We are one, with a SPIRIT that binds, together we form a multitude.
THE RIGHT REVEREND GI RAULT M J ONES Bishop of Louisia na, e;x-offic i o
MR. BROOKE H. DUNCAN II Vice -President
MR. LEE MURPHY Secretary
MR. ELLSWORTH 0. VAN SLATE Headmaster, ex - offi cio
MRS. ERIC R PHILLPOTT, SR Assistant Secretary, ex -officio
Mothers' S:lub entertains new St M. moms.
Mrs C Manley Horton, Jr. - President
Mrs. A E Pettit - Vice-President
Mrs Dabney Ewin - Secretary
Mrs Don White - Treasurer
Mr. D. P. Spencer - Vice - Presi dent
Mr. James M Burlingame - President
Mr A E. Pettit - Treasurer
Mr. Rufus Harris - Secre tary
The Shield staff of 1967 wishes to bring forth a man who has stood solidly behind the scenes for many years. His · constant support and militaristic manper have lent an essence all its own to the life at St. Martin's. We are proud to dedicate this edition of the Shield to Colonel John Meade.
WE acknowledge him in all our ways. He has promised safely to dir e ct our steps and in our experience we shall find the promise fulfill e d.
B. S. , UDiversity of the South; L. S. T. , General Theological SemiDary;
B. A. (Theology), Oxford University, L.S .U .,N.O.
THE REV. ERNEST F. BEL Assistant Headmaster
B. A., Louisiana State University; S. T. B., General Theological Seminary; L.S.U.N.O. University of the South •
B. A. , Louisiana State University; S. T. B. , General Theological Seminary , L. S. U. , N. 0.
Director of Religious Studies
B. A. , M.A. , Tulane University; B.D., University of the South; University of PennsylvaDia; Louisiana State University in New Orleans; Loyola University.
Centenary College B. S. ,
L. S. U. (English and Mat hematics)
B.A., S.M.U. (English)
B. A. Northwestern State College of La. (English)
B S. , Delta State Teachers college; Bowling Green College of Comm e rce; St. Mary's Dominican College (En glish)
Florida State University
B. S. , Emory University; (En glish)
B. A. , Mississippi State College for Women; St. Mary's Dominican College (English and Social Studies)
B. S., University of Illinois; Yale University Tulane University University of Colorado (Biology)
B. S., Louisiana State University; Texas Southwestern University; University of Michigan; Tulane University (Science, Part Time)
B. A., University of Miss.; B.D., Kenyon College; M. Ed. , Tulane University; LSUNO (Science)
B. S. , Iowa State University; Monticello Seminary; Tulane University; Loyola University (Science)
L. D.
B. S. , Louisiana Polytechnic Institute; B. S. , M. S., Louisiana State University; Texas Christian University; Northeast Louisiana State University; University of Oklahoma (Science, Department Head)
B. S. , Louisiana State University; M . A. , George Peabody Colleg e; Tulane; Amherst; Penn. State (Social Studies) Department Head
Louisiana State University; Southern Illinois University; Louisiana State University in New Orleans, B. A. (Social Studies)
B. A., LL. B., Tulane University; M E., University of Southern M ississippi ( Social Studies)
JANET K. HARRlS, Whitman College; Western Washington State B. A. , and B. E. ; Tulane University (Junior High Mathematics)
COL. JOHN MEADE U.S. A. (Ret.) B. S. , Princeton University, Tulane University (Mathematics)
B. S. , University of Pennsylvania; State Teachers College (Pa.) Penn. State; Temple University; Louisiana State University of New Orleans; Tulane University; Loyola University (Mathematics)
B. S. , Northwestern State College of Louisiana; University of Virginia; 1 · University of Hawaii (Junior High Mathematics)
JAMES W. LATHAM A. B. , M.A. T. , Tulane University (Mathematics) Department HeadB A. , University of Puerto Rico; M A. , Tulane University (Spanish)
B. A. , University of Southwestern Louisiana; C.D.F. University of Bordeaux, France , Tulane University , University of Tennessee University de Rennes (French and Spanish) Foreign Language Department Head
B. A., Queens College M.A. , University of Wisconsin Columbia University (Spanish)
A. B. , Georgetown University; Tulan e University (Latin)
B. A. , Tulane University (French)
Funny? What did you say about my singing?
0., this was all for you
Once upon a time
Whee! This sure beats teaching.
Sticky fingers Susan - public enemy #1.
What those "Rinky Dinks" need is me!
Devil in disguise?
Now I want to know what really was in that water
Step on a crack - break your mother's back
Let's watch it Buster!
Just one semester at St. M. and I'm already a saint
Let there be light
I'm flat
Who needs crutches after a locker room party like that?
Just think - I was once a 90 pound .•...
STANDING: Frosty Hor ton, Earl Dobbs, Jeff Haspel, Jerry Wilson, SEATED: Barbara Schneider, Leigh Harris, Frank Walsh, Bredow Bell, Allen Weller
Judy Saik, Buz Rowan, Anne Riser, Linda Shell, Joy Bogan, Connie Moore, Carol Eavenson, Fr. Wharton
FRONT ROW: Steve Harkness, Ji m Wilkinson, Don Wallis.
SECOND ROW: Betsy Bultman, Gail Thompson, Richard Wells, Parham Berryman, Carol Robinson, Linda Shell.
BACK ROW: Connie Woodward, John Tucker, Ellen Jonassen, Mike Moseley, Stuart Huston, Mike Hesse, Carl Johnson, Rick Gregory, Anne Krement z , Mike Pettit, Chris Dippel
The spirit which makes a class outstanding is the spirit which makes our school outstanding.
-our ridiculous Jr. High schedule.
-triple detentions from Miss Lajoie.
- seg regated classes.
-Mary showing her biceps to Mr. Porter.
-hiding under Mrs. Thurber's lab table s.
- smok in g pretzels.
- "Cheating is a se riou s offense ... "
-Melinda' s devotion to Mrs. McClimens.
-addressing Miss Haley's wedding invitations.
-Fr. Irvin' s in sp iring lectures on "Turtles," "Don Juan, " and "Letty Petty. "
-being the only Freshman class to show no profit from the Freshman Dance.
-di ssec tin g fro g s, and feeling guil ty, so patching th em up with Ba nd-Aids.
-Mrs. Shirley LeBlanc's father was a plumber.
-detention halls on Tuesday and Thursday.
-Mary and Court cheering with red and blue hair (school spirit) at the Sam Barthe game.
-holding our breaths until we were accepted in Valencia - and embarrassed to be caught in the vicinity of the club.
-the Sophomore Solarium.
-Mr. Worley's varied vocabulary - "O. K." and "Right!"
-French II class - teacher, teacher, where's the teacher?
-trying to get a max from Col. Meade; tryin g to get a "C" from Col. Meade: just trying to pass his course.
-Harrington Hotel and its "Kitcheria"
-"Way up in the sky."
-T. V. in the tub.
-Peanut Brittle - and candy dripping down the walls.
-I feel a pane!
-Rummage Sale after Hurricane Betsy
-a new modernized auditorium for the Prom - with a new, modernized, broken A. C.
-"borrowing" construction lamps for the Prom.
-LaRue !
-required martial law in Jr. class meetings.
- "D ixie" on the bus to Camp Hardtner.
-Fisher winning Hide & Seek at Hardtner.
-Little White Lighteni n ' Hood.
-winning the Tennis Tournament 'til we were Se niors
- for that matter, holding 1st place in the Volleyball tournament 'til we were Seniors.
-beatin g C. D. in basketball and football.
- S tM- Newman game 55-34.
-time out at the Newman game as the entire crowd sea rche s for Moseley's contact lens.
-Painting the Senior Patio - only to repaint it the ne x t week.
-the schoo l' s generous offer to re -roof the patio.
-two 3"X4 " pieces of plastic roofing to repair the patio roof.
-the mystery of the missing money in the coke machine.
-Senior-Faculty p icnic, i.e., pa ss ing g rade s
-"I promise to do my duty to rocks in my country "
-L. D.
-Bu sy Work and Gold Star Day.
-Mr. Porter walking out of economics class.
-hiding lunches from David.
-the Honor Lea gue - what Honor League?
-Mrs. Yeargain's plan to assign the Christmas Program to the Seniors - overruled.
-the Hit Parade at the Christmas program.
-Boogle's prowess at arm wrestling.
-Bill Cosby during 5 th period study hall.
-the Gum bi fad.
-the Yellow Submarine sinkin g at lunch time.
- sex - education - our parents would like to forget!
-the Girls' Babysitting Lea gue
-Mrs. Cernicek's sound advice - "You better cons ider a state college. "
Homecoming Game Cheerleader 4; Volleyball 1,2,3, 4; Volleyball Captain 4; Girls' Basketball 2; Swimming 3; Athletic Council 4; President 4; Squad Leader 1,2,3,4; Two Team Award 1; Three Team Award 2; Tennis Team 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals Winner 1,3,4; Captain 1,3,4; Shield Assistant 2; Altar Guild 4; Art 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 3, 4; Office Aide 3, 4; Halo Typist 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Future Nurses' Club (Active) 1; Future Nurses' Club (Inactive) 3
Pelican Boys' State Alternate 3; Varsity Football 3,4; Track 3; Hom~coming Escort 4; Acolyte 3, 4; Social Issues 4; National Conference of Clfristians and Jews 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 3; Powder Puff Football Coach 3, 4; N. E. D. T. Score 3, 95 percentile; Spanish Club 3,4
"Seest Thou a Man Diligent in His Business? He shall stand before kings. "
"If we could surround ourselves with the beauty of woman, the evil things in life would tend to disappear."
Student Council Representative 2, 4; Student Council Committee Chairman 2, 4; Two Team Award 3; Badminton Team 1,2,3; Shield Assistant 4; Dramatics l; Layreader 4; Library Aide 4; Lower School Library Aide 2; Typing 4; Modem Dance Group 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3, 4; Christmas Program 1 , 2,3; Creative Writing 3; Debate Club 4; Squad Leader 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Future Nurses' Club (Active) 1
Honor Roll 3; Lower School Library Aide 3 , 4; Typing 3; Shorthand 3; Office Aide 4; Creative Writing 4; 98 percentile
"Give me the liberty to know, to think, to believe, and to utter freely. "
"The fountain of beauty is the heart. "
StM '66- '67
Honor Roll 1, 2; Perfect Attendance l; Jr. Varsity Football l; Jr. Varsity Basketball 1, 2; Golf Team 1, 3,4; Shield Assistant 4; Layreader 4; Acolyte 4; Typing 1, 3; Physical Science Club 2; Creative Writing 3, 4; Lyre Staff: Copy Editor 4; N E. D. T. Score 1, 97 percentile; 3 , 99 percentile; Athletic Honor Award in Golf 3; Debate Club 4, Track 1, Homecoming Dance Committee, 4 Halo Reporter, 4; N . E.D . T. scores
Intramurals Winner 4; Chorus 3,4; Concert Choir 3,4; Modem Dance Group 4; Chapel Program, 4. Christmas Program, 4
"You cannot dream yourself into character, you must drive and putt yourself. "
"Lift up thy voice like a trumpet."
Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Squad Leader 1,2,3,4; Badminton Team 4; Intramurals Winner 4; Homecoming Court 4; Shield Assistant 3, 4; Shield Staff: Art Editor 4; Altar Guild 4; Art 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 3, 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Program Chairman 3; Office Aide 4; Lyre Staff: Art Editor 4; Halo Reporter 2, 3, 4; Halo Staff: Cartoonist 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Powder Puff Football Captain 3; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Future Nurses Club (Active) 2; Future Nurses Club (Inactive) 3,4
Jr. Varsity Football 1; Jr. Varsity Basketball 1,2; Homecoming Escort 4; Chorus 3, 4; Concert Choir 3, 4; Layreader 4; Acolyte 4; Typing l; Biology Club 2; Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4; Christmas Program 3, 4; Halo Reporter 2, 3, 4; Snack Bar Assistant 4; Spanish Club 3; Debate Club 4, N.E.D. T., 92 percentile, 2
StM"It is by vivacity and wit that man shines in company"
"A man of most infinite jest"
Swimming 4; Squad Leader 4; Chorus 3 , 4; Concert Choir 3, 4; Altar Guild 4; Library Aide 4; Modern Dance Group 4; Halo Typist 4;
Pelican Boys' State Alternate 4; Varsity Football 3,4; Football Co-Captain 4; All District Football 3; Layreader 4; Social Issues 2, 3; Physical Science Club 3; Christmas Program 3, 4; Service Club 2; Powder Puff Football Coach 3, 4; N E. D. T. Score 2, 92 percentile; Homecoming Escort, 4 Athletic Honor Award, 3
"Her march is a go-as-you -please; she most keeps step with herself. "
"When you've said a gent leman you've said all. "
"There is 110 dep e nden ce t ha t ca n b e s ure bur a depende n ce upon one's se lf."
"Hi s tory i s Bunk" Award 3 ; Varsity Football 3,4; Var s it y Bask e tball 3 , 4; Chorus 3 ; Physical Science
C lub 2; Hom eco min g Dan ce Committee 3; Christma s Program 3; Halo Reporter 4 ; Snack Bar Assistant 2
"Men in ge nera l are but great children ."
Layr ea d er 4Honor Roll l; Homecoming Game Cheerleader 4 ; J. V. Cheerleader 1; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Volleyball Captain 2; Girls' Basketball 3: Two Team Award 3; ~Assistant 2,3;4 Chorus 3,4; Altar Guild 3,4; Library Aide 2, 3 , 4; Sewing 1; Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Office Aide 2; Halo Reporter 2; Service Club 2; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Powder Puff Football Captain 4; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Future Nurses Club (Active) 1; Squad Leader 1, 2, 3, 4
Chorus 4; Chapel Program 4; Assembly Program 4; Typing 1; Social Issues 2, 3, 4; Physical Science Club 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 2,3,4; German Club 3; N.E.D. T. Score 1, 94 percentile; 2, 98 percentile; Snack Bar Assistant 3, 4; Debate Club 4
"There is no love sincerer than the love of food."
National Merit Scholarship Semi-finalist 4; Shield Staff: Photographer 3, 4; Acolyte 4; Chapel Program 4; Biology Club 1, 2, 4; Physical Science Club 2, 4; Physical Science Club Officer: Vice President 4; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 4; Christmas Program 1,2,3,4; Creative Writing 3; Lyre Staff: Photography Editor 3; Halo Staff: Photographer 3; N.E.D. T. Score 1,2, 99 percentile; Snack Bar Assistant 2
"Sarcasm is thelanguage of the devil" JAMES LAWRENCE F1SHER "Jim"
"A man's mind is the man himself."
Lower School Library Aide 4; Office Aide 4; Powder Puff Football 4
P.E. Aide 4; Squad Leader 4; Intramurals Winner 3; Chorus 3, 4; Concert Choir 3, 4; Modem Dance Group 3; Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3; Christmas Program 2, 3, 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; N. E. D. T. Score 2, 91 percentile; Snack Bar Assistant 2; Future Nurses Club (Active) 2
"She is gentle, that doth Gentle do"
"Whatever makes men good christians, makes them good citizens. "
StM '64-'67 PATRICIA ANN ERICKSON "Pat"St. M. '56- '67
National Merit Semi-finalist; National Honor Society 4; Pelican Girl 's State Representative 4; Intramurals 3, 4; Shield 3, 4; Library Aide 3, 4; Social Issues 4, Chairman; Modem Dance Club 4; Christmas Program 3, 4; Office Aide 3 , 4; Group Powder Puff 3, 4; N.E.D. T. Score 1-99 percentile 2 - 99 percentile; Scholastic Honor Award 3, English Award; Debate Club 4; Honor Roll 3, Homecoming Dance Committee 3
Pelican Boy's State Representative 4; Class OfficerSecretary 4; Jr. Varsity Football, l; Jr. Varsity Basketball 2; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Homecoming Escort 4; Chorus 3, 4; Concert Choir 3, 4; Acolyte 4; Social Issues 2; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Russian Club 1; Lyre Staff; Circulation Manager 4; Halo Reporter 4; N E. D. T. Score 1, 91 percentile 2, 91 percentile; Spanish Club 3; Debate Club 4; Debate Club Officer: President 4 Layreader 4, Chapel program 4, Biology Club 1, Creative Writing
My greatest in~piration is a challenge to attempt the imp ossible
"His own opinion is his law"
Squad Leader 4; Intramural Winners 2; Chorus 1,2,3, 4; Concert Choir 4; Library Aide 1,4; Typing 1,2; Powder Puff Football 3, 4
Honor Roll 1,3; Pelican Boys' State Representative 4; Student Council Representative 2, 3, 4; Vice President 4; Committee Chairman 3, 4; Class Officer: President 1; Treasurer 2; Perfect Attendance l; Jr. Varsity Football 1; Jr. Varsity Football Co-Captain 1; Varsity Football 2,3,4; Jr. Varsity Basketball 1,2; Jr. Varsity Basketball Captain 2; Varsity Basketball 3,4; Track 1,2,3; Golf Team 1,2,3; Homecoming Escort 4; Shield Staff: Sporn Editor 4; Chorus 3, 4; Concert Choir 4; Layreader 4; Acolyte 4; Chapel Program 4; Assembly Program 4; Art l; Typing 2; Biology Club 1, 2; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 1,2,3; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 3; Christmas Program 2, 3, 4; Office Aide 3; Creative Writing 4; Halo Reporter 1,2,3,4; Halo Staff: Feature Editor 4; Snack Bar Assistant 2; Debate Club 4; Debate Club Vice -President 4; N. E. D. T. score 99 percentile 2
"I have discovered the art of deceiving diplomats, I speak the truth, and they never believe me. "
"Let me be dressed as best as I will."
Student Council Representative 3; Committee Chairman 3; Class Officer: Sergeant-at-Arms 3; Jr. Varsity Football 1; Jr. Varsity Basketball 2; Homecoming Escort 4; Shield Assistant l; Shield Staff: Activities
Photograph Coordinator 2; Assistant Business Manager 3; Business Manager 4; Layreader 4; Acolyte 4; Chapel Program 4; Art 1; Social Issues 4; Biology Club 1; Homecoming Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Program 1,2,3,4; Creative Writing 4; Lyre Staff: Assistant Layout Editor 4; Halo Typist 4; Halo Reporter 1; N. E. D. T. Score 94 percentile 1, 96 percentile 2; Snack Bar Assistant 1, 4; Debate Club 4
Homecoming Escort 4; Layreader 4; Acolyte 4; Chapel Program 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 4; Creative Writing 4; Halo Reporter 4; Snack Bar Assistant 4
"Growling doesn't make the kettle boil. "
"The fun ... grew fast and furious. "
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; National Honor Society Secretary 4; Pelican Girls' State Representative 4; Class Officer: Vice-President 3; Secretary 1,2; Perfect Attendance 2; Homecoming Game Cheerleader 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Shield Assistant l; Shield Staff: Assistant Ad Photo Coordinator 2; Ad Photo Coordinator 3; Editor 4; Chorus 3; Altar Guild 3; Chapel Program 4; Assembly Program 4; Library Aide 1, 2; Art 2; Typing l; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Modern Dance group 3, 4; Modern Dance President 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3 , 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; N. E. D. T. Score 1, 96 percentile; 2 , 97 percentile; Snack Bar Assistant 2,3,4; Future Nurses Club (Active) l; Honor Award: Gustaff Westfeldt Award 3; Debate Club 4; Squad Leader 1,2,3,4; Halo Typist 2, 3; Snack Bar Assistant 2, 3, 4
Honor Roll 2, 3; Perfect Attendance 3; Jr. Varsity Football l; Varsity Football 3,4; Jr. Varsity Basketball 2; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Homecoming Escort 4; Acolyte 4; Art 2; Typing 1; Biology Club l; Physical Science Club 3,4; N.E.D. T. Score 2, 99 percentile; Spanish Club 3, N. E. D. T Score l; 94 percentile.
"Attention without Intention. "
"Arrows of satire, feathered with wit, and wielded with sense, fly home to their mark."
Perfect Attendance 1; Badminton Team 1, 2; Library Aide 2, 3, 4; Lower School Library Aide 2, 3, 4; Typing l; Shorthand 3; Sewing 2; Christmas Program 2; Creative Writing 3, 4; Lyre Staff: Editor 4; Snack Bar Assistant l; Future Nurses Club (active) l; Future Nurses Club (Inactive) 2, 3; Squad Leader 4
National Mer it Scholarship Semi -finalist; Highest class average 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3,; National Honor Society 2 ,3 ,4; Class Officer-4; Jr. Varsity Football 1; Track 1, 2, 3; Shield Staff: Photographer 2, 3 Head Photographer 4; Typing 1; Physical Science Club 2; Physical Science Club Officer: Secretary 3, President 4 ; Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4; Russian Club 1, 3; N. E. D. T. Score 99 percentile 1, 2; Snack Bar Assistant 1, Scholastic Honor Award 3; Spanish Club 3, 4; President 4;
"A poet is an individual."
"Genius must be born; it never can be taught."
Pelican Girls' State Alternate 4; Student Council Social Committee Chairman 4; Class Officer: Secretary 3; Cheerleader 2,3,4; J. V. Cheerleader l; Volleyball
1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 1, 2, 4; Athletic Council 4; Three Team Award l; Four Team Award 2, 3; Badminton Team 2,3; Tennis Team 1,2,3,4; Tennis Team Captain 3; Intramural Winners 2, 3; Squad Leader 1, 2, 3, 4; Altar Guild 3; Typing 1; Social Issues 2; Modern Dance Group 1, 2, 3, 4; Modern Dance Group President 3; Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Chairman 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Office Aide 3, 4; Halo Typist 1,2; Halo Reporter 1,2,3; Halo Staff: Athletic Editor 4; Powder Puff Football 3,4; N.E.D. T. Score 2, 92 percentile; Snack Bar Assistant 2, 3; Snack Bar Manager 4; Athletic award: Intramural High Point Winner 2,3; Debate Club 4
Honor Roll 1,2; Perfect Attendance 1; Jr. Varsity Football l; Varsity Football 2,3,4; Track 3, State Track
3; Homecoming Escort 4; Acolyte 3, 4; Art 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 3; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3,4; Russian Club 1,2; N.E. D. T. 96 percentile, 2
"So far, so good. "
Honor Roll 3; National Honor Society 4; P. E. Aide 4; Intramurals 3, 4; Chorus 3, 4; Concert Choir 3, 4; Library Aide 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 3, 4; Office Aide 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4
Class Office r: Sergeant-a t- Arms l; Cheerleader 4; Alternate Cheer l eader 3; Volleyball 2; Volleyball Manager 4; lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Court 3, 4; Homecoming Queen 4; Altar Guild 3, 4; Libra ry Aide 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 4; C h r istmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Office Aide 3, 4; Halo Typ i st 3; Halo Reporter 1,2; Halo Staff: Copy Editor 4; Service Club 2; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; N. E. D. T. Score 2, 91 percentile; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Squad Leader 1 , 2, 3, 4
"Everything succeeds with people of sweet and cheerful disposition. "
"If you h ave friends, you can endure anyth i ng. "
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; Na tional Honor Society 4; Perfect Attendance 3; Volleyball 4; Two Team Award 2, 3; Badminton Team 2,3; Tennis Team 1,2,3,4; Intramurals Winner 2; Shield Assistant 1, 2, 3; Shield Staff: Assistant Editor 4; Altar Guild 3; Library Aide 2, 3; Art 2,3; Sewing 1; Nat ional Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3, 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3; Halo Typist 2, 3; Halo Staff; Fashion Editor 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; N E. D. T. Score 1, 97 percentile; 2, 98 percentile; Snack Ba r Assistant 1,2,3; Future Nurs es Club (Active) 1; Debate Club 4; Squad Leader 1, 2, 3
"Moe" alias "Rock"
Student Council Representative l; President 4 ; Class Officer: Vice-President l; Jr. Varsity Football l; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Football Co -Captain 4; Jr. Varsity Basketball 1, 2; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3; Chorus 3, 4; Concert Choir 3, 4; Layreader 4; Chapel Program 4; Assembly Program 4; Art 1, 2; Homecomilig Dance Committee 3, 4; Christmas Program 3,4; Russian Club l; N.E.D.T. Score 1 , 95 percentile; 2, 99 percentile; Athletic Honor Awards, Most Valuable J. V. Basketball player 2; Most Valuable J. V. Football piayer 1;
"Fame can be achieved but by few."
Varsity Basketball 4; Creative Writing 3,4; Christmas Program, 4
Perfect Attendance 2; P. E. Aide 4; Two Team Award 3; Badminton Team 2,3; lntramurals Winner 1; Chorus 3,4; Layreader 4; Library A i de 1 , 2,4; Typing 2; Sewing 1; Modem Dance Group 3; Homecomin g Dance Committee 2,3,4; Christmas Prog r am 1,2,3,4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; N . E. D. T. Score 2, 96 percentile; Squad Leader 4
"The small courtesies sweeten life; the greater, ennoble it. "
"Shoo fly, don ' t bodder me! "HELEN ELIZABETH ORDEMANN "Betsy"
"The school boy with his satchel in his hand, whistling aloud to keep his courage up. "
"A jest's prosperity lies in the ear of him that hears it, never in the tongue of him that makes it. "CHARLES KENT PROKOP "Charlie" Christmas Program 4
CAROLEE ROBI NSO N "Kinky" alia s "Cow"
Student Council Secretary 4; Cheerleader 3,4; Volleyball 1,2, 3 ,4; Two Team Award 1 ; Three Team Award 2,3; Tennis Team 2,3,4; Intramurals Winner l; Captain 1; Homecoming Court 3, 4; Shield Assistant l; Staff: A ss istant Copy Transcribe r 2; Copy Transcriber 3; Assistant Editor 4; Chorus 1, 2; Chorus Officer: Secretary 2; Layreader 4; Altar Gu ild 3; Sewing 1; Modern Dance Group 2,3,4; Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 2, 3, 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3 ,4; Halo Typist 1,2; Halo Reporter 2; Halo Staff: Managing Editor 3; Editor-in-Chief 4; Service Club 2; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Powder Puff Football Captain 3; N. £. D. T. Score 2, 92 percentile; 3, 94 percentile; Snack Bar Assistant 1; Snack Bar Assistant Manager 2; Snack Bar Manager 3; Athletic Honor Award: Intramural High Point Winner 2; Squad Leader 1, 2, 3,4
Shield Staff: Co-Art Editor 4; Chorus 3; Concert Choir 3; Layreader 4; Chapel Program 4; Library Aide 3, 4; Art 4; Modern Dance Group 3, 4; Homecom in g Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 3, 4; Office Aide 4; Halo Typist 4; Powder Puff Footba ll 3, 4; Future Nurses Club 3; Debate Club 4, Nurses Aide 3
"Life seems to me not a state of being but a process of becoming. "
"To have ideas is to gather flowers; to think i s to weave them into gar land s."
St. M. '61 - '67
Class Officer: Sergeant-at-Arms 1, 4; Varsity Football 2, 3 ,4; Jr. Varsity Basketball 1 , 2; Varsity Basketball 3,4; Track 3,4; State Track 3; Chorus 3,4; Dramatics 1, 2; Concert Choir 3, 4; Acolyte 4; Chapel Program 4; Physical Science Club 1, 2; Halo Reporter 3; Halo Staff: Sports Editor 4; Ahtletic Honor Award 3; Spanish Club 3; Jr. Varsity Basketball Co-Captain 2
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 4; Badminton Team 3; Intramurals Winner 3; Assistant 1,3; Shield Staff: Co-Editor 4; Chorus 3; Altar Guild 3; Library Aide 2; Art 2; Typing l; Modern Dance Group 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4; Christmas Program 3, 4; Halo Typist 2; Halo Staff: Business and Circulation Manager 4; Powder Puff Football 3,4; N,E.D. T, Score 95 percentile 2; Snack Bar Assistant 2; Future Nurses Club (Active) l; Debate Club 4; Squad Leader 3; Chapel Program Chairman 4
0 True wit is nature to advantage dressed, what oft was thought but ne'er so well expressed. "
"On with the dance, let joy be unconfined."
Intramurals Winner 4; Library Aide 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 2,3,4; German Club 2; Creative Writing 4; Lyre Staff: Typist 4, Layout 4; Halo Typist 4; Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Christmas Program 3, 4
Jr. Varsity Football l; Varsity Football 4; Track 2, Homecoming Escort 4; Chorus 3, 4; Concert Choir 4; Biology Club 1, 2; Physical Science Club l; N. E. D T. Score 90 percentile 2; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Debate Club 4, Class Officer; Treasurer, 1
"The smallest good deed is better than the grandest good intention. "
"He is no true man who never treats women with anything but the profoundest respect. "
StM ELENA FRANCISCA RUDEKE "Elena"Highest Class Average 1,2; Honor Roll 1,2,3, National Honor Society 2,3,4; Pelican Girls'; State Alternate 3; In tram urals Winner 4; Shield Assistant 1; Chorus 3,4; Dramatics 2; Concert Choir 3; Layreader 4; Chapel Program 4; Library Aide 1,2,3,4; Social Issues 2; Biology Club 1; Modern Dance Club 3,4; Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 4; Christmas Program 1,2,3,4; Halo Reporter 3; Powder Puff Football
3, 4; N. E. D. T. Score 94 percentile 1; 9 6 percentile 2; Scholastic Honor Award 1,2,3; Soccer Squad leader, 2.
P E. Aide 4; Badminton Team 1; In tram urals Winner 1, 2; Chorus 3, 4; Concert Choir 3, 4; Library Aide 1, 2,3,4; Typing 2; Biology Club 1; Modern Dance Club
3; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Powder Puff Football
3, 4; N. E. D. T. Score 96 percentile 2; Athletic Honor Award 2; Squad Leader 3 High Pt. Intramural Winner Balance Beam, Future Nurses 1.
"The beauty of the heavens is the stars; the beauty of women is their hair. "
"Only by diligence and study and persevering effort can one become a scholar."
Perfect Attendance 2; Volleyball 2,3,4; P.E. and Athletic Council 4; P. E. Aide 4; Two Team Award 3,4; Badminton Team 3; Tennis Team 4; Shield Assistant 2; Shield Staff: Photo Custodian 3; Advertising Editor 4; Chorus 3, 4; Altar Guild 3, 4; Library Aide 3; Sewing l; Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Halo Typist 4; Halo Reporter 2, 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Future Nurses Club (Active) 1; Squad Leader 2, 3
National Merit Scholarship semi -finalist 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3,4; Nat ional Honor Society President 4; Class Officer: President 3; VicePresident 2,4; Treasurer l; Perfect Attendance 1,3; Track 2,3; Art 4; Acolyte l; Typing 3; Shorthand 3; Biology Club 1; Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4; Homecomin g Dance Committee Chairman 4; Christmas Program 1, 2 , 3, 4; Russian Club 1, 2; Halo Reporter 4; N. E. D. T. Score 2, 3, 99 percentile; Snack Bar Assistant 2; Latin Award 3; Debate Club Secretary 4
"I am the master of my fate! I am the captain of my soul. "
"Who thinks mosts, feels the noblest, acts the best. "GAIL THOMPSON "Barbarina"
"An inexhaustible good nature is one of the most precious gifts of heaven."
Horror Roll l; Two team Award 3; Badminton Team 3; Tennis Team 1,2,3,4; Imramurals Winner 2,3; Shield Assistant 3, 4; Chorus 3, 4; Altar Guild 3, 4; Library Aide 2, 3, 4; Art 2; Homecoming Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Christmas Program 1,2,3,4; Office Aide 2,3,4; Squad Leader 3; Halo Typist 2,4; Service Club 2; Powder Puff Football 3,4; N E. D. T. Score 2, 91 percentile; Snack Bar Assistant 2; Future Nurses Club (Active) 1
"She thinks the moon is green cheese. "
"Let the pathway be open to talent."CATHERINE ANN TURNBULL "K.T."
Perfect Attendance l; Shield Assistant 2 ; Acolyte 4; Layreader 4; Typin g l; Social Issues 2; Biology Club 4; Physical Scierrce Club 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 3,4; Creative Writin g 3; Halo Reporter 3; N.E.D T. Score 1, 92 percentile; 2, 94 percenti le; Debate Club 4
Jr. Varsity Football 1; Homecoming Escort 4; Chorus 3, 4; Concert Choir 3; Acolyte 4; Chapel Program 4; Assembly Program 4; Physical Science Club 1, 2; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 2,3,4
"The image of devotion"
"Those who think nobly, are noble"
Nat ional Meri t Scholarship semi - finalist 4; Honor Roll 2; Na tional Honor Society 3 , 4; National Honor Society Vice - President 4; Pelican Boys ' State Represemative 4; Student Council Representative 3 ,4; Student Council Committee Chairman 4; Class Officer: Presidem 2,4; Vice-Presidem 1; Treasurer 3; Perfect Attendance 3; Jr. Varsity Football 2; Layreader 4; Acolyte 4; Art 2, 3 , 4; Biology Club l; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Russian Club 1; Creative Writin g 3,4; Lyre Staff: Editor 4; N E D. T Score 1,2, 99 percentile; Debate Club 4 Christmas Program, 4.
Perfect Attendance l; Jr. Varsity Football l; Chorus 4; Acolyte 4; Chapel Program 4; Assembly Program 4; Art 1,3; Physical Science Club 2; Homecoming
Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 2, 3, 4; Snack Bar Assistam 4; Spanish Club 3
"The knowledge of words is the gate of scholarship. "
"He si ghed and look ed , and sighed again. "
Layreader 4; Acolyte 4; Chapel Program 4; Art 4; Office Aide 4; Creative Writing 4; Powder Puff Football 4; Debate Club 4
Homecoming Game Cheer leader 4; Girls' Basketball 1,2,3,4; Chorus 3,4; Altar Guild 3,4; Library Aide 2, 3, 4; Sewing 2, 3; Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4; Office Aide 2, 3, 4; Halo Typist 3, 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Powder Puff Captain 4; Snack Bar Assistant 1, 2, 3
"Pleasant word are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. "
"An appearance of delicacy and even of fragility is always essential to beauty."
Honor Roll 1; Homecoming Escort 4; Shield Assistant
2; Shield Staff: Activities Photo gr aphy Co-Ordinator
3 ; Proces s in g Co - Ordinator 4; Acolyte 4; Chapel Prog ram 4; Art 3 , 4; Typin g l; Homecoming Dance Committee 3, 4; Christmas Program 2, 3 , 4; N. E. D. T. Score 1, 92 percentile; 2, 97 percentile; Spanish Club 3 ; Debate Club 4
"The only way to have a friend is t o be one."
Either that's a roach or a burnt Frito.
"and then the wee, little girl and the fairy ... "
Now Brenda - you must remember you're the last Jones of the legacy
Well maybe it's happiness to you .•.
Don't be scared - just take one step at a time.
Does it hurt and have a ternperature?
If it wa sn't for my si ze 4 8 , wouldn't be sewin g .
Have fun while you can group - the fog's setting in
President - DA VII) HESSE
Sergeant-at-Arms - FOSTER DUNCAN
President - DENNIS BARRY
Vice-President - GERALD EVANS
Secretary - JEAN MUCKLEY
Treasurer - JOHN SHOBER
Vice-President - TOM SCHNEIDER
Secretary - CINDY TREEN
"Snoopy, let your hair down!"
Now, If I had on a mini-skirt ..• "
"Please- just one rnore dance."
"Well, I don't know - let rne ask Mom."
"pssss - Look who ' s coming over!
"If this doesn't get me an 'A'Iquit!"
Dennis, smile - you ' re being watched!"
"-on the toe one more time , and you've had it! "
"If I could find my partner, eve r ything would be dandy!"
Shake a tail feather!The 1967 Shield staff wishes to second the loving admiration of the second graders; thus the Elementary Section is dedicated to
B A , W. Ky. State Teachers College; U of Ill.; U. of Wi.s; Tu lane; Loyola (Eleme.ntary Librarian)
B, A , , University of Mississippi
B, D., Kenyon College; M,Ed , Tulane University;
LSUNO (Low er School Principal and Supervisor ) ( Science)
BOBBYE BERARD - Tu l ane (Remedial Reading) CLAIRE ROBINSON (Secretary)Have you ever seen a snake swallow a frog?
Mark Morere
Carol Mykolyk, David O'Neal
Adair Pedrick
John Pullen
Jay Reed
Anne Roussel
Page Rydstrom
Nancy Sanders
Susan Senter
Harold Tabb
George Ward
Linda Wilson
Lisa Woolfolk
Timmy Brown
"Personally,Mrs. Bowman, It's much easier to "'reel" to Buck Owens" Cameron Carraway Stewart Dahlberg Celia Elbrecht Christopher Ewin
Patti Jacobs
Cynthia Phillips
James Ray
Carla Reinhard
Francoise Richardson
Kay Robinson Mary
Peter Roy
Wesley Samples
Alan Schimek
William Shell
Whitney Spann
Ben Treen
Edward Whitfield
Peter Wilson
"Well, this sure beats writing"
Brian Ball
Diana Davis
Robert Ellis
Louise Favrot
Eugene Gilbert
Elisabeth Grafstrom
Douglas Harris
Rebecca Holwadel
Michele Liles
Ann Lindsey
Patricia Mccloskey
Patrick Medlock
Carol Oster
Mark Peterson
James Robinson
Barry Sims
Michael Spann
Robert Streeck
Charles Tanner
Pringle Teetor
Steven Threefoot
Jennifer Tuero
Donna West
Monique Wilson
Ann Blalock
Timothy Boone
Deborah Crawford
Diane Deane
Dale Evans
Phoebe Ferguson
Robert Gonzales
Nash Hair
Holley Herrin
Murray Huber
Randolph Marchmont
Richard Mayer
Penelope Miles
Kathryn Nix
Bruce Parkerson
Hunter Phillips
James Rusch
Margaret Stainback
William Sullivan
Sharie Ann Taylor
Robert Washington
Patricia Williams
Donna Young
She finally said yes!
Martha Holzer
Diane Ingolia
Ruth Ma gi nnis
Lisa Mott
Stacy Nugent
Lucy Ray
Mary Roy
Jan Rydstrom
James Senter
Penny Smith
Scott Swoope
John Vallas
We 're all angels!
Susan Montgomery
Billy Samples
Kristy Speer
David Weaver
Can't fool us - We know it's the lunch pail you ' re after.
Camille C l
Robbie Davis
Kathryn Gordon
Brian Grove
Allison Hartwell
David Humphreys
Bernard Jacobs
Rachel McCracken
Elizabeth Martin
Charlotte Robinson
Melissa Van Meter
Lori Watts
Laura Williams
Rebecca Wilson
I wonder how much this one will se ll for?
Barbara Crawford
Victoria Fleetwood
Tommy Geoca
Gwen Holmquist
John McKinney
Cynthia Medlock
Sharon Morere
Damon Rosenzweig
Erin Russell
Robert Sims
Amy Threefoot
Va ll as
David Weigers
Takes weight to get places at s. T.M. playground.
Mrs. Swan guarantee's results like this after one year of instruction.
Ever felt that "Blank-Sheet" sensa tion during a test?
Quick! Climb up! She's a 'head in this way!
Ever been panic struck at the height of a matter?
might not play tennis but sure do know my history?
Would take me more than a can of coke to write on a balloon!
Would be more kicks if we could break the "No standing up on the swings" rule!
Glue? Wl1at g lu e? Glue 011 what s lide?
Will mom be impressed when she ta kes a g ander a t t his photo.
If he doesn't ask me to t he "playgrou nd prom", I'll just corrode.
Give me your c up- cake and I'll do your l1omework for you.
One more of thi s "do - see - do" business and I'll quit!
"The young
Phoo ey on that crepe paper id ea _ swi ng up the rope for the noo se !If I use new Ban SuperSpray Deodorant, will I get to be Homecoming Queen tonight?
You'd think those corrective shoes would have worked by now!
David - You know that broken heel I was telling you about?
Yeah - she think s I am gonna dance tonight!
The spirit of learning is a vital necessity for one's success.
FRONT : Pepper Hatch, Tyler Posey, Philip Letard, SECOND ROW: John Kimble, Chuck Stedman, C l ay Spencer, Mary Beth Barnes, Bris Garrard, Ellen Jonassen, Marie -Louise Kreeger, Lee Edwards, THIRD
ROW: Carol West, Jade Van Meter, Dick Russell, Doug Fleming, Penny Anthon, Fred Rod r iguez, Rose Lynn Evans, Jane Nieset, Kitty Bankston, Becky Emmons BACK ROW : Mike Pettit, Hamilton Lob, Mike Cothren, Lester Montgomery, Joe Redden, Olaf Olsen, Don Marshall, Don Wallis, Marcy Van Wart, Joycelyn James , Debbie Wilkinson, Marylin Johnson Missing from picture : Peggy Hig~ns, Kathy McChesney, Debbie Wendlandt, Nancy Wilkinson, Mike Murphey, and David Russell 90o/o -
FRONT ROW: Glenn Wakefield, Charles Bahn, Judy Gore, Fran Phillips, Linda Tuero SECOND ROW : Brian Berard, Susan Wells, Suzy Snyder, Kathy Fritts Karen Baltar, Betsy Bultman; THIRD ROW : Cameron Duncar1, Bayard Miller, Collins Haynes, David Normann , Nancy Wilkinson, Mary Matthew, Ginger Nelson, Cathy Reily; BACK ROW: Ralph Bridges, John Blalock, Biff Wa l tman Missing from pict ur e: Buz Burck, Steve Harkness, Lynda Lafaye Debbie Wolf, Marie DeCamp , M ar garet O l sen, and Ma rt ha Sho b er 149
Effort and enthusiasm is the spirit of our sports. Athletics
(Special lo The T i mes -P i cay une)
HOUMA - Vandebilt Cat olic High mowed down St. Ma tin 's Saturday afternoon , 24in an inter-district class A aer al circus w i t h a total of passes
After spotting the Houma tea1 four touchdowns in the fir half , the fired-up Saints cam back to battle it out on eve terms in the last half.
Vandebilt scored twice in eac of the first two quarters.
The first tally came with th game two minutes old on a 51 yard end gallop by Georg Popay. Barry Haydel missed o the first four conversion mi: cues.
Two minutes later Rudy Gu dry snappea up a Mike Mosele bobble and raced 50 yards fo the second Vandebilt score.
Quarterback Mike Robichau made it 18-0 on a 12-yard bun over center with three minute remaining in the half. Afte Glen Thibodeaux intercepted Randy Unsworth toss in th final minute, Robichaux h Guidry on an 86-yard bomb run the score to 24-0
The Saints took th~ secon, half kickoff and drove 60 ya,rd to their only tally, with Mik Hesse spotting Reese Rowa from five yards out Rick Co Iin's boot was good to end th game scoring
Score by quarters: Vandebilt 12 12 0 0-2 St. Martin . .. . . O O 7 0-
(Sp ecia l to The Times-Plcavune) MORGAN CITY, La. - The j St. Martin's Saints of New Orleans traveled to Morgan City to play Central Catholic, the No 1 ranked club in class B, and _:"": __ were defeated 25-6. , Central Catholic scored in the first period when halfback Bob Breaux ran up the middle and rambled 58 yards for a touchdown. The Eagles tallied again in the third quarter w h e n Breaux went over from one yard out. The extra point attempt was no good and the Eagles led 12-0.
The Saints activated the score- • !board in the final quarter as ; . Mike Hesse passed 53 j;ards to ..: Steve Roussell for a TD. The conversion attempt was no good. Central scored twice more in the las t stanza to make the ~--final outceme 25-6 The Saints are now 0-2.
The John Curtis Patriots capitalized on an early fumble recovery to score the only touchdown in their game with the St. Martin's Saints Friday at Sr. Martin's. The Curtis victory gave them a .1.-0-1 district record and dropped the Saints to 0-7.
A fum'ile in the first quarter gave the Patriots the ball on the StM 42 yard line. lt took Curtis ren plays before Billy Robbins took the ball from six yards out to give Curtis its margin for victory.
The remainder of the game was marked by rugged defensive plays by both teams. Defensive standouts for Curtis were Kirk, Blanchard, Larry Haik, and Lean Curtis, while David Burnett was the Saints' mainstay.
Another fumble late in the first quarter provided the Saints' with a scoring opportunity on the Curtis 18 yard line. An interception, lwwever, killed th e drive.
A powerful Newman team, led by sophomore Ricky Egan, ran th eir d istrict record to 2 - 0 with the 40 - 0 victory over St Martin's. The loss left the Sa int s with an O - 2 record in district play.
The Greenies, with Egan and John Autenreith providing offense, stymied St. M wit h their large and experienced defensive squad. Both Autenrei t h a nd Egan scored a pair of touchdowns with other scoring resulting from passes by quarterback Gus Lober.
The score was relatively c lose throughout the first half, Ne wman scoring twice to give the Greenies a 13 - 0 half time lead. The Saints, outrnanned and outsized, could not maintain the pace, as Newman ran up th e score in the third period to finalize th eir victory.
The St. Martin's Saints unleashed their biggest offensive show of the season and won their first game as they tripped the Ridgewood Eagles 18-14 Friday at St. Martin's.
Sophomore Randy Unsworth , a fine looking prospect, passed for one touchdown and turned in the best defensive job on the field.
Unsworth's aerial strike to Steve Johnson covered 30 yards and brought the Saints their winning touchdown late in the third period and overcame a 14-12 Ridgewood lead. One play earlier, Unsworth, operating behind quarterback _ Mike Hesse and getting a direct snap from center, connected with Mike Moseley on a screen pass which covered 12 yards.
The screen pass was the Saints most effective weapon and pulled St. Martin's out of several deep holes.
Johnson scampered 14 yards
on a reverse to give the Saints a 6-0 lead on the first series of downs following the opening kickoff.
Ridgewood fough( back with a second period safety plus a one-yard touchdown plunge by Tom Dupree The Eagles · increased their lead midway of the third period when Larry Lagarosse intercepted an Unsworth pass and returned it 48 yards for a touchdow-1.
A nine-yard TD strike from Hesse to Johnson two minutes later closed the gap to 14-12. A brilliant screen pass play from Unsworth to Moseley two plays earlier covered 40 yards and put the ball on Ridgewood's four. A penalty set it back to the nine. Moseley's run was one of the top such efforts of the season as he eluded tackler after tackler after practically falling to the ground on three different occasions.
St. Martin' s is 1-4 on the season while Ridgewood is 2-3.
MIKE PETTIT - EndSM-Johnson, 21-vard run (point R-Sofetv. R-Dupree, 1-vard run ( point failed). R-Logarosse , 48 -vard run with intercepted pass (point failed). SMJohnson, 9-vard oass from H esse (Point failed). SM-Johnson , 30-vord ooss from Unsworth (point failed).
Quarterback Bobby Grieshaber found air travel to his likin g as he led t h e Cor Jesu Kingsmen to a 33 - 13 victory over St M here, on Friday. He and St. M quarterback M. Hesse matched aerials, each scoring 2 passes.
Grieshaber balanced his passing with a running attack to confuse the Saints. This was the factor in the win, as the Saints l ed in yards - g ained - passing with 201 to 197 for Cor Jesu. In each case, the quarterback had a favorite rece iver - Jack Gibbs for the Kingsmen and Steve Johnson for the Saints. They scored one and two T. D. 's respectively as the sky was filled with footballs. The defensive squads of both teams played well, the Kingsmen being more effective at stopping the Saints on the ground. This balanced their attack and provided for their victory.
Glenn Balsamo carried the 1mail like he was zip coded as 1he led the Mid-City Pioneers to .a 27-7 win over the St. Martin's :Saints Friday at St. Martin's ·in a District 7A battle.
Balsamo picked up 100 yards
rushing and also score~ a touchdown on an 86-yard kickoff return to open the second half. \He booted three extra points, 1(00.
Both these clubs were winless in 7A competition, but the Pioneers proved the masters by scoring in every period and moving the ball with ease.
Quarterback Larry Brown scored the first TD on a oneyard dive and passed for the second on a seven-yard aerial to Frank Bacino.
The other Mid-City marker ' was a fantastic experience for 238-pound lineman Greg Razino. He intercepted a Saints pass ion the St. Martin's 10-yard line and lumbered in for the score.
Mid-City received outstanding defensive play from Jim Ilgenfritz, Ray Renton, Balsamo. Razino, Brown, and Danny Ray. The Pioneers were held to 16 rushing yards, but gained 103 through the air. St. Martin's passers com-
' The Pioneers gained 184 yards on the ground and 89 through the air. Brown completed six of, nine passes.
•The first Mid-City score was the result of a 73-yard drive. Balsamo picked up 59 of those yards with the key play being a 31-yard scamper to the Saints 42-yard line.
Brown int ercepted a Hess e pa ss earl y in the second quarter to set up the second TD. The drive covered 59 yards with a Bro,\'n to Joey Favalora pass netting 22-yards as the major contributor. That put the ball on the 20 and seven plays later Brown hit Bacino with the scoring toss.
After Balsamo's sensational dash with the second half kickoff the Saints returned to score th~ir touchdown. Hesse intercepted a Balsamo pass and returned it to Mid-City's 11. Three pl~ later, Hesse hit Steve Ro-el on a seven-yard scor- .ing strike.
Mid-City , , , , • , 7 7 6 7-27
5 \,1~~~~i~wn'."1'-va/ci. r~n· 0 (B~ls~m~ ~k( MC-Bacino, 7-vard ._ i,ass from Brown 86-vard kickoff return SM-Roussel, 7•vord ooss from Hess e (H,.j,'i!!~G~n)Rozlno, 10-vard run with ln1 terception:J. a~~mo ki c k)
The St. Martin's Saints deserte d the army of losers and low- scorers by r o c k i n g the Country Day Cajuns 46-7 in a Riverside League clash Friday at Country Day St. Martin's, which had been averaging a touchdown per game , won its second game of the season on the strength of four touchdown p a s s e s by quarterback Mike Hesse and some alert defensive play.
Country Day, particularly in the seco nd quarter, must have felt like Humpty Dumpty falling off the wall as it ended its season with a i-5 record.
In St, Martin's four-touchdown second period. the Saints i n t e r c e p t e d three p a s s c s and recovered a fumble. In all, the St. Martin 's defense nabbed five stray aerials and recovered a pair of fumbles.
The Saints hit paydirt in the following manner. Mike Moseley scored on a one-vard dive and 17-yard run with a fumble. Hesse intercepted a pass and returned it 37 yards for a TD He sse t hrew scoring passes to Moseley for 30 and 44 yards and to Steve Johnson for 31 and 18 yards.
The second quarter was like slapstick comedy. Everytime Country Day did something, it was wrong.
With the Saints leading 13-7 on an early second quarteir score, Burnett intercepted a Haik pass and returned it 21 yards to the Cajuns' 31. On the first play, Hesse hit Johnson for .a TD.
Cou ntr y Day tumbled the ball over to St. Martin's a minute l c1 lr r and the Saints eventually touk it across on another Hesse Lo Johnson hit.
,st. Marti n 's • • • • 7 25 14 ~6 CoSM~M~s~rev: "i" ·v~;,i ·r-~ri (~o:nsin,°r;;;s; from Hesse). (;D-Smith, 1 yard run (Haik, run).
SM-Moseley, 30-vard pa ss from Hes!e.
SM-Johnson, 31-vard pass from Hesse
SM-John son, 18-vard poss from Hesse.
SM-Hesse, 37-vard run with interceoli on (Rousse l , pass from H esse). ·
SM-Moseley, 17-yard run with f umble ( Johnson, poss from H esse).
SM-Moseley, 44-vard pass from Hesse (R ::- wan, r u n).
After Moseley's first period tally, the Cajuns knotted the game on a one-yard plunge by Dan Smith and extra point run by Ken Haik.
Topping the Saints defense were Pepper Hatch, ,Toe Redden , David Burnett, Moseley, He sse, and Clay Spencer.
St. Martin's held the Cajuns to 14 rushing yards, but Country Day picked up 100 through the air. St. Martin's had 142 on the ground and 181 through the air.
The Bura s Wildcats closed th ei r seaso n with a 32 - 0 victory over S t . Ma rtin' s at Buras . The Saints were overwhelmed by t h e lar ge Buras sq ua d
The Sa ints played de term ined ball in the l ast half but were unable to sc ore . T his g ame marked the end of St Martin's seaso
Stephen Corliss a[).d Harrison Weber
TOP ROW: Mark Henderson, John Andrews, Stuart Neal, Jim Brymer , David Melius, Doug Nester, John Paul Flemi_ng, Clifford Sutter, Lee Chastant. MIDDLE ROW: Ernie Sims, Cliff Conrad, Phil Martin, Peter Stedman, Ty Cook, Blair Scanlon, Mike Persia, Robert Richardson, Philip Hatch, Carson Llewellyn, Gary Brewster, Greg Winsky. BOTTOM ROW: Monty Burlingame, Bill Meyer, David Hesse, Denis Barry, Marc Berard, Steve Corliss, Harrison Weber, John Dahlberg, Wright Everson, Stephen Pottharst, Dan Snyder.
The 1966 Junior Varsity Saints had one of the best seasons in our school's history. While surging to a 6 and O season, the baby Saints racked up a total of 1 75 points to a grand total of only 6 for the opposition. Led by co-captains Steve Corliss; who ran for seven touchdowns and threw five touchdown passes; and tackle Harrison Weber, the Junior Varsity's average was over 30 points per game.
I want to thank all of the team members for a job well done. The desire, determination, and hustle shown by this group exemplifies what it takes to be a winner.
Again, Congratulations on a very successful season.
Coach C. R. DikeTOP ROW: David Treen, Tom Lipscomb, Foster Duncan, Duncan Maginnis, Gerald Evans, Ty Cook, Peter Stedman, Phil Martin, Barry Smith, Mike
Persia, Tommy Capps, Ed De Martini, MIDDLE ROW: Chatt Smith, Albert Terkuhle, John Treen, Blair Scanlon, Stephen Pottharst, Carson Llewellyn, Robert Richardson, Cliff Conrad, Dan Snyder, Wright Eavenson, John Dahlberg, Kelly Duncan. BOTTOM ROW: David Gamble, Monty Burlingame, Danny Brymer, Stephen Duncan David Heese, Gary Brewster, Greg Winsky, Philip Hatch, Denis Barry, Marc Berard, John Shober, Buzzy Brown.
TOP ROW: Foster Duncan, David Treen, Edward De Martini, Mike Persia, Barry 3mith, MIDDLE ROW; Duncan Maginnis, Kelly Duncan, David Gamble, Gerald Evans, Chatt Smith, Albert Terkuhle, John
Treen, BOTTOM ROW: Tom Libscomb, Danny Brymer, Philip Hatch, Steve Duncan, John Shober, Buzzy Brown, Tom Capps
Keith Ann Bateman, Virginia Ne lson, Anne Krementz, Paulette Dupont, Kay Williams
Karen Baltar
Jan Saunder s
Brenda Jon es
Babs Bryant
Barbara Gore
Lauralee Reed
Lisa Smith
Juli e Pell e rin
I would like to congratulate the members of the 1966-7 varsity basketball team for an outstanding season. We started out slowly with some illnesses , injuries, and ineligible players , but we came on strong right before the Christmas holidays. The team finished the season with a 20 win - 12 loss record to their credit. They won third place in the Mid-City Holiday Tournament, placing Bill Bryson and Mike Mosely on the All-Tournament teams, and also placed third in the Destrahan Tournament placing Mike Mosely on the All Tournament Team. They finished second in the district 7A, only to bow out to Port Allen in the state playoffs, and second in the Riverside League. However, the highlite of the year was in defeating arch-rivals Country Day 62-55 and Newman 55-34. Against Newman thE team displayed a brilliance that is not usually shown by high school boys I want to thank Bill Bryson and Bruce Johnson for their fine job as co-captains, and also the other members of the team for their determination and effort. I also wish to thank the cheerleaders for their support throughout the season. They certainly were a factor in the success of our season.
The 1966-67 Junior Varsity began in the fall of '66 as it had finished the winter of the previous season. Playing .500 ball for the first six games, they went on to win sixteen of their last eighteen games. They played as a team at all times, no sacrifice being too gre at. As a team they averaged 47.1 point s per game and gave up an average of 37 points per game. A distinction of this team wa s; they never lost a close game.
Finishing the season with a 48-46 win over Country Day, the Junior Varsity won the Riverside League J. v. Championship.
Congratulations to a great team.
Robert FlettrichThe new dressing room, gym, and dance studio are wonderful. All these things mean that we can truly begin building a solid physical education program--along the toad to that program is the stress on posture with the picture analysis, elementary children using the dressing and shower facilities, and introduction of Field Hockey as a unit, the formation of a Physical Education Council, P.E. Aides who help in the teaching of Elementary classes and help in the office.
My salute this year goes to these various organizations for a job well done.
The Junior High teams put forth a great deal of effort to make this year's season a successful one. Their goals were high and their determination great; yet their desire to win did not overshadow their ideals of good sportsmanship. They played well as a team and well for St. Martin's.
I am deeply grateful to this fine group of girls for such a successful and gratifying year. 13,/t_rJ~,~
HELEN LeBLANC Girls' Athletic Director BELLE JOHNSON Junior High Coach CINTRA AUSTIN Health and First Aid Field Hockey CoachBACK ROW: Cherry Phillips (timer), Jeanie Muckley, Kathy Smith, Barbara Gore, Leah Elbrecht
MIDDLE ROW: Cindy Haynes, Melinda Miller, Sally Pettit, Martha Henard, Onni Savola, Cathy
Calhoun, Adele Allen. BOTTOM ROW: Patty Roy, Wendy Wolf, Kaki Brumfield, Bredow Bell.
Missing: Julie Pellerin
TOP ROW: Carol West, Debbie Follett, Parham Berryman. MIDDLE ROW: Beth Robinson, Jan Saunders, Susan Wells. BOTTOM ROW: Coral Clay, Debbie Bahn, Betsy Ordemann.
Jane Nieset, Maura Berard, MIDDLE ROW: Barbie Taylor, Joycelyn James, Mary Menge BOTTOM ROW: Melinda Moss, Marjorie Nieset, Becky Emmons
TOP: Dodie Spencer, Leah Elbrecht, Sally Pettit, Barbara Gore, Onnie Savala, Jeanette Caspers, Melinda Miller, Laura Lee Reed, Wendy 191 Wolf, Amy Schimek ·
SENIOR HIGH OPEN TEAMSeniors redecorate at Camp Hardtner Day (1)
WC overflows in Jr. building Day
Sr. 's finery Day
Debate Club - new tradition
Debate Club - first tradition broken
Gaath wins Patio Partier For A Day (2)
Cheerleaders present artichoke OOPS Spirit Stick Day ( 3)
Optional chapel loses out to Court's birthday cake Day (4)
FIRST Shield deadline day (tahhhh !)
Jr. High Choir hits the airways Day
"Flash" Day in 4R
Russell's "I want to be free" Day (1)
Juniors faced with future months of Prom planning Day
Christmas Program - Santa warms up (2)
Fr. Austin knight the '67 Favorites with a scepter of wit
Fog rolls in and Frosh roll out Day (1)
Mrs. Porter doesn't smile Day
Junior Lounge closed
Mrs Mixon takes over Chorus Day (2)
Handy-Andy alias Grover exits.
EXAMS! •.........•.
F.I.A.S. Day
Future Nurses lunch meeting day-after-day; Kentucky Fried Chicken makes a hit with the Faculty Day ( l); Wintergreen Day on the StM Campus; New Honor Society Members are tapped Day; Riser saves the Shield with her pictures Day (3); Bonfire (2); Courtee is crowned - Saints shall rise again; Happy Saints Day; Car parade (4); Saints rise again over C. D.
St. Martin's Day (l); Juniors go into the g reenery business Day; Sr's vs. Soph's on the volleyball court (2); Dedication of new buildings Day (3); Powder Puff (6); Sophomore Trip Day (4); Fr. Bel has nervous breakdown Day; Last Rights don't play in chapel Day (5); S.A. T. 's Day; Senior s start to consider Southeast Arkansas U.
Mardi Gras relief Day; School endorses sex (progra m) Day!; Senior slump Day; Faculty slump .Day; Favrot becomes official president of the Okeepanokee Ski Club; Capps joins club; Endurance test Day - 1/2 hr. of chapel (2); Mr. Allen reveals his former life as a bootlegger. (l); Someone comes to a game Day (3); ST MARTIN'S BEA TS NEWMAN! ! !
Last Shield deadline; Faculty gives us a good show Day; Vicksburg Trip; Easter Vacation; Modern Dance Trip; Bombs in the student parking lot Day; Cutlasses, Vettes, 442's in the Faculty parking lot; S. 0. F. Day; St. M. goes Mod (2); Seniors look towards graduation with smiles and tears; Lower school gets smart Day ( 1)
HALO STAFF: Bill Brockman Photographer
Merry Menge Sports Editor
Buzzy Rowan Sports Editor
Melinda Moss Fashion Editor
BACK ROW: Carl Johnson, K. T. Turnbull, Anne Riser, Keith Bateman, Barbara Taylor, Sandra Williams, Fran Phillips FRONT ROW: Coral Clay, Chuck Stedman, Joe Redden.
BACK ROW: Brenda Jones, Beth Robinson, Penny Anthon, Wendy
Dascomb, Marie De Camp, Barbara Taylor, Rick Collins, Steve
Roussel, FRONT ROW: Jimmy Wilkinson, David Snyder, Jan Saunders, Barbara Barnard, Mike Pettit, Chuck Stedman , Stuart Huston.
Louis Mcfaul, Carl Johnson, Billy Brockman, Kitty Bankston, Stuart Huston, Lynne Beasley, Mike Hesse, Rick Gregory, John Gough
Missing from picture: Elena Rudeke, Becky Emmons, Bill Phifer
STANDING: Jeannette Caspers, Chatt Smith, Mike Cothren, Lauralee Reed, Cathy
Bott S ITTI NG: Jean Muckley, Ma r cy Van Wart, Lynne Beasley, Pat Erick so n, Diane Bonner, Marylin Johnson
Fran Phillips, Carol West, Mary Beth Barne s , Bet sy Bultman, Barbara Oster, Maura Berard. SITTING: Ginger Nelson
Vicki McCracken, Gail Thompson, Parham Berryman, Paule t te Dupont, Cathy Hovland, K. T. Turnbull, Connie Moore, Judy Saik, Betsy Ordemann, Pat Hansen, Li nda Shell SITTING: Sandra Chalstrom, Courtee Merrick, Anne Riser, Elena Rud eke
Doug Nestor, Tom Smith, Lee Chastant
STANDING: Melissa Morere, Page Ryd strom, Sta cy DeMartini, Eli zabe th Bankston SITTING: Ann Blalock, Patricia William s , Dale Evan s , Patty Habeeb
Sandy Gilbert, Sec. -Tres; Jan Saunders, Vice Pres; Mrs. Kreeger, Sponsor; Vicki Morgan, Pres. MISSING FROM PICTURE: Debby Wendtlandt, Treas.
SEATED: Coral Clay, Margie Nieset, Susan
Hagstette, Kathy Gauthier, Terry Gilbert, Debbie Wendt, Wendy Dascomb, Cathy Rodan.
STANDING: Jean Allen, Beth Robinson, Kathy
Mcchesney, Leslie Weber, Susan Parisi, Rose
Evans. Missing from picture: Laura Bohne, Celeste Cox, Gigi Dillon , Mary Summers, Debbie Stevenson, Mary Lou Strong, Jane Wallis, Patsy Webb.
FRONT: Penny Anthon, Marie-Louise Kreeger, Marcy Van Wart, Becky Emmons, Kitty Bankston BACK: Jane Nieset, Barbara Hertel, Betsy Bultman, Debbie Follett MISSING FROM PICTURE: Maura Berard
STANDING: Dick Russell, Cameron
Duncan, Fr. Rhymes (Sponsor), Richard Wells, Bud Lip scom b, Missing from Picture: Doug Fleming.
SITTING: Brian Berard, Beth Aycock, Debbie Bahn, Barbara Her tel, Mike Cothren, Mike Murphy
Mr s Anglade (Spon sor), Wendy Dascom b, Rick Collin s , Barbara Barnard, David Anderson, Dan Young, Steve Kimble
STANDING: Tom Smith, Roxanne Wright, Barbara Yates, Hamilton Lob, Ross Lennox, Warren Dodd, Don Wailis, Olaf Olsen, Steve Harkness, Harrison Weber, Stephen Corliss, Robin Dahlberg SEATED: Victoria McCracken, Nan Tucker, Margaret Olsen, Judy Wallis, Mary Lou Strong
Sponsor: Mrs. West - Ross Lennox, Lee Chastant, Richard Wells, John Paul Fleming, Lester Montgomery, Bayard
Miller, Mike Murphy, Mike Cothren, Dick Russell, Ernie Sims, James Fisher MISSING FROM PICTURE: Sparky Kobrock, Cliff Sutter, Tommy Shepherd
Sponsor: L. D. Allen - UPPER: Thomas Smith, Olaf Olsen, Mike Cothren, Don Wallis, Richard Wells, Ralph Bridges, Lee Chastant. LOWER: Ronnie Spencer, Ross Lennox, Earl Dobbs, Lester Montgomery, Warren Dodd MISSING:
Arthur Norton, Steve Kimble, James Fisher, Bruce Johnston
BACK: Mrs. Phillpott, Deborah Stevenson, Cathy Reily, Connie Moore, Pat Hansen, Philip LeTard, Marcy Van Wart, Steve Harkness, Courtee Merrick, Fred Rodriguez, Frank Blakey, Dan Young, Ginger Ne l son, Lynne Beasley, Gail Thompson, SECOND: K. T. Turnbull, Ma r y Beth Barnes, Keith Bateman, Marie Decamp, Beckie McKown FRONT: Debbie Wendt, Kitty Bankston, Cathy Rodan, Betsy Bultman, Lynn Sunkel, Marsha Pryor MISSING: Steve Johnson, Carl Cal-
Fred Rodriguez
Barbara Schneider houn, Pat Murray, Kathy Fritts, Robert Maxwell, Debbie Wolf, Kay Williams, Marga ret Olsen, Jerry Wilson, Pat Erickson, Peggy Higgins
BACK ROW: Pam Pulliam, Jocelyn James, Suzy Snyder, Janell Bankston, Judy Gore . FRONT ROW: Susan Wells, Terry Riordan, Lee Edwards, Amy West. MISSING: Anne Shepherd, Annette Jones
Ken Walsh, Mike McHugh, Mark Henderson, Joh n Andrews, Steve Corliss
MISSING: Stua rt Huston
Barbie Taylor, Betsy Ordemann; Parham Berryman, Melissa Payne, Bonnie Ball, Laura Bohne. MISSING : Carol Eavenson, Judy Saik, Connie Moore, Pat Hogan, Lisa Smith
STANDING: Barbara Oster, Jan Saunders, Sandra Williams, Barbara Hertel, Jean Allen. SITTI NG: Wendy Dascomb, Karen Balter, Ellen Jonassen, Beth Robinson MISSI NG: Pat Murray
STANDING: Jane Orfila, Catherine Calhoun, Melinda Miller, Onni Savola, Mary Harkness, Sally Pettit, Cherr y Phillips , Mrs. Mi x on, Kathryn Creamer, Adee Hee be, Laura Lee Reed
SEA TED: Mehl Cimini, Martha Henard Missing: Karen Hansen, Fain Spruiell, Lisa Posey
I told you they wouldn ' t remember that play
Aren't the y cute?
For the last t ime - Seniors' private personalized ba ll. my name is NOT Carol!
Juniors rig t he Goal post!
Here she is folks, that adorab l e Donniette, in person!
You've got the towel, Mary - just l eave the shorts
Play your ca rds right , Beth , and you ' ll be on Varsity next year!
I don't mind ~ou taking this pict~re as long as you give
tlappiness is getting paid for half a job.
He's not .B1r ~nk but you c"n't a s~ren~de ~
This s ure beats that marvelous cafeteria food!
It is not my sixth piece
What did you say was in this coke?
They couldn't have ea ten them all
Brownie points for the Seniors!Ever had that "pre - posed picture" feel 'in?
Why won't t hey wa l k wi t h me?
WHY ME?? No one else ge t s train sick!
Never let it be said that Saints don ' t keep within set bound aries
How can I stand after that climb up the monument.
Save your speed boys, the GIRLS are b ehind you !
A trip away from home makes a changed girl !
How dull business would be without spirit. What better spirit than competition? Ads
Tired of the same ole apartment or home ?
Just look in the telephone book and phone
The Gertrude Gardner office on Maple Street, That's the place that can't be beat.
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887-3054 FO 6-4511
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1645 Tchoupitctilas 524-3374 New Orleans
Karen just wanted to put in a plug and say, Go to Baltar Mortgage any ole day. 829 Perdido St. 523-7773 New Orleans
5404 Veterans Hwy. 887-1116
Malts, Sodas, Sundaes and Cold Drinks
Po-Boys, Hot Dogs, Bar-B-Q, French Fries
5404 Veterans Hiway 887-1116
Is your car in need of repair? Then we've got a secret we want to share.
It's one that's really beneficial to tell, Here it is - go to Jim's Causeway Shell.
3200 Veteran's Hwy. Metairie 831-9148
Paulette, K. T. , Ka thy, a nd Kay ha d their pictures taken just to say That they like Russell's Ice Cream the be st, And they should know, cause they really put it to the test. ·
4239 Washington Ave. 822-1300 New Orleans
Annette and Brenda are up a tree, Because they rea ll y want to see, A place that they think is really keen, One by the name of Universal Marine.
1315 St. Charles 52 5-02 30
Want a picture of your best beau? Well then, tell him where to go - To Allyn Studio.
This is a very sad tree, The reason - he's not going to_ Duffy's company.
There's a clothes shop on St. Charles Ave., But you might not have heard of it because it's new.
So go look it over and see, A shop that has great quality.
Although Mike doesn't have his fire extinguisher this year, He nevertheless wanted to be here , With the purpose that he wanted to say, That Crescent Welding & Safety Supplies is okay.
are a heavenly daze to our Mothers' Club.
No one will forget the spectacular basketball game. That was much more interesting than one by Notre DameBut the Dad's club is noted for many more things, And to the school it's happiness they bring.