The year of 1959-60. One decade ends; another begins. As time passes there is growth. This book is about the life and growth of St. Martin's School and its students during the year of 1959-60. It is our hope that the 1960 SHIELD will be a pleasure and perhaps an inspiration, not only this year, but also in years to come.
Mr. Berard ' s h i gh st a ndards, his modesty , and his true capability have earned him the respect of the entire stu dent body for many years. We therefore poudly dedica t e the 1960 SHIELD to him.
Goodies and gossip at snack.
We all take our turn at athletics during gym.
We keep that eye open for first period
which is followed by daily chapel.
Afterwards, two long classes.
LUNCH needs no explanation!
At the close of the day, Pete rings the bell
which brings a great rush for the buses and HOME (to study)! !
By various modern modes and means, we come to school.The existing buildings which are shown on this drawing are represented by the blocks with stripes. The buildings which are not yet constructed are shown by the white blocks. Below, the number key may help to identify the buildings.
~IR½T GRAD[ Rooms
T[A[ '( LDUnG[ AnD WORK Room
PLAY £,fi
Actually, St. Martin 's school is older than ten yea rs, but 1 960 ma r ks the school's tenth a nni versary at Green Acres . Before any buildings at Green Acres were used, the site was at St. Martin's Espiscopal Churc h where the school originated with nursery classes.
When the first classes at Green Acres began ten years ago, there were no e l ementary school buildings, no gymnasium, no play shed, and no administration build in g. Since that time, these buildings have not only been added, but also improvements and additions in other parts of the campus have been made. Also, the audio - visual aids rooms have been built in front of the library, and the breezeways which connect the upper school classrooms have been added.
It is obvious that the campus has come a lon g way from the origin al few buildings. This is by no means the end of its growth. On the blueprint are inc lud ed proposed future buildings to further enhance the beauty and utility of this, our campus.
OFFICERS (left to right)
MR. B. T. DeBARDELEBEN, Treasurer
MR. 0. E. HARING, President
DR. F. W. OUDT , Secretary
MR. H. B JORDA N , Vice President
Absent from picture, MR. H. WALTHER, JR. , Vice President
MR. A. B. MOORE, Assistant Treasurer
The Rt. Rev. G . M. Jones
Mr. E 0. Van Slate
The Rev. W. P. Richardson
Mr. B. T. DeBardeleben
Mr. 0 E. Haring
Dr. F. W. Oudt
The Rev. H C. McKee
Mr. H. J. Smith
Mr. D. L. Jahncke
Dr. T. B. Crumpler
Mrs. R. S. Ordway
Dr. B. C. Buchtel
Mr. R. Wiegand
Mrs. L. K. Williams
Mrs. J. R. Martin
Mr. H B. Jordan
Mr. H. Walther, Jr.
Mr. V 0. Kirby
Mrs. F. A. Herman
Mr. A. B. Moore
Mr. P. E. James
Mrs. A. B. Paterson
Mr. W E Blessey
Who am I? What is my purpose? Two short questions comprising a total of seven words are perhaps the shortest means of stating the overall purpose of education from the student's viewpoint.
During the high school years , teachers are most intent on having their students develop academic purpose. They are very much concerned about the development of good study habits, about the motivation of intellectual curiosity, and the desire for solid acdaemic achievement.
Academic purpose, however, is only a part of the student's concern and more often than not it is something less than primary. These are the years when the individual is usually preoccupied with himself. This is the time span during which he is seeking to establish his identity and at the same time to think seriously about th e future and his part in it. It is during this time when anxiety and self-assurance, failure and success, high temper and calmness, joy and sorrow are experienced with ama zing rapidity in each young person's efforts to free himself from the bonds of childhood and to gain recognition as a young adult with his own aims and purposes.
High school is no doubt the area where the young person has greatest access to the ingredients which he can use to assist him in establishing identity and purpose. Here, in association with his peers, he has the opportunity for comm unication with all of its implications. He has the opportunity to test his strength through communication with his peers in many ways. He has the oppo rtunity to learn tolerance, sympathy, charity, in his daily relationships. In this area his teachers will seek to motivate, challenge, encourage, and understand.
For this, the 1960 SHIELD, the product of many hours of diligent work, we express our sincere thanks to the sponsor, editor, and all the members of the staff Through their combined efforts they have made this book an excellent reflection of our students in their various efforts on the way towards the answers to: Who am I? What is my purpose?
B A. , Southwestern Louisiana Institute; Tulan e ; C. D. F. , University of Bordeau x , France (French and Spanish)
B. S., Centenary College; Tulane (Biology)
B. A. , Southeastern Louisiana College (Girls' Physical Education)
B. A., Mississippi College; M. Ed., Loyola University; University of North Carolina (Science)
B. A. , Louisiana State University; M. A. , George Peabody College
(Social Studies)
B. A. , Southwestern Louisiana Institute; Northwestern State College (Athletic Director)
B. A. , University of Mississippi ; M.A. , Tulane (Spanish and French)
B. A. , Mississippi State College for Women (English)
"They give us our milk"
"They give us our desserts"
"They give us our lunches"
"They cook the dinner and wash the dishes"
1 Ad - vent tells us Christ is near; Christ-mas tells
2 Then three Sun-days will pre - pare For the time us Christ is here. of fast and prayer,
In E - pi - pha - ny we trace All the glo - ry of his grace. That, with hearts made pen -i - tent, We may keep a faith-ful Lent. A-men
3 Holy Week and Easter then Tell who died and rose again: 0 that happy Easter Day! "Christ is ris'n indeed," we say.
4 Yes, and Christ ascended, too, To prepare a place for you; So we give him special praise After those great forty days.
5 Then he sent the Holy Ghost On the day of Pentecost, With us ever to abide: Well may we keep Whitsuntide.
6 Last of all, we humbly sing Glory to our God and King, Glory to the One in Three, On the Feast of Trinity. Amen.
TOP ROW: Mike Frost, Dick Herman, Jerry Friedrichs, Mac Jernigan, Charlie Steen.
SEATED: Doug Johnson, Mr. John Aker, Brooks Emory.
STANDING: John Woolfolk, Robert Livingston, Phil Grier. SITTING: Pete La bouisse, John Oudt, Louis Wolfort, Johnny Bolles.
ST ANDING: Priscilla Taylor, Debbie McCarthy, Ann Menge, Connie Monroe, Sidney Smith, Judy O'Brien
SEATED: Anne Sinclair, Laurens LeBlanc, Susan Kirby, Kathy O'Meallie, Celeste McAshan, Barbara Bohne. KNEELING: Glenn Johnson, Kathy McHugh, Winston Purvis; Jeanne Rowan, Missing.
STANDING: Sonny Flettrich, Hackett Cummins, Hjalmar Breit, Forest Buchanan. SEA TED: Beirne Miles, John Duffy, Jimmy Conner, Nep Smith, Cammie Smith.
STANDING; Susan Breit, Patti Donnally, Charlotte Hooper, Ann Williams. SEAT ED: Louvin Hitt, Sally Bowen, Lizann Kreege r , Barbara Barry . MISSING: Beth Elf er, Di Crawford
TOP ROW: Susan Ashby, Buzzie Brown, Monty Burlingame, Tommy Capps, Gary Choate, Foster Duncan
BOTTOM ROW: Leah Elbrecht, Kathryn Favrot, John Porter Fisher, Barrett Flowers, Anne Fox
B. A., Newcomb
Louisiana State University
University of Colorado
TOP ROW: Karin Grafstrom, Page Gregson, Leigh Harris, Lisa Lee Head, Cynthia Jacobs
BOTTOM ROW: Dan "Chris" Lawson, Ginger Scott, Betsy Threefoot, Sandy Ward, Marshall Weaver, Daisy Flowerpot
Charlotte Bahn
Marc Berard
Rebecca Bernos
Stuart Boyes
Edmund Burke
John Corder
Charles Favrot
Steve Gould
Barry Graf
Martha Hatch
Jan Ingles
Marian Knight
Jamie LeNoir
Jay McGrew
David McKee
Melinda Miller
Jeanie Morrow
Louise Normann
Jill Saunders
Bobby Schimek
Grace Tabb
Margaret Taylor
Charles Weeth
Morgan Wilson
Wendy Wolf
Gary Brewster
Robert "Ty" Cook
Dawson Corley
Brooke Fox
Anna Gallant
Victoria Greene
Mary Elizabeth Harkness
Philip Hatch
Kim Holtzman
Peter Howard
Lee Hughes
Robert Hunt
Carson Llewellin
Meredith McCloskey
Susan Merrick
Julia Orofino
Mike Page
Sally Pettit
Lisa Posey
Catherine Rainold
Robert Richardson
Onnie Savala
Alan Smith
Charlotte Spencer
Peter Stedman
John Andrews
Debbie Bahn
Carl Bankston
Randy Brown
Carolyn Clark
David Culpepper
Tommy Shepherd
Stephen Skardon
Jim Ball
Kitty Von Gohren
Harrison Weber
George Wilson
Bussie DoddElizabeth Tomlin
third grade
David Normann
Spencer Oliver
Margaret Olsen
Kathy Ordemann
Tyler Posey
Dickie Russell
Anne Shepherd
Michael Sperry
Brian Berard
Phillip Core
Mike Cothren
Cameron Duncan
Estelle Ed wards
Buddy Fleming
Justin Hirsch
Steven Ingels
Joycelyn James
Marylin Johnson
Paulette Jones
Sally King
Fred Kleyle
Becky McKown
Ba yard Miller
Dorothy Holzer
Rob Hood
Barbara Houser
Ann Jenkins
Annette Jones
Jennifer Beach
Patty Edwards
Blayney Fox
Harry Gamble, IV
Maffre Matta
Margo Pelias
Candace Shedden
Martha Shober
Suzanne Snyder
Clay Spencer
Clifford Sutter
Amy West
Carroll White
William Wilson
Judith Gore
Charles Gould
Jeffry Haspel
Hurst Hatch, III /
THERESA G. FROST B. A., Southeastern Louisiana CollegeWhich state is this?
Penny Anthon
Karen Baltar
Pamela Beach
Maura Berard
Anne Bernos
Chris Blakeslee
Jane Bremermann
Dick Buck
Bob Capps
Kathy Gauthier
Jeffrey Jones
Karl Kobrock
Lynda Lafaye
B. A., Washington State College
Ginger Nadler
Leslie Newman
Terry Riordan
Nor man Rucker
Morgan D. Russell
Georgia Schneidau
Franklin Shelton
Nancy Wilkinson
Sandra Williams
Debbie Wolf
Jan Saunders
Klock Face
Chuck Stedman
Linda Tuero
Georgia Wendt
John Anderson
Kitty Bankston
Buz Burck
Coral Clay
Rose Lynn Evans
Marsha Lee Wolfort
Stephen R. Grilletta
Tommy Jahncke
Joe Zebra
Ellen Jonassen
Edward King
Marie-Louise Kreeger
Donnie Marshall
Eddie Ordemann
Robert R. Rainold, Jr.
Patricia Merrick
Virginia Nelson
Mike McHugh ANN SLOAN JONES B. A., Rice Institutefifth grade
fifth grade
sixth grade
sixth grade
We NEVER stop cheering! Pedestrians, look out!
Sept. 8 Classes begin
Sept. 24
Style Show
Oct. 2
Student Council dance
First football game
Oct. 5-9
Book week
Nov. 6, 7
Homecoming TV program
ov. 11
St. M. Day
Nov. 26-29
Thanksgiving holidays
Dec. 7
Seventh grade party
Dec. 22
Christmas program and Christmas holidays begin
Mar. 3
Yearbook is finished
Mar. 18
First track meet
Mar. 31
Girls' Athletic Banquet
Jan. 4
School reopens
Jan. 19-22
Mid term exams
Jan. 24-29
Senior Trip
Feb. 13
Snow; St udent Council dance Basketball district playoff
Feb. 29
Mardi Gras
Apr. 7
Boys' Athletic Banque t
Apr. 15
Easter holidays begin
Apr. 30
Jr. Sr. Prom
May 6
Picnic day
May 24
Final exams
June 1
BOBBY WALTERS Sergeant-at-Arms
HAZEL D 'IN GIANNI . Vice President
JOHN DONNALLY . Class Treasurer
JIMMY VAUGHN . . . Sergeant-at-Arms
The guidance which students receive in their freshman year equips them to cope with the new situations which they must face in high school. They must learn to accept the responsibility of studying without being told to do so, and this i s perhaps one of the most difficult lessons to master.
Who left their cokes?
ll' ..
I'm just stretching.
Why don't you find another back rest?
Two hours 'til lunch
Hey! You forgot your milk!
We like to have our pictures taken . . .
JIMMY MONROE Secretary-Treasurer
Vice President
As part of their curriculum, the Sophomores take driver's training. Not only do they receive classroom instruction about driving laws, but they also get to practice driving on special Saturday sessions.
John Lehman
Bonnie Leslie
James Marsalis
Jack McCall
Linda McCall
John McGee
C issie McKee
Alice Monroe Jimmy Monroe Suzi Mendenhall Bobby Merrick Billy MonaghanI' 11 be off these pretty soon
I'm still not athletic, though.
She did kick us all out!
Who needs a brain anyway ? Wall y does a split!
and this jerk! Now, now, Boris!
In the Junior year the students learn to accept re sponsibility and to participate in general school acti vities. Each year the class works to give a Rummage Sale in order to finance the Junior-Senior Prom and the Senior Trip. The ' 59-'60 Junio r class officers, pictured at their Rummage Sale, are, from left to right:
President - - - - BOBBY FLETTRICH
Secretary - - - - - SUSAN BRAWNER
Vice President - - - DOUG HA GEST AD
Sergeant-at-Arms - - - - - FENNER GAY
Treasurer - - - - - - - JIMMY MEYERS
from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. , they
Could you repeat the question, Mr. Aker?
Birthday celebration.
The heading on this page is meant as a joke. However, the members of our Senior class have acquired a great amount of knowledge in our years at St. Martin's. This does not mean just knowledge from books, but also from our experiences here. Throughout the Senior pictures is a synopsis of our accomplishments as a class. The officers leading class activities for the Senior year are:
Vice President
Junior Varsity Football 1; Track 2, 3; Baseball l; lntramurals 3, 4; Shield 2; Halo 4; Service Club l; Layreader 4; Acolyte 3, 4; Perfect Attendance 1, 3; Class Vice President 2; National Merit Scholarship Finalist 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Television Representative 4; Homecoming Escort 4; Christmas Program 2; Student Council Committee 1.
Volleyball 1; Girls' Basketball 1; Two Team Award 1; Christmas Program 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Style Show 1; Halo 3, 4; Perfect Attendance 1, 3; Altar Guild 3, 4.
Junior Varsity Football l; Track 3; Acolyte 1, 3, 4; Homecoming Escort 4.
Intramurals 3; Christmas Program 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Style Show 4; Dramatics l; Shield 4; Halo 3, 4; Altar Guild 4; Youth Seminar 4; Class Secretary 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 2; Chorus 3, 4; Television Representative 4.
"Junior Varsity Football l; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 3,4; Office Aide 3,4; Acolyte 3,4; Television Representative 4; Baseball l; Track 3; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Homecoming Escort 4.
Basketball l; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; Junior Varsity Cheerleader l; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Style Show 2; Dramatics 1, 2; Altar Guild 3, 4; Homecoming Court 3; Television Representative 4; Shield 3.
National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Christmas Program 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Office Aide 3; Style Show 4; Halo 2, 3, 4; Halo Managing Editor 3; Halo Editor 4; Student Council Representative 4; Student Council Committee 4; Student Council Committee Chairman 4; Altar Guild 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2; Junior Scientists' Seminar 4.
Junior Varsity Football 1; Track 1, 3; Intramurals 3; Christmas Program 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Shield 1, 2; Halo 4; Acolyte 3, 4; Student Council Committee 2; Hi-Lites 1, 2; Television Representative 4.
Junior Varsity Football 1; Varsity Football 2; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Shield 4; Acolyte 3; Class Sergeant-at-Arms 3; Junior Scientists' Seminar 4.
Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; TV Representative 4; lntramurals 3, 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Office Aide 3, 4; Style Show 4; Shield 4; Student Council Committee 1, 4; Acolyte 4; Homecoming Escort 4; Junior Scientists' Seminar 3; Service Club L
CARLOS TAPPIN DE ARRIGUNAGA "Carlos" HAROLD HACKETT CUMMINSIntramurals 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; National Honor Society President 4; Christmas
Prpgram 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Office Aide 3; Style Show l; Shield 1, 2·, 3, 4; Shield Photography Co-Ordinator 3; Shield Senior Assistant Editor 4; Student Council Representative 4; Student Council Committee 2, 3, 4; Student Council Committee Chairman 4; Perfect Attendance 1; Altar Guild 3, 4; Handbook Editor 4; Junior United Nations Representative 3; Television Representative 4 ; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; National Merit Scholarship Finalist 4; Highest Average, Girl 3; Junior Scientists' Seminar 4; Halo 4.
All-District Track 3 ; Junior Varsity Basketball 1, 2 ; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Junior Varsity Football 1 ; Varsity Football 2, 3,4; Volleyball 1 ; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 4; Christmas Program 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4; St yle Show 4; Shield 3 ; Halo 2 ; Student Council Representative 1, 2, 3 , 4; Student Council President 4; Student Council Vice President 3; Student Council Committee 1, 2, 3 ; Student Council Committee Chairman 1, 2, 3 ; La yre ader 4; Acolyte 3; Pelican Boys' State Rep r esentative 4; Junior United Nations Represe n tati ve 3 , 4; Hono r Roll 1 , 2 , 3; Television Repre sentative 4 ; Offic e Aide 4 ; Perfect Att e nda nc e 3
Alternate Cheerleader 4; lntramurals 4; St yle Show 3; Shield 2; Halo 3 , 4; Altar Guild 3 , 4 ; Class Secretary 2
Junior Varsity Basketball 1; Junior Varsity Football l ; Varsity Football 2, 4; Baseball l; Baseball Co -Captain 1; Swimming 4; Intramurals 3, 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Office Aide 3, 4; St yle Show 4; Student Council Committee 1; Layreader 4; Acolyte 3, 4; Perfect Attendance 1, 3; Student Safety Council Representative 1 ; Homecoming Escort 4.
Junior Varsity Basketball 1, 2; Varsity Basketball
3, 4; Junior Varsity Football l; Varsity Football
2, 3, 4; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Diving 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3; All-District Track 3; State Track
3; Christmas Program 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Halo 4; Student Council Re presentative 4; Student Council Committee 4; Student Council Committee Co-Chairman 4; Layreader 4; Acolyte 3, 4; Homecoming Escort 4.
Varsity Basketball 2, 3, 4; Junior Varsity Basketball l; Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Football CoCaptain 4; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Diving 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3; Christmas Program l; Style Show 4; Student Council Committee l; Layreader 4; Acolyte 3.
Intramurals 3, 4; Science and Math Club 3; Science and Math Club President 3; National Honor Societ y 2, 3, 4; Christmas Program 1, 3; Dramatics l; Shield 1, 2, 3, 4; Shield Assistant Photographer 3; Shield Head Photographer 4; Layreader 4; Acolyte 3; Class President 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; National Merit Scholarship Finalist 4; Television Representative 4.
Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Co-Captain 4; Basketball 2, 3; Swimming 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; Alternate Cheerleader 2; Two Team Award 1; Three Team Award 2, 3; Girls' Varsity Medal 1, 2, 3; Christmas Program 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Style Show 4; Shield 3, 4; Halo 3, 4; Altar Guild 3, 4; Homecoming Court 3, 4; Television Representative 4.
Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Office Aide 3; Shield 4; Halo 4; Altar Guild 3, 4; Christmas Program 3, 4
Swimming 2, 3, 4; Alternate Cheerleader 4; Intramurals 3, 4; Christmas Program 3, 4; Style Show 3; Shield 2, 3, 4; Shield Advertising Manager 4; Halo 3, 4; Altar Guild 3, 4; Junior United Nations Alternate 3.
Track 1; Intramurals 4; Christmas Program 3; Office Aide 2, 3; Television Representative 4; Class President 3; Class Sergeant-at-Arms 4; Homecoming Escort 4; Acolyte 4.
Junior Varsity Basketball 1; Varsity Basketball 2, 3, 4; Junior Varsity Football 1; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Junior Varsity Co-Captain 1; Varsity Co-Captain 4; Volleyball 1; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3; National Honor Society 4; Style Show 4; Student Council Committee 3, 4; Layreader 4; Acolyte 3; Perfect Attendance 2, 3; Pelican Boys' State Representative 4; Class President 1, 2; Class Vice President 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; Baseball 1; Television Representative 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4.
Junior Varsity Basketball 1; Junior Varsity Football 1; Swimming 3, 4; Track 2, 3; Baseball 1, 2; Intramurals 3, 4; Christmas Program 3, 4; Shield 4; Halo 4; Layreader 4; Perfect Attendance 1, 2; Service Club 1; Homecoming Dance Committee 4.
EDWARD DOUGLAS JOHNSON, JR. OTIS McCRORY JERNIGAN, JR.Softball 1, 2, 3; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 2, 4; Outstanding Sportsmanship Award l; Three Team Award 1, 2, 3; Girls' Varsi t y Medal 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 3; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Shield Business Man.ager 3; Shield Art Editor 4; Halo 2, 3, 4; Halo Feature Editor 4; Perfect Attendance 1; Altar Guild 3; Junior United Nations Alternate 4; You th Seminar 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; National Merit Scholarship Finalist 4; Highest Average - Girl 1, 2; Chorus 2, 3; Television Representative 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Shield 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council Committee 2.
Intramurals 3, 4; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4 ; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4 ; Office Aide 3; Style Show 3; Shield 4; Halo Reporter 4; Nurse's Aide 2; Perfect Attendance 3 ; Altar Guild 3, 4; Youth Seminar 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; National Merit Scholarship Finalist 4; Chorus 2; Television Representative 4.
Football Manager 4; Track 3; Intramurals 3, 4; Christmas Program 1, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Dramatics l; Halo 4; Layreader 4; Acolyte 3, 4; Perfect Attendance 3; Junior HiLite Representative 1.
Junior Varsity Football l; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Swimming 3; Track 2, 3; Intramurals 3; Christmas Program 3, 4; Office Aide 4; Style Show 4; Shield 1, 2; Student Council Representative 3; Student Council Committee 3; Layreader 4; Acolyte 3; Perfect Attendance 1, 2, 3; Junior United Nations Representative 4; Student Council Committee Co-Chairman 3; Honor Roll 2; Bell Ringer 4; Basketball Manager 4.
Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Dramatics l; Halo Reporter 3; Altar Guild 3, 4; Junior Hi-Lite Representative 1; Christmas Program 1.
Television Representative 4; Cheerleader 4; Alternate Cheerleader 3; National Honor Society 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Office Aide 3; Dramatics Club l; Shield 1, 2, 3, 4; Shield Assistant Editor 3; Shield Editor 4; Halo 2; Student Council Representative 3; Student Council Secretary-Treasurer 3; Student Council Committee 3; Pelican Girls• State Representative 4; Youth Seminar 4; Class Vice President l; Class Treasurer 2; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; Homecoming Court 4; Chorus 4.
Junior Varsity Basketball 2; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Swimming 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Escort 3, 4; Christmas Program 2, 3, 4; Style Show 4; Dramatics 2; Acolyte 3, 4; Office Aide 2, 3, 4.
Volleyball Manager 4; Christmas Program 2; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Student Council Committee 3; Chorus 3, 4; Television Representative 4.
Junior Varsity Football 1; All-District Track 3; Track 3, 4; Baseball l; Intramurals 3, 4; Science and Math Club 2; Layreader 4; Acolyte 3, 4; Homecoming Escort 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4 .
Track 3; Intramurals 3, 4; Perfect Attendance 3; Honor Roll 2; Highest Average Boy 2.
Christmas Program 1; Dramatics l; Altar Guild 3; Chorus 4; Television Representative 4.
Junior Varsity Football 1; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 3, 4; Christmas Program 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Da nce Committee 4; Halo 4; Student Council Representative 1; Student Council Committee 1, 4; Acolyte 4; Class Sergeant-at-Arms
2; Baseb a ll 1; Homecoming Escort 4.
Junior Varsity Basketball 1, 2; Junior Varsity Basketball Captain 2; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Junior Varsity Football 1; Varsity Football 3, 4; Swimming 3; Track 1, 3; National Honor Society 4; Christmas Program 3, 4; Style Show 4; Halo 2, 3, 4; Halo Business Manager 3; Halo Circulation Manager 4; Layreader 4; Acolyte 3; Alternate, Pelican Boys' State 4; Class President 2; Class Treasurer 1, 3, 4; Honor Roll 3; Most Valuable Player 3; All -District Track 3; All -State Track 3; Homecoming Escort 4.
Swimming 4; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; Junior Varsity Cheerleader 1; Intramurals 3, 4; Christmas Program 3, 4; Style Show l; Shield 1, 2, 4; Halo 3; Perfect Attendance 3; Altar Guild 4; Alternate Pelican Girls' State 4; Youth Seminar 4; Class Vice President 2; Chorus 3, 4; Most Popular Girl 3; Homecoming Court 3, 4; Homecoming Queen 4; Television Representative 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4.
Intramurals 3, 4; Science Club 2; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Shield 4; Halo 4; La yreader 4; Perfect Attendance 3; Junior United Nations Representative 4; Honor Roll 1, 2; National Merit Scholarship Finalist 4; Television Representative 4; Christmas Program 3.
Intramurals 4; Christmas Program 3, 4; Dramatics l; Layreader 4; Acolyte 4.
The 1959 football team was highly successful - far more than the won-lost record shows The record, which shows six wins and two defeats, is very good in itself, but the team effort behind that was more important.
No group has ever displayed more spirit than this squad. It was a question mark team at the beginning of the season, but a wonderful team spirit and subsequent effort resulted in a brand of play that was highly commendable.
To cite any one boy as having outshone any others in effort is not apropos at this time, for it was an overall effort that prevailed.
Wonderful support from the cheerleaders and student body should be given credit. The members of the team join me in saying" Thanks."
TONY PORTER - Head Coach JIM LATHAM - Assistant Coach DOUG JOHNSON DICK HERMANIn their first game, th e Saints defeated their traditional rivals from Newman. The Saints scored in the second and fourth quarters, while Newman made its points in the fourth quarter also. The Greenie meat shed in the first game was a good start for the St. Martin's te am.
In the second game of the season , St. Martin's was defeated by a hardcharging Buras team which was able to break through the Saints defense for two touchdowns. Playing on a wet and muddy field, the Saints' running and passing attacks were bogged down.
MARTIN'SSt. Martin's seemingly scored almost at will, racking up scores in every quarter, in a victory over the Ridgewood Eagles. Against a small Eagle team, the hard playing Saints had little trouble.
St. Martin's upset a strong Broncho team in a close 7 to nothing battle. The Saints, in a good defensive game, knocked the Bronchos from their slot in the Riverside Le ague. The winning touchdown came late in the game as Doug Johnson dived one yard over the Port Sulphur goal, to climax a 65 yard offensive drive.
A championship Eagle team scored quickly against St. Martin's and was able to keep a lead throughout the game. The St. Bernard team surged forward and scored 25 points in the first half on a muddy field. The Saints made two touchdowns in the second and fourth quarters and held the Eagles in the second half.
The Saints smashed to victory in their Homecoming game with the Country Day Daisies. After a St. Martin's touchdown in the first period, Country Day was unable to do anything. Although the entire team played good ball, Dick Herman was the big gun, scoring three times.
In the last game of the season, the Saints slaughtered the Mid-City Pioneers. Although the Saints were slow to get 'rolling, the halftime score of 12 -0 was easily increased in the third quarter. The victors played good offensive ball, crushing their opponents in their final game.
St. Martin's, led by Steen, Johnson, and Herman, scored an upset over a good Destrehan ball club. Although the Saints led, 6-0, at halftime, the game was a hard and close contest until a fourth period 97-yard pass from Johnson to Herman secured a victory. Hard running, sensational passing, and exceptional defensive play made this game one of the best any St. Martin's team has ever played.
The J. V. football team played three games this year. Two more were rained out. They lost two and tied one. Although this is not an over-whelming record, the team kept up their spirits. They had a large squad and a very good coach. The many people who supported the team at its games also boosted their morale.
Newman 19
Country Day 14
Ganas 6
St. Martin's 6 St. Martin's O St. Martin's 6
JOHN EASTHAM Co-Captain JOE MOOTY Head Coach TONY PARISI Assistant Coach JIMMY VAUGHN CaptainMike Adkins
Roy Beeson
Walter Chamberlain
Carl Collins
Chuck Crawford
Walter Culpepper
Lane DeBardeleben
Paul DeGrey
John Eastman
John Fitzhugh
Pete Frost
Charles Grubb
John Hirsch
Scott Howard
Cutting Jahncke
Philip Lucent
Jim Martin
Vincent Massimini
Bill McHugh
Bill Newsom
Philip Nungesser
Norman Oliver
Gene Rackle
George Roussel
Richard Roussel
Dale Schupp
Bobby Walters
Skipper Weber
After starting slowly, St. Martin's Varsity Basketball Team accomplished what was expected of them. It was not only a better than average year, but also a year of surprises. There were surprise performances from up and coming Sophomores and Juniors and also from the more seasonal Seniors. There were also surprises in the way of victories and defea ts.
The Saints played spirited basketball all year, and their hustling fast break type of play was probably the ma in reason they were in the running for the State playoffs. At times the Juniors alone led the Saints. The Norco Tournament and victories over Destrehan and Port Sulphur illustrated this. But at other times a few Seniors turned in excellent performances. Both Country Day games bear this fact. At any rate, this seaso n should show the students that St. Martin's lost some hustling, talented basketball players, but there will be more good basketball in the years to come.
We've got a team that fights ...
Let's go, Jerry!
more points .
The Saints' Junior Varsity finished the '60 season with a 9-0 Riverside League record. Plagued with the loss and injury of many players, the S aims were forced to a great team effort. Th eir fine showing entitled them to play in the overall Riverside League Championship game. Before entering the overall playoff, St. Martin's held the B-C district title. In the playoffs, the t eam was defeated by Newman, which held the A-AA title. However, thi s was still a great season for the Junior Varsity.
Charles Grubb
Carl Collins
Pete Frost
Jim Martin
John Eastman* *
Merritt Blakeslee
Walter Chamberlain* *
Bruce Willmer
Richard Schmidt
Steve Conner
John Groth
Cutting Jahncke
Missing from picture:
Stanley Weber
Chip Wendt
Robert Wiegand
John Hirsch
Charles Nelson
Jeffrey Graf
Gene Rackle
Richard Roussel
Robert Willmer**
Scott Howard
Chris Snyder
Robert Andrews
Lee Buck,..
Andy Oliver
Bobby Miles
Thomas Richardson
Bud Riordan
Paul Parisi
The Seventh Graders completed an undefeated season in the private school league. They are the first team to ever win the Jr. High Championship for St Marti n 's. Their only l oss was to the Jefferson Parish Playground Champions, "Connie ' s Casuals" by the score of 27-24. This game had no bea ring on their league standing.
STANDING: Tim Schneidau, Henry Tharp, John Seago, Ford Rowan, John McKee.
KNEELING: Mayo Emory, Doug Johnson, Cammie Smith, Jim my Crosbie, Herby Bowers, Dick Hesse.
SITTING: Mac Jernigan, Doug Howard, Henry Bryson, Gayle Dalferes, Doug Hagestad, John Lehman.
STANDING: Allen Paterson, Mike Frost, Crai g Hayes.
KNEELI NG : Jeff Morgan, Bryan Hetherwic k, John All en.
Missing from picture : Richard Brew ster, Bobby Merrick, Charlie Steen, Craig Paterson , Brooks Emory, Phil Grier, John Eastham, Jimmy Vaughn, Lane deBardeleben.
Priscilla Taylor
Anne Menge
Shan Tiller
Sandy Shedden
Glenn Johnson
Winston Purvis
Our Junior Var sity cheerleaders are elected from the seven th, eighth , and ninth grades. They did a terrific job of ch eering for all the Junior Varsity games
This year the high school had an "A" and "B'' team representing St. Martin's in a four school volleyball league. Although the girls were able to pull through only one victory, great sportsmanship and pep was shown in a fine effort.
The junior-high had one team made up of the seventh and eighth grades. They exhibited more group spirit and enthusiasm than most of our past teams.
BACK ROW: Lyn Nelson, Spruill Kilgore, Margaret Smith, Charlotte Hooper.
FRONT ROW: Linda McCall, Sally Wagstaff, Jean Barnetson.
BACK ROW: Joey Walther, Ellen Savola, Sheryl Baltar, Sandy Shedden, Claudia Kincannon.
FRONT ROW: Martha Nelson, Carolyn Cox, Julie Naugle, Susan Montgomery.
BACK ROW: Kris Pottharst, Winston Purvis, Connie Monroe, Nancy Newsom, Juanea Jones, Dianne Kreeger.
MIDDLE ROW: Joan Kreeger, Barbara Bohne, Glenn Johnson, Judy O'Brien.
FRONT ROW: Mary Floyd, Priscilla Taylor, Jeanne Rowan.
This year there was one team composed of girl s from the entire high school. The team competed against the high school teams of Country Day, McGehee, and Newman. Besides the regular season play, there was a round robin tournament held at Country Day. Although the team was hindered by a shortage of girls, they always managed to play an excellent game.
KNEELING: Judy O'Brien, Glenn Johnson, Juanea Jones, Connie Monroe, Dianne Kreeger, Priscilla Taylor.
SEATED: Winston Purvis, Barbara Bohne, Jeanne Rowan, Joanne Kreeger.
The Junior High Basketball team is made up of seventh and eighth graders. They have played four games, but have had a very unsuccessful season. They entered a tournament, first losing to Newman, 25-22, and then to McGehee's, 17-15. The season was completed when the team played Newman '. The score was Newman, 29, Saint Martin's, 23.
Last, but not least of our girls' sports at St. Martin's is swimming. There are some really excellent Southern AAU swimmers on the team. In the fall of 1959 the team competed agains t other high school teams in our league. The team came through with a fabulous second place in defeating Country Day and McGehees. The girls participated in such events as the twentyfive and fifty yard free-style, backstroke , diving, and underwater swimming.
The Fourth Student Council in St. Martin's history has attained a greater efficiency and ability than has ever been achieved previously For example, this year's school spirit seemed better than it has ever been, Student Council dances and programs have been very successful, co-operation between the students and faculty has increased, a remarkable democratic and economic independence has been attained by the Student Council, a careful study of the policies of the school and the council has been undertaken, and the Student Council has been moving into new areas of responsibility and authority.
In conclusion it can be said that this year's Student Council has done a good job in upholding and expanding the principles upon which it exists.
The Junior High Student Council is composed of the seventh and eighth grade class presidents, four representatives chosen by the faculty, the junior high members of the high school student council, and an elected chairman. Mr. Parisi serves as its sponsor. The council discusses and attempts to solve problems pertinent to the junior high school.
STANDING: Bill McHugh, Andy Oliver, Richard Roussel. KNEELING: Kathy Hesse, Kathy McHugh, Debbie McCarthy, Nancy Newsom.
Absent: Jeanne Rowan.
ST ANDING: Tony Parisi, Sponsor; Ann Menge, Chairman; Keith Marshall, Secretary; Priscilla Taylor, Scott Howard, Charles Nelson. SEATED: Walter Culpepper, Sydney Smith, Charles Leche, Juanea Jones.
TINA HALSTEAD ALLENE OGDEN FORD ROWAN. Secretary-Treasurer Sponsor Vice PresidentThe Sophomore Representatives are putting basketball posters on the bulletin boards.
The Senior Representati ves are working on decorations for the Homecoming Dance, which was put on by the Student Council.
The Junior Representatives are checking the supply in the Student Council snack bar.
The Freshman Representatives are collecting donations for the Student Council Thanksgiving Fund.
Every year at the beginning of the fourth quarter, work begins on the yearbook for the following school year. Through the spring and summer months, the staff is busy with planning and preparation, and then, when school begins, so does the actual compilation. At the beginning of March it is sent to the publishers in Dallas. The finished product returns to St. Martin's in time to be distributed before school closes.
NANCY JENKINS - - - Advertising Manager
DICK HESSE - - - - - - Business Manager
SONNY FLETTRICH - - - - Copy Editor
SUSAN BRAWNER Photography Coordinator
- - Senior Assistant Editor
FRANKIE YEARGAIN Sponsor MARY SUE NELSON - - - Editor PATTI DONNALLY LYN NELSON - Junior Assistant EditorSusarr Morrtgomery
Frances French
Sheryl Baltar
Gretchen Wiegand
Martha Nelson
Wally Blessey
Carolyn Whitley
Billy Monaghan
Bryan Hetherwick
Paul Muehlema1111
Ralph Ross
Alice Haslam
Cindy Clarke
Ellen Savala
John Seago
Ford Rowan
Pam Buchanan
John Donnally
Dianne Wilkes
Patsy Mooney
Lynne Lighter
Lesley Smith
Kathleen Kiker
Linda CornaY.,
Sue O'Meallie
Blaine Buchtel
Ann Williams
Sally Bowen
Hackett Cummins
Louvin Hitt
Charlotte Hooper
John Duffy
Missing from picture:
Mac Jernigan
Carlos de Arrigunaga
Jeffrey Johnson
John Mayer
Hugh McKee
Carolyn Cox
Buzzy Beeson
Cindy Clarke
Fenner Gay
Jennifer Harmon
Craig Paterson
Ford Rowan
Margaret Smith
Sally Wagstaff
Lyn Nelson
Sue Brenner
Al Flettrich
Bonnie Leslie
Martha Nelson
Johanna Oudt
Carey Tharp
Charlie Hamilton
Thad Birchard
Bill Newsom
Leslie Smith
Julie Woolfolk
THE HALO, St. Martin's School newspaper, is published periodically by a staff composed of students and faculty members. The border on the adjacent page is composed of the regular monthly features in the paper.
TOP TO BOTTOM: Robert Livingston, John Woolfolk, Mac Jernigan, Nep Smith, Johnny Bolles, Charlotte Hooper, Lizann Kreeger, Louvin Hitt, Sally Bowen, Nancy Jenkins. Missing from picture: Barbara Barry, Beth Elfer, Sara Raoul, Jean Barnetson, Jerry Friedrichs.
Pelican Boys' and Girls' State are each separate ten-day programs held in the summer at Louisiana State University for senior high school students all over the state who are representing their schools. The purpose is to teach these students something about the city, parish, and state government.
DOUG JOHNSON Boys' State Representative
MARY SUE NELSON Girls' State Representative
BROOKS EMORY - - - Boys' State Representative
In April, 1959, the Senior class took the three-hour National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Seven Seniors scored in the upper lo/o, thus becoming semi-finalists eligible for a Merit Scholarship. In December, 1959, they took the College Entrance Examination Board Exams to become finalists We hope that in future years even more St. Martin's students will qualify because more than fifty sophomores and juniors scored in the upper Hfl/o in a similar preparatory test which they took at the same time . Below, they are receiving a wards for their scholarship.
At St. Martin's, a wide variety of non-academic subjects are offered for the students' enjoyment. These activities are designed to develop talents and creative abilities in many fields. In addition to these classes, a student may perform various school services
Each year the Mothers' Club arranges a splendid "Book Week" for the school. The books are displayed to both the Upper and Lower Schools. The proceeds go towards new books to enrich our library. Another money-raising project sponsored by the Mothers' Club every year is the Style Show. This year it was given in our new open play area. The money raised is for our Scholarship Fund.
The St. Martin's Christmas Program is one of the few annual activities in which the entire school participates. Each student has his own_ part in making the program a success. The evening begins with a play which is put on by some of the students, and it is followed by a banquet which is served in the cafeteria. A traditional faculty skit highlights the dinner. The program is climaxed each year by a beautiful candlelight service.
with greenery, scenery, and candles
for a beautiful candlelight service
which brought us the meaning of Christmas.
The food was plentiful and fabulous. Mr. Parisi found he had real talent. The faculty entertained with an unrehearsed charades game.The 1959 Junior-Senior Prom was presented by this year's Senior Class. The realistic and unique decorations portrayed the "Wizard of Oz" which included: a living forest, beautiful table decorations, and murals of the adventures in the land of Oz which are pictured above.
This year the Student Council gave four dances: an informal get-together in October, Homecoming, a Masquerade dance before Mardi Gras, and a Sadie Hawkins dance after Easter. All of these dances were very successful due to the cooperation of all the students who worked on them. Most of the high school was involved in some way wi th the Homecoming dance and the results of their work were really good decora tion s, refreshments , etc.
The snaps here were t aken at the masquerade party, where anything and everything was used for cos tum e
Do you suppose he can tell we're Rebels? ? ?
Have you EVER seen so many monuments? ?
What was the score?
The studerrts of St. Martirr 's have takerr marry field trips. These excursiorrs are desigrred to supplemerrt the classroom curriculum or simply for pleasure. The pictures below were tak e rr by our students orr various trips. Most of these outirrgs offer the participams a charrce to see irr actuali ty, thirrgs which before were orrly krrowrr through academic subjects .
Well, I thirrk we should have worr!
Where are we?
Internatiorral Trademart Buildirrg a house, arryorre??? Cape Carraveral plus! !Our Mothers' Club worked hard this year, To bring us joy and pleasure.
All their time they did volunteer.
Our thanks to them is beyond all measure!
Some dads gave an ad to us.
Their names remain
Bazaars are planned for everyone.
Come next time and have some fun!!
514 Maritime Building RA 6123
Life insurance is a must, Stonewall Jackson you can trust.
Just a friend Money did send.
1300 Baronne St. EX 2221
Pete Labouisse is prepared to drink a lot;
'Cause nothing tastes better than milk when you're hot I Brown's Velvet milk is its name,
Throughout this town has spread its fame!
1900 Airline Highway, Kenner VE 3 1716
Carolyn simply has to boast!
She knows Frostop is the most!!
601 Kent Ave.
VE. 3-2572
At the "LITTLE STORE" you will find Desirable treats of every kind. It is always a frequented spot 'Cause the kids all like it a lot.
888 Wiegand Dr. Bridge City
UN. 6-5404
Of WIEGAND construction this house is a sample.
It has modern design and style that is ample.
2301 Metairie Rd. VE. 3-9364
When your car needs servicing fast-
ME TAIRIE COURT'S speedy and does it to last!
8300 Earhart Blvd. UN 1-7591
317 Burgundy St. JA 5-8134
For sheet metal of any kind Holzer furnishes the best, you'll find.
Shaler Rislone for
Sluggish MotorsMoney Back Guarantee!
920 Union St. TU 3244
Sinclair Insurance is the sures t yet -For complete coverage it 1 s your best bet!
3400 Tulane Avenue
HU 2-1131
For machinery strong, You can't go wrong! !
5 12 American Bank Bldg. MA 3988
Insurance really can mean a lot Don't let them say that you forgot!
7 36 Union St.
People like this who play with fires, Should be Leon Irwin Insurance buyers!!!
3 24 Metairie Rd.
VE. 3-6524
5201 Airline Hwy.
VE. 3-1941
WALKER-ROEMER DAIRIES are tops in their trade.
Their dairy products are of the be st grade.
Here's a :message for you to heedIf you find your home in need.
The LITTLE SHOP is surely the place To furnish your home in style and grace!
1239 Montegut St.
WH. 5-1149
TOWEL AND LINEN RENT AL always gives the be st deal.
Our chef is prepared to cook a good :meal. The apron she wears is so spic and span Her spoon's already in her hand!
130 Carondelet St. JA. 5-7074
If you want a book so that you may read, Then SILER'S, INCORPORATED has what you need.
920 Union St. TU. 3244
Reliable, trustworthy - that's what they say.
Call BOWERS INSURANCE without delay!!
2920 Chartres St. WH. 4-2468
The School Products we use each day, Fit our needs in every way.
430 Saratoga Bldg
TU 3404
Bateman is equipped to drill -
Just engage them, and they will!
1937 Lafayatte St. JA. 5-3242
"Metal Building Products are great! " says Jean, "Their firm is reliable, too. " "My Daddy sells doors with lots of sheen-" "That are just the thing for you!"
2313 Metairie Rd. VE. 3-8400
Our building is new, Our service is true! We're sure to please Just go to Lee's!
1432 SL Charles Ave. JA. 5-9572
Julie thinks these sweaters are clever!
Those from Town & Country couldn't be better. Purses and coats you'll be able to find.
Here there's everything you have in mind!
911 Poydras St. JA 2-9646
Yum, yum, pork chops! Bowen meats are tops!
1400 Saratoga Bldg. 212 Loyola Ave. Ex. 5631
"Compliments II came from Barbara's Dad,
When we called and asked him for an ad.
21 Fifth Street
Gretna, Louisiana FO 6-1674
700 Margaret Street
Houma, Louisiana
Just go in and try, You're sure to buy At Crescent or Delta Supply!
900 Maryland Casualty Building TU 1536
Oil exploration is Dad I s occupation!
0. P. KIKER, JR.128 Athania Pl. VE3-7311
On Resor service you can count, Their charge will be a fair amount.
2803 Broadway UN 6-5431
Air-conditioning keeps you cool
Wish we had more of them at school!!
1538 N. Tonti WH 7-0285
For refreshing desserts just like these ...
BERGERON PRODUCE is sure to please! !
I'm going in now, that's why I'm praying!
921 Common St. MA 6296
You say you're short on cash ? Go to CITIZEN'S HOMESTEAD in a flash!
The wages of sin is death!
Messy, aren't they ?
That's what you get for hitting Chief!
But my ears are cold r
Why can't I be a cheerleader?
There goes St. Martin's!
What a lovely cave he's got!
Don't worry - she's faking!
• is over!