Sports and Activities DCS Directory

Page 1

what’s inside... Letter from the Publisher...................................................................8

AROUND TOWN.................... 10 - 18 Letter from Davie Mayor Judy Paul...................................................10 Letter from Cooper City Mayor Greg Ross .......................................12 CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS DIRECTORY........................................14 PLACES OF WORSHIP DIRECTORY................................................15 Letter from Southwest Ranches Mayor Jeff Nelson...............................16

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

EVENTS.................................. 19 - 28


APRIL, MAY & JUNE EVENTS DIRECTORY................................. 20 - 21 Buehler Planetarium is Out of This World..........................................22 21 Spring Family Fun Runs............................................................24 BIRTHDAY PARTIES & SPECIAL EVENTS DIRECTORY.................... 26 - 27

directory............................ 27 - 50

SPORTS DIRECTORY............................................................. 29 - 36 ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY......................................................... 36 - 42 Mitzvah Makers..........................................................................46 Thanks Coach!...........................................................................48 Cell Phones and Our Children.......................................................50

FAMILY HEALTH....................... 51 - 61 Ortho Now................................................................................52 Joe DiMaggio Volunteers - Kids Helping Kids....................................54 HEALTH PROVIDER DIRECTORY.............................................. 56 - 59 American Therapy House..............................................................60

SCHOOLS.............................. 62 - 76 Broward County Public School Calendar.........................................64 Making Learning Fun at Fox Trail Elementary.....................................66 Silver Ridge Elementary Hosts Family Chess Night.............................66 A World of Knowledge................................................................68 Pioneer Middle’s Future Journalists...................................................68 Flamingo Elementary Partners with The Anchor Church . .....................70 Embassy Creek - Farewell Deputy Greear.........................................70 Jody Cohen - Mommy is Running on Empty.......................................71 ACADEMIC DIRECTORY....................................................... 72 - 73 Cooper City High School - Feeding Children Everywhere....................74 Smart & Fit Kids - Health & Academics Under One Roof ....................76

SUMMER CAMPS.................. 77 - 100 Miami Dolphins’ Olivier Vernon Found His Passion at Summer Camp........ 76 Camp Woodland Day Camp and Sleep Away Camp.......................80 European Soccer Camp...............................................................87 Camp Chameleon.......................................................................92 SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY................................................. 94 - 99


Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Our Team

Nikki Reading Publisher Davie/Cooper City/SW Ranches (954) 296-3285 Direct

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

MARGOT LYONS PULERI President / Publisher (954) 806-9714 Direct


MELISSA HARLESS Managing Director of Publishing (423) 304-8051 Direct Linda Lombardi Territory Representative (305) 989-9380 Direct KELLY WILSON Territory Representative (305) 332-7325 Direct JULIE KASPER Territory Representative (954) 818-1549 Direct MONICA CISCAR Territory Representative (561) 325-3202 Jennifer Gowens Creative Director Nicole Christian Corporate Shareholder

Special thanks to: Contributing Writers: • Debby Teich • Kelly Wilson • Louis Dennin Contributing Photographers • Tadd Fisher • Sabrina Mitler • Linda Lombardi Sports Publishing Corp. Sports & Activities Directory (866) 499-9204 Office
 2114 N. Flamingo Road, #1273 Pembroke Pines, FL 33028 Website:

Dear Readers, With the temperatures rising, the Easter bunny hopping around, Mother’s Day & Father’s Day looming and summer plans being made, it’s confirmation that ‘Spring is in the air!’ We’re springing to action with this issue of Sports & Activities Directory, our biggest and most awaited issue of the year! Summer is fast approaching and we are faced again with the arduous task of entertaining our kids during the lengthy summer break. There are only so many beach days we can do, movies we can see and let’s face it, how much time we can give! For those times when we can’t be out there having fun as a family, it is a great comfort to know our kids are in good hands; somewhere they can be physically, creatively or academically challenged, and more importantly, having a great time. There are an abundance of summer camps available, sometimes so many that it’s hard to know where to start looking! Within the following pages, you will find a myriad of the best camps around, offering activities from Acting to Zip-lining. For the time you can spend with your family, why not make the days a little more memorable? Throughout this issue, you can find endless activities, family programs and venues that offer something a little outside the everyday box. Stop by and check out some the fine establishments that cater to people just like you! Discounts and special offers are often available to our readers, so be sure to tell them you saw it here, in the Sports and Activities Directory. Let’s give a big shout out to our Moms & Dads as we celebrate their special days. Parenting as we all know, is no easy task, in fact, it’s quite possibly the most challenging undertaking one will ever encounter. How about treating Mom to some of that Me time? Allow her to be pampered with the most luxurious pedicure, massage or facial at Me Spa. See our back cover and give Me Spa a call to find out what might be the best treatment that will indulge your Mom. Now for Dad – often the tricky one. Maybe he’s not the type to indulge at the spa, but perhaps he will enjoy tickets to a local professional Basketball game, or a concert. See our listings for event dates and ideas. In our previous issues, we have been fortunate to have The Town of Davie Mayor Judy Paul and Cooper City Mayor Greg Ross grace our pages with a letter of happenings around town. This issue, we are happy to introduce participation from Southwest Ranches Mayor Jeff Nelson. If you have not yet had a chance to meet Mayor Nelson in person, hopefully you will get to know him a little through Sports & Activities Directory. I take my hat off to our Mayors, Commissioners and other city officials for their time and dedication, because without their tireless efforts our community would not be everything it is today. I hope you enjoy reading this issue and that we have eased the burden of summer planning a little. Meanwhile, take whatever opportunities you have to spend some quality time with the ones you love and create memories that will last a lifetime.

My very best to you, Nikki Reading Publisher

NOTE: All information supplied by organizations. Please contact the organization directly for additional information. The Sports & Activities Directory does not endorse the organizations directly. No material published herein may be reproduced in any manner, be it for print or online Web site use, whatsoever without specific prior written authorization from Sports and Activities Directory and Top Spin Publishing, Inc. © Copyright by Top Spin Publishing, Inc. All content is protected under copyright. All Rights Reserved.

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Great news Davie!


The Town of Davie, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department is now on Facebook! To get the latest information about events, programs, classes and activities being offered, go to Davie Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts and while you’re there, make sure you Like Us. For June through August, the department has a great line up of activities for Davie residents. And while they are all listed inside the Sports and Activity Directory for your review, I always like to highlight a few that you will not want to miss, especially the Town’s special events. For more detailed information on the events listed below or for any of the activities listed inside, please call 954-327-3941. If you are not already aware, the spring and fall Concerts on the Corner music series has been changed to a monthly (all year long) Concerts in the Park. The concerts now take place at the Old Davie School and are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month. The music kicks off at 6:30 pm and the event still includes activities for kids and food trucks. Just remember to bring your own chairs. On Monday, May 25, the Town of Davie and the Scoutmasters Camporee Committee partner to host our annual Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony. Each year we are given the honor and privilege to remember the men and women who died while serving in the country’s armed forces. This event is also a great way to honor our past and current veterans for all they have done and still do to insure our freedom as Americans. Wear red, white and blue and bring an American flag. Parade starts at 10 am at Davie Road and SW 39th Street and travels south to the Bergeron Rodeo Grounds where a moving ceremony will be held. On June 6, take your children 12 and under to our 32nd Annual Take-A-Kid Fishin’ Rodeo held at Wolf Lake. This is a great event with prizes for the most fish caught, biggest fish caught, biggest bass fish caught, most unusual catch and best sportsmanship. Fishing bait and lunch is provided to all registered youth. Join us for the 2nd Annual Animal Fashion Show and Open Horse Show to be held on Sunday, June 14th at the Bergeron Rodeo Grounds. Bring your pets and equines for a dress up day of fashion and fun. There will be judging classes for dogs, cats, farm animals, horses, donkeys, ponies, etc. If you can dress it up, there will be a class for it. Don’t have a pet? Come anyway, the event is great fun to watch. Proceeds from this event support Friends of the Farm Park and Project Stable. Don’t miss the Town’s Annual 4th of July event held at Pine Island Park. It will be great fun as always. In addition to the Fireworks at 9 pm, come to the park early to enjoy the many free activities for kids and the live music from 5–9 pm. Something new and different this year, will be an effort to have everyone in the park doing the Electric Slide line dance. Don’t know the dance? The DJ will be giving lessons before the big event. Uncle Sam will also be there along with a very talented magician and a DJ that will “rock the park” from 3:00 pm until the first band performance at 5:00 pm kicks off. I invite you to join the Town of Davie and the South Florida Cloggers for their 3rd Annual Downtown Hoedown to be held on Saturday, July 25 at the Bergeron Rodeo Grounds. Come enjoy the “Davie Idol” singing contest, clogging performances as well as other dancing demonstrations, good food and just a good ol’fashion country hoedown with games and entertainment for all. Finally, you will find inside, information on a wide variety of activities in the areas of swimming, fitness, sports for youth and adults, senior adult activities and youth and adult recreation classes. I know you will find something for you or your children to get involved in this summer. Please remember, whatever your interest or need, the staff of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department are ready to help you. Just give them a call at 954-327-3941. As always, see you in the parks - or maybe, on our Facebook page.

Judy Paul Mayor of Davie

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Hello, I’m Greg Ross, your Cooper City Mayor.


I’d like to share some exciting news and upcoming events and activities that are occurring in Cooper City. Recently, the Children’s Services Council of Broward County extended an invitation to all Broward County Cities to participate in a “#SaferBy4” Seminar addressing child fatalities. Unfortunately, more than 200 child deaths have been reported in Broward over the last five years. Most of these deaths are caused by drowning or unsafe sleep, both of which are 100% preventable. Cities throughout Broward County are encouraged to “Take the Pledge to Become a #SaferBy4 Community.” In accepting this pledge, cities consent to provide information on Twitter or Facebook educating residents on water and sleep safety for babies and young children. Cooper City is proud to participate in this most important endeavor. On February 6th & 7th, the Cooper City Optimist Club conducted its annual Soccer Fest. This year, the Cooper City Travel Soccer Club outshined all others making the Optimist coaches extremely proud. Over 4,000 attended this fun-filled weekend event. One of the highlights was the coach’s soccer game. This event is always exciting, in particular, for the coach’s respective soccer team players who have a chance to critique their coach’s performance. Pictures, trophies and memorabilia were on display, Cooper City High School Band performed throughout the day and BSO Fire/Rescue Department brought along one of its fire trucks for children to paint and decorate. Raffles were conducted with all proceeds being donated to local charities. The players, coaches and commissioners chose the charities selected. In my last Sports & Activities Directory article, I announced a new addition to Cooper City’s recreational program, “The Mayor’s Chess Challenge.” I am happy to say that this free monthly event has been a huge success. Since the kick-off challenge held last November, the number of players has steadily increased. I encourage players of all chess skill levels and ages to participate. If you are unfamiliar with the game of chess and wish to be educated, please stop by. Teaching staff is on hand to assist everyone in this recreational activity. The Mayor’s Chess Challenge is scheduled on the last Saturday each month from 9AM – 11AM at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center, 11600 Stonebridge Parkway. Check the City Website for upcoming dates. Please consider attending this fun-filled family event. For the younger Cooper City children, (fifth grade & under – toddlers must be able to walk) the Egg-Citing Egg Hunt will take place at the Cooper City Sports Complex (Stirling Road & Palm Avenue) on Saturday, April 4th. This complimentary egg hunt begins promptly at 10AM. Please assure that all participating toddlers bring along their own personal “egg-citing” basket. Cooper City’s 56th Founder’s Day Festivities will take place on Saturday, April 25th. Morning events begin at 7:30AM with a Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast. At 8AM, the Family Fun Run/ Walk/Stroll kicks off. Kiddy Activities begin at 9:30AM with the annual parade stepping off at 10AM. The afternoon’s activities, located at Brian Piccolo County Park, include a car show, Cooper City Optimist All-Star baseball & softball games, Arts & Crafts, Bingo, Food booths, BSO Expo and numerous children’s activities. The day’s events conclude with a concert in the park and an outstanding fireworks display. Everyone is welcome to join Cooper City as it celebrates its 56th Birthday! If you are a golfer, as part of the Founder’s Day Celebration, the Cooper City Optimist Club conducts its Annual Founder’s Day Golf Classic on Sunday, April 26th. For registration & information, you can call 305-970-4818 or email One of the more popular Cooper City activities is the Touch-A-Truck event. TouchA-Truck allows children (and adults) the opportunity to get up close and personal with their favorite trucks. Construction trucks, service vehicles and much more will be on hand for children to climb aboard. Touch-A-Truck will take place on Saturday, June 20th, from 9AM until Noon, at the Cooper City Sports Complex (Stirling & Palm). Everyone is welcome to share in this popular event. I’m looking forward to seeing you at all these events and certainly thank you for the honor as serving as your Mayor.

Greg Ross Mayor


D A V I E , C O O P E R C I T Y & S W R A N C H E S

Clubs & Organizations 4 KIDS IN NEED

Our mission is to bring hope, encouragement, awareness, joy and laughter to children and their families at our local children’s hospitals and orphanages. “Please help us continue to help others”. Donate to: 4Kids In Need 7958 Pines Blvd #201 Pembroke Pines, FL. 33024 (954) 439-1878 Heroes with a mission. “Changing the world one child at a time”. 4KidsInNeed.Org

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



Phone: (954) 584-9990. Help children reach their full potential through professionally supported, one-to-one relationships with measurable impact. 4101 Ravenswood Road, Suite 226, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312. To learn more about becoming a mentor, enrolling your child into our programs or making a donation, please visit or email


Dedicated to reducing infant deaths by providing resources and education to pregnant women, parents and their families. We have been a community leader in providing services to pregnant women, teens and families for more than 20 years. We provide access to prenatal care, education, advocacy and public awareness for all families in Broward County, but especially for those who are unable to afford private care., (954) 765-0550.


HOPE Outreach Center, Inc. is committed to Helping Other People Everyday. Our many programs and services offer a hand up to people who are unable to make ends meet due to job losses, disabilities, health crises, and other emergencies. There are many ways to get involved with HOPE Outreach Center. You can share your time, talents, and treasure to make a difference in the lives of people who are poor and vulnerable. 4700 SW 64TH Avenue, Suite A, Davie 33314, (954) 321-0909.





Have fun, make friends, see and learn new things! After they’ve been given the proper guidance, they take their own lead, going places they’ve never gone, seeing things they’ve never seen, and diving into the rugged world of outdoor adventure, relying on teamwork. Requirement: Be a boy who is 11 - 17 years old. To join a boy scout troop near you or for more information visit Founded in 1860 to give local boys a positive alternative to the streets. Over the years, that Club turned into a national movement reaching a membership of over four million boys and girls, making it one of the largest youth serving agencies in the United States. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County joined the national organization in 1965. They now have 13 facilities with a membership of over 13,000 youths. For more information visit 1401 NE 26th Street, Wilton Manors, FL 33305. (954) 537-1010.


Offering quality nutrition services to the seniors of Broward County. We provide essential services that improve health, reduce isolation and promote independent living for seniors in our community. Helping seniors live with dignity and happiness is at the heart of what we do. For more information, please call (954) 731-8770 or visit

COOPER CITY OPTIMIST CLUB The Optimist Club of Cooper City has organized and facilitated the sports programs for the Cooper City for over 30 years. Each year, some 5,000 participants take part in the eight sports the club has to offer. CCO promotes good sportsmanship and healthy competition. Parents are encouraged to become involved with the various programs to help ensure its continued success and maintain its family environment. For more information, visit the website


Founded in 1937, the Davie-Cooper City Chamber of Commerce strives to serve local businesses and residents, as well as those considering relocating to our area of South Florida. We have a diverse and dedicated membership of more than 500 firms. Membership Breakfast is held at Signature Grand, 6900 State Rd. 84, Davie, on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Visit or call (954) 581-0790 for more details.


Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service. Membership provides the opportunity to: Become connected to your community; Work with others in addressing community needs; Interact with local professionals; assist with RI’s international humanitarian service efforts. Local Meetings: Wednesdays at 12:15pm at The Blue Moon Cafe 10076 Griffin Rd. Cooper City. President: Manny Pozo.


PAL is a youth crime prevention program that utilizes educational, athletic and recreational activities to create trust and understanding between police officers and youth in our community. PAL offers boys and girls year-round and seasonal sports programs, after school educational programs and summer camps. For more information call (954) 321-2561 or visit

Do you love animals? Do you want to learn more about taking care of dogs, cats and other pets? Do you want to help the homeless animals? Then join Lopster’s Kids Club at the Humane Society of Broward County. The Club meets once a month, for an hour and a half, after school. Lopster has two clubs: The Lil Pups, ages 6 to 9 years old, and The Big Dogs, ages 10 to 13 years old. To sign up download a registration form at (954) 989-3977. The JCC Maccabi Games® & ArtsFest® is an Olympic-style competition for Jewish teen athletes and artists. Each summer, participants travel with the Ft. Lauderdale delegation to compete, perform, meet others from around the world, and engage in community service. Teens must be Jewish and ages 13-16 (Games) or ages 13-17 (ArtsFest). To join, contact us at or visit


For 35 years Kids In Distress (KID) has been on a mission to prevent child abuse, preserve the family, and treat children who have been abused and/or neglected. We are able to carry out that mission through our foster care, kinship care, a variety of prevention and intervention services, family counseling center, and KID preschool and after care programs because of the tremendous support we receive. You or your business can help by becoming a committee member, sponsor, underwriter, guest, or volunteer! (954) 390-7620


Each wish experience exceeds even the child’s expectations, transporting them from a world of doctors, and hospitals, to a world where anything is possible. The foundation grants wishes to children between the ages of 2-18 with life-threatening health conditions. 4491 South State Road 7, Suite 201, Davie, FL 33314. (954) 967-9474.


A national, non-profit organization specifically for at-home mothers everywhere! Our local Cooper City MOMS Club chapter offers meeting dates, park play dates, and MORE! During the school year, please join us at 10 a.m. at the Pool and Tennis Center on the third Friday of each month for an informal “Meet ’n Greet”. For information call Stephanie at (954) 224-0892 or visit


This dedicated and compassionate organization rescues and rehabilitates neglected and abused horses and animals. Horses are given the medical attention, care and love they need so badly, helping to heal and restore their trust in humans. To surrender a horse that can no longer be cared for, report a neglected horse or to adopt a horse, please call Victor Cutino (954) 240 6080 or visit www.peaceful Volunteers and donations are needed and much appreciated.


Chartered under Boy Scouts of America, this program meets Wednesday night at 7 pm at police headquarters. Program educates youth about careers in law enforcement in an 80 hour academy. Contact: Community Affairs Office, (954) 436-3274.

SOUTH FLORIDA TRAIL RIDERS OF BROWARD Founded in 1979, the South Florida Trail Riders of Broward have been involved in the local communities to ensure the future of our equestrian lifestyle for generations to come. Have a great time riding, meet new friends and go to awesome riding areas through out the state of Florida. We have up to 300 family memberships and participate in trail rides, camping, clinics and parades. If you would like to be a member, please contact our President, Brian Skelly at or (954) 696-9779 or visit our website at for more information.





The Emergency Assistance Service Effort, founded in 1988, is a not for profit organization. Our purpose is to aid those qualified residents, on a one time basis, that are in need of temporary emergency assistance. Our objective is to help those in need to ease their way back into a self-sustaining, productive life. Our focus is to prevent homelessness, but we also reach out to the homeless with food, clothing and hygiene supplies. Volunteer, donate, or sponsor. 6901 Orange Drive, Davie 33314. (954) 797-1077, (954) 739-7660. 4701 NW 33rd Avenue, Oakland Park 33309. Provides informal educational programs for girls between ages 5-18. A safe and fun place for girls to discover, connect and take action. Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place.

Tomorrow’s Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation registered in the state of Florida. It is a special place for children that have experienced the death of a loved one. Located in Coconut Creek, the Tomorrow’s Rainbow Ranch is a unique setting for equine- assisted grief support, offered free of charge, to children and teens that have experienced the death of a loved one. Through an innovative program that combines facilitated peer support groups with miniature horse interactions and therapeutic play, grieving children are guided through their own unique grief journey in a way that is meaningful to them. Tomorrow’s Rainbow has created an emotionally safe place for hope and healing through guidance, education and support. For more information, contact Abby Mosher at (954) 978-2390 or Nonprofit organization dedicated to raising money for and awareness of the Guardian Ad Litem Program, which provides an advocate for abused and neglected children. To join and support Voices for Children, or to learn more about volunteering as a Guardian Ad Litem, contact Amy at or (954) 915-6949, or visit us at

TEMPLE DOR DORIM Weston’s only premier and vibrant Reform Temple. We are a warm, welcoming, multi-generational Temple family who joyfully celebrate births, graduations, bar/bat mitzvahs, weddings, baby namings, and all the simchas that make life wonderful. We also support each other in times of sadness, stress, and life’s painful moments. Open to all who wish to be part of a temple that welcomes people of all backgrounds to join us. Attend a Shabbat service or any of our exceptional activities or uniquely designed programs. Visit Temple Dor Dorim, meet our new dynamic Rabbi, tour our Early Childhood Center, religious school and sanctuary facilities, and learn about joining our auxiliary groups from youth through empty nesters, that will enhance your temple experience. 2360 Glades Circle, Weston 33327. (954) 389-1232 , or find us on Facebook at Temple Dor Dorim.

Around TOWN


11000 Stirling Rd, Cooper City, FL 33328. (954) 680-7779.


4807 S Flamingo Rd, Cooper City, FL 33330. (954) 680-7656.


5601 S. Flamingo Road - Southwest Ranches, FL 33330. (954) 434-3777.


9401 Stirling Road, Cooper City, FL 33328. (954) 391-7172.


3900 South University Drive Davie, Fl 33328. (954) 475-8046.

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Dear Southwest Ranches Residents,


Southwest Ranches is a special place and I’m deeply honored to serve as Mayor. Our community is truly a unique enclave surrounded by communities that make up the megalopolis that is Broward County. For those of you who don’t know much about us, let me provide a little background. As a result of Broward County legislation seeking to have all unincorporated areas of the county annexed into an existing municipality or incorporated into their own city by 2010, residents of what is now Southwest Ranches met to discuss their destiny. In the fall of 1996, a proposed bill was introduced to the Broward County Legislative Delegation to incorporate the area and the bill was approved in the State Legislature in 1997. In March 2000, residents, inspired by the ideal of forming a Town that would maintain and protect its rural lifestyle, voted overwhelmingly to form a new Town rather than be annexed. In June of 2000, the residents approved the Town Charter and the city became one of thirty municipalities. On July 25, 2000, the first Mayor and Town Council members were elected and the Town was officially in business. While we have experienced some growing pains along the way, I am proud of the way the Town has matured. Over the years, current and previous Town Councils have worked tirelessly to fight development pressures and maintain our rural lifestyle. While we now offer many of the services you can come to expect from most cities, our service delivery is uniquely our own. The men and women who provide service to our residents work very hard to ensure that service is provided in a personal manner. To keep property taxes low, we utilize high quality vendors with a penchant for public service for many of the services traditionally performed by staff. This helps to maintain low operating costs. Still, most of our employees and service providers know many of our residents on a first name basis. I’m not so sure that many communities in Broward can make that claim. Since 2012, the Town has contracted with the Town of Davie for fire rescue service and the service provided is outstanding. Augmenting the service provided by the Town of Davie, the Southwest Ranches Fire Rescue Volunteer Fire Department provides basic life support and fire-fighting capabilities to our western, and therefore more remote, areas of the Town. More recently, the Town of Davie now provides police services and the level of service provided has also been outstanding. I am happy to report that our community boasts one of the lowest crime rates in Broward County. So what else is going on you ask? Well let me provide an update: The restrooms and pavilion at Country Estates Fishing Hole Park were recently completed. The park will have passive as well as active play areas and will be linked with a horse trail. We envision opening this new park in the next few months. The conversion of the Rolling Oaks Barn to a first class community facility has been completed. Our fiscal year 2015 budget was balanced with enhanced service delivery and with only a small increase in the millage rate slated solely for the Transportation Surface Drainage and Ongoing Rehabilitation (TSDOR) project to repave our roads. The Town concluded its first ever Strategic Plan, which ensures that future budgets and service delivery will be aligned with established strategic priorities. Development review permitting has migrated to an in-house service provider that allows for convenience to our residents and the Town was able to reduce most permit fees by 40%! Lastly, I am so impressed with the job our attorney, lobbying team, and staff have done in garnering state appropriations. This funding will be used to construct an unprecedented number of capital improvement projects that we have planned. As I reflect on all that we have accomplished, I am reinvigorated by the prospect of all that lies ahead in the coming year. One of the most important projects being undertaken in 2015 is the TSDOR project. The roadway paving and related drainage improvements project will begin its initial stages in 2015 and I am encouraged at the significant long term improvement this project will have on the quality of life for our residents. I urge you all to stay informed, and stay involved.

Jeff Nelson Mayor



THURSDAY, APRIL 2 Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



7:00-9:00 PM. at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Pkwy). This event is complimentary! The hunt is in the dark, so bring your flashlight to find hidden eggs. Open to Cooper City residents in grades 6th-8th. (954) 434-4300, #233.



10:00 AM SHARP! The Cooper City Recreation Department is hosting an Eggciting “Egg Hunt” at the Cooper City Sports Complex corner of Stirling Road and 100th Ave. Toddlers - 5th grade are welcomed and egg hunts are separated in to age groups. No charge to participate and children are requested to bring their own basket. Children under 2 must be able to walk in order to hunt! For more information call (954) 434-4300, x233.


Friday 4/3, 10:00 AM, Wednesday 4/15, 7:00 PM. From the moment you wake up, your body is exposed to thousands of toxic chemicals and most of them are hiding in your very own home! But healthy living does NOT have to be complicated. We have a simple plan that is helping millions of families live healthier, safer and happier! Attend our free, local workshop at Your Big Picture Cafe 5935 S. University Dr. Davie in the University Creek Plaza. RSVP (954) 614-8487.



10:00 AM SHARP! Egg Hunt at Robbins Lodge, 4005 Hiatus Road, Davie. Children Ages 1-8 will be separated into age groups. Free candy to all participants and prizes will be awarded for Magic Eggs found! Free activities include bounce houses, rock climbing wall, petting farm, stage entertainment and hands-on crafts. Parking $2 per car.





7:30AM. Davie PAL hosts the 2nd of the Kids Triathlon series for boys and girls ages 5 - 17. We will have the Davie Police Dept. providing Kids ID’s and the Honor Guard for opening ceremonies. Alex’s bike shop will be on hand for any maintenance issues with your bikes. This will be a closed course managed by the Davie Police Dept., 3801 S. Pine Island Rd. Davie. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place awards for each age group Male and Female. For details, visit



7:00 PM. Bring the entire family to enjoy a professional basketball game played at The David Posnack JCC, 5850 S. Pine Island Road, Davie. Tickets: $10 per person, group tickets available for as low as $5 per ticket. To purchase tickets call (305) 933-8308,



10:00-11:30 AM. At the Cooper City Community Center (9000 SW 50th Place). Help is available at no charge to Cooper City residents. To file, please bring: Warranty Deed for residence, Florida Voters registration card, Florida Driver’s License, Florida Car Registration, Homeowners’ Social Security numbers, date of occupancy, and date of permanent residency. If you have any questions, call Broward County Property Appraiser’s Office at 954-357-6830 or visit



Kicks off at with a pancake breakfast at the Community Center, 9000 SW 50th Place. 8:00 AM. 1 Mile Family Fun Run/Walk along 90th Ave. $7 per person, includes T-shirt. Register at community center beginning March 1st. 10:00 AM. Parade along 90th Ave Starts at Community Center, ends at Cooper City High School. For parade entry forms go to or stop by the community center. 1:00 - 9:00 AM. At Brian Piccolo County Park, 9501 Sheridan Street. Festivities continue with a Car show, All-star Optimist Baseball and Softball games, Arts & Crafts show, Food Booths, Fun Bingo, Children’s Activities, BSO Expo and a concert in the Park starting at 6:30. Grand Finale Fireworks at 9:00pm. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets.

11:00 AM. Take a Friday off and play to support your local Davie-Cooper City Chamber of Commerce. Check in and registration begins at 11:00am. Lunch will be served to all participants prior to a 1:00pm shotgun start. Teams will play in a 4-player scramble format. Participation is open to all amateur golfers in the community, and prizes will be awarded for contests on all 18 holes. For registration information log on to or stop by the Davie Golf pro shop, Davie Golf & Country Club, 8201 Nova Drive, Davie 33324.


SATURDAY & SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 19 & 25, 26, MAY 2 & 3



2:00 PM. Inna’s Hall of Fame Teen Acting Troupe pays tribute to this familiar story with characters such as Aladdin, Jasmine, Genie, and Jafar. Directed by Angela Thomas, performed in the quaint IHoF Community Black Box Theater. A great family event in Stirling Town Center, 8685 Stirling Rd., Cooper City 33328. Adults: $10, Kids (12 & under): $5 (954) 237-6021.


This fun-filled play tells the story of an inquisitive George and his friend Chef Pisghetti’s meatballs, which takes George all the way to Rome. Enjoy the full Family Fun experience! Each Family Fun show includes free pre-show art activities and face painting. Plus, complimentary post-show snacks for the entire family provided by Whole Foods Market! Amaturo Theater in The Broward Center for the Performing Arts. $16.


Friday 5/1, 10:00 AM, 5/20, 7:00 PM. From the moment you wake up, your body is exposed to thousands of toxic chemicals and most of them are hiding in your very own home! But healthy

living does NOT have to be complicated. We have a simple plan that is helping millions of families live healthier, safer and happier! Attend our free, local workshop at Your Big Picture Cafe 5935 S. University Dr. Davie in the University Creek Plaza. RSVP (954) 614-8487.



10:00AM - 4:00PM. The Town of Davie, in cooperation with Sentinel Classics will host the 2nd Annual Classic Car RoundUp. More than 300 Classic Cars, arts and crafts, petting farm, food trucks, live entertainment, and a kids zone with bounce houses, will be just a part of the 1st annual Town of Davie event. Held at The Bergeron Rodeo Grounds, 4271 Davie Road, Davie FL. The admission to the show is free. (877) 408-9499 or



7:00PM. Cruzan Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach, FL. Tickets @



11:00 AM. At the Cooper City Community Center (9000 SW 50th Place). Open to Cooper City moms and their daughters pre-K & up. Tea, coffee, punch, finger sandwiches, and sweets will be served. Limited seating. Tickets available for purchase beginning Wednesday, April 8th at the Community Center (proof of residency required). For info, call 954-434-4300 #233 or visit

MAY, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 19


FRIDAY: 8:00 PM, SATURDAY: 2:00 PM & 8:00 PM, SUNDAY2:00 PM. A powerful, moving and sometimes hilarious play is the basis of the Oscar-nominated film starring Diane Keaton, Meryl Streep and Leonardo DiCaprio. A loving middle-aged woman, caring for her elderly father and aunt, calls on her estranged sister for support in a time of crisis. The results are unpredictable, riveting and poignant. For more information on tickets and times, contact (954) 473-0372,



Mom’s swim for free on Mother’s Day at our Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center. Treat Mom to a free day of swimming! Mom or child must be a Cooper City resident. For more information, please call 954-436-7300 or visit



7:00PM. Bring the entire family to enjoy a professional basketball game played at The David Posnack JCC, 5850 S. Pine Island Road, Davie. Tickets: $10 per person, group tickets available for as low as $5 per ticket. To purchase tickets call (305) 933-8308



4:00PM & 7:00PM SHOWS. (mature subject matter). Nova Southeastern University’s Performance Theatre in the Don Taft Center, 3301 College Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314. (954) 385-3060;

Events TUESDAY, MAY 19




5:00 PM. Inna’s Hall of Fame dancers present this Russian ballet classic, as well as a selection of other dance genres at their End of Year recital. Cipollino is the story of a little onion boy who, with his vegetable friends, stands up to the bullying of the Lemon Prince and his guards. Tickets available at the Miramar Cultural Center, 2400 Civic Center Place. Miramar, FL 33025. Adults: $35, Kids (12 & under): $15, 954-602-4500 or (954) 237-6021.



PARADE 10:00AM, CEREMONY 11:00AM. Memorial Day gives all patriotic Americans an opportunity to honor the sacrifices that so many devoted men and women made to keep and protect freedom at home and abroad. Join us on Memorial Day to remember our American heroes. Wear red, white and blue! Bring your American flag! Parade starts at 10:00 a.m. from SW 39th Street down Davie Road to the Bergeron Rodeo Grounds of Davie, Florida. Ceremony will begin immediately after the parade. Those interested in being in the parade should contact Scoutmasters Camporee Chief and 2014 Memorial Day Chairman by email at or Matthew Mlodzinski, Senior Operations Manager, at


Come tryout for the European Soccer Club, where we offer year long soccer training and competitive league play. Professional training program with FIFA coaches. Tryouts Time 5 to 10 pm. Cleats and shin guards required. 3800 SW 92 Ave, Davie, FL3328. (786) 521-6414.For more information visit our website:



7:30PM. Cruzan Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach, FL. Tickets @


2:00 PM. Inna’s Hall of Fame MTP class performs the musical story of little orphan Annie in her quest to find a loving family. Directed by Angela Thomas, performed in the quaint IHoF Community Black Box Theater. A great family event in Stirling Town Center, 8685 Stirling Rd., Cooper City 33328. Adults: $10, Kids (12 & under): $5 (954) 237-6021.



REGISTRATION BEGINS AT 7:30AM FISHING BEGINS AT 9:00AM. Come for a fun day of fishing at Wolf Lake Park, 5400 SW 76th Ave. Prizes awarded for the most fish and the biggest fish caught. $9 per child, which includes bait, lunch, a goodie bag, and an event cap for the first 250 kids to register. Age groups: 5 and under, 6-8 and 9-12.


Friday 6/5, 10:00 AM, Wednesday 6/17, 7:00 PM. From the moment you wake up, your body is exposed to thousands of toxic chemicals and most of them are hiding in your very own home! But healthy living does NOT have to be complicated. We have a simple plan that is helping millions of families live healthier, safer and happier! Attend our free, local workshop at Your Big Picture Cafe 5935 S. University Dr. Davie in the University Creek Plaza. RSVP (954) 614-8487.



7:00 PM. SHOWTIME STALLIONS. Bring the entire family to enjoy a professional basketball game played at The David Posnack JCC, 5850 S. Pine Island Road, Davie. Tickets: $10 per person, group tickets available for as low as $5 per ticket. To purchase tickets call (305) 933-8308



7:00PM. Cruzan Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach, FL. Tickets @



9:00 AM GATES OPEN. Bring your pets and equines for a dress up day of fashion and fun! If you can dress it up, we will have a class for it. 3 classes for each pet: Most Fashionable, Best Matched Pair-Pet and Handler and Most Unusual. Plus a Best of Show Winner! Pet Fashion Show entry fee per class $10.00, you can enter one class or all three. Our open horse show will feature classes in: Halter, Showmanship, English and Western Riding, 4-H plus Time and Game Events. Fashion show starts at 10:am, Horse show at 12:00pm and Time and Game 2:30pm. Bergeron Rodeo Grounds of Davie, Florida. 4271 Davie Road, Davie.



7:00 PM. Bring the entire family to enjoy a professional basketball game played at The David Posnack JCC, 5850 S. Pine Island Road, Davie. Tickets: $10 per person, group tickets available for as low as $5 per ticket. To purchase tickets call (305) 933-8308,






Tickets @

10:00-11:30 AM. At the Cooper City Community Center (33328). Help is available at no charge to Cooper City residents. To file, please bring: Warranty Deed for residence, Florida Voters registration card, Florida Driver’s License, Florida Car Registration, Homeowners’ Social Security numbers, date of occupancy, and date of permanent residency. If you have any questions, call Broward County Property Appraiser’s Office at 954-357-6830 or visit


9:00 AM-noon. At the Cooper City Sports Complex (corner of Stirling Road and Palm Avenue). Here’s a chance for children to get up close to their favorite big truck. Construction trucks, service vehicles, and more will be available for children to touch, sit on, and blow the horn. If you have a vehicle you’d like to offer for display or would like more info, call 954-434-4300 #233 or visit



Dad’s swim for free on Father’s Day at our Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center. Treat dad to a free day of swimming! Dad or child must be a Cooper City resident. For more information, please call 954-436-7300 or visit



7:00 PM. Bring the entire family to enjoy a professional basketball game played at The David Posnack JCC, 5850 S. Pine Island Road, Davie. Tickets: $10 per person, group tickets available for as low as $5 per ticket. To purchase tickets call (305) 933-8308


7:30 PM. Come watch cowboys and cow gals challenge 2,000 pound bulls, ride bare back, wrestle cattle, barrel race, and team rope. The kids will love it! The Davie Pro Rodeo was voted as the best rodeo east of the Mississippi and has won numerous awards rodeoing in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Davie Pro Rodeo will be held on Saturday, June 28th, at 7:30pm, in the covered Bergeron Rodeo Grounds of Davie, Florida. Gates open at 6:00pm to purchase tickets and so that you can come in and enjoy the food and vendors before the rodeo begins. Advanced tickets are available at the Special Events and Cultural Arts office located at Davie Town Hall. Tickets are $18 and $8 (3-12) in advance and $20 and $10 (3-12) at the gate.




3:00PM - 10:00 PM. Enjoy live music and youth entertainment on two stages throughout the event! Food will be available for sale all day as well as free family activities, bounce houses, climbing walls, rides, arts and crafts, face painting. There will be lots of FREE parking available. Support our local Boy and Girls Scouts by purchasing Snow Cones, Popcorn and Cotton Candy. Fireworks show will take place at 9:00 p.m. For craft booth information, call (954) 797-1166.



9:00PM. Get to the park early to get a panoramic view of firework displays from across Broward County. Everyone is welcome to bring lawn chairs and/or blankets and come early to get a good spot. The park opens at 8:00AM and the entry fee is good for admission all day. Parking is on a first-come, first-served basis, and no fireworks (including sparklers) will be permitted in the park. The park’s playgrounds and shelters will be closed. Admission before 7:30 p.m. will be the park’s regular holiday gate entrance fee of $1.50/person (children 5 and under free); admission will go to $2/person at 7:30 p.m. - 4001 Sw 142nd Ave, Davie. Park Office (954) 357-8898.

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

9:30 AM.-2:30 PM. At the Cooper City Community Center (9000 SW 50th Place). Florida Licensing on Wheels mobile office brings motorist services to one convenient neighborhood location. Services include license renewals, address/name changes, ID cards, renewal of vehicle registrations, and more! For a complete listing of services offered and required documentation, visit



By Debby Teich


Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

he public is invited to learn more about astronomy and space exploration at the 3rd Annual Astronomy Day. The outdoor festival will be held on April 25, from 10am to 1pm, at the Buehler Planetarium and Observatory, which is located on the Broward College Central Campus in Davie.


Approximately 500 people are expected to attend the free event. They will have an opportunity to participate in hands-on activities, such as building and launching two different types of rockets. They can watch “Space School,” which will be shown to the general public for the first time. The live action planetarium show follows astronauts as they train underwater to work in outer space. During the show, the astronauts visit the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory in Houston, which has a full-size mockup of a space station, and spend one week at the Aquarius Underwater Laboratory in Key Largo, which is the only undersea laboratory dedicated to marine science operating in the world. Built in 1965, the Buehler Planetarium was one of the first buildings constructed on the Broward College Central Campus. Since then, it has undergone several renovations. The state-of-the-art planetarium features a 40-foot dome that uses a Definiti full dome video system, allowing visitors to see the night sky in detail - without city lights. “Visitors who have not been to a planetarium in a while are often surprised at how much they have changed,” said Susan Barnett, Director of Buehler Planetarium and Observatory. “Buehler is a state-of-the-art, all-digital, full dome, immersive environment. Visitors can see the stars from an earth-based view; fly through the rings of Saturn or go to the edge of the Galaxy and look back at the Earth.” The Planetarium is host to several children and adult activities and shows on a weekly basis. On Wednesday nights at 7pm, during “Stories for a Starry Night,” visitors can enjoy a live lecture that explores the current night sky. They will hear stories and information about bright

stars, planets, constellations and other objects in the sky. Weekend shows are a combination of movies and a sky tour. On Saturdays, at 1:30pm, there is a show for young children, ages 2 to 9. On Fridays, at 7pm, and Saturdays, at 3pm and 7pm, there is a feature presentation. Built in 2002, the Observatory is located across from the Planetarium. It contains a fleet of different portable telescopes that are up to 14 inches in diameter. Four times a week, the telescopes are set up on the patio. An astronomer is always present to guide visitors and answer any questions. On Wednesday afternoons, from 1pm - 3pm, visitors can safely look at the Sun, our closest star. On Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, from 8pm -10pm, visitors can see the Moon, planets, double stars, nebulae, galaxies, and more. “For the next few months, Jupiter will be spectacular due to the relative positions of Jupiter, the Earth and the Sun,” said Barnett. Buehler also offers weeklong space camps during school breaks and the summer. Campers, ages 8 to 12, have an opportunity to explore rockets, telescopes, and astronomy. They participate in a variety of hands-on activities, which include building several types of rockets. Summer dates are: June 22-26 and August 10-14. Some Planetarium shows are discounted for Broward College students and available at a low cost to the public. Teachers are encouraged to arrange field trips to Buehler Planetarium. Buehler Planetarium and Observatory is located at 501 Davie Road in Davie. For information, schedules and special events, visit “Broward College Buehler Planetarium” on Facebook.

Events Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015


Brought to you By Toss Up Salads. SATURDAY, APRIL 4TH





It is the goal of The Homeless Voice to, if not end homelessness, to at least provide those who are less fortunate a way of living in world that many of us take for granted. 100% of our proceeds from the 5K go towards sheltering and helping the homeless population of South Florida. Location: Charnow Park, 300 Connecticut St., Hollywood. Time: Registration 7:00am | Race 8:00am. Cost: 1-mile Fun Run $10 | 5K $25. Website:

All proceeds from the Motion for the Ocean 5k race entry fees will be donated to AMIkids Greater Fort Lauderdale, a nationally recognized non-profit organization that works with at risk youth, giving them an opportunity to transform into responsible young adults. They offer kids a promising future through positive and motivating programs that inspire learning, leadership and personal growth. Location: John U. Lloyd State Park, 6503 North Ocean Drive, Dania Beach. Time: Race Time 8:00am. Cost: $15. Website:



MultiRace is proud to present the 6th Annual Egg Hunt Triathlon & Duathlon, held at beautiful CB Smith Park in Pembroke Pines. All finishers will receive a custom designed finisher’s medal declaring you as a triathlon or duathlon finisher. Location: C.B. Smith Park, 900 N. Flamingo Rd., Pembroke Pines. Time: Race time 7:00am. Cost: Individual registration: $89 - $109 | Relay registration: $139 - $159.Website:


This event benefits the Junior League of Greater Fort Lauderdale’s current community projects including Childhood Fitness and Nutrition, Kids in the Kitchen, Healthfully Ever After and numerous other non-profits. All ages & fitness levels are welcome. There will be a delicious post-race brunch, activities for kids and race shirt. Location: Huizenga Plaza, 32 E. Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale. Time: 5K 7:00am | 1K Kids’ Fun Run 8:15am. Cost: 5K $30 - $45 | 1K Kids’ Fun Run $10 - $20 Website:


Please join us for this life-embracing event to help raise funds for children diagnosed with autism and other related disorders. Our 5K run/walk goes through a trail embraced by beautiful trees. Location: C.B. Smith Park, 900 N. Flamingo Rd., Pembroke Pines. Time: TBA. Cost: $25. Website: or


The annual 7 mile bridge run in the Florida Keys is a 6.8 mile run across the world famous 7 Mile Bridge. The support of our many sponsors, hundreds of volunteers and local police and fire departments, help to make this race possible. All money raised goes directly to Middle Keys youth programs. Location: Marathon, FL at the 7 Mile Bridge. Time: 7:30am. Website:


The goal of our 5K is to encourage good health and wellness habits in the children of our community, to provide an opportunity for families to enjoy an outdoor fitness event together and to raise money to support our 5th grade promotion activities. Also, 10% or $1500 (whichever is greater) of the money raised through sponsors and race registrations will be donated to The Love Jen Foundation. Location: Charnow Park, 300 Connecticut St., Hollywood. Time: Race begins 7:00am. Cost: 5K Run/ Walk $25 | Fun Run/Walk $10. Website:


We’re moving to encourage, inspire and engage a sober community. The Heroes in Recovery 6K run/walk series supports our friends and family in recovery from mental health and substance abuse issues. The Susan B. Anthony recovery center will be the charity beneficiary for the South Florida Heroes 6K! Location: Tradewinds Park, 3600 W Sample Road, Coconut Creek. Time: 7:00am SHARP Run/Walk Begins. Cost: Donation of your choice. Website:


5TH ANNUAL WALK LIKE MADD & MADD DASH Join us for a non-competitive, family friendly 5K walk and a certified, competitive 5K run to benefit Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Location: Huizenga Park, 32 E. Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale. Time: 7:30am. Cost: $15 - $20. Website:



Cleveland Clinic Florida is proud to host our first annual 5K Run/Walk to a Healthier Future at Cleveland Clinic Florida’s main campus in Weston. The 5K will start and finish at our campus followed by awards presentation, family-friendly activities and refreshments. Location: Cleveland Clinic Florida, 2950 Cleveland Clinic Blvd., Weston. Time: Race starts 7:30am. Cost: $20 - $30. Website:


Known as the Happiest 5K on the planet, the Color Run is a unique paint race that celebrates healthiness, happiness and individuality. There will be a pre-party with music, dancing, warm-up stretching and giveaways. Location: Huizenga Plaza, One E. Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale. Time: Race time 7:30am . Cost: 5K Run/Walk $35 - $45. Website: http://


The American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life of Weston will be hosting its annual Relay For Life event! This is a community event in the fight against cancer and all are welcomed to attend! We will be recognizing all Survivors. Proceeds raised will benefit the American Cancer Society’s programs of research, education, advocacy and service. Visit the website to start your own Relay team! Location: Cypress Bay High School, 18600 Vista Park Blvd, Weston. Time: Saturday 4:00pm - Sunday 6:00am. Cost: Minimum donation. Website:







SATURDAY, MAY 9TH ARMAGEDDON AMBUSH THE EXTREME MUD RUN Armageddon Ambush events are strenuous 5k (3.1 mile) mud and color ambush obstacle courses. Awards include (but not limited to): best group costume, most helpful participant, and the Top 3 overall finishers of Men and Woman in the competitive wave times. The fastest three woman and the fastest three men of the combined competitive waves will receive a cash prize. Location: Amelia Earhart Park, 401 SW 65th St., Hialeah. Time: Race begins 8:30am. Cost: Entry fees range from $25 to $70. Website:

SATURDAY, MAY 16TH COVENANT HOUSE FLORIDA 5K ON A1A The Young Professionals for Covenant House are proud to hose the 5K on A1A for the past five years. Young Pros is a group of individuals who attend social and networking events and sporting activities to raise money and awareness for Covenant House Florida. Location: The Parrot Lounge, 911 Sunrise Lane, Ft. Lauderdale. Time: Race begins 7:00am. Cost: $25 - $30. Website: or

Firefighter Eric Patrie, age 37, lost his battle to brain cancer. Eric was a 13 year veteran of Delray Beach Fire Rescue. The Delray Beach Firefighter’s and Paramedic’s Benevolent organized this 5K to assist Eric Patrie’s immediate family with the financial burden this devastating disease has created for them. In 2015, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to a local firefighter battling cancer to help with expenses that come along with treatment. Join/ Create a Team, Free Kid’s Fun Run (1/4 mile), sponsor vendors, fire trucks, raffles, face painting and much more on site! Contact Location: Anchor Park, 340 S. Ocean Avenue, Delray Beach. Time: Race begins 7:00am. Cost: $20 - $30, Free ¼ mile Kid’s Fun Run. Website:


Your participation in the Undy Run/Walk helps the Colon Cancer Alliance and our local partners fight colorectal cancer in critical ways. Please dress accordingly as all activities are outdoors. Also remember that while we encourage you to wear underwear, all outfits should be appropriate since this is a family event. Location: Quite Waters Park, 401 S. Powerline Rd., Deerfield Beach. Time: 9:00am. Cost: In advance $25 | Race Day $35. Website:


The Double Road Race is the only running event with a halftime. Run a 10k first, rest and relax for about an hour, then run a 5k. Times are combined for scoring. All Double finishers receive a medal, high performance shirt, cash prizes, performance medals and more. Location: Snyder Park, 690 NE 13th Street, Fort Lauderdale. Time: Double 10K leg 7:30am, Ujena Double 3K leg 7:55am, Kids Double 1 mile 10:00am. Cost: $15 - $59. Website:

The Down & Dirty presented by Subaru is an obstacle-climbing, trail-blasting race that will push you to your limits. Two courses, 20+ obstacles, one true challenge. Athletes will experience an action packed day with family and friends while giving back to our military heroes. Location: Amelia Earhart Park, 401 East 65th St., Hialeah. Time: 10K 8:00am, 5K 9:00am & 9:30am. Cost: $60 - $65. Website:

SATURDAY, JUNE 27TH FOAM GLOW 5K Foam Glow™ 5k is a unique experience focused less on speed and more on Glow in the Dark fun with friends and family. Glowing runners come from all different ages, shapes, sizes, and speeds; but everyone who registers to glow has the time of their life. Whether you are a long term runner or a walk around the park stroller, the 3 miles of the Foam Glow™ course will have you shining bright and waiting for the next run. Location: Sun Life Stadium, 347 Don Shula Drive, Miami Gardens. Time: Evening, Time TBA. Cost: $40 - $65. Website:

SUNDAY, JUNE 28TH DOWN2EARTH 5K - 10K - HALF MARATHON TRAIL RUN It’s a trail run like nothing else! The trail is called Gilligan’s Island located at the very end of Oleta River State Park. It’s a fun, exciting and challenging run. Great way to bond with nature and family. Location: Oleta River State Park, 3400 Northeast 163rd Street, North Miami. Time: Race starts 7:30am. Cost: $30 - $50. Website:

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

This race will take place among palm tree-lined streets in the scenic South Florida community of Sunrise. Runners can expect moderate temperatures and flat terrain leading through suburban landscapes. Location: BB&T Center, 1 Panther Pkwy., Sunrise. Time: Race begins 7:00am. Cost: Adults $50. Website:





BIRTHDAY PARTIES & SPECIAL EVENTS BROWARD BASEBALL ACADEMY (BBA) Book your baseball or softball themed party with Broward Baseball Academy (BBA), a year-round baseball and softball training facility, with two lighted fields and 3 covered batting cages and pitching machines. Our birthday party package can include batting cage time, field time and games can also be arranged. Food can be catered or bring your own. Located on the David Posnack JCC Campus, 5850 S. Pine Island Rd. Davie. Director – Wayne Stofsky, (954) 683-7747.

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



Private TWO HOUR parties with very large spectacular 1000 sq feet party rooms and glass viewing areas TAG’s LARGEST Gym has the most equipment, inflatables, rope swing, tumble floors, foam pits, and trampolines. No extra charges for bounce houses, slide inflatables, indoor basketball / soccer court. Your choice of Mommy & Me, Trampolines & Gymnastics, or Boys Sports parties with structured stations or open gym style. Visit our facility & compare at You gotta see it to believe it! 1951 North Commerce Parkway, Weston. Call (954) 384-9393 to reserve your party.

BRIGHT & SMART - ROBOTICS & CODING BIRTHDAY PARTIES Robotics Birthday Parties are sensational! They are fun, educational, memorable and unique experience that will engage your child and his/her friends. This perfect party activity will bring the excitement of creating something with their hands, the thrill of seeing their imagination come to life and the satisfaction of being successful with their creation. We offer 90 minute, in-home robotics birthday parties supplying all of the material and equipment needed so each child is able to take a hands-on role in building a birthday robot! (954) 816-3346,,, Facebook:



18 holes of indoor, monster themed, Glow-in-the-Dark Mini Golf. Experience cool special effects, great music, an interactive DJ, as well as arcade and redemption games! With two very posh, private party rooms and our Mad Scientist hosts, we are the perfect place for birthday and teen parties, field trips, fundraisers, group outings and corporate events. Monster Mini Golf is frightfully fun for all ages! 14435 Miramar Parkway, Miramar 33027. (954) 589-1878. 9533 Westview Drive, Coral Springs 33076 (in Regal Shopping Center).


Host your next birthday party at Dancing Plus Studio. Come enjoy a fun filled dancing class environment. Located in the Pembroke Lakes Shopping Plaza between Hiatus & Palm, 10444 Taft St. Pembroke Pines. For more information and to hear about our affordable rates visit or call (954) 431-2334.


Looking for something new? Want to be the coolest parents on earth? Have a super party at CB Smith Park. Ride the Super Mable, flying saucer and banana boat. Peg the fun meter and hear ”that was the best day of my life!” Covered pavilion and large play area for yard games. Ages 3 to 84. Reserve today at (954) 292-3953, for pictures and details go to


Designed by Michael. Let your next special event shine with customized apparel. Perfect for Birthdays, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Bridal Showers, Weddings, Cheer/Dance Groups, Gymnastic Teams, Schools, Sports Teams and even Business Logos. This unique way to express yourself is elegant and affordable. Want to create your own design or need a little help? Michael offers FREE artwork and a FREE sample. We also carry a full line of tops and bottoms ready to embellish with your unique design. If Bling is your Thing contact Michael at (954) 270 7474,

Make this birthday a party to remember with fully supervised fun, games, and martial arts activities – Karate America is the place! Parents can count on a safe environment and kids know they’ll get a “kick” out of celebrating their special day at Karate America. Call (954) 252-2821 for Cooper City location or visit www.KarateAmerica. info. Other locations: Plantation, Weston, Miramar East, Miramar West, Pembroke Pines, Hialeah, Miami, & Miami Lakes.



WE COME TO YOU! A Spa Party in the comfort of your own home or at a location of your choice. Designed to pamper and spoil any princess from the youngest to adults. Our team of professionals is here to help you from start to finish having an unforgettable SPA DAY! We offer a choice of packages to fit your needs. Adult packages will receive one complimentary gift. Call to book your party now! Great idea for Camps! (954) 319-2467. Follow us on Instagram: Glitz&Glamevents.

Competitive Cheer and Dance Facility. Come build a Pyramid for your next Birthday Party! A Human Pyramid, that is. Enjoy a 2-hour private party on a Sunday with all your friends. You can tumble on the spring floor and tumble trak, and bounce on the trampoline. Prices are only $15 per child. (954) 514-7250.

Diverse Divaz is the place for all your party rental and planning needs. Whether it’s a party with bounce houses and face painting or your picture perfect wedding, we have the answers. Let our staff help make your event extraordinary. Your picture perfect event starts here!!! (786) 505-2447.




Book your next birthday party or special event at our pool. Party area is cover and has room for 25 people. Let the older kids enjoy swimming in our heated pool (a constant 82 degrees) and the young kids enjoy our kiddy pool. Please contact the Pine Island Pool at (954) 327-3927 for more information.


Barbie™ The Dreamhouse Experience™ brings the iconic Barbie™ Dreamhouse® toy to real life for fans of all ages. With interactive and personalized touches, guests have the opportunity to discover different rooms, living area in this larger-than-life Attraction. Enjoyable for all ages!!! 2606 Sawgrass Mills Circle, Sunrise, FL 33323. (954) 845-2343.

4KIDSINNEED.ORG “BE A HERO & HIRE A HERO” Movie grade costume characters come to life! Available for your next birthday party, Sweet Sixteen, Quince, Corporate event etc. We offer characters such as Batman, Batgirl, Darth Vader, Obi wan, and even a life size remote control R2D2 robot with lights & sounds. Kids both big and small love R2. We offer more than an appearance, we offer a hero training with a message along with an autograph session with your hero. We work to help “Change the world one child at a time!” Contact us: 4KidsInNeed.Org, (954) 439-1878 Heroes with a mission.

HUMANE SOCIETY OF BROWARD COUNTY Party like an Animal and have your next birthday party at the Humane Society of Broward County. What better way to celebrate your child’s birthday! Not only will your child have fun, but they will also learn about how they can help the homeless animals. Plus, your birthday fee will go directly to the Humane Society of Broward County to help care for the thousands of homeless animals received each year. (954) 266-6848 or

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Jump!Zone provides the wow factor you and your children are looking for. Your birthday boy or girl and their friends will have a blast playing at a Jump!Zone Party and Play Center which features massive, themed inflatable slides, obstacle courses and bounce houses kids love, interactive games, toddler activities and an all new arcade! Our party packages are extremely affordable! We offer 4 different packages from 10 to 25 kids which includes 2 hours of a birthday party, pizza, drinks, balloons, invites, all the paper goods, napkins and we have the largest private party rooms. Prefer a private party? No problem, you can book a party before or after hours! (954) 703-1330,, 10064 W. Oakland Park Blvd., Sunrise, FL, 33351.



Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



SPORTS BASEBALL BROWARD BASEBALL ACADEMY (BBA) NOW REGISTERING FOR SUMMER CAMP! BBA, a year-round baseball training facility, specializes in private instruction, small group lessons and team sessions for hitting, fielding & pitching. BBA also runs a summer, winter and spring break camp as well as camp days when schools are closed. We offer facility rentals including two lighted fields and brand new COVERED BATTING CAGES with pitching machines. Come hit in our state of the art covered batting cages! Located on the David Posnack JCC Campus, 5850 S. Pine Island Rd. Davie. Director – Wayne Stofsky, (954) 683-7747.

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



Registration is May 18, 2015 through July 19, 2015. This program is open to participants ages 7-12 and runs August through early October. Practice and Games are weeknights and Saturdays. Parents must attend mandatory meeting. For more information call (954) 327-3941. REGISTRATION FEES: Davie residents ages 7-9: $100. Davie residents ages 10-12:$125. Non-residents ages 7-12: $150. Register at the Davie Pine Island Multipurpose Center, 3801-A, S. Pine Island Road, Davie. At time of registration, parents must provide a copy of their child’s birth certificate and proof of Town of Davie residency.


The Lightning Basketball Camp starts its 11th Season this summer. Voted the #1 Sports Camp In Weston! A camp for the community run by community members. Professional instruction provided by the 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2015 District 12-8A Champion coaches and other local professionals. Free Lunch, extended after care, special discounts! Located at Cypress Bay HS. Camp Hours 9am-4pm. Weekly sessions available throughout the summer, June 8 - August 7 (no camp June 29 - July 3). Contact Coach Looky @ (954) 629-0621 and check out our special at


The Miami Midnites, an elite ABA & FBA Professional Basketball team are playing right in your backyard! Home games are played at the David Posnack JCC in Davie. Tickets are $10 per person, Group tickets available for as low as $5. It’s affordable family-fun! To purchase tickets call (305) 933-8308


Open Registration for The South Florida Youth Basketball League. We are the area’s only competitive year round program dedicated strictly to basketball. Our main focus is to raise the player’s basketball abilities while having lot’s of fun. Open for Boys & Girls ages 4-18. Our Spring Session runs Apr 25 - Jun 6. Games played on Saturdays with one practice weekly. Both practice and games are at the Davie PAL Gym located at: 4300 SW 57th Terrace in Davie FL. SFL Youth Basketball League is also offering Summer Camp June 8th - 12th and Travel Basketball teams. For more information call (954) 809-5131 or visit



Basketball will be one of the primary activities of the Summer Tennis & Sports Camp to be held at the Towngate Recreation Center located at 901 NW 155th Avenue, Pembroke Pines. Tennis, soccer, ping pong, foosball, softball and flag football will also be played. A playground and swimming pool will also be available on site. Lunches will be cooked on the barbecue. Contact Robert Mackey at (954) 868-6100.

Held at Cooper City High School and the David Posnack JCC. Registration dates: April & May. Season Dates: May - July. Boys and Girls ages 4-18. Fees include: Uniform, Individual and Team Photo, Trophy, End of Year Picnic. Call (954) 434-2541 or visit for more information and to register online.


Registration begins March 2, 2015 and closes May 10th. This program is open to boys and girls ages 7 through 15. Program runs mid May through July. Practice and Games are weeknight and Saturdays. Parents must attend mandatory Meeting on date yet to be determined. Registration Fees: Davie residents ages 7-9: $100. Davie residents ages 10-15: $125. Non Residents ages 7-15: $150. Register at the Davie Pine Island Multipurpose Center, 3801-A, South Pine Island Road, Davie. At time of registration, parents must provide a copy of their child’s birth certificate and proof of Town of Davie residency. For more information please call, 954-327-3941 or 954-797-1145.


Baseball Smart Start Programs are designed to teach the basic fundamentals of sport in new and innovative ways using sports equipment that children feel comfortable with. Parents are encouraged to participate in the activities with their child. Ages 3-6. Smart Start Basketball registration is March 2 thru May 10. Program runs May through July. $75.00 for Residents and $100 for Non Davie Residents. Please complete a registration form online at: and bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate and current proof of residency. 3801 S Pine Island Road., Davie. (954) 327-3941.


Where skills develop and games ELEVATE! All of Roche Basketball Academy’s services have a primary emphasis on the fundamentals of basketball and empowering the youth to become a well-rounded studentathlete. Weekly camps, clinics, and individual trainings are offered at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Pkwy). For registration and additional information, call Alain LaRoche at (954) 892-1575 or visit

BOXING DAVIE POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE (PAL) Want to learn how to Box? Do you want to get in shape? or do you want to become part of our Boxing Team? Then come join Davie PAL Boxing and learn self defense, discipline and team work while getting in shape. Davie PAL Boxing is for youth between the ages from 7 years old to 20 years old. $20 per month, Fees include hand wraps. Register today and become part of a winning team. For more information call (954) 321-2561 or visit


PAL BEGINNER BOXING PROGRAM The Beginner Boxing Program is designed for your child to have more specialized training in the sport of boxing. The coaches will be able to gage their skills and commitment to the sport, all while they learn the history, safety and dedication needed to succeed within the sport. The Program begins in March and runs every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. (954) 321-2561


FLORIDA SUPERSTARS Florida Superstars offer a high energy combination class with instruction in dance, cheerleading and baton twirling. The fee is $50 per month for unlimited classes. Classes held Monday nights at Rose G. Price Park, 901 NW 208th Avenue, 5:00pm-7:00pm, Mondays at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center, 11600 Stonebridge Pkwy., Wednesdays at the Cooper City Community Center, 9000 SW 50th Pl., and Thursday nights, 4:00pm-6:00pm at Pines Recreation Center, 7400 Pines Blvd. For more information, please call Wendy Russell at (954) 438-2075.


Registration dates: 1/1/15-07/31/15. Season Dates: 8/15- 11/15. Age Group: 5-14, girls. Fees: $225 plus Camp fees. Fees include: Uniforms, coaching, trophy, and competition entry. For more information and to register online, visit and click on Cheerleading. (954) 434-2541.

Team Memorial is a bicycle club founded by Memorial Healthcare System, a non-profit healthcare organization based in Hollywood, Florida, and created to serve the community by promoting the many healthy benefits of bicycling. Team Memorial’s mission is to encourage everyone to participate in bicycling - whether for recreation, transportation, fitness or competition. Team Memorial hosts rides regularly throughout the South Florida area for participants of intermediate and advanced levels. Ride listings can be viewed on our ride schedule.




Coaches and Volunteers The Cooper City Optimist Basketball Program is always looking for volunteers to assist our program. If you would like to join in any capacity including Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Team Parent please contact us through our website

DAVIE BRONCO CHEERLEADING The Davie Broncos annually field cheerleading squads for children ages 5 – 15. We have big plans for the 2014 season that will prove to be more competitive and exciting. Our program is the youth sports choice for families in Broward County and is proud to call the Bamford Sports Complex in Davie our home. Participants get a lot of exercise, and learn sportsmanship, teamwork, and responsibility, along with the fundamentals of cheer. Please visit our website for more information and registration details. Join today and be a part of the “New Breed of Davie Bronco Cheer”. For more information call (754) 200-1055.

DAVIE YOUTH FLAG FOOTBALL Registration is opens May 18, 2015 and ends July 19, 2015. Program begins August 8, 2015 runs through October 17, 2015 at Bamford Sports complex, 3801 S Pine Island Road. Open to boys and girls ages 5-14. Practice and games are weeknights and Saturdays. Parents must attend mandatory Meeting. FEES: Residents ages 9 and under $100, non-residents $150. Residents ages 10 and up $125, non-residents $150. Please complete a registration form online at: and bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate and current proof of residency. For more information call (954) 327-3941.

DAVIE BATON These classes are designed to move at the speed and skill of each student. The Davie Star Spangled Majorettes, Twirling, Dance and Pom-Pom program meets every Wednesday from 3:45-6 pm. in the Palm Room of the Pine Island Multipurpose Center. The cost of the program is $7.50 for Residents & $10 for Non-Residents per class. Dance, Socialize and Compete! Contact Jackie Tucker at (954) 444-9190 to register.

A small informal group of local cyclists that meets at 7:00am on Saturday mornings in the parking lot of the Winn-Dixie Shopping Center behind the Tuesday Morning Store. They ride to Hollywood Beach, stop for coffee on the boardwalk for about 10-15 minutes and then ride back to the shopping center. The route is approximately 32 miles which is usually done at a speed of 18-21 mph. The group also participates in local charity rides in the area which support various causes. All Cyclists welcome to join! No need to call in advance, just show up and enjoy the ride!

FOOTBALL MIAMI DOLPHINS Your Miami Dolphins are a member of the American Football Conference (AFC) East division in the NFL. They play their home games at Sun Life Stadium in Miami Gardens. The stadium is undergoing a major renovation for the 2015 season to include a state-of-the-art open-air canopy to offer dramatically increased shade and protection from the elements, four HD video boards and improved audio, all new seats and new seating experiences, improved food and enhanced concourses in the 100/300 levels, 300 level patio bars with field views beneath all four video boards. Season tickets on sale now. Individual game tickets available. Reserve your spot to be a part of the action!

DOLPHINS ACADEMY Dolphins Academy is a six week instructive course that features position specific training. Your child will have a tailored plan created by former pros that will help them improve their fundamentals and techniques for the respective positions that he/she will like to learn. Classes are one hour long and will be held every Monday and Wednesday for six weeks. Class times are 6-7pm, 7-8pm and 8-9pm. The six-week course cost $120.00, which equates to $20.00 a session. Register now at or call (305) 943-7272 for more information.

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Come be a part of the back-to-back National Champions in competitive all star cheerleading! Fully air conditioned building featuring two spring floors, tumble trak, rod floor and trampoline. All Ages, All Skill Levels! 2015-2016 TRYOUTS held on May 16, 2015, 10am - 5pm, everyone makes a team! Mention this ad and receive a $5 discount on your first tumbling class. (954) 514-7250.



(Football Cont.) MIAMI DOLPHINS FOOTBALL & CHEER CAMP Dolphins Academy summer camps are returning June 21-26, June 29July 3rd and July 6-10 at the Miami Dolphins training facility in Davie. Boys and girls, ages 5-15, can participate in an interactive, week long flag football experience featuring appearances by current and former Miami Dolphins players. The camp focuses on football training as well as the importance of education, physical fitness, and positive choices. For more information please call (305) 943-7272 or visit and mention the Sports & Activities Directory!

COOPER CITY OPTIMIST FOOTBALL Registration dates: 1/1/15-07/31/15. Season Dates: 8/15- 11/15. Boys Ages 5- 13, Fees: $225, Fees include: Uniforms, coaching, trophy and competition entry. For more information and to register online, visit and click on Tackle or Flag Football.


Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Coaches and Volunteers The Cooper City Optimist Football Program is always looking for volunteers to assist our program. If you would like to join in any capacity including Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Team Parent please contact us through our website


DAVIE YOUTH FLAG FOOTBALL Registration is opens May 18, 2015 and ends July 19, 2015. Program begins August 8, 2015 runs through October 17, 2015 at Bamford Sports complex, 3801 S Pine Island Road. Open to boys and girls ages 5-14. Practice and games are weeknights and Saturdays. Parents must attend mandatory Meeting. FEES: Residents ages 9 and under $100, non-residents $150. Residents ages 10 and up $125, non-residents $150. Please complete a registration form online at: and bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate and current proof of residency. For more information call (954) 327-3941.

DAVIE TACKLE FOOTBALL CLUB Ages 5-14. Participants get a lot of exercise, learn sportsmanship, teamwork, responsibility along with the fundamentals of tackle football. Our programs offer a fun, bonding experience for the whole family. Games held at Bamford Sports Complex in Davie. Season starts July 7th. We offer many off season clinics and tournaments for your child to get the most out of their experience. Join today to become part of the “New Breed of Davie Broncos Tackle Football”. To register visit or call (754) 200-1055




Flag Football Smart Start Programs are designed to teach the basic fundamentals of sport in new and innovative ways using sports equipment that children feel comfortable with. Parents are encouraged to participate in the activities with their child. Smart Start Flag Football registration is now open and closes August 3. Program meets one weeknight and Saturday morning. Ages 3-4 - $75.00 for Residents and $125 for Non Davie Residents. Please complete a registration form online at: and bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate and current proof of residency. 3801 S Pine Island Road., Davie. (954) 327-3941.

18 holes of indoor, monster themed, Glow-in-the-Dark Mini Golf and more! Feel the excitement and adventure of playing mini golf amidst cool monster décor that includes custom artwork and animated props. Our courses are challenging enough for adults to navigate, yet very playable for children. Experience our Weird Radio interactive DJ, who plays music and hosts contests for prizes. Monster Mini Golf is frightfully fun for all ages! 14435 Miramar Parkway, Miramar, 33027. (954) 589-1878. 9533 Westview Drive, Coral Springs 33076 (in Regal Shopping Center).

FLAMINGO LAKES GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Located just ½ mile east of I-75 at Century Village, Flamingo Lakes might be Broward’s best kept secret. A semi-private daily fee golf course, Flamingo Lakes offers a challenging par 71 golf course that will test all skill levels. Flamingo Lakes provides quality course conditions at a reasonable price. If you like a challenging course with smooth rolling greens, then come and give Flamingo Lakes a visit. 701 Flamingo West Drive, Pembroke Pines,, (954) 435-6110.

POWER SPORTS ACADEMY We are a Titleist Performance Institute certified gym. Let us help you take your game to the next level. We will put you through the TPI Screen and design a professional golf fitness program specific to your needs. Visit our website at or contact us at (954) 829-4144.

DAVIE GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB 18-hole public golf course and practice range owned by the Town of Davie. Course was redesigned and opened in 2011 with beautifully landscape fairways and waterways. The most Fun greens in South Florida! Special low rates for Davie residents and South Florida residents. Conveniently located near I-595. Complete info at Located at 8201 Nova Drive,Davie 33324. Call 954-797-4653 for tee time reservations.

GYMNASTICS TAG USA GYMNASTICS & TRAMPOLINE Nationally known “progressive” gymnastics programs for boys and girls. TAG’s difference: Largest facility, most equipment, class lesson plans, Class Managers, full cleaning staff, fingerprinted coaches. Awarded Programs for: Lil Tumblers (age 10 mo.), Preschool (age 3+), Beginners (age 5+) to Advanced Classes with State - Regional - NATIONAL CHAMPION Competitive teams for Girls & Boys gymnastics and Coed Trampoline. Also: Two Hour BIRTHDAY PARTIES / Popular Saturday Night OPEN GYM / Gym & Sports DAY CAMPS. Schedule a visit & compare prices at You gotta see it to believe it! All New Members or Transfers get 2 FREE classes. 1951 North Commerce Pkwy., Weston. (954) 384-9393.


SMART & FIT KIDS Smart and Fit Kids offers rhythmic gymnastics classes for girls and tumbling for boys and girls from our instructor, who has over 15 years of training & coaching experience in Russia & US! Your children also have the opportunity to enjoy other sports activities such as: karate, ballet and dance, in the same facility. Our fun Sports Programs are a great foundation for a healthy and happy child. Programs begin as low as $40/month and are offered between 11:00 AM to 6:30 PM. We invite you to call and schedule a FREE TRIAL class. 9142 State Rd. 84, Davie. (954) 370-0400.


HOCKEY THE FLORIDA PANTHERS The Florida Panthers are a member of the Atlantic Division of the Eastern Conference of the National Hockey League (NHL) and play at BB&T Center in Sunrise, Florida. Led by all-star goaltender Roberto Luongo and a talented core of young forwards including Jonathan Huberdeau, Aleksander Barkov and Nick Bjugstad as well as blue liners Erik Gudbranson, Dmitry Kulikov and Dylan Olsen, the Florida Panthers aim to make a splash during the 2014-15 season. The excitement surrounding the Florida Panthers is growing in South Florida and these are games you won’t want to miss.

LACROSSE DAVIE LACROSSE Boys and girls from kindergarten through 9th grades can participate in the recreation program. Practices are 2 nights per week at Bamford/ Pine Island Park and games on Saturdays against other area youth programs. The season runs January through April. No experience necessary-just a willingness to learn and have fun. Loaner gear available for younger players. Registration opens October 1. The program has limited spots available and is expected to fill up so register early! Financial aid is available to qualified Davie residents. Much more information can be found at

FAST START LACROSSE CLINICS High quality lacrosse instruction and training for ages 5-18 years. TYKES (Boys and Girls) 5-7 years old. LEVEL 1 NEW PLAYERS (Boys and Girls). LEVEL 2 Experienced players (Boys Only). Clinic dates run May 4-14, 2015, Mondays through Thursdays, 6:30pm - 8:30pm (to 8pm for Tykes). L1/L2 $195, Tykes $95 (includes all 8 sessions). Location: Bamford Pine Island Park, Davie. Stick only required for Level 1. Visit for more information and to register.

DAVIE SUMMER LACROSSE LEAGUE Fast-paced, fun and safe way for experienced lacrosse players to improve their game over the summer. Games are organized in a 7 v 7 format and played on a shortened field with modified rules that take away the emphasis on physical play, allowing players of all experience levels to work on their stick skills and to try new things! Boys and girls of all ages (K – adult). $150 for 10 games to a champion. Experienced coaches provided. June 1-July 2. Bamford Pine Island Park, Davie. Visit for more information and to register. Note – If your child is new to the sport but wants to participate they must complete a session of Fast Start Lacrosse. Go to for more information.

MARTIAL ARTS KARATE AMERICA Our traditional martial arts programs help children and adults find a new sense of empowerment that extends past the physical maneuvers. Karate America students develop the confidence and self-esteem it takes to face life head on, seeking new challenges and persevering when times get tough! Free uniform for new student sign-ups! Call (954) 252-2821 for Cooper City location or visit Other locations: Plantation, Weston, Miramar East, Miramar West, Pembroke Pines, Hialeah, Miami, & Miami Lakes.

PREMIER MARTIAL ARTS With locations in Davie and Pembroke Pines, PMA offers martial arts and fitness programs for the entire family unit. Under 6th Degree Black Belt Master Jeff Asesor, students as young as 3 can learn the basics of martial arts training. Those with more experience can advance their skills through Tae Kwon Do, Extreme Martial Arts and weapons training with the benefits of Character education and life-skill building. Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and MMA classes conducted by nationally certified instructors specializing in teaching children and adults. Whatever your fitness level and goals, PMA has a program for you. (954) 389-9146.

USA GOJU KARATE Classes held Mondays and Wednesdays year-round at the Cooper City Community Center (9000 SW 50th Place). Class times: 6:10-7:00 p.m. (youth 8 yrs & under) / 7:00-8:00 p.m. (youth 8-12 yrs old) / 8:00 p.m. (teens/adults 13 yrs & up). Cost per month: $30.00 Cooper City Residents / $35.00 Non-Residents. Register onsite with class instructors 5 minutes prior to class time. For info, call Instructor Sensei Rich at 954-261-5289.

JIU JITSU Learn confidence, strength and self defense. Shenandoah Park 14601 SW 14th street. Mondays and Thursdays from 7:00-9:00pm. Ages 8-Adult. Call (954) 298-7523 or e-mail familyandyfun@andyO’

PARKOUR TRIPLE THREAT PARKOUR A FIRST in Broward County! Beginner to advanced Parkour, Free Running, Tricking now available at Florida Triple Threat. Ages 8 and up. Friday nights 7:00pm - 9:00pm there is a structured class teaching the skills and the art of Parkour. Newly added obstacles to simulate the outdoors. On Saturday nights from 6-9pm there is an open gym for all your practice needs. (954) 514-7250. 2290 SW 71st Terrace, Davie 33317.

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Classes include the use of balance beams, vaulting, and mini trampolines. Classes held Tuesdays at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Pkwy). Call for class times. Residents: $50.00 (4 wks) / Non-Residents: $55.00 (4 wks) plus one-time $20.00 yearly registration fee. On-going registration at class site with instructor. For registration and additional information, call Tumbleland Gymnastics (954) 963-5539.


Directory Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015


PICKLEBALL PICKLEBALL Funny name GREAT game and anyone can play it! Come join the fun and get some exercise too. A court game that is a mixture of tennis, badminton and ping pong, participants can learn to play in minutes. Players are encouraged to stop by anytime; there is no organized play schedule and use the two permanent courts. Just bring your own paddles and balls. • PICKLEBALL DROP – IN PLAY: Every Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm and Saturdays 8:00 am to 11:30 am. Come join the 15 to 20 participants that show up to play. For more information call 954-327-3941. • PICKLEBALL INSTRUCTIONALL CLASS FOR YOUTH: This is a new program for Youth ages 8 and older. Participants will learn the rules of the game and be given instruction on all aspects of the game. Parents are encouraged to attend the class and join in the fun of learning how to play. Class meets on Monday nights from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. For more information call 954-327-3941. • PICKLEBALL WEEKDAY LEAGUES FOR ADULTS: Interested in playing in an organized Co-Ed Open league pm Wednesday evenings form 6:00 to 9:00 pm. League begins Wednesday July 16th. League fees are $20 for six weeks of play. All participants receive a T-Shirt and trophies are given out to the first and second place finishers. 3801 S Pine Island Road., Davie. (954)-327-3944 for more information and registration.

RUGBY FORT LAUDERDALE RUGBY Fort Lauderdale Rugby welcomes all new players, whether you have never played, played a little in college, or are a veteran our pitch is always open. Bring cleats, mouthguard, water and an attitude to improve yourself and those around you. Come out to training on Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:45pm-9pm at Sunset School, 3775 SW 16th St. Fort Lauderdale. Home games are played at Mills Pond, 2201 NW 9th Ave, Fort Lauderdale. (954) 543-6287.

PINES RUGBY CLUB Riptide Rugby is an adult (18+) mens team. We do not discriminate based on skill, experience or athleticism; however we do suggest you begin a strength and cardiovascular fitness program prior to coming out as our practices are highly physically demanding. We WILL teach you the fundamentals of rugby, and you will get play time at any matches we hold., WWW.RIPTIDERUGBY.COM.

RUNNING DAVIE DASHERS RUNNING CLUB A Kids Running and Health Program offered by Eric Schweitzer, a Certified Distance Running Coach by Road Runners Club of America. Each of the Davie Dashers programs are designed with 3 main facets: (1) Run Training; (2) Nutrition and Wellness Coaching; and (3) overall Health for Life Concepts. If you are interested in joining the program, contact Eric at or call (954) 336-8258. Program is held at Bamford Sports Complex located at 3801 S. Pine Island Road in Davie. Yearly Registration Fee is $15 residents and $25 non-residents. The Recreational Club Team ages 5-15 meets on Mondays and Thursdays. Participants learn beginning running and fitness concepts. $40.00 per month and includes 2 Davie Dashers T-shirts. The Competitive Club Team ages 5-15 meets on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. $65 running and $30 Strength Training per month. The Competitive Club Team is a year round competitive program designed to take the athlete from local 5 kilometer races to 10k or half marathon national championships. Team fee includes 2 Davie Dashers T-shirts.

SCUBA DIVING DAVIE SCUBA CLASSES by Divers Cove Have you ever wondered what the underwater world looks like? Want to discover the joy of Scuba Diving? If you’re interested but aren’t quite ready to take the plunge into a Certification Course, Discover Scuba Diving will let you try scuba to see if you like it. While not an actual scuba certification, during the Discover Scuba Diving experience, you’ll learn how to use scuba equipment in shallow water and get a quick and easy introduction to what it takes to explore the underwater world. To take Discover Scuba Diving you must be at least 12 years old. Classes are Free. Please call Divers Cove at (954) 473-1220 for more information or to register for the next upcoming class.

DAVIE OPEN WATER DIVER COURSE by Divers Cove Divers Cove offers an open water diver course which consists of three main parts: 1. Knowledge development to learn the basic principles of scuba diving through home study and classroom. 2. Confined water dives or pool dives to learn basic scuba skills at Pine Island Pool. 3. Open water dives to review your skills and explore the “world below.” Please contact Divers Cove at (954) 473-1220 for more information or to register for the next scheduled class.

SOCCER EUROPEAN SOCCER CLUB European Soccer Club educational program offers comprehensive state of the art training techniques, challenging our athletes both physically and psychologically to be competitive at the highest level. By participating at tournaments and clinics, nationally and overseas, we provide our elite players with opportunities and exposure to the global world of soccer. Ages 4-18. Tryouts begin in May for our season play running August 2015 through May 2016. 3800 SW 92 Ave, Davie, FL3328. (786) 521-6414

MACKEY SPORTS ENETERPRISES INC. Soccer will be the one of the primary activities of the Summer Tennis & Sports Camp to be held at the Towngate Recreation Center located at 901 NW 155th Avenue, Pembroke Pines. Tennis, basketball, ping pong, foosball, softball and flag football will also be played. A playground and swimming pool are also available. Lunches will be cooked on the barbecue. Contact Robert Mackey at (954) 868-6100.


COOPER CITY OPTIMIST SOCCER 10500 Stirling Road, Cooper City 33026. Phone: (954) 434-2541. All season and registration information is online at • TRAVEL SOCCER: Travel soccer teams play in area leagues. Ages start at 7 years (U9) to 18 years (U19) for boys and girls. Season runs from August to May. Tryouts held at the end of May. Home game location: Cooper City Sports Complex. • COACHES/REFEREES/SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS: The Cooper City Optimist soccer program is always welcoming anyone that is interested in joining our soccer family of coaches, referees or school volunteers. If you’re interested, please contact us and we’ll advise you what documents need to complete so that we can get you started. The Town of Davie offers Summer Soccer Program for children ages 5 years to 12 years. Registration begins March 30, 2015 through May 31, 2015 at Bamford Sports Complex, 3801 S.Pine Island Road. Residents - $85 and Non Residents - $115. Program begins June 6, 2015 and runs through August 1, 2015. At time of registration, parents must provide a copy of their child’s birth certificate and proof of Town of Davie residency. For more information please call, 954-327-3941 or 954-797-1145.


with the basic strokes. Level 4: Stroke improvement. • Learn to Swim REGISTRATION: Registration is first come first serve. Class ratio is 1 instructor for 6 children. Please call (954) 327-3927 for more information.



NOW REGISTERING FOR SUMMER CAMP! BBA, a year-round softball training facility, specializes in private instruction, small group lessons and team sessions for hitting, fielding & pitching. BBA also runs a summer, winter and spring break camp as well as camp days when schools are closed. We offer facility rentals including two lighted fields and brand new COVERED BATTING CAGES with pitching machines. Come hit in our state of the art covered batting cages! Located on the David Posnack JCC Campus, 5850 S. Pine Island Rd. Davie. Director – Wayne Stofsky, (954) 683-7747.

Join SWIMFAST, a full service swim team serving young swimmers ages 6 and up. This program can fulfill your swimming needs whether you are a new swimmer or an elite swimmer aspiring to compete in competitive swimming. The coaching staff is headed by John Leonard, one of the best known coaches in the world of swimming. If interested, contact John Leonard at 954-684-3024 or email him at Or stop by one of the swimming sessions which are held Monday-Friday, 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Town of Davie Pine Island swimming pool and fitness center.



David Posnack JCC is proudly hosting the 2015 Games & ArtsFest® for the first time in Broward, August 9-14, 2015. Try-outs for girls’ softball begin October 19th. Jewish girls, between 13 & 16 years old as of July 31, 2015, are invited to attend. Other sports include: baseball, basketball, lacrosse, soccer, volleyball, dance, swimming, table tennis and tennis. Check our website,, for more information and additional try-out dates.

Conducted by All Stars Synchro, this is a year round competitive synchronized swim team. Programs are offered from beginner to the National level. For more information and registration contact Yamilet Alvarez at 305-305-5364.

SWIMMING DAVIE SWIM LESSONS Offers a 50 meter, competition pool with heating and cooling system. Covered terrace patio with snack bar and a state of the art lightening sensor system. Located at 3800 S.W 92 Avenue, Davie. Open for recreational use Monday through Friday 2:00 to 7:45 pm, Saturdays 10:00 am to 5:45 pm. Swim Daily rate: Adult resident $4.00, non-resident $6.00. Youth resident $3.00, non-resident $4.00. Seniors 65+ $1.00 • SWIM LESSONS: The Town of Davie Aquatics Division is offering year round Swimming Lessons conducted by Town certified staff. These swim lesson are geared to help swimmers of all ages and abilities develop their swimming and water safety skills. • Pre-School Age: 3-5 years. Children learn water safety, survival skills and foundational swimming concepts in a safe environment. Helps children become comfortable in the water and basic safety. Introduces fundamental skills like kicking and coordinating arm and leg movement. • Learn to Swim Levels: Age: 6 and up. This program is for children to progress through the levels at their own pace. Level 1: Helps individual become comfortable in the water and basic water safety. Level 2: Introduces primary skills such as floating and kicking. Level 3: Introduces strokes and students learn coordination involved

DAVIE STROKE DOCTOR The “Stroke Doctor” provides the best in personalized, hands-on swimming instruction. Our lessons will give you the skills to swim with confidence and speed in any body of water. From elite athletes to anxious beginners, our patient knowledgeable approach produces the best results. Please contact Gary the stroke doctor at (954) 629-7724 for more information and registration.

COOPER CITY SWIM LESSONS American Red Cross Swim Lessons offered at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Pkwy 33026). Participants registering for lessons without a parent are required to take a swim test prior to registration. Cooper City Residents must show proof of residency. Non-Residents pay an additional $10.00 per session. Call (954) 436-7300 for registration dates and fees.

AMERICAN RED CROSS-LIFEGUARD CLASS Be a future lifeguard or update your current certification! Classes offered Saturdays and Sundays at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Pkwy). Cost: $275.00. Participants must be 1 5 years or older. Call Instructor for upcoming dates (954) 483-3253 or visit

AMERICAN RED CROSS-WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTOR COURSE Be a WSI Instructor or update your current certification. Classes offered Saturdays and Sundays at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Pkwy). Cost: $275.00. Participants must be 16 years or older. Call Instructor for upcoming dates (954) 483-3253 or visit

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015








Tennis pros offer group and individual lessons for beginners and intermediate players. Youth tennis camps offered during breaks from school. Private and semi-private lessons available. Located at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Pkwy). For info, call (954) 433-8673 or e-mail or visit

COOPER CITY TENNIS CENTER Offers 8 lighted hard courts at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Pkwy). Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-9 p.m. / Sat.-Sun. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Resident Fees: $1.00 (Children 12 & under) / $1.50 (Seniors 62+ and Teens 13-17) / $2.00 (Adults). Non-Resident Fees: $2.00 (Children 12 & under) / $3.00 (Seniors 62+ and Teens 13-17) / $4.00 (Adults). For info, call (954) 436-7300 or visit

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



For information on all Town of Davie Tennis Lessons, please call 954797-1145. Instructional programs are held at various parks around the Town of Davie. Lessons are available for adults and children Monday – Saturday. All instructors are USPTA Certified Tennis Instructors.

WATERSKIING & WAKEBOARDING WATERSKIING AND WAKEBOARDING LESSONS Waterski & Wakeboard lessons and rides at CB Smith Park. Beautiful, private, fresh water lake, Malibu ski boat with tower & training boom. Slalom, Kneeboard tube rides, birthday parties, camp field tips, surfing, etc. All equipment supplied. Open year round. Call Mike for appt. & information at (954) 292-3953,

Every Tuesday & Thursday evenings 6:00-6:55pm for beginners, 7:00-8:15 for Elite wrestlers. Select Saturdays 9:00-10:30am April through July. Ages 8 up. Location: Archbishop McCarthy Gymnasium, 5451 S. Flamingo Rd., Southwest Ranches. For more information contact:


PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 9042 West State Road 84, Davie 33324 (Same Plaza as Kabooms and RoundUp) BKS offers group and private lessons in Acting, Singing, Dancing, & Musical Instruments (Piano, Drums, & Guitar). Additionally, we have an After-School Program, Camps, and performance opportunities. Look out for opportunities to audition for one of our many productions, dance competition team or Star Performers. Contact us at (954) 693-7500 or


Sing, Act, Dance and perform the summer away with our Musical Theater Summer Camp for for ages 6-13. Our popular Princess Camps for Ages 3-5 are back! (954) 217-9778. 1306 SW 160th Ave., Sunrise/Weston 33326. Ages 3-5: Have a magical summer with our popular Fairy Tale Magic Summer Dance Camp. Weekly camps available: July 21-August 8th, Monday - Friday, 9:00am-11:30am.


Offering acting, musical theater, pantomime, and GLEE classes for ages 6 thru 16. 8685 Stirling Rd. Cooper City, 33328. 954-237-6021.


At Rising Starz, every student excels. We are the leaders in performance training. Our students have appeared on The X Factor, The Voice, Broadway & Primetime T.V. Rising Starz offers advanced acting coaching from leading Industry professional whose client lists are sure to impress. Covering everything from group classes to private lessons, performance coaching, college, high school and scholarship audition prep, summer camp, and more Rising Starz is where you want to be! For More information call: (954)370-3308 or


Sing, Act, Dance and Perform the summer away with our PERFORMING ARTS CAMP: Wizard of Oz. Ages 6-14. June 22-July 3. Monday Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm. (954) 217-9778. 1306 SW 160th Ave., Sunrise/Weston 33326.


Held at Sagemont Upper School, 2585 Glades Circle, in Weston. Serving South Florida since 1998, Inside Out Theatre is one of Broward County’s premiere arts organizations and proud to offer its summer programs in Weston. Summer Conservatory, June 8-June 26; Ages 9-14. Professional instruction in acting, voice, dance, stage combat, physical comedy, mime and more! Students create and perform a show at the end of the session. Summer Intensive, July 13 – July 31; Ages 13-18. Students rehearse and perform a full-scale Broadway musical, TBA.; (954) 285-3060.

ACTIVE ADULT & SENIOR ACTIVITIES COOPER CITY ADULT LEISURE ACTIVITIES Classes and programs are offered at the Cooper City Community Center (9000 SW 50th Place) and the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Pkwy). Stop by the Community Center or Pool & Tennis Center each month to pick up an Adult Activity Calendar, which is a monthly reminder of current programs and special events and contains


additional monthly updates. Open to Residents and Non-Residents of all ages. Times, costs, and locations vary with each activity. For info, call (954) 434-4300 #255 or visit

COOPER CITY SWIM-4-FITNESS/MASTERS SWIM Offered at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Pkwy). Adult swim program that gives swimmers of all abilities the opportunity to: improve their stroke technique and physical well-being; participate in a structured workout; and/or swim at your own speed. Pull buoys and kickboards available. Pool-side coach available to assist. Sessions offered Tuesdays and Thursdays evenings. Cost per month: $32.00 Cooper City Residents / $42.00 Non-Residents. Cost per class: $6.00 Cooper City Residents / $8.00 Non-Residents. For session times and info, call (954) 436-7300 or visit


PINE ISLAND MULTIPURPOSE CENTER Come join us for Mahjong, Bingo, Bunco, Cards, Day Trips, monthly guest speakers and much more. Also participate in other recreational activities such as Bead and Beads, Oil Painting, Hearts and Crafters and Miniature Crafters. Contact us at (954) 327-3941 for more information on our daily, weekly, and monthly programs we offer. Multipurpose Center is located at 3801 South Pine Island Road, Davie.

AFTERSCHOOL & DAY OFF PROGRAMS BROWARD BASEBALL ACADEMY (BBA) BBA offers an after-school class on Tuesdays from 3:30pm - 4:30pm at its facility on the campus of the David Posnack JCC, located on the corner of Stirling and Pine Island Roads. This program is for beginners between the ages of 5 and 11 years old and will teach the fundamentals of hitting, fielding and throwing. BBA is a year-round baseball and softball training facility, with two lighted fields and 3 covered batting cages with pitching machines. Please call (954) 683-7747 for more information and pricing or you can email BBA is Located on the David Posnack JCC Campus, 5850 S. Pine Island Rd., Davie, FL 33328. The Director is Wayne Stofsky.


• AFTERCARE SCHOOL PICK UP: Pick up from all Weston and Cooper City Public and Charter Schools. Directly to gym. Starting at $210/month includes: Five day pick up, two classes per day, and snack. On site licensed teacher for homework help. Drivers are Background checked, Licensed, & Certified. Spots are limited! Register by phone. • DAYS OFF SPORTS CAMP: Action packed camp days for kids! For BOYS: Indoor Basketball & Soccer, Trampoline, and Flips & Pit. For Girls: Gymnastics, Tumbling, Trampoline, &Cheer. Only $45 per day! Half Day Preschool Camp available! 1951 N. Commerce Parkway, Weston. Call and Register over the phone, (954) 384-9191.

BROADWAY KIDS STUDIO Broadway Kids Studio’s After-School Program is the most popular and innovative in South Florida. Students receive the most well-rounded performing arts education available. Up to 15 classes per week included with tuition. Included is a wide range of performing art classes in singing, acting, dancing and exposure to instruments. Visit or call (954) 693-7500 for more information.

AFTER-SCHOOL ADVENTURE PROGRAM The J’s afterschool adventure program, open to any kindergarten to 8th grade child, offers your child a variety of choices for creative, fun & stimulating activities in a safe & nurturing environment. Your child will enjoy many activities, like a Wii/Xbox Game Room, Supervised Homework Room, Arts & Crafts. In addition to all the activities, your child also has the opportunity to enroll in a variety of enrichment classes like cooking, robotics, swimming, dance, all on one campus. To enroll: or (954) 434-0499, ext 202. David Posnack JCC, 5850 S. Pine Island Road, Davie, FL 33328.

BRIGHT & SMART ROBOTICS & CODING Ages 7 – 14. A fun and enrichment program that offers girls and boys a complete engineering experience that facilitates higher cognitive skills through hands-on robot assembly, computer programming “coding” and teamwork. Kids will discover and learn new skills in this interactive approach that fosters problem solving and critical and creative thinking skills. For more information call 954-816-3346. We go to your school or your community center! • Plantation: Saturday: 10:00am – 11:30am at Central Park • Pompano Beach: Saturday: 10:30am - 12:00pm at Emma Lou Civic Center • Fort Lauderdale: Wednesday: 3:30pm – 5:00pm at Holiday Park • Pembroke Pines: Friday: 4:30pm – 6:00pm at Florida Technical College Cost: $210/8 weeks, plus $5 registration fee (paid to each particular City) and a $30 lab fee (paid to instructor).

KARATE AMERICA NOW OFFERING AFTER SCHOOL PICKUP FROM MOST SCHOOLS!! CALL FOR DETAILS! Our traditional martial arts programs help children and adults find a new sense of empowerment that extends past the physical maneuvers. Karate America students develop the confidence and self-esteem it takes to face life head on, seeking new challenges and persevering when times get tough! Free uniform for new student sign-ups! Call (954) 252-2821 for Cooper City location or visit www. Other locations: Plantation, Weston, Miramar East, Miramar West, Pembroke Pines, Hialeah, Miami, & Miami Lakes.

A WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM available for students ages K-2nd grade. Snacks, Homework Time, Music, Art! Educational Programs Rated #1 choice by parents, teachers & educators in the community! Our VPK students read within 4 months. NOW OPENING new classrooms for 1, 2, 3 & 4yr old students. #1 Choice for VPK Excellence.750 NW 180 Terrace, Pembroke Pines, 33029 & 6700 Griffin Rd., Davie 33314. (954) 430-7707.

SMART & FIT KIDS Smart and Fit Kids offers a “Fit To Flip Sports Aftercare Program” which includes a variety of sports activities: tumbling, karate, rhythmic gymnastics, ballet and dance. Our Aftercare Programs offers unique opportunities for your child to not only do homework, make friends and enjoy our new playground, but also sign up for multiple activities in the convenience of the same beautiful facility. We provide school pick-up for K-5th grade children from local Elementary schools. 9142 State Rd. 84, Davie FL 33324. (954) 370-0400.

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Offered at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Pkwy). Have fun and move to the music with hand-held weights, resistance bands, fitness balls, and a chair provided during each class. Challenge yourself to increase your range of motion, balance and muscular strength. Cost per class: $2.00 (adults 65 & over) / $3.00 (adults under 65 yrs) / Free (Silver Sneakers members). For info and class times, call (954) 436-7300 or visit



(AFTERSCHOOL & DAY OFF PROGRAMS cont.) CAMP LINGUA & LINGUA LANGUAGE CENTER: Language Immersion Summer Camp, After-School & Adult Programs Students are immersed in the language and culture of the language of choice. We offer quality language education through a proven natural, multisensory approach, delivered by professional educators who utilize engaging materials, ensuring students’ success in the acquisition and mastery of a new language. Children programs starting as early as 3 years of age and groups ranging to adulthood. Languages offered: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Mandarin, Italian and many more. The Language Immersion Summer Camp allows campers to explore language through interactive camp activities. (954)642-CAMP(2267) FOLLOW: #CampLingua. VISIT OUR OPEN HOUSES ON 4/18 & 5/16 FOR HUGE SAVINGS!

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



Our school offers a 100% Spanish Immersion afterschool program for children from 3 to 16 years old. Our focus is the acquisition of the Spanish language in reading, writing as well as speaking. Based on a 3 hour/week program, we offer classes in different locations such as Pembroke Pines Charter Schools, Imagine Charter at Weston, Beachside Montessori Village in Hollywood and West Pines preschool. Monthly tuition begins at $85. Private tutoring is also available, as well as adult and teenagers classes for advanced students. Visit or write to Call to find out more about hour different locations, days and time for each program. (954) 261-2432.

DANCER’S GALLERY/CAST Come Dance With Us After School! Offering one-of-a-kind performing arts after school program. Monday-Friday until 7:00 p.m. FREE Transportation from most local schools. Homework Help! Tutoring Available. Daily Classes for all levels include: Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Belly Dance, Contemporary, Acro, Acting and more. Performing opportunities in the Winter Show and end of year Recital. Call us for more information and ask about our early registration promotion: 954-437-9910 or visit us at 12323 SW 55th St. Unit 1010 Cooper City, Fl 33330

COOPER CITY FUN CAMP No School Fun Camp is offered on teacher planning days, select no school days, Winter Break, and Spring Break from 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Pkwy). Campers participate in indoor and outdoor games, crafts, and more. Field trips and in-house specials are included in the cost. All campers must be pre-registered. Open to Cooper City Residents in grades K-8th. Cost: $22.00 per child per day / $20.00 per day for additional children plus a one-time, nonrefundable $25.00 school year registration fee per child. Registration is on-going and must be done at the Cooper City Community Center (9000 SW 50th Place). Please note that a birth certificate and recent report card must accompany each registration form, and parents must show proof of residency. For info, call (954) 434-4300 #233 or visit

AFTERSCHOOL KIDS KORNER WITH MISS GRACE Have fun participating in and making themed crafts, food, and fun! Each month is a different theme. Classes held monthly on select Wednesdays from 2:30-4:00 p.m. at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Pkwy). Call for class dates. Classes for children in grades Pre-K-2nd. Cost per 3-week session: $24.00/Cooper City Residents and $34.00/Non-Residents. Registration is on-going and must be done at the Community Center. For info, call (954) 434-4300 #233 or visit

ATTRACTIONS & THEME PARKS MONSTER MINI GOLF 18 holes of indoor, monster themed, Glow-in-the-Dark Mini Golf and more! Feel the excitement and adventure of playing mini golf amidst cool monster décor that includes custom artwork and animated props. Our courses are challenging enough for adults to navigate, yet very playable for children. Experience our Weird Radio interactive DJ, who plays music and hosts contests for prizes. Monster Mini Golf is frightfully fun for all ages! 14435 Miramar Parkway, Miramar 33027. (954) 589-1878. 9533 Westview Drive, Coral Springs 33076 (in Regal Shopping Center).

JUMP!ZONE PARTY PLAY CENTERS Jump!Zone provides the wow factor you and your children are looking for. Your kids will have a blast playing at a Jump!Zone Party and Play Center which features massive, themed inflatable slides, obstacle courses and bounce houses kids love, interactive games, toddler activities and an all new arcade! Don’t let the weather keep your kids in the house, come to Jump!Zone and let them enjoy outdoor-type, healthy, active play, indoors! OPEN PLAY everyday: Sunday - Friday 10:00am - 7:00pm; Saturday 10:00am - 9:00pm. Bring socks! Call (954) 703-1330 for more details!!, 10064 W. Oakland Park Blvd., Sunrise, FL, 33351.

BARBIE™ THE DREAMHOUSE EXPERIENCE™ Barbie™ The Dreamhouse Experience™ brings the iconic Barbie™ Dreamhouse® toy to real life for fans of all ages. With interactive and personalized touches, guests have the opportunity to discover different rooms, living area in this larger-than-life Attraction. Enjoyable for all ages!!! 2606 Sawgrass Mills Circle, Sunrise, FL 33323. (954) 845-2343.

THE BB&T CENTER The BB&T Center is the preeminent sports and entertainment venue in Florida, and among the best in the world, with more than two million customers entering its doors each year. Host to more than 200 events annually including Florida Panthers hockey, the BB&T Center annually ranks among the top 10 venues in the United States.


ART INNA’S HALL OF FAME PERFORMING ARTS CONSERVATORY Small group classes for various levels focusing on drawing, painting, and illustration technique with renowned visual artist Elsa de la Cruz. 8685 Stirling Rd. Cooper City, 33328. 954-237-6021.

ART WORKSHOPS- CHESSART Teaching students to express themselves through the arts. Our program offers unique art experiences that promote your child’s confidence and creativity. Drawing. Painting. Cartooning. Printmaking. Ceramics. Group and private workshops. After school programs. SUMMER CAMP. Portfolio development for students from 9th and 12th grade. (954) 534-3771,,


FAMILY CERAMICS Enjoy making and taking home a ceramics project with your child. Offered select Friday nights from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Cooper City Community Center (9000 SW 50th Place). Children must be 5 years and older. Cost: $10.00 per family plus $10.00 material fee per child paid to the instructor at class time. Families must register by the Wednesday prior to class. For info, call (954) 434-4300 #233 or visit

ART Learn from the Masters, Picasso, Matisse, and Miro. Express yourself through ART, coached by professional artists. Classes are $85. At 4 sessions each ages 4-12. All Materials included. Meets Monday’s at Pine Island Multipurpose Center, 3801 South Pine Island Road. Please call: 954-327-3941 or 954-534-3771.

CHESS CHESS ENRICHMENT PROGRAM: CHESSART Learning to think outside the box. Chess is a useful educational tool. Chess is a tool that improves your child’s confidence, imagination, concentration and intuition. Chess also develops critical and logical thinking. Chess improves schoolwork and grades. Ages 4 and up. Chess is fun! After School Programs: Montessori schools, Imagine Charter. Group Lessons:Weston Community center, Davie Pine Island park Multipurpose center, Pembroke Isles, The Ridges. Private lessons, tournaments. SUMMER CAMP. (954) 650-2562 or (954) 534-3771.

OPEN PLAY CHESS Offered at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Parkway). Chess players of all ages and skill levels are invited to participate in free, open play the last Saturday of every month from 9:00am - 11:00am (excluding April). Please call (954) 436-7300 for more information.

CHESS Improve your Childs self confidence, imagination, concentration and intuition. We provide professional Instruction in classes at the Davie Pine Island Multipurpose Center, 3801 South Pine Island Road on Friday’s from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Materials and book are included at $75. Each session is four classes. For more information call: 954-327-3941 or 954-650-25632.

CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT SANDRA BRENER & ASSOCIATES, Pediatric Dentists FREE! Infant oral Health Club from pregnancy to 1 year old. Learn about healthy child development while you enjoy a light refreshment. 1st Tuesday of every month 11:30AM-12:30PM. Stirling Office Park, 9720 Stirling Road, Suite 100, Cooper City 33024. Space is limited; reserve your spot by calling now! (954) 441-3777.

EDU 1ST. PRESCHOOLS In Edu1st.Preschools, we are in constant search, study, and integration of the best and most revolutionary approaches to education in order to construct a model that takes into account all the needs and skillsets necessary for the 21st century learner. We offer a Bilingual preschool program for children from 1 to 5 years old, VPK, Summer VPK, afterschool, spring, summer and winter camp. • FSIA: First Steps International Academy; Open from 7:00am to 6:30pm, 2803 Executive Park Drive, Weston, FL 33331, info@ Phone: 954-888-9773 • VIP: VIP Kids Bilingual Preschool; Open from 7:00am to 6:00pm, 1845 N Corporate Lakes Blvd.,Weston, FL 33326. Phone: 954-598-9800 • PWA: Pines West Academy; Open from 6:30am to 6:30pm, 17191 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines, Fl 33027,,, Phone: 954-450-0900

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Offered at the Community Center (9000 SW 50th Place). Everyone can learn to draw! Equip your young artist with the tools to help them succeed in their endeavors to explore their creativity. To reserve your student’s space for a creative learning experience, email




Chiropractic care will provide a solid foundation for wellness for your whole family. It should be an essential part of every child’s development from pregnancy to birth and through childhood. Dr. Boyd will help keep your child healthy and nurture their development by allowing them to have an optimally operating nervous system. Chiropractic care is also great for treating and preventing your child’s sports injuries. CALL US TODAY at (954) 704-1224 or go to our website at 9710 Stirling Rd. suite 112, Cooper City, FL 33024.


Allow your child to play and learn with other children while developing lifelong social skills and friendships. Classes currently offered that require parent participation include: “Little Toddlers” and “Tot Time 2 & 3.” Classes offered that are without a parent include: “Adventures in Literature” and “Cooking & Crafts.” Please note that age restrictions do apply based on birth date, and a birth certificate must accompany each registration form. For info and registration, call (954) 434-4300 #233 or visit

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



Classes are professionally designed to develop motor skills, promote physical fitness, and create self-confidence in children 18 months and up. This non-competitive environment promotes fun and enjoyment. Parent participation required at toddler level. Classes offered at the Pool & Tennis Center on Saturday and Sunday mornings. For class dates, locations, details, and registration info, call Coach Dan at (954) 680-6861 or visit or


9042 West State Road 84, Davie 33324 (Same Plaza as Kabooms and RoundUp) BKS offers group and private lessons in Acting, Singing, Dancing, & Musical Instruments (Piano, Drums, & Guitar). Additionally, we have an After-School Program, Camps, and performance opportunities. Look out for opportunities to audition for one of our many productions, dance competition team or Star Performers. Contact us at (954) 693-7500 or

PURE DYNAMICS CLOGGING & DANCE STUDIO Looking for a different kind of dance studio with no recitals or pressure just FUN? Then you have found the right place. We are a family owned and operated studio with many unique as well as traditional classes, including Clogging, FUNdamentals of Dance, Vocal Lessons, Couples Dancing and Line Dancing and more. We offer classes for all ages from 2 to 92. Our team has been featured all over South Florida at festivals, charity events, parades as well as most recently at the Florida Panthers Game and at Cowboys. Classes range from $20 to $40 per month. No registration fee. Come join in the fun and be part of our family! Located at 6191 Orange Drive, Suite 4468, Davie. Call (954) 547-5126 or visit

PURE ENERGY DANCE Dance Classes for Ages 2 - Adult. Mommy and Me Transition, Preschool Tutus and Tap Shoes, Pee Wee Hip Hop/Ballet Combo, Ballet/Tap Combo, Ballet/Jazz-Hip Hop Combo, Tap, Jazz/HipHop, Classical Ballet, Lyrical. Personalized Attention, Quality Instruction, Raised Oak Floor. NO COMPETITIONS. Non-threatening, positive, fun environment, ORGANIZED fun recital. Promoting self-confidence and building self-esteem, while fostering a love for dance & the arts! Offering 3 different summer camps, call for information (954) 217-9778. 1306 SW 160th Ave., Sunrise/Weston 33326 (In the Weston 8 Cinema Plaza).

FLORIDA SUPERSTARS Florida Super Stars offer a high energy combination class with instruction in dance, cheerleading & baton twirling. Over 20 locations, $50 per month for unlimited classes. Year round performances are optional. Feature performances include: Miami Heat, Dolphins, Hurricanes, Disney World, Super Bowl, and Orange Bowl! Summer Dance Jam Camp also offered. (954) 438-2075 or

DANCING PLUS Dancing plus is an award winning Dance Studio celebrating our 34th year of business. Classes ore offered for Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Hip Hop, Lyrical and Acrobatics (ages 2 - 2 1/2) and Adult Classes. Located in the Pembroke Lakes Shopping Plaza between Hiatus & Palm, 10444 Taft St. Pembroke Pines. (954) 431-2334.

INNA’S HALL OF FAME PERFORMING ARTS CONSERVATORY We offer high quality instruction and performance opportunities for ages 3 & up. 8685 Stirling Rd. Cooper City, 33328. 954-237-6021.

ACADEMY OF ARTS 20841 Johnson Street, #113, Pembroke Pines, FL 33029, 954-704-0068, Ages 3 to professional. Ballet, Pointe, PasDeDeux, Combo, Acrocise, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Belly Dancing, Flamenco, HipHop, Modern, Contemporary, Musical Theatre, Drama, Art, Yoga, Voice, Piano, Violin, Guitar and Afterschool Programs. Academy of Arts features a Performing Group and Dance Company. Adult Classes.

RISING STARZ At Rising Starz, every student excels. We are the leaders in performance training. Our students have appeared on The X Factor, The Voice, Broadway & Primetime T.V. Rising Starz offers advanced acting coaching from leading Industry professional whose client lists are sure to impress. Covering everything from group classes to private lessons, performance coaching, college, high school and scholarship audition prep, summer camp, and more Rising Starz is where you want to be! For More information call: (954)370-3308 or

DANCER'S GALLERY' CAST Come Dance With Us! A variety of classes available for ages 2 ½-adult including: Baby Combo, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Belly Dance, Flamenco, Aerial Silks, Contemporary, Acting, Voice, Piano and more. Holding auditions on April 4th for our 2015-2016 Performance Company, Competition Team and CAST; our full-time school program for 5th-12th grade. This program is great for those seeking alternative schooling with emphasis in performing arts. Call us for more information and ask us about our current promotion: 954-437-9910 or visit us at 12323 SW 55th St. Unit 1010 Cooper City, Fl 33330


DAVIE SOUTH FLORIDA CLOGGERS The South Florida Cloggers are known throughout the Southeast region of the United States and recently competed in America’s Got Talent. They were also the only community dance group requested to perform in the Universal Studio Macy Day Parade and have performed twice at Disney World. In last year’s National Clogging Championships, they finished second. The team is made up of high energy performers of all ages starting with 2 year olds through seniors. This program is held at Robbins Lodge, 4005 Hiatus Road, Davie, and is offered on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. For more information, please contact Rebecca Vetter at (954) 347-5207.



20841 Johnson Street, #113, Pembroke Pines, FL 33029, 954-704-0068. Ages 3 to Adult. Professional instruction in Musical Theatre, Drama, Art, Voice, Piano, Violin and Guitar.

9042 West State Road 84, Davie 33324 (Same Plaza as Kabooms and RoundUp) BKS offers group and private lessons in Acting, Singing, Dancing, & Musical Instruments (Piano, Drums, & Guitar). Additionally, we have an After-School Program, Camps, and performance opportunities. Look out for opportunities to audition for one of our many productions, dance competition team or Star Performers. Contact us at (954) 693-7500 or




Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

At Pure Dynamics we pride ourselves in being very family oriented. We are a family owned and operated business. Many of our classes are run by levels not ages. This gives family members (siblings, parents, grandparents) the opportunity to dance together in a class. What a great way to spend quality time together! Come join in the fun and be part of our family. Classes range from $20 to $40 per month. There is NO registration fee and family discounts are available. 6191 Orange Dr. Suite 4468, Davie. For more information call (954) 547-5126,

Offering private and small group classes in piano, violin, guitar, ukulele, drums, flute, sax, voice, and more. Member of Florida Federation of Music Clubs. 8685 Stirling Rd. Cooper City, 33328. 954-237-6021.

Cooper City’s Social Group for young adults with special needs. All events are held at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Parkway). For more information, please contact Sheri Billings (954) 433-2264 or Karen Knapp (954) 818-7066.


JCCMACCABI GAMES® & ARTSFEST® Be a part of the Maccabi family! The 2nd largest Jewish youth event is being hosted in Broward County for the first time ever August 9-14, 2015. Be a part of it. Volunteers are needed to help run events, for registration, hospitality, transportation, etc. Or host a visiting athlete or artist. Visitors are coming from across the U.S. and around the world. You can make a difference in the lives of our youth. Visit or call 954-501-2015 to sign up today.

FISHING & BOATING SOUTH FLORIDA CAREFREE BOAT CLUB Boating without owning…It’s about time! The South Florida Carefree Boat Club members enjoy the fun and the lifestyle of boating without the hassles of owning. A boat owner maintains, cleans, repairs, and invests hours of time into up-keeping his or her boat. Club members have access to a variety of boats, unlimited use, and a concierge service to go along with it. Own the water, not the boat. This company created a model that makes it stress-free to get out on the water, and membership is a fraction of the cost of owning just one boat. With convenient locations in Ft. Lauderdale, Pompano Beach, Miami and 22 other locations, Carefree Boat club members enjoy the best availability and the best variety of boats, at a fraction of the cost of boat ownership. Visit their website at



At Rising Starz, every student excels. We are the leaders in performance training. Beginners to career seekers. Our students have appeared on The X Factor, The Voice, Broadway & Primetime T.V. Rising Starz offers group classes, private lessons, performance coaching, toddler music, dance classes, art classes, musicals, songwriting, music production classes, college, high school and scholarship audition prep, summer camp, live performance opportunities, Birthday Parties and more! For More information call: (954)370-3308 or


Students are part of a band playing music they love, learning to read and write music, performing and recording. Professional instruction in Bass, Piano, Brass, Drums, Vocals, Guitars, Keyboard, Ukulele and Woodwinds. Swimming & Pool Activities, Arts & Crafts, Games, Sports & More! Ages 6-16, Beginners through Advanced, Individuals or your whole band may join. Camp ends with a concert performance! Two 3-week Sessions: June 8 - June 26 & June 29 - July 17. Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 3:00pm (before & after care available). No Registration Fee! Camp held at Plantation Imagine Charter School, 8200 Peters Road, Plantation. (954) 232-3174 or

SCUBA DIVING PINE ISLAND AQUATIC CENTER 3800 SW 92 Ave, Davie. Please call (954) 473 1220 for course schedules and to register for the following: Discover Scuba Diving - Not sure if you want to take a certification course yet? come learn how to use scuba equipment in shallow water and get a quick and easy introduction to what it takes to explore the underwater world. Open to ages 12 up. Classes are Free. Open Water Diver Course - The Open Water Diver course consists of three main parts: 1; Develop knowledge to learn the basic principles of scuba diving through Home study and classroom. 2; Confined Pool Dives at Pine Island aquatic center to learn basic scuba skills. 3; Open Water Dives to review your skills and explore the “world below”.


(SPECIAL POPULATION PROGRAMS Cont.) AMERICAN THERAPY HOUSE [ATH] + THERAPIES 4 KIDS [T4K] American Therapy House (ATH) & Therapies 4 Kids (T4K) provides PT/ OT/SLP to children with developmental disabilities. Services include direct treatment, patient education, and specialized programs to meet the growing health needs of the community. 3 Locations; 10261 Pines Boulevard, Pembroke Pines 33025, 7300 NW 5th Street, Plantation, 33317 & 1750 N. University Drive, Suite 105, Coral Springs 33071. American Therapy House has become the leader in Pediatric and Adult programs for neurological disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Autism, & Stroke. MediCaid & Most Insurance accepted. (954) 356-2878. OPEN SATURDAYS. Private School K-12 now taking applications: - NO WAITING LIST.

TEEN PROGRAMS Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



Opportunity for Cooper City middle and high school students to earn community service hours by volunteering at the Cooper City Community Center (9000 SW 50th Place). Volunteers meet throughout the school year on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 4:00-6:00 p.m. and assist the Recreation Department in preparing for upcoming special events and programs. Registration forms are available at the Community Center and must be completed prior to volunteering. For info, call (954) 434-4300 #233 or visit

COOPER CITY STUDENT ASSISTANT VOLUNTEER (S.A.V.) PROGRAM Opportunity for high school students residing in Cooper City to earn community service hours by assisting staff during No School Camp days as well as with special events. Volunteers are required to complete an application and interview with staff prior to assignment. Registration forms for the 2014-2015 School Year are available at the Community Center (9000 SW 50th Place) beginning in August and must be completed prior to volunteering. Proof of residency must be provided. For info, call (954) 434-4300 #233 or visit

DAVIE LIFEGUARD TRAINING & CERTIFICATION CLASS Looking for a summer job? This is the certification course needed to apply for a seasonal lifeguard position with the Town of Davie. Registration fee is $300.00 per person. Contact Rochelle Kelvos at or call (954) 327-3927 for more information or registration.

YOGA MINDBODY FUNKIDS YOGA & Fitness MB FUNKids Yoga teaches poses and techniques that are just right for kids. It provides calming relaxation and stretching for them in a laid back atmosphere that also allows them to have fun. Our MB Kids Fitness is an interactive class that will introduce cardiovascular and body weight exercises in a fun environment along with some sports specifuc moves, plyometrics and dance moves with fun music. Boys and Girls will enjoy all of the fun our newest kids fitness program has to offer! 8620 Griffin Road Cooper City 33328. (954) 252-7999,

MINDBODY TWEEN YOGA Yoga 4 Tweens ages 9-14 for girls and boys to direct their natural energy toward staying fit, healthy, and having fun while also aiding with focus and inner calm. We will get comfortable with our own bodies and let go out external pressures through the physical practice of yoga through individual, partner, and even group poses! Age appropriate meditation and breath-work are included in each class and are proven techniques for reducing stress and aiding concentration. 8620 Griffin Road Cooper City 33328. (954) 252-7999,

YOGA Offered at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Pkwy). Come enjoy a complimentary first class! Classes instructed by David Caswell, RYT. Call for class times. Cost: $50.00 (5 classes) Cooper City Residents/ $100.00 (11 classes) Cooper City Residents. For registration and additional info, call (954) 295-0207 or email

Directory Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

By Debby Teich


Triathlons are a great way for kids to stay active and have fun. The

Interactive Metronome Junior Development Cycling Team offers a way for kids to train and compete. The team is dedicated to promoting a multi-sport lifestyle for boys and girls, ages 7-18. “Although triathlon is one of the fastest growing youth sports in the United States, it is not as well known in South Florida,” said Coach Maria Supik, who has Bachelor’s degree in Exercise and Sports Science from the University of Florida. “Running, biking and swimming are three sports that most kids do well. With several new local races, it is a great time for kids to get involved.” The triathlon season runs from March to September. Most of the races feature the familiar swim-bike-run format, but the distances are much shorter than in adult races. “Most kids can finish a triathlon, as long as they have the desire,” said Supik. “If they can run, bike and swim, they can enter. They do not have to be super athletes to participate in a triathlon. The more they train, the better they get.” The athletes in the group represent every body type and fitness level, and each one has a different race goal. Some just want to finish, while others are trying to set a new personal record or win the whole race. Most live in South Broward, but some come from as far as Miami. As they compete in local, regional and national youth triathlons, they meet other athletes interested in the sport. “In most team sports, the best players get the most playing time,” said Supik. “In triathlons, everyone has the same opportunity to compete. No one is ever left out.” Supik coaches the kids twice a week. The training program, which is adapted for youth, includes running and biking at Brian Piccolo Park, as well

as some other local parks. Most of the kids swim at the Cooper City Pool and Tennis Center, but some are involved with their own swim programs. While Supik works with the younger kids on biking, the older and more advanced members have an opportunity to train with Steve Mlujeak, former team captain of the Armed Forces Cycling Team, and Carl Sundquist, who is a former Olympian. Both are USA cycling certified coaches. They work with the kids on road biking and mountain biking skills. Bikers, ages 9 to 18 are divided into five groups based on age and ability. They are all at different levels. The beginners work on learning bike handling skills; how to ride in a group; cornering; shifting; riding in a pace line and more. The more advanced riders focus on fitness, strength, endurance and team tactics. “Our goal is to promote a healthy, active lifestyle,” said Mlujeak. “Cycling is a lifelong sport. Some of the kids ride for fun, while others want to compete.” During road bike season, from January to October, the group trains at Brian Piccolo Park on the Velodrome and paved bike path. It is a safe place to train, without having to ride on the open road. During mountain biking season, from late September to February, they ride at a variety of parks in the area. There is some overlap between the two seasons. Since Mlujeak started the group three years ago, he has had the opportunity to train many successful cyclists. There have been over 15 state champions and four national champions. Four cyclists ride for their colleges or universities and one signed a pro contract. To find out more about the Interactive Metronome Junior Development Cycling Team, visit “Interactive Metronome Cycling Team” on Facebook. To contact Maria Supik, call 786-553-2763. To contact Steve Mlujeak, call 954-300-1080 or send an email to


By Debby Teich

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



group of West Broward teens are learning first-hand what it means to make a difference in the community. As members of Shema Koleinu’s Mitzvah Makers’ group, they participate in monthly projects in an effort to reach out to those in need. “A central Jewish value is ‘tikkun olam’, or repairing the world, which means that it is our responsibility to take care of others,” said Cantor Debbi Ballard, founder of Shema Koleinu, an unaffiliated Jewish synagogue. “‘Mitzvah’ is the Hebrew word for ‘act of kindness.’ As Mitzvah Makers, the kids are establishing a lasting connection with community service and giving. The hope is that this will become a way of life for them.” In its third year, the Mitzvah Makers group currently has 24 members in eighth to twelfth grade. Most are from Weston and the surrounding communities. Each year, the group selects a board of directors and divides up the roles and responsibilities required to complete all of the projects. They receive volunteer hours for their participation. “In addition to helping others, the group provides an opportunity for them to make friends outside their social circles, develop leadership skills, and become role models for the younger kids,” said Ballard. At the beginning of the school year, members choose the monthly projects they want to work on from September to May. After each project, they talk about the impact they have had on someone else’s life. Some of the projects have included: • Made over 150 lunches and delivered them to the homeless. • Completed crafts with patients at the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. • Organized a Field Day at Children’s Harbor, a foster care organization in Pembroke Pines that keeps siblings together.

They brought sports equipment, a bounce house, pizza and more to treat the residents to a fun day. • Collected over 500 pairs of jeans to benefit homeless teens. • Provided packaged food and supplies for US troops around the world. • “Adopted” three children through JAFCO and fulfilled their wishes for the year. Jake Fuhrman, co-president, has been a Mitzvah Maker for the past two years. “I enjoy getting involved in the community and helping the less fortunate,” said Jake. “Helping others teaches you important values and to appreciate everything you have in your own life. Mitzvah Makers is a time for me to get away from school and social media, while helping others at the same time.” Jake says that his favorite project was the Children’s Harbor Carnival. “We set up a carnival for a day for all of the foster children to come and enjoy,” said Jake. “Since they don’t get much interaction with other kids, it’s fun to provide them with some fun and field events.” Justin Liebman, co-president, joined the group three years ago as a way to become more involved in the community. He has developed close friendships with many of the members. “Community service is important for kids to learn that there is more to life than just what they see,” said Justin. “Many people need help and learning how to help through Mitzvah Makers and other organizations is really productive.” Justin says that his favorite project is feeding the homeless. “It’s awe-inspiring for me to see how thankful people are for things as simple as a sandwich and a bag of chips,’ said Justin. “These are things we take for granted. It’s really cool to know that I can make such a positive difference in so many people’s lives.” For more information, call 954-646-1326 or send an email to


Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015


DIRECTORY Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015




t is hard to find a teenager within the circulation of this article that is not updating their status as you read this. Cell phones are extremely valuable and provide enormous benefits, including social communication, research, safety, planning and organization. I for one cannot function without one. But what about the dangers of a cell phone? I will leave the fear of radiation for those qualified to discuss. The dangers I am referring to are cyber stalking and exposure to inappropriate materials. The danger is magnified when we look at how many of our middle school children are making poor choices and the number of younger children who become targeted as victims. The American Psychological Association defines bullying as, “aggressive behavior that is intentional and involves an imbalance of power or strength.” It is repeated and takes many forms, including cyberbullying (bullying that happens online and via cell phones, 24 hours per day). Sue Poremba of NBC News reports the definition of “sexting” as the use of text messages in the form of sexually explicit messages and photographs. This new frontier of communication can be considered child pornography when those involved are under the age of 18, leaving the individual to be charged as a sex offender. Signs to look for when a child is being bullied include avoidance of school,

decreased appetite, nightmares and mood disturbances. While placing the family computer in the kitchen remains a necessary precaution, small portable devices (phones, tablets, laptops) increase portability while simultaneously increasing risk. The answer is provided in one word - MONITOR. What follows must include discussion, contracts, discipline and education. Ultimately, our role as parents is to prepare, protect and provide. One of the best ways to do this is to spend quality time with your child. Start a hobby together; take them out to eat a meal, run errands together. Get creative. Often you will find that once together they will lower their guard and share. is a government website that provides helpful resources regarding these issues. As parents, set guidelines and get involved. I have Instagram, Twitter and other social media apps on my phone. Not because I am interested in the content, but so I can learn. I have become aware. The overwhelming majority of children who get themselves involved in an inappropriate media interaction are aware that they made a bad decision at some point in the exchange. The sooner we (adults) find out about the details, the less damage there will be. I invite you to reach out to me for future article suggestions. Please email me at

Family Health Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015


Injuries Don’t Happen By Appointment. What to do when it doesn’t go as planned on the field.


t is one of any parent’s worst nightmares. It is late in the evening and your child is on the baseball diamond. He slides into home and collides with another player. His enthusiasm and desire to give it his all resulted in an injury to his leg. What do you do? It is after hours and the emergency room will only be able to splint your son and send him home, possibly in pain. You will need to wait until tomorrow – or later – to see your physician or possibly an orthopedic doctor. This was your only option in this scenario, until now. Now, families in Western Broward have another option, OrthoNOW® Orthopedic Urgent Care Center. OrthoNOW® is a revolutionary new concept in health care offering patients a money and time-saving alternative for orthopedic and sports injuries by allowing for emergency access to orthopedic specialists. The primary focus of the clinic, which is located at the intersection of Griffin Road and Volunteer Road in the Regency Square Shopping Center, is assessment and treatment of a range of orthopedic and sports medicine injuries on a walk-in basis. These injuries include anything related to the foot, ankle, knee, hip, wrist, elbow, shoulder and spine, in addition to concussion related injuries. OrthoNOW® boasts a team of orthopedic specialists who treat broken bones, sprains, torn ligaments and muscles, cuts, sports and workers compensation injuries. The OrthoNOW® injuries center in Broward, which is part of a national network of OrthoNOW® centers, is equipped with full imaging equipment and offers the latest techniques in surgical and non-surgical treatments by a team of physicians,

orthopedic surgeons and orthopedic specialized ancillary providers. The center has an in-house digital X-ray, ARPwave for pain management and provides follow up care and rehabilitation. OrthoNOW sees and treats children as young as 2 years of age and adults until 100+. This specialized facility encourages both health and wellness to the community through new and cutting edge technologies. In addition to start to finish orthopedic care, OrthoNOW® is the first practice to introduce the exclusive ARPwave Neuro Therapy pain treatment to the general public. Previously, ARPwave Neuro Therapy, which is the most advanced neuro-therapy treatment solution in the world, was only available to celebrities and professional athletes. This treatment dramatically alleviates acute and chronic pain and expedites recovery time from surgery. Brian J. Cross, DO, Medical Director OrthoNOW® Weston, whom also serves as director of orthopedic trauma services at Broward Health Medical Center, remarked “OrthoNOW® Weston provides our community with technologies and treatments that save them money and time. There are more than 300 new urgent care clinics opening each year, however, this center represents the newest solution to orthopedic injuries in the Weston/Davie area and we’re proud to serve this community.” OrthoNOW® Weston is located at 4825 SW 148th Ave, Davie, FL 33330 and is open 7 days a week. Most major insurance is accepted including Medicare. For more information about OrthoNOW® and the services provided call 954-802-6763 or visit:

Family Health Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015


By Debby Teich


group of Weston children are proving that you are never too young to volunteer. As they reach out to sick children at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, they are learning how good it feels to make a difference in someone else’s life. It is classic example of kids helping kids. In 2011, nine-year-old Ike Grapin was treated at Joe DiMaggio for a tumor in his hip. His twin sisters, Amanda and Ilyssa, wanted to find a way to give back to the hospital, so they spent time completing art projects with the patients. Four years later, Ike and two of his friends are following in his sisters’ footsteps. It all started when Ike Grapin, 13; Jack Ross, 12; and Jackson Arnberg, 13, had to come up with an idea for a “Mitzvah” (good deed) project for their Bar Mitzvahs. Since they felt an affiliation with Joe DiMaggio, they decided to volunteer there. Initially, they only planned on a few visits to the hospital. They enjoyed it so much that they have made it an on-going project. The boys’ siblings have also joined the effort - Julia Ross, 11; Ben Ross, 15; Harrison Arnberg, 15 and Amanda and Ilyssa Grapin, who are now 16. Every month, they spend one hour with the patients at the hospital doing arts and crafts. They bring art supplies, such as stickers, glue, crayons, paint, sketch pads and other materials. They have made snowmen from foam pieces, mini snow globes, Valentine’s Day cards and more. Before the patients return to their rooms, they get to select a prize for their participation. Some of the prizes include toys, books, Legos, craft kits, and stuffed animals. Most months, the group size allows them to work one-on-one with the

patients and create special bonds. As they spend time together, they share stories about their lives and interests. Ike says that he likes to find out the patients’ favorite color and help them make something special with it. “Everyone benefits,” said Marci Grapin, Ike’s mother. “The patients love spending time with the kids and their parents get to take a break. Our kids see that they have the ability to make the sick children so happy just by working with them on something as simple as an art project. All of the patients leave with huge smiles on their faces.” Each of the kids has their own special reason for volunteering. Jack says that he loves talking to the patients and learning more about them. “These kids are going through rough times and need people to care about them,” said Jack. “Our time there makes things feel a little lighter. It feels good to take the time to make someone feel special and brighten their day. The parents tell us they look forward to our visits.” Jackson says he enjoys helping those who are less fortunate than he is. “It is the best feeling in the world to make the kids at the hospital smile,” said Jackson. “It is important to be a good citizen and help out in the community. It builds unity in our progressive and important generation.” Ike says that he can truly relate to the patients. “I was one of those kids in the hospital and I was not always happy,” said Ike. “When I see the kids smiling and enjoying their artwork, it makes me feel so happy that I just made a kid’s day. If I am not having a good day before I go, their smile always cheers me up.”


Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Family Health

Family Health

Health Provider Directory CHIROPRACTIC CARE

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



Dr. Samantha Boyd delivers her patients chiropractic care in a spa-like atmosphere that is both peaceful and serene. Dr. Boyd is educated and experienced in various chiropractic techniques which allows her to deliver personalized care to each patient to meet each of their unique needs. Chiropractic care can help you with neck and back pain, headaches, car accident injuries, sports injuries, and much more. Here the patients are provided with a means to lead a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, her office also provides massage therapy and vitamins and supplements. CALL US TODAY at (954) 704-1224 or go to our website 9710 Stirling Rd. #112 Cooper City, FL 33024.


Brian K. Bons, D.D.S - Diplomate, The American Board of Orthodontics. Now using the State-of-the-Art DAMON SYSTEM for shorter treatment time, fewer office visits and less discomfort! Our office is designed with you in mind. Whether you’re an adult, a teenager or younger, we know that you are busy. We strive to maintain a “no waiting policy.” Certified Invisalign Provider. Fluent in English and Spanish. Most dental insurances accepted. 1637 N. Hiatus Rd., Pembroke Pines 33026. (954) 437-9477.


BRACES and INVISALIGN treatment for children, teens and adults. We are moms ourselves, and we emphasize making each patient’s experience a pleasant one. We pride ourselves in treating each patient as if they were our own children. We offer COMPETITIVE PRICING and FLEXIBLE PAYMENT PLANS. More importantly, we are very DETAILORIENTED. Our EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE and beautiful state-of-the-art facility sets us apart from other offices. INTEREST-FREE in-house FINANCING available. Most INSURANCES accepted. Evening appointments available. Visit us at Call now for your FREE CONSULTATION with mention of this ad. (954) 514-2111. Located in front of IKEA at 175 NW 136th Ave, Sunrise 33325. Se habla Espanol.


Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry with 20 years of clinical and academic experience is now in Cooper City. NEW, STATE OF THE ART PEDIATRIC DENTAL CLINIC! Comprehensive dental care from infancy through adolescents. Advanced technology, Flexible hours, Saturday appointments, Multilingual Team. Offer: $99 New Patients Special: Comprehensive preventive care visit. Stirling Office Park, 9720 Stirling Road, Suite 100, Cooper City 33024. Call now to schedule your appointment! (954) 441-3777.


Gentle Dental is the leading provider of dental health services in South Florida. Gentle Dental provides cosmetic dentistry services, preventive dental treatments, general, reconstructive and specialty dentistry. With the motto, “All Dentistry…One Place”, the Gentle Dental team is equipped to serve all of your dental needs – under one roof. Whether you’re looking for a general dentist or a cosmetic dentistry specialist such as an orthodontist, oral surgeon, endodontist, periodontist or a pediatric dentist, we do it all. We have 29 convenient locations in South Florida including Gentle Dental of Davie/Dean, Israel & Associates, 9870 Griffin Rd., Cooper City, FL 33328 and Gentle Dental of Cooper City, 12129 Sheridan St., Cooper City, FL 33326. Call (855) 375-1926 to schedule an appointment.


Our private practice office is available for confidential and professional help. All individual, couples, families and/or groups are welcome. We specialize in children and families, offering educational testing as well as therapeutic services. Services include educational testing such as Gifted Placement, ADD & ADHD, academic problems, learning disabilities and behavioral problems. We also offer help for those dealing with stress, grief & loss, anxiety, sleep disorders, OCD, fears & phobias or depression. Please call our office to discuss your needs. Conveniently located in Coral Springs, Coconut Creek, Davie, Tamarac and Plantation. (954) 288-9393.


We offer an array of amazing classes designed to give you everything you need to get healthy and fit, all under one roof! From our professional trainers to newly designed 6000 sq. ft beautiful studio, MindBody is the elite studio for an upscale experience without the upscale attitude. Build muscle and lose weight in our Elite Fusion or TRX Circuit Training class, enjoy a wide variety of spinning classes, including video spin. Try Pilates on one of our top of the line Reformers or learn from the pros in Ballet Bar, Zumba or Pole Fitness! Take your fitness routine to the next level with Kickboxing or enjoy the power of a good Yoga class! The whole family can now enjoy Mindbody with the new Kids Fitness and Baby & Me programs! 8620 Griffin Rd., Cooper City 33328. (954) 252-7999,


We’re not your typical gym. We offer training for youth to elite. Whether you want to compete at a high level or just look like you do. We have a group for you. We specialize in real strength development you can use. Visit our web site or call for details on getting in the best shape of your life., (954) 829-4144, 11870 State Road 84, C7, Davie 33325.


Do you lack motivation or desire to go to the gym? Perhaps it’s time to try a fresh approach to your fitness regimen. Burn up to 500 calories per hour and have fun while doing it. At Pure Dynamics we offer a variety of classes to help get you in shape such as, Clogging, Line Dancing, Couples Dancing and more. Classes range from $35 to $40 a month. Let us help you get in the shape of your life, while having the time of your life! Located at 6191 Orange Dr., Suite 4468, Davie. Call (954) 547-5126 or visit for more information.

FREE FIT CAMP Offering FREE Fit Camp to anyone looking to improve their overall well-being. Come join us for Fit Camp, Glute Camp, Baby & Me Fit Camp, Targeted Core or Walk Club, Monday through Saturday. No registration, no fees and no catch! Come for one class or for all at no cost! We’ll put you on the right track with your fitness and guide you with good nutrition to help your reach your maximum potential. For information on times and location call Chelsea at (954) 226-3075 or email

PREMIER MARTIAL ARTS Premier Martial Arts has a specialty fitness program designed to help you lose weight and tone your body. Cross kick is the revolutionary kickboxing training program combining the best cross fit training exercises with fitness kickboxing. Cross kick’s unique workout sculpts the muscles of the arms, legs and abs. Burn up to 600 calories in 60 minutes. Whatever your fitness level and goals, PMA has a program for you. (954) 389-9146.

MAT PILATES Offered at the Cooper City Pool & Tennis Center (11600 Stonebridge Pkwy). Stretch and tone your body. Add Pilates to your workout and feel and see the difference! Class times: Tuesdays & Thursdays mornings/ Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 p.m. Cost per session (8 classes): $40.00 Cooper City Residents / $50.00 Non-Residents. Cost per class: $7.00 Cooper City Residents / $9.00 Non-Residents. For info and class times, call (954) 436-7300 or visit

THE TOWN OF DAVIE FITNESS AND AQUATIC CENTER 3800 SW 92 Avenue (Pine Island Park and Bamford Sports Complex), is proud to announce we have completed our building renovations. New fitness equipment from Cybex and Hoist. Fitness Center Hours, Monday to Friday 5:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. Saturday & Sunday 8:00 A.M - 6:P.M. Stop by, take a tour of our new “digs”, and ask us about becoming a six (6) month or annual membership. (954) 327-3926

DAVIE AQUA KIDS Water Aerobics for children. Water aerobics is an ideal way to help your child get fit through exercise, fun and games. Minimum height requirement is 4ft and children must be comfortable in the water. Please call Dana at (954) 797-7387 for more information.

DAVIE DEEP WATER AEROBICS A perfect way to workout with zero impact to your body’s bones and joints by performing a variety of exercises and deep water running techniques while wearing a flotation belt. Please call Dana at (954) 797-7387 for more information.

DAVIE AQUATICS FITNESS PERSONAL TRAINING Schedule an aquatic fitness personal training session at Pine Island Aquatic Center. Receive one-on-one instruction with a certified, experienced teacher. Initial session includes fitness and skill level evaluation, personal goal setting and written work-out plan. There is a discount for multiple sessions. Aquatic personal training will help you improve flexibility, balance and build strength in a safe environment especially for those recovering from injury. Plus you will have fun! Contact Nancy at (954) 383-1132 or for more information.

GREEN LIVING MOMS CREATING FINANCIAL FREEDOM Are you looking for a simpler way to go green? We are a group of local moms who educate families about the importance of removing toxic products from their homes. We provide free informational workshops in which we share green and safer alternatives that save families money. We also offer the option to become part of our local educational team for those looking to work from home. For more information or a list of our free local events, go to or contact (954) 614-8487 or


Family Health

Sign up for your own personal Change Challenge. Work with Heather at to create a personal fitness and food strategy that works to achieve your goals in your busy life. It’s a phase by phase, change by change process to a smaller, tighter, leaner body and you’ll learn the mental and physical strategies to keep it off… forever. Every goal needs a plan, that’s what I’ll help you create. To change your body, visit

Protect your loved ones. Protect your assets. We can help you with individual and small group health insurance, including dental, life insurance, long term care and disability (short and long term). Call us for a free review of your insurance portfolio. All carriers available. (954) 963-3300.

HOSPITALS & URGENT CARE FACILITIES OrthoNOW WESTON ORTHOPEDIC URGENT CARE CENTER Because injuries don’t happen by appointment! OrthoNOW is a network of specialized urgent care centers focused on treating the full range of orthopaedic and sports medicine injuries on a walk-in basis including anything related to pain, sprains, strains, fractures, foot, ankle, knee, hand and wrist, spine, and shoulder and we also offer baseline concussion testing. Equipped with industry leading imaging equipment and offering the latest techniques in surgical and non-surgical treatments by a staff of board certified physicians and physician’s assistants. Don’t wait at the Emergency Room or general Urgent Care Center! We Will Take Care of You IN LESS THAN 90 MINUTES without an appointment! 4825 SW 148th Ave. Davie, FL 33330

THE CHILDREN’S CENTER AT PLANTATION GENERAL HOSPITAL The Children’s Center at Plantation General Hospital offers specialized hospital care for children of all ages. Within minutes of the Florida Turnpike, I-595 and I-95, the Hospital is staffed by pediatricians who provide emergency and intensive care for newborns, children and teenagers. Visit or call (888) 256-7724 for more information.

MASSAGE THERAPY DR. SAMANTHA BOYD. At Dr. Samantha Boyd’s office you will receive massage therapy in spa-like atmosphere that is both peaceful and serene. The massage therapists at our office are experienced in several massage techniques which allows them to deliver a clinical massage specialized to meet your needs. Through massage therapy you can experience relief from various muscle aches, headaches and back pain, anxiety and depression, and even improve your sleep. Dr. Boyd provides her patients with a natural, holistic approach to health. Therefore her office also provides chiropractic care and vitamins and supplements. CALL US TODAY at (954) 704-1224 or go to our website 9710 Stirling Rd. #112 Cooper City, FL 33024.

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



Family Health Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015






For patients seeking advance treatment for orthopedic and spine issues. Our team uses the latest in technology to guide patients through every aspect from surgery to discharge and follow-up care. Located at 8201 W. Broward Blvd., Plantation (800) 618-2631.

ORTHOPAEDICS JOE DIMAGGIO CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL’S DEPARTMENT OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY & [U18] SPORTS MEDICINE Meeting the needs of the pediatric & adolescent population with orthopaedic injuries ranging from scoliosis and spinal deformities, bone tumors, fractures, limb lengthening& deformities, hip injuries& hip disorders, sports injuries and much more, your child will be cared for by fellowship-trained pediatric orthopaedic surgeons: Dr. Michael Jofe, Dr. Randolph Cohen, Dr. Neal McNerney, Dr. Stephen Storer, Dr. Jeremy Frank & Dr. Eric Eisner who combine have over 75 years experience. Diagnostic imaging by pediatric radiologists and technologists. Anesthesia care by board-certified pediatric anesthesiologists. Rehabilitation by licensed and doctorate level physical therapists. We provide a full spectrum of care. (954) 538-5500,,

OrthoNOW WESTON ORTHOPEDIC URGENT CARE CENTER Because injuries don’t happen by appointment! OrthoNOW is a network of specialized urgent care centers focused on treating the full range of orthopaedic and sports medicine injuries on a walk-in basis including anything related to pain, sprains, strains, fractures, foot, ankle, knee, hand and wrist, spine, and shoulder and we also offer baseline concussion testing. Equipped with industry leading imaging equipment and offering the latest techniques in surgical and non-surgical treatments by a staff of board certified physicians and physician’s assistants. Don’t wait at the Emergency Room or general Urgent Care Center! We Will Take Care of You IN LESS THAN 90 MINUTES without an appointment! 4825 SW 148th Ave. Davie, FL 33330

ORTHOPEDIC & SPINE INSTITUTE AT WESTSIDE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER For patients seeking advance treatment for orthopedic and spine issues. Our team uses the latest in technology to guide patients through every aspect from surgery to discharge and follow-up care. Located at 8201 W. Broward Blvd., Plantation(800) 618-2631.


Plantation General Hospital and Consult-A-Nurse® are here for you and your child. Just a phone call away, our registered nurses provide free information and prompt answers to your health-related questions any time of day. Our nurses provide health information and can refer you to the most appropriate physician. Call 1-(888) 256-7724 any time you have a health question or are looking for a doctor.


Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy Serving the needs of pediatric and adolescent patients – Our therapists specialize in the treatment of infants and children with a variety of diagnoses, including neurological deficits, sensory and auditory processing disorders, and developmental delay. Our services include Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Feeding Therapy. Locations: Coral Springs 954-575-8962 , Hollywood 954-265-5880, Miramar 954-538-4760, Pembroke Pines 954-844-7180 –


The U18 Sports Medicine rehabilitation program was developed to help meet the unique sports injury prevention and treatment needs of children and adolescents. Every patient treated at U18 receives one – on – one individualized physical therapy care provided by highly experienced orthopaedic physical therapists. Our patients have our undivided attention, which can help improve outcomes. Our facilities are tailored specifically for the young athlete. Locations in Miramar and Coral Springs. (954) 538-5500


OrthoNOW features a ARP-WAVE Neuro-Therapy. With a 95% success rate over the past 10 years ARP WAVE, a type of Neuro-Therapy, works on the original site of pain. All other therapy or treatments deal with the physiology of the condition not the neurology. ARP WAVE is used by the most elite athletes in the world to treat muscle pain, spasms, and stiffness. OrthoNOW is the ONLY urgent care center to bring ARP WAVE to the community. 4825 SW 148th Ave. Davie, FL 33330


American Therapy House (ATH) & Therapies 4 Kids (T4K) provides PT/ OT/SLP to children with developmental disabilities. Services include direct treatment, patient education, and specialized programs to meet the growing health needs of the community. 3 Locations: 10261 Pines Boulevard, Pembroke Pines 33025, 7300 NW 5th Street, Plantation, 33317 & 1750 N. University Drive, Suite 105, Coral Springs 33071. American Therapy House has become the leader in Pediatric and Adult programs for neurological disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Autism & Stroke. MediCaid & Most Insurance accepted. (954) 356-2878. OPEN SATURDAYS. Private School K-12 now taking applications: - NO WAITING LIST.


OrthoSport has been providing outpatient physical therapy for over 16 years. Nancy Croughwell, DPT and Howard Layne, DPT are active owners and have over 40 years of combined experience as physical therapists. OrthoSport provides individual care with a ‘hands on’ approach for all ages. Physical therapy services include manual therapy, vestibular therapy, and treatment of orthopedic injuries utilizing injury specific rehabilitation and training methods. OrthoSport has two locations: 5200 S. University Dr., Suite #105 in Davie (954) 382-4343 and in Margate at 5200 Colonial Drive, Suite #400 (954) 979-0112. Visit us at



ME SPA is a destination day spa where every detail has been conceived with you in mind: a lovely setting, soothing ambience, a place to get away from the hustle of the day. A place where you can relax & be yourself. Shops of Pembroke Gardens, 322 SW 145th Terrace,
Pembroke Pines 
(954) 436-1251


PARK AVENUE SPA!ZONE Manicures and pedicures with make up galore. These are things princesses love most and adore! Get ready to get pampered with lots of glitz and glitter. So much fun, you will shine and shimmer! So come on and celebrate any occasion with all of your friends! What could be more fun then getting your nails and make up done? Manicures, Nail Designs, Pedicures, Facials, Make-up, Glitter Tattoos, Dress Up Sessions, & Lotion Bar. Treat your diva to a royal visit without the royal sum! All services done by the Dream Team for entertainment purposes, not licensed cosmetologists. Located inside Jump!Zone. 10064 W. Oakland Park Blvd., Sunrise, FL, 33351. (954) 703-1330.

Plantation General Hospital hosts a diabetes support group the first Tuesday of each month at 3:00pm for adults. Facilitated by Robin Silverman, Licensed Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator, members will get new recipes, share coping techniques and hear about the latest treatments. Call (888) 256-7724 or visit our to register or for more information.


Camp Erin is a weekend bereavement camp for children who have experienced the death of a loved one. The Camp is free of charge and provides children a safe place to tell their story, express their feelings and learn healthy coping strategies for their grief journey. Camp Erin provides a safe setting to assist children dealing with their grief through activities such as music therapy, pet therapy, art therapy, sports and memorial service including a bonfire and s’mores. All activities are designed and facilitated by a staff of professional clinicians. For more information, contact Ann Mclemore at (305) 351-7026 or email


Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Family Health

FAMILY HEALTH Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015


American Therapy House Total Well-Being For Your Family All Under One Roof B

oth American Therapy House and Chiropractor For All are multi-disciplinary healthcare facilities focused on teamwork to promote optimal health for you and your family members. They offer a multitude of services including Psychology, Physical and Occupational therapy and Speech Language Pathology. Founder of American Therapy House and The PediaSuit Protocol, Leonardo de Oliveira and his wife, Eileen have a son with Cerebral Palsy. De Oliveira’s partner, Dr. Bruno da Rocha and his wife, Gisele have a son who is Autistic. Through their own searches for effective treatments, they have banded together to provide a targeted approach towards treatment of the disorders such as the ones that affect their own children. Both Leo and Bruno not only talk the talk, they walk the walk daily in their own lives. Reasons to seek out treatment for you or a loved one may vary but normally stem from injuries such as those from an auto accident, a sports injury or a slip and fall. These are all very common and can cause specific and painful problems including back, shoulder or spinal pains and conditions. If you or a family member need pain relief or suffer from CP, Autism or just want to improve your overall health,

American Therapy House has a solution for you. They offer exceptional Chiropractic, Physical, Speech and/or Occupational Therapy care for all ages. In addition to outstanding Chiropractic and Physical Therapy care, they offer a holistic approach to the treatment of individuals with neurological disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delays, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Autism and other conditions which affect the person’s motor and/or cognitive abilities. Their team of doctors and therapists has multiple years of experience in improving their patient’s health and well-being and look forward to serving you. Please visit their website at and read the many testimonials to learn how their patients and family members have benefited from receiving regularly scheduled treatments. As parents of special needs children, they know how difficult it is not only to find the right treatment facility, but one that also accepts your family’s insurance. At American Therapy House, they will work with your insurance company. They are here for you. They are here for your children. (954) 356-2878. 10261 Pines Blvd., Pembroke Pines 33025 & 7300 NW 5th Street, Plantation, 33317 & 1750 N. University Drive, Suite 105, Coral Springs, 33071.


Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Family Health

Family Health Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015


Westlake Preparatory School & Academy

Makes a New Home Someplace Special on 10 Acre Campus in Cooper City one-on-one as well as group interaction during lessons, all with an underlying There should be a place for every child at every school where they feel safe, confident seeencouragement amongst the students and teachers. College preparation is always in and empowered to succeed. Unfortunately, not every school has the resources to make By Margot Puleri

sure that happens. Westlake Preparatory School and Academy’s mission for the past 20 years has been to make sure they create an environment conducive for each one of their students to succeed in the classroom, and in life. Small class sizes, individual attention and an academic rigor that challenges, stimulates and interests their students, make all the difference. There are many children who will succeed no matter what school they attend, and there are others who need the right school. Westlake serves students from Kindergarten though 12th grade. They recently relocated to a beautiful 10 acre campus in the heart of Cooper City on Stirling Road. With the new, expanded location, they have been able to offer more to their student body such as the new library and media center, as well as a new computer lab. Westlake offers three distinct academic pathways for everything from high achievers to special needs, focusing in on the needs of each student. They have highly qualified, certified teachers that expect the very best from each child in every classroom. The administration and faculty know that it is not the average grade of the class as a whole or the mean score of a standardized test that help students succeed. Teaching in an environment with a curriculum set up to reach and connect with the child allows teachers to get the best from each individual student. This is why the teachers love teaching at Westlake. When you take a tour through the school and observe the classrooms, you will

the curriculum and Westlake’s graduates attend many of the finest schools in Florida and throughout the country. College application assistance is a priority for Junior and Seniors, as the school believes each graduate needs to find the right college or university where the student will excel. Just like Elementary, Middle and High School, finding the right place for your child is not always just any place. Smaller class sizes and student body means larger opportunities for students to stand out and find their passion. Westlake offers a full athletic program, student government, clubs and many leadership opportunities. Their NO BULLYING ZONE campus is something for which they take great pride. All are accepted, all are welcome, everyone is unique and the world should be. Westlake teaches and demands tolerance, acceptance and humility. It is a gift their students take with them for their entire lives. Westlake Preparatory School & Academy is accredited by SACS & FCIS. They are a member of the FHSAA and are Title 1 approved. Westlake accepts MCKAY and SUFS scholarships. Speech and Occupational therapy are offered on campus. Perhaps Westlake Preparatory is the right school for your student. Stop by or call to find out more about free admissions testing and scholarship testing. Tours are offered daily and Open Houses are scheduled regularly. Westlake Preparatory School & Academy is located at 8950 Stirling Road in Cooper City. Space is limited. Call us today at (954) 236-2300.



CALENDAR Broward County Public School Calendar

Changes may be made. Visit for updates.

Broward County Athletic Association BCAA - Special Events Changes may be made. Visit for updates and details.

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



Saturday, March 21 ...........................BCAA County Track & Field Championship Monday, March 23.............................Beginning of 4th Quarter Monday - Friday, March 23 - 27 .........Spring Break - No School Friday, April 3 ...................................Holiday - No School Wednesday, April 15 ..........................Report Cards Issued Wednesday, April 22 ..........................BCAA All-Star Girls & Boys Water Polo Classic Thursday, April 30 .............................Interim Reports Issued Tuesday, May 12................................BCAA Girls All-Star Flag Football Wednesday, May 13...........................BCAA All-Star Boys Volleyball Tuesday, May 19................................BCAA All-Star Softball Game Thursday, May 21 ..............................BCAA All-Star Baseball Game Monday, May 25 ...............................Holiday - No School Thursday, June 4 ...............................Early Release & Last Day of School Wednesday, June 24 ..........................Report Cards Issued

HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SCHEDULE COOPER CITY HIGH SCHOOL: ..............Wednesday, June 3 at 1:00 PM Nova Southeastern University WESTERN HIGH SCHOOL:....................Thursday, June 4 at 7:00 PM Nova Southeastern University


LEARNING IS FUN AT FOX TRAIL! Written collectively by: Jillian Feudo, Jillian Jones, Martin Vergara, Aria Geraci, Saioa Elesgarai, Calogero Mazzrillo. Emily Ryan and Taylor Jacob.

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



t’s a warm August morning. Kids are nervous with excitement and anticipation. The campus at Fox Trail Elementary is buzzing with children and adults. Students walk through the doors and they are welcomed with smiling faces from a dedicated staff, and awesome opportunities for learning. There are exciting lessons, incredible field trips and even clubs to join after school. Fox Trail Elementary offers unique learning experiences starting in Kindergarten and continuing through fifth grade. The fun times begin in Kindergarten. Kindergarteners work on reading and math skills and participate in a variety of activities. They eagerly await the fall festival to celebrate their reading skills and also have a fabulous winter celebration. In January, the100th day of school is a big deal and is celebrated with special activities. The excitement continues in first grade. First graders celebrate their learning by participating in the Storybook Parade, showing off in fabulous costumes of their favorite characters. Then they head to Flamingo Gardens for a field trip. The second and third graders also eagerly anticipate the fall parade. They show off their idioms and vocabulary words and challenge the rest of the students at Fox Trail Elementary to determine their meanings. The third graders learn about their community and head to the Old Davie Schoolhouse to bring the history of Davie to life. Learning can definitely take you places at Fox Trail. In December, fourth graders hop on a bus each year and head just a short trip down the road to Everglades National Park. They spend the day slogging through the waist high water, riding airboats and participating in experiments. They focus on science and learn about the unique ecosystem of the Everglades. After a long

day, all the students agree that Everglades National Park is an amazing experience and we are lucky that it is practically in our backyard! Fifth grade at Fox Trail is exciting, too. Positions as safety patrols and Morning News crew are privileges that hard working fifth graders can earn. Some fifth graders create a real wax museum, where people such as Henry Ford and Walt Disney seem to come to life and share their part in history. At JA Biztown, fifth graders experience how businesses and communities interact together. After a long year of learning skills in literacy, math, science and social studies, fifth graders head to Orlando for a trip to a theme park with their classmates. It is an exciting way to wrap up their journey at Fox Trail. Fox Trail is not just about academics. There are many after school activities that students can participate in. Students can join music clubs such as chorus, recorders, drums, violin or boomwackers, starting in third grade. Ms. Stewart, Fox Trail’s music teacher, is very talented and dedicated to her students. Ms. Shapiro, the art teacher, runs an art club where students can paint backdrops and props for the concerts. In the media center and computer lab, it’s easy to find students participating in bookclub, coding and keyboarding club. All students at Fox Trail look forward to Boosterthon and the always exciting Fun Run, Book Fair and Career Day. To sum up the Fox Trail experience, there are exciting activities integrated with learning at every grade level. There are tons of clubs to join and field trips to bring learning to life. By the time Fox Trail’s students walk out the doors in June, they may be a little tired and looking forward to their summer break, but they will be smiling from their awesome Fox Trail Elementary experiences!

Silver Ridge Elementary School S

ilver Ridge Elementary School was happy to host a “Family Chess Night” on Wednesday, February 11, 2015, from 6:00 – 7:30pm. The school cafeteria was turned into a chess game room, with multiple chess boards set up so that guests would have the opportunity to play chess. Students were also encouraged to bring their own chess sets so that they could challenge their friends, family members and teachers to chess matches. The purpose of the event was to promote the First Move Chess Initiative, a wonderful new initiative that aims to teach chess to every second and third grade student in Broward County. The highlight of the evening, for both the students and the staff at Silver Ridge Elementary School, was the opportunity to meet Wendy Fisher, known to the students as “The Chess Lady.” The Chess Lady introduces each chess lesson to the students and has become the face of the First Move Chess Initiative. Students (and several teachers) were excited for the chance to have their picture taken with the Chess Lady. Students were also able to ask the Chess Lady questions and get pointers from her.

Studies have shown that chess promotes concentration, critical thinking, abstract reasoning, problem solving, pattern recognition, and analysis skills in students, among other benefits. The First Move program encourages the integration of chess into the core curriculum, by incorporating history, math, and reading into the teaching process. Chess also provides many social benefits for the students. All students are able to compete on a level playing field and they are taught how to win and lose with grace and good sportsmanship. Chess also teaches students the value of patience and delayed gratification. They begin to understand that at times they may need to sacrifice a chess piece early in the game in order to set themselves up for a better opportunity in the future. At the Family Chess Night, students were able to snack on Chessman cookies while teaching their family members the finer points of chess. Many parents learned new chess moves on this evening, such as “en passant”, a move that many adults are not familiar with. Students and family members were also treated to some free giveaways from the sponsoring organization such as pens and stickers. A great time was had by all!

Schools Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



Students graduating from A World of Knowledge Preschool and Learning Center score high in initial testing before entering Kindergarten in local schools. Ninety- five (95%) of all four year olds attending our VPK program READ before entering kindergarten and many are placed in higher reading and math groups in the public school system. Under the direction of Elizabeth Gonzalez, the center is one of the single largest VPK providers in Broward, teaching close to 100 four-year-olds each year. The concepts of letter and sound recognition and higher order critical thinking skills are introduced in a fun, interactive and engaging way. The school is recognized as the favorite for many educators and parents in the area and has gained a reputation as “#1 choice for QUALITY in Early Learning.” “The BEST COMPLIMENT I can receive, comes from my parents. I love when they share success stories of their children and attribute it to the foundation they received at A World of Knowledge. Many of our students have gone to receive perfect scores in FCAT Reading and Math because of how they were introduced to the subject matter. The majority are placed in high achievers or gifted classes because of what they’ve learned at our school,” said Elizabeth Gonzalez, Director. “I have great confidence in our unique teaching style and in my staff to help each child maximize their academic potential. Principals and teachers from local schools compliment our students and their personal achievement in social and academic levels.” A World of Knowledge offers an accelerated learning program which allows children to explore everyday concepts at their pace, in a fun way allowing them to reach for higher goals. Children graduating from our VPK program are engaged in numerous phonemic awareness activities and read before they enter Kindergarten. Students graduating from our Kinder and First grade, read two years above their grade level. Gonzalez proudly adds, “Our success with the children is based on our teaching styles, low child to teacher ratio, staff dedication and


ioneer Middle’s Journalism class is loosely labeled as a “free-period,” however, a closer look behind the scenes of yearbook production, the primary goal of this class, reveals that creating the yearbook is no simple task. Before even beginning the yearbook process, students had to learn the basics of media, communications, and news writing. At the beginning of this year, the class at Pioneer was full of inexperienced, potential journalists, ready and willing to learn. “Usually, there are at least ten returning journalism students who start planning the yearbook over the summer. This year, however, with the majority of staffers starting high school, we had to spend the first couple of months learning the various aspects of yearbook design,” said Ms. Ferreira, who has been advising Pioneer’s yearbook for the last five years. To help them understand and apply the yearbook process, students were given assignments that helped them see a yearbook page as a work of art, a finished product in which writing, photography and design come together to make a whole. Eventually, with each other’s assistance, they were ready to begin brainstorming ideas for a yearbook theme. However, this was just the beginning of a lengthy process that involved tasks from choosing fonts to deciding on coverage, assigning pages and attending events. “The hardest part of creating a yearbook page is the fine-tuning. There is always something that can be fixed or altered that you might not have seen the first time around,” said eighth-grader Nuha Islam. The staff also had to familiarize themselves with Lifetouch, the program used to create and produce a high-quality yearbook. With the March 23rd deadline growing

the unique multicultural themes and concepts which are introduce to the children. Character education, values and etiquette is also an essential component of our curriculum.” Gonzalez’s passion for her school is witnessed by all who know her. She doesn’t manage the school as a business, but as a place where everyone is treated with respect and the child’s safety and best interest comes first. “I have a passion for teaching and love to see lessons come alive in our classrooms. The children enter our center with no knowledge of print and in many cases speak another language,” said Gonzalez. “We take pride in individualizing our curriculum to help each child achieve success. Our main goal is to provide a safe and nurturing place for young children to think, explore and create, while they sing, play and have fun. We have a proven record of success for over eleven years, and we welcome you to visit our school and speak with our parents,” she added. The center is opening it’s second location in Davie at 6700 Griffin Road. NEW CLASSES are being offered for ONE and TWO year old children starting this spring, because of the demand for the program and its overwhelming success. Camp Session will also begin the first week in June and is available for all students in the community ages 1-8. Camp WOK is an interactive academic, fun and exiting camp, which will allow children to continue to review lessons learned in school and enjoy the fun activities of summer. This allows the child to return to school in August and still retain the skills they obtained the year prior. Special classes are available for students who want to master reading or math skills before August. Contact A World of Knowledge Preschool and Learning Center and experience the difference for yourself. Call (954) 430-7707 or visit for more information.

By Alex Porras, Brianna Imbrogno and Isaac Chiu

closer, the journalists soon found themselves panicking to get everything done in time. The pressure to produce a quality product was apparent in the classroom. “Unlike in regular academic classes, if you slack off, then not only does your grade suffer but so does everyone’s yearbook,” said Islam. But their hard work pays off in the end. “There’s an unmistakable sense of pride that staffers feel when they see their peers browsing through the yearbook pages they spent so many late nights obsessing over. To be able to say, ‘I did that!’ about something that the majority of the school is talking about is something not many students get to experience,” said Ms. Ferreira. Albert Einstein once said, “Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it’ll spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” On yearbook staff, nobody is made to feel less than qualified because even though everyone has to learn the various aspects of publishing, we all get to contribute our talents to the process, whether they’re in photography, writing, marketing, or layout and design. As the students strive to reach their goals, this middle school experience follows them on the path to becoming successful journalists.


Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015




Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015




ince the inception of the partnership in July 2014, the Anchor Church has been a phenomenal partner to our school. The organization is a highly service-driven one whose mission is to reach out and help in the community. We at Flamingo Elementary School, have had the good fortune to be the recipients of this mission. Pastor Erik Bennett is the group’s leader. He has worked closely with Principal Crosby to facilitate school improvement initiatives. Based on their collaboration, volunteers from the Anchor Church revitalized the school’s aging landscapes. The Anchor Church has also donated necessary school supplies to needy students. In addition, the Anchor Church instituted a Music Instruction Program, which was greatly needed due to the fact that our school no longer had funding for a Music Teacher. Pastor Erik and The Anchor Church have been awesome partners. The volunteers have worked tirelessly to assist us in making our school a beautiful place to be for our students and staff. They have instructed our students in Music and they have donated school supplies and landscape materials. This organization is truly one that gives freely and often, but more importantly, the volunteers perform their services with a spirit of joy, selflessness and boundless generosity. We at Flamingo Elementary thank Pastor Erik and the Anchor Church for partnering with us and hope this partnership continues for a very long time. ______________________________


oving into the summer months, what if I told you that there was one more thing you could do to help set your child up for success during the 2015-2016 school year? Well, there is. Flamingo Elementary has an on-campus academic enrichment summer camp. Four hours per day, children get reading, writing, math and science instruction in a fun and relaxed learning environment. I know your probably thinking that is great, but I want my child to have fun this summer, too. Well, our camp takes care of that also. When their learning is done, we still have lots of time left for team sports, computer lab, indoor games, music, dance, arts and crafts, Spanish, in-house field trips and their favorite activity of all . . . SPLASH FRIDAYS! The price is only $130 per week, which is very competitive with other local summer camp programs. With our program, your child is given free breakfast and lunch 4 days per week. You can also take much comfort in knowing that making this decision is one step closer to your child achieving the academic success they deserve. Don’t let your child spend June, July and August this year forgetting what they learned in the previous grade. Instead, invest your summer camp tuition into a program that will help them be best prepared for their next grade level.

t is with great pleasure that we talk to you about our Deputy, Jay Greear. Deputy Greear has been our Broward County Resource Office at Embassy Creek Elementary for the past 15 years. Deputy Greear has taken on this role as more than a Resource Officer. He wears a myriad of hats while here at Embassy Creek. He is in charge of our S.T.A.R. Program, (formerly D.A.R.E) a problem solver, community liason, safety expert, law enforcer, educator, and most importantly, a part of our family. When asked to do something, Deputy Greear is the person to get it done! For example, Mr. Becker, Embassy Creek Elementary Principal, says, “Deputy Greear is an icon. His presence at Embassy Creek Elementary is sometimes taken for granted, however, his accomplishment and masterful mind brings about a school that is second to none as it relates to safety. Jay is always willing to assist in any area of the school that needs assistance. Deputy Greear is a “yes” man! He always jumps in and does what’s best for our students. He has touched the lives of thousands of students over the years and his love and affection has left our students with memories that will last a lifetime. His legacy will remain forever. When it comes to working with people in the school system, Broward Sheriffs Officer Deputy Greear is by far the BEST I have ever had a chance to work beside!” Mrs. Hoover, Embassy Creek Elementary Vice Principal, says that, “We are so fortunate to Have Deputy Greear as our School Resource Deputy at Embassy Creek Elementary School. Deputy Greear is so much more than just a law enforcement presence at our school. He is a mentor, teacher and role model to students and faculty. Through his leadership, dedication and the implementation of proactive measures to enhance the safety of the school community, he makes Embassy Creek Elementary truly some place special.” When asked how Officer Greear has impacted the students directly, the 5th grade team at Embassy Creek Elementary School would like to express their congratulations to Deputy Jay Greear on his retirement. Here’s what they had to say, “We admire his dedication to our school. He devotes so much of his time and efforts to Embassy Creek and the Cooper City community. He has been the anchor of our S.T.A.R program and the former D.A.R.E program for our 5th Grade students for many years. Our students always looked forward to his lessons and the exciting End-of-Year Extravaganza! He has spearheaded the Bike-a-thon, which encourages bicycle safety for the families of Cooper City. He’s also always an integral part of Cooper City’s Founder’s Day. We can always count on Deputy Jay Greear to lend a hand when needed and he will truly be missed!” Furthermore, student council Relay For Life movie nights run smoothly and efficiently and have for many years because of Jay Greear. With his supervision, guidance, help, friendship, donations, and dedication, we wouldn’t have been as successful. We will miss you every day, Jay! Retirement marks the beginning of a new chapter in one’s life. It marks the end of a career and the start of new opportunities. We are so happy that Deputy Greear gets to begin new chapter in his life, but sad that one of our treasured friends and colleagues is leaving our Embassy Creek family. We won’t say goodbye, but only see you soon. Best of luck Officer Greear!!! We love you. Your Embassy Creek Family


Longing For Rest! By Jodi Cohen, MSEd; Director of Early Childhood; Temple Dor Dorim


ou’ve heard of the rat race and many of you live it. Success in this race is measured by how much we can accomplish at warp speed defying the normal human constraints of time and energy. Although I am a participant in this race, my quest is different. My measure of success is my ability to just keep my head above water. I struggle in this race as I run it neck in neck, but miraculously, somehow, I stay in the race. I am the participant, a.k.a., “The Working Mom.” There are days when I long for the next pit stop where I can pause for a minute, stretch my legs and rest before charging on in the race. In reality, these pit stops are few and far between. There are times when I am just about to throw in the towel, when out of nowhere a pit stop pops up, like a mirage, and provides the opportunity to bring me back from the brink of insanity. I may stumble, but I continue to run the race. Why? I have no choice. Dropping out is not an option. What often looks like a smooth stretch, ends up with unexpected twists and turns that require incredible focus and discipline. Some days I feel like I hit every possible obstacle on the course. I make a wrong turn. I trip over a few rocks in my path that throw me off balance. Another participant, a.k.a., “guilt” tries to run me off track. Sometimes I feel the wind at my

back propelling me ahead, but more often I find myself struggling against the wind while running uphill. Those who challenge the difficulty of the race run by “The Working Mom,” must run the race in her shoes to experience the endurance it requires. It is all encompassing. It requires not only the endurance for a 9 to 5 but a 24/7 on-call position. Last minute projects, shopping lists, sports practice, preparing dinner and school lunches are just a few after hour obligations. Mom must also be a psychologist, teacher, playmate and romancer once she arrives home. There is no quitting when she grows tired. On most days, there is no finish line in sight, but she needs to continue running to reach it. Participation requires a constant source of energy even when the resources are depleted. No excuses. So even though today I am running on empty and longing for rest, I keep on running. Sometimes I look to the sides of the road and my family isn’t cheering me on. Somehow though, they seem to sense the times when I need it most and they start cheering. At these moments, I look at my children’s encouraging faces and see pride. I realize that I am teaching them that even though balancing life can be a struggle, we can all find the strength to continue on and accomplish anything we want to accomplish. I know that through example, I will pass this strength on to them. This acknowledgement gives meaning to my race, and provides me with the fuel to keep on running.

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Mommy is Running on Empty…




Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015




NOW OFFERING IN-SITE FIELD TRIPS TO SCHOOLS, AFTERSCHOOL & CAMP PROVIDERS! Tailored to meet the STEM curriculum and Common Core objectives, children will learn hands-on robot assembly and coding in a fun-filled experience that fosters teamwork, critical and creative thinking, and problem solving skills. Robotics Afterschool & Saturday Programs and Spring/Winter/Summer Camps also offered for girls and boys, 7 - 14 years old, at various locations. Afterschool Programs are held in 8-week sessions. Tuition includes 90 minutes per week of instruction, materials, and lab fees. Register for an Introductory Trial Class today! (954) 816-3346,,, or visit our page at



Language Immersion Summer Camp, After-School & Adult Programs Students are immersed in the language and culture of the language of choice. We offer quality language education through a proven natural, multisensory approach, delivered by professional educators who utilize engaging materials, ensuring students’ success in the acquisition and mastery of a new language. Children programs starting as early as 3 years of age and groups ranging to adulthood. Languages offered: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Mandarin, Italian and many more. The Language Immersion Summer Camp allows campers to explore language through interactive camp activities. (954)642-CAMP(2267) . FOLLOW: #CampLingua. VISIT OUR OPEN HOUSES ON 4/18 & 5/16 FOR HUGE SAVINGS!

This program will use STEM Robotics as a platform for engaging students in science, technology, engineering and math, as well as problem solving, critical thinking, communication, project management and teamwork skills. Please contact us for information on this course as this is a new course this year. (954) 321- 2561

DAVIE ROBOTICS Encourage your child to explore and learn pre-engineer concepts. The children build their own robot following the step-by-step instructions and then use a computer to program the robot to accomplish a predetermined mission. All workshops are different in mission attachments and games. Ages 6-12, Classes are held Monday’s 4:30 - 5:30 at the Davie Pine Island Multipurpose Center, 3801 South Pine Island Road. Please call to register: 786-262-6266.

BRICKS 4 KIDZ Classes explore architecture, engineering, and technology concepts using LEGO bricks. Classes offered Thursdays at the Cooper City Community Center (9000 SW 50th Place). Classes for children in grades K-5th. For information on class times, fees, and registration, contact Parul Patel at (954) 907-5420 or

CHARTER SCHOOLS REMSBERG PREPARATORY CHARTER SCHOOL A tuition free public charter school in the heart of Ft. Lauderdale. Now accepting applications for the 2015 - 2016 school year for grades 6 12. 3 Programs of Study: New Media, Biotechnology & the Humanities. S.T.E.A.M. Curriculum Emphasizing Reading & Literacy Across All Disciplines. Low Student / Teacher Ratio. Top Quality Instructors. No Zero Grading Policy. Mastery Based Assessment & Advancement. College Preparatory Teaching Approach. Core and Elective Content Courses Taught at Honors Level. Project-Based Learning. Athletic Programs, Clubs and Extracurricular Programs. For more information or to submit an application visit or call (954) 292-9016. Located at 1650 SE 17th Street, Studio 300, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316.

(954) 693-0006. 8230 West State Road 84, Davie 33324. High School Rings, Championship Rings, Caps, Gowns, Tassels, Cords, Graduation Announcements, Graduate Name Cards, Thank You Notes, Class Year Merchandise, and more. NEW this year - Stadium Wraps! Conveniently located in the heart of Broward County on State Road 84 between Pines Island Rd. & University Dr. in Davie. Online shopping available via our website


EDUCANDO A AMÉRICA - SPANISH SCHOOL Our school offers 100% Spanish Immersion program for children from ages 3 years old and up, teens and adults. Our focus is the acquisition of the Spanish language in reading, writing as well as speaking. Based on a 3 hour/week program, we offer classes in different locations such as Pembroke Pines Charter Schools, Imagine Charter at Weston, Beachside Montessori Village in Hollywood and West Pines preschool. Monthly tuition begins at $85. Private tutoring is also available, as well as adult and teenagers classes for advanced students. Visit or write to Call to find out more about hour different locations, days and time for each program. (954) 261-2432.

MENTORING DAVIE POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE (PAL) BECOME A MENTOR! Mentoring has proven to be of one the most successful ways to plant seeds of positive change in the lives and actions of disadvantaged youth. Mentoring can take place in a one-on-one, team, or group setting. Mentors offer support, advocacy, guidance, and friendship that have a lifelong impact on the youth they serve. Dire economic circumstances in local communities, neighborhoods, and families in America have increased the risk of more young people being underserved and disadvantaged. Become a Mentor today and help a child in your community today. Contact (954) 321-2561,


Judy Dempsey - Head of School. Nationally Certified Montessori Teachers, Preschool - Grade 8. Beautiful 10-acre Campus, Butterfly and Organic Gardens, Gymnasium and Pools, Strong Leadership Program. American Montessori Society Full Member; Accredited Montessori Teacher Training Center; Accredited by AISF, Advanced/SACS, MSA, Ai, NCPSA and Recipient of Gold Seal Award of Excellence. 5451 SW 64 Avenue, Davie 33314., (954) 584-3466.

Recognized as one of the top schools in the state, is now offering classes for students ages 1, 2, 3 and 4 years. The school offers an accelerated learning program for students in VPK. The school has received A+ rating from the state for 8 consecutive years for Academic Excellence in Early Learning. Certified, Degreed Teachers, Low Ratios and Accelerated learning curriculum is offered. Our VPK students READ in less than 4 months. Now accepting VPK vouchers. Rated #1 choice by parents teachers and educators in the community! CAMP WOK offers a fun, academic and interactive summer camp including Field Trips for ages 3-8. 750 NW 180 Terrace, Pembroke Pines, 33029 & 6700 Griffin Rd. Davie 33314 (954) 430-7707.




Beginning Your Child’s Journey Through Excellence in Education. A NATIONAL AWARD WINNING EARLY CHILDHOOD Center and VPK program provider with scores among the highest in the state. Ages 3 months–5 years. Now offering full time infant care. Mommy & Me and Transition Classes Available. Before & Aftercare and Enrichment classes to age 8. Summer Camp, travel and non-travel camp program for 3 months through 4th grade. Complimentary Temple Membership for ECC Families. Discounts for new families! Hablamos Espanol. Open to the Community. 2360 Glades Circle, Weston 33327. (954) 389-1232,

THE SAGEMONT SCHOOL The Sagemont School promotes academic excellence from preschool through 12th grade. Our college prep curriculum includes quality opportunities in athletics, the arts, extra-curricular activities and community service. Middle and High School students receive valuable individualized college entrance guidance. Accredited by SACS, AISF & NCPSA. Lower School Campus (PreK3-Grade 5): Call (954) 384-5454 Ext. 2502, located at 1570 Sagemont Way, Weston 33326. Upper School Campus (Grades 6-12): Call (954) 389-2454 Ext. 366, located at 2585 Glades Circle, Weston 33327. We give campus tours daily.

SINGER EARLY CHILDHOOD LEARNING CENTER A Great Place to Grow! The #1 rated VPK provider in South Broward and in the top 1% for VPK readiness for the State of Florida. Bring your little one (from 3 months to 5 years) to the Singer Early Childhood Learning Center. We are A.P.P.L.E. accredited and received the Gold Seal for the highest quality in programs from the Department of Children and Family Services. Located at the David Posnack JCC, 5850 S Pine Island Road, Davie. Open to the community. For registration and information call (954) 434-7038.

SMART & FIT KIDS Smart & Fit Kids preschool offers full day and half day preschool programs for ages 1 to 5, including VPK. Facility includes a new covered outdoor playground and a new state-of-the-art indoor gym that provides the convenience of having our enrolled students participate in gymnastics classes without having to drive them to another location. It is the perfect setting for children to develop intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically. All meals are provided . 9142 State Rd. 84, Davie FL 33324. (954) 370-0400.

Established in 1995 and fully accredited by SACS and ACSI, we serve students of Christian families from PreK3-8th grade. We are Bible based, academically challenging and focus on developing the whole child through a classical trained education. We offer low studentteacher ratio, a college prep curriculum and new technology in all the classrooms. We also offer quality opportunities in fine arts and athletics. Brand new elementary Science lab, middle school Science lab, new playgrounds, new preschool rooms, new computer lab and new iPads! 1420 Indian Trace, Weston 33326. (954) 349-9224.

AMERICAN THERAPY HOUSE Bright Steps Forward, is a private school (k-12) for special needs children focusing on Spectrum Disorders & children with Cerebral Palsy. We are enrolling students for the 2015/2016 year & accepting McKay and Step Up Scholarships. Our program focuses on developing motivation and an ability to share experiences with others, Flexible creative thinking, problem solving, communicating feelings and meaning. Instructional and related services are provided based upon goals and objectives written in IEPs. In addition to regular progress reports, our staff logs progress daily, and weekly to record goal progress, demeanor, behavior, and social interactions. 10261 Pines Boulevard, Pembroke Pines 33025, 7300 NW 5th Street, Plantation, 33317 & 1750 N. University Drive, Suite 105, Coral Springs 33071. (954) 356-2878.

EDU 1ST. PRESCHOOLS Edu1st.Preschools are committed in creating a community of learners on an individualized basis by using the best tools, technology, and methodologies available to not only create critical thinking skills, but build strong habits of mind in the process! We offer a Bilingual preschool program for children from 1 to 5 years old, VPK, Summer VPK, afterschool, spring, summer and winter camp. • FSIA: First Steps International Academy, Open from 7:00am to 6:30pm, 2803 Executive Park Drive, Weston, FL 33331,, Phone: 954-888-9773 • VIP: VIP Kids Bilingual Preschool, open from 7:00am to 6:00pm, 1845 N Corporate Lakes Blvd. Weston, FL 33326,, Phone: 954-598-9800 • PWA: Pines West Academy; Open from 6:30am to 6:30pm, 17191 Pines Blvd., Pembroke Pines, FL 33027,,, Phone: 954-450-0900

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015




WESTLAKE PREPARATORY SCHOOL & ACADEMY K - 12th Grade. Now Enrolling for the 2015 - 2016 School Year. Offering academic excellence for over 20 years, Westlake Prep has relocated to a 10 acre campus in the heart of Cooper City. Highly qualified, certified teachers and administrators welcome all students seeking smaller class sizes, individualized instruction, college preparatory curriculum and a selection of three distinct academic pathways. Serving high achievers, average students and special needs. Full athletic program. Chapel and religious studies available. No bullying zone policy. Accredited by SACS & FCIS. Members of the FHSAA. Title 1 approved. MCKAY and SUFS accepted. Speech and OT therapy are offered on campus. Call us today to schedule a tour. See for yourself if Westlake is the right school for your student. 8950 Stirling Road, Cooper City. (954) 236-2300.

TUTORING C2 EDUCATION The most important ingredient for academic success is the ability to study quickly and effectively. At C2, we can help your child develop study skills that will help him succeed through high school and beyond! We change students’ lives by helping them achieve their academic goals. We specialize in all inclusive subject tutoring of 2015-2016 Core Curriculum for Elementary, Middle and High School levels as well as standardized test prep and private school exams. C2 students increase their SAT scores by an average of 362 points! Become a C2 student NOW. 11534 West SR 84 in Davie. 954-452-3776.


Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

1301 SW 136th Avenue, Davie 33325. School: (954) 476-5200. Parish Office: (954) 236-7981. Celebrating 14 Years of Education Excellence. Guided by God’s Hands. Join our family-focused and fully accredited school offering classes from Pre-K3 through Grade 8. Please call for openings in our PreK enrollment for next year.



DAVIE POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE (PAL) TUTORING Get your child the help they need with our after school tutoring program. Our program is designed for children from third grade through eighth grade. Certified teachers and volunteers are here to assist your child with homework, questions and getting prepared for the FCAT. Fee: $2 per day. Classes are offered Monday thru Friday, 3:30pm - 5:30pm. For more information call (954) 321-2561 or visit



Classes enhance your child’s reading, listening, speaking, and presentation skills through stories, poems, fiction, and non-fiction. Classes offered Thursdays at the Cooper City Community Center (9000 SW 50th Place). Classes for children in grades 3rd-8th. For information on class times, fees, and registration, contact (954) 680-4874 or visit

Group tutoring for elementary and middle school students. Classes offered Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at the Cooper City Community Center (9000 SW 50th Place). For information on class times, fees, and registration, contact (954) 680-4874 or visit



ooper City High School students worked together to package and export boxed meals on February 26, 2015. This was the second recently adopted event that hopes to donate meals to hungry children who need them, this year sending the meals out right here in Broward County. Collectively, the volunteering student body was able to assemble over 100,000 meals in a single day. The materials were provided by the nonprofit charity organization Feeding Children Everywhere, a movement dedicated to making a tangible impact in the lives of the less fortunate by distributing healthy meals to as many malnourished youth as possible. The organization will give four meals for every dollar they’re able to raise and the money they earn from selling t-shirts, bracelets, scarves and other merchandise also goes to feeding as many kids in need as possible. Feeding Children Everywhere has been eagerly instigating mass packaging events all over the country, so CCHS students Persis Bhadha and her sister Alexis Bhadha decided to get involved themselves by raising money for charity at Miami Dolphins games. Eventually the two decided to bring the operation to Cooper City last year so that their community would be able to join in the battle against hunger and their effort has been worth it. Even after Persis graduated in 2014, Alexis was able to organize this year’s extremely successful gathering of helping hands.

By Louis Dennin

“Students wanted to get involved because of the massive social impact we had the potential to make,” Bhadha said. “[They] felt a responsibility to be a social catalyst of change without any other motives.” Representatives visited classrooms around campus to ask for help in this large project, trying to motivate their peers to devote their afternoon to the benefit of kindness and community. This door-to-door publicity piqued the interest of a surprisingly large faction of the student body, as some 350 volunteers answered the call. Students affiliated with all different clubs came together to help package the food. It was a time for teenagers who normally don’t spend their day together to work towards a single cause because they felt it was the right thing to do. They formed teams to package lentils, rice and other nutritious items as fast as they could while cheering each other on. “[The students] were pleasantly surprised by the high energy and passion and they left feeling inspired by the impact they had made,” Bhadha said. Motivated by music, each other and the tremendous feeling of good will amongst them, this year’s team broke the previous record of 30,000 meals from last year, more than doubling it. This is an encouraging omen for future events and many hope that this act of goodness and caring will continue to live on as a tradition at CCHS.

Schools Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



om of three and former gymnast, Natalja Podrug opened Smart and Fit Kids in June of 2014. Using her 15-year gymnastics and acrobatics background as both an athlete and coach, Natalja has brought a unique preschool and aftercare program to the Davie area designed to not only prepare little ones for their first year of grade school, but also develop their gross and fine motor skills. Smart and Fit Kids is unlike any program parents may have seen. Natalja’s 6,558 square foot facility boasts six classrooms, a library and a 1,000 square foot indoor gym optimized with 2-inch padded flooring, the same used by Olympic gymnasts. The school’s large, private, fenced-in schoolyard features two canopied playgrounds with turf. A tricycle track and large open field complete the schoolyard. The indoor gym is used for activities during inclement weather and for weekly Physical Education (PE) sessions. The school also offers a healthy, catered meal program including breakfast, lunch and a snack. In addition to PE classes, the dedicated gym utilized for Natalja’s specialty, rhythmic gymnastics (a combination of gymnastics, ballet and dance) as well as tumbling and Martial Arts. Natalja describes Rhythmic Gymnastics as a sport that builds strength, power, agility, dexterity and endurance. Gymnasts coordinate difficult body movements with apparatus elements such as a hula-hoop, jump rope, ribbon or ball. She emphasizes, “Girls love the rhythmic gymnastics because it is a graceful sport. It boosts intellectual development, memory and coordination.” Kids three years old to 11, including children in aftercare, participate in the school’s sports programs. Soccer will be added to the school’s offerings within the next year and lessons will be held on the

By Kelly Wilson

outdoor field. Smart and Fit Kids students enjoy a well-rounded experience and are encouraged to alternate their class choices throughout the week to explore their interests. Parents find combining preschool with extracurricular activities and having all of their children in the same facility in the afternoon to be very convenient. Natalja stated, “Instead of going somewhere else and waiting for a child to do gymnastics, families can enjoy their dinnertime uninterrupted and not feel rushed.” All aftercare students also have the benefit of athletic coaching, and can continue their study of the disciplines they began in preschool. Smart and Fit Kids includes pick up at six local elementary schools. The preschool accepts children from one year old through VPK. Graduates from the program are well prepared for their next educational steps. Teachers diligently follow Creative Curriculum but also challenge the kids with tasks from the Broward County kindergarten curriculum. “By the time students finish VPK, they will not only meet or exceed VPK qualifications, but many will be able to do handstands, cartwheels and other gymnastics basics.” Smart and Fit Kids also offers Gymnastics and Adventure Summer Camps that include specialized training and field trips (local and by bus) for the duration of the summer. Gymnastics Camp registration is limited to 12 students. For information about Smart and Fit Kids, including year round registration, located at 9142 State Rd. 84 in Davie, please call (954) 370-0400.

Summer Camp Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



ernon, now 24 and a force in the Miami’s defense, remembers his experience at the team’s youth football camp in 2003 like it just happened. It was then that Vernon decided for himself that football and not soccer was going to be his passion and he planned his future. “Where we have lunch now, that’s where I would eat lunch as a kid because that’s where we had the little snacks and stuff. Then they brought us into the team meeting room and we watched the season highlights of the Dolphins,” said Vernon, a defensive end who was chosen in the third round of the 2012 NFL Draft by the Dolphins out of the University of Miami. “What are the odds of me being in the team meeting room again as a Miami Dolphin?” If the resume Vernon put together for a high school project is any indication, he already was setting some favorable odds. His objective at the top of the page read, “To obtain a position in the National Football League.” Clearly a lofty goal to some at the time, but Vernon was serious. The fact that he was named the MVP of the Dolphins football camp in that summer of 2003 added credence to Vernon’s vision, and that was the third consecutive summer he participated. His father, Lascelles, was a soccer player back in his native Jamaica before an unfortunate accident ended his career in high school, so while initially he was saddened by his son’s choice to stop soccer for football, he had no doubt that Olivier would reach his goal. “Anything he puts his mind to, he always sees it through and he doesn’t like to lose,” Lascelles Vernon said. “He’s very competitive and that’s what he wanted to do since he was a kid. It was very exciting watching him at Dolphins camp and everyone was amazed at how fast he was and how much stamina he had. That came from soccer and he was excited to tour the facilities and meet the Dolphins players.” Bernadette Vernon proudly displays the jerseys her son wore all those years ago in Davie, including one with former Dolphins quarterback Jay Fiedler’s autograph on the back, among others. She also kept the autographed Dolphins football Olivier received for being named as

the camp’s MVP along with lots of photos of him and his friends practicing and playing. After watching her son excel at soccer as well as an art student, Bernadette also was caught a little off guard about his newfound passion for football. He pursued it at Miami American High School and used the skills he learned at Dolphins Camp to get a leg up on the competition. It was then that his mother realized football would be his calling. “He knew what he wanted to do from the time he was in middle school, and I saw how much fun he was having at that football camp,” said Bernadette, who got to watch Olivier play in the same stadium as the Dolphins with the Miami Hurricanes. “It’s incredible. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to remind me that it’s real, and that my son, who wrote on his resume that he was going to be in the NFL, is there now.” Vernon can laugh now about what he was like as a young camper taking instructions from former Dolphins and NFL players. Through the past few summers, he now experiences a role reversal as the student became the teacher. There is no doubt Vernon enjoys sharing his story with them. “When they ask me about what it was like, I enjoy telling them because kids look up to people like us at this level,” he said. “It is fun when I can just let them know that dreams can come true and that I was sitting right where they were when I was their age, dreaming about being here.” Oliver Vernon’s dream started at the Dolphins Academy football camps more than 10 years ago, sign up today and maybe your’s will start there as well. Go to finatics/fins-kids/youth-programs/spring-summer-camps.html.

Summer Camp Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015


Please see our full page ad on page 1

The Woodland Family: Visit Email: or Call 954-921-1497 CAMP WOODLAND: Woodland has been located at C.B. Smith Park since 1983. We are a traditional co-ed summer camp for children ages 5-15. Our staff returns every summer! Many of them are school board employees during the year. We pride ourselves on outstanding counselor to camper ratios! A TRADITIONAL CAMP: As a “traditional” summer camp we offer special events like Color War, camp carnivals, dances and Olympic/Field Days. Field trips for all campers are 4-5 times/week! We offer a range of activities to engage the interests of all children. From non-competitive team sports, to fishing, crafts & dance, or socializing with new friends/ staff- Camp Woodland offers it all and so much more! TEEN CAMP & LEADERSHIP TRAINING: Camp Woodland has one of the largest teen programs in the area. Each summer we have over 100 boys and girls, grades 6-9, join our program and form everlasting memories. Whether it be Venetian Pools, Ice/ Roller Skating, Indoor Soccer, the Beach, Movies or an Arcade, teen campers have a blast every day! Our Leadership Training program is for campers entering Grades 10 & 11. This program is designed

for campers who love camp and enjoy working with children. Our Counselors in Training learn valuable life skills and participate in numerous fund raisers throughout the summer. Many of our C.I.T’s have been asked to return as junior staff. OVERNIGHT PROGRAMS: Campers in grades 4-11 will get to experience a 5 day sleep away camp on Lake Winona (in historic De Leon Springs) and a full day at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Before heading home campers will get to swim and snorkel in beautiful De Leon Springs. We will be offering 11 weeks of summer camp for 2015. We are looking forward to another wonderful summer of memories!


Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Summer Camp


Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Summer Camp


Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Summer Camp

Summer Camp Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



uropean Soccer Club is dedicated to the formation of soccer players enabling them to develop from their base level to their highest competitive level. This structure makes us different from any other club since we are the only ones with these characteristics in South Florida. Our Motivation…The sport’s practice has acquired great relevance in recent time. Values like unity, generosity, socialization, effort and the desire for improvement are encouraged in soccer practice as a team activity. The drive of these values through sports practice suggests an enhancement in our quality of life. These benefits, physical and mental, are the instruments we utilize to teach our kids and youth. European Football Club Manages an innovative and highly sophisticated training system with high tactical and technical levels, where players can achieve their greatest potential. These systems are based on tactical learning. This system begins to be applied at 5 years of age and for the rest of useful life of the soccer player. What differentiates us…The difference in our work is based on the training methodology. Our work is directed exclusively to the technical aspect, combined with tactical and physical preparation that is dedicated to soccer. All these works are applied with the highest levels of intensity, making time be enjoyed to the maximum. Our staff…The coordinators. We count on a staff highly trained in the formation of base players and the development of advanced skilled soccer players. Our European coaches are

the ones responsible for making the difference in the program. They are licensed with the highest FIFA and UEFA degrees and bring their own experiences from Spanish football, including: • UEFA-Pro Licenses • Experience as coaches of the best soccer schools in Spain • Certified in Physical Education • Wide Experience managing soccer teams at a professional level Also, as part of European Soccer Club, we have Europa Goalkeepers! Europa Goalkeepers has a unique training method that is offering outstanding results for those who have put it into practice. A group of specialists has outlined this working method with excellent results. Coaches and players from all over Florida attend our courses to have a closer look at the type of work that has revolutionized the goalkeeper training. All training hours are devoted to the different goalkeeper skills. With each customized program, the goalkeeper who attends our course makes an extraordinary improvement. Our aim is to train intelligent goalkeepers. We teach them their particular technique, however, we acknowledge the fact that their position gives them just a split second to make the best choice according to each circumstance. We continuously train that decision making aspect, obtaining from the goalkeeper a thoughtful decision rather than a mechanical one, helping him to decide for the best option in a real game situation. We want to contribute to those who dream of becoming professional goalkeepers. We know the great responsibility we have in our hands and the illusions of those willing to improve each year on the difficult task of the goalkeeper. For information on European Soccer Club, visit


Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Summer Camp


Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Summer Camp

Summer Camp Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



ooking for a great summer camp to send your child to this year where they can enjoy the outdoors, be active and healthy, and just enjoy being a kid? Look no further than Camp Chameleon located at Markham Park! Camp Chameleon is a fun and friendly summer camp where campers enjoy seeing old friends, making new friends, and experiencing various exciting activities, all while being cared for by great counselors! Camp Chameleon is a privately owned and operated summer camp for boys and girls ages 5 – 15! Fantastic counselors include mature adults employed as Broward County School Board employees, substitute teachers and after care counselors. All staff members have a passion for working with children and are fully screened and background checked. The fun and active camp itinerary offers imaginative programs in the areas of nature, creative arts, athletics, aquatics, and daily field trips! Boys and girls enjoy fishing, arts and crafts, music, dance, sports, relays, group games, water play, water balloon and shaving cream fun, parties and nature hikes! Field trips are taken 5 days per week to destinations such as indoor, air-conditioned sports facilities, trampolines, bounce houses, laser tag, ceramics, pools with diving, water parks, roller and ice skating, arcades, movies, and bowling to name a few!

PROGRAMS ARE AVAILABLE FOR: • Young Chameleons – For boys & girls entering grades K-5. • Chameleon Teens – Teen camp for boys and girls entering grades 6-8 – A coed group with activities geared towards the interests of middle school campers and a “cool” environment. • Counselors in Training – Coed program for campers entering grades 9-10. CIT’s assist counselors with younger campers to develop leadership and responsibility. They acquire organization and teamwork skills by helping to coordinate camp special events such as carnivals, parties, field days, etc. Camp Chameleon is open Monday – Friday from June 8 – August 7, 2015. The summer camp program is organized into (3) three-week sessions and also offers weekly schedules to accommodate vacations, etc. The camp program runs from 8:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Extended hours are also included if needed from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Optional lunch program is available. For more information, great pictures, and online registration, please visit or call 954-815-9054. Registration for summer 2015 is now open! Register and pay in full by April 15, 2015 and receive a 10% discount. Space is limited so don’t delay – register today!

Summer Camp

SUMMER CAMP CAMP WOODLAND AND WOODLAND TEEN CAMP A Traditional day camp held at C.B. Smith Park in Pembroke Pines since 1983. The Woodlanders are campers in grades K-5. Woodland’s Teens on the Go are teen’s in grades 6-9. Counselor In Training program is available for teens entering the 10th and 11th grade. Field trips are taken 4-5 times per week. Campers enjoy activities including: sports, fishing, water parks, crafts, cooking, tubing, indoor gymnasiums, drama and much more. Special events include Color War, field days and camp carnival. Transportation is available throughout Broward County. Visit, Email us at, or call 954-921-1497. Ask about our 5 day overnight program!

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



The Broward Baseball Academy will hold its baseball and softball Summer Clinics from June 8th - July 17th. Sessions are weekly. BBA, a year-round baseball and softball training academy, specializes in hitting, fielding, pitching and base running and all these elements will be covered in camp. For more information and pricing contact the Director - Wayne Stofsky, (954) 683-7747 or

CAMP SAGEMONT PK3-10th grade. Summer Camp June 8th - August 7th. Full Camp Program: Camp Hours: 9:00am - 3:30pm. Early Camp: 7:30am 9:00am. After Camp: 3:30pm - 6:00pm. Traditional camp activities include: swimming, arts & crafts, computers, cooking, science, field trips, sports, special events, and more! In addition to many specialty camps such as, sports, travel adventure, art, science camps, and leaders in training. Two snacks provided daily & Pizza, Friday lunch. $325 - 425 per week, additional fees for extended camp. 1570 Sagemont Way, Weston 33326. (954) 384-1894,, Visit us at

TAG USA ELITE GYMNASTICS Come to the Award winning “Best Weston Camp” in our 38,000 sq. foot sports facility. Spring / Summer / Winter / School Days Off Camps from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. The most gymnastics, trampoline power tumble equipment for boys & girls ages 3 to 14 years old. Camp also includes indoor basketball, soccer, dodgeball, and indoor games. All action, All day! All coaches are background checked and safety certified. Game room freeplay open before 9AM. Extended care from 7AM to 6PM available. Visit our facility and Compare at 1951 North Commerce Pkwy, Weston. Call (954) 384-9393 to register.

BROADWAY KIDS STUDIO – PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 9042 West State Road 84, Davie 33324 (Same Plaza as Kabooms and RoundUp). Summer Camp at Broadway Kids Studio is unique time of year. Our focus is learning, allowing everyone an equal opportunity to perform, and having fun. Sessions and Weekly options are available for ages 5 to 13 in our Creative Camp. For more experience performers or those wanting to take the next step, our Broadway Performance Camp is available for ages 8 to 18. Visit or call (954) 693-7500 for more information.

CAMP TDD & TDD TRAVEL CAMP Registering for Summer 2014. 2360 Glades Circle, Weston, Florida, 33327. 954-389-1232. 8 week, 4 week and weekly sessions available. June 11 - August 6. • CAMP KITZEL: Ages 14 months (walking) - 2 years. Coached sports, arts and crafts, water park, bounce houses, hip hop, weekly talent shows and in house events. Lunch included. • CAMP TDD: Ages 3 year olds. All from Camp Kitzel plus reading, science & math labs, Hip Hop, in-house field trips and more! • CAMP TDD NON-TRAVEL CAMP: Ages 4-5, Pre-K and K. All the fun without the travel. • CAMP TDD TRAVEL CAMP: Ages 4-10, Pre-K - Grade 4. Two fun field trips weekly, swim instruction twice a week, water park, Rock Climbing, Horseback Riding, Airboat Rides, Gymnastics and much more!

KARATE AMERICA Get fit and stay sharp with martial arts! Karate America camps are a great way to learn structure and discipline while having fun. You can save money and guarantee availability by enrolling early! Call the nearest Karate America location for more information. COOPER CITY: 5608 S. Flamingo Road, (954) 252-2821 PEMBROKE PINES: 17933 NW 7th St., (954) 447-5044 PLANTATION: 7750 Peters Road, (954) 424-2337 Other locations: Miramar, Plantation, Weston, Hialeah, Miami, & Miami Lakes.

CAMP SUMMIT-QUESTA 5451 SW 64th Avenue, Davie 33314. (954) 584-3466,, New Gymnasium, pools and extended care available. Elementary Sports/Art Camp (ages 6-10) – basketball, swimming, soccer, karate, volleyball, flag football, wiffle ball, field trips, arts & crafts. Early Childhood Camp (PK3-5) Montessori enrichment lessons, water play, gardening, arts & crafts and sports. (VPK accepted.) SPECIALTY CAMPS/CLASSES Available as followings: Sports Training Camp (ages 10-13); Academic Enrichment Program (Grades 1 to 4); and Swim Lessons (all ages).

MUSIC’S COOL DAY CAMP 2015 Students are part of a band playing music they love, learning to read and write music, performing and recording. Professional instruction in Bass, Piano, Brass, Drums, Vocals, Guitars, Keyboard, Ukulele and Woodwinds. Swimming & Pool Activities, Arts & Crafts, Games, Sports & More! Ages 6-16, Beginners through Advanced, Individuals or your whole band may join. Camp ends with a concert performance! Two 3-week Sessions: June 8 - June 26 & June 29 - July 17. Monday Friday, 9:00am - 3:00pm (before & after care available). No Registration Fee! Camp held at Plantation Imagine Charter School, 8200 Peters Road, Plantation. (954) 232-3174 or

Summer Camp

CAMP CHAMELEON – SUMMER CAMP Located at Markham Park – Weston Road and State Road 84. A fun and friendly summer camp for boys and girls ages 5-15! Includes active, imaginative programs involving nature, creative arts, athletics, aquatics, and a cool field trip included everyday! Great counselors. Programs: Young Chameleons (entering grades K-5), Chameleon Teens (entering grades 6-8), Counselors in Training (entering grades 9-10). M-F from June 8 - August 7. (3) Three-week sessions or weekly schedules are available to accommodate vacations, etc. The camp program is from 8:45am - 4:00pm. Extended hours 7:30am - 6:00pm. Register online at or call us at (954) 815-9054 with any questions. Early bird discount if registered before April 15, 2015.


EDU 1ST. PRESCHOOL/ THE FACTORY OF FUN BILINGUAL CAMP Our Summer Camp program is designed for children 1 to 12 years of age. They will enjoy an array of activities to stimulate both their minds and their senses. The spring’s themes will include activities in music, film-making, Artists in Action, Spanish Games, Hands-on young chefs, Fun water play, Crazy arts & crafts, Science Fun, Special Visitor, Camp Memories, Tennis Lessons, Swimming Lessons, Field Trips, Movies, Amazing Relay Races and Hollywood in action. Your child can stay per day or the whole week. We also offer Summer VPK • FSIA: First Steps International Academy, Open from 7:00am to 6:30pm, 2803 Executive Park Drive, Weston, FL 33331 Phone: 954-888-9773 • VIP: VIP Kids Bilingual Preschool, open from 7:00am to 6:00pm, 1845 N Corporate Lakes Blvd. Weston, FL 33326, Phone: 954-598-9800 • PWA: Pines West Academy; Open from 6:30am to 6:30pm, 17191 Pines Blvd., Pembroke Pines, Fl 33027,,, Phone: 954-450-0900

BRIGHT & SMART - ROBOTICS & CODING SUMMER CAMP A fun and rewarding summer camp program that introduces girls and boys, ages 7 - 14, to engineering skills through a robotics program designed especially for them. We offer a complete engineering experience that fosters teamwork, critical and creative thinking, and problem solving skills. Your child will explore, discover, and be amazed while learning Computer Coding, Hands-On Robot Assembly, and Teamwork. Weekly Summer Camp sessions are held in Davie, Fort Lauderdale, Deerfield and Boca Raton from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Register for an Introductory Trial Class today! (954) 816-3346,,, or visit our page at

CAMP KADIMA 2015 Award Winning Summer Camp in Davie. From preschool to 8th grade, Camp Kadima’s goal is to give campers an unforgettable summer of games, fun, friendships and memories. Our camp offers features and facilities not found in other programs, including hip hop, yoga, karate, Zumba, arts & crafts. Our best advertisement is our happy campers and parents. Call for a personal tour. David Posnack JCC, 5850 S. Pine Island Road, Davie, FL 33328 (954) 434-0499, ext. 202,

PURE ENERGY DANCE – SUMMER CAMPS Sing, Act, Dance and Perform the summer away with our Musical Theater Summer Camp. Our popular Princess Camps are back and new this summer, Pop Star Diva Camp! (954) 217-9778. 1306 SW 160th Ave., Sunrise/Weston 33326. • PERFORMING ARTS CAMP: Ages 6-14. Wizard of Oz. June 22July 3. Monday – Friday 9:00am – 1:00pm. • FAIRY TALE MAGIC SUMMER DANCE CAMP: Ages 3-5. Let your princess have a magical summer! Weekly camps available: July 20-August 7, Monday – Friday, 9:00am –11:30am. • POP STAR DIVA CAMP: Ages 6-9. Make your child feel like a star while learning dance moves, choreography and costume design for end of week performances.

POWER SPORTS ACADEMY 8th Annual Speed, Agility, Strength & Football Skills Camp, Ages 10 & Up, Register before May 17th & receive $25.00 OFF! JUNE 8TH - JULY 3RD. Monday-Friday, 8:00AM – 12:00PM. Special Private Groups Begin July 6th. Check our website for Special Summer Training Program Rates (954) 829-4144.

A WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE CAMP WOK AGES 2-8. Explore weekly journeys around the world $99. We offer a fun, academic and interactive summer camp - including weekly field trips. Children will learn customs and cultures from around the world and visit exciting destinations. The camp includes Weekly field trips, Science labs, Water Days, Academic review, Bounce house, arts and crafts, and much more. 750 NW 180 Terrace, Pembroke Pines, 33029 & 6700 Griffin Rd., Davie 33314. Call (954) 430-7707 or visit

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

The Lightning Basketball Camp starts its 11th Season this summer. Voted the #1 Sports Camp In Weston! A camp for the community run by community members. Professional instruction provided by the 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2015 District 12-8A Champion coaches and other local professionals. Free Lunch, extended after care, special discounts! Located at Cypress Bay HS. Camp Hours 9am-4pm. Weekly sessions available throughout the summer, June 8 - August 7 (no camp June 29 - July 3). Contact Coach Looky @ (954) 629-0621 and check out our special at


Summer Camp



Inna’s Summer Camp offers a unique performing arts learning experience for children aged 7-13. Each 3-week session has a different theme where campers will learn dance, vocal, and acting skills and will perform in a fun-filled showcase in our Community Black Box Theater at the end of each session. Healthy snacks, scripts, costumes, and 2 show tickets per session are included. $450/child/session. Located in Stirling Town Center, 8685 Stirling Rd., Cooper City 33328. (954) 237-602.

European Soccer Club educational program offers comprehensive state of the art training techniques, challenging our athletes both physically and psychologically to be competitive at the highest level. Camp is available to ages 5 to 17 years old .Dates June 8th to July 10th- August 3rd to August 14th, from 8:30am to 3 p.m.Call for early registration !!! 3800 SW 92 Ave, Davie, FL3328. (786) 521-6414.For more information visit our website



Held at Sagemont Upper School, 2585 Glades Circle, in Weston. Serving South Florida since 1998, Inside Out Theatre is one of Broward County’s premiere arts organizations and proud to offer its summer programs in Weston. Summer Conservatory, June 8 - June 26; Ages 9 - 14. Professional instruction in acting, voice, dance, stage combat, physical comedy, mime and more! Students create and perform a show at the end of the session. Summer Intensive, July 13 - July 31; Ages 13 18. Students rehearse and perform a full-scale Broadway musical, TBA.; (954) 285-3060.

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



offers full day and half day options for children ages 4 to 12. Daily activities will include field trips, water play, arts and crafts, various sports activities, dance, karate and much more. Smart & Fit Kids offers gymnastic summer camp and classes throughout the summer. There are limited spots available, so please sign up early to ensure enrollment. All meals are provided. 9142 State Rd. 84, Davie FL 33324. (954) 370-0400.

MIAMI DOLPHINS FOOTBALL CAMP Dolphins Academy summer camps are returning June 21-26, June 29- July 3rd and July 6-10 at the Miami Dolphins training facility in Davie. Boys and girls, ages 5-15, can participate in an interactive, week long flag football experience featuring appearances by current and former Miami Dolphins players. The camp focuses on football training as well as the importance of education, physical fitness, and positive choices. For more information please call (305) 943-7272 or visit and mention the Sports & Activities Directory!

If your child enjoys nature, critters, conducting experiments, building stuff, and taking things apart to see how they work, we have an adventure for them! Science Eye Safari Camp & In-school Safaris are engaging, hands-on, inquiry-based programs that enable them to explore the world around them, gain new insights and make them aware that science is an exciting part of everything they do. Our goal is to have fun while instilling self-confidence, develop critical thinking skills and to create a positive relationship with the environment. We don’t just do S.T.E.M., Science Eye goes full S.T.E.E.M. ahead! (Science Technology Engineering Environment & Math) Ages 7-12. WWW.SCIENCEEYE.COM,, (954) 680-7977.

FLAMINGO LAKES GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB JUNIOR CAMP Ages 6 & up. This personalized program focuses on full swing, short game, course management, physical fitness, and fundamentals that will last a lifetime. Taught by PGA Instructor Brian Gilchrist who has 30 years’ experience teaching juniors. Lunch, refreshments and on course training. Monday - Friday - 9:00am - 3:00pm. Week 1: June 22nd - June 26th or Week 2: July 6th -10th. Limited space! Advance registration. (954) 435-6110. 701 Flamingo West Drive, Pembroke Pines 33027.

DIVE INTO SPANISH - IMMERSION CAMP The 100% Spanish Immersion program offered by Educando a América during the summer. It provides a variety of fun activities along with learning of the Spanish language through special projects and outdoor activities. Our program’s goal is the acquisition of Spanish written and oral skills, as well as listening and reading comprehension. Offered for native and non-native students. 8 week program, from June 8th to July 31st 2015. Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 3:00pm. Aftercare until 6:00pm. Cost: $199/week. Also offering half day summer camp and twice a week Spanish Classes. Open House date: April 23rd at 6:00pm at Imagine Charter School, 2500 Glades Circle, Weston 33327. (954) 261-2432.

CAMP LINGUA Camp Lingua is a unique language immersion program where children enjoy an enriching, fun experience while developing language and critical thinking skills. Our natural, open-ended multi-sensory approach consists of visual, auditory and physical practice in a language immersion environment which stimulates language acquisition. Our Language Camps is the perfect way to help your child explore a second language while making new friends. They will learn easily by seeing, hearing and putting a language in action. Children will also explore language learning through FUN CAMP ACTIVITIES including, sports, arts & crafts, performing arts, field trips, water fun, lake activities, dance, cultural encounters, science experiments, and much more. VISIT OUR OPEN HOUSES ON 4/18 & 5/16 FOR HUGE SAVINGS! CALL: (954)642-CAMP(2267) - VISIT: - CONTACT:

CHESS-ART SUMMER CAMP Two great enrichment programs get together to give your child a fun and unique summer camp. ART and CHESS are experiences your child must try! Both ART and CHESS build your child’s self-confidence, imagination, concentration, and a love of learning and openness to new ideas. We raise confident and creative children. Chess tournaments. Board games. Sports,team competitions inside and outside. Mural paintings. Cartooning. Ceramics. Water day. Ages 4 and up. (954) 534-3771 or (954) 650-2562. Open House April 24th 6pm May 22nd- 6pm at Regional Park Community Center.

Summer Camp

LOVEWELL INSTITUTE FOR THE CREATIVE ARTS Are you interested in acting, singing, dancing, writing, composing, choreographing, designing or any other part of the creative process? Join us at Lovewell Institute for the Creative Arts for a three week, collaborative adventure where students (guided by a professional staff of artists in each discipline) will conceive, write, compose, produce and perform an original, full length piece of musical theatre. This is a creative experience like no other and calls for artists of all types! Ages 8-13 and 13-19 can choose from two sessions: June 8th-28th & July 6th-26th, 2015. All workshops take place in Davie, Florida on the Nova Southeastern University Campus. For more information and to apply online go to; call (954) 270-6452 or email Artistic Director, Carrie Gilchrist, at

ALL STAR SUMMER DANCE JAM Florida Super Stars offer a high energy Summer Camp with rotating classes in dance, cheerleading, baton twirling, make-up application and much more. Cost is $135 per week. Siblings are discounted. Extended care to 6 PM. (954) 438-2075 or This camp will be held at the Towngate Recreation Center located at 901 NW 155th Avenue, Pembroke Pines. Tennis, Soccer & Basketball will be the primary sports. Softball, flag football, ping pong and foosball will also be played. A playground and swimming pool will also be available on site. Lunches will be cooked on the barbecue. Contact Robert Mackey at (954) 868-6100.

ACADEMY OF ARTS 20841 Johnson Street, #113, Pembroke Pines, FL 33029, 954-704-0068, Ages 3 to professional. Ballet, Pointe, PasDeDeux, Combo, Acrocise, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Belly Dancing, Flamenco, HipHop, Modern, Contemporary, Musical Theatre, Drama, Art, Yoga,Voice, Piano, Violin, Guitar and Afterschool Programs. Academy of Arts features a Performing Group and Dance Company. Adult Classes. Summer Dance Camp & Summer Intensive Camp also offered.

BOBCAT VOLLEYBALL CAMP Come fine tune your Volleyball skills. Don’t have any skills yet? Let us teach you! Open to Boys & Girls ages 8-14, Beginner to Advanced with no experience necessary. AM, PM & Full day sessions available! Session I: June 8-11, Session II: JUNE 15-18. $125.00 per session. Held at West Broward High School, 500 NW 209th Ave, Pembroke Pines. For more information and registration visit

RYAN TANNEHILL FOOTBALL PROCAMP Come join Miami Star Quarterback Ryan Tannehill June 9-10 at the Nova High School for the Ryan Tannehill Football ProCamp! Boys & Girls grades 1-8 will receive instruction on the fundamental skills and the team concept of football. Campers will receive instruction from the top coaches in South Florida as well as Ryan. All campers will receive a camp t-shirt along with an autographed team photo with Ryan. For more information or to register or call us at 1-888-389-2267. Don’t miss out on the experience.

PREMIER MARTIAL ARTS This summer, give your kids a camp with a KICK! At Premier Martial Arts, children will enjoy our weekly theme based camp that will allow them to focus on health and fitness all summer long. Kids will come home talking about Spy Camp, Ninjas Vs. Pirates and being Super Heroes. Give you child a summer to remember at Premier Martial Arts. Locations in Davie and Pembroke Pines to best meet your needs. Call (954) 389-9146 to reserve your spot. Special pricing for early reservations!

MAVERICK STATE CHAMPS BASEBALL CAMP Archbishop McCarthy High School. Ages 7 - 14. Weekly Sessions June 8th - July 27th, no camp week of June 29th. Hours: 9am-2pm (free after care until 3pm). Learn the fundamental and advanced skills of hitting, infield and outfield play, pitching, catching, and base running from experienced high school coaches and college players. Learn the skills and attitude required to make that Little League, All-Star, Travel, or High School Team. $185/week. Archbishop McCarthy High School, 5451 S. Flamingo Rd., Southwest Ranches., (954) 432-1228.

MAVERICK BASKETBALL CAMP The Maverick Basketball Camp is an intensive skills camp for players who are interested in developing their basketball skills and knowledge of the game. Emphasis will be placed on proper form and technique with both offensive and defensive movements and drills. This camp is designed to work on team concepts while also working on individual improvement. Three different 2015 sessions: June 8-12; June 15-19; June 22-26. Ages: 8-15. Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm. Cost: $200 each session. Location: Archbishop McCarthy Gymnasium, 5451 S. Flamingo Rd., Southwest Ranches. For more information email: Phone: (954) 347-4623

MAVERICK DRAMA CAMP The curtain is going up...on a summer filled with the magic of theater!!! Camp runs from June 8 until June 26, 9am to 5pm daily at the Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy High School Maverick Theatre. This camp is open to the public for students going into 3rd through 9th grade. The three week session is $500.00 if tuition is received before May 1st, $600.00 after. Campers will be involved in a non- competitive, nurturing program that teaches the beginner and advanced drama students theatrical arts at their skill level, culminating in an exciting showcase at the end of camp. For more information contact (954) 557-4449.

CAMP GUAIKINIMA Summer is for FUN, and being in contact with nature is the perfect environment for your child. Full Day Camp at Oleta River State Park in N. Miami. 28 years of experience, bilingual (Spanish/English), for boys & girls ages 4 to 10, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday - Friday. Our program is designed for children to enjoy in nature while learning new talents, values, social skills, self-assurance, respect, and having fun in a healthy and safe environment. Through this experience in Guaikinima Day Camp, they will begin to be part of the great Guaikinima family while preparing themselves to go to Guaikinima’s overnight Summer Camp program. Activities will be very similar, tailored to their age and physical ability: games, kayaking, swimming, laser tag, sports, water games, arts & crafts, climbing, archery, beach games, and much more! Bus service is available from Weston, Doral, Key Biscayne, Brickel, Coral Gables. For more information: / / / 954 9071242. Camp dates: 8 weeks (6/14-8/7). Weekly sessions plus 2,3 & 4 week discounts.

CAMP COUNSELORS NEEDED Need some High School community service hours? Davie PAL is looking for Camp Counselors. All that is needed is a sense of responsibility and a sense of fun. Come have a great time while you earn your hours. For more information on how to apply, call (954) 321-2561.

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



Summer Camp


Camp runs 9:00am – Noon, June 8-12, June 15-19. Ages 8-14. $125 per week. Location: Archbishop McCarthy High School, 5451 S. Flamingo Rd., Southwest Ranches. For more information contact:


Camp runs 8:00am – Noon, July 6-10, July 13-17, July 20-24. Ages 8 and up. One week $125, two weeks $225. Location: Archbishop McCarthy High School, 5451 S. Flamingo Rd., Southwest Ranches. For more information contact:


The Archbishop McCarthy soccer camp is for all level of players who are interested in developing their soccer skills and knowledge of the game. Emphasis will be placed on technique with some tactical concepts for the players that are ready for it. This camp is designed to work on individual improvement in a fun team environment. Camp dates are June 8-12 and July 20-24 from 8 AM – 12 PM. Cost per week: $130.00. Archbishop McCarthy High School, 5451 S. Flamingo Rd. Southwest Ranches. For more information please contact Mike Sica at or (954) 605-9565.

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015



Camp runs 9:00am – 2:00PM, July 13-17, July 20-24. Grades 6-8. $200 per week. Location: Archbishop McCarthy High School, 5451 S. Flamingo Rd., Southwest Ranches. For more information contact:


Camp runs 8:00am – 2:00PM, June 8-12, July 27-31. Ages 8-16. One week $160, two weeks $300. Location: Archbishop McCarthy High School, 5451 S. Flamingo Rd., Southwest Ranches. For more information contact:

RON ZICCARDI BASKETBALL CAMP Celebrating our 31st year! The best camp in town located at Gloria Dei, 7601 S.W. 39 St. in Davie. Open to boys and girls ages 5-15. Camp dates: June 22-26, June 29-July 2, July 6-10, July 13-17, July 20-24 and July 27-31. 9:00AM - 4:00 PM. A great time for all!For additional information or to register e-mail or call (954) 434-6837.


Dance Through Summer With Us! A variety of performing arts classes for all levels every day including Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Belly Dance, Aerial Silks and More! Theatre performance fat the end of each session. Session 1: June 8 – July 10 Session 2: July 13-August 14. FREE Before and After-Care. We have a unique Summer Intensive Program for Intermediate and Advanced dancers. Transportation Available for camp and Intensive! Discounts for Full Sessions up to a $200 savings! Call us for more information: 954-437-9910 or visit us at 12323 SW 55th St. Unit 1010 Cooper City, Fl 33330


Open Registration for The South Florida Youth Basketball Summer Camp to be held the week of June 8th – June 12th from 9:00AM to 4:00PM at Gloria Dei Gymnasium (7601 SW 39th Street, Davie FL 33328). Open for Boys & Girls ages 7-15. Camp instruction will include: ball handling, stationary shooting, passing, offense, defense, dribbling and fundamentals. For more information visit (954) 809-5131


Davie PAL offers a fun filled affordable summer camp for boys & Girls ages 7-14. Join us for exciting educational Field Trips, Swimming, Water fun days, Movies, Team Games, Activities and more! ONLY $50 PER WEEK! And NO REGISRATION FEE! Session one: 5 weeks for $250, session two: 5 weeks for $250, Lunch and snack included. 4300 SW 57th Ter. Davie FL 33314. (954) 321-2561.


June 8 – August 14. Camp Nova at University School of Nova Southeastern University is open to students in kindergarten to grade 11, and provides campers with a summer full of smiles, laughs, fun with new friends, and plenty of good memories. Students can spend their summer creating unique arts and crafts, learning martial arts, stunting in cheerleading, grooving to the music in dance, exploring technology/ video game design, sharpening their talents in robotics and animation, improving their sports skills, and more! A camper’s summer experience will also include swimming in a state-of-the-art aquatics center, interactive Wacky Wednesday and Fun Friday events, weekly field trips, and exciting off-campus and in-house activities. In addition, students can choose to participate in one of our specialty camps including Junior Lifeguard Camp, Counselor-in-Training Program, Teen Camp, Sports Camp, Theatre Camp, and more! 3375 SW 75 Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314 and phone number is 954-262-4528.


Flamingo Elementary School is offering an on-campus Academic Summer Program for~Pre-K thru 5th grade. Academics include Computer Lab activities, math instruction, science, reading and writing instruction.~All of these engaging learning activities are balanced into a schedule with fun physical, art, musical and social activities. Students also get to attend in-house field trips and participate in SPLASH DAYS! June 8 through August 14 from 7:00am-6:00pm. $130 per week price includes camp 5 days per week and free breakfast and lunch 4 days per week. 1130 SW 133rd Ave. Davie. (754) 323-5730


Campers participate in indoor and outdoor games, crafts and more. Field trips and in-house specials are included in the cost. 8:00am - 6:00pm Open to Cooper City Residents only. (954) 436-7300. Registration starts on April 1st at the Community Center: 9000 W 50th Pl. for the following camps: • ELEMENTARY CAMP: grades 1 thru 5. Cost: $105 per week plus $25 one time registration fee per camper. Camp held at Cooper City Pool and Tennis Center: 11600 Stonebridge Parkway, Cooper City. • JUST FOR TEENS: Grades 1 thru 5. Cost: $105 per week plus $25 one time registration fee per camper. Camp held at Pioneer Middle School (location may vary).


Campers participate in indoor and outdoor games, crafts and more. Field trips and in-house specials are included in the cost. 8:00am – 6:00pm Open to Cooper City Residents only. (954) 436-7300. Registration starts on April 1st at the Community Center: 9000 W 50th Pl. for the following camps: • ELEMENTARY CAMP: grades 1 thru 5. Cost: $115 per week plus $25 one time registration fee per camper. Camp held at Cooper City Pool and Tennis Center: 11600 Stonebridge Parkway, Cooper City. • JUST FOR TEENS: Grades 1 thru 5. Cost: $125 per week plus $25 one time registration fee per camper.

The Sunshine Child Care Program is a provider for the Town of Davie and provides camps at the Pine Island Park (Bamford Sports Complex), Ivanhoe Community Center and Eastside Community Hall. They offer affordable prices, field trips, swimming, arts / crafts, themed weeks and activities and much more! For more information, please visit or call (954)-236-8850.


Woodland on the Go is a 5 day sleep away camp adventure for boys and girls grades 4-11. The adventure begins with a fantastic day at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. We will spend the night in hotel accommodations in Orlando. Next, campers will spend the day exploring the sites and shops at Downtown Disney before heading to our overnight camp in historic De Leon Springs. The next 3 nights will be spent in air conditioned cabins on beautiful Lake Winona. Campers will enjoy activities such as: swimming, water sports, canoeing, kayaking, sailing, archery, riflery, campfires, dances and so much more! Our final day will be spent swimming and snorkeling in beautiful De Leon Springs. Campers will form everlasting memories with friends and counselors during this unique summer getaway. For the remaining 10 weeks of summer, Camp Woodland is a traditional co-ed day camp located at C.B. Smith Park in Pembroke Pines since 1983. Visit, Email us at or call 954-921-1497.

CIRCLE F DUDE RANCH SUMMER CAMP Sleepover Summer camp for boys & girls 6-16. Two week, three week & 10 sessions. Session 1: June 7th -20th. Session 2: June 7th - July 11th. Session 3: July 12th - August 1st. Session 4: August 2nd - August 11th. Circle F is a magical place for kids to experience the outdoors, learn about the Florida Eco system, ride horses, swim in a magnificent waterfront, Zip Line, Rock Wall, a 60 ft. Alpine tower, Arts & Crafts, Theater, and make friendships that will last a lifetime. For more information visit (863) 676-4113.

CAMP GUAIKINIMA Camp Guaikinima is about FUN…. and much more: adventure, experiential learning, self-esteem, values, nature, fear management, goals, and teambuiding while doing activities like: Wakeboard/ski, Tubing, Kayak, Sailing, Archery, Shooting range, Ropes, Arts & Crafts, Paintball, Survival, and much more. Residential Camp, with 28 years of experience, bilingual (Spanish/English), for boys & girls ages 6 to 16. We offer 3 sessions at 3 locations in Florida: 1st session - june 7th to 27th at Camp Winona Rd, De Leon Springs Fl; 2nd session - june 28th to july 11th at Lake Geneva, Marcia Fruitland Park, Fl; 3rd session - july 12th to august 1st at Lake in the Forest, Ocklawaha, FL. For more information: / / / 954 9071242. Staff trained in experiential learning and model values.

Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Summer Camp




Davie / Cooper City / SW Ranc hes Sports & Activities Directory | Issue 11 | April - June 2015

Summer Camp

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