Issued Monday, May 25................................Holiday - No School Thursday, June 4................................Early Release & Last Day of School Wednesday, June 24...........................Report Cards Issued Hurricane Make-Up days in order of preference: 10/23/14, 2/26/15, 3/19/15, 6/4/15
ines Lakes Elementary School has been selected to receive the Carol M. White Physical Education Programs (PEP) grant. This will help the school successfully implement a researched and literacy based physical education curriculum. This curriculum, Sports Play and Active Recreation for Kids (SPARK) will provide over $6,000 in equipment and professional development to Pines Lakes students and teachers. The Carol M. White Physical Education Program provides grants to Local Education Agencies and Community-Based Organizations to initiate, expand or enhance physical education programs, including after-school programs, for students in kindergarten through the 12th grade. Grant recipients must implement programs that help students make progress toward meeting state standards. Projects must be designed to help students meet its state’s physical education standards by undertaking instruction in healthy eating habits and good nutrition and at least one of the authorized physical fitness activities. Authorized physical fitness activities include: (a) fitness education and assessment to help students understand, improve, or maintain their physical well-being; (b) instruction in a variety of motor skills and physical activities designed to enhance the physical, mental, and social or emotional development of every student; (c) development of, and instruction in, cognitive concepts about motor skills and physical fitness that support a lifelong healthy lifestyle; (d) opportunities to develop positive social and cooperative skills through physical activity participation; or (e) opportunities for professional development
for teachers of physical education to stay abreast of the latest research, issues, and trends in the field of physical education. As part of this program, Pines Lakes Elementary teachers will use pedometers to track the number of steps students take, assess health related fitness components, and collect information on students’ nutrition. The school will also receive support through a grant resource teacher. According to Principal Susan Sasse, the teachers are thrilled to be selected as one of the first schools to implement this grant. Sasse says, “These funds will enable us to continue expanding health and fitness as an important part of our physical education curriculum.” The school’s Physical Education teacher, Eric Saranik said, “This is a great opportunity for Pines Lakes Elementary. We want to make sure our kids are living a healthy and well-rounded lifestyle on the field and in the classroom.” “A healthy, active lifestyle is an important ingredient of academic success,” U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said. “We need more states, districts, schools and communities to recognize the critically important role of physical education in improving student engagement and achievement.” To learn more about the Carol M. White Physical Education Program grants, visit the U.S. Department of Education website at www.ed.gov/category/program/carolm-white-physical-education-program. Pines Lakes Elementary School is located at 10300 Johnson Street, Pembroke Pines, FL 33026. (754) 323-7100.
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Starts the Year Off with a $6,000 “SPARK” in Physical Education
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
Pines Lakes Elementary
Schools | I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014 Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
By Debby Teich
or six years, Steve Frazier, principal, has been making a difference in the lives of Silver Trail Middle School students by challenging them to reach their individual potential and preparing them to realize their role in a global community. He consistently seeks innovative ways to enhance the experiences of his parents, students and teachers. His efforts have been recognized by many, including the PTA. He was recently named Florida PTA’s Outstanding Principal of the Year for 2014. “I am humbled that they would choose me among the many deserving principals around our state who work hard each and every day on behalf of their students and community,” said Frazier. Frazier was nominated by the Broward County Council of PTAs/PTSAs. He was selected through a rigorous nomination process that included hundreds of principals across the state. This prestigious honor recognizes the exemplary organizational, management, analytical, communication and interpersonal skills demonstrated by a school leader. “We are very proud and excited that Mr. Frazier has been selected for this honor,” said Broward County Council of PTAs/PTSAs President Maxine Lewers. “At a time when many schools are struggling for PTA/PTSA participation, through his involvement and leadership, Mr. Frazier has significantly increased his school’s membership of teachers, staff and parents, and is well on his way of reaching his goal of 100% participation.” Frazier has been an educator for Broward Public Schools for over 24 years. Throughout his career as teacher, assistant principal and principal, he has always been a member and supporter of each school’s local PTA/PTSA unit. He says that Silver Trail has one of the most active middle school PTAs in the Broward School District. “We have a group of dedicated, hard-working, selfless volunteers doing what PTA does best: providing resources and programs to all families,” said Frazier, who serves on the PTA board. “Before, during and after school hours, they are all around the campus helping my students, teachers and support staff. It is an amazing relationship. You can easily feel the synergy.” Throughout the year, Silver Trail’s PTSA sponsors a variety of activities and events. They host award activities for students who make honor roll, organize outreach programs for the needy in the community, conduct a large fundraiser to raise money for the school’s operational budget, provide recognition and appreciation meals and events for the faculty and staff, offer “scholarship money” to needy students at the school, and much more. Frazier says that the core business of schools is to promote the learning of their students, and he feels fortunate to be able to witness and experience the wonder of learning on a daily
basis. He believes that the best approach to education in the 21st century is a collaborative one that involves continually assessing and addressing the needs of the children, their families, the school and the community. “When all partners are working toward a common purpose, the chance for success increases dramatically,” said Frazier. He is committed to making sure that the school’s curriculum reflects skills, knowledge and performance that will allow the students to be successful in an ever changing, complex global society. Although the curriculum focuses on content knowledge, risk taking, critical thinking, problem solving and leadership are also embedded in the daily tasks of all classes at every level. Frazier is an advocate for big ideas and has implemented many of them at the school. Some of them include the STRIDE Pride, a school-wide effort and plan aimed at promoting and recognizing positive student behaviors; the Feel Good Project, a food collection for the needy; the development of the Pre-Advance Placement courses, which provide a rigorous curriculum for students before entering high school; the strong use of school and student data to differentiate instruction and provide prescriptive instruction for students’ skills needing improvement; and more. Frazier recognizes that rapid physical and cognitive changes can make the middle school years awkward for the approximately 1,500 pre-teens at the school. He offers them independence, while closely monitoring, guiding, and advising them. He maintains an “open door” policy and describes his style as visible, easy-to-approach, and passionate. “As principal, I try to think at least three steps ahead of the students in order to pro-actively circumvent negative issues and concerns they might have,” said Frazier. “Building positive, caring relationships with my students is critical to their feeling comfortable and secure, while they walk the halls of my campus and engage themselves in our classrooms.” Although Frazier is always looking for ways to improve learning at the school, whatever he has done so far has been working. Silver Trail has consistently performed among the highest middle schools in the District and State. It has consistently been designated an “A” school. For the last two years, the state has used a Value Added Model formula and both years the school has received “Highly Effective.” Only a few of the other 42 middle schools in the District have received this recognition. Silver Trail Middle School is located at 18300 Sheridan Street in Pembroke Pines. For information, call 754-323-4300.
Schools equipment to work with. A new art room is like a fresh canvas… so many possibilities.” Hemeon, the middle school art teacher, explained that “as an artist, an art teacher and believer in the transformative power of art, it is reassuring to know that Sagemont has dedicated the space, funds and energy to this often under-valued aspect of a comprehensive education and student experience.” Music teachers Matthew Goldberg and Jessica Gronberg are thrilled with their new rooms. Goldberg said, “The new music room will surely enhance my guitar, keyboard, choral and rock band environments by creating an enriching and motivational space for students to thrive. The positive response by the students to the new classroom has been phenomenal. There is more space to perform, more storage for the plethora of guitar cases, and fantastic new equipment to bring our music program to the next level.” Gronberg added, “It is exciting to be able to work out of a classroom that has been built specifically to address the growing needs of our students and our music program.” Furthermore, the Fort Lauderdale Children’s Theatre will offer after school and weekend classes at the Visual and Performing Arts Center. Sagemont will also offer music and art camps next summer. A fundraising gala is set for Saturday November 15th from 7-9:30PM. Tickets are $50 per person. There will be art showings, musical performances as well as character appearances from past productions such as Little Women, CATS and Aladdin. The party will include food vendors, photo booths, popcorn and cappuccino. For more information about The Sagemont School’s Visual and Performing Arts Center and the Gala Event please go to www.sagemont.com/TheArts.
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he new Visual and Performing Arts Center at The Sagemont School’s Upper School Campus is open and students couldn’t be more excited. The 10,000 square foot facility features a 150 seat Black Box Theater, two large art rooms and two soundproof music rooms. Dr. Brent Goldman, President of The Sagemont School, said, “The new Visual and Performing Arts Center is a transformational addition to our Upper School Campus. The hundreds of students interested in the arts at our school finally have a home of their own.” Theater instructor, Elizabeth Garrard, expressed that “having a theater venue on campus will give the students many more opportunities.” She continued to explain how the new theater allows for more performances without additional costs from venue rental. Additionally, Garrard mentioned, “Students will be able to explore opportunities in sound, lighting and scenic design as well as stagecraft. Students will also learn the daily operational needs of a theater including business, house and stage management, and publicity.” High school students will continue to produce two full-length productions each year as well as an evening of student directed one-act plays. The Middle School Drama Club will add a one-act play bringing their number of productions up to two. The Lower School students will benefit as well since their Drama Club will produce their spring performance at the Black Box Theater. Art instructors Terrance Clark and Scott Hemeon are also excited about the new possibilities. Clark, the high school art teacher, says, “The students will enjoy a larger studio with more projects and
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
The Sagemont School’s New Visual and Performing Arts Center Is Now Open!
Om Parenting: Lessons Learned on the Mat By Jodi Cohen, MSEd; Director of Early Childhood; Temple Dor Dorim
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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ife is hectic. I’m a walking billboard that exemplifies that. I am a mom to three children, three schools, three different schedules to handle and then, of course, my own schedule as a full time working parent. Aside from the day to day already tightly packed schedule, I stressfully, but adamantly, make sure to squeeze in time for myself. I know it’s a must… if I don’t have an outlet for some stress relief then nobody is happy. Racing, rolling in the mud and flipping tires are key to my sanity. A few months ago a friend suggested that the high octane fuel I was pumping out in all arenas of my life to feed my superwoman strengths would cause me to crash and burn soon if I didn’t slow down. She suggested I throw yoga in to the mix to balance out my ying and my yang (aka my energy). As a newbie yogi (I’ll call it a no-gee) I began to learn about stretching, balancing and form. At first the class was hard for me. Sitting still for a minute for me always meant wasted time. How could I not be productive for a few minutes? Valuable time was being wasted as I sweat away in Hot Vinyasa. I looked at the clock every few minutes. I studied the people around me doing inversions and birds of whatever type movements and wondered how these skills could effectively be used for a resume. I continued to make to do lists in my head. I wiped buckets of sweat from my brow and counted the minutes to class end. The only thing that kept me
from getting up and leaving was the feeling of failure in front of others and my fierce sense of competition to see it through to the end. After my first session I wanted to throw in my sweat soaked mat, but my friend said keep going…this was exactly what I needed. Flash forward a few months. I continue to practice. I continue to work at letting go of schedules, a desire to run races or be super mom and leap tall buildings in a single bound. Well, at least for an hour and a half each Sunday. When I finally slowed my mind enough to actually listen to the instructor and the messages she delivered, my conversion as a parent began. I have a new mantra. As I learn how to create an inner calm, I learn how to slow my swift reactions. I am a calmer parent. As we stand and balance on one foot, hands brought together over our hearts each Sunday and are told to think of 5 things we are grateful for I am reminded at the start of each week to not take these people or things for granted. These thoughts help to not only remind me to be grateful for my children and what I have in my life, but serve as a reminder to teach them the importance of gratitude in their lives. We are also told to send love, blessings and understanding out to 5 people who need it. Doing so each week has taught me about forgiveness, understanding others and letting go of anger. It’s helped teach me a different perspective about differences and wanting my children to walk through life with this positive outlook, which in turn makes life less complicated and more peaceful. No longer a newbie, I not only have a renewed outlook on life, but on how I parent my children. Namaste.
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
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flanagan High School Senior deandra Chetram Named
Deandra Chetram, Class of 2014, Charles W. Flanagan High School
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
| I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014
2014 MATH ANd SCIENCE SCHOLAr BY COUNCIL Of THE GrEAT CITY SCHOOLS Submitted by Nadine Drew, Broward County Public Schools
ongratulations to Deandra Chetram, recent graduate of Charles W. Flanagan High School in Pembroke Pines, for being one of four graduating high school seniors in the nation named recipients of the 2014 ExxonMobil Bernard Harris Math and Science Scholarship by the Council of Great City Schools (CGCS). Deandra was selected from several hundred applicants nationwide for her academic performance, leadership qualities and community involvement. The scholarship program was created by former astronaut Dr. Bernard Harris, Jr., the first African-American to walk in space, and ExxonMobil to help underrepresented students pursue science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) studies and to increase diversity in the STEM workforce. The awards are given annually to African-American and Hispanic seniors from high schools in the 67 urban school districts represented by CGCS. Deandra, along with the other scholars, will receive $5,000 for continued education in a STEM-related field. In the fall, she will attend the University of
Florida to study biology. “These scholarships create a launching pad for talented students to pursue postsecondary studies and careers in the challenging STEM fields,” said Michael Casserly, executive director, Council of the Great City Schools. “With the generous support of ExxonMobil and Dr. Harris, these young men and women have an opportunity to reach the stars and become innovators and leaders of tomorrow.” “Our country is driven by our ability to create and develop the most advanced technologies and solutions,” said Dr. Harris. “Engineers and scientists are the catalysts, and by providing these scholarships, we are planting seeds in minds of these bright young students, especially those from diverse backgrounds, to support their interest in the exciting and rewarding careers in STEM.” Administration of the scholarship program, including the application process, pre-selection and presentation of awards is provided by the CGCS. Dr. Harris participates in the final selection of the recipients.
Schools them for their special learning needs, and treating them with respect and sensitivity, we optimize their learning experience. Because each student is unique, we do not apply a one-size-fits-all approach to tutoring. We work with the students’ school curriculum to ensure that they become successful learners with positive images of themselves. Our goal is for students to be college and career ready whether they are in elementary school or are already attending college. Our prices are affordable so that any student who is looking for help can obtain it. We don’t have contracts or minimum purchases so that parents can have the financial flexibility needed in today’s economy. Our open door policy allows communication between the student, parent, tutor, and school to ensure everyone is working together toward the overall benefit of the student. We believe every student should be afforded educational success. The road to college begins at an early age. By providing students with an individualized curriculum and positive support, College Direct prepares them to be successful in their educational pursuits. College Direct is located at 1685 North Hiatus Road in Pembroke Pines. For more information, visit www.college-direct.com or contact us at (754) 400-8941 or at info@college-direct.com.
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s students start a new school year, they are faced with tougher academic challenges. Along with a more rigorous curriculum and increased testing demands from school districts and the state of Florida, students are stretched to their limit. Add to this the competitive nature of the college admissions process and both students and parents feel overwhelmed not knowing where to turn. This is where College Direct comes in. College Direct is a family owned tutoring and test preparation center established by an educator with more than 30 years of experience in the public school system and 15+ years of experience as a private tutor. Our tutors are certified teachers from the surrounding schools and most have master’s degrees and over 15 years of teaching experience. They are knowledgeable professionals who are up to date with state and national academic standards, learning strategies, and educational trends. Students come to our center for different reasons. Some are a little behind in their coursework and need some “catch up” tutoring; others want to maintain their grades and be “in step” with their class, while some want to be “ahead of the game” and seek enrichment and acceleration opportunities. Whatever their need, we help students succeed. By carefully matching students with experienced tutors and teachers, accommodating
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
College Direct puts students on a direct path to achieve their college and career goals!
Schools | I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014 Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
Dos and Don’ts of Managing Your Child Regarding School Issues By Dr. Raymond J. Huntington
arenting has many wonderful and rewarding aspects—and also many challenges. Your job description comprises a seemingly endless list of duties: to raise your child to be an independent, happy person; to instill morals and values into your child and teach him or her to treat others with respect and kindness; and to build a capable student who gives sincere effort in all that he or she does. As you strive to fulfill your role as a parent, along the way you will need to give your child frequent guidance and direction. Mistakes are a part of growing up, after all; the key is to learn from them. Here are a few dos and don’ts when it comes to managing your child throughout the ups and downs of the school years: Do set clear rules and stick to them. Set expectations for acceptable behavior at school and home and make clear to your child that there are consequences for not meeting those expectations. If your child breaks a rule or gets in trouble at school, it is important for you to talk about the issue and follow up appropriately (by taking away a privilege, for example). Don’t only focus on the negative. If your child is experiencing trouble in school that leads him or her to acquire a bad attitude or experience other problems (in addition to his or her poor academic performance), it’s easy to concentrate on the bad. However, you should take every opportunity to be positive. Point out your child’s good efforts and improvements in school. Offer genuine, positive reinforcement when you notice even small steps in the right direction.
Do establish a family routine. For many families, school and homework is a major source of conflict. Set rules regarding school work and expectations and adhere to them. Involve your child when coming up with these rules and routines so that he or she will be more invested in upholding them. Don’t assume that one size fits all. Rules regarding homework routine and school expectations should take into account each child’s learning styles and preferences, personality and other factors. Pay attention to your child’s individual needs and talk with his or her teacher if you need more guidance on what type of structure at home is best for your child. Do uphold a zero-tolerance policy regarding disrespect. Over-the-top disrespect in the form of destructive behavior, explosive anger or total disregard for authority should never be tolerated. Address disrespectful behavior right away by telling your child what type of communication is acceptable in your household. Always let your child know when he or she crosses the line. Don’t expect your child never to whine, talk back or take frustrations out on you. Every child who feels upset about school problems is likely to vent that frustration or anger from time to time. This is a natural part of adolescent development as children become more independent and learn to assert their feelings. Remain calm and resist the urge to “win” every argument. As a parent, your goal should be to help your child achieve his or her potential and develop into a good student and citizen. Remember that parenting a child takes great patience and flexibility, trial and error, and most of all, love. Keeping your child’s behavior and attitude about school in check is an important part of effective parenting and when combined with care and good communication, it will yield the results you seek.
Schools traveler. It can be even more challenging, however, for families with a child on the autism spectrum. In an effort to help these kids become more familiar with flying, Broward County Public Schools (BCPS), in partnership with JetBlue Airways and Fort Lauderdale/ Hollywood International Airport, recently hosted the 2nd Annual Autism in Flight event, which included a mock flight to Hawaii. “Hypersensitivity to large crowds and strangers, loud noises and communication difficulties often cause stress and anxiety for children with autism,” said Gary Grigull, Curriculum Supervisor for Autism Spectrum Disorder for Broward County Public Schools. “Autism in Flight offers students and their parents the opportunity to navigate the airport experience in a realistic, relaxed environment with other families in the autism community. This helps to reduce stress on an actual flight.” Fifty students with autism from five elementary schools – Everglades, Panther Run, Park Springs, Dania, and Silver Lakes – participated in the program. Most had never been on a plane. After finishing a six-week curriculum designed to familiarize them with the day of travel, they headed to the airport with their families to board their flight. Trained personnel from JetBlue and the Transportation Security Administration provided assistance throughout the process. After checking in at the ticket counter, the travelers headed to security, where they showed their boarding passes, placed their shoes and personal items on a conveyor
belt and passed through the metal detectors. Once they arrived at the gate, they waited patiently for the announcement, “Now boarding flight 7916 to Honolulu.” When their row was called, they proceeded to the plane. Once on board, they found their seats and fastened their seat belts. They listened to announcements from the pilot and flight attendants, as they prepared for “takeoff.” When the flight was “in the air,” they were served snacks and watched the television sets at their seats. Approximately half an hour later, they put up their tray tables, adjusted their seats and prepared for “landing.” “The kids loved it,” said Grigull. “Many of the parents said they had never invested in an airline ticket for fear that their children would be afraid to board. After this positive experience, they were more likely to travel with them.” In addition to JetBlue Airways and the Fort Lauderdale/ Hollywood International Airport, the Autism in Flight program was made possible with support from the Broward County Commission, Transportation Security Administration, Broward Sheriff’s Office, Hudson Group, Greater Fort Lauderdale and Delaware North Companies. “The program benefits the families that participate, but it also helps increase awareness within the airport community,” said Grigull. “It helps employees understand the best way to accommodate children with autism, as well as their families, when they travel.” Grigull says they are hoping to host two trips next year, so that more children can participate in the program. For information, visit www.browardschools.com.
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Air travel can be stressful for the most seasoned
Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
By Debby Teich
Pe m bro ke P in e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
| I s s u e 4 5 | Oct obe r - D e ce mbe r 2 014
NOW OFFERING IN-SITE FIELD TRIPS TO SCHOOLS, AFTERSCHOOL & CAMP PROVIDERS! Tailored to meet the STEM curriculum and Common Core objectives, children will learn hands-on robot assembly and coding in a fun-filled experience that fosters teamwork, critical and creative thinking and problem solving skills. Robotics Afterschool & Saturday Programs and Spring/Winter/Summer Camps also offered for girls and boys, 7–14 years old, at various locations. Afterschool Programs are held in 8-week sessions. Tuition includes 90 minutes per week of instruction, materials, and lab fees. Register for an Introductory Trial Class today! (954) 816-3346, Info@BrightAndSmart.com, www.BrightAndSmart.com, or visit our page at www.facebook.com/BrightAndSmart.
Greentree Prep Charter School provides innovative, research-based education in a nurturing environment for gifted and talented students and those who want to learn in a gifted learning environment. Our goal is to challenge and motivate students and help them achieve their personal best through a rigorous and individualized program. Now accepting applications for K-3rd grade students. Contact (954) 780-8733. Pembroke Pines, FL.
(954) 693-0006. 8230 West State Road 84 Davie 33324. High School Rings, Championship Rings, Caps, Gowns, Tassels, Cords, Graduation Announcements, Graduate Name Cards, Thank You Notes, Class Year Merchandise and more. Conveniently located in the heart of Broward County on State Road 84 between Pines Island Rd. & University Dr. in Davie. Online shopping available via our website www.HJBroward.com.
LANGUAGE SCHOOLS EDUCANDO A AMERICA - SPANISH SCHOOL Our school offers different afterschool programs for children from ages 3–16. Our focus is the acquisition of the Spanish language in reading, writing, as well as speaking. Based on a 3-hour/week program, we offer classes in different locations such as Pembroke Pines Charter Schools, Imagine Charter School at Weston and Plantation and West Pines preschool. Monthly tuition is $160.00. Private tutoring is also available, as well as classes for adults, teenagers and advanced students. For more information about program locations, days and times, call (954) 261-2432, visit educandoamerica.com or write to ea@educandoamerica.com.
5611 Johnson Street, Suite 101, Hollywood, FL 33021. Call (954) 918-2622 or visit www.RoninAikidojo.com. Beginners Chinese (Mandarin) Language Classes for adults and children. Have you ever been curious about Chinese language and culture? Here’s your chance to learn more about it in a fun and friendly environment. Classes are now forming for our April – June session. Class sizes are limited so register today!
301 NW 103rd Avenue, Pembroke Pines 33026. Call (954) 450-6888 or visit www.ppines.com. • BASIC CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH: Learn how to think, listen and eventually speak in English! Effectively communicate in English in a variety of social and professional settings. Tuesdays from 9:30am – 11:30am. 6 weeks sessions: $38 per person. (18 years or older). Tuesdays: 10/28/14 - 12/9/14 (no class 11/11). • INTERMEDIATE CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH: The next step after Basic Conversations, students will expand their basic configuration and conversational patterns of Modern English. Must have taken Basic to register. Wednesdays from 12:00pm – 2:00pm. 6 weeks sessions: $38 per person (18 years or older). 10/29/14 - 12/3/14. • BEGINNERS SPANISH CLASS: Class held every Wednesday 10:00am – 12:00pm. Offered in 6 weeks sessions. $20 per person (55 yrs. & older) $40 per person (54 yrs. & under). 10/29/14 - 12/3/14.
Grades K-12. Huntington will pinpoint your child’s academic strengths and weaknesses and tailor a program just for your child. Reading, Math, Writing, Phonics, Study Skills, FCAT Prep, HS Entrance Exam Prep, College SAT/ACT Prep. Locations: Pembroke Pines East (954) 436-3330; Pembroke Pines West (954) 431-4443; Plantation (954) 474-4144.
College Direct is a full-service tutoring center. We provide tutoring and test preparation services for students in elementary through college levels. Our instructors are certified teachers and degreed professionals who are experts in their field. We offer individual tutoring and group courses. 1685 North Hiatus Road, Pembroke Pines 33026. college-direct.com. Call us for more information at (754) 400-8941.
Raising a hand in class might just take a helping hand outside of it. Tutor Doctor offers personalized, one-on-one, in home tutoring based on the student’s learning style. All subjects and grades; test prep - FSA, SAT, ACT and much more; college prep; mature students. Qualified, background-checked, screened tutors build organizational skills and good study habits. Many payment options available. No registration, consultation or hidden fees. Member, National Tutoring Association. www.hometutorspembrokepines.com. Let’s get to work! Call (954) 332-0604 to schedule your FREE, no obligation consultation.
Verve Generation offers learning plans that are individualized for your student’s needs. Services include early enrichment, academic/behavior interventions, tutoring, Test Prep, parent workshops, psychoeducational testing, and advocacy/consultation services. Plans include academic, behavioral, and social/emotional goals. Plans are designed by school psychologists utilizing educational and psychological foundations. Call for a FREE consultation. (888) 592-1143; www.VerveGeneration.org; info@VerveGeneration.org
We specialize in Math for students in Kindergarten to 12th grade. Our goal is to significantly increase your child’s math skills, understanding of math concepts, and overall school performance, while building confidence and forging a positive attitude toward the subject. Enrichment/Summer/Remedial/FCAT/ISEE/SAT/ACT and all test prep programs available. Located in the Whole Foods Plaza in Pembroke Pines. (954) 441-MATH (6284), 1664 Market Street (Weston Town Center) Weston. Cooper City opening soon. www.Mathnasium.com/PembrokePines.
Beginning Your Child’s Journey Through Excellence in Education. A NATIONAL AWARD WINNING EARLY CHILDHOOD Center and VPK program provider with scores among the highest in the state. Ages 3 months–5 years. Now offering full time infant care. Mommy & Me and Transition Classes Available. Before & Aftercare and Enrichment classes to age 8. Summer Camp, travel and nontravel camp program for 14 months through 4th grade. Complimentary Temple Membership for ECC Families. Hablamos Espanol. Open to the Community. 2360 Glades Circle, Weston 33327. (954) 389-1232, www.dordorim.org.
WE’RE EXPANDING. Offering new classrooms for 2, 3 & 4-VPK Students. Grades Pre-K2 thru First Grade. RATED “A”+ school” for over 7 consecutive years for Academic Excellence in early learning by the State of Florida. Certified and Degreed Teachers, Low Ratios, Accelerated learning curriculum. Our VPK students read within 4 months. Now accepting VPK Vouchers. Rated #1Choice by parents, teachers & educators in the community! CAMP WOK offers a fun, academic and interactive summer camp including field trips for ages 3–8. 750 NW 180 Terrace, Pembroke Pines, 33029 & 6700 Griffin Rd. Davie 33314. (954) 430-7707. www.worldofknowledgekids.com
A Great Place to Grow! Bring your little one (from 3 months to 5 years) to the Singer Early Childhood Learning Center, the #1 rated VPK provider in South Broward and in the top 1% for VPK readiness for the State of Florida. We are A.P.P.L.E. accredited and received the Gold Seal for the highest quality in programs from the Department of Children and Family Services. Located at the David Posnack JCC, 5850 S Pine Island Road, Davie. Open to the community. For registration and information, call (954) 434-7038. www.dpjcc.org.
CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES – EARLY DEVELOPMENT CENTER - WEST CAMPUS 1600 SW 184TH Avenue, Pembroke Pines 33029. Delsa MartinVasquez - Early Childhood Education Administration. (954) 443-4816. Safe, nurturing and stimulating environment with experienced, educated and caring teachers. PreK and VPK Programs.
Judy Dempsey – Head of School. Nationally Certified Montessori Teachers, Preschool – Grade 8. Beautiful 10-acre Campus, Butterfly and Organic Gardens, Gymnasium and Pools, Strong Leadership Program. American Montessori Society Full Member; Accredited Montessori Teacher Training Center; Accredited by AISF, Advanced/SACS, MSA, Ai, NCPSA and Recipient of Gold Seal Award of Excellence. 5451 SW 64 Avenue, Davie 33314. www.summit-questa.com, info@summitquesta.com. (954) 584-3466.
18490 NW 8th Street, Pembroke Pines. West Pines Preschool offers preschool and VPK classes for children (Ages 2–5.) Full time and Part time available. Certified, experienced teachers, large shaded playground and computers in every classroom. Hot lunch program available and Enrichment Classes. FREE VPK with voucher. Now enrolling for summer and fall! Spaces are limited. Please call (954) 437-1134 for fees and program information.
CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES – EARLY DEVELOPMENT CENTER – EAST CAMPUS 6700 SW 13th Street, Pembroke Pines 33023. (954) 986-5041, ppines.com/eastcampus. Jennifer Shapiro, Site Supervisor, jshapiro@ppines.com. Preschool programs: Ages 2–5 Including FREE VPK. Open M–F 6:45am – 6pm. Mini-camp for children K-5 (Spring break, and Teacher work days). We offer large classrooms, experienced certified staff, 2 nutritious snacks daily, optional hot lunch program, shaded playground, field trips and much more.
901 NW 129th Avenue, Pembroke Pines 33028. (754) 323-4519, ppines.com/preschool/bright-beginnings. Mary Peddy, Early Childhood Administrator. The Walter C. Young (WCY) Early Child Development Center, Bright Beginnings, was established in 1989, and is a recipient of the Gold Seal of Excellence Award many times over. We implement the creative curriculum that is utilized not only in the Broward County School District, but also nation-wide. Our staff is CDA certified and trained in First Aid / CPR. PreK and VPK programs.
CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES – EARLY DEVELOPMENT CENTER - CENTRAL CAMPUS 12200 Sheridan Street, Pembroke Pines 33026. Susan L. Cohen, MS - Early Childhood Education Administration. (954) 322-3350. Safe, nurturing and stimulating environment with experienced, educated and caring teachers. Our school has earned the AdvancED Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and the Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI) accreditation. This accreditation is only given to schools that offer the highest quality of care and education to young children. PreK and VPK Programs.
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Pe m bro ke Pin e s S p o r t s & A c t i v i t i e s D i r e c t o r y
The Sagemont School promotes academic excellence from preschool through 12th grade. Our college prep curriculum includes quality opportunities in athletics, the arts, extra-curricular activities and community service. Middle and High School students receive valuable individualized college entrance guidance. Accredited by SACS, AISF & NCPSA. Lower School Campus (PreK3–Grade 5): Call (954) 384-5454 Ext. 2502, located at 1570 Sagemont Way, Weston 33326. Upper School Campus (Grades 6–12): Call (954) 389-2454 Ext. 366, located at 2585 Glades Circle, Weston 33327. We give campus tours daily. www.sagemont.com.