The happy hours during this school year have played a very important part in making this a year of pleasant memories. With this, the first publication of THE SHIELD, we have sought to capture some of these memorable instances in the form of a pictorial review. We ha v e not followed a definite ·pattern or theme. Instead, we shall let the book bring back the past just as you lived it.
We hope that in the future as you thumb through these pages you will recall and relive these days at SAINT MARTIN'S.
THE EDITORTO MR. ELLSWORTH O. VAN SLATE, Headmaster, who has striven unceasingly to promote the advancement of St. Martin's, we 1/ish to dedicate this , the first volume of THE SHIELD.
His success is evident in the increased enrollment, improved physical facilities and high scholastic and moral achievement of our school.
The Rt. Rev. Girault M. Jones, Ex-Officio
Ellsworth 0. Van Slate, Ex-Officio
George Denegre, Ex-Officio
O. E. Haring
Dr. Fred Oudt
John R. Lambert
James Wilkinson III
F. Compton Hall
The Rev. Hugh C. McKee
Clifford King
Mrs. L. Kemper Williams
Mrs. J. Armond Cobb
Harry Jordon
Dan T. Manget, Jr.
Henry Walther
Dr. Ferdinand Stone
The Very Rev. Albert R. Stuart
Miss Hazel Long - Psychologist
Mrs. R. S. Smith - Junior High Coordinator
Rev. J. s. Jenkins
Miss Dorothy Dorsa
screNCE and f Dean of the Mt u.F. Gta
y}l 5chool
i c christensen
ws. L. • ds
cecil EdWal
ws. Clyde Betz
Mr. H.C. Swan
Mrs. S.C. Bowman
Mr. John Nickel
Mr. Authur Roberts
Mrs. Robert Yeargain
Miss Carol Blankenship
Mr. Anthony Porter
Mrs. Richard Davis
Mr. Alfred Mendoza
Mrs. John Molitor
Mr. Michael Bernard
Miss Lise Pederson
Mrs. Roy Hetherwick
Mr. Glenn Robertson
Mrs. P. V. Bruce
Chapel is the center of our life at St. Martin's. Daily Chapel services provide an opportunity for faculty and students to offer their work and their play to the service of Almighty God.
Beta Club 3, 4
Junior Basketball 3
Senior Basketball 4
Senior Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4
All-Metro Basketball 1, 2, 3
Most Valuable Basketball Player 3
Pep Squad Leader 4
Senior Volleyball 3,4
C horus 1, 2, 3
Class Secretary 3
Service Committee 3
Senior Football 4
Track 2,4
Christmas Play 3
Homecoming Court 3,4
Christmas Play 3
Fashion Show 3
Pep Squad 4
JAMES B. COBB " J.B.,. NINA CORNS "Dee"Beta Club 3,4
Presi d ent Beta Club 4
Editor "The Shield" 4
Class President 4
Senior Basketball 1,2,3,4
A 11- Metro Basketball 2, 3
Most Valuable Player 2
Senior Football 1, 4
Track 1, 2, 3,4
Pep Squad 4
Volleyball 3 ,4
Basketball 3,4
Pep Squad 4
Volleyball 3 , 4
Bas ketball 4
Softb all 3 , 4
Christmas Play 1 , 2 Track 1,3, 4
ERIC MAY "Eric"Beta Club 3,4
Assistant Business Manager
"The Shield" 4
"The Halo" Staff 3
Book Review 4
Christmas Play 3,4
Football 4
Student Council 1
Class Secretary 4
" The Halo" Staff 3
Book Review 3
Christmas Play 3,4
Junior Football 1
RICHARD McCONNELL "Mac" DAVID MAYS "Big Dave"Cheerleader 4
Volleyball 2, 3,4
Basketball 2,3,4
Softball 2, 3,4
"The Shield" Staff 4
Homecoming Queen 4
Pep Squad 4
Christmas Play 1, 2, 4
Fashion Show 3
DICKIE LOUISE MILLlCAN "Dickie Lou" ETH ELMA Y NELSON "Ethelmay"Senior Football 2,3,4
Junior Football 1
Track 3,4
Junior Basketball 1
Beta Club 3,4
"The Shield" Staff 4
" The Halo" Staff
Football Manager 3
CHARLES POTTER " Moose" WILLIAM PIKE "Bill "Beta Club 3,4
Secretary Beta Club 4
Chorus 2
A rt Editor, "The Shield" 4
Volleyball 1
Basketball 1,4
Glee Club 1, 2
FAY RICE "Fay " Pep Squad 4 Assistant Librarian 4 Basketball 4Beta Club 3, 4
Treasurer Beta Club 4
Advertising Manager "The Shield" 4
Ideal Girl 3
Homecoming Court 4
High School Board 3
Pep Squad 4
Chorus 2
Fashion Show 3
Softball 2, 3, 4
Basketball 2, 4
Volleyball 2, 3
Class Treasurer 4
Pep Squad 4
Basketball 2
CHARLENE SMITH "Mugsy" LUCILLE SMART "Lucille"Homecoming Court 3
Cheerleader 3
Pep Squad 4
Pep Squad 4
Chorus 2
Volleyball 4
Basketball 4
Softball 4 .
"Cindy"Class Treasurer 3
Senior Football 1, 2, 3, 4
All-Metro Football 3, 4
Co-Captain Football 4
Most Valuable Back 3
Junior Basketball 3 Track 1, 2, 3, 4
Beta Club 3, 4
Class Secretary 3
Senior Football 1, 2, 3, 4
All-Metro Football 3, 4
Co-Captain Football 4
Class Vice President 4
Vice President Beta Club 4
Secretary Beta Club 3
Assistant Business Manager "The Shield" 4
Senior Football 3, 4
All-Metro Football 3, 4
Senior Basketball 3, 4
Beta Club 3, 4
Photographer "The Shield"
Senior Football 3, 4
All-Metro Football 4
Junior Basketball 3
JAN VAN SLATE "Cliff"Senior Football 3,4
Junior Basketball 1
Senior Basketball 2, 3 , 4 Track 1
Beta Club 3,4
Junior Football 1
Senior Football 4
Nixon Adams
Emily Andry
Charles Aubrey
Dennis Crawford
Fred Devall
Vincente D'Ingi.anni
Joyce DuChateau
Addison Ellis
York Feitel
Courtney Gandolfo
Joellyn Hamer
Joseph Him
Ann Kelly
Ted Lindley
Michael Marcoux
Anne Molitor
Mac Moore
Aloise Muller
Rosemary Quinius
Barbara Rambin
John Reindl
Vicki Savola
Mary Lynn Shepherd
Pieter Sluis
Adam Trowbridge
Donald Wood
Douglas Moore
Marion Potter
Nancy Reese
George Allen
Betsy Burton
June Callender
Beth Charlton
Jack Cornay
Mary Anne Dunlap
Tim Ellis
Charles Elmer
Tommy Gentry
Eleanor Keller
Hardee Kilgore
Bitsy Laudeman
Porcher Miles
Karen Millican
Martha Mills
Carole Morrisette
Dolly Rizan
Aileen Rodriguez
Herbert Rosenbush
Mary Helen Seago
Fred Siebelitz
Robert Simon
Sandra Stinson
Debbie Theurer
Perry Thomas
Beverly Walther
Elise Webb
Ll.nda Webb
Bobby Wehrmann
Robert Whann
Anne Williams
David Wisdom
Carlos ZervigonLisa Wetterhall -------------- President
Charles Lambert ---------- Vice President
Jimmy Lake --------------- President
Lora Lou Mccardell ----------- Secretary
Leigh Moise ------------- Vice President
Taffy Yeargain -------------- Secretary
Cathie Bennett------------ President
Tony Underwood ---------- -Vice President
Marshall Alford
Whitney Bauer
Mary Sue Cairns
Linda Chotin
Mollie Couvillon
Dale Fryer
James Greeley
George Griswold
Jean Hatch
Mary Ann Henderson
Donald Hessemer
Lewis Hooper
Judy Kiker
Digby Kirby
Charles Lambert
Stephanie Manget
Nancy Noble
Wiley Steen
Pricilla Tharp
James Wagstaff
Lisa Wetterhall
Richard Whann
Bobby Yeargain
Eleanor Eustis
Linda Alred
Susanne Ballard
Walter Callaway
Mary E. Chipps
Lynn D'Ingianni
Jeanne Earl
Wanda Haight
Gaylord Hall
Jean Hamilton
Liza Hayes
Sandra Jolley
Jimmy Lake
Durel Landry
Larry Lindley
Lora Lou Mccardell
John Molitor
Peggy Newman
Pat Perkins
Jimmy Phillpott
Robbie Robertson
Allen Roussell
Judy Simon
Ned Swan
Frank Williams
Tommy Zander
Caro l e Andrews
Bobby Bowers
Cathy Brauner
Jill Bumstead
David Comay
Beverly Crawford
Don Davis
Chip Favrot
Sue Fulks
Larry Haas
Sally Heyerdale
Stephen Lambert
Beth Lemle
Barbara Mason
Barbara Mayo
Leigh Moise
Randy Nockton
Kathleen Ross
Philip Tiller
Dennis Tisdale
Lynn Trelles
Joan Turner
Jimmy Williams
Taffy Yeargain
Cathie Bennett
Truls Bjerke
Gwynne Bowman
Holland Collins
Susan Dean
Jim Diwoky
Eleanor Faulk
Donald Goodwill
Lynne Hall
Steven Jahncke
Mary Louise Jones
Alan Lindsey
Paddy Livaudais
Buddy Martin
Edith Mitchell
Manha Wiley
Carolyn Wirth
Glenn Wood
Linda Kay Paramore
Wing Sinnott
Hans Swyter
Tony Underwood
First row: Judy Martin, Lorraine Jahncke, Karon Brenes, Patricia Chotin, Lucy Ballard, Patricia Dugan. Second row: Mary Carolyn Bennett, Wayne Greiner, Kent Meyers, Jeffrey Johnson, Fred Myers, George Story, Sylvia Richarme. Third row: Mike Stillinger, Da..-id Molitor, Billy Fatheree, Warren Wirth, John Mayer, Lucius Lambert, Billy Kilpatrick, Mrs. R.H. LePere. Mis sing from picture: Phillip Bruce, Sheila Ryan, Katherine Shelton.
First row, front to back: Diana Mosely, Priscilla Williams, Marjorie Bowling, Pamela Paramore , Randy Lorb e r. Second row: Joey Walther, Richard Brewster, Elizabeth Burke, Peggy Suggs. Third row: Susan Montgomery, David Cloud, Carey Tharp, Terry Livaudais, Mrs. John Love. Fourth row: Billy Bergman, Courtney Olson, Herbie Bowers, Julie Goodwill. Fifth row : Claudia Clipson, Sheryl Baltar, Donald Cormack, John Allen. Missing from picture: Marsha Kraner, Ralph Ross, Perry Eastman.
First row, front to back: Scott Murphy, Judy Weismiller, Allen Paterson, Marsha Dayton, Blaine Buchtel, Tempe Berniard. Second row: Charles Schmidt, Susan Brown, Robin Garett, Johanna Oudt, Linda McCall, John Adriani, Mrs. J.T. Elliott. Third row: Sandra Shields, Ann Estes, Fred Keller, JimmyMonroe, Vicky Bradburry, Carolyn Whitley. Fourth row: Henry Tharp, William Monaghan, Milton Brooks, Richard Davis, Lisa Rackle.
First row: Bruce Swan, Suzy Foster, Dianne Wilkes, Elizabeth Lambert, Bill Slaughter, Lane De Bardeleben, Claudia Kincannon. Second row: Dale Trelles, Alfreda Mendoza, Bryan Hetherwick, Mary Marsha Callender, Roberta Brooks, Georgia Myers, Linda Claire Creighton, Norton Roussell. Third row: Martha Marie Fernandez, Martha Ann Phillpott, Sandra Shedden, Wynne Friedrichs, Howard Rambin, John Donnally, Joy Spindler, Linda Keller, Mrs. T .J. Bryson.
Jim Martin, Jerry Chambers, Priscilla Taylor, Royal Bastian, Peg Tharp, Louis Levy, Tom Ehrlicher. Back
Mrs. Bradburry, Gay Trousdale, Roger Sandridge, Dianne Kreeger, Meigs Frost, Jane Turner, Jeffrey Graf, Barbara Bohne, George Williams, Pamela Payne, Keith Marshall, Jeanne Rowan. Missing from picture: Carol Chandler, Debby McCarthy, Harold Moise, Sydney Smith.
First row: Suzanne Crockett, Robby Roberts, Virginia Soignet, Mitchell Wentz, Harriet Burke, Linda Berdon, Wade Hiers, Marie Blattmann, Pat Lee. Second row: Charles Grubb, linda Swanson, Carl Collins, Ann Menge, Paul De Grey, Gay Chilton, Cutting Jahncke, Ruth Paterson, John Thorn, Mrs. B. M. Frost. Missing from picture: Don Brown, Stephen Carley, Linda Diwoky, John Eastman, Paul Trible.
First row: Jimmy Leland, Karen Ross, Nancy Eaves, Margaret Jean Wilkiflson, Kathleen Hesse, Joan Kreeger.
Second row : Al Schroeder , Ellen Northrup, Tobin Hendon, Patty Habeeb, Tommy Morgan, Robert Snowden, Jeanne Ropp, Patty Watso n , John De Grey Third row: Mrs. Babcock, Mike Sewell, Judy Jenkins, Will McClelland, Juanea Jones, Richard Roussel , Sherrill Sinnott, George Matthews, Susan Anderton, Upton Giles
Missing from picrure: Donelson Jackson.
Mrs. Tollman, Jennifer Johnson, Edwin Berniard, Prudence Striplin, Randy Ross, Pamela Danos, Gene Rackle, Kay Huff, Donald Colby, Dixie Hooper. Missing from picture: Dean Waterman, Sonny Bowman, Alex Tharp.
Barbara Brewster , Johnny Johnson, David Baillif, Reed Morgan, Marshall Ordemann, Ab Jacl:<son , Terry Lynn Powell, Marginy Dupuy, Lloyd Henry Crochet, Mary Frances Backstrom, Johnny Ainsworth. Second row: Rodney Burke, Jimmy Kincannon, Katherine Murphy, Susan Waugh, Kay Williams, Mrs. Donald L. Anthon. Missing from picture: Richard Collord, Stanley Dubroca, Susan Hooley, Brooke Ray, Edith Vail Smith, Malcolm Sutter.
St. Martin's, a slow starting team, won five, lost two, and tied one, thus finishing in a tie for the Metropolitan League Championship.
Fumbles and pass interceptions proved costly as the Saints fell short of the Newman Greenies, 20-19.
In their second outing, St. Martin's was completely out-classed by the rampaging Slidell Tigers, 45-0. J.V. Burkes spearheaded the attack as he faked, ran, and passed the Saints dizzy.
The following week the Saints broke into the winning column and displayed some good, hard football as they downed the Owls, 20-6.
The Saints chalked up their first Metro win as they rolled over the Comets, 25-6.
Finally hitting their stride, the Saints exhibited some sparkling offensive maneuvers as they mowed down the Jets in easy fashion, 47-6.
In a crucial battle for Metro leadership, St. Martin's showed a fine game of blocking and tackling and scored a decisive victory over the Traders, 16-6.
A touchdown scored in the last minute of play was the determining factor in St. Martin's missing an undisputed championship. The Blue Knights scored with nineteen seconds left to play to give them a tie for first place.
St. Martin's final contest of the year, playing Ridgewood, ended in a lopsided win for the Saints. They displayed a very strong running attack and good defensive play in winning, 32-0. Keep
Fight for that ball.
It was good.
in two Jan puts ID st Istrouma. aga
Bill Pike ---- - ------- - - Senior
Mary Allen ------------- Junior
Gene Doswell ------------ Junior
Perry Thomas - Freshman
Beverly Walther - - - ------ Freshman
Charles Aubrey Sophomore
Wiley Steen - - - - Eighth Grade
Kathleen Ross - - - ---- Seventh Grade
Lynne Hall -------- - Seventh Grade
Tommy Zander - - - - - - - Eighth Grade
"We Do Everything A like"
They followed the star
A Loyal Supporter ls He!
Will never leave us in the lurch.
They have taken this means to wish us well
As this long list of names will tell.
Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs,
Elton Mackie Mrs. R. J. Merrick
F. W. Oudt Mrs. E. H. Fremaux
Howard Smith Mrs. E. T, Merrick, Ill
R. C. Allen Mrs. E. J. Sinnott
Gus Lorber, Jr. Mrs, J. E. Alford, Jr.
E, H. Estes, Jr. Mrs. E. M. Sutter
Mrs. P, C. Treadway
Mrs. W. S, Pike, Jr.
Mrs. O. E. Haring
Mrs. W. J. Hine
Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.
C. H. Falke E. L. Kibling
T. T. Daly, Jr.
F. V. Mitchell
Mrs. O. W. Hughes
Mrs. Alymer Hatch Mrs. Hugh C. McKee Mrs. Paul Trible D. G. Trousdale"Except the Lord build the house. They labour in vain that build it."
This building depicts another look into the future of St. Martin's. A Chapel, in which the religious activities of the student body may be centered, is an object toward which our faithful President and Friend, Mr. Bailey De Bardeleben, is bending considerable effort. Following his example, with prayer and continued hard work, St. Martin's will keep on growing. Our Chapel will become, instead of a dream, a reality. Thank you for your inspired leadership and devoted service, Mr. De Bardeleben.
Scene from Thanksgiving Program depicted!
Thanks to 11 a Friend" for space unrestricted!
Want to Buy or Sell an Oil or Gas Lease?
Then You Should See Reese, Reese and Reese!
Says Tim, "Lend an ear and follow my direction to a lubricating oil of ultimate protection- -It's color is purple, due to additives of power, and it gives you smooth riding every minute of the hour. 11
RA - 7246
Mrs. Bryson's class is having a treat
Brown Velvet's pro<1ucts can't be "beat! 11
Our Saints' Mothers Are Very Smart!
J. B. knows(like most any good saint) to go to J. Armond Cobb's for the best Marine Paint
All Lines of Insurance
Life, Automobile, Casualty and Fire! Hospital, Accident; Any Kind You Desire!
1118 Richards Building
TUlane 3243
TEmple 5127
These pictures we have selected to show, You would have missed, except for "Friends" we know.
The Coach and Captains of Jr. Football had to be relegated When space for two Junior High Basketball Teams was designated.
At lunch, when we sit down to eat,
We all usually look for meat.
You can be sure we have the best,
BOWEN PACKERS have stood the test.
Charline and Dee Dropped in to see
The Delicious "Goodies" At Ted's Bakery
Located in the Heart of Metairie
Birthday and Wedding Cakes Are Ted's Specialty!
Can't be "Beat"!
Heine, the Printer on Derbigny Street
911 Poydras 3651 Derbigny Metairie
Fay, Wing and Taffy
look very happy.
They know where to find shoes
Both long-wearing and neat.
At COVERT'S, the shoe store
That has the style for your feet.
611 Metairie Road
So make haste.
For ladies' and children's wear
It's tops in town, We do declare!
For sound information about oil exploration and petroleum production, Beverly and Jeanne can tell you, Mr. E. L. Earl is the one to help you.
Phone: RA - 9165 Pere Marquette Building New Orleans, Louisiana
2301 Metairie Road
For automobile service of any sort, Drive down Metairie Road to Metairie Court. You'll be met by a friendly Attendant Who'll make your car look simply resplendent.
3383 A ir l i ne H i ghwa y CE- 841 1
For t he bes t in b a nking , yo u should see
The people at the Meta iri e S a vi n gs Bank and T r u s t Co m pany.
Sec ure protection is y o ur assurance
The y're members of the Federal Deposit Insurance
Need Marine Insurance of any J,cind?
A better company you could not find.
E. T. Barry is the one to see .
See him just once and you'll agree.
Machinists and boiler makers I They are the best!!!
Pattern rrlaker s, electric welding and forgings!
Wait! I'll tell you the rest!
Tanks, smokestacks, blow pipes are better by far
An d t he ir Sp eci a l Ma rin e w ork i s way above par ! !
326 Balter Building
Telephone TUlane 8456
Five cents, ten cents, or a dollar!
The values at KRESS Will make you "Holler! I"
For the best "Dime-Store" shopping in town Go to KRESS, the store of RENOWN! 923 Canal Street
WAL T+-l~R Bl<:'.05. co., I NC.
Distributors of Philco Products
Joey, Beverly and Betty Can't restrain a smile.
Maybe they're thinking 1 of those Philco Products Which last a long, long while.
CRAWFORD BATTERY AND SUPPLY Is the place to go for an excellent buy. Visit this store and you will see The very best in batteries.
2800 Jackson Avenue
When you have a deep-down thirst, Think of a frosty "Stein-0 11 first. Blue Seal Bottlers have the best, Cool, refreshing- -full of zest!
5107 Airline Highway
Courtney says, "Dan, you've done a nifty job; and so, I'll always come to TEXACO!
I '11 tell my friends, so they'll come too-To see the fine job you can do!"
Is kitchen pure. It's the best food for your dog, that's for sure.
It's a diet balanced perfectly, which insures good health, So, feed your Pet Jet and he'll live happily!
Our Dads are loyal as can be, Working hard as you can see. Our good school will never be bad With such interest on the part of the Dads.
Given this space, we couldn't resist---
These "Book Week" pictures are not amiss!!
Our Mothers are always ready and willing
To lend a hand or "Shell out a shilling. 11
If there's any need or the least bit of trouble
Our Mothers are there; they come on the double.
814 Howard Avenue
CA - 6692
Boy building materials from JAHNCKE
Their service is always complete
They have tall. scaffolds made of steel
And all that you need for concrete.
Lumber and concrete blocks are kept right on hand
They've all kinds of materials to meet your demands.
Many of our St. Martin's boys enjoy camping in this nature's wonderland where the climate is exhilarating, the water crystal clear and the beauty of the wilderness is unsurpassed. The food is excellent and the fees are reasonable.
In the Heart of the Smokies
For Boys - Ages 7-16
Under mature leadership the campers engage in all the land and water sports. Crafts, music, dramatics and horseback riding are all ~ parts of the program. There is plenty of time for rest and relaxation too.
June 23 to August 1 7 are the camping
Are You Interested? dates.
Contact: ?-1rs. Elliott Laudeman, 3125 Coliseu~. New Orleans, Louisiana
Mrs. Ehnor Messersmith, 4601 S. Claiborne, New Orleans, Louisiana
Camp Address: Camp Le Conte, P. 0. Box 145, Knoxville, Tennessee
Bitsy and Betsy recommend highly
This Insurance Agenc which you should't take lightly.
When you collect, there's no red tape There's speedy service too.
For moderate rates and efficiency, thif is the place for yot
512 American Bank Building
New Orleans, Louisiana
1535 Poydras Street
Tommy's going for a ride. In this car he shouldn't hide!
He should be smiling and looking happy, For this MERCURY sure looks "Snappy! 11
Thank You, Mr. Clay, for Your 11 Best Wishes to the Splendid Growth and Success of St. Martin's! 11
4539 N. Claiborne BY -7525 - VI- 7240
For a disinfectant that's dynamite,
The best to be found is "Pine-A-Mite,"
Pure-----clean smelling, you'll agree,
It's "Pine-A-Mite" for you and me.
Larry Recommends the Following:
Plumbing - Heating - Air Conditioning
Empire - Heating - Air Conditioning
Tele-King - Room Air Conditioning Units
General Water Heaters - Copper - Galvanized
Columbia Water Heaters - Glass Lined
Pan American - Gas - Electric Ranges
Reznor - Suspended Unit - Duct Heaters
See Them! Buy Them!
On the Cumberlan d P la t e a u i n Tennessee
Each year, more and more St. Martin's boys choose HY -LAKE as the place to enjoy a healthful and profitable camping experience . Under the ab le direction of Jonas Coverdale, an outstanding camp leader, HYLAKE has an 11 A 11 rating and is in it's 24th year.
Come Join the Gang June 19 to August 14
238 W. Shannon Lane New Orleans 23, Louisiana Phone: 21-4-2733 or Temple 8082 12
This is a very simple ad, Not advertising the latest fad, Just, compliments of LAMBERT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY
3810 Berwyn Avenue
TEmple 1435
The phys i cal plant and s i te are out s tan d ing. Under experienced leadership the boys engage in all the land and wate:r sports. In addition such excellent indoor facilities as a gymnasium, rifle range, recreation hall and bowling alleys permit an extensive activities program.
There are others; Teachers, Students and Friends, who have worked quietly, unselfishly and without fanfare in helping to prepare this publication. To all of you, we say, "THANK YOU!"
At the "Beta Club Dinner"
New Members
Officers and Sponsor
We are indebted to " A FRIEND" for this page at
THE SHIELD Staff wishes to say "Thank You" to Mr. and Mrs. "Dick" Davis, who have so willingly ~iven much of their time and talent to our yearbook. We are sincerely grateful.