LARSH IP Vo/11111e xu St Martin's 8piscopal Sc/tool ;«etairie, ,0,11isimta
LARSH IP Vo/11111e xu St Martin's 8piscopal Sc/tool ;«etairie, ,0,11isimta
The 1965 Shield staff, in recognition of his enthusiastic participation in almost every phase of extracurricular campus activity, as well as his outstanding ability as both a social studies and a language teacher, dedicates this year's edition to -
In order to increase enrollment and to provide new facilities, an extensive building program will be undertaken this year. These innovations will greatly change the physical appearance of the campus.
The above picture is an artist's representation of the school's physical improvement program which will get underway early in 1965. Among the improvements, as projected in the picture, are a new library,
Dr, Robert H, Griffin
Mr, Bailey T. DeBardeleben
THE RIGHT REVEREND Girault M, Jones ex-officio
Mr, Davis Lee Jahncke
Mr, Bryan Bell
Mr, Walter Bless
Dr, Buell C, Buchtel
Dr, Thomas B. Crumpler
Mr, Brooke H, Duncan II
Mrs, Charles P. Hesse
Mr, Philip E, James, Sr,
Mrs, Louis M, Jones
The Rev. Ralph H, Kimball
The Rev, Hugh C, McKee
Mr, Lee F, Murphy
Mr. David R. Normann
Mrs. A, B. Paterson, Jr,
Mr, W. Wilber Pope
Mr. G. C. Rawls
Mr. Howard J. Smith
Mr. Samuel Sanders III
Mr. Joseph J. Falgout
PRESIDENT - Mrs. Murphy Moss
VICE-PRES. - Mrs. Brooke Duncan, Jr.
SECRET A RY - Mrs. Jerome Stedman
TREASURER - Mrs. M. D. Fyfe
PRESIDENT - Mr. John Watt Duffy II
VICE - PRES. - Dr . Julian H. Sims
SECRETARY - Mr. David P. Snodgrass
TREASURER - M r. Tiley S. McChesney
Mr. John Watt Duffy II Mrs Murphy MossIn reference to the New Orleans scenes interspersed throughout this, our eleventh Yearbook, it is noteworthy that the St. Martin's campus came on the Greater New Orleans college preparatory scene approximately fifteen years ago. Prior to that time, Green Acres was a farm devoted to the raising and training of show horses - but what a transformation has taken place during these intervening years! The cafeteria building is the only remaining vestige of what once was. Its structural outlines indicate clearly that it at one time was indeed a barn.
During its short history St. Martin's School has already passed through two distinct stages, and is now embarked upon a third. During the early years it functioned as a parish school owned by St . Martin's Church. A reorganization took place in the spring of 1951 in which the Church retained ownership of the school but turned the operations over to an independent board of trustees which functioned under the auspices of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Louisiana. The thi rd stage began when, at its annual convention in 1963, the Diocese accepted the school campus and all its properties as a gift from St. Martin's Church.
In retrospect, St Martin's Church gave the School its birth and nursed it through its early struggles to survive. The second stage which extended from 1951 to 1963 saw the School come of age and gain considerable stature as a Church-related preparatory institution. Now, as a Diocesan school, it is embarking upon its third stage - a development program designed to provide those facilities necessitated by the size of its present student body and at the same time to make prov ision for expanding the enrollment in the upper school by one-third.
The most significant and reassuring fac t or in all of this is, that the basic objective which prompted the school in the first place remains unchanged; that is, according to the charter, " ••. to give its students an opportunity to gain a sound elementary and college preparatory education in a Christian environment under the auspices of the Protestant Episcopal Church."
We, who are members of the St. Martin's School family, are most grateful to the members of the SHIEID staff, and to their faculty sponsor as well, for their faithful portrayal of the St. Martin's School scene of this current school year.
B. A., University of the South; B. D., and S. T. M. , Virginia Theological Seminary; Texas Tech; New Mexico A & M; Texas University; Middlebury College; University of Mexico; Trinity University
B. A. and M. A. , Tulane University; B. D., University of the South; University of Pennsylvania; Louisiana State University in New Orleans; Loyola University
B. S., University of Pennsylvania; State Teachers College (Pa.); Penn State; Temple University; Louisiana State University of New Orleans; Tulane University; Loyola University
B. S., Northwestern State College of Louisiana; University of Virginia; University of Hawaii
JAMES W. LATHAM A. B., Tulane University (Department Head) COL. JOHN MEADE, U.S. A. (Ret.) B. s. , Princeton University; Tulane University ELEANOR B. GOHEEN MYRTH S. LEEB. S., University of Illinois; Yale University; Tulane University; University of Colorado (Biology)
B. A. , Mississippi College; M. Ed. , University of North Carolina; M. S. and M. Ed. , Loyola University; Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies
(Chemistry, Physics, General Science) Department Head
B. S., Iowa State University; Monticello Seminary; Tulane University; Loyola University (General Science)
B. S., Louisiana State University; Texas Southwestern University; University of Michigan; Tulane University ( Geology) ( Part time)
IVA MAE WEST KATHRYN DAVIS THURBER HAROLD F. GRAF KATHRYN R. CHASTANTB. A. , University of Wyoming; M.A., University of Southwestern Louisiana; University of Colorado; Colorado State College of Education; Tulane University
B. S., Delta State Teachers College; Bowling Green College of ~ommerce; St. Mary's Dominican College
B. A., Yale University; Tulane University (Department Head)
HARRIET BURKS HILDA G. SMITHB.A., Univer si ty of Puerto Rico; M:A ., Tulane Univer sity (Spanish)
B. A., University of Southwestern Lquisiana; C. D. F. , University of Bordeaux, France; Tulane University (French) Department Head
B.A. , University of Southwestern Louisia na; University of de Poitier s, France (French)
B. A., University of Mississippi; Tulane University (Latin and Junior High English)
B. A. , Tulane Univer sity; Louisiana State University; Loyola University (Spanish, Social Studies)
B. S., Louisiana State University; M.A., George Peabody College
(U.S. History, Social Studies) Department Head
B. Ed. and M.A., Tulane University; Loyola University; University of Minnesota
(Social Studies, Spanish)
B. A. and M.A. , Tulane University; B. D., University of the South; University of Pennsylvania; Louisiana State Univer'sity' in New Orleans; Loyola University
(Modem European History, Religion)
B. S., and M.A., University of Southern Mississippi; Columbia University (Girls' Physical Education)
B. A., University of Southwestern Louisiana; M. S. , Louisiana State University (Physical Education)
B. A. , Louisiana Polytechnic Institute; Tulane University
(Social Studies, Physical Education)
B. A., Southwestern Louisiana Institute; Northwestern State College of Louisiana
(Social Studies, Physical Education) Athletic Director
Young people want to live fully and deeply. They want freedom. They want love, power, and understanding. This is good Don't we all, young or old, want the same things? God in Christ has made these things possible. What is required of us, at all ages, is honesty, courage, humility, and hope, The life of the Church is both answer and promise. We can dedicate our hearts and minds in the search for meaning and purpose based upon the conviction that God's love is the basic reality. Such a search is no escape. It is the highest calling. Christianity does make sense of life, Christian Love strikes a note of clarity amid chaos and confusion; there is life in the midst of many spiritual deaths, truth in the face of countless pathetic illusions, and hope ministering to men's despair. Christian life is creative and vital where-in freedom and order sustain one another. We are strengthened to do the'best we can where we are with what we are. We are free in a wonderful sense because we have a place in the universe and an understanding of what really matters. Christianity lived and taught is the family spirit of the children of God, daring to meet the same real problems in the same real world but in the loving freedom in which Christ has loved us and made us free, in the unity of the spirit, in the bond of peace, and, God being our helper, in the righteousness of life.
MIDDLE ROW: Margaret Wilkinson, Kris Pottharst, Yvette Lea, Kathy Hesse, Gaynell Duhe , Sherry Hopper.
BACK ROW: Betty Walther, Ellen Northrop, Jayne Schlosser, Ann Carpenter, Patty Habeeb, Winston Purvis, Melinda Waring, Dianne Webre, Pam Danos, Juanea Jones, Betty Earnest, Lyn Rotty, Glenn Johnson. Missing from picture: Mary Holzer, Taffy Russell, Cindy Smith, Madeline Steiner.
FRONT ROW: Sonny Wiegand, Jay Woodbury, Bobby Willmer, Peter Griffin, Gene Jenkins. SECOND ROW: Charles Nelson, Doug Meadowcroft, Gene Rackle, Wes Bolles. Jeff Graf. Vincent Massimini. FRONT ROW: Linda West, Anne Wyckoff, Judy Flynn, Kathy McHugh, Joan Kreeger, Jean Oster.The class of 1965 made its high school debut with the able assistance of Harvey, Susan Robinson's basset hound. Harvey's doubtlessly well-intentioned but unnecessary interference with freshman dance preparation provided a welcome diver s ion as well as several unprintable comments. Although a financi al flop, the Freshman Dance was a moral victory over the subversive forces of the animal world, and therefore a complete success.
As Sq}!lbomores, the class was apparently surrounded by the invisible forces of evil. This was evidenced by the strange noises heard above both classrpoms in building three. This mystery was cleared up by faculty intervention, and it was discovered that the Sophomores were being haunted by other Sophomores who had put to good use the opening to the attic in the ceiling of the boy's bathroom.
After having been forcibly ejected from the attic, the class put its combined intelligence to work in the more acceptable pastime of the paper drive. Many pleasant hours were spent as this money-making project was used as an excuse for members of the class to try out each other's cars as they drove down to the lower school to collect paper.
A final episode of the fateful sophomore year was the unusual number of sophomore boys at the Junior-Senior Prom. This was, no doubt, the result of an unusually sparse male population in the Junior and Senior classes.
The sense of maturity which accompanied the class upon their achievement of the august rank of Juniors enabled them to face the hardships of the rummage sale. The Stronger Hope and Aide .Club on Melpomen e St. provided the setting for this adventure. The sale proved such a success that a rival organization set up shop across the street - selling their newly acquired St. Martin's merchandise at a profit.
The combined efforts of the paper drive and the rummage sale enabled the Juniors to preserve trad1. tion and give th e Seniors a prom. "April in Paris" was the theme and many long hours, this time~ Harvey, were spent in preparation. Th ese careful plans achieved an appropriate finale when the Eiffel Tower folded majestically against the wall, endangering the band, and the wire holding up the tricolor flag broke, endangering a large portion of the se nior class.
The final stan z a of this epic begins with the trip to Camp Hardtner. This trip's accepted purpose of class unity was eclipsed by what seemed to be an ulterior motive of class elimination. However, the Seniors survived the dangers of chug-a-lug, water polo, hunt-the-counselor, and even class elections to return for the opening of school.
This brings the history of the class to the present. The minds which are responsible for some of the fiascoes which have been revi e wed here are now occupied with thoughts of college and college boards. As the year draws to a close this atmosphere of tension and anxiety is relieved by Anacin, Alka-Seltzer, and anticipation of th e Senior trip to Mexico
"O, it is excellent to have a giant's strength. "
Varsity Football 2, 4
Bowling Team 2
Homecoming Escort 4
Dramatics 3 , 4
Acolyte 4
Typing 1, 2
Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3 , 4
Christmas Program 2, 3 , 4
Halo Reporter 3
Chess Club 1
"History is Bunk. "
Varsity Football 4
varsity Basketball 3
Homecoming Escort 4
Dramatics 3, 4
Powder Puff Football Coach 4
StM '63-'65 JAMES WESLEY BOLLES "Bolles""The best and the noblest of lives are those which are set toward high ideals. "
Perfect Attendance 1, 2
Jr. Varsity Football 1
Varsity Football 3, 4
Jr. Varsity Basketball 1
Art 1, 2
Typing 2, 3
Physical Science Club 4
Chess Club 2
Powder Puff Football Coach 3
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 96 percentile 2, 98 percentile
Honor Roll ,1, 2
"I have nothing to dec l are except my genius. "
Perfect Attendance 1, 2, 3
Varsity Football 2, 4
Track 2
Homecoming Escort 4
Dramatics 3, 4
International Relations Club 1
Science and Math Club 2
Biological Science Club 2
Christmas Program 1 , 2, 3, 4
Halo Reporter 4
Chess Club 4
Powder Puff Football Coach 4
N E D. T. Score 1 , 97 percentile; 2, 99 percentile
StM '61-'65 F. LORING BUGBEE JR. "Loring""One man with courage makes a majority. "
Varsity Football 3
Physical Science Club 3 , 4
Powder Puff Football Coach 3
"Knowledge is power. "
Chorus 4; Tenor Section Leader 4
Murrah High School
Jackson, Mississippi
Murrah Chess Champion 2
Tie for Murrah Chess Championship 3
President of Murrah Chess Club 3
Intramural Volleyball Championship 3
"Her greatest joy i s making others happy."
Intramurals 4
Art 4
Modern Dance Group 4
Benjamin Franklin High School
Latin Club 2
German-Russian Club 3: Secretary 3
Spanish Club 3
"An idealist is a person who helps other people to be prosperous. "
Honor Roll 2, 3
Pe rf ec t Attendance 1
Badminton Team 2
Intramurals 1, 2, 3 , 4
Altar Guild 1, 4
Library Aide 1, 2, 3
Biological Science Club 1
Russian Club 3, 4
Powder Puff Football 3
N. E. D. T. - 90 percentile, 1 96 percentile, 2
Future Nurses' Club 3; President 4
National Honor Society 4
"I am not arguing with you -I am telling you. "
Alternate Cheerleader 4
Dramatics 4
Style Show 1
Library Aide 2, 3, 4
Art 1
Modern Dance Group 4
T. V. Representative (Goldwater vs. Johnson debate) 4
Creative Writing 3
Halo Reporter 2, 3, 4
Social Issues 4
Powder Puff Football 3
N. E. D. T. Score 98 percentile 2
"Wit makes its own welcome and levels all distinction. "
German Club 4
Future Nurses' Club 4: Vice-President 4
Derby Jr. High School
Birmingham, Michigan
Water Ballet 1 Ernest W. Seaholm High School
Birmingham, Michigan
Future Nurses' Club 2, 3
Aqua Belles (water ballet) 2, 3
Pep Club 2, 3
Girls Athletic Association 2
StM '64-'65 ALEXANDRA CORRY "Alex""Let us, then, be up and doing, with a heart for any fate. "
Intramurals 1, 2, 3 , 4
Chorus 1, 2
Altar Guild 4
Library Aide 3
Sewing 3, 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3 , 4
Halo Typist 3 , 4
Halo Reporter 3 , 4
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
N. E. D. T. 96 percentile 2
"A wis e and understanding heart. "
Badminton Team 3
Bowling Team 2
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4
Dramatics Board: Vice-President 4
Style Show 1
Altar Guild 1, 4
Library Aide 1, 2, 3
Sewing 2
Modern Dance Group 2, 4
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4
Powder Puff Football 4
N. E. D. T. 97 percentile 2
StM '52-'65 GAYNELL DUHE "Du""I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature let me do it now."
Intramurals 3,4
Chorus 4
Altar Guild 4
Sewing 3
Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4
Christmas Program 3, 4
Halo Typist 4
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
Spanish Club 4
"She with all the charm of woman. "
Intramurals 1, 2, 3 , 4
Altar Guild 1, 4
Library Aide 2, 3
Art 3, 4
Sewing 1
Homecoming Dance Committe e 3 , 4
Christmas Program 2, 3 , 4
Halo Reporter 3
Powder Puff Football 3 , 4
Future Nurses' Club 4
"The glass of fashion, and the mould of form, The observed of all observers. "
Softball 1
Volleyball 2, 4
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4: Modem Dance Winners 2
Modem Dance Honorable Mentions 3
Shield Assistant 3
Choru s 2
Dramatics 3 , 4
Dramatics Board: Member-At-Large 4
Style Show 2
Layreader 4
Altar Guild 1
Typing 2, Typing Award
Sewing 1
Modem Dance Group 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3, 4
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3
Halo Typist 2, 3
Halo Staff: Fashion Editor 4
Powder Puff Football 3 , 4
"Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings l"
Honor Roll 1, 2
Track 1, 2
Varsity Football 3
Homecoming Escort 4
Shield Assistant 4
Dramatics 2, 3, 4
Dramatics Board: M e mber-At-Large 3
Typing 1
Physical Science Club 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3 , 4
Halo Reporter 4
Social Issues 4
Powder Puff Football Coach 3
N. E. D. T. 9 8 percentile 1, 2
"Work is the weapon of honor. "
National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist 4
Honor Roll 2, 3
Perfect Attendance 2
Layreader 4
Acolyte 4
Typing 1
Biological Science Club 1
Physical Science Club 4
Physical Science Club Officer Secretary 4
Christmas Program 2, 3 , 4
German Club 4
Literary Club 3
Halo Reporter 1, 2, 3, 4
Social Issues 4
N. E. D. T. Score l, 98 percentile 2, 99 percentile
Spanish Club 4
National Honor Society 4
"Conduct and courage lead to manly honors."
Class Officer: Vice -President 1
Perfect Attendance 2, 3
Jr. Varsity Football 1
Varsity Football 3, 4
Jr. Varsity Basketball 1, 2
Varsity Basketball 3, 4
Track 1, 2, 3, 4
State Track 2, 3
Homecoming Escort 4
Dramatics 3, 4
Dramatics Board: Business Manager 4
Style Show 3
Typing 1
Halo Reporter 3
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. "
National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist 4
Honor Roll 1, 2
National Honor Society 2, 3, 4
Perfect Attendance 2
Bowling Team 2
Intramurals 1, 2, 3 , 4
Dramatics 1, 2
Library Aide 2, 3, 4
Altar Guild 1
Style Show 1
Sewing 2
National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
Modem Dance Group 1, 2, 3, 4
Christmas Program 1, 2
Office Aide 3 , 4
German Club 3, 4
Halo Typist 1, 2, 3
Halo Reporter 2, 3 , 4
Social Iss ues 4
Service Club 4
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 99 percentile 2, 99 percentile
Future Nurses' Club 2, 3
Advance Placement 4
"Brother, the creed would stifle me that shelters you. "
Varsity Football 3
Bowling Team 1
Intramurals 2
Homecoming Escort 4
Dramatic s 3
Typing 1, 2
Biological Science Club 1
Physical Science Club 2, 3 , 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3
Christmas Program 3, 4
Halo Typist 2
Halo Reporter 3
Powder Puff Football Coach 3
"None knew thee but to love thee; Nor named thee but to praise. "
Highest Girl Average 2; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 2, 3 , 4; Executive Committee 3; Pelican Girls' State Representative 4; Student Council Representative 3 , 4; Vice-President 4; Student Council Committee Chairman 3 , 4; Class Officer: President 3; VicePresident 3; Perfect Attendance 1, 2, 3; Cheerleader 4; Softball l; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls' Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 4 ; Three Team Award 1, 2, 3; Four T eam Award 4; Tennis Team Captain 4; Tennis Team 2, 3 , 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural High Point Medal 1, 2, 3; Squad Leader 1, 2, 3 , 4; Volleyball Intramural Runners-
Up: Captain 1; Homecoming Court ·4; Shield Assistant 1; Shield Staff: Assistant Copy Transcriber 2; Copy Transcriber 3; Assistant Editor 4; Altar Guild 1, 4; Library Aide 2; Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4;
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4; Committee Chairman 1, 2; Office Aide 3, 4; Halo Typist 1; Halo Reporter 2; Halo Staff: Managing Editor 3 ; Editor-in-Chief 4; Social Issues 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Co-Captain 3; N. E. D. T. Score 2, 96 percentile, 90 percentile l;
Spanish Club 4
Badminton Team 2, 3 , 4
Intramurals 1, 2, 3 , 4
Modern Dance Winners 1, 2
Modern Dance Honorable Mention 3
Dramatics 4
Sty le Show 2
Layreader 4
Altar Guild 1, 4
Library Aide 1, 2, 3
National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
Modern Dance Group 3 , 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3
Christmas Program 3
Literary Club 3
Halo Typist 1, 2, 3
Powder Puff Football 3 , 4
N. E. D. T Score 1, 99 percentile 2, 94 percentile
Spanish Club 4
Future Nurses' Club 3, 4
"The gift of gaiety is the greatest good fortune."
"Sherr y "
"It is better to suffer wrong than t o do it, and happier to be some tim es cheated th a n not to trust. "
Hon or Roll 3
Intr amurals 3 , 4
Layreader 4
Altar Guild 4
National Confer ence of Chri stian s and Jews 4
Modern Dance Group 3 , 4
Christmas Program 3 , 4
German Club 4
Creati ve Writing 3
Hal o Reporter 3
Halo Staff: F eat ur e Editor 4
Social Issues 4
Powd er Puff Football 3 , 4
Future Nurs es ' Club 3 , 4
Badminton 3
"Mar y "
"Fair and so ftl y goes far. "
Intramurals 1, 2 , 3 , 4
Dramatic s 3 , 4
Altar Guild 4
Librar y Aide 2, 3 , 4
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
"Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety. "
National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; Perfect Attendance 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; J. V. Cheerleader 1; Softball 1; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Girls' Basketball 1,2,3,4; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Three Team Aw ard 1, 2 , 3, 4; Intra murals
1, 2, 3, 4; Captain for winning Modern Dance Squad 1, 3 ; Highest number of Intramural points 3; Squad Leader 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Court 3, 4; Shield Staff: Assistant Copy Transcriber 1, Copy '.franscriber 2, Business Manager 3, Assistant Editor 4; Style Show 2; Layreader 4; Altar Guild 1, 4; Altar Guild Chairman 4; Modern Dance Group 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Program 2, 3 , 4; Office Aide 3, 4; Halo Typist 3, 4; Halo Reporter 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; N. E. D. T. Score 1, 99 percentile; 2, 99 percentile; Audit Advance Placement 4; Pelican Girls' State Alternate 4; Spanish Club 4; Nationa l Conference of Christians and Jews 4
"It's a friendly heart that has plenty of friends. "
Jr. Varsity Footb a ll 1
Bowling Team 1, 2
Homecoming Escort 4
Shield Assistant 2
Shield Staff: Advertising Photography Coordinator 3
Business Manager 4
Dramatics 3, 4
Dramatics Board: Member-at-Large 4
Layreader 4
Acolyte 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3, 4
Christmas Program 2 , 3, 4
Halo Typist 2
Halo Reporter 2
Halo Staff: Photogra pher 3, 4
Social Issues 4 N. E. D. T. Score 2, 96 percentile
"It ' s nice to be important, but important to be nice. "
Honor Roll 1, 2
Intramu ral s 1,2, 3 , 4: Squad Leader 2 ,4
Mo dern Dance Winner 2
Style Show 1
Altar Guild 1, 4
Art 1
Typing 4
Sewing 3
Biological Science Clu b 1
Modern Dance Group 2, 3 , 4
Homecoming Dance Committe e 2 , 3
Christmas Program 2, 3 , 4
Social Issu es 4
Powd e r Puff Football 3
N. E. D. T. Score 97 pe rc entile 1, 2
Futur e Nu rses' Club 2, 3 , 4: Trea surer 3
"Every you ng a nd b ea utiful being shap es around it events that are themselves young, beautiful, and happy. "
Ch ee rl ea d e r 2, 3 , 4; Future Nur ses' Club 3, 4; J. V. Ch ee rleader 1; Powd e r Puff Fo ot b a ll 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committ ee 1, 2, 3 , 4; Committee Chairman 3, 4; T. V. Representati ve 3 ; Volle yba ll 1, 2 , 3, 4; Tr ack 2; So ftball
1; Volleyball Captain 2; Spanish Club 4; Girls' Basketball 1, 2, 3 ; Two T eam Award 2, 3; Three Team Award
1; Intramural s 1, 2, 3, 4; Mode rn Dance Winners 1, 2; Bask e tball Winners 2; Mode rn Dance Honorabl e Mention
3 ; Squad Le ader 1, 2, 3, 4; Ho mecoming Court 3 , 4 ;
Homecoming Queen 4; Mod e rn Dance Group 2 , 3 , 4;
Servic e Club 4 ; Assistant l; Ha l o Report e r 2 , 3 ; Shield Staff: Advertising - Photogr aphy Coordinator 2, Assistant Advertising Manage r 3, Adver tising Manager 4 ; Choru s 3 ; Dr am atics l; Style Show 2; Altar Guild 1, 4 ; Librar y Aide 1, 2, 3 , 4; Nationa l Conference of Christians and Jew s 4 ; Cla ss Favori te l; Best Looking Girl 3 ; Intramural Gold Medal Award l; Intramural Silver Awards
2, 3 ; Christmas Progra m 1, 2 , 3 , 4; Committee Chairman
l; N. E. D. T. Score: 90 percentile 1
JOAN KATHLEEN KREEGER "Josie"National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist 4
Honor Roll 1, 2
National Honor Society 2, 3, 4
Class Officer: Secretary 4
Assistant Football Manager 4
Track Manager 4
Shield Staff: Photographer 3 , Head Photographer 4
Chorus 4
Officer: Vice-President 4
Physical Science Club 1, 2 , 3,, 4
Physical Science Club Officer: President 4
Office Aide 3
German Club 4
N. E. D. T. 95 percentile 1
97 percentile 2
Hugh McKee - John Mayer Photography Award 3
"Book sense, common sense, but plenty of room for nonsense. "
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3
National Honor Society 3, 4
Secre tary-T re asurer 4
Perfect Attendance 2, 3
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Choru s 1, 2, 3, 4
Officer: President 4
Style Show 2
Altar Guild 4
National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
Modern Dance Group 4
Christmas Program 2, 3 , 4
Office Aide 3, 4
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
N. E. D. T. 97 percentile 1, 96 percentile 2
"A man of letters, and of manners, too, "
"Genius is lo/o inspiration and 9',Jl/o perspiration. "
National Merit Scholarship Semi-finalist 4
Highest Boy Average 1, 2, 3
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3
National Honor Society 3, 4; President 4
Class Officer: Vice-Presi dent 4
Perfect Attendance 1, 3
General Manager of Snack-Bar 4
Jr. Varsity Football 1
Varsity Football 2, 3, 4
Track 2, 3, 4
lntramurals 4
Homecoming Escort 4
Layreader 4
Acolyte 4
Physical Science Club 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3 , 4
Christmas Program 2 , 3, 4
Office Aide 3, 4
German Club 3
Halo Typist 3, 4
Chess Club 1
P.owder Puff Football Coach 3 , 4
N. E. D. T. Score: 97 percentile 1 99 percentile 2
"I prefer to strive in bravery with the bravest , rather than in wealth with the richest, or in g r eed with the greediest. "
Jr. Varsity Football 1
Varsity Football 2, 3 , 4
Football Co-Captain 4
Typing 1, 2
Biological Science Club 2
Ph ysical Science Club 4
Chess Clu b 1
Powder Puff Football Coach 3, 4
"Dynamite comes in small packages. "
Honor Roll 1
Alternate Cheerleader 4
Track (girl's) 2, 4
Volleyball l,2,3,4
Softball 1
Squad Leader l, 3
Girls' Basketball 2, 3, 4
Two Team Award 1, 2, 3
Intramurals 1, 2, 3 , 4
Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4
Chorus Officer: Keeper of Archives 3
Section Leader 4
Layreader 4
Altar Guild 4
Library Aide 2, 3, 4
Modern Dance Group 2, 3, 4
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4
Halo Typist 3, 4
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
Future Nurses' Club 3, 4: Program Chairman 4
Style Show 1
"And still they gazed, and still the wonder grew That one small head could carry all he knew. "
National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist 4
Honor Roll 2, 3
Football Manager 4
Typing 1, 2
Biological Science Club 2
Physical Science Club 3, 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 4
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4
German Club 3, 4
Social Issues 4
N. E. D. T. Score 99 percentile 1, 2
"The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, But they, while their com paniorrs slept, Were toiling upward in th e night. "
Horror Roll 1, 2, 3
Horror Society 3 , 4: Vice-President 4
Pelican Boys' State Alternate 4
Student Council Representative 4: Committee Chairman 4
Class Officer: President 1
Perfect Atte11da11ce 2
Imr amurals 4
Art 1
Physical Science Club 4: Vice -President 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3 , 4
Christmas Program 2, 3 , 4
Office Aide 3 , 4
German Club 3
Halo Reporter 4
Social Issues 4
Chess Club 1
N. E. D. T. Score: 98 percentile 1
99 percentile 2
Scholastic Honor Award: Latin 3
Advanced Placement 4
Shield Assistant 4
"Who mixed reason with pleasure and wisdom with mirth, If he had any faults he has left us in doubt. "
Honor Roll 3
Acolyte 4
Art 4
Typing 3
Homecoming Dance Committee 3
Christmas Program 3, 4
Chorus 1, 2, 4
Chorus Officer: Hospitality Committee Head 4
Altar Guild 1, 4 '
Library Aide 2, 3, 4
Creative Writirrg 3
N. E. D. T. 98 percerrtile, 1 99 percerrtile, 2
Future Nurses' Club 2, 3, 4: Secretary 4
Natiorral Co11fere11ce of Christiarrs arrd Jews 4
"A little 11011se11se 110w arrd th err is relished by the best of merr. "
Class Officer: Vice -Presiderrt 1
Jr. Varsity Football 1
Varsity Football 3, 4
Basketball Marrager 3, 4
Homecomirrg Escort 4
Dramatics 3
Layreader 4
Acolyte 4
Typirrg 2, 3, 4
Biological Scierrce Club 1, 2
Homecomirrg Darrce Committee 2, 3, 4
Christmas Program 2, 3
Halo Typist 2, 3, 4
N. E.D. T. 97 percemile Class Favorite 1
StM '59-'65 NINA ELLEN NORTHROP "Elerra""My creed is this
The way to be happy is to make others so. "
"For she is sweeter than perfume itself. "
Intramurals 3, 4
Altar Guild 4
Sewing 4
National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3
Christmas Program 3, 4
Halo Reporter 3, 4
Powder Puff Football 4
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. "
Class Officer: President 4
Varsity Football 4
Varsity Basketball 4
Track 4
Homecoming Escort 4
Dramatics 3, 4
National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
N. E. D. T. 99 percentile, 1
StM '55-' 65'Happiness is the only good, reason the only torch , justice the only worship, humanity the only religion, and love the only priest. "
Student Council Representative 1, 2, 3, 4, President 4, Committee Chairman 3; Class Officer: Vice-President 2, Secretary-Treasurer 3 , Treasurer 1; Homecoming Cheerleader 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3 , 4; Shield Assistant 1; Shield Staff: Advertising Photography Coordinator 2, Advertising Manager 3, Assistant-Editor 4; Dramatics 1; Layreader 4; Altar Guild 1, 4; Library Aide 1, 2, 3; Sewing 2; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Modern Dance Group 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Halo Reporter 3, 4; Social Issues 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; N. E. D. T. 99 percentile 1, 97 percentile 2; Modern Dance Intramurals Winners 1, 3; Jr. High Ideal; Advanced Placement 4; Pelican Girls' State Representative 4
"An honest man's the noblest work of God."
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3
Shield Staff: Photographer 3 , 4
Typing 1
Biological Science Club 2
Physical Science Club 1, 2, 4
National Confe r ence of Christians and Jews 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4
Russian Club 3
German Club 4
Chess Club 1
N. E. D T. 97 percentile 1, 2
"It takes life to love life. "
Varsity Basketball 3 , 4
Basketball Captain 3, 4
Basketball Manager 2
Homecoming Escort 4
Assistant 2
Dramatics 3, 4
Layreader 4
Acolyte 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4
Halo Reporter 2, 3
Athletic Honor Award: Greatest Contribution to Team Effort in Basketball 3
"She comes with gusts of laughter, The music as of rills; With tenderness and sweetness, The wisdom of the hills. "
Cheerleader 3, 4
Sortball 1
Volleyball 1, 2 , 3, 4
Volleyball Captain 4
Girls' Basketball 1, 2, 4
Swimming 1, 2 , 3 , 4: Captain 4
Two T earn Aw ard 3
Three Team Award 2, 4
Four Team Award 1
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4: Squad Leader 1, 2, 3 , 4
Intramurals Medal of Excellence 2
Homecoming Court 4
Altar Guild 4
National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
Homecoming Dance Committ ee 3
Halo Typist 3
Halo Staff: Sports Editor (Girls) 4
Social Issues 4
Powder Puff football 3, 4
Spanish Club 4
Favorite: Wittiest Girl 3
"Energy and persistance conquer all things. "
Perfect Attendance 2, 3
Track 2
Intramurals 4
Dramatics 4
Style Show 1
Art 2, 3
National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4
"They love him, gentlemen, and they respect him, not only for himself, but for his character, for his integrity, and judgement and iron will. "
National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist 4
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3
National Honor Society 4
Pelican Boys' State Representative 4
Class Officer: Vice-President l; President 2; Sergeant-at-Arms 4
Varsity Football 3
Track 2
Homecoming Escort 4
Shield Staff: Art Editor 2, 3; Editor 4
Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4
Art 1
Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3, 4
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4
Social Issues 4
N. E. D. T. Score 99 percentile 1, 2
Advanced Placement 4
StM '61-'65 DANIEL BRYAN RIORDAN "Bud""Glad that I live am I; That the sky is blue; Glad for the country lanes, And the fall of dew. "
Altar Guild 4
Art 3, 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3
Christmas Program 3, 4
Halo Reporter 3
Powder Puff Football 3
"Sugar and spice and all things nice, and such are little girls made of. "
Class Officer: Treasurer 1
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Squad Leader 3
Style Show 1
Art 4
Typing 2
Sewing 1
Modern Dance Group 2, 3, 4
Christmas Program 3
Creative Writing 3
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
StM '53-'65"To burn always with this hard, gemlike flame, to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life. "
Intramurals 3, 4
Chorus 8, 4
Chorus Officer 4 (Section Leader)
Layreader 4
Altar Guild 4
National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
Modern Dance Group 3 , 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4
Christmas Program 3, 4
Halo Reporter 3
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
N. E. D. T. Score: 99 percentile
'A dimple without means a devil within. "
Perfect Attendance 2
Jr. Varsity Basketball 1
Varsity Basketball 2, 3, 4
Track 2
Bowling Team 1
Intramurals 2, 3
Most Valuable Intramural Basketball 2
Homecoming Escort 4
Physical Science Club 3
Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3
Christmas Program 1, 2
Halo Reporter 1, 2, 3, 4
N. E. D. T. Score: 1, 98 percentile 2, 93 percentile
Jr. Varsity Football 1
"What is beautiful is good and who is good will soon be beautiful. "
Intramurals 4
Altar Guild 4
Typing 4
Gregor y Junior High School
School News paper, "Gregorian" 1
Librar y Club 1
Gregory Chorus 1
HM School Science Fair 1
Benjamin Franklin Sr. High
Almanac (liter<1-ry magazine) 2, 3
Fr ench Club 2, 3
Student Council 2
G. A. A. (Girl's Athletic Association) 2
"Do you not know I am a woman? When I think, I must speak!"
Honor Roll 1, 2
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Altar Guild 4
Modern Dance Group 3 , 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4
Social Issues 4
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
N. E. D. T. 98 percentile, 1, 2
Chess Club 1
"The grand essentials in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. "
Softball 1
Volleyball 3
Volleyball Manager 4
Junior Rummage Sale Committee Head 3
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball Runner-Up 2
Squad Leader 1, 4
Shield Assistant 2, 3
Dramatics 3, 4
Layreader 4
Altar Guild 1, 4
Library Aide 2, 4
Typing 1
National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
Modern Dance Group 2, 3, 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3 , 4
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4
Halo Typist 2, 3, 4
Social Issues 4
Powder Puff Football 3 , 4
"Gentle in manner, strong in performance. "
Honor Roll 2
National Honor Society 3, 4
Perfect Attendance 1, 2
Track 1, 2, 4
Intramurals 4
Dramatics 3, 4
Dramatics Board: Chairman 4
Art 1
Typing 2
Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4
Office Aide 3, 4
N. E. D. T. 97 percentile 1 98 percentile 2
Spanish Club 4
"M ind cannot follow it, nor words express her infinite sweetness. "
Highland Falls High School - New York
Intramurals 1, 2, 3
Pow Wow (newspaper) Staff 2, 3
Future Teachers of America 2
French Club 2, 3
N. E. D. T.: 99 percentile 1, 2
Honor Pass 2
P.A. Announcer 3
Pemberton High School - New Jersey
Prom Decorating Committee 3
Intramurals 3
Student Council Representative 4
Yearbook Staff 4
Girls' Athletic Association 4
"A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance. "
Chorus 4
Chorus Officer: Section Leader 4
Queen Anne High School
French Club 3
StM '64-'65 "Ann""He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much."
Intramurals 4
Altar Guild 4
Sewing 4
C. L. Ganus School
Cheerleader 1
Library Aide 1
Highest Girl Average 1
Best All-Round Girl 1
Class Favorite 1
"Her heart was as great as the world, but there was no room in it to hold the memory of a wrong. "
Student Council Representative 1; Alternate Cheerleader 4; Softball 1; Softball Captain l; Volleyball 1, 3, 4; Swimming 3, 4; One Team Award 1; Two Team Award 2; Three Team Award 3,4; Tennis Team 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Modern Dance Winners 1; Basketball Winners 1; Modern Dance Runner-Up 3; Volleyball Runner-Up 3; High Points in Intramurals Medal 3; Squad Leader 3,4; Chorus 2; Altar Guild 4; Library Aide 3, 4; Typing 4; Halo Typist 3; Halo Staff: Copy Editor 4; Social Issues 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; N. E. D. T. Score 1, 95 percentile; 2, 94 percentile
"I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer. "
National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist 4
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3
National Honor Society 2, 3 , 4
Pelican Girls' State Alternate 4
Bowling Team 2
lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Dramatics 3, 4
Altar Guild 4
Library Aide 1, 2 , 3 , 4
Sewing 1, 2
National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
Office Aide 3, 4
Russian Club 3
Halo Reporter 3, 4
Social Issues 4
Chess Club 1
Powder Puff Footb all 3, 4
N. E. D. T. Score 99 percentile 1, 2
Advanced Placement 4
"Her frowns are fairer far
Than smiles of other maidens are. "
Honor Roll 1, 2 , 3
Student Council Representative 2, 3
Committee Chairman 3
Class Officer: Secretary-Treasurer 1, 2
Perfect Attendance 1
Intramurals 1, 2 , 3, 4
Homecoming Court 3
Dramatics 2, 3 , 4
Dramatics Board 3 , 4
Style Show 1
Layreader 4
Altar Guild 1, 4
Art 1
Modern Dance Group 2, 3, 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3 , 4
Christmas Program 2, 3 , 4
Halo Reporter 3
German Club 2
N. E. D. T. Score 97 percentile 1, 2
LINDA ANN WEST "Linda""Fortune favors the bold. "
National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist 4
Honor Roll 3
Pelican Boys' State Alternate 4
Student Council Representative 4; Treasurer 4
Student Council Committee Chairman 4
General Manager of Snack-Bar 3
Track 2
Bowling Team 2
D. A. R. American History Award 3
Intramurals 4
Homecoming Escort 4
Shield Staff: Photographer 3
Dramatics l, 2, 3, 4
Layreader 4
Acolyte 4
Physical Science Club 2
National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4
Christmas Program 3, 4
Halo Reporter 4
N. E. D. T. Score: 99 percentile 1, 2
Award for Special Achievement 3
"The day shall not be up as soon as I, to try the fair adventure of tomorrow. "
Intramurals 2, 3, 4
Chorus 2, 3
Dramatics 4
Christmas Program 3
Halo Reporter 3
Halo Staff: Cartoon Editor 4
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
"Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assaults of thoughts on the unthinking. "
Honor Roll 2
Pelican Boys' State Representative 4
Class Officer: Treasurer 4
Sergeant-at-Arms 3
Jr. Varsity Football 1
Varsity Football 3, 4
Football Co-Captain 4
Jr. Varsity Basketball 1
Varsity Basketball 2, 3, 4
Track 2, 3, 4
Dramatics 1
Acolyte 4
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4
Creative Writing 3: President 3
Halo Reporter 1, 2
Halo Staff: Sports Editor (Boys) 3, 4
Athletic Honor Award: Most Valuable Jr. Varsity
Football Player 1
Most Valuable Jr. Varsity Basketball Player 1
Spanish Club 4
"No gems, no gold she needs to wear, she shines intrinsically fair. "
Honor Roll 1, 2
Badminton Team 2, 3
Shield Assistant 4
Altar Guild 1, 4
Sewing 1, 3
Modern Dance Group 2, 3, 4
German Club 4
Powder Puff Football 3
N.E.D.T. Score: 99 percentile 1,2
"A sunny smile, and a friendly way."
Perfect Attendance 3
Alternate Cheerleader 4
Intr amurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Shield Assistant 3
Chorus 2, 3
Altar Guild 1, 4
Library Aide 3, 4
Typing 4
Sewing 1
Modern Dance Group 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4
Christmas Program 2, 3
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
N. E. D. T. 95 percentile, 2
Spanish Club 4
Future Nurses' Club 3, 4
Treasurer 4
National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
"Variet y 's the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavor. "
Football Manager 2, 3, 4
Intramurals 3
Dramatics 3 , 4
Layreader 4
Acolyte 4
Typing 1, 3 National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
rStM '61-'65 JAY OLWIN WOODBURYYou 're going to do what to the counselor s?
I thought the game was tomorrow.
GROVER BURNETT - Sergeant-at-Arms
DAVID SNYDER - Vice-President
MIKE HESSE - Treasurer
Rufus Harris Ed King Marie- Louise Kreeger Lafa ye LeTard Jerry Gatto Kathy Gauthier Andrea Gilbert Steve Harkness Deborah Follett Fremaux Garrard Ellen Jonassen Jones Collins Haynes Tommy JahnckeSandra
Bayard Miller
Michael Murphy
President .••
Vice President • •
Secretary .••
Treasurer .•.
Sergeant- at-Arms
President ••
Vice President . • .
Secretary .••
Treasurer .••
Sergeant-at-Arms .•
President •••
Vice President • •
Secretary .•.
Treasurer ..•
Mrs. Sally Shymanski, sponsor
Lee Ann Ashby Melissa Perrett
Pemmie Austin Sally Pettit
Marc Berard Sandra Platter
Buzzy Brown Jim Ray
Sylvia Cunningham Robert Richardson
Dawn Davenport Margo Sanders
Leah Elbrecht Peter Stedman
Kathryn Favrot Cory Sullivan
Anne Fox Betsy Threefoot
Randy Fox Charles Weeth
David Gamble Wendy Wolf
Louise Harris
Cindy Jacobs
Kathy Leslie
Rosalie Lopez
Christine McGrew
Adair Pedrick
Dorothy Davis, Malcolm Sutter, Ida Jonassen, John Rucker, Patsy Payzant, Kristine Harter, Anne Krementz, Suzanne Fleming, Jimmy Wilkinson, Bill Goheen, Bill Brockman, Drew Whitley, Susan Vickery, Cathy Kirgis, Barbara Brewster, Bonnie Shepherd, Melinda Moss, James Fisher, Rusty Tarver, Doug Black, Bob Ewald, Tommy Krement z , Mike Hesse, Steve Falgout, Jordan Thompson, Steve Kimble, David Snyder.
90th -
Martha Burck, Suzy Pettit, Lynn Woodbury, Vail Smith, Anne Reily, Linda Shell, Carol Robinson, Jerri Wood, Larry Buchtel, Bruce Johnston, William Wright, Frances Duffy, Marky Murphy, Richard Wells, Frank Walsh, Grant Schlueter, Bill Bryson, Carl Johnson, Ed Griffis, Dennis Pinette, Ricky Gregory, Earl Dobbs, Jesse Morgan
MISSING: Reed Morgan, Mike Moseley, Al Smith, Judy Saik, Carla Wood
SEATED: Glenn Johnson, Linda West
STANDING: Sonny Wiegand, Bobby Miles
Quarterback Dan Van Winkle proved to be no figment of a Texan's big imagination as he. led St. John's of Houston to a 29-0 win over St. Martin's Friday at St. Martin's field.
The 190-pound senior scored one touchdown, passed for two others, booted two extra points, led both teams in rushing with 71 yar~s and completed five passes ' for 75 yards. He sparkled on defense, too.
The St. John's defense , headed by Ward Hillyer, John Moody, Doug Ankenman and Bob Hixon held the Saints to five first downs and 31 yards rushing . ·St . John's picked up 10 first downs and 210 yards on the ground
After a scoreless first quarter, the Texans broke the ice midway of the second perjod when Van Winkle plunged over from the one. A 20-yard aerial from the quarterback to Lloyd Cunnington set the ball up on the seven-yard marker.
With two minutes remaining in the half, Ankenman blasted for 22-yards and the second TD.
Van Winkle's five-yard pass to John Levine brought th~ score to 20-0 in the third period and a safety added two more points before the third quarter ended They rounded out their scoring in the last period on a seven - yard toss from Van Winkle to eun~ ningqam.
ROGERThe Belle Chasse Cardinals were jolted by an early St Mar- 1 tin's touchdown, but recovered and rolled to a 14-6 win over the spunky Saints in i District 7A . and iji\>er~ide League battJe J\fQ!lQaY at 'st. Ma_rtin's.
: After the Saints took the 1opening kickoff and marched 'to a ~score on 16 plays, the Cardinals rallied for their first TD ' midway of the second quarter,
I Reed Morgan scorec('fhe- lone ·St. 1'4artin's tally on a one- Iyard ' plunge which climaxed a Ispectacular 80-yard drive to i open the game. ,
1 St. Martin's picked up 136 , yards rushing to 106 for Belle Chasse and 11 first downs to four for the Cards. ·
Morgan ·paced the ball carriers with 63 yards. Bremer was next with 56 Pefensive standouts for Belle Chasse were Bruce Bancroft, Tim Fredrick and Fleming. Jordon Thompson and Frank Letard led the St Martin's def~nse.
LORJNG BUGBEE Guard JEFF GRAF Back FRANK LET ARD Guard'John Autenreith G e ta
Three .T_Q!J$.h.d..QWJ11.. ·'
Soph fullback John Auten~ Ireith punched out three iouch~ 1downs as the Newman Greenie overpowered St. Martin's 25-6 Friday in a District 7A contest. .!
Autenreith unreeled TD runs of 10' yards to put Newman in j front, 6-0 at haHtime, then ran for five yards in the third quarter and then capped a 42-yard · run bY. plunging over for .the final yard in the fourth quarter.
The Greeme team used their ground attack ·on all their scores as the Saints couldn't contain 4utenreith, Ross Buck~ ley and Clelland Powell. Their tirst sore came after a 60-yard drive that saw Autenreith chalking up the most yardage along , with the touchdown
i After recovering a Saints' Ifumble in thP. third quarter, '
IAutenreith scored on the firs : play. The Saints tben mount their lone drive of the. game~ traveling 62 yards on end sweeps by halfback Andy Oliv~r and . Reed Morgan. Morg scored on a 14-yard run aroun left end to postthe Salnts' on]y points.
In the final quartet Green\e backs Ross Buckley and Autdn· reith tore of( most of the yardage on a i4-yard drive that ended with Clelland Powell putting Newman a.head · 18-6. The final score came as Autenreith , ran 42 · yards to St. Martin's three and then carried over lfr9,91 .tp,E; _prie a play later: BUokley •· Jdfled the extra point,
- Pace 26-6 Win
A power-packed running attack, paced by halfback Petie Adams who scored two touch~: downs, gained Ridgewood PreP: , a 26-6 win over St. Martin's Saturday night at NORD sta- ' dium .
Halfback Bobby Klotz put the Eagles ahead in the first quarter with a goal crossing sprint ·while quarterback Butch Roussel rambled on ,a 52-yard keeper around right end that made it 14-0 in the second quarter. Roussel kicked both extra points.
Cm. the first play of the third period halfback Petie Adams burst over right guard for 55 yards and then later after an 1 interception by Klotz and two , running plays, Adams scored' again on a three-yard dash Iaround end This ended Ridge; ;;t~~;d ~~~ril:~t ~~a;~r. teams
With only minutes remaining in the game St. Martin's got , off their lone drive of the con1test. A John Rucker to Reese Rowan pass put the Saints on the midfield mark. Rucker ran ; right end to the Eagles 39 and 1 , got 15 yards more on a penalty I :Two plays later Rucker passed to halfback Brian Begue for thej· Saint's only touchdown.
BOBBY WILLMER Back PAT ADKINS End BRIAN BEGUE BackA Bud Sutherland to Mike ' Fleming pass in the second\ quarter produced the lone score ' ·for Ben Franklin and the Falcons made it stick to defeat St. 1Martin's Friday 6-0 on the Saints \ field . .
Dominating play in the first half, Ben Franklin couldn't tally points until quarterback Sutherland, on a bootleg play from th e Saints 11, threw to end Fleming in the end zone. The extra point failed ·
Key defens~ve plays by the ·Falcons' Ch a r 1i e Langhoff, Wayne Webb, Scott Mounce and Bobby Clark halted the three drives St. Martin's mounted in the game ,
With Sutherland running his j backs wide and passing when 1 first down yardage was needed, : the Falcons controlled the ball ! , most of the game.
' Late in the final period St. I Martin's moved from their own 34 after John Rucker stole a ; Falct>n pass. Andy Oliver threwl . 39 yards to Jeff Graf and the
: Saints were on the Falcon 27.
!Two plays later Ben Franklin i 1 iced the game with an intercep- 1 1 Ition and ran out the clock
The St. Bernard Eagles drub• ibed the St. Martin's Saints 44-71 in a Riverside League encounter played at St. Martin's Saturday ; afternoon.
St. Martin's took an opening ! .quarter lead on a 23-yard drive l !after a fumble recovery by" !Drew Whitley. Tommy Merrick 1 1 · carried the ball over from the one to cap the drive and a Merrick to Mike Mosely pass netted the Saints a 7-0 l~ad.
St. Bernard started the first of their fireworks in the opening minutes of the second quarter. On a punt return, Richard ,Wood handed to Jay Martin at : the Saint's 35 and Martin car. ,, ried the ball the rest of the way for a TD The point after l~Y Kenny Balser was g_?od and the score stooct , 7-7. Later in I ,the quarter, St. Bernard coun- J , tered what proved to · be the I winning tally on a 50-yard pass · from quarterback Bradley Hernandez to Martin. The PAT failed and St. Bernard Jed 13-7.
Score b~- q u,!i ters:
St. .l\:fartin 's , 7 0 0 0- 7
St. Bernard 0 19 ' 6 19-44
Scoring: St. Marl m's- Merrick (l· ya§t ri~~nard-,?.fa~tin ('.35-yarct run), PAT Balser (klckl. Hernandez to Martin (50 ;•ards); Asunsion (25-yard run); Wood 150-yard run,: Wood (1-yard run): Hernandez to Wood 130 yardo). PAT. Balser (kick): Martin (7Z-yar1 run).
Country Day's Cajuns roared from behind with two touchdowns in the fourth quarter to \ whip the hapless St Martin Saints 14-6 in a Riverside con- 1 test played Friday at Country Day
The victory boosted the Cajuns' season mark to 5-3 while it was the eighth loss in succession for the Saints.
The Saints tallied first on a four-yard burst by fullback Reed Morgan The plunge capped a 17-yard march to pay :dirt after Rickey Rowland fumbled the game's first punt and , the Saints took over on the Ca' j uns ' 17-yard marker.
; St. Martin held a 6-0 lead through the first half and the third quarter thanks to some fine defensive play by Frank Letard and Vincent Massimini.
HQwever, the Cajuns drove ,64 yards in eight plays for a touchdown to begin the fourth Iquarter. Quarterback Chiggy t ,Rhodes fired a pin-point aerial •to Bob Trickette for 28 yards : and the score. Rhodes connecte~ i 1with Trickette again for the ' j PAT which put the Cajuns in i ,the lead 7-6. I
Buras added another sour note to an already dreary St. Martin's football season Friday ! when the Wildcats whipped the ! Saints 19-7 in a District 7-A \ encounter at St. Martin's.
Buras scored the first time \ they had their hands on the ball on a quick, five-play, 78-yard drive to paydirt. It wa,s climax- I ed by a four-yard power burst by halfback Joe Arnold. The. score was set up by a. 70-yard sprint around end by fleet halfback John Reddick, who racked · up a total of 135 yards.
The Saints retaliated after the ensuing kickoff with a 62yard drive which was cl!lmina t- i ed by an eight-yard halfback pass from Bob Willimer to Jeff Graff. The conversion by Vincent Massimini gave the Saints a short-lived 7-6 lead.
With 3:42 remaining in the \ hair, Carlos Guttry blasted over 1 from the one-yard marh;r to , give the Cats a 12-7 margin. I
The turning point came in the ! early moments of the thi rd i period when Gary Wilson reco v- , ered a Saint fumble on the St. : Martm's 21. Three plays later, i ·quarterback Gene Buras fired ! a 16-yard scoring strike to !Arnold.
I The Saints scored on the last rplay of tne game on an eightyard toss from Ed Griffis to end 'i Charles Nelson . ·
MALCOLM SUTTER Center JORDAN THOMPSON Tackle DREW WHITLEY Tacklef , , Victor jn, .Cellar. Battle ! . with ·Mfci-City .I
In the battle for ·the Riverside cellar St. Martin's Saints put_ the ·Mid • qty Pi'orieers th~re li'riday . afternoon as ·they won the season ender 19-6 at Metai• .Pl;:iyg?'ound.
I .Behind 6-0 in the second period thti : Saints put ,on a good drive that halfback Bobby Will· mer topped by smashing over from the one : Vincent Massimini kicked the· extra · point to give the Saints a 7-6 lead at the half.
, Tommy Merrick inter,cepted a Pjoneer pass in the third quarter and ran it b a c k 25 yards to the Mid-City 19. Four plays later Reed Morgan scored. _ The final score of the game ::ilso came in this period on a 31.yard drive that John Broders ended with a score from the I two . . St: Mart~n•s · .. o 7 12 0-l!Jj Mid - City . .. .. 6 0 0 0:-' 6
The 1964 Saint's junior varsity football team got off to a slow start during the past season. We lacked size and experience, and as the season progressed, we suffered many injuries. However, I think that the progress shown toward the end of the season indicates that practice and experience helped develop many of the boys. Some will try out for the varsity next fall, and others will vie for a starting spot on the 1965 junior varsity.
The seventh grade this year had a team of their own for the ability of the seventh graders should lead to a brighter football future at St. Martin's.
FIRST ROW: John Blalock , Bob Capps, Tommy Favrot, Calvin Fleming , Rufus Harris, Tommy Jahncke , Jeff Jones, Ed King, Philip LeTard.
SECOND ROW: Louis McFaul , Scott Oliver, Mike Pettit , Robert Rainold , Joe Redden, David Russell, Jim Sander son , Don Wallis, Brian Berard.
THIRD ROW: Bennie Brown, Steven Brown , Mike Cothren , Cameron Duncan, Doug Fleming , Hank Gamble, Jeff Ha spel, Pepper Hatch , Fro sty Horton.
FOURTH ROW: Bayard Miller , Mike Murphy, Spencer Oliver, Brad Rucker, Clay Spencer, John Andrews, Jae Barnett, Randy Brown , Jim Brymer.
FIFTH ROW: Lee Cha stant, David Culpepper, . Warren Dodd, Dabney Ewin , John Paul Fleming, Chuck Gould, J i m Grunewald , John Halsey, Kelly Hill.
SIXTH ROW: Bill Meyer , Bill Morgan, Parker Murphy , Stuart Neal, Robert Newman, Ernie Sims, Tom Smith, Cliff Sutter, Harrison Weber.
Four Seniors and ten Juniors made up the 1964-65 St. Martin's varsity basketball squad. Senior co-captain Gene Rackle led the team in scoring and was one of the outstanding players in the district The other Senior co-captain, Richard Roussel, with his fine jump-shooting and consistent defense, turned in a commendable effort during the season.
This was a "change" year for the team. They had to learn a new system under a new coach. Usually, under these conditions, there is quite a period of readjusti:nent. Our overall season was successful from the standpoint of a won-loss record ; however, we were not able to win a position in the state playoffs, finishing third in the District 7A competition behind Newman and St. Bernard.
Because of their excellent effort this season, we look forward to the return of the Juniors.
I sinc.erely thank the cheerleaders•and the student body for their faithful and unending support throughout the season.
"A ct ion speaks louder than words. " The J. V. basketball team's hustle, self-discipline, and desire to win clearly indicate that this expression is quite appropriate. However, the team's spirit and great success would not have been possible without the help of Bob Flettrich who earned much of the credit for our fine season.
Brad Rucker
Chuck Stedman
Mike Hesse
Carl Johnson
Bill Brockman
Bill Bryson
Donnie Marshall
Bruce Johnston
Mike Moseley
Buz Rowan
FRONT ROW: Cameron Duncan, Captain, Hank Gamble, Captain MIDDLE
ROW: Bayard Miller, Manager, Michael Boyce, David Normann, Tyler Posey, Spencer Oliver, Pepper Hatch, Michael Murphy BACK ROW: Felton Davis, Sonny Matta, Guy Randolph, Bennie Brown, Hewitt Gehres, Frosty Horton, Manager.
FRONT ROW: Tommy Shepherd, Captain, Clifford Sutter, Captain MIDDLE
ROW: Ernie Sims, John Paul Fleming BACK ROW: Frosty Horton, Manager, Ronnie Snodgrass, Bill Cummins, Harrison Weber, Kelly Hill, Lee Chastant, Chuck Gould, Parker Murphy, Warren Dodd , Stuart Neal, Bayard Miller, manager. MISSING FROM PICTURE: John Halsey , David Ducrest, Mark Kobrock
Bris Garard
Brenda Jones
Annette Jones
Ann Bremermann , Lynn Woodbury Susan Robinson, Betty Walther, Alex Corry , Kris Pottharst, Kathy McHugh, Anne Wyckoff. Robinson Smith BerardWith this year's graduating seniors goes the finest group of athletes that I have seen at St. Martin's. By playing for the fun of the game but with their whole hearts, they have earned my deep respect and affection. The girls coming Up have a high goal to reach in the areas of ability, effort, enthusiasm, and sportsmanship.
Volleyball - "A" - 1st in regular seasonlost tournament; "B" - 3rd in regular seasonwon tournament. 1st Tennis Meet - (Jr/Sr High) - If we win this year, we will have won 3 years in a row and will retain permanent possession of the trophy. Basketball - Tied for 1st in regular season; lost tournament. 1st Swimming Meet - 5th. Overall Fitness Average - 8'J<l/o
WINSTON PURVIS Volleyball "A" Team Captain Swimming Team Captain HELEN LEBLANC Girl's Athletic Director KATHY HESSE Tennis Team Captain Basketball Team Co-Captain PAULETTE DUPONT Volleyball "B" Team Captain GLENN JOHNSON Basketball Team Co-CaptainMISSING
Lindy Brown
Betty Walther
Kathy McHugh
Patsy Payzant
Glenn Johnson
Kris Gauthier
Kathy Hesse
Winston Purvis, CAPTAIN
Juanea Jones
Suzanne Breen
Courtee Merrick
Barbara Taylor
Mary Menge
Kathy Burck
Carol Robinso n
Paulette Dupont, CAPTAIN
Karen Baltar
Linda Lafaye
Linda Tuero
BACK ROW: Mary Matthew, Jean Allen, Juanea Jones, Suzanne Breen, Winston Purvis, Anne Reily, Linda West
Kristine Harter
Candy Hammett
Barbara Brewster, Ca pt.
Patsy Payzant
Ginger Davis
Jerri Wood
Martha Burck
Suzy Pettit
Ida Jonassen
Keith Bateman
Kathy Burck
Mary Menge
Parham Berryman
Cathy Hovland
Dorothy Davis
Betsy Ordemann
Linda Shell
·Linda West
Betty Walther
Kathy McHugh, Capt.
Donna Gustafson
Judy Flynn
Melinda Waring
Elena Rudeka
Pam Danos
Kathy Hesse
UPPER PICTURE: Carol Robinson, Anne Wyckoff, Kris Pottharst, Yvette Lea, Pam Danos, Diane Webre, Juanea Jones, Sherry Hopper, Donna Gus~afson.
LOWER PICTURE: Susan Robinson, Margaret Wilkinson , Kathy McHugh, Kitty Bankston , Kris Gauthier, Glenn Johnson, Alex Corry, Mary Menge.
FRONT ROW: Terry Riordan, Margaret Olsen, Estelle Nagel, Timer, Suzy Snyder MIDDLE ROW: Amy West, Maura Berard, Susan Hagstette, Lisa Smith, Bonnie Ball, Laura Bohne BACK ROW: Annette Jones, Brenda Jones, Mary Beth Barnes, Debbie Wilkinson, Anne Shepherd. Captain, Judy Gore
The effort shown by this year's Jr. High Girls' teams has bet!n tremendous. They accomplished that which they set out to do - to be "No. l" in volleyball and basketball interscholastic competition. With victory as their goal, they were ever mindful of good sportsmanship, consideration for others and those essentials which make a fine team.
This group of girls have my deepest admiration and thanks for a truly gratifying experience as their coach.
FRONT ROW: Suzy Snyder, Laura Bohne, Maura Berard MIDDLE ROW:
Estelle Nagel, Sherrie Persia, Amy West, Judy Gore, Bonnie Ball BACK
ROW: Annette Jones, Margo Pelias, Debbie Wilkinson, Anne Shepherd, Captain; Becky McKown, Marie Decamp, Marty Kilgore
GIRLS' JUNIOR HIGH TENNIS TEAM Barbie Houser, Pritchard Matthew, Susan Hagstette, Laura Bohne, Bonnie Ball, Debbie Wilkinson, Anne Shepherd, Sherrie Persia MISSING FROM PICTURE: Marie DeCamp
As sistant Editors
Business Manager
Copy Editor
Copy Transcriber
Advertising Manager
ANNE KREMENTZ Assistant Ad Photo Coordinator
CATHY KIRGIS Assistant Business Manager
JESSE MORGAN , Assistant Copy Editor
FRONT ROW: Bris Garrard, Keith Bateman, Kathy Gauthier, Ellen Jonassen, Jan Saunders, Mary Menge, Kay Williams MIDDLE
ROW: Paulette Dupont, Buz Burck, Barbara Taylor, Debbie Wolf, Suzy Pettit, Coral Clay, Karen Baltar, Linda Lafaye, Anne Bernos, Courtee Merrick BACK ROW: Steve Kimble, Bobby Miles, Doug Fyfe, Richard Wells, Sonny Bowman, Mary Matthews, Cathy Reily, Carl Flettrich, Kathy Burck, David Russell, Jim Fisher
LARRY BUCHTEL Processing Coordinator
ANNE REILY - - - - Photo Custodian
CARL JOHNSON Activities Photography Coordinator
STEVE FALGOUT -Advertising Photography E::oordinator -
LYNN WOODBURY - Business and Circulation Manager
SHERRY HOPPER - - - - - - - - - - Feature Editor
- - - Copy Editor Managing Editor
WINSTON PURVIS - - - - Sports Editor
BOBBY WILLMER - - - - Sports Editor
CHERYL WHITFIELD - - - - Cartoonist
GENE JENKINS - - - - - Photographer
KRIS GAUTHIER - - - - Fashion Editor
GEORGE LEWIS Sponsor KATHY HESSE EditorFRONT ROW: Andy Oliver, Donna Gustafson, Becky Emmons, Cathy Reily, Penny Anthon, Kris Pottharst, Linda West, Jean Oster, Alex Corry, Bobby Miles, 2nd ROW: David Russell, John Broders, Richard Roussel, Sonny Wiegand, Doug Fyfe, Peter Griffin, Mike Guiza, Bob Capps, Mike Pettit, Steve Harkness. MISSING: Mary Matthew
1st ROW: Mary Menge, Kathy McHugh, Anne Krementz, Judy Flynn, Glenn Johnson , 2nd ROW: Carol Robinson, Cathy Rose, Melinda Moss, K T. Turnbull, 3rd ROW: Vincent Massimini, Anne Reily, Gaynell Duhe, Charles Nelson. MISSING: Madeline Steiner
1st ROW: Carol Robinson, Mary Menge, Courtee Merrick, Keith Bateman, Donna Dayton , Candy Hammett, Susan Normann, 2nd ROW: Carl Flettrich, Mike Hesse, Kathy Burck, Martha Burck, Ida Jonassen, Barbara Taylor, Paulette Dupont, Kristine Harter, Keith Fennel, 3rd ROW: John Rucker, Bill Bryson, Susie Pettit, Mike Pelias, Marky Murphy, Vail Smith, Marshall Ordemann MISSING: Carol Mills
FIRST ROW: Frances Duffy, Kathy Mcchesney, Carol Roqinson, Kathy McHugh, Lindy Brown, Blair Bennett , Denny Jordy.
SECOND ROW: Susan Vickery , Yvette Lea, Carolyn Livingston , Penny Anthon, Judy Flynn, Ellen Northrop, Kris Pottharst, Dorothy Davis.
THIRD ROW: Morgan Bunch, Russ Waesche, Jesse Mo,gan, Tommy Merrick, Pat Adkins, Johnny Ainsworth, Tim Melius.
FOURTH ROW: Reed Morgan, Larry Buchtel, Jim Edwards , Randy Brooks , Roger Lee, Charles Leche, Sonny Bowman, Director Joe Walsh. Missing from picture: Taffy Russell, Barbara Robichaux.
FIRST ROW: Cindy Sprague, Marjorie Nieset. Deborah Bahn.
SECOND ROW: Ross Lennox , Jae Barnett, Billy Meyer , Robin Dahlberg.
THIRD ROW: :William Bennett, Randy Gregson, Stuart Neal.
FOURTH ROW: Mike Cothren , Charles Bahn, Felton Davis. Mis si ng from picture: Joel Blakeslee , India Fleming, John Halsey , Parker Murphy, Robert Newman, Ronnie Snodgrass.
BASS Roger Lee
BARITONE Randy Brooks
SECOND TENOR Russell Waesche
TENOR ... Morgan Bunch
SOPRANO Susan Vickery
Missing from picture:
ALTO Taffy Russell
LIBRARIANS John Ainsworth
Lindy Brown
SECRET ARY . . Carol Robinson
Tommy Merrick
Kathy McHugh MR, JOE WALSH DirectorFRONT ROW: Dianne Webre, Kristine Gauthier, Chris Snyder, Pc!m Danos.
SECOND ROW: Gene Jenkins, Jeff Graf, Doug Fyfe.
The Wonderful World of Will Shakespeare
BACK ROW: Jay Woodbury, Peter Griffin, Gene Jenkins, Wes Bolles, Richard Roussel, Gene Rackle, Sonny Wiegand, Jeff Graf, MIDDLE ROW: Hal Reddicliffe, Andy Oliver, Pam Danos, Kristine Gauthier, Chris Snyder, Dianne Webre, Doug Fyfe, Penny Anthon, Gail Thompson, FRONT ROW: Patty Habeeb, Linda Shell, Bud Riordan, Alex Corry, Linda West, Kitty Bankston, Cheryl Whitfield, John Broders, Scott Oliver, MISSING: Madeline Steiner, Mary Holzer; SPONSOR, Laura Lewis; MA SCOT, Louise Lewis
SEA TED: Charles McChesney, David Snyder, Rusty Tarver. STANDING: Becky Emmons, Tony Parisi, sponsor; Suzy Pettit. Missing from picture: Ann Carpenter, Mette Gunderson, Lynn Woodbury.
SEATED: Donna Gustafson, Sherry Hopper, Margaret Wilkinson, Jerri Wood, MarieLouise Kreeger, Jane Nieset, Nan Cornfield, MIDDLE: Elena Rudeka, Cathy Kirgis, Paul Parisi. STANDING: Tony Parisi, sponsor; Don Wallis, Peter Griffin, Charles Leche, Earl Mccallon. Missing from picture: Calvin Fleming, Leslie Newman, Mette Gunderson.
SEATED: Glenn Johnson, Jaunea Jones, Patty Habeeb, Judy Flynn, Kathy McHugh, Cathy Kirgis, Winston Purvis, Kathy Hesse.
STANDING: Sonny Wiegand, Loring Bugbee, Elena Rudeka, Anne Wyckoff, Bobby Willmer; Isabel Anglade, sponsor; John Rucker, Marshall Ordemann, Chris Snyder, Peter Griffin.
Peg Bruce, librarian; Anne Wyckoff, Linda West , Donna Gustafson, Barbara Oster, Cynthia Andr e ws, Ellen Northrop, Cathy Turnbull, Paullette Dupont, Melinda Moss, Cathy Rose
Debbie Wolf, Sonny Matta, Ronnie Snodgrass, Charles Bahn, Kelly Hill, Dickie Russell, Jim Pellerin, Sally Shymanski, sponsor, Vickie McCracken, Lee Chastant, Tommy Smith, Larry Buchtel, Jan Saunders; Missing from picture: Jimmy Grunewald.
Frank LeTard, Charles Leche, Peter Griffin, Bobby Miles, Paul Parisi, Grant Schleuter, Danny White, Max Snell, Ricky Collins, Earl Dobbs, Buzzy Rowan, Dan Gano, Tommy Krementz, Loring Bugbee, Earl McCallon, Doug Black, James Fisher, Al Smith, Bill Brockman, Allen Weller, Steve Kimble, Doug Fyfe, Vince Massimini, Mike Guiza, Carl Cappel, Bill Goheen; sponsor, Harold Graf.
Kathy McHugh, Betty Earnest, Nan Cornfield, Carol Eavenson, Patty Habeeb, Ginger Davis, Susan Vickery, Sherry Hopper, Joan Kreeger, Melinda Waring, Juanea Jones, Anne Wycoff, Ellen Northrop.
Jan Saunders, Marie-Louise
Kreeger, Kathy Gauthier, Karen
Baltar , Vicki Morgan, Andrea
Gilbert, Anne Bernos , Bris
Garrard, Rose Evans, Nancy
Wilkinson, Mary Matthew, Deborah Follett, Kathy McChesney, Wendy Dascomb
Ann Carpenter - PRESIDENT Florence Kreeger - SPONSOR Nan Cornfield-SPONSOR: Carlos Zervignon; Winston Purvis, Michael Pelias, Betty Walther, Hal Reddicliffe, Earl McCallon, Peter Griffin, John Broders, John Rucker, Sherry Hopper, Linda Shell, Mary Menge, Kathy Hesse, Alex Corry, Jayne Schlosser, Gene Rackle, Richard Wells, Drew Whitley, Steve Tremont, Marshall Ordemann, Marky Murphy, Barbara Brewster , Malcolm Moran, Vail Smith, Joan Kreeger, Ricky Gregory, Gene Jenkins, Bobby Miles, Patty Habeeb, Earl Dobbs, Steve Falgout, Doug Fyfe. Missing from picture: Mary Holzer
SPONSOR: E. O. Van Slate; Steve Harkness, Phil LeTard, Tommy Jahncke, Mike McHugh, Paulette Oupont, Courtee Merrick, Mike Hesse, Candy Hammett, K. T. Turnbu_ll, Kay Williams, Susa1i Robinson, David Russell, Collins Haynes, Thomas Favrot, Robert Rainold, Cathy Kirgis, __, 11erry Latham, Kamy Burck, Keith Bateman, Ginger Nelson, Jeffrey Jones, Jim Sanderson, Gordon Fremaux, Carol Robinson, Susan Normann, Donna Dayton, Suzanne Breen, Anne Reily, Jerri Wood .
Pottharst, Chris Snyder, Kathy Burck, Ginger Nelson, Jerri Wood, Bobby Miles, Donna Gustafson, Sonny Wiegand, Anne Reily, Sherry Latham, Vincent Massimini, Collins Haynes. Missing from picture: Grover Burnett, Carla Wood, Candy Hammett, Ed King.
Where.J§_ everybody?
Without us, you're nothing!
We pro u dl y provide "The Pause That Ref re shes. "
"When you are old and gray and full of sleep, and nodding by the fir e, take down this book."
Anybody for a bull sandwich??
C 'man Lyn, you know you can't pick it up !
Splendor in the
Girls' Badminton "open" team
STANDING: Anne Reily, Melinda Moss, Mary Menge, Winston Purvis, Kathy Hesse
KNEELING: Anne Bernos, Kathy McHugh, Jan Saunders, Betty Walther
Girls' Badminton "closed" team
BACK ROW: Patty Habeeb, Parham Berryman, Betsy Ordemann, Sherry Hopper, Coral Clay, Becky Emmons
FRONT ROW: Betty Earnest, Beth Robinson, Betsy Bultman
Jr. High Girls' Badminton Team
ST ANDING: Margery
Reavis, Van Wart, Carol West, Marylin Johnson, Jocelyn James, Maura Berard KNEELING: Gretchen Anderson, Terry Riordan, Margaret Olsen
MISSING: Barbe Houser
Jayne Schlosser, Yvette Lea, Sherry Hopper, Lyn Rotty, Ann Wakefield, Alex Corry, captain, Margaret Wilkinson, Glenn Johnson
Badminton Intramural
RUNNER-UP: Mary Menge
WINNER: Winston Purvis
BACK ROW: Debbie Wilkinson, Anne Shepherd, Maura Berard, Judy Gore, Mopsy Shober, Amy West
FRONT ROW: Gretchen Anderson, Terry Riordan, Gail Hazard, Jocelyn James
WINNERS, SEATED: Cathy Turnbull, Melinda Moss RUNNER-UPS, STANDING: Betty Walther, Kathy Hesse
Tennis Intramural Jr. High Swimming TeamFIRST ROW: David Snyder, Chris Snyder, Reed Morgan, Robert Rainold, Al Smith. SECOND ROW: Drew Whitley, Doug Fyfe, Bobby Willmer, Guy Randolph, Steve Kimble. THIRD ROW: Gene Rackle, Richard Roussel, Jeff Graf, David Snodgrass, Jordan Thompson, Earl McCallon.
L. Bugbee
A . Carpenter
A. Corry
J. Flynn
D. Fyfe
P. Griffin
D. Gustafson
K. Hesse
M. Hol ze r
S. Hop per
G. Johnson
J. Kr eeger
Y. Lea
C. Leche
V. Massimini
E. Mccallon
D. Meadowcroft
K . McHugh
B. Miles
P. Parisi
K. Pottharst
H. Reddicliffe
R. Roussel
J. Schlosser
C. Snyder
B. Walther
D. Webre
L West
R. Wiegand
M. Wilkinson
R. Willmer JUNIORS
B. Brewster
R. Brooks
M. Burck
D. Dayton
R. Ewald
E. Griffis
K. Harter
B. Taylor
K. Turnbull
J. Wilkinson
J. Allen
P. Anthon
K . Baltar
K. Bankston
J. Blalock
B. Emmons
R. Evans
S. Harkne ss
E. Jon assen
M. Kreeger
D Marshall
K. Mcchesney
J. Nieset
G. Nelson
0 Ol se n
M. Pettit
J. Redden
C. Re il y
F. Rodri guez
J. Saunders
•c. Stedman
L. Tuero
D. Wallis
M. Barnes
S. Brown
R. Bryant
M. Cothren
M. DeCam p
D. Fleming
J. Gore
P. Hatch
J. James
M. Johnson
M. Murphy
D. Normann
F. Phillips
T. Posey
M. Reavis
B. Richard
C. Spencer
L. Van Meter
M. Van Wart
•c West
D. Wilkinson SEVENTH
E. Aycock
D. Bahn
B. Ball
K. Ferguson
J. Fleming
R. Gr egson
K. Hill
K. Hopp er
L. Horton
R. Le nno x
G. Lieb etrau
V. McFarland
M. Payne
S. Platter
L. Smith
R. Snodgrass
C. Spr ague
M. Summers
J. Treen
R. Wri ght
•straight "A's"
John Rucker
Richard Roussel
Jeffrey Graf
Bobby Willmer
Kathy Hesse, Glenn Johnson, Winston Purvis
Cameron Duncan
Anne Shepherd
ENGLISH AWARD - - Chris Snyder
SPANISH AWARD - - - - - -Glenn Johnson
FRENCH A WARD - - - - - Glenn Johnson
SCIENCE A WARD - - - - - - - - Charles Leche
RELIGION AW ARD - - - Ellen Northrop
LATIN AWARD - Ida Jonassen
ENGLISH - -Virginia McFarland - Marcy Van Wart
Jae Barnett
OUTSTANDING CITIZENSHIP AWARD (8th grade) Randolph Bryant 7th grade 8th grade
SPANISH - -Melissa Payne - - Jade Van Meter
FRENCH - - - Robin Dahlber g - - - - - - Carol West
MATH - - - - -Susan Platter - - - - C a rol West
HIS TORY - - Kitty Ferguson - - -Jocelyn James
SCIENCE - - - - Melissa Payne - - - - Clay Spencer
RELIGION Elizabeth Aycock Marylin Johnson
LATIN - - Kitty Ferguson - -Marty Kilgore
From row: David Snyder, Linda Shell , Sherry Hopper; Back row:
Tommy Krememz, Sonny Wiegand, Steve Kimble, Earl Mccallon, Paul Parisi BAUSCH AND LOMB A WARD IN SCIENCE