Religion of which the rewards are distant and which is animated only by faith and hope wi 11 glide by degrees out of the mind unless it be invigorated •••
Joh nsonDisinterested intellectual curiosity is the life blood of real civilization.
TrevelyanFrom contemp l ation one may become wise but knowledge comes only from study.
NewtonA little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep; or taste not the Pieri an spring: There shallow draughts intoxi.cate the 'brain, And drinking largely sobers us again. Pope
Editor's Mes sage
This school year has been one of much change, largely as a result of the building program, The many new and unfamiliar classrooms, rules, and faces obviously indicate that St. Martin's is growing. However, this does not necessarily signify a rad ical change. These additions and innovations are only supplements to our school life, not alterations. Although the physical aspect of s, , Martin's has undergone this transformation, the spirit and tradition should remain constant. To illustrate this, the Shield has represented the "new" by the corner photographs on the division pages and has shown through the subsequent drawings that our school life is basically unchanged because its humor, spirit, and traditions are still present in the students.
The EditorDottie in shock
We Dedicate the Shield
The 1966 edition of the Shield honors a teacher whose name is synonymous with that of St. Martin's. Her vibrant personality, marvelous teaching ability, and warm smile have endeared her to us for the past fifteen years.
As a token of our admiration and appreciation, we dedicate this edition to
"Marvelous I"
"It was only a multiplechoice test."
to Mrs. Porter
"Shall we start?"
"Isn't Tony adorable?"
"T. V.A. - socialistic?"
"I've posted your grades."
Look What We Have
The Board of Trustees ''Meats''
to ''Hash'' Over Problems
THE RIGHT REVEREND GIRA ULT M. JONES Bishop of Louisiana, ex-officio
MR. BROOKE H. DUNCAN II Vice-President
MR. LEE F. MURPHY Secretary
MR. ELLSWORTH O. VAN SLATE Head master, ex-officio
MRS. ERIC R. PHILLPOTT, SR. Assistant Sec retary, ex-officio
As our graduates return to the campus they view the recent physical changes and additions with amazement. We, on the scene, however, have from day to day seen the school development program take shape and have adjusted quickly to the more spacious buildings, the new equipment and air conditioning. Soon we will forget how thin~s once were. This is a characteristic typical of our time because change is so frequent and of such a magnitude we have come to take it for granted, whether it be in space, medicine, industry or on the school campus, as is pictured so well in this book.
Let us not be unmindful, however, that each of us has a responsibility which transcends 'mere receptivity and adjustment to our new facilities. It is the intention and hope of the faculty and trustees that the great variety of campus improvements will significantly enhance the educational processes at St. Martin's. They are hopeful that you, the students, will be inspired and will respond with an ever greater purpose in an endeavor to improve your minds, increase your knowledge, build your bodies and, above all, develop a strong system of Christian values.
The opportunity for a well-rounded education at St, Martin's, so capably portrayed in this volume, is greater than ever, as is the responsibility on the part of each student to make the best of it.
Religious Leaders
THE REV. JOHN B. AUSTIN (below) Director of Religious Studies and M.A., Tulane University; B.D., University of the South; University of Pennsylvania; Louisiana State University in New Orleans ; Loyola University THE REV, GEORGE F, WHARTON, III (right) ChaplainAdministration
ROBERT L. HILL School Comptroller and Business Manager FLORENCE B. KREEGER Registrar ELS I E C. PHILLPOTT Secretary to the HeadmasterDepartment Heads
B. A. and M.A., Tulane University; B. D., University of the South; University of Pennsylvania; Louisiana State University in New Orleans; Loyola University (Director of Religious Studies)
B A:, University of Southwestern Louisiana; C,D,F., University of Bordeaux, France; Tulane University (Foreign Language)
A. B., Tulane University (Mathematics)
B.A., Miss. College; M.Ed., U. of North Carolina; M.S. and M.Ed., Loyola; Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies (Science)
THE REV. JOHN B. AUSTIN HAROLD F. GRAF MITCHELL N. BERARD JAMES W LATHAMB. A., Yale University; Tulane Unive rs ity (English)
Department Heads
B. S., Lo u isiana State University; M.A. , George Peabody College (Social Studies)
B. A., Baylor University; M.A. T., Tulane University;M.S: M ., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (Music)
B. A., Southwestern Louisiana Institute; Northwestern State College of Louisiana ( Athleti c Director)
GEORGE F. LEWIS JOE G. WALSHB. A., University of Puerto Rico; M.A. , Tulane University (Spanish)
B. A., Tulane University; M. Ed., University of Texas (Guidance and Testing)
B. A., Tulane University; Culham College, Oxford; Lausanne University; London University (French)
A._B., Susquehanna University; Temple University; Pittsburg University; Loyola University (Librarian)
ISABEL L. ANGLADE HELGA CERNICEK CINTRA S. AUSTIN (Physical Education Assistant) KENNETH F. CHANDOR MARGARET S. BRUCEB. S., Louisiana State University; Texas Southwestern University; University of Michigan; Tulane University (Science, Part Time)
B. A,, Louisiana Polytechnic Institute; Tulane University
(Social Studies and Physical Education)
B. S., University of Pa.; State Teachers College (Pa.); Penn State; Temple; L,S,U.N.O.; Tulane; Loyola (Mathematics)
Whitman College; Western Washington State B. A and B. E.; Tulane University (Junior High Mathematics)
KATHRYN R. CHASTANT CHARLES R, DIKE ELEANOR B. GOHEEN ROBERT FLETTRICH (Physical Education Assistant) JANET K. HARRISB.S., Delta State Teachers College; Bowling Green College of Commerce; St. Mary's Dominican College (English)
B.S., Northwestern State College of Louisiana; U. of Virginia; U. of Hawaii
(Junior High Mathematics)
(Junior High English)
OLETA MEADOWS HETHERWICK MYRTH S. LEE BELLE L. JOHNSON Newcomb College; Tulane University (Physical Education) LAURA OWENS LEWIS B. A., Newcomb College; Duke University; Tulane University HELEN N. Le BLANC B. S. and M.A., University of Southern Mississippi; Columbia University (Physical Education)Louisiana State University; So uthern Ill inois University ; Lo u isiana St ate Unive rsity in New Orleans , B. A . (Social Studies)
A. (Ret.)
B.S : , Princeton University; Tulane University (Mathematics)
( Science)
B. A., Mississippi State College for Women; St. Ma ry ' s Dominican College (English, Social Studies)
SUSAN MARTIN BOBBIE B. McFARLAND S., Winthrop College (Typing) THE REV , JOHN L. RHYMES Unive r sity of M iss ; B D , Kenyon College; M. Ed., Tulane Unive r sity COL JOHN MEADE .S. G. SMITHANTHONY PARISI
B.Ed. and M.A., Tulane University; Loyola University; University of Minnesota
(Social Studies - Spanish)
Facul t y
B.S., Iowa State University; Monticello Seminary; Tulane University; Loyola (Science)
B. A., Western Kentucky State Teachers College; U. of Illinois; U. of Wis.; Tulane; Loyola
(Audio-Visual Aids)
B.A., Newcomb College; Tulane University; Louisiana State University (Art)
B.S., University of Illinois; Yale University; Tulane University; University of Colorado
B. A., University of Maine; N. E. Oklahoma
A&M; Baylor University (English)
B. S. , Newcomb College (Sewing and Yearbook Sponsor)
B. A., West Texas State; Tulane University (English)
B.A., Tulane University; Louisiana State University; Loyola University (Spanish, Social Studies)
LILLI VAN SLATE University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee (R eading) JOHN C. WORLEY T. H. WILKINSON A., Memphis State College (La tin) FRANKIE YEARGAIN DORIS LA RUE BLACK WILLIAMS CARLOS R. ZERVIGONAcolytes
Larry Buchtel, Drew Whitley, Garl Flettrich, Tommy Merrick, Steve Falgout Charles Mcchesney, Karl Alexder, Grover Burnett John-Rucker, Malcolm Sutter, Randy Brooks, Dan Gano, Marshall OrdermannLayreaders, Altar Guild
BACK ROW - Barbara Bernard, Bonnie Shepe rd , Anne Reily, Ida· Jona·ssen, Suzy Pettit, Martha Burck, Melinda Moss, Barbara Ta ylor
SECOND ROW - Suzanne Breen, Donna Dayton, Anne Bremermann, Vail Smith, Peggy Higgins, Kathy Gauthier, Paulette Dupont, K. T. Turnbull, Betty Richard, Jade Van Meter, Susan Vicker y, Carolyn Livingston,
FRONT ROW - Candy Hammett, Susan Normann, Kristine Harter, Mary Menge, Anne Krementz, Cathy Rose, Courtee Merrick, Carol Robinson
Malcolm Sutter, Michael Pelias Ida Jonassen, Barbara Brewster Susan Vickeryyf fi\
t,tOMEWORf fO~ 100"\ O(::\~
Georretry- \ a\fol\ n cur o~an t-4 i '=n~\-,s'"' - l=\ic.'no.~It Che""' &-tt-'1- f)QC3CT.)
6,o\ oca'3- -\e6t on tl\Q.~ O.""eri C4n "' s-lor'j ~q~ics - f"'O'os. ,~Rel •~iof'l - "I
t:°rench 1:Sr - "'afl'lO"f"" Hea.Hn- °'"est
Patio Partyers
TOM MERRICK - Vice-President
BOB EWALD - Secretary
TOM KREMENTZ - Treasurer
Will You Ever Forget
- "We're number one!"
- the mud?
- Mr. Van's interminable announcements?
- acid-drenched rocks?
- getting locked out of the Geology room?
- the no-hugging-in-the-halls rule?
- the first infraction of this rule when Mr. Berard grabbed Anne Reily by the hair?
- "Shall we start?"
- Shocks from the Senior coke machine and the Bookstore window?
- the shaving cream and deodorant war at Camp Hardtner?
- the girls' revenge for the shaving cream and deodorant war?
- the day Anne made a mistake on her Geometry homework and the whole class flunked for the day?
- "Oh the horse put his foot ••• "?
- Mrs. Burks on the trampoline at Janie's party?
- the paper rotting in Barbara's garage?
- our favorites - Christianity and Communism and The Present in Perspective?
- the cigarette butts left in the room where the paper was kept?
- the Chorus fiasco with Fr. Jenkins?
- Fr. Irvin?
- Mr. Lewis's dramatic readings?
- Tequila-A-Go-Go?
- the day the wasp attacked Mrs. Burks and Tommy became a local hero?
- waking up at 5:30 to put up the ceiling for the Junior-Senior Prom?
- 7:30 communions?
- diets - what a farce!
- Mrs. Haight and her appetizing lunches and snacks?
- Mr. Mooty's driving course that everyone dropped?
- "Hingley la bella! " and "ACHH vat fun ••• "?
- the excellent relationship between Larry and Mr. Walsh come to think of it, between Tommy and Mr. Walsh, Jesse and Mr. Walsh, Brian and Mr. Walsh .••.. !
- the day after Mardi Gras?
- the pairs of loafers that were ruined during the rainy season?
- demerits and Saturday detentions?
- sleeping on luggage racks on busses?
- the 1964 football season?
- the day someone left the gas on in the Chemistry lab?
- the malfunctioning drawbridge from "Camelot"?
- Mr. Porter's "straight from the book" teaching method?
- the vanity case for Begue at Christmas?
- the sign-out racket with Miss Lajoie?
- smoking in the bathrooms?
- the little pickaninnies playing with the toys at the Rummage Sale?
- how heart-broken everyone was when snacks were abolished?
- music coming over the intercom?
- Carl Flettrich's outfit for the Senior-Faculty Volleyball Game?
- that wonderful (?) boat ride in Acapulco Bay?
- Health, Capt. Ebeier, and that mysterious girl named "Mary-Wana"?
- Amoebic Dysentery - the terror of the Senior Trip?
- Sonny on his death bed because of food poisoning?
- overnite romances on the Senior Trip?
- Begue on his horse in the town square?
- that sumptuous hotel in Ciudad Victoria?
- bus station bathrooms?
- the Freshman Funny Frolics?
- Chicken Tacos?
- the night that the Juniors invaded La Casa 's?
- the rash of.Religion book stealing·around exam _ time?
- what a farce this was because no one studied anyway?
- locked lockers?
- the bills from the Del Lago?
- Guidance and the very popular Chapter in Youth Deserves to know?
- what an "invaluable aid" Mrs. Cernicek was in helping us choose colleges?
- crutches and casts?
- the night the Saints beat St. Bernard?
- Peg's joy and rapture when the new library was opened?
- the first time grass was seen growing in the Quadrangle?
- "Run, run, LEAP!"?
- all night study marathons before exams?
- your years at St Martin's?
"We must view with profound respect the infinite ca pa city of the human mind to resist the introduction of useful knowledge."
Jr. Varsity Football 1
Varsity Football 4
Jr. Varsity Basketball 2
Varsity Basketball 3
Homecoming Escort 4
Chorus 3, 4
Typing 2
"A big book is a big nuisance."
Perfect Attendance 1, 2
Varsity Football 3
Homecoming Escort 4
Chorus 3, 4
Typing 1
Biological Science Club 2
N.E.D.T. Score 2, 95 percentile
"The sweetest garland to the sweetest maid."
Intramurals 3, 4
Concert Choir 4
Chorus 3, 4
National Conference of C hristians and Jews 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 4
Christmas Program 4
"Fat -Boy "
"To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong rom ance."
Typing 3, 4
Chorus 3, 4
Football 3,4
Office Aide 4
"History is Bunk" Award 3
StM '64-'66"Man is the hunter: woman is his game."
Basketball Manager 2, 3
Track 2
Homecoming Escort 4
Shield Assistant 3
Shield Staff: Photographer 3, 4
Chorus 3, 4
Acolyte 4
Typing 1
Homecoming Dance Committee 4
Chri stmas Program 2, 3, 4
Halo Staff: Photographer 4
Spanish Club 4
"Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves."
Homecoming Game Cheerleader 4
Volleyball 1, 2
One Team Award 1, 2
Altar Guild 4
Library Aide 4
Art 2
Typing 1
Sewing 3
Homecoming Dance Committee 4
Christmas Program 4
Office Aide 4
Service Club 2
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
Spanish Club 4
Chairman of Senior Trip Committee 4
Social Committee 4
StM '57-'66 SIDNEY C, BOWMAN JR. "Sonny" JANE BOAS BERG "Janie"StM '57-'66
"As good be out of the World as out of Fashion.''
Alternate Cheerleader 3
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Homecoming Court 4
Shield Assistant 1
Altar Guild 4
Art 3, 4
Typing 1
Modern Dance Club 4
Homecoming Dance Committee Chai rman 4
Christmas Progr:,m 1, 2, 3, 4
Office Aide 4
Halo Reporter 4
Halo Staff: Fashion Editor 4
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
Future Nurses' Club 2
"Skinny Girl"
"Dancing is wonderful training for girls; it's the first way you learn to guess what a man is going to do before he does it. "
Cheerleader 4
J. V. Cheerleader 1
Volleyball 2, 3, 4
Volleyball Captain 4
Girls' Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4
Girls' Basketball Captain 4
One Team Award 1
Two Team Award 2, 3
Three Team Award 4
Badminton Team 4
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Style Show 1
Altar Guild 4
Sewing 1, 2, 3
Modern Dance Club 4
Homecoming Dance Commi ttee 3, 4
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4
Office Aide 4
Halo Staff: Girls' Sports Editor 4
Service Club 3
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
"He thinks ~ike a philosopher and a c ts like a king."
Honor Roll 3
National Honor Society 4
Pelican Boys' State Representative 4
Student Council President 4
Varsity Football 4
Homecoming Escort 4
.Chorus 3, 4
Bass Section Leader 3
Concert Choir 4
Layreader 4
Acolyte 4
Creative Writing 4
"The leader in the deed a woman."
HonorRoll 1,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Pelican Girls' State Representative 4; Student Council Representative 1, 3, 4; Secretary 4; Class Officer: President 2; Homecoming Game Cheerleader 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 4; Dramatics l; Layreader 4; Library Aide 2; Modern Dance Club 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4; Christmas Program 3; Office Aide 4; T. V. Representative 3; Russian Club 2; Halo Reporter 1, 2; Halo Staff: Managing Editor 3; Editor-in-Chief 4; Social Issues 3; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; N.E.D.T. Score, 98 percentile; Intramural High-Point Winner 3; Captain of Volleyball Intramurals 3
StM '55-'66
"I's wicked - I is. I's mighty wicked, anyhow. I can't help it."
Spanish Club 4
Class Officer: Treasurer 1, Sergeant -at-Arms 2
Perfect Attendance 1, 2
Jr. Varsity Football 1
Varsity Footbail 2, 3, 4
Jr. Varsity Basketball 1, 2
Varsity Basketball 3, 4
Jr. Varsity Basketball Co-Captain 2
Track 1, 2
Assistant 1
Staff: Co-Processing Coordinator 2
Processing Coordinator 3
Assistant Editor 4
"Where true love is, there is little need of prim formality. "
Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4
Girls' Basketball 1, 2, 4
Swimming 2, 3
Two Team Award 2,4
Chorus 3, 4
Chorus Officer: recording secretary 3; (alto section leader 4;)
Concert Choir 4
Typing 1
Sewing .1, 2
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
Intramural High Point Medal 2
Chorus 3, 4
Concert Choir 4
Style Show 1
Acolyte 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3, 4
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4
T. V. Representative 3
Halo Typist 4
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 99 percentile, 2, 91 percentile
Most Valuable Jr. Varsity Basketball Player 2
"Never change when love has found its home."
Art 3
Creative Writing 4
Social Issues 4
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
Honor Roll 1, 3
National Honor Society 2, 3, 4
Perfect Attendance 1
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Intramural Volleyball Champs 3
Shield Assistant 1
Shield Staff: Assistant Copy Transcriber 2, Copy Transcriber 3, Editor 4
Chorus 4
Altar Guild 4
Typing 1
Sewing 3
National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
Modern Dance Club 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4
Russian Club 2
Creative Writing 4
Halo Reporter 2, 3
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
N.E.D.T. Score 2, 94 percentile, 1, 99 percentile StM
StM '53-'66 MICHEAL KEITH COLBY "Mike"BURCK "Martha"
StM '65-'66
"Heap high the golden corn!"
Chorus 4
Physical Science Club 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 4
"To be an artist is a great thing, but to be an artist and not know it, is the most glorious plight in the world."
Intramurals 3, 4
Intramural Volleyball Champs 3
Shield Staff: Art Editor 4
Art 3, 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4
Creative Writing 4
Halo Staff: Cartoonist 4
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
Future Nurses' Club 4
Library Aide 4
Shorthand 4
"O tell me pretty maiden, are there any more at home like you?"
Natin':al Merit Scholarship semi-finalist 4
Honor Roll 3
National Honor Society 4
Cheerleader 2, 3, 4
Intramurals High Point Medal 2, 3
Homecoming Court 3, 4
Homecoming Queen 4
Chorus 4
Style Show 1
Altar Guild 4
Sewing 1, 2
Modern Dance Club 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4
Halo Reporter 2, 3
Halo Staff: Copy Editor 4
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
"Californians are a race of people; they are not merely inhabitants of a State."
Typing 4 Physical Science Club
"To be born with the gift of laughter and a sense that the world is mad. "
Student Council Representative 3
Volleyball 2, 4
Chorus 2, 3, 4
Library Aide 2
Sewing 1
Modern Dance Club 4
Powder Puff Football 4
Future Nurses' Club 2
N.E.D.T. Scores 1, 98 percentile, 2, 95 percentile
StM '61-'66 JOHN DUNN"Of science and logic he chatters, As fine and as fast as he can; Though I am no judge of such matters, I'm sure he's a talented man."
StM '61-'66
"Crafty men contemn studies; simple men admire them; and wise men use them."
National Merit Scholarship Semi-finalist 4
Highest Boy Average 2
National Honor Society 4
Class Officer: Secretary 4
Perfect Attendance 1
D.A.R. American History Award 3
Intramurals 2
Art 1
Typing 4
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4
Creative Writing 4
Halo Typist 4
Social Issues 4
N. E. D. T. Scores 1, 2, 99 percentile
Honor Roll 2, 3
"Be a philosopher; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man."
Varsity Football 2, 3, 4
Homecoming Escort 4
Chorus 3
Dramatics 1
Art 4
Christmas Program 1, 3
Creative Writing 2, 4
"Good Will is the mightiest practical force in the universe."
Intramurals 3
Typing 3
German Club 4
Creative Writing 4
Halo Typist 4
Halo Reporter 3
N.E.D. T. Score 1, 95 percentile, 2, 96 percentile
"To think is to converse with oneself."
Football Manager 4
Basketball Manager 4
Shield Staff: Photographer 2, Ad Photo-Coordinator
3, Head Photographer 4
Chorus 4
Acolyte 4
Art 1
Biological Science Club 2
Physical Science Club 2
National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
Social Issues 3
N.E.D.T. Score 1,2, 99 percentile
StM '58-'66"A man must have a certain amount of intelligent ignorance to get anywhere."
Perfect Attendance 2
Varsity Football 4
Acolyte 4
Typing 2
Biological Science Club 3
Physical Science Club 3, 4
Halo Typist 4
Social Issues 4
Spanish Club 4
"What's the use of worrying?
It never was worthwhile, So, pack up your troubles in your old kit bag, And smile, smile, smile."
Perfect Attendance 1, 2, 3, 4
Jr. Varsity Football 1
Varsity Football 2, 3, 4
Jr. Varsity Basketball 1, 2
Varsity Basketball 3
Golf Team 1,2,3
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Shield Assistant 3
Shield Staff: Copy Editor 4
Chorus 4
Acolyte 3, 4
Art 1
Typing 1, 2
Biological Science Club ·2
Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4
German Club 4
Halo Reporter 1, 2, 3
Halo Staff: Cartoonist 4
Episcopal Youth of New Orleans 4
Assistant Jr. High Basketball Coach 4
StM '56-'66 DANIEL M. GANO "Dan""Success to the strongest, who are always, at last, the wisest and best."
Pelican Boys' State Alternate 4
Perfect Attendance 1, 2
Varsity Football 3,4
Intramurals 2,3,4
Typing 1
Physical Science Club 2
Homecoming Dance Committee 2
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4
Russian Club 2, 4
N , E. D. T. Score 1, 97 percentile
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3
WILLIAM E, GOHEEN "Professor Fate" "A man to match the mountains."
Perfect Attendance 1, 3
Jr. Varsity Football 1
Jr. Varsity Basketball 1, 2
Varsity Basketball 3, 4
Track 1
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Homecoming -Escort 4
Chorus 3, 4
Typing 1, 2
Physical Science Club 3
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4
Creative Writing 4
N.E.D,T. Score 1, 97 percentile, 2, 96 percentile
StM '60-'66 EDWARD ATKINS GRIFFIS "Eddie"StM '63-'66
"The fairest garden in her looks, And in her mind the wisest books."
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3
National Honor Society 4
Class Officer: Secretary 2, 3
Homecoming Game Cheerleader 4
Shield Staff: Assistant Editor 4
Dramatics 1
Altar Guild 4
Art 3, 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4
Christmas Program 3, 4
Creative Writing 4
Halo Reporter 3, 4
Halo Staff: Fashion Editor 4
N.E.D. T. Score 1, 99 percentile, 2, 97 percentile
Future Nurses' Club 2
Cheerleader 3, 4
Intramurals 2, 3, 4
Homecoming Court 3, 4
Chorus 4
Altar Guild 4
Homecoming Dance Committ~e 3, 4
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4
Halo Reporter 2, 3, 4
Service Club 3
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
Shorthand 4
"And beauteous, even where beauties most abound."
Intramurals 3, 4
Chorus 3, 4
Homecoming Dance Gommittee 4
Christmas Program 3, 4
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
"Most learned of the fair, mosi: fair of the learned."
National Merit Scholarship semi-finalist 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 4; Pelican Girls' State Representative 4; Student Council Representative 2; Committee Chairman 4; Homecoming Court 4; Shield Assistant 1; Shield Staff: Assistant Editor 4; Chorus 1; Style Show 2; Layreader 4; Altar Guild 4; T_yping 3; Modem Dance Club 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 3; Homecoming Dance Chairman 4; Creative Writing 4; Halo Reporter 3; Halo Staff: Feature Editor 4; Social Issues 4; Powder Puff Football 4: N.E.D.T. Score 1,2, 99 percentile, Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Representative to National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Latin Award 3
"Gentlemen always seem to remember blondes."
Honor Roll 1. 2, 3
National Honor Society 3, 4
National Honor Society Vice-President 4
Class Officer: Treasurer 1, 3, 4
Jr. Varsity Football 1
Varsity Football 4
Intramurals 2, 3. 4
Typing 2
Physical Science Club 1,3,4
Physical Science Club Officer: Vice -President 4
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4
Perfect Attendance 1
N. E. D. T. Scores 1, 99 percentile, 2, 99 percentile
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4
National Honor Society 2, 3, 4
National Honor Society Secretary 4
Class Officer: President 1, Treasurer 2
Shield Starf: Assistant Business Manager 2, 3, Business Manager 4
Style Show 1
Typing 2
Sewing 1
Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4
German Club 3
Halo Reporter 1, 2, 4
Social Issues 4
Service Club 3
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
N.E.D. T. Score 1, 97 percentile, 2, 96 percentile
Spanish Club 3,4
Shorthand 4
"The force of his own merit makes his way."
"Genius is nothing but a great aptitude for patience."
"Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow you may fall in
Varsity Football 3, 4
Chorus 3, 4
Chorus Officer: Bass Section Leader 3, 4
Christmas Program 3, 4
Creative Writing 4
Concert Choir 4
"And every man decide th the way his soul shall go."
Shield Staff: Photographer 4
Chorus 4
Physical Science Club 4
ROGER LEE "Roger " StM '65-'66love."WILLIAM NALL KUHLMAN "Bill"
"Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing."
National Honor Society 4
Typing 4
"Be wisely worldly, but not worldly wise."
Chorus 3, 4
Altar Guild 4
Typing 3
Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4
Christmas Program 3, 4
Office Aide 4
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
"Too good for banning, and too bad for blessing."
Class Officer: Vice-President 4, Secretary-Treasurer 1
Jr. Varsity Football 1
Jr. Varsity Football Captain 1
Varsity Football 2, 3, 4
Varsity Basketball 1,2,3,4
Track 1, 2
Homecoming Escort 4 Assistant 1
Shield Staff: Co-Processing Coordinator 2
Chorus 3, 4
Chorus Officer: Robes 3
Acolyte 4
Christmas Program 3, 4
Halo Typist 4
Athletic Honor Award 1
Spanish Club 4
Favorite: Most Athletic Boy 3
"The only way to get rid of temptat io n is to yield to it."
Varsity Football 4
"I do not think a braver gentleman, More active -valiant, or more valiant-yourig, More daring or more bold, is now alive, To grace this latter age with noble deeds."
Jr. Varsity Football 1
Varsity Football 2, 3, 4
Football Co-Captain 4
All District Football 3
All Riverside Football 3
Track 1,2,3
State Track 2, 3
Homecoming Escort 4
Chorus 3
Typing 1
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3
Powder Puff Football Coach 3
Athletic Honor Award: Most Valuable Back 3, Most Valuable Track Man 3, Best All-Around Athlete 3
N.E.D.T. Score 1, 94 percentile, 2, 91 percentile
Shield Assistant 1
B, MORGAN "Jesse"
"I always say a good saint is no worse than a bad cold."
Spanish Club 4
Homecoming Escort 4
Shield Staff: Photographer 1, 2
Chorus 3, 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 4
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 97 percentile, 2, 91 percentile Class Officer: Vice President 1
StM '60-'66SUSAN
"There is only one thing in the world world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
Shield Assistant 1
Chorus 4
Altar Guild 4
Library Aide 4
Typing 1
Sewing 2
Modern Dance Club 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3, 4
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4
Office Aide 3, 4
Halo Reporter 3
Service Club 3,4
Powder Puff Football 4
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 93 percentile
"Feminine vanity; that divine gift which makes women charming. "
Honor Roll 2
Class Officer : Vice-President 1, 3
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Homecoming Court 3
Chorus 3, 4
Typing 1
Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4
Halo Reporter 1, 2, 3
Social Issues 3
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
Future Nurses' Club 2
N.E.D.T. Score 1, 95 percentile, 2, 95 percentile
StM '53-'66
"A woman would run through fire and water for such a kind heart."
Honor Roll 1
Intramurals 2
Homecoming Escort 4
Acolyte 4
Art 1
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4
Halo Reporter 2, 3
Social Issues 3, 4
N.E.D.T. Score 1, 95 percentile
Spanish Club 3, 4
"It is grievous to be caught."
Honor Roll 2, 3
National Honor Society 4
Volleyball 3, 4
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Volleyball Intramural Champions 3
Shield Assistant 4
Library Aide 4
Typing 2
Sewing 3
Modern Dance Club 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 3
Office Aide 4
Creative Writing 4
Co-Editor of publication
Halo Typist 4
Socia 1 Issues 4
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
N. E. D. T. Score 2, 98 percentile
StM '55-'66
"I refuse to fall into the rut of humanity!"
Honor Roll 1, 2
Perfect Attendance 2
Girls' Basketball 4
One Team Award 4
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Volleyball Intramural Champions 3
Shield Assistant 2, 3, 4
Chorus 4
Style Show 1
Altar Guide 4
Typing 1
National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3, 4
Office Aide 4
Russian Club 2, 3
Halo Reporter 2, 3, 4
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
N.E.D. T. Score 1, 95 percentile, 2, 93 percentile
Future Nurses' Club 1
Modern Dance 4
"He was indeed the glass wherein the noble youth did dress themselves."
Class Officer: Secretary 1
Jr. Varsity Football 1
Varsity Football 3
Jr. Varsity Basketball 2
Track 1, 2
Homecoming Escort 4
Layreader 4
Russian Club 4
Literary Club 4
Creative Writing 4
Halo Reporter 1, 2, 3
Social Issues 3, 4, President 4
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 97 percentile
SUZANNE PETTIT "Suzy"StM '61-'66
"Beulah, peel me a grape."
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
Honor Roll 3
National Honor Society 4
Track 1
Volleyball 2
Girls' Basketball 3, 4
One Team Award 2
Two Team Award 3
Badminton Team 3, 4
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Shield Assistant 1, 2; Staff: Photo Custodian 3
Advertising Manager 4
N.E.D. T. Score 1, 90 percentile, 2, 91 percentile
Chorus 4
Altar Guild 4
Typing 1
Sewing 2
National Conference of Christians and Jews 4
Modern Dance Club 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4
Office Aide 3, 4
Creative Writing 4
Halo Typist 3
Halo Reporter 4
"Sometimes quiet is an unquiet thing."
Varsity Football 3
Art 1
Typing 3
Physical Science Club 2, 4
Social Issues 4
N.E.D.T. Score 1, 98 percentile, 2, 95 percentile
"Gr an t"
"I pref e r an accommodating vice to an obstinatt virtue."
Honor Roll 1
Jr. Varsity Basketball 1, 2
Varsity Basketball 3, 4
Track 3
Intramurals 1 , 2
Typing 1
Physical Scien c e 1, 2, 4
Christmas Program 1, 2
Social Issues 4
Spanish Club 4
N . E. D. T. Score 1, 95 per cen tile, 2, 96 per cen tile
"The Great Leslie"
"The heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, the hand to execute. "
Honor Roll 3
National Honor Society 3, 4
National Honor Society President 4
Pelican Boys ' State Representative 4
Class Officer: President 3, Vice - President 1, 2
Jr. Varsity F ootba 11 1
Varsity Football 2,3,4
Football Co-Captain 4
Jr. Varsity Basketball 1 , 2
Varsity Basketball 3, 4
Track 2, 3
Acolyte 4
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4
Halo Reporter 3
Halo Staff: Sports Editor 4
Social Issues 3, 4
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 99 percentile, 2, 98 percentile
Athletic Honor Award 3
Spanish Club 3,4
StM '54-'66
"Silver-footed ironies, veiled jokes, and tiptoe malices were stealing to explode a huge laugh at one's feet. "
Honor Roll 3
Shield Assistant 4
Chorus 4
Altar Guild 4
Typing 1
Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4
Halo Reporter 1, 2, 3, 4
Social Issues 3
Powder Puff Football 3
Future Nmses' Club 2
Modern Dance Club 4
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 95 percentile, 2, 92 percentile
"The gentle minde by gen tie deeds is knowne. "
Layreader 4
Altar Guild 4
Library Aide 2, 4
Typing 1
Sewing 3
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 99 percentile, 2, 99 percentile
"Yes, an' no, an'mebbe, an' mebbe not."
Varsity Football 3
Jr. Varsity Basketball 1, 2
Varsity Basketball 3, 4
Track 3
Intramurals 1, 2
Art 3, 4
Typing 1, 2
Christmas Program 1, 2, 4
"Science distinguishes a man of honour from one of those athletic whom undeservedly we call heroes."
Track 2, 3
State Track 3
Bowling Team 1
Chorus 4
Biological Science Club 1, 4
Physical Science Club 1, 2 , 3, 4
C reative Writing 4
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 95 percentile, 2, 94 percentile
Physical Science Club President 4
StM '59-'66 ALLISON SMITHStM '65-'66
"Be it your care to follow; you shall be safe with me as your leader."
Class Officer: President 4
Jr. Varsity Football 1
Varsity Football 2, 3, 4
All District Football 2, 3
Jr. Varsity Basketball 2
Basketball Manager 4
Track 2
Intramurals 4
Shield Assistant 2
Shield Staff: Copy Editor 3
Chorus 3, 4
Layreader 4
Biological Science Club 1
Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, Chairman 3, 4
Christmas Program 2, 3, 4
Office Aide 4
Powder Puff Football Coach 3, 4
N. E. D. T. Score 1, 99 percentile 2, 97 percentile
"No beauty like the beauty of the mind."
National Merit Scholarship semi-finalist 4
National Honor Society 4
Chorus 4
SpanishClub 4
"And he that makes his soul his surety, I think, does give the best security."
Typing 3, 4
Physical Science Club 4
Homecoming Dance Committee 4
Spanish Club 4
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
National Merit Scholarship semi-finalist 4
Varsity Football 3, 4
Varsity Basketball 3, 4
Track 3
Intramurals 3
Art 3
Typing 2
Biological Science Club 1, 2
Physical Science Club 1, 2
Creative Writing 4
Social Issues 4
N.E.D.T. Score 1,2 , 99 percentile
"The most manifest sign of wisdom is a continual cheerfulness. "
Pelican Girls' State Alternate 3
Student Council Represent!l.tive 2, 3, 4
Student Council Vice-President 4, Secretary 3, Committee Chairman 3, 4
Perfect Attendance 1
Homecoming Game Cheerleader 4
Badminton Team 2, 4
Chorus 1,2,3,4
Chorus Officer: Section Leader 3, Madrigal Singers 1
La yreader 4
Altar Guild 4
Typing 1
Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4
Halo Typist 4
Halo Reporter 1, 2
Powder Puff Football 3, 4
N.E.D. T. Score 1, 96 percentile, 2, 97 percentile
Future Nurses' Club 3
"Each man is justified in his individuality, as his nature is found to be immense."
Social Issues 3, 4
Shorthand 4
"He reads much; he is a great observer, and tie looks quite through the deeds of men."
Physical Science Club 4
Social Issues 4
"He is a gentleman, because his nature is kind and affable to every creature."
Pelican Boys' State Alternate 4
Student Council Representative 1, 4
Student Council Officer: Treasurer 4, Committee Chairman 4
Perfect Attendance 1, 3
Jr. Varsity Football 1
Varsity Football 2,3,4
Varsity Basketball 1, 2, 3
Track 2, 3
Intramurals 1
Hom ec oming Escort 4
Typing 1
Biological Science Club 1, 2
Christmas Program 3
Literary Club 4
N.E.D.T. Score 1,2, 99 percentile
Snack Bar Assistant Manager 1
Acolyte 4
StM '57-'66"It is endless to dispute upon everything that is disputable. "
Typing 4
Creative Writing 4
"Lady through whose profound and fragile lips the sweet clumsy feet of April came into the ragged meadow of my soul."
Pelican Girls' State Alternate 3
Cheerleader 4
Alternate Cheerleader 3
J. V. Cheerleader 1
Powder Puff Football 4
N.E.D.T. Score 1, 95 percentile, 2, 91 percentile
Intramurals 1, 4
Homecoming Court 4
Shield Staff: Assistant Editor 4
Dramatics 1
Modern Dance Club 4
Home c oming Dance Committee 2, 3, 4
Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4
Russian Club 2, 3
Creative Writing - Business Manager 4
Halo Staff: Business Manager 3, Circulation Editor 4
I've wanted to tell you this for a long time."
It's a new game"Puddle-Hopping to "-" ,._- , Classes. "David Anderson Kathy Burck Doug Black Earl Dobbs Keith Ann Bateman David Burnett Billy Brockman Paulette Dupont Lynne Beasley Bill Bryson Carol Eavenson Parham Berryman Rick Collins James Fisher Bruce Johnston Mike Hesse Victoria McCracken Suzanne Fleming Steve Kimble Cathy Hovland Mary Menge Ricky Gregory Anne Krementz Pat Hansen \ ). Carl Johnson Courtee Merrick Charles Mcchesney Connie Moore Barbara Robichaux Betsy Ordemann Buz Rowan Malcolm Moran Carol Robinson Bill Phifer Elena Rudeke Mike Moseley Cathy Rose Anne Riser Judy Saik Melinda Moss Steve Roussel Linda Shell Barbara Taylor K. T. Turnbull Jimmy Wilkinson Max Snell Allen Weller Gail Thompson Kay Williams David Snyder Richard Wells John Tucker Bill Wright Rusty Tarver Danny White
As the dying Eskimo said, "Make mine a cold bier." ...Jfr-a ....
"You've said your Worle "
"Well, my friends call me Mi llie Millipede,",.
STEVE HARKNESS - Sergeant-at-Arms
JAN SAUNDERS - Secretary
Marie-Louise Kreeger Louis McFaul McHugh Marshall Pat Murray Nelson Jane Nieset Arthur Norton Lynda Lafaye Olaf Olsen Philip Letard Barbara Oster Kathy Mcchesney Michael Pettit Mary Matthew Victoria Morgan Nelson Moskal Jan Saunders Joe Robert Schmoyer Charles Stedman Deborah Wendlandt Debra Wendt Georgia Wendt Redden Nancy Wilkinson Cathy Reily Sandra Williams Beth Robinson Debbie Wolf Fred Rodriguez Linda Tuero Donald Wallis William Waltman Lan YoungFearful Freshmen
Vice-President JUDY GORE
Vice-President BRIAN BERARD
Vice-President PEPPER HATCH
Missing from picture:
Treasurer SPENCER OLIVER Sergeant-at-Arms CAMERON DUNCANCharles Bahn
Janell Bankston
Mary Beth Barnes
Brian Berard
Maura Berard
Frank Blakey
Mike Boyce
Benny Brown
Steven Brown
Eric Carlson
Carole Caro
Mike Cothren
Marie Decamp
Bernie Duma s
Cameron Duncan
Lee Edwards
Doug Fleming
Hardy Fowler
Kathy Fritts
Hank Gamble
Glenn Gay Gail Hazard Dorothy Holzer Frosty Horton Annette Jones Marty Kilgore John Kimble Hamilton Lob Judy Gore Jeff Haspel Malcolm Maginnis Sharon Mccallon Pepper Hatch Barbie Houser Joycelyn James Marylin Johnson Becky McKown Bayard Miller Estelle Nagel Patty Nagel David Normann Margo Pelias Sherrie Persia Fran Phillips Tyler Posey Lester Montgomery Gray Morrison Guy Randolph Betty Richard Michael Murphy Spencer Oliver Margaret Olsen Terry Riordan Martha Shober Suzy Snyder Clay Spencer Marcy Van Wart Glenn Wakefield Pamela Weber Brad Rucker Susan Wells David Russell Amy West Richard Russell Carol West Anne Shepherd Marilyn Steiner Beth Stevens Jade Van Meter Debbie WilkinsonEffervescent Eighth
Sergeant-at-Arms - - - - - - - - - BILL CUMMINS
Vice-President - - - - - - JIM PELLERIN
Sergeant-at-Arms - - - - PARKER MURPHY
Vice-President - - - - BRENDA JONES
Treasurer - - - - - - - JOHN PAUL FLEMING
President - - - - - - - - - - - PAT HOGAN
Secretary - - - - - - - - - - - - KITTY FERGUSON
Treasurer - - - - - - - - - - BARRY KENNEDY
President - - - - - - - - - - - - - RANDY GREGSON
Secretary-Treasurer - - - - - NANCY NAPIER
Treasurer - - - - - - - - - DAVID CULPEPPER
President - - - - - - - - MELISSA PAYNE
Secretary - - - - - KITTY von GOHREN
President - - - - - - - - - - - - INDIA FLEMING
Secretary - - - - - - - - - - - LOUISE HORTON
Vice -President - - - - - - - - - - - BILL BENNETT
Vice -President - - - - - - - - - - - ERNIE SIMS
Sergeant-at-Arms - - - - - - - - - BASI McASHAN
Sergeant-at-Arms - - - - - - - - - REGINA DILLON
John Andrews
Elizabeth Aycock
Debbie Bahn
Bonnie Ball
Carl Bankston
Alvin Baume - r
Worth Beasley
William Bennett
Laura Bohne
Robin Bohrer
Randy Brown
James Brymer
Lee Chastant
Stephen Corliss
David c l u pepper
William Cum mms
Robin Dahlber
G.G. g l l Dillon
Warren Dodd
David Ducrest
Dabney Ewin
Jack Faulkner
Kitty Ferguson
India Fleming
John Paul Fleming
Sherry Gilbert
Peter Goodman
Randolph Gregson
Brenda Jones
Barrett Kennedy
Sparky Kobrock
Pam Latham
Karen Hopper
Louise Horton
James Grunewald Susan Hagstette Pat Hogan Leslie Hays Kelly HillGail
Pritchard Matthew David Melius William Meyer Billy Morgan Parker Murphy \ Nancy Napier Stuart Neal Ross Lennox Liebetrau McA shan McFarland Douglas Nestor Nieset Parisi PartridgeMelissa Payne
James Pellerin
Guy Philpott
Susan Platter
Mary Janet Salm
James Scheurich
Tommy Shepherd
Ernest Sims
Lisa Smith
Thomas Smith
Ronnie Snodgrass
Cindy Sprague
Mary Summers
Clifford Sutter
Jennifer Treen
Kitty von Gohren
Judy Wallis
Kenneth Walsh
Harrison Weber
Leslie Weber
Carolyn Wood
Roxanne Wright
Chris Wyckoff
Saintly Seventh
Sergeant -at-Ar ms
Suzanne Allen
Charlotte Bahn
Diehl Beasley
Rebecca Bernos
Cathy Bott
Gary Brewster
Carolyn Brown
Babs Bryant
Libby Carlson
Kim Christesen
Mehl Cimini
Sarah Coffee
Ty Cook
John Corder
Sylvia Cunningham
Denise Eavenson
Charles Favrot
Benton Gay
Barry Graf
Kathy Haase Mary Harkness Louise Harris Philip Hatch Cynthia Haynes Martha Henard Kim Holtzman Peter Howard Jamie LeNoir Carson Llewllyn Philip Martin Andrew Martinez Meredith Mccloskey Jane Orfila Suzanne Parr Julie Pellerin Mike Persia Sally Pettit Susan Merrick Cherry Phillips Carol Miller Melinda Miller Mark Moore Roxane Moskal Louise NormannLisa Posey
Robert Richardson
Jill Saunders
Onni Savola
Brooks Smith
Katherine Smith
Peggy Taylor
Arthur Walker
Candy Waters
George WUson
Gregory Winskey
Wendy Wolf
Robert Schimek Peter Stedman Charlotte Spencer"Now just watch them, Hilda, and you'll know exactly what to do."
Elementary Dedication
The 1966 Shield staff dedicates the elementary portion of the yearbook to a person who has not only given the lower school a sense of music appreciation, but who has also be en a vital part of each chapel service. In grateful appreciation , we dedicate t his se c tion toMRS. ALICE M. BOWMAN THE REV. JOHN LONGSTREET RHYMES B. A., University of Mississippi; B.D. Kenyon College~ M. Ed., Tulane University (Lower School Principal and Supervisor) CLAIRE ROBINSON Secretary of the Lower School ALICE M. BOWMAN B M., Louisiana State University (Music) BOBBYE BERARD (Remedial Reading) CHARLES R. DIKE B. A., Louisiana Polytechnic Institute; Tulane (Physical Education) ROBERT FLETTRICH (Phy sical Education Assistant) SARA BUCHANAN SHYMANSKI B.A W. Ky. State Teachers College ; U. of Ill. ; U. of Wis. ; Tulane; Loyola (Elementary Librarian, Audio-Visual Aids) JOE G. WALSH B. A., Baylor University; M.A. T., Tulane; M. S. M. N 0. Baptist Theological Seminary (Music) BELLE L. JOHNSON Newcomb College; Tulane University (Physical Education) FLORENCE RUTH F. SWAN B. A., Newcomb College; Tulane University; Louisiana State University (Art) ROBERT A WEDGE (Playground Supervisor)"So I told him ••• "
"He hasn't called in 2 weeks."
"Yea, yea, ya seen one of these parties, ya seen 'em all."
"So I'm two hours late."
"A wright you guys, dis is de way it's gonna be, see."
"Birds of a feather ••• "
"Birthday, Smirthday!"
"Behind every George, there's a Martha."
"What's he got that I haven't?"
Those school lunches will do it to us every time!
The foundation isn't the best, but we don't want it to last forever.
"We play games."
••• and after we put the tack in her chair ••• "
You're going to fall, yes?
He thinks
Alfred Brown
Monty Burlingame
Renee Chastant
Clifford Conrad
Foster Duncan
Stephen Duncan
Gerald Evans
David Gamble
Barbara Gore
Karin Grafstrom
Martha Hatch
Andrea Heebe
David Hesse
Duncan Maginnis
Louise Mykolyk
Lauralee Reed
Susan Ashby
Denis Barry
Marc Berard
Carolyn Brown
Danny Brymer
Tommy Capps
Charlie Cowand
John Dahlberg
Kelly Duncan
Leah Elbrecht
Constance Ewin
Kathy Favrot
John Fisher
Karen Hansen
Leigh Harris
Chris Lawson
William Ball
Cintra Austin Thomas Bateman Carol Gore Phyllis Hecht Cynthia JacobsLinda Kimble
Katherine Leslie
Michael McCullar
Robert Meyer
Kirk Moore
Kevin Moss
Kenne th Nelson
Elisabeth Page
Cary Schulz
Sigrid Soderberg
Macy Teeter
Carole Touzet
Horace Vallas
Christian von Gohren
Sharon Wakefield
Sally West
Brian White
Kathryn Williams
Elizabeth Bankston
Gregory Berard
Christopher Carpenter
Anita Creamer
Darcy Devine
Walton Ewin
Loring Ferguson
Mark Fisher
Barrett Flowers
Liz beth Gould
Steven Graf
Susan Habeeb
Randy Fox
Mary Marsha Hazard
Elizabeth Horton
Patti Jacobs
Craig Lawson
Stephen Long
Christine McGrew
Mark Morere
Anne Murphy
Richard Nieset
Pam Page
Cindy Phillips
John Pullen
Jimmy Ray
Jay Reed
Carla Reinhard
Laura Roach
Mary Kay Robinson
Page Rydstrom
Wes Samples
Ben Treen
Eddie Whitfield
Peter Wilson
Lisa Woolfolk
Lee Ann Ashby John Austin Stacy DeMartiniWalter Becker
Rufu s Brown
Tim Brown
Cameron Carraway
Stewart Dahlberg
Celia Elbrecht
Lindsay Ellis
Stephen Gamble
Randy Graham
Charles Harris
Carol Humphreys
Charles Lee
Rosalie Lopez
Diane Massimini
Carol Mykolyk
Adair Pedrick
Gail Randolph
Francoise Richardson
Anne Ro u ssel
Nancy Sanders
Alan Schimek
Sudie Senter
William Shell
Harold Tabb
George Ward
Kirk Williams
Linda Wilson
James Rusch
Margaret Stainback
Robert Streeck
William Sullivan
Charles Tanner
Sharie Ann Taylor
Steven Threefoot
Jennifer Tuero
Robert Washington
Donna West
Janetta Williams
Patty Williams
Monique Wilson
B. s., Louisiana Polytechnic Institute; University of Houston; Tulane University
Brian Ball Mark Peterson MA RY COURTNEY BRYMER Diane Bateman Blalock Patricia Mccloskey Medlock Parkerson Timothy Boone Corbett Davis Gibert Elisabeth GrafstromDiane Deane
Michele Liles
Bruce McDowell
Laura McLaughlin
Randolph Marchmont
Leslie Martinez
Richard Mayer
Penelope Miles
Robert Normann
Carol Oster
Hunter Phillips
Jimmy Robinson
Barry Sims
Pringle Teetor
Donna Lee Young
Cindy Calo
Stuart Clay
Winston DeBlanc
Ricky Depp
Carol Becker
Avery Bur glass
Ann Fleetwood
Chris Fox
Elizabeth Gaines
Theodore Geoca
John Green
Jeffrey Holmquist
Martha Holzer
Greg Keller
Ruth Maginnis
Mary McKinney
Erin Memmer
Cecil Morgan
Lisa Mott
Wally Porter
Lucy Ray
Jan Rydstrom
John Vallas
David Walker
Boyd Bel Crichton Brown
Rod Clement
Elizabeth Coffee
Kim Cotter
Julie Favrot
Rebecca Gould
Monica Grafstrom
Sally Harris
Diane Hartley
Buel Humphreys
Patsy Llewellyn
John McRae
Susan Montgomery
Melissa Morere
Stacy Nugent
B. A., Tulane; Louisiana State University
David Arceneaux
David Arthur
Susan Bee
Mary Kathryn Carl
Jim Cook
Laura Corbett
Michael Ebbert
Leslie Fox
Alexandra Georges
Lauren Hartwell
William Kihneman
Brian McCracken
Leslie McLaughlin
Tracy Mitchell
John Moffett
Douglas Montgomery
Paul Newman
Michael O'Conner
Gary Oelsner
Dutch O'Neal
James Stone
Elizabeth Lizarraga
Frank Toye
Elizabeth Williams
Anne Atkinson
Catherine Ba bin
Catana Brown
Kendall Carraway
Kenneth Eilertsen
Lance Fitz pa trick
Michael Garner
Jaye Dee Ingerman
Kent Klein
Margaret Martinez
Stephen Matta
Donald Memmer
Roy Mouras
Charles Reily
Brett Schellhase
Gregory Scott
Lisa Taylor
Bert Wilson
John Bamforth
Lisa Carl
Camille Clement
Robbie Davis
Brian Grove
B. A., Louisiana State University; B. s., Louisiana Tech.
Charlene Hill
Brian Huber
Lorraine Jordan
John Mccollam
David McDowell
John McKinney
Elizabeth Martin
David Mayer
Sharon Morere
Todd Persia
Charlotte Robinson
Erin Russell
Robert Sims
Amy Threefoot
Melissa Van Meter
Lori David Rebecca ShannonAllison Hartwell
Gwen Holmquist
Snappy Jacobs
Robbie Langlow
Dean Lindsey
Kindergarte n
Joyce Mccarter
Rachel McCracken
Virginia Mioton
Jennifer Northrop
Timmy Prutzman
Britt Russell
Eric Schulz
Tal Smallwood
Laura Vallas
Laura Williams
John Adema
Elizabeth A yerst
Christian Brown
Jamie Calo
Karlyn Clay
Barbara Crawford
Bryan Deane
Eleanor Eilertsen
Victoria Fleetwood
Kathy Gordon
NELL C . BERNOS B. A., University of Southwestern Louisiana; Tulane UniversityFavorites
Homecoming Queen
Ann Bremermann Candy Hammett Donna Dayton Sonny Bowman Pat Adkins Michael Pelias Carol RobinsonDon't collapse. don't collapse.
AndI never even suspected!
Smeck! Candy sure is sweet.
The Seven Vestal VirginsScholarship
National Merit Scholarship Finalists
N.E.D. T.
Billy Brockman, Mike Pettit, Don Wallis, Joe Redden, Donnie Marshall, Collins Haynes, David Anderson, Bruce Johnston, Carl Johnson , Mike Moseley, Earl Dobbs, Billy Wright, Steve Kimble, Betsy Ord emann, Melinda Moss, Anne Krementz, Cathy Rose, Sandra Chalstrom, Chuck Stedman, Fred Rodrigu e z, Olaf Olsen, Rose Evans, Jimmy Wilkinson, David Snyder, Charles Mcchesney, James Fisher, Lind a Shell, Lynne Beasley, Kitty Bankston, Becky Emmons, Ellen Jonassen, Marie-Louise Kreeger, Kathy McChesney, Bris Garrard, Philip LeTard, Rusty Tarver MISSING FROM PICTURE: Mike Hesse
90th-95th PERCENTILE
Bob Capps, David Burnett , Ricky Gregory, Richard Wells , Jerry Gatto, Dan Young, Steve Roussel, Betsy Bultman, Buz Rowan, Penny Anthon, Cathy Reily, Barbara Barnard, Buz Burck, Vicki McCracken, Courtee Merrick, Carol Robinson, Mary Menge, Debbie Wolf, Tommy Jahncke MISSING FROM PICTURE: Carol Eavenson, Max Snell, K. T; Turnbull , Ginger Nelson, Mary Matthew, Lynda Lafaye, Calvin Fleming, John Blalock, Russell Morgan
TOMMY KREMENTZ Vice President ELLSWORTH O. VAN SLATE Sponsor JOHN RUCKER PresidentHonor Society
Boys' Coaches
ERNEST BEL Football Line Coach TONY PORTER - Head Football Coach Trac:rt Coach IlM LATHAM Football Backfield Coach CHARLES Dl'KEJr. Varsity Football Coach Varsity Basketball Coach ROBERT FLETTRlCH Asst. Jr. Varsity Football Coach Jr. Varsity Basketball Coach JOHN RUCKER - Co-Captain REED MORGAN - Co-Captain · STEVE FALGOUT - ManagerSAINTS RIP COR JESU, 32-0
Morgan Scores 3 IDs for St. Martin's
By DAVE LONGCoach ' Tony ,Porter's St. Martin's Saints Friday overwhelmed the small Cor Jesu Kingsmen or. a wet St. Martin's field, 32-0.
The powerful and more experienced Saints . took control from the opening kickoff and compl~tely dominated the game.
St. Martin's started off the :game with a successful on-sides ldck After an exchange of the !ball, quarterback Tommy Merrick handed off to fleet halfback Reed Morgan, who skirted right end for a 49-yard touch0 down and the lengest run of the game.
The extra point attempt was missed.
Cor Jesu quarterback Ow.cos Morvant tried unsuccessfully to move his team, but an overpowering defense, led by tackles Rick Collins and BriaR Begue forced a fumble, and St. Martin's took over on Cor Jesu's 38. Fullback Mike Mosseley carried the ball over for another Saint's score.
Cor Jesu, with ' a bad case of fumbleitis, again put the Saints in scoring JJOSition, and this time Merrick ran the optjon over for another score. Morgan carried for the PAT. Morgan again made the scoring column when he picked his way through the Cor Jesu line for a 10-yard jaunt. The PAT was no good.
TOMMY MERRICK - Back · BRIAN BEGUESaints Jolt Curtis, 32-6
Merrick Passes for Three Touchdowns
By Di\ VE LONGThe St. Martin's Saints over1.whelmed an aggressive John :Curtis team Friday at St. Martin's , 32-6.
Led by quarterback Tommy Merrick , the Saints put on an aerial display that d a z z 1e d everyone .
The Saints' first tally came early in the second quarter when guard Tim Melius recovered a fumble on the Patriots' 36-yard line. Merrick then threw to end Roger Lee for the score. Fullback Mike Moseley added the other score as the half came to a close
The second half was dominated by St. Martin ' s Hard-running back R e e d Morgan piled up yardage as he brought the ball up to the Patriots' one-yard line. l\1errick crashed over for the score. Th e game ended only after Merrick threw two more TDs and added the extra points.
Newman Stops St. Martin's, 7-0
Newman's powerful Greenies had to depend on their rugged defensive crew to defeat the surprising St. Martin Saints 7-0 Friday at St. Martin Stadium.
The win upped · the Green· ies' win total to three games against one loss, while the defeat evened the Saints mark at 2-2.
A 60-yard drive engineered by signal -caller Gus Lorber led to all the scoring the <keenies needed for the victory. Bruising fullback John Autenreith swept left end for 10 yards for the touchdown. Lorber passed to M;ic McCall for the extra point.
Iron men in the Greenies' invulnerable defense were McCall and B,illy Green in the secondary, and Mike DeSalvo, David Haspel, and Stan Longenecker in the line,
The games' top rusher was scrappy Reed Morgan who toted the pigskin for 96 yards in 13 plays for the losers. Autinreith ripped the Saints' line for 66 yards in eight carries.
Mistakes Help Falcons Top St. Martins, 14-6
Ben Franklin Picks Up two consecutive times for eight • .- yards each to move the ball F:arst Victory within the 10-yard line from where they scored four plays
Ben Franklin found an offense Sutherland's interception with and St. Martin's misplaced a about 15 seconds left in the half defense as the Falcons trimmed gave the Falcons the ball on the the Saints 14-6 Friday at St. st. Martin's 38 and Bean found Martin's. Mike Flemming on the next play
Jim ~ean blocked. a Sai?ts lwith the TD toss.
punt which set up a first period St. Martin's scored late m the Falcon score and Ben Franklin game when Tom Merrick hit scored aga:in on a 38-yard pass Reed Morgan with a 19-yard on the last play of the first half. aerial.
The Falcons picked up their Sutherland led the Falcons on first win in fiva starts. 'J'.hey the ground with 70 yards. Ben had scored ?nly one previous Franklin picked up 99 rushing touchdown this season. St. Mar- and 53 through the air. tin's, squaring its record at 3-3, st. Martin's had 109 yards had held two tffi:Igh opponen~s rushing and 64 in the air. Morto one touchdown m the last pair gan led the Saints with 71 yards of starts, but the defense on the ground. St. Martin's couldn't contain the Falcon Merrick threw 25 times and drives in the first half. . completed eight.
Bud Sutherland scored late
In Ben Franklin ,
the first period on a one-yard 5\c~?n~\n ' ssF.:.:.i=iemmiriii: · g8-~ari , ': · plunge. Bean's blocked punt 1f~g;:: ,$.~~~[~~\ (PAT, Flemming, pass _ gave the Falcons the ball on the IHirt;;;;~u~~;~10,~~;,, ~:~~?[~). run. (PAT, Saints' 23. Sutherland carried !riJr-MarQan, 19-vard POSS from Mer-
TOMMY KREMENTZ - End MALCOLM SUTTER - Center DREW WHITLEY - Tackle RANDY BROOKS - EndMerrick Leads Saints Over Eagles, 27 to 12
St. Martin's Clinches Tie Despite the fact that the game for Title is between two district 7-A teams, it won't count in the dis-
By GEORGE DILIBERTO trict standings.St. Martin'! . , . hasn't scheduled enough district
The _st. Mart~n s Samts, led opponents to qualify for the bf their versatile quan ~rback championship chase. St. Ber• · Tommy Merrick, defeated St . nard with its 2-0 record has al• Bernard 27-12 Friday night at /ready_ cli~ched at least a tie for St. Bernard Stadium in one of l~~e
the Riverside League ' s upsets Ist. Bernard
of th (R~~~~~g 'ru~r : M-Moselev, 2-vard run e rear. St. B-Cochran, 10-yard run . Merrick scored two touch- st. M-Buchtel, 30-vard pass from Mer• rick (Rucker, poss from Merrick) . downs and passed for another st B-Cochran, so-vard run. th S . t , t b k St. M-Merrlck , 2-yord run . as e am s quar er ac was st. M-Merrlck, 2-vard run <Rucker, too much for the Eagle defense POSS from Merrick)to contain. He scored on runs 1 of two and three yards and ' passed for 30 yards to Larry Buchtel to lead his team to victory Mike Moseley scored the other Saints touchdown on a t wo-yard plunge in the first period .
Bill y Cochran, the only bright [ spo t in the Eagle offensive ma-.1 chine , scored both St. Bernard i touchdowns, one on a 10-yard off tackle burst and the other on an 80-yard kickoff return. The win gives· St. Martin ' s a 4-2 record while St. Bernard is 3-2
JOHN AINSWORTH - BUZZ.Y ROWAN - BackSaints, Caiuns Fight to Dead-lock, 6 to 6
Many Mistakes Caused yards for the score.
The Saints moved to the Counby Bad Weather try Day two-yard line before time ran out in the first half
By JAY JIANDELMANand than scored midway of the
A steady rain was the only third period. John Rucker racked winner as the St. Martin's up the six polnts when he reSaints and Country Day Cajuns covered Mike Moseley's fumble battled to a 6-6 draw Friday at after _Moseley dropped the slipSt. Martin's pery ball at the goal line.
Both team~ fumbled and Dru Whitley and David Burmade other rrustakes due to the nett were defensive standouts wetness on numerous occasions. for St. Martin's while Steve At one point, there were furn- Mogabgag was a Cajun standbles on five consecutive plays out. with t?e ball changing hands Leland Lewis, the Cajuns each time. leading ground gainer, left the . Country Day, which was clos- game in the second period with mg out its season, scored early an injury and didn't return. in the game after recovering a countrv oav
's~~~~b'>":'"i:.:Tewi;;·u-Sar~ :Un~
o o Cl-6 Saints' fumble on St. Martin's 5
38. Leland Lewis, skipping zo~:-Rucker, recovered fumble In end through the arms of threewould-be tacklers, plowed 36
Saints Stop Ridgewood
Eagles' 15-G am e Win Streak Snapped
By JAY HANDELMANThe St. M a r t i n '.s Saints snapped Ridgewood's 15-game winning streak and did it with some solid leather-popping defense as they edged the Eagles , 6-0 Friday at St. Martin's field
A four-yard plunge by Reed Morgan midway of the second 1 period ended an 82-yard drive i and brought the Saiµts their ! marker The two biggest plays 1 ' in the drive were the first two when John Rucker scampered 16 yards to the 34 and Morgan followe·d with a 21-yard dash to the Ridgewood 45.
· The Eagles won 11 last year en , route to the Class B state championship and had picked up four this season. For the Saints, a Class 7A club which fell on hard times last year, the win br ought th~ir record to 3-2
A giant defensive effort led by ·Dan Young, David aurnett, Dru Whitley and Jordan Thompson held the Eagles to 27 yards :rushing, 11 through the air, and three first downs.
The Saints had eight first downs with 144 yards on the gtound and 16 through the air.
Rid~ewood's only good drive was its first one when it took over following a punt on St. Martin's 29-yard line artd moved it to the 17 before stalling. After that, the Saints interior ) line broke through time after time to throw Eagle runners for losses on key downs.
Morgan led the Saints offense with 74 yards rushing while Rucker netted 30. Ridgewood's top ground gainer was Ken Lyles with 19.
Ridgewood was operating without starting quarterba~k
Scoring: Morgan , 4-vard
St. Martin's Closes Season by Tripping Pioneers, 21-6
B h Sq ad Fi . h 'th· 1'ndo la"t eek 'th on IMerrick (Buchtel kick); M011an, ~yard ot · U S IDIS WI W W " W Wl a C • run (Buchtel, run); Rucker, ~o-vard run vincing 33-6 win <Buchtel, kick). MC-Barth, 67-vard p011
6-3 Marks
By JAy HANDELMAN. from Balsamo (kick failed)
St. Martin's took the open-
ing kickoff and in 18 plays had a touchdown. It came on
The St. Martin's Saints con- a fourth down pass from Mertinued to dent the hole in the rick to Buchtel and 1ollowed wall which Ridgewood breached two plays after Buchtel had last week as they tripped the dropped a ball in the end zone M.d c·t p· 21 th on the same pattern. 1 - 1 y 1oners, -6 m e M , . d b ht . organs s1x-yar run roug fmal game of the season for the Saints their second TD in both clubs Friday at St. Mar- the third period. Key to the 52tiD's. yard drive was Morgan's 23-
The Saints picked up 193 yards yard dash which put the ball on on the ground in one of their the 22. best offensive efforts of the The Merrick to Buchtel comseason. They also dicked on bination set up the third TD. their o c c a s i o n a I attempts The aerial duo connected on through the air. a 25-yarder which placed the
Scoring for tne Saints were ball on the Pioneer 40 from Larry Buchtel on an 18-yard where Rucker scored.
Score by Quarters : i pass from Tom Merrick, Reed st Martin ' s • • • 1 o 1 1-21 Morgan on a six-yard sprint, M~~;)/Xg : s.v.: ::a~ci,t,,1 : ·1s-vJr/pa~s and John Rucker on a 40-yard jaunt. I
Trailing 21--0 late in the game, I the Pioneers hit the scoreboard ' on a 67-yard aerial bomb from Glen Balsamo to Greg Barth.
Leading the way on defense for the Saints were Jorda11 Thompson, Brian Begue and Joe Redden
The final outcome left both clubs with 6-3 recodrs. Mid-City sustained its second straight loss, with Ridg~wood throwing its District lOB hopes out the
J. V. Football
The 1965 Saint Junior Varsity football team ended the season with a 4 win and 3 loss record. The team, although plagued with injuries, made a very commendable showing. Two of our losses were by a total of 12 points. In our loss to Sam Barth, our boys out hustled, out hit, and never gave up against a much bigger and stronger team. The boys showed the same hustle and determination througbout most of the season. I congratulate them and I am extremely proud of their showing.
Coach C. R. DikePelican State
BACK ROW: John Kimble, Michael Murphy, Eric Carlson, Cameron Duncan, Hank Gamble, Benny Brown, Brian Berard, Glenn Gay, Stephen Corliss, Pepper Hatch, Parker Murphy, David Russell; manager.Varsity Basketball
The 1965-66 Saint Varsity Basketball team had an overall record of 15 wins and 13 losses. Four losses were decided by two points or less; any of the games could have gone either way. The team won the Mid-City Holiday Tournament and placed third in the Lutcher Christmas Tournament. John Rucker and David Snodgrass made the Mid-City All-Tournament team, and Mike Moseley made the Lutcher All-Tournament team. The whole team performed well in both tournaments.
It is difficult to single out any individual performer on this year's team. The scoring was distributed among several of the players. The defense was good throughout the season, permitting only one team to score more than 80 points and two teams to score more than 70 points against us while fifteen teams scored only 40 points or less. On the other hand, our offense was inconsistent.
I would like to congratulate our two co-captains, Tommy Merrick and John Rucker, and all of the boys for a fine effort this season. I especially would like to thank Donna Dayton and the other cheerleaders for their fine support throughout the whole season. Their support was really appreciated and will be remembered.
Coach C.R. Dike MALCOLM SUTTER Manager"The Junior Varsity began the 1965-1966 season with a good sign - "hustle," With only two returning lettermen, it was to be the mid-way point of the season before enough experience would be gained in order to be a good team. Winning only six ball games, five of these were in district play, and in the latter part of the season. Valuable experience, tremendous improvement, and seven returning Freshmen give the Junior Varsity a good outlook for next year."
Bobby Flettrich8th GRADE
BACK ROW: Coach - Carl Flettrich, Parker Murphy, Billy Cummins, Jim Scheurich, Ronnie Snodgrass
KNEELING: Ernie Sims, Clifford Sutter, Barry Kennedy, Tommy Shepherd, Dabney Ewin
Jr.-High Basketball
BACK ROW: Coach - Carl Flettrich, Barry Graf, Peter Stedman, George Wilson Ty Cook, Charlie Favrot KNEELING: Peter Howard, Bobby Schimek, Philip Hatch, Gary Brewster, John Corder
Varsity Cheerleaders
Louise Normann
Annette Jones
Lisa Smith
Brenda Jones
Anne Shepherd
Susie Merrick
ALTERNATE CHEERLEADERS: Beth Robinson, Courtee Merrick, ALTERNATE HOMECOMING CHEERLEADERS: Susan Vickery Kristine Harter, Barbara Brewster, MISSING FROM PICTURE: Janie Boasberg HELEN LEBLANC Girls' Athletic DirectorGirls' Athletic Coaches
"This year's class has been distinguished by its unflagging participation in all phases of intramural and interscholastic activity. Our records have been commendable; but, more important, interest and enthusiasm have been good."
"The spirit of the Jr. High Teams has been excellent this year. Their enthusiasm and their desire to win proved to be rewarding, as shown by our successful win- loss record. This year our volleyball and basketball teams l;>oth had excellent records. I feel that each member gained profitable experience by serving on a team; but, most of all, I feel that my association with these girls has been a valuable experience fer me,
My deepest "thanks" to each and every member -"
MERRY MENGE Tennis Team Captain MERRY MENGE Modern Dance President SUZANNE BREEN Basketball Team Captain SUZANNE BREEN Volleyball Captain SUSAN VICKERY Badminton Team CaptainBasketball
CLOCKWISE: Suzy Synder, Annette Jones, Debbie Wilkinson, Kay Williams, Paulette Dupont, Anne Reily, Cathy Reily, Judy Gore, Anne Shepherd, Suzanne Breen Missing: Jean Allen, Wendy Dascomb, Mary Matthew, Suzy Pettit,Tennis Team
Sandra Williams, Melinda Moss, Mary Menge, Carol Robinson, Barbie Houser, Becky Emmons Missing: K. T. Turnbull, Linda TueroIntramural Winners
Keith Bateman, Cathy Rose, Merry Menge, Carol Eavenson MISSING
FROM PICTURE: Linda Shell, K. T. Turnbull
TOP ROW: Kathy Gauthier, Sandra Williams, Jean Allen
BOTTOM ROW: Sandy Gilbert, Barbara Oster, Marie-Louise Kreeger
KNEELING: Carol West, Pam Weber, Snooky Nagel,
SITTING: Mary Beth Barnes, Mopsy Shober, Anne Shepherd, Lee Edwards
Susan Vickery, Marcy Van Wart, Cathy Rose, Jane Nieset, Coral Clay, Susan Wells, Carol West, Beth Robinson
Missing: Betsy Ordemann Parham Berrymann
OPEN TEAM: Barbara Taylor, Melinda Moss, Patsy Payzant, Becky Emmons, Barbie Houser, Anne Reily, Jan Saunders, Mary Menge, Margaret Olsen, Jocelyn James, Suzy Snyder,
Missing: Mary Matthew, K. T. Turnbull
Modern Dance
Carol Eavenson, Cathy Rose, Mary Menge, Anne Krementz, Carol Robinson, Judy Saik, MISSING: Parham Berryman, Suzanne Fleming, Betsy Ordem ann, Anne Riser, Linda Shell
Betty Richard, Marilyn Steiner, Annette Jones, Bernie Dumas, Kitty Ferguson
MISSING: Maura Berard
Suzanne Breen, Anne Reily, Patsy Payzant, Donna Dayton, Anne Bremermann
MISSING: Barbara Brewster, Martha Burck, Frances Duffy
Ida Jonassen, Susan Normann
Suzy Pettit, Vail Smith, Lynn Woodbury
Jan Saunders, Penny Anthon, Ellen Jonassen, Wendy Dascomb, Karen Bahar, Barbara Barnard, Kitty Bankston, Peggy Higgins, Anne Bernos, Nancy Wilkinson, Cathy Gauthier, Cathy Reily, Beth Robinson MISSING: Mary Matthew, Bris GarrardJr. High Teams
TOP ROW: Bonnie Ball, Louise Normann SECOND ROW: Kitty von Gohren, Wendy Wolf, Marjorie Nieset, Carolyn Brown, Melinda Miller, Cathy Smith THIRD ROW; CENTER: Laura Bohne, Pat Hogan, BOTTOM ROW: Susan Platter, Brenda Jones, Jane Orfila MISSING FROM PICTURE: India Fleming, Lisa Smith
Brenda Jones SECOND ROW: Karen
Hopper, Wendy Wolf, Susan Hagsette THIRD ROW: Louise Normann, Debbie Bahn, Marjorie
Nieset FOURTH ROW: Melinda Miller, Martha Henard
BASKETBALL CAPTAIN: Laura Bohne ROW: Laura Bohne, Carolyn BrownActivities
Activity of Pa re nt Groups Is Very Helpful
PRESIDENT - Mrs. Brooke H. Duncan II
VICE-PRES. - Mrs. C. Manley Horton
SECRET ARY - Mrs. Allan J. Harris, Jr.
TREASURER - Mrs. Don White
The Mothers' Club is one of the most active groups on campus. The mothers' main project, "Heavenly Days", is always greatly anticipated each spring The tremendous profi t s from this event have helped to improve many aspects of our school.
The Dads' Club has also been invaluable in helping St. Martin's. The dads actively participate in Annual Giving and in the Development Program Campaign Fund.
Mrs. Brooke H. Duncan IIStudent
SENIOR REPRESENTATIVES Susan Vickery, Drew Whitley, Barbara Brewster COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN RANDY BROOKS President Council SPONSORS Dorothy Porter, John A us tin Carl Johnson Ida Jonassen Susan Vickery Barbara Brewster Drew WhitleyFRESHMAN REPRESENTATIVES: Pepper Hatch, Carol West,
Jan Saunders
Penny Anthon
Tyler Posey SNACK BAR JUNIOR REPRESENTATIVES Carl Johnson Jimmy Wilkinson Manager, Carol Robinson; Assistant Manager, Debbie WolfPhotographers - SONNY BOWMAN, BILL KUHLMAN, STEVE KIMBLE, JAMES FISHER, DAVID RUSSELL, STEVE FALGOUT
The Shield
Advertising Manager - ANNE REILY
Business Manager - CATHY KIRGIS
Assistant Copy Editors - BOB CAPPS, BUZ BURCK
Assistant Business Manager - CARL JOHNSON
FRANKIE YEARGAIN Sponsor MARTHA BURCK EditorAssistant Editors
Art Editor
DEBBIE WOLF - Processing Coordinator
BILLY WRIGI-IT Activities Photography Coordinator
CAROL ROBINSON Copy Transcriber
MARIE-LOUISE KREEGER Assistant Copy Transcriber
ANNE KREMENTZ Ad Photo Coordinator
FRONT ~ow - Betty Richard, Ellen Jonassen, Beth Robinson, Paulette Dupont
MIDDLE ROW - Carol West, Jan Saunders, K. T. Turnbull, Melinda Moss, Suzy Pettit, Patsy Payzant, Danny Young, Karen Baltar, Wendy Dascomb BACK ROWPeggy Higgins, Cathy Reily, Donnie Marshall, Kathy Burck, Pat Hansen, Cathy Rose, Vail Smith
IDA JONASSEN Feature Editor
Buz Rowan, Mike Pettit, Linda Shell, Richard Wells, Penny Anthon, Anne Reily, Vail Smith, Suzy Pettit, Mary Menge, Dan Young, Candy Hammet, Cathy Kirgis
Dan Gano, Bob Ewald, Keith Fennel, Melinda Moss, Anne Krementz, Courtee Merrick, Coral Clay, Susan Vickery, Patsy Payzant
BACK ROW: Jane Nieset, Frances Duffy, Susan Vickery, Carolyn Stevens, Sandy Chalstrom, Rick Gregory, Larry Buchtel, Bill Goheen, Randy Brooks, Malcolm Sutter, Mike Moseley, Connie Moore, Vail Smith, Barbara Taylor, Martha Burck, Lindy Brown
SECOND ROW: Anne Reily, Susan Normann, Sandy Gilbert, Judy Saik, Betsy Ordemann, Pat Adkins, Sonny Bowman, Johnny Ainsworth , Jesse Morgan, Steve Roussel, Paulette Dupont, K. T. Turnbull, Blair Bennett, Susie Pettit, Penny Anthon, Linda Shell
THIRD ROW: Carolyn Livingston, Carol Eavenson, Anne Riser, Susan Wells, Bill Young, Allen Weller, Buz Burck, Bill Kuhlman, Pat Murray, Bris Garrard, Kathy Mcchesney, Barbara Houser
FOURTH ROW: Ellen Jonassen, Beth Robinson, Donna Dayton, Rufus Harris, Mike McHugh, Fred Rodriguez, Steve Falgout, Cathy Rose, Anne Krementz, Candy Hammett
FRONT ROW: Marie-Louise Kreeger, Debby Wendlandt, Sharon McCallon, Dan Gano, Carl Flettrich, Lucile Edwards, Barbara Oster
BACK ROW: Carolyn Stevens, Sandra Chalstrom, Susan Vickery, Larry Buchtel, Ricky Gregory, Bill Goheen, Malcolm Sutter, Lindy Brown, Connie Moore, Cathy Hoveland, Linda Shell
FRONT ROW: Anne Riser, Frances Duffy, Carol Evenson, Judy Saik, Allen Weller, Randy Brooks, Steve Roussel, Mike Moseley, Blair Bennett, Penny Anthon, Kathy Mcchesney, Barbara Houser
BACK ROW: Bill Phyfer, Rusty Tarver, Max Snell, Jordan Thompson, Bill Bjpckman, Bill Goheen, Randy Brooks, William Waltman, Mike Pelias, Drew Whit• ley, Bill Young, MIDDLE ROW: Martha Burck, Ida Jonassen, Al Smith, James Fisher, Parham Berryman, Keith Fennell, Richard Wells, Jimmy Wilkinson, Kitty Bankston FRONT ROW: George Lewis, Bob Ewald, Mike Colby, Jim Edwards, Patsy Payzant, Ginger Davis, Kristine Harter. Lynn Wood bury
Creative Writing
BACK ROW: Photographer, Bill Goheen; Ass't. Editor, Mike Colby; Editor, Jim Edwards; Sponsor, George Lewis; Photographer, James Fisher; Typist, Bob Ewald;
SEATED: Art Editor, Ginger Davis; Lay-out Editor, Kristine Harter, Circulation Editor, Lynn Woodbury; Ass't Editor, Patsy Payzant
Fr. Rhymes, Fran Phillips, Amy West, Marylin Johnson, Jade Van Meter, STANDING: Earl Dobbs, Dickie Russell, Keith Fennell, Tyler Posey, Richard Wells
MISSING FROM PICTURE: Frank Blakey, Joycelyn James
Language Clubs
BACK ROW: Sonny Bowman, Larry Buchtel, Buz Rowan, Bill Bryson, Ricky Gregory, David Anderson, Grant Schlueter, MIDDLE ROW: Dan Gano, Wes Treloar, Marshall Ordemann, Isabel Anglade, Bruce Johnston, Steve Kimble, FRONT ROW: Elena Rudeke, Cathy Kirgis, Jesse Morgan, Carolyn Stevens, Danny White, Billy Wright
MISSING FROM PICTURE: Tom Merrick, John Rucker
Michael Pelias, Marcy Van Wart, Tony Parisi, Becky Emmons, Steve Kimble, Eddie Griffis
Library Aides
Lynn Beasly, Annette Jones, Vicki Mccraken MISSING FROM PICTURE: Mike Cothren
BACK ROW: Ross Lennox, Carol West, Courtee Merrick, Bonnie Shepherd, Barbara Taylor, Vickie McCracken, Pat Hansen, Cheryl Dodge, Linda Shell, FRONT ROW: Robin Dahlberg, Paulette Dupont, K. T. Turnbull, Judy Saik, Susan Normann, Anne Riser, Betsy Bultman, Barbara Oster
Physical Science Club and Biology Club ' r,}
BACK ROW: David Burnett, Bill Young, Bill Kuhlman, Dennis Pinette, Max Snell Dan Gano, Grant Schlueter, Tom Krementz, MIDDLE ROW: Hooker Wood, John Dunn, Ralph Bridges, Wes Treloar, Bruce Johnston, Greg Cotter, Steve Kimble, Earl Dobbs FRONT ROW: Harold Graf, Al Smith, Mike Cothern, Steven Brown, Lester Montogomery, Olaf Olsen BACK ROW: Grover Burnett, Iva Mae West, Don Wallis, Arthur Norton, Olaf Olsen, Steve Harkness, Tommy Jahncke, MIDDLE ROW: Frosty Horton, Cameron Duncan, Mike Murphy, Douglas Fleming, David Russell, John Kimble, Pepper Hatch FRONT ROW: Dan Young, Tyler Posey, Becky McKown, Marie DeCamp, Debbie Wilkinson, Philip LeTard, Charles BahnOffice Aides and Future Nurses
TOP ROW: Merry Menge, Keith Bateman, Ginger Nelson, Ann Bremermann, Brian Begue
SECOND ROW: Kathy Burck, Betsy Bultman, Fred Rodriguez, Suzy Pettit, Anne Reily, Carolyn Livingston
THIRD ROW: Mary Beth Barnes, Becky McKown, Susan Normann, Patsy Payzant, Debbie Wolf, K. T. Turnbull
BOTTOM ROW: Courtee Merrick, Barbara Barnard, Wendy Dascomb, Pat Hansen
MISSING FROM PICTURE: Janie Boasberg, MikP Hesse, Kay Williams
Service Club and Social Issues Club
Peter Goodman
Robin Dah l berg
Ross Lennox
Tommy Sheperd
Clifford Sutter
Hey girls, let's put some hustle in that bustle !
Powder Puff
"Say, honey, can we have a ride?"Paulette and her Pigskin are on the way in. Run, Kay - Tony's after ya! Gad! Pluck that spider from her sweatshirt!
Freshman Dance
"Where did you say the funeral was?"
"Maybe if we had put him in ice ••• "
"Stop you fink! Don't use my tie for a hanker chief,"
And at 11:00 they're going to stage "THE SINKING OF THE TITANIC"
"And now - for a return performanceJONAH AND THE WHALE!"
Construction Crew at Work. Beware of falling ladders!It's easy when you know your sc ore - hair cream, that is •
"What was that address??"
Rumor has it that Batman is comi ng,
God and the gang cut loose,
7th Grade Dance
Up to your old tricks - huh, Hilda?
Could it be bad breath?
"What do you mean - two holes in my neck?"
Martin's Day
Christmas Program
"Allons enfantsde la patrie,,."
"Therewas an old lady who swallowed a fly ••• " Lower School Christmas Program Candlelight service Lower school chorus performs?
Mexico Fiasco
Other Extracurricular Activities
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For Seniors:
During lunch and after school
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For Juniors:
During lunch and after school
''Go to the Little Store" is against the rule.
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